#Bleach Noba
seafea-the-kity · 2 months
> Virgin Filler:
"We'll only have this be like, five episodes tops. We won't really even try or anything. Just to give the mangaka enough time to get further ahead of us."
> Chad Bleach Filler:
"So how's that filler arc coming? We need to let Tite Kudo get further ahead after concluding the Soul Socity arc."
"We've got an entire filler arc in the works."
"Oh cool, so like, ten episodes?"
"It's going to be longer than the entire Soul Socity Arc."
"And we're introducing three new allied characters that will have close relationships with the main cast."
"Ok, but you'll write them out, right?"
"No. They'll be around for the rest of the series."
"Wtf? Ok, but you'll like shove them in Urahara's shop or somewhere were they won't appear often, right?"
"Oh thank god..."
"Expect for one, who will live in Ichigo's room with Kon."
"And she'll take part in one of the first major scenes of the canon arc."
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getsusun · 6 months
Of sun and feathers
So, there are really big caves in which scientists built their laboratories. Like, really big. So big, that when Red is asked – well, ordered, since there is no option of saying “no”, even if he could speak – to teleport as far as he can, there should be no problems with him accidentally leaving the used area. And anyway, the controlling chip will make sure that Red will return if he turns out to be too far away. So, no problem here.
Since the labs are underground, there is no light down here (not counting some strange glowing mold in the lowest tunnels). And for some reason in addition to illumination in the buildings and tunnels there are a few hundred of giant lamps sticking out from the stone ceiling. The common opinion between mod souls is that it was either the part of another project or an inconsistency in orders due to which someone made those lamps without thinking twice. Scientists may know the real answers, but even if they know, they are not inclined to share. Anyway, no problem with giant glass construction up there too.
No problem on no problem should give no problem as a result, but in Red’s case it is usually the other way around. You see, it is kind of complicated to spot which way he needs to go in that other-subdimensional-dark-red-mist which Red goes through to teleport. Mostly because there are no pointers here – no compass to point to south and north, no sun or moon, and also – most importantly – no gravity which means there is not much difference between up and down.
You are getting where the story is going, right?
So, Red takes a good breath, because he already had learned that breathing that red mist is bad idea and his throat and nose are constantly burning even without it, closes his eyes, concentrates and tugs on that warm and wooly feeling under his ribs. The white walls disappear, replaced by familiar darkness and redness. Red feels dizzy for a moment, so he just waits for a second until he is more or less sure that he is not going to threw up from the first movement, and then he moves ahead, floating in the middle of nothing.
From the outside, as Kurodo mentioned, teleporting looks like a instant thing – Red disappears in the poof of dark-red smoke and reappears at the same moment in some other point. From the inside it was a little differently. For a few beats of his heart Red was able to move in any direction he wanted without any resistance from his surroundings. Then, if he continued to concentrate on moving, the mist seemed to become more and more dense, but Red also kind of felt that he was moving faster – which made sense.
Red was not going to overdo it – it was a sure thing that the scientists will want more tries, until they have enough data or until he passes out from exhaustion, either way. But not doing as he was ordered to was also warranted bad consequences, so Red moved, and moved, and moved until his chest was tight from too little of oxygen (but he was not suffocating yet), and the mist around barely budged. Then Red released the grip on that not-exactly-real-but-definitely-here thing in his chest, slipping back into the normal world.
There is a moment of total disorientation, the world spins around and then Red is falling down on suspiciously familiar outlines of buildings. Very small outlines, growing bigger and bigger with every second.
There is also the whistling of the wind in his ears, which is first time Red feels it, because there is usually not much wind underground, besides the small kudo-provided currents for ventilation. Red’s body tries to scream, which seems like a pretty normal thing to do in his current conditions, but apparently for screaming one needs to have air in their lungs, and Red has none, not able to take a breath, too deep in panic and with heart doing something like a thousand beats per second.
The black dots down on the ground become almost shinigami-shaped.
Red manages to think five words, forming one short “i am going to die” thought.
Then he pushes as strong as he can and goes back into the red mist, with almost no air in his lungs and totally disoriented. But even with urge to take a breath starting to really hurt Red still now has much more time to come up with a strategy to end up not-plummeted-to-his-death from falling from the height of… From a really big fall.
The thing is, teleportation can changes Red’s position and orientation in the space, but it saves the movement as it was at the moment of entering the red mist. It took a long time to adapt to, and Red still ends crashing into the floor or into a sparring partner or, on one memorable case, into a whole bunch of fragile scientific equipment.
So, in theory, think Red, fighting with himself to stay calm – or at least not in full panic – he just needs to go from facing down to facing up. Then the gravity will balance the vertical speed he already has, and the result will be zero. Um. And he probably still will be in the air, and if it would be too high, he will need to teleport down. Red slowly turns around into what he thinks would be a upwards position in the real world. Wait. He probably would not be able to teleport again, because using his powers two times in a row without a break is already unusual luck. Then… Then he needed to do it now, right? To move down as far as he can – but not too far, because if he ends under the upper portion of the cave system, he will certainly become a puddle on the top of one of the tunnels.
...He is so fucked right now.
On the last remains of oxygen in his lungs Red floats forward – so it would be down in the real world – for what kind of feels like almost the distance equal to the height he was at. Then he tries to brace himself, drops out back from the mist, and catches his last thought before everything goes dark despite the lamp on the ceiling of the cave system for a moment being so close that Red can distinguish separate glass panels.
He moved AFTER turning to face up.
A few minutes ago, testing room #7.
Kurodo had a bad feeling about this test. Red was too stubborn for his own good, so Kurodo was waiting for the moment when he will be dragging his friend’s half-unconsciousness body to their cell. But it was more or less normal outcome. Kurodo was for some reason more nervous than usual , and Red in contrast looked pretty calm.
Kurodo just really, really hoped that Red’s unexplainable ability to not teleport inside of a solid objects would not fail today. It never did before, but Kurodo’s imagination was sometimes… A little too good, and while it was useful for his powers, currently it made him uneasy.
At least it is not Ahiriku who is in charge today. This shinigami one is pretty chill by Kurodo’s standards, not prone to torturing and no expecting to be entertained in other ways. But you never can be too careful with shinigami, so Kurodo stands still with a pen at the ready. It pays off to be favored by scientists as not very smart, but obedient and literate assistant. For some reason labs are a little understaffed, and many shinigami here do not want to do a boring work of writing down the raw data.
- Test number one, long-distance teleportation, first run.
The shinigami’s voice is bored, the machine in front of him is humming and blinking a small green dot on the radar screen, currently showing a small zero in the data field. Kurodo glances on Red through the glass wall, and then returns to watching the screen. A quiet bang, and the zero on the screen morphs into a pretty big number. A big number which decreases really fast. And the green spot on the radar seems to stay as it was in its center.
- What the hell? Is it broke alre-
Kurodo rushes ahead and hits the emergency-failsafe button on the panel board at the same moment there is a much more loud sound of something shattering on a distance.
The papers which was in Kurodo’s hands a second ago are on the floor, but he could not care less. Because the green point on the radar finally moved from the center a little to the side. Because the radar shows Red’s chip, and Kurodo did activate the mechanism which should have send the signal to it to make Red teleport into the safety chamber, and since it worked, Red should be here, alive, not falling to his death.
Because Kurodo may be not the brightest candle in the chandelier, but he can connect two dots on how many directions someone can go from the zero point for projection of their position to stay at the same place.
There is some shouting following Kurodo’s escapade, and some explaining, and then – thankfully (it is a fucking blessing that it is not Ahiriku or one of his friends in charge) – some running as fast as Kurodo can, but it all merges into one gray monotony. And then there is the safety chamber, constructed soon after a first few – well, actually, it was closer to ten, but the scientists started to pay attention only when Red started accidentally breaking an equipment instead of his own bones – which should in theory stop any impulse Red still has after teleporting.
Kurodo freezes and tries to make his brain work.
Red is still in one piece, which is good.
There is a lot of blood, which is much less good, especially with the most of it pooling around Red’s head.
There are also a lot of glass shards for some reason, which is not bad on its own, but it is bad that some of them are inside Red’s skin.
And most importantly… Kurodo goes down on his knees and presses two almost-not-trembling fingers to Red’s neck, and finally breathes out. Red is alive.
And Kurodo will take care of the rest.
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owlgetsu · 1 year
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Nova likes wearing colourful clothes when not on duty (unfortunately, bright colors are not compatible with hiding in shadows). He bonded with Chad on the basis of common love to hawaiian t-shortd.
Getsu, in fact, also have casual clothes, but wears them really rarely. Only gloves or scarf when it is cold. His cloak is part of him and his forces, so he prefers its protection and comfort.
No idea why they were arrested, btw. May be I'll write something later...
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jplupine · 1 year
Working on the Noba one-shot for the 31 Days of Bleach challenge and....
I need more sub!Noba in my life this shit is too good. All shy but needy too and a blushing mess with dom!Wynter teasing and saying "Tell me what you want" to get him to voice his desires 💅
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Hello there Noba fans.
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johannepetereric · 1 year
Kurosaki Kai waiting outside for her (Orihime said so) kids (Ririn) to stop fucking up their first week of school ever
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the11tailedwrites · 2 years
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Prompt: Hand Stomp
Character(s): Noba
Fandom: Bleach
Noba landed silently on the roof before leaping to another one. His gaze was set ahead, to his destination. A sudden pressure unlike any he had ever felt before sent him slamming into the ground.
Noba struggled to even lift his head. The soft click of heels filled his ears and he managed to look up.
A young girl looked over him, an impassive look on her face. She wore a Victorian era pink dress, a pink frilly parasol and pink Victorian era shoes. She had long pink hair tied up in pigtails on either side of her head.
The power she was radiating was enough to send shivers down Noba's spine. She walked forward, heels clicking against the shingles of the roof and stepped down hard on his hand. The pressure made it impossible for Noba to even cry out. He gritted his teeth in pain and she ground her heel deeper into his hand.
"You must be Noba!" she said, "I've heard about you from the butterflies!"
Noba simply glared at her. She hummed and tutted.
"That is not very nice manners. When you're talking to nobility it is nice to speak and look respectfully. I must teach you a lesson," she said.
She raised her hand and Noba's body moved to his knees all on its own. His shoulders still felt like there was an impossible weight on them. She closed her umbrella and raised it. She slapped him across the face with it, the tip of it cutting his skin and tearing his hood.
Noba grunted as blood dripped down his face. She hummed, pleased with herself and reopened her parasol.
"Guards, please grab him, I would like to invite him for tea," she said.
Two large creatures grabbed Noba's arms and hauled him up, dragging him towards the girl. She laughed and flicked her hand. A large white door materialized in front, swinging open. Noba was dragged inside.
It was a Victorian style house with modern tech scattered around. There was a white table with a pink frilly tablecloth with three chairs in the center of a small garden to the left. Many assortments of flowers and plants (some even Noba had ever seen before) were scattered around in an orderly fashion.
The minions marched him over to one of the chairs and forced him into it. Noba was just about to run when the girl took a seat and spoke.
"You're in my realm now," she said, "Your powers have no effect. You should sit down. If you are kind and polite, I will let you go,"
Noba, still tense, sat back down. She smiled at him.
"Take off your hood-mask, it is bad manners," she said
Noba shifted, face flushing as a wave of shyness overtook him. He removed it anyways. Noba clenched his fists tight, trying to hide how embarrassed he was. The girl in front of him nodded, content.
"You know my name, may I know yours," said Noba once he had found his voice.
"Oh my, I completely forgot, oh what bad manners. My name is Sheila, pleasure," she bowed her head, smiling wide, "Now let's start this tea party, shall we?"
She clapped her hands and a man in a butler outfit appeared beside her.
"Yes, madam," he said
"Please prepare some tea and sweets for us," she instructed
"As you wish, madam," then he was gone.
Noba messed with his hands, hating the way she stared so intently at him made him feel like an object.
"You are quite cute. Maybe I should make you a doll and keep you in my collection forever," she said
Noba stiffened.
"I like the form I'm in now, though, miss," he said, trying to be as respectful as he could
She squealed and reached over, pinching his cheek. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to ignore it, letting her do it just in case she took offense to it.
"Oh don't worry, I'd make a doll out of this form. Then I can move you however I want and dress you up. You can serve me!" she said
"I'm sorry, I'll h-have to decline. I would miss my friends," he managed, stuttering halfway through but finishing off strong.
"Boo," she said, pouting.
At that moment, the butler returned with tea and sweets. He placed the cup down in front of Noba and poured it. Noba watched the drink like a hawk, studying the tea pot to see if he could spot one of those pots with the hidden compartments that could hold poison or something. He couldn't really see anything, but he still gazed at the tea cup suspiciously.
"I didn't poison it," the butler said
"Drink, it's rude not to," Sheila said, cheerful as ever.
Noba hesitated and took the tea cup. The cup it had been poured into was an old Victorian era tea cup.
"This is a lovely tea set," managed Noba, unable to hide the tremble in his voice
"Oh thank you!" Sheila said, "I got it from this lovely shop in London. It, sadly, doesn't exist anymore but they sold the most beautiful pieces,"
Noba slowly raised the tea cup to his lips, hands trembling. He took a sip and placed the cup down. He swallowed, the hot liquid slid down his throat. It happened instantly. His vision titled and he fell out of his chair, hitting the ground with a thud.
"You are the first person, human or otherwise, who actually drank the tea! You are such a kind guest!" Sheila said, smiling wide.
Noba's vision was getting darker and darker as Sheila took another sip of her tea.
"You were a good guest and you shall be rewarded for it," Sheila said, "Give him the antidote,"
Noba felt someone lift him up. Something dripped down his throat and his vision cleared. He blinked multiple times before slowly sitting up, gazing weakly at Sheila, who was smiling wide.
"Why don't you stay for dinner," she said, a grin forming on her face
Noba's face dropped.
Ichigo landed on the ground, panting hard as the Hollow's body disintegrated. He lowered his sword.
"Good work," said Rukia
Renji dusted himself off while Chad and Orihime walked closer to Ichigo.
Sudden pressure slammed into all of them and they all were crushed into the ground.
"What the hell," gritted out Ichigo, body struggling against the sudden pressure.
A white door appeared in front of them. It slowly creaked open. The girl who walked out wasn't like anyone Ichigo had ever felt before. Her whole aura was one of power. Walking behind her was a large man in a butler outfit. Over his shoulder was a limp Noba.
"Noba!" exclaimed Ririn, "Let him go you meanie!"
"Okay," said the girl, cheerfully
She signaled to her butler and the man threw Noba onto the ground. Noba bounced on the ground before rolling to a stop in front of a grounded Ichigo.
"Bye-bye!" she said, waving as she and the butler returned through the white door and it vanished behind them.
The pressure vanished and Ichigo rose quickly, darting forward and kneeling beside Noba. He gently shook Noba, trying to rouse the motionless mod-soul.
"Hey, Noba, come on, wake up!" exclaimed Ichigo.
Noba groaned weakly, eyelids fluttering, but he did not wake.
"Let's get him to Urahara's," said Orihime
Chad hauled Noba onto his back and the mod-soul didn't even stir. The group took off to Urahara's place.
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lokis-scribbles · 2 years
Mod soul squad lol, honestly meant to upload this sooner. But it took me a moment to figure out how I wanted each character to be positioned. I had started watching Bleach with my dork and thought it was cute that the mod souls were put into stuffed animals~ I just had to draw them!
(This is also a print/design I have up on my Redbubble.)
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 26 days
I would like to thank the bount arc for giving me Ririn, Kurodo and Noba. I fudging love them.
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Everybody get ready and buckle up cuz here we go
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Tomokazu Sugita, who voices Jack The Ripper, also voices:
Shiba Taiju - Tokyo Revengers (soon)
Rudeus Greyrat - Mushoku Tensei
Tomoyasu Chikazoku/Skeptic - My Hero Academia
Katakuri - One Piece
Noba - Bleach
Muguruma Kensei - Bleach
Himejima Gyoumei - Demon Slayer
Escanor - Seven Deadly Sins
Marlo Freudenberg - Attack on Titan
Sakata Gintoki - Gintama
Gundham Tanaka - Danganronpa
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Katsuyuki Konishi, who voices Hercules/Heracles, also voices:
Uzui Tengen - Demon Slayer
Salchow Accino - One Piece
Sheepshead - One Piece
Kurokwa Hiroki - Haikyuu!
Diavolo - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Hachi - Darling in the Franxx
Mason - Hellsing
Tanktop Master - One Punch Man
Asano Keigo - Bleach
Hisagi Shuuhei - Bleach
There are others than I don't think are popular enough, but if you want them listed up here, feel free to ask me. Also, I apologize if any of these are not correct
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
okay i am starting up bleach again
please tell me i'm not the only one that finds noba hot
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getsusun · 7 months
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Maybe Muse List
Been playing a lot of Fire Emblem Engage and wanted to post this again since I have added a few new muses to it. I know I have a lot already and a problem but I love these characters with my whole heart and why I have a lot and debate adding more rather then removing.
- Szayelaporro Granz (Bro the fanfic plot idea I had with this bitch) (Bleach) - Nemu Kurotschi (Bleach) - Renji Abarai (Bleach) - Jushiro Ukitake (Bleach) - Soske Aizen (Reasons) (Bleach) - Yumichika (Bleach) - Makoto Kibune (Bleach) - Noba (Bleach) - Trickster (DBD) - Sabito (Demon Slayer) - Muzan (Demon Slayer) - Enmu (Demon Slayer) - Tengen Uzui (Demon Slayer) - Hinatsuru (Demon Slayer) - Makio (Demon Slayer) - Suma (Demon Slayer) - Luisa (Encanto) - Isabella (Encanto) - Rei (Fatal Frame 3) - Alcryst (Fire Emblem Engage) - Louis (Fire Emblem Engage) - Chocolate (Food Fantasy) - Aratakki Itto (Genshin Impact) - Munakata (K Project) - Mikoto (K Project) - Tatara (K Project) - Seri (K Project) - Nobuo Terashima (Nana) - Otoime Ryugu (Ookami-San andHer 7 Companions) - Taro Urashima (Okami-San and Her 7 Companions) - Fakir (Princess Tutu) - Kai Takemura (Say I Love You) - Itsuki Ootori (Starmyu) - Leon (Violet Evergarden) - Toboe (Wolf's Rain)
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jplupine · 11 months
Day 19: Noba ~ Clothed
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Pairing: Noba x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~3.4k Date Published: October 19, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Sub!Noba, Exophilia, Small Dom/Big Sub, Light Blood/Injury, Teasing, Clothed Sex, Vaginal Sex, Cock Riding, Hair Pulling, Praise, Vaginal Fingering, Biting, Creampie Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Wynter also uses terms like 'naughty boy', 'dirty boy', and 'good boy' to refer to Noba. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: Wynter just can't keep their hands to themself with how cute Noba is.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  Digging through a box of mixed candy, I plucked up the same types of candies to sort them into the smaller boxes on the shelf. The shop was quiet with the lack of customers, and Tessai was dusting and cleaning up the front counter. I had picked up a few shifts at Urahara's shop instead of paying for something Jinta had busted and blamed on me.
  The hardest thing about working here was dealing with Urahara and his antics since there were hardly ever any customers.
  Picking up some more candy, I dropped them into the appropriate boxes on the shelf. Ururu's little doodles on the labels made them look nicer rather than having plain, white price tags. Tessai set down the duster and went into the next room after hearing his name being called.
  Feeling something brush against my ankle, I glanced down to see a little stuffed turtle with a bowtie. His small hand was on my ankle, and I gave a gentle smile.
  "Hi, Noba. Do you need something?" I asked, and he held up a sticky note. Bending over to take it, I saw it was a message from Urahara. Reading it, my expression turned irritated. "Why am I not surprised Kon got torn up again? He can fix himself this time."
  "....I can do it for you. If you want me to, that is." Noba spoke up, and I sighed softly.
  "Thank you. He's such a pain to deal with." I crouched while facing him and set the box down. "I can get the sewing kit down for you. I say use the glitter thread. Maybe then Kon will stop getting himself torn up." Pointing while looking at Noba, he didn't respond.
  The little turtle seemed to just be staring at me. Quirking up a brow, I tilted my head. He was usually quiet but not like this.
  "Noba?" I had a questioning tone, and his face turned bright red. It wasn't uncommon to see even if it had surprised me the first time since he was in a stuffed animal body, but I couldn't see why he would be blushing this time around.
  And then it hit me when I followed his line of sight.
  Noba was small enough that me crouching gave him an unobstructed view of my underwear since I was wearing a skirt. Pushing down the fabric of my skirt, I could feel my ears getting warm.
  "I'm so sorry!" I quickly said, and Noba bolted, running away as fast as his little feet could carry him. Heavily sighing, I ran a hand through my hair.
  I could only hope this wouldn't make things too awkward around Noba. He was known to be so shy and timid outside of a fight.
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  Resting the box of Mod Soul dispensers on my hip, I managed to open the door only to freeze when I saw Noba sitting at the small table on the other side. He also tensed while looking at me and was in his gigai now. Kon's limp body and a needle were in his hands while a Gikongan lay on the table.
  Clearing my throat, I stepped into the room to set the box on the table.
  "Let me guess. Kon gave you too much trouble, so you took him out." I stated while looking at the Gikongan. Noba averted his gaze as his cheeks reddened behind his unzipped mask.
  "....Mm." He nodded, and I opened the box of Mod Soul dispensers. Sitting down across from him, I pulled out some of the dispensers to inspect them. Noba pushed the needle through the fabric of the plush lion before pulling the thread taut.
  The room went utterly silent as I made sure none of the dispensers had been damaged in transport. Glancing over at Noba, he was still carefully sewing up the tears in Kon's body. He pushed some stuffing back into the lion and added some more since Kon had lost some during whatever accident he'd been in.
  Watching him for a bit, I then dropped my gaze back to the dispensers. Swallowing, I checked a few more before speaking again.
  "About earlier....I really am sorry. I didn't realize you would've-" I was cut off by a bang when Noba slammed Kon's body onto the table. What was visible of his face was entirely red, and his eyes were wide. However, in his panic, he'd pricked his thumb with the needle. "Noba!" I quickly got up and went around the table.
  He was bleeding, and I quickly looked around for something to help.
  "Man, I didn't think Urahara would make your Gigai this realistic." I dug through the sewing kit, but no band-aids or gauze were stashed away in there either.
  "I-It's fine." Noba muttered.
  "No, it's not. It looks like you got yourself pretty deep." I replied while taking his hand in mine. "Look, it's even still bleeding. Shit." I hissed. There weren't even any napkins around or extra cloth. "Bear with me here." I sighed before bringing his hand toward my face.
  Noba's eyes widened as my mouth opened, and I closed my lips around his bleeding thumb. Even his blood tasted real as it coated my tongue. Noba looked utterly shocked and leaned away while blushing profusely.
  "W-W-W-W-" He began to stutter and jolted with a sharp breath when my tongue ran over the pad of his thumb. Watching Noba, I could feel something stir within. On an impulse, I went slower just to tease him.
  His eyes were glued to my lips as his thumb slowly slid out of my mouth. Noba was practically frozen in place and still staring. The poor man hadn't blinked in some time either, and I scoffed with amusement.
  "Noba...." I purred his name while looking at his widening pupils. He still didn't move, and his face somehow went even redder. Glancing at his thumb, I saw the bleeding had finally stopped. However, my gaze drifted even lower to see he'd gained an erection that couldn't be explained away as a rumple in his clothes.
  My eyebrows slightly rose as I looked at it. For him to gain an erection meant Urahara had given Noba's Gigai a penis, right? Did that mean he was anatomically correct under his layers of clothes?
  "Is there something you'd like to tell me, Noba?" I questioned while leaning in closer to him. While still holding his hand, I placed my other hand on the floor beside his hip. Noba leaned back on a reflex, having to put his free hand on the ground behind himself to keep from falling.
  He finally blinked again, rapidly, and realized the position we were in with his long legs on either side of me. Noba spotted his own erection and looked even more embarrassed.
  He snatched his hand away from me to zip up his mask. Noba said nothing nor did he move away, leaving us in the same position in silence. He even held his zipper in place to keep it closed.
  "Fine. Be that way. Just know that I'll only stop if you tell me to." I stated before placing my hand on his knee. My palm traveled up his inner thigh, and I heard him take in a shaky breath as the tent in his pants twitched.
  As he remained still, my curiosity grew. Leaning forward, my nose brushed against his through the mask. I kissed him with only the thin fabric between our lips.
  Squeezing his inner thigh, he jolted while making a sound quite similar to a soft whimper. Tilting my head down, I watched my own hand travel closer to his erection. All the while, Noba said nothing and stayed put.
  "You've been wanting this, haven't you? Naughty boy." I cooed before my hand finally reached the apex of his thighs. Touching him, I could feel the warmth of his hard dick beneath my palm. Noba whimpered as his thighs clenched.
  Slowly moving my fingers lower, I could feel the shape of two testicles as well. I could feel myself becoming more excited- Had Urahara really given Noba's Gigai functioning sex organs? He could clearly get hard, but could he cum, too?
  "Noba, have you ever cum in this body before?" I asked as my fingers traced over where the head of his cock was. He whimpered softly rather than answer. "Hm?" I looked up at him again and saw him hesitantly shake his head. "Are you lying to me?" Noba froze again, and a smirk pulled at the corners of my mouth. "You've touched yourself before, haven't you?"
  His grip on his mask's zipper tightened until his knuckles turned white. My fingertips brushed along his length as he twitched.
  "Did you do it while thinking about me?" I cocked my head to the side while still smiling. Noba's breath shook, and he turned away from me. I kissed his cheek and ran my hand up his stomach. He twitched from my touch, and I could feel his heart pounding when my hand reached his chest.
  He leaned back more, now having both hands on the floor to hold himself up. I heard him swallow as I looked at my hand over his heart.
  "You must want me to keep touching you, huh?" I paused while licking my lips. "Or should I stop?" Pulling my hand away, I slowly leaned back. Noba's face turned back in my direction. "What do you want, Noba?"
  He was quiet, but I was determined to get him to say something. I sighed and pulled away more.
  "Maybe you're just too shy to tell me to stop. If that's the case, I'm sorry for touching you." His hand shot out to grab my wrist. I raised a brow and waited.
  "....P-Please...." He hesitantly brought my hand closer to his chest.
  "Please, what?" I grinned and watched him struggle to say what he wanted. He placed my hand on his chest to silently get across what he wanted, but I craved more. "Tell me. What do you want, Noba?"
  "T....Touch me....please." His voice was barely over a whisper, and I placed my hands on his shoulders.
  "As you wish." I lifted one knee to get my leg over his, and then the other while using his shoulders to maintain balance. He took in a sharp breath when I sat on his lap. Feeling his dick pressing against me set my body on fire with desire.
  Grabbing the zipper on his mask, he tensed as I pulled it open. What was visible of his face was flushed red, and his beautiful green eyes looked up at me. His pupils were wide with lust, but he didn't seem to have the courage to keep looking at me as he squeezed his eyes shut and turned away.
  Gently grabbing his chin, I made him face me again before hooking my finger in the opening of his mask. Pulling it down, his eyes were covered while the bottom half of his face was exposed. His blush had spread so far that even his lips were darker from the rush of blood to his face.
  Bringing my face closer to his, I slowly eased into a kiss. His lips were soft, and I rolled my hips. Noba grunted, and the sound went straight to my core. My hand dropped to the zipper of his suit to slowly pull it down.
  Noba tensed but didn't stop me as he drowned in the kiss. When I reached the end of the zipper, I pulled away and looked down. His shirt underneath his suit was nearly skin-tight, showing his lean muscles that had been obscured by his suit. Pulling his shirt up just a few inches, I saw a trail of red hair.
  Biting my bottom lip, I hooked my fingers behind the suit's zipper to pull it down a little further to expose the waistband of his underwear. Noba's breathing had quickened, and I moved his underwear out of the way to release his cock.
  Now that I could see it, I could, without a doubt, confirm Noba's Gigai was fully equipped with a dick and balls. And a pretty one at that.
  With him leaning back and his hands on the floor, his cock was resting against his stomach as clear fluid beaded at the tip. Lifting my skirt, I pressed my body against his, grinding my hips to feel him through my underwear.
  Noba's head fell back with a stifled moan. His mouth hung open with his heavy breathing, and I hummed.
  "Should I keep going?" He nodded but said nothing. "Then say it."
  "....Please....k-keep going."
  "Does it feel that good?"
  "And now?" I purred after moving my panties to the side, and his cock slipped right between my lips from how wet I was. The sound he made was a cross between a whimper and a moan as he covered his mouth with one hand. "You're so cute, Noba.~"
  I was so eager and battling myself between teasing him more and just fucking him.
  "I'm curious.... Did this cross your mind after seeing up my skirt earlier?" I questioned, and Noba made a noise at the back of his throat. "Come on, tell me." He then slowly nodded after hesitating. "Did you touch yourself, too?" I smirked, and he whined. "Dirty boy."
  Circling my fingers around the head of his cock, I began to give shallow strokes that made his hips buck beneath me. Noba really brought out my dominant side. Like prey that made me eager to sink my teeth into him. The sounds he made, from the whimpers to the groans, from barely being touched.... It was delightful.
  I wanted to ruin him. Leave him an utter mess. Wring more of those sounds out of him and watch his blush spread.
  I couldn't take it anymore and lifted my hips. Noba whined through clenched teeth from my absence. Yanking his mask back, his face was fully exposed along with his wild, red hair. Pushing his head down with my fingers tangled in his hair, I made him watch as I sank down on his cock.
  He moaned, and my grip in his hair tightened. He filled me to the brim with ease. Noba's ears and even the back of his neck were red like his face.
  "Put your hands on my hips." I ordered, and Noba did as he was told. He watched with such a hungry gaze as I bounced on his cock and quickly forgot how his mask had been taken off. With my skirt flipped up, he could see nearly everything and didn't look away.
  He may be a shy soul, but he still had desires.
  "Noba." I panted, and he finally turned his gaze upward. He looked dazed and lost with wide pupils. "Do you want more?" His grip on my hips tightened as he processed my words.
  "More. More." He pulled me closer while speaking with such a needy tone. Burying my fingers in his hair, I held his head before hungrily kissing him. Noba moaned into my mouth, and my tongue slid past his lips.
  His hands squeezed my hips before creeping up my back and clinging to my shirt. Despite barely talking, he was so vocal as he moaned and clung to me. It drove me further, riding his cock faster and harder to chase that high.
  Even I lost track of everything else as if it were only he and I in the world. We had to part from the kiss to breathe, and my forehead rested against his as I panted. If I had known sooner this was what he wanted, I likely would've invited him over for dinner and done this in the comfort of my home with my nice bed beneath him. However, I clearly couldn't pass up the opportunity that had been presented with everyone having gone out and the shop temporarily closed.
  How could I possibly see Noba blushing and hard and continue about my day as if I hadn't?
  "You're doing so good." My voice was breathy before I moaned. "Fuck, even just listening to you is driving me up a damn wall!" I draped my arms over his shoulders and buried my face in his neck. "I-I'm getting close. Fuck!" I moaned again while balling my hands into fists as I grabbed the back of his suit. Noba's warm breath rolled over my neck as he panted, and he grunted when his hips bucked.
  "I-I-I can't! I-It's too much! Too much!" Noba's whimpers were muffled when he shoved his face into my shoulder. Before I could even comprehend what he meant, he was groaning as his cock twitched inside me.
  He was cumming.
  His body relaxed when the last drop spilled inside me. Without moving, I took in a deep breath.
  "Fingers or tongue?" I asked, and Noba didn't answer. "Fingers or tongue?"
  "F-Fingers." Cum spilled out as I lifted my hips and his softening cock slipped out. Grabbing his arm, I guided his hand between my thighs and got him to shove two fingers inside.
  "Tilt your palm- Right there. Fuck, yes!" I panted while now riding his fingers as his palm added friction to my clit. "You did so good for me." Kissing his neck, I heard his breath falter. "Now be a good boy and help me cum, okay?" Noba furiously nodded and whimpered when I bit the side of his neck.
  Licking the bite as I groaned, I felt the knot in my gut coiling tighter and tighter. Closing my eyes, I felt my thighs shaking as I continued to rise and fall on his fingers. Cum and slick were no doubt staining the front of Noba's suit by now, but that was a problem to be dealt with later.
  Humming as I bit my bottom lip, I leaned on Noba more. He suddenly curled his fingers, making my hips buck.
  "Do that again." One of my hands slid up the back of his neck before my fingers were in his hair. He did as told, pressing right against a spot that made me moan even louder. Noba kept going as my body shivered and my thighs clenched.
  When my orgasm finally hit, I cried out. I was cumming around his fingers and rode it out while clinging to him. Taking a moment to catch my breath, I then kissed his cheek and sat up.
  "....Would you like to do this again?" I muttered, and Noba glanced down at his wet hand.
  "Yes." His answer made me smile and peck him on the lips.
  "Good. But we should get cleaned up before the others come back." My statement only embarrassed him further, and when I got up, I saw how wet the front of his suit had gotten from all the bodily fluids. Noba quickly pulled his mask back on to hide his shame and excitement.
  Getting cleaned up and our clothes back in order, I then put away the Gikongan dispensers to be finished up tomorrow. Noba tied off the thread on Kon's body and trimmed it before placing Kon's pill back inside the stuffed lion.
  Kon shot up while gasping for air dramatically and didn't even wait a second before yelling.
  "How long was I out?! What did you do to me, fiend!" Kon quickly stood up and looked over his body to see he'd actually been fixed.
  "Hey, Noba?" I spoke up from the doorway, and both Noba and Kon looked at me. "Can you walk me home? My shift is over, and it's dark out."
  "I can walk you home!" Kon perked up and raised an arm. "You can even hold me if you get scared-" His plush body squeaked when Noba shoved him off the table. I quirked up a brow but said nothing as I watched Noba cross the room and come my way.
  "Thank you." I smiled while taking his hand in mine. He blushed before zipping up his mask, but he didn't let go of my hand. I think he already knew what I had in mind once we reached my house.
  And, if I was lucky, I could coax him out of his shell and get to see him completely naked by the end of the night.
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ao3feed-jjk · 2 months
Hello Halycon Days!
by bleachkaisen A Fix It Fic. CROSSOVER. JJK X BLEACH !! Yuji defeats Sukuna, and gets a second chance to fix everything with a little help. Orihime and Noba are dragged into the world of JJK , leaving the once familiarity and peaceful atmosphere of Karakura town. Words: 4603, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), Bleach (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Gen Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Gojo Satoru, Kugisaki Nobara, Fushiguro Megumi, Chousou (Jujutsu Kaisen), Nanami Kento, Ieiri Shoko, Inoue Orihime, Noba (Bleach), Shun Shun Rikka, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen), Iori Utahime Additional Tags: Crossover, Fix It Fic, Shibuya Incident Arc (Jujutsu Kaisen), Post-Shibuya Incident Arc (Jujutsu Kaisen), BAMF Inoue Orihime, Itadori Yuuji Needs a Hug, Temporary Character Death, Past Character Death, Major Character Injury, implied itakugi/itafushi yeahhhh, it’s there but it’s minimal, also nanago && gojohime implications teehee, very minor !!, Orihime is in her last year of highschool, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, everyone lives !!, FUCK YOU GEGE /J, Yuji sacrifices himself, Yuji & Orihime are sunshine besties, bi yuji, Bisexual Gojo Satoru via https://ift.tt/Ze7l8IL
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johannepetereric · 1 year
“Well, the temporary souls in Gikongan generally don’t grow. Though they will ‘learn’ to a certain extent from the user’s position and commands, there are limits as far as that’s concerned."
So Gikongan are mere robots, but Kaizo Konpaku are the only ones with autonomy and evolution if given the chance?
...Yeah, Ririn, Noba, and Kurodo are proof of that.
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