#Blackgaard Chronicles
I should be asleep but things needed to be said.
1, Blackgaard (Regis, not Edwin) is a dilf. Gilf? Nah, dilf.
2, Richard is bi. That’s it that’s the bullet point
2.5, just as a clarification those two points aren’t related. At least I don’t think.
…Honestly maybe they are lol
3, if book six of the bloody Blackgaard chronicles doesn’t come out soon I’m gonna cry
Ok night night
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the-maladjustedjester · 9 months
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Regis Blackgard. Hoo boy
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livehorsesartpage · 2 years
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Doctor... Regis... Blackgaaaard!!! *Cue the evil music, the doctor does a villain laugh*
This was a birthday present for my dear friend Lucy, who loves this evil master mind a lot! Here he is with his temperamental cat Sasha. I prefer his twin brother Edwin of course, my chicken boy. :3 🐔 DON'T YOU DARE TO EVEN TOUCH HIM REGIS!!!
Anyways, I gave Lucy the gift by private message, but due to her birthday coinciding with my Lent hiatus (and many other things that got in the way this year) I couldn't upload publicly the drawing until now. So, happy delayed Thanksgiving my friend @lightening816 !! 😃 And RIP Regis Blackgaard, may God have mercy on your soul. 😔
Made with pencil colors and pens at March 28 of 2022
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applesauce1131 · 1 year
I'll never get over the fact that Jack has a "bad feeling" about something and then Jason looks like the villain for not having the same premonitions. Like what did he actually do that was so bad lol
And it's his shop not Jack's.
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lightening816 · 8 months
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Just jumped into the 1000 Episode Fan Art link and grabbed Episode 334, The Final Conflict! I have a solid idea for The Final Conflict fanart entry, and I really hope FotF likes it! I grew up with some of the Odyssey cartoons, but it was the Blackgaard Chronicles that got me into the radio program and made me realize that the world AiO takes place in is much larger than the cartoons suggested. And in my opinion, The Blackgaard Chronicles is about hope and despair: Some of the characters are full of hope (Whit, Jack, Jason, etc), Eugene and Richard are somewhere in the middle given their experiences with forgiveness and redemption, and then there's the arc's namesake, who's full of despair (Blackgaard).
To me, Dr. Blackgaard in The Final Conflict is what you get when despair enters a morally broken soul. He wants eternal life, but without the Jesus part, because that would mean changing himself, and that bothers him more than he lets on. I want my piece to convey that brokenness, not enough to concern FotF and be denied, but just enough to show what despair looks like.
And yeah, I'm probably overthinking this arc to a degree, but whenever I hear Earl Boen's performance in the Final Conflict, the word 'despair' tends to come to mind.
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One of my favorite segments from the Blackgaard Chronicles is Bart going on the news as a guest commentator and blaming the economy for everything bad that’s happening. 
“People don’t have no money! And they’re upset. And when people get upset, they break stuff.”
Also this gem: “And you know who I think is responsible? Now, I won’t mention any names. But don’t you think it’s strange that none of this stuff happened before TOM RILEY became mayor????”
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POV: You are listening to the Blackgaard Chronicles again...
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asterdeer · 1 year
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[image description: two screenshots of text.
the first is from the blackgaard chronicles book rook's ruse and reads, "The sirens were very close now, and the rescue vehicles pulled into the parking lot. Whit stood to signal for the ambulance and missed the tears that ran down Richard Maxwell's cheeks."
the second is from an adventures in odyssey fanfic on ao3 and reads, "The sirens came closer, wailing their way towards the Castle. Whittaker was silent as Richard tried and failed not to cry anymore. Not that Richard wanted words. The truth would hurt and he knew anything else would be lies." end description.]
phil lollar owes me royalties. time to pay up
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odyssey-owl · 2 years
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the-maladjustedjester · 9 months
Listen if I don’t gay fanfic the fuck out of adventures in odyssey I’m just gonna be left with my horrific religious trauma and guilt so I’m sorry to anyone who finds my endless shipping posts but I’m stuck in a spiral and I’m afraid it’s entering into more of a special interest than hyperfixation
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tilliwriteapine · 1 year
Book Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @reylokisses :)))))
A book I want to reread:
Captive Prince series is effing amazing, and while it is on my list to re-read, I am trying to read more new stuff lately lol. Prairie River series also! Gah, always SERIES!
Any books you reread every two to five years:
The O’Malley series by Dee Henderson. I believe I have read the series in the past 5 years lol
Any books you reread once a year:
None off the top of my head... I rather skim/peruse books for fav passages depending on what I am obsessing over lol
Any books you reread within the shortest turnaround time:
None that I can think of.... Depends on my mood, honestly. And since all my books are packed, I can’t look at them to reference right now HAHA
The book you’ve reread the most times:
The O’Malley Series. Pharoah’s Daughter was a childhood fav I read multiple times. The Blackgaard Chronicle books that have been released. The Star Trek Academy books that revolve around the Kelvin timeline (the new movies with Pine and Quinto)
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elle-eedee · 25 days
food....... water............ new blackgaard chronicles supplementary novel.............
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artsyld · 3 years
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Some more fanart of Adventures in Odyssey, of an intense moment in Book 1 of the Blackgaard Chronicles, called 'Opening Moves', in which local weasel Phillip Glossman realizes just how cut off he is from his old love, forever bound to his malicious benefactor...
"Don't ever think of running away from me, Phillip. I know where you live, and I know where Lizzy lives. I will always find you..."
The text is from a song that inspired this piece, Buy the Stars, by Marina and the Diamonds. I never thought one of their songs would remind me of Glossman, yet here we are!
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amerasdreams · 3 years
just got the last 3 books of the Blackgaard Chronicles on Kindle! I got my stimulus $ from the government, so I have some money to buy things with. I’m supposed to buy things to help the economy, so... this is what I bought. :) 
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applesauce1131 · 4 years
Ok so we all know Jason is messed up but it really started in the Blackgaard Chronicles.
Do you think Jason had nightmares about Dr Blackgaard after A Name Not A Number?
Do you think he felt guilty?
Do you think he didn't understand why someone would so willingly offer up their life for his?
Do you think it kept him awake at night, feeling sick to his stomach, because the seemingly extremely kind man was dead and all because of Jason?
Do you think that when he heard Blackgaard on the radio, he wasnt angry, he was hopeful because if Blackgaard wasn't dead, then that weight didn't have to rest on his conscience?
But then Blackgaard turns out to be evil. He turns out to have terrorised his father and friends. Turns out he had been a bad guy the entire time. Evil in fact.
And then
And then
Jack Allen is in the tunnel. And the bomb goes off. And this person that Jason had been having nightmares about. This man that Jason thought died for him. This man killed his friend. Killed his friend right after they reconciled.
And Jason blames himself again. Because he didn't stop him. Because he didn't figure it out sooner. Because he spent months having survivors guilt and wishing Blackgaard back only for him to suddenly want Blackgaard dead. Only to regret everything he had thought and wished and prayed for.
Of course he wanted to fight. Of course he didn't like Jack not doing anything. This man had died for him and he had felt the guilt and now all that guilt was a lie. He had been suffering in silence for months, carrying a guilt he legally couldn't share, and suddenly Blackgaard was there. He was there and hurting people he cared about.
I'm just saying that Jason had to have had serious psychological problems after that. The world was spiralling around him. This is where the spiral started. It really doesn't end until Home Again.
Jason's trauma is not a new development. He just finally cracked enough that we could see through him.
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