#Black Eagles best house
cookies-o · 1 year
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Characters Puffed!
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oblivioustoast · 4 months
seriously considering playing three houses for, like………..the 5th time
does anyone body have any ideas for fun/unusual classes for the black eagles students? i wanna do smth new and/or silly
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solidandsound · 2 years
Oops! All Hours of the Day Spent on Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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We Played More Of That Long Ass Game Fire Emblem Three Houses. We Have Only 1 Character To Recruit Anymore Grr. Btw Most Of The Character Supports Are Booriingg!! Even Interesting Pairings Are Boring Because Of Sexism Ang Other Evil Things... Btw Not Only Is Dimitri A Cop They're Totally Conservative Their Entire Country. Omg... Only A Monster Would Root For Something Like That. Besides. In Their Path That Is Their Ignorance That Will Canonically Destroy The World... Btw Make Us Transition We Live In Finland Freeze Our Little Ones And Give Us Diy Hrt... Anyways Idk. Btw That Is Super Bothersome Only 1 Character Is Left Omg... She's All Alone... And Will Be Until We Obtain Her... Even Right Now... She's Alone... But If We Play More We Would Have To Do So Many Boring Chores... Why Was This Written This Way Anyways 😭😭... Nobody Should Be Left Alone Like This 😭😭... They Shouldn't Be Recruited Because They Like You They Shouldn't Betray Their Own Side That Only Makes Them All Ungenuine Political Monsters 😢... Since They Just Drop Absolutely Everything Can Become Absolutely Anything And Are Brainwashable Into Each Ideology Making Them Less Interesting...
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olberic · 1 year
[in tears] i cant fucking stand the crimson flower route
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
I Don’t Think I Can Do This (Daemon x Reader)
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Hey y’all so I know I was supposed to write another request but my job has cause my imagination to ran dry and this was certainly easier cause i wanted to write something that shows the burden that women carry and also that Daemon is a very grey character, I hope you guys like it
The story of (y/n) Eaglemore and Daemon Targaryen did not start as a love story, one would suppose that seems to be a common trait amongst the concept of arranged marriages, especially to a young maiden of an independent kingdom to the rogue prince Targaryen, their marriage was the establishment of Eaglemore joining their forces with the Targaryens, (y/n) was dressed in her traditional attire with her hair in an intricate style, she was breath of fresh air in the house of the dragons, a proud Eagle that was brave enough to fly with the dragons as the flag with the colors of red and black flew next to the black and red she assumed the similarities were bound as an omen for success.
That was quickly ripped out of her mind at the bedding ceremony that she endured, the prince was not brutal, yet she had hoped that he would forbid it, he was cold and only placed a kiss at the top of her head after it was done before he left her laying while the ones that observed it cleared the room, tears streamed down from embarrassment while the handmaidens helped her get up to assist her with her bath.
She exclaimed excitedly before she skipped over to Daemon who was preoccupied with having a conversation with Viserys was much more important than turning his head to face her, alas the newlywed stood by his side and reached for his hand to get his attention, innocently she squeezed it only to be met with an annoyed expression as he gazed intensely at her.
“What?! (Y/n)! Did they not teach basic manners in your homeland?”
“I-I just, I wanted to give you this, I sewed it for you, it’s the dragon symbol with the eagle”
“Great, give it to the handmaidens, is that all?”
Suddenly she became hyper-aware of the pie of eyes around her, mostly men that had taken interest in the scene that unfolded in the gardens, she felt like a little girl scolded by her father, she bit her lower lip as her shoulders sunk in defeat, the glimpse in her eyes slowly disappearing like a light snuffed out.
“My apologies, I did not wish to interrupt you and the king, I hope you can forgive me, y-your grace”
“It is quite alright, my dear, for what it’s worth I found your creation a wonderful gift, do not pay attention to daemon he has never been good with gifts”
“If that means I have never been good with gifts that have no use then yes, I agree”
“I shall go, excuse me, your grace, husband”
She curtsied before she ran off, her chocolate-colored hair swinging left and right in her ponytail as her eyes looked down to hide the tears that she desperately held back, Daemon watched her and could sense the damage he had caused, sometimes he would catch himself staring at her with purity and interest, he had even smiled once when she struggled to find the right word in his language.
He should have stopped, he should have held his tongue when the evident quiver of her chin started to show when her eyes bounced in different directions as she wanted to gather her composure, but he didn’t, now Daemon stood as still as a grain of salt whilst she once again ran away from him covered in shame.
“She is your lady wife Daemon, must you be so hard on her?”
“A wife that was bestowed to me”
“She is also someone that was bestowed a spouse, yet she took it with grace and is grasping desperately to create the best out of the worst, as a man that prides himself on his intelligence your lady wife has surpassed you, at least in principle and empathy”
Daemon was stunned, as Viserys spoke in such kind words his words slashed through Daemon like the sharpest of knives, this was Daemon's second marriage, and it had become second nature to be rude and unattainable to his lady wife since the bronze bitch shared the same hatred as he did for her, now the cheerful lady with the deer like eyes and red puffy cheeks had been nothing but kind, a foreign pain in his chest started to make Daemon uneasy as she ran further and out of his line of sight.
“If I were you I would be very ashamed”
(Y/n) sat in front of the mirror as one of her handmaidens lit her candles and the other brushed (y/n)s hair to prepare her for bed, (y/n) stood as still as she could though her fingers intertwined with one another and twisted in odd ways.
“Could you leave me with Chiara, please? Thank you”
(Y/n) requested softly, the young handmaiden only curtsied before she walked out of (y/n)s chamber, whilst Chiara continued to brush her hair, they had grown into a bond that (y/n) felt comfort in, Chiara was sweet and honest, somewhat older, and had just given birth to her first child, she was the first handmaiden that she met when she got to the red keep.
“Do you love your lord husband?”
“I do, now”
“What do you mean?”
“I married him per my father's request, and he gave the biggest dowry, at first it was difficult, we had to figure out a way to communicate and after a while, I like to think that he grew to love me as much as I love him, though first, we respected one another, then love came gradually”
(Y/n) grew silent, her head hanging low before she bit her lip in defeat, she respected her lord husband? Did her lord husband respect her? After the incident on the morrow, it certainly didn’t feel like it.
(Y/n) had not noticed that Chiara had scrounged in front of her and placed her hands over (y/n)s, she only saw the tears that splashed over the handmaidens' skin.
“You won’t always feel like the outsider”
“I don’t think I can do this”
“You can, it is alright my dear”
One sob came after the other as (y/n)s body shook and Chiara lovingly wrapped her arms around the lady’s frame in such delicacy, it resembled a girl hugging her porcelain doll while she tried to not crack it, in its macabre nature you could identify a certain beauty, someone that had the strength to comfort a disheveled young lady as she navigated through womanhood and all its trials.
What had (y/n) nor Chiara had taken into account was that Prince Daemon had made his way to the half-cracked door, freezing in his sport once the whimpers of agony hit his ears, he peaked through the shadows only to be met with his lady wife letting tears stain her dress and hiccups shaking her hunching back as the handmaiden rubbed circles on her back.
“Prince Daemon is a fool for not acknowledging the precious stone that is you, may the gods bless him and open his eyes before he is taken from us”
Daemon had no reason to intervene, the poor lady was right, he was a fool, here she was, a beautiful and intelligent young royalty crying over his acts, he had always longed for home, for family, and now he kicked and toyed with it.
He should be the one comforting his lady wife, to gaze upon (y/n)s puffy and red face and do his best to calm her nerves, not to be the face of her pain, shamefully he scurried away without a word, mad at his reflection that stared back at him in such high horse, he had become everything he hated, a man that did not care about anyone but himself, stopping at nothing to prove he was right.
“Good morrow”
(Y/n) did not respond, she only raised her head and nodded at Daemon that had just entered the dining area, exhausted from crying the lady felt like a family of horses had run over her, getting barely a wink of sleep, evidently so by the veins under her eyes.
(Y/n)s silence was deafening to Daemon, however, he cleared his throat and took a sit next to his lady wife, waiting for a servant to pour him some wine.
“Orange juice? I believe we do not grow these over here”
“A gift from my mother, she said orange juice in the morning is a secret to a woman’s beauty”
“She must be the most astonishing lady back in your line”
“You met her, on our wedding feast, I believe you were too busy to pay attention, like always”
The last comment was barely above a whisper still sharp as a knife right on Daemon's abdomen, Daemon only turned his gaze at her, confused by her demeanor, it wasn’t uncalled for yet it took him by surprise, she always seemed to have the ability to hide her agony at least in public.
“Mayhaps we could go to her, I’m sure she will be more than happy if her daughter visited her”
“Not if my belly is flat, as much as she wanted me to be thin for most of my life she is now sending raven after raven to just check in with my monthly bleeds”
She informed him in a mumbling tone while her hand was rubbing circles on her temples, visibly annoyed over her mother's disregard for her well-being and hyper-focused on her womb.
Daemon was taken back by her comfortability to speak over her monthly visits, brushing it off easily though since they were husband and wife after all, those matters should concern him as well, the idea of a sweet little child running to (y/n)s arms brought him joy.
“It must be uneasy, being put in this position”
“Indeed and if I am being honest, my lord husband has not been making it any easier, with my empty womb nor his attitude”
“I understand you are cross with me”
“Can you blame me? You humiliated me”
Her tone switched from my king to a hiss, her eyes spewing fire as she stared back at him, it was the first time that she dared to show her true emotions, albeit Daemon could detect that it wasn’t just an act of anger but a sense of fear was laying behind those hues of hers.
He was correct, (y/n) feared for her future, the whispers of Daemon's visits to the street of silk, the adoration for his niece, his continuing ignorance over their wedlock, it all came crashing on her chest making it unable to breathe sometimes.
“I came to break my fast with you as a sign of goodwill, I want us to work on our relation-“
“Us? There is no us, you made sure of that my prince, you have crashed all my efforts and now you dare to speak of us”
“I cannot correct my past mistakes, I can only hope that you will allow me to work on our future, you did not deserve my coldness and for that, I sincerely apologize, I only wish for your good graces and for you to allow me to show you how I truly feel for you and our wedlock”
Silence, her eyes focused on his to scatter for one ounce of a lie, alas she was left with nothing, a sigh left her lips as she sunk to her chair defeated, why did the gods curse her with such a difficult match?
“I do not know if I can love you, I tried to desperately earn your affection for so long, I have grown tired of this”
“I know you have and I do not blame you, I beg you, my sweet (y/n), let me try”
His hand had found hers to hold, the warm flesh against hers grew goosebumps, a small beam of light found its way into her soul and a ghost of a smile appeared as (y/n) glimpsed upon their hands locked together, she gave him a subtle squeeze to see if this was a dream or reality.
“I suppose trying couldn’t hurt”
“Thank you, now you must eat, your mother might be right you have lost some weight”
“My efforts of getting accustomed to your foods have not been working”
“You do not have to, we can bring a cook from your homeland, my lady wife shall eat whatever her heart contents”
“There are some delicacies that I believe you would enjoy”
“I am not very picky with food so I will try anything you put in front of me”
Chatter was something (y/n) could easily do, however, even though Daemons spirits were high, (y/n) would steal glances of caution at him, was this another scheme? Or was he genuinely craving her presence and good graces?
“I was hoping you could come to meet Caraxes later”
“I do not know if that is the best idea”
“Nonsense, Caraxes is a part of me, therefore a part of you by law, soon our children will have their eggs on their cradle, if you are surrounded by dragons you need to get used to their presence”
Requests are open!
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ticklemesilly420 · 3 months
Part:1 “The Guest of Honor”
This morning I received a invitation in the mail. I have been invited as the guest of honor to, well. I’m not really sure what, the invitation came addressed to me, Emma Kline 23 W Baker St. No return address but a location to be escorted to the venue. The invitation is extremely fancy, all the writing is in gold ink. My birthday is coming up, so this is making me think it has something to do with that. I turn the card around, the date and time for this event is in exactly 4 hours. I rush to get ready I shower, do my hair, and put on my best dress. I think to myself, why would someone give a 4 hours notice to a party?
The location to be escorted to the venue is just down the street from my house, at the bus stop. As I make my way to the bus stop I make sure I’m looking my best in my phone camera. I end up sitting at this bus stop for about 20 minutes until a full blown limousine pulls up right in front of me. A man in a very nice suit gets out of the limousine and opens the door for me, addressing me by my name. I sit down in the first seat I saw, there was only 2 people other than the driver in the limo. The man who I sat next to introduced himself, we engaged in conversation for quite a bit, I asked him what this event was for and he told me it is a very prestigious ball and feast. And to be a female and invite to it, you are definitely very special. I asked what he meant by to be a female? And he just stared at me, but before I could even get another word out the man sitting behind me put a cloth over my face, and I blacked out.
When I woke up I was cold, I couldn’t move. When I opened my eyes all I saw was a ceiling with a bright light hanging from it. I couldn’t speak, I had a ball gag in my mouth that was obviously too big. I was spread eagle on a wheel looking table, I literally couldn’t move at all, there was even a strap keeping me from lifting my head up. I was completely naked, I don’t know where my clothes went. All of a sudden the round table I was stretched out on began moving, it was now like I was standing upright but I was still tied down. In front of me, there was a room full of people just staring at me. The table then began to move again it kept going forward until it was like I was hanging from a ceiling. This table, could move in every direction you can imagine. I felt like I was a demonstration. The position I was in when it finally stopped moving was like I was laying in a bed. I heard the room fill with chatter. A man walks up to me, and blindfolds me.
I hear the whole room get louder. I hear chairs moving and footsteps getting closer to me. I feel someone’s hands, or maybe two peoples hands grab both of my big toes back, I then feel tounges run up and down my feet. One on each foot, I’m a mix between it tickling a little bit and it feels good a little bit. They suck on my arches, heals and all my toes until my feet are soaking wet. In hear more footsteps approaching me while my feet are being soaked. Out of no where someone runs their finger up and down both of my armpits, just one finger. I start to laugh underneath my gag, but my mouth is so stuffed absolutely nothing comes out.
The fingers running up and down my armpits don’t stop. The tongues tickling and sucking my feet do not stop. I hear people laughing at me, people talking about my body and what they want to do to me. All of a sudden, I felt a sensation circling my breasts. It was so soft I think it’s a paint brush or makeup brush. It circles my breasts slowly and softly, but also the circles seem to be getting smaller and closer to my nipples. The circles get so small, that all I can feel are the brushes twirling directly on my nipples nonstop, the tongues sucking my feet and the fingers stroking my armpits. My nipples are not ticklish, but extremely sensitive this makes my head spin. I moan and laugh under the gag. I wiggle around and pull as much as I can, but I’m just to tightly stretched out I cannot move a inch. I hear the person stroking my armpit’s whisper in my ear “this is only the beginning”.
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hotdilfs11 · 11 months
.  .   ˚ . Have we got our lines crossed? - Don’t waste my time, Victor Lundberg
Part 2 !!!
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✩ parings. (blk!reader x Rio)
✩ summary. Valarie was secretly a gang leader, and no one knew about it; however, she retired due to the FBI following her around for the past five years. Rio is a gang leader that her best friends work for; however, he has feelings for Valarie, but she doesn't really have them for Rio. Is she going to fall in love with him, or will they be at war?
✩ warnings. cursing, threats
.  .   ˚ .  .   ˚ .  .   ˚ .  .   ˚ .
Beth's house-
A guy named Rio showed up at Beth's house, threatening all of us because of the money we took from the grocery store. I mean, I would too since we took over half a million, but it is what it is. We honestly didn’t know that he owned the grocery store or had ties with them, but I guess he did. Rio has a tattooed eagle on his neck and a buzz cut. He has warm, hickory eyes full of mystery, dominance, and a touch of familiarity that gave me comfort and excitement. He came in with three other guys. They all had a big build with tattoos and were wearing all black. Rio was also wearing black, but he was shorter than the other guys that were surrounding him; however, his body gave off a sense of security and self-confidence, making the three other guys look weak. His face contorted with rage, and his body was tensed up while he slowly paced throughout the kitchen as he made heavy eye contact with all four of us. His thick, husky voice echoed through the house as he made this short speech about getting his money back. I toned out half of it because I had made that speech a hundred times to people, but it sounded way better. We were all standing in the kitchen, surrounded by the guys he was with. Beth, Ruby, and Annie were all in tears, pleading for their lives, but I looked at him with a deceiving glare, not giving a crap about what he was saying. He was boring me, and I think he noticed that when he looked at me. He paused for a minute, and a heavy silence flooded the air. His eyebrows furrowed as he started walking slowly towards me. His jaw clenched up as his thick hazel eyes met mine in fury.
He wiped his mouth slowly as he got closer to me. "Oh, I’m sorry, am I boring you?” he said in a threatening voice. I looked up at him with an unbothered expression. "Nah, carry on, though,” I responded to him in a nonchalant tone. He started getting closer and closer to me, and my body started to tense up. I stood up straight as I kept eye contact with him, not giving him any satisfaction, but all he could do was give me a grim smirk. He chuckled. "So... you think this is funny, huh?"
I took a step towards him and looked up at him with a blissful smirk growing on my face. "Yeah, I actually do.” I paused. "Rio, right?"
I could see the anger on his face grow heavier by the minute when those words spilled out of my mouth. However, all he could do was laugh. He backed away from me, turning his back away from all four of us. “So you bitches think it's some kind of joke, huh?"
"No, we don't,” Beth said in a sharp yet anxious manner, looking at me with a scared look on her face.
I shrug my shoulders. “I think it’s fucking hilarious,” as the crack of my heels echoed through the house as I took my first step on the cold, hickory floor towards him, catching Rio's attention. He turned around in a swift motion as his cold, hard eyes caressed over my body. I stand closer to him as my chest brushes over his, feeling his body heat bounce off him and onto mine. Rio hovers over me and chuckles softly, breaking eye contact with me for a minute.
He looked back at me with a deceiving smirk on his face. “You got a lot of balls, ma; I like it.” He said it in a husky voice as he walked away from me and right out the door with everyone he brought
with him. I look over at him walking out with a smile painted on my face, amused by him even though it's a bad thing to feel like that but I did.
A months later:
Working with Rio has its ups and downs, but I’ve been through worse. My girls have been struggling with keeping up with the lies and guilt, especially my sister Ruby. All we're doing is spending fake money and turning it into real money, and I don’t know what's hard about that. They can’t keep up with any of this because of all the mistakes they're making, and I can't tell them because I don’t want them to know what I did in the past. Anyway, we almost got caught two times already, and it's kind of painful to watch, but I’m doing this for my girls and giving them what they need. It's not like I need the money I’m set for the rest of my life, but I know they don't, so I'd rather help them more than I ever did. They make their mistakes, and they’ll all move on from them, but this mistake was stupid as fuck even for them. And it's not even Ruby or Annie's fault; it's Beth's fault because she lets her emotions get the best of her. It’s been like that since I was a kid, and it’s not like the task was hard. It was just delivering trucks to a warehouse; however, Beth got pulled over, but she discovered that there was nothing in there, and the cop let her go. After that, she went to Rio, pissed him off, and threw the keys at his face. “What we had here is done; go home,” Rio said in a calm voice.
Now? I’m the one who has to get them out of it. We're in the kitchen as they tell me about the little plan they have for me.
“Please Val.” Ruby said it in an anxious voice. “You're the only one he has feelings for,” she announced quietly.
My eyes widened, and I looked up at Ruby, annoyed at what she just said. I lean against the counter, rolling my eyes. “The feels, Ruby, are you fucking kidding me?”
Annie sighs as her eyes furrow in worry. “I mean..." she says slowly as she anxiously plays with the sleeve of her shirt.
I turn my head towards her, letting out a soft chuckle. “So you guys all think that he..." They all slowly nodded their heads simultaneously, and I just looked at them in disbelief. I let out a frustrated sigh as they just all looked at me like lost puppies. “All you have to do is ask him to get us back in the loop; that's it." Beth announced softly, but all I could do was look at them with a dumbfounded look on my face. "Please,” Ruby begged. I looked into my sister's saddened eyes and sighed, "Fine, I’ll do it for god's sake, but if I get killed, I'm going to be pissed." They all had an innocent smile on their faces, and all I can do is roll my eyes at them.
Two days later:I stepped out of Beth's house, slamming the front door as I walked down her driveway towards a black Range Rover. I wore black jeans and a black fitted long-sleeve shirt. My black stilettos clacked against the rocky sidewalk as the illuminating car drew me closer to it, sending a bitter chill down my spine. A dash of excitement hit my body when I pulled the hasty black door handle, revealing Rio gazing over my body, looking up and down at me. I felt his strong pair of eyes still caressing my body after I got in the car
with him. I liked the feeling of him admiring me, but I’m here for business only. Rio lets out a soft chuckle, and being coy, he says, “You look so good today. Is this all for me, baby? Aww, you shouldn't have."
I roll my eyes and look at him with a judgmental glare. "Nah, I wore this for me, Rio. Now please drive.” I said as I turned my head away from him, looking out the window. I can still feel his eyes admiring me, but I didn’t pay any attention to him. He drove off after.
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legendsoffodlan · 6 days
No nuance, no middle option, no i'm bald, just war. Who's best?
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sister-2-sleep · 10 months
The Last Time (almost) Every MCR Song Was Played
I saw someone do this for tbp so I'm doing it for all the songs
Romance: May 12, 2006
Honey : October 24, 2010
Vampires : March 26, 2023
Drowning lessons : October 17, 2004
Our lady of sorrows : March 25, 2023
Halos : October 11, 2022
Skylines and turnstiles: March 17, 2023
Monroeville : October 29, 2005
Best day ever : October 11, 2022
Cubicles : Never played live (from what i can find)
Demolition Lovers : October 11, 2022
Three cheers
Helena : March 26, 2023
Give em hell kid : March 26, 2023
To the end : May 12, 2006
Prison : March 26, 2023
I'm not ok: March 26, 2023
Ghost of you: March 26, 2023
Jetset life: May 4, 2008
Interlude: May 4, 2008
Venom: March 26, 2023
Hang em high: October 12, 2022
Fashion statement : March 26, 2023
Cemetery drive: March 14, 2023
Ntywidfal: October 12, 2022
Black parade
The end: October 7, 2007
Dead: August 27, 2011
How I disappear: March 26, 2023
Sharpest lives: May 9, 2008
Wttbp: March 26, 2023
I don't love you: October 17, 2022
House of wolves: March 20, 2023
Cancer: March 19, 2023
Mama: March 26, 2023
Sleep: March 26, 2023
Teenagers: March 26, 2023
Disenchanted: October 7, 2007
Last words: March 26, 2023
Blood: Never (only ever audio recordings)
Danger Days
Na na na: March 26, 2023
Bulletproof heart : September 8, 2022
Sing: October 17, 2022
Planetary: March 25, 2023
Only hope: October 15, 2022
Party poison: April 23, 2011
Save yourself: October 15, 2022
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W: October 15, 2022
Summertime : March 20, 2023
Destroya: March 25, 2023
Kids from yesterday: March 25, 2023
Vampire money: March 19, 2023
Conventional Weapons
Boy division : March 26, 2023
Tomorrows money: August 30, 2022
Ambulance : Never been played
Gun: Never been played
World is ugly: March 26, 2023
Light behind your eyes: Never been played
Kiss the ring: August 8, 2009
Make room: September 24, 2022
Surrender the night: September 15, 2022
Burn bright: September 10, 2022
Mad Gear and Missile Kid
F.T.W.W.W. : Never been played
Ravenkroft: October 15, 2022
Black dragon: Never been played
Foundations: March 26, 2023
Sister to sleep: October 17, 2022
all the angels : October 14, 2022
Heavan help us : October 17, 2022
Kill all your friends: March 25, 2023
My way home: May 9, 2008
Eagles : March 26, 2023
Fake your death: October 17, 2022
Desert song: October 12, 2022
Bury me in black: March 26, 2023
Desolation row: October 11, 2022 at
Song 2 (blur cover) : June 18, 2007
Under pressure (queen cover) : March 29, 2005
We will rock you (queen cover) : August 26, 2011
If I missed any lmk lol. And I will update this after WWWY next year.
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rea-grimm · 10 months
Looking through his eyes - Mihawk pt 1
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You ate a devil fruit and now you can see the world through the eyes of your soul mate.
This devil fruit is made up.
He was the strongest swordsman in the world to begin with. One of the few pirates who were ignored by the government. He could have everything he dreamed of. However, he was missing something. He searched all over the world for it. He destroyed ships like nothing out of boredom.
That is, until that fateful day when he was defeated and cursed. That day he lost his legendary sword and his human form. In return, he got wings and became a hawk. He was supposed to fly around the world in search of his purpose. Only when he finds it will he find his original form.
You didn't know if it was just a joke. You ate a devil fruit that allowed you to see through someone else's eyes. There was even a legend about it. Whoever eats this fruit will see the world through the eyes of their soul mate. 
You were under the impression that it was all nonsense and that you had eaten the weakest fruit that existed.
In addition, you had the impression that the eyes through which you saw did not even belong to a person, but to some bird, because often when you looked, you saw a view from above. Never mind, it was a beautiful sight, but inside you hoped that it really could have been your soul mate's eyes. That somewhere in the wide world there is someone just for you.
You were walking through the bazaar on the small island, wondering why you didn't see anything from your other eyes. Every time you wanted to look, at the view from the sky or just like that, you were greeted by pitch-black darkness.
You passed one stand after another and nothing extra caught your eye. You stopped almost at the last one, which offered everything possible. However, it wasn't the things on display that caught your eye. 
It was a larger cage that was built on top of a barrel that housed a hawk with a cap over its head. The bird had beautiful black feathers a white belly and sharp claws. Even though he couldn't see, he sat there proudly regardless of the situation.
When you were younger, your father, who was a falconer and was still alive, trained you with them. You tamed an eagle, which you then went hunting with. Maybe you could train this hawk as well, and if that doesn't work, he'd still be better off free than here in this cage.
The buyer tried to stretch the price and negotiate, but he didn't stand a chance against you.
As soon as you reached your ship, you took him out of his cage and removed his cap. He sat on your hand and looked at you with his golden eyes. It's hard to say if at that moment you created some kind of imaginary agreement between you because when you released him into the air, you expected him to fly away.
That he will fly somewhere to find his happiness. No. He flew past your ship, looked around and landed not far from you. In that moment you knew you could count on him. As he flew, you noticed that he had beautiful, reddish feathers on the inside of his wings. You have never seen such colouring in any such bird. 
You were even more happy when you discovered that it was his eyes through which you saw the world. When you figured it out, you immediately started training.
You released him into the sky and moved while looking through his eyes. You felt like there was some kind of connection between the two of you because he knew exactly what to focus on and what you needed to see.
The hawk didn't have a bad time with you. And when he succeeded in something or there was an opportunity, you bought him some good meat. 
You found out by accident that he had a weakness for wine and while you were drinking yours, you poured a little into his glass. Although you were worried that it would be unhealthy for him, he had a different opinion. When he got drunk like that, he sometimes let you pet him.
At the same time, you had no idea how everything in this world was connected. You were one of the best thieves in the world and you chose the sword of the most famous swordsman in the world, which disappeared without a trace, as the goal you wanted to reach the top. 
His sword was subsequently confiscated by the Marines and hidden on one of their island bases. You had no idea that its owner was at your fingertips the whole time.
You left your ship on a blind part of the island that was not patrolled by marines. From there you started planning what to do next. You were studying the map of the fortress when Mihawk flew up to you and was looking at the map with you. With his help, you went through the whole island and found out the necessary things before you could go into action.
Everything had to work out perfectly. You had the timing right when the patrols were supposed to change. You had been watching them for a long time and you found out that they worked exactly like clockwork and had several blind spots between the alternations.
Once the time was right, you signalled to Mihawk and got to work. You ran with your planned route, using hawk eyes the whole time. From a height, you had a better overview of where everyone was standing and could react more easily to unexpected changes.
You avoided the guards who jumped around the corner or were late somewhere. You managed to get to the fortress undetected. You knew exactly which room the sword was in. It was just a matter of getting to the right window and picking a couple of locks before the sword was within reach. 
You picked up the black sword and strapped it to your back when you noticed that there were still a few valuables to keep as souvenirs. You filled your pouch and headed back the same way.
You made it safely out of the base and stopped just behind its walls. You walked down the forest path and a hawk circled overhead before he swooped down and landed on a crossguard of the sword.
 However, as soon as he touched it, there was a flash and he fell to the ground. It was strange. The sword did nothing to you. You carefully took him in your arms and walked with him.
When you were almost at the boat that was supposed to take you to the ship, you were surrounded by marines. You had the impression, based on how many were there, that they were waiting for you.
You immediately ran away. You ran into the forest and tried to shake them off. You ran to the cliff where the giant boulder was that you hid behind. From your hiding place, you heard the marines approaching and calling out to each other.
You cautiously peeked out from your hiding place. They completely cut off your escape route. However, most of the marines had their swords drawn and that worked in your favour as you were a more than passable swordsman. 
You placed the hawk on the ground and noticed that he was finally coming to his senses. You removed the stolen sword from your back and stepped in front of them. You counted your enemies and got the impression that the odds were in your favour.
You put up a fight. They didn't stand a chance against you and fell to the ground one by one. You found yourself on the edge of a cliff, but you were still confident of victory. 
What you didn't expect were shooters hiding in the thick undergrowth. You noticed them too late. Only when a bullet flew through your shoulder and completely knocked you over. 
You lost your balance and dropped your sword. The other marines took advantage of this and one of them threw you off the cliff.
Below you was the sea. A normal person would be able to survive, but for you, the sea meant death because as a devil fruit user, you couldn't swim. You didn't imagine this ending.
You took a deep breath before breaking the surface and trying to swim. As you expected. You had the impression as if the sea held you with invisible bonds and prevented you from moving. You couldn't do anything at all. It was slowly getting dark before your eyes.
Hawk saw your defeat before it happened. He had to make a decision. The whole time he thought he needed his sword to undo the curse, but the more he thought about it, the better he felt with you. 
Even in this weak form, he had the urge to save you. That's why he didn't delay and jumped into the water after you. However, during his fall, a similar light enveloped him as when he was cursed and fell into the water as a human.
Mihawk Masterlist
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👀 harpy nonzoo AU with MC with kid? How would that go down? Not sure if/how MC would take their kid to the mountain tho
Sans: She'd be much more cautious going through Sans' forest if she had a child with her- she wouldn't go through at night at first. No way she's taking that risk, she'll just spend the night in town. Which means they probably meet when her kid runs off in his woods and gets totally lost.
... He looks after her child. Keeps them from getting too upset, or panicking... being lost can be very scary, he plays with them to keep them distracted, and acts lazy to calm the nerves. If he's acting lazy and sleepy, there must be nothing to fear, right? If Mc stumbles across them, she finds her kid playing with a completely harmless and happy owl- and if she doesn't find them Sans puts her baby on his back and makes a game out of finding mom again. As much as he's a little shit, and he'd like to play keep-away with her kid... he knows he's got to gain both their trusts before he does something like that.
Sans visits their home at night. He feels protective. Mc has grown accustomed to looking out of the windows at night and seeing his terrifying eyelights in the pitch-black near distance.
Red: Well that's even MORE of a reason for him to move in, isn't it? He wants a mate, and a child. Right there? A perfect mate with a beautiful child. He wants to protect, he wants to provide... someone needs to go in and make sure they're protected. Lucky for them, his schedule is free.
She's, obviously, very defensive of her child when a massive harpy moves into her house. He loves it- as we know, there's few things more attractive to Red than someone with fire. This time it's extra easy to prove his worth as a mate and a father, because her child immediately takes a shine to him... who wouldn't? He's a cool eagle with a gold tooth, and he proves to be a great playmate. Mc tries her best to distrust him but it's difficult when he cleans the messes she can't manage, respects her personal space, and plays with her child so much they happily settle down for their nap.
Skull: It's not unheard of for parents to take their child hiking. And if Mc is a single mother, maybe her kid really likes hiking and camping, and she just wanted to do something nice for them. She never could've foreseen herself being stalked and getting injured.
As for Skull... well, he's a big bird, there's more than enough space in his warm feathers for a mother and her kid to cuddle up and survive a harsh winter night. Especially if he takes them back to his den, where he can be certain the icy winds won't reach them, and snuggles them in real close. Skull is in heaven, mate and baby in his arms... the two of them tucked against him so close he can feel their heartbeats. He doesn't sleep; he can't, he's too happy. He coos all night.
His den doesn't feel so empty anymore. Neither does his Soul.
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amphibious-thing · 1 year
The thing that gets me about people saying that we don't know what d'Eon's pronouns were is that we actually have much better information on her pronouns than we do for most historical figures.
Take Princess Seraphina for example. Most of what we know about Seraphina comes from the trial of Thomas Gordon (5 July 1732). In the trial some witnesses who knew Seraphina use she/her pronouns. For example this is how Mary Poplet talks about the Princess:
I have known her Highness a pretty while, she us’d to come to my House from Mr. Tull, to enquire after some Gentlemen of no very good Character; I have seen her several times in Women’s Cloaths, she commonly us’d to wear a white Gown, and a scarlet Cloak, with her Hair frizzled and curl’d all round her Forehead; and then she would so flutter her Fan, and make such fine Curties, that you would not have known her from a Woman: She takes great Delight in Balls and Masquerades, and always chuses to appear at them in a Female Dress, that she may have the Satisfaction of dancing with fine Gentlemen. Her Highness lives with Mr. Tull in Eagle-Court in the Strand, and calls him her Master, because she was Nurse to him and his Wife when they were both in a Salivation; but the Princess is rather Mr. Tull’s Friend, than his domestick Servant. I never heard that she had any other Name than the Princess Sraphina.
However others use he/him pronouns, this is how Mary Robinson talks about Seraphina:
I was trying on a Suit of Red Damask at my Mantua-maker’s in the Strand, when the Princess Seraphina came up, and told me the Suit look’d mighty pretty. I wish, says he, you would lend ‘em me for a Night, to go to Mrs. Green’s in Nottingham-Court, by the Seven Dials, for I am to meet some fine Gentlemen there. Why, says I, can’t Mrs. Green furnish you? Yes, says he, she lends me a Velvet Scarf and a Gold Watch sometimes. He used to be but meanly dress’d, as to Men’s Cloaths, but he came lately to my Mantua-maker’s, in a handsome Black Suit, to invite a Gentlewoman to drink Tea with Mrs. Tull. I ask’d him how he came to be so well Rigg’d? And he told me his Mother had lately sold the Reversion of a House; And now, says he, I’ll go and take a Walk in the Park, and shew my self. 
So what do we make of this? Did Seraphina use both he/him and she/her pronouns or is Robinson misgendering Seraphina? This is an issue we unfortunately have when talking about queer people we have very little information on. We can guess at the answer but we can't know for sure.
But with d'Eon not only do we know that her friends, family and most of the English public used she/her pronouns for her but we even have examples of d'Eon using she/her pronouns for herself when writing in third person. This is probably the best evidence we are ever going to get for someone of this period. It's an amazingly clear source for the pronoun question. Like wow there's the answer right there in ink on paper.
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[Invitation from the Chevalière d’Eon to Lord Besborough c.1791, via The British Museum (D,1.268-272)]
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flagwars · 3 days
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Video Game Flag Wars: Prelims, Fire Emblem
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vgtrackbracket · 4 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Mii Channel Theme from Mii Channel
The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare) from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Note: The propaganda contains spoilers for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Mii Channel Theme:
The anthem of a generation
The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare):
The main theme of the game, centered around a character who is significant across all routes. Is it a villain song? Is it a map to the future? Your choices dictate as much. Every route is reflected through the lyrics as well.
this song makes me so emotional every time. the vocals are beautiful and the lyrics are so good. it's about feeling alone even when you're surrounded by people. knowing any happiness is just fleeting. about loving someone even though you're going to leave them. (spoilers for fe3h) to get specific, it just makes me so sad the way edelgard distances herself from others because she knows she'll have to betray or leave them eventually but she longs desperately for connection especially toward byleth, whom she admires and loves greatly, even when they're not on her side. the lyrics "open the door, and walk away / never give in to the call of yesterday" make me want to sob because she's determined to create her own justice and her vision of an equal world, but that doesn't mean she can't be emo about it. she loved byleth, the black eagles, she loved the empire, that's why she wanted to see it better. fuck all the haters edelgard there's a reason the theme song of this game is yours! and it's good as hell too!
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mostrandomgallery · 5 months
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De-aged versions of Mercedes, Annette, Hilda, and Marianne. I just wanted to draw some of the Three Houses cast as kids.
I should mention that Mercie & Annie and Hilda & Marianne are my favorite character friendships outside of the Black Eagles. I just love how Mercedes acts like a big sister to Annette, and how Hilda tries her best to cheer up Marianne and helps her see herself as not being a curse or a burden.
Also on deviantART
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