#Black Mandala Films
horrorpatch · 3 months
Official Trailer For Pandemic Horror Film STAY SAFE!
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moviesandmania · 7 months
WHAT THE WATERS LEFT BEHIND: SCARS (2022) Reviews, trailer and now free to watch on Tubi
‘Rock will tear us apart’ What the Water Left Behind: Scars is a 2022 horror film about an indie rock band that ends up stranded in the desolate city of Epecuén. Their internal conflicts and the bad luck of their tour quickly fade, when they begin to discover the bloody hell that awaits them. The movie is a sequel to What the Waters Left Behind (2017). Directed and co-produced by Nicolás Onetti…
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gebo4482 · 2 years
WOLVES 🎬 Official Teaser Trailer 🎬 Thriller Horror Movie 🎬 English 4K 2023
Dir: Danny Dunlop Star: Mark Nocent / Jake Raymond / Allan Dobrescu
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fearsmagazine · 6 months
YOU SHALL NOT SLEEP TONIGHT is Black Mandala's first new Cannes entry,.
From the producers of “The 100 Candles Games,” comes the tale of a boy haunted by terrifying nightmares where a monster lurks inside the closet. To his relief, his father appears in the middle of the night helping him to face his fears.
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But the boy will begin to question the true nature of these apparitions, having to face the truth about his father’s destiny and the evil force that threatens to consume him.
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YOU SHALL NOT SLEEP TONIGHT is a horror anthology, centered on the experiences of a young boy plagued by visions of a monstrous entity lurking in his closet. This central storyline is the focus for a series of interconnected segments crafted by some innovative directors working in the horror genre today.
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The cast includes Milo Webb, Agustin Olcese, Bruno Giacobbe, and Brenda Bonotto. The screenplay is by Camilo Zaffora and the lineup of directors include Guillermo Carbonell, Ben Deka, and Julien Deka, "YOU SHALL NOT SLEEP TONIGHT" features cinematography by Kasty Castillo and a score Luciano Onetti.
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Black Mandala is bringing Cannes for potential worldwide distribution.
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flashfuckingflesh · 1 year
Down the Path of Darkness is EVIL. "The Long Dark Trail" reviewed! (Cleopatra Entertainment / Blu-ray)
“The Long Dark Trail” on Blu-ray at Amazon.com Set in the idyllic boondocks of Northwestern Pennsylvania, two young brothers plan to escape the abusive grasp of an alcoholic father in search for a better life.  Without a plan and nowhere to go, they go around the small town to collect money from the odd jobs the brothers worked in preparation for their abscond.  While doing so, they come upon…
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atamascolily · 3 months
Gather round, everyone - today I'm going to talk about a topic I've never seen discussed anywhere: the use of lace in Madoka Magica, particularly Rebellion.
Earlier, I was examining sketches of some prototype designs from the Rebellion Production Note, particularly this glove with Homulilly's name on, and I noticed something interesting in the accompanying text.
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"黒レース... kuro rēsu... black lace... Wait a minute. That fringe on the bottom of the glove is supposed to be lace??!!!!!!!"
Because I've seen this same "peacock's tail" motif a lot, actually--it's the outer ring on the mandalas that appear around Walpurgisnacht and Homulilly.
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Here's a close-up shot of that last shot of Homulilly from the Rebellion Production Note, which has a much higher resolution than the finished film version, so you can really appreciate the details:
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Take a look at the "peacock's tail" edges of the mandala and compare them to the lace of Homulilly's shawl. It's the same pattern. It's obvious once you know to look for it, but I never would have made the connection without Inu Curry's comment.
And this is interesting, because lace appears a lot in Rebellion and in surprising places.
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Take the "pennants" in this shot, for instance. I had always thought of them as "cobwebs", but then I saw the original sketch in the Rebellion Production Note--again, a much higher resolution than the film screenshot--and realized that they're woven lace, albeit a very different style from Homulilly's shawl.
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There's also this striking image of Homura framed by lace that has always puzzled me, because what is it doing there (especially since it doesn't seem to be visible in any of the wide shots)?
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I mentioned all of this to Silver, who said, "But wait, there's more!" and sent me screenshots to prove it.
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As you can see, lace is associated with curtains, which are also an important visual motif in their own right. Not only does the fringe of Homulilly's glove in the Rebellion Production Note resemble curtains if you squint, the curtains that rise over Homulilly's entrance in the movie are also framed with lace and have the same overlapping "peacock's tail" shape.
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Having established the connection between mandalas, lace, and curtains, let's take a look at the other witch who uses these in her design. Here's Walpurgisnacht's curtains from the opening shot of the original series.
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Take a look at the lace at the center. You can see the same "peacock's tail" shape around the edges, and also what looks like a flower or a star or a sun at the center. Compare that with Walpurgisnacht's mandala that appears a few seconds later:
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As you can see, both the "peacock's tail" and the flower/star at the center are both visible. (The ring in between is full of tomoe, which I have written about elsewhere, and the hole at the center bears an uncanny resemblance to the black hole at Homulilly's heart in the Production Note sketch above.)
In other words, the mandalas here are visual representations of lace patterns (or vice versa?). All of these elements are combined in the mandala of the Law of Cycles, which is literally a lace pattern with a similar flower/star design at the center:
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Finally, there are multiple mandalas at the end of Rebellion featuring all kinds of different designs; this one has both the "peacock's tail" design and the central flower:
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All of the mandalas in this scene are made of up of symbols that have appeared throughout Rebellion, most notably the dollhouse scene, although not in the same configurations. While they don't appear as physical lace, they certainly have lace-like patterns like the others.
(As an aside: I've always thought of the mandalas in the show as "doilies" in my head, and it turns out that impression wasn't so far off the mark. Life's funny like that.)
Mandalas are typically a symbol of divinity and world-creation, so it makes sense that Walpurgisnacht (the Stage-Producing witch) and the Law of Cycles (a goddess who has adopted many of Walpurgisnacht's attributes including a cart pulled by the witch's green elephants). Homulilly, too, creates a world inside her labyrinth, and is associated with sewing and thread and lace--and since mandalas and lace appear to be connected, it makes sense that she would have a mandala. Ditto for Devil Homura--who, I should take pains to point out, is also Homulilly (see the runes on the glove in the opening image)--as she has set herself up as the Law of Cycle's opposite.
So what does it all mean? First of all, I think this goes to show how much thought and care went into the creation of this series, and how even small details are connected to each other on a thematic and symbolic level. Secondly, it suggests yet another set of visual parallels between Walpurgisnacht and Homura/Homulilly, albeit on a much more subtle level than I was previously aware of.
Inu Curry, if you're reading this--I bet you thought that no one would ever notice and put the pieces together, but I did and now I'm telling the world. My since compliments, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in Walpurgis no Kaiten.
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
On Wednesdays we wear pink
Pavtri happily showing Gwen his update vlog on his life: Hehehe, look I totally added this cute cat holding a cup of Chai character on the side! I'm loving this new feature for Spdr So-City app! Lyla is a genius. -Lyla heard this went she sent a happy chibi sticker in his Smartphone being pleased by the new update-
Gwen saw his socials being completely customize: Wow, I just put a black background filter with white fonts, the bright white hurts my eyes at night. -Pav's background had a colorful Mandala pattern and his profile picture being updated-
Pavtri: Awe, no cool posters? No Barbie. Dats pretty boring... it's giving basic!
Gwen fake gasps: Not you calling me basic! I got no time to go all web design like you!
Pavtri: But it's so much fun. Lyla made it like Myspace, very old school but better and advanced!
Gwen: Myspace? Wow, that's so crazy! I wasn't even there when dat happen.
Pavtri giggles: Me neither. Anyway, I'm seeing everyone's page and some of them had already updated their page! -Showing Gwen of their close friends' So-City pages- I really like Peni's
Gwen nodded: Yeah, I think her's is pretty sweet. -Her blue eyes spotted Hobie wearing pink along with Miles- Ohh looks like the love birds are here.
Miles holding his boyfriend's hand with a smile on his face: Hey guys, what's up!
Pavtri: OMB, you two look so cute in pink! What's the occasion?
Hobie shrugs: On Wednesdays we were pink! -This made Miles laugh-
Gwen caught the joke and giggle: Ohhh I get you.
Pavtri looks confused: What? Is that a thing?
Miles: You never watched Mean Girls?
Pavtri: No! What is dat? Wait, I don't think my world has that... maybe... ugh, curses multidimensional changes!
Hobie chuckles: Neither my world. Sunflower was joking around with Ganks and I was miffed.
Miles: I had to explain to him about some Mean Girls joke since Danika, Ganke's girl loves that movie. We always watch it when she's in the mood for it. Anyway me and Hobie watched it, and he thought it would be funny to wear pink since today is Wednesday.
Hobie: Movie was okay. Not my cup of tea. Found the jokes tasteless.
Gwen: I never knew she would like Mean Girls then again, she does like Heather.
Hobie arched his eyebrow: What's that one about?
Miles rub his chin: It's an 80s movie and I think you'll like it. Same concept three mean girls name Heather and a girl name Veronica. Veronica like this bad boy and they kill the main Heather, it's focus on toxic love? -He eyes Gwen thinking he got the movie-
Gwen: Kinda. There's a lot going on.
Hobie didn't look pleased: I can't stand Bullies, Sunflower.
Miles: Then maybe you'll like But I'm just a cheerleader. -he knows his boyfriend has a complex taste in movies. Sometimes he criticize the shit out one if he doesn't like it and he rarely watches them. If anything he mostly stick to Horror/thriller or psychological films. Anything that he can dissect. Comedy is always a hit or miss, he did find Hangover assuming.-
Pavtri whines: I wanna see Mean Girls! Can we have a movie night to watch!
Miles: Sure! It's a cult classic!
Gwen: Maybe we should watch Rocky Horror Picture Show, too. I know, you haven't watched it yet.
Hobie gasps at his Sunflower: LUV, you never saw it! -Now that's one of his favorite movies-
Miles: Sorry, bae! I never felt ready to watch it... I dunno doesn't-
Hobie cut him off: No, we're gonna watch it! You'll find it amazing! In my world, we do a full blown show and wreak havoc on the streets all for Anarchy! We'll watch it tonight!
Gwen: Maybe we can do Saturday? I'm free that time.
Pavtri looks at his schedule: Me too!
Miles nodded: Same.
Hobie: Alright, Saturday. At your place, luv?
Miles agreed: Sure, I'll let Danika know. She loves that movie like gurl will make a Mean Girls party. I wouldn't be surprise if we have to dress up.
Pavtri's eyes gleam: I still have my Barbie shirt! We can all wear pink!
Gwen: I totally want to be Janis.
Miles: Hahaha, I'll let ya know.
Hobie kisses his boyfriend's cheek: Luv, you would have to wear the Christmas outfit. -His body turns even more brighter and sparkling hearts appeared-
Pavtri blushes: Opp! I dunno what that means but by the looks of it, it gotta be dirty!
Gwen cracks up seeing Miles' shocking face: Hahaha, Miles have to do the dance and wear knee high boots!
Miles flick his boyfriend's forehead: BONK! Go to Horny Jail! -he huffs-
Hobie whines and begs for his sweet Sunflower to wear the outfit, but Miles ignores him. Gwen had to show a picture to Pavtri about the outfit and dance scene so he understood. Of course, the two were teasing Miles to do it, too.
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higherhell · 8 months
Was tagged by the illustrious @harbingerofskulls , thank you! :D 3 ships: Well. I don't really get into ships so to speak. but I DO like ships. so allow me to be a rascal here and misinterpret this question :3 off the top of my head- The King of Red Lions from Wind Waker, Kapp'n's boat from Animal Crossing GC, and of course, Saira's UFO from Saira (it's got radio!!! and pinball!!)
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First ship: Now that'd have to be the beauty that is The Flutter from Megaman Legends. Oh how I wanted to take her for a spin as a kid. Still do. Look at her.... Fishe.
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Last Song: 2D or not 2D has been back on my mind the past few days for some reason. Sometimes one simply must return to one of the greatest music videos of all time I suppose. (Forever thinking of you, skeleton saying Oh Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet)
Last Film: ...if concert dvds count, then Susumu Hirasawa's The 9th Mandala....if not. I genuinely don't remember haha. Have found it hard to sit down for a whole film as of late. Currently Reading: Regrettably, nothing...I keep meaning to pick up Blame! though. Swear I will get to it eventually Currently Craving: Honestly? Can't think of anything. If I can expand the scope past food and drink then I really want to get some hairspray and try to make my hair defy gravity like a Visual Kei dude. Just to know if it's possible. I feel like I just have too much length but those guys do it somehow right?.. WAIT hold that thought actually I also want a hot doughnut. have not had a hot doughnut in a hot minute. Somebody help me anti-grav my hair and then lets go out for doughnuts. Fav Color: Black and white and red. but among close company I am known for my love of purple and teal as well. Relationship Status: Single Last Thing Googled: Honestly no idea. Things I have to google leave my brain immediately after I'm through with them and I've got a habit of searching everything in incognito so I can't even check. Sad Current Obsession: hmmmmm......Wataru Kamiryo (I mean he is always an obsession but. been particularly on the mind lately...beautiful beautiful vampire man.. I wish he would release another solo album.) Not directly tagging anyone because my brain is kinda cooked atm BUT consider yourself tagged if it suits your fancy. tell em ol' higherhell sent ya.
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The Free Black Women's Library is thrilled to host interdisciplinary artist and educator Desiree Mwalimu-Banks, with a special screening and discussion of her film Transmissions From The Sacred Feminine: A Labyrinth Journey Into The Center of The Hive
This experimental film stitches together global narratives of the sacred feminine to the story of her becoming an artist, priestess, and daughter of the African Diaspora. It s also an articulation of the water mandala, a foundational blueprint that circumscribes water’s ability to conceive, nourish, purify, and re-member its mark.
This 34-minute film is presented in a series of 13 sections, based on the phases of the moon according to the life-cycle of a honeybee, and described through the storytelling vehicle of the water mandala. While the bee’s journey in the hive throughout the phases of the moon represents a measured archetypal chronology, the film is presented both in and out of time, using a non-linear sequencing framework.
Throughout this weaving, viewers are invited into and out of these spiraling dimensions of the labyrinth.
We will engage in a special meditation activation prior to watching the film, with a community discussion to follow across both live and virtual platforms.
Light refreshments will be provided.
All are welcome to attend.
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linaxart · 2 years
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I posted 355 times in 2022
That's 14 more posts than 2021!
187 posts created (53%)
168 posts reblogged (47%)
I tagged 348 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#the old guard - 161 posts
#tog - 122 posts
#timezones rb - 98 posts
#fanart - 89 posts
#sketchbook - 80 posts
#digital art - 74 posts
#photoshop - 59 posts
#kaysanova - 49 posts
#yusuf al-kaysani - 48 posts
#tog art - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i wanted a more dynamic pose but it's so impossible to find a pic of a muscled guy that's not just standing or maybe holding hands in pocket
My Top Posts in 2022:
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hey ✌️ 
[ID: A digital drawing of Joe from The Old Guard holding a big vase filled with flowers on one hand and making a peace sign with the other. He’s looking at the viewer, smiling with one eyebrow raised. He has sunglasses pushed up to his curls and is wearing a pink shirt with green pants. The style is simple black lines and watercolour-style painting. The background is plain white. End ID.]
298 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
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Call me Joe.
ID in alt text. don't repost. reblogs appreciated 💕
323 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
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Joseph & Nicholas
[Alt versions]
[ID: A digital reproduction of Leyendecker’s Couple Descending a Staircase that’s been repainted to feature Joe and Nicky from the film The Old Guard (2020). They are standing on the steps of an elaborate stairs staring off frame to the right. Nicky at the top is holding a cigarette, Joe is fixing his vest. Both men are wearing black suits that melt into the background with white shirts, cravats and vests along with cuff-links and a brooch with pink diamonds. Behind them in the top right corner is an elaborate wooden chandelier. End ID.]
400 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
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long distance troubles
[ID: A digital drawing of Yusuf al-Kaysani from The Old Guard in a kitchen leaning against a counter as he speaks to a pink telephone, its cord stretched across the frame. Yusuf is barefoot wearing all green: a turtleneck, a suit jacket and dress pants. He has his hands in his pockets. Next to his head are two speech bubbles, one from him that reads "I can't sleep without you in my arms..." and another that comes from the phone and reads "tesoro..." in italics. The style is simple black lines and soft textured colours. End ID.]
406 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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For the Art Guard server’s June prompt: Pride 🏳️‍🌈
[ID: A digital drawing of Joe and Nicky from The Old Guard kissing passionately with their arms around each other. Nicky’s t-shirt has rode up his back.They’re coloured like the rainbow pride flag in watercolours and the style is lose black lines. The background is white with a concentric design from their kiss outwards like a mandala. End ID]
698 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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noirstims · 5 days
📞 intro / pinned post 📌
hello, you can call me noir.
the main theme of this blog is mostly grayscale / black & white (and to a lesser extent mystery / detectives). requested stimboards will usually be made in full grayscale, but you can request 1-2 highlight colors for them.
banner credit : edited by me, from here
icon credit : edited by me, screenshot from here (timestamp is 2:30)
below the cut is a list of fandoms / music interests i have (plus my blacklist & tag list at the bottom). feel free to ask for things outside of the fandom and music lists (im always looking for new music / songs to listen to), but dni / blacklist still apply.
(anything tagged with a * at the end means read blacklist before requesting)
proship, map, anti-semitic, zionist, nsfw / kink blogs, ageplay, petplay, terfs, radqueer, anti-lgbts
[ fandoms ]
problem sleuth
scp foundation*
among us (yes, really)
angel hare
disco elysium
mystery flesh pit
fallen london
ace attorney
cookie run
moral orel
the stanley parable
five nights at freddys
superliminal (the one by pillow castle games)
the mandala catalogue*
my little pony (g4)
lifesteal smp
dream smp*
[ music ]
vylet pony
porter robinson
city girl
in love with a ghost
billie ellish
sydney gish
carly rae jepsen
glass beach
frank ocean
drain gang
miracle musical*
six impala
candy claws
tyler, the creator
liana flores
1 800 pain
jack stauber
100 gecs
owl city
tv girl
charli xcx
dr. jack bright (elias shaw is okay)
hazbin hotel
helluva boss
harry potter
wilbur soot
dream (the minecraft youtuber)
joe hawley
alex kister
mindless self indulgence
anything on my dni
[tag list]
⚖️ “read my ass. i’m a cop.” - pinned
🗣️ “mister dragon you’re under arrest!” - announcements
🪪 “you’re expecting somebody huh mrs?” - others answered requests
💭 “and aren't all detectives philosophers?” - my requests answered
🗄️ case closed - my stimboards
📁 case files - my gifs
👣 new leads - reblogged stimboards
🖇️ newspaper clippings - reblogged gifs
🌫️ old flames - favs
👥 in kahoots - fandom stims
🃏 red herrings - joke stims
🔍 p.i. (pickle inspector) - detective stims
📽️ silent film - full grayscale
📺 tv color - partial grayscale
👁️‍🗨️ shadow play - silhouette stims
🔦 street light - liminal stims
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horrorpatch · 5 months
Official Trailer - Period Horror Film BREATHING IN!
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moviesandmania · 1 year
WHAT THE WATERS LEFT BEHIND: SCARS (2022) Reviews and trailer
‘Rock will tear us apart’ What the Water Left Behind: Scars is a 2022 horror film about an indie rock band that ends up stranded in the desolate city of Epecuén. Their internal conflicts and the bad luck of their tour quickly fade, when they begin to discover the bloody hell that awaits them. The movie is a sequel to What the Waters Left Behind (2017). Directed and co-produced by Nicolás Onetti…
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toiletology · 2 months
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Interestingly the Monolith in the movie Space Odyssey represented instantaneous change in evolution/consciousness. At the beginning of the movie we see the apes looking at the monolith and in the next scene it fast forwards to futuristic technology skipping everything else in between.
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9/11/2001 the Millennium Hilton Hotel was designed after the black monolith from that film.
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I think we can all agree that 9/11 was an instantaneous change in human consciousness that day. The buildings on 9/11 were also designed like tuning forks on the outside. That attack created a lot of fear and chaos in the world. It was not a GODLY tuning it was more of a DEVIL tuning. The result of our poor choices as a human species. And no jet fuel did not melt the steel beams. That was obviously done by GOD.
There was a Mandala Effect that I noticed that happened with the towers. And I studied 9/11 so much in 2006 I know that God swapped things a bit. The stripes on the towers never existed till around 2016 maybe? I can't remember the exact year when they showed up.
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fearsmagazine · 11 months
THE EYE AND THE WALL | Official Trailer, Poster & Images
Latin America, late 2030s. The city of Gabhán has fallen under an oppressive and totalitarian government, surrounded by a wall that citizens cannot cross and within which they live in total poverty. The young Alba is part of a clandestine group that provides health care, food and water to those most in need. Lucre tries to convince Alba to go with a group of smugglers who are taking people to the other side of the wall. Unexpectedly, Alba embarks on a journey across the border that will change her life.
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Black Mandala presents the sci-fi film “THE EYE END THE WALL”, written and directed by Javier Del Cid. A dystopian adventure that won "Audience Award" at MACABRO FILM FEST; "Award Fantlatam" at CINEFANTASY; "Best Ibero-American Film" and "Best Screenplay" at SANTIAGO HORROR FILM FEST; "Best Fiction Film" at HISTERIA FILM FEST; "Honorable Mention for Production Design" at FIXION FEST; "Honorable Mention for the Creation of the Universe" at Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre; "Best Fiction Film" at BLOODSTAINED; and "Best International Feature Film" at PANAMA HFF.
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THE EYE AND THE WALL stars Juan Pablo Olyslager, Álvaro Sagone, Roberto Díaz Gomar, Alexander Alzate, andYolanda Coronado, and is being distributed by Black Mandala.
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moviereviews101web · 2 months
Black Mandala Presents Purgatory Jack
Black Mandala Presents Purgatory Jack Black Mandala presents a neo-noir mystery thriller, “PURGATORY JACK”, directed by The Butler Brothers (Brett Butler, Jason Butler) ; an intriguing story that mixes comedy, film noir and colorful characters, in a universe where there are body part collectors, outlaws and a tough detective very much in the vein of Tarantino. Purgatory is a dangerous,…
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