#Blessed Candles
thefaestolemyname · 2 years
So for Reasons™ I attended an Anglican evensong and it was absolutely fantastic (The top singers in my choir were performing and gracious me they sounded exquisite) but they gave me these blessed candles (Something about "candlemas" I went through 4 websites explaining it but I'm still confused) and I'm just a little CRC fella I know nothing of these traditions and rituals so now I got some sacred beeswax to burn but I don't have a candle holder so after much deliberation I made a makeshift one out of egg carton
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So e'en tho God is omnipresent I get to have, in so far as my limited understanding of this practice, some Special Presence here both symbolically and literally so I can hang out with My Lord as I work on the genetics presentation due tomorrow.
I'm probably not doing this 100% correct but I'm trying and I'm pretty sure God doesn't mind.
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bylagunabay · 4 months
Notes from an Exorcist
“Light this (blessed) candle when you sense an evil presence or manifestation in a certain place. The light from blessed candles symbolizes Jesus, the Light of the world; the presence of the Lord drives away all spirits of darkness. Lighting this candle, then praying for liberation is especially effective to purge a place especially a room, from infestation.”
Father Jocis Syquia, Chief Exorcist of the Archdiocese of Manila
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gogoutoriart · 29 days
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This was supposed to be a XL birthday doodle but I ended up really not liking it so I never posted it outside of my stories 😅
I feel like this is what my bd cake looked like this year lol
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raddestrose · 3 months
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Happy Birthday XIE LIAN
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heart-wit-strength · 5 months
*creeps at your door with the gayass journal in hand* greetings do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Anne Boonchuy
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p1xiemeat · 4 months
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meadowtwins · 3 months
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just wanted to share my altar to dionysus as appreciation, since I've been getting back into my craft recently! 🍇🌲
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Twice now I have tried to make a reblog reply about Walter and twice now Tumblr has eaten it. So let's try it this way @chaos-bringer-13
Allow me to take you back to the ✨QUARANTINE DAYS✨ and tell you the tale of a pumpkin that may or may not have housed a god
So back in good old 2020/21 we are in the thrall of the COVID-19 pandemic. My state in particular had super heavy quarantine restrictions, and as someone with lung issues, my mom and myself were not taking any chances. I haven't left my house in maybe 5 months. Nor have I seen any of my friends outside of video calls. Senior year of High School so far has sucked.
I'm talking to my friend, we'll call her Marie, and I mention off hand "Yeah I'm starting to feel a bit lonely." Now Marie has known me for a solid 8 years at this point. She knows my type of humor and attachment to what we would now and days call "skrungly" objects. She decides "hmm. I can fix this!"
Marie's mom (who was... certainly a human being) for some god forsaken reason decided to buy a white pumpkin and give it to Marie with the idea that she would harvest the seeds from it and plant them in the garden (why she did this instead of just buying pumpkin seeds I will never know). Instead of doing this, Marie takes this pumpkin and draws a realistic face on it that can only be described as similar to the handsome squidward meme. She drives to my house, sets the pumpkin on my doorstep with a note, and then FUCKING BOOKS IT.
I open the door to see this pumpkin with a note that reads "Hello Momther, I am Walter."
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(Not the best photo but this is in fact Walter sitting in the dark in my front yard while Marie (not pictured) stands on my driveway holding a single candle and chanting).
Anyway immediately I take him inside completely smitten and unknowing as to what this pumpkin will create.
At this point of quarantine, we have gone back to classes but they are completely online. I decide that the best thing I could possibly do with Walter is set him on a stack of notebooks behind me so that when I turn my camera on he would be there... watching. Notably, one guy who never unmuted himself did so just long enough to ask "Void... what the fuck is that."
Needless to say I got endless entertainment from the reactions, but all good things have to come to an end. Unfortunately, I live in a desert and pumpkins simply don't survive. They typically would rot within a few days where I was living at the time, so my Mom told me to move it outside at least. I decide to put him by the front door. This front door has a little half wall that leads up to it. I put him on top of it facing the walkway so whenever a package is delivered the mailman would be faced with Walter and have to make eye contact before leaving the mail. I figure I'll probably get a couple more days out of him before he rots.
This is where it starts to get weird
Another week passes. Two. Unlike every single pumpkin I've ever had for Halloween, Walter shows no signs of rotting despite being exposed to the elements. The pumpkin is at this point about a month and a half old and still perfectly fine. Marie, our friends, and I all kind of laugh it off as a random one time thing and expect it to rot within another week.
4 months into having Walter and he is still as good as new. Around this time the vaccines for covid started rolling out, so my friends and I get to see each other again. They are just as baffled as me about Walter. Of course, us being us, we have been referring to Walter like an actual person this whole time because that's just our humor. We give him little head pats and forehead rubs as we enter or leave my house and say hello/goodbye to him.
Also around this time, my mom and myself are beginning to prep for moving to another state. We have also started doing some in person classes again. I had been cleaning out my room one morning, and just so happened to leave a piece of sea glass in front of Walter as I left for school. I had a strangely good day. Managed to get an A on a test if I remember right. I come home, see the glass in front of the pumpkin, and start thinking. The next day I leave him something else. Another good luck day! I try this again and every single time I leave him an offering something good happens! I tell my friends about it and they start doing it too and experiencing the same results. We decide that he must be some god of luck inhabiting this pumpkin vessel and rewinding time on it to keep it from rotting.
At some point someone gave him an orange and I swear to god the pumpkin started getting orange marks on its forehead. He still wasn't rotting though! We decided that he obviously has been absorbing the power from the offerings.
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Around this time I realise the I have somehow created a partially serious cult and decide I might as well lean into it. I actually enlisted the help of the neighbor kids to take this photo.
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Time passes. Walter is about 10 months old now and still going strong. We have graduated highschool and I'm going to be moving in a week. I can't take Walter with me, so Marie decides she will take him. But first, she is going to help us move. It's a 6 hour drive. We put Walter in the passenger seat window so that all the cars passing us can see him.
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After she helps us, Marie and Walter continue on to yet another state where Marie will be attending university. Walter is almost if not a year old when he finally starts to rot. Marie, in her dorm room mind you, makes a plaster cast of his head and redraws his face on it. To this day Walter hangs in his new, more durable vessel, guarding her spice cabinet.
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By the end of Walter's reign, he had reached his 1st birthday, scared who knows how many mailmen, met 3 of my teachers in person, visited 3 USA states, and briefly had an instagram account.
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grimgiblog · 5 months
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"Sir...do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield?"
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thepersonalquotes · 1 year
What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.
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visiodeii · 3 months
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Blessed Litha!✨🫶🏻
Small Litha celebration with my beloved Aphrodite devotee @amor-areia and our dear friend who is/will be a Persephone devotee!🌞
I feel recharged, tired but in a good way!
I’ve poured all or my negativity out, now it’s time for a ritual bath & I am ready to start anew!
Our candles burned soo differently & honestly it was so sweet to see how it symbolised us and our energies!
I am so grateful to have friends like them in my life💗🫶🏻
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yukimuraruki-art · 11 months
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I made a HuaLian glitter tea candle holder of polymer clay. Well... I still have to work more precisely and all, but it was increadibly enjoyable to make something like this.
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bylagunabay · 2 years
Pray Always
Ephesians 6:18 “With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit. To that end, be watchful with all perseverance and supplication …”
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
Finally. some recognition.
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raddestrose · 4 months
I would legit be TWEAKING if I only had one eye like Hua Cheng
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sunflowerjude · 7 months
Chubs getting his first gray hair sometime during the series and naming it Ruby because she’s the primary source of his stress at any given moment
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