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charlie-lombard · 2 months ago
Charlie Roy Lombard
790 Carroll St., Brooklyn, NY 11215 | 718-213-1259 | [email protected] | LinkedIn
Novità PR, Manhattan, NY—2024
Wrote press releases, award applications, and newsletters for major companies including Fisher & Paykel, Duravit, and Poltrona Frau
Blok Haus, Brooklyn, NY—2023–Present
Retail sales employee
Managed care and sales of houseplants and home goods, including inventory and online orders
Akashic Books, Brooklyn, NY—2019
Edited and reviewed manuscripts, descriptions, and author bios for upcoming books
Wrote and published author bios, book descriptions, and website articles, online and in print
Acted as liaison between editors and authors, printing presses, and customers
Maintained inventory and sales data, as well as the company website
Avenues for Justice, Manhattan, NY—2019
Designed and distributed fundraising materials for nonprofit focusing on alternatives to incarceration for youthful offenders aged 13–24
Contacted new and past donors via phone and email and processed donations
Accompanied clients on court visits
The Berkeley Carroll School, Brooklyn, NY—2018 | 2019 | 2023
Assistant Teacher and Guest Speaker      
Designed and taught a two-week course on cannibalism in literature and media throughout history
Planned assignments, class schedules, and field trips
Returned as a guest speaker for three subsequent sessions
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
Bachelor of Arts in English, thesis: “Sweetgum Rot," December 2022
GPA: 3.92/4.00
Speaking: Progressive Connections 4th Global Conference, “The End of Life Experience,” 2024
Published: BloodLetter Magazine Issue #3, 2024
Languages: fluent in English, French, and Spanish
Tech skills: Microsoft Office Suite, Google Suite, PowerPoint, WordPress, Mailchimp, Raiser’s Edge
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schonpuppen · 1 year ago
6 Möglichkeiten, die Einsamkeit bei einsamen Menschen mittleren Alters zu heilen
Es ist völlig verständlich, warum Sie sich mit zunehmendem Alter einsam fühlen. Möglicherweise sind Familienangehörige aus dem Haus ausgezogen und weit weg. Vielleicht haben alte Freunde und Arbeitsbekannte die Stadt verlassen. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass möglicherweise viele ältere Menschen, die Ihnen nahe standen, verstorben sind.
Sie müssen nicht isoliert und einsam sein, um sich zu verzehren. Sie können Ihr Leben zum Besseren verändern und sich die positive Einstellung und Einstellung geben, die Sie verdienen. Es gibt viele Dinge, die Sie tun können, um soziale Isolation und Einsamkeit und Isolation im Alter zu vermeiden. Der Umgang mit Einsamkeit ist einfacher als Sie denken, wenn Sie sich ansehen, welche Aktivitäten und Gewohnheiten Sie sich aneignen können.
Erkunden Sie die Dinge um Sie herum
Um soziale Isolation zu vermeiden und Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden zu verbessern: Gehen Sie raus und sehen Sie mehr von dem, was dort verfügbar ist, wo Sie sind. Sie könnten in einen örtlichen Park oder ein Einkaufszentrum oder sogar in ein schönes Viertel gehen. Sie können in eine andere Stadt oder sogar ein Land reisen, in dem Sie noch nie zuvor waren.
In jedem Fall sollten Sie sich umschauen, um zu sehen, was Ihnen zur Verfügung steht. Treffen Sie gerne andere Senioren und erfahren Sie, was die Welt zu bieten hat und was sie so besonders macht. Alles, was Ihnen das Gefühl gibt, stärker mit der Welt um Sie herum verbunden zu sein, ist es immer wert. Selbst die kleinsten sozialen Erfahrungen können einen Unterschied machen und Einsamkeit und Depressionen verhindern.
Überlegen Sie, wo Sie hinwollen und sehen Sie, was Sie tun können, um dorthin zu gelangen. Wenn Sie an einen neuen Ort reisen, sollten Sie auch alle Aktivitäten in Betracht ziehen, die Sie interessieren könnten.
Kaufen Sie eine realistische Sexpuppe
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Nach einem langen und hektischen Tag wünscht man sich nur jemanden (oder in diesem Fall), zu dem man nach Hause kommt, jemanden, der einem hilft, die negative Energie des Tages abzuwaschen, und vor allem jemanden, mit dem man ein magisches sexuelles Erlebnis haben kann. Überraschenderweise bieten Liebespuppen dies und im Gegensatz zu menschlichen Partnern werden sie Sie nie nörgeln, es gibt sie in verschiedenen Größen und Designs und sie wissen, wann sie reden und wann sie nicht reden sollen (jeder Mann wünscht sich).
Realistische Sexpuppen bieten einsamen Männern mittleren Alters die Möglichkeit, mehr Sex zu haben und sich weniger allein zu fühlen. In einer Welt, in der romantische Partner als idealer Weg zur Bekämpfung der Einsamkeit angesehen werden, helfen diese magischen Götter wirklich einsamen Männern mittleren Alters, die möglicherweise die Hoffnung auf persönliche Interaktionen verloren haben oder denen möglicherweise die Fähigkeiten fehlen, gesunde Beziehungen aufzubauen und aufrechtzuerhalten.
Achten Sie auf Ihre Gesundheit
Eines der größten Probleme bei Isolation und Einsamkeit besteht darin, dass Menschen dadurch ihre Gesundheit und ihr Wohlbefinden – sowohl körperlich als auch geistig – vernachlässigen. Einsame Menschen haben oft das Gefühl, dass sich niemand um sie kümmert, was dazu führt, dass sie trinken, rauchen und ungesunde Lebensmittel essen.
Wenn Sie sich auf Ihre Gesundheit konzentrieren, können Sie nicht nur aktiv bleiben, sondern auch mit anderen in Kontakt treten. Sie können ins Fitnessstudio oder in den Park gehen und andere gesundheitsbewusste Menschen treffen, die ähnliche Ziele haben wie Sie. Vielleicht treffen Sie sogar jemanden in einem Bio-Supermarkt oder einem anderen Geschäft für gesundes Leben.
Ein wichtiger Teil der Gesundheit besteht darin, dass es Ihr Gehirn stimuliert. Dadurch bleibt es aktiv und fühlt sich jugendlich an. Darüber hinaus beginnt Ihr Gehirn, Hormone auszuschütten, die Ihnen ein positives Selbstgefühl geben. Wenn diese Hormone zu wirken beginnen, fühlen Sie sich positiver und haben mehr Kontrolle über Ihren Körper. Dies gibt Ihnen die Energie, die Sie brauchen, um konzentriert und bereit für alles zu bleiben, was das Leben auf Sie zukommen lässt.
Viele Menschen genießen es, mit zunehmendem Alter kreativ zu werden. Ob es darum geht, ein Buch zu schreiben, Musik aufzuführen oder Kunst zu malen, Kreativität ist etwas, das die Seele glücklicher macht. Dies ist Teil des Umgangs mit der Einsamkeit, die viele ältere Erwachsene genießen.
Ein kreativer Mensch denkt immer mehr über die vielen tollen Dinge nach, die man tun kann. Wenn es um einzigartige Dinge und Aktivitäten geht, die es wert sind, ausprobiert zu werden, sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Sie sollten auch darüber nachdenken, in Ihrem Leben kreativer zu sein. Sie können an Kunst- oder Musikkursen teilnehmen, in denen Sie die Grundprinzipien für das Spielen eines Instruments oder Kunstwerks erlernen. Vielleicht könnten Sie an einem Schreibkurs teilnehmen, in dem Sie von professionellen Autoren lernen können, wie Sie Ihre narrativen Kunstwerke gestalten.
Das Beste daran, kreativ zu sein, ist, dass man sich immer selbst herausfordern wird, darüber nachzudenken, was man tun kann, während man versucht, ansprechende und einzigartige Kunstwerke zu schaffen. Sie können alles tun, was Sie wollen, solange Sie sich nur darauf konzentrieren.
Adoptiere ein Haustier
Erwägen Sie die Adoption eines Haustiers. Ein schönes Haustier in Ihrem Zuhause zu haben, erfordert mehr als nur einen Begleiter. Es geht auch darum, Ihnen ein positives Gefühl für Ihr Leben zu geben.
Familien betrachten ihre Haustiere aus vielen Gründen als wichtige Mitglieder. Die Liebe eines Haustieres zur Familie ist immer bedingungslos. Haustiere werden niemals jemanden kritisieren und Menschen immer so akzeptieren, wie sie sind. Haustiere verurteilen niemals Menschen und sind auch in den schwierigsten Zeiten im Leben immer da.
Ein Haustier bei sich zu Hause zu haben ist immer toll, denn Sie können die Gesellschaft einer schönen Katze, eines Hundes, eines Vogels oder von allem anderen genießen, was Sie interessieren könnte. Ein solches Haustier wird ein guter Freund der Familie.
Wenn Sie sich um Ihr Haustier kümmern, entwickeln Sie auch einen Sinn für Ihr Leben. Sie werden wieder spüren, dass es jemanden in Ihrem Leben gibt, der auf Sie angewiesen ist und sich um Sie kümmert.
Sie sollten dennoch darüber nachdenken, wie Sie Ihr Haustier pflegen und welche Haustierarten für Sie von Interesse sein könnten. Überlegen Sie sorgfältig, ob Sie in der Nähe Ihres Haustiers sein können, und schenken Sie ihm Ihre volle Aufmerksamkeit und Unterstützung. So können Sie eine bessere Erfahrung mit einem solchen Haustier machen.
Einsamkeit, Depressionen und psychische Gesundheit müssen im Alter keine Belastung für Ihr Leben sein. Nutzen Sie einfach die wichtigsten Punkte, die Sie hier gelesen haben, und Sie werden feststellen, dass es nicht schwer ist, sich selbst und die Zukunft Ihres Lebens besser zu fühlen. Der Umgang mit Einsamkeit ist immer hilfreich, wenn Sie selbstbewusst und zufrieden mit Ihrem Leben bleiben möchten.
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caicodequeiroz · 1 year ago
Nosso Vinicius Aguiar te convida para o próximo evento do “Futuro Mercado” nesse final de semana.
Vem conferir a Line-Up! 😉
#Repost @futuromercado.co / @oviniciusaguiar
O Futuro Mercado está chegando: a poucos dias do lançamento do FUTURO MERCADO na SP HAUS, apresentamos orgulhosamente o convite oficial da nossa edição #4, criado pela artista e ilustradora @anastrumpf especialmente para o Futuro.
Anunciamos ainda o line-up de designers, marcas e artistas convidados para apresentar seus lançamentos conosco. Conheça abaixo os detalhes sobre o Futuro:
17 de Agosto festa de abertura das 18h às 22 horas
18 a 20 de Agosto das 11h às 20 horas
Av. Cidade Jardim, 924 - Jardins • São Paulo
•Ingressos Gratuitos via Sympla - Link na Bio
•Valet no local
•Pet Friendly
#FuturoMercado #FuturonaSPHAUS #DesignContemporaneoBrasileiro #mercadodedesign
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Ha Ha Haus in #Alphington, Australia by FIGR. Architecture & Design @figr_architecture. Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Tom Blachford @blachford. FIGR. Architecture & Design: Embedded into the landscape, ‘Ha Ha Haus’ is located in a leafy pocket of Alphington (Wurundjeri Country) where front fences are a refreshingly rare sighting. Our client’s design brief was loose in that they were open to any ‘blue sky’ ideas and provided the design meets the core function of a close knit family home which caters for frequent visitors from overseas, intergenerational living and - at times - a transient occupancy… #casa #australia #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Alphington, Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoNB3N3L_tT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lamaisongaga · 2 years ago
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Lady Gaga has mastered any kind of transition when it comes to her TikTok game. The superstar, who played a sold-out concert in Los Angeles last night, uploaded a pre-Show TikTok of herself in another cool look.
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While getting ready for her transition, Gaga wore a black version of the Joah Brown oversized French Terry crew-neck pullover ($178) which she previously wore in a blue shade. While this one’s sold out, you can get your hands on three other color options. Oh and, yup, she wore it inside-out.
Joah Brown Classic Crew Pullover ($178.00)
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Next up, Gaga wore a full look from Marc Jacobs' 10-looks-only Spring/Summer 2022 collection — a collection that explores and expands Jacobs' ability of cutting up and recomposing the ideas from his past designs. Gaga's look perfectly reflects that: a sequin-embellished open long top ($3,385) and black denim cargos that were turned into a bulbous denim puffer jacket ($4,500) and matching raw-cut maxi skirt ($2,555).
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The septum, some of you asked me about, is the Atom sterling silver nose ring by Austin James Smith ($40).
Austin James Smith “Atom” Nose Ring ($40.00)
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MUA Sarah Tanno-Stewart revealed the four Haus Laboratories products she used to create this insane face. 
She started off with the Triclone medium coverage foundation in “220 Light Medium Warm” ($45) and sculpted it with the Power Sculpt Velvet bronzer in “Light Level 4″ ($38) before finishing off with the Bio-Blurring loose translucent setting powder ($38). On the eyes: Hy-Power pigment paint in “Deep Teal Shimmer” ($24).
Haus Laboratories “Triclone” Foundation ($45.00)
Haus Laboratories “Power Sculpt Velvet” Bronzer ($38.00) 
Haus Laboratories “Bio-Blurring” Setting Powder ($38.00)
Haus Laboratories “Hy-Power” Pigment Paint ($24.00)
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transylvaniatrails-blog · 4 years ago
Our first season, the Dracula Trails Route and the ADV Bike Rider Magazine article...
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April 2018 was the start of our first season and by December 2017 we already had a few trips booked for the early spring and autumn...Nick has contacted us in early October 2017and requested do ride with us together with his group from Manchester UK. After a few emails the trip was booked and on April 17th we were travelling to Cluj Napoca to pick up seven riders.
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The plan was to ride the Dracula Trails Route https://www.transylvaniatrails.com/products. We had everything planned and ready to ride...Nick mentioned in one of his emails that he was in contact with someone from the ADV Bike Rider Magazine https://www.adventurebikerider.com and he advised that we should take lots of pictures during the trip...
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The trip was a big success!
A few weeks after the trip we received an email from Alan ( one of the gents from the group ) with a link to ADV Bike Rider Magazine website...And there it was, an article written by Alan published in the Magazine No.47... WOW!
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We made a few new friends and we have been lucky to ride together several times since 2018.....
Full article from the Magazine bellow: What's the first thing you think of when it comes of Transylvania? Castles? Sure. The birthplace of Dracula? Certainly. Trail riding? Probably not, but maybe it's about time you should. Seven of us booked a two-day tour with Transylvania Trails in the middle of April this year. The all-inclusive price covered accommodation and food for three nights, bike hire, personal protective equipment/clothing and guide for two day's riding. All that was left for us to do was turn up eager to explore the best that Transylvania had to offer.
Our guide Gabriel ( Gabi ) collected us from the airport at Cluj and took us to what was our base at Nucet, near Sibiu. Bio Haus Cioran Guest House is a larged timber framed chalet baking onto an orchard with forestry beyond. Gabi introduced us to our hosts Mioara and Emil who showed us our rooms. Back downstairs, beer in hand, Gabi showed us the bikes and explained the differences between the Sherco 300 and the "Factory" edition. The nine bikes were lined up at the back of the house, all clean and shiny, lying in wait for our adventure. "Shall we help you lock them away"? we asked? "No need", was the reply. "They'll be fine here". Not like in the UK.
The food at Bio Haus is home made and homegrown traditional romanian fare. Romanians love their soup and each meal started with a bowl so big you could have skipped the main meal and not been hungry. Homemade wine and schnapps completed the delicious three-course meal.
The next morning, after a substantial breakfast, Gabi gave us our riding equipment, including helmet, boots, shirt, trousers, body armour, gloves and goggles. Most of the kit was brand new and we had to take it out of the bags and take the labels off before using it. We then had a pre-ride briefing, where Gabi told us about the bikes, about following his wheel tracks as far as possible and about the dangers in the forests: wild boar, deer, dogs and brown bears! We were led along a track running right next to the guest house, following it uphill and into the countryside beyond. Gabi then left us in a clear- ing on top of a hill to get used to the bikes. Ten minutes later he was back, and we were off.
I had only been riding off-road for about 10 weeks, although I have had road bikes for the past 40 years, and have just bought a Honda CRF2S0L. The braking and changing gears standing up still felt new to me and, coupled with new moto- cross boots and the snatchy throttle of a much more powerful bike, I wondered how I would cope.
We set off over the hillside quite gingerly at first, but then the pace picked up a bit as our confidence grew. The Romanian countryside is quite ditferent to that in the UK. There are no fences or walls and what livestock we did encounter was herd- ed together by dogs with a shepherd present. Gabi had warned us of the dogs prior to setting off. They are the size of Pyrenean mountain dogs and chased us away if we got too close to the sheep. Andy, our most experienced rider, was frightened of dogs so he employed the tactic of putting other bikes between him and them as they chased us. This meant he wasn't picking the best line or concentrating fully and, of course, he subse- quently fell off. At that point, the dogs had fortunately lost interest in him and returned to the flock.
Once Gabi judged we were more comfortable with the bikes we entered the forest. For most of us, this was our favourite section. It was quite open and well lit, with very few bushes. The ground was soft and loose, covered with leaf litter while a few hills, streams and a little mud kept things interesting. In short, it was perfect.
Gabi explained that most of the countryside is state owned and the farmers rent the land for 99 years. There are some private properties, but it seems by and large that you can ride where you want. Having said that, Gabi then showed us a valuable lesson. After a fast-open section, he stopped and gathered us around. We rode slowly a little further and stopped at what appeared to be a small drop. In fact, what lay before us was a sheer drop of at least 30m!
A short road section through a traditional Romanian village led us to a fortified church on a hill. This was to be our lunch stop. A lot of the roads in this area are dirt and the drainage is by a ditch on either side. Don’t even think of lampposts and footpaths, as they don't exist. Nobody in these villages has cars, but there are one or two horse-drawn carts.
Everyone in the villages seemed pleased to see us. The old men sitting under the shade of the trees waved while the barefoot kids at the side of the road put their hands up for us to high five as we rode past.
We took off our riding gear, hung it up to dry and lay on the grass for 10 minutes to get our breath back while Gabi re-fuelled the bikes from containers he had previously dropped at the church. We were led into a traditionally decorated stone room within the restored fortified walls where a table was laid for our midday meal. All meals here are sit down three course aftairs. Soup, of course, traditional chicken stew, and cake, which seemed to be made from cheese and currants.
We set off again, this time at a more leisurely pace, and after about an hour one of the bikes seemed to be starting with a clutch problem. The bike had only done 150 miles from new, but Gabi decided rather than have a problem in a remote area we would wait in a village for a replacement bike. A quick phone call and 45 minutes later, his father-in-law arrived with a replacement bike in the back of a pickup. Gabi has designed each tour to incorporate as much varied terrain as possible. By this time, I was feeling more comfortable on the bike, getting used to the immediate power delivery, even in ‘soft' mode, which I was learning could get me out of trouble where my CRF would bog down and stall. Standing up on the pegs all day was taking its toll, however, and the shoulders and back were beginning to ache.
A lot of the soil in the Transylvanian Highlands is red clay. Even where it was dry, the farm tracks we encountered were slippery. In fact, when we came across deep, wet ruts (my nemesis) on an uphill section, it was almost a relief to gently fall otf, coming to rest in the bushes, which stopped me from rolling down a steep slope. I looked at my back wheel, which had turned into a clay coloured slick. No wonder. More mead- owland, wilderness, and farm tracks followed and at 9pm we emerged from the forest to arrive at our lodgings for the night in Sighisoara. This small town is dominated by an imposing castle on a hill that was once owned by Vlad Dracul or, as we know him, Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Drocu to. In these parts, he is known as a hero as he was al-leged to have persecuted only those ‘nobles' who were taking advantage of their position to thedetriment of the ‘peasants'.
We pushed the bikes into the courtyard of the little bed and breakfast we were to stay at. Once showered, we walked across the road to a traditional Romanian restaurant where we were shown to our table in the basement. Gabi interpret- ed the menu for us and, of course, there was soup. Andy was intrigued by a starter that Gabi described only as lard. Once it arrived, it turned out that it was indeed a small bowl of lord sprinkled with paprika! It came with a side salad, which he left. All the food was locally sourced and homemade. We left the restaurant just before midnight and it seemed fitting that Gabi gave us a guided tour of the castle.
The next morning, one of our group wasn't feeling well and decided to give it a miss. The rest of us set off back to the first night’s base via a different route, all off-road of course.
The previous evening, Gabi had asked us what kind of riding we wanted to do that day and one of the group had mentioned hills. “Ride across that field as fast as you can. By the time you hit the jump you need to be flat out in third gear, then enter the forest and keep going straight uphill”. Easier said than done... The best I managed was two thirds of the way up before stalling, falling oft and tumbling about torn before I could even stand up. Exhausted after my third attempt, I took the chicken run around the side of the hill. I was learning all the time. Choose your line, head up, weight forward and use your clutch. If I'd had the energy to go a fourth time, I might have made it.
The afternoon of the second day was what life's memories are all about and it was an afternoon I will remember for many years. Riding standing up, flat out across miles of undulating open meadow land with the forest on one side and the stunning snow-capped Carpathian Mountains on the other was bliss. It's hard to keep your eye on where you should be going with views like that.
We all loved riding in the forests and so that's where Gabi took us to finish off the second day, weaving in and out of the trees, up and down the hills and through the streams.
Every now and again we'd catch a glimpse of a deer as we startled it and it ran away. Fortunately, no brown bears though. The second day ended at the place where it all began; where we had been practising on the bikes when we first got them. We were back to Bio Haus for 6pm, where Emil was preparing that evening’s barbecue. We parked the bikes and collapsed on the sprawling porch overlooking the orchard, tired and aching, beer in hand. We had ridden 180 miles, all off-road. Had we enjoyed it? Well, as soon as we got home we booked to go back again in September. This time for three days instead of two. I’d better hit the gym.
The Transylvanian Highlands is a stunningly beautiful area, completely unspoiled. The riding can't be compared to anything we have in the UK. My green-laning experience, for example, is limited to rocky tracks in the Peak District and is completely unlike the open rolling countryside or the technical hilly forests we traveled through.
The whole area is steeped in history as, time after time, the country has been invaded and the various occupants have add- ed their traditions and culture. Tourism in this area seems to be in its infancy and the general thrust seems to be for skilled craftsmen to restore buildings using traditional materials and methods. There also seems to be conscious effort for the tour- ism to benefit the local towns and villages, and we'd implore you to see what its about. You won't regret it.
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riddlerosehearts · 5 years ago
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lilmizzkrazie replied to your post “just got swsh last week, got to post game stuff tonight and I'm so...”
huh, I actually made a tweet the other day saying Hop and Hau are NOT the same because I found Hau a little annoying but I wanted to hug Hop and let him win lol
oh, i actually do follow you on twitter but i don’t believe i saw that!! see, i don’t think hau is annoying in the slightest and he’s one of my favorite rivals (i literally have “i love hau” in my bio on there lol) but that’s valid dfghkjsdfkjsg, but yeah it’s frustratingly common to see people say hop is just a clone of hau and/or constantly compare them to each other for some reason?? and it makes me so annoyed because a lot of the time people are either like “hop sucks, he’s just a worse clone of hau” or “hau is the worst rival ever but hop is literally perfect” and i’m like ughhh stop that, they would be friends!
and tbh, aside from them having different personalities and arcs, they... don’t even look similar at all to me either? i mean, yeah they have one of the same animations in-game, but the only other thing is that they just both have brown skin and that’s it. they’re different races and have clearly different features.
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bianca and barry, on the other hand, have extremely similar designs and nobody complains about that because they understand that bianca and barry are super different characters lol. i wish people would understand that about hau and hop too.
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gutachter · 6 years ago
Erster Parkettkleber ohne Weichmacher
Erster Parkettkleber ohne Weichmacher
…gibt’s von Baufritz
Anfang 2017 wollte Baufritz, Hersteller von „Bio-Design-Häusern“, von vier Herstellern erfahren, wie wohngesund ihre Parkettkleber wirklich sind. Die vier verwiesen zunächst auf das Emicode-Label der Gemeinschaft Emissionskontrollierte Verlegewerkstoffe, Klebstoffe und Bauprodukte (GEV). Da die GEV wohl aber grundsätzlich verbietet, Verarbeitern Prüfberichte zur Verfügung zu…
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nica-art-studio · 5 years ago
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Neuer Kurs: “Urlaubsfoto digital verändern und in Acryl malen”. Mithilfe einer App werden Fotos künstlerisch bearbeitet und anschließend die beste Version mit verschiedenen Techniken abgemalt/gespachtelt. Ab 16.09.2019 montags um 10.00 Uhr im Sasel-Haus. Weitere Infos: https://www.nica-art-studio.com/deutsch-startseite/kurse-service-design/ (weblink > bio) Anmeldung: http://www.sasel-haus.de/kurse/kreativ/ Im Umkreis von 20 min Autofahrt befinden sich z.B. Norderstedt, Fuhlsbüttel, Wandsbek und Ahrensburg. #nica📍artist
I interrupt my China serie for this announcement, because my new course will start soon. It’s called ‘Digital editing of a travel photo and painting this with acrylics’. There is more information in German, because it’s a local offer in Hamburg, but in case you like to know more, please ask. (hier: Sasel-Haus e.V.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1dy8hAoZY4/?igshid=1exlzbzke031j
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fullmoonisle-archive · 6 years ago
Do you have a list of all your fankids and who their parents are?
I’m currently in the process of rewriting my character bios so I don’t have a page or anything of them at the minute - it’ll be back up soon though, hopefully! Here’s a list of all the kids I currently have names and character designs for in the meantime - there are others whose names I haven’t decided on yet (under the cut because it’s getting long)
as a sidenote, please feel free to ask me about any of these characters, I love talking about them (I’m just very bad at actually creating content or being regularly active on tumblr)
Kanto & Johto:
Ash and Misty’s daughter Fern (17 y/o)
Red and Yellow’s children, Rory (17 y/o) and Amber (12 y/o)
Brock and Autumn’s children, Adam and Bryn (identical twins; 17 y/o) and Briar and Flora (fraternal twins; 13 y/o)
Bill and Daisy’s daughter Hazel (19 y/o)
Misty and Tracey’s children, Briony and Leo (fraternal twins, 12 y/o)
Lyra and Silver’s daughter Harper (16 y/o)
Jessie and James’ children, Wyatt and Waverly (15 y/o)
May and Drew’s children Olivia (17 y/o), Alyssa (15 y/o) and Will (12 y/o)
Brendan and Wally’s children Cecily and Dara (fraternal twins, 14 y/o)
Steven and Wallace’s children Jasper (19 y/o) and Orlando (16 y/o)
Looker and Anabel’s daughter, Nancy (20 y/o)
Dawn and Paul’s children Isabelle (17 y/o) and Tristan (15 y/o)
Barry and Lucas’ son Elliot (14 y/o)
Reggie and Maylene’s children Matthias (18 y/o) and Emilia (16 y/o)
Cynthia’s adopted daughter Lena (17 y/o)
Ursula’s daughter Cordelia (15 y/o)
N and Hilbert’s son Osbert, or ‘Os’ for short (15 y/o)
Hilda and Bianca’s daughter Kezia (16 y/o)
Iris and Cilan’s children Lavender (16 y/o) and Basil (14 y/o)
Georgia and Burgundy’s daughter Lexi (15 y/o)
Hugh and Rosa’s daughter Patricia, or Trixie for short (14 y/o)
Chili’s daughter Cassia (16 y/o)
Serena and Shauna’s daughters Madeleine (15 y/o) and Arianne (13 y/o)
Calem and Korrina’s son Félix (16 y/o)
Trevor and Tierno’s children Sébastien (14 y/o) and Marie (11 y/o)
Miette’s daughters Adéline and Virginie (identical twins, 12 y/o)
Diantha’s daughter Delphine (18 y/o)
Lillie and Hau’s children Kai (9 y/o) and Leilani (7 y/o)
Mallow and Lana’s daughter Hana (8 y/o)
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svetlanamirchevaworks · 2 years ago
I’m an interdisciplinary artist working with ideas of possibilities, randomness, imagination, chance meetings with things, sounds and words, imaginary narratives, transformations of image, language and sound, with main interest is in the grey zones between reality and imagination. My works are sculpture installations, large scale drawings, sound installations, prints, digital images, found images, visual poetry, video works, computer animations.
Lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria Email [email protected]
EDUCATION 2003 Olafur Eliasson Class Faculty of Arts and Design, IUAV, Venice 2000 Multimedia Class National Academy of Art, Sofia 2000 National Academy of Art, MA in Industrial Design, prof. Shoshev, Sofia 1995 Art and Design High School, Kazanlak, BG
2024 ADS FOR HAPPY DAYS - WORKING TITLES, 17 June-28 June 2024, Dom concept space, Sofia 2022 PICTURE THE BOOK IN THE ROOM WITH THE PIANO, 27 Oct-18 Nov 2022, UniArt Gallery, New Bulgarian University, Sofia 2021 POSSIBLE EXHIBITIONS 2021, National Gallery, Sofia Arsenal-Museum of Contemporary Art, 10 June–11 July, curator Nadezhda Dzhakova, SAMCA, Sofia 2019 STATE OF APPARITION, 23–31 May, two artists exhibition — with Stela Vasileva, Ӕther Haga, The Hague 2018 SOUNDS OF SEA, HEART AND SUN, 6 Feb.–6 Mar., Contemporary Space, Varna, with the support of Gaudenz B. Ruf Award 2014 MAGES OF THE WORD, 20 Nov.–Dec., curator Olivier Boissiere, Un Cabinet D’Amateur / Olivier Boissiere, Sofia 2012 103 MISTAKES, 17 Oct.–18 Nov., curator Olivier Boissiere Un Cabinet D’Amateur / Olivier Boissiere, Sofia 2012 POSSIBLE EXHIBITIONS, 13 Jan.–10 Feb., curator Marco Antonini, NURTUREart Gallery, Brooklyn, New York NURTUREart Open Call Winner 2011 SHOW, 20 May–12 June, curator Vladiya Mihaylova, VASKA EMANOUILOVA Gallery, Sofia
AWARDS 2023 Creative Residency at 1646 Experimental Art Space, The Hague Award by Art Corridor/Structura Gallery, Sofia. Selected by 1646, The Hague. 2022 Art Residency at Cité internationale des arts, Paris 2017 Gaudenz B. Ruf Award for Contemporary Art, Sofia 2017 KulturKontakt (KKA), Artists-in-Residence Programme, Vienna 2012 11th Henkel Art Award/ Bulgarian Nomination, in cooperation with MUMOK, Vienna 2011 NURTUREart Gallery, Brooklyn, Open call Winner, New York 2010 3th BAZA Award for Young Contemporary Art / Nomination, Sofia 2004 International Media Art Award 2004 by SWR and ZKM Karlsruhe / Best 50, Karlsruhe 2004 RADAR Creative Human Lab in European Cities, European Residency, Venice, London
COLLECTIONS National Art Gallery Collection, Sofia Collection Cyclone le studio, Paris Allianz Bulgaria Collection, Sofia BT Bulgaria Collection, Sofia Private collections in Sofia, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt
ART FAIRS / BIENNIALS 2015 vienna contemporary 2015 - Vienna Austria 2004 Generations on the Move - Viper - Basel Switzerland ARTFACTS https://artfacts.net/artist/svetlana-mircheva/132311
SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2022 Open Studio, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France 2021 Wittgenstein 2021, Castelnuovo Rangone, Modena, Italy 2021 Poetics of Space, Art Center Bankya, Bankya, Bulgaria 2020 Mach deine eigene Ausstellung, Kunsthalle Zürich, Switzerland 2020 Wittgenstein, Art Quarter Budapest AQB, Hungary 2018 The Gift, ICA-Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria 2018 Wittgenstein 1918-2018, Haus Wittgenstein - Bulgarisches Kulturinstitut, Vienna, Austria 2017 Shifting Layers, Sofia City Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria 2017 Forms of Coexistence, Structura Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria 2017 Polyphonia, Goethe-Institut Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria 2016 Toyphilia And Toy Phobia, ICA-Sofia - The Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria 2016 Summer Summary,Credo Bonum Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria 2016 Space Audience, Sofia Arsenal Museum of Contemporary Art (SAMCA), Sofia, Bulgaria 2014 Un Cabinet D’amateur. 2 Years After. Un Cabinet D’Amateur, Sofia, Bulgaria 2013 Usual Suspects, Un Cabinet D’Amateur, Sofia, Bulgaria 2012 Magnet And Antimagnet, ICA-Sofia - The Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria 2012 Winter Group Show, Un Cabinet D’Amateur, Sofia, Bulgaria 2012 “Who Left/What Behind?”Cankaya Belediyesi Cagdas Sanatlar Merkezi, Ankara, Turkey 2012 A Beautiful Summer, Un Cabinet D’Amateur, Sofia,Bulgaria 2010 YOU FAIL! - Zu Erfolg und ScheiternKunstraum pro arte - Tennengauer Kunstkreis, Hallein, Austria 2010 There Has Been No Future, There Will Be No Past, International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP)New York City, NY, United States 2010 Baza Award For Contemporary Art Nominees, Sofia City Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria 2006 Mobile Spaces, Goethe-Institut Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria 2005 Infrastructure, Studio Voltaire, London, United Kingdom 2004 inVISIBLE - Medienkunstpreis 2004, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe, Germany 2004 Blind Date, temporarycontemporary, London, UK
VVORK.COM Curated by Aleksandra Domanovic, Christoph Priglinger, Georg Schnitzer and Oliver Laric
OPEN ART FILES https://openartfiles.bg/en/people/1000-svetlana-mircheva
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House 04: DAAA Haus @daaahaus renovated a traditional Maltese house with modern elements Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Diana Iskander @diana.iskander.photography @iskanderdia. DAAA Haus: The new design of this unique piece of Maltese history saw the size of the courtyard area slightly reduced to allow for a sheltered connection between the front part of the house and back rooms. This connection was built in light metal and glass structure separating the old from the new whilst providing an abundance of natural light to all the rooms, it also reflects the pointed stone wall onto the glass… #casa #malta #renovation #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Malta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-xwrguajS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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winteramenwriting · 2 years ago
Preston Hau
For the past two years I've pondered about the meaning of “family,” the definition of it and the sentiment behind the word..
In the past year, I've been changing. In the few years before, I've experienced life without family. As an immigrant of the United States, moving here left me alone, without familial ties, burdens, but also, few emotional support. With independence came freedom, and with freedom came choices; choices that could've been great, and choices that were naught. All that was allowed became all I had to accept, both joys and pains.
Between 2015-2018 I made choices that satiated my desires, yet, took away my true freedom of peace and happiness. I sought to find the extent of my own liberty. Through it, I lost touch with people who used to be my family.  Friends who stood by me for years, mentors who believed in my potential, and most importantly, my real family, had all faded out of my life; and it was by my own volition.  I surrounded myself with temporary faces that came and left. I lived in a temporary moment that lasted infinitely. I was in a place Bon Iver described, aptly “When days have no numbers,” and in that time, I could only describe myself as “bored.” Suddenly what I wanted was there, but what I needed slowly disappeared. I was alone. I had the resources, but no direction. I was stuck in purgatory wondering every day when this infinite would end. 
Identity of oneself is something we all try so hard to define. I think we all deeply crave this answer, whether consciously or unconsciously. Some, from an early age, try to create their identity through a role in society. Many of us in my generation are molded to believe our roles in this world are what defines us. A lot of my friends growing up certainly settled into those roles, staying in the path designed for them. They seem  at peace and put together, yet, in conversation, I can see that they are lost to who they really are. What they really want and what they believe their purpose is, still lingers on their minds. I lost my identity through the haze and the blur. A lot of what I did took me to a place that was so far from how I was raised, who I was supposed to be and where I was supposed to be; I had forgotten who Preston was. I was undefined, and that was a choice I made. During those years, my instagram bio wrote “I am not that” and that was in defiance to the definitions placed on me. So, quite so, I was no longer “that”
I returned home for a couple months to attend my cousin’s wedding. There, I was reminded of the boy I once lived. The definition of Preston slowly came back to me. I saw my relatives who knew me better than I knew myself, and friends whom I’ve shared experiences with that I sometimes could recall, and sometimes could not. But these bits and pieces reminded me of the reality that is so important to the greatness of what life is. 
In time, I’ve healed and learned about the parts of me that are rooted to this world, and that allowed me to accept the definition of who I am. I’ve also learned the perspective away from this world is now what can help me continue to define myself away from other people’s determination. 
These past couple of months introduced me to people that have defined my present self and gave me an identity that is more true to who I am in this time of life. I’ve found a father in a  man who offers his red truck as a safe place to speak and express. I’ve found a sister who has given me advice to guide myself out of the negative spiral I’ve been in. I’ve found a brother who has given me hard advice about how to solidify my reality into something I want and need. With these people, I’ve found new definitions of people who can be--permanent people. People who give the same support, in the same way a family can be. Being away from a physical “home,” however we like to define it, is a double-edged sword. It comes with independence, liberty and personal pursuits. Yet, it comes with ownership of your own mistakes, and your own bad choices. It comes with losing support of people I feel entitled to, but also finding support from people I never thought would be there. Family grows as I do. The definition of me changes as I get older and experience more in this world, and similarly, so does family.
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angenehmeexploration · 2 years ago
Worauf Sie Achten Sollten, Wenn Sie Eine Finca Oder Villa In Kolumbien Mieten
Plantation House W Spektakuläre Aussicht Auf Die Berge
Die Finca
Fincas Kolumbien
4 Doppelzimmer im Haupthaus und im Gästeflügel, alle mit Kingsize-Betten, handgefertigten Möbeln und eigenem Bad. Der loftartige Wohnbereich innerhalb der Villa ist komplett ausgestattet mit einer eleganten Designer-Küche, einem 5,5 m langen Esstisch, einer Designer-Bar und einem geräumigen offenen Wohnzimmer. Das Anwesen verfügt über eine Innen- und eine Außenküche, die durch eine raumhohe Glaswand getrennt sind. Ordnet Immobilien nach der Gesamtzahl der Bewertungen an, die dem Eintrag beigefügt sind, unabhängig von der durchschnittlichen Punktzahl. Wenn ein Inserat die gleiche Anzahl an Bewertungen wie ein anderes hat, werden die Objekte nach ihrer Nähe zum gesuchten Ort sortiert.
Alle Inhalte sollten echt und einzigartig für den Gast sein. Bewertungen sind am wertvollsten, wenn sie originell und unvoreingenommen sind. Unterkunftspartner von Booking.com sollten keine Beiträge im Namen von Gästen veröffentlichen oder Anreize im Austausch für Bewertungen anbieten. Versuche, die Bewertung eines Mitbewerbers durch Abgabe einer negativen Bewertung herabzusetzen, werden nicht toleriert.
Erhaltung und Wiederaufforstung sind eine Priorität, um eine reiche Zukunft zu schaffen.
Wir haben einen Laden gebaut, um unsere gesunden Bio-Produkte und Möbel zu unseren Nachbarn zu bringen.
26 Finca verfügt über 3 Einkaufszentren im Umkreis von 3,4 km, was etwa 6 Gehminuten entspricht.
Die Aussicht ist, wie Sie sich vielleicht vorstellen können, einfach unglaublich und das Haus folgt mit Wow-Faktor dicht dahinter.
Es ist elegant und geräumig mit viel Platz, damit Sie ein paar Sonnenstrahlen einfangen können.
Daher wissen wir, dass unsere Bewertungen von echten Gästen stammen, die in der Unterkunft übernachtet haben. Das Anwesen beherbergt über 50 Mangobäume, Avocadobäume, Papayabäume, Siduellabäume und Litschibäume. La https://www.ted.com/profiles/39191551 Finca ist ein einzigartiges Anwesen neben wichtigen Straßen, sodass Sie die Innenstadt von Miami, Coconut Grove, Miami Beach, South Miami, Dadeland und die Florida Keys bequem innerhalb weniger Minuten erreichen können. Hochwertige Villa mit Pool, ideal gelegen in Formentera, zur Ferienvermietung. Landhaus im Ibiza-Stil in bevorzugter, ruhiger Lage mit schöner Aussicht. Perfekt, um sich zu entspannen und einen wundervollen Aufenthalt zu genießen ...
Plantation House W Spektakuläre Aussicht Auf Die Berge
Die stilvolle Luxusvilla Finca Randa zum Mieten auf Mallorca befindet sich auf einem riesigen 33 m2 großen Grundstück, umgeben von einer wunderschönen ländlichen Landschaft im Zentrum der Insel. Von seiner erhöhten Position aus bietet diese beeindruckende Ferienwohnung den Gästen einen atemberaubenden Panoramablick und ein Gefühl von absoluter Privatsphäre und Abgeschiedenheit. Diese luxuriöse Ferienwohnung ist perfekt für diejenigen, die Ruhe und eine stilvolle Umgebung suchen. Auf dem Land und umgeben von bezaubernden Gärten mit Palmen und Obstbäumen, ist die Finca Aleece ein 300 Jahre altes, komplett renoviertes Bauernhaus, nicht weit von den Reizen von Santa Gertrudis und San Miguel entfernt.
Die Finca
Es werden keine illegalen Aktivitäten, einschließlich Drogenkonsum oder Prostitution, toleriert. Die Mitarbeiter sind 24 Stunden am Tag auf dem Gelände und rufen das Management an, wenn illegale Aktivitäten entdeckt werden. Wenn das Haus ALT und schmutzig aussieht, dann sind wahrscheinlich auch die Matratzen, Kissen und Möbel alt und, nun ja, überbeansprucht. Fragen Sie, ob die Matratzen Matratzenschoner haben und ob die Finca Hausmeister hat, die den Ort laufend sauber halten. Als wir das erste Mal eine Finca gemietet haben, waren die Matratzen so eklig, dass wir ausgegangen sind und zusätzliche Bezüge gekauft haben, um Schichten zwischen uns und die Matratze zu legen. Verwenden Sie Ihr Bauchgefühl basierend auf den angezeigten Bildern.
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Fincas Kolumbien
Wenn Gäste in der Unterkunft übernachten, überprüfen sie, wie ruhig das Zimmer ist, wie freundlich das Personal ist und vieles mehr. Wenn Sie über Booking.com in diesem Hotel übernachtet haben, können Sie eine Bewertung schreiben. Die in den Beiträgen geäußerten Meinungen sind die von Booking.com-Kunden und -Unterkünften und nicht die von Booking.com.
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jenslaugesenofficial · 2 years ago
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META\SENS Digital Fashion/Film/Virtual collaboration project will be launching in LONDON FASHION WEEK SS023 with a digital presentation on Tuesday, September 20th at 11.15-11.30 (available anytime after on linktree in bio)   www.londonfashionweek.co.uk/schedule/488/jens-laugesen   Jens Laugesen, the creative mind of the award-winning eponymous brand and founder of holistic/design/luxury/tech advisory collective KONSENS X, together with an international collective of talented digital artists, VIRTUAL TOUCH digital lab team in Hong Kong and supported by the DANISH ARTS FOUNDATION, presents the META\SENS digital collaboration project.   DIGITAL COLLABORATION TEAM /   Creative Director / Jens Laugesen / KONSENS X / @jens_laugesen_official   /   @jens_laugesen_archive / @jens_laugesen_meta / @konsensx Film Editor / Maxim Young / @gorilla_editors Ass Editor / Caden Steed / @gorilla_editors CD Assistant / Pinanki Shah / @pinanki_here Sound Design / Gustave Robic / @aer.side DIGITAL ARTIST COLLECTIVE / Rahul Verma / Shruti Rathor / @noform.io Giancarlo Pazzanese / @gianpazza Taya Reder / @studio.taya Oscar Keene / @oscar.keene.designs Joel Quadri / @joel_quadri VIRTUAL TOUCH DIGITAL LAB / KC Man / @virtualtouch_official Alan Hau / @virtualtouch_official SUPPORTED BY @statenskunstfond #danishartsfoundation @londonfashionweek / @clearpay_uk @gorilla_editors / @virtualtouch_official #londonfashionweek #jenslaugesen #metasens #inreconstruction #unisex #genderfluid #holistic #luxury #virtualreality #conceptualfashion #digitalfashiondesign #clo3d #bronzewear #metaverseart #metaverse #nft #phygital #metamodernisme https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci4teYxteEs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-witch-way-de · 2 years ago
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Am Samstag steht der nächste Vollmond ins Haus und wie du vielleicht mitbekommen hast, liebe ich die Arbeit mit dem (Voll-) Mond. Dieser Vollmond steht im Zeichen der Fische und ist damit gleichzeitig Ende und Neubeginn, da die Fische das letzte Zeichen des Zodiak sind. [Auszug aus meinem neuesten eBook] Die Fische sind das wahrscheinlich mythischste und spirituellste der Sternzeichen. In dieser Zeit geht es nicht um das Machbare, sondern darum groß zu träumen und an das Unmögliche zu glauben. Der Vollmond in den Fischen lädt dich ein, dich mit deinen Emotionen auseinander zu setzen. Diese werden durch den Vollmond noch verstärkt und die Fische Energie trägt nochmal extra dazu bei. Wenn du also rund um diesen Vollmond ganz besonders sensibel fühlst, dann sei liebevoll mit dir selbst. Lass die Gefühle zu und höre einmal genau darauf, was sie dir vielleicht mitteilen wollen. Wo lässt du dich von dem, was du für möglich hältst, davon abhalten größer zu träumen? Wo hältst du dich selbst klein auch wenn du weißt, dass du für größeres bestimmt bist? Wo versteckst du deine eigene Spiritualität und deine ganz eigenen Gaben? Die Fische Energie kann dir dabei helfen genau diese Dinge, die dich noch klein halten zu lösen, Muster zu durchbrechen und innere Ruhe und Sicherheit zu finden. Wenn du dabei gerne Hilfe hättest, oder schon immer mal ein Vollmond Ritual abhalten wolltest, habe ich auch diesen Monat wieder ein kleines eBook mit Ritualen zusammen gestellt. Darin findest du neben einem Ritual für die Fische Energie, ein allgemeines Vollmond Ritual, ein Ritual für die Energie des Erntemondes im September und du lernst etwas über die Energie des Human Design Tores 22, in dem der Mond am Samstag stehen wird und erhälst zusätzlich auch ein Ritual um genau diese Energie zu nutzen. Du findest den Link zum eBook in meiner Bio ❤️ #vollmond #vollmond🌕 #vollmondritual #vollmondenergie #vollmondin #ritual #ritualmagie #rituale #magie #vollmondmagie #astrologie #mondzeichen #humandesign #wicca #jahreskreis #esbath #hexe #hexen #hexenwissen #mondmagie #frauenfürfrauen #selbstständigkeit #selbstständigefrauen https://www.instagram.com/p/CiPsTsFua8_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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