#Blake Lewis
theperezhilton · 11 days
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 Celebrating @magicmikelive’s @jaclynmarfuggi and her birthday at @fontainebleaulasvegas’ #NoWhereLounge with @mikalahgordon and @blakelewis! Such a vibe there! Mikalah, a #LasVegas native, performs there every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8 pm. You gotta check her out! Watch some of her and Blake performing HERE: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8cdKJypOyp/
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amethystsoda · 1 year
Just wanted to tell you that your post earlier reminded me how much I really like Blake Lewis' music and I've been on a listening binge all day! Brings back good memories of working retail when that album came out--Binary Love and Heartbreak on Vinyl were some of the more palatable songs corporate made us play lol.
Heartbreak on Vinyl and Binary Love have been on my scifi inspiration playlist for so many years! I watched that American Idol season when it aired and fell in love with him heheheh
I'm so glad you had a fun nostalgia trip yesterday!!!!
(I also recommend this one from his newer stuff!!! Rohan and I danced to it as our last dance at the wedding reception <333)
(and Blake did some fun stuff with Postmodern Jukebox too!!!)
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agenderhyde · 1 year
PostmodernJukebox feat. Blake Lewis --- "Radioactive"
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wardengrill · 2 months
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I've come to realize I'm more married to this team than I ever was to three ex-wives
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ssaronance · 1 year
criminal minds be like “we’re looking for a white male”
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youbutstupid · 22 days
-A Job That Slowly Kills You-
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-Bruises That Won’t Heal-
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ketsueki-k · 2 months
Okay... just take a moment and... *Stop breathing*
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strawbeerossi · 10 months
I’ll be 23 next Friday so let’s pretend I’m 23 rn.
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reiderwriter · 2 months
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reiderwriter 5k writing challenge
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hello, my lovelies, and thank you so much for 5k followers~♡ it's been just under a year since I started writing on here, and it's been so fun interacting with everyone and writing for Spencer and the other members of the BAU team! I was a bit unprepared for some of my other milestones and threw some stuff together last minute for them, but I've been thinking about a writing challenge for a while and I finally decided to do it!
Please note: This is a writing challenge! All the prompts below are meant to inspire you to write your own fics and not as prompt requests for me. I hope you can use them as a starting point to write~♡
The theme for the challenge is:
daydreams and shooting stars`☆
There are two sets of prompts to choose from! The daydreams' prompts are based on classic fanfiction tropes that we know and live, and the shooting stars prompts are based on the zodiac signs. There are 12 prompts in each list, and you're welcome to mix and match prompts as you like! Maybe you'd like to combine your star sign with your favourite trope, or two particularly match well, or if you like a single prompt, you can just write for that. I don't mind if the fic is only very loosely based on the prompt, too, do whatever you'd like!
The writing challenge will run up until my 1 year writing anniversary, July 27th, so you have plenty of time to get your fics in! I'll be reblogging all the entries, and at the end, I'll add them to a recommendation list! Be sure to tag @reiderwriter in your fic, or use the hashtag #reidersdaydreams or #reidersshootingstars in your tags! I'll be tracking both~♡ You can submit as many entries as you like!
Rules for submissions will be at the end. Please read them before submitting~♡
without further ado, here are the prompt lists~☆
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ONLY ONE BED - a true classic in the sense that I will be reading only one bed fics down to the second I take my last breath. Feel free to invert this to "too many beds," or even "no beds at all, but somehow we're still cuddling," either way, I will read it and likely enjoy it greatly.
GRUMPY X SUNSHINE - which character is grumpy, which character is sunshine? my favourite grumpy x sunshine dynamics are the gloomy character trying their best to become more sunny after a tough life 🫡
FAKE DATING - we, in the criminal minds fandom, have written possibly every undercover mission possible to make our characters make out, but I'm coming in as a simple woman to ask - please do it again 🫶
OH. OH. - the plot revelations! Give me them! The sudden moments of clarity! I'm a fan, goddammit.
IDIOTS IN LOVE - there is nothing better than two huge dumbasses falling head over heels in love with each other in an "aw shucks" kind of way. Also, I'm an idiot, representation matters.
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE - coffee shop AU? Soulmate AU? HANAHAKI AU? If someone could please un- or re- traumatise my favourite characters I will be eternally grateful
SECRET IDENTITY - give the character their Emily Prentiss Lauren Reynolds moment, or just make them dress like a clown for like 30 minutes. Both count.
MUTUAL PINING - This harkens back to idiots in love, but it's about the LONGING, it's about the PITIFUL STARES, it's about the BURNING PASSION.
SECRET RELATIONSHIP - my love of gossip makes me a sucker for secret relationship stories because I truly want to be in everyone's business. Character A and B are dating? Brilliant. It's a secret? BRILLIANT.
SICK FIC - your poor little meow meow has a cold. Or your poor little meow meow has been poisoned with anthrax. Or your poor little meow meow is dealing with possible symptoms of schizophrenia. Or your poor little meow meow has been shot-
PSYCHO X PSYCHO - reidams fans, this one's for you 🥰
ENEMIES TO LOVERS - half of my requests are enemies to lovers requests! Feel free to include rivals to lovers, lovers to enemies, friends to enemies to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers, or any such dynamic that your heart desires.
Aries - "I burn for you. I can't sleep at night for wanting you. It's the most maddening, beguiling, damnable thing, but there it is."
Taurus - "There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me."
Gemini - "There's such a lot of different Annes in me. I sometimes think that is why I'm such a troublesome person. If I was just the one Anne, it would be ever so much more comfortable, but then it wouldn't be half so interesting."
Cancer - "I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil."
Leo - "There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion."
Virgo - "They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered."
Libra - "Somehow, we'll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be. But for now, we simply have to be satisfied with who we are."
Scorpio - "She didn't understand why, but faced with those decaying buildings and straggling grasses, she was nothing but a child who had never lived."
Sagittarius - "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
Capricorn - "There's a low-level, specific pain and having to accept that putting up with you requires a certain generosity of spirit in your loved ones."
Aquarius - "An education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs, and then you had the urge to pass it on."
Pisces - "I think it's perfectly acceptable and rather admirable to be moderately delusional."
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I'm accepting reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fics for this challenge. It can feature any Criminal Minds character or any character from any fandom you write for. I assume a lot of people will stick with CM, but feel free to write for whoever you choose!
Please tag me in your entries or send the link to me in a DM. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge. Again, the tags I'm tracking are #reidersdaydreams and #reidersshootingstars ♡
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I will not endorse, nor do I want to read smut written by minors. I will check the ages of accounts posting smut.
For smut or angst fics that could include triggers, please include a content warning above the fic so we can be aware before reading!!
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ropoto · 2 years
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Family Found Sunday
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forasecondtherewedwon · 4 months
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Masters of the Air - "Part Seven"
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amethystsoda · 1 year
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HIIIIII long time no see. y'all already know what this is. have fun.
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moonflowerxox · 4 months
POV: your camera roll working at the BAU (pt. 8):
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CM Family Fic Rec List
Hey everyone! I want to start by saying thank you so much to everyone who participated - it was so much fun to write alongside you all, and I can’t wait to share everyone’s hard work. You are so appreciated, and you makes these events better.
Without further ado, here are all of the entries + recs for the CM Family Challenge!
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SFW S.R. Fics (Pregnancy/Parenting)
Growing Pains: Spencer finds unfamiliar lingerie in the laundry. When he confronts his wife, he learns it belongs to their teenage daughter.
One Last Chance? by @justanothercmblog: Spencer and his wife have decided to foster a teenager.
Little Genius by @c-m-stuff: You and Spencer are married. You two have a beautiful daughter, who is coming to work with you.
Somewhere to Belong by @fortheloveofwonderland: You and Spencer have only been dating a few months when he drops the bombshell that he wants to adopt a child and it throws you into turmoil.
Who's Your Daddy? by @justawritterwithideas: After a long day's work, the BAU returns to the head office where they find a stroller with a small baby sleeping and a child very determined to surprise his father. c
SFW S.R. Fics (Other Family Dynamics)
The Mother Wound by me: Spencer and Reader bond over the difficulty of an emotionally absent mother.
A Desert Bloom by me: Reader has never liked cacti. Spencer finally finds out why.
A Well-Kept Secret by @astrophileous: While working on a case in D.C., Spencer didn't expect to hear a familiar name being mentioned as the sole surviving witness. Or, in which the team discovers Spencer's well-kept secret.
Pet Parents by @junipers-archive: In which Spencer and Reader adopt a baby (dog).
Keep reading for other pairings, more of my S.R. fics, and another related Fic Rec Masterlist!
Other Pairings
Motherhood by @foxy-eva: Temily. Emily and Tara become mothers.
May by @gaelic-symphony: Temily. Tara and Emily babysit the Simmons kids.
Maternal Instinct by @gaelic-symphony: Emily/Alex Blake. Motherhood brings with it complicated feelings for new moms Emily and Alex. Written for the CM fandom gift exchange.
Keeping the Faith [AO3] by @masterwords: Hotchgan. Hotch and Derek take the kids to Easter Service.
Going Home Time [AO3] by @/masterwords: Hotchgan. Hotch and Jessica co-parent Jack
Home is Where the Heart Is by @prentiss-theorem: Alex Blake/Fem!Reader. Domesticity with Alex, Ethan, and Reader.
The Sound of (No) Silence [AO3] by @/ArwenLaLaith: Alex Blake/Fem!Reader. Reader and Alex have just welcomed their daughter into the world.
Home by @neuroprincess: Alex Blake/Fem!Reader. Alex finally returns home after one week.
Question of Timing by @codename-mom: [NSFW] Aaron/Haley. Aaron finally agreed to make Haley a mother and she realised that the d-day is now. The issue is: how to convinced a husband afraid AF to be a father to do the last step? 
Be sure to check out @darcyfangirlsfrequently's Masterlist of entries, which includes fics for Luke Alvez, Garvez, and Tara/Rebecca!
Be sure to also check out @the-guilty-writer's Masterlist of entries, which includes fics for Child!Readers of Spencer, Rossi, Derek, and Hotch, as well as Emily's sibling!
Gen Fics
Mothers and Daughters by @/gaelic-symphony: When Ambassador Prentiss brings the team a kidnapping case, it causes Emily to reflect back on her tumultuous relationship with her mother.
A Day At Work by @/codename-mom: Platonic. JJ arrived early in Hotch’s office to discover that he was not alone. A surprise guest was with him for the day.
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Looking for more?
Keep reading for the rest of my Spencer Reid fics associated with pregnancy and parenting!
SFW S.R./Mom!Reader
Impromptu: Reader learns some shocking news when a case lands her in the hospital.
Painting by Numbers: Spencer is still a little worried about his pregnant wife painting the house.
Practice Run: Spencer and Reader take on Derek’s challenge to babysit.
The Prodigy Path: At a parent teacher conference, Spencer and Reader explain their seemingly unorthodox parenting style.
Fairytales: Spencer comes home to his very tired wife and even more tired child who refused to go to bed without a bedtime story from their dad.
Intentions: Spencer’s teenage daughter wants to have a conversation with you about your intentions with her father.
Defining Family: Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
From the Tree: The kidnapping case becomes personal when Spencer and Reader get a call from their nanny.
S.R. & Child!Reader
Like Father, Like You: Child!Reader. Platonic. In which Spencer’s child comes out as not-straight.
NSFW S.R./Fem!Reader
Domesticity: Reader gets worked up watching Spencer with kids. He notices.
Different Kind of Daddy: After a rough day, Reader has good news for her husband.
Santa’s Gift: Reader asks her husband what he wants for Christmas.
To Have and To Hold: Reader is trying to save her marriage, but Spencer seems resigned to its failure.
Stork Song: Spencer and Reader try to find intimacy again following a terrible loss.
Still not satisfied?!
Check out my extensive Father's Day Rec List!
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Thanks for reading.
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mazelicious · 1 year
What movies will the BAU be seeing?
Hotch: Oppenheimer but he's seeing Barbie against his will.
Rossi: Oppenheimer but he secretly wants to see both.
Penelope: Barbie
Luke: Barbie
Derek: Barbie
Tara: Oppenheimer then Barbie
Reid: Is only reading the movie scripts
Alex: Barbie then Oppenheimer
Emily: Oppenheimer then Barbie
JJ: She is going to watch Barbie but she will be sneaking into Oppenheimer for the Florence Pugh scene. Elle is in on it.
Elle: Barbie
Gideon: Does not believe in movies.
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