#Blackthorn Mountain Men series
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queereads-bracket · 6 months ago
Queer Fantasy Books Bracket: Round 1
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Book summaries below:
The Dark Artifices series (Lady Midnight, Lord of Shadows, Queen of Air and Darkness) by Cassandra Clare
It’s been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Shadowhunters to the brink of oblivion. Emma Carstairs is no longer a child in mourning, but a young woman bent on discovering what killed her parents and avenging her losses. Together with her parabatai Julian Blackthorn, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart as she investigates a demonic plot that stretches across Los Angeles, from the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the beaches of Santa Monica. If only her heart didn’t lead her in treacherous directions… Making things even more complicated, Julian’s brother Mark—who was captured by the faeries five years ago—has been returned as a bargaining chip. The faeries are desperate to find out who is murdering their kind—and they need the Shadowhunters’ help to do it. But time works differently in faerie, so Mark has barely aged and doesn’t recognize his family. Can he ever truly return to them? Will the faeries really allow it? Glitz, glamours, and Shadowhunters abound in this heartrending opening to Cassandra Clare’s Dark Artifices series. Fantasy, young adult, paranormal, urban fantasy, series
The Knight and the Necromancer series (The Capital, The Border, The Sea) by A.H. Lee
It’s a classic fairytale: Knight meets necromancer. They argue. They fight. They…make out? Prince Roland comes home from the war to bury his father and see his sister on the throne. He sneaks out to his favorite tavern for nostalgia’s sake. It’s the place where he kissed a man for the first time, the place where he used to carouse with the lover he buried on a battlefield. Roland expects to enjoy some anonymity and perhaps flirt with a few strangers for old time’s sake. He does not expect to find a fascinating scholar from out of town—a lonely young man with beautiful eyes and an obvious longing to be touched, buried beneath a prickly demeanor. The man clearly has his secrets, but so does Roland, and their unexpected chemistry makes him feel alive for the first time in months. Roland exerts all his knightly charm and is rewarded by the promise of a second date. He figures he’ll need something to look forward to tomorrow, since he must spend the day in council with his family’s sworn enemy—a necromancer whom his sister has rashly invited to consult about the war. Sairis is a necromancer with a price on his head. He knows that he will have to bargain for his life tomorrow. He’s never been this far from his tower. He’s good with magic, not people. He’s frightened, although he doesn’t want to admit it. Sairis knows he’s doing something foolish by visiting a tavern the evening before his meeting with the royals—a tavern that caters to men of certain tastes. But Sairis wants things. Things a hunted outlaw can never have. He tells himself that he’ll just watch—see what ordinary people enjoy every day. Sairis is confident in his ability to intimidate anyone who comes too close. He’s shocked when a dazzling mountain of a man is not intimidated in the slightest. Sairis knows a knight when he sees one. He has killed plenty of knights. But this knight is funny and kind. Sairis finds his defenses melting in spite of his best efforts. Maybe he could go on a second date with this person. Of course, he’ll have to get through tomorrow first…when he must bargain with the hated royals who have persecuted him all his life. Fantasy, romance, secondary world, series
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il3x · 1 year ago
Fair enough, yeah, I wouldn't expect you to analyse all these songs at once. 😅
I will, however, take this opportunity to Taravangian- rant. Just a little...
Potential minor spoilers about Taravangian, but I haven't included anything from RoW.
I Need to Know
"Why does a wise man take leave of his senses? Where is that fine line where sanity melts? When does intelligence give way to madness? A moment comes When a man becomes Something else ..."
Taravangian making his original Nightwatcher deal was spurred by the desperation to know what makes a good ruler. He strikes me as someone who was always interested in "the mind of man", and the nature of morality - albeit approaching that from a dispassionate, highly Ends-Before-Means perspective which allows for horrifying collateral and is pretty clearly wrong in the light of a series about Journey-Before-Destination.
He'd get along with Doctor Mother.
I love to imagine these lines as Taravangian musing on Dalinar, as the Blackthorn, along with other "mad" rulers and nobles. I think he would be fascinated by young Dalinar.
And finally, this is really good foreshadowing for Taravangian's own future.
"It's a deal with the devil he cannot disclaim!"
I know this isn't the song context, but yeah. Nightwatcher.
"Dear god, guide me! Show me how to succeed! With your wisdom inside me, Henry jekyll will follow wherever you lead!"
Taravangian meeting Odium, before/when he made the Diagram!
"I need to see The truth other men cannot see To be things that others can't be! Give me courage to go Where no angel will go!"
God, this is exactly his thought process about making and following the Diagram. "To be things that others can't be / go where no angel would go"... wasn't it Taravangian who said that, if five suspects are arrested for a murder, they should all be executed to maximise the safety of society, and he as king must take on the burden of the four innocent deaths? He conceptualises himself as someone who does evil because that evil must be done, for the "greater good".
Cough. Put him in a room with Doctor Mother. Cough.
"I need to know..."
Just... ending on this, ough. Taravangian is all about a desperate search for more knowledge, more intelligence. Going from studying "the mind of man", to his deal with the Nightwatcher to know how to rule, to... and every piece of knowledge he attains brings with it more fear, more responsibility, more desperation, culminating in him knowing about the upcoming Desolations and scrambling to recapture his Diagram intelligence because god, does he need to know.
The Balancer's Eye
This is a song about guilt, and Taravangian carries so much guilt. He believes that he is right, on a large scale, to commit atrocities; and every second day he weeps for it. (Fuckin' relatable, is all I can say; glad my mind's not that flavour of screwed up any more.)
"Heaven never ever heard a word I said I’ve cried enough to raise the dead'
"Heaven won’t let me in, I don’t know why No one ever loved half as much as I Everyone’s a sinner in the balancer’s eye I’ve prayed enough, I rolled the dice"
"Will I ever be forgiven for the crime of my life? Will it haunt me ’til I die? To the end of time?"
Ough. These lines make me sick. Guy who is alone at the top of the mountain and there's nothing above him, so he does what must be done, and all of the guilt falls on his head. There is no higher authority to relieve him of that burden. He kills, and he weeps, and he asks and asks and asks, and no one ever answers; no one steps in. It's just him. It's only him.
"Now I know that I can’t lift an old curse Tell me, how does a man change the universe?"
Heh, ain't this him. Cursed by the Nightwatcher, but that's not what this is about, not really. This is about Roshar, cursed with Desolations. Taravangian staring them down (like Doctor Mother and the Entities; like the Entities, and the heat death of the universe....) and asking - always asking! - how can he change something this huge?
He is so much, and so little. He can dip his hands in the blood of a kingdom and he's still negligible on a cosmic scale.
"Why did learnin' the truth make me feel worse? Tell me, how does a man change the universe? Doesn’t matter; it’s too late to do right Heading into the void at the speed of light"
I don't remember enough (time for a stormlight reread, perhaps?) but I'm pretty sure this is how he felt at some point. Maybe the first Desolation. I mean... Roshar really is pretty doomed.
Anyways. Sorry for that. Incoherent ramblings of an ex-character projector, mostly.
For Twice, I see Confrontation as that part in his backstory where all his clones start killing one another, and - as the only one remaining - he doesn't know whether or not he's the original.
I Need to Know by Anthony Warlow is a Taravangian song. So is The Balancer's Eye by Lord Huron.
the jekyll and hyde musical has many such bangers (transformation, alive, the world has gone insane, and confrontation are the highlights for me!). confrontation is SUCH a Twice song, if you've watched BNHA.
for other musical recs in a similar vein - I really enjoy the Frankenstein musical, I'm just permanently brainwormed with that one. Birth To My Creation has some great animatics on youtube. I know there's a Dracula musical too but I haven't really listened to it, seems more slow-paced than the ones I usually vibe with.
ill be honest taravangian isnt a blorbo of mine and these are a lot of songs so ill keep this brief but the first one does fit him about the second one though
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this line fits about his deal with the nightwatcher and how he feels some days he cant do anything in
Now about twice, yes i know about MHA but i stopped watching it (even though my main discord server is an mha fanfic server but I'm only there cuz all my friends are there) but personally i dont see it much
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l-u-c-i-i-e · 3 years ago
Finally my hagging-out entry 👻 (please don't read it's wayyy too long 😰)
This year, since it is about "protection" I decided to concentrate my research on the general symbol of the doors and vestibules. So there is a series of upcoming posts on this specific topic to follow. :)
I also wondered the meaning of this "protection" that must be brought to the home, delimited by the door. I find that there is too much hysteria in the occult world concerning this theme, and I do not see the point 1/ of protecting at all costs, because no, and unlike many people seem - I am not in the middle, nor the target of magic attacks. When someone makes me angry, or seems malicious towards me, (it does not happen that often), but when it does, I'll talk to the person to solve the problem. I'm not an embodied boddhisatva so a lot of times it's done awkwardly, but anyway, it's always done openly and face-on.
And then I do not see the point 2/ to protect undiscerningly, because it would be like blocking ANY passage of ANY form of energy/ astral/ spiritual being/ etc.
To protect (therefore, for me) is to try to live relatively in harmony with what surrounds me, "beasts, men and gods."
"My" entrance door was already originally "protected" by my father and his love of the Lion-knocker (a childhood dream.) I also hung a sprig of Absinthe because the bitterness pushes back much further and strongly than what we think initially, and Absinthe is really very bitter; it repels (anyway) first and foremost trouble-makers, be they human or spirits. Also, Absinthe is "against all plagues".
There are a lot of Absinthe growing around here, I have a somewhat complicated relationship with its spirit (I find it a bit intrusive at times), but we know each other nonetheless.
Before updating my "protections", I do a "green" cleaning of the whole apartment with black soap and I fumigate frankincense resin all over the place. I don't think there needs to be much more complicated things than these, to welcome the spirits to come.
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While I was processing my hagging-out entry, I found myself tirelessly collecting a significant amount of Datura seeds. I place all of this year's seed crop in a small craft envelope on the small altar dedicated to Her.
It turns out that I dropped this envelope so many times on the ground, that I found myself in the place of this spirit that counts the seeds, it obviously made me smile at the time so I placed a small cup with Datura seeds on my threshold.
"The further away you go, the bigger your shadow becomes" 💜
I also wanted to "make way" for the Great Mother Spider and dedicate her a "chthonic" oil which would have the triple value of 1/ to pay her homage, 2/ to induct her as the sole Guardian of my home and 3/ to allow me - if necessary - to better connect with the world below (and Her in the first place.)
I took a long time to find an oil that seemed suitable to me (I hate working with oils, for many practical reasons and for ecological reasons, except on rare occasions in summer with sunflower oil because there are sunflowers in my region...)
I wanted an oil "cold" enough to satisfy the Great Mother. After seeking advice from a talented witch I know, we came to the conclusion that I would use walnut oil.
There are walnut trees EVERYWHERE around where I live. My region specializes in walnuts and I have never liked being under these trees. So cold. So dark.
Perfect !
So, on a Wednesday (I try to do everything that "transforms" on Wednesdays, as far as possible) at the hours of Saturn /Jupiter and Mercury respectively, I put to heat in my cauldron:
- Walnut oil
- Branches / leaves / fruits of Belladonna.
- 2 spoons of home-made Datura elixir
- 2 spoons of home-made second-sight elixir.
- Soil from the cemetery here (picked up auspiciously, in front of several poisoned spirits.)
- Root and petals of Aconite.
- Thorns of Blackthorn (from the mountain where I wander all the time)
- High quality Myrrh (really the thing not ecological, it comes directly from this tree which grows in the desert of Oman, I can not help myself, I paid for it a very expensive price, that's my "choice".)
- A dead Spider found the same day. HOW TO FIGHT such a sign ?
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I heat this preparation 5 times in a row at specific times. I do not advise anyone to do the same without being very aware, because the preparation is deeply toxic and toxic fumes escape from it (also) when it heats up.
Obviously the preparation gradually becomes darker.
The real guest star of this cauldron is this wooden spoon which I use to mix absolutely everything that is spiritual. It was given to me by an old lady I was taking care of several years ago. This lady was very difficult and cantankerous, but despite that she annoyed me a lot, I was very attached to her.
The spoon caught fire several times but survived.
In Italy they say that when making a tomato sauce you MUST leave the spoon with which you mix IN the preparation which heats over low heat, that without it, the sauce will be not as good as expected and the difference of taste is striking.
This spoon is the real founding element of all my "preparations". It does and it undoes.
We must give back to the spoons what belongs to them!
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So I placed a few drops of this oil on my doorstep, and the Great Mother Spider radiate even more (if it's possible?) ; for the rest of the mixture, I kept it in a glass jar in the shade and will use it to do unsavory things.
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draconscious · 5 years ago
-What are some of your headcanons in regards to the Dragon Clan? Rituals, rank order, is there any specific faith that may be unique to just them...?-
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Okay, first of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending me this! I’ve been meaning to write on my interpretation of the Blackthorn Dragon Clan, and your ask gave me that needed push. Of course, the following Clan portrayal is just the interpretation that I’m choosing to use in Clair’s verses, and I’m always developing it. So...here we go (I had to put this under a cut)!
The exact date of the DC’s origin is unknown, but certain old texts (dated back hundreds of years ago) tell tales of mountain settlers who happened across a cavernous shelter while weathering a terrible storm. That shelter came to be known as the Dragon’s Den.
These settlers--the founding members of the DC--soon located an abundance of Dratini within the Den’s giant lake, and began training them. Meanwhile, brave DC explorers surveyed the mountainside and cavern tunnels, eventually coming across a frighteningly-large fang buried in some rubble. 
This Dragon Fang is one of the only surviving artifacts from those founding times and is held in highest regard by the current members of the DC--yet, after all these years, nobody can figure out the Pokemon associated with it. The DC, naturally, assumes it came from Dragonite.
Around five hundred years ago, when Blackthorn City was being established, the members of the DC claim to have seen a “Rainbow Dragon” soaring over the mountains, kicking off a period of needed prosperity for the rough-and-tumble town. Researchers think that this “Rainbow Dragon” might actually be Ho-oh, but the legend still remains an important part of DC faith and Blackthorn lore.
Every five years, on the day that the “Rainbow Dragon” first soared overhead, Blackthorn throws a huge festival in celebration and reverence. One selected member of the Dragon Clan--now usually Clair--performs the “Dragon Fang Ritual,” in which the Dragon Fang is carefully held up twice by the bearer--once to the sun and once to the moonlight, “burning away the evils of the previous years.”
If it is cloudy on the day of the festival--rendering the ritual useless--the DC believes that a bad fortune will befall Blackthorn for the next five years.
Currently, the Dragon Shrine--located at the heart of the Den--houses both the Dragon Fang and the first known illustration of the Rainbow Dragon, along with documentation detailing the known history of the DC clan. DC members often meditate here.
The DC hierarchy goes like this (from least important to most important): Recruit, Tamer, Elder, Master. Recruits are recently-chosen outsiders or strong Trainers who are inexperienced with dragon training. Tamers are experienced Dragon Trainers who have spent considerable time in the Den (Clair is here). Elders form a “council” of sorts in the DC--they are a small group of aged Tamers who (somewhat problematically) confer Elder status and appoint new Masters. Once you become an Elder, you cannot become Master. This is a recently self-imposed rule--after the passing of the last Master, the council began looking for more youthful candidates. 
The Master--the highest rank in the DC--serves a lifetime term and has absolute authority over every other member of the DC. Unlike the Elder rank, there is no age requirement for this position. When the last Master passed (shortly following the events of Crystal), the Elders used a series of tests to decide his successor. Any Tamer could attempt these tests.
The exhausting tests were as follows: Stamina (swim across the Dragon’s Den lake with all of its dangers),  Ancestry (take a test that covers nearly all of DC history), and Serenity (pluck a scale from the Den’s Gyarados using your own strength). Clair faltered on the Serenity challenge, and Lance was given the title of Master.
Lance’s Champion duties (which he valued more) constantly interfered with his Master responsibilities, so the Elders reluctantly gave Clair another chance to pass the tests and take his place--only to see her fail the Serenity trial once again.
Despite being raised under the DC for much of her life, Clair has recently begun to challenge many of the DC’s restrictive traditions. Here are a few issues that she is currently working through...
The DC only allows the Dratini line to be trained in the Den--a supposed nod to the ancestors. Clair has taken to raising non-native Dragons in the Den’s tunnel system--explore at your own risk.
The Elder council claims that strength alone is the determining factor for rank in the DC, yet Clair has noticed that the current council consists of men only. Historically, there has only been a handful of female Elders in the DC’s history, and there has never been a female Master. Clair (and recently, numerous other Tamers) have become more outspoken about this discrepancy, but--somewhat tellingly--the Elders remain silent.
Adding on to the previous point, the Dragon’s Den--while unique in its structure and training processes--still can’t escape classic Johtoan traditionalism (an emphasis on manners/modesty and a general resistance to change). 
Clair loves to do her research, but the DC often turns a blind eye to her findings regarding the Dragons of the outside world. Although she still participates in the Dragon Fang Ritual as its bearer, she is quickly becoming fed up with the Clan’s willful ignorance on a lot of its issues.
Due to her numerous brush-ups with the Den’s unspoken rules and supposed irreverence towards her “superiors,” Clair is known around the Den for having a “dragon’s temper.” She often wonders if her Dragon Master tests were fixed in some way by the Elders.
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danithebookaholic-blog · 7 years ago
NEW RELEASE! - His Hard Mountain Wood
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His Hard Mountain Wood (Blackthorn Mountain Men #5)
By Madison Faye
Publication Date: June 18, 2018 Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance
Outlaw, filthy biker, mechanic…single father. For the roughest alpha on the mountain, it’s his way or the hard way. For one lucky lady, it’s about to be both.
Rough. Wild. Savage. I was a lot of things before I left the outlaw life behind. Blackthorn Mountain was a fresh start. No drama, no distractions. Nothing but me, my bike shop, and my little girl.
Nothing else, that is, until she comes blowing through my door like a firestorm I never saw coming.
Beautiful, innocent, and more tempting than she even knows. She’s got curves that beg for my rough, dirty hands, and a sass that gets my engine roaring.
I know a hardened ex-biker like me should stay the f*ck away from a bratty little city girl like Addison Hale. She’s too good, too off-limits. Too much my new employee. But then, an outlaw like me never was good at playing by the rules. One look into those big blue eyes, and I know there’s nothing in this world that would keep me from her.  
But the shadows from my past aren’t staying there. Gunning for me is one thing, but when they threaten Addison and my little girl Kyrie, there’ll be no stopping the beast I’ve kept locked up inside.
Sweet little Addison Hale is about to learn that up my mountain, I claim what’s mine, I keep what’s mine, and I protect what’s mine.
My demons almost buried me once. When they come after what’s mine, they’re gonna wish they had.
Over-the-top and sinfully filthy. As with my all my books, this one is safe, with no cheating and a HEA guaranteed.
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Also Available in this standalone series:
Claiming His Mountain Bride (Book #1)
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His Captive Mountain Virgin (Book 2)
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Her Mountain Baby Daddies (Book #3) 
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His Big Mountain Axe (Book #4)
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Author Bio:
#1 bestselling contemporary romance author Madison Faye is the dirty alter ego of the very wholesome, very normal suburban housewife behind the stories. While she might be a wife, mom, and PTA organizer on the outside, there’s nothing but hot, steamy, and raunchy fantasies brewing right beneath the surface! Tired of keeping them hidden inside or only having them come out in the bedroom, they’re all here in the form of some wickedly hot stories. Single-minded alpha hero, sinfully taboo relationships, and wildly over-the-top scenarios. If you love it extra dirty, extra hot, and extra naughty, this is the place for you! (Just don’t tell the other PTA members you saw her here…) Join the mailing list for author updates, special prices, and TWO free starter-library books!
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From one bookaholic to another, I hope I’ve helped you find your next fix. —Dani
Have a book you’d like to suggest or one you’d like me to review? Please feel free to leave your comments down below.
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 6 years ago
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moohnshinescorner · 6 years ago
Title: Her Savage Mountain Daddy A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone Author: Madison Faye Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance Cover Design: Coverlüv Photo: Darren Birks Models: Darren Birks & Jessica Avaline Release Date: March 25, 2019 Blurb It’s my job to protect her, my pleasure to possess her. This little brat needs saving. What she’ll get is a…
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bhillson · 6 years ago
Her Savage Mountain Daddy by Madison Faye
Her Savage Mountain Daddy by Madison Faye
  Title: Her Savage Mountain Daddy A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone Author: Madison Faye Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance Release Date: March 25, 2019 Blurb It’s my job to protect her, my pleasure to possess her. This little brat needs saving. What she’ll get is a firm hand and a thick dose of discipline. What she’ll get is a daddy.There are three simple rules to the…
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wickedbabesblog · 6 years ago
Cover Reveal for Her Savage Mountain Daddy (A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone) by Madison Faye
Cover Reveal for Her Savage Mountain Daddy (A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone) by Madison Faye Release: March 25th GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43888197-her-savage-mountain-daddy
Title: Her Savage Mountain Daddy A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone Author: Madison Faye Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance Cover Design: Coverlüv Photo: Darren Birks Models: Darren Birks & Jessica Avaline Release Date: March 25, 2019 Blurb It’s my job to protect her, my pleasure to possess her. This little brat needs saving. What she’ll get is a firm hand and a thick dos…
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andicandy77 · 7 years ago
His Big Mountain Axe by Madison Faye
His Big Mountain Axe by Madison Faye
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  Title: His Big Mountain Axe Series: Blackthorn Mountain Men #4 Author: Madison Faye Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance Release Date: March 19, 2018 Blurb Beard? Check. Alpha as hell? Check. Huge, hard lumber? Very check. The biggest outlaw on the mountain has his sights on one woman, and he’s carrying a very big axe… Beast. Monster. Outlaw. I’ve been called a lot of things, but let me…
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parttimeavenger · 5 years ago
Review of His Captive Mountain Virgin (Blackthorn Mountain Men #2) by Madison Faye
Review of His Captive Mountain Virgin (Blackthorn Mountain Men #2) by Madison Faye
His Captive Mountain Virgin (Blackthorn Mountain Men #2) by Madison Faye
Review: This was another of the mountain books that sounded intriguing to me, and after reading the sample I jumped in. The drama was once again very fast and had no real impact on the story or characters of the book/or series. There was also not much to both characters either, not much more to them other then whats on the…
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everywordyouread · 6 years ago
NEW RELEASE BLITZ • Her Savage Mountain Daddy: A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series • by Madison Faye
NEW RELEASE BLITZ • Her Savage Mountain Daddy: A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series • by Madison Faye
RELEASE BLITZ Title: Her Savage Mountain Daddy A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone Author: Madison Faye Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance Release Date: March 25, 2019
It’s my job to protect her, my pleasure to possess her. This little brat needs saving. What she’ll get is a firm hand and a thick dose of discipline. What she’ll get is a daddy.
There are three simple rules to…
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booklovingpixies · 6 years ago
RELEASE BLITZ - Her Savage Mountain Daddy (A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone) by Madison Faye
RELEASE BLITZ – Her Savage Mountain Daddy (A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone) by Madison Faye
Title: Her Savage Mountain Daddy A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone Author: Madison Faye Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance Release Date: March 25, 2019 Blurb It’s my job to protect her, my pleasure to possess her. This little brat needs saving. What she’ll get is a firm hand and a thick dose of discipline. What she’ll get is a daddy.There are three simple rules to the job:…
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loveme-sweet-dirty · 6 years ago
Her Savage Mountain Daddy by Madison Faye
Her Savage Mountain Daddy by Madison Faye
#ComingSoon #CoverReveal #MadisonFaye #SeriesStandalone #AddtoTBR Title: Her Savage Mountain Daddy A Blackthorn Mountain Men Series Standalone Author: Madison Faye Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance Cover Design: Coverlüv Photo: Darren Birks Models: Darren Birks & Jessica Avaline Release Date: March 25, 2019 Blurb It’s my job to protect her, my pleasure to possess her. This…
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ovalleba · 6 years ago
Unwrapping His Mountain Package ~ Madison Faye
Unwrapping His Mountain Package ~ Madison Faye
  Title: Unwrapping His Mountain Package Series: Blackthorn Mountain Men #7 Author: Madison Faye Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance Release Date: December 17, 2018
  Blurb Big truck, hard abs, filthy mouth, and dominant af. The hardest new alpha on the mountain’s got a very huge package. And this Christmas, it’s all for one lucky lady…Outlaw. Soldier. Villain. Hero. Smuggler…
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 6 years ago
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