#Bitumen price
Bitumen 60/70
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Bitumen 60/70, also known as penetration grade bitumen, is a semi-solid hydrocarbon product derived from crude oil. It is characterized by its penetration value, which ranges from 60 to 70 mm at 25°C, indicating its hardness and viscosity. This grade of bitumen is used primarily in road construction and other industrial applications due to its optimal balance of hardness and flexibility.
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aljabal-dubai · 16 days
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OfBusiness: Your Trusted Bitumen Supplier for High-Quality Products
Get the best quality bitumen for all your construction needs with OfBusiness. We offer a wide range of bitumen products at competitive prices, ensuring customer satisfaction.
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vincivilworld · 2 years
Bitumen types for road Layers – Bitumen Emulsion types
Bitumen types for road Layers – Bitumen Emulsion types
Bitumen types for road layers are a vital topic to comprehend when it comes to road construction. Bitumen is preferred for flexible pavements in road construction because it has many advantages over other pavement construction materials. This article will demonstrate the importance of bitumen in road construction and the types of bitumen for road construction. Furthermore, bitumen emulsion types…
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markettrend24 · 2 years
Bitumen Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
Bitumen Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
The Bitumen Market research report 2022-2030 provides an in-depth analysis of the changing trends, opportunities, and challenges influencing the growth over the next decade. The study includes a detailed summary of each market along with data related to demand, supply and distribution. The report examines Bitumen market growth strategies adopted by leading manufacturers which include new product…
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heicodynamics · 7 days
Bitumen testing equipment is designed to evaluate the physical and chemical properties of bitumen, helping to ensure its suitability for various applications.
Understanding how this equipment works is key for industries involved in road construction, roofing, and waterproofing.
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atlasequipmnets · 1 year
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Bitumen Pressure Distributor - Atlas Equipments
Bitumen pressure distributor is easy to use and maintain. Bitumen sprayer available from 4 tons to 12 tons. Buy quality tar sprayers at lowest price.
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Asphalt Plant Burner Testing at Our Factory Before Shipment.
The burner of the asphalt mixing plant is also called the asphalt equipment burning machine. The burner is an indispensable part of the asphalt mixing plant and an indispensable heating machine in the combustion furnace! We can choose gas, oil, pulverized coal, etc. as fuels for the burners of the asphalt mixing plant.
We customize the production of pulverized coal and fuel oil dual-purpose asphalt mixing plant burners, gas and oil dual-purpose burners, coal, oil and gas multi-use Burner etc. according to customer needs.
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bitumensupplieruae · 1 year
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bitumen emulsion price : At Gulf Bitumen, we believe in providing our customers with the best possible product at the best possible price. That's why our bitumen emulsion is such a hit with contractors and road builders across the country! Our top-quality product is formulated to meet the highest standards of performance and durability, and our prices can't be beat. So why wait? Order your bitumen emulsion today and get started on your next project! Visit the link for more details : https://gulfbitumen.com/bitumen-emulsion.php
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triflesandparsnips · 2 years
My gf is doing a research project on sixteenth century recipe books (building a tool to help people read/understand them) and this weekend she was telling me about an ingredient that showed up in one of them that she could not figure out what it was. I have read the soap post (which is SO COOL, btw, I am so excited to see how the wash balls turn out) and I’m wondering if you might know what it actually is.
She first saw it written as venus bolearmonack, but we found several different spellings for it when we both went down internet rabbit holes: bolearmonack, bolarmonack, bolarmonicke. We think it’s maybe some sort of dirt or clay? But it keeps bothering me that we couldn’t figure it out, and reading your post made me wonder if you would know.
From Charas's The Royal Pharmacopœea, we know that:
By Minerals I understand all Metals, Half-metals, and what belongs to Metals. All sorts of Earths, and Bole-Armoniack; all Stones, Marbles, Flints, Porphyries, Jaspers, Chrystals, Jacinths, Emraulds, Saphirs, Granats, Blood-stones, Diamonds, and all sorts of Jewels: Sulphurs, Vitriols, Allums, Sal Gem, Bay-salt, Water, Rain, Snow, Ice, Hail, Thunder-bolts, Dew, Manna of several sorts, Morter, Lime, Brick, Oyl of Naphta Amber-griece white and yellow; Jet, Sea-coal and all Bitumens. Talk, Chalk, Bismuth, Zink, and all Marcasites, the ordinary Earth, Sand, Clay; and in general whatever is drawn out of the Bowels of the Earth, or Sea; or descends from the Air, being without Life.
This is Moyse Charas telling us what a shorthand (Minerals) means -- so apparently, Bole-Armoniack (another spelling!) wasn't a shorthand for something else the way, say, "the four greater Cold seeds" are. I also included the full paragraph because that also gives a hint as to what Bole-Armoniack isn't -- or at least, they didn't think it was... which means nope, not clay or dirt.
Later we find out in the same book that it's something you gotta crush the shit outta in a mortar before you can use it, but when you do it'll reduce to an extremely fine powder the way precious stones and amber will.
Lémery's A Course of Chemistry clarifies for a recipe for, ta da, gonorrhea, that:
Litharge, which is a Lead Calcined [a heated lead], Alom, and Bole-Armenick, are so many considerable Astringents, that do no hurt in this composition.
Which is to say, bole-armenick (ANOTHER SPELLING), when powdered, can be heated up to be used in this mix and was added because it was thought to draw together or contract skin tissue. It's also interesting that Lémery bothered to define litharge (which is fairly common in recipes I've seen), but, again, not the bole-armenick.
Finally, on a hunch, I did a search for just "armenick", and hit enough paydirt that I suspect y'all can dig further using it to confirm the results-- Pettus's 1683 glossary supplement to Ercker's Fleta Minor lists the following:
ARMENICK▪ See Armoniack.
ARMONIACK, T. gives it the Latine Name, Bolus Armeni, and we Bole Armoniack, and I find these words of kin, both in their Orthography and Pronuntiation, viz. Amoniack Armenick and Armoniack. The first Pliny tell us, is a Gum which he calls Gumma Amoniaci, of a glutinous nature (like other Gums) and so may be used for Metallick Vessels. The second viz. Armenick; I find the word Sal always joyned with it, and so called Sal Armenicus, and this Salt was antiently accounted a natural Salt, but that being now unknown to us, we use the Armenicus, which is made of the Urine of Elephants or Camels (as 'tis said) boyled to a Lixivium or Salt, and called Sal Armenius or Armeniacus, and this is of great use for purifying and refining of Metals. To the third Armoniacus the word Bole is added, I suppose for distinction sake: Pliny, c. 35. mentions a Stone, which he calls Lapis Armeni, of which he counts several sorts, but the best of those he saith, are of a blew colour, and calls it verd de Azure (being of great price and esteem with Painters, but the common Armoniack he calls Synoper (and we Synople) from a City of that name, where it was plentiful, and 'tis probable this is the same which we call Bole Armoniack, being of a reddish colour, and this is oft used by our Author, and for distinction the word Gum is put to the first, Salt to the other, and Bolus to this: which I write to prevent Errors in Medicines or Metallick Experiments.
So with Pettus's definitions, triangulated with Charas's shorthand notes and Lémery's preparation instructions, we arrive at your "venus bolearmonack" probably being sinople, a "ferruginous quartz that is blood-red or brownish red sometimes with a tinge of yellow" which "occurs in small but very perfect crystals, and in masses that resemble some varieties of jasper."
All that being said, though: always try and get at least one other source to confirm a definition. My beloved Simon Barbe says that benzoin is also myrrh, and that's... that's not right, babe. So double-check, but-- here's a reasonable direction!
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pertinax--loculos · 1 year
So, I accidentally re-read Absent That Night yesterday (which is a whole post unto itself, which I'll probably get around to tomorrow), but I thought in honour of its almost-Second-Birthday, I'd pick some choice lines to share. ^_^
This, obviously, continues under the cut, because dude, it got long. Ten excerpts of varying length, for your perusal. ^_^
Latrell managed one final, almost-genuine smile before he turned away. It evaporated almost immediately, his mind racing ahead, the day stretching out in front of him, formless, pointless. He was going to have to think of something to take up his time. Something that hopefully wouldn’t frustrate him as much as most of this morning had. He’d think of something. He just had to be careful he didn’t end up at a bar. [scene break] Latrell ended up at a bar.
"So here's a fun question," Latrell said, leaning back in his chair. Albie looked up at him from where she was comparing two photos on the desk beside her monitor. Her expression was wary. Latrell tapped his pen rapidly against the edge of the desk. "Why didn't [Nox] carve his signature into her?" Albie pulled a face. "Seriously?" "Yeah, seriously." Latrell sat forward again, holding her gaze. "How much is that book worth? Nearly a million? But who could put a price on a human life? Isn't that the most valuable thing in that room?"
Latrell was two and a half blocks from the relative comfort of Ronan’s apartment when a car screeched to a halt at the curb in front of him and Eliza Laurie toppled out. He almost resisted the urge to groan, and then didn’t bother. Laurie’s grin amped up the wattage by about a thousand percent when she heard it. “Agent Latrell,” she called as she click-clacked up the sidewalk to him. “Spare a moment?” Her lipstick today was the colour of arterial blood. Latrell tried to keep walking, but that only allowed her to invade his personal space that much quicker.
What was decidedly not normal was the huge whitewashed domes rising out of the earth directly ahead of the car. There were five of them, varying in size; the smallest maybe twenty feet across, the largest easily more than fifty. They rose out of the ground like humps, three or so feet high at their apex, their edges invisible beyond the scraggly grass and detritus that had collected around them. The bitumen upon which the car was parked extended all the way to the domes, part of the same infrastructure, and Latrell had the insane impression that they were literally stopped in a long-dead parking lot. He was still blinking. It still wasn't helping. "It's an aquarium," Nox said, inexplicably.
5. [deleted scene]
“You good, sunshine?” Nox said, stepping around Latrell to get to the kettle. Latrell really needed to nip that fucking nickname in the bud. He said, “Yeah. Just thinking. Going over what we know.” Nox arched an eyebrow, though his gaze stayed fixed on the water he poured into his mug. His voice lifted a little, carrying to the rest of the room. “You can share with the class, y’know. We don’t bite.” “I do,” Gault called. Nox rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t stop the quirk at the corner of his mouth. “Well, Mark does. But only in certain contexts.”
“What about your Phone Friends?” Latrell managed to keep the wry twist to a minimum. Nox waved a hand. Broad and expansive, far less carefully controlled than usual. Said, "I am unconvinced of the malleability of the people who live in my phone." "How charmingly enigmatic." Latrell didn't bother to modulate the wryness this time. "I am. I also have a proposal." "Ominous." "Look at you, hitting all my major personality traits!" Even in profile, Latrell could see the crinkle at the corner of his mouth, the parting of his lips, the fine lines fanning from his eyes. Nox took a long swallow from his coffee, continued, "We need more people."
“There’s something else I have to tell you.” Albie shot him a quick glance. “Oh?” Latrell pulled his glasses off, pinched a forefinger and thumb across his eyes. “It’s… complicated, alright? And I’ll go into more detail when we get there. Just figured I shouldn’t spring it on you right after you’ve just met our favourite felon.” “Your favourite felon, maybe,” Albie said. The teasing note didn’t quite conceal the apprehension, the disapproval apparent in the downturn of her mouth. She compensated by adding, “I’m yet to form an opinion.”
He didn’t hesitate when he reached the glowing green exit sign. Pushed out the door and emerged into the night. It was cooler still out here. Brighter, too, the moon nearly full, hovering just above the tips of the buildings. The emergency exit opened onto a square of bitumen, bordered on all sides by buildings with their backs turned. Nobody wanted a view of a spit of blacktop. Alleys cut paths between them, leading to… places. Somewhere else. Anywhere else. Nox leant against Ralph’s hood, ankles crossed. He flipped the keys once around his finger as Latrell let the door fall shut behind him. “Where to, sunshine?” he said, voice low, just loud enough to carry across the distance between them.
“Oh no no no, this will not do at all! This is awful! Do you people not have charters against this sort of thing? This is simply inhumane!” Latrell blinked rapidly. His glasses were askew, almost as much as his body, crumpled on the cold hard cot. His limbs screamed as he straightened them, which did nothing for his too-fast breathing or the too-hard slam of his pulse, but at least served to bring him more firmly into the present, into the real and the now. He removed his glasses, wiped savagely at his eyes, replaced them. Surveyed the room in front of him with more mental acuity than the first pass. Wondered if he was still dreaming. Cassandra Nightingale stood in the centre of the room, her back to him. She towered over whoever she was facing, but then she towered over everyone. Filled every space she entered, wall to wall and floor to ceiling, regardless of their relative size. Her dress was different to the one she’d worn at the fundraiser, though would have fit in just as well; layers upon layers of different peach materials, lace and silk and something decidedly poofy, terminating at her ankles in order to show off her terrifyingly high stiletto heels. She shook a finger in the face of whoever she was talking to. Even with her back turned, Latrell had seen the gesture enough to place it. “This is unacceptable! Can you people not see that? Is this some form of passive torture you are trying to inflict upon innocent people? Do I need to remind you that the foundation of our justice system is innocent until proven guilty?”
The thick heavy ball broke free, rising up Latrell’s throat even as he tried to grab it and swallow it back down. [Redacted]’s laugh followed the strangled choked broken sob into the echoing stillness of the room. “Naw, don’t be like that.” [Their] voice was cutting, mocking, coming from every corner and every flat surface of the space. Latrell realised his eyes were still shut. Reluctantly pried them open. For what good it would do him. If [Redaced] didn’t want him to, he’d never see the final blow coming. “What do you say, Latrell? Should we explore more of this old aquarium? I’ll give you a sixty second headstart if you wanna make a run for it.” Beat. A laugh, loud, malicious. “Don’t think you’ll get very far with that amount of time, though. Not on that knee. Let’s say two minutes. What do you think?” “I think,” said a second voice from nowhere and everywhere, “That you talk too fucking much.”
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Specification of Bitumen 60/70
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Bitumen 60/70 is a type of penetration grade bitumen that is used extensively in road construction and other paving applications. The “60/70” designation refers to the penetration range of the bitumen, which is a measure of its hardness. Penetration grade bitumen is classified based on the depth to which a standard needle penetrates into the bitumen sample under specific conditions.
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aljabal-dubai · 2 months
Bitumen Price Predictions for August 2024: Factors and Insights
Introduction In the world of construction and infrastructure, the bitumen market is a crucial player. Bitumen, also known as asphalt, is the backbone of roads, highways, and various industrial applications. Given its importance, predicting its price is a hot topic for stakeholders. With August 2024 on the horizon, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of bitumen price predictions. What’s driving the…
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riverwoodcapital1 · 3 days
Nexxus Petro Industries IPO GMP, Review, Price, Allotment
Nexxus Petro Industries IPO description – Nexxus Petro Industries is involved in trading, manufacturing, and selling petrochemical products, specifically bitumen, which is widely used in road construction. The company sources bitumen through imports from Dubai and purchases from domestic importers in India. The bitumen is further processed at the company’s units in Mundra, Gujarat; Pali,…
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Best quality Bitumen Waterproofing Solution in Chennai
The Complete Handbook of Bitumen Waterproofing: Advantages, Uses, and Methods Overview Any construction project must include waterproofing since it helps shield structures from water intrusion, which can cause structural damage, the growth of mold, and other problems. Bitumen waterproofing is one of the most often utilized techniques for waterproofing, especially for basements, foundations, and roofs. Often referred to as asphalt, bitumen is a dark, sticky, and extremely viscous liquid or semi-solid petroleum with exceptional water resistance. We will discuss bitumen waterproofing in this blog, along with its uses, advantages, and methods.
What is waterproofing with bitumen? Using bitumen-based products, bitumen waterproofing creates a barrier that is impermeable to water and keeps it out of the building. Because of its strength, adaptability, and resistance to harsh weather, bitumen is extensively utilized in the building sector. Bitumen, when placed correctly, creates a barrier against moisture, water, and other environmental elements.
Advantages of Bitumen Waterproofing: Bitumen is a naturally water-resistant material, which makes it perfect for waterproofing applications. It produces a seamless, continuous barrier that successfully prevents water from penetrating, guaranteeing the structure's safety. Durability: Bitumen is resistant to UV rays, temperature changes, and precipitation. It also has an extended lifespan. Because of this, it's an affordable solution that needs little upkeep in the long run. Flexibility: One of bitumen waterproofing's main benefits is its adaptability. It can adjust to the way the building moves as a result of temperature variations, avoiding the formation of fractures and leaks. Cost-effective: Compared to other waterproofing techniques, bitumen waterproofing is comparatively inexpensive, and its durability adds to its appeal.
Application Versatility: Bitumen can be used on a variety of surfaces, including bridges, basements, foundations, and roofs. Because of its adaptability, it is a recommended option for both commercial and residential construction.
Common Uses for Bitumen Waterproofing:
Bitumen is frequently used to create a waterproof barrier on flat or low-slope roofs. Bituminous membranes or coatings are used to shield the interior of the structure from moisture and rain and to stop water leaks. Waterproofing Foundations: In regions with elevated groundwater tables, particularly, foundations are particularly vulnerable to water seepage. By erecting a robust barrier around the base, bitumen waterproofing ensures the stability of the building. Waterproofing a Basement: Because basements are close to the ground, water can seep in. The basement is shielded from moisture-related harm by bitumen-based coatings or membranes that stop water from penetrating within.
Bridges and Parking Structures: To prevent water damage and increase the longevity of infrastructure projects including parking garages, tunnels, and bridges bitumen waterproofing is also utilized.
Methods for Applying Bitumen Waterproofing
Bituminous Membrane Waterproofing: This technique entails covering the surface with a bituminous sheet membrane that is either self-adhesive or applied with a torch. Because of its flexibility and resilience, it is frequently used for roof waterproofing. Bitumen-based coatings, sometimes referred to as bituminous paints, are applied as a liquid and solidify to form a smooth, protective layer. This process is known as bituminous coating waterproofing. This method works well on both vertical and horizontal surfaces. Modified Bitumen: Polymers are used in modified bitumen waterproofing to improve bitumen's characteristics. Because of its increased flexibility, strength, and longevity, this technique is appropriate for constructions subjected to harsh environments.
In summary A dependable, adaptable, and reasonably priced method of preventing water damage to structures is bitumen waterproofing. It is a well-liked option in the building sector due to its resilience to weather and long-lasting protection. Bitumen waterproofing protects structures from moisture-related issues and preserves their longevity, whether for basements, foundations, or roofs.
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heicodynamics · 2 months
Bitumen is becoming more important in petroleum production, especially in the transformation of bitumen into synthetic crude oil. The naturally occurring and man-made substance bitumen can be made from blasting oil. One sector that makes extensive use of bitumen testing equipment is the petrochemical sector.
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