kokupuffs · 1 year
Could I get some Bakubro headcanons? 👀
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Angry chihuahua/pomeranian ✨️❤️
Ofc! Sorry if you don't like these, I'm not as interested in MHA as I used to be, so I haven't watched/read the manga in quite some time
Okay, MEAN but gentle? Depends who the victim is really
Had tickle fights occasionally with Izuku when they were younger
Likes to tease but in a mean way (kinda)
Will sometimes just launch attacks on random people if he's mad (tho that's unlikely-)
(I'm sorry, I don't really see him as a Ler 😭)
6/7 outta 10
He doesn't participate in tickle fights and when he does people gang up on him
Has a loud but somewhat calming laugh
Kicks, screams, hits, and definitely bites if you even try.. (unless your Izuku)
Sensitive neck, hands and thighs
Will giggle/laugh like a small child if you get him to that point
He's not fond on the idea but he doesn't hate tickles
Hopefully this was good..
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chalkrub · 11 months
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more svanhildr - trying new things, like a brave boy
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canthandlethishit · 3 months
tears in my eyes this art style is so skrunkly i understand the aunties’ urge to cheek pinch rn
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abigail · 1 year
me and my partner went to watch the sunset together and when we was walking back an older couple sitting on a bench stopped us to say they saw us and thought we were very sweet and they hope we don’t mind but they took our photo and asked for an email to send us the photos I’m .. I’m so soft . I love people so much.. I love sunsets I love the sea I love humans I love the world.. wow <3
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dalashas · 7 months
I cannot fucking believe. I cant fuckign
I just finished listening and all I can say it Mr fucking Blobby? MR FUCKING BLOBBY IS IN THE MAGNUS UNIVERSE
I literally made a joke in the notes of a @jonnywaistcoat post where he said oh yeah we based a monster on a childrens tv show host I said hahaha mr blobby ha ha ha wouldn't that be funny
I'm also fucked up now. I'm fucked up! I feel sorry for everyone who didn't have Mr Blobby in your cultural consciousness because as someone who has, Boy Howdy does this episode make you scream
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sorrcha · 1 year
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sea wyverns
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im-ashl · 7 months
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whatre you gonna do about it
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if u r readin this an u know how would u let me know how to change the default windows cursor to a this gif that would be So Cool
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sparingiscaring · 9 months
sigh... i guess my dnd PC is too hot... every attempt to print his mini goes horribly horribly wrong... too beautiful for this world.....
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kakashihasibs · 2 years
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I followed a tutorial all the way through this time! :D
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xumoonhao · 10 months
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everyone hi thoughts and opinions on this Please 🎤 i had a vision for it but i simply do not think my vision is coming through so i will need to look at more sites for inspiration but like hi hello........
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tails-is-cool · 11 months
just watched the amazing digital circus and honestly i get the jax hype he's very gender
#not reblog#also the animation is just SO YUMMY#it kinda reminds me of storybots and pocoyo since the shadows are so soft and things are smoooooth like that#but it has the freedom of its setting#which has an entirely different style and lets the computer-esque 2d popups and overlays appear#as well as making text appear out of nowhere#also the squash and stretch animation my beloved <3<3<3<3<3#its so fun to watch and the animation is so BOUNCY its like everything is made out of rubber or kids toys#like there's no texture apart from where it's supposed to be#blobcore#so blobby#and each character moves in such a different way !!!!#i saw the video of someone who animated the walking and running cycles of the characters and WOW i LOVE THEM#this is just SO SO SO SO SO COOL#tadc#pomni hunches in on herself#ragatha is like. older sister kinda? her hair is strands of yarn which is SO COOL that you can tell and her legs and hands are also blobby#in the way that others' limbs arent#jax is thin and lanky and it reminds me of how i move irl like. accidentally cartoony. pulling one leg offscreen and then quickly dragging#himself like an elastic band. thats what it feels like#gangle has ribbons and it's just so fun to see how she moves around#this is! especially clear!! in the scene where she gets pulled down the hole!!! its so bouncy everything is so bouncy i love it#kinger's limbs being separate from his person;;;;;; its. wow. especially in that one scene where he's next to gangle and looks like he's#getting shaken around rapidly by a computer mouse#and zooble has mr. potatohead mechanics djsjjshd i love them nb characters my beloved#and the ai!! bubble and caine theyre my favorite duo honestly#popping bubble is just. jdhshdjdjd and caine's jelly tube limb movementsssss#i speak
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missing-sector · 2 years
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*at a job interview*
Interviewer: So, what extracurriculars were you a part of?
Me: It’s.... complicated.
Badge made by the talented @child-of-peace
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shadow the hedgehog my favoritest little guy ever
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jillyb2004 · 1 year
Happy 5th Anniversary to Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation!
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Based on this screenshot
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turtle-trash · 2 years
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Thinking ab what the ecolo squad could mean in terms of what ecolo is (rattles Sega. What does it MEAN.)
[note: I’m getting this info from other peoples translations bc idk Japanese so if I have the wrong info that’s probably why]
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esleep · 1 year
i actually do kinda like delivering groceries on the side because it gives me such a unique cross-section of the community. i never know whose groceries im shopping for until i finish the delivery and see them/their home and it's like it adds more detail to the picture of who they are. the baby supplies going to the apartment that i know for a fact is one bedroom (they'll be moving soon - i bet they're apartment hunting, i hope they find a place). the new cat litter box, bowl, and kitten food going to the house covered in "i <3 my dog" paraphernalia (a kitten definitely showed up on the porch recently and made itself at home). the fairly healthy boring grocery order that includes an incongruous tub of candy-filled ice cream going to the home of an elderly woman with toddler toys in the yard (it's clearly for her grandkids, whom she sees often).
shopping for someone else's groceries is a fairly intimate thing. i've bought condoms and pregnancy tests, allergy medicine and nyquil, baby benadryl and teething gel, a huge pile of veggies paired with an equally huge pile of junk food, tampons and shampoo and closet organizers and ant traps and deodorizing shoe inserts and a million other little things that tell a million different stories in their endless combinations. one time someone had me buy one single green bean. i messaged them to confirm that's actually what they wanted, and they said yes - neither of them liked green beans very much, but they had a baby they were introducing to solid foods, and they wanted to let him try one to see if he liked them. another time i had someone request 50 fresh roma tomatoes - not for a restaurant, but for a person in an apartment. the kitchen behind them smelled like basil and garlic when they opened the door. another time i brought groceries to three elderly blind women who share a house. that was one of the few times i have ever broken my rule and gone inside a place i've delivered to, because they asked if i could place the grocery bags in a specific location in the kitchen for them to work on unloading and there was no way i was going to refuse helping.
i gripe about the poor tippers, but people can also be incredibly kind. one time i took shelter from a sudden vicious hailstorm inside an older lady's home in a trailer park, while i was in the middle of delivering her groceries. we both huddled just inside the door, watching in shock as golf-ball-sized hail swept through for about five minutes and then disappeared. she handed me an extra $10 bill on my way out the door.
when covid was at its deadliest, people would leave extra (often lysol-scented) cash tips and thank-you notes for me taped to the door or partially under the mat. i especially loved the clearly kid-drawn thank you notes with marker renderings of blobby people in masks, or trees, or rainbows. in summer of 2020 i delivered to a nice older couple who lived outside of town in the hills, and they insisted i take a huge double handful of extra disposable gloves and masks to wear while shopping - those were hard to find in stores at the time, but they wanted me to have some of their supply and wouldn't take no for an answer.
anyway. all this to say people are mostly good, or at least trying to be, despite my complaints.
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