#Bink Otauna
Tag: Always an imperial in red, imperial in black, or imperial in white. Bink: They love to stick to that color scheme. Tag: They love the monochromatic with a red pop. Bink: There's never an imperial in peach or paisley. Tag: Never. Bink: Bring me an imperial in teal.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Okay so I just got an idea for a hilarious AU. Instead of Boba and Fennec showing up first on Tython, they are NARROWLY beat out by an imperial fighter that crashes. Din gets there just as Boba and Fennec are getting out to investigate too, cue dramatics of course, only for, whomst??? Tag and Bink and Cal to all crash out of the fighter, Cal throwing things at them for turning imp- they couldn’t help it they were just Little Guys and Anakin was so nice not to murder them! Cue more dramatics of Cal yelling that they had been in the same clan as him and they are BRETRAYERS- yes Din is confused and Boba is standing there like :[ real awkward and finally Cal turns to see him, rock in hand and lobs it at his head saying Boba never even told Cal he was still alive and what a bitch! Anyways, Din asks if any of them are Jedi and Boba laughs his ass off as Cal and Tag and Bink give him this look like :/ well no technically all of us flunked the first try for that one, but technically Cal————— anyways. Tag and Bink see little baby Grogu on the seeing stone and are so excited that’s little crechling Grogu remember all the pranks he pulled on the creche masters??? What a guy! And Din is all ‘I need someone to teach him’ and Cal vibrates into the next dimension in excitement and Boba is all ‘hey can I have my armor back’ and then the imps show up and they fight but Grogu stays cause Tag and Bink get kidnapped by them instead (they know important secrets and the Imps can’t lose them against or they’ll get fired. Out of a canon. Into the sun.) and now instead of rescuing Grogu Luke shows up to save Tag and Bink and is so freaking confused when they say his dad was a real great guy but super ugly in the end lol wtf.
Anyways. Grogu gets playmates and Cal tags along with Din to teach the baby and Boba wanders off in confusion and asks Fennec if she wants to kill Fortuna finally lol she’s down for murder. Nobody seems to notice when Tag and Bink are carried off by a Bantha and not seen again for a full month. Wtf.
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If an exhausted and just getting over being repeatedly electrocuted Luke Skywalker could half carry half drag all of Darth Vader’s 6 foot 7 almost 300 pound dying and mostly deadweight body from Palpatine’s throne room to one of the hangars and still have time for an emotional conversation before the second Death Star blew up, Tag and Bink had more than enough time to leisurely walk the same route and steal a different ship with time to spare
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seaquestions · 3 years
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tagencrantz and binkenstern are dead
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mrfandomwars · 3 years
Tag & Bink
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[GIF's made by myself using Giphy and interviews found on YouTube. Original quote from Psych.
Image ID in Alt text.
Adam Rodriguez as Tag Greenley, fancast by @thecyndimistuff;
Michael Ealey as Bink Otauna, fancast by @thecyndimistuff]
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Tag Greenley: Bink!
Bink Otauna: What?
Tag: Bink!
Bink: I’m right here. What?
Tag: I think I found a way into the flight academy...
*Taps stolen staff roster containing the names Tag Greenly & Bink Otauna*
Bink: Ahhh...
*Two ambushes and one frantic closet dress change later*
Imperial Officer: Tag Greenley & Bink Otauna?
Tag & Bink: Present!
Imperial Officer:...Are you sure?
Tag & Bink: (offended gasps)
Tag: If I’m not Tag Greenley then the Jedi weren’t traitors!
Bink: And if I’m not Bink Otauna then the Emperor isn’t a just man!
Tag: What would make you think differently?
Imperial Officer:I’m just saying...you two look...a little different today...
Tag: Why, we went to the spa last week!
Bink: And had a great time, thank you for asking.
Tag: It’s amazing how a good massage can change a man! 
Bink: In fact, given your sorry state, you could use one yourself!
Imperial Officer, not paid enough for this:...Fair enough, have a good shift.
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berusjeanjacket · 3 years
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A teenage Bink Otauna and his parents with their arms around each other.
I’ve been fleshing out this family in my brain. They must have thought about him all the time in the years after he was taken into the Jedi order. They were among the lucky ones, at least for a while; their son survived Order 66 and they were able to know him.
Bink’s dad, Val, is a professional cook. When he does actually use his skills at home the results are amazing. Usually, though, he’s tired of cooking after a full day of it and when its his turn to get dinner, he just throws together the quickest thing possible. Dani, his mom, is an artist. There are murals she’s painted all over the walls of their house. For her actual day job, she’s an art teacher.
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Tag Greenley: Someone knows their shit. Bink Otauna: But it's neither of us.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
I think there should be a Tag and Bink Lego game but in the game you are a hard working citizen of the galactic republic (and then the empire) just doing your best to save the day but the very next cutscene is Tag and Bink wandering in after you and destroying your hard work to further the plot. It would feel so useless I desperately need it.
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I bet the padawan who suggested that someone erased the Kamino files knew exactly what they were talking about because they knew Tag and Bink did exactly that
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seaquestions · 3 years
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tag & bink are..... just chilling!
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mrfandomwars · 3 years
Tag & Bink: This year, we lost a kid we couldn't save to the hero syndrome
Finn, right behind them: Quit telling people I'm dead!
Tag & Bink, staring at the shrine they made: Sometimes we can still hear his voice.
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legomocfodder · 3 years
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Happy Star Wars Day!! To celebrate, I made some minifigs from one of the most important comic series in Legends: Tag and Bink.
In the first row, we have the titular Tag Greenly and Bink Otauna.
Second row: Boba Fett (after Tag stole his armor), Kannen Doom, and Manuel "Manny" Both-Hanz.
NSFW blogs do not reblog!
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gilf-grievous · 4 years
Okay so @thecyndimistuff got me thinking about Tag and Bink again and what their being canon means exactly. Like- their comic is clearly a comedic and satirical take on Star Wars that retcons a lot of stuff.
And to my best understanding of how lucasfilm/Disney decides on canonicity just because the stories are now canon doesn’t mean everything in them is(or needs to be). We kinda see this with how TCW season 7 and the Ahsoka book are both equally considered canon despite contradicting about the siege of Mandalore, the parts of the Ahsoka book that are “wrong” are just sorta ignored for TCWs take. Tbh I just really wanna talk about/info dump on some of the strange and likely non canon details of Tag and Binks adventures so here we go.
There are some elements of Tag and Binks story that in canon probably are superseded by other canon (and for the better tbh?) like Manny Both-Hanz.
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While there’s no “official” stance on this, I’m certain that in canon Manny has likely had his story changed or doesn’t exist. Maybe he’s simply a rebellion operative with a bad sense of humor or awful naming capabilities?
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The reason I even found out about this comic was because Jango Fett, my favorite Star Wars character, is in it and his Dad Vibes™️ are so strong. I think the canonicity of Jango responding to Order 66 is debatable- the Kaminoans probably would have no issue messing with Jango like that but I don’t think he’d react well to finding out a slave chip was in him. There’d probably have to be a lot of explanation for why Jango wouldn’t take torch the cloning facility and take Boba to a doctor after this. Like sure you can just handwave and say he never followed up on it but I don’t see a universe where a man who fought his way out of slavery let’s something overtaking his will just be forgotten. Now there is a reason given within the story:
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But I don’t buy that he just forgets and moves on either- he’s a bounty hunter. He’s not going to just let the fact that he forgot time and “woke up” somewhere else just go. Again, I’m aware this all could be forgiven with a bit of hand waving and saying he doesn’t care but I like to overthink things okay? You will never convince me Jango Fett, famous bounty hunter and ex-slave, can lose memories and then when he investigates find out that he lost control of himself and tried to kill two kids that seconds before he said he liked and then didn’t follow up on it. Therefore I propose- Jango investigates and finds out about the chips (and that he and Boba have them) and panics. That’s why a man who have killed multiple jedi- six with his bare hands!- is so bad at keeping secrets and dealing with Kenobi on Kamino.
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As evidence for the fact that not everything within their story is canon I give you Tag and Bink on Endor as force ghosts! The creator of the comic has said now that the sequel trilogy exists their death is simply non canon. It’s part of the story that can simply be ignored- like most of the more silly or comedic elements clearly tossed in as a goof (see above where Buzz Lightyear is at Dex’s).
Star Wars has canonified and decanonified so many details and regulated so much good content to legends while keeping contradictory stuff canon but at the end of the day it’s all in persuit of whoever’s-in-charge’s idea of what a good story is. In conclusion, it doesn’t matter how silly that comic or how much is probably retconed Tag and Bink are canon and I’m very happy becuase of it. They deserve more love and to be treated as real characters within the Star Wars universe becuase the are!
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Tag: Uh oh. Someone just put us in a position of responsibility. Bink: The day has suddenly turned sinister.
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gffa · 6 years
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Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition | by Mur Lafferty TAG AND BINK.  :D Even if you don’t count the deleted scenes (do those count as canon at this point?) they’re in the novel, SO THEY COUNT.  :D :D :D
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