#Birth chart
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selenepsyche ¡ 2 days ago
Placements That Could Indicate Being Too Selfless
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Sun conjunct, opposite, or square Neptune - Blurry self identity, prone to sacrificing personal needs for others
Moon conjunct, opposite, or square Neptune - Highly empathetic, obsorbs others' emotions, may struggle to set boundaries
Venus conjunct, opposite, or square Neptune - Overly idealistic in love, prone to one sided relationships
Neptune in the 1st House - Soft, compassionate presence, may struggle to assert themselves
Pisces Stellium or Dominance - Pisces placements (especially Sun, Moon, Venus, or Rising), can be deeply selfless, sometimes to the point of martyrdom
Sun in the 12th House - May feel invisible, naturally puts others first, struggles with self assertion
Moon in the 12th House - Emotionally self sacrificing, internalizes pain for the sake of others
Venus in the 12th House - Loves unconditionally, may stay in toxic relationships out of devotion
Mars in the 12th House - Struggles to act in self interest, may suppress anger or personal desires
Cancer Moon, Venus, or Mars - Could be nurturing to the point of self-neglect, may feel responsible for others' emotions
Cancer in the 6th House - Devotes energy to helping others, may prioritize service over personal well being
Libra Sun, Moon, or Venus - Hates conflict, prioritizes harmony over personal needs
Virgo Sun, Moon, or Venus - Overworks in service of others, struggles with self worth if they feel they aren't being "useful"
South Node in Pisces, Virgo, 7th House, or 12th House - Suggests a karmic tendency to put others before themself, needing to develop stronger boundaries in this life
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Thank you for reading! If you have any comments or questions, please put them below. This post is not meant to harm anyone or be rude. This still depends on the aspects, signs, and the person themself.
I also want to thank you all for over 100 followers! Making this type of content is my passion and I'm so thankful for the support. I am planning something very special to celebrate!
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astrolook ¡ 3 days ago
Empty Houses in Your Birth Chart: Cosmic Ghost Town or Chill Zone?
So, you’ve been staring at your birth chart and wondering why you have empty houses. Maybe you have no planets in your 7th house (“Am I doomed to die alone?”), or your 2nd house (“Does this mean I’ll be broke forever?”). Relax. Breathe. The universe didn’t just forget to assign you a personality.
Empty houses don’t mean you lack something; they mean you don’t have a planet permanently renting space there. It’s like a fully furnished Airbnb—functional, livable, just not your primary residence. You still experience these areas of life, just without a permanent cosmic tenant making a mess of things.
Empty 1st House - House of Self, Identity, and ‘Main Character Energy’
"Who am I?"
You don’t need planets in your 1st house to have a personality, I promise. If it’s empty, your Rising Sign ruler/lord is the real MVP here—it’s the planet secretly controlling your life like an undercover boss.
It doesn't mean you’re invisible, boring, or lacking an identity. (Come on, even NPCs have a backstory.)
Unlike people with planets here, you’re not out here having existential crises every five minutes.
Empty 2nd House - House of Money, Self-Worth & That Bag 💰
"Will I ever be rich?"
You’re not destined to survive on instant noodles forever. Your financial success comes from the sign ruling this house—not a chaotic planet constantly meddling with your money habits.
Here, money isn’t the biggest stressor in your life (lucky you). You might not define yourself by wealth, but you can still make serious cash.
Empty 3rd House - House of Communication, Siblings & ‘Did You Read the Fine Print?’
"Why do people talk so much?"
No planets here? You don’t have constant mental chatter or an obsession with posting hot takes on Twitter (unlike certain air sign placements). You process information at your own pace, and your Mercury placement tells us how you communicate.
Here it simply mean that you can be a great speaker or writer—just without the need to debate everything to death.
Empty 4th House - House of Family & Emotional Foundations
"Am I emotionally stable or just unbothered?"
If your 4th house is empty, family drama isn’t your core personality trait (looking at you, Cancer moons). Your upbringing shaped you, but your emotions aren’t constantly under siege.
It means you don’t live in your past. Your sense of home and emotional security comes from the ruling sign, not a chaotic planet making things messy.
Empty 5th House - House of Fun, Romance & ‘Oops, I Did It Again’
"Am I doomed to be boring?"
Empty 5th house? You still have fun, fall in love, and make questionable decisions—it’s just not your full-time job. Your creative hobbies, love life, and risk-taking tendencies come from the house ruler, not a planet throwing drama parties.
It means you’re not obsessively seeking attention. You can still be artistic, romantic, and entertaining—you just do it without the theatrics.
Empty 6th House - House of Work, Health & That Annoying Daily Routine
"Do I even have a work ethic?"
No planets in the 6th house? Congrats, you’re not micromanaging your own existence. You handle responsibilities when necessary, but you’re not out here color-coding to-do lists at 3 AM.
It means you’re chill about work and health. You get things done without needing a constant cosmic drill sergeant yelling at you.
Empty 7th House - House of Relationships & ‘Are We Dating or Just Vibing?’
"Am I cursed in love?"
Nope, an empty 7th house doesn’t mean you’re single forever. It just means you’re not obsessed with relationships—your partnerships unfold naturally instead of being your life’s central drama.
It means you don’t overcomplicate love. You attract relationships when the time is right—without planets causing unnecessary chaos.
Empty 8th House -House of Transformation, Sex & ‘What Happens After We Die?’
"Am I missing the ‘mystical and sexy’ gene?"
The 8th house rules deep transformation, shared finances, intimacy, and, well…death. If you have an empty 8th house, does this mean you’re boring and no sexual life? (Spoiler: No.)
It means you’re not haunted by existential crises 24/7 (lucky you). You go through major transformations, but you’re not obsessing over the meaning of life while waiting for your Starbucks order.
You might have a healthy approach to power and intimacy—unlike people with a crowded 8th house, who experience life like a dramatic phoenix constantly combusting.
Empty 9th House -House of Travel, Higher Learning & ‘I’m Moving to Bali’
"Am I allergic to wisdom and adventure?"
This is the house of philosophy, wanderlust, and that one friend who quit their job to find themselves in another country. But if your 9th house is empty, are you doomed to stay in one place forever?
It means you don’t need a crisis to push you into adventure. You explore life when you want, not because a planet is forcing you into a life-changing backpacking trip.
Your beliefs and perspectives expand over time—you just don’t feel the need to become a monk overnight.
Empty 10th House - House of Career, Public Image & ‘Will I Ever Be Successful?’
"Am I a failure?"
An empty 10th house does not mean you’ll spend your life jobless, unknown, or forever stuck in an unpaid internship from hell. The 10th house rules career and legacy, but an empty one means…you don’t obsess over it 24/7.
You can be highly successful—you just don’t need planets constantly pushing you into an identity crisis about it. Your MC ruler tells the real story of your career path.
Some of the most successful people have an empty 10th house—because they’re too busy succeeding to stress over it.
Empty 11th House - House of Friendships, Social Circles & ‘Am I Cool?’
"Do I have no friends?"
An empty 11th house does not mean you’re a loner or the social equivalent of a tumbleweed. You have friends. You just don’t need a cosmic hype squad of planets managing your social life.
It means you don’t rely on social validation to exist. Your friendships are natural and not built on constant drama and chaos.
You attract the right people without forcing it. You don’t need to collect acquaintances like Pokémon cards—you value quality over quantity.
Empty 12th House - House of the Subconscious, Dreams & ‘Main Character in a Spiritual Awakening’
"Am I just…normal?"
If your 12th house is empty, does this mean you lack spiritual depth, psychic visions, and tragic poet energy? Nope. You’re just not drowning in existential dread 24/7, unlike those with a packed 12th house (send them love, they need it).
You’re not haunted by past-life trauma every time Mercury retrogrades. You connect with your spirituality in a way that’s natural and not overwhelming.
Your spiritual growth is steady and not tied to constant suffering. (Honestly, be grateful.)
🌟 Instead of asking ‘What am I lacking?’ ask ‘Where do I flow naturally?’ 🔍 Look at the ruling planet of each empty house—that’s your real guide. 🔥 Transits activate empty houses, so life will still spice things up when needed!
So, next time someone gasps at your empty 7th house (“Oh no, you’ll never find love!”), just laugh—because joke’s on them, you’re living a drama-free life.
Want to understand what your birth chart really says about you? DM me for a reading, and let’s decode your cosmic blueprint together! 🔮✨
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botanicalsword ¡ 2 days ago
✴︎ Your Unrecognized Talent in Your 12th House ✴︎ Natal Chart
When planets are placed in the 12th house, it can indicate significant abilities that you possess but might not fully utilize or receive public recognization for.
You possess significant talents and abilities that are often used in subtle or private ways
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Sun in the 12th House 
you have a natural talent for leading and inspiring others.
this ability often remains hidden or is expressed in subtle, behind-the-scenes ways
you might find yourself leading quietly, perhaps in spiritual or humanitarian endeavors
Moon in the 12th House
a deep emotional intuition and a natural inclination to nurture and heal
may have a profound ability to empathize and provide emotional support, but this talent might not be openly acknowledged or celebrated
you could work in roles that involve caring for others, such as counseling or therapy, yet your contributions might remain in the shadows
Mercury in the 12th House
a sharp mind with a talent for deep, insightful thinking
you have brilliant ideas and a unique perspective, but these may not be utilized in a public or professional setting
you find yourself more comfortable expressing your intellect in private or through writing
where your contributions are less likely to gain widespread attention
Venus in the 12th House
you have a deep well of artistic talent, whether in visual arts, music, or other creative expressions, might not be fully recognized or appreciated by the public
you may create beautiful works that remain private or are shared only within a small circle 
Mars in the 12th House
you possess a strong competitive drive and the ability to achieve victories but channel this energy into personal challenges 
where your accomplishments are less visible to others
Jupiter in the 12th House
your natural talent for imparting knowledge and understanding of various subjects might not be utilized in a formal educational setting 
your teaching might be more informal or focused on personal growth and spiritual development
Saturn in the 12th House
your talent for organization and leadership, particularly in managing complex tasks or guiding others, might not be appreciated 
Neptune in the 12th House
you have deep connection to the arts, music, or healing professions
your artistic or healing work might be more private or focused on personal fulfillment
Uranus in the 12th House
your innovative thinking and desire to bring change, might be more personal
Pluto in the 12th House
you have a natural ability to uncover hidden truths and delve into complex subjects, focusing on inner transformation
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3 Zodiac Signs Unintentionally Sabotaging Their Love Lives
Aspect in Natal Chart - Reliable and committed for long-term relationships
What are your criteria for choosing a partner?
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the-returnofartemis ¡ 2 days ago
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the 10th house (10H) is arguably one of the most important houses in astrology, closely tied to your midheaven (MC), which represents your public image, reputation, and the way you are recognized in the world. it symbolizes your legacy, the energy others associate with you, and the role you naturally embody in society. however, understanding your career path goes beyond than just identifying the sign in your 10th house. to gain a deeper insight, you should also analyze its planetary ruler and the house it occupies, as these factors will give you a better idea about the careers that align with your natural strengths.
below is a guide shared by astrokit, along with some additional insights i’ve added, highlighting careers based on planetary placements in the 10th house, as well as the house placements of its planetary ruler, to help you align with your destined career path!
➶ ➴ if you follow vedic astrology, I recommend analyzing the 10H in the navamsha (D9) and dashamsha (D10) charts alongside the 10H in the rashi (D1) chart. combining insights from all three, along with the nakshatra ruler of the 10H will give a more well-rounded understanding of the career best suited for you.
sun: leadership, authority, government, politician, fame, boss, CEO
moon: women, hospitality, nursing, children, restaurants, commerce, mass media, public relations, travel
mercury: media, writer, communications, teacher, editor, author, transportation, craftsmanship, marketing
venus: arts, music, beauty, luxury, jeweler, entertainment, tourism, hotel management, design, graphics, fashion
mars: fitness, sports, entrepreneur, law enforcement, surgeon, doctor, engineer, military, sculptor, carpenter, cook
jupiter: law, teaching, travel, advertising, education, charity
saturn: organizations, metal industry, agriculture, service, labor, construction
north node (rahu): internet, entertainment, pharmaceuticals, research, engineer, innovation, electricity, sales, photography
south node (ketu): religion, spirituality, metaphysics, renunciation, research, charity, astrology, diviniation
uranus: science, electronics, internet, astrology, innovation, inventions, technology, crypto
pluto: research, insurance, surveillance, risk-management, death, investigator
neptune: photographer, movies, entertainment, drugs, poetry, music, liquids, alcohol
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1H: self-employment, brand ambassador, entrepreneur
2H: banking, finance, investments, assets, consulting, teaching, writing, restaurants, speaking, vocals, dentistry, property, family legacy
3H: communication, marketing, social media, sales, writing, publishing, advertising, blogging, media, authorship, teaching (early education)
4H: asset management, real estate, vehicles, water, family, women, hospitality
5H: movies, films, glamour, stockbroker, education, authority, fame, children, romance, dating, hobbies
6H: health, service, law, labor, food, waiters, doctors, crime, justice, litigation
7H: law, business, commerce, exchange, consulting, public relations, marriage, therapist, designer, interior design, wedding industry, event planning, counselors
8H: insurance, social work, psychology, sex industry, occult, security, espionage, surveillance, taxes, death industry, divorce, research
9H: teaching (university), travel industry, hospitality, law, religion, foreign exchange, wedding industry, event planning
10H: leadership, government, politics, manager, CEO, presidency, public figure
11H: finance, networking, social media, acting, entertainment industry, parties/event planning
12H: charity, social work, hospitals, prisons, travel, foreign lands, mental health industry, artist, musician, import/export
if you’ve made it this far, i hope you enjoyed this little corner of my world. thank you for reading and please feel free to share your thoughts! always remember to love yourself as if it’s your greatest romance.
the pictures featured in this post are from pinterest.
until next time,
artemis x
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thealchemistbae ¡ 10 hours ago
Cosmic Clout: Astrological Indicators of Social Media Fame 📲👑✨
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Disclaimer: This post is for entertainment purposes only.
thealchemistbae Š do not copy, redistribute, or edit my content.
If you enjoyed this post, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via Venmo @goddessguapa. Thank you.
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✨: Mercury - Uranus Aspects (The Digital Genius)
Mercury conjunct, trine, or sextile Uranus -> Quick witted, ahead of trends, and innovative in communication. These people say things others wish they could articulate, often leading to viral content.
Mercury square or opposite Uranus -> Unpredictable, controversial, and shock-value communication. Unexpected tweets or videos can skyrocket them into relevance.
✨: Venus in Aspect to Neptune (The Internet's Dream Aesthetic)
Venus conjunct, trine or sextile Neptune -> Ethereal, captivating beauty or aesthetic that resonates with online audiences. Could be a "Pinterest girl" or someone whose visuals always go viral.
Venus square or opposite Neptune -> Aesthetic is either heavily romanticized or misunderstood. Could face issues with online image distortion but still maintains an allure that keeps people watching.
✨: Pluto in the 3rd House (The Power Communicator)
Transformative words and an intense online presence. This placement gives someone a "cult following" on social media. Think deep, thought-provoking captions, tweets that make people overanalyze, or content that feels almost hypnotic.
✨: Midheaven Aspects to Outer Planets (Public Destiny Tied to Digital Influence)
Midheaven conjunct Uranus -> Sudden and unexpected fame, often through a viral moment. Their career path is unconventional and influenced by digital culture.
Midheaven conjunct or trine Neptune -> Fame built on a dreamy, illusory persona. Think influencers who cultivate a mystical, artistic, or unattainable aesthetic.
Midheaven square Pluto -> Extreme love-hate relationship with fame. They either go viral for something transformative or controversial, or they're polarizing figures online.
✨: 11th House Stellium (Digital Influence & Mass Following)
The 11th house rules large audiences, networking, and digital spaces. A stellium (3 or more planets) here indicates someone who naturally attracts an online following.
Mars in the 11th -> Aggressive networking, viral for bold takes.
Venus in the 11th -> Likeable, people want to befriend or copy them.
Neptune in the 11th -> Mysterious and aspirational. People project fantasies onto them.
✨: 3rd House - Uranus Connections (Innovative Speech & Online Impact)
Uranus in the 3rd House -> Unfiltered, unpredictable, and highly engaging content style. Their posts tend to either spark trends or controversy.
Uranus trine/sextile Mercury -> Naturally goes viral due to a unique way of speaking or delivering messages.
Uranus square Mercury -> Can have a love/hate relationship with how their words are received. One tweet could launch a career or a scandal.
✨: North Node in the 10th or 11th House (Destined for Digital Recognition)
10th house North Node -> Meant for public recognition; social media is often the catalyst.
11th house North Node -> Fame comes through networking, online communities, or being the voice of an era.
✨: Transits That Spark Social Media Success
Jupiter transiting the 10th house -> Major career breakthroughs, public expansion, viral moments.
Uranus conjunct Midheaven -> Sudden, unexpected fame (often through the internet)
Neptune transiting the 1st house -> A period where they become idealized, aesthetic-focused, or seen as a fantasy figure.
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thealchemistbae Š do not copy, redistribute, or edit my content.
I’m sure there is more but honestly this is all I have for now. Enjoy ⚡️
If you enjoyed this post, you can leave me a tip via PayPal at [email protected] or via Venmo @goddessguapa. Thank you.
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fishnapple ¡ 2 days ago
Hi River, I hope you are doing well! I love reading your input on the different astrological placements, its what I look forward to every week 😆Thank you so much for answering our queries <3 I would love to hear your thoughts regarding moon opposite saturn in the natal chart if possible!
Hello, thank you for your kind words.
Moon opposite Saturn
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For Moon opposite Saturn, I would think of four key words : Vulnerability, Nourishment, Slowing down and Stability. There can be struggles and opportunities for growth in these four areas.
Moon is changeable, vulnerable and needs lots of nourishment, but with Saturn oppositing it, Moon can feel like its needs are not met. That there's is something "improper" about its needs, that it need to regulate and act more "grown-up" to not disappoint a "critic", often of their own. Saturn puts restrictions on Moon.
If the person lacks maturity and enough self-awareness, this placement can hinder their emotional growth. Their early environment might not be very encouraging of their emotional display, so they learnt to bottle everything up. The person might need to learn self-parenting early in life. To be self-reliant and independent. To perform to a perceived set of rules and standards.
Inside, they can feel oddly vulnerable, as if everything has the ability to hurt them. But outside, they project a stoic, sometimes cold demeanor as a defense mechanism against hurt. Crying or strong display of emotions, whether joy or sadness, disappointment or anger, all are avoided.
TW: *mentions of possible eating disorder* As a manifestation of Saturn's restrictive nature affecting the Moon, some can feel the lack of appetite frequently. Some can feel hungry but don't want to indulge. Or don't like the act of eating. They might put restrictions on their diet and would feel guilty when they "binge" on something. They don't allow themselves to let "loose" and enjoy things completely. A more healthy expression is they take nutrition seriously and are discriminating about what they eat.
As they grow older, they learn to get more comfortable with their emotional side and be more relaxed, able to let loose more. A mature manifestation of this aspect is their emotional dependability and stability as they know how to regulate their emotions effectively. Another trait is once they're emotionally committed to something or someone, they stay faithful for a very long time, only pull away when their trust is broken.
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sativasession ¡ 3 days ago
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ pisces placements/ neptune in the 12th house (special mention libra moon/venus and aquarius 12th house) ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀
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novy2sirius ¡ 7 months ago
based on numerology
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ෆ tw: trauma, food/eating
ෆ this is based on the numerical meanings (numerology) of these numbers not degree theory
ෆ the whole chart matters. take this with a grain of salt
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VENUS AT 1°/10°/19°/28°: people with these venus degrees will be attracted to/date people that have more dominant and masculine energy. their beauty will be similar to aries beauty. defined features, thick brows, an intimidating stare, etc. these people can sometimes struggle with relationships and attract lots of conflict in their relationships or people that. these degrees can be good for wealth (especially 28°)
VENUS AT 2°: people with these venus degrees will be attracted to/date people that are more feminine or less aggressive. their beauty is very feminine and they often have beautiful body’s. they tend to have softer features rather than sharp ones. these people often end up marrying their soulmate. this is a great degree to have your venus at when it comes to romance and beauty. sometimes this can manifest as someone being a hoe
VENUS AT 3°/12°/21°: people with these venus degrees are attracted to/date people that are funny, outgoing, and that have a fun child-like energy to them. these people tend to have a youthful beauty and possibly a baby face. a lot also have bunny teeth. this degree is great for romance when it comes to communicating, but can indicate being cheated on a lot or being with people who lack responsibility before getting married and finding someone good for you
VENUS AT 4°/13°: people with these venus degrees are attracted to/date hard working people that can be stable on their own and don’t need to rely on anyone else for anything. they will not be with someone who brings a ton of chaos into their life long term. when it comes to their career they’re huge workhorses and actually enjoy working or usually have careers that they really love. these degrees in your venus are major wealth indicators as well
VENUS AT 5°/14°/23°: people with these venus degrees are attracted to people/date people that are on the more attractive side physically. they want someone who makes them feel like a free spirit and wants to travel the world with them and just go on lots of adventures and have fun. if someone tries to tie them down too much or rush into commitment it will be a huge turn off for them. physically these people tend to be very attractive to society. these people tend to be great entertainers as well
VENUS AT 6°/15°/24°: people with these venus degrees are often attracted to/date people that are homebody’s and want to chill with them all the time. they like people who are very caring, nurturing, and should ideally be with someone more family oriented. these people are really good in bed and know how to please their sexual partners. random, but these people tend to really love food and animals too. at times these people can struggle to find someone because they’re at home too much
VENUS AT 7°/16°/25°: people with these venus degrees are often attracted to/date intelligent people. you have to have something special about you for these people to like you. they are very picky. sometimes people with these degrees in their venus can be players since one of 7’s challenging traits is “falling weak to perversions”. physically these people tend to have glow ups when they’re older and don’t peak when they’re younger/in school. these degrees can be the hardest to have your venus in since 7 is a very challenging number for love in numerology. at very worst these degrees in your venus could indicate divorce occurring at least twice, but not that you’ll never be happy with your love life
VENUS AT 8°/17°/26°: people with these venus degrees are often attracted to people/date people that are powerful and confident. at times these people can be a bit controlling in relationships, but they are usually only this way because of past traumas. physically these people tend to be very beautiful unless they have a lot of unresolved negative karma which can show up in their appearance (especially with these degrees in venus). these people will experience lots of karmic lessons (more so than most) surrounding romance and may have a more challenging love life than most. they tend to end up in a happy marriage as long as they’re good people and don’t cheat
VENUS AT 0°/9°/18°/27°: people with these venus degrees are often attracted to people/date people that are introverted/shy, compassionate, charming, intelligent, and very attractive. they themselves also tend to very attractive to society. these people can make great models and become beauty symbols. they may have a challenging love life though (especially 27° venus’). a challenge these people often face in relationships is that they struggle to let go of grudges and can be dramatic at times. at worst because of their adaptive persona they will stay with people who aren’t good for them because they’re comfortable. career wise these people can become very famous though and are very artistically talented
VENUS AT 11°/20°/29°: people with these venus degrees are attracted to/date people that are emotional, intuitive, charismatic, athletic, or masculine. these people can make a lot of money from things related to expressing emotions such as acting or from their athletic abilities. besides 2° these are the best degrees you can have your venus at for romance and this indicates having a happy marriage
VENUS AT 22°: people with these venus degrees are very attracted to/date wise, confident, powerful, and hardworking people. they tend to come off as very old souls and also may date older souls too. spiritually these people are amazing manifestors and have the ability to manifest lots of material wealth in this life. random, but these people can make lots of money from being any type of builder (examples: body builder, architect, etc)
comment your venus degree and what content you want to see next!!
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elysiansparadise ¡ 5 months ago
Part of Fortune in astrology
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The Part of Fortune is an Arabic part that represents the luck that we naturally attract, from the areas of our life in which we can attract greater opportunities to the area of ​​our life in which we can find greater satisfaction and success. Some also attribute this point to the natural talents with which we are born. You can calculate it on Astro.com in the small "Additional Objects" tab. As a personal recommendation, I recommend checking which house(s) the POF ruler(s) fall into and check the description of it too.
🔘Part of fortune in the 1st house: These people can attract luck very easily throughout their lives, whether taking the path they want, due to their personality or even their physical appearance. They can be considered charismatic and very attractive by other people. Ease to achieve everything they want or put their mind into. They will attract a lot of luck if they decide to work in areas that allow them to deal with the public or be public figures. They tend to have the ability to light up the room or lift the spirits of others. Things may seem to naturally align in their favor. It is possible that any project they start will flourish quickly and give results just as quick. They can have strong self-confidence and, without seeking it, attract a lot of reassurance from others. They tend to be seen as lucky, privileged by other people. They make very good decisions even if they decide based on intuition. They feel and are protected by divinity and because of this trust they have in it, the intensity increases.
🔲Part of fortune in Aries: These people usually come out triumphant in any competition, easily defeating enemies or doing better than them. Many chances of success when you work on your own and dare to put your ideas into action. Leadership skills or greater success when they guide a group of people. Confiding in your abilities and daring to take risks can result in great experiences and opportunities. These people may stand out for being the first to do something and may be seen as pioneers. Ease of motivating and empowering people, you share and spread your energy and drive to others. There is no challenge or difficulty that they cannot overcome. Great vitality and strength, as well as healthy self-esteem.
🖤Aries degrees [01°, 13°, 25°]: They tend to make the right decisions throughout their lives. Great vitality and strength, both mental and physical. Opportunities to start projects that will bring them success. Ease for reaching powerful positions. They will enjoy victories and triumphs of all kinds. They take wise risks that can bring a lot of satisfaction to their lives. Their independence it’s the key to their success.
🔘Part of fortune in the 2nd house: They may have better luck attracting stability in every sense, especially economic ones. They will more easily attract things and/or opportunities that meet their needs, things arrive just when they need them. They can achieve success by starting their own businesses, making investments or making their hobbies their business or source of work. These people have a high and strong self-esteem, they are endowed with strong self-love. Their innate talents and abilities can be the door to success for these natives. You may more frequently attract people who value your efforts and may be appreciated for your presence and actions. Stability can come in your life, constant periods of satisfaction and things that accompany you in the long term, contributing favorably to you. You can attract many resources and tools throughout your life that open doors for you [money or other material goods, connections, learning, information, among others].
🔲Part of fortune in Taurus: For these natives, life will be filled with opportunities to explore pleasure in its different forms, from the most mundane to the deepest, from the emotional to the material realm. They can enjoy many moments of stability in their lives and attract things that bring happiness and comfort to their lives in the long term. These people can easily attract everything they want, in general they have a great power of attraction. They are people who can be endowed with a lot of beauty and natural charm. They can easily attract stable connections that provide them with constant support. The universe will remove from your paths everything that messes with your peace and will fill you with better things shortly after.
🖤Taurus degrees [02°, 14°, 26°]:People endowed with a lot of physical attractiveness, elegance and very strong confidence. They can more easily attract stability in their lives, more specifically economic ones. Ease to materialize your ideas and make them prosper or grow. They give others a sense of stability. When they act based on their values ​​they can attract a lot of luck.
🔘Part of fortune in the 3rd house: They will attract many opportunities to undertake short trips, likewise, very positive and satisfying things await them through it. They can easily excel during their student life, whether academically, socially, or both.They will have great luck working with others and being part of communities of any kind, and they can be highly appreciated in these. They may have a good relationship with siblings, cousins ​​or neighbors, or at least one who is really supportive. They can attract people who are naturally very brotherly towards them. People may like to be with them, as they exude allure and can easily captivate others. Ease of communication, their writing can become recognized or they can be praised for the way you communicate. Ease of forming and creating satisfactory relationships with the people around them, or at least cordial ones. You tend to have an innate positive impact on the people around you.
🔲Part of fortune in Gemini: Ease of acquiring diverse knowledge and standing out in many different areas from a very young age. They have a natural talent for connecting with others through words, whether verbally or in writing. It should be added that they stand out for communicating very accurately what they want to say. They can be successful in the sales sector and stand out for their social intelligence. They can easily mentally stimulate others, challenge them and entertain them at the same time. They tend to be easily recognized by their intelligence, by one of their hobbies and by their wit. Many times they can start doing things out of mere curiosity which can lead them to success or give them a lot of satisfaction. 
🖤Gemini degrees [03°, 15°, 27°]: Natural talent for writing, great communicators and can be seen as very charismatic and appealing ones. Gifted with a very capable mind that can lead them to be very successful. What they say can have a high impact on others. They can learn facts or things that seem random but that can be significant on other occasions. They attract many resources of all kinds.
🔘Part of fortune in the 4th house: These natives will have ease and success building their own home, making it a place where they feel calm, content and fulfilled. They can attract more stable things, from opportunities to long-term emotional bonds. They find happiness and satisfaction by being at home or doing things that bring them comfort. They may have greater emotional stability and do not depend on others to feel better or worse. They may have a supportive family or a member of their family that they connect with on all levels and provide them with unconditional support.They will easily attract people who become family to them. They are people with great emotional responsibility and awareness, which will attract opportunities and happiness to them. Being around these natives usually gives a feeling of coming home, they have the ability to make others feel good and give them comfort without trying too hard. They enjoy and get a lot of satisfaction when they can spend time alone. 
🔲Part of fortune in Cancer: They gain satisfaction from taking care of their emotional well-being, even if they take small actions to do so. These people will easily attract people's empathy and support. People feel naturally comfortable around them and they have a charm that inspires adoration and tenderness in others. They can attract strong bonds with women or people with feminine energy that bring them satisfaction and success. Being in touch with your inner child brings you many opportunities. They have the ability to nourish others emotionally, spiritually and mentally, as well as quickly make any project they have in mind flourish. Life will give you many heart-warming experiences and the ability to create beautiful and meaningful memories.
🖤Cancer degrees [04°, 16°, 28°]: Ease of moving others emotionally and understanding the needs of others. They give comfort to others with their mere presence. Their family ties can bring them luck. They can be welcomed by other families and treated as part of them. Talent for reading people, high emotional intelligence. Likely to attract luck when keeping their plans to themselves. 
🔘Part of fortune in the 5th house: Chance seems to be on their side, they can be very lucky in games, and they seem to have a strong power of attraction. Their hobbies and talents can be sources of success, it can give them opportunities to improve their lives or even make them gain a lot of recognition. They can attract attention very easily, gain fame more quickly than other people, and gain the esteem of others without trying too hard. They are people who stand out for their attractiveness and can attract suitors or couples with economic or job stability, who bring them a lot of happiness or who benefit them in some way. They can obtain great benefits if they trust their talents and potential and decide to make their ideas come true and if they dare to create. These natives contribute positively to their relationships as well, filling their partners with motivation and joy. Opportunities and good luck as they embrace themselves and speak their minds. They can be very fertile people and if they want to be parents, they can enjoy a great relationship with their children. 
🔲Part of fortune in Leo: These people tend to attract people's attention, appreciation and admiration more easily. They stand out enormously for their talents and will enjoy great success when they make use of them. Ease of entertaining and amusing people. They gain recognition for their talents and for being themselves. They can generate a lot of income through a hobby. They can attract plenty of situations in which they are or can be the center of attention, and can stand out greatly if they take those opportunities. When they put their energy and passion into a specific action, activity or project, it is easier for them to achieve surprising and satisfactory results for the natives. Very likely to attract fame and recognition on a large scale.
🖤Leo degrees [05°, 17°, 29°]: They will more easily attract success, recognition or praise from others. Great creativity, ability to easily shine in any aspect of their lives. They attract positive things when they are authentic and themselves. They have strong self-esteem and awareness of their own abilities. They have a lot of charisma and know that they can achieve many things on their own.
🔘Part of fortune in the 6th house: These people may have a particular ability that makes them stand out quite a bit and even be easily admired by others because of it. Natives of great intelligence and a work ethic that will make them stand out. They can enjoy an excellent work environment, easily earning the appreciation and respect of other co-workers, bosses or people under their supervision. They can recover from illnesses more easily. An ease to attract the support of others, often this being selfless and of great impact for the natives. After helping others, these people can return the favor on a larger scale to the native. A lot of success at work, ease of promotion and enjoying many benefits through this. Ease in dealing with animals of all kinds, they can feel comfortable around the native. They inspire confidence in others easily, and that is precisely what opens up many opportunities for them. Success at work and being seen as efficient and capable gives them enormous satisfaction.
🔲Part of fortune in Virgo: Their small actions have big positive impacts without even intending to. They can have a strong body capable of recovering from illnesses with ease. These natives may be highly respected and well regarded for some skill they have focused on developing. Their hard work brings them great rewards, often exceeding their expectations. Ease in making decisions and can make the best one in crisis situations. Order brings them happiness and they find satisfaction in doing small actions to take care of their well-being and body. They often bring clarity to other people's lives, as well as bringing them down to earth. Their rationality allows them to discern between various situations and take the one they like best.
🖤Virgo degrees [06°, 18°]: They attract luck when they dedicate themselves to jobs that require dedication, precision and perseverance. Greater success when they have a schedule or when they take charge of their lives themselves. They can be great communicators too, especially in writing. Equipped with a mind with great analytical capabilities.
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🔘Part of fortune in the 7th house: These natives have the ability to relate to other people and attract supportive ties into their lives. They can be easily liked by others and form positive relationships in which people truly seek the happiness of the native and of course, with people who adore the native. Good luck to partnerships of all kinds, both business and relationship. They can be easily accepted by other people. People may describe them as rays of light, not necessarily out of positivity, but because they genuinely like the company of natives. Much success, fortune and satisfaction in their marriage, they will love the person they choose to marry. Ease of resolving conflicts, both your own and those of other people. They can attract reciprocity frequently. They will be successful in legal situations of all kinds. Victory over their adversaries. They attract generous people into their lives. Natural charm that helps them advance, progress or brings them opportunities. They may marry someone influential or at a good point in their life.
🔲Part of fortune in Libra: They have a mix of charm and a sharp, analytical mind. People naturally feel drawn to their appearance and personality. They are very successful in social situations and enjoy great results working as a team. Graced with a seductive and attractive appearance. Ease of understanding people and what they go through. Success when forming relationships. They can attract people who help them progress, who genuinely love them, and who want to be there for the natives. Ease of connecting more easily with people and making them feel good in your presence. They have the ability to influence other people. Calm environments, with aesthetics that match that of the natives considerably increase your happiness and satisfaction. Success in jobs related to law, art or public relations.
🖤Libra degrees [07°, 19°]: Natural grace and ease of being well-liked by others. They easily attract people's interest. Great social skills that make them stand out. They are people who can be considered very attractive by people, both because of their features and the shape of their body. They can find themselves surrounded by people even without them looking for it. 
🔘Part of fortune in the 8th house: Wisdom and strength of spirit, these natives can be seen as immovable and powerful, people recognize their personal power making them easily earn respect. They emerge and overcome crises, becoming even wiser afterward. These people can easily attract the generosity of others, even being chosen to receive inheritances. They find satisfaction in getting to the bottom of things and knowing the truth. Success pursuing professions linked to analysis, research or the esoteric. Great understanding of the human psyche and behavior. Ability to read others and bare their souls. They attract opportunities when they delve into the unknown and explore aspects of life that are not visible to the naked eye. They have the ability to connect in a unique way with others, in a less superficial and more meaningful way. Ease to overcome fears and insecurities. Connections where they give themselves completely to each other provide them not only with emotional satisfaction, but also with opportunities for growth and success.
🔲Part of fortune in Scorpio: These natives have the ability to make big changes from the circle to which they belong, to a larger scale such as at the level of society; They easily change people's mindsets and bring awareness. Your intuition is one of your greatest tools and by using and following it you can make decisions that lead you to success. They may experience positions of power more frequently. Throughout their lives, they attract changes that change the course of their lives for the better. They will successfully face any adversity and will be reborn stronger. They attract success when they channel their passion into meaningful projects. They attract respect and admiration from others easily, and they enjoy a powerful reputation. Ease healing yourself and supporting others to heal.
🖤Scorpio degrees [08°, 20°]: These natives have great magnetism and an enormous ability to influence the masses or people around them. Strong intuition, they always know what is happening around them and this information comes to them without looking for it. They overcome tense situations more easily. They provide strength to others when they go through tense situations.
🔘Part of fortune in the 9th house: Many opportunities to travel and you can have a lot of luck and satisfaction through it. Success in the major college you decide to enter and many opportunities to progress and improve your life can come during that period of your life. These natives may have very helpful, generous and caring mentors towards them who will contribute positively to their lives. They can make important and beneficial connections with people from abroad. Life will fill you with opportunities to enjoy and live life, giving you many experiences that fill you spiritually. This is a lucky placement that makes them look like they have a lucky charm. On many occasions, if things don't go their way, better things come for them. These natives can have a lot of luck and protection when venturing into new or unknown areas for them. They are people endowed with wisdom and can find satisfaction through their spirituality, being in touch with their higher self or acting based on their beliefs. They may have an easier time being in high vibration.
🔲Part of fortune in Sagittarius: Life will provide you with opportunities to travel, expand your mind and live rewarding experiences that make your soul happy and satisfied. Success will come to them in fields such as education [from devoting yourself to it professionally, attending college or simply mastering the fields that you are most passionate about], when they travel, contact with other cultures, or when you start or begin in spirituality. They can be successful in forming long-term relationships with people who live far away or who are foreigners. They are likely to have many convenient and opportune circumstances throughout their lives.  The leaps of faith they take can make significant changes in their lives.
🖤Sagittarius degrees [09°, 21°]: They can easily connect with people very different from them. They mix well with both people their age and older people. Possibility of great experiences through travel. They may have greater opportunities for scholarships. Talent and ability for languages. Connecting with cultures other than their own gives them satisfaction.
🔘Part of fortune in the 10th house: These people can make better first impressions without needing to pretend. You have the ability to achieve success or have important achievements even from a young age. Influential and with the ability to relate to large amounts of people. Your work life will be full of success and you will feel truly satisfied with the path you decide to pursue. Many opportunities to grow professionally. You attract the admiration and respect of others without trying too hard. They tend to achieve their personal goals more easily. They can quickly gain recognition, popularity and fame, as well as earn the respect of more experienced or older people. They can reach high ranks more quickly than other people. Much success and luck in carrying out long-term plans, the results are more stable, long-lasting and match the ideas of the natives. Much success and luck in carrying out long-term plans, the results are more stable, long-lasting and match the ideas of the natives.
🔲Part of fortune in Capricorn: Their hard work brings results more quickly, and the results may be more satisfactory than the native expected. You will be able to achieve everything you ever imagined you wanted to have. Ease of attracting stable things into their lives, from jobs, relationships to favorable streaks. These natives can achieve important things at a young age, which brings them recognition and can increase their personal satisfaction. Greater ease in overcoming obstacles of all kinds. They reach positions of authority and can lead the people in their charge to progress and improve. They will achieve recognition with respect to the fields in which they work or those in which they put a lot of effort and time.
🖤Capricorn degrees [10°, 22°]: Ease of professional advancement. They are seen as professionals and very capable from a young age and thanks to this they are given opportunities. Talent to lead, start businesses. They are capable of giving direction to any thing or project and bringing it to success. Their discipline and hard work are always appreciated and the source of his greatest successes.
🔘Part of fortune in the 11th house: Following the causes they consider important and fighting for what they believe is right can bring a lot of fortune and popularity. Ease of acquiring money through various sources, luck in personal business where they can be their own boss. Their friendships can bring them important opportunities, just as they can attract great friendships into their lives. Ease of growing on social media and inspiring the masses. Even without intending to, these natives can bring many positive things to the circles to which they belong, managing to contribute favorably to them. They will attract opportunities that will allow them to make their aspirations and goals a reality. These natives can be accepted more easily in groups, people tend to like them most of the time. They can attract people who, by supporting them, can greatly help the native in return. The older they feel, the more satisfied and content they may feel with their life.
🔲Part of fortune in Aquarius: You have the ability to stand out from the crowd more easily. Following your own path or venturing into a path that no one in your family or close circle has taken can lead you to success. These people have a magnetism that makes people drawn to them, a unique charm coming from their enigmatic and nuanced personality. Your originality and creativity can bring you success, and you can be considered an ideas machine. These natives have the ability to bring people together and make them feel part of a group. You can achieve many things by working on your own and doing things your own way. They may have talents or skills for astrology, science, technology or simply innovate in the field of their interest.
🖤Aquarius degrees [11°, 23°]: A very strong, creative and inventive mind. Success in innovating in any field of interest. They may stand out for a hobby and be seen as very capable at them with people. They will easily stand out for their authenticity and originality. Lots of luck in projects with friends or that you do on the internet. They stand out easily with or without people around them.
🔘Part of fortune in the 12th house: These people have a lot of positive karma from other lives, so this placement is a natural indicator of luck. They will always emerge victorious no matter who their enemies are or who want their downfall. They feel and are divinely protected, in fact they can be more spiritual which helps them attract greater protection and opportunities. Greater potential to manifest, your inner dreams or desires can become a reality in no time. They may not be aware of their luck, but things at the end of the day are usually in their favor. They can experience many moments of being in the right place at the right time. These people may find satisfaction in spending time alone after a busy day, finding comfort and joy in it. They usually have a strong intuition and their hunches usually save them from going through tense and unnecessary situations. After helping people, they can attract favorable streaks of luck. Doing things for themselves and not sharing their plans can bring them better results and enjoy their achievements better.
🔲Part of fortune in Pisces: These people can achieve success if they decide to work on something that fills their soul, that is, working on one of their passions. Success if you decide to pursue an artistic or esoteric branch, or if you venture into the path of helping other people. They may experience streaks of good fortune in unexpected or subtle ways, as well as help from those who least expect it or opportunities when they feel most hopeless. They can attract many opportunities or experiences that provide them with emotional well-being. They are endowed with enormous magnetism that not only makes them attract people's attention or affection, but also favorable situations. The more you delve into spirituality, the more opportunities and luck will knock on your door.
🖤Pisces degrees [12°, 24°]: Abilities to manifest everything they dream or write. Great sensitivity and ease of seeing through people's emotions. They can carry positive karma from other lives which helps them. They can find success in artistic fields, especially painting or music. Easy to charm people, because they are very magnetic.
🖤Part of Fortune in 00°: These people naturally attract luck, regardless of the circumstances, life will give them the right people at the right time and take away those who do not contribute anything to them. They can find happiness and satisfaction more easily, especially by being clear about what they want and pursuing that path. 
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🌠 Aspects of the Part of Fortune with the planets 🌠
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Sun: These people can naturally attract abundance and luck into their lives. Being themselves, that is, being authentic can open many doors to opportunities. Strong self-esteem and natural charisma that make them not only well-liked but respected. They may have this "lucky charm" quality being considered one by people around them. They tend to earn recognition, praise and compliments quite frequently. Success in fields that allow you to be in the spotlight.
⬜Opposition or square with Sun: A path to self-acceptance and self-love is what will bring luck to the lives of these natives. It is necessary that they develop their own identity and learn to act based on what they believe and are. Developing an understanding of themselves and what they really want will align them with the path they desire and deserve.
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Moon: These people will be able to form a home in which they feel comfortable and happy. They can attract emotionally supportive bonds throughout their lives. They will attract many experiences and experiences that will give them satisfaction and emotional well-being. They may have great family relationships and form special bonds with women or attract women who support them greatly. 
⬜Opposition or square with Moon: To achieve success and happiness, these natives must learn to be more in touch with their emotions, better understand their needs and be more sensitive to themselves. By better understanding your inner world, being more patient and balancing reason and mind can lead you to a path of fulfillment and contentment with your lives.
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Mercury: Quality of saying things at the right moment. Communication and intellect are sources of success. They solve problems easily and have ideas that can create opportunities for them. They are people who can stand out a lot thanks to their skills. Very capable students. Excellent writers and communicators. Success and satisfaction when expressing what they think. 
⬜Opposition or square with Mercury: Creating a balance between planning and action will be essential for success. Working on your tendencies of self-doubt and overthinking will bring positive changes. It will be necessary for them to trust their abilities, create their own criteria and be cautious with whom they share their goals or aspirations.
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Venus: Artistic talents that can bring them success. They will attract relationships that will benefit them and bring happiness. Ease of attracting money. Life will flood you with pleasant experiences that will increase your happiness. These natives are endowed with attractiveness, charm and a lot of physical beauty. Their creativity flows with ease. Abundant love life or at least, a quite satisfactory one.
⬜Opposition or square with Venus: Working on and getting rid of people-pleasing tendencies can help you live more fully and feel better. They may feel they have a tense love life, tension between loving someone and loving themselves. Developing healthy self-esteem and learning to value yourself and your efforts will bring more luck.
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Mars: Their initiative brings them success, they seem to act or decide to start things at the right time. They may attract male figures who are very supportive or who give them opportunities to grow and succeed. Success and luck quickly act in your favor. These people win competitions and usually enjoy many victories throughout their lives. Much success when undertaking or working independently, also as leaders.
⬜Opposition or square with Mars: Learning to control impulses and work on ways to find motivation will bring greater satisfaction in the lives of natives. Being assertive, driven and patient can bring many benefits in the long term. Standing up for themselves without being hostile or too impulsive. Take things slowly and understand that things happen in their own time.
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⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Jupiter: These people take leaps of faith and often jump into opportunities that quickly grow. They attract very supportive connections and mentors into their lives. Blind luck. They improve and get successful quickly and are likely to achieve wealth and be presented with great opportunities.�� Luck through travel and ease in attracting opportunities to learn new things that give you a lot of spiritual satisfaction.
⬜Opposition or square with Jupiter: The key is to create a balance in which you don’t drown either negativity nor excessive positivity. When things don't go the way they want, they can quickly throw in the towel or become demotivated, without being aware that many times life does this to put a better option in their paths. It is necessary to learn to trust the universe or simply have faith when a situation is out of our control.
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Saturn: These natives can achieve long-term satisfaction and happiness. Opportunities to advance professionally and have many successes in the workplace and/or as they get older. They can attract relationships with older people that benefit them in the long term. Success when carrying out plans and materializing them. They will attract great supporters or mentors who will support them. Positive karma will return to you quickly and in greater abundance.
⬜Opposition or square with Saturn: Hard work is the key to success. Your rewards will be given after waiting and a long wait that will be worth it. Patience, effort and a responsible mentality will be what will lead them to feel more satisfied with their lives. The blossoming of your hard work will take time but will bring you many benefits in the long run.
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Uranus: They can unexpectedly attract streaks of luck or great opportunities. Daring to make changes will give you satisfaction, growth and can open doors to success. They can attract helpful friendships. The internet can be a source of satisfaction, money and success. Your ideas, inventions, creativity and originality can be sources of fortune or triumph. Embracing your individuality will bring you happiness and opportunities to have everything you have wanted.
⬜Opposition or square with Uranus: Daring to leave their comfort zone and learning to adapt to life's changes can bring the success and joy they so seek to the lives of natives. Being authentic and balancing their independence, that is, doing things on their own without hating to ask for support, will lead them to get what they want.
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Neptune: They attract many opportunities to develop their spirituality and grow a lot through them. Artistic and spiritual talents. Gifted with magnetism and strong intuition. Ability to manifest and make their dreams a reality. Easily attract the compassion of others. A lot of creativity and they can achieve fortune if they materialize those ideas. They can intuitively make decisions that lead them to success or do things that, even without intending to, that give them an enormous degree of happiness.
⬜Opposition or square with Neptune: It is crucial that these natives develop a realistic mindset and have their feet on the ground to begin building their path to success. They need to learn to trust their intuition. Having a practical and realistic approach can bring greater opportunities to your lives. 
⬛Conjunction, trine or sextile with Pluto: They can attract great transformative experiences that can change your life forever in a good way. They will naturally attract positions of power, whether at work or feelings of empowerment. Anyone who harms you will soon meet the same fate. They will be able to achieve large amounts and different forms of fortune. Ease to overcome any type of adversity and have the results turn out in your favor. Ease of seeing what goes unnoticed by others. Strong and accurate intuition. You can attract people with a lot of power and influence who can support you.
⬜Opposition or square with Pluto: In order to find success and satisfaction, natives will have to learn to let go of everything that ties them to the past. Old frustrations that prevent them from trying again. The fear of failure can hold them back. They should be more open to change and not beat themselves down over past mistakes. Trust your power and embrace it.
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harmoonix ¡ 2 months ago
🩵𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘁
☆ Birthday Edition ☆
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It is said that moon in water natives are born with psychic abilities. They also possess a good amount of spiritual knowledge
Planets at 29° are heavily karmic. They talk about ending something in your current lifetime. I love to call these 29° planets, the 'bloodline enders' xx
Moon x Mercury aspects. These aspects are good at communication and expression, especially if they're in good aspects like trine or sextile
Jupiter x Moon aspects, these aspects are known to make people's day feel better. They are a joy in your life, and they bring so much optimism with it, too
Moon in earth signs, they may hold a tight affection with the material world. They may have valuable things that can satisfy them or make them happy
Vesta asteroid in the 5th/7th house can make them very committed/devoted to their relationships and partner
Juno in aspects with Venus, can bring harmonious relationships between the couple and lots of affection/sensuality
Juno in the 1st house can experience marriage or relationships way younger in life. It can happen unexpectedly
Jupiter x Neptune aspects, these aspects bring a hypnotic energy to the energy. Making you tied to them and their vibe, almost refreshing
7th house lord in the 10th house would prefer to make their relationships more public, or this is a chance multiple people will know about your relationship
5th house lord in the 7th house can indicate dating when young, dating since shcool( higher school lovers), dating
Jupiter in Cancer is often found in charts whose native has a step mom/dad and even siblings (of course, it won't apply to everyone)
Moon in the 5th, 9th, 11th houses, Moon here tends to be very active and loved to interact/socialize, can be so great to hang out with them
Pluto x Mercury aspects can be very appreciated for their dark humor and personality. Showing to the world that not everything is that serious
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Jupiter in the 11th house, in this house Jupiter can grant you with beautiful friendships
Jupiter x Ascendant aspects their energy is so special, natives with these aspects can often bring so much positivity in others life
Uranus x North Node aspects, you never know what to expect from life. Everything can be unpredictable and indecisive
North Node in the 7th house, their destiny can be marriage. They will definitely evolve and learn a lot from that
Moon/Neptune/Mercury in the 1st house, they can be the shy type native until you get to know them better
Venus in the 10th house, they can be known for something ex; their beauty, their personality, their appreciation, etc
Venus in Air signs, they may hang out with large groups of people, loyal to their friends, and love to meet new people
Sagittarius over their 1st/3rd/6th or 10th house can indicate they loveee to try new things because they can get bored quite fast/having multiple hobbies
A water/earth sign over their 2nd house can indicate they have a gentle/soft spoken, calm voice. Really chill natives
North Node in their 1st house can be a big indicator in finding themselves. This native needs to find his power in himself
Pluto in their 3rd house can indicate the person may have tendencies to talk dirty, loves to joke, dark humor vibe
Lilith in the 2nd or 10th house can indicate the native doesn't have much confidence in them. They need empowerment
Libra/Taurus/Pisces Moon natives, these are artisan placements. They like to create and invent things, passion for romance
Earth Risings, I know this can vary from person to person, but they have beautiful skin colors. Their skin color might be their beauty mark (all skin colors)
Saturn in water signs have issues with opening up with themselves. They love intense but they also fear to love
People with Mars x Ascendant aspects can often have marks on their body. (Can be birthmarks) but also random scratches and signs on it
Saturn at 0° degrees is born with no karmic debt from a previous life. This is because they create their own karmic life in the current one
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We are in 2025!!☆ I'm so happy a new year finally started!! I hope we are all gonna have a good year! ☆☆☆ + Is my b-day today so special post 🥰
Love all 💖💖💖
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astrocafecoffee ¡ 8 months ago
Destiny Matrix
(predicting some events of your life and characteristics of your fs)
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• For entertainment purposes only, enjoy •
•☞ Masterlist
Guys, destiny matrix chart is So gorgeous 😭 , I fell in love. I am new to this, but it's so fascinating, so I am sharing with you guys. Obviously I learnt a lot from ann_matrix_destiny insta page. I explained some of her work here, rest is mine.
✨What is Destiny matrix chart?
-A spiritual and metaphysical chart that reveals a person's life path, soul purpose, and potential.
✨How is it calculated?
-Based on a person's birth date, using a complex system of numerology and astrological correspondences.
💫 How to see some important events of your life?
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see this area(perimeter line)of your chart , this will explain many important events of your life.
💚Age of getting married/ meeting with your significant other/ spouse:
- look at your age in your chart, if you see 3,5,6,19,20 at the top of your age then at that age you will get married/ meet your significant other/ start a family. Like in this chart I have shown above '5' is top of the age of 23.5- 24, so this individual will meet their spouse at that age/ get married.
• Going through Transformation in your life :
- if you see 13 or 16 at the top of your age , then at that age your life will drastically change/ you will go through a huge transformation of your life. You will change your location/ your career/ will shift to another country or city.
⚡Moving abroad/ travelling:
If you see 7,10,21,22 above your age then this is the best age for travelling or going abroad.
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if you find 21 in your love line(circled part)then most probably you will marry a foreigner.
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And if you find 7, 10 , 21 or 22 in this positions then most probably you will go abroad/ find your partner there .
Now , the future spouse part : -
💖 Hints about your future partner :
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Look at the number below the heart symbol to know about your future partner. In this chart it's 21.
So, let's explain each numbers -
•Number 1: The magician
- creative and innovative
- skilled and talented
- confident and charismatic
- however they may also struggled with over - confidence and arrogance.
- gemini / Virgo zodiac sign placements
- profession : musicians, writer, public speaker, coaches and mentors , scientist, entrepreneur, marketing and advertising professionals.
- meeting: conference or seminar, art galleries, meuseum, workshop or studio, networking events or industry conference, class or training session.
• Number 2 : High Priestess
- intuitive and wise
- mysterious and enigmatic
- maybe quiet and reserved.
- soft spoken and considerate.
- cancer zodiac sign placements.
- profession: councillors, therapists, psychologist, Nurse or healthcare professionals, social workers, spiritual leaders, energy workers.
- meeting: secret or private settings, libraries, coaching, weddings , meeting in the context of any spiritual retreats.
• Number 3 : Empress
- Full of life , energy and vitality.
- encouraging others to grow and flourish.
- committed, dedicated and faithful.
- Taurus and Libra zodiac sign placements.
- profession: fashion designer , sculptors, teachers and educators,event planer, environmentalists, musicians, healthcare.
- meeting through : parties, gatherings, festival, fair, creative workshops, artistic projects ,meuseum, concerts.
• Number 4 : Emperor
- Natural born leader, authoritative, commanding.
- makes tough decisions with clarity and conviction.
- commited to family and responsibilities.
- zodiac sign: Aries placements.
- profession: executive, CEO, leader or manager, military officer, architect, Engineer, government officials, buisness owner.
- meeting : buisness meeting, job interviews, formal events , official ceremonies.
• Number 5 : Hierophant
- values established customs, rituals, and institutions.
- upholds ethical standards and moral principles.
- prioritise stability and security over change and uncertainty.
- Taurus zodiac sign placements
- profession: spiritual leaders and mentors, councellor , advisor or consultants, traditional healers or healthcare professionals.
- meeting: spiritual or religious gatherings, traditional ceremonies or rituals, educational and training sessions , counciling or therapy sessions, church,temples , mosques.
• Number 6 : The lovers
- collaborative, work well others.
- empathetic and aware of others feelings.
- true to themselves and their values.
- zodiac sign: Gemini placements.
- profession: counselors, coaches , writer , journalist, artist, musicians, public speaker, philosophers , scientist, researchers.
- meeting : social getherings or parties , creative or artistic collaboration, Beauty or fashion events , community or networking meeting.
• Number 7 : The chariot
- Determined, self disciplined.
- ability to overcome any obstacles and setbacks
- has clear direction
- zodiac : cancer placements
- profession: nurses , social worker, military, architect, psychologist, chefs , nutritionist, hospitality professionals.
- Meeting: family gatherings, home or domestic settings, caregiving or helping professions.
• Number 8 : strength
- courageous, brave , have inner strength.
- has capacity to forgive and let go.
- has self discipline and self control.
- zodiac sign: leo placements
- profession: artist , designer, performers , public speaker, motivator, executives, philanthropist, teacher, councellor, athletes, trainers.
- meeting: park or garden, fitness or wellness center, creative studio or art space, festivals, social gatherings.
• Number 9 : Hermit
- quiet, reflective, and introspective often preferring to spend time alone
- serves as guide or mentor
- discerning and concious about every step they take.
- zodiac sign: Virgo placements.
- profession: therapist, counselors,teachers , coaches , writers, editors, healthcare industry, social worker.
- meeting: therapists or counselor office, library , spiritual or religious sanctuary, coffee shop , book store.
• Number 10 : wheel of fortune
- flexible, able to adjust to changing circumstances.
- believes in destiny
- have philosophical outlook on life.
- zodiac sign: Taurus, leo, scorpio, Aquarius placements.
- profession: life coach, astrologer, environmentalists, entrepreneur, investors, historians.
- meeting: a farm , airport, bus station, temple, monastery, party,park , near mountain or river.
• Number 11 : Justice
- impartial and balanced
- they make descision based on reason and logics.
- have strong sense of morality and ethics.
- zodiac sign: Libra placements
- profession: lawyer, judge, counselors, social worker, activists, advocate, journalist, analyst , or spiritual leader.
- meeting: courthouse, law office, government building, council chamber, community centre, places of worship, philosophical organization.
• Number 12 : Hanged Man
- they are reflective , look inward for answers.
- they are open to new settings.
- courageous, deep understanding of themselves.
- zodiac sign: Pisces placements
- profession : spiritual leaders, therapist, counselor , artist, writer, healthcare industry, motivator, life coach.
- meeting : temples , church , meditation room , yoga class , hospital, library, therapy office,art studio, gym.
• Number 13 : Death
- they are like phoenix from the ashes.
- they can navigate difficult situations and come out stronger.
- constantly growing and evolving.
- zodiac sign: scorpio placements
- profession: therapist, estate lawyers, spiritual leaders, scientist, healthcare professionals.
- meeting: counselling centre, place of worship, innovation hub or entrepreneurship centres, hospital, wellness center.
• Number 14 : Temperance
- they strive for equilibrium in all aspects of life .
- they prioritise physical, mental and emotional well-being.
- have creative sides.
- zodiac sign: Sagittarius placements .
- profession: doctor or nurse , therapist or counselor, artist or musicians, spiritual leader, international relation specialist , life coach , designer .
- meeting : art galleries or museums, embassies or international conference centres , community centres, clubs , parks , garden , spiritual center , yoga class.
• Number 15 : The devil
- they thinks outside the box and brings fresh ideas .
- magnetic personality, can attract others.
- unconventional, transformative.
- zodiac sign: Capricorn placements.
- profession: politician, CEO, artist, law enforcement, military, detective , investigators, activists, occultist.
- meeting: historic mansion or estate, a secret rooftop, art galleries, studio , book store, library , cafe.
• Number 16 : Tower
- they seek honesty and transparency even if it's uncomfortable.
- rebellious, resilient, revolutionary.
- they are open to new ideas.
- zodiac sign: Aries placements.
- profession : scientist, inventor, engineer, architect, military officer, crisis manager, technologist.
- meeting: transformation hub, a unique event space or art studio, bookstore, library, co-working space.
• Number 17 : Star
- they have a optimistic outlook of life and believe in a bright future.
- inspiring, peaceful, compassionate.
- creative and imaginative mind.
- zodiac sign: Aquarius placements.
- profession: creative expression, artist , industry related to healing and wellness, science and technology, humanitarian work, counselors.
- meeting: yoga studio or wellness center, botanical garden or peaceful outdoor setting, co-working space, concerts? , innovation hub.
• Number 18 : The Moon
- they trust their instincts and have a strong connection to their subconscious mind.
- deeply in touch with their emotions.
- unpredictable, may surprise other with their actions.
- zodiac sign : Pisces placements.
- profession : psychic or medium, artist or writer, musician, poet , spiritual teacher, healer, counselors.
- meeting: mystical or esoteric shop, secluded beach, art studio, a spiritual or metaphysical bookstore, coffee shop.
• Number 19 : Sun
- they exude self assurance and positivity.
- optimistic, enthusiastic, charismatic.
- warm hearted , willing to share blessings with others.
- zodiac sign: leo placements.
- profession: actor or performer, artist, CEO , teacher or mentor, event planner, musicians, life coach, designer.
- meeting: cafe / restaurant/ hotel , studio , gathering hall, auditorium, music festival.
• Number 20: Judgement
- they are introspective and willing to confront their past and inner self.
- self aware, have deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
- awakened, courageous, honest.
- zodiac sign: scorpio placements
- profession : spiritual teacher or guide , therapist or counselor, life coach, researcher, artist or creative expression.
- meeting: spiritual center or temple, yoga class, a writer's workshop, park , garden , therapy or councilling office.
• Number 21: The world
- they have achieved their goals and fullfill their potential.
- compassions, wise, confident
- adventurous and global minded.( Most likely a foreigner)
- zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn, leo , placements.
- profession : global diplomat, artist ( global or universal theme) , cultural ambassador, world traveler, humanitarian work.
- meeting: while traveling, international conference centres , airport, spiritual retreat, international art or music venues.
• Number 22 : The fool
- they are willing to take risks and embark on new journeys.
- spontaneous, carefree , open minded.
- have faith in themselves and universe.
- zodiac sign: Aquarius placements.
- profession: entrepreneur or startup founder, activist, humanitarian work,coach or consultants, designer, scientist,teacher, journalist.
- meeting: spontaneous meet-up or pop up events, inspirational seminars, creative workshops,cafe or coffee shop, outdoor adventure location.
END .....( I am tired af 😭)
☞ Healing through marriage
Thanks for reading 💓
-Piko ✨
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astrologydray ¡ 26 days ago
Moon through the degrees
The Moon represents your emotions, intuition, subconscious patterns, and how you seek comfort and security. The specific degree of the Moon in your birth chart fine-tunes your emotional expression, sensitivity, and how you process feelings.
0° Moon – The Pure Emotional Self
• Extremely instinctive and emotionally raw.
• Feels deeply but may struggle to regulate emotions.
• Highly intuitive but needs grounding.
1° Moon – The Emotional Pioneer
• Quick emotional responses, bold in expressing feelings.
• Seeks independence in emotional matters.
• Can be impulsive in personal relationships.
2° Moon – The Emotional Stabilizer
• Strong need for security and emotional grounding.
• Loyal and committed in relationships.
• Can be resistant to change in emotional matters.
3° Moon – The Expressive Heart
• Openly shares emotions and enjoys deep conversations.
• Communicates feelings with ease.
• Needs to avoid exaggerating emotions.
4° Moon – The Protective Nurturer
• Emotionally defensive and values home/family deeply.
• Creates strong emotional boundaries.
• Can struggle with letting go of the past.
5° Moon – The Passionate Dreamer
• Emotionally intense and deeply connected to creativity.
• Seeks thrilling emotional experiences.
• Can be dramatic in expressing feelings.
6° Moon – The Sensitive Empath
• Deeply attuned to others’ emotions.
• Highly intuitive but needs to set emotional boundaries.
• Can absorb negative energy from surroundings.
7° Moon – The Spiritual Mystic
• Feels guided by intuition and higher wisdom.
• May have prophetic dreams or psychic abilities.
• Needs to balance spiritual emotions with reality.
8° Moon – The Powerful Feelings
• Emotionally resilient and determined.
• Strong emotional control, but can suppress feelings.
• Can be magnetic and influential.
9° Moon – The Free-Spirited Soul
• Emotionally adventurous and open-minded.
• Seeks new emotional experiences.
• Needs to balance emotional freedom with commitment.
10° Moon – The Devoted Caregiver
• Emotionally dedicated to family and loved ones.
• Takes responsibility for others’ well-being.
• Needs to prioritize self-care.
11° Moon – The Independent Heart
• Values emotional independence and freedom.
• Unique approach to emotions, doesn’t conform.
• Can struggle with emotional detachment.
12° Moon – The Dreamy Idealist
• Emotionally romantic and imaginative.
• Strong connection to fantasy and creativity.
• Needs to stay grounded in reality.
13° Moon – The Transformational Soul
• Experiences deep emotional changes in life.
• Intense emotions that lead to personal growth.
• Can struggle with emotional control.
14° Moon – The Magnetic Charmer
• Emotionally expressive and charismatic.
• Attracts people with their emotional energy.
• Needs to ensure authenticity in emotions.
15° Moon – The Balanced Emotion
• Strives for emotional harmony.
• Can see both sides of emotional situations.
• Needs to trust their own feelings more.
16° Moon – The Purpose-Driven Soul
• Feels called to fulfill a higher emotional purpose.
• Can be deeply devoted to a cause or mission.
• Needs to balance work with personal emotions.
17° Moon – The Fierce Protector
• Extremely loyal and defensive of loved ones.
• Can be territorial in relationships.
• Needs to balance possessiveness with trust.
18° Moon – The Thoughtful Observer
• Emotionally reflective and deep thinker.
• May struggle with expressing emotions outwardly.
• Needs to share feelings instead of bottling them up.
19° Moon – The Emotional Risk-Taker
• Seeks excitement and variety in emotional life.
• Can be impulsive in relationships.
• Needs emotional grounding.
20° Moon – The Dedicated Worker
• Emotionally invested in career or responsibilities.
• Finds comfort in productivity and structure.
• Needs to make time for emotional self-care.
21° Moon – The Creative Dreamer
• Emotionally expressive through art, music, or writing.
• Feels deeply connected to beauty and aesthetics.
• Needs to find a stable emotional outlet.
22° Moon – The Master Strategist
• Emotionally intelligent and calculated.
• Prefers thinking before reacting emotionally.
• Can struggle with showing vulnerability.
23° Moon – The Confident Heart
• Strong emotional presence and self-assurance.
• Can inspire others with their emotional strength.
• Needs to remain humble and open to emotional growth.
24° Moon – The Passionate Soul
• Feels emotions intensely and deeply.
• Puts heart and soul into relationships.
• Needs to manage emotional highs and lows.
25° Moon – The Loyal Defender
• Protects and stands up for loved ones.
• Can be emotionally possessive or defensive.
• Needs to allow others emotional freedom.
26° Moon – The Hidden Depths
• Keeps emotions private and deeply personal.
• May not express feelings outwardly but feels deeply.
• Needs to trust others with their emotional truth.
27° Moon – The Dreamer in Action
• Emotionally motivated by ideals and visions.
• Can be deeply spiritual or philosophical.
• Needs to balance imagination with practical action.
28° Moon – The Worldly Explorer
• Emotionally drawn to different cultures and perspectives.
• Open-minded and enjoys emotional variety.
• Needs a stable foundation amidst change.
29° Moon – The Karmic Soul
• Carries deep emotional wisdom from past lifetimes.
• May feel emotionally intense or burdened with lessons.
• Needs to master emotions before stepping into their full power.
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astrolook ¡ 1 day ago
Degree Theory: Astrology’s Version of Skill Levels (Noobs to Final Bosses) 🎮🌟
You already know your Sun sign, but did you know the degree number it’s at can unlock even more secrets about you? 🤯
Every planet in your birth chart sits at a specific degree (0°-29°), and these numbers add an extra layer of meaning to your personality, strengths, and even life lessons.
Let’s break it down planet by planet—with a fun, no-BS take.
0° – The Cosmic Newborn 👶
"I’m here to start something big."
Planets at 0° act like fresh energy—pure, unfiltered, and ready to shake things up. People with 0° placements feel like pioneers, as if the universe dropped them off and said, "Figure it out!"
🔹 Sun at 0°: You radiate raw, unfiltered main character energy. You’re not here to follow—you're here to lead (or at least dramatically exist).
🔹 Moon at 0°: Your emotions are pure instinct—you don’t just feel things, you ARE the feeling. Mood swings? Nah, mood rollercoasters.
🔹 Mercury at 0°: Words just spill out, whether they make sense or not. Genius or chaotic chatterbox—depends on the day.
🔹 Venus at 0°: You love like a Disney princess—pure, big, dramatic. Also, zero poker face when you’re into someone.
🔹 Mars at 0°: Immediate action. No waiting, no thinking, just punching the gas (and sometimes people).
🔹 Jupiter at 0°: The lucky golden retriever of astrology. You say yes to everything, and somehow life rewards you for it.
🔹 Saturn at 0°: Born responsible. You came out of the womb stressed about taxes.
🔹 Uranus at 0°: You’re the definition of unpredictable. Even you don’t know what you’ll do next.
🔹 Neptune at 0°: You live in your own fantasy world, and reality is just a suggestion.
🔹 Pluto at 0°: Intensity level? Maximum. You were born with a “destroy and rebuild” button.
1°-9° – The Rising Star 🌟
"I’m developing my power."
Planets at early degrees feel like fresh talent in training—raw, ambitious, and figuring things out.
🔹 Sun at 5°: You’re the rising star in your social circle. Humble beginnings, but just wait—you're gonna shine.
🔹 Moon at 3°: Emotional development in progress. You’re learning what feels right and what just feels…ick.
🔹 Mercury at 7°: Brain-to-mouth filter? Still buffering. But your ideas? Gold.
🔹 Venus at 2°: Love is cute, fun, flirty—until you catch feelings, then it’s panic mode.
🔹 Mars at 8°: Your drive is explosive, but figuring out when to stop is the real challenge.
🔹 Jupiter at 6°: Luck works in your favor when you’re brave enough to take risks.
🔹 Saturn at 9°: Learning responsibility early in life, but still finding that work-hard-play-hard balance.
🔹 Uranus at 4°: Experimenting with your rebellious streak, but not fully committing (yet).
🔹 Neptune at 1°: A dreamer who’s just waking up to their spiritual and creative potential.
🔹 Pluto at 5°: Transformation is happening, but it’s not at full power (yet).
10°-19° – The Master of the Craft 🎓
"I know exactly what I’m doing."
Middle-degree planets are strong, balanced, and naturally expressed—not too raw, not too extreme.
🔹 Sun at 15°: Peak confidence. You own your personality like it’s patented.
🔹 Moon at 12°: Emotionally balanced—until someone messes with your peace. Then it’s war.
🔹 Mercury at 18°: Quick wit, great communicator, could talk their way out of a crime.
🔹 Venus at 14°: Aesthetic queen/king. Your love life and your fashion sense? Both on point.
🔹 Mars at 17°: Strategic AF. You know when to strike and when to chill—warrior with a plan.
🔹 Jupiter at 11°: Wise and lucky. Life is a game and you’ve got the cheat codes.
🔹 Saturn at 19°: The mature friend who somehow also enjoys chaos. You handle responsibility like a pro.
🔹 Uranus at 16°: Balanced rebel. Knows when to push boundaries and when to play along.
🔹 Neptune at 10°: Dreams are just clear enough to bring to reality. Manifesting pro.
🔹 Pluto at 13°: Power? Controlled but always present. You scare people (in a good way).
20°-28° – The Old Soul 🦉
"I’ve seen it all, and I’m here to finish the job."
Late-degree planets are intense, wise, and powerful—but also impatient because they’ve been through it all.
🔹 Sun at 25°: You’re a boss, period. No time for games, just legacy-building.
🔹 Moon at 22°: Emotionally deep AF. You KNOW things before people even open their mouths.
🔹 Mercury at 28°: Talks like a professor and a stand-up comedian at the same time.
🔹 Venus at 26°: Love is serious business. No casual dating, just intense connections.
🔹 Mars at 21°: Unstoppable force. You’ve already mastered action—now you’re here to win.
🔹 Jupiter at 23°: Wise beyond your years. You’ve learned all the lessons and now you’re the teacher.
🔹 Saturn at 27°: Life has tested you more than most, but you wear your scars like armor.
🔹 Uranus at 28°: Fully awakened rebel. You break all the rules, but somehow succeed anyway.
🔹 Neptune at 24°: Master manifestor. You make the impossible seem normal.
🔹 Pluto at 27°: Your power is legendary. You were born to make generational changes.
29° – The Fated Degree 🔥 (Final Boss Level of Astrology)
"This energy is my final test."
29° is called the "Anaretic Degree," aka the boss battle of astrology. It’s like cramming for a final exam—the universe is making sure you’ve truly mastered this planetary energy. If you have a planet here, there’s often urgency, intensity, and a feeling of fate around that area of life.
🔹 Sun at 29°: Walking powerhouse. You’ve learned all there is about your identity, and now it’s your final test to own it. Spotlight finds you whether you want it or not.
🔹 Moon at 29°: Emotional sage. You’ve felt it all, been through emotional hell and back, and now your intuition is on god-tier mode. But emotions can feel overwhelming, like you're carrying generations of feelings.
🔹 Mercury at 29°: Brilliant but exhausted mind. Your thoughts race at 5G speed, but decision-making is HARD because you see all the options. Overthinking is your enemy.
🔹 Venus at 29°: Love and beauty master. You’ve seen every possible romantic situation—loyalty, betrayal, passion, heartbreak. Now, love feels fated and no casual flings will do.
🔹 Mars at 29°: The warrior with no off switch. You’ve been in SO many battles (literal or metaphorical) that your go-to reaction is "fight first, think later." But the lesson? Not every war is worth it.
🔹 Jupiter at 29°: Lucky but reckless. You know how to take risks and make big moves, but sometimes it’s too much, too fast. Learning when to pull back is key.
🔹 Saturn at 29°: The old soul who’s been through the wringer. You’ve mastered responsibility, but you might feel like you’ve been an adult since age 5. Final test? Balancing hard work with actual joy.
🔹 Uranus at 29°: Rebel genius. You’ve already mastered breaking rules, revolutionizing ideas, and making history. Now? You need to use that power responsibly.
🔹 Neptune at 29°: Spiritual visionary. You’ve seen through the illusion, lived in your dreams, and touched the mystical. Now, the challenge is staying grounded in reality while keeping the magic alive.
🔹 Pluto at 29°: Transformation overload. You were born into powerful, life-changing experiences. Intensity follows you like a shadow, but your final test is learning to control the fire instead of letting it consume you.
So, What’s Your Degree Number? 🤔
Want to know what your planet’s degrees say about you? Message me for a personalized astrology reading and take a look at my pinned post as well! 🔮✨
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explorastro ¡ 1 month ago
0° : the uncreated, the unknown, the unexpected, the sudden, the egg of creation.
1/13/25° : the start, the chosen one, the unique thing, the special one.
2/14/26° : the fruiting, the loved one, the cherished couple, adored one.
3/15/27° : the daily holy, the occult one, the driver.
4/16/28° : the garden, the house, the early and end of life.
5/17/29° : the child, the creation, the creator, the creature.
6/18° : the work, the organization, the plan.
7/19° : the relationship, the others, the beauty, the harmony, the middle of something.
8/20° : the power, the pattern seeker n breaker, the messenger of underworlds.
9/21° : the holy one, the sacred thing, the lesson of something.
10/22° : the summit, the hermit, the boss, the GOAT.
11/23° : the friend, the associated, the collective hope, the fated generational things.
12/24° : the end, the loner, the healer, the religious, the spiritual, the artist.
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astrolocherry ¡ 1 month ago
People with 1st House planets need the freedom to be the author/authority of their lives
People with 2nd House planets prefer a small/trusted circle so not to be used for their resources
People with 3rd House planets were often the teachers of younger siblings
People with 4th House planets need a strong connection to their cultural/ancestral origins to feel belonging
People with 5th House planets are inner child healers
People with 6th House planets confront multiple superiors who are less qualified/competent ďżź
People with 7th House planets must to participate in their own self-development; or risk the cycle of a relationship repeating itself indefinitely
People with 8th House planets confront multiple scenarios in life that force the choice between their integrity, or making money
People with 9th House planets need to source a deeper meaning, Divinity, & mythology in life,or risk catching feverish ideologies
People with 10th House planets are subject to a lot of self-annihilating comparison to the lives and successes of others against their own
People with 11th House planets have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up with their ideas, visions, & theories
People with 12th House planets deal with a lethargy caused by physical energy being dispensed in unseen/invisible/dream realms
- Cherry
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