#Biodiversity Performance Index
coffeenewstom · 7 months
Nespresso: Fünf schnelle Fakten zur Zukunft von Kaffee
Kaffee ist das Lieblingsgetränk der Deutschen, inzwischen beliebter als Wasser und sogar Bier. 167 Liter wurden in Deutschland pro Kopf durchschnittlich im Jahr 2022 getrunken. Doch die klimatischen Veränderungen in den Anbauländern könnten dafür sorgen, dass wir unsere Gewohnheiten anpassen müssen. Um Kaffee für die Zukunft zu bewahren, müssen alle zusammenarbeiten – angefangen bei einem…
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novumtimes · 10 days
The cleanest African countries revealed
A list of the continent’s cleanest countries has been released. This is according to the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) by Yale University, which provides a data-driven overview of sustainability worldwide. According to The South African, the top African countries which ranked highly on the Index are those which prioritised sustainability and environmental health. Botswana ranked among the Top 3 cleanest African countries. (Image: Facebook / Air Botswana) In ranking the countries, 58 indicators from across 11 issue categories were considered. These include sustainability of agriculture, biodiversity protection, waste management and air quality. Here’s a list of the Top 10 cleanest countries in Africa: Gabon Zimbabwe Botswana Seychelles Mauritius Zambia Tunisia Egypt Namibia Senegal A look at the Top 3 Leading the continent, Gabon received an EPI score of 53,1. As reported by Business Day, the country stands out for its substantial investments in preserving its rainforests, as well as its environmental policies and conservation efforts. Picture: Getaway Gallery Following in second place is Zimbabwe which is strongly committed to ecosystem vitality and environmental health. In third place is Botswana, which is recognised for its efforts to combat poaching and its commitment to sustainable water management. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter yoast-primary – 1004431tcat – Travel newstcat_slug – travel-newstcat2 – Travel newstcat2_slug – travel-newstcat_final – Source link via The Novum Times
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jeraldleehill · 1 month
Charting a Greener Path: The Imperative of Sustainable Development
In a world grappling with environmental degradation, climate change, and burgeoning global populations, the concept of sustainable development has transitioned from a high-minded ideal to an urgent necessity. Sustainable development seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This approach intertwines economic growth, environmental stewardship, and social inclusion, forming a blueprint that promises a healthier planet and a more equitable society.
The Pillars of Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is founded on three interconnected pillars: economic growth, environmental protection, and social equity. Each component is critical:
Economic Growth: Ensures that individuals and societies can achieve a standard of living that encompasses access to quality education, healthcare, and employment.
Environmental Protection: Involves managing natural resources wisely, conserving biodiversity, and mitigating pollution and climate change effects to protect the earth’s life support systems.
Social Equity: Focuses on reducing inequality and ensuring that development benefits are shared equitably across all segments of society, including marginalized and vulnerable groups.
Strategies for Sustainable Development
Achieving sustainable development requires innovative strategies that integrate economic, environmental, and social objectives:
Renewable Energy Transition: Moving away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power reduces carbon emissions and combats climate change.
Sustainable Agriculture: Techniques such as permaculture, organic farming, and agroforestry improve food security while minimizing harm to the environment.
Green Infrastructure: Developing green buildings and cities that incorporate nature and sustainable materials and technologies reduce urban heat islands and improve living conditions.
Circular Economy: Emphasizing reuse, recycling, and resource recovery can minimize waste and decrease the environmental impact of production and consumption.
Global Initiatives and Progress
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. These 17 goals create a comprehensive framework for addressing the myriad challenges facing humanity, from improving health and education to reducing inequality and spurring economic growth—all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
Challenges to Sustainable Development
Despite the global consensus on the importance of sustainable development, several challenges impede progress:
Economic Constraints: Many countries face financial limitations that restrict their ability to invest in sustainable initiatives.
Political Will: Achieving sustainable development goals requires long-term commitments that may be at odds with short-term political cycles.
Technological Access: There is a digital and technological divide between developed and developing countries that can hinder efforts in areas such as education and healthcare.
Cultural Barriers: Changes in lifestyle and consumption patterns are needed, which can conflict with entrenched cultural practices and resistance to change.
Innovative Case Studies
Several success stories highlight effective, sustainable development strategies:
Costa Rica’s Renewable Energy: Costa Rica has achieved remarkable success in powering its electricity grid almost entirely with renewable energy sources.
Singapore’s Water Conservation: Through technology and strict water management policies, Singapore has become a world leader in water conservation.
Nordic Green Economy: Scandinavian countries have consistently topped environmental performance indexes thanks to their commitments to sustainability in energy, waste management, and social welfare.
The Future of Sustainable Development
As we look ahead, the importance of sustainable development is only set to increase. Innovations in technology, finance, and policy-making geared towards sustainability are crucial. Moreover, the role of individual action and community involvement must be balanced. Everyone has a part to play, from policymakers and business leaders to educators, activists, and citizens.
A Collective Responsibility
The journey towards sustainable development is complex and challenging, but it is also filled with opportunities. By embracing sustainability, we can forge a path to a more equitable and prosperous future while ensuring the health of our planet for future generations. Sustainable development is not just a policy agenda; it is a holistic approach that requires the active participation of all sectors of society. It is a collective responsibility that we must undertake with urgency and commitment to safeguard our shared future.
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indexxindices · 3 months
Methodologies and Challenges in Constructing ESG Indices
ESG indices are essential tools for sustainable investing, guiding investors toward companies with strong environmental, social, and governance practices. Constructing these indices involves complex methodologies and numerous challenges. This article explores the methodologies used in creating ESG indices and the challenges faced in ensuring their accuracy and reliability.
Methodologies in Constructing ESG Indices
1. Data Collection
Collecting accurate and comprehensive ESG data is the foundation of constructing ESG indices. Data sources include:
Company Reports: Annual reports, sustainability reports, and corporate disclosures.
Third-Party Assessments: Ratings and evaluations by independent organizations.
Publicly Available Information: News articles, regulatory filings, and industry reports.
2. Defining ESG Criteria
Clear and consistent criteria must be established to evaluate companies. These criteria typically cover:
Environmental Factors: Carbon emissions, resource usage, waste management, and biodiversity.
Social Factors: Labor practices, human rights, community engagement, and customer satisfaction.
Governance Factors: Board diversity, executive compensation, shareholder rights, and ethical business practices.
3. Scoring and Weighting
Each company is scored based on its performance in the defined ESG criteria. This involves:
Scoring Models: Quantitative models that assign scores based on specific metrics.
Weighting Schemes: Assigning different weights to environmental, social, and governance factors based on their importance in the index’s objectives.
4. Index Construction
Using the scores and weights, companies are ranked and selected for inclusion in the ESG index. The index construction process includes:
Selection Criteria: Determining which companies meet the minimum ESG performance threshold.
Weighting Methodologies: Deciding whether to use market capitalization, equal weighting, or ESG score weighting.
5. Periodic Reviews and Rebalancing
ESG indices are periodically reviewed to ensure they remain up-to-date and relevant. This involves:
Data Updates: Incorporating the latest ESG data and corporate disclosures.
Rebalancing: Adjusting the composition and weights of the index constituents based on updated scores.
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Challenges in Constructing ESG Indices
1. Data Quality and Availability
Inconsistent Reporting: Companies may report ESG data inconsistently, making it difficult to compare performance across firms.
Data Gaps: Not all companies disclose comprehensive ESG information, leading to data gaps.
Reliability: Third-party ESG ratings can vary significantly, raising questions about data reliability.
2. Standardization of ESG Criteria
Lack of Uniform Standards: There is no universally accepted standard for ESG criteria, leading to variability in how ESG factors are assessed.
Subjectivity: Some ESG factors, particularly social and governance aspects, can be subjective and difficult to quantify.
3. Weighting and Scoring Methodologies
Biases: Weighting schemes can introduce biases, particularly if certain ESG factors are overemphasized.
Complexity: Developing robust scoring models that accurately reflect ESG performance is complex and resource-intensive.
4. Dynamic Nature of ESG Factors
Evolving Standards: ESG standards and expectations are continuously evolving, requiring constant updates to the indices.
Corporate Changes: Companies’ ESG practices can change rapidly due to new initiatives, regulatory changes, or shifts in management.
5. Regulatory and Market Challenges
Regulatory Differences: ESG regulations vary by country and region, complicating the construction of global ESG indices.
Market Acceptance: Convincing investors of the value and reliability of ESG indices can be challenging, especially in markets where ESG investing is not yet mainstream.
Addressing the Challenges
1. Improving Data Quality
Standardized Reporting: Advocating for standardized ESG reporting frameworks, such as those proposed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
Advanced Analytics: Using advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence to fill data gaps and enhance data reliability.
2. Enhancing Methodologies
Transparent Criteria: Clearly defining and disclosing the criteria and methodologies used in ESG assessments to improve transparency.
Dynamic Models: Developing dynamic scoring models that can adapt to changes in ESG standards and corporate practices.
3. Engaging with Stakeholders
Collaborative Efforts: Engaging with regulators, industry bodies, and companies to harmonize ESG standards and reporting practices.
Investor Education: Educating investors about the importance of ESG factors and the methodologies behind ESG indices to build trust and acceptance.
4. Adapting to Changes
Regular Updates: Ensuring ESG indices are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the latest data and trends.
Flexibility: Building flexibility into ESG index methodologies to accommodate evolving standards and market conditions.
Constructing ESG indices is a complex process that involves meticulous data collection, rigorous methodologies, and constant adaptation to evolving standards. While challenges such as data quality, standardization, and dynamic ESG factors pose significant hurdles, ongoing efforts to improve data transparency, enhance methodologies, and engage stakeholders are crucial. By addressing these challenges, ESG indices can continue to play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable investing and driving corporate accountability. As the investment landscape evolves, ESG indices will remain essential tools for aligning financial performance with ethical and sustainable values.
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dynamicsmassive8 · 4 months
Adventurous Activities in Sundarban: Beyond Wildlife Watching
Exploring the Sundarban by Boat
Boat Safaris
Night Cruises
Trekking and Hiking Adventures
Forest Trails
Village Walks
Birdwatching Excursions
Key Bird Species
Best Birdwatching Spots
Cultural Experiences
Local Festivals
Traditional Crafts and Music
Fishing and Crab Collecting
Traditional Fishing Techniques
Sustainable Practices
Photography Tours
Landscape Photography
Wildlife Photography Tips
Comparative Analysis: Sundarban vs Other Mangrove Forests
1. Introduction
The Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is globally renowned for its biodiversity and the enigmatic Royal Bengal Tiger. However, the region offers much more than just wildlife watching. This blog will take you through a variety of adventurous activities that can be enjoyed in the Sundarbans, providing a well-rounded experience of this unique ecosystem. From boat safaris and night cruises to trekking, birdwatching, and cultural immersions, Sundarbans promises adventure at every turn.
2. Exploring the Sundarban by Boat
Boat Safaris
One of the most popular activities in the Sundarbans is exploring the vast network of waterways by boat. These boat safaris offer a unique perspective of the mangrove forests and provide opportunities to spot wildlife in their natural habitat. Small boats navigate through narrow creeks, allowing tourists to get up close to nature.
Night Cruises
For those seeking a different kind of adventure, night cruises offer a thrilling experience. As the sun sets, the mangroves take on an eerie beauty. These cruises provide a chance to witness nocturnal wildlife and listen to the symphony of the forest at night. It's an exhilarating way to experience the Sundarbans after dark.
3. Trekking and Hiking Adventures
Forest Trails
Trekking through the Sundarbans offers a more intimate encounter with the forest. Guided treks are available, taking visitors through dense mangrove forests, where they can learn about the unique flora and fauna. These treks often include visits to watchtowers, providing panoramic views of the landscape.
Village Walks
Village walks are another fantastic way to explore the Sundarbans. These walks offer insights into the daily lives of local communities, their traditional practices, and their close relationship with the forest. Visitors can interact with locals, learn about their sustainable practices, and even participate in community activities.
4. Birdwatching Excursions
Key Bird Species
The Sundarbans is a birdwatcher's paradise, home to over 300 species of birds. Some notable species include the white-bellied sea eagle, the lesser adjutant stork, and various kingfishers. Birdwatching excursions can be particularly rewarding, offering sightings of both resident and migratory birds.
Best Birdwatching Spots
Some of the best spots for birdwatching in the Sundarbans include Sajnekhali Bird Sanctuary, Dobanki Watch Tower, and Netidhopani. These locations provide ideal conditions for spotting a wide variety of bird species, making them a must-visit for any bird enthusiast.
5. Cultural Experiences
Local Festivals
The cultural richness of the Sundarbans is as captivating as its natural beauty. Local festivals such as the Bonbibi Puja celebrate the guardian deity of the forest and reflect the syncretic culture of the region. Participating in these festivals provides a deep insight into the spiritual life of the local communities.
Traditional Crafts and Music
The Sundarbans is also known for its traditional crafts and music. Visitors can explore local markets to find handcrafted items made from natural materials like jute and clay. Additionally, folk music performances offer a glimpse into the cultural heritage of the region, with songs that tell stories of the land and its people.
6. Fishing and Crab Collecting
Traditional Fishing Techniques
Fishing is a primary livelihood for many in the Sundarbans. Visitors can join local fishermen to learn about traditional fishing techniques, which include the use of handmade nets and traps. This hands-on experience is both educational and enjoyable.
Sustainable Practices
Sustainable fishing practices are crucial for preserving the delicate ecosystem of the Sundarbans. Many local communities follow traditional methods that have minimal impact on the environment. Learning about these practices helps visitors appreciate the balance between livelihood and conservation.
7. Photography Tours
Landscape Photography
The Sundarbans offers stunning landscapes that are perfect for photography. From the intricate patterns of the mangrove roots to the vast expanses of water and sky, there is no shortage of picturesque scenes. Guided photography tours can help visitors capture the essence of the Sundarbans.
Wildlife Photography Tips
For wildlife photographers, the Sundarbans provides ample opportunities to capture unique shots. Patience and preparedness are key. Early morning and late afternoon are the best times for photography, as the light is softer and wildlife is more active. Using a telephoto lens can help in capturing distant subjects like birds and tigers.
8. Comparative Analysis: Sundarban vs Other Mangrove Forests
Aspect Sundarbans (India & Bangladesh) Everglades (USA) Mekong Delta (Vietnam) Key Species Royal Bengal Tiger, Estuarine Crocodile American Alligator, Manatee Irrawaddy Dolphin, Giant Catfish Area (sq km) 10,000 6,105 39,000 Conservation Status UNESCO World Heritage Site UNESCO World Heritage Site Threatened by Dams and Pollution Primary Threats Habitat Loss, Climate Change Urban Development, Pollution Hydroelectric Dams, Overfishing Unique Feature Largest Mangrove Forest Largest Subtropical Wetland Extensive River Network Main Conservation Efforts Anti-poaching, Habitat Restoration Water Quality Management, Restoration Sustainable Fishing, Habitat Protection
9. Conclusion
The Sundarbans is a treasure trove of adventures waiting to be explored. While wildlife watching, particularly for the Royal Bengal Tiger, is a significant draw, the region offers much more. From boat safaris and night cruises to trekking, birdwatching, and immersing oneself in local culture, the Sundarbans provides a holistic adventure experience. Participating in these activities not only offers thrill and excitement but also fosters a deeper appreciation for this unique ecosystem and its inhabitants.
For first-time visitors or seasoned travelers, the Sundarbans promises unforgettable experiences that go beyond the conventional. Whether you're navigating the waterways on a boat safari, trekking through dense mangrove forests, or engaging with local communities, every moment in the Sundarbans is a step into the wild heart of nature.
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evoldir · 7 months
Fwd: Graduate position: UPadua.ClimateChangeMitigationInBivalves
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: UPadua.ClimateChangeMitigationInBivalves > Date: 21 February 2024 at 06:28:19 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > PhD OPPORTUNITY: > The laboratory of genetics and ecophysiology in marine animals ( > https://ift.tt/9I2VG6M) located at the Department of > Comparative > Biomedicine - University of Padua (Italy) - is offering one PhD position to > work in the context of mitigation strategies to counteract the impacts of > climate change in bivalve molluscs. > > Research Topic Title: > Understanding consequences and testing mitigation strategies in marine > species subject to climate change and pollution. > > Description of Research Topic: > Pollution and anthropogenic CO2 emissions are triggering alterations on > ecosystems. In summer 2019, a heatwave affected ~95% of the Mediterranean > basin and in particular the North Adriatic Sea, an area already compromised > by chemical pollution where several aquaculture facilities are held. > According to this multiple stressors scenario, filter-feeding and sedentary > organisms like bivalves are (and will be in the near future) subjected to > severe pressures impacting population stocks, resulting in biodiversity > loss and socio-economic impacts on aquaculture. In this context, the case > of the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is emblematic: in recent years > this species experienced several mortality events with a consequent > dramatic decrease of stock availability due to the persistence of harsh > stressful environmental conditions. The PhD project will aim to provide > novel strategies to ameliorate Manila clam performance under multiple > stressful conditions, using innovative tools such as priming and microbiota > manipulation, with the final aim to explore biodiversity conservation and > sustainable aquaculture management strategies. In addition, effects of > several emerging contaminants will be assessed in bivalve species (e.g. > clams, mussels, oysters) through multidisciplinary approaches that will be > then elaborated within a weight of evidence approach able to summarize > different data into a hazard index. Overall, the PhD project will provide > new data on actions/interactions of biological processes involved in > responsiveness and adaptation to environmental changes. > > Working environment: > The research fellow will join the research group at the Department of > Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science at the University of Padova (BCA) > and the marine station in Chioggia. The BCA Department has been awarded > as Department of Excellence in aquatic animal research, offering > a privileged environment to researchers with an excellent community in > Marine Science in one of the best (and oldest) universities in Italy. The > team is committed to maintaining a respectful, inclusive, and friendly > working environment, as well as promoting career development. Padua is > a vibrant city and a major cultural and economic centre in north-eastern > Italy. > > Application procedure: > Interested candidates should submit a single pdf with a motivation letter, > a short description of current and past research projects and their CV > to
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Sustainability Index Insights: Tracking Progress in Sustainability Efforts
sustainability indices are like trusty yardsticks that gauge and monitor how countries, companies, and various organizations are doing when it comes to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. We are our go-to instruments for sizing up the progress of sustainability endeavors over time, pinpointing spots that need a bit of sprucing up, and comparing performance with our peers.
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There are a number of different sustainability indices available, each with its own unique methodology and focus. Some of the most well-known indices include the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), the FTSE4Good Index Series, and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards.
Sustainability Index Insights
Sustainability index insights can be used to inform a variety of decisions, including:
Investment decisions: Investors can use sustainability index insights to identify and invest in companies that are committed to sustainability. This can help reduce risk and improve long-term returns.
Corporate strategy: Companies can use sustainability index insights to benchmark their performance against peers and identify areas for improvement. This can help to develop and implement more effective sustainability strategies.
Public policy: Governments can use sustainability index insights to track progress on national sustainability goals and identify areas where further action is needed.
Tracking Progress in Sustainability Efforts
Sustainability indices can be used to track progress in sustainability efforts over time by comparing performance to previous years. For example, the DJSI has shown that the overall sustainability performance of publicly traded companies has improved over time. However, there is still significant variation in performance between different companies and industries.
Sustainability indices can also be used to identify areas where further progress is needed. For example, the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards show that companies are still struggling to report on certain ESG criteria, such as biodiversity and human rights.
Sustainability indices are valuable tools for tracking progress in sustainability efforts. By providing insights into the performance of countries, companies, and other organizations on ESG criteria, sustainability indices can help inform investment decisions, corporate strategy, and public policy.
Additional Insights
In addition to the insights discussed above, sustainability indices can also provide valuable information on the following:
Emerging trends: Sustainability indices can help identify emerging trends in sustainability, such as the growing focus on net zero emissions and climate adaptation.
Sector performance: Sustainability indices can be used to compare the performance of different sectors on ESG criteria. This can help to identify sectors that are leading the way in sustainability and sectors that are lagging behind.
Investment opportunities: Sustainability indices can be used to identify investment opportunities in companies that are committed to sustainability and that are well-positioned to benefit from the transition to a more sustainable economy.
Overall, sustainability indices are powerful tools that can be used to track progress in sustainability efforts, inform decision-making, and identify investment opportunities.
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Researching Natural Food Stores in Bangladesh
If you're using a quest for healthy and balanced and organic sustenance, you're from the right place. Bangladesh, a country known to its rich culinary historical past, is also home to a growing number of natural food outlets and health-conscious promotes. In this guideline, we'll take you using a journey through the earth of natural food stores in Bangladesh aiding you discover the best options to satisfy your organic in addition to health-oriented needs.
Natural Food Stores in Bangladesh
The Rise connected with Health Food Stores In your area
In recent a long time, the demand intended for natural, organic, and healthy food products has been steadily happening more often in Bangladesh. Subsequently, a plethora connected with natural food outlets and health grocery stores have sprung up nationally. These stores cater to people who are conscious about what exactly they consume and are searhing for high-quality, chemical-free selections.
Finding Natural Grocers In your area
One of the most beneficial ways to discover a natural food retail store or health food market near you is usually to perform a swift online search. Using keywords like "health super market near me" or maybe "natural grocers next to me" can yield an index of options in ones vicinity. Alternatively, you should utilize specialized mobile blog and websites that include information about nearby healthy food retailers.
The use of Organic Shopping
Before diving into your options for healthy food stores, let's briefly explore why people love opting for healthy products. Organic foods usually are grown without the employment of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, in addition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Choosing organic means you're generating a conscious decision to scale back your exposure to help potentially harmful compounds while supporting eco friendly farming practices.
The reason Choose Organic?
Superior for Health: Organic foods are exempt from chemical residues which might be harmful to your overall health. They are typically richer in necessary nutrients, providing you that has a more nourishing eating plan.
Environmentally Friendly: Organic farming techniques promote soil health and reduce pollution. In addition, they help conserve water and keep biodiversity.
Tastes Superior: Many people know that organic foods employ a more natural in addition to robust flavor, as they usually are grown in nutrient-rich soil without assistance from synthetic enhancers.
Exploring Natural Food Stores In your area
Now, let's leap into some favorite natural food outlets and organic market outlets across Bangladesh:
1. Goinmart - Ones Ultimate Natural Super market
When it pertains to a one-stop-shop for all your natural food desires, Goinmart is some sort of name that is different. This online marketplace provides an extensive range of healthy products, including new produce, dairy, grains, goodies, and more. While using the convenience of on the net shopping, Goinmart brings the most beneficial of organic choices right to your doorstep.
3. Green Haven Normal Store
Located from the heart of Dhaka, Green Haven Organic Store is usually a haven for normal enthusiasts. They offer many organic vegetables, some fruits, grains, and milk. Their commitment to help quality and sustainability makes them a highly regarded choice for cognizant consumers.
3. This Village Grocer
For anyone who is in Chittagong, The Village Grocer is an effective option for natural and organic products. They stock many techniques from fresh organic make to gluten-free goodies, catering to a variety of dietary needs. Their knowledgeable staff can direct you through their collection and answer any questions you've got.
4. Organica Bangladesh
Organica Bangladesh is usually a well-known organic retail store chain with multiple outlets nationally. They offer a variety of organic products, as well as grains, spices, particular care items, and even more. Their commitment to help quality and sensible pricing has acquired them a dependable customer base.
5. Healthy Food World
Tucked within Sylhet, Natural Food World is usually a local gem intended for organic food aficionados. They have a diverse offering of organic spices, baby, and tea, taken directly from regional farmers. The store's increased exposure of supporting small-scale organic producers causes it to become a socially in charge choice.
Bangladesh is witnessing a transformation the way people think in relation to and consume meal. The increasing accessibility to natural food outlets and health-conscious markets reflects a developing awareness of the use of organic and healthy products. Whether thinking of fresh produce, pantry staples, or area of expertise items, these stores offer a variety of choices to compliment your needs.
With your quest for healthy and balanced and organic sustenance, don't neglect to explore the comfort of online platforms including Goinmart. Their extensive selection of natural and organic products makes it easier than previously to make healthy alternatives for yourself and our world.
So, next time you try to find "natural food retail store near me" or "organic store near me" with Bangladesh, you can feel comfortable that you'll find a growing number of options to support your overall health and sustainability aims. Happy organic looking!
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🌍 Investing in Biodiversity: Join the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund! 🌱 "In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." - Baba Dioum Are you ready to make a meaningful impact with your investments? Look no further than the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund (KAIBX), a mutual fund dedicated to biodiversity protection, environmental stewardship and animal welfare. As we face growing environmental challenges, investing in biodiversity is a moral imperative and a smart financial choice. Why does biodiversity matter? 🌿 Biodiversity is the essence of life on Earth. It encompasses the remarkable variety of plants, animals and ecosystems that make our planet thrive. But biodiversity is under threat, with habitat destruction & climate change endangering delicate ecosystems. By investing in biodiversity, we support companies & initiatives that promote sustainability. Introducing KAIBX 🦋 The KAIBX fund is your gateway to investing in our planet. Since its inception in 2018, KAIBX has supported companies @ the forefront of biodiversity protection. With a net asset value of $10.7m, this fund has demonstrated impressive financial performance while making a positive impact. The Power of KAIBX's Performance 💪 As of 3/8/23, KAIBX boasts a one-year return of 21.25%. This significant growth outperforms industry benchmarks like the Morningstar® Developed Markets Index℠ & MSCI ACWI Index. By investing in KAIBX, you align your financial goals with the urgent need for biodiversity preservation. Investing with a Purpose 🌱 When you choose KAIBX, you become part of a movement that prioritizes sustainability. Your investment supports companies actively involved in biodiversity protection, environmental conservation & animal welfare. By directing your financial resources towards these impactful initiatives, you create a positive ripple effect that goes beyond monetary gains. Join the Movement! ✨ 🌿 Share your experiences and insights on investing in biodiversity in the comments below. Let's learn from one another's journeys and inspire others to join. Read the entire article here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/investing-biodiversity-agrobiodiversity-unleashing-power 🌿 Repost and share this article to spread the word about the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund. Together, we can make a real difference in preserving biodiversity. 🌿 Subscribe to the Sustainable Investment Digest for exclusive updates and insights on sustainable investing. Stay informed about the latest trends, success stories, and investment opportunities. https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7053058780464345088 Investing in biodiversity is not just about financial returns; it's about safeguarding our planet. Join KAIBX's Fund today & let your investments become a force for positive change. #InvestInBiodiversity #KarnerBlueFund #SustainableInvesting #PreserveOurPlanet 🌍🌿✨
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How the Lubricant Industry is Addressing Environmental Concerns
As lubricant industry players face compelling challenges around sustainability issues, including product recyclability and greenhouse gas emission reduction, they are poised to focus on recycling and recovery of lubrication packaging into their ESG goals. Venture capitalists and other investors are prioritizing investment in sustainable businesses with environmental, social and governance concerns integral to corporate strategy. Bespoke solutions to reach sustainability and decarbonization goals could gain ground. ESG will remain pivotal in enhancing business ethics, creating sustainable growth with a resilient supply chain, retaining employees and attracting customers. 
Forward-looking players are expected to foster their footprint on ESG standards that have become invaluable in gauging a company’s capability to make an informed decision. ESG factors are likely to play a vital role in containing organizational risks. It has emerged as the main cog in corporate policies and practices with investors and businesses gearing to address workplace safety, inclusion, access to affordable healthcare and environmental equity. The need for ESG disclosure has shaped how companies allocate funds in the global landscape, and the demand for accountability has underscored ESG disclosure to track sustainability performance. For instance, businesses in Europe are obliged to report the proportion of investment considered sustainable in line with EU regulations. 
Environmental Perspective
Environmental, social and governance aspects are at the forefront as prominent players gear to overcome social, economic and environmental challenges. Leading players are poised to improve, respond and recover their resilience to the shifting ESG landscape. Investors are inclined to know how companies will respond to social, environmental and economic landscape and related opportunities and risks. A host of companies has come forward to publish sustainability reports as organizations across geographies, industries and company sizes allocate more resources toward enhancing ESG. According to the Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc. (G&A) 2021 Sustainability Reporting, 92% of S&P 500 Companies and 70% of Russell 1000 Companies published sustainability reports in 2020. 
A significant part of ESG growth is mainly attributed to environmental factors and apt responses to climate change. Companies are likely to contribute disclosures in energy efficiency, biodiversity, environmental management, water efficiency and GHG emissions. For instance, Chevron Shipping could disclose vessels’ climate alignment scores leveraging the Sea Cargo Charter methodology from 2023. Further, the environmental impact of lubricants has prompted vital players to provide impetus to bio-based lubricants that can boost the sustainability quotient through high viscosity index, enhanced water quality and longer equipment life. Prominently, BP aims to contain scope 1 and scope 2 emissions globally by 30% by 2030. On the other hand, Shell has been providing carbon-neutral lubricants, including biodegradable multi-purpose grease and energy-efficient high viscosity index hydraulic oils to offset carbon footprint. 
Social Perspective
On the social front, lubricant companies have emphasized data privacy, product quality, employee development, community support and development. Stakeholders have dubbed social license as corporate oxygen—impossible to survive without it. Some social practices, such as promoting equality and diversity in the workplace, providing training and well-being support and underpinning local and national charities will augur well for leading companies in the landscape. 
According to Grand View Research Lubricant Industry ESG Thematic Report 2022, Idemitsu Kosan tops the chart in the social category with an impressive score of 70%. The tag is partly due to the institutionalization of human rights monitoring mechanisms across its supply chain operation. Besides, most companies are ISO 45001 standards certified and have rolled out robust healthcare plans and programs, H&S training and health insurance—promising factors bolstering employee retention rates. Meanwhile, Lukoil had the highest employee turnover rate (6.7%) in 2020 amidst comprehensive healthcare plans.
Prominent players have left no stone unturned to underscore their social and community investments. For instance, in 2020, Chevron contemplated injecting USD 15 million to underpin the Black community in the U.S. to address equity barriers. Besides, in 2021, the company poured USD 6.6 million into non-profits and community organizations in Kern, Fresno, and Monterey counties. The U.S.-based company is also said to have employed more than 700 full-time employees, along with 1,600 contract employees in those counties. Incumbent players are poised to get a grip with social factors as the building block of a sustainable world. 
Is your business one of participants to the Global Lubricant Industry? Contact us for focused consultation around ESG Investing, and help you build sustainable business practices.
Governance Perspective
Governance is envisaged as an indicator of how transparent, accountable and ethical a company is with stakeholders. It also highlights board structure, audit committee functioning, board independence and financial audit and control. An emphasis on governance could bode well with investors and customers and encourage sound risk management practices. Chevron is at the pole position in corporate governance, notes the ESG scoring model of Grand View Research. It has more than 90% independent directors—the highest in terms of a board comprising independent directors. The American multinational energy corporation established a Supplier Diversity Governance Board providing strategic direction and oversight of supplier diversity strategy across its U.S.-based units. With solid governance being the foundation to create value for stockholders, board members are expected to review operational, financial, market, political and other risks that are inherent in the business. 
ESG is a valuable consideration—one that goes beyond philanthropic perception and is paramount to sustainable development. In essence, Royal Dutch Shell scored more than 80% in corporate governance—second to Chevron. The former has the highest percentage of female members on its board, taking a giant leap toward gender equality. The company is gearing to surpass or reach 40% of women in senior leadership by 2030. Governance will likely leverage companies to cash in on and manage various ESG risks and opportunities. 
Well-established players and new entrants are slated to integrate ESG practices to foster brand reputation, propel sustainability and minimize costs. Companies are likely to focus on generating more environmentally friendly and efficient lubricants. For instance, in March 2021, Castrol rolled out the PATH360 strategy sustainability strategy with 2030 aims and focus areas, including reducing carbon, saving waste and enhancing lives. Stakeholders are bullish on the prospect of lubricants against the backdrop of heightened product demand and emphasis on ESG frameworks. The global lubricant market size garnered USD 125.81 billion in 2020 and could witness a 3.7% CAGR from 2021 to 2028. 
About Astra – ESG Solutions By Grand View Research
Astra is the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) arm of Grand View Research Inc. – a global market research publishing & management consulting firm.
Astra offers comprehensive ESG thematic assessment & scores across diverse impact & socially responsible investment topics, including both public and private companies along with intuitive dashboards. Our ESG solutions are powered by robust fundamental & alternative information. Astra specializes in consulting services that equip corporates and the investment community with the in-depth ESG research and actionable insight they need to support their bottom lines and their values. We have supported our clients across diverse ESG consulting projects & advisory services, including climate strategies & assessment, ESG benchmarking, stakeholder engagement programs, active ownership, developing ESG investment strategies, ESG data services, build corporate sustainability reports. Astra team includes a pool of industry experts and ESG enthusiasts who possess extensive end-end ESG research and consulting experience at a global level.
For more ESG Thematic reports, please visit Astra ESG Solutions, powered by Grand View Research
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🌍 Investing in Biodiversity: Join the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund! 🌱 "In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." - Baba Dioum Are you ready to make a meaningful impact with your investments? Look no further than the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund (KAIBX), a mutual fund dedicated to biodiversity protection, environmental stewardship and animal welfare. As we face growing environmental challenges, investing in biodiversity is a moral imperative and a smart financial choice. Why does biodiversity matter? 🌿 Biodiversity is the essence of life on Earth. It encompasses the remarkable variety of plants, animals and ecosystems that make our planet thrive. But biodiversity is under threat, with habitat destruction & climate change endangering delicate ecosystems. By investing in biodiversity, we support companies & initiatives that promote sustainability. Introducing KAIBX 🦋 The KAIBX fund is your gateway to investing in our planet. Since its inception in 2018, KAIBX has supported companies @ the forefront of biodiversity protection. With a net asset value of $10.7m, this fund has demonstrated impressive financial performance while making a positive impact. The Power of KAIBX's Performance 💪 As of 3/8/23, KAIBX boasts a one-year return of 21.25%. This significant growth outperforms industry benchmarks like the Morningstar® Developed Markets Index℠ & MSCI ACWI Index. By investing in KAIBX, you align your financial goals with the urgent need for biodiversity preservation. Investing with a Purpose 🌱 When you choose KAIBX, you become part of a movement that prioritizes sustainability. Your investment supports companies actively involved in biodiversity protection, environmental conservation & animal welfare. By directing your financial resources towards these impactful initiatives, you create a positive ripple effect that goes beyond monetary gains. Join the Movement! ✨ 🌿 Share your experiences and insights on investing in biodiversity in the comments below. Let's learn from one another's journeys and inspire others to join. Read the entire article here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/investing-biodiversity-agrobiodiversity-unleashing-power 🌿 Repost and share this article to spread the word about the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund. Together, we can make a real difference in preserving biodiversity. 🌿 Subscribe to the Sustainable Investment Digest for exclusive updates and insights on sustainable investing. Stay informed about the latest trends, success stories, and investment opportunities. https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7053058780464345088 Investing in biodiversity is not just about financial returns; it's about safeguarding our planet. Join KAIBX's Fund today & let your investments become a force for positive change. #InvestInBiodiversity #KarnerBlueFund #SustainableInvesting #PreserveOurPlanet 🌍🌿✨
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🌍 Investing in Biodiversity: Join the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund! 🌱 "In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught." - Baba Dioum Are you ready to make a meaningful impact with your investments? Look no further than the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund (KAIBX), a mutual fund dedicated to biodiversity protection, environmental stewardship and animal welfare. As we face growing environmental challenges, investing in biodiversity is a moral imperative and a smart financial choice. Why does biodiversity matter? 🌿 Biodiversity is the essence of life on Earth. It encompasses the remarkable variety of plants, animals and ecosystems that make our planet thrive. But biodiversity is under threat, with habitat destruction & climate change endangering delicate ecosystems. By investing in biodiversity, we support companies & initiatives that promote sustainability. Introducing KAIBX 🦋 The KAIBX fund is your gateway to investing in our planet. Since its inception in 2018, KAIBX has supported companies @ the forefront of biodiversity protection. With a net asset value of $10.7m, this fund has demonstrated impressive financial performance while making a positive impact. The Power of KAIBX's Performance 💪 As of 3/8/23, KAIBX boasts a one-year return of 21.25%. This significant growth outperforms industry benchmarks like the Morningstar® Developed Markets Index℠ & MSCI ACWI Index. By investing in KAIBX, you align your financial goals with the urgent need for biodiversity preservation. Investing with a Purpose 🌱 When you choose KAIBX, you become part of a movement that prioritizes sustainability. Your investment supports companies actively involved in biodiversity protection, environmental conservation & animal welfare. By directing your financial resources towards these impactful initiatives, you create a positive ripple effect that goes beyond monetary gains. Join the Movement! ✨ 🌿 Share your experiences and insights on investing in biodiversity in the comments below. Let's learn from one another's journeys and inspire others to join. Read the entire article here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/investing-biodiversity-agrobiodiversity-unleashing-power 🌿 Repost and share this article to spread the word about the Karner Blue Biodiversity Impact Fund. Together, we can make a real difference in preserving biodiversity. 🌿 Subscribe to the Sustainable Investment Digest for exclusive updates and insights on sustainable investing. Stay informed about the latest trends, success stories, and investment opportunities. https://www.linkedin.com/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7053058780464345088 Investing in biodiversity is not just about financial returns; it's about safeguarding our planet. Join KAIBX's Fund today & let your investments become a force for positive change. #InvestInBiodiversity #KarnerBlueFund #SustainableInvesting #PreserveOurPlanet 🌍🌿✨
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esglatestmarketnews · 2 years
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)— A Pivotal Approach to Business in Lubricant Industry
As lubricant industry players face compelling challenges around sustainability issues, including product recyclability and greenhouse gas emission reduction, they are poised to focus on recycling and recovery of lubrication packaging into their ESG goals. Venture capitalists and other investors are prioritizing investment in sustainable businesses with environmental, social and governance concerns integral to corporate strategy. Bespoke solutions to reach sustainability and decarbonization goals could gain ground. ESG will remain pivotal in enhancing business ethics, creating sustainable growth with a resilient supply chain, retaining employees and attracting customers. 
Forward-looking players are expected to foster their footprint on ESG standards that have become invaluable in gauging a company’s capability to make an informed decision. ESG factors are likely to play a vital role in containing organizational risks. It has emerged as the main cog in corporate policies and practices with investors and businesses gearing to address workplace safety, inclusion, access to affordable healthcare and environmental equity. The need for ESG disclosure has shaped how companies allocate funds in the global landscape, and the demand for accountability has underscored ESG disclosure to track sustainability performance. For instance, businesses in Europe are obliged to report the proportion of investment considered sustainable in line with EU regulations. 
Discover more regarding the practices and strategies being implemented by industry participants form the Lubricant Industry ESG Thematic Report, 2022, published by Astra ESG Solutions
Environmental Perspective
Environmental, social and governance aspects are at the forefront as prominent players gear to overcome social, economic and environmental challenges. Leading players are poised to improve, respond and recover their resilience to the shifting ESG landscape. Investors are inclined to know how companies will respond to social, environmental and economic landscape and related opportunities and risks. A host of companies has come forward to publish sustainability reports as organizations across geographies, industries and company sizes allocate more resources toward enhancing ESG. According to the Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc. (G&A) 2021 Sustainability Reporting, 92% of S&P 500 Companies and 70% of Russell 1000 Companies published sustainability reports in 2020. 
A significant part of ESG growth is mainly attributed to environmental factors and apt responses to climate change. Companies are likely to contribute disclosures in energy efficiency, biodiversity, environmental management, water efficiency and GHG emissions. For instance, Chevron Shipping could disclose vessels’ climate alignment scores leveraging the Sea Cargo Charter methodology from 2023. Further, the environmental impact of lubricants has prompted vital players to provide impetus to bio-based lubricants that can boost the sustainability quotient through high viscosity index, enhanced water quality and longer equipment life. Prominently, BP aims to contain scope 1 and scope 2 emissions globally by 30% by 2030. On the other hand, Shell has been providing carbon-neutral lubricants, including biodegradable multi-purpose grease and energy-efficient high viscosity index hydraulic oils to offset carbon footprint. 
Social Perspective
On the social front, lubricant companies have emphasized data privacy, product quality, employee development, community support and development. Stakeholders have dubbed social license as corporate oxygen—impossible to survive without it. Some social practices, such as promoting equality and diversity in the workplace, providing training and well-being support and underpinning local and national charities will augur well for leading companies in the landscape. 
According to Grand View Research Lubricant Industry ESG Thematic Report 2022, Idemitsu Kosan tops the chart in the social category with an impressive score of 70%. The tag is partly due to the institutionalization of human rights monitoring mechanisms across its supply chain operation. Besides, most companies are ISO 45001 standards certified and have rolled out robust healthcare plans and programs, H&S training and health insurance—promising factors bolstering employee retention rates. Meanwhile, Lukoil had the highest employee turnover rate (6.7%) in 2020 amidst comprehensive healthcare plans.
Prominent players have left no stone unturned to underscore their social and community investments. For instance, in 2020, Chevron contemplated injecting USD 15 million to underpin the Black community in the U.S. to address equity barriers. Besides, in 2021, the company poured USD 6.6 million into non-profits and community organizations in Kern, Fresno, and Monterey counties. The U.S.-based company is also said to have employed more than 700 full-time employees, along with 1,600 contract employees in those counties. Incumbent players are poised to get a grip with social factors as the building block of a sustainable world. 
Is your business one of participants to the Global Lubricant Industry? Contact us for focused consultation around ESG Investing, and help you build sustainable business practices.
Governance Perspective
Governance is envisaged as an indicator of how transparent, accountable and ethical a company is with stakeholders. It also highlights board structure, audit committee functioning, board independence and financial audit and control. An emphasis on governance could bode well with investors and customers and encourage sound risk management practices. Chevron is at the pole position in corporate governance, notes the ESG scoring model of Grand View Research. It has more than 90% independent directors—the highest in terms of a board comprising independent directors. The American multinational energy corporation established a Supplier Diversity Governance Board providing strategic direction and oversight of supplier diversity strategy across its U.S.-based units. With solid governance being the foundation to create value for stockholders, board members are expected to review operational, financial, market, political and other risks that are inherent in the business. 
ESG is a valuable consideration—one that goes beyond philanthropic perception and is paramount to sustainable development. In essence, Royal Dutch Shell scored more than 80% in corporate governance—second to Chevron. The former has the highest percentage of female members on its board, taking a giant leap toward gender equality. The company is gearing to surpass or reach 40% of women in senior leadership by 2030. Governance will likely leverage companies to cash in on and manage various ESG risks and opportunities. 
Well-established players and new entrants are slated to integrate ESG practices to foster brand reputation, propel sustainability and minimize costs. Companies are likely to focus on generating more environmentally friendly and efficient lubricants. For instance, in March 2021, Castrol rolled out the PATH360 strategy sustainability strategy with 2030 aims and focus areas, including reducing carbon, saving waste and enhancing lives. Stakeholders are bullish on the prospect of lubricants against the backdrop of heightened product demand and emphasis on ESG frameworks. The global lubricant market size garnered USD 125.81 billion in 2020 and could witness a 3.7% CAGR from 2021 to 2028. 
About Astra – ESG Solutions By Grand View Research
Astra is the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) arm of Grand View Research Inc. – a global market research publishing & management consulting firm.
Astra offers comprehensive ESG thematic assessment & scores across diverse impact & socially responsible investment topics, including both public and private companies along with intuitive dashboards. Our ESG solutions are powered by robust fundamental & alternative information. Astra specializes in consulting services that equip corporates and the investment community with the in-depth ESG research and actionable insight they need to support their bottom lines and their values. We have supported our clients across diverse ESG consulting projects & advisory services, including climate strategies & assessment, ESG benchmarking, stakeholder engagement programs, active ownership, developing ESG investment strategies, ESG data services, build corporate sustainability reports. Astra team includes a pool of industry experts and ESG enthusiasts who possess extensive end-end ESG research and consulting experience at a global level.
For more ESG Thematic reports, please visit Astra ESG Solutions, powered by Grand View Research
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