blockchain-help · 5 years
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Our technical specialists come with extensive programming and blockchain experience, and can develop top-notch block explorers for you that will give you up-to-date information about blocks, addresses and transactions on the blockchains of your choice. We can customize the block explorer to display heights, age, number of transactions and size of the latest blocks as well as who mined it. We can also design it to provide the most recent hash and value out readings of the latest transactions. We can include any other parameters that you may want to track.
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vianinja · 6 years
The blockchain is still a relatively new concept, early adopters are already present in the entire agricultural sector, including poultry, dairy products, water and crops.
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bittrexbot-blog · 6 years
Trading Bittrex : comment générer des profits sur Bittrex grâce à l’intelligence artificielle ?
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Apparu il y a seulement quelques années, le business autour des crypto-monnaies est pourtant en pleine croissance aujourd’hui. Cette activité tend à s’imposer en effet, comme un marché fructueux pour les investisseurs et les traders qui peuvent y réaliser d’énormes profits, avec la possibilité d’atteindre parfois des chiffres de rentabilité insoupçonnables. C’est notamment dans ce contexte, que se sont progressivement mises en place les plateformes de trading d’un autre genre à l’instar de Bittrex, permettant aux utilisateurs de la crypto-monnaie de pouvoir trader directement en ligne (un peu comme à la bourse) avec cette devise particulière. Bien plus, des outils tels que l’intelligence artificielle (robot de trading bittrex) ont été développés pour leur faciliter encore plus la tâche tout en optimisant leurs activités de trading.  Découvrez dans cet article comment optimiser le trading sur Bittrex et générer plus de profits grâce à l’intelligence artificielle.
Bittrex : qu’est-ce que c’est ?
 Bittrex est tout simplement un site d’échange de crypto-monnaies américain.  Créé en 2014 par un fondateur expert en sécurité informatique, Bill Shihara,  il permet le transit de plus de 200 millions de dollars d’actifs. A la différence de plusieurs plateformes qui offrent la possibilité d’obtenir de la crypto-monnaie à partir de fiat, celle-ci vous permet de faire du trading en utilisant un robot bittrex. De ce fait, elle n’autorise que des échanges, et non des ventes/achats de monnaies. Pour cela, il faudra utiliser une plateforme intermédiaire pour convertir votre devise en Ether ou Bitcoin. Vous pouvez également utiliser EXMO ou encore CEX.io. Ce site d’échanges compte un grand nombre de crypto monnaies, avec pas moins de 190 actifs différents. De plus, les frais de transactions sont des plus abordables et sont fixés à un taux unique de 0.255% par trade.
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Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Development Company - Blockchain Help
Blockchain Help is a top leading blockchain development company that provides single-source information which is completely transparent. The demand for Blockchain Technology is due to the increasing demand for simplified business processes with total transparency, immutability, and security. Blockchain help, since its inception, has been providing cutting-edge technology solutions and in-depth domain expertise in bitcoins, blockchain development, ICO launches and cryptocurrency development.
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bitrss-news · 6 years
BitRss Crypto News
#Crypto #News: "BlockchainHelp is Amazing for Business" https://t.co/VQgJZhO3dn
— BitRss News (@RssBit) December 26, 2018
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ibinexnews-blog · 6 years
Global Recruitment Agency Asks ScoutChain For Its Blockchain Solution
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For many companies, hiring can be one hell of a process. It’s time consuming, complicated, and can cost a lot. Good thing ScoutChain has a blockchain fix.
Read Full Article: http://bit.ly/BlockchainHelp
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blockchain-help · 5 years
Blockchain development tools
In this network, different developers across the world can create applications and software. As a blockchain developer it is necessary to know some programs.
Mist is available for Windows (32 and 64 bit), Mac and Linux (32 and 64 bit) devices. Mist, is the portfolio developed by Ethereum managers, it is a portfolio of nodes that involves the full download of the Ethereum blockchain.
Geth is a program that works as a node of the Ethereum blockchain. With the Geth program we can: Transfer tokens between the different addresses between users, check a block archives.
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blockchain-help · 5 years
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Get your own coin with Blockchain Help 
Blockchain Help provides you an advanced altcoin creating services. One of the services that we offers is innovative Cryptocurrency creation services. Our great blockchain development experiences will bring you an encompassing solutions for fully custom altcoin development.
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blockchain-help · 5 years
This feature totally compatible and hybrid software solution that will enable your customers to transact from any browsing device – mobile or web -- therefore ensuring that clients can trade from any major operating environment.
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blockchain-help · 4 years
Considering the famousness of Bitcoins and block chain, many developers are asking how the process of developing block chain applications works. The success story of DAPPs today is sustained by some decentralized applications. It is worth mentioning some of such software programs.
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blockchain-help · 6 years
How Bitcoin Fee Can be reduced
Using cryptocurrencies recently you may have noticed higher transaction fees.
Don’t worry, lower fees are coming
This will ease with time with the new Segwit activation
Users have already reported having faster transactions and lower fees due to Segwit activation
Lower fees are coming now; as of August 2017, lower fees have finally started to move in the cheaper direction
Thanks to Segwit activation, lower fees are now a possibility amongst the blockchain and completing transaction.
BAT is releasing its Mercury version this September
-BAT has had one of the fastest most
successful ICO’s in history.
Upcoming trading pairs and integration into further exchanges
Adapted by companies
At an extremely low price, great opportunity for a buy
Upcoming partnerships that are expected to release very soon.
Constantly improving its framework and tech
Shows extreme promise
At a reasonably low price
Undervalued to many
Stratis has an upcoming technology release dubbed “Breeze” wallet.
-It has shown extreme promise in price action
Currently undervalued to many
QTUM will release will release its main net version in September
Currently underpriced to many
Aimed at easing transactions for virtual machines
Focusing on VR industry
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blockchain-help · 6 years
Voting in Elections Your right to vote is one of the most basic yet important rights guaranteed to you and protected by the Constitution. Blockchain can help authenticate voter identity, record and track the votes cast, and count the votes to determine the winner. If each vote cast is considered a unique transaction and recorded such that votes can’t be illegally added or removed /modified, foul play can be completely eliminated and recounting of votes might not be required at all, saving so much time and tax payers’ money. Leasing and Sales of Vehicles Blockchain is set to make your experience of buying, selling and leasing of vehicles seamless and hassle-free. Simply choose the car that you want to lease. This information is recorded on the blockchain. You can then sign a lease agreement and insurance policy on the go (online) and the blockchain will reflect this updated information. With proper implementation, the day is not too far away when this facility can be extended to sales and registration of vehicles. Apart from these sectors, blockchain can be used in the banking sector as a secure means of sharing and storing up-to-date information. It can be used in Internet of Things to securely transmit data related to critical infrastructure like power and transportation. From making ride-sharing more lucrative to professional drivers, improving internet advertising, simplifying verification of educational credentials, providing extra secure yet decentralized cloud storage (less chance of hacking), ensuring revenue from licensing agreements to music artists to better data sharing in the healthcare sector improving the accuracy of diagnoses, to enhancing effectiveness of supply chain management by reducing paper work, to improving the provision of public services by the Government (by maintaining public records), the applications of blockchain are multiple. Each of them warrants a separate post to elaborate how they can harness the benefits. To sum up, irrespective of the sector to which it is applied, blockchain requires proper implementation and incentivization of each of the nodes to be successful.
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blockchain-help · 6 years
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Blockchain Help Management team is responsible for effectively managing the day-to-day operations of the company, as well as establishing strategies and techniques to build the company’s strategic direction.  The team works together to ensure that the company will be able to achieve its goals and become successful in providing quality, reliable and satisfying service to all of our customers. The management team covers the entire aspects of operations, management, finance, service strategies, and sales.
Educational competence Our managers hold bachelor degrees and post-graduate studies making them competent with the different digital technological concepts, theories and applications. Moreover, they also have equipped themselves with enhanced knowledge about ICT through technical-vocational training and seminars.
Experience Blockchain Help Developers have held several positions with the biggest information technology service providers in the industry. Because of this, they have gained significant invaluable professional experiences both nationally and internationally within the related industries. They have also assisted a number of companies to achieve maximum potentials in the business, rapid growth, gained sales, and build connections and business partner relationships with other industry leaders.  
Extensive ICT background As the primary players of the company, they have utmost dedication in aiding the company towards professional development. They do not resort to mediocrities, as they always want the best for our clients.  This is guaranteed because they know the complexities of the ICT industry. They have an extensive background in systems integration, software development, web solutions and all other ICT related technologies.
Team management When it comes to team management, they have valuable experiences in leading a team that specializes in networking, designing, research and development, sales management, third-party software channels, software management, and internet architecture. With these, they can elevate the team members with professional guidance and effective inputs. Client-Oriented With Blockchain Help, clients’ value is always the top priority. Our management works, not to only to build the number of our clients who engage with our solutions, but also build a credible and reliable name in the industry through a highly satisfying service. Thus, our company sees to it that our services are concentrated on building a customer oriented, value-based service strategies through the delivery of up-to-date and innovative solutions to our market. The management team gives absolute focus on the enhancement of our clients’ experience.
Trustworthy and transparent Our managers are also leading implementers of financial matters. They are leaders in internal operations, strategic planning, and other finance tactical implementation. They give value to transparency in every business transactions so that clients will know how things are made legally. In this way, trust and confidence of the clients remain and be able to build a long term business-client relationship.
The managers of Blockchain Help have proven successful records of accomplishments in the industry of information technology. Overall, our management team has in-depth experience in all of our solution services. Hence, they provide the collective knowledge to manage productively and effectively the portfolio of our world-class infotech business.
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blockchain-help · 6 years
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Unique Advantages of Blockchain-enabled health IT systems Such as Healthureum.
The rapid changes taking place in the health sector demand modern system infrastructures that can keep up with global functionality.Blockchain-enabled health IT systems are set to foster significant improvements in healthcare service delivery, through a decentralized platform of operation. Whereas the current health facility system has its own set of advantages, the following are some of the unique benefits of blockchain empowered systems.
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blockchain-help · 6 years
Real Estate Who has not been deterred by the mountainous paperwork that accompanies real-estate transactions, replete with the stress of complete exposure to fraud? Imagine having to wade through so many documents, confirming their authenticity and tracing the history of the property, to ensure that it is free from encumbrances and actually vests with the owner! Blockchain can help in 3 key areas: Secure sharing of information: By making possible a shared nation- wide database, blockchain can help disseminate all property information in real time. Currently property-related information is highly compartmentalised, often out of date and difficult to access. Blockchain can help overcome these obstacles. Record of property title: Authenticity of title deeds is always a major concern prior to any transaction. Using blockchain, a central title database can be created for an entire country i.e. the information is stored securely and can be accessed instantly. So, you can review historical title records and easily verify title transfers. This can help combat land grabbing. Increased transactions security and efficiency: In a real-estate transaction, you don’t really know the other party (buyer/seller). Imagine having to share your financial information with them! On a blockchain, each user/party can have a unique identity (encrypted), securely share information and transfer funds to be released only once the transaction is actually complete. By removing intermediaries and lessening the chance of fraud, transactions will be far simpler and safer.
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blockchain-help · 6 years
Blockchain Help-Service
Blockchain Help, since its inception, has been providing cutting-edge technology solutions and in-depth domain expertise in bitcoins, blockchain development, ICO launches and cryptocurrency development. Ably supported by an exceptionally talented and experienced team of technocrats, Blockchain Support is quickly gaining recognition as the one-stop solution to everything related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
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