harpoonlover00 · 8 months
If the link doesn't work, the user is :BennaBooter
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toastyliltoasts · 5 months
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You cannot tell me this isnt Blaza at a random concert..
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theastronomycafe · 9 months
Screenshot Redraw! (Socksfor1 Edition)
(The first one is the redraw, the second one is the original)
Art Credit: ME!
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1-shatterd2-void-3 · 4 months
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New rendering style due to inspiration but I can’t tell if it just looks greasy or wet
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Lowered opacity
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sadp1ayer · 1 year
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loveblue1 · 10 months
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Another art dump
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anglefan · 2 years
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n4dwe · 1 year
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PLEASE DO!!!! jajjykxssfagzudjjfjd
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buns-and-butter · 9 months
Hiya lovelies !
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So this is actually an alt account, a place where I can go completely feral.. My main is @toastyliltoasts41 and I mostly write for a fandom called Foolish Crew (Socksfor1, Fatmemegod, Blazaplays, Tbhonest, Joocie and etc)..
But on this account, I plan to be posting fanfictions about Wilbur Soot, Quackity and whatever really comes to my mind..
Maybe even BBC Merlin, Who knows ? (Mainly since these three fandoms, considering Wilbur and Quackity as one 'mcyt' fandom, are my absolute life)
So, without further ado, lets establish some boundaries.. (Pls dont come after me for this being cringe lmao since I dont have this sorta thing even for my main account lol)
• NSFW accounts, Please dni
As Im still a minor and Im still not comfortable with anything that's not SFW.. Its also kinda creepy to interact with one so, no..
• No racism, homophobia or hate to anyone at all..
It's strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated in any shape or form.. That also includes requests btw
• No creepy or personal questions please
Like the NSFW one but mostly about my personal life.. I write on here to not only express myself but to calm myself down in a way.. And receiving questions about myself, that are clearly not anyones business, is not the way anyone'll have a peaceful time on here, my friend.. Im talking about questions like "What's your IRL name" or "Where do you come from".. It just creeps me out a bit so please refrain from that.. You're always welcome to simply ask about where the boundary-line is, though, I'd be happy to talk about it and anything that doesnt cross it..
Maybe there's more to be added but lets skip to the okay/good parts now..
• Requests
Please I fucking love requests and even the smallest of interactions make me do the Tubbo 'Yipee'..
• Talk to me !
If anything is bothering you at all, you can always (if you're comfortable) talk to me about it.. Whether it was just a bad day or you're in a bad situation in life, you're absolutely welcome with open arms to have a chat..
Please, I BEG of you, never be ashamed to show anyone your art.. Im a pretty shit artist myself and I love drawing silly things but just straight out fanart hypes me up to write more about those characters.. It just shows me that these cool fanarts are literally the ones Im writing about so its basically like pride (?)
• Heavy topics ?
Im absolutely fine with violence, gore and dark topics sneaking its way into my fanfics.. Even alcohol is fine to a limit ! (As long as its nothing serious and these above topics are not inflicted gruesome-ly or a bit too much by characters in my story as it'll give the actual characters themselves a bad reputation)
• Pronouns
Im a female myself but I'll mostly use they/them in my stories to make in gender neutral.. Heads up if you wanted to make an amab request, Im genuinely sorry but I wont write in anything other than she/her or they/them pronouns.. Im concerned that I'll end up offending someone since I dont really know much about the community.. So, unless you hint at it or request me to use she/her pronouns, I will only be writing as they/them
Maybe I'll add a bit more when I remember lmao-
Anyway, Here's a bit about who I am and what I'll write about:
My online name is Sophie, although Im thinking about changing it, so you can just adress me as Soph.. I go by she/her and, as I already established before lmao, Im a minor.. My life's burning down to the ashes of hell (lol ik Im dramatic, bear with me) most of the time so I wrote stories, and read other's, as a coping mechanism.. I will most likely not see your dm's/requests for a few hours, or even days, or Ill do the complete opposite and reply to them within minutes lmao.. I still have my own studies to complete so I dont think I'll write requests the very same day, Im not sure myself..
I take almost all requests other than smut..
You name it man..
Aaaaaanyway, Here's who I'll write for:
~ C!Wilbur (Every bursona too, I am just infatuated with them)
~ C!Quackity (Yes, absolutely but as long as it doesnt cross any of his boundaries)
~ C!Karl Jacobs
~ C!Ranboo
~ C!Tubbo
[As mentioned above, as long as these are within their boundaries and consent]
and on a different fandom:
~ Arthur Pendragon
~ Lancelot cuz yes (But Im not very motivated to write for him)
~ Maybe some platonic with Morgana (BECAUSE SHE'S NOT EVIL, SCREW YOU DIRECTOR) and Gwen
So this is mostly it for now, Ill update this whenever I remember lol.. Bye bye for now !
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dumb-vampire · 3 years
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harpoonlover00 · 8 months
I suk at art
But this is the first art of the year so woohoo
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toastyliltoasts · 1 year
"I promise"
A/N : Yall I miss the damn SMP so I wrote this .. It has a happy storyline dw dw ..
Warnings : Light swearing (It has 'ass' lmao and some *cough cough* other stuff) , Sort of panic attack but not really ?
You try to adjust your baby blue coloured hoodie to 'almost' perfection using a mirror .. Today was the big day .. Your best friend Meme was getting married in less than 3 hours and you still couldnt figure out how to get your hair let alone clothes to look right ..
It was quite a ... fiesta when Meme announced his upcoming marriage to the lovely Wictoria (whom you've only heard of once or twice) .. Fiesta as in Socks refusing to believe Meme got engaged , Blaza and Tbh laughing their asses off and them almost getting sent to the ER just by the glares Meme was sending them (Because if looks could kill , They already dropped dead weeks ago) .. So it was quite obvious that everyone was underprepared for the wedding , Even the groom himself ..
Your job in the wedding being assisting with decorations , You had to get to the venue early and help the boys out with the chairs , the food (which you did not trust them with) and fixing the aisle but firstly you had to look like you could do all that .. After a few moments , You huffed a sigh of relief as you finally got your hair to a presentable sight and you took one last look in the mirror as you dashed off .. You're going to change before the wedding anyway , Might as well not ruin the good outfit ..
You flick a bead of sweat off your forehead as you looked around the venue , checking the mental checklist one by one ..
Chairs ? Check.
Aisle ? Check.
Flowers ? Check.
Food ? Ch- Well .. Half check ? .. You had to keep Muffin and Nadwe from turning the wedding into a war somehow ..
Your checklist gets interrupted by a sound of your own name and you crane your neck from your spot to see the one and only , Socksfor1 .. He's dressed in his usual spaceman outfit without the helmet ..
"Hey , You're early" You muse while dusting your hands on your already messy jean sleeves ..
"Eh you dont see Meme getting married to a cow everyday" He smirks as you both hug ..
"That for sure .. Meme said she's lovely though" You offer after you both break apart ..
"Yeah yeah .. Is that her ? Wictoria I mean .." Socks asks (after almost calling Meme a woman) , Tipping his head towards the wedding altar ..
"Uh I think so ? I havent been able to talk with her yet except for a few 'Hi's .. You're the one that invited her right ?" You question while your eyebrow travels to your hairline ..
Socks just shrugs while changing the subject ..
"Not to be a killjoy but are you wearing a hoodie and jeans to the wedding ?" He asks with a snicker ..
You immediately acknowledge your current outfit and nudge him in the ribs as payback when he laughs ..
"Of course not , You dumbass .. Says the person who wears an astronaut costume to the wedding and would you rather me wearing some fancy shit but drenched in sweat " You say , playfully rolling your eyes ..
"Ow .. No need to be so mean" He whines with a pout , slightly rubbing the area of impact on his ribs ..
"Yeah yeah you big baby .. I'll go change anyway .." You say while he replies with a 'be back soon please , I'll be bored if my favorite 'dumbass' is gone' to which you stick your tongue out at him ..
It doesnt take you long to change into your outfit , pat down the creases and fix your hair for the second time today .. Planning weddings were hard but as said before , You dont get to see Meme get married to a cow everyday ..
Socks smiles as you leave the changing room and sees your attire .. He'll be lying if he said you didnt look absolutely amazing .. He compliments you when you dramatically twirl to show off and asks you to come with him to get the guests .. You both run around , 'goofing around' being the correct terminology (I mean you worked hard , It was just a small reward) , until Socks sees Oompa and playfully calls him out for not being ready for the wedding while you act mock-offended ..
"Is that even legal" Oompa asks as you three wonder whether its okay to marry a cow ..
"I dont think this is legal" Socks replies with a light laugh .. You , Socks and Oompa share a look of nervousness until you hear Blaza ..
"Heeey Blaza .. Looking good , Looking good" You say as you greet him with a hug ..
"Could say the same to you , brudda" He replies as he ruffles your hair ..
"OH COME ON MAN .. I just fixed this" You cry out as you shield your hair from his wrath while he had the audacity to chuckle ..
"Blaza with the DRIP ?" Socks greets while bumping fists with Blaza ..
"Yeaaah .. Im looking kinda fly for this wedding , Y'know ?" Blaza says confidently while Socks starts to vent to Blaza about Oompa not being prepared at all ..
The wedding venue slowly started buzzing with people over the next hour as you and Socks greeted more guests .. You saw Muffin (With a weapon , might I add) looking at Socks with soulless eyes as Socks , Blaza and Oompa freaked out at being threatened with Muffin's 'weapon' .. You greeted both Muffin and Tbh with a hug (Eh Muffin's not bad at all .. Just has a questionable mentality but dont we all ?) and see Tbh doing some sorta crab dance with Socks and Blaza but just shrug it off ..
And you finally see the groom himself , Wearing a wedding dress .. You and Socks have a laughing fit , almost toppling over the carpet of the aisle itself .. But manage to keep it together long enough to greet Wolfster (Who confessed that he was just in it for the cake) .. And when Meme along with Laff start coming up the aisle , Socks definitely did not shake with silent laughter ..
"Memeee" You drag the last 'e' as you run over to hug him ..
"(Y/NNN)" He mirrors your actions and envelopes you in a hug ..
"You should've told me atleast a month before , You idiot .. I would've made it more presentable" You say flicking him on the forehead ..
"OW .. Im sorry IM SORRY .. That hurt like shit-" He cuts himself off mid-sentence seeing your glare ..
"You should be .. Anyways , Im happy for you" You grumble out reluctantly ..
"Thanks man" Meme says genuinely while patting your shoulder .. And soon you can visibly see the adrenaline start to set in in Meme ..
"Im actually getting married" He says while doing some dance that manage to crack both you and Socks up and also gets Laff to have an inner conflict with himself ..
"Im so happy for you Meme" Socks congratulates while doing a cursed dance himself .. Then Socks proceeds to 'compliment' Meme on how his dress matched his , soulless , eyes ..
Then before the actual wedding begins , Socks nervously realizes (and confesses) that he has infact invited not Wictoria but Bella , her sister .. And shamelessly murders her while you and all the others half-scream (Apparently , It 'had to be done') ..
And Nadwe coincidentally brings the real Wictoria and the wedding finally begins ..
Laff , as the priest , reads them the vows and Meme respectfully replies with an 'I do' to each rite (Even Wictoria responds... Verbally ? Even though Socks claims it could be a no) And halfway through the ceremony Nadwe interrupts the exchange of vows because he has to go to the 'bathroom' while in reality he goes behind a tree and proceeds to play vine boom sounds ..
And they move on from that incident as the time finally comes for the wedded couple to kiss .. Everyone cheers and hoots but your stomach churns .. You're happy for them , Really .. You know you are but something is just off .. Your eyebrows furrow together and your gut just screams at you when Meme nears Wictoria with passion some people only feel once in a lifetime .. Unbeknownst to you , You legs take you to the altar and push both Wictoria and Meme ..
It feels like time is messed up as you hear a sound of something loud followed by your friends' screams .. You feel the impact like bricks to your torso as you hit the ground , hard .. Your lungs feel like someone ran over them with a car .. You can still hear your friends screaming but its all oh-so distant .. All you wanted to do now was sleep for a bit .. I mean , Haven't you earned it ?
Your plans come out as foiled when you feel your arms and shoulder shaking .. Huh ? Definitely not doing that .. You try to focus on nothing but universe was just not having it .. It takes a long while for you to realise that you are being shaken .. Why cant people just leave you alone ?
You can feel your throbbing head being pulled towards something and your arms flailing around something ? Someone ? .. Damn , That must've been one hell of a fall .. Did you hit your head or something ? You must've .. That explains your head feeling like someone just performed surgery on you (Might be Meme , Who knows ?) ..
You lightly hear the far-off voice of the person dearest to you .. Socks ? What the hell was he doing ? Even when you're almost-dead (You guessed you were) he cant leave you alone ? Just why man .. You decide to try to open your eyes to savour him for his attempts atleast one last time ..
You see Socks' usual goofy , happy demeanor overshadowed by one of greif and concern .. You wish for the ringing in your ear to just scram so that you can hear what Socks is oh-so desperately trying to say .. Years of close friendship lead you to believe Socks is trying to tell you to get your shit together and focus (Atleast the latter part) ..
Warning : Small panic attack
You try to do just that and you can hear him trying to tell you to.... Breath ? But you're already breathing ..
You mentally roll your eyes and do so just so you could tell him to shut up .. Surprisingly , The pain in your lungs lessen and lessen the more you breath .. And , accordingly , You see a bit of relief etching on to Socks' face ..
Scene over
"God you scared the shit out of me" Socks whispers dejected ..
"That easy?" You croak out , a broken sentence to cheer him up , to which he offers a half-hearted smile ..
Then after some time you see Meme running over to you with a bit of gauze and some sort of bottle .. His face mirroring one of Socks' own , As if worry was permanently drawn on to his face .. Yet his hands are steady and swift as he cleans your.. head ? You mustve actually hit it or shit .. Well that explai- FUCK THAT HURTS
Your train of thought gets interrupted as Meme pours the liquid in the bottle onto an area on your head .. Your arms scramble around and not-so graciously holds on to Socks' hand as you grit your teeth after not-so graciously swearing .. Next time a warning would be nice , Yeah ?
After what seemed like decades , Meme wraps your wound with gauze and gives you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder .. You weakly smile to lighten up the mood , making a mental note to not mock Meme's medical degree for atleast a month ..
"You should get some sleep" Socks offers ..
"Mm" You agree while your eyelids already droop ..
After that torture you definitely wanted to sleep so you slowly slip in to slumber , praying to everything to let you have this ..
You open your eyes to blinding light and immediately regret your actions .. You try to slowly creek open your eyes to minimise the impact and succeed .. You look around to see that you're in some place totally different , Your house ?
You recognize the familiar surroundings .. Bed , desk and windows- These are your ones .. Yet you take one more look around to confirm and see a tired Socks hunched over the bed , with his head on the said furniture , sleeping soundly while gripping on to your hand as if its his lifeline ..
You smiled to yourself as you carefully detached your hand from his , reached over your hand and ran it through his soft curls .. The spaceman awoke with a groan while rubbing his eyes as you retreat your hand to yourself .. Recognition flashed in his tired eyes as he scrambled to straighten up , all sleep gone from him ..
"(Y/N) ?" Socks asks disbelievingly ..
"Sup .. What'd I mi-" You croak out only to get cut off by a bear hug from the man himself ..
"My god I thought you were- dead" He forces out ..
"Me too ? The hell ha-" You start ..
"You fucking jumped on to that altar and hit your head on the steps like the dumbass you are .. Thats what happened" Socks said angrily as if he read your mind .. You let out a condescending sigh ..
"Im sorry .. I just-.. had a bad feeling and didnt know what else to do" You replied in a soft voice , hanging your head on your shoulder ..
"You shouldnt put yourself in last place .. Your life matters as well" Socks whispers , on a different approach which just did more to piss you off other than to see him so worried ..
"What else was I supposed to do ?" You ask quietly , anger slightly showing through ..
"Anything .. Anything else .. You could've atleast told me .. Did you even think of what would've happened if you got hurt ? What would you do then , Huh ?  What the hell am I supposed to do if something bad happens to you ?" Socks frustratingly runs his hand through his messy brunette hair as he shouts the last part which betrays the raw emotion like hurt and worry in his voice .. You place your hand on his hand , The one that isnt messing with his hair right now , and try to calm him down ..
"Im really sorry .. I didnt think that through .. Its dumb , I know" You say while settling on a hug to calm Socks down .. He hugs back immediately and buries his face in your shoulder ..
"Please dont do that shit again" He asks you so quietly that you barely pick it up ..
"I promise"
2609 words duuuuuudes (Btw 609 *Insert troll face*)
Update : Sadly it is 2662 words :'c
Update : GUESS WHAT ? ITS 2669 >:DDD
Les gooooooo
Im officially a certified writer /j lmao
Anyway , Hope you enjoyed
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1-shatterd2-void-3 · 4 months
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loveblue1 · 2 years
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Shrink #pencildrawing #blazaplays #tbhhonestfanart https://www.instagram.com/p/CiI4wm7olIX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toastyliltoasts · 1 year
Accompanied (Blaza x Reader)
Today wasnt the worst day , per se , but it wasnt the best either .. You woke up 20 minutes late , So you skipped breakfast .. You got ready for work while shoving a peice of toast into your mouth , munching also being a quite difficult task when you're trying to change into casual work clothing ..
You raced down the stairs of your apartment building when you bump into someone .. Well , You didnt have time to pick up all your stuff let alone take a proper look at the figure .. You scrambled to pick up your , scattered , stuff from the ground , The stranger helped you with steady motions .. "Thank you so much .. Im really sorry by the way" You said  with a smile as you finally looked at the person .. You didnt notice much as he wore a weirdly cute face mask that covered half his face .. "Its fine honestly" He said as he smiled (Which is obviously covered by the mask) .. You awkwardly let out a bye and ran off ..
You almost miss your bus as you manage to make it without a second to spare .. You sat down on a window seat as you watched the raindrops race , quite childishly might I add .. Your peripheral vision caught people moving around and some even sitting next to you .. But you didnt even think to pay them attention for some reason .. You gaze outside the window , the same sceneries you've seen for the past few years or so .. So undoubtedly , The boring view- well, bored you as your eyes start feeling droopy ..
So that led to you missing your stop and getting off the bus , muttering a small 'thank you' to the driver , at a couple stops ahead from your original stop .. You tried to hail a cab and drove all the way there , completely anxious ..
You reached work 35 minutes late .. But to your absolute luck , You boss was also late and you got off scot-free .. Well , You still had to do the work that you delayed by 35 minutes so not exactly scott free .. So you made a mental note to never fall asleep on the bus ever again .. It might've even scarred you for life ..
You reach home absolutely wasted and dropped on your couch like some heavy , lifeless limbs .. You re-adjust yourself to find a better , comfortable way to sit but that's next to impossible due to the stuffiness of your couch .. You debate if whether or not you should go to your spot *A/N : You crackheads , Get. Your. Head. Out. De. Gutter lmao* ..
Aah , Your favorite spot .. Living in an incredibly small apartment apparently has it own perks .. The rooftop of the apartment building was something you accidentally stumbled upon all those years ago .. It had a spectacular view of the whole city especially  at night with the artificial lights providing a calm aesthetic .. It was also isolated , Making it the perfect place for some time alone when having a bad day .. For example ; Today ..
You decide to just wing it and open your balcony door which leads to the spiraling staircase *A/N : Just imagine the stairs from Spider Man lol* .. You climb it like muscle memory .. To be honest *A/N : Pun absolutely intended* , It might as well be since moving into a new place is-  difficult to say the least .. So to say that you spend a lot of time there would be an understatement ..
You absent-mindedly reach the highest floor as you step on the cement block placed to provide some stability without difficulty .. You walk over to the edge of the building which was surrounded by waist-high walls ..
You gape as you see a figure sitting at your normal spot .. You didnt want to sound selfish because the building wasn't and wont ever be yours, but you cant help but feel a bit of anger with confusion because well , You've certainly been there more than them .. Because-
The person turns towards you , Obviously alerted by your footsteps and startled .. You see a strangely familiar guy with fluffy , dirty blonde hair and piercing eyes .. You swear you've seen him before .. You think back to last week to possibly remember if you've seen him before but you come up empty handed ..
"Uh hi" A deep voice drags you out of your thoughts as you look at him sending you a nervous smile .. Then it hits you like a train that he was the person you met earlier today at  the stairs .. "You're not here to mug me or possibly kill me are you ?" He jokes as you laugh/giggle/(whatever youre comfortable with cuz u rock <3) .. "Nah im not intrested in that" You say playing along while still having a huge smile on your face .. "Im broke as hell so you probab- OH have I taken your spot ? Im so sorry if I have" He says , already getting up , as sudden realisation hit him .. "Its fine honestly" You say mirroring his words he said prior to you .. He grins .. "Im Blaza" He introduces himself as he sheepishly rubs the nape of his neck .. "(Y/N)" You reply , smiling yourself .. "You can stay here if you want" You assure him ..
"Ill take you up on that offer"
You two sit down on the edge of the building , parallel to the streets and the other side of the building .. You talk for hours about , everything to be honest .. You learn that he's new to the neighborhood so you do the honor of filling him on what information you need to have about living here .. He seems grateful as you two talk like old friends who havent seen eachother in a long time .. You flail your arms around when explaining some things and use other  dramatic gestures to back up your point .. He finds you amusing and you , vice versa .. After the talk dies down , You start to gaze at the stars and try to make shapes out of certain constellations .. And emphasis on 'try' ..
"That looks like an among us character" "Ha ha very funny .. Its 2023 , Get some new jokes" "Oh cmonnn .. You have to admit it was funny" "Do I look impressed to you ? You can do bette- OoOO That ones a monkey" "It kinda does look like one , doesnt it ?" "That ones a crown .. You see that ?"
As it hit almost midnight you two exchange numbers while your heart pounded .. Get your crap together .. You're barely friends .. And you two bid eachother goodbye as you heart flutters ..
Hehehehheheh ..
Wattpad literally deleted my draft mid-writing so I wrote this AGAIN .. See my dedication folks ?
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toastyliltoasts · 1 year
Loaves (Laff x Reader)
You unlock the door of your bakery like its muscle memory .. Honestly , At this point it might be .. You move on to hang your faded sweater on the coat hanger and sigh fondly as you look around ..
Another day at work ..
It wasnt that you hated your job .. Infact , Its quite the opposite .. You loved your job unlike any person you knew .. You've had a dream to open up your own bakery since you were little and with a little bit of help and a lot of hard work , you were able to do it .. You decorated your little business to have a home-y feel and infact , It might be even a second home to you .. You smile while looking around ..
Right , Those buns arent going to make themselves *A/N : Istg please dont take that out of context T-T*
You hum a tune softly to yourself as you refill the trays with freshly baked bread .. The familiar smell invade your nostrils like it does in those corny cartoons .. You ears suddenly perk up as you hear the small bell ring , indicating you have customers .. You stretch your head to see a quite peculiar group of people enter your shop ..
You see a brunnete wearing a space costume .. A dirty-blonde haired man wearing a hoodie with cute bear ears .. And one last brunnete with a gas mask and white coat , who looks strangely familiar .. You quickly dust yourself off with a clean peice of cloth and go out to greet them ..
"Hi , Welcome to [Insert whatever you want to call your bakery cuz the author is lazy :3] .. What can I get you" You greet with a smile on your face .. The group smiles back at you ..
"Thanks .. Uh , We're not exactly sure yet" The 'space man' looks around at his friends for confirmation .. "Yeah , We're kinda new to the neighborhood .. Got any suggestions ?" The one wearing a bear onsie asks with a polite smile .. "In that case I recommend [Again, Just whatever you want] .. You'll either like it or love it" You say a bit dramatically .. "Sure , We'll take your word for it .. Can we get uhh- 3 of that ?" The space man replies .. "Of course .. That'll be right up" You say as you rush off to get them their order ..
A few moments , which were filled with soft talking in the background , you return to them with their order .. "Here you go .. Three [Da food name]" You say handing the food to them and almost reciting the order as a force of habit .. You look up to see the blonde nudging the gas mask man , while the other brunnete watches with a smug smile , and he clears his throat .. "Thank you uuh .. This might sound weird but- Uh would you want to join us for a little while" He says in a rough voice , which is unmistakably in a british accent , stumbling over his own words multiple times .. You decide to end his misery and laugh/giggle/chuckle and answer with a warm "Of course .. I dont see why not" ..
You spend an hour or more talking with the group .. The one who invited you being Laff , The brunnete being Socks , The blonde being Blaza .. You learn in time that the three of them are unremarkably funny .. But theres a specific person that caught your eye , Laff .. His gas mask being slightly intimidating at first but what it covers is a gentlemen .. Youre curious to know why he wears a gas mask but you decide that it may come off as rude so you didnt really mind .. Yet you found your attention being drifted of to the said male more than whats considered normal ..
After a while , the talk between the 4 of you , dies down into a comfortable silence .. Abruptly , Blaza and Socks stand up and place some money on the table along with a rushed "OH look at the time .. We have to get going .. Uuh see you (Y/N) .. BYE" .. You stare at their chairs confused while Laff just looks flabbergasted *A/N : YES PUN INTENDED LES GOOO* He clears his throat .. "Backstabbers" He mumbles .. "What was that ?" You ask ripping your eyes away from the chairs .. "Nothing really .. Umm do you- Would you want to walk around town a bit after you close up shop ?" He asks sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck .. You smile .. "Sure"
You double-lock your bakery as a habit and check it just in case .. I mean , Better safe than sorry .. "You ready to go ?" Laff asks with a smile (which is barely visible due to the mask) "Yea" You reply and turn around before flashing a small smile ..
~ Le small time skip since Im too bored ~
"Well .. Here's my stop" You say looking at your house .. "Right .. I better get going .. Uh see you tomorrow ?" Laff asks .. "Definitely" You say with a small glint in your eyes , feeling quite excited to see him tomorrow .. He takes your hand in his (after asking for permission of course) and , like the scenes you've seen in a movie , he slowly raises your interlocked hand to his face and places a light kiss on top .. You blush like mad .. "Uh see y- you tomorrow" You say hurriedly after giving him a flustered smile ..
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