#Billy doesn’t actually like horror films
lostlimerence · 2 years
A heavily ringed hand hovers over the mixing bowl. “Don’t you dare,” Billy glares as he reaches to grab another bowl from the cupboard.
“Come onnnn sunshine,” Eddie says grin spreading across his face.
“Pretty please,”
“Oh yea sure go right ahead,”
“Yes! Really?!”
“No.” Billy deadpans. Eddie sticks out his tongue, Billy rolls his eyes, pushes the sleeve of his jumper back up his forearm as he focuses on the mixture.
In his periphery another hand catches his eye, “pretty boy if you dare add anything to that bowl, I swear I will break each and every one of your Madonna tapes.”
Steve gasps, freezes still holding whatever the hell it is he wanted to add hovering over a jug. “You wouldn’t dare?!”
Billy flashes his teeth “try me,” Eddie “hmmms,” in agreement which makes Steve swing to him with exasperation “really Eds taking his side too?!”
Eddie laughs “sorry baby but sunshine’s right you can’t bake, remember the pumpkin cookies?” he pulls a face, Steve gawks as he keeps going “California’s our baker, right sunshine?”
Billy’s fumbling with his hair, re-doing his bun, some curls inevitably escaping, “yeah, and you two shitheads need to stay away from that bowl,”
“Gosh can’t you feel the love Stevie,” Eddie says dramatically pressing a hand to his chest. Steve laughs, puts his mystery ingredient down and joins Billy behind the island, he reaches up to tuck one of the stray curls behind his ear, then slides his hand down and presses small little circles into the juncture of his neck.
Billy leans into it with a little groan, Steve smiles as Billy’s eyes close in bliss for a second, it’s the perfect opportunity for Eddie to dive across the island, and shove his finger in the batter, Billy’s eyes open in time to see a finger pull out of Eddie’s mouth with a pop.
“Ughh, I’ll say it again. Shitheads.” he glances between his two idiots trying to suppress a smile.
“Oh come onnn baby it’s not even unhygienic, we do far worse things with our mouths” Eddie wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
Billy huffs “out you losers,” he punctuates with a finger directing them to the living room.
“Sheeeshh, ok baby let’s go let’s go pick a movie sunshines gotta work his magic in peace,” Eddie laughs leaning over the island again, this time to press a kiss to Billy’s disgruntled forehead before grabbing Steve and pulling him towards the door.
Billy sighs shaking his head but allows himself a little fond smile as he turns back to his baking in peace.
Later Billy walks into the lounge, a plate full of little cartoon-like ghost cupcakes in one hand.
Eddie and Steve are lounging on the sofa, Eddie pushes onto his knees, making Steve squeak as he jolts off of him, and makes grabby hands at the plate.
Billy chuckles as he passes it over “chill out Munson.”
“But they’re just sooo good babe,” Eddie mumbles through a mouthful, “gross Eds,” Steve wrinkles his nose in disgust as he peels the wrapper off his own, he looks at Billy gives him a thousand watt grin “thanks baby!” Billy blushes a little mumbles “no worries pretty boy,” he clears his throat “what are we watching?”
Eddie swallows his last bite and reaches for another, chocolate crumbs littering his lap “Halloween,” his eyes alight, Eddie loves this month.
Billy grimaces, grumbles “fine,” and Steve flaps at Eddie says something about getting crumbs in the carpet.
Eddie laughs at Billy’s expression, ignoring Steve’s hands as they try to clean up a bit. “Don’t worry sunshine you can sit between us, Myers won’t get you with us around! Have you seen Stevie’s biceps?! You’re safe baby!” Steve throws him an unimpressed look.
“I’m not scared!” Billy flushes, has a little bit of flour dashed across his cheek, and one sleeve of his jumper is slipping back down his arm. Eddie thinks he looks adorable “of course not sweetheart, nothing scares you,” he pats the opening between himself and Steve, Billy complies shoving himself between the two.
Steve throws his legs over the both of them and lies back, Eddie prods his calf mumbles something fondly about King Steve, then wraps an arm round Billy let’s his head rest against his shoulder, a curl tickles his face as the movie begins.
Billy takes a deep breath and settles in, pressed between two of the most important people in his life, he smiles, his heart full of love for his two idiots.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Indie horror filmmaker Eddie Munson, high off his first big (underground but notable) success, knows the movers and shakers of the film world have their eyes on him. 
They're just waiting to see if he was a one hit wonder before they open all the doors he's been trying to kick down. 
His next upcoming film is his chance, his shot at finally making it. Of being like Rob Zombie and the other creators he looks up to that masterfully blended metal and horror. 
This is his golden ticket. 
The project starts off smooth. His last success has greased the wheels, and things fall into place faster than ever before. 
He's got the best idea for this insane haunted house story, a true "mazes in mazes" type of deal with a queer twist. A real look at how a place can haunt a person just as easily as a ghost can.
 Everything's going swimmingly--until one of his leads drops out the day they're due to start shooting.
No call no show's, and later, Eddie will find out the guy got a last second call back to be a contestant on one of those Love Island bullshit romance gigs (and laugh his ass off when the main love interest takes one look at Billy Hargrove and goes on a five minute rant about ugly mullets on national television) but right now? 
He's fucked. 
He's called in every favor he has for this film. Maxed out every credit card he owns, tapped every contact, got on his hands and knees and begged his rising star journalist best bud to help him market it. (Which Nancy agreed too, for way less cash than she should have.) 
 Eddie can't get anyone on the phone, much less find a replacement actor and the amazing place they rented, that is so dark and wonderfully eerie, is booked out the rest of the year as an AirBnB. 
If he doesn't film now, he loses it all.
Cue the other lead, unknown theater actor Steve Harrington, watching his hair pulling, tire kicking, 'cursing and hopping while holding a toe' mental breakdown and asks why Eddie himself doesn't act in it. 
"Just go full Kevin Smith man. Act and direct." He says, with an easy grin. 
Jeff, Eddie's tried and true videographer, trades glances with Gareth and Grant (Eddie's long used special effects and makeup team, who double for about twelve other jobs because they're also his best friends and they're all in this together, make or break.)
"We don't really have a lot of other options." Gareth hedges. "You're already using me and Grant as background characters." 
Eddie, hands fluttering around his face as though trying to wave away this entire situation, squeezes his eyes shut and lets out a pained hiss. 
"Fine, fine!" He announces with the air of a man running towards a fire. "Fuck it, this is our one shot and so help me I will be shooting it!" 
Steve politely hides a laugh with a cough. 
"Chuckle all you want big boy, I'm going to tragically romance you so hard people will forget both of our characters actually live." Eddie snarls.
Steve, the handsome bastard, just winks.  "Looking forward to it." 
Eddie blushes, but hides it with a surge of frantic energy, conveyed by lots of yelling and moving and getting the ball rolling. 
Two days later, Steve would give the performance of a lifetime down on his knees, covered in a literal pound of fake gore, booty shorts and nothing else as he sobbed about how a lover could become a home. His hands clawed at Eddie's jeans before resting a tear stained face on a slim leg as he bent his body towards Eddie like it hurt to be away from him. 
Eddie would later receive equal praise in his own acting during the scene, with the world and every reporter in it asking how he conveyed an otherworldly panic so beautifully throughout Steve's performance. What was he thinking, to evoke those expressions on his face? 
The way his own pale hand, unmarred by blood and acting as a metaphor for the plot, would come to stroke Steve's cheeks.
Eventually he'd come up with a smooth polished answer that cheekily pleased his audience, but nothing would ever come close to the truth. 
("Eddie I've known you since grade school." Jeff said that night, a scant few hours after they'd wrapped. "You can act man, but not like that." 
Eddie made a wild "shut up" gesture, looking frantically over his shoulder before admitting; "You saw how close his face was to the prince of darkness!? I was seconds away from popping a boner next to his lips, in front of the 4K camera!” 
Eddie bounced into Jeff’s face so he could hiss: “He fucking had his chin on my thigh, Jeff, and I am only a man. A mere mortal!" 
"So we're gonna unpack all of that later." Jeff said finally, when he'd managed to get his mouth working and Eddie back out of his personal space. "But dude, we've talked about you calling your dick the prince of darkness." 
Eddie flipped him off.) 
One year later and critics named Corroded the best horror film of the year, praising the camera work, practical effects, and how there wasn't a soul alive who was surprised to hear Eddie and Steve were dating after their explosive on screen chemistry.
No one ever quite understood the prince of darkness jokes or why Steve mentioning it made Eddie blush, but that was a secret to find out later. 
Today on WIP’s I have no intention of writing, indie horror movie AU!
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mickeyswhore · 11 months
I'm Gonna Kill You
A/N: My first time posting a fic in this brand new side blog, if you enjoy it, please consider reblogging it and if you want more you can follow me.
Summary: Randy is your best friend in the entire world, Billy doesn't enjoy the power he has over you and decides to do something about it.
Billy Loomis x Reader
Warnings: toxicity all around, a splash of daddy kink, filming without consent, a little bit of degradation, death (I mean it's Scream) but nothing gory, let me know if I missed anything else.
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GIF by @coppoladelrey.
You and Randy were born on the same day, your mothers went to High School together so the two of you were bound to become best friends. Your friendship with Randy is great, the two of you spend most of the time together and you barely ever fought. There is one massive problem in your life and you weren’t even aware of, Randy loves you, he loved you since you stood up for him in kindergarten but you were obvious to his love, Randy was happy to be just your friend but that doesn’t mean he would allow you to have a love life.
You trust Randy with your life, if he says that someone is not good for you, you listen no questions asked. Randy takes full advantage of the power he has on your life, a sick power 
play that you weren’t even aware of. If pressed on the issue, Randy would swear up and down that it is for your own good, but he knows the truth, he’s too scared to admit his true feelings but more than happy to cock block you without you being aware.
Being a virgin was one of your main concerns in your otherwise uneventful life, you had Randy as your best friend and a few acquiescences mainly Sidney, Tatum, Stu and Billy. You loved hanging out with them even if you weren’t as close, Stu made you laugh to the point of almost peeing your pants, Sidney and Tatum were extremely and the three of you went shopping at least once a fortnight. The only person you didn't spend time with was Billy, not because you didn't like him, quite the contrary he simply intimidated you too much to allow you to exchange pleasantries with him, his piercing chocolate brown eyes made you all warm and tingly inside. 
You never said anything to Sid and Tatum because Sid and Billy used to be a couple in Elementary School and Tatum was her best friend, Stu was too much of a jokester to take anything seriously and he would run to Billy and the two of them would probably laugh, not because they were cruel but simply because Stu would never take this seriously. Then there was Randy, the only person that knew everything about your life except this major crush on Billy Loomis but life goes on.
Casey Becker and her boyfriend were murdered and the whole town was on edge, and Randy was going on and on about horror films and you thought it was in poor taste, this isn’t a film! People are dead! So you gave him the bullshit excuse of getting your period and you basically qucicked him out of your house.
You decided to go to a coffee shop and just be alone for a change, you said hi to the barista gave her your order and after getting your drink you were sitting down by the window. You weren’t thinking about anything in particular but Billy Loomis came to the forefront of your mind, as he usually does. His eyes, his lips, his hair. As if it was on queue, Stu Macher spots you from across the road and ran towards the coffee shop.
“Stu, how are you?” You smiled seeing him, maybe that meant Billy was nearby? Stu didn't miss your eyes wondering, looking for Billy.
“I’m good, you know? Hey, would you like to hang out? Tatum is busy right now and you’re super cool, so…” Before you could he was getting your bag and helping you get up, you simply laughed and followed him, you truly enjoyed his company.
You’ve to Stu’s house a couple of times but only with Randy, maybe this was a good opportunity to actually be friends with Stu. He opened the door for you and allowed you to get in, he was helping you remove your jumper when you heard Billy’s voice.
“Where the fuck were you? Did you bring the…” Billy stopped in his tracks when he finally saw you, and Stu couldn’t stop grinning. Billy wanted to get alone with you for ages but Randy was always there, Stu really did him a solid.
“Oh man, I totally forgot I ran into her and totally slipped my mind. I’ll be right back, you don’t mind being here with Billy, right?” You looked at Billy who was already looking at you and you looked down and shook your head. “Okay, bye.” And just like that Stu was out of the house.
You still kept your gaze down, playing with your shirt. It was so hard to keep eye contact with Billy Loomis.
“Hey, we can watch something on the TV.” You simply followed Billy but still keeping your gaze down, Billy thought you were the hottest girl at school and now he has you all to himself, he really needed to thank Stu later. The two of you sat down and Billy decided to break the silence. “You don’t like me very much, do you doll?” You finally looked at him with a frown on your face and Billy was smirking. “There she is.” He whispered with a hint of a smile on his face, his thumb went to your chin and goosebumps rose all over your body, Billy wasn’t blind to the effect he had on you.
Billy wanted you since the two of you were freshmen, but Randy was always hanging around you like a leach, in Billy’s eyes. He wanted to kill Randy as his and Stu’s first victim but Billy wanted Randy to suffer after hearing the two of you talking. Randy let it slip rather loudly that you and him were still virgins and Billy thought Christmas came early. He wanted you for the longest time and finding out he was going to be the first man in your life, to touch you, to make you cum? His cock got incredibly hard just thinking about you moaning underneath him, riding him and eating you out like you were his last meal.
“I like you, Billy…it’s just that…” You took a deep breath, how could you explain your predicament?
“You don’t want to hurt Randy’s feelings?” Billy almost believed his own tone, it felt so sincere and honest, he almost wanted to laugh at the relief on your face.
“Yes, we’re not dating or anything.” You wanted especify, and Billy smiled. “But he’s my best friend, literally since day one. And I have no idea why he doesn’t like you very much.” You started playing with your nails and Billy raised your chin to look in your eyes, his piercing gaze was giving you burtterfiles in your stomach.
“We can take this slow, yeah? I want to do this right and take you out for dates and you be my girl, yeah?” Billy looked at you expectantly, and you nodded biting your lip. After that, he kissed you. He couldn’t believe that he finally got the girl of his dreams.
It has been months since you and Billy started dating, and you couldn’t be happier even with the killings getting progressively worse. You had Billy to protect you, so things weren’t as scary. The only problem was Randy, he comes to your house unannounced and Billy has to hide and it’s always when the two of are about to fuck, it seemed that Randy had this radar to find out when you were about to lose your virginity and it was driving you and Billy insane. You were more than ready for this and Billy had major blue balls for months.
The two of you were now at school, talking in the hallway. Billy wanted nothing more than to take you to the nearest bathroom and fuck you in the stall but he knew that you deserved much better than a quick and cheap fuck, you were his dream girl.
“I asked my parents for the lake house this weekend and they allowed. I can pick you up right after school, is that okay?” You nodded and smiled, you couldn’t believe how romantic and thoughtful your boyfriend was. The two of you were very good in not having PDA at school but you were so excited that you kissed him and Billy was more than happy to oblige. 
His hands went to your waist and yours went straight to his hair, Billy’s hnads were about to land on your ass when the two of you heard his voice.
“Unbelievable.” Randy yelled and you stopped kissing Billy, you had a guilty look on your face but Billy was angry. “You’re with him? Mr. I am clearly a serial killer.” Billy was about to beat Randy up when you stopped him.
“Look, Randy. I am so sorry for not telling you before but saying this shit about Billy is not cool. If you can’t accept him, don’t talk to me again.” You grabbed Billy’s hand and walked away while Billy had the biggest grin on his face. Once the two of you were outside, he hugged you.
“Are you alright? I know how important Randy is to you, I don’t want to get in the middle of your friendship.” Billy was selling this so well, and you just smiled and shook your head.
“You’re the best boyfriend ever! And no, don’t ever say that, Randy will come around eventually. I don’t want this to stop our little getaway.” You were going to handle Randy later after you spent time with your boyfriend.
Billy’s car stopped right in front of the house, it was so pretty and quiet you loved it. Billy took both of your suitcases and guided you to the front of the house. The door was opened and everything inside was very rustic, it was perfect and apparently Billy’s parents had people come and clean in preparation of your stay there, they were always so thoughtful. Billy put your suitcases on the floor and looked at you.
“So, do you want a tour of the house?” He smiled at you.
“Start with the bedroom.” You jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist and Billy did exactly that.
He opened the door and dropped you on the bed, even though you were a virgin Billy could tell that you liked it rough. Every bite that was a little too rough, you had to stop yourself from moaning and rubbing your thighs together, every whispered ‘good girl’ on your ear made you sigh and bite your lip and one small ‘my little slut’ made you moan.
“I’m gonna fuck you right now, baby. Is that what you want? I wanna hear you beg.” Billy started kissing your neck and biting it and nodded your head fervently. You wondered if people could die of horniness for a second. “Use your words, baby. Tell me what you want from me?” Billy was taking off his shirt and still kissing you.
“I want you to fuck me, daddy.” You put your hand over your mouth, he wasn’t supposed to know but Billy had the biggest grin on his face.
“Yeah? You want daddy to destroy your little pussy even though is your first time? Is that what you want?” Billy finally started removing your clothes, leaving you in just your bra and panties.
“Please, daddy. Fuck me, I need it please.” You didn't care about sounding needy, Billy was your boyfriend and you loved him and he loved you.
Billy’s cock was so hard and you could see how big it was even through his underwear, your mouth was watering at the sight.
“Does my needy little slut wants me to fuck her throat?” Billy removed his underwear and you could see his cock leaking with pre cum, it has been so long since he fucked anyone.
“Yes, please daddy.” You got on your knees and looked at him with the biggest innocent eyes he has ever seen, fuck Billy could cum right now just by looking at you.
“Open your mouth, baby.” You did exactly that, you licked the head of his cock tasting his pre cum and you slowly started to take him in your mouth. Billy was very patient and you took his cock so well, Billy out his head back and groaned loudly. He also made sure that the camera was at the right angle.
Billy’s hands went to your hair, you were hollowing your cheeks and also playing with his balls. He held your head in place and started to fuck your throat, the noises you were making were pornographic and Billy loved every second of it.
“Oh, fuck I’m gonna cum.” Billy removed his hands from your head but you kept sucking his cock. “Fuck, baby.” Billy came, thick ropes of cum down your throat and you swallowed it all. You were still on your knees and you opened your mouth you to show Billy that you swallowed it all. “Fuck, how did I get so lucky?” He helped you get up and kissed you passionately, he finally removed your bra and took one nipple in his mouth, now it was your turn to get your hands on his hair, Billy carefully laid you on the bed and removed your panties.
Billy opened your legs started sucking on your clit, he was relentless and again your handd went to his hair. You were moaning and panting, the feeling of his hot, wet tongue on your pussy is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. Billy was enjoying very much seeing you fall apart with only his tongue.
Your moans started getting louder, and the grip on his hair got stronger. Billy’s tongue was working faster to bring your orgasm quicker, he also inserted a finger to slowly start stretching you out. He was was observing all of your reactions, how your legs were shaking and how your moans were louder by him finger fucking you.
“Billy, I think I’m gonna…” You knew your body very well, but this was different.
“Come on, baby. Cum for me, cum all over my face.” Billy sped up his ministrations on your clit and you pulled his hair and you came hard, your eyes were shut and pleasure that you never felt before ran all over your body. When you finally came to it, you felt under the bed wet, quite wet. When you looked over, you started panicking.
“Oh my God, Billy I’m so sorry. I have no idea why this happened?” Billy shushed you and kissed your forehead.
“No, baby. You just squirted and it was hot as fuck.” He kissed you and he laid on the bed again.
Billy pinched your nipples and you moaned into his mouth, his hands were all over your body and vice versa. Billy was about to burst, he was painfully hard again and he couldn’t wait to fuck you.
“Are you ready, baby?” Billy put his hand on your cheek and his eyes were looking into yours and you’ve never felt more connected with him before.
“More than ever, Billy.” 
“Okay, I’ll go slow. Let me know if it hurts, alright?” You nodded and Billy positioned his cock at your entrance, he was looking at it then at you.
You felt his thick and veiny cock on your pussy, Billy had to contain himself and not cum at that second. Your velvety walls milking him, Billy was groaning and moaning in your ear, inch by inch his cock was entering you. Billy was fully inside you now and stopped to compose himself, your pussy felt like heaven to him. You on the other hand was almost passing out from the overwhelming pleasure his cock was giving you and you wanted, no, needed more.
“Please move, Billy.” He obliged and started moving slowly, the last thing he wanted was to hirt you. He found a comfortable pace for him and you. “Harder, please.” You wrapped your legs around his waist and with that all of his self control was gone.
Billy started punding into your pussy with reckless abandon, your nails digging on his back the noises coming from felt like you were in a porno. 
“Do you like that, baby? Is that what you wanted my dirty little slut, huh?” His filthy words were driving you insane. You started clenching around him and Billy started laughing condescendly. “You like that, huh? You like being my little slut?” You only nodded, the pleasure wouldn’t allow you to speak, the noises were louder and louder. “Are you cock drunk already, baby? You can’t even speak right, can you? I want you to cum on my cock, baby.” Billy’s thumb went to your clit and started making hard and small circles, he wanted to see you falling apart.
“Billy, I’m gonna…” You didn't finish your sentence, and you came on his cock and Billy helped you ride out your orgasm. Billy started chasing his own orgasm, you were sensitive but the line between pleasure and pain were blurred and that resulted in more pleasure for you.
“You’re gonna take my cum, aren’t you baby? You’re gonna let me cum deep inside your pussy, imagine if I got you pregnant?” You clenched around him and Billy laughed. “You want everyone to know that you’re my little slut? Walking around with a big belly and huge tits full of milk?” Billy stopped and came with a groan, he was breathless. He kissed you and removed his cock out of you. He laid down and pulled you over to him, he started kissing the top of your head and caressing your arm.
“Did you enjoy that?” You asked and Billy could sense the vulnerability in your voice.
“That was the best thing that ever happened to me, you were perfect baby. I love you.” He kissed your forehead and you mumbled ‘I love you too’ and you fell asleep rather quickly. After making sure you weren’t going to wake up, Billy got up and stopped recording, he couldn’t wait to put his plan into action.
Randy was pissed, your mom told him that you went on a trip with Billy. I mean what were your parents thinking? Allowing you to be alone with that serial killer? But you were about to come back and Randy was going to do everything in his power to break the two of you up. You never dated anyone before, you couldn’t! You belonged to Randy and he was going to make sure of that, no matter what.
Randy got in his bedroom, he found a tape that was odd he didn't recognise it. He put it in the VHS anyway, and he recognised you immediately, on your knees for Billy Loomis, Randy was about to take the tape and show it to you how Billy is gross and you should break up with him, but he got a call.
“Hello, Randy.” The modulated voice said.
“Billy, you sick fuck. I’m gonna fucking destroy you, she’ll never look at you again.” Randy was screaming, he couldn’t wait to destroy your relationship, that way you would fall for Randy and realise no one but him is good enough for you.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that Randy.” The voice was tauting him and Randy was furious.
“And why is that?” Ghostface opened his closet and was right behind Randy.
“Dead men tell no tales.” Randy turned around but only in time to be stabbed in the neck, after that Ghostface grabbed the tape and left Randy’s house.
Billy was with you when you heard that Randy was killed by Ghostface, he comforted you and said that everything was going to be okay.
“I was angry at him the last time we saw each other, I’ll never forgive myself.” Billy shused you and said that it wasn’t your fault and you couldn’t have known.
Billy held your hand through the funeral and made sure you didn't fall apart, you were so lucky to have in your life. Billy was overjoyed, he had his girlfriend all to himself and he didn't have to hide or worry about the nerd that hanging over her, everything was right in the world.
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HALLOWEEN DAY 2: Too scary - Multi!Muse x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Multi!muse  x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of scary movies, trauma, blood, gore, etc. Nothing too graphic
Type: Blurbs
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: Turns out the movie was too terrifying for little Y/N to handle, therefore it’s their job to comfort you.
Notes: Let’s see how long I can keep this up.
Jason Voorhees: At first he wouldn’t notice, mostly focused on the movie and the candy he’s stuffing his face with. When you’d shuffle around, when he’d notice the constant movement, then he’d take a look at you only to find you with your knees close to your chest with your arms wrapped around them. It’d take a moment for him to register that your stomach was turning at the imagery. Once he would, Jason would instantly coop you up into his arms and keep you in a tiny ball, doing his best to protect you from your thoughts.
Michael Myers: He can smell fear, he’s always been exposed to fear all around him, it’s like second nature to him. When he realizes you’re afraid of the movie, he turns over to stare at you for a moment, which makes you even more uneasy. Thinking Michael looks at you like you’re a big baby, you decide to just cross your arms and brave through the rest of the film. Of course, failing miserably. Michael would force you into his arms, letting you kind of flop into his arms and situate yourself however you wanted. 
Tiffany Valentine: She loves horror movies, it’s one of the things that could keep her occupied. While your stomach twists at the imagery and blood splatter on the screen, Tiffany seems mesmerized by it, not paying much attention to your squeamish reaction. Once you’re both done with the movie, she’d turn to you asking “So, how’d you like it?” Only to see you near traumatized. “Y/N!” Tiffany would wrap her arms around your face and bring you into her chest, pressing you into a hug. “Was that too scary? Why didn’t you say anything babe?” Of course she’d make it up to you, with much affection and endearment.
Billy Loomis: Doesn’t even notice at first how uncomfortable you are, no matter how much you nuzzle into him. A few flinches in, he’d look down to you to make sure you were awake, but to see you near in tears would cause him to stop the movie. “Y/N? You okay? We can stop watching this, I just thought you’d like to see it with me.” He knew better than to keep it playing when you’d tell him you were fine. “No, I mean, it’s kinda lame anyway, here’s the remote, find something better. I’m gonna get another beer, you want anything?” Then he’d come back, lay into the arm rest and bring you down with him, making sure you were cuddled into the blanket on the couch.
Stu Macher: What a dumbass, he wouldn’t really notice at all if you were crying or looking away from the screen too much. He’s “in the moment” with the gory scenes. After the movie, Stu would ask you how you’d like it only to see hot tears streaming down your cheeks. He’d laugh a little bit at how scared you looked, but then would give you the tightest hug. Stu would hold you tightly enough to give you some troubles breathing regularly, letting you put on some cartoons to forget the imagery. Will this happen again? Absolutely.
Patrick Bateman: Ok, he’s probably the worst of them all. Patrick watches snuff films and all kinds of gruesome films for fun. When you brought it up to his attention, he was more than happy to show you what he liked and explain to you the different methods of torture and what part inflicted the most pain. Even if you’d throw up, Patrick would keep the film going, mesmerized by the screams telling you “It’s actually not that bad.” But he’d let you hide into his arm, clenching onto it as you did so, but there was no way to hide from the terrorizing screams and Patrick's chuckle throughout it.
Leatherface: Honestly always checking up on you through every scene. Bubba doesn’t even want you to watch the scary films, he would think you were too pure for them, ironically. If you insisted though, he’d let you, holding you close to him and giving you space to hide if you needed to look away, which seemed to be often. Bubba would be ready to turn off the screen at any moment, one arm wrapped around you and the other one with the finger on the off button. He too would let you watch cartoons with him after. Bubba would offer you your favorite junk food or candy and let you snuggle into him while you laugh at the new pictures on the screen.
Harley Quinn: Is SUPER into horror. Laughs at the screams and blood splatter “Y/N! Y/N! Did ya see that? Did ya see it?! Let me rewind it.” Harleys a bit clueless when it comes to seeing your discomfort at first, but then when she notices you keep flinching or looking away, her expression immediately changes. “Oh my god Y/N? Are you afraid of this? You shoulda said something pumpkin’!” Immediately cuddles you and keeps you close to her chest, changing the channel to a Disney movie. Harley would be THE best at comforting you, squeezing the near life out of you to keep you comfortable and your mind off of things. Lots of comfort food, honestly.
Poison Ivy: Isn’t necessarily obsessed with horror movies and gore, not very interested in it either but she doesn’t mind playing the exorcist for background noise. If you’re not obviously telling her that you’re scared or you want to play something else, she would pick up on how you would react. Flinching at certain moments in the movie, looking away from the screen constantly, all things Pamela would notice, putting two and two together, she’d turn off the TV, telling you simply “What a trashy movie, let’s go play.” And would lead you into the bedroom for some TLC. Pamela’s love language would be physical touch and she would make sure you would get enough of it to fall asleep to. She’d make a mental note to stay away from horror movies with you.
Bruce Wayne: Never was really big with horror movies to begin with. Bruce grew up with musicals and operas, he was cultured in filmmaking, but horror never really made a mark in his interests, mainly because of the real life horrors he had to face already. Of course Bruce picks up on everything, noticing your reluctance in watching any more of this movie, he decides to nuzzle you into him, not saying a word and changing the channel, or taking your hand to lead you out of the theater. After all, Bruce knew what it felt like to be afraid. Expect a ton of tender touches and soft kisses.
Jason Todd: Sweetest energy tbh. Whether your watching a scary movie as a group or together, his reaction would be similar in both scenarios. As soon as he’d feel your palm in a cold sweat he’d look for your reaction, even if you try to brave through it, Jason would pull your face into his chest, kissing the top of your head. ‘What a bullshit ass movie.” He’d mumble while subconsciously caressing the back of your head. “You’re being brave dollface, but you don’t have to be.” He’d whisper to you and give you a squeeze. ”Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Billy Hargrove: Notices instantly, but wouldn’t want to call you out on it. Instead he would also pull a stunt like Pamela. Telling you “This is kinda tacky, let’s leave.” And would lead you out of the movie theater, turn off the TV or leave whatever house party you were at. He’d make sure to never let you go, holding your hand, keeping his arm around your waist as usual, always being protective of you. Billy would make you feel safe enough to tell him what happened and what was wrong and why. He’d actually listen to you, being quiet for a moment, letting it all sink in, then comfort you by telling you “That’s nothin’ to be embarrassed about,  I had a few movies that scared the daylights out of me, but you know I’m never gonna let anything happen to you.”
Steve Harrington: Knows from the start that you don’t like horror movies, he doesn’t either but he can stomach a lot more than you can. Steve was kind of taken a back when you insisted that it would be fine to have a movie night with your friends even though they planned a horror marathon. When the kill scenes would get severely worse as the movie progresses, you’d get more uncomfortable and at this point it seemed like an unspoken competition to see who could stomach more gore, you or Steve. Still, when you’d take a nap, shifting and shuffling around in the blankets, he’d know the movie maybe actually got to you. Steve would hug you tightly, caress your face when you’d drift in and out of sleep. 
Steve Rogers: Would be such a big time caregiver energy. When you’d hide your face away in certain scenes, Steve would notice instantly, hugging you closely through the scene. If you kept showing discomfort, Steve would take you from the room, not offering an explanation to anyone. “Come on sweetheart, let’s go do something else” He never really understood the concept or horror movies, nor the appeal, so it wasn’t like he was missing out on anything. Steve would pick you up, letting you hide into his chest or his neck. He’d kiss your head, cheek and neck constantly, slow and full of love. “Come on angel, let’s watch something else.” He’d turn on the TV letting you chose any cartoon movie you’d be in the mood to watch.
Bucky Barnes: Also with Steve energy, he’d let you hide into him. He kind of understood the concept of the horror movies, even liked a couple but not to the extent those around you  both would like. His heart melts when he sees you pout and avoiding looking at the screen. Closing your eyes waiting for the screaming to stop, Bucky would want nothing more than to reach over and pull you onto him, letting you hide into him and tell you everything was okay and it was only a movie. When the movie would be over, he’d check up on you, making sure you weren’t still thinking of it, which more than likely you were and he wouldn’t hesitate to spend the night with you, letting you curl into his body, being three times your size and keeping you safe from whatever horror you saw today.
Wanda Maximoff: She would notice it the second scene in, the minute you hesitated to agree on a horror marathon with the team, she knew maybe you were a little bit more of a baby than she initially thought. She’d play it off with you as well, telling the team the movie seemed boring and that she just wanted to go to bed, she was tired. When the others would dismiss her, not paying much attention, she would look at you, who stayed sitting in silence. “Y/N? Are you okay? You keep nodding off, come join me, let’s get you to bed.” Wanda would be your saving grace and of course she would let you sleep in her bed, keeping you comfortable and safe in her pillow fortress and arms.
Loki Laufeyson: He’d always notice any sort of discomfort in you, knowing that you weren’t able to stomach much of the gory scenes but a part of him wanted to see how much you were able to handle. Loki would sit where he was able to look at you with just a flicker of his eyelids in your direction. When you’d all have a movie night, Loki would be the one to agree to watch something gruesome just to see you squirm in your seat. When it would be too much to handle for you and you’d have to excuse yourself, Loki would come to your aid when he would pass by your room to see you sitting on the corner, hugging yourself trying to erase the imagery out of your head by watching your favorite comfort films. “Y/N? How are you doing?”
Cloud Strife: He’s not very fazed by horror movies or anything of that sort, but if he feels you hide against him again throughout the movie, he would let you. He’d hesitate to put his arm around you, but if you snuggle into it, he’d squeeze you in. Because this seemed to be very unlike Cloud, snuggling into his torso would be the most comforting thing. Cloud would let you sleep with him if you admitted you were scared, letting you snuggle in under the covers with him, he’d drape an arm over you and keep you close as you drifted off to sleep.
Aerith Gainsborough: Not terribly interested in horror movies, but would watch a few just to spend some time. Aerith has quite the strong stomach compared to you and the rest of your friends. She could sit there and watch a full marathon with you guys no problem, but if you couldn’t handle it, she’d understand and take a walk with you, picking flowers for you on the sidewalk as she would try to distract you from the imagery from before. Her smile surely would help, Aerith would be the perfect person to comfort you for something that seems as silly as a horror movie.
Sebastian Michaelis: He’d seen it all, fear is not something he was very familiar in feeling, but he knew it came as second nature to the human species. If you were afraid of a movie or show, he’d find it amusing to see you worked up over false imagery when he had seen much worse, all real as well. Sebastian would still excel in his duty to comfort you, assuring you there was nothing to fear, since he would never let anything hurt you. Being cared for by him in this way did help, you knew he meant it and it was silly for you to worry about anything that was plastered across a screen.
Spencer Reid: Would be so wholesome, he had seen so much gruesome scenes, often inspiring many of the plots of movies you two were watching, but he knew to spare you the details. When Spencer heard you wanted to see a horror movie with him, he was surprised, letting you decide which one, but when it was too much for you, he knew right when to stop it and ask you if you were okay, not wanting to have you get nightmares for the next week straight. Spencer would soothe you, holding you close to him, letting you lay down onto him and snuggle under a blanket. He’d play something more wholesome, maybe a Disney classic in the background or some sort of comedy to keep your mind off the previous imagery. 
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just-a-sleepy-idiot · 2 years
Billy & Stu Headcanons: Reader loves Halloween
Content/Warnings: Gender neutral Reader, Poly!Ghostface x Reader, Fluff
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Billy is usually a walking Pokerface, but when it comes to Halloween you will actually get to see an ounce of excitement in that guy
He adores Halloween mostly for the good Horror movies based around that holiday, so usually he would spend the day with a movie marathon
Stu in turn loves Halloween solely for the parties and the sexy costumes and he would definitely go trick or treating no matter what age
So when they find out that you love Halloween as well they decide to spend it together with you
Stu insists that you gotta wear a sexy costume ‚to honor the holiday‘ and urges Billy to dress up as well because you both know he‘s the kinda guy to go to a Costume party as himself
You sit together with one person blindfolded at the time, having to guess which candy they‘re eating
You insist on carving pumpkins as well and get each their own, wondering how they are so good with knives cause their pumpkins turn out great
Instead of taking your pumpkins home with you Billy argues that you let your pumpkins stay together and puts them all out next to each other
Stu will probably get a sugar shock from all the candy while Billy scolds him for stuffing his mouth with chocolate in the first place
You three pick out your favorite movies and watch them in a row, debating which one was the best
Billy got the movies a week before from the video library, knowing that everyone will want to grab a scary movie for Halloween
So prepare for a rant cause he‘ll point out the brilliance and fun facts about the movies you watch together, clearly excited in his own way for this
You will probably end up falling asleep with Stu as you tried to stay awake, Billy being the only one who‘s still focused on the film because he‘s so into it
When he notices you two are far gone he‘ll roll his eyes and put a blanket over the three of you and make sure you’re comfortable, tuning down the tv a bit so it doesn’t wake you up
As you end up cuddling him as well he‘ll stay on the couch with you and end up falling asleep with an arm draped over you
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Hope you liked it! Please comment your thoughts if you did 💚
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wekiamo · 1 year
fell harder
skeet ulrich x fem!reader
a/n: heyy i’m back w another fic! i enjoyed writing this sm i hope you like it 💕
pt 2 here
warnings: swearing, that’s all for now!
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you’ve never made a movie in your entire life, but you were always a big fan of movies until this day. especially horror ones.
there’s this one specific horror movie franchise you absolutely love - scream. the first time you ever watched a scream movie was 12 years after the first scream was released - you were 10 years old and watched it without your parents knowing, and you absolutely loved everything about it.
that’s when you became a fan of the franchise, and started wanting to be part of it - you started practicing acting skills, even started watching youtube videos with acting tips.
and here you were, 25 years old, part of the next upcoming movie of the scream franchise. as soon as you knew you got the role, you sure screamed. a LOT.
“Hey” 10:19 pm
an unknown contact texts you
and you suddenly jump from the unexpected sound of the notification.
“fuck, that shouldn’t have scared me that much” you think to yourself and click on the notification you just got. you start typing
“hello, who’s that?” 10:19 pm
“I’m Dave, you must be Y/n. I got your number from the cast list, we’re going to work together for Scream 7” 10:20 pm
“oh hi dave! that’s nice” 10:20 pm
you answer his text, embarrassed that you didn’t even land your eyes on the cast list yet. everyone might have.
“So, I texted you because me and some other cast members were planning to have dinner tomorrow together, would you like to join us” 10:21 pm
ooh that’s why he texted me. that would be nice, wouldn’t it? at least i’ll be able to make some friends there, and not be left out in the shootings.
“sure!! i’d love to, count me in!” 10:22 pm
after you responded, you get up from your bed, turn off your cellphone and go grab some snack in the kitchen.
you leave your cellphone in the kitchen counter to open the fridge. you hear the sound of another notification.
“Alright! Here’s the cast list, just so you know who’s going to be there. The ones whose names I marked an X, are not showing up to the dinner. The ones who doesn’t, are showing up.” 10:23 pm
you cover your face in embarrassment. how does he know you haven’t seen the list yet?
“okay, thanks dave! what’s the address?” 10:24 pm
you send, before even checking the list he sent you.
you take a deep breath before actually checking it, thinking to yourself you should not be so careless at the point you don’t even check the cast of the film you’re going to be in.
jenna ortega, melissa barrera, jasmin savoy, mason gooding, bla bla bla…
until you see a specific name in the list, which you widen your eyes at.
“SKEET ULRICH?” you say loudly, before covering your face with your hands once again, but this time at the feeling of surprise.
you always had a big crush on this guy; since you’ve seen him as billy loomis when you first watched the first scream movie. he was and still is incredibly attractive - but not the common kind of attractive. he was TOO ATTRACTIVE. and you usually get really nervous around people THAT attractive.
it was kind of predictable if you think about it, because he’s been showing as sam’s visions in the last 2 movies - but you definitely did NOT think about it.
and now that you do, you freak out. there is no doubts you should have checked this list earlier, as you think to yourself you’re not prepared to see him and have dinner with him tomorrow. it would take days for you to mentally prepare yourself for meeting him personally.
“but, i’m not sure he’s going to be there tomorrow” you raise your head a little bit from the logical thought, before lowering it to the cellphone once again, seeing the list. you’re looking for a little bit of relief of seeing an “X” beside his name, just like some of the names there.
but you only disappoint yourself. there isn’t an X beside his name.
you start thinking you shouldn’t show up tomorrow.
but you have to. you confirmed to Dave you were going to be there, and you hate it when people cancel plans after confirming their presence.
when there’s another notification, you check it quickly and sees it’s Dave sending you the address you asked.
you have to go. and you decide you will.
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ray-winters · 3 months
Have you made a post about your thoughts/headcanons about Stuilly?? If not I'd love to hear them
I have not!!!!
I don’t have too too many though, tbh, I didn’t go crazy in depth with Billy bc his character was pretty much laid out for me.
But canonically my Billy doesn’t own a TV, which means that he and Stu are watching horror movies together all the time.
Tbh in our production, Billy & Stu are way more into each other (specifically Billy is way more into Stu) than in the film. In the film it can be argued that Stu was being completely manipulated just like everyone else around Billy, but in our show, they’re way more of a team. They are like actually genuinely crazy about each other and are barely keeping the charade up.
That being said, Billy feels like he’s in control of every situation until Stu opens his mouth and says dumb shit and it drives him crazy in the best and worst way.
My Billy is looking for any opportunity to kill Tatum. Shes probably his biggest threat in Woodsboro bc she sees right through his bullshit.
One of the reasons our Ghostface is so flamboyant and ridiculous (aside from it being hilarious to see Ghostface being that way) is bc in my head when Billy has that costume on, he’s letting his internal gayness out on full display 😂 it’s fun to play Billy super methodical and slow, slightly rigid, and then to play Ghostie completely loose and off the walls. Bc then when we do Backstreet’s Back I can let that part out of Billy too. Tis rad.
That’s really alll I’ve got though, again I didn’t go as in depth with Billy as I did Mischa just bc his character was pretty laid out for me.
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inkykeiji · 2 years
you told me that you love me, that’s not easy to do
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character: todoroki touya | dabi
genre: smut with a hint of fluff and the tiniest sprinkle of angst
notes: aaaah okay!!! this has been a highly requested piece ever since i first posted my touya-nii series, and i am so glad to finally be sharing it with you!!! set in my touya-nii AU in november of part one, please heed the warnings below and stay safe! | title credit: girls by lil peep
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, stepcest, dubcon, size kink/size difference, dacryphilia, inexperienced reader (but NOT a virgin), toxic relationship, dumbification/degradation, fingering, minimal prep, multiple orgasms, rough sex, praise, painful sex, a hint of blood, slight mindbreak
words: 7.7k
“Make it up to you?” your head tilts, tear-clumped lashes sticking together as you blink twice, curious.
“Of course,” he smirks, and that malicious glint is back in his eyes, dyed with excitement. “I was gonna wait, you know, for the right time, or whatever, but since you’re not actually a virgin…”
“The right time?” you question, a hopeful, hesitant little smile crawling across your lips. “Were you…Were you planning something special?”
Touya rolls his eyes—something he sometimes does when he doesn’t want to meet your stare, you’ve come to learn—a hand scrubbing at the back of his neck, his words mumbled out and slightly defensive. “Well, yeah, I wasn’t just gonna steal your first time like some asshole. I was gonna try and make it—well, you know—” he flounders slightly, molars grinding together as he uncharacteristically searches for the right words.
“It doesn’t matter, anyway,” he’s saying dismissively as he wraps a large hand around your wrist. “Because you aren’t, which means I’ve been waiting for nothing, and I’m not going to wait another second longer.”
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“Niichan,” you whine a little, eyes shutting as you burrow into his shoulder, the Halloween theme song murmuring quietly to itself as it seeps through the basement, Michael Myers busy stalking his first victim of the film. “Do we have to watch this?”
“Yes, we have to watch this,” he retorts, mocking as nimble fingers dig into your ribs, eliciting a squeal from your throat. “Classic slasher horror is my favourite.”
“Yeah, but…” you trail off, lips set in a deep pout. “But it’s like, almost the middle of November. Shouldn’t the networks be playing like, Christmas movies now?”
“I’m sure they are,” Touya says nonchalantly, shrugging a shoulder. “But not on this channel. Besides,” his voice drops an octave, lips murmuring against your temple, the word caressing your ear. “I just love watching you squirm.”
“Niichan!” you cry as his teeth sink into your shoulder, a dark little chuckle vibrating against you, seeping through your skin. “Stop!”
Your voice, pitched high, is infused with giggles, wiggling in his lap as you halfheartedly attempt to free yourself.
“Hey, look,” he says suddenly, chin hooked over your shoulder as he forcefully redirects your gaze to the television, thumb and forefinger gripping your chin. “These guys are about to die.”
“Touya-nii,” you whimper, head jerking a little in his grasp.
“No, no, look! Did you know that everyone who has sex in slasher films always die?”
“Duh,” you roll your eyes, Randy’s monologue from Scream echoing through your mind—another film that Touya had forced you to watch with him and one you had, begrudgingly, enjoyed, even if it was only because Billy reminds you of your big brother.
“God,” he breathes, face nuzzling against your neck, nosing up the curve enticingly. “I can’t wait to take your virginity.”
The words ring high and tinny in your ears, blood draining from your face as your expression thaws into true horror, steeped in panic and alarm, body gone stiff and still in his arms.
“Don’t worry,” he laughs, squeezing you to his chest. “I’ll be gentle, okay? Promise.”
“No, I—That’s not it,” you whisper, words trembling. “I—Niichan,” you stop, head shaking a little, eyes shutting firmly as you force the confession from your tongue. “I’m not a virgin.”
“What?” he pulls back from you, large hands wrapped around your biceps, tightening as he forces you to face him. He laughs a bit—a sharp, mean, incredulous little thing, as if he doesn’t believe a word flowing out of your mouth. “Don’t you fucking lie to me, baby.”
Thorns of terror run through your veins, sprouting chills across your flesh, breath exhaled in short little puffs through parted lips as your head shakes harder, almost frantic in its movements.
“No, niichan, I swear I—I’m not lying—I’d never lie to you.”
The smile on Touya’s face, stretched wide with warning and tinged with a sick sort of amusement, slowly dissipates as sapphire searches your face.
His eyes narrow into slits and he leans back a little, as if he has to look at the whole picture, regarding you with hyper-vigilant apprehension, the fingers on your arms flexing, digging into your muscles.
You stare back at him with wide, honest eyes, ready to bear your whole heart and soul to him—whatever he wants, anytime, always—breath evaporating to ghosts in your throat as you wait.
You know you have nothing to be worried about. You know that Touya can already read you like you’re his favourite storybook, inside out, backwards, can tell your true thoughts and emotions from your expressions alone, can decipher any falsities staining your features with a singular look, a feat he’s been able to achieve in the mere two months he’s known you.
His ability to interpret you so perfectly, to take you and unravel you, unknotting all of your countenances and intonations and getting to your core using one tool in one motion should frighten you.
But it doesn’t.
Finally, he finishes his assessment with one slow nod of his head, gaze performing one last sweep across your face—a precaution of sorts, to ensure he hasn’t missed anything as you begin to relax in his arms—but his features stay wound tight in anger: eyebrows drawn, squint sharp, corners of his mouth pulled down in a small, taut, tense frown.
He pulls you to his chest then, gathers you up between his palms and squeezes you close despite the barely contained fury vibrating in his expression, his jaw methodically clenching and unclenching against your temple as his mind shuffles through his thoughts, determining which should be spoken and in what order they should be voiced.
With calm and even breath, he fires off question after question, each inquiry a razor slicing through the dense atmosphere: Who was it? How was it? When did it happen? Where did it happen? How many times did it happen?
And with each answer that slips from your lips (some frat guy; not good—he didn’t even make you cum; during the summer before you moved in with your niichan; at some beach house; twice), he tugs you tighter to his body, fingers pressing superficial bruises into your flesh as they knead—small oval prints of lilac that’ll fade in an hours time, small marks of ownership that never last as long as he wishes they would.
Your words tremble with sincerity as you respond readily to each and every one of his questions, dutiful as always, fat tears glittering with pure veracity steadily streaming down your face, leaving the prettiest trails of authenticity gleaming on your cheeks.
And yet, despite his actions, his voice is fuming, steam rising off his words as he spits them from his lips, half-stifled sobs stuttering your own answers in return, but you persevere nonetheless.
Eventually, after his curiosity has been sated and there’s nothing else to investigate, he falls silent, but you can still feel it, the anger wavering in the air around him, cracking like flames of sapphire fire that lick at your skin, sending spikes of heat searing through your flesh.
“I’m sorry, niichan,” you nearly wail into his neck, face smushed against his skin as hot tears leak from your eyes, harsh sniffles shuddering through your body. “I—I—I didn’t know; I wouldn’t have—”
Your regret seems to douse the flames, suffocating them to mere cinders as his rigid form relaxes against your own, arms firm around you as he rocks you slightly.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he coos, endearment oozing with sugary condescension. “I know, baby, I know. I know you would’ve waited for niichan, saved it for niichan, had you known.”
Pulling back, a calloused palm cups your cheek, rough thumb rhythmically stroking your salt-sticky skin.
���It’s not your fault, princess, and I’m not mad at you.”
A stunned hiccup catches in your throat and you blink rapidly, a futile attempt to void the bleariness vacillating in your vision. “You—You’re not?”
“Of course not,” he laughs a little, head titling and eyes shining with mirth, looking at you like you’re adorably stupid. “Silly little girl,” he murmurs, insult soaked in wicked admiration. “How could you have known? Hmm?”
Sputtering, you shake your head, more tears escaping from your eyes, dislodged by your rippling lashes as you choke on your words.
“I just—But you—You look so…so angry.”
“Oh, I am angry,” he responds, eyes turned to boiling concrete, framed by heavy brows. “Make no mistake; I’m fucking furious. Your virginity belonged to me, should’ve been mine, and I can’t believe it was wasted on some fucker who couldn’t even satisfy you properly. It’s laughable, it’s pathetic,” he spits. “But I’m not mad at you.”
“You—You promise, niichan?”
Staring at you, his features melt into something softer, something sweeter, something tinged with sincerity, and he kisses you—nothing more than a chaste peck that leaves you licking your lips with a desperate type of voracity, ravenous for more of his taste—sweet hickory and spicy marlboros vibrant on your skin.
“I promise, princess,” he murmurs, nudging his nose against yours. “Besides, now you’re going to make it up to me.”
“Make it up to you?” your head tilts, tear-clumped lashes sticking together as you blink twice, curious.
“Of course,” he smirks, and that malicious glint is back in his eyes, dyed with excitement. “I was gonna wait, you know, for the right time, or whatever, but since you’re not actually a virgin…”
“The right time?” you question, a hopeful, hesitant little smile crawling across your lips. “Were you…Were you planning something special?”
Touya rolls his eyes—something he sometimes does when he doesn’t want to meet your stare, you’ve come to learn—a hand scrubbing at the back of his neck, his words mumbled out and slightly defensive. “Well, yeah, I wasn’t just gonna steal your first time like some asshole. I was gonna try and make it—well, you know—” he flounders slightly, molars grinding together as he uncharacteristically searches for the right words.
“It doesn’t matter, anyway,” he’s saying dismissively as he wraps a large hand around your wrist. “Because you aren’t, which means I’ve been waiting for nothing, and I’m not going to wait another second longer.”
“N-Now?” you squeak, eyes wide and body gone rigid.
“Yeah, why not?“ he shrugs, demeanour nonchalant, though there’s mischief glittering in his eyes.
“Our parents,” you whisper, as if they’ll be able to hear you from the living room above.
Touya laughs, shaking his head a little. “So?” he questions, grin only growing in response to your concern. “When has that ever stopped us before?”
You suppose he has a point.
With his fingers tightly laced through your own, he pulls you from the couch and towards the basement exit, and God, he’s so fucking gorgeous with that pure, genuine excitement saturating his features, sparkling in his smile and shimmering in his gaze.
It’s always such a treat to see him like this—an expression of authentic delight that you don’t experience incredibly often, though it’s beginning to creep into his daily features more and more; whenever you do something he deems cute, or whenever you say something dumb, something that makes him laugh or roll his eyes with a smirk, or whenever you’re as obedient as ever, pretty and perfect and good for him.
It’s a look you’ve never seen him give anyone or anything else, in any other situation—a softening of his edges—and that makes you feel special, important, influential.
Such a look knocks the breath from your chest, his own exhilarated joy seeping into your lungs, sinking into your heart and procuring a sweet little smile of your own, one the fights through the anxiety weighting your ribs and muffles the thoughts rattling around in your head.
But then you’re climbing the stairs to the main floor, and Touya’s murmuring to himself about how he’s dreamt of this so many times, and it all comes rushing back, trepidation turning to stone in your tissues.
It has Touya instantly looking back, having felt your hand go rock hard and stiff in his own, his brow furrowed.
“What’s wrong?”  
You can’t ever get anything past him; can’t ever hide a damn thing from him. It’s hopeless to even try.
“Touya-nii, I want to, you know, I want to so bad, but I—I’m scared,” you admit, pathetically shy, expression teetering on a wince, as if you’re expecting to be reprimanded for your feelings.
“Scared?” he questions, the corners of his mouth twitching downward. Taking your face gently between his rough palms, he cradles your jaw, tilting your face up to look at him. Sapphire sears into your eyes, so bright it’s nearly painful, but you’re unable to look away, even if you wanted to, captivated by his commanding essence. “What is there to be scared of, princess?”
And, oh, his voice is so sweet, so soft, a startling concern shining in his eyes as they sweep across yours. Your body begins to melt into his touch; giving over, giving in, giving up, instant putty for him to mold and meld as he sees fit.
“There’s nothing to be scared of, baby, I promise,” he continues, a calloused thumb running across your cheekbone. “You’ll be with niichan the whole time, okay? He’ll make sure you have a good time; it’s gonna feel better than it ever has before, trust me.”
And you do! You do trust him, but...
“But what if I’m—What if I’m not good at it?”
He laughs—just a short, tender thing, dripping with syrupy condescension. “I’m not expecting you to be good at it, baby,” he tells you in a murmur, that playful smile still twitching on his lips, notes of laughter still infused in his tone, as if you’re so adorable, so stupid.
But it makes you feel better nonetheless, Touya’s patronizing reassurance relieving your chest of the pressure that had begun to build.
“Okay,” you whisper, nodding a little, a dithering smile tugging at your lips.
“Okay,” he echoes quietly, eyes practically glowing as they gaze down at you for another moment, almost as if they’re looking for something. When they don’t find it, he gifts you a singular satisfied nod, turning to haul you up the rest of the stairs.
It’s impossible to snuff out that delicious little spark that flares to life as you creep up from the opening of the basement and sneak past your oblivious parents, ascending the stairs to the top floor—both of you sure to avoid that step that always creaks—and allowing Touya to lead you down the hall.
To your surprise, he bypasses his own bedroom door entirely, opting to stop in front of yours. Your feet stumble a little as he reaches the destination, giving a slight, shy tug on his hand. Touya casts your a curious glance over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised in question.
“I—My bedroom? I thought—”
He cuts your off with an unexpectedly gentle laugh, turning towards you to trace rough fingertips down the smooth curve of your cheek. “No,” he says softly, inexplicable mirth shining in his eyes, as if he finds this all so precious, so amusing, a subtle smile playing with the corners of his lips. “I want to fuck you in your room.”
You don’t understand it—not really, anyway. Most of the sexual encounters the two of you have had have always been within his bedroom, but you have no time to question his logic, because then he’s turning the knob and tugging you forward, speaking as he does so.
“What position did he fuck you in?”
He looks over at you again. “Both times?”
“Uh-huh,” you nod.
“Alright,” he murmurs, nodding to himself, as if he’s just confirmed some sort of plan you are not privileged to be privy to. “I’m gonna have you ride me, then. I don’t normally enjoy being ridden, but I’d like to own at least one of your firsts—two, if you count the fact that you’re gonna cum on a cock for the first time in your life,”
His words are self-assured, concrete in their decisions, and they send a whoosh of excitement plunging through your stomach, alighting your insides with tingling cinders.
A tentative little smile molds itself to your lips and you nod in agreement—as if you ever had a say in the matter, anyway—prompting Touya to gift you with another one of those odd, unfamiliar grins of encouragement; something softer, smoother, sweeter than his usual sharp smirks, something that makes you feel calm, secure, safe.
Large hands cradle your face between calloused palms, tilting your eyes up to his own, his gaze searching your features with intent. That shimmering mirth is still present in his irises, nearly strong enough to cloak that malicious glint that sparkles just beneath the surface.
“You want this, right?”
Of course you do—you always do; you only ever want what he wants, invariably, unfailingly, faithfully.
“That’s my good girl,” he murmurs, the pad of his thumb caressing your cheekbone. That shard of malice dulls a little as he watches you melt into him, so pliant, so obedient, so willing to serve.
“That’s all I ever want to be,” you admit dreamily, words floating on the sweetest little gasp of breath, masking the true vulnerability imbued in them, the raw honesty roiling at their core.
“I know,” he whispers, head dropping forward, forehead knocking against your own. He nudges your nose, nuzzling into your face a little. “I know, and you are,”
It’s unexpected, the intense bout of emotion those few, tiny words inspire within you, a sudden burst of thick appreciation, admiration, love, infusing your blood, but there isn’t a moment to dwell on it.
Because then his lips are on yours, and your fingers are tangling in inky tufts, and his hands are gripping, pulling, scratching—your ass, your hips, your thighs—before he’s hoisting you up, cradling you to his chest as your legs lock around his waist, ankles hooked, heels digging into the dimples cushioning the base of his spine, and laying you back on your pretty peppermint-pink bed, sapphire eyes practically alight with yearning as he crawls atop of you.
Sharp hips slot perfectly between your plush thighs, strong hands sliding up the smooth skin and underneath the hem of your dress, index finger tracing the silk roses embroidered in pink lace, his gentle touch igniting a dull, desperate fire in your gut.
“These are cute, but I want them off of you,” he’s breathing into your mouth, the tip of his tongue punctuating his words with little laps against your own. “I want them off of you, now,”
“Do it, do it, get rid of them, niichan,” you’re begging, hips lifting eagerly, pressing further into his own. Slender fingers tear through the dainty material like flames melding through spiderwebs, and he rips the garment from your body in one swift yank.
Coarse denim grinds against your bare cunt, rough material instantly chafing the sensitive skin, but you don’t care, back arching as you push your hips towards his again, rutting up against his hard, throbbing cock.
Because even though it hurts, it feels good, one of your legs hooking around his thigh in a desperate attempt to get closer, to get more.
It’s pathetically endearing, how needy you are for him, copious amounts of slick seeping through his jeans telling him as much, how ready you are for him after nothing more than a little bit of humping.
“You’re a little whore, y’know that? A dirty, nasty, naughty little whore, getting this fuckin’ wet at the mere thought of your big brother’s cock,” he moans, two fingers snaking between your bodies to delve into your cunt. “Fuck,” the curse cracks in his throat, shattering his voice, his eyes shutting tightly as two knuckles curl inside of you, your responding gasp of his honorific snapping his eyes open again.  
“Yeah? Good?”
“Uh—Uh-huh,” you breathe out, lids already gone languid as they obscure half of your bleary irises, head nodding in slow, dumb motions.
“God, you’re such good little slut for me, aren’t you?” The words fade into a growl, the vicious contracting of his fingers, knuckles pressing into plush silken flesh, prohibiting you from forming any semblance of a coherent answer. “So wet for your niichan, so perfect and willing and ready for your niichan, huh?”
A responding tangle of words gurgles in your throat, and the coo that slips from Touya’s mouth, accompanied by the mocking worry creasing his brow and the exaggerated jutting of his bottom lip, is drenched with sugary condescension, glowing azure eyes wide, clear, alert as they catalogue every fleeting expression that glazes your features: the scrunching of your nose as you try to glue a response together, the knitting of your brows that keep going lax, loose, every time his knuckles brush that spot, the wobbling of your mouth as your sluggish tongue attempts to form transient words through pools of sticky sweet saliva.
“I don’t even need to fucking do anything, do I?” And although the words are breathy, the tone is sharp, accompanied by a smug smirk and a quirked brow. “You’re so fucking easy for your niichan, aren’t you? So fucking sexy for your niichan, how hot you get for him, his naughty little sister, his best little sister,”
The sentiment cuts through your heated flesh like a sugar-encrusted razor, stinging yet sweet, only working to heighten the pumping of his fingers, each curl of his knuckles compounded by his smooth voice, hazy as it wafts across your face.
You can feel how wet you are, slick and slippery as crystal drops roll down your thighs; can hear how wet you are, obscene squelching accompanying each of Touya’s movements, every breath Touya puffs against your skin inspiring another gushing bout of heat, drenching his fingers and staining the lines of his palm, swollen clit throbbing for his attention.
But it’s downright embarrassing, how right he truly is, humiliated tears flooding your vision, clinging to your lashes as you try to blink them away. “Y-You’re right, niichan,” you hiccup, staring up at him through a shield of sparkling water with such pure devotion it scathes him. “I don’t want your fingers, they’re not enough! I want your pretty cock inside me, please, please, I—I want it!”
“Christ,” he nearly whines, the sharpness of his tone just a moment ago dulled to a needy whimper. “Alright, baby, alright, shh, niichan’s gonna give you want you want,”
His promise pacifies your sniffled pleads, lashes fluttering as you blink those shameful tears from your eyes, vision misty and shimmering. Those massive hands are on your hips again, tacky fingers gripping you close to his body as he swiftly flips the both of you, his back pressed firmly to your mattress as you straddle his lap. Prominent hipbones pierce the supple flesh of your thighs as his hips buck up again, eager and expectant.
“Get my cock out, princess,” he instructs with another shallow thrust, sapphire glittering as he gazes up at you, raw ruby lips shining in the dim light of your bedroom as his tongue laves over them again.
Shuffling back onto his thighs, your delicate fingers find the button of his jeans, popping it open. Scalding heat floods your cheeks as your gaze lands on the puddle of wetness that has soaked into the denim, slicking the zipper.
“Yeah, look at the fucking mess you made, sweetheart,”
It’s supposed to be admonishing, but it comes out full of admiration, almost as if he’s proud of you instead of reprimanding you.
“Nah, nah, nah, don’t stop,” he chastises your now frozen hands, notes of smug satisfaction sewn into his voice at the potent embarrassment trembling in the air around you. “Do as niichan said and get his cock out.”
Nodding to yourself, you resume your ministrations, mortification diluted by his resulting praise as you obey.
His cock feels heavy in your palm, flushed pink to the tip and smoother than the most luxurious velvet, perfectly straight and garnished with a singular dewdrop of pre-cum.
And he swears to God, he’ll never tire of that look you get, every single time you pull his cock from his pants, whole expression encrusted with awe, as if you can’t believe it’s real, a pitiful insatiability glittering in your unblinking eyes, like you’re starved for him, jagged little huffs of breath exhaled through parted lips, mouth watering for him.
You’re so fucking beautiful, so fucking obedient for him, thighs tensing as your lift your body the moment he instructs you to, void of any hesitance—dedicated, diligent, desperate to please.
He keeps a secure grip on your hips as you grasp the base of his cock, holding it straight as you begin to sink down on it, a loud, stammered gasp hitching in your chest at the sudden stretch.
It’s so much bigger, so much thicker than his fingers, larger and girthier than anything you’ve ever taken before, and you swear you can feel your delicate flesh tearing with each inch further, splitting into little fissures as it yields to accommodate him.
The whine that slices your throat as he continues to push up into you is nothing short of gorgeous, strong fingers flexing on your hips while he keeps his pace steady and controlled.
“O-Oh, oh niichan, niichan, it—ah!”
A cry cuts you off as he bottoms out, the head of his cock pressed snugly to your sensitive cervix, your nails piercing through the thin cotton of his t-shirt as they scrabble against his chest, looking for any sort of stability.
“It’s so big, Touya-nii,” you whine, eyelids shutting tightly against the sting of tears, a half-hiccuped sob catching in your throat.
And you’re so cute, with the way your nose scrunches and your mouth twists as your cunt struggles to take him, pathetic little noises of pain catching in your throat as you try to swallow them down, quiet mewls and cracked whimpers that spill from your lips no matter how vigorously you try to silence them.
“Shh,” he hushes you gently, hands giving a singular firm squeeze in comfort. “You’re doing so good, baby, so good for me,”
Gritting your teeth, you nod jerkily, exhaling harshly to quell the twitching of your nose.
“I want you to start moving now,” Touya instructs, voice soothing and serene. “Can you keep being good for niichan and do that?”
Of course. Of course you can.
And you do—or, any least, you try.
But it burns, each wooden rock of your hips sending cinders searing through your gut to simmer in the pit of your stomach, every bump of his cock against your cervix procuring a dull ache that contracts at the very core of your body, a strong cramp that sends sharp pain radiating up your spine and down your thighs and straight through your heart.
It’s too painful, agony churning in your belly, bubbling up your throat, pushed higher and higher with each uneven thrust until you’re sure it’s going to spill out your mouth, the stench of blood stinging your nose, poor little cunt ripping itself wider and wider for him, avid in its mission to please.
Little hiccups—poorly suppressed sobs that manage to crawl up your throat and past your tongue—fall from your lips with each of your movements, pretty tears dripping down your cheeks, face screwed up in excruciating determination.
You think you might be getting the hang of it, but then he rolls his hips—a shallow movement,  a singular thrust upward, just once—and a pained mewl fragments in your throat, coughing around the shards. Your motions stutter to a halt as the stinging at the apex of your thighs becomes too much to handle, sucking in a sharp hiss through your teeth as your head shakes.
“I can’t Touya-nii, I can’t, I can’t!”
“Oh, baby,” he coos, and despite the condescension drenching the word, his touch is tender, calloused thumbs rubbing small circles into the flesh of your waist. “You can, niichan knows you can.”
“I-I can’t!” you wail, whole body shuddering as a humiliated sob tears through it, face falling forward to be cradled by your palms. “You’re in my tummy, niichan, I swear I can—I can feel you there, it’s too—too deep, too much!”
“Alright, alright, come here,” Touya sighs resignedly, large hands wrapping around your biceps and pulling you toward his chest. You fall forward in a crumpled heap, bawling against his collarbone and he laughs—nothing mean, just a gentle soft little thing—hands petting your back, his cock twitching from the tears. “It’s okay, niichan’s got you, my little crybaby,”
His sweet insult only makes you cry harder, little fingers tangling in the cotton of his shirt, face burrowing in his strong chest as smouldering pins prick your flesh. His voice vibrates against your cheek as he hushes you, hands trailing up and down your spine in pacification.
Such uncharacteristic kindness—no fury for being unable to do what you’ve been told to do, no frustration for your whiny crying as you sob against him—is so unusual, so unlike him, that it instils a thick, dense fear at the core of your chest, cold and sticky as it encases your heart and sludges up your vertebrae.
“Why are you—Why are you being so nice to me?” you whisper, eyes reflexively closing as your body tenses in anticipation of his answer, his anger.
“Because you’re nothing more than a stupid little baby, aren’t you?” he responds easily, the question genuine, hands never stilling their ministrations. “I knew you were gonna suck at this, princess. This is pretty much exactly what I expected. I mean, fuck,” he breathes out a little chuckle, nudging your face with his shoulder. “It’s almost like you’ve never had sex at all. It’s almost as good as it would be if you were a real virgin.”
A hiccup shivers your ribs, that icy dread melting instantly in the heat of his confession, ignominy quickly taking its place again.
“So stop crying, baby,” he whispers, lips moving against your scalp. “This makes niichan very happy.”
“But I—I’m sorry, niichan,” you weep into his body, head shaking again, salt water staining your cheeks and leaking into your mouth, words garbled with spit and shame. “I can’t be good!”
“Hey,” Touya murmurs softly, the sheer concern in his voice startling you. “Look at me.”
Reluctantly, you pull your head from his body, lifting it just enough to peek at him through your lashes.
And, oh, aren’t you a fucking sight, flesh streaked with salt, hair messy and sodden with sweat, chin trembling incessantly. A palm cups your jaw, rough thumb swiping across your cheekbone, catching tears mid-stream and smearing them across your skin.
“You haven’t failed me, princess,” his eyes are burning, bright and blue and clear, void of the hazy cloud the drugs usually cast. “You hear me? You can still be good—you are still good,” he pauses, allowing his words a moment to settle in your mind. “Niichan is going to help you, okay? Will you let him do that?”
Your nodding before he’s even finished speaking, and he can’t help but murmur out praises at your pure eagerness; such a good girl for him, so keen and wanting to please, isn’t that right?
“Woah, no, no, not yet,” he chuckles as you begin to sit up again, rubbing at your eyes with the back of your hand. “The further you sit up, the deeper my cock goes,” he explains, expert hands stilling your body. “See?”
Slow and precise, he inches your body up, up, up, until a gasp lacerates the atmosphere, your whole face scrunching in pain.
“Mhmm,” you breathe with a nod, a palm instinctively pressed between your hipbones to soothe the pang, lowering yourself back to his chest, the pain ebbing away.
“So we’re going to go slow, yeah?” his palms find their designated spot on your hips again, guiding them forward. “Just small little rolls, just like that,” he grunts a little, shifting beneath you. “There you go, baby, perfect,”
The praise reinvigorates you, a ferocious determination blazing to life in your chest, reignited by your everlasting craving for his approval and admiration.
Because you want nothing more than to make him proud, residual sniffles catching in your chest as you follow his lead, hips slow and steady as you begin to ride him again. It still hurts, fat dewdrops of tears streaming down your face, but you persevere for him, forcing your body to sit up, movements never halting.
His eyes shine with a peculiar little glimmer as he stares up at you, something soft and pretty swirling in the lust-tinged cobalt, something you’ve never seen before.
It’s something close to admiration, but not quite, something that murmurs about how pathetically precious you are, clueless and terrible and hurting, yet you endure it; you endure it all, just for him, only for him.
“You’re so…beautiful,” he breathes, calloused thumb swiping through your tears, gathering the salt on his fingertip before sticking it in his mouth. “You’re so fucking hot,���
His hands stay put on your body, continuing to mentor you, subtly readjusting the angle of your hips as you work at building up a rhythm until he finds whatever he’s looking for, indicated by a loud gasp and sweet little shudder, hips jerking a little.
A smirk crawls across his face, full of knowledge. “That feel good, baby?”
Yes, your nodding in quick little motions, eyes rolling back as the head of his cock brushes over that spot again. Yes, yes, yes, it feels so good.
“C’mon, use your words, niichan wants to hear it.”
“Yes, niichan, yes, it—it feels really good, it’s—” a moan cuts you off, movements beginning to speed up on their own accord, yearning for more of that intense pleasure.
It feels better than anything you’ve ever felt before—better than his fingers, better than his tongue, better than his thigh, better than any of it, than all of it combined, each stroke of his cock sending intoxicating sparks zipping through your veins, alighting your entire body.
It’s the same spot that he always seems to find with his fingers, you think, but this feels immensely better, compounded by the stretch of his cock and the grinding of your clit against his pubic bone.
“Ah, there you go,” Touya says, and his voice is warm, almost as if he’s happy you’re feeling good. “That’s it, you’re doing it, yeah, make yourself feel good, make yourself feel good for niichan,”
You’re nodding to yourself, sweet little whimpers falling from your lips as you push your hips to move faster, starting to really bounce on his cock. The tears staining your face have dried into crusted trails of salt, eyes glistening with lingering pain, kept safe behind your lashes, sobs diminished to the occasional sniffle, peppered artfully throughout your sounds of pleasure.
It’s Touya’s favourite sound in the whole fucking world.
“Look at my beautiful baby riding my cock, such a good little whore for me, doing so well,” he grunts, the grip on your hips tightening infinitesimally.
Because while you may be on top, his hands never leave your hips, never fully allowing you to take control, always keeping the reigns safe and secure in his palms.
“There you go, all you needed was someone to help you, yeah? Someone to bring out that inherent slut buried deep within you, huh? Fuckin’ Christ,” he groans. “Bet that fucking frat boy didn’t even know what a perfect slut he had on his hands. Because you’re only a perfect little slut for your big brother, isn’t that right?”
“For you, for you, only for you, niichan,” you’re babbling out, head nodding in loose little motions.
“You’re goddamn right, only for me.”
And he looks absolutely breathtaking beneath you, sapphire eyes lidded and shining in the dim light, pupils blown and voracious as they devour you, breathy words pouring from saliva-soaked lips, strands of soft ink strewn across your lace trimmed pillows, framing his head like a spiky halo of onyx.
It doesn’t take long after he finds your g-spot before you’re cumming pathetically hard, pathetically loud, pathetically quickly.
“Oh, oh niichan, I—It’s—ah!”
“Gonna cream all over my cock, baby?” he asks, and his eyes are wide, glittering with anticipation.
“Do it, then,” he orders, somehow both harsh and sweet, words spit from his mouth, impatient and eager as strong hands force your hips to speed up. “Fucking cum all over me, show me how gorgeous you look, gushing on a cock,”
His voice drips with authority, has your cunt submitting to it’s master in two seconds flat, whole body convulsing as you make a mess all over his cock, pussy clenching with such vigour it’s almost painful.
It forces the most glorious sound from Touya’s throat, though—a sound you’ve never heard him make before, a sound that has your entire stomach fluttering—as his head tilts back and his neck arches, Adam’s apple bobbing, prominent collarbone coated in intricate ink heaving with the moan.
Everything feels hazy, dreamy, as a special type of bliss rushes through your veins, so hot it burns, melting your bones and you collapse against his chest, body gone pliant.  
You’re still grinding against him, rubbing the head of his cock against that spot over and over again even as it sends vicious judders of overstimulation rippling through your entire body, and he murmurs something into your hair, something about how fucking greedy you are, a large hand smoothing down your damp back.
You want to tell Touya how unbelievably incredible that was, how good it felt, how you want to do that every single day with him for the rest of your lives, but your tongue doesn’t seem to want to cooperate, turned heavy and sluggish in your mouth, stunned into silence by such immense pleasure.
Exhaustion tugs at the corners of your consciousness, weighting your eyelids as they begin to droop, face nuzzling into Touya’s chest.
But he rips you from serenity’s grasp half a moment later, suddenly shifting beneath you, a low whine sounding in your throat as his cock—still hard and throbbing—slips out of you, no longer acting as that warm, comforting plug that kept some of your juices safely inside, slick leaking out of you in cold little dollops.
Chills skitter across your skin, shivering at the loss of Touya’s heat, but then his hands are on you again, flipping you over, face pressed into your pillow.
He’s saying something as those rough hands curl around your hips and yank them up, a knee shoving at your own to widen your thighs, but it all sounds muddled, ears tuning in and out of his frequency, only catching bits of his sentences.
“…Fucked dumb…Fucking stupid from my…That’s all it takes, huh?”
Shutting your eyes tightly, you force yourself to concentrate, to focus, focus on niichan’s voice and decipher what he’s saying, be good for him and listen.
“Aw, that’s cute,” he says, but his voice is harsh, mean, razored by condescension, all of that abnormal kindness from earlier incinerated to ash in an instant. “You’re already so fucked out! So good for me, so easy,” his hands roam your ass, kneading the flesh as they go. “But we’re just getting started, baby,” a flat palm collides with your skin, the resounding slap echoing throughout the room, Touya speaking over it. “Wake up.”
The spank sends jolts searing through your veins, buzzing little sparks of pain that eat up any fatigue, stunning you awake.
Your arms tremble as you push yourself up just enough to glance back at him, sleep-tinged confusion written into your pretty features.
“It’s niichan’s turn now.”
The smile on his face is terrifying, stretched sharp and wide across his cheeks, but it doesn’t stop your stomach from squeezing in anticipation, in desperation, forever starved for him.
He must see something in your eyes, must read something in your expression, because he pauses, an odd little gleam shining in his gaze again, body blanketing yours as he leans forward to catch your chin and smash your lips together.
It’s nothing more than a brutal little peck, and you nearly strain your neck trying to follow his mouth, but then he’s pushing on the space between your shoulder blades again, shoving you back into the mattress.
“I want you to be a good girl and keep your head down and hips up,” he’s instructing as the head of his cock bumps against your hole. “Y’think you can do that for me?”
“Yes, niichan,” you’re responding instantly, words muffled by the pillow, head nodding frantically to accentuate your point.
He laughs again—something short, something soft and just for him—before he buries his cock in your cute little cunt in one swift thrust.
A yelp shatters in your throat, tangled in threads of saliva as it oozes into the fabric of your pillow, eyes snapping open.
This—This is so much deeper.
The pain is unimaginable, little hole stinging as it splits open for him again, but Touya doesn’t allow you a moment to meditate on it, a moment to voice your concerns at all, hips setting a ruthless pace right from the start.
Broken little cries, fragmented by the constant pumping of his hips, pour from your mouth, a steady stream of sweet agony drooled out into your mattress as his cockhead slams against your sore cervix.
The pain is unimaginable, but it’s also so fucking good, Touya having expertly angled his hips to ensure that his cock strokes that spot with each pound into you, sending thorns of pain-tinged pleasure shooting through your flesh. It’s impressive; he knows your own body better than you do, already, a fact that should frighten you, a fact that doesn’t.
You don’t even realize you’re crying until a sob claws at your chest, too lost in the sensations of it all—his bruising fingers writing his name all across your body in brilliant hues of blue; and his slamming hips, so harsh, so brutal they have your fingers tangling tightly in the sheets, every muscle in your body quivering as you try your best not to be jostled up the mattress; and his sharp teeth, sinking into your shoulder hard enough to slice through the flesh—drowning in the overstimulation, intoxicated by the exhilaration of pain and pleasure melding together and becoming one, brain turned to delightful mush.
“Yeah,” Touya breathes, and he sounds so beautiful, your chest aching at the thought of not being able to see him. “That’s it, take my cock. Take my cock like the good little slut you are.”
You whine, high and needy as your head nods lethargically. Anything for you, niichan.
Your orgasm hits you suddenly, unexpectedly, a burst of flames that lick through your veins and coil around your organs, embracing them in suffocating heat and pulsing in time with your pussy.
Everything feels hazy, body gone numb, vision blurring at the edges as you struggle to stay alert, desperate to hear him cum, to feel him cum.
It only takes another three sharp pistons of his hips before he’s spilling himself into you, stuffing you full of thick, burning cream, cock throbbing with the weak stuttering of his hips, a vicious shudder coursing through his flesh as a cracked whimper of your name sounds in deep his throat.
And oh, it feels fucking incredible, feels better than you could’ve ever imagined, the way he crams you so full of cum that it must be overflowing—into your tummy and down your thighs and all over the sheets.
It’s not enough, you want more, hips wiggling back against him in a pitiful attempt, a hiss spit from between his teeth.
“Christ, princess,” he pants out, though you can hear it, the notes of amusement, of adoration, infused in his tone. “You’ve already milked niichan for all the cum he’s got.”
“Want more, niichan,” you mumble into the puddle of drool saturating your sheets, cheeks and chin shining.
He chuckles a little—just a soft sound that dances on his tongue full of fondness and laced with disbelief—as he pulls out of you, a bratty whine falling from your lips.
“Listen,” he tells you as he turns you over slowly, gently, more gentle than he’s ever been before, more gentle than you ever thought him capable of. “Niichan will give you more very soon, okay? I promise.”
“Pinky promise?”
“Yeah, baby,” he says, thumb brushing sweat-soaked hair from your temple. “Pinky promise.”
A sigh escapes your lips, whole chest deflating with the weight of it as your eyes slip shut, a pleasant little smile melded to your mouth. “Good,” you murmur out, words garbled and thick with spit. “B’cause that—that was s’yummy.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” he responds as he pulls your quivering body against his own, an arm wrapped tightly around your waist as the other hoists your comforter over your entwined forms.
A content little hum vibrates in your throat as you snuggle into him, a thigh hitched over his waist, a leg hooked around him, lips dropping a few sloppy kisses along his collarbone.
“Love you, niichan.”
It’s nothing more than a huff of warm breath wafting over his skin, so soft he would’ve missed it had he not been so close to you, and his blood turns to shards of ice in his veins, whole body frozen, stiff and rigid.
You don’t notice, already drifted into the clutches of sweet unconsciousness, the confession having slipped from your lips just as sleep took hold.
His heart rattles his rib cage, thumping hard and uneven against the bone, blood rushing in his ears, breath stagnating in his lungs.
Love him?
Panic alights every nerve in his body, cackling with sharp sparks of electricity, an urgent buzz zipping through the ice that had been coating his blood.
Love him?  
No. This was never supposed to happen. You weren’t supposed to fall for him, not this hard, not this real. You were only supposed to be a toy to be won, a piece of prey to be captured, a prize to be attained, played with, tarnished, then thrown away.
You are, aren’t you?  
But you love him.
Echoes of the sentiment stick in his throat, but he can’t say it back—can’t even pretend it’s said in a familial sense, because he knows it isn’t—not yet, not even as the thought births a ball of pure sunshine in his chest; warm, true, right.
Too warm, too true, too right, too real, unfamiliar letters sharp as they claw up his throat and at the back of his tongue, tearing him apart from the inside out.
He should get up and leave. He should put some distance between the two of you, put some powder up his nose and pills down his throat as he tries to figure out what the fuck is going on here.
Except weak fingers are knotted in his t-shirt, an iron grasp that he’s hopeless of breaking, even if he wanted to.
And he doesn’t want to.
And that, that terrifies him most of all.  
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sharpth1ng · 7 months
Ok so I actually really like scream 2, I think it exists well within the spirit of what a scream movie should be in that it interacts with a horror sequel in the same way that Scream 1 interacts with slasher movies(and to be fair, other horror) generally.
Sidney is literally bored with Ghostface, and we see that in her first on screen appearance. It's a pretty simple scene but I think it does a good job of conveying some information about where Sid's at in life. Because now when she gets a call from ghostface it's nothing she hasn't dealt with before, she had caller I.D now. It's suggested that she's been getting prank calls from "ghostface" for a while now and she's over it. I like that for her. It's a nice evolution for a final girl, and the movie communicates it well in one scene.
She also has a cute little bob now so points for that. Very sapphic.
We also have the fact that the Woodsboro massacre has been commodified and is being made into a movie a mere 2 years after it happened. Gale is partly to blame for that but it still feels wild, especially because the tone of Stab isn't very serious, it's very much a blockbuster horror movie and not a crime-drama even though it's based on what is in universe a true crime case.
Director Wes Craven doesn't believe violence on film should be toned down and made comfortable for a general audience, so I kind of read the in-universe presence of the Stab franchise as Scream 2 making a comment on the way that real tragedies get re-packaged and sold as stories.
We also have Mickey and Nancy's kill list- it's a hollow replication of the murders in the first movie, and I don't mean that scream 2 does a bad job with them I mean that Mickey and Nancy kind of do. How do they pick their victims? Aside from the core group of people close to Sidney they're basically just random people with the right names.
Maureen Evans, Phil Stevens, and Casey "Cici" Cooper.
These victims have no personal connection to the killers or to Sidney for the most part, they're literally just there to be bodies. In contrast Billy and Stu had a personal, petty little kill list, all people that pissed them off or got in thier way somehow. Again, this feels like it fits in with the theme of commercialism, sequels bet on hitting the same notes as the original, but often fail to provide the same kind of motivation and backing.
(The only victim without that kind of connection in the original is Himbry and that’s explained by the fact that his death wasn’t in the original script, it was added in because executives thought the movie needed another kill since there’s so much space between the Casey and Steve murders and everything that happens at the party. So again, a product of commercialism.)
But I think the lack of connection Nancy and Mickey have with their victims is also commentary on the horror sequel, particularly with slasher movies where most of the cast died in the original. Sequels have a tendency to just throw a new cast at you without spending the same time and care developing them, they’re just designed to fit the same archetypes as the original (Mickey=Stu, Derek=Billy, Hallie=Tatum). Studios bank on the fact that you liked it the first time, so you’ll like it again if they check the same boxes.
Scream 2 doesn’t give us hollow copies though, and that’s what makes it a good movie, these replacements are designed for the most part as comments on the original. I think the best example here is Derek, who does actually fit the archetype Billy was pretending to be (popular, charismatic, outgoing) but he still doesn’t actually understand Sid or her trauma, which is where he parallels Billy the most. He just isnt trying to manipulate Sid like Billy was.
I also think the relationship between the killers works well with the theme of commercialism in sequels. The original killers are almost defined by their relationship to each other. Like, Stu does what he does purely out of his attachment to Billy. Billy and Nancy are both motivated by revenge and familial love, which is a theme through many of the other scream movies.
But Mickey isn’t motivated out of his attachment to Nancy, he has a financial motive. She’s literally bankrolling him, and he’s looking for fame. If we’re thinking cynically about horror sequels they are motivated by financial gain, relying on the success of the original to get people to buy in. Just like Mickey.
And in general the sequel just pushes so much over the top, with the first kill happening in the middle of the theater being perceived as a publicity stunt, to Randy being killed out in the open in broad daylight. It’s the classic sequel thing that all of the scream movies comment on- you need to raise the stakes.
Honestly there’s probably more I could say but I’ve already written an essay 🙃 yeah. I like scream 2. Good movie.
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nights-with-stars · 29 days
A Spooky Night
Billy x Belle
Billy watches a horror movie with Belle. He's really not a fan of horror movies.
Billy was standing out the front of Random Play, clutching a paper shopping bag in his arms. He had been procrastinating for a while now. The prospect of watching a horror film was not that exciting, but there wasn’t a lot he could do now. Nicole had made the arrangement and Belle seemed so excited at the idea. He couldn't just refuse her. -Yet he couldn't get the courage to just open the door.
Wise, who was closing up the store for the night had been actively avoiding acknowledging the fact that he has seen Billy out the front door for the past 10 minutes. However he couldn't keep ignoring him for long. The only thing left to do was a quick tidy up outside. He sighed. heading for the door and opening it quickly.
“Hello Billy.” Wise could not have sounded less impressed. Billy startled, nearly dropping his bag of goods. “Anything I can help you with?”
“yes, uh yes there is.” Billy stammered not making eye contact. “Is Belle here?”
“She’s just ducked out to get something, but she said she’ll be back soon.” Wise remembered now. Belle wouldn’t shut up about how she was going to watch some horror movie with Billy tonight. She even tidied her room for the first time in a while because of it. However, he decided to play dumb. “Why? do you need to see her?”
“We had plans to watch a movie together.” Billy replied. Wise nodded at his answer.
“What movie?”
“Horror Hollows or something?”
“Hollow Horrors? That’s quite the film. Takes the already terrifying experience of being lost in a hollow and exaggerates it tenfold.” Billy became visibly more nervous as Wise talked.
“Great. That sounds great. I can’t wait.” Billy's voice wavers slightly. Why did he agree to this. Well, he knew why. But it didn’t make him feel any better about it in this moment. Before he could get too caught up in his thoughts a voice emerged startling him.
“I got the window cleaner you needed.” Belle rapidly approached. “Hey Billy.” Billy gave a small wave as best he could whilst the grip on his bag of groceries tightened.
“Thanks Belle, I’ve almost finished closing the store. I take it you’ve got yourself busy for the rest of the night?” Wise gestures towards Billy.
“You betcha.” She doesn’t even hesitate. Approaching Billy, she smiles brightly, a bounce in her step. “Ready to watch Hollow Horrors?”
“Never been more ready.” He declares with bravado. Belle laughs at this before opening the door and letting Billy in. Before she can fully disappear Wise yells out.
“Just don’t play it too loud. Some people actually like to sleep.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Belle chuckles. Wise only shakes his head as his sister closes the door. He gets back to his tasks.
Inside Random Play, Belle and Billy make their way upstairs. Belle, having grabbed the movie on the way, enters the room and immediately heads towards the video player. Billy enters as well, standing awkwardly.
“Your free to make yourself at home. You can put that bag down on the table to if you want.”
“Thanks.” He quickly moves to do so, then sitting himself down, politely on the couch, back straight and not taking up much room. Belle puts the tape in, beginning to rewinding it. Whilst it does that she heads to her bed and grabs a blanket, chucking it over the rails and watching it land right on top of Billy. He startles in surprise and quickly fights his way out of it. Belle chuckles at his jumpy behavior. It’s then she gets a proper look at the paper bag he brought with him. She leans over the rail to get a proper look.
“What did you bring by the way?”
“I brought some snacks.” He quickly responded in a delighted tone. Pulling them out of the bag. “But I wasn’t sure which ones you liked.” Belle watched as he continued to pull snacks out, more than was needed for one movie viewing, but it was rather endearing.
“Those are great Billy, thanks.” She moves to turn the lights out now. Billy looks up as soon as the lights go out, She could faintly hear whirring from him intensify in that moment. Poor guy is terrified and the movie hasn’t even begun. She sits down next him. “You sure you want to watch it?”
“Of course I do. It’s nothing a Starlight Knight like me can’t handle.” Billy declares. Belle rolls her eyes playfully at the display.
The movie had finished rewinding, so she gets up and starts the film.
The movie begins. Bleak and grim. People dying to ethereals that were more monstrous and cunning than any ethereal they would have encountered. setting the stakes for the film. It then moves on to a bright and cheery scene. Introducing the character and motivations. Setting up the downfall. Belle opens one of the snacks Billy got her as she settles in. Billy subconsciously wraps the blanket around himself.
The movie continues to introduce its plot. A small group of hollow raiders wanting to make some quick cash in a hollow that was known even among the most prestigious of raiders as a death trap. With ethereals more monstrous and near super natural than anyone had ever seen. The group also brought a proxy with them.
The movie was a simple premise. One not too farfetched even. Sure, the ethereals weren’t exactly realistic in terms of behavior or design, but it was aiming to be scarier than realistic. Plus, movies depicting ethereals in monstrous ways always sold better.Billy quickly grew invested in the group of protagonists, specifically fond of the character of the proxy. For no reason in particular, obviously.
Belle couldn’t help but make a few comments on inaccuracies in the film. Voicing most of what he was thinking. Most people might find it annoying, but he found it too be a welcome distraction from what was happening on screen as the horror in the horror film properly began. A few of the less developed or less interesting character were killed off. Billy was already feeling dread for the rest of this film.
Halfway through the film Belle was yawning. She’d seen it quite a few times and a lot of the scare factor had worn off for her. Unlike Billy who sat stiff in place. He sat wide eyed. Yet, he couldn’t look away.
At some point Belle had managed to wrangle a little of the blanket away from Billy as the night grew colder but he still had majority of it in a tight hold. She sat close to him in order to share it.
Without realizing she began to nod off. It was a busy day, and everything finally caught up to her. That and the warmth radiating off Billy was quite relaxing. His systems must be overworking because of the movie. Must be the equivalent to an adrenaline rush.
Belle closed her eyes as the sounds of the movie and mechanical whirring lulled her to sleep. Her head ended up resting on his chest. The warmth too enticing to resist.
Billy was far too focused on the terrifying movie to even notice she had begun to use him as a likely, uncomfortable pillow. All his effort was put into not overheating and shutting down. He regretted every moment of even coming in to watch it. He would not get to sleep tonight after this. Why did she have to turn the lights off? And he had to go home in the dark after this. Maybe he might just ask to sleep in the staff room afterwards.
He continued to watch in rapt fear. The movie was at its climax, only 2 remained. One of the raiders, and the proxy. He knew logically this story would need to keep the proxy alive, obviously. How else would the story go. You can’t have the protagonist stuck in the Hollow forever. So, when he watched as the film suddenly and brutally killed the proxy character he sat in genuine despair. His grip on the blanket around him tightened and he would have cried had he the capability. It’s because of the familiar feeling of being lost in a hollow without a carrot or proxy hitting a little too close to home for him, he kept telling himself. Definitely no other reason.
Billy mentally checked out of the movie after that. He was still frightened by the sounds and the jump scares. And felt dread at the sight of disfigured ethereal forms, but he didn’t care much for how the movie ended after that. In fact, he hardly even knows what happens in the rest of the movie. Simply too distraught over everything else that happens. Billy only noticed the movie had reached its end when the credits suddenly flash in front of him.
He continued to sit frozen in place. After a few minutes he got his circuits back in order, calming himself. Only he noticed the quietness. He very much did not appreciate it, after everything he just saw. He could feel fear creeping up again. Belle had been chatting a lot through the first half of the film. And he happily listened due to her voice being much nicer to focus on. He didn’t notice when it seemed to stop but he greatly missed it right now. She probably just got invested in the film is all. He went to turn to face her only to now notice the weight against his chest.
Billy looked down and saw Belle sleeping peacefully. He began to overheat again for a completely different reason this time. Her head rest firmly on his chest and the more he focused he could feel her arm wrapped around his side. He had no idea what to do in this situation. He didn’t want to wake her, but he couldn’t just sit here all night, could he? Well in all fairness going home wasn’t appealing right now either. Sure, the streets could be scary in the dark but, Billy really didn’t want to leave Belle alone right now. He feared leaving and never seeing her again.
He knew it was stupid. He knew Belle would hardly be in the position to die in a hollow. And that the worst that would happen is Eous never returns. But even though his rational thoughts were telling him this, the fear persisted. Plus, she was clearly comfortable to some degree. Who is he to disturb her. Billy looked down at Belle, it was dark as the credits had finished. The only light really coming from the window in the hallway because the door was left open. How did she fall asleep whilst watching something like that?
Billy decided to let himself shutdown. He should automatically reboot come morning. And even despite the horror film he had just watched, he found it somewhat easy to rest with Belle by his side.
Wise woke up before Belle as per normal. Although it was a bit later than he would have liked. She did not follow his request to not play the movie so loud, but that wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to. After briefly getting ready he left his room to begin catching up on tasks he needed to do before opening the store. Only to be stopped upon noticing Belle’s door was open. It wasn’t like her to be up this early.
He glanced into her room to see if she was there only to stop in surprise. He saw Belle passed out soundly against Billy who was wrapped up tightly in a blanket. There was also a few open bags of different unfinished snacks. It was quite the site. He thought about taking a photo, but Wise decided to pretend he didn’t see anything and left the doorway to go open the shop. He would be teasing her about it later though.
Later, Billy’s automatic reboot kicked in as he whirred back to life, startling Belle awake in the process. She was still half asleep but sat up, noticing the pain in her face and neck. The weight of Billy’s arm on her back quickly woke her up properly. She can’t really recall when she fell asleep, but she definitely did at some point, and trapped Billy here as well. Her cheeks began to burn hot at the realization. Billy finally booted back to life after a short boot cycle. He looked down and noticed Belle awake. His arm still wrapped around her. He quickly jumped away and stood up. Pretending nothing happened.
“Good- good morning.” He stuttered, quickly trying to think of how the natural progression of this conversation should go. But he fell short as he stood there in deafening silence.
“Morning…” Belle yawned. She quickly snapped out of any thoughts she was lost in and perked up as best she could this early in the morning. “Did you like the movie?”
“Uh, it was a movie.” Billy wasn’t sure what the nice way to say 'I never want to watch that movie again' was. “You really like that movie?” He sounded more shocked than he wanted to let on. Luckily Belle only laughed.
“Nicole said you were bad with horror movies, but I didn’t think it was THAT bad.” She smiled at him. “It’s the end that makes it all worth it to me. A bittersweet ending that leaves you wanting more.”
“Oh uh, I don’t really remember the end that well.”
“You just watched it?!” Belle would be upset if she didn’t find it so funny. “What do you remember then?”
“I remember up until…” He thinks back on it before his shoulders slumped and his eyes turned irritated. “I remember up until the part that the proxy died.” His disappointment was hardly disguised.
“Did you fall asleep too?”
“No, I just sort of… lost interest after that.” He mumbles, looking away. His visor displayed a small blush.
“So, your saying you didn’t like the movie because the proxy died?” Belle chuckled lightly.
“I don’t see how you could like that?!” He quickly defended himself. “I couldn’t bring myself to care about the raider, who didn’t do anything to stop their proxy from dying. I would give my life before letting you die-” He quickly stops himself, but he already said it and can’t take it back. The small blush on his visor grows exponentially. He sputters a bit before quickly starting again. “Thanks for watching it with me and uh, I got to get back before Nicole presumes me dead. Thank you. See ya. Bye.” He quickly rushes out the door and down the stairs. He only briefly acknowledges Wise on his way out before making it outside. He can feel his systems overheating already as he quickly heads back to the Cunning Hares house.
Belle was left in her room stunned. He left so suddenly. So quickly she hardly even had time to process what he said. She didn’t even get a chance to say bye before he ran. She gets up and slowly heads down the stairs. She finds Wise who had just finished opening the store. Before she can even greet him, he begins talking.
“What was up with Billy?” Wise asked. Belle now thought back on what had just happened. A blush quickly spread to her face as the words he said slowly sank in.
“He said he would die for me and then just bolted.”
“He said what?”
Wise did in fact tease her about this for the rest of the day.
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luwritesomething · 2 years
since you wrote xmas how about halloween with Mickey pls?
Mickey Altieri Heacanons: Halloween.
Warnings: Maybe there's swearing?? It's me, so...
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.
Summary: Halloween with Mickey Altieri
Author's note: HIIII thank you for requesting <3 i decided to do these in form of headcanons since i had a brain rot and couldn't think of anything to write as a story. hope you like them!!
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas.
in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, chad martin-meeks, mindy martin-meeks, tara carpenter, anika kayoko, laura crane
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you bet mickey celebrates halloween like it’s bigger than christmas
it’s not that he doesn’t like christmas, he actually likes that one
but halloween is so underrated and dumbed down, in his opinion
he’s organizing a marathon of scary movies/movies that have anything to do with halloween for you too
even special episodes from tv shows he rarely ever watches,,,
not like a couples costume, MATCHING.
listen,,, this man would be down for having his costume match with yours in some way
even if it's different costumes from different movies, something like you wearing something red and him wearing the exact same thing
does that make sense????
oh and if you don't like dressing up, you bet this man is going to try and convince you to dress up with him
"just for me, this once? pleeease. it'll be fun!"
the scarier the merries, as he says.
you bet he’s volunteering for haunted house or corn maces or whatever implies being around people during the halloween time, especially if it’s with little kids
(i headcanon him as someone who does like little kids lol)
he’s so good with telling scary stories, the type you hear in camps or from older brothers that just want to freak you out
get ready for jumpscares, because he’s not stopping until christmas
he doesn’t like carving pumpkins, in fact, he hates it
it’s the smell, for him…
mickey is also rereading every single stephen king book he can get his hands on
halloween is a longer period for him, also… it starts the first day of october and ends in december first. the halloween night is just the top of it
every week, it’s a theme for the movies. like, week one it’s zombies, week two is vampires, week three ghosts, week four slashers… mickey is very organized with this.
scooby doo. that’s it, that’s the headcanon.
probably attends every dressing up party he can, and he’s dragging you with him. 
“we’ll have a great time, babe!”
actually, him saying "it'll be fun!" is a constant when it's halloween
don't be fooled, it's always a constant with him.
lectures people about the slasher genre
LIKE FULL HOURS OF LECTURES about how the slasher genre is amazing and groundbreaking and even though now it's kind of considered boring, it's actually really important because---
please save whoever he's lecturing because he's not moving on from the topic and whoever he has cornered isn't escaping unless you drag mickey away
BEAMS when in film class they start talking about horror movies because of halloween
decorates his dorm with all kinds of halloween ornaments — fake webs, skeletons, bats, fake blood, you name it.
the fake blood.
the motherfucking fake blood.
mickey will casually go to class with fake blood in his clothes and just smiles when anyone asks him.
he can’t bake shit, but if you can, get ready to be annoyed with your baking having to be decorated with halloween colors or things.
he can get annoying, but we love his enthusiasm for halloween
one day he’ll probably make a short movie during halloween, the type with very corny dialogue and shiny blood, the type that it's rather cringy and embarassing, but a good memory still
i feel like he would be surprised that not many people actually find halloween fun outside the drinking and partying
i mean not surprised,,, but why isn't anyone else appreaciting it??
as a person who loves halloween, i might be projecting.
mickey would be so fun to be around with, though. he's like a kid in christmas
or a kid in halloween lol
but like, more excited
you BET he'd like to have a house in a nice neighborhood and keep lots of candy for the kids trick or treating
he wants to have kids and go trick or treating with them
well, that escalated quickly.
no kids for now
just having fun watching movies and being dumb during the best time of the year !!!
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so. nudges you. scream s/i huh
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(old art I’ll redraw and give him a ref soon :3)
SOOOOO . Connor Macher . SILLY GUY
so basically he’s a freshman at Stu’s school and doesn’t have many friends so he ends up hanging out with Stu and his group of friends a lot (half because their mom asks Stu to include Connor and half bc Stu actually likes him) (I think either Stu wouldn’t be aware enough to be embarrassed or he’s js confident in his brother (maybe both)) . character relationships I think both Sydney and Tatum like Connor and Tatum thinks it’s cute her boyfriend cares so much about his little brother and Sydney understands Connor doesn’t really have anywhere to hang out. Randy is kind of indifferent (he doesn’t censer himself and all his talk of horror and kinda just pretends he’s not there) . Billy DOES NOT like him tho mostly because he’s jealous . Stu refuses to add killing Connor to their plan of the party massacre and it pisses him off that someone could be so important to Stu that he would go against their plan .
he doesn’t rlly like scary movies (he’s a freaking wimp) but he watches them with Stu when he wants to bc he’s scared Stu will like him less if he acts like a freaking scardy cat (vry insecure) (I’m fact I have a wip writing piece of them watching a scary movie to post maybe tomorrow :3) their parents always scold Stu for scaring his brother with movies and all that (he also likes to spook him w costumes and jumping out from corners and stuff but it’s all in good fun) but since their away for work so often he just watches them w him when their away because he doesn’t think it’s as big a deal as it is
ALSO the fountain scene where Randy is talking about the murders he kind of scootches closer to Stu bc the idea of fake murders scares him enough but REAL murders is like panic attack level) Billy notices despite how small the actions are and it only builds more resentment . speaking of the real murders, Stu slowly starts to feel more and more guilty about lying to his brother and comforting him about how he’s gonna protect him from the killer even tho HES the killer and then it all blows up during the party scene
So I haven’t watched it in a while and I’m gonna do a full writing thing on the final scene at some point but BASICALLY Connor walks around the party the whole time with a camera to record it like a documentary (important for scream 2 lore) (also forgot to mention he’s passionate about film and photography) . he finds Tatum’s body in the garage after following his cat out there (oh yea he has an orange cat named Scragly :3 (based on ONE sound effect from the movie)) and FREAKS OUT he runs back in the house to find Stu only to run into Billy who’s holding a knifee and then he freaks out MORE until he finds Stu and figures out he was also a killer all along and feels betrayed and yada yada more explaining when I write it out
anyway he eventually watches his brother and Billy die and is left with much trauma and a camera full of footage of the murderers which I’ll explain if I ever talk about the scream 2 stuff :3
also quick tidbit I’ll expand on at some point my headcanons/AU for this are that Billy and Stu didn’t rlly die (scream 2 stuff again) and Connor eventually goes crazy enough and begins to be Ghostface at some point :3 (I’m only up to scream 4 in my watching but probably some time after scream 4 takes place)
I could expand on all that here but this is long enough so any extra questions PLEASEE send I’m desperate
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zalrb · 1 year
Scream VI Review (since anon asked)
OK. So, the thing about the original Scream movies is that the meta isn’t contained to a couple of info dump scenes where someone explains the rules of the movie they’re in and rattles on about the wider trends in media.
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It’s inherent in the dialogue and in the choices the movies make. Billy is pressuring Sidney to have sex and says that they’re “edited for TV”
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and uses film ratings to describe his frustration
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then when Sidney decides to do something risque, we don’t see it because Scream is “editing their relationship for TV”
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when they discuss who the killer could be, Tatum uses Basic Instinct as an example of how a woman can be a killer
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it’s in the fabric of the movies.
this scene
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is like any other scene in a horror movie, it doesn’t have the irony of a scene like this
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because this scene is simultaneously making fun of and paying homage to horror movie tropes with the added layer of Jamie Kennedy going “Jamie watch out” when yelling at the TV because it’s Jamie Lee Curtis onscreen.
Having a shrine with evidence from the other movies in a movie theatre with dialogue like this
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isn’t enough.
Playing Red Right Hand at the end when it played at the beginning of the first movie while the mask burns onscreen isn’t really much of anything, like I think the shot and the callback is great
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especially because it’s as if Richie directed the movie of his sociopathic family dying at the hands of their victims who are the children of Billy, like I get all of that but it didn’t really stay with me because for the most part, Scream VI is a generic horror movie that isn’t funny, which is another problem. The original scream trilogy was also funny.
Like, if you’re talking about things are bigger in a franchise, in keeping with the spirit of Scream, that should be made fun of in this movie, where things get progressively more ridiculous and outrageous and bloody that I laugh out loud,
Because throughout the first three Screams (maybe even the fourth too) there were so many meta jokes that contributed to the irony and the breaking of the fourth wall. Besides Tori Spelling playing Sidney
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after Sidney made a crack about it
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while the clip of Stab makes fun of the choices made in the first Scream movie, thereby poking fun at Tori Spelling as well as at themselves
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with LUKE WILSON playing Billy??
There are also things like, at the time, David Arquette (who plays Dewey) and Courtney Cox were together so having him say this line referencing David Schwimmer who is Courtney’s onscreen brother in Friends is like haha
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The thesis of this installment is character assassination
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and it’s done in such a generic way and it would’ve been more interesting to really lean into how serial killers are immortalized and glamorized in society and the victims have to fight to be heard but ANYWAY when Scream 2 wanted to make a commentary on being desensitized to real world violence because of film, and the way reality and fiction bleed together, it does it in a very ham-handed way but it’s outrageous and entertaining and still rooted in film
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and the debate happens in the first 20 minutes
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the debate about sequels doesn’t stay within the confines of the Scream/Stab universe
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they actually pay homage to other movies as characters
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and I think the fact that the Scream franchise was also a franchise in love with movies, which made it fun and witty and smart got lost when KW stopped writing for the movies, which is why I’m always “meh” about them now. Like the villains of this one are a family of serial killers and NO ONE is going to mention Texas Chainsaw Massacre??
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Man, I miss my meta.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Halloween slasher event: Horror movie marathon with Billy and Stu
Day five of the Halloween slasher fics and I’m so excited for this. I’m trying to pump these out before I run out of time so I hope this doesn’t suck too much. I hope y’all enjoy.
Warnings: Strong language
Billy and Stu have a huge stack of horror movies for the three of you to watch. Some are classic horror movies others are just cheesy low budget slashers full of boobs and blood.
They’re gonna steer away from gore because of you. They just wanna protect you honey don’t worry.
Stu is the more cuddly one during movies but Billy will keep an arm around you or whatever while the two of you watch.
Stu often quoted the movies and Billy gets really into the movies and tells Stu to shut the hell up.
There might be a few international films from Billy, most will thankfully be in English but you'll have to watch one or two films that are in German.
They'll insist you start on the earlier side like 5/6 pm so the three of you can watch all of the movies in one sitting. Speaking of Stu's gonna spend a stupid amount of money on snacks for the movie.
You don't have to drink with him but when that German film comes on he's gonna start drinking.
If you have any questions at all just ask them because they have seen each of these movies like 10+ times and they can recite it in their sleep. "Do those kids own the cabin?" "No they're renting it, the family next door owns the other cabin." "Was that actually the Candy man?" "No it was just some dude who mugged her."
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thenightling · 2 years
My full review of Hocus Pocus 2
I watched Hocus Pocus 2 a few days ago and I have posted a few times about it but now I will write my complete review.
Like most Disney properties today there is a cynical sense of corporate oversight.  I actually do love this movie but there’s no mistaking some of the heavy handed actions of Disney overlords.
Hocus Pocus 2 begins with two teenage girls (I was mislead into thinking it would be three but the third doesn’t join them until near the end) accidentally bringing The Sanderson Sisters back from the dead... again.  The Sanderson Sisters are to Disney what Dracula was for Hammer Horror. They always come back. 
I’ll start with the negative and work my way out to the positive. There’s a lot of positive.  I actually really liked the movie. 
A chunk of the movie (and even one of the end lines) felt like a shameless plug or out-right commercial for Walgreens.  Yes, it was fun watching the three incompetent witches wandering a Walgreens like the deleted grocery store scene from the first movie (never released but clips of it and script exerts can be found online).  But at the same time it felt like a commercial.  A funny commercial but still a commercial.
I am glad they let the witches sing together twice. The Witches are Back (to the tune of Sir Elton John’s The Bitch’s back) was too short (in my opinion).  They should have had a longer song for their revival.  I am honestly a little surprised they didn’t just make the whole film a musical.  The director of the original Hocus Pocus did Newsies (a childhood favorite).
The new stage show scene where the witches sing a cover of Blondie’s One way or Another (with a few lyrics changed) is extremely catchy.   It’s one of those songs that annoyingly gets stuck in your head.  
To my surprise there was some nods to real modern day (non-Satanic)  m magick and occultism.  The mention of Maiden, Mother, and Crone, which used to just be subtly referenced with Winfried, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson is used genuinely here.  And the use of salt to protect against dark magick (which is in the first film but used more in the second), as well as angelica leaves to lift hexes.  And yes, some magick shops do offer Angelica leaves for free if someone thinks they’ve been cursed.
The story is predictable, sweet, and wholesome with themes about sisterly love, even with the Sanderson Sisters themselves.  There were some minor retcons about the wtiches’ backstory such as where Winifred got the book and Billy’s relationship with her but both of those things had been told to us in the first film through hearsay so it makes sense that it wouldn’t be accurate. 
I actually thought it was a pleasant surprise to have Winifred Sanderson (Bette Midler) show genuine love for her sisters near the end, revealing that she would rather die than be without them.  That was actually kind of sweet.  And some part of me kind of wants to see a story where the Sanderson Sisters redeem themselves.  They’re bungling idiots as evil witches.  Let’s see them bungle their way through redemption.
 It turns out the three teenage girls (one in particular) are destined to be a coven of good witches.  You get a little backstory of Winifred and her sisters as children and Winifred is given her grimoire (spell book) by a witch in the woods.  There are some subtle hints that this witch is their biological mother but nothing is confirmed.  And upon first encounter the witch planned to feed on little Sarah’s soul.  This would be odd for a mother but considering things...  she could be twisted enough to do it. 
If you remember the first film there is a bit where the witches talk briefly about “Mummy scorpion pie” and it makes them think of mother.  This suggests their mother is a witch so yes, I suspect the witch in the woods was their mother. The witch they meet also has the power to turn into a bird. I would like to see The Sanderson Sisters turn into animals.  Winifred compared herself to a hawk, which would be ironic since the first film’s anniversary edition said she has poor eyesight and hawks are known for their sight.  And Mary already behaves very dog-like. She even barks and sniffs things out like a blood hound or wolf.
There are two hints for Hocus Pocus 3. The first is that the girls walk off with Winifred’s spell book and a bird is following them. The bird very much looks like the one that turned into the witch that gave Winifred the spell book to begin with.   I also will note that I think the main reason that witch forbid Winifred from casting the spell to make her all powerful is she knew it would cost her, her sisters.  I think the witch-mother had cast the same spell once (which is why she’s now immortal) and it had cost her her own coven.  But if she had cast the spell why did she behave as if she was going to feed on little Sarah in the 1650s?  A test to see if Winifred would protect her and thus a worthy coven leader? Oh, there is also a nice homage to the 1960s Dark Shadows.  A menacing Reverend Trask gives The Sanderson Sisters a hard time as children in the 1650s and his descendant (played by the same actor) exists in present day Salem as Mayor Traske (The poor guy just wanted a caramel apple through the whole movie.  I felt bad for him).  In the 60s TV show Dark Shadows, Reverend Trask was an eighteenth century witch hunter antagonist whose descendant (played by the same actor) was in present day Collinsport Maine.   This was a clever homage for Dark Shadows fans.  I wonder how many people even noticed it.  The math is a bit off for the Sanderson Sisters to be elderly in the 1690s.  Based on the dates in the film Winifred should only be in her fifties in 1693.  Bette Midler was forty-seven when she first played Winifred Sanderson in the first film and that was her look when she de-aged.  She looked ninety or so at the very start before feeding on Emily Binx for youth so their childhooods should definitely have been before the 1650s but if you ignore this it's still a fun movie.
The second hint for Hocus Pocus 3 is the bonus scene after the end credits.  Gilbert had apparently made a second black flame candle.  Cobweb (his cat) shows it to us as a bonus scene.   I don't think Gilbert would commit murder (even of two bullies left hanging in cages in the Sanderson house) so how did he make the black flame candle?  The first film said it was made from the fat of a hanged man.   Some fans have hinted that Gilbert may have killed Jay and Ice (the bullies) but that doesn't seem to true his character or to Disney for that matter.  Stephen King, yes, Disney, no.   Was there a loophole- i.e. using fatty food made by the two after they were hung from ages?  (fat of hanged men)?
I love Gilbert, by the way.  A little self-serving but ultimately good, he is an occult expert and magick shoppe owner while also being a bit incompetent.  I have a soft spot for incompetent sorcerers.  I also liked the inversion that the girls were surprised and grossed out that he’s not a virgin instead of like in the first movie where it was treated as a point of shame that the sixteen-year-old protagonist was still a virgin, a very odd thing for a Disney film.   One of the best lines is when The Sanderson Sisters are referred to as the “Goth Golden Girls.”
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind it if Hocus Pocus was continued as a TV series even if they had to use new actors for The Sanderson Sisters. The ones they used for the Disney World Spooktacular stage show every Halloween are decent.  
To me The Sanderson Sisters are like Disney’s version of The Wicked Witch of the West.  Though bungling and Three Stooges-like they have become iconic and I think versions of them should walk around the Disney parks all year long, not just for Halloween. I think that the characters are popular enough that they can be used outside of the Halloween season.  I actually really liked Hocus Pocus 2 but then again I have a soft spot for The Sanderson sisters.   I kind of hope they get a TV show or third movie and that they let it be a full on musical next time instead of just two songs per movie.   
I had heard that there was a deleted scene of The Sanderson Sisters in purgatory. I hope Disney releases that deleted scene one day. Perhaps it tied to the recording studio bit on the end credits (where they again sing “The Witches are back.”)  Imagine that, a recording studio in purgatory.  
I also heard the movie originally had a different ending but test audiences didn’t like it so they had to go back and reshoot the ending back in June.  The original filming was for three months in the autumn of 2021.  I am curious to know what that original ending was though I do admit to thinking it was sweet, the ending we got, that Winifred would rather die than be without her sisters. That was actually endearing, the confirmation that she genuinely loves them.  It makes them more likable antagonists, I think.
They definitely softened The Sanderson Sisters here in Hocus Pocus 2. In the first movie they were more violent and prone to killing. Here it felt like they just wanted power so it was less-evil. Part of me wouldn’t be surprised if someone decided to give them a redemption story in show or movie form with The Witches are Back as the theme song. 
It was cheesy but it was fun, just like the first Hocus Pocus movie. The first Hocus Pocus came out when I was eleven-years-old so you need to watch it with your mindset as that of a child. It helps you appreciate the sweet corniness of the over-all plot.  It’s delicious cheese.  Embrace the cheese.   
I’d say it’s on par with the first Hocus Pocus movie.  Not better but close.  You have to appreciate both Hocus Pocus movies as cheesy, wholesome, Halloweeny fun.  And yes, I would like some incarnation of The Sanderson Sisters all year long. I think Disney should consider making a show out of the characters if not the hinted at third movie.
Hell, maybe even a Maleficent / Hocus Pocus crossover. That would be fantastic. I adore Angelina Jolie’s Maleficent.  That’s pretty much the only Angelina Jolie role I like.  Imagine it, the dark faerie vs. The Sanderson sisters or having to work together for some reason. 
Just don’t be so blatant with the Walgreens commercial next time. That was shameless.  
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downtowncannibal · 2 years
I agree with you about perspective! The brown contacts are so small compared to the actual iris that it doesn’t do the best job solidifying the brown as Billy’s eye color. Due to the lighting the eyes definitely look more hazel/green compared to the actual blue they’re said to be for Bob. Honestly I like any combination of brown/hazel/green eyes artists and writers choose to give him! I still got a ways to go as I’m only on Part V of Chapter 2, but I’ve loved learning the makings and behind the scenes of a movie I never realized I’d come to love so greatly; it feels lucky that we get such an extensive book released so recently compared to how much older the original material is (granted the book also covers more recent material relating to the original as well). Thank you so much for talking with me about this!
exactly! The lighting most definitely had to be brightened during that scene, so there's no shock that his eyes would indeed look lighter, especially with Bob Clark supposedly playing him in that scene. I also don't care what some portray his eye color as, all Billy content is Billy content in the end, which compared to the amount of content other slashers get, him getting shit is very "rare". That book is such a blessing, especially when it comes to sharing fact-proven information, giving a deeper look into the sorority girls and Billy, as well as providing a genuine insight into such a influential slasher film that has never gotten the credit it so rightfully deserves. I'll just say that the book only gets better as it goes on, It's so amazing I'll never be able to stop raving about it. I loved hearing about the cast and a lot of the interactions they had on set especially since I've come to adore a lot of the actors from that movie, as well as Bob Clark as a director and person (and we should also recognize Albert J. Dunk for his amazing work as Billy too!) I remember going into Black Christmas just because of a random recommendation I had been given, thinking nothing more of it than a movie I'd end up forgetting in a couple of days- but as we can see, that's not how it went all, and now I have a $40 book over it. Its still shocking that out of every horror movie to get a full extensive book, it was Black Christmas (and it's remakes, whether they we're shit or not), but I'm so happy it did. Your very welcome, and thank you for taking time out of your day and talking with me about this!
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