#Blériot XI
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The oldest airworthy, and still flying, aircraft and engine in the world.
Blériot Type XI No. 14, G-AANG, with its Anzani three-cylinder W Engine, at The Shuttleworth Collection, Old Warden.
One of the ‘Edwardians’, this 114 year old plane occasionally makes small hops down the runway on especially calm summer evenings.
Taken by @the-man-in-the-wind
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trick or treat!!!!! :33
You get:
Blériot XI
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Earlier this year, I went to Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, and I was struck by who I saw using some of the accessibility features of the exhibits.
[Image Description: Photo of the Command Module Columbia exhibit at Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. The command module, which sits behind glass, is a full-size truncated cone with a docking probe and dish-shaped aft heat shield. In front of the glass is a sign with information about the command module on the left, a photograph in the middle, and a labeled smaller model on the right. The smaller model is labeled in both slightly raised text and Braille, and has a slightly raised hand icon next to it inside of a yellow speech bubble. End Image Description.]
This exhibit, like several others, included a part of the sign you were supposed to touch, as indicated by the hand symbol. This meant that people who couldn't see the actual thing behind the glass could get a very good idea of what every part of it looked like by touching the model and reading the label, which was offered in both raised letters and Braille.
[Image Description: Close up of the right side of the exhibit sign from the previous image. The light shining on the black surface of the exhibit sign shows darker spots where people left fingerprints. The entire Braille label is a near solid dark spot. End Image Description.]
This is obviously very cool and it's great that they invested inclusive design. But what really struck me about this was how much it was being used. You can tell from the photo that the Braille part of the sign has had many fingers on it, but I don't actually think all of those were from members of the target audience.
I could be wrong, of course, you can never really tell if someone is blind or low vision simply by looking at them. But I saw multiple children come up and run their hands over the smaller model mounted to the sign. At least one of them was running their fingers along the Braille too.
And it wasn't just children either. I saw at least one adult (other than myself) interacting with a similar model in another exhibit, one of a footprint on the moon. This one openly encouraged you to touch it rather than just implying permission like the one in this picture did. And that got me thinking: how many more adults would be doing the same thing the kids were if they weren't held back by this unspoken "oh, this feature is not for me" assumption? There are many haptic learners out there, after all.
If the people who design these museums realized the potential for a curb cut effect here, how many more exhibits would have these features?
And having full three-dimensional modules for people to touch weren't the only thing this museum offered either. You don't have to have all that to make the sign more user-friendly to those who have trouble seeing it.
[Image Description: A sign with a two-dimensional diagram of the Blériot XI aircraft. Each part of the illustration, including the person next to it for size, is slightly raised off the surface of the sign. All words on the diagram are labeled in both raised text and Braille. Beside the diagram is a slightly raised hand icon next to it inside of a yellow speech bubble. The labeled parts are the front, propeller, rudder, and elevator, most of which have arrows pointing to the respective parts of the illustration. End Image Description.]
You can make two-dimensional diagrams accessible too.
Finally, as an aside, the videos at the exhibits, the ones you could play on your own, all had open captions, and at least one had open audio descriptions as well.
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Dark Aircraft...
Dark Blériot Type XI.
Dark aircraft have a long and hallowed history stretching back to the dawn of aviation.
(actually it is just an excuse for me to post these cool aircraft silhouette images.)
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cat stand up comedians would be like hey guys check out my human baby impression. now check out my chirping bird impression. i call this one the blériot xi. good right? ok thats all ive got lol
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Blériot XI by S.R. Breitenstein Via Flickr: Displayed at the Rowland Freedom Center - Vacaville, California The Blériot XI was a French civil tourer/ military trainer which first flew in 1909. The first example was flown by Louie Blériot to make the first flight across the English Channel. The original Blériot aircraft are thought to be the oldest flyable aircraft in the world.
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Peter Macon in The Orville (2017) Command Performance
Captain Mercer is mortified by his indiscreet parents aboard a commercial vessel hailing the Orville on account of mysterious technical problems. Lt. Cmdr. Bortus having taken long leave to sit on his egg and the XO accompanying Ed aboard, inexperienced Lt. Alara Kitan is given command despite weak protestation, as the exes go aboard by shuttle only to be transported by an unidentified force. Isaac works out its nature and tracks it down to a forbidden space sector, which Admiral Tucker explicitly forbids entering on a rescue action. The sulking crew ends up convincing Alara to risk her career and probably all their lives into the territory of the technologically far superior Calivon civilization, which considers humans and so on inferior bugs. Ed and Kelly have in fact been locked up in a replica from memory-probe of their NY former home in the Calivon 'space zoo', from where no creature ever escaped, so their only hope are negotiations with the zoo keeper, which prove risky too...
*The holographic ship that Capt Mercer is called to assist is referred to as the "Bleriot", following the other aviation themed clues, this is probably a nod to Louis Blériot, French inventor and aviator who was the first to cross the English channel in his model XI monoplane in 1909.
#The Orville#tv series#2017#Command Performance#S1E2#Peter Macon#Bortus#egg#disguise#abduction#zoo#kidnapping#space#adventure#comedy#drama#scifi#alien species#humans#just watched
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Louis Bleriot
Louis Blériot (1872-1936) was a French aviator and engineer renowned for his pioneering contributions to aviation. He is best known for making the first successful flight across the English Channel on July 25, 1909, in his Blériot XI monoplane, which won him a £1,000 prize from the Daily Mail [1][4]. Blériot also developed the first practical automobile headlamp and founded Blériot Aéronautique,…
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Dünyanın en eski uçağı Flight Simulator modu olarak karşınızda İngiliz Kanalı'nı ilk kez geçmeyi başara...
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Roland Garros není jen tenis
V nadcházejících týdnech určitě hodně uslyšíte o #RolandGarros, ale věděli jste, že spíše než ničivý forhend nebo hedvábný jednoručný bekhend to byla jeho oslnivá kariéra letce, která zapsala jeho jméno do historie?
Garros se narodil 6. října 1888 v Saint-Denis de La Réunion.
Historie neuvádí, v kolika letech odpálil svůj první míč, ale právě když se v roce 1909 během dovolené v kontinentální Francii zúčastnil Grande Semaine d'Aviation de la Champagne, projevila se u tohoto sportovního nadšence vášeň pro letectví.
19. července 1910 získal Roland Garros pilotní průkaz č. 147 od Aéro-Club de France na letišti Cholet (Maine-et-Loire). Byl to začátek jeho výjimečné letecké kariéry. Během osmi let vytvořil řadu rekordů a vyzkoušel a zdokonalil několik generací letadel.
Po získání pilotního průkazu odletěl Roland Garros do Spojených států, kde se zúčastnil mnoha leteckých přehlídek ve své "Demoiselle", vynálezu firmy Santos-Dumont. Za Atlantikem si pro svou obratnost a odvahu vysloužil přezdívku "Cloud Kisser".
Roland Garros s pilotováním letounu Blériot XI zúčastnil tří významných závodů v roce 1911: leteckého závodu Paříž-Madrid, který vyhrál Jules Védrines, závodu Paříž-Řím-Turín a Evropského okruhu, který dokončil na 2. místě s celkovým časem 62 h 17 min 16 s.
17. června 1912 vyhrál Roland Garros po dvoudenní soutěži Velkou cenu Aéro-Club de France, která se konala v Angers. Dne 6. září téhož roku odstartoval z pláže v Houlgate (Calvados) a vytvořil nový výškový rekord, kdy vystoupal do 4 950 m.
Dávno před homérskými souboji #Nadal, #Federer a #Djokovič je jméno Rolanda Garrose spojeno s jiným zápasem ve vysokém letu: s tím, který 8. června 1912 svedl s Edmondem Audemarsem, jenž vyhrál jejich závod na 50 km a 2 rychlostní závody ve stoupání a přistání.
Dne 23. září 1913 dosáhl Roland Garros svého nejvýznamnějšího úspěchu: za 8 hodin a v dantesovských letových podmínkách se mu podařilo z Fréjus doletět do Bizerte v Tunisku a uskutečnit tak první letecký přelet Středozemního moře na palubě letounu Morane-Saulnier Type H.
V dubnu 1914 vyhrál Roland Garros se svým letounem Morane-Saulnier No. 5 Monackou leteckou rallye - 1 140 km dlouhý okruh napříč Evropou, včetně 210 km dlouhé námořní trasy mezi Marseille, Janovem a Monakem, na kterou byly přihlášené letouny vybaveny plováky.
Jako dobrovolník ve Velké válce (První světové válce) získal #RolandGarros povolení k vývoji vynálezu inženýra Raymonda Saulniera: pevný kulomet umístěný v ose letadla, mezi pilotem a vrtulí.
Roland Garros, vybavený tímto revolučním systémem střelby přes vrtuli, dosáhl před svým sestřelením 3 certifikovaných vzdušných vítězství. Po třech letech věznění se mu podařilo v přestrojení za německého důstojníka uprchnout z Magdeburgu a vrátit se do Francie.
Při návratu do Escadrille 26 byl Roland Garros 5. října 1918 v předvečer svých 30. narozenin sestřelen ve Spadu XIII u Saint-Morel v Ardenách. Zmizel jen několik týdnů před uzavřením příměří 11. listopadu 1918.
Krátce po svém útěku byl Roland Garros 6. března 1918 před zraky své eskadry vyznamenán Řádem čestné legie.
K uctění jeho památky byl v roce 1927 po něm pojmenován tenisový stadion postavený v Porte d'Auteuil, který od té doby hostí French Open.
Zdroj ⬇���
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新音譜追加目錄. 大正2年4月賣出 日本蓄音器商会 1913年 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション
噫天界の兩勇士 彌生の空晴れて氣澄みたり。此所は沃野千里に連なる武蔵野の原頭所澤の一角、仰げば碧空に渺として飛燕の如く翔け來たるは、木村德田兩中尉の操縦せるブレリオ式飛行機なりとす。忽如として起る一陣の魔風に機は敢へなくも左翼を折られて一千尺の高空より急轉直下、哀れ兩中尉は其職に殉したり。嗚呼、此悲愴なる最後は萬世に傳へて以て士氣を鼓舞すべし、今や東家樂燕沈痛なる聲調を以て之を謡ふや、兩勇士が當時の俤をして眼前に髣髴たらしむ。
噫兩中尉 桃中軒雲太夫改め東家樂燕 演 三八 語るも聞くも涙の種ヨリ 三九 武夫は玉も黄金も何かせんヨリ 四〇 是は夢かや夢ならばヨリ 四一 燒野の雉子夜の鶴ヨリ 天使印 兩面盤 正價金貳圓也
※参照:航空歴史館 エッセイ 我が国初の空の犠牲者・徳田金一中尉について 山口県航空史研究会 古谷眞之助
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Blériot XI et Concorde by Bernard ONDRY Via Flickr: Deux icones de la réussite aéronautique française au musée Aéroscopia, Blagnac.
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Bugün sizlerle Osmanlı dönemindeki havacılık çalışmalarını iki bölümde inceleyeceğiz. 19. Yüzyılda ve 20. Yüzyılın başlarında Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun hem sivil alanda hem de savunma kuvveti olarak havacılıkta ne tür gelişmeler olmuştu, bunları kısaca anlatmaya çalışacağız. 17.YÜZYILDA OSMANLI HAVACILIK ÇALIŞMALARI 17 ve 18. yüzyılda, Lagari Hasan Çelebi’nin 7 kollu bir roketin atış gücünden…
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#Balkan Savaşı#Bebekli Atıf Bey#Belkıs Şevket Hanım#Bleriot Fabrikası#Blériot XI#Bristol#enver paşa#Fen Kıtaları Müstahkem Genel Müfettişliği#Fransız R.E.P. firması#Harbiye Bakanı#Havacılık Komisyonu#Mahmut Şevket Paşa#Muavenet-i Milliye#Müdafaa-i Hukuk-i Nisvan Cemiyeti#Osmanlı&039;da havacılık#Osmanlı&039;da ilk kadın uçak yolcusu#Pilot Ord. Prof. Dr. Ali YAR#Pilot Yüzbaşı Fesa Bey#Pilot Yüzbaşı Fethi Bey#Prens Celaleddin#Selahaddin Eyyubi Türbesi#Süreyya İlmen#Taberiye Gölü#Tayyare İanesi#Teğmen Yusuf Kenan#Trablusgarp#Üsteğmen Mithad Nuri#Üsteğmen Nuri#Üsteğmen Sadık#Vasıta-i Tayyare
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(via Gridllr)
TDIH 1912, American aviatrix Harriet Quimby flew across the English Channel in a Blériot XI monoplane
#Harriet Quimby#1912#1910s#aviation#aviation history#female pioneers#💗💗💗#TDIH 1912#American aviatrix Harriet Quimby flew across#English Channel#Blériot XI monoplane
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The Blériot XI was such a beautiful design. Primitive by today's standards, sure, but look at this thing! What grace and elegance! Also while it's no longer considered a good idea, it doesn't have normal control surfaces on the wings - instead the controls warp the entire shape of the wing, instead of just wiggling flaps.
And there are still examples that fly today! They are over a hundred years old!
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