#Blacktail doe
photozoi · 1 year
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One of the Neighbours stopping in for a salad
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thequantumranger · 4 months
MT Toys Ashley Review Thingy
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Today, I'm trying something new from posting gifs. I will be reviewing the latest addition to my 1/6 scale collection: Ashley by Master Team. This figure is based on her RE4 remake counterpart.
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Here is Ashley, in all her glory! She comes with 3 accessories; a pistol, a can of first aid spray and a flashlight. Also included are a number of interchangeable hands.
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The firearm is generic and doesn't have any moveable parts. You're likely wondering why Ashley (who doesn't engage in combat) comes with a pistol, right? What I've concluded is this is meant to be the gun she aims at Leon while under the control of Las Plagas. The problem is that during said cutscene she's holding the SG-09R, when this is the Blacktail.
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The head sculpt is pretty nice. While it isn't phenomenal, the resemblance to Ella Freya is there. The head does in fact look better in real life than it appears in photos. Regardless, the paint application could have been improved upon. My suggestion would have been to add more makeup around the eyes, add gloss to her lips and thicken her inner eyebrows.
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What makes this head unique is its rolling eyes feature. You can open up the head and adjust the direction of the eyes to change Ashley's expression. I used a toothpick to move the sticks with ease.
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Onto the body, you can (of course) remove Ashley's blazer, but I wouldn't recommend it. Her body is a variant of Pop Toys Xing. There are visible seems and joints. The articulation is limited.
Her hands and arms are separate complexions. It might be hard to distinguish based on photos, but the differences are glaring in real life. Just another reason to keep her coat on.
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Two things which are missing are the necklace and bracelets Ashley wears without her blazer later in the game. Both accessories are included in the pricey SW Toys version, while only the necklace comes in Super Duck's more affordable version. (Note: Super Duck's version of the necklace is also the wrong color.)
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To finish this review off, here are photos showcasing select details.
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The clothes overall have satisfactory workmanship. However, the material of the boots are a concern. They arrived looking raggedy. It doesn't seem as if they'll have a lasting shelf life, even if left untouched behind a Detolf display.
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I appreciate the details on the brooch and scarf. At first glance, the blazer looks perfect, but there are parts (its interior and under the collar) with white fabric which can give off the impression of an unfinished Home Economics project. Apart from the boots, the materials used for the clothes are of acceptable quality. The outfit is generally accurate to Ashley's earlier appearance in the game.
I paid about $146+ for Ashley on Giantoy. Despite its flaws, I'm happy with this new addition to my ever growing Resident Evil collection. I also pre-ordered Master Team's Leon to accompany this Ashley figure, along with Super Duck's Ada. I'm real excited to get my hands on those in the near future.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading this. 💚 I hope to show off more of my collection soon.
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hello! i have a couple questions :] first, what does rear fanged venomous mean and how is that different from being normal venomous? secondly, what are the smartest pet snakes? i know you mentioned king cobras n other venomous snakes are pretty intelligent but obviously they're off limits for being pets.
Hello hello!
Rear-fanged is a dentition type that we see in venomous colubrids (the "generic snake" family, think snakes like hognoses, kingsnakes, and ratsnakes). Most colubrids aren't venomous, and those who are rear-fanged venomous typically have venom that isn't medically significant to humans, so lots of rear-fanged venomous snakes actually make fine pets. That's not every rear-fanged venomous snake, though - there are exceptions, like boomslangs and keelbacks, who have venom that is very medically significant to humans.
They're called rear-fanged because their fangs aren't at the front of their mouth, like elapids and vipers, but closer to the back. They also don't have venom ducts like other venomous snakes, so they kinda drool venom and then have to chew it into their prey. It is not an efficient system.
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The smartest snakes that make good pets, in my opinion, are cribos (genus Drymarchon). They're capable of complex training that a lot of other snakes just won't be able to grasp. I used to have a blacktail who was awesome, he could learn complex cues and I taught him to go through a maze I built that required him to move doors with his nose and stuff. Cribos are hard to find, and they're best suited for experienced keepers, but they're easily the smartest non-venomous snakes I've worked with!
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On the more achievable side of things, kingsnakes tend to be pretty smart. They're just so food-motivated they can seem a bit more ditzy than they actually are. My Mexican black kingsnake, Ed, is probably the smartest snake I keep as a pet. He easily learned to get into his travel bin on cue, loves simple food puzzles, and he even knows a cue to get him to curl up on someone else's forearm (he's an ambassador snake in training, so that'll be useful for programs). Kingsnakes in general are smart enough that they thrive with extra enrichment and simple puzzles, and they should definitely get chances to use their brains!
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666prophet · 5 months
Fallout S1:E3 - The Head
I think this one was solid. Moved the plot along some, but mainly a character development episode. This again I feel is geared to not fans of the games (no offense). It does a good job of showing you how things are and why certain characters react the way they do. Also a good juxtaposition of the differences between the Wasteland and Vaults. Did raise a lot of nit picky things though.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spoilers and Deep Dive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ok so The Ghoul was an actor before the bombs, got it cool I can dig it. What is interesting to see is if the go further into how he became so cold. Granted yes being alive for 200 years and becoming and irradiated time bomb will do that to you. I'm interested to see what chem he keeps using, it doesn't look like anything that has been in any game yet. Also just as a thought, maybe wrap up the severed head. Walking around with a head is just gonna make you seem like a Fiend or a Raider. Just food for thought. Its amazing the upgrades that Vault dwellers made to the Pip-Boy seeing as neither the 3000 or Mark IV had any kind of tracker feature.
Sir....in your boot....that would be the most uncomfortable way to carry around caps ever. Its pretty lucky this random person is skilled and knowledgeable enough to fix a component off a suit of power armor. Ok, at this point its safe to say that Maximus can't fight for shit. He also seems to have an odd obsession with toilet seats. They sent over a new squire amazingly quick, but also how are you surprised he is there? You just talked on the radio and they said they would send a new Squire. Oh its the asshole bully, how convenient. So how far are we gonna take the bully my bully trope.
Its funny that they have a prominent Sunset Sarsaparilla logo on the truck. Considering that Todd Howard has had this weird relationship with Fallout: New Vegas. He doesn't dislike it or speak badly about it, just more tries to avoid talking about it. I would say New Vegas is probably my number one in the series. It feels like a good successor to Fallouts 1 and 2, seeing as Fallout 3, 4, & 76 ditched the west in favor of the east. If any of the older games deserve a redo/remaster it's New Vegas. I see Lucy took my advice. So wait the first sign(not actually the first but still) of wildlife we see in an UNMUTATED FAWN?!?!?! Where is the mother? Did deer on the West Coast just not suffer from mutations due to the fallout? Also weird choice to have a Fallow fawn and not go with something a but more common and widespread in California like Blacktail or Mule. Alright a gulper, I mean you could have also gone with a mirelurk or lakelurk but sure I'll take it.
I think this gives a good incite into how some Vault dwellers are. They are very we are better and nicer. Very naive and very cheery, which gives a good contrast to Norm. The fact that they keep hammering the ghoul hate feels like ham fisted foreshadowing.
Leaches were never in the games. Its interesting to see The Ghoul panic when the winch locks up. Almost like he cares about Lucy for some reason, or he isn't as sadistic as we are lead to believe. Ummmm why does that gulper look like an axolotl? Yes they are also salamanders but not a common species in the US. Ok...gross....it has mouth fingers. I feel like there is some shenanigans going on with this gulper. The white lab coat kind of shenanigans. So either The Ghoul is SUPER addicted to chems or there is something special about these vials. Also that line about getting sidetracked might as well be the new tagline for all the games.
Well here is the "he was just misunderstood, not a bully" trope. More showing the difference between Vault 33 vs Norm as character. I like it. Also showing the cracks with the Overseer comment. The classic waterchip is broken mechanic, a Fallout staple.
Oh were being spoiled in this episode, a whole five seconds of a what looks like a bloatfly. So wouldn't the geiger counter just spike because of the fact that most all water is irradiated? It dies by puking its guts out? That's it? That's underwhelming. Oh look the head, that's plot armor if I've ever seen it.
So is The Ghoul trying to do a tough love mentor thing? I'm confused. Ok so he sold out because of his wife and she is tied to Vault-Tec somehow. Its interesting to see that she seems to know what kind of company Vault-Tec is.
Its good. Lots of little things but we can chalk it up to me being fussy about detail. Shows more behind the curtain on the characters. We are starting to see more of the world, but I feel like I'm being breadcrumbed on that front. Hope we can start to more widen the scope because part of the story of Fallout is the world. Not just the "main quest".
Final Score - 8/10
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Hello beloved mutual <3
Your warrior cat content intrigues me, can you explain how the naming conventions work? I’ve heard there are specific rules but can’t figure them out by myself. Thank you! :3
First rule of warrior cat names, is do whatever the fuck you want because in the end these are silly fictional kitties! Some people are really strict with how they interpret the "canon rules," but really if you wanna name your cat Raccoonmask but the cats don't technically live where raccoons live, do it anyway. There are cats named Tigerclaw and Leopardfur in canon, go ahead and use that prefix.
Now for some of the basic naming things the series does. Usually the parents of any kittens will give them their prefix, which can essentially be anything, and their suffix until they're an apprentice will be "kit."
When they become 6 moons (months) old they become an apprentice with the suffix "paw" to either train to be a warrior or medicine cat. Warriors and med cats don't have any differences in their names really, except it's more common to find suffixes like "claw" and "fang" with warriors since they're the fighters. That and the leader will name warriors and a med cat's mentor will name them.
Some apprenticeships last longer than others but they normally take about another 6 moons, which once completed they'll earn their full name. Much like with the prefix, now almost anything is on the table for the suffix. Body parts are pretty common, (stuff like "tail," "heart," "pelt," "eye," and "nose") but it can really be anything besides the rank specific suffixes. Of which there's only one other one besides kits and apprentices, the leaders. When leaders receive their nine lives from StarClan (cat heaven, don't question it) they're given the suffix "star."
So besides all of those things (which people still sometimes change in fun ways) a warrior can have any two words to make a name. But as I first mentioned, some people are really strict about naming. Two common "rules" that canon itself broke are "cats can't share a name with a clan" (Shadowsight from ShadowClan and Runningwind who isn't in WindClan funnily enough both break this) and "moon is off limits" (broken by Ambermoon, also, the cats don't see the moon in a religious way like stars so it really makes no sense.)
In the end, just kinda do whatever you want for names, if you wanna stuff enough symbolism in a name to write an essay about it, do it! If you wanna name a background guy who does nothing Blacktail cause he has a black tail, do it!
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trainerjames-reads · 7 months
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Ice Crypt (Mermaids of Eriana Kwai #2) by @tianawarner (my book review)
Note: This review is from my Goodreads account back when I originally read the book in 2016 and I still stand by it.
Have you ever read a book or watched a movie or played a video game and thought to yourself, 'I could stay in this world forever?' Upon finishing Ice Massacre by Tiana Warner, that is exactly how I felt with the world she had created. The story was gripping, the characters felt real, and despite being a male and probably one to be lured to my death by the mermaids, I wanted to be on that ship with those girls battling those sea demons for Eriana Kwai! Ice Crypt takes all the pros from Ice Massacre and tells an even more amazing story, this time with not only Meela’s point-of-view, but with Lysi’s as well.
Ice Crypt is a return to Tiana Warner’s wonderfully crafted world. It’s been two weeks since the Massacre from the first book and Meela has been ordered by King Adaro, the king of the merpeople, to find the Host of Eriana and in return he will give her Lysi. Unfortunately, Meela doesn’t know where or what this host even is. With the help of a few of her friends, Meela becomes wrapped up in a detective story wherein she must uncover clues as to the location of the Host of Eriana. It’s thrilling and gripping and with each passing chapter you find yourself wanting to know more about Meela, her people, her island, and all of the history that comes with it.
Along with Meela’s story, now we get a look into Lysi’s life and what it’s like to be a mermaid. For as excited as I was to return to this world--to return to Meela--Lysi’s point-of-view and her story was what intrigued me most. Lysi’s story starts where it ended in Ice Massacre. King Adaro has her locked away as per his agreement with Meela to find the Host of Eriana. However, Lysi is feisty, fierce, and determined and no one is going to hold her from getting back to Meela, or so she thinks. Being the king of the merpeople, King Adaro has many loyal subjects all throughout the Pacific, but when Lysi is taken to the South Pacific army, she runs into an old friend, Spio, and discovers a treacherous plot that if gone wrong could get her killed.
Reading Lysi’s chapters and seeing Warner’s exquisite attention to detail and the care she put into making her mermaid come to life had me thinking more than just once that perhaps if mermaids truly are real, then maybe Tiana Warner is in fact one of them. Everything about Lysi made sense to me: the way she moved in the water, the way she interacted with other merpeople and other sea creatures, her struggles and her emotions, it just all felt natural which is a testament to Warner’s incredible expertise at writing.
The supporting characters are also a treat! It's nice to have Annith back along with Blacktail and Tanuu and while I wasn't expecting to like Tanuu all that much, he grew on me. Some new supporting characters include Spio, Coho, Nobeard, Pontus, and Junior--all friends of Lysi. They add more humor to the story which I'll be getting to momentarily, but more importantly they all feel real. The camaraderie between Meela, Annith, Blacktail, and Tanuu and Lysi, Spio, Coho, Nobeard, Pontus, and Junior is a real treat and adds more scope to the overall story.
Something Warner adds to Ice Crypt that I felt I missed from Ice Massacre is the humor. This story isn’t a comedy by any means, but when you have a story as dark and as atmospheric as Ice Massacre it’s nice to balance it with a bit of humor every once in a while and Ice Crypt does just that! There are several lines all throughout the book that had me laughing at just right times, especially a little scene involving Tanuu, Meela, and getting Meela out of her pants. Warner knows how to use her characters to tap into your emotions and she knows when to make you smile, laugh, when to feel upset, when to feel anger, and she does it spectacularly.
Ice Crypt will reel you in from the start of chapter one and have you enjoying every moment until the end. Warner does a beautiful job of continuing her story with the characters you loved from the first book while also adding in new characters to have you fall in love with as well. With action, adventure, romance, some humor, and a few twists along the way, Ice Crypt has me excited and looking forward to the third book in the Mermaids of Eriana Kwai series.
The strongest of recommends!
Para la reina!
-My rating: 5/5 stars
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dragonmuse · 2 years
I don't know if you're taking Halloween prompts, but I just had a thought about a shifter verse. I don't know how the shifter bit would work, but I do know that Izzy is a cat and Lucius is a dog, but he hates it and tries his best to project an image of a cat shifter. Izzy probably calls him 'pup' before he knows he's a dog and it leaved Lucius pouting for a week.
oh! so a while back I was actually picking away at a shapeshifter AU that does not include Lucius as a dog, sorry to say, but that I have stalled out on. Sooooo....if you don't mind me posting some WIP, it does seem appropriate this week to show you all what little I did managed. Maybe I should just make it a bulleted list or something since I did have it mostly plotted out. Anyway! onto the beginning that has no middle or end:
He’d always suspected that he would die under the moon’s cold face. It seemed only fitting. Though he had hoped it would be against some great rival or for a good reason at least. Instead, it was the wrong place, wrong time and the odds against them right from the beginning.
It was one of the state-run packs that got them. They’d been out hunting, moving along familiar routes and they had come hurtling out of nowhere. Even Blacktail hadn’t smelled them coming, so they must’ve used something clever to cover their approach. The collision had been fast and ugly. Izzy wasn’t the only one laying in pine needles and dirt, but none of the others were still breathing. 
Blacktail must’ve assumed he was dead and ran off with the rest of the survivors. They’d come back in the morning to collect the bodies and Izzy would finally get his burial in the cool earth by the river. 
Something stirred in the underbrush. Izzy mustered a growl, both a warning and, he could admit, a hopeful plea. Maybe someone had come back, so he wouldn’t meet the end alone. 
What bounded out into the open wasn’t even a wolf though it wasn’t far off. Their legs were long and coltish, the face thinner and sharper. Fur was mottled a sandy beige to a rich black and their ears were almost comically tall and pointy.   They trotted over to Izzy’s side, stopping just short of his paws. 
They gave an inquiring bark.  Nothing about their presence was threatening, but Izzy tried to get to his feet anyway. Damned if he was going to get this throat ripped out because he was too tired to get up. 
The next bark was slightly alarmed, and they darted forward. Izzy growled louder, but they weren’t deterred, just got up underneath and pushed. They lacked a wolf’s strength and weight, but it got him to his feet.  Upright, a wave of pain came over him anew, but his breath came easier. Maybe he would live.
They whined a little, nudging him forward, then darted back to the bushes. He stared at them, bemused. An annoyed huff and they darted forward again, bonking his shoulder with their nose then darting forward. A very clear ‘follow me’. 
He could stay here. Or now that he was up, try to make the journey back to their den. It was only a few miles off, he might make it. The car was closer, but wouldn’t do him much good in this state. 
Reluctantly, he followed his new acquaintance. They kept barking and yapping at him, like a cheerleading squad, not deterred by the way he snapped his jaw at them every time they came too close. 
Their den was closer than he’d imagined it could be. This was still Blacktail’s territory and no one had come to negotiate a land deal in an age. Izzy used to enjoy those fights, the way they drove off rivals as easy as breathing. 
Technically, all of this was state owned land and the state pack owned all of it, but there were too few of them and too many of the wild packs. Or there had been once. 
The law didn’t matter much in the woods until it did. 
Izzy’s back right paw was ripped to shreds. His side was torn open and he could feel a steady drip of blood matting into his fur.  The state packs had numbers, if not skill. They were allowed to live as they liked here.  Everyone was meant to be in a state pack, but they lied about how free and easy it was. Nothing was free. Nothing was easy. Izzy had always preferred to take his chances with the wild ones, then throw in with the rigid rules that drained you dry of hope and cash.
Even now as he followed a stranger into the mouth of a cave, fully aware that he might drawing his last dozen breaths, he didn’t regret a thing. Whatever else they were, his new acquaintance wasn’t with the state. No marking, no tag and no collar. As it fucking well should be. 
A light turned on when they entered the cave, startling him. The place was enormous, a far more generous pocket than the one Blacktail had secured ages ago. Someone had put in all sorts of two-legged amenities. A generator hummed from the depths, powering an entire kitchen, a system of lights and a series of fans. There were mattresses laid out on the floor. 
The stranger prodded Izzy towards on with a sharp application of his nose. Izzy snapped at him again and they managed to convey such clear disdain that he went without any further efforts.  Usually they slept in straw if they were going to sleep at all during a shift. It was strange to lay down on a very comfortable mattress, the scent of detergent curling into his nose. 
At least he was ruining someone’s overpriced and useless bedding. What an excess of nonsense. 
Once the beige menace decided he was settled enough, they put their front paws on the mattress. 
Izzy growled a warning. Another look of disdain and then they curled up beside him anyway with a huff. The extra warmth did feel good and Izzy was so fucking tired. Maybe he would die right here and at least inconvenience the little fucker. Would serve him right. 
He blacked out for awhile. Noise roused him and he could feel the upcoming dawn in his bones. The annoying one was on their feet and circling around the cave entrance, barking and yipping at something outside.  
A bear emerged from the darkness, lumbering inside. Clambering around his feet was a squirrel with a very tiny knapsack on its back. The squirrel chittered at Izzy’s acquaintance, while the bear lumbered on towards one of the mattresses with a grateful sigh. 
What the absolute fuck? 
It only got more mad. A giant stag came in next, and seated in the mantle of his horns was a very content looking weasel thing. Both of them stopped to accept whatever scolding they were getting from the coyote, then moved on themselves. The weasel thing spotted Izzy and ran down to inspect him closer, scurrying across the floor.  They stopped just short of his muzzle. 
He growled at them. Their whiskers twitched, unimpressed. Their nose danced and then they sneezed at him and ran off.   
An owl flew in, sailing overhead with a screech, an insect skittered in with too much purpose to be an accident and a chipmunk bounced after it, apparently playing tag. At last there was another wolf, white as the arctic and probably about as able to camouflage in the woods as a neon sign. 
Izzy’s would-be rescuer and the wolf gave each other a very long look before the wolf trotted over to inspect Izzy. He didn’t even have the good grace to pretend to be afraid or offer some kind of deference. Just stuck his nose in the air around him, prodded him once until Izzy was prepared to rip his throat out. 
“What do you think, boss?”  One of them had shifted, at least a half-hour before dawn. Impressive. He was a lanky man, with a cloud of dark hair, a styled-beard and a rakish grin. He squatted down beside the wolf. “I can saw him back up as easy as I can toss him outside.” 
The wolf huffed and shouldered into the man.  A powerful man. Shifting at will when the moon was still up wasn’t just Born stuff, it was powerful, high-ranking mage bullshit.  
“Looks like you live, my man. I’m Roach and I’ll be your surgeon today.”  He rubbed his hands together in a way that was not reassuring. “Can you control the shift?” 
Izzy gave him a blank look. 
“Oh, right, uh we do a bark once for yes, twice for no system.” 
Izzy reluctantly barked twice. Very quietly. 
“Puts us on a time limit then. You shift with that kind of gut wound and it’s a bad morning for everyone.” He mimed an explosion, presumably of Izzy’s guts. “Let me get my kit.” 
Izzy watched him go. And in horror, realized he wasn’t the only one back to two-feet. The place where the bear had been was now host to a large man, who instead of playing companion to a squirrel, was talking with another slim person, who’s modesty was being protected by a guitar. The music strummed through the cave, along with laughter. He couldn’t pinpoint which animal belonged to which person, but only the owl, the other wolf, and his would-be rescuer were still in their animal forms.  
The rescuer was still at the door, shifting uneasily. Looking for something? For someone? 
“Here we go.” Roach re-appeared with a massive box. Out of the box, came a coil of thread. It caught the light. Metallic. 
Izzy backed away as best he could, a warning growl rising in his throat. Roach startled then frowned, trying to figure out what he’d done. Then laughed. 
“Oh no, man, I don’t keep silver in here. What would be the point? See, look,” he gripped the spool hard in his hand. “No reaction. It’s steel. I figured out if you sew it with steel, it won’t break when you shift. Cool right?” 
Right. Obviously Roach wouldn't be able to handle silver any more than Izzy. Apparently blood loss was making him delirious. He reluctantly settled back down. There was a spray of some kind that did make everything hurt a little less. The needle felt like nothing as it wove in and out of his fur. At first, he monitored the situation carefully, but he was simply too weak to even stay fully awake. 
“Can’t do anything about your foot before you shift, but I can get a better look at it after anyway. Bones might re-align if you’re lucky. Got you sewn up all the way though. All the insides should stay where they belong.” 
That was when dawn hit like a cement mixer from hell. Izzy let it ride him. The pain, the noise, the sure feeling no matter how many times he had done this that this would be the last. He would be unmade.  
It left him, sweating, panting and exhausted on a bloody mattress. 
“Fuck me running,” Roach said under his breath. “What the hell kind of shift is that? You’ve got to be Bitten.” 
“No shit,” Izzy spat. He wanted to get up, but he knew he’d just throw up if he tried. 
“But like...Bitten when? How long ago?” 
Izzy hesitated, but the man had seen his organs, no point in being coy now. “Forty years.” 
“You must’ve been a kid. That’s some illegal shit.” 
“Wasn’t then.” He’d been six. The Shifter Control Unit was in its infancy. The regulations wouldn’t pass for another two years. 
“Shift like that, not sure how you’re still alive.” 
Izzy just shrugged. He was alive because he refused to die. Bitten kids didn’t last long. They certainly didn’t tough through forty years of intensely painful changes. But Izzy had always been a spiteful son of a bitch and he wasn’t going down just because lots of other people did.   
His would-be rescuer barked. He hadn’t shifted with the dawn which was fucking ludicrous too. What was going on here?  What kind of magic did they know?
Ambling into the cave was a beaver, apparently happy to be scolded roundly by Izzy's would-be rescuer. Apparently barks weren’t cutting it because they transformed at last to a tall, leggy brunette with lovely pale skin and a sarcastic cutting voice, 
“You’re late. I was worried.” 
The beaver shifted too, a slightly smaller, balder, grinning man touched the concerned man's arm. 
“Sorry. Got distracted. You know how it is this time of year.” 
“Yeah, all right,” he leaned for a kiss and Izzy’s eyes darted away of their own volition. 
“Are you a pack?” he asked Roach who was poking at Izzy’s foot. 
“Yeah, what else would we be? Roommates?” Roach huffed a laugh. “You’ll have some bruising, but looks like this healed in a piece. How are the stitches?” 
Reluctantly, Izzy touched the neat gleaming row of metal that went from his hip to his collarbone. 
“It’s holding.” 
“Good,” Roach eyed him up. “We’ll be here for hours. Like to have a post-shift party, you know?” 
“Fine.” He pushed up onto his elbows. 
“You should stay is what I mean,” Roach watched him warily.  
“I won’t be staying. Who’s your...” Did a pack like this have an alpha? Who had ever seen such a mess of shifters, Born and Bitten all mixed up like this? And so many that could control their forms. “Leader?” 
“Oh, hm. Stede, I guess.” 
“You guess?” 
“We’re more of a democracy. But Stede keeps the lights on.”  
“Fine,” he decided. He couldn’t be bothered with all this. He had work to do. “Point me at Stede.” 
“So you can gnaw his ankles off? You can’t-”  Izzy interrupted him by rolling up onto his feet. It was unstable for a second, but he found his center point. “Okay, you can, but I cannot tell you how much you shouldn’t.” 
“Which one?” He asked. Roach reluctantly pointed at a blond man, who had already gotten dressed somehow. He had on a bowtie. 
“Thanks,” Izzy said curtly, then crossed the cave in careful, even steps. 
“Ah, you’re our interloper,” Stede said as he approached. His tone was merry. “Would you like some breakfast?” 
“Are you the leader of this lot?” Izzy asked. Demanded. Whatever diplomacy he could usually summon 
“Probably!” Stede beamed at him.  
“Probably,” Izzy repeated flatly. 
“Yes?” Stede attempted. His smell was a little off, but there was no doubt this was the white wolf. What an embarrassment to them all.  
“You’re on my alpha’s territory.” 
“Surely not. This is state-owned land,” his bright face collapsed into a frown. “The rest of us are just....mmm. Visiting, I suppose.” 
“That’s not how my boss will see it. We’ll be after you.” 
“Then tell your boss they can eat shit,” Stede bit off. “We’ve been here for months without issue. This is our territory as much as it’s anyone else.” 
Izzy stared at him, Stede turned his attention to the kitchen. “Roach! Are we doing breakfast or not?” 
“Depends if you want your french toast to have a dash of rude guy blood in it or not.” Roach yelled from the back. “Gotta wash my hands.” 
Fuck them all. Izzy had issued his warning. This shambling carnival would be wiped off the face of the earth as soon as he told Blacktail about them. For now, Izzy was going to go home and sleep. Maybe he’d even be fit for work tomorrow like he’d promised. 
No one stopped him from leaving. His foot wasn’t quite right, the limp slowing him down, but he managed. He’d almost reached the trees when someone called out after him. 
“Hey! Do you want to die or something?” 
Izzy wasn’t much surprised to find his would-be rescuer,  trekking after him. For a shifter, he wasn’t particularly comfortable walking bare foot apparently, picking his way around rocks and sticks. 
“Thank you,” Izzy said gruffly. He could be polite. Sometimes.  “I’ve got to go.” 
“Yeah, I heard you’re alerting the presses that we’re pissing on your patch.” They were level now, just a few feet away from him. “We’re not bothering anyone. No wolf-y rivalry here.” 
“What are you?” He asked, unable to help himself. 
“I mean I’d usually ask who, what seems a little nasty,” the man laughed. “But I’m a coyote, I think that’s what you’re getting at. My name is Lucius.” 
“Huh.” Izzy turned and started walking again. 
“This is where you tell me your name, by the way.” 
“No.” He ducked under a tree branch. His side screamed murder at him. 
“Why not?” Lucius was trailing him, crunching too loudly in the growth. 
“Why should I? You’ll be dead soon enough.” 
“Wow. Grim. Who’s gonna kill me?”
Izzy just shook his head. If he shifted, he might pop his stitches, but he’d get to his car much faster. Would he be able to shake a coyote? Were they fast? 
“Oh no, hey, Roach said you were in really bad shape, I don’t think- oh and there you go.” 
He took the risk and shifted. Willed shifts were a little easier. And fuck, Izzy just preferred being a wolf. It was so much easier, even when everything hurt and the sun was a furious sting in his eyes. He took off, weaving through the underbrush. No coyote followed after him. 
The shift back to human when he reached the car was a doozy though. He probably shouldn’t have done either, but there was no going back now. Dragging his aching body behind the wheel, he took a few long minutes to recover before pulling the lock box down and punching in the code. The key fell into his hand, then the bundle of clothes. 
Getting dressed was a trial and the cloth itched at his skin, but the engine purred to life.  None of the other pack cars were still here. No one had lingered after last night’s massacre which didn’t surprise him. 
His phone came out of the box. He turned it on and punched in the first contact. 
It rang. And rang. Blacktail was already asleep or hadn’t bothered turning the phone back on. Figured. 
You’ve reached Teach! You know what to do. BEEEEP  
“It’s me,” Izzy said sharply. “Made it out. Found someone on our patch. Call me when you wake up.” 
That could be in ten minutes or tomorrow. For now, Izzy slid on sunglasses and drove back to his place. The apartment block was, by silent understanding, shifter-only. The day after a full moon it was a ghost town, something he always appreciated, but never more than today. There was no one to see him drag himself up the front steps and nearly collapse in the elevator. Something in his foot snapped as his frankly pathetic healing ability tried to fix whatever was wrong there. It sliced through him, leaving him gasping and shaking. 
He practically fell through his front door, slamming the door behind him and throwing the lock. By force of will, he kept himself awake long enough to devour the meal he’d made before he left yesterday afternoon. He put his head under the faucet and drank greedily. 
The shower seemed impossible, but he wasn’t getting the muck stuck to his skin on his bed. He needed his bed to be clean. To be safe. 
He sat on the floor of the shower and let the water sluice over him. Tipping his face up, he wondered how the posh bizarre pack in the woods handled the day after. There would be french toast apparently, hot and fresh. A doctor or healer, whatever Roach was, to hand. How very nice and civilized for them. 
Still damp, he collapsed onto his nest of pillows, dragged his blanket over him and fell into a deep dreamless sleep. 
When he woke, it was nearly dark again and there was someone pounding on his door. There was only one person in the whole cursed world that would bother coming to find him at home. And it was usually because they were out of whatever it was they needed and were coming to steal it from him. 
He got to his feet, snagged on loose clothes, hissing when the brushed stitches and made his way to the front door. The knocking had stopped, but Izzy knew the quality of that silence. He threw open the door. 
Eddy strode in without a hello and went straight into his kitchen. Izzy shut the door and locked it. 
“I need meat or I’m gonna gnaw off my arm,” she informed him. 
“There’s steak.” 
“Awesome, let’s do that.” 
There was no actual ‘us’ in the process. Eddy threw herself down on Izzy’s couch and he started dinner. 
“What was the head count from last night?” he asked, the smell of melting butter stirring his own appetite back to life. “I saw Toby’s body.” 
“Didn’t take attendance,” Eddy snorted. “Tell me about the pack. The one in your voicemail.” 
Izzy had seen two bodies. There were probably more. He’d have to send some muscle to get them. A state identified corpse was one more chink in their armor. 
“Never seen anything like it. Shifters and weres mixed up together. Born, Bitten. Didn’t seem to matter.” 
“Fascinating,” Eddy tilted her head back over the couch arm. “And you spoke to their alpha?” 
“I don’t know if that’s what he is, but he’s the closest thing they have. He said he didn’t give a shit about it being your territory.” 
“Did he?” Eddy chuckled. 
“His exact words were ‘eat shit’.” 
“Oh, I want to meet him,” she decided. 
“What? Why? He’s an idiot. And his pack is...I don’t even know. A circus, maybe.” 
“Could you find your way back to their place?” 
“That’s what we’ll do then.” 
“We’ll get everyone together. Should take a headcount anyway.” 
“Nah,” Eddy waved that away. “Get one or two of the guys. You want to get the corpses anyway, right? Make a night of it.” 
What Izzy wanted to do was go back to bed, but he’d never let his fool body stop him from doing what Eddy required. 
They ate steak with the television on. Izzy phased in and out a little, but roused when Eddy asked, 
“How’d you get out of there anyway? Thought you were a goner.” 
“One of the pack is a healer,” he shrugged. “Stapled me up.” 
“Huh,” Eddy gnawed on a bit of gristle. “Could do with one of those. Let’s take him.” 
“He’s not a wolf.” 
“Think outside the box, Iz. A healer is a healer. Haven’t had one since Allie split.” 
Allie was buried by the river. Izzy had killed and buried her in the span of evening. A failed challenge that never reached its mark. 
“Yeah, all right.” 
Eddy drove them back to the woods. It wasn’t unusual for them to be there on nights either side of the full. Always something to do to prepare or fix or hide. Neither of them shifted, keeping on their boots as they moved through the trees. Sometimes it was just easier to have thumbs. 
The woods were quiet and Izzy had reason to hope that the den would be empty. A fight would be fine if they were going in with numbers, but even this menagerie would have a fair chance of beating just the two of them, especially with Izzy still limping and his side aching.  
“There,” he pointed to the cave entrance. Sound and voices trickled out of it. Someone was home. 
Eddy paused and for a brief moment, Izzy wondered if she’d reconsidered. There were more than a few voices. 
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memeomorph · 2 years
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Blacktail does seen in Corvallis, OR. Is the lighter one leucistic? Would the lighter colors be selected for in high traffic areas since they’re more visible to drivers?
I looked up their scientific name, it’s Odocoileus hemionus columbianus… I’ll keep calling them blacktail deer
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vulpeskorsak · 2 years
Day 6 of Whumptober 2022: Do not touch cursed ancient obelisks!
Day 6 of Whumptober 2022!
Ransom Video | “I’ve got a pulse” | Screams from Across the Hall Camp
Timeline-wise my current shorts go: Day 2 -> Day 5 ->Day 1 -> Day 4 -> Day 3 -> Day 6
Victor is my human fleshsmith inventor (KibblesTasty Homebrew class) from a long-running DnD adventure. Ludwig Richter is a former gravedigger turned archeologist who wields a rifle and a battle shovel named Charon that I play in a TTRPG.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42189867 (AO3 link)
Do not touch cursed ancient obelisks!
The dig is finished. They found what they wanted. A five-meters tall gray obelisk that has been broken at the base during the Great Blacktail Rebellion over a thousand years ago. The legend has it that queen Vasara also known as the Dark Star, that ruled the tabaxi lands at the time, has built 9 of such obelisks in hidden areas of her kingdom and tied her body and soul to them, so that she could be immortal as long as they stand.
It is not impossible, of course, for it to be the truth. Yet given the uniqueness of the method, it still needs more solid proof than a few legends.
And now they have it. Over the past year Ludwig’s archeological team has uncovered four such obelisks in addition to the two that have been known to the current tabaxi government and populace already. And with this last one they finally found strong traces of necromantic magic.
Unfortunately, they have also found actual death. Three junior team members tasked with collecting gear and trash from around the dig sight breeched the protocol and approached the base of the obelisk. Neither Ludwig, nor anyone else saw what happened, but he guesses they touched it or attempted to cast a spell on it for some completely idiotic reason.
Now Sarak and Drake are dead and Elma is in a coma. He was told that something akin to a curse or a spirit has entered their bodies from the obelisk.
Great. Just wonderful. He knew it was going too smoothly.
Ludwig sighs looking around the camp trying to get rid of at least some tension. He ordered to pack as much as they could, so they could still stay at the sight for a day or two to investigate further and then proceed with the schedule. They have also doubled up on warning signs and barriers around the pit. He did not expect that after becoming the head of his own archeological team he would still have to make wooden fences.
Thankfully, other people are actually doing their job now. His stern supervision is certainly helping with that. He hopes this at least serves as a good lesson for further jobs.
Victor has not come out of the medical tent since early morning. Ludwig poked his head inside it once to ask for a report and got shooed away instead. Not something he expected from the doctor, as he is usually a lot more friendly. Too friendly at times, perhaps. Yet he does not dare to interfere with his work. He trusts him to do his job right.
He is disappointed in Elma. She has joined the expedition two digs ago but has already proved to be resourceful and diligent. Ludwig had high hopes for her. Hopefully, whatever Victor has come up with works and she has a chance to explain herself.
He decides to check the fencing again just in case.
As he turns around, a shriek pierces the entire camp.
He bolts for the medical tent where it came from, throws the heavy tent flap out of the way and runs inside.
Victor is nowhere to be seen. Both dead bodies are tied together with a rope in a sitting position at the end of the room. One of them is struggling and snarling aggressively against the ropes and the other… is dead as it is supposed to be. Wide-eyed and shaking Elma is sitting on the surgery table breathing heavily and coughing.
“Victor!” Ludwig shouts in a panic.
Ludwig startles but thankfully nobody else went into the tent after him to see him jerk away.
Victor is crouching behind an empty cot he uses as his bed to the right of Ludwig, rummaging through his backpack.
“You don’t need to shout, my dear. I’m right here.” He says with the slyest of grins before getting up with a bottle of dark green medicine in hand.
“What the…” Ludwig sighs and collects himself. “What happened here? I can see that you have successfully brought Elma here back to consciousness but… what is up with the living corpse?”
“Ah. Nothing to worry about. Very low tier undead. It got awaken from the necromantic surge that happened as the spirit was leaving Elma’s body.”
“How did you manage to achieve that?”
“Ah. Just choked her out until she was practically dead. The spirit left and I brought her back.”
Ludwig looks at the girl again. She looks relatively okay, though her neck is indeed bruised. Certainly better than being comatose or dead.
“Huh. And you’re sure it is gone for good?”
“Yes. Don’t worry about it. I don’t sense it anymore.” The doctor pats him on the shoulder and walks to the awakened patient to administer the medicine.
“Elma? Are you alright?” Ludwig asks approaching the table.
“Y-yes.” She says quietly and gives the two of them a weak shy smile but does not seem to be in the condition for any more talking.
“We’ll talk later then.” Ludwig nods in approval and glances at the other man and then at the drooling undead. “Good job, Doctor. Do not forget to dispatch of that one though... And no, we can’t keep him.”
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badcountryofficial · 1 month
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variouscolors · 2 months
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Muse list + database (last update: Sep/14/2024)
Main muses • Low activity muses • Dropped muses
Daisuke [21yo • SG • Dec 1st • Pan • He/Him] • V-mon [he/him] → XV → Wingdra → UlforceV-dra ↳ Armor/Jogress
Lui [20yo • PS • Feb 29 (28 on non leap years) • Demi • He/Him] • Ukkomon [he/him] → BigUkko
Ken [21yo • SC • Oct 31 • Bi • He/Him] • Wormmon [he/him] → Sting → JewelBee → BanchoSting ↳ Armor/Jogress
Miyako [22yo • GM • May 30 • Bi • She/Her] • Hawkmon [he/him/they/them] → Aquila → Hippogriffo → Valdur ↳ Armor/Jogress
Iori [19yo • CP • Dec 28 • AroAce • He/Him] • Armadimon [he/him] → Ankylo → ??? → ??? ↳ Armor/Jogress
Takeru [21yo • CC • July 19 • Bi • He/Him] • Patamon [he/him] → Ange → HolyAnge → Seraphi ↳ Armor/Jogress
Hikari [21yo • LI • Sep 26 • AroAce • She/Her] • Tailmon [she/her] → Angewo → Holydra ↳ Armor/Jogress
Wallace [21yo • GM • Jun 8 • He/Him] • Terriermon [he/him] → Gargo → Rapid (perf) → SaintGargo ↳ Armor • Lopmon [he/him] → Turuie → Antyla (deva) → Cherubi (Virtue)
OG Taichi [24yo • AR • Mar 29 • Demi • He/Him] • Agumon [he/him] → Grey → MetalGrey → WarGrey ↳ Jogress
RB Taichi [11yo • SG • Dec 20 • AroAce • He/Him] • Agumon [he/him] → Grey → MetalGrey → WarGrey/BlitzGrey ↳ Jogress
Yamato [24yo • AQ • Jan 23 • Bi • He/Him] • Gabumon [he/him] → Garuru → WereGaruru → MetalGaruru ↳ Jogress
Sora [24yo • PS-AQ • Feb 21 • Bi • She/Her] • Piyomon [she/her] → Birdra → Garuda → Houou
Mimi [23yo • LE • July 29 • Bi • She/Her] • Palmon [she/her] → Toge → Lily → Rose
Jun [27yo • AR • April 17 • Bi • She/Her] • Pulsemon [she/her] → Runner → Tempo → LovelyAnge
[Advverse] Ryo [24yo • SG • Dec 20 • ?? • He/Him] • Monodramon [he/him] → Cyberdra (warp] ※ Able to turn enemy digimon into allies
Maki [27yo • CP • Jan 8 • AroAce • She/Her] • Bakumon [he/him] →  Monochro → Megadra → ???
Daigo [27yo • LI • Oct 18 • He/Him] • Bearmon [he/him] → Grizz → LoaderLeo → Baihu
[AU] Meiko [24yo • LI • Oct 30 • AroAce • She/Her] • Meicoomon [she/her] → Meicrack (Normal) → Rasiel ↳ Meicrack (Vicious) → Raguel → Ordine ※ does not evolve naturally like a digimon. But has mutations as some replacement of Digimon Evolution.
Menoa [24yo • CC • Jul 9 • She/Her] • Morphomon [she/her] → ??? ↳ Modified data to Eosmon line
[02 ep 36-37] Chef Digitamamon [he/him] ↳ line: Vee → V-dra → Digitama
Arukenimon [she/her]
[Drama CD] Natsu (Natchan) [she/her]
[OC] Blu Rhodo [he/him] ↳ line: Chibi → LordKnight (warp)
[OC] Noel Leblanc/Étoile [20yo • GM • Jun 15 • He/Him] ↳ Arsenemon line: Nyaro → Plot → BlackTail → Arsene
@projectmei [AU Meiko]
@himekawamaki [Maki; shitpost only]
@infinitycafeshop [Cafe Shop HC for Rui]
@crimsondigimonhunter [AU Tagiru]
Takuya [12yo • LE • Aug 7 • Bi • He/Him] ↳ Agni ↔ Vritra → Alda or KaiserGrey
Rina [ 21yo • CC • Jun 27 • Pan • She/Her] • V.V. (VeeVee) [he/him] → V-dra → AeroV-dra → UlforceV-dra
Hiro [14yo • TA • May 14 • ?? • He/Him] • Gammamon [he/him] → Betel → Canoweiss → Sirius ↳ Kaus/Wezen ↳ Gulus → Regulus • Espimon [he/him] → HoverEspi
[GG] Piemon [he/him] -- line: Imp → Wizard → Wise → Pie
[AU] Tagiru [13yo • AR • Mar 25 • ??? • He/Him] • Gumdramon [he/him] → Arrester → Arrester SM
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photozoi · 1 year
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At the end of a rainy, beautiful day one of the Neighbours stopped by for a supper salad. Perfect.
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libidomechanica · 3 months
“May he whose beauty”
A Meredith sonnet sequence
               First Part
And cause the other dress, and silent picture.   To strikes in darke and lost. The woman   is, protect thy head, whoever willy- nilly flowing an image in his auld auntie Katie upon by cynics like   Water wits still break her: O my flower!   But I willing in his real as a wave of your head, nor robbed in a trice from far as oak from the grange, wild, vain. May he whose   beauty. What two-handed the grieved at the   blade glance like a chuckle of water rushing on some we live forgot: let Rustum lay about it be stole, a songs grate on   the royal word was like the gotten good   to replie well could prize there whom? Is made thee such as that Life hast no dross the window.
               Second Part
Is woman: there like for your windows to   scared to her ribs, for not blame, ne strife: o   my lips drinking; to those gossamer embryos into her bosom move? A godly ocean bed, and on the Assemblement,   and heaped snow, such count of whose faire wont   to leaues with shame, decide itself into thy birth to repeat how mought with tinkling strong you and bowed bene with longer flower   torn from high for pittie, will climb, and crushed   again: how happy as a wave of your slave, therefore the breath, whose shrouded over the bent inroads diverged in thy streams, that   fly by night with a hinge. I did but swift   Hebrus to late i have too many Graces! Our blanket over all thing the tree.
               Third Part
And it out what parle: and yet I honour,   if possible song a little Crescent   moon! How many a bold erected to renew it. Suddenly face down like an old time of those who husband’s heart-string   against me prop my mistress of your goodnes   the best feeling grunters wrath with Eden didst see, as messengers of all that sing, as the neyghbour groue, while the much-lament   and, O ye dolphins, watched as if to   growled an answers quite but if he hirples than all be able touched upon Time I torture me alone in good man bespake.   Meaning in extremes, stood for fruict, nor confounds   great Bandogs will not forth: here are made him younge again: find the coffee grinder.
               Fourth Part
I gave met you. Thoughts were had not rank mist   the cruelly! I write thorn blows rained of this   huge bush, when my own beat the tilt of absence, stupidity, and moan the large: how oft he lets his Dominion Strong. Of thy   early or lazily fond, plight of   musical: sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Fancy return, with a Loaf of Bread bene fraught his wrathful too; winnings, never, mortal   Sovranty—think of nought me in passion, yea,   all my flitting my threate. Out in us, I am not that proceede. And corrosive care, the braw lass made the Belov’d to   thy silver branches yearning sun. He howls   with woe. So bury me by someone who gave sweet and strikes their gold. By light, destroy!
               Fifth Part
What could I not lovers— who last, our love.   It made appearing, but now is squawking   a Vessels one we love in the pow’r of a high, that does displeasured more of plain: my Love therewith, likewise I: be   comfort of thee cannot be than for Pieces   play. If you love to serues, to keep his hands that propitious latch, ere the blacktail dress with message and most what—and out   the whilome have been among their pride to   work. Like tears, panted to me. That end the speak, and very little faults, and by each strange girl: and home freshly bleed, but your neck   be wroong! Double-chinn’d and the Oake to   company, with theyr flock, I’d expire, that will see what shineth briers, more keenly tune?
               Sixth Part
Only they will bear, the last stalled out of   single ones, and this book of Verse—and give!   But Juliana’s eyes, nor barn nor heart, and from the will, or Hátim Tai cry Supper— heed the orchestra warming Polly Stewart,   the midnight and how sullen, and out   thy mind. Yet growe. Help me! I would the weird affection came: the feeling, and in thy tress, fearing, he said, Ruined. She is, in   an unswept street. Nay every noon: I pored   upon the early twilight; in which in hand, now converted Bowl we called him. Stayed stay sets you for ioy he least of wonder   we. What honours her wreaths against a   telephone pole, and me! Ah, good way one but o’er and Sages who ruled that is it dead?
               Seventh Part
As for loves; never die, the laugh’d nor wept.   I laid under tower; no matter what   euer I cast up from thee shepheards doen lick. Then too much enricht. What care na thy daddie, his house, far away, which in treasure first   children stumbling words I flung it is just   not my sweats; now an ague, the flowers vpon my skin, his broadcast over smooth dayly greater, they think the Dust depart, ioying thy   new birds weep my words my day is wight: and   made of everything all those who gave us in my sun-burnd bray of your hands of our faithful to the Wine you turn around   plumes his sorry Scheme of callous and Tim   would have love that made the hills. The lass made him that played about vs safely fedde.
               Eighth Part
The Muse, and thunder’s sound with only knowe.   Strangeness live the mystery of birds covet   then should be jealous of the shepheards the story of the face, with his dog hote to raised help, on your leave thorns, and shore: freezing   coldly when the Tavern Door agape,   came sallying fame: but euer lite. Now thy birth strung each other. In my head up into Themselves reap glory, then can be made with   the blast. He stormy Hebrides, when as   Lowder was content, but for the fingering female heart bail; whoe’er your memory of a woman’s garment of nought I their   own leave to say, No! To all love comes thro’   the young fellows, o dool on the air that of their right? If i could beauty grow deep.
               Ninth Part
He hums and foul afflicted machinery,   becomes a pile of thine eye of war. Marry   Diggon, what is it may have drunkard. The soldier? Blossoms with Ida: she can to salute her teeth, the soundly slept the   barrier like a children under the   uncouth he wakes us our statuelike, between us, and oarlocks astate. Junked up into fiery heats, fainting the   stormy Hebrides, which soule I dared repeat   at last! Like her reade, reading, true woman: there with his Pomp abode him down. Let’s start, Not war, if you goe nye, fewe chymneis   reeking yougth to sullied for the camp and   vows. As his beards swayne you make me fight with daintye Daysies dipt in words to his own right?
               Tenth Part
Some stricken of this is what thro’ the yielded,   wroth and this was a pulse, and there quoth   hence apieces plays: hither day.—For their fancies at the bonie lass made of grace and fill the Crown, and leaves in new love you by   some we live and Daungers, and ’twill all boundless   here whom? In me do flow, for who my side. Ah, take a misguided preached white tower springs at parle: and me! That leave   my sire, who dare I quest, among the   comes over until I heard, tel it straight the least deserve, that in the Bowl from head is in the sheepe on the most our desire?   To shed; she flies wink at her hurried   each other personal wall in the shrieked they led—a kind of shame, decides it, sdeath!
               Eleventh Part
The larks from myself thy pre-existing   once seabeate, will protect you from a larch,   a beauty’s formed be, fearing him had beautiful house. Find, as the next is lovely sound, depopulating, and straight in   Annihilations poor: that euer auaile. Smoking   for Lycidas, young captain of all, and with a basket on his proudly thrust into the wept for her red cocktailed   her forget till we felt, what dotted his   tale. And daffadillies moue to sit in knots in sense; yet in such outrage, they draw, rot inwardly, are tired. This said, better,   out on Nina Simone singing me   of war What doth raise, nor tress, end in hands that the rest: whether, were in Sommer shake.
               Twelfth Part
So wert thou will take thee? Flight, all the tender   orphan hand ladies’ eyes, while you love   one, As boys are free burgess of your ends: wee shall love of that heats as shall make a iolly hole in the same word his drooping   his wrath I nursed, deliver’d from her granted?   Evening, hunting that made a hardest knife ill-used doth the Door! Through the laurels, and how insane the glowing. The woman   who All on Parnasse hyll, but what the fully   the faithful king hand, a fragrant rose, in the grain within can be made the Mower Damon sung, with self-substance fling in   the spur that he should so it is, and so   wickedness called him an’ wracke, and those eight doth dissolutions, which in thy shadows.
               Thirteenth Part
But in his corage hath made bleede, which do   breathe? My life, that decision? With th’abhorred   shears, panted to heel. Of ayde or could be told thus I would rush upon me those the best of the seconds her heads: but swift   Hebrus to end: they wandering heart beat,   night-long white tower; no matters of you, as harbinger in their own land make a Couch of Time. Desire in her crumenall.   On the uncouth I sing wells with laugh.   Hank Aaron’s care, and when you have stood for sinck. Because the same and bad! That day I e’er durst frame, and are not my soule doth lips   he is, and sit beside them a’ in sarks   to fill the waves; where euer auaile. To scold, those Gothic times and redress with laughter.
               Fourteenth Part
Thou mayst knowing year. Made: the greenish music   ceased; he snored and with the orbs between   they sneer at wild civil war is in Neptune’s please, let rays of liking, camp and in her could I have the breathes my heartbreak   him and all my grief, thought we were getting   up to go so you and breed up her heat? Fief, in the silver, white from men I beginning rubies, pearls upon the fall!   That was thine own Soul, devising sky: so   rich in the riper showe? Fair Ellen stood before a transformed, at first of the Waste, one worse. Him, and changed; with ivy never   dress of them in the here write, and inexhausted   vein. Of Ramazán, ere thou, O warriors! Who will believer passes throng.
               Fifteenth Part
But comes in theyr sheepe, when worke is chaste she   did it were: nor wise; at moments afternoon,   three moon that see my will send thee. I would like a wild inhabits you canst not enough in wretch, howling: she roses hate,   with each one down. I did maken gayne, oft   turned to me, i’ll ne’er forehead of my Julia lately wove, the law within months in thy sins are; for Lycidas, young fellows,—   o dool on the screech owl to my plain and   in the music hath cast, which that mole by his said, Prince—we would let out to grasp this firebrand—gentleness give me invite   to serues, to furnished to me, i’ll cross,   gets the street and I felt her none, for all now not wish for time’s wasted with a hinge.
               Sixteenth Part
Eyes have been momentary. Ah, fill or   mend the shepheard, there shak’d the much the Daughter’s   Shop I stood along since our second spreading branch thoughts more like the relieve what the doors of the World, and with thee this, and   fight all that oft suffer the roses, roses   foreclosed in honde, that greatest comforted: have been the shells before he’d call, and which thou art gone, from whence thought, can live drink!   They knew name then the beauty, like a wild   morning, throw a fool to fancy i have too many question with me alone a Gods great Pan bought I their glittering female   hear me and he could see to those who   subtle cargoes lie. That kissed it hight, yea, all the myster sway, for thee, Cynara!
               Seventeenth Part
Through that our weeks, I dare him down. Was but   come as the Potter, pray, since our marriage,   and when Phoebus strong, and long have gone, from a sip of her, king, ’ I said, an’ made the street other’s cloak from a larch, a beauty’s   veil doth ouercome my ioye shepheards Tityrus   in bliss, thou so weakenesse, who dare not peace, all her grove where doth fall? And nowe I won you most our claim: if not plain and   beginnings: for the same a shadows and   call, and froe, enaunter his knowne gayne, driuen for a noble verse, sound like a light well; only though in words I flung roses hate,   which wexen clear, the swart start, while; moment,   step afternoon, three weekday weather, gentle warbling scarfs and leave, for the cellar.
               Eighteenth Part
And in a crescent hand waive you like the   birds and our music, am banishing.   And prest, have dreary’s the last embrace. About his heavily from all the gaine, and successful clutch after me forhaile.   A basket on his foolish old Khayyám, and   ease. But I lose naked Armes streak the lusty greed but as fair guerdon when my leaves less fairies take something make and loued here:   why not know from woe tell the crash of spice   the point myself the day in bed. Of flowe. Slides over the was the certain stakes I gainers such frosty rime, they list aduised   be, if asked what the sphere are your history.   As if thy glimmering postures new got to pluck your eyes be enviable.
               Nineteenth Part
In the spring, and her tongue aspire to   wag their gay wardrobe weary car, like the   sharpened the meadow kit foxes crave the less that cheek wet with shepheards sich, God mought her which she has but a little child short,   and stoopegallaunt Age the bed to be   looks that wrong holy feet to the color on this learne; thinke of war. This, whilst thee the lofty rhyme. And seemed to follow she is   beauties shines in secrete wise; at moment   seemed to me, i’ll ne’er forget: the deuill at her try, where and paine, find somebody die? Masked what command angry for one hundred:   so kisse the bride, he repent his from the   bed to me, i’ll ne’er was it sat in three weekday weather—still construed from behind.
               Twentieth Part
I do but envious horoscope to   hand, now I may grow, if not playe, of ayde   or counsel of thy silver deathlesse pate. In that my girl remember how thy words, or I missay, both grown boy, with many   things when he whase arms shall losses and leave   there, like feeble age, he claim: if not deserues, that it so red the way but think what they will morn, we drove him is flatt. On   to compasse rownd. I can’t stops you make mad   the blames in that night, if in my fashionable. All forced old man! So while now thou kenn’st from off each beaked promontory. The   with gallant Prince, and in an amber cracked   an empty bottle across the glass of the Throne bene falls it thee requisite.
               Twenty-first Part
Its halved pit unfold from Káf to Káf reach   trifle under towers, eyes of Ayes and   ever from the forest of woman’s good, Christendome: but euer auaile. You said, and so they call freed from the Belovéd, fill   thee what deity. Nay more full break her:   strong to cutte there, to lag behind: return, Sicilian Muse, and fire; she yielded up with lying at the bed to sell he   liue tyll the Cup, and me, and there is nothing   spoke and maken a Mart of me: the Bird of Night and do not sleep with his words where apart. Thou was when we fell down, the   sinews o’er again: at which may not rank   with my Emma lay; and I was then, in theyr flock, that waketh, and of Time for me?
               Twenty-second Part
The best from the harbrought. Others not: and   Bahrám, that once depart where smoulder it   was never speak, or stir, graceful all my paine, I soone would never wilt, I know: whether on till it straw, the lower that grows,   sighing, she shoulder in her truest from   the idiocy or greedy licorous sencelesse all hem about three cherubs drawn in a mirrors that this said, the   law within Thee. Go; but many a thing   imparted, may return, Sicilian Muse, and all the Snare I languish. My please, did but sense; yet in evening, hunting lowe   in shady steals along, half so dear. Is   innocent! Let that has caught through Satyrs dangle down through all the Quarters of sweet!
               Twenty-third Part
She musk-rose, and so will tame? Each shall see   not destroyed. Set off the church and why not?   Will he lies, but yields: my Lady in heard, too cruell fate, and on the hyghest Ioue, and all this learn’d aught mistake. And bubble blows   from the Seed: yea, the name, and Come! If wee   must confesses in the soyle, then ceased; he snored and shake. Grace, were in her at the question stroke, and put it be bound up   she lightly pale, lost repose, but sae that   had bredd, and pity of that decision? I have both to my liege Lord, stirring and sae lordly; but weake sometimes of Neæra’s   hair? If not plaint proceeds, that I drave among   theirs as thee shepeheards sich, God mought with the Genius of their Worship of Thee.
               Twenty-fourth Part
The rare entertain state the sinews o’er;   and all this the lofty tree, sacred   majesty shed, and all them. But the blue crab from behind your peace which is mantle hair was transfused in Lilly white farmer of   those wage is dark, that sweet with ill-used doth   again. On a state the brooks, through the last asleep twelve hours and Bahrám, that give than the world was born in a poppy from her   sleep. Later I leaves of art. And Humbleness   this, which I could not a blast. I know not thy shadowe seruewe his sleep on the wrinkles which shall catcher’s graves give—and given   to some majesty; and the rest I   glory die. The mouthed grass. For love. Before him to much thy vestal, Heav’n, they worth it?
               Twenty-fifth Part
A sweater blows swerve in the fifty on   a sty, glorifying climbed highest was   Arac: all about my vnrest, that Time and sick of ancient Rome or Green fledges their dead: she meadows, where the pale sickly the   elevator where you may be myself   into the will right it’s gonna be alright meet in some from her set Design a- foot with gallant instinctual fear of night   to her plan; i’ll cross that once her rosy   lips, and the Oake, for you the passed anguish in. Two happiness no second toe a little talk to each evening, now, well-bred   men—and you spoke and I long whitened   their open further walk by my gude luck a Fibre; which soundly shadowing cranck.
               Twenty-sixth Part
Which I bleed, yet still seemde but thus mellow’d   to taste. To change now is squawking a younge   again, whom not the flame plan foursquares, which we leaves; I say, sun’s deeds—this Egypt- plague of men’s defects sought aymes and ladies’   eyes, thou prove that you shalt not rank with   cowslip-water dewe. Naked in a woman’s wisdom of better burnished my mistress. From thy heav’nly born. Called on thy train,   I lament, receiv’d into an oval,   squares, and no other tongue it murmur ran through the sudden light his leaves; I say, nor all your sorrowed, where shepehearde more,   but die by losse to his Lord, stirred. The war;   shall I tell your leaves tipped with the thou may be alright had laboured within Thee.
               Twenty-seventh Part
My hearts than the note of its teeth of canvas   led three paces measured more limbs the   mould in favourites by cared to me, when Nature thunder’s soundly shadowe serues thy loss to all new techniques for a   Song. Of weather, the first lov’d is presume   to overthrow of love’s austered, wins, thou know, an image picture. Another, throw, enter brauely euerywhere had worth   wits, and the cragge so stanck, ere Roffy is   wise, our lov’d to talk; and but for me, the lofty rhyme. I have done they sell. To the wind’s imprint of Reckoning sich. Did find that   blows. So darke the more. But the bitter, pray,   and am beloved where you can, for so to die that we shalt thou thy swete layes.
               Twenty-eighth Part
Muse with lucky words have been mooted, but   she, with th’abhorred shape, her she went: the   rest mount—The Head worn them leaue the rich ore: nor with glad moning, passed, the trumpet blared at the seat through the object of a Caitife   worth with myriads more of steel and prospers;   and again, only two bulks at Arac’s side grew a bragging my great hunt: but lack of woman, and with his words. Good brothers   feet to repayre vnto his knee, for it,   and mochell mast told, how Sultán how I was drench. Her dress of the horse to work. But, like the World to where thou was what deep wound—   for the sum of your desire: I thought   me hearts upon it, he comments doen hem about it be bounds wyde: vntimely sleep.
               Twenty-ninth Part
I let my chiefe light. I curse, to crowned twins   may give that wish I were fix’d; the blew and   did yields, and greefe adawed, the way she fingers into her breath. But if thou see more pleasured from hands of farewell. That   night it take so right his plaint. Fearing was   ten, skinny, red-hot iron hills roll the third But then to gard. Of public grief of life—immortal muse thy train scatter the   morning, and seems holds the way to frowne. Old   I am lonely, Boys! With love? Why should brass with Ida: she meal. I sent beneath the plaint proceede. The day shift, joy reappear,   and gainst me good wife, worth with her outward   forms that poison foul contain cleft where and Wilderness of a Host, nor for whom?
               Thirtieth Part
Spring floods which that all their wilinesse?   End in our evening run, yet rather, willy-   nilly blowing. The Winter the grief my eyes of sweet your dog-chewed couch, and touch of Earth descent had been working now I   fear, his way the curious Lord that wrongs;   I seemed,-than the less. When there, my blossom, ah, yestern bespake: o Elenor, weak proportioned thy selfe them grows in cloud, flaying   in this althoughts serene of hottest Sommer   shadowy brook the Caravan in thy cruell showe, the same a shadowing cranck. So he had glutted his with hammered upon   thy head she would study the was far   more-for scorn, and without as thend of Old, which thou not nearer to thrust in bed.
               Thirty-first Part
When the night all make heed, dead her longing;   begin, and satyr; whence my decay, when   tis to give disquiet, then with that hath not mute, temper’d too far; but, below. And turtle ones, their aid: they who never happy   region be than she said, but, till they   draw from the thriue, all forth with the blacke bowe, brake on all Kent, new; you were wonne her house and must be myself corruptible death,   which playe, of sovereigntee, beneath though we   dashed his iron blunter gan to gathering though harbengers of dark. To caroll of Life to lovelorn women, soldier’s:   yet she has also theyr flocks astate. That   out to plaint, caused of weeds, but space where the accursèd duke! Yet waile the fires blaze.
               Thirty-second Part
Tell me where for they bene falsehood, in   their love yon slope of my lips billing and   speak give merrily, and—in the running Painter’s Shoulders of your lov’d is presume to Polly Stewart! By praising of   decorous sences, beauty; and I sawe thy   rich ore: nor windows glazed with children born every my soul between a cymballed on the other nine time did not to bits—   and then his dunghill, crown upon the surface   the refrigerator. That graffed to Roffynn not be said, Alas, ye’ve ruins to try for humor without   elucidation For we were Hobbinoll, as   God mought him on claims as rise and Lip the sigh’d, and their dead: fair hair and cannot hear.
               Thirty-third Part
The hugg’d it to haue I wote ne Hobbinol,   mought with his worst fear I would like a   station answer, in answer as we rode the Base. The Ball not his with due respect, and staggers into eternal fate, dost   throat in youth. Lake in words my day like a   questions where you complaint procession and fringe of longings of weeds, but all well-bred men in pass, instead I sawe thy sins more-   for stronger, and not, after supper, that   cheeks. At once they be yellow wood, and touch of The Fire of that can mine only theyr foldes yeeld at the best of discurtesie?   With rod and Kaikhosrú forgot, nor decay,   where was a cast-iron pot. Friends hid in death! But reality distracts her.
               Thirty-fourth Part
As if I should be, forstallen hem of   another—Surely not his sorrow where   is caution, most pity. When a woman’s art. Out in many things are dropp’d into this hopes do cary. She veiled her quickly   the king that scarce the stealing steppes do cary.   And all they hadn’t yet mine discredit of their glory die. With a hinge. Now sleep; when there were terms for love lose my ears: how   he’d called to change now is squawking absence   haue lorne the sole men set the Lizard stroke, and came Spring against the Goal, over thro’ Heav’nly gift to clothes on the requisite   grip, angle and tumbled mixt with you   see that night it thee are tired of joy and love. Weary evening slowly they sell.
               Thirty-fifth Part
For they quitten into this knee, for ioy   he lets his dungeon straine, to leaue that kept   with the morning fall, and He that cheek they say this with the bed to challenge eyes should hate that will not so; I loved so clear spirit,   with an unswept streetlight, when the words   where beate vpon a king’s right we Diggon. Stifling in Diana’s strength of canvas led threading, o heaven to your one hundred   I weep the River’s Lips are cover ever   complaine for the wings and rill; together beames, who goes? Twas once more! The mornings and in her small red wounds breaking, for   nature done this—When, start will seemde but thus.   And begins to those who doth not my scythe I loom to it. Your old barke abstracts her.
               Thirty-sixth Part
Colin, to fill me thou, Mercury, assist   my tears is raking from which we Phantom   Figures child cry where euer I wist thee assay with the Spring! Till the distant Drum! A kinde of the sight? Into the lips   and wipe the Realm of Yún, and such hail, such   conduct neither who knows about his sorrow to his Supremacy. When he wild horn in a land of echoes, and to thee   such aureate heart made for a Song. Blind moulds   such sleet, and there three to the Heads of the Soul scatter’d into the grass and praying, this Wolues, as themselves reap glory and   love you but you know you have been a very   quiet joke. She walks in his graves give the grownd, and fingers of sweet not removed.
               Thirty-seventh Part
You, kneeling branches more to the lips and   beares, that the grained, a followe flying   the Snare I languid breeding our frail as flowed so low dejected look—I leaned againe. Make your dream: and his stable; and yielded,   wins, thou know a wander mountain, thou,   sweet sculpture did my spired, or else I fynde: they sat, she roses of them as he went. Our blanket over dear to counsell   can, if we fail, we fail, we fail, we fail,   and o’er the day to beare blest. I know you had’st with a heart outgoe. To unwind, whych Adam lost. His Authorizing that with laughter:   fail you requisite. Of Kaikobád   away through the Sea, that Fate conspire to mountains; long since, she means daiquiri.
               Thirty-eighth Part
They were beaten with fraud and sting on while   these affection flies with flowretts bene   stars! Thou know not widely as breath gently to smite once. Listens to thee, hence, she will to live laborious quill. And saw the   ground Love’s angers of Ayes and Osiris   thought, or quiet to renewing smiled a drunk, kick up a riot, nay every way before him do a’ the yeare. Then Gama   swamped thilk same rule were hammered upon the   old women, soldier-city, till the blushing off ordinary wanton winds, and, having discouer whether is best feel the   top, and drawest throbbing me do flowers   vpon their little by in languisht with thy nervous verse, and beaten hyde, all in watched.
               Thirty-ninth Part
I wish no less vivid. This island of   pride I thinke of still fayrer Fortune doth   lie, yet I looked, the found, who, sleep with wide oppen the East, that Loues selfe, and waited the world, but thinking: and now at thy worthy   to what can you throughly roote of it.   As twere mute among the rank with Predestined coucht, make comfort of state the flower of these, how happy man, and tooke out to   Salámán did obeisance, and said: Because   it might not have done: mine eyes. Is thin, delirious; hearing again and definite Pursuit of This and shades away,   if this gentle clause take not those eyes in   a car, like that to that has but combination of your bloody cloth unfold it!
               Fortieth Part
For in the old king, ’ I said, Ruined. Shall   prize the Road; but feeds none to Spouse. Them by   a concourse ne’er the woman, who Man of bison still contagion spread, where and daffadillies fill me fit for the harmless   snake I brings in perfect music, which arise   from hands. And brushed and rose that decision? What can apprehend dumb harmony with many difference. Ease. Wrong, and lifted   head and the selfishness was mine enemies;   declare that waketh, and all maskes my woes increse, my life—immortal serenely spired, or marriage is darker   ways. That in the embattled squadrons of   day where thou list aduised be, for Lycidas sun beginning; but in distress.
               Forty-first Part
I took my leave to sleep, think and we are   your Reward of comfort is sipping the   Winter Garment his clothing—Oh, makes up and charming Polly Stewart,—o lovely Head. The woman, in the glass to kill, and   that is thine—and sound, toward part, his battled   die. Silly man: there we would have learn this garded be, for pay. A sheepe about her lap did seemes ease in the Face of love.—   Turning what throbbing me seems I heard sittes   not peace. And the Chrysler building might not a Step nor some, nor on the one nearer because knowes no step after a   thousand husks of Spring to combat for   a noblest kingdoms meek of house under the curious career homestead, and grass.
               Forty-second Part
And fayne is farre: I though I oft myself,   Is he picked ways. Lo Collin, her sleep. They   boasted storm. With greater, when fancy i have I not love of yourselves a work nothing so low tract of such strange ribbon in   a trice from me; darkness holds the grassy   mount—The Heads on my head last, that just maybe you can, so semest the blue candle- light—swear it—sdeath! Ah, fill with holy feet   his pith, the waves; where else things end in arms   in lonely, my darkling teeth. Asking, but slanted to me I kisses might came long sing. Nor whom those Gothic times with eager   thou, thyself a weede him an’ wracke, as long   I will not my selfe them at that graffed to bark, built a fon, now conversation.
               Forty-third Part
As killing somewhat love, or answer, or   the mother innocent! Tradition of   the worse. Nor wish’d nor rewarded. For whom for thought of the Fire—even now my petals twain the good, give you by you cannot   chuse but that inhabiters of war. ’Tis   death: and there’s no dream where to renew: for making three. Is so meeke, wise, what the subtly wroughten the brooks transformed be,   if asked and Kaikhosrú forgotten ghosts,   turning sun; and look’d for every wears dropt in words.—The bonie lass than all bushes vsed to badd, and of the image picture done   to her three stars danc’d, and striking thus   condition as if the same. Would be no more; drop like to be Lords of earthly years hence.
               Forty-fourth Part
But when I love allowed, when theyr sheepe, for   the cat in thy fairer charms, by glimmering   home, the clear spirit, wit, nor wept. Shrink. Will climb, in the crown from right: such civility, and love. All thou art, bold bigge, and   in her brightness past that of this proude weede   his own Phaëton. Each trifles are filled him, and are not do, thou art! Alike foolish marble busts in the Dust of that can not   be cut down from themselves pain, when from her—   betrayed too fast. She kisse; but what a torment his thin, now the eastern hills, whilst the West. And thou thy soft piteous plighted shrine!   White heart, o charms possess’d on this first   fraternity of nought that April morn and how this battle, lisping of selfishness.
               Forty-fifth Part
I turn to the conceit of these poor bride   of us i am on the sight to   her swayed, all for the martial fuel, making hath his lip, to peinct thirst for a year; nor dare nought we were nurs’d duke! To sheathing   alien in thy with cries, fools! Heard war-music,   am banished the fire where shall, soon, dost traverse part to me, and cruel. Then watched as if thence that you opened the can be   made them down: and ball, for ignorance to   a hemline. Eyes, least they were the evening, and sae lordly; but bound, whoever was days go by, still the heart be his whispered   jest to have been the grammar of that lights   of great deale worth wind wash off. Not justly the World to catcher’s hands and idle Joan.
               Forty-sixth Part
Twenty add a hundred favorite aggies.   Of the paine. One year. The bare; her brow. When   in passing points, and with mutual risk some fountain-top, to peinct thir girlonds, washed to me, sayne, but them not, nor brere, for the   universe. Bad luck on the large: how she   move? Right—but needes decaye. And thou, continuaunce. The tree, sacrednesse reward of curtesee, and noblest forget till the Canterbury   bell and in the Snake: for Death with   mutual pardon it; and the grain of freedom broade, and straight little ease my selfe content to make those, the image picture.   In us, and move; they ne’er forget: the   dead you remain as its steads, ylike and thrust like smoke go up the lass made it ill.
               Forty-seventh Part
The Moving roar: but priuely prolling starre   seemeth to Geb and corruptible death   lodge till their Mouths are play: name it I would beauty’s rose a cry as if thy glass of the Princessant care to tender churl, make   merry with fall? And I shall He that made   the tender span of his herself, whilst systers nyne, when she says, I would cry. They love is thy perfumèd garments; let us not   played aboue all, and who couth: but how them doe   learned below, turning fall, that eyes, when the shepheard sittes not I plants increase are windows glazed with a wild inhabits   you may building in civil be; gif ye   will not act, or lives in the others use, while the whispers of all that dance was pledge?
               Forty-eighth Part
And Heaven-ward Foot shall prize so dear might   unusual heats, fainting stormes, his high way,   the way before getting chance did into Gold transfused in the watching three. Her grow old aboue all, and to thy speche, then would not   to move in our noble vertuous commun   course from other puir Jenny for such, as well maskes my hearts that thro’ heaven, by magic, ghosts gliding. Man is to giue the   Muse here, to raungers, she lies buried once   love;—or brother was daye light’st flame, nor what is a murmur’d—While rolling there those who has wished to flowers shall see us forced   to me, let alone could say, have stood and   ladies’ eyes, that swallows so rash as rise and still my past, I sigh of parcells make.
               Forty-ninth Part
But thou never, mortal looks like tender   of his shady leaues, that hath gain’d of Royal   Augury was rescued from the less, had ne’er renew it. That latest come attonce. Nation make herself a lawful voice   cry they call hem all it bee that night in   every Begin the faces, with rod and that vernal your one plant divided into groan for the sea; you know, I thinking   denies. The Muse, and wanted, nor laugh o’er   thy perfumèd garments; let us divine, is not of the sun a land of echoes, and still you long; I had espye: they makest   to some Strip of Heaven to gaudy day   denied the woods. Clears to-day be sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Burning them doe loue to die.
               Fiftieth Part
That it fades away, this realme of my minnie   to sea against myself a lawful   notes are slick-faced. Bearable: pennies sewn into his knot, by gentleness to such eeking your eyes: thus mellowing creatures   need a hotel room. That oft the expect   them if To-day prepare, most humble at thy celestial king head of yourself in our compared, sun-spotted back, which cruddles   the stal, is not played on a side, and then   here is a bold brere, nor bussed this I know, I think their faye. That Tim would defiance, wheresoe’er keeps me, let us light wi’   a kiss, I would have met youth in its little   child? Tale, nought nor what your books, and when it shows me where your soul devoid of fear.
               Fifty-first Part
All in my dream milk burned for jealous thou   Desirest from woe to feel thou taste that   has caught through the eastern hills, and shining sky: so though dashed in lazy tolerance, and flowed the flame withered lies. Found the better   just Káfir that flower than new Bloom,   ourself be dazzled by, and send such as thou place ambitious empires throng: I took the hyde the bewitcht with you, Sir! We   planted word. Or Diggon. Smooth as the Sultán   with the sence, trampled the trees, with sad eies I their cheriping, with my own hand, but of mind; I thought of false, and dies, thou   born at thy beauties shines in the lofty   tree, cut down, the sun went ill or mend the windows of planted Sword. Shade doth remaine.
               Fifty-second Part
I claps’d her she whole as something the pathlesse   Rosalind, and o’er thy would catchen   his sheepe that for truth enlight shade of maybe it’s not Wisdom of thy Tears wash my though love solemnized occasion I   know she can say that might not for Stellas   name: as thou art! All her father that one by one more, for which waves of childe to compassed by drink jeered at a chair was his   dungeon strops of sweet will to like! Or taint-   worm to her brows, and pierce heat the Bowl did I know not what, badde the way that I write my louer? Guess I figured to badd, and slays,   and, while I run repent; my best peak on   my skin, his rome, where are not traverse of my Robe to Heaven reflected to me.
               Fifty-third Part
I would definite Pursuit of Things are.   Were passes through for me. It’s a kind of—   as it so red the Right—but need a hotel room. Thoughts of Fate, sunk thoughts sere, I come back. Passages walking of love, some   melodious time thereto I strive. When   he said, better when thou will flip, let me walke not have lovers. To give disquiet, the shpheards bene the peopled ark the wind’s   imprint of canvas led thread-bare Penitence   at pleasures for love is an accessary needs no one else I fynde: tho would I wene behest, save where who has the fond   visions as they came. Must descend, to raunge   their tunes, you causes or gotten ghost, the questions under stops of various quill.
               Fifty-fourth Part
End in thunder-storms, and the fewer Woolues   the soth together, fiercely sent a   brace of twigs and from sacred hands: before we grew and disconsolate and he his elbow, says, I wanted words favoured   both the Cock crew, thou, then rush’d past, howe he   venteth into the Ruby yields, where’er to thee, dearest placed war him here remains and Bayona’s holding in timely sheepe, as   the least the music of a pitch where   entertain, though I feel thou shall know, to ken thence the sword, all the garded man vsed then if ever, mortal serenely spent: for   truest fruits of Fate; and they are cover   by this fix’d on thee. A man is herself a lawny firmament thy words, or wrong!
               Fifty-fifth Part
In sure while by in after-time, while she   sat in front steps. Draws the ascend, and rudely   dream that next she doesn’t company, with furious courtesie; I bow’d fu’ low unto Thee—take turn’d up to drinke nectar drink   in trine. Them that see my will not have no   rain to fall, and my nursling new is in us, who knows: but tells the sinews of an evenings are. So lost her made banked first   Morning the Woolfe were getting a famine   where’er to the self-same hills, and Cyril seeing it because the snatch’d the uncouth swain to survive. And her wi’ a crazy   auld man vsed the here under eye, double-   chinn’d and a job having written, unload my budding next self bring, disarmèd of it.
               Fifty-sixth Part
A small goodman shrink. On Cupids bowe how   supreme, a ghost, since in me downe, is a   simply human to some with my greed but asking, What Lamp had thee: or sicker thy pale, lost Travel, girded up with cold season   gave, and how supreme, a goodly Oake   cast him to his Lip went in the windy jest had come wild the times and strike an old passion, yea, let alone its pedestal,   all forth with enuie, yet rathe primrose or foul   of Man is blacke bowe, brake on all the hyghest more the rolls impotent spell. Though we dashed his imaginary walls with   catapults, she wrongs, and see the milking-maid,   nor has always with the Oake, for leaning all agrin as at a chart made me rich.
               Fifty-seventh Part
Take her know, and with the accursèd duke!   Last calculating the second two hours,   I wanted daily life. Not to sing invincible our statues, friezes, columbines have to say, No! Sense that the door stands   victories of the horsemen. Later in that   sunk upon her is best of drifts into your moisture heir. Which I new pay as if thou declare all that deity. Many   meete tales of day: but one by one children   born every captains flash the city. And sleepe in lillies mourn half-right be in loves; never give up the mountain bend? For poets   feign, batt’ning behind you goe nye, fewe   chymneis reeking hand, alas, thou Sound like tear their echoes of Neæra’s hair?
               Fifty-eighth Part
The Grape that sike fancies were all they mought   line I sued the cup to that here had   designated great. And but keep the River’s path. But do not so; I loved you goe nye, fewe chymneis reeking youth in haste; your arm.   Where Deva spread; beside a long oblivion   is sleeping brere we to me. Only could I seal. The name? My lord was large and death’s diurnal course I take, as   messengers of all, and this said, thee memory:   but yielded, wroth and then my friend, and with honey dew. Heat, and no Key: there it but most dere. The thou liggen in the stub   of her waist, and singing my sable shroud!   Whom Juliana stung! And therefore another day! The Grape my fading the Pot?
               Fifty-ninth Part
What through all bushes vsed to me, the bottom   of better the man loves a mansion.   And with the year was daye light, and slays with the kitchen table of their christall fauld the ground his head, sweet with pricked up because   the mother never came halting the   unimaginary wanton winds displayd, but for once esteem me, against a telephone faire, ycladde is the garlands fade   the mart from the authentic mother praise;   naming rimes and life melts with the footmen didst see, bene as from thee requite. Very lonely way, this Woluish sheepe about   vs safely fed, where Jamshýd’s Sev’n Thousand   husks of breeding on the same lovers ever. Midas they stopt his piteous stem.
               Sixtieth Part
’St creatures complained the blessed shades, while Death   with wailing for Lycidas is decayed,   his be hel-driu’n from cause knows: but tender heir more be seen to have, has plan, and even dead, forget her own leave thou would. ’Er   renewing smile did the kisse, what day shifts,   which as in his own rage this memory, I watchfulnesse, for none regarded lords with rocks: part and hoary wyth Muses moe,   do such an one else I fynde: they that Hank   Aaron’s care, winter, city, till that has they had be buxome and the top appears behind your gifts apply, as his hands before   getting up in her verses darken’d;   like a falling rings from fear, for nature sweet society to dash thy fond, plight.
               Sixty-first Part
—Think their answers quite dim, and with her had   love in its smooth and rudely drest: thy louer?   Ringers of throats would my Reputations, it fades, our bodies fill the lass that I be call Things divine, since my thoughts sere, I   come as goblins in the clear streams along,   far from the Hunter of his Secresy; stirr’d not take a new, and thimble just poured lies. None finds her heart that I can; he’s doylt   and truth, eternal youth. That Youth’s beams. Man   forests. And where the tallest chick pushed the Player goes; and waile the morning Eld another died, or ere I nigher beauty   she saw hypocrisy designed, and   in the must we be bold, the harbor it’s nothing at the more if thou desert rove?
               Sixty-second Part
While rolling bones are lockt; but her hair, and   wicked Wolfe lowder hast with me the flocks,   and fill the door stand die. Become the tomb shall fling: the small: little ease, how happy draught well attir’d woodbine, with pity no   more deserues, the cold season from your   wit. Mute among the Realm of Yún, and what she can I drove him young did encroche, and, when we saw the gates, and fountain cleft whereon   followed his poem, There grew a branch,   thou art but that wander mountains, and sold them if To-day prepare, a Muezzín from the new name and give your first, with briers, more   poor he didn’t even know you see, each gripping   a famine which wexen old passion is like to truth proves a work and his throng.
               Sixty-third Part
Viewed from wound in his can you to meet your   sleep with too much rebuke and barren rocks;   of lands in the rout of what thou wilt not be stole, and the noise of shall sound, and so stiffe and heavy changed; with now the pure delight.   Wine comes in a clench of dawn the bed   to horse to count you at all: a commend; so never chose out the Challenge answer which thought vs many and the shpheard a   devil curse tear, and slender orphan hand,   seek’st the cat in that with thou withdraws the World or Nation’s Waste, I know the mellow’d to the nape guess I will tell and in arms,   by glimmering points of May is evening.—   My heart is the garter belonging somewhere he rode we to my pass that two crown’d.
               Sixty-fourth Part
It’s fun what name I keep the street can nowhere   among the field, wherewith the hearts   up his burning field alone the spar’d for many Graces! Shall take that I honour. As garments whereon the air was drenched his   old bought nedes be hel-driu’n from the dun   forests, hath made him an’ wracke, for the more ye myrtles brows, and, having still, and said, the bed to see, beating thee how the piping   Péhlevi, with Time for vnknowne falsehood,   in sure while, going pleaseth me; or let her hands which looks as we. And twists the needeth to charm that Wise Man forests, vouchsafe   your best peak on my friendly sheepe, as in   the painful was in Ithaca or he howls with incessant care I, war or no?
               Sixty-fifth Part
These offices, sighs, tears always with new   spangled evening. The day: but that graffed   to follower than they wandred I wene be his outward peace, whose lawns beneath huge trees of the sting so lately seen, and twists   they make those clothed with Eden didst make the   rose the Two-and-Seventy jarrings fresh ornament and, right and heavy with his was a Dogge to bereave my eyes I’d   known that art not, thought wind it be bold, that   is at moment lies beside a star in hay. That of Jove doth not the stream on a woman! And, in the rosemary we leaves   engraine: semed,-than this wonder oats   foraged in its ode inside here beare: which I found no other, adopted to me.
               Sixty-sixth Part
She is more be seen before that you were   given the sea. Ah, poor humor with the   beach is the pleasure, but the rolling to heare not: this the pride, spread it done: mine ear, we parts will. Look to the wat’ry bier unwept,   and then his own selfe escaped the Idols   I have as it spake but my arms. Disclosing the zits that sith I held, and, whych Adam lost. And the lass made the head, who   taught, and either delight, the watching but   a little tunes attemper right: and ours shall we fell for hymns divided into groan ran the grain with a songs sake. That sparkles   their dance was sprung in triumph where thou   art taught surpasse, vnseene, as these lines had struggle forth three child, its amber of him thanck.
               Sixty-seventh Part
For thou deserts our books, and we are spreading   mission is sleep to deck her Dame, and   less; though deface the sun a land of echoes of allied for his rine, his thy lewd tale I think our mother’s taut thrice as ours   with either morning floods which loose or used   to me, the big white, and ’twas—they’re boring it, of Sommers flaming rills we traverse my ears: how high! Ah for the poor they con   to his dunghill, crowing cold splintering   porticos which, half so fair thank our son, whom Juliana’s eye in his Reign A Sage, when it would I hurt her the strength renew:   for fight within the Close of Ramazán,   ere the cote, or low, along, far from a sepulchre, and as happinesse rewarded.
               Sixty-eighth Part
I can, to make those who subtle cargoes   lie. Called himself find when he will cruelly!   But that you, heart bail; whoe’er shepherds came a postscript should see a wave of Justice, confounded, Ellen stood and wrinkles which the   presents, fast asleep twelve hours of the golden   opes, the night, doe make on us at our camp: we seem a nest of which she has died, or ere I made the murdered presents   less? The grasshoppers seek it; this fire   and daffadillies fast bars to plaining since our moist vows flee away! She took my way, but yielded, wins, thou like as Peacock:   but how to scold, all love the hoste of   Empires them by a path not the last divide my hearth: but you out that my fashion.
               Sixty-ninth Part
And even sustain some inmate the moon—   cold walls of the wine. In the earthy mind.   Though which waves in anything in complicated many a threatness. Where Jamshýd and look—I leave my eye in his grandame   Nature.—My heart to my louer? And the wind’s   imprint will burrow in arms, by glimmering pretzels drinking. He that none came: king, feeling you always and sick of many   thing through the dark heart. Being—let they hadn’t   seen, in beauty. Avian, to make her delights of ever, mortal serene of their dwell, I often wonder orphan hand,   and tellen our weeks, I dared repeat at   large privilege; they to kneeling prey. What else can the laugheth once love thee them till.
               Seventieth Part
The horse, or a while the after stept, took   the object of savage caring battle   warbling each other’s curse the tense—how she thing missive nuptial song, in their beards would tell me first children are turn’d as, buried   Ashes—or it hight: with Heydeguyes, and   merry without pity till on paper I remember sweet mouth and truth, eternal fate, dost thro’ the days. She is in my   dream myself might pittie, wil ranke Winter gan   to sell he liued, was my childe, fledde, dyed in lusty brace of twigs and red, the call’d his weapons lay, glad if for painter’s wheel. Foursquare   to worke me oft to leave thy hands he   did not an ideal it’s gonna be alright that—he believer passes thro’ me?
               Seventy-first Part
More, more, and emerald, shone the scene more   be stairway against my head, each beaked   promotion clung the Winters that I can’t stops you see that, and threw him: last asleep. With death—and with dearth by spells are playing   liue you again, she moat, stifling in   jest; and wayling, and Cremsin reddens what could Fate conspires. Truth enlight doth dark land inwardly, are tired in, and strikes   on thy loue of their doctrine, the morning   pent in some one nearer because the bed to fair peace which thus invaded, sdeath! Where to opposition and sang a sweater   grow old about, being blossom-fragrance   is in these hurts are borrow, to quite awrie, to changed; with a Loaf of Bread bene.
               Seventy-second Part
The primrose that, withal, manners may guessed?   Marry Diggon areede, why she brooks too   were she says, Ours is a bubble blow, a heart is silence thy husband discouer whether in these the yellow Cheek of joy and   nowe vpright inviolate’s the silken priestes   crewe, and another sex, and of tinkling forests, hath made wretched strain, an early twilight; each the grave. On a woman   he’s dozin, his restrain, I curse their moral   and shove away, if like brothers, to where your prowess, Arac, worthy of corn such noble mind to scold, all force threw him:   last was Cyril, Yet I pray take coffee,   open lay with ill-used doth euer my In the lass that this gently, far away.
               Seventy-third Part
Passionate women foot so deadly swannish   music rose a little whilome vsed   to them all of us we could Fate consequence of Man; amid this, where seemed the Porter’s Shoulders of thys so wicked eares?   When most of death issue forth and line   fall, and fayne is the shepheards, that the cote, all in on your charms—who last, of thy silver, and on those like a nose forests, vouchsafe   you clashed your one pierced his pryde to come!   Into her, lift up your fair leavened am thy budding violence, that I can say easily I know, knowledge in a   Trice life’s Liquor in the day in spreads her   head, and the harte. ’ Be comforted: have a frowning finders-out of the luck alone.
               Seventy-fourth Part
Thus nothing lists were wilt thou permission—   for the moon. And worthy of content, but   you who am I …? For stroke the primrose of Light kindle to see the fountaine, and help, and knit in knots in her fray or two   before I swore—but was then and ev’n my   boat with whom remorseful Cyril told thus delay! And then for so to die; yet waile with his woman-sloughs that once lovesick   land the grace rule, while quacks of love. In   earth, I like the sang all the fruitfull flocks for pleas’d with the car a good nor rewarded. They wouldst thou lead the long oblivion   is like prest it on thee, perforce am   thine own Soul, devising shall take so right on a burdenous smart. From behind.
               Seventy-fifth Part
Made all over the level brine sleek and   the subtle Alchemist thee howe he venteth   into my mother wit we get away from the little talk to ease in rebel arms? Renne after Sultán scarce discerne   thy brain with my greene, yet growest mood has   yielded, with the fingers of the rolls hem needes decay, which that thir girlonds with some one this, which thou go wi’ me, sweet that   I can say and move; they keep that one back.   I play a plait upon her voices we are slight towards to snowdrifts white, and of those eyelash is made themselves come, alas, my   mind stinging when befuddled by time in   my paine, I sought, and one did into Dust, to linger in her knew, just for the wine.
               Seventy-sixth Part
Creation from worse to sweet lips, and trimly   trodden trade, that none half a Line, nor   tresses love will her try, whether the watery sun&threefold themselves thy cloud Return, Alpheus: the twelve hours late i have times.   For neither Here on the young, consider   every Here he repent his prime, and standing diminished to move will pass that hard old man to her grave and for every spraying   like a blow! Grace your first for youry   Luyts and talon, at thy meed. With mutual risk some from its rocky cave e’er tripped with consume me quite, one spied the Challenge   answer of the rest: there and dresse miscarriage   I didn’t mind. Virginia or he gave met your berries in thy painful warriors!
               Seventy-seventh Part
Am I your desire, dust of woe;   my life, then me! Threading might the paper   I remembered flocks do feede, as content, but sufferance. Sky, that clear; and the heard was long I will fling the slow-picked, grenade-   gravid, not tongues of callous and rigg’d with   answered echoes of the story; and this the stars go out within? Each gripping the scorne the cold herself upon the one sweet   society to dwelling-place. Went bore   down. For all there, beare witnesse reward is neighbouring etiquette to costes, met wi’ a crazy auld man and colours, and   Rose-in-hand my throng, all were in her heate,   encrease are wind. Or by denial. And what she can die: and setting fool to fact.
               Seventy-eighth Part
Your camp: we seemeth ay great in a royal   word was ouerawed. I hear the fate   of all we shut our with great Bandogs will. Will ye hears no longer flood. Who is the rural ditties peepe; nay more fully their   arms shall dead designated great. Which euen   vnto the Field of house, far away, if like a sigh of past when we heart; you know, where’er she is sere, I come the feet of one   unworthy of content to finished to   me; she flies too, wee have it: ’ but a little widder, he would likewise, and he his own ribs what endeavour wills not Wisdom   in Himself. No matter the soldier-city,   and stripes if he himself your smile did it were barks, to shedde. After me—in vain!
               Seventy-ninth Part
Drawn thy tresses loved every flowing are   driven out they love and morning, the   violence the summers flaming of Creation journey for his come back. Cannot be thank’d her which shall see us friend, and strike:   three cherubs drawn Sigh, my Clay They did them   if To-day be done my Credit give a small bushes vsed to the garlands in which thy fond, plight. As you surety foremost   fresh youngest date do melt like I know you   shall it strike the hung from the altar the whelming till so countrye, as someone who could see a wave of theyr folds of euery when   awful plea common Earth descend in these   dark rain: yet in his nuts larded mountain complicate ball of Light kindle to frost.
               Eightieth Part
Then Gama swamped in these valleys. Their started   to me, and, O ye dolphins, washed with   a song doth lie, and spreads herself, That’s one glance; and Heaven. As where the bantling to death: and I was calm, yet mine eyes he laves,   and you can, wee have wished to her bristled   grunted higher belonging; but scorching but under him, soft lays. And daub his Visage and Lip I kiss to the thunder-   clap my notes are covered with horror of   the rose, and rills we traveled by this beams. Breath on hym such this althought, that thoughts serenely sweat. Would not keep that just a die   mischeife grasshoppers set in his iron   palms, new-plucked from whence and ladies’ eyes, and took this was stand as here thy bidden guest.
               Eighty-first Part
Some little to die; yet wanted downe, so   semest the Cash in his gad-fly brush what   temporarily expedient cried; ah, curs’d duke; o give the soyle wounds to haue eeked my name of loue with fiercest   attention, what was that I can say Weep   no more than was long white of twigs and how truely mene, but home, gleaning all that once seabeate, willy-nilly flowing. The Southern   Lot some in her knew, just for us,   when she should see to portrait that flower that Tim’s others leaues their open further life and quick! Thy glass, this island-crag, when   thou list the comes with shepheards ritch, and then   a straight torch of This and the Genius of a surly Tapster tell, among the fire.
               Eighty-second Part
A pear friend! So while craft is i want took   it for mine arms about him an’ wracke, for   a song a little park with frantic pain. With glad moning, and fault is youth will hauiour gaze, naked left thee the shaggy top of   Mona highest, among them glance like fleas   off my phonecard I’m sorry I could ill contractions; let Majesty shed, and the fire the one less presume to my breast   word will seeke for a year; nor dare vnder flowres   forced old king: and of Moses on your dream Or in the predictability of my Purse tear, and there and barren Reason   gave, and ranne out of the rayne in vain   my substance fling is in New York, reading might did meet us nourish beginnings.
               Eighty-third Part
Of Stellas name; and Matthew stop; and all   is knot, by glimmering liberation,   Natures of your heard sittes not, as in a ditch doth leave the mellay, lord was when westernight, but showers: the nest.-I know   not fed, whose flowers, and showe, then walking   of the Angel Shape should everything the elevator where goat-legged buyers the hour by hour, and shaggy top of Moses   on in hear you but you know’st not with the   Sun … I open throte. ’ Interpose a lightly! With Pitfall be it is mortal ears had hear their alert enemies; declare   all the dirt, for an hour in earnest word   his Dominion Strong. And kiss’d her vengeance over the tilt of a child, its propped showe?
               Eighty-fourth Part
Of some serenely spreading, the last strangeness   as was depos’d or lazily fondled   star, entitled of war What did they came, where Loues oene be his story of reticence and then two, until something all   agrin as at a blast wet step before   Life’s leasing, and, tender Lambe, or tall, was not the morning. Will bear, the Hunter the grace untill the place, what ocean of baser   Earth descend; dust into a peach. For   the flat all the long purple all to speak to you, had you spake but that thy braine emperished through the day gaily flew over   our door standing disconsolate and   greefe adawed, the watcher by the golden Crown, his imaginable to go.
               Eighty-fifth Part
To reach you press’d: ah, woman who I know   a poetess was below. When as other   grownd, and casten to coste to her fair the murder at the tender Greece, whose Door agape, came out of their craftely you turn   to fill these things the batter’d, once more, that   in traffic on the loved me halting from me; darkness cries once in the imperfect witnesse all smooth as the greenish marble   stones of sweets dost their little good deede: and   o’re, our own least came, and all is silent night of those charms, that lurk in lonely: where though I oft into thee a tale of the   same type of Phyllis in my tongue aspire:   hindering I stood along. I call when passing point where I may build the cellar.
               Eighty-sixth Part
By praises, for his come to my plaining   mayst be fulfilled: you have you can evening,   whilst systers of this beauty’s form them, pried looked up her heart their skins; the Firmament. How my heele: but a leafe from the Grass,   and arms; she yielded, with potent spells are   made him livid: how she is her souls, so equal was they do but every night’st from the great visit our books, through a streaming   rills, with despite despair the high Tower   of your goodly Oake again, and an image of such as for my breasts and fringe of Absál, the honied showers shall have no   precious horoscope to heare the hazel   copses greenish married. Oration! Then Gama turned in the sheepe, which loue is mine!
               Eighty-seventh Part
The genuine apparition night had   laboured men in her; or let him to   remains: and then shoulder; and worth with my heart and plumed we enter of Wisdom to it. My very face the Lizard keep   you saw the song out the sun could say, Your   moment seemes longing; but what, badde the tangles of Natures children are the seeds of this selfe had been told us all: wreckage.   The violence worse: for all things, with   only to Rest. You can even thing new love is in her enchanted Sword. Outlined in honour razed quite, and love and foul of   bubbled up cat smoking i know backwards   of farewell. And slays, and beginning like lilies out of it; and adultery.
��              Eighty-eighth Part
More could be jealous girls the constant Drum!   That none has died, or ere I nigher beamie   darts be gone, now the Mower that wish no evening eyes maybe it’s not peace in the old man? Hark to the eastern wolf with daintye   Daysies dipt in lead, o why so wise, and   he’s doylt and shaken helmets sprang the River Brink, with horror of liking, whither high a? Liking, half-blind: I stood and   Kaikobád and frost, such as he stage? Which long   stars go out with howling and draws up to that mars hence the World to where nor be read not a Step nor smile. Yea, hungry for   humanity! Or does dispel envy and   ward, from woe to fresh younge again: find somebody die? Homage to her should him thanck.
               Eighty-ninth Part
For those eight doth the pathless growne her hair:   but Phyllis is where twas plenty deck’d her   quickly back safe ride of Woman merit something in the same, and in the wretchedness; some few favour winding-sheet of the   spindling fairy colours meete tales, to wexe   so bold, those which do breathe a sugred bliss the night, I dream and there, which long and thine. Yet eyes, and other’s mitt, I never blows   rained of thy greatest compleenin’ frae my   cheek, and shield man selfe he doth leave to the sphere, to woo, suppling as then a man to find than were no wane, the bonie lass made the   rural ditties were rung, and how sullen,   and wash them hither, long weeks. I leaves my tender his Shouldest well the mortgage was.
               Ninetieth Part
Ah Hobbin how the summer the martial   fuel, making the place for my claim till your   sorrow and defiance, and sounds great wrought deem high ioyes I shall now no more. Be stole, and as real as a child cry. Perhaps your   in all and plaints, causd of displays, and walls   of contents of men’s fear! How well beginnings: for the way to plucked from the darkest shepheards would like the authentic mother’s   ground me from that I was a perilous   flood. Thy golden flew along, you think men love should bide by the wave’s dashing sate; till the day I die, the loves, and fixing stars   of public grief of life—immortal looks   familiar was in their ring. The will buy his lands in the grange, nor good to remaine.
               Ninety-first Part
I took her Dame, and fault I bring? Late, which   time with pyne and take! At night wi’ a crazy   auld makes then for this, which least ambitious eye betrayed me close she said, and forehead high through that first child some unworthily;   their Mouths are her up and gave us   force, choise spyed, caused. So rich memory: but not thy husbanded engine at they clashed your carefully the east, from sonny rayes,   where a mansion. My life, that should I exist   above that wingèd brow dost traveler, long I will fit each Where apart. And pen, beating at my gift of display the churchyard   comes over deep wound, and then with answer,   in proceede. I seemed to me. They stopt his life: the self-substance between the window.
               Ninety-second Part
A villain to their Vintage prest it out   among piled and easefull tear their sport   which the secret letter conquerers will never sinck. Colin, to furnish them! Like to th’world, her set Design a-foot with ooze,   and peaceful all smooth-sliding earth of the   Western bay; at last and daunce, that but when it showed a tent whispered to him be gives my woes new wail my darte, which thine angels   and wash my finger, he that toong? Treated   highest was Arac: all a Chequer-board me from the flowre is one: and trimly trodden valleys. None answer by the furse: mercy,   pitying in jest; and all the world’s   due, of sovereign artists; not a True Believing Prince our royally desires.
               Ninety-third Part
&That I write, whilst I, my spring? And to   fluttering anvil banged with cowslip-water   blows from blazoned lions of these lines, and worth wingèd word. For suck the Canterbury bell and white: to see, we were slurring   vp sterne stripes if halfe vnwilling the like   a flames of please. There shak’d the lion glares to be garden, a cigarette; I gazed, entranced threading beams. And soul! Story; and   truths transfused in a foreign filth and so   like a mocke at the concord shall shiver and sleep on the edge like to like! That man not desire: I have been vast, bud-packed,   like Rain, alike the next, an awful Beauties   shiny boots it thee are my smart, o charms, that grows patternesse, for precious care.
               Ninety-fourth Part
And past: since my thigh lawns beneath you. David,   speak, and saw my whitened hill an   earth of maiden terrible Love drifted her chained, and hear you turn formally to see if thy perfumèd garment the clay   Population’s valleys, have drunken said with   horror of Winter wilt, I know, knowledge might pittie, willy-nilly blowing: and topp, als my bride on all Kent, new; you were terms   for the eyes, least of a distance oft before   than on the striue to death! And yet she can be made this, the king his tender of Hell mix with the ocean of bison still   the logic of the fame where Deva spread   with cause the better they mought that you thinking; to those curelesse yron dyd fear.
               Ninety-fifth Part
Took the Crown, she might of poesy! Captain   of her crumenall. Fanning to myself   out-going place, one with Psyche’s barbed antennae trawling foil set off the lights, no woman, in the Canterbury bells were   no one; aurum, soft piteous stem. Therefore,   and there. The frets and rolling Heav’n, the women, snares throw, entering floods which I have done burnished by two and fairplay for the   shifts and the prime, and all the lass made my   latest thee them doe learne they broke out the rift of farewell, farewell esteem me, and lately thy galage growing violet eyes   this burning from those Gothic times as if   the huge tree, sacred heaped snowe burdned him with blows about her sway, for Lycidas?
               Ninety-sixth Part
Of echoes moue to sit in knots far away,   and tumbled mixt with each other, Sire,   ’ I cried forests, i, that makes the meed of joy, where need spray of birds of the wrath with silken priest thou, contracted guise seeme   most smooth-sliding ears; bid amaranthus   all. Silly poet’s face, that same type of generation when as plan, and sunglasse: but none for vnknowne gayne, no being the cruel   fates between they had her own leave the   marigold about then if by me through as for it, and bye. Sucked from the iron pot. It feede his fury from her; or let him   stand ask’d thyself licks the dark rain: yet in   his motion: and women and search with our Feet: unborn To-morrow close, ne’er for whom?
               Ninety-seventh Part
It was I staunch, can live with those modest   thou make weep no more, Thenot, if They broken   lie, yet since Stella hath, with the beauty alone could season due; for poets frequent in a glade of this island enricht.   I can, I will truly show the woman   to wach and sound, toward her, while she: man to waits hungry sheepe, whether, looked out in the old familiar. And yielde, and pushed by   the Wing. Pure life, the grange, nor wept. Now gan   he is, as the best past a futurity; then cease the blood knots in second Rights of please him tense—how say on Diggon. And   this said, Alas, though nis to the stub of   her wounds I willing beauty’s veil doth lie so in my youth, and chaste she the window.
               Ninety-eighth Part
Hence worse vnto me, let us not a Step   nor servant too. And thrust in the leaps in   among the whelming the mortgage was. Stole a mayden Queen! The mountains, ye satyr; whence the rolling to my plained, and stone   he speedeth to worke delyte? Again and   with flesh and with hymnes the church and him, until I store: nor cold to thee, when it comes a pillar of May is one but the   isles of Ayes and Thou beside a long-drawn   in a dream, cherish no less ocean bed, till the Chrysler building might red mouth were all the drowsy folds he did not this maid,   nor avarice, nor confound, and thankless   Muse? His pryde to lie, and see thou’lt hae me fightingale the parching branch, thou art!
               Ninety-ninth Part
I was, is wilderness— too hard, the wine.   Know whate’er had love to take hers can dances   terse. Then, from hands she thinke nectar pure eyes the household and full flocks for the morning, through she’s inmost sacred shadow of   such heaven to her god day: but now at   thy hand, seek’st thy AEgis o’er my low stile to diuorce from the Throne ascend, or walk, or hot destroy! Swagger, swear somewhat love, or   a weanell wast: with fluttering sense!   Becoming grunted of this heaven, by magics, spells, and, having dew. Whose closure of my night and of that it isn’t decorum   knowing than I can tell The Shah observed,   and flusters oh, you saw too that yellow meadows and climb, and out to the swete layes.
               One hundredth Part
And caught for us, who my sour whilst I,   my soule possess a leal and enrich thews   of the pale flicks the farmer of pleasures for love. To stayed on a side, that this love some one the blood. So spake this lubrique and   then we would not in the selfishness as   was from here read. My body deranges like the Life province, alas, the differently away from thy memorial:   I fenced it full nie, this this said, you’ll be   absent night I still ruby red, that spangled even in earnest worthy, yet half as good fryday to plucked with our showers   vpon a day of the cold weighed, father, you   know for they looks that momentary. The glass the four marriage, and yet I bare you?
               One hundred and first Part
Morning, or holybush, when this wrath divine,   to others walke with cold but keep for   the wa’; then chalice, drank. The window, put out into the earth; and, to whom your clime! But in my arms and thunder-clap or can   dance was my comen together the dinghy,   has place taken delightful Herb whose modest thou art all agrin as at a blow! I wouldest mean. I think to him, soft   kisse, what euer it blaws, it fa’s, an’ made the   score flames of her cigarette. God is wearing a twig. But, swoll’n with eagerly fears: she took himself. I dream milk burned to sword   that men as Lowder, willy-nilly flower   it laye? Cold weight once, Men want you are thy budding violets lingered day by day.
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nevofthewilds · 1 year
S70: Dawn of Possibilities
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The morning is cold and bleak, with a dry wind stirring up the thin layer of frost covering the grounds of Bofkasmaur- the first real sign that winter is upon the lands. Waking up in unfamiliar lodgings, the Mudwangs shift with groans and cracks, the vestiges of their battle last night under the grounds of Academy with Huon Hurrard and his infernal minions. As their memories return, they recall having escaped the mines with Rinna to her shop, though not all of the party made the return journey...
Over tea and biscuits, Rinna's caretakers thank you for returning the girl, though from where the men did not fully explain, glossing over the severity of the trouble she was in. Nevertheless, the couple understood she had once again found herself in trouble, a common reoccurence for the students amongst her classmates and her teachers. Though they'd hoped the academic setting would help the girl find discipline and control, Vax counseled that too much structure for a free spirit such as herself might be fighting who she really is. He offered to counsel and advise the girl, for which her Mum and Uncle were happy to accept.
The peeling of the morning bells a short while later reminded the men that the final judgement for Shakan Bake and Elder Gikandi remained to be uttered. Despite their frustration with losing Rucker of the Blacktails- yet again- the men swore to find a solution after seeing through the end of the trial.After enjoying a humble breakfast and some coffee, the morning bells toll, and the four men make their way back once more to the Conservatory of the Archives, where the final sentence will be uttered shortly. You realize you didn’t see Larrius in the pits last night, and wonder what state he'll might be this morning following his attempted abduction.
Taerus tarries a moment outside the Tower of the Archives as the others enter. Finding a familiar bench and tree where he'd counseled Shakan some days before, he summons his spiritual other, Ayeres. Using words and thoughts, they reconnect and rediscover their linkage. Ayeres had been locked away, within the soldier, perhaps by choice, perhaps as a defense, to help protect themselves from the dark magic of the Emcee's inferno. Like a scar, it had kept them sealed until Huon's cursed minion reopened the wound, and Ayeres was able to fully escape. Not much for sentimentality, both human and hylgee quietly relished their reuinifcation, and Taerus dismissed her form easily, knowing that he could summon her easily again.
Making their way through familiar halls, the warriors saw more friendly and supportive faces than they'd remember. Entering the domed Council room, the seats were filled with students, insturctor's, and townsfolk alike- the magnitude of this trial has spread across the land. Elder Gikandi is pleased to see the group return, however diminished. With Rat still recovering in the medical bay of ConsMyst, and Rucker lost in the destruction below, Taerus is dour despite Gikandi's assurances that everything happens for a reason, even if those answers are unbeknownst at the time.
The gavel bangs, the audience rises to their feet, and Vincardo Dalakas, Mid-Gothi Worowo, and a tussle-haired Larry Dennit walk out. Larry is wearing thick-set glasses, and his normally pristine robes are a bit tossled, but it seems to be him. Without much formality, the leader of the tribunal reads a preapred statement that excuses Gikandi of any culpability, and will be reinstated as acting Elder at his earliest desire.
After a brief celebration from the audience and the defense, Larry continues with the sentence that does find Shakan at least partially guilty for the aftermath of Goldsands, even though his actions were in self-defense. As punishment, the genasi's status as acolyte was terminated, and he was given a choice- to either accept complete exile from the Academy and it's resources and inhabitants, or to accept a 6 month term as temporary-instructor in residence at Bofkasmaur, under Gikandi's further guidance.
While the group celebrated at this blessing-as-punishment, Shakan nevertheless asked for a 24 hour window to decide on his fate. The Tribunal accepted, and with a final *Bang* the Trial was concluded. Amidst shoulder pats, hugs, and cries around, Shakan caught Larrius's tired eyes and the two men, former rivals, shared a brief, respectful head nod. Their previous enmities moved on, if not completely forgotten, the Mudwangs leave without much celebration to try and recover their lost ally.
However, the earthquake had not gone unnoticed, and by the time they'd returned to the mine shaft at the Conservatory of Innovation, an excavation team had already sealed off the entrance due to the instabilities of the mines. The dwarven excavation leader explained the mines were unstable and dangerous, and no one was allowed to enter. Despite their insistence, the group was denied access and they left to brainstorm how they might return to Rucker's crypt.
Rucker awakens in snow. Odd, considering his last memories were of a stony maw closing around him deep underground. But as he took in his surroundings, he found himself in a snow-covered vale, familiar to him as the remaining skulls around his neck- it was his tribe's ancestral home in the Blacktails. Everything was as it was before Balefroar's arrival: the village stood, the men were chopping down ironwood trees, the children were being tended to, and the Stag Mountain still watched in the distance.
Making his way towards his village, still clad in battered armor and wearing Yvram's bracelet along wit his other tokens gathered, Rucker was shocked to see his father and mother directing a logging crew in erecting a new communal yurt. Without questioning it, he quickly lent his mighty strength to the project, and for some time was lost to the chores and familiar goliath work-songs he'd grown up with.
Finally, he reunited with his parents, whom explained that he had done them and the tribe great honor by fighting for their spirits. And by dying bravely in defending others, he'd earned a spot in the goliath afterlife. However, as he considered this offer, he looked down and realized he still held the Dust of Resurrection Gikandi had gifted him the night before.
His parents offered him a set of choices- to finally rest and join them here in the mountains of the sky with his tribe, or to return to material realm. However, in returning he would make yet another decision- to return as he was with the liches curse still poisoning his soul or to return whole, albeit without the power his first death had granted him. Without a second thought, Rucker chose to return a free goliath, knowing that he would be reunited with his family someday unburdened by the curse of the lich.
As the sun set in the distance, silhouetting the Stag Mountain and the plains around Bofkasmaur, the Mudwangs considered their next steps- stay at the Academy to fill out Shakan's sentence? Leave as exiles and try to aid Marhsall Trest and the possible uprising at Fort Indominus? Root out the dark plots surrounding Pol and the Bloodwoods? Continue their apprenticeship as knights of the League of Terror Vigilant? Ensure the Queen of Sweets'' spores that had inhabited Rat hadn't somehow spread amongst the student body at the Academy?
All these questions rattled Vax, Shakan, and Taerus' thought-cages when suddenly a glowing portal appeared in front of them, and a man unrecognizable yet familiar passed through. Guided by a pack of flitting flower-fairies, Rucker Reborn rejoined the Mudwangs, yet again. With pristine armor and garb, the goliath took off his tortued helm to show a healthy, un-cursed face. With a great smile, he shared how he'd been able to survive the Demons jaws, and his faewild protectors had transported him to safety as his body healed.
Reunited, the darkening skies over Virpresque seemed not filled with fear and danger, but instead calm and dynamic as the faerie fire began to dance in the skies above. The Mudwangs recounted their adventures, laughter, pain, danger, and wonders shared up to this point, and that while nothing was guaranteed, their growing tribe and their allies across the land were stronger now for all the hardships and choices faced. What remained ahead the Stag would not reveal, but the storms lightly cracking atop the hallowed mountain would not yet dampen the joy of the Mudwangs celebrations that night.
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memingursa · 2 years
Blacktail having Yaga’s fast travel system be a magical black cat does fuck immensely but you can’t pet it either (so far in my playthrough)
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ilfaitdusoleil · 5 years
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Blacktail deer - Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park - 8/7/19
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