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Le Bitcoin permet une système bancaire décentralisé avec la technologie Blockchain (ce qui peut aussi avoir d'inconvénients).
pour entrer dans le monde du Bitcoin il faut créer un wallet (facilement sur un site).
chaque utilisateur peut avoir accès au blockchain (le blockchain est une base de données public qui contient tous les transactions du bitcoin depuis sa création).
toute modification sur le blockchain est répliqué dans tous les bases de données copiés.
chaque transaction s'effectue dans un bloc.
chaque bloc contient 2300 transactions, sur chaque 10
min une mise à jour s'effectue dans le blocchain.
chaque bloc contient :
- son hash
- le hash précédent
bloc1 : hash 1z8f previous hash 0000
bloc2 : hash 6q81 previous hash 1z8f
bloc3 : hash 3h4q previous hash 6q81
si un bloc est créé qui exprime le souhait d'une transaction, celà doit etre validé par les bitcoin miners qui sont payés pour cà, pour ceci ils doivent valider un problème mathématique complexe qui nécessite des ressources gigantesques (RAM,CPU,électricté...), c'est la seule facon de créer un blockchain.
le mineur (miner) est considéré comme en compétition par rapport aux autres mineurs pour trouver un code, qui lui permet de gagner du bitcoin, la longueur du code et sa complexité est géré de facon qu'il peut etre trouvé dans 10 min.. c'est eux qui valident les transactions souhaités par cette méthode.
X veut envoyer un montant à Y.
le wallet de X contient une clé de X.
la transaction contient :
le wallet de X (hash)
le wallet de Y (hash)
montant de transfert
signaturé clé X
-les mineurs peuvent du wallet connaitre si la signature de X vraiment
les mineurs prennent 3 choses :
- A: ensenble de transaction
- B: hash du bloc avant
- C: nonce arbitraire
hash (ABC)
blocchain dit que si vous voulez valider votre code
trouver un nonce tel que le début commence par 00000000000
ce qui nécessite un grand effort (cpu,ram,électricité...)
si un hacker crée un blockchain corrompu, on doit suivre le blockchain ou il y a beaucoup de blockchain validés, car si un hacker veut consistuer un blockchain il pourra pas dépasser le blockchain réel...
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A conscise introduction to blockchain, NFTs, and Web3, and an eloquent argument for why they are bad solutions. Written by a programmer, and once expert for the German Bundestag (parliament) on the topic of Blockchains and their value and regulation.
Web3 is an unclear concept, but often includes decentralisation, leveraging blockchains.Explains blockchains (and Proof of Work, Proof of Stake), NFTs, DAOs (“decentralized autonomous organizations”, basically “basically smart contracts with a mission”) . The hard problem of blocchains: get consensus in a decentralised network to solve conflicts. Web3 criticism:
bad engineering - blockchains neither perform (e.g. 5, 30 transactions / second, compared to Visa’s 2000, with support for 24k) nor scale
a security disaster - no consumer protection, if you lose a token (or it gets stolen, defrauded), it is lost
NFTs don’t really do what they claim to do; you own a thing that says you own a thing.
The Oracle Problem: from within a system you cannot determine the truth of statements about the outside of that system. Thus a blockchain can’t function on its own for anything in the real world (such as ownership of a physical object), you’d need “oracles” you trust for that => there goes the no authority/decentralization approach.
Climate cost
Web3 doesn’t deliver - economics and societal pressure will produce centralisation (e.g. there is already only few exchanges for tokens)
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Sigue la convocatoria para que emprendedores locales puedan desarrollar sus proyectos tecnológicos
Sigue la convocatoria para que #emprendedores locales puedan desarrollar sus #proyectostecnológicos #LaPlata #Emprendedores #Tecnologías
En el marco de una propuesta que llevan adelante la Municipalidad de La Plata y la empresa Telefónica de Argentina, hasta el 8 de julio se podrán registrar aquellos emprendedores interesados en formar parte del programa local de incubación. Big Data, Inteligencia Artificial, IOT y Blocchain, los rubros más destacados entre los proyectos inscriptos.La convocatoria, que tendrá lugar hasta el 8 de…
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#Agrotech#Big Data#Blocchain#Ciberseguridad#cloud#comercial#eHealth#espacios de innovación#gaming#hubs#Industrial#Inteligencia artificial#IoT#La Plata#Pyme#realidad virtual#Rogelio Blesa#Smart Cities#startups#Telefónica de Argentina#Telefónica Open Future
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Advantages OF Investing TerraGreen ICO
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COIC 플랫폼 구축사 ‘제이컴피아’, 광주과기원과 IoT 기반 블록체인 물류서비스 적용 위한 MOU 체결
대부분의 중소형 물류센터와 창고는 아직 수작업에 기반해 창고 관리가 이뤄지고 있어 콜드체인 전 과정의 실시간 관리가 어려운 것이 현실이다. 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방안으로 IoT 기반 물류 최적화 솔루션이 있지만, 대부분 도입을 주저하고 있는 이유는 비용이 ��당하기 때문이다. 결과적으로 물류 과정에서 반복적인 제품 손상과 에너지 낭비, 비효율적인 물류 활동이 지속되고 있어 창고 하나당 1년 기준으로 10~20억 기준의 비용이 낭비되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 물류 산업에 특화된 IoT 블록체인 서비스를 제공하는 제이컴피아(대표 최진수)는 광주과학기술원(총장 문승현, 이하 GIST)의 블록체인경제연구센터와 지난 15일 물류 산업 영역의 모든 단계에서 투명한 신뢰 구조를 제공할 수 있는 IoT 기반 블록체인 물류서비스 적용을 위한 업무협약(MOU)을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 이번 업무협약을 통해 양사는 중소형 물류센터 및 창고 내 제품 입고부터 출고, 재고 등을 효율적으로 관리 가능하며, 온도 유지를 위한 콜드체인 시스템을 운영할 수 있는 IoT 기반 블록체인 물류서비스를 제공할 예정이다. GIST의 검증된 블록체인 채굴 알고리즘 및 기반기술과 함께 제이컴피아의 산업용 IoT 솔루션 제이웍스(J-Works)를 토대로 구축된 물류서비스는 냉동, 냉장 등 각종 물류 창고의 실시간 제품 위치 추적과 3차원 모델링 위치 확인이 가능하다. 특히, 물류센터와 창고를 소유한 화주, 물류기업들의 초기 IoT 물류 시스템 구축 비용이 발생하지 않는 것이 특징이다. 대신 서비스 이용료로 제이컴피아가 구축한 IoT 기반 산업용 블록체인 코인 시스템인 코익 인터내셔널의 ‘코익 코인’을 매달 일정량 구입해야 한다. 제이컴피아 물류서비스를 적용한 기업은 네트워크 부가가치가 상승하는 선순환 구조의 안정적인 시스템을 제공받아 물류 업무에 만전을 기할 수 있게 된다. 또한 블록체인 내에 들어온 화주, 물류, 운송기업이 하나의 블록체인 노드가 되어 신뢰 네트워크를 구성, 물류산업 전체의 블록체인 신뢰성을 향상시키고 구조를 유지할 수 있는 생태계를 만드는 것이 이번 협약의 궁극적인 목적이다. 제이컴피아 관계자는 “산지에서 생산된 식자재 관리부터 생산 공장으로의 배송, 그리고 각 물류센터의 스마트한 창고 작업 시스템에 기반한 효율적이고 안정된 출고 작업을 시작으로 향후 도소매점, 소비자까지의 수배송 등 전 단계를 저장하는 블록체인 시스템 구축도 추진할 예정”이라며 “데이터 분산을 통해 위변조할 수 없는 네트워크 서비스를 제공한다면 비용절감 효과와 투명한 이력 관리가 가능해 고객 신뢰도 상승과 함께 매출 증가까지 이어질 것”이라고 말했다. 이흥노 광주과학기술원 블록체인경제연구센터장은 “최근 학교급식의 불량 음식과 식자재를 배달하는 사고는 이유 없이 발생하는 것이 아니다”며 “투명하고 철저한 IoT 기반 블록체인 관리체계를 통해 물류센터와 창고를 소유하고 있는 중소기업들의 부가가치 향상은 물론 국민 안전 추구와 국가 자원 절약에 기여할 것으로 기대한다”고 전했다. 출처 : 경인투데이뉴스 http://www.ktin.net/h/contentxxx.html?code=newsbd&idx=416988&hmidx=9%E2%80%8B
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Bitcoin ve Finans uzmanları SEC ve Kongre'yi Uyarıyor!
Bitcoin ve Finans uzmanları SEC ve Kongre’yi Uyarıyor!
Geçtiğimiz günlerde Bitcoin ve finans uzmanları SEC ‘i kötü yasalar konusunda uyardı. Bu yazımızda uzmanların bu konuda ne gibi uyarılar yaptıklarına bakacağız.
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Dolly Parton en direct Streaming sa performance SXSW - Bienvenue sur Dollyverse
Dolly Parton assistera à sa première fois au sud par Sud-Ouest (SXSW) avec une performance en direct.
Dolly Parton s'est associé au BLOCCHAIN de Fox Divertainment Creative Labs (BCL) de lancer «Dollyverse», une expérience de Web3 audience-Centric3. La célèbre star du pays fera sa première apparition à SXSW le 18 mars. Dolly Parton et James Patterson parleront de leur prochain roman, run, rose, run à ACL vivent au théâtre Moody.
Après la conversation, Parton donnera une performance en direct avec des chansons de run, Rose, Run à SXSW.
Dolly Parton's Performance à SXSW est ouvert aux détenteurs de badges uniquement et disponibles sur une base de premier lieu, premier servi.
Dolly Parton assistera à sa première fois au sud par Sud-Ouest (SXSW) avec une performance en direct.
Après la conversation, Parton donnera une performance en direct avec des chansons de run, Rose, Run à SXSW.
"La participation de Dolly Parton à SXSW 2022 remplit l'un de nos objectifs de longue date et nous sommes absolument extatiques de l'avoir impliqué dans l'événement de cette année de manière unique", déclare Hugh Forrest, responsable de la programmation pour SXSW.
«Au-delà de son statut légendaire dans l'industrie de la musique, Dolly incarne l'esprit SXSW alors qu'elle étend sa marque unique de créativité sur de nombreuses verticales. Plus important encore, Dolly sert de modèle de rôle inspirant et unificateur pour des millions de fans - couvrant différents âges, occupations et points de vue du monde entier. "
Dolly Parton's Performance à SXSW est ouvert aux détenteurs de badges uniquement et disponibles sur une base de premier lieu, premier servi.
L'événement entier sera diffusé gratuitement sur Dollyverver par Eluvio. En plus du flux en direct de la performance, plusieurs collectionnables exclusives Dolly Parton NFT seront disponibles. Cela inclut les NFT à édition limitée de l'album de musique run, rose, run et une série limitée d'illustrations inspirées par Dolly.
Les participants chez les personnes chez Dolly's Performance seront en mesure de réclamer un NFT gratuit. Les fans qui diffusent l'événement Live seront en mesure de recevoir des jetons authentifiant leur participation à l'événement. Les dates pour les gouttes NFT limitées Dollyversed seront annoncées dans les prochains jours.
"Il n'y a presque rien de plus important pour moi que de se connecter à mes fans", déclare Parton. "Et je suis presque toujours prêt à essayer quelque chose de nouveau et de différent. Je dirais libérer les NFT à ma première apparition à SXSW, avec James Patterson à mes côtés, compte certainement comme neuf et différent. "
Sud du sud-ouest se déroule cette année du 11 mars au 20 mars à Austin, TX. L'événement revient en personne pour la première fois depuis son annulation en raison de la pandémie.
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Ethereum Blockchain Structure of the Holy City
Ethereum block – the bride and the holy city. Greek philosophers and religious figures who lived in the distant past had premonitions of the Ethereum blocchain. Aether, the fifth element, was Aristotoe’s perception of Ether (Ethereum). John of Patmos had a vision of the unveiling of the Ethereum blockchain and described it as a holy city coming from God to earth. Diverse Christian denominations…
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Such flower, very wow! Roses for $121 each, good on posted designs booked by 1/31. Available in "Bloc" or "Bloc and Grey" on arms or legs. Spend a reasonable portion of your stimulus check, still have plenty of money left to buy tight swag for your four legged friend to show support for their favorite ball throwing team. New #rose #design for every day remaining in the month. As always, you can get a #getwhatyougettattoo for $100. DM for appointments.Very value, much tattoo. Also, can we just take a second to appreciate the fact that someone made a dog meme seven years ago and then another someone was like, that's hilarious--i'm going to make a cryptocurrency based on that which all but disappears until TikTok was like, pump it ups y'all in 2020 and now #Dogecoin is a market contender? Hashtag BlocChain! What a time to be alive. . #pdx #pdxtattoo #portlandtattoo #rosetattoo #tattooflash #rosecity #whiterosesociety #bloc #soupformyfamily #traditionaltattoo #flowertattoo #blackwork #blackandgrey (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKE7IcMhjSA/?igshid=1hi57g99pr1lx
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AIoTB :AI+ IoT + Blocchain
View/Reply Online (#7): https://groups.io/g/technical/message/7
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Company Manager: Blockchain Can Improve the Telecom Sector in the UAE
Company Manager: Blockchain Can Improve the Telecom Sector in the UAE
United Arab Emirates Emirates Integrated Telecommunications CompanyHe joined Carrier Blocchain Study Group (CBSG).
Carrier Blockchain Study Group, an international consortium, conducts research on the use of Blockchain technology, especially in the field of telecommunications.
Joining CBSG, Du will collaborate with other telecommunications companies across the globe to conduct research on…
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Reasons to Adopt Blockchain in Logistics Industry | Hugecount
As the blockchain revolutionize many things so logistics are one of them. There are around 140 Million $ payment made daily bases in logistics, as this is a huge amount so this sector needs more and more advancement in the system. Logistics is rapidly growing and increasingly more in terms of financial and infrastructure. As […]
Source: https://hugecount.com/business/reasons-to-adopt-blockchain-in-logistics-industry/
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Russia Plans To Boost Blockchain Development, Upcomming Discussion
On the 10th of March this year, there will be a round table discussion at Russian Federation. The main aim of this discussion is the possible adoption and implementation of the latest Blockchain technology. Blockchain is a new technology which has become an instant hit in the market. It helps you to store large volume of date in a secure and safe way. Many big financial institutions have already implemented it or are planning to do so. And Russia is also keen about this technology, because it will help in the development of infrastructure and will also benefit the startups. This discussion was initiated by the Commission on Development of Science and Education. Apart from this discussion which is going to take place on the 10th, several other similar discussions have also taken place to improve the technological innovations in the Russian Universities. The aim of all these discussions is to drive technology forward and come up with new technological solutions, which will help both Russia and the world. In the month of October, 2016, an important discussion was held before as well discussing the Blockchain technology. It was initiated by some of the top students in the leading universities of Russia. This discussion attracted interest for the Blockchain technology among the scientific and technical communities. In this discussion, they realized the importance of Blockchain and how it can improve their infrastructure. As per the head of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, in the future most of the business process will utilize the Blockchain technology. Hence, the main aim of this discussion on 10th is to see how Blockchain will improve the different sectors like education and healthcare. It will also help in public administration and for security of the nation. All the tech experts from Russia will be present here in this discussion. Apart from that, many foreign experts are also coming to Russia for this discussion. One of the most famous personalities in the discussion will be Valery Fadeev, who is the chairman of the famous magazine 'Expert'. Experts and professors from the top Russian universities are also attending this discussion. Some of the leading and famous business persons are also invited. Among the foreign guests, some of the most popular names include David Bailey and Russell Moore. David is the CEO of BTC Media, one of the largest media groups devoted to the Blockchain technology. Russell is the Director at TSYS, which is a payment platform utilizing the Blockchain technology. Click to Post
#blocchain round table#blockchain#blockchain discussion#blockchain technology#blockchein event#BTC Media#TSYS
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New Post has been published on https://www.bitarafhaber.net/teknoloji/blockchain-konsorsiyumuna-yeni-uyeler-alibaba-cloud-citigroup/
Blockchain Konsorsiyumuna Yeni Üyeler: Alibaba Cloud, CitiGroup
Blockchain sektörünün önde gelen konsorsiyumlarından Hyperledger, bünyesine eklediği 16 yeni üyeyle birlikte sektördeki konumunu güçlendirdi.
Hyperledger Büyüyor
Hyperledger geçtiğimiz günlerde Basel’de bir etkinlik düzenledi. Hyperledger, düzenlediği bu etkinlikte bünyesine 16 yeni üyenin katıldığını duyurdu. Bu yeni üyeler arasında Alibaba’nın alt şirketi olan Alibaba Cloud, finans şirketlerinden Citigroup, Blockchain platformlarından We.Trade ve Avrupa’nın en büyük telekom şirketlerinden Deutsche Telekom gibi isimler bulunuyor.
Hyperledger bünyesine katılan diğer isimler arasında ise Gunagzhishu Technology, Guangzhou Technology Innovation Space Information Technology, KEB Hana Bank, HealthVerity, MediConCen, Techrock, Xooa ve BlockDao bulunuyor.
Bu yeni isimlerle birlikte Hyperledger bünyesinde faaliyet gösteren şirketlerin toplam sayısı 260’ı aştı.
Hyperledger’ın yöneticilerinden Brian Behlendorf, konu hakkında bir açıklama yaparak Blocchain teknolojisine duyulan ilginin ciddi oranda arttığını belirtti:
“Hyperledger topluluğunun büyümesi, birbirinden farklı sektörlerdeki şirketlerin Blockchain’e duyduğu ilgiyi gösteriyor. Bu yeni üyeler hem Blockchain’e hem de Hyperledger’a duyulan ilginin bir göstergesi.”
Deutsche Telekom’un yöneticilerinden olan John Calian da konu hakkında bazı açıklamalarda bulundu. Calian’ın açıklamalarına göre Deutsche Telekom’un Blockchain’e ilgi duyması ve Hyperledger ile işbirliği yapmaya başlaması pek şaşırtıcı bir karar değil. Calian’a göre şirketin bu teknolojiyi araştırmaya başlaması bir noktada “bir zorunluluk” haline geldi.
Hyperledger geçtiğimiz son birkaç ayda bünyesindeki üyelerin sayısını kayda değer ölçüde arttırmayı başardı. Bu konsorsiyum ayrıca kendi yazılımını daha kullanışlı hale getirmek için çeşitli gelişmelere imza atıyor.
Blockchain Konsorsiyumuna Yeni Üyeler: Alibaba Cloud, CitiGroup isimli makale Ömer SAKMAR tarafından hazırlanmış ve koinbulteni.comda yayınlanmıştır.
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Decenturion. Updates
Immediately some good news reported blocchain-state information center Decenturion. There have been several important updates and the first one concerns the Ministry of Education. A few days ago a new minister was appointed there.
Now this department is headed by Yuri Mikityuk, Bachelor of Theology, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Prior to his appointment, he was an expert at the ministry…
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