#Bill Denborough x reader
morizoras-cave · 4 years
The Legend Of Bepis (Request)
James MacAvoy x teen!co-star!reader
Genre: fluff!!
Request Description: hi, i'm back again! figured i'd request another thing because i want some quality content to read, so here goes: a teen!co-star!reader x james mcavoy with basically just fluff i guess? i don't have a concrete idea for this request but maybe something like they're always joking with each other or something along the lines of they have inside jokes and nobody understands them. sorry if this is vague, and if it is, you can just skip it, but thank you!
Warnings: none
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“James, James, we’ve gotta get it together, man,” you giggled, finally calming your laugh. 
You and James had been doing interviews for the past two hours, and you were sure that you hadn’t answered a single question. 
“I know, you’re right,” he said, finishing his laugh and clearing his throat. You and him both automatically avoided each others eyes and took deep breaths, trying with all your might to not break into another laughing fit before the next interviewer arrived.
He walked in and you sighed in relief, thinking that maybe you’d actually do some good press. 
“Hello! I’m Tyler, nice to meet you,” he said immediately and you both shook hands with him. You caught sight of James’ face, and you immediately cramped up, trying desperately to hide your growing grin with a frown. You know, because he has such an idiotic face.
“So, your characters in the movie aren’t exactly very fond of each other, but in real life, from what I’ve seen, you guys are just the best of pals!” Tyler checked his notes, and then said what he had to say. 
“The best of bepis,” you grumbled, making James throw his head back in laughter. 
“Y/n, for God’s sake, we haven’t even answered a single question yet!” 
“Bepis,” you simply repeated and then laughed along with him. The interviewer looked horrified and confused. 
“What’s bepis?” 
Hearing him say it only cheered the two of you on more, and you both doubled over laughing. You shook your head as your only response. 
“Bepis is not funny! Okay? It’s not,” was all you said, simply because it was true, and the only thing that made it funny was that only you and James knew the real context of it. 
“I’m sorry, Tyler. This is useless, this interview is useless,” James said, which only made you wheeze harder. 
“Alright, fuckers,” you said finally, “we need to get in or get out of fuck-town.”
“Fuck-town??” James was crying at this point and so were you. The interviewer was laughing along too, but you could tell he had no idea what was going on. 
You caught a glimpse of your publicist. She was giving you a death stare, and composed yourself again, although still not taking it entirely too seriously. 
“Alright, w-what was the question? Did you have a question?” you almost sounded drunk, and James wasn’t much better (his Scottish accent made him sound tipsy anyway). 
“I was just wondering if you guys had any nicknames for each other?” Tyler looked hopeful. The poor boy still had that light in his eyes. The hope. The hope that you might answer one question. That he might get a worthy article out of this, or at least a nice experience. 
He was wrong. 
You turned to James, staring him directly in the eyes, seemingly more serious than you had been that entire press tour. 
The loudest wheeze escaped James and his hands reached for his face, hiding from the cameras. 
“No!” was all he said, laughing along with you. He pretended to attack you in anger. 
“Alright, cut!” someone yelled. 
Tyler, the poor boy, stood up awkwardly, mumbling a goodbye, though unable to catch you or James’ attention, as both your eyes were blurred with tears. 
Soon, the next interviewer would enter, and the cycle would start again.. The legend of Bepis remained...
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @ireadfanficforfun @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @eviemarvel @lozzypoz321
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trashmouth-tozier89 · 4 years
Welcome to the Loser’s Club Asshole - Ch. 1 | F O U R
warnings: swearing, pretty disgusting stuff (dead bodies) , angst, pretty sad stuff but the next chapter will be worse
word count: 4,748
pairing: richie tozier x reader, platonic!losers x reader
a/n -  fourth chapter in and y/n finally gets her encounter with pennywise... also she takes a big step with richie!! this is quite a big chapter for y/n, so pay close attention and more importantly... enjoy!! 
If you wish to be added to the taglist, send in an ask or pop it in the comments! :)
taglist: @grapesauze​
Welcome to the Losers Club Asshole! Masterlist
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Y/N had never been one for swimming. She hadn’t grown up around the ocean, or even swimming pools; there was a quarry on the other side of her hometown, but the idea of swimming in polluted water never appealed to her and her friends. Especially after her father’s accident.
So, of course, hearing that the boys wanted to spend the rest of their afternoon at the quarry swimming didn’t exactly have her jumping for joy. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t go though; they were the only friends she had made so far, and ditching them on their first official ‘hang out’ together wouldn’t have been a good first impression.
As the rest of the boys planted their bikes firmly on the ground, Stanley propping his up with the stand, Y/N had already made her way over to the edge of the cliff. She stared down at the gentle waters below, gulping at the thought of having to jump, beginning to nervously bite her lip. Richie seemed to sense Y/N’s hesitation, as he glanced over at the girl as he began to remove his shirt; “what’s wrong?” he mumbled, not wanting to catch the attention of the other boys who were currently arguing with Eddie about the health risks of going swimming.
“Uh… nothing” she muttered, eyes not even flicking towards the boy who was now stood at her side, also looking over the edge. He had a wide grin on his face, full to the brim with excitement and exhilaration. She needed to come up with an excuse believable enough so that she didn’t have to dip even her pinkie toe into that water; “I just, um- I can’t swim”
“You can’t swim?” Stan piped up from where he was stood, making Y/N jump as she hadn’t realised she had said it loud enough for them to hear. The glares coming from the boys felt like it was burning into her skin, as she tried to explain.
“W-we didn’t have anywhere to swim back in my hometown, so I-I never learnt. Sorry, I should’ve told you before I dragged myself out here” she explained, earning small nods from all the boys except Richie, who wasn’t sure whether he believed her or not. He saw the look on her face, and that was a look of fear; he would never confront her about it though, the last thing he’d want to do was make her uncomfortable.
“It’s n-n-no problem Y/N. There’s a p-p-path leading down to those rocks, if you’d rather just sit there for a while? W-we probably won’t be in the water for too long.” Bill proposed, pointing out the edge of the water where the boys would often sit to dry off after they had been swimming. Y/N considered it; it was better than just going home, and she supposed now would be a good time to do some sketching.  
“Thanks Bill” she grinned, feeling relief wash over her with the fact the boys weren’t judging her. She played with the hem of her dress as Eddie led her back to the path; throwing her satchel over her shoulder and waving goodbye to the boys before heading down the trail. It didn’t take her long at all to get down to the spot, and by the time she arrived, the boys had only just finished stripping down to their tighty-whities. She giggled at the sight, settling herself down on the edge of a rock comfortably and unclipping her satchel to pull out her sketchbook. She was rather glad she didn’t want to swim, considering the day was a perfect one for sketching.
Before she began to let her imagination run free, her eyes drifted up to the 5 boys who were still stood at the top of the cliff, partaking in a loogie contest which Richie was sure to win. Everyone knows it’s about distance, not mass. Who care how cool it looks, if it’s green or it’s white or juicy and fat? What matter is how far it goes; that was Y/N believed anyway. Soon after watching the boys, mainly Eddie and Richie, argue about nonsense, she noticed that someone had finally made the jump; though when said person bobbed back to the surface of the water, she recognised the red hair to be that of Beverly’s.
“What the fuck?” Richie shouted, watching alongside the 4 other boys as the girl made the leap none of them had been brave enough to take yet. “Oh, holy shit! We just got showed up by a girl!”
“Do we have to do that now?” Stan mumbled; he had already been nervous to do the jump in the first place, but after watching Bev, he was now even more uncertain of performing the feat. Maybe he should’ve just joined Y/N where she was perched near the bottom? Though, the other boys seemed just as nervous, but they knew they’d look like absolute pussies if they didn’t. Eddie answered almost immediately, as if it were obvious; “Yes!”
“Come on!” They heard the feminine voice of Beverly come from the below waters, so they at least knew she was alive and hadn’t drowned. Ben waved down at the girl, while Stanley simply mumbled an “oh shit” with a petrified expression on his face. He was extremely close to backing out, until Bill took the first step and jumped down to where Beverly was. Which meant there was absolutely no way they could back out now, so one by one they joined.
Before they knew it, they were all together in the water and splashing about with the widest grins on their faces. Bill suggested a game of chicken, and so Beverly mounted his shoulders and Eddie on Ben’s, Stan spotting the two on top to ensure neither got hurt in the process. Richie, however, stood away from the group with his eyes on something much different; it hadn’t taken long for his gaze to fall onto Y/N where she had sat perched on the rocks in the distance. He watched the way she focused on her art, drawing as if the ideas were just flowing through her; he wished he could have a talent like that. No, all Richie was good at was annoying people. Y/N had decided drawing the scenery before her was something she hadn’t tried, but would like to; she was used to drawing smaller things like birds or insects because she found she was best at capturing the finer details they carried. However, the sight of the quarry sparked something of inspiration in the girl, and she was stirred into a world of art before she knew it.
After about 20 minutes, Y/N’s hand had begun to cramp from the constant movements, and smudges of lead pencil coated the side of her hand. She was happy enough with the sketch to say it was done; she could always go back to it and add more later on. Nevertheless, the girl was eager to take advantage of the summer weather and so she took to sunbathing on the towel she had brought along for some reason. Pulling her dress over her head to leave her in only her underwear, she put her sunglasses on to protect her eyes and lay down. She hadn’t been aware of the eyes which were staring her down; Richie couldn’t find his voice. He felt his cheeks flush hot, and his stomach grow heavy. His heart pounded in his throat, threatening to break out; his eyes stayed locked on her. How many love songs had he heard that said, “She takes my breath away”? Now that line made a lot sense to him. He couldn’t comprehend the feelings taking over his brain; he hadn’t felt anything like it before. Sure, he thought girls were hot, and he found his cheeks blushing when his hand would brush against someone else’s, and sometimes he’d even stutter on his words when a girl asked him the answer to a question in class; but he was a teenage boy with a penis going through puberty, of course he got overwhelmed from time to time. But it was never this intense; he hadn’t ever looked at a girl in this way. Looked at a girl as if he was in love with her. No Richie, he thought, there’s no way!
The boy was pulled out of his thoughts by the sensation of something nipping at his ankle; “Ah fuck! What was that?” he yelped out, catching the attention of the rest of the group who had been too distracted to notice he had zoned out moments before; “Something just touched my foot right here!”
Both Richie and Stanley ducked their heads under the water to see if they could spot the mystery creature, but they were unsuccessful. Eddie tried to help too, asking “where are we looking” and Richie had tried to point it out to the small boy but they couldn’t see anything for the life of them.
Bill ducked under too, and was quick to notice exactly what it was; “It’s a turtle!”
This here’s a tale for all the fellas
Tryin’ to do what those ladies tell us
Get shot down cause ya over-zealous
Play hard to get females get jealous
Y/N wasn’t sure at what point the Beverly had lay beside her and began sunbathing, as she had been dozing off for the past 10 minutes; the beams of the sun were surprisingly relaxing. Thankfully, one member of the group had brought a radio, which was currently playing Young MC’s Bust a Move; one of Y/N’s personal favourites. She had soon found herself mouthing along to song, unaware of the fact she didn’t know every word because that didn’t matter.
Her h/c hair had splayed over her shoulders and her skin almost sparkled in the sunlight. A deep curve on her lips made the world stop around her; she has a smile that makes you feel happy about being alive. She was lay on her front, a novel in hand as she scanned the page to find where she had previously been after getting distracted by the music.
Okay smarty, go to a party
Girls are scantily clad and showin’ body
A chick walks by you wish you could sex her
But you're standing on the wall like you was Poindexter
Y/N was yet to notice the sharp glares of the boys, as she had found herself too caught up in the pages of her book. Richie couldn’t tear his eyes from the girl lay in front of him; none of the boys could divert their gaze from the pair really. Stan kept glaring at the boy who had to keep pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose; he couldn’t stop thinking about what Y/N had told him just the night before. She hadn’t had a conversation with Stan about her so-called crush on Richie since then, and so Stan was yet to have the chance to apologise for making her feeling bad. He just didn’t expect someone like Y/N to like someone like Richie. The boys, not used to seeing girls in nothing but their underwear, all sat eyes wide and mouth ajar while admiring the girls; though Richie only had eyes for Y/N and was finding it difficult to disengage his attention.
Next days function high class luncheon
Food is served and you’re stone-cold munchin’
Music comes on people start to dance
But then you ate so much you nearly split your pants
It wasn’t until Y/N started to feel herself getting cramp in her neck from the awkward position that she noticed the boys staring at her. A smirk growing on her face, she began to turn around to watch the boys scuttle around eyes wide, some coughing awkwardly, attempting to make it seem like they hadn’t spent the past 5 minutes preoccupied by the sight of the half-naked girls. Both Y/N and Beverly glanced at each other and chuckled, before propping themselves up onto their elbows to face the rest of the group.
Richie was almost certain he’d been caught checking Y/N out, if not by her by Stan. Thankfully, he distracted himself when he caught sight of Ben’s backpack open, digging his hand in to realise it was probably full of school stuff; he announced to the rest of the group in a comedic voice “News flash Ben, school’s out for summa’”
Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle at the boy, never getting tired of his ridiculous voices and impressions which nobody else found funny; Stan noticed the way he blushed almost immediately, and he would’ve questioned it if Ben hadn’t but in; “Oh that? That’s not school stuff.”
“Who sent you this?” Richie chuckled, a humoured smirk growing on his face as he pulled out a small postcard from the bottom of the bag. He looked to Ben, wiggling his eyebrows up and down teasingly.
“No one! Give it-“ Ben insisted, snatching the card out of Richie’s hand before he had the chance to read it and shoving it back into the bottom of the backpack. The smile failed to fall from Richie’s face as he pulled out a book, filled with old newspaper articles about the Black Spot explosion; it was titled “Easter Explosion Kills 88 Children, 102 Total”.
“What’s with the history project?” Richie questioned, furrowing his brows as he read through the first few lines of the article. Y/N had found herself growing curious at what the boy was reading about, so she pulled herself to her feet and went to sit on the rock between Richie and Stan. Richie gulped slightly as he processed the proximity of the girl, her leaning over him to look at the paper intently before paying attention to what Ben was saying
“Oh, when I first moved here, I didn’t have anyone to hang out with, so I just started spending time in the library” Ben explained, earning a snigger from Richie.
“You went to the library? On purpose?” Richie asked, sounding completely serious with the question. Y/N took a little offence by this as she had always been an avid reader, and the library was one of her personal favourite places to go. She nudged him lightly, scolding him; “Some people enjoy going to the library, Richie!”
“Why? It’s all just books and… well, more book” Richie pointed out, earning an eye roll from Ben and the girl. He stared at them in utter bewilderment.
“That’s the whole point Richie; maybe if you’d learn to actually read, you’d realise it can actually be interesting”
“Oh, I wanna see” Beverly changed the subject, jumping to her feet and grabbing the folder out of Richie’s hand. Sitting beside Bill, she handed it to him without noticing the way his eyes followed her as she sat, his throat bobbing up and down to clear his throat.
“What’s the Black Spot?” Stanley asked, considering he hadn’t had the chance to properly read the paper.
“The Black Spot was a nightclub that was burned down years ago by that racist cult” Eddie explained.
“The what?” Y/N questioned at the same time as Stan; they were both clueless at this point.
“Don’t you watch Geraldo?” Eddie questioned, and at the sight of Y/N’s head shaking he gasped, pressing a hand to his chest in a joking manner as if he had been wounded. The couple chuckled softly, Y/N shoving Eddie’s shoulder gently; Richie watched on at the interaction with a pit of jealousy growing in his stomach.
“Y-y-y-your hair…” a soft voice pulled them out of their interaction, turning to see two pairs of eyes gazing intently at the redhead; Ben and Bill. As Y/N managed to match the voice to Bill after a few seconds (thanks to the stutter), she let a small smile perk up on her cheek; there was something going on between those two. It was obvious Bill wasn’t going to finish his sentence as about 10 seconds of silence passed by, finally being filled by Ben perking into the conversation; “Your hair is beautiful, Beverly”
“Oh” Beverly smiled at the boys compliment; “Right. Thanks”
There was a hanging tension between Bill and Ben, as Ben grinned towards the ground bashfully; Y/N could tell from the moment Bev joined the group that Bill had something of a crush on the girl, and so she wanted to investigate into a little further. Perhaps it was to take her mind off her own problems with Richie, but that didn’t need mentioning. Richie was beginning to feel awkward, staring at the two infatuated boys who were practically pining over Bev. “Here, pass it” he snapped his fingers, holding his palm out flat for Bill to pass the folder back over. Once having received it, he reopened and scanned the page.
“Why’s it all murders and missing kids?” Richie questioned, passing it to Stan and Eddie so they could read it too.
“Derry’s not like any town I’ve ever been in before. They did a study once and it turns out people die or disappear six times the national average,” Ben explained, not noticing the way their eyes all widened at the statement.
“You read that?” Beverly asked, while the rest shared worried looks. It wasn’t difficult to realise that the conversation had taken a turn for the worse, yet Ben still continued.
“And that’s just grown-ups. Kids are worse; way, way worse” Ben said as Y/N and Richie locked eyes; she gulped loudly at the thought and he could see the ounces of worry in her eyes.
“Well that’s great, my mum decides to move to the one town I could realistically die in” she mumbled, feeling her palms grow sweaty at the notion; this was not what she expected to come from her first summer in Derry. She felt a hand place itself on hers, shooting her head up at the source; Richie. “I-I won’t let that happen.”
Usually Richie would make a joke at this point, or a snide remark about how pathetic Y/N was being; that was if it was any other member of the club. Considering he could tell how spooked she really was, and he felt a little unsettled too, he wasn’t in much mood for jokes. Y/N searched his eyes for any sign of sarcasm or humour laced in his intentions, before nodding slowly and letting the corners of her lips curve up slightly; he meant it.
“I’ve got more stuff, if you want to see it?” Ben suggested, more enthusiastic than everyone else combined. Eddie was quick to deny it, shaking his head as his eyes scanned his friends. They were hesitant, but they knew it would probably be better to know it all than be in the blue. The group packed their stuff away, getting dressed and heading back to where their bikes were left. Eddie was ranting to Y/N about the dangers of grey-water, which she found ironic considering the boy had been swimming in quarry water only an hour ago, when she realised she had forgotten to pack her sketchbook back into her backpack.
“O-oh, guys, I think I left my sketchbook behind. I’ll catch up with you!” Y/N shouted out from the back of the group, watching as they all turned and nodded at her words before continuing their walk to where they had left their bikes. Believing nobody was going to follow behind her, Y/N went in the opposite direction, back to the spot where the group had been sat only minutes ago. She could spot the pastel yellow sketchbook from almost a mile away, and considering she didn’t want to completely lose the others (she didn’t have a clue where Ben lived), she almost raced over to the sketchbook. Placing it in her red satchel hanging over her shoulder, she went to turn away and catch up with the boys, who’s heads were now only just bobbing out of sight; that was, until she heard a voice from behind her.
“Y/N” the voice almost choked out, sounding as if its mouth was gargling ounces of water. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed almost immediately, confused considering there hadn’t been anyone there before. Not wanting to turn around, afraid of the possibility that there was a random homeless man who had followed her back down to the quarry, she brushed it of as just her imagination. It was just her imagination. “Y/N…?” ‘
That stopped her in her tracks; the voice had become clearer, as if the water had drained out of their mouth, and she knew that voice. She could’ve recognised that voice anywhere. Her whole body turned at the speed of lightning, eyes brimming with tears at the sight before her; “D-dad?”
There stood her father, just how she remembered him; the same high-waisted chinos, which were held up by the same pair of brown suspenders. The same tacky Hawaiian shirt, which she noticed looked a lot like what Richie was wearing the day before, but green; no wonder she liked Richie’s style. The same pair of brown loafers he insisted on wearing every day, whether he left the house or not. The same thick-rimmed glasses he would wear when sat at the dining table with the newspaper and a coffee in his hand. The same bushy moustache which would always tickle her cheeks when he’d give her a small kiss goodnight. It was all the same, except he looked exactly the way he should’ve; a corpse.
The corpse was almost devoid of skin and pitted by burrowing sea insects, and Y/N almost had to turn away as her stomach heaved, nostrils filled with the smell of rotting meat. The clothes were ripped to shreds, drenched in saltwater and algae just like the rest of it. Froth emerged from the corners of its mouth and nose, the sound of spit almost becoming worse than the smell. Its hands were almost down to the bone, the tissues having turned into grave wax, and the greenish black skin blistering over. She didn’t know what this was, but it wasn’t her dad, her dad was dead.
“Y/N, my sweet” The voice choked out, if you could even call it that, it hardly sounded like words. It was as if its lungs were full to the brim with water. She didn’t understand what was happening; what was this thing and why did it know her name? “I’ve missed you”
“What the fuck are you?” She almost yelled out, wanting to back away from the sight before her, but she found herself almost frozen in place; she felt paralysed with fear. Her eyes brimmed with bitter tears threatening to spill as the thing began approaching her slowly. It wasn’t even walking; it was floating through the surface of the water; the hand reached out to grab her own.
“Why, Y/N, you know who I am.” It spoke, so calmly she couldn’t quite help but believe maybe it wasn’t dangerous.
“Y-you’re not my d-dad. He’s dead” She tried to convince it, when really she was only trying to convince herself that this wasn’t real; it couldn’t be real. There was absolutely no way this was real… right?
“Oh, dear, don’t you think I know that. And let’s not forget who’s fault that is” he chuckled at her expense, watching as her head shot up at his words in shock. “Don’t look so shocked, we both know it was your fault. You did this to me, you’re the reason I died that day at the quarry” his voice became louder and harsher with every word, his hand now grasping the collar of her dress so tightly that she was struggling to breath.
“I-I didn’t do anything! I didn’t know!” Y/N defended herself, but her voice came out as mere wheezes, the tears pouring down her cheeks.
“Such a shitty excuse for a daughter, aren’t you? You left me to die, and so now you’ll be next. Come join me, Y/N, come join your old man. You’ll float, float just like the rest of us” he spat, face mere inches away from hers. She tried to fight back, kicking and punching at the monster that wasn’t budging at all.
“D-dad, stop!” she cried out, gaining nothing but a laugh. It wasn’t her dad’s laugh though, it wasn’t the monsters laugh. It had risen in pitch, morphed into laughter that Y/N didn’t recognise. Her scrunched eyes burst open to see a clown, replacing the corpse that was once there. Its grin was wide, rows of razor-sharp teeth sticking out, and eyes an unnatural orange colour. Before Y/N could scream, the clown spoke up.
“You'll float down here. We all float down here.” The clown teased, and in a split second the two were dunked into the deep waters of the quarry. Before she could surface to catch her breath, darkness had enveloped her. The water began to close in around her, filling her with a deep dread. She tried to hold her breath for as long as she could, but it ended up being too long. Red and black splotches danced in front of her eyes and she couldn't really tell if her eyes were opened or closed at that point. The coldness she had felt upon entering the water was completely gone; a desperate hot wave had washed over her, warming even her frosted toes. Her heart was beating rapidly in panic, the urgency for air was more apparent than ever before. There weren't red speckles in her field of vision anymore; it had become all black.
She opened her mouth, gasping for air. She revelled in the sensation of fresh air filling her lungs, rather than the salty, polluted water she had tasted only seconds before. Her vision was still blurred, but she could tell she wasn’t submerged anymore, as the bright light hit her eyes faster than she’d have liked; though she couldn’t have complained. Her ears felt clogged, all sound around her was extremely muffled; she could barely make out the begs and pleads coming from the figure in front of her. Wait; there was a figure in front of her?
“Y/N, breathe… say something… come on, say something”
As her eyes began to zoom back into focus, she could just about make out the shape of the body before her; it was wearing a green shirt over white, what seemed to be patterned grey shorts, and thick-rimmed glasses which sat across the bridge of its bright red nose. Her mind immediately drew back to the rotting body which lured her into the water, and how much it resembled whatever was before her now. With as much strength as she had, she attempted crawling backwards away from it only to find she couldn’t, as her back was perched against the rock ledges. Her hoarse voice screamed out; “get away from me! Leave me alone! I can’t-”
“Y/N, it’s me! Stop moving around, you’re going to hurt yourself; it’s me!” The voice shouted over her, clamping its hands down on her shoulder so that she would stop moving; he was afraid she’d bang her head on a rock or scrape her knees. The girl didn’t calm, still having trouble identifying the individual as anything but the monster; “what do you want with me? What are you?”
“Y/N calm down, please!” he pleaded, feeling tears brim in his own eyes at the sight of the girl in such distress. As she shivered vigorously, she felt herself losing energy being wasted on trying to escape, so she calmed herself and focused on getting her vision to return. Tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, she slowly began to recognise the person as not her dad, not the clown or the monster, but someone she was much happier to see.
“R-Richie?” she croaked out, launching her whole body forward to wrap him in a swaddle of her arms and chest; she was soaking wet and absolutely freezing, but the boy couldn’t care less.  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm. Despite the heaviness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. She sunk into the warmth of his side, finally feeling a sense of comfort.
Then it dawned on Y/N; Richie had rescued her, pulled her out the water and saved her from drowning. He didn’t let her die.
He kept his word.
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A/N guys i imagine y/n’s drawing to look something like this ^^
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kikikittykis · 4 years
Requests are open and I would love for some
female readers only please
The characters that requests are open for is 
Scott Mccall and Stiles Stilinski
Jack Kline, Castiel, Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester
Dexter Charming
Jackson Jekyll or Holt Hyde
Marty McFly
and Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denborough or Stanley Uris
I encourage you to ask for crossovers
Here is my prompt list  
go to my request page or use this link https://kikikittykis.tumblr.com/ask
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fucktonofpilots · 7 years
Jaeden Lieberher: Saviour
(Y/N/N) = Your nickname
Warnings: There’s quite bit of violence. I’ll put a mark [□] where the violence stops.
“Please! Please! I’ll do anything, just stop!”
You lay on the ground behind the school building. School ended two hours ago, but you had been on your way home from detention when Dean, your bully, decided to give you an after-school beating.
Your nose was bleeding and your hands were scraped from being tossed to the floor. You held your hands in front of your face, tears staining your cheeks and mixing with the blood that had fallen on your shirt.
There was barely anyone at school since it was a Friday, and you had lose all hope.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll give you money! Just-”
Dean kicked you in the stomach. You groaned and held your hands over your abdomen. This left your face and head uncovered. Dean saw his chance.
“You really thought you could get away from me, huh bitch?”
He grabbed you by your hair and slammed your head against the ground. Black spots clouded your vision and the ground titled back and forth underneath your body. Dean wasn’t done. He repeatedly kicked you in the stomach until you were heaving up blood. That’s when your saviour came.
“Hey! Get your hands off her!”
The kicking stopped. You could barely see and you kept choking on the blood from your stomach. Your nose was now clogged with dried up blood.
You couldn’t breathe.
You could hear two people fighting right in front of you, but you couldn’t see it. Not knowing what was happening you decided to try and get your vision back. You tried to clear your vision by rubbing your eyes, but that made it worse. Your head felt like it was detached from your body.
The struggling stopped.
There was the sound of footsteps retreating away, but only one pair. Suddenly there was a hand on your shoulder.
“Are you still awake? Y/N?”
You tried to say something but ended up just coughing your lungs out. Your sight had partially returned.
You look up to see Jaeden Lieberher. You two were childhood best friends. But then he got famous and it felt like you didn’t know each other. You guys were best friends before IT, but you were still surprised he knew your name.
“We need to get you home. Fast.”
He hooked his arms under your arms. He helped you stand up, but you couldn’t stay like that for too long, so he opted for having you lean on him while he walks you to his house, which was apparently only 5 minutes away. Either that, or you were partially passed out for most of the walk.
You closed your eyes for a few seconds, and the next you were sitting on a couch in a slightly familiar living room.
Jaeden throw his bag down on the couch and quickly rushed off to the kitchen.
“I’ll be right back, just…sit tight.”
He disappeared and you lay your body across the couch, using his bag as a pillow. Everything felt so thick. It was as if all your senses were turned down to 40%. It was aggravating.
“Hey, I’m back.”
Jaeden kneeled beside you. He helped clean your nose first so that you could finally breathe. He then helped with the cut on your head and finally your bloodied mouth. After 20 minutes, you were feeling 50% more like a person. Your breathing was normal, even though your stomach hurt and you had a headache.
He sat down on the floor next to you so that your heads were at the same level.
“Thank you,” You croaked out. After screaming for mercy, your voice was quite wrecked.
“I don’t know what would’ve happened if you didn’t help me.”
Jaeden smiled shyly and looked up at you, his blue-green eyes sparkling.
“Well, anything for an old friend like you, Y/N/N.”
You moved your head slowly to look into his eyes, your eyebrows furrowed as you blushed slightly at the nickname.
“You still remember that?”
“Of course!” Jaeden moved his head closer to yours, his chin on the cushion of the couch.
“You’re like my best friend, I could never forget you.”
“Wait, wait, wait.”
You flipped yourself over so that you were laying on your stomach. You immediately regretted this but ignored the dull pain.
“Why did you stop answering my texts then? I tried to reach you everywhere while you were filming IT because I wanted to check on you. You didn’t respond so I just thought you forgot me…”
His heart broke at your words. He did see all your texts and twitter mentions, but he felt too shy to do it because he had developed feelings for you.
He chewed at his bottom lip nervously. After a few seconds, he finally looked you in the eyes and told you what he’s always wanted to.
“Well you see, it’s because I like you.”
You didn’t seem to get what he was hinted at. He shrugged and decided to just go for it and he pressed his lips to the corner of your mouth. It was short, but it spoke a thousand words.
You were frozen with shock and didn’t move (except for a small grin you had).
And a few moments later, you returned the gesture, more targeted this time. Even though it caused you a ton of pain.
Did some of y'all change your names? Please tell me if you did.
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j0elmill3r · 4 years
Sister Sister - Drabble
Bill Denbrough x Reader
Summary: You’re visited by a ghost from your past.
Warnings: None I can think of
A/N: This is my Pet Sematary inspired piece! If you haven’t seen the movie, I 100 percent recommend it!
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You slammed the front door of your house shut as you kicked you leaned against it, trying to comprehend what had just happened at that damned house. You didn’t want to admit that you had seen a clown fold out of a fridge and appear in front of you. You also didn’t want to admit that your best friends had all split apart. As much as you hated it, you chose Bill’s side. He had been like your brother since you were both 4, you were best friend and you could never choose Richie Tozier over him. 
“Y/N,” You froze as fear paralyzed you and took a grip on you. You looked up and over the stairs to the hatch that was on the ceiling.
Oh no.
Your older sister, Melanie had suffered from Spinal Meningitis, which meant she was horribly disfigured, often scaring you. You remember the day she died so vividly, it haunted you at night, reminding you of your nightmares. 
“Please don’t leave me with her!” You cried, crossing your arms defiantly. Your parents sighed as they dragged you upstairs to the ladders up to Melanie’s room.
“Listen, Y/N, this is incredibly important for me and your mother. Now, grow up, you’re eight years old for Christ’s sake,” Your father hissed, watching you as he and your mother disappeared downstairs and out of the house, locking you in with your sister. You let out a deep breath as you climbed up the stairs to Melanie’s room. You hated her, despised her, and you knew that your parents did too. She was eight years older than you, making her 16.
“Y/N,” She called out, looking over at you as you appeared through the hatch. The very sight of your sister’s twisted spine and scarily thin body was enough to make you not sleep for two weeks. You grabbed the bowl that sat on the chestnut dresser in the corner of the attic and walked over to the bed that she would and could never get out of, if she ever did, your parents would kill her on the spot, they didn’t want to admit that they had a freak for a daughter. You kept as much distance from Melanie as possible, remembering you still had to feed your sister. This wasn’t how you wanted to spend your saturday, you wanted to be out with Bill, your next door neighbour and best friend. You spoon fed Melanie, until her neck twisted and she began to choke. Your breathing became heavy as she twisted unnaturally, making a strange gurgling noise in the process. There was nothing you could do, but what you did do was run from her room and downstairs. 
Oh God.
You’re so dead. Everyone’s going to think you murdered your sister, you wanted rid of her, God, you wished and prayed for it. But you didn’t want to be there for it, you didn’t want to be the cause of it. What were you going to do? Your parents weren’t home, and you didn’t exactly know how to work the telephone. 
On instinct, you climbed up the stairs and towards the attic, pulling the ladders down and going up them. Your breath was shaking, and so was your entire body. You peaked your head up and then heaved your body up, coughing at the sudden dust attack on your lungs, you hadn’t been up here in 5 years, to be honest, you didn’t think anyone had. 
“No, you’re dead,” You said in disbelief at the sight in front of you. Melanie was laying on the bed, the same position you left her in that day. “I saw you die.” You weren’t sure who you were talking to at this point. You screamed as she sat upright, the curves and bent shapes of her spine merely a pattern, no longer proving a bother to her.
“You saw me die, you killed me, Y/N!” Melanie yelled, her voice scratchy and strained. You screamed as she jolted up from the bed and ran at you, her paralysis long forgotten as she grabbed you with both arms, clipping your waist. “Never walk again! Never walk again!” She screamed in your ear like a mantra. Soon enough, Melanie’s bony and skeletal fingers became thicker and glove cladded, and she became what you had all witnessed in Bill’s garage. You screamed again.
“Get the fuck off of me!” You cried, trying your hardest to try and get the clown off of you. “Help!” You yelled. 
“You didn’t help your dearest sister, who’s gonna help you?” The clown taunted you. Before you could do anything else, IT pushed you down the hatch of the attic, leaving you to land on the floor, hitting your head with a resounding thud and knocking you out cold. From outside, Bill had heard you screaming and was climbing through your living room window that was left open. 
“Y/N?!” Bill yelled, his heart thudding when he got no response. He ran up the stairs and ran straight to your unconscious form. “Y/N, c-come on, wa-wake u-p,” Bill said, shaking you as he pulled you onto his lap. “Y-Y/N, this-this isn’t fu-funny.” Bill shook his head, fearful that you weren’t waking up. 
“Bill?” Your voice was barely audible as you looked up at your best friend, your eyes still half lidded and unable to focus on anything correctly. “How are you in here?” You asked him. Bill laughed and shook his head.
“Y-You ju-st fell from-from your attic and that-that’s your first quest-question?” He asked you with a shake of his head and a fond smile. You smiled at him as he helped you sit up, and eventually stand on your shaky legs. “What ha-happ-happened?” He questioned you.
“I saw her,” You told Bill, whose face scrunched up in confusion. “Melanie, only it wasn’t Melanie.”
“It was I-IT,” Bill told you, now it was time for your face to scrunch up as you turned to your friend.
“What?” You asked him. Bill sighed out and took your hand.
“I-I’m gon-gonna sound cra-crazy,” Bill said. You smiled and shook your head.
“I’ve known you for most of my life, Denbrough, nothing you could tell me sounds crazy anymore,”
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totaltozier · 7 years
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IT Behind the Scenes
part 2/2
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minteegems · 7 years
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goodness-gracious13 · 7 years
OTPs from IT (2017)
Eddie x A better home life
Beverly x A better home life
Mike x A better home life
Bill x A better home life
Richie x A better home life
Stan x A better home life
Ben x New Kids On The Block
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Can I get an imagine/hc about the male losers finding out the fell in love with the last Anon, the male Eddie lover, and how they would treat them in general, and when they were going through anxiety attacks, and also Depression and self harm.
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Eddie is overall caring and loving to them. They love them no matter what. 
Eddie is the perfect person to help the panic attacks. 
He knows the first hand about them. 
He would be loving, sweet, and caring towards them. 
He wants to make them feel loved in every sense of the word. 
When he hears about the depression issues his S/O is having, he goes out of his way to be extra loving towards them. 
Constant cuddles, kisses, hugs, etc. 
When he hears about their S/O self-harming, he is broken-hearted. He wants to help and doesn’t know how. He tries everything he can think of.  
Extra cuddles.  
Extra loving. 
Extra everything under the sun. 
He just wants to make them feel happy. 
He will buy them stuffed animals. Even if he just needs cuddles he will give them. 
Bill is the most loving. Constant hand holding. Tender kisses to his temples and forehead.  Small caresses and just being loving overall. 
Bill is very attentive to them when they have an anxiety attack. He isn’t as good as Eddie but he damn well tries. 
He is comforting in his own way. 
He is good with the breathing. He would sit with them and hold their hands as he did the breathing with them. 
All the hugs! 
Long deep comforting hugs. Sweet tender kisses. 
Discovering his S/O has Depression he would become even more attentive. And he would give them whatever they needed. 
Anything and Everything 
Seeing the product of his S/O self-harming. He would be so sad. He would feel as if he had failed them somehow.  
How could he have missed it? 
How could he help make it better? 
He would sit with them as long as they needed. He would hold their hand. Listen to them crying out their feelings. Promising to always be there for them.   
Stan is the “daddy” ish person. Always being the big spoon. Always being there to show their S/O every form of love they needed. 
Stan would be the one to hold his S/O during a panic attack. 
Gentle whispers of support and comfort. 
Gentle kisses to their temple
Their cheek
And anywhere on his face, he could reach. 
Even kissing their hands. 
Once they had calmed down he still wouldn’t let go 
Learning his S/O had depression he would possibly be the one out of the group that understands the most. 
He deals with depression as a result of being picked on. 
He gets it possibly more than the other boys. 
He will sit there and listen to everything their S/O needed to talk about. 
He wouldn’t say anything. 
Just listen. 
Seeing that his S/O was self-harming, he wouldn’t judge, he would be sad, but understanding. 
He would kiss his S/O’s scars with all the love and tenderness in the world. 
He would beg them not to do it again. 
Asking them to come to him whenever they felt the need to. 
He needed them to know he was there for them. 
Richie is the biggest goofball and would pull his S/O in with him on his silliness. Loudmouth Richie would always be pulling his S/O into his antics to make them smile. 
When their S/O has a panic attack he wouldn’t know what to do. 
Quite possibly might make it worse while trying to make it better. 
“Shhhhh…..” lots of “Shhhhhhh”s involved 
Finally, once he clams them down he would try and make them smile. 
All the silliness. 
Hearing about his S/O having depression he…again…really wouldn’t know how to handle the situation. 
He would try. 
Oh god knows how he would try to help out. 
When his S/O starts crying he literally loses his shit. 
He can’t handle when they cry. 
*Shoves all the stuffies at them*
“Is this helping?” 
When he sees the scars of his S/O’s self-harm. He goes quiet. 
He never goes quiet. 
This one is the mother load to him. What can he do to help? 
He would hug them upon seeing the scars. 
Constant I love you’s. 
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quirkywritings · 3 years
Just date already!
Bill Denbrough x Reader
Wrote this late at night. Sorry for the shitty writing.
Word Count: 740
Trigger warning: Swear words, stuttering?
Well, today is just another boring day, of my boring life, at my boring school, and in my boring home. I thought as I slung the heavy backpack over my shoulder.
An involuntary sigh escaped my lips as I opened the door and began walking to school.
I held my head low as always and kept up a fast pace since I didn't wanna repeat the incident that happened with the Bowers gang.
The street wasn't very busy, it never really was in Derry, nothing ever happenes in this boring old town. The same old street, the same old houses, the same old people. I've lived here my entire life and I still hate every single person living in this shit hole.
Except for one group of losers.
Yes, I hang out with the losers club, Beverly has been my best friend since forever, and when i started hanging out with the losers, she automatically started hanging out with them too.
They're my escape from the horrible reality called real life. 
All caught up in my own thoughts. I didn't completely failed to notice that someone had almost caught up to me and was desperately trying to get my attention.
Well, that was until I heard a strange human sounding noise, and decided to  looke and see who this strange human being that wanted my attention was.
I look around just to see old Billy-boy basically sprinting after me, and quickly slow down my pace so he could catch up to me. And when he finally does I smile widely at the now completely exhausted boy walking beside me.
He immediately sparked up a conversation, talking about anything and everything on his mind. I tried to keep my focus on his words, but I couldn’t. I never could, not when he was as beautiful as he is. 
So i give up trying to concentrate on his words and instread I concentrate on his face, admiring every feature of his face, from his gorgeous, green eyes to his adorably boopable nose and all the way up to his cute, dark brown hair. 
Oh, how I adore that boy, but I don't t have a crush on him, that's for sure.
Okay, maybe I have a slight crush on the oldest Denborough boy, but nothing I can't handle.
"(Y-Y/N) are you ok-kay?" Bill stuttered out. Oh, shit he must’ve caught me staring
"Yeah, Bill. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, trying my best to keep a straight face. 
"You were s-s-staring" He chuckled lightly at my flustered state. 
"I most certainly was not, how dare you accuse me of such actions," I said in a playful tone. 
He raised his eyebrow and looked me up and down. “Mhm.”
He then looked me directly in the eye, squinting whilst making the weirdest face, and we burst out laughing. 
It was something that happened quite a lot with us. We sometimes just look at each other and start laughing for no reason at all. 
Bill smiled at me and took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers.
This is something Bill and I do more often than not. It was nice. Comforting when times were hard. Although it had sparked some rumors, at school, of us dating. That was of course not true. Not that I’d mind dating old Billy-boy here, but we’re definetely better off as friends. Definetely. 
And so we just keep walking like that, fingers intertwined, me staring up at the perfect boy beside me, walking in step with each other.
I was so mesmerized by Bill that even fauiled to notice Beverly who’d walked up beside us. 
"Jesus Christ, just date already!" She exclaimed, very loudly might I add. 
Beverly could be quite... daft when it came to stuff like this. She knew of my feelings for Bill, and never once failed to mention them when we were together. Altough Bill never seemed to really notice it.
I really should just tell him. God, i want him to know so badly.
He and I looked at each other and just started laughing akwardly as we quickly let go of each other's hands and looked down. But it didn’t take long before I took his hand in mine again and dragged him behind the school building.
He looked confused as hell. Might as well tell him now, save the embarrassment for both of us.
"Soooo, I might have a tiny... gigantic crush on you, and I might have had it for a while now," I said awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. 
 "And I didn't tell you because I don't wanna ruin this great friendship we have, 'cause I know you don't feel the same... so can we just forget this ever happened?" 
Bill looked at me confused, probably frightened. 
"N-No, we c-can't!” I felt my heart break into a little million pieces. Who knew such a simple sentence could tear apart a heart so easily-
“(Y/N) I'm in love with you, I have been for so long, and knowing you feel the same, well, it makes me so happy. So (Y/N) (L/N) will you be please be mine?"
"No stutter?" I said looking into his eyes. "Of course, William"
He leaned in and akwardly captured my lips in the most-well, maybe not so innocent kiss.
After we both pulled away he bent down and whispered  "Y-You know the whole l-losers club is hiding in the b-bush behind you ri-right?"
I nodded and laughed slightly, knowing full well Beverly had collected them all as soon as Bill and I left together.
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stenbrozier · 5 years
Members of Losers’ Club x Reader (Your Guys’ Songs) *modern*
Bill Denborough: Cleveland, OH by John Floreani
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I'd rather die on the plane flight home
Than disappoint you in the years to come
Let me crash into the ocean
Let the water fill my lungs
Bill was undeniably the most loyal person you had ever met, and whenever he was slightly dishonest with you, even if it was about what he ate that day, he’d absolutely feel like shit. You loved him no matter what, but it was always really hard for him to fathom that when he was so used to telling people little white lies. You didn’t care though, as long as he was honest about the big things, you didn’t care if he lied about what he ate or what Losers’ Club member he was with that day. When you first heard this song and listened closely to the chorus, you laughed a little, wanting to share it with Bill because “it’s literally you, baby.”
He heard it and smiled, nodding and laughing, too. After that, this became the song that you would cuddle to or a song that you would blast on your phone as you rode your bikes through Derry. The others started to get sick of it, but you and him could never.
Stanley Uris: I’m Losing Friends by Tanner Swift
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I see what the Devil sees, I listen when the Devil speaks
And I think we might all be demons when we wanna be
I can't afford to love
I'm afraid if I give to much you'll leave
Everyone does
Stan’s biggest fear was loosing everyone in his life: his friends, his family, but most importantly, you. As you guys got older, the club drifted apart, and you and Stan stayed fairly close, but it was still hard on him. He was scared to make new friends, like you were, and he just couldn’t stand the thought of loosing everyone.
“Babe,” Stan asked as he rubbed circles into your back. You made a sound in response, one that said that you heard him but you were too tired to use actual words. “Do you remember that song that we heard in the car the other day? The one about losing friends?” You nodded lazily, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “You won’t leave me right? You’ll stay?” You turned over, facing Stan.
“I couldn’t ever leave,” you said softly, planting a kiss on his nose. “I actually really liked that song, so do you remember some of the lyrics?” He rolled his eyes but recited the lyrics as best he could. After that, the song became a song that followed you through your whole lives, reminding you that you needed to stick together so you both didn’t fall into a dark pit of despair.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Our Late Night Calls Used To Be Happy by Fredo Disco
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But here i am
It’s where i've always been
I’m not the one who's changing places
I try to stay consistent
It was no secret that Eddie was overshadowed by his friends. Yes, it was very hard to miss the neurotic boy who squealed everytime he touched something remotely “dirty”, but when everyone at school thought of the losers, they’d think of Bill or Richie. But you always thought of Eddie.
When you first met him, it was so hard for you to get his smile out of your head, and it was the same for him. You bumped into him in the hallway and he looked like he was going to snap, but then he saw your apologetic smile and his heart just melted. After that, you noticed each other everywhere. At the pharmacy getting bandaids for your accident prone little siblings? Eddie was there getting his meds and would offer to walk you home. At the quarry admiring the peacefulness? Eddie would show up with his friends and they’d make it less peaceful, and he would apologize.
You heard this song one day on a random playlist and immediately thought of him. So, naturally , you burned it onto a CD and taped it onto his locker. When he found it, he instantly knew you did it, well Richie might’ve told him you did, and he want to find you. Ever since that, it had been the song that you did everything to, and the club got really fed up when you screamed it at the top of your lungs at the quarry randomly.
Mike Hanlon: They Looked Like Strong Hands by Bayside
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And I look so strong
When the weight of all the world
Don't take its toll
And I'd choose my sides
If I believed in what was right
But I'm all wrong
Mike wanted to act tough around you and the losers, but you all knew he couldn’t do that constantly. There were many times where Mike didn’t live up to his tough guy presence and it really discouraged him. However, you were always there to remind him of the times where he saved you and Losers’ asses or when he was just an amazing friend.
Yes, you guys had no problem comforting him and telling him how important he was, but Mike still got so insecure that he wasn’t good enough. He didn’t understand that he needed to catch a break.
You showed Mike this song, so that when you weren’t able to comfort him, he could just turn it on and feel as if you were right there telling him about how amazing his love was. Even if he didn’t exceed his standards of being a good friend, the song would remind him that it is hard to be tough and care for yourself all at the same time.
Richie Tozier: Sixteen by Real Friends
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The saddest part is I've been distant since I was sixteen
It keeps me up in bed
I'm stuck here with all the choices I've made
And the chances I was too afraid to take
Richie was very closed off and quiet (shocking right?) after the whole IT fiasco. He drifted really far from all of you, or he at least tried to. You fought your way back into his life and we’re always there for him when he told you all of his fears.
You found this song while you were listening to a random new music playlist and tears welled in your eyes. Richie needed to hear it. So, one day after school, you walked him home with him and sat with him on his bed, turning this song on. Richie furrowed his eyebrows.
“What’s this shit,” he said, looking annoyed, but once he listened and heard the lyrics, he softened up. “This is a nice song. I-I have something to tell you.” Now it was your turn to furrow your eyebrows. You went to ask him what was wrong but then he smashed his lips against yours. This was the song you guys first kissed to, so of course it would only make sense that it would play at every important event in your life for years after that.
Beverly Marsh: February 15th by Hobo Johnson
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I'm gonna be alone forever
I'm gonna be alone forever
But I'm getting used to the thought
Except late at night, you know, maybe I'm not
You and Bev had this friendship that was just completely inexplicable, and it was always your goal to make her feel as if it was as important as she thought it was. She never truly believed she had people that loved her, even after you introduced her to the losers, but with you, love just came so naturally.
It was really difficult for you both growing up because you were both in love with one another; however, neither of you told anyone else. Being in love with your best friend and not being able to do anything about it broke you both, and it was really hard not being able to talk about to one another either.
Hobo Johnson had been someone who helped you through so much through his music and you showed her this song, and she immediately confessed her feelings. She didn’t want to be alone. And neither did you.
Ben Hanscom: Smoke by Soroity Noise
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Sleep next to me
Tell me everything is how it should be
When you leave to haunt someone else's dreams
Think of me
Holy shit, Ben was in love with you from the moment he met you. He memorized your face and your manuerisms from watching you in math class, but he didn’t know that his love would get deeper when he stumbled upon you and your friends.
He could tell that you might’ve liked him back, from the way he sometimes caught you staring at him, but he didn’t really believe that you would stay with him, even if you guys started dating. Ben’s goal in life was to get you to notice him, and now that he had accomplished that, what the fuck was he gonna do now?
You knew he liked you and, yeah, you liked him, but you didn’t know how long it was gonna last. Music was a big part of both of your lives, so when you found this song about living in the moment, you knew that you just had to figure it out as it went. So you did. You made your relationship the best it could possibly be, and if it didn’t last forever, okay. At least you were able to enjoy it for a little while.
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trashmouth-tozier89 · 4 years
Welcome to the Loser’s Club, Asshole! - Ch.1 | T W O
Warnings: swearing, a very mild sexual innuendo - everything you’d expect with Richie
Word Count: 3,740
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader, Platonic!Stan Uris x Reader
A/N - second chapter of my first series! i’m really liking the way this is turning out, considering i’ve never written a rewrite of a pre-existing movie/book! i’ve not planned what each chapter is going to contain, so i’m praying this works out in the long run. if you haven’t noticed, i don’t particularly have a schedule for publishing these chapters, but i am just trying to get them all out as soon as possible so it can be more of a binge read than having to wait :/
If you wish to be added to the taglist, send in an ask or pop it in the comments! :)
Welcome to the Loser’s Club Asshole Masterlist 
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“Take everything but the Delicious Deals, guys. My mom loves ‘em” Eddie instructed as Richie swung the kitchen cabinet doors open with full force, taking out whatever food he could find. “Hey! First you said the Barrens and now you’re saying the sewer. I mean, what if we get caught?”
Eddies seemed hesitant, his words coming out in whispers towards the end of his sentence. Eddie was rather obedient when it came to authority; he didn’t like standing up to people he thought were right. But Bill had insisted the sewers were the perfect place to search for the missing 7 year old, so he tried his best to convince Eddie; “We won’t Eds, the sewers are p-p-public works. We’re the public, aren’t we?”
“Hey, Eddie, these your birth control pills?” Richie pitched in, pointing to the bottles of pills which filled a whole cabinet; he smirked at the joke, proud like he always was.
“Yeah, and I’m saving it for your sister. This is private stuff” Eddie retorted, Bill sniggering in the background. The boys went to leave the house, and head to the Barrens, before being stopped in their tracks by Eddie’s mother.
“Eddie bear, where you boys off to in such a rush?” She spoke, in such a sickeningly sweet tone; anyone could tell she was disguising ill intentions. Sonia Kaspbrak was the kind of mother who was very protective over her child; Eddie could never go anywhere without some kind of interrogation. That’s just the way it was in the Kaspbrak house. They boys stood silent for what felt like minutes, but thankfully was only a few seconds, trying to piece together an excuse. There was no way they could tell her they were going to the Sewers, she’d have gone berserk.
“Um… j-j-just my backyard Mrs K” Bill stuttered out, thinking up something on the spot, “I got a new-“
“A new croquet set. Jeez, spit it out b-b-b-Bill” Richie chimed in when Bill was unable to finish his sentence; Bill wasn’t always the best at lying to peoples face, but that was practically Richie’s talent.
“Okay” Sonia wasn’t sure if she believed them or not, specifically whether she believed Richie or not, but she accepted it anyway because surely her son wouldn’t lie to her. “Oh, and sweetie, don’t go rolling around on the grass. Especially if it’s just been cut. You know how bad your allergies can get”
“Yes Mom – let’s go” Eddie practically whispered, wanting to leave as soon as possible; he didn’t exactly like his mother like most children should. It was a complicated relationship.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Eddie knew exactly what his mother meant by this, and so huffed loudly while approaching the woman who was slumped down in her armchair, planting a small kiss on her cheek. He knew he was going to be the pit of Richie’s jokes for the next hour or so, especially considering Richie was now sniggering rather loudly from the hallway.
“Do you want one from me too Mrs K?” Richie chuckled, but before he could even look in Sonia’s direction, Eddie was shoving him out the door chanting “No, no, no”. Thankfully, Richie was out the door in seconds, so Eddie quickly apologised and shut the door behind him.
“Mom, are you in here?” Y/N shouted as she walked into the backyard shed, hoping to find her mother in there considering she was nowhere else to be found. With the house all furnished and looking like a real home now, Y/N was starting to feel a lot more settled in and like Derry was where she had lived her whole life. Her mother had even agreed to let Y/N turn the backyard shed into a birdwatching hut that she and Stanley could spend their time birdwatching in; it thankfully had a window at the back which looked straight into the forestry behind the house, so all it would need was a little makeover and it would be perfect.
“Just here, love. What do you need?” she shouted back, watching Y/N’s face light up as she entered. Y/N’s mother had spent the last hour or two painting the walls of the shed green so that no bird would be afraid to fly near it. It wasn’t the way she wanted to spend her first day in Derry, but when she heard how excited Y/N was when she got home and exclaimed she had made her first friend and that they had bonded over birdwatching, she was more than happy to help her daughter make friends.
“Can I spend the day with Stan and his other friends?” Y/N questioned, a spring in her step at the idea of spending the day with her newly found friends; though she had realised she only actually knew Stan’s name. She just referred to the other 3 as ‘the short one’, ‘the one with the stutter’ and ‘the cute one’. She wasn’t really sure why, but she really hoped that the cute one would be there when she met up with them. There was something about him that made her want to get to know him.
“Of course love, but be home by 5 at the latest” she answered, pressing a kiss to her daughter’s cheek and sending her on her way. Y/N rushed out to the front of her house, waiting patiently for Stan and the rest to arrive after agreeing on the phone the night before that he would meet her at her house. Only after a few minutes of waiting around, she heard the skidding of bike wheels against the tarmac road before looking up to see the boy with the stutter slamming down his brakes.
“H-h-hey” he smiled, looking your way and then behind him to see the three other boys speeding down the road at a speed nowhere near as fast as he’d been going. Y/N giggled at the sight of the boy’s faces of annoyance.
“Slow down Bill, we can’t keep up!” Stan yelled, slowing down once he got in front of you.
“Don’t blame me, blame Silver!”
“Yeah Stan, it’s not Bills fault he finishes fast” the boy with glasses shouted as he too pulled up, shortly followed by the short one. Y/N let out a small snigger at the boys joke, and he looked to her with a smirk on his face, while the others looked at her like she had just committed a crime. Not many people laughed at his jokes, and when they did it was usually out of pity, so it was nice for him to receive some admiration. “I don’t think I ever properly introduced myself; Richie Toziers the name, and doing voices is my game”
The boys all rolled their eyes at Richie’s poor attempt of a British accent, but Y/N chuckled rather loudly at his introduction. She liked his humour, it was unlike any she’d heard before, but that was in a good way; it was funnier than she’d heard before. She shook his hand, but instead he went to kiss it gently as if she were a princess.
“A-and I’m Eddie.” The small one chimed in from the background, a wide grin on his face as he looked at her. She smiled back, sending a small wave over to the boy who instantly sent one back, blushing a little. Eddie seemed quite shy, she realised, but that wasn’t to say that was a bad thing; she’d just have to let him warm up her a little.
“It’s lovely to meet you Eddie. And you’re Bill” she grinned; looking towards the boy she’d heard the name of a few times already. He nodded, smiling back. Bill always loved making new friends; in fact all the boys did, so she was more than welcome to join the Loser’s club. “I’m Y/N L/N; I moved to Derry a few days ago.”
“A-are we ready to go?” Stan urged, finding it a little awkward that he had just been standing here for the past 5 minutes while the other 3 boys practically drooled over Y/N; he understood, she was pretty, very pretty indeed, but at least he was able to control himself. He did find it rather amusing how hung Richie was; he would normally have been spurring out vulgar comments and pickup lines by this point, but he hadn’t said a crude joke at all, well not to Y/N. The thing was, he didn’t want to scare her away; Richie had a tendency of being too loud and vulgar most of the times, and this tended to earn him eye rolls and scoffs instead of laughs. His jokes were purely his humour, and most people didn’t have the same humour as Richie.
“Bill decided the Sewers would be better to look” Eddie mentioned, considering both Stan and Y/N hadn’t been there that morning to hear the conversation. Stan was fine with it, he didn’t really want to be searching for Georgie in the first place and either way they were splashing around in shitty water. Y/N, however, responded with a look of disappointment and… worry?
“Is that okay, Y/N?” Richie asked rather quickly once he noticed the look on her face; admittedly it was a little embarrassing for him but he didn’t want Y/N to feel uncomfortable- seriously, what was happening to Richie?
“O-oh, yeah it’s fine. I just, I wouldn’t have worn once of my nice dresses if I knew we were going to the sewers…” she muttered, playing with the hem of the skirt adorned on her body. She wanted to impress the boys, specifically Richie, so she wore one of her cuter dresses that she thought made her look nice. Why was she trying to impress the boys?
“You could go ch-ch-change if you want, we have all day” Bill offered, but she could tell his face was desperate to get going and searching for whatever it was they were looking for.
“No, that’s okay.” She grinned, not wanting to hold the boys up. They all mounted their bikes, while Y/N stood awkwardly, until they noticed she didn’t have her own bike. She had never been much of a bike rider in her childhood, so she never saw the need to waste her pocket money on one.
“You can ride on the back of mine, if you want?” Richie offered, cheeks blushing as he noticed the boys were sniggering; it wasn’t loud enough for Y/N to hear, but Richie had. He couldn’t comprehend why this girl made him feel so nervous, when usually he was what he liked to a ladies man. After watching the boys mock him, he tried his best to make them shut up by adding a Richie quirk to his question; “That is, if you can manage to keep your hands to yourself, sweetcheeks”
“I think I’ll manage that just fine, thank you” she smirked back, climbing onto the back of the bike and wrapping her arms around the boy’s waist, watching as the other boys laughed at Richie’s expense. She felt him clench slightly as she touched him, but she thought nothing of it; however, she had begun to feel a little guilty for what she said. As Richie and the others started cycling to the destination, Y/N felt it needed to apologise; “I’m sorry if that was rude”
“It’s all good, sweetcheeks. Maybe you could make it up to me later” he quirked up, his confidence suddenly skyrocketing when she giggled softly into the crook of his neck. He was glad she found his jokes funny; it meant he wouldn’t have to hold back from being himself to impress her, even if he didn’t know why he wanted to. Probably just because she’s knew to the group, he thought to himself, yeah that’s why.
“Oh yeah, and what would that entail?”
“Well, you’d come around to my house, because my parents won’t be in. I’ll take you up to my room and-“
“Beep beep Richie” Stan shouted from his bike in front, stopping Richie from finishing the awful sentence considering he knew Richie would happily have gone into full detail of their sexual escapades, and Stan didn’t want to hear that. Thankfully for the rest of the ride, the group were silent, and it only really took them 5 minutes to arrive at the sewer entrance.
“That’s poison ivy, and that’s poison ivy. And that’s poison ivy” Stan stated, pointing at almost every plant and tree they passed walking down the riverbank.
“Where? Where’s the poison ivy?” Eddie hesitated, being the germaphobe he was. He searched every plant, inspecting them to ensure he was in no danger. There was no way Eddie was going to let himself get a rash from poison ivy; he could probably catch one just from standing near it.
“Nowhere, not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley!” Richie complained, rolling his eyes in the direction of the two boys who he knew were panicking over nothing. Stanley looked over to Y/N for some backup, and after inspecting the bigger plant closely, she easily confirmed it was, in fact, not poison ivy. One thing Stanley had learned about Y/N so far was that along with birdwatching, she was an avid nature lover; she could name a plant just by its leaf or a butterfly just by its wing.
“Okay, well I’m starting to get itchy now and I’m pretty sure this is not good for my-“ Eddie started complaining, before Richie cut in again; “Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?”
“Sometimes, yeah”
“Then you probably have crabs” Richie retorted, stepping further into the sewage pipe with Bill far in front of him. Y/N had followed suit, forgetting all about the dress debacle she encountered earlier; she’d have never got to do something like this back in her hometown, she wanted to seize the moment.
“That’s so not funny”
“Aren’t you guys coming in?” Richie turned around and asked, seeing Stan and Eddie still lurching at the entrance of the sewer. They were hesitant, extremely hesitant, to go any further than they already were.
“Uh-uh, it’s greywater” Eddie shook his head, gulping in disgust from even the sight of what Bill, Richie and Y/N were treading through.
“What’s greywater?” Y/N questioned from next to Bill, looking worried that this may have been a mistake after all. And Eddie’s answer proved her correct.
“It’s basically piss and shit, so I’m just telling you; you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee. So…” Eddie pointed out, and watched as your face contorted into one similar to his; disgust. Richie on the other hand, had waded the end of his stick in the sewer water and lifted it up to his nose to sniff; “Are you serious? What are you—“
“Doesn’t smell like caca to me, senor” Richie retorted in a poor Spanish accent, if you could even call it that.
“Okay, I can smell it from here”
“It’s probably just your breath wafting back into your face.” Richie responded, making Eddie huff in annoyance.
Eddie took a deep inhale, trying his hardest not to freak out at Richie’s utter stupidity; not being very successful in his attempts. “Have you ever heard of a staph infection?”
“Oh, I’ll show you a staph infection” the boy in glasses retorted quickly, still messing around in the water with the stick he was holding. Eddie was not giving up on shaming Richie at all; “This is so unsanitary. You’re literally; this is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now. I mean, have you ever heard of Listeria?”
Richie chucks an old plastic bag on the end of his stick which had been floating in the shitty water towards the smaller boy, eliciting a loud scream and a very harsh response: “A-Are you retarded, you’re the reason why we’re in this position right now-“
“Guys!” Bill shouted over, interrupting the smaller boy and earning the attention of all 4. When they all looks over, they saw Bill holding up a shoe; Richie, Stan and Eddie were able to understand exactly what this may have meant, but Y/N was no clearer.
“What, what is that?” Y/N questioned, searching the boys faces for answers; Eddie looked disgusted that Bill was holding it with his bare hands, Richie looked sad as he readjusted his glasses, and Stan looked scared. But none of them were answering her question, and it was getting on her nerves.
“Shit. Don’t tell me that’s…” Stan trailed off, not wanting to say the name, but Bill caught on quickly.
“No, G-Georgie wore galoshes.” Bill spoke sadly, thankful it hadn’t been his brother’s shoe. Y/N was still searching for some answers, and when no one spoke for a second or two, she took the opportunity to try and find some; for all she knew, ‘Georgie’ had simply lost his shoes recently while playing in the sewers, and Bill was trying to find them. That was the only reasonable explanation.
“Okay, guys, can someone please explain what’s going on? What exactly are we looking for down here, and who’s Georgie?” She asked, trying not to show her slight anger at being ignored, but her tone implied very obviously that she was impatient for an answer. However, the boys were left speechless; none of them wanted to tell Y/N about Georgie in case Bill wasn’t ready for her to know, but they knew Bill would struggle to talk openly about it. He hadn’t even been able to admit verbally that the boy was obviously dead.
“G-g-g-Georgie wa-is, is my brother. H-he went missing a few months ago, but I know he’s down here somewhere.” Bill answered quietly, watching as the girls face dropped from anger to sadness within a second of hearing the word missing spill from the boy’s mouth. Oh, she thought, that’s why we’re down here. We’re searching for Bill’s missing brother. Dead brother – there was no way he could’ve survived down here for months. As she looked at Stan’s face, she could tell they knew Georgie was dead too, but she couldn’t say that to Bill.  
“I-I’m so sorry Bill, I, I didn’t know. We’ll try our best to find him, okay” she assured, making her way over to put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He nodded slightly, sending her a sad but grateful smile. The tension was as awkward as it could’ve been, until Eddie brought the attention back to the shoe.
“Whose sneaker is it?” Richie and Y/N both leant over to inspect the inside of the shoe that Bill was shining his torch light on. It read very clearly, written in a black marker, B.RIPSOM. Y/N’s mind was cast back to the school day, where she heard another girl murmuring about someone named Betty Ripsom who had gone missing weeks before; they talked about it as if it was normal, something that didn’t even matter. At the time, she thought it was just a myth or a story she had made up, but now Y/N understood it was real. She peeked to watch Richie’s breath hitch in his throat before announcing to Stan and Eddie; “It’s Betty Ripsom’s”
“Oh, shit. Oh, God. Oh, fuck! I don’t like this” Eddie swore, feeling himself beginning to panic.
“How do you think Betty feels? Running around these tunnels with only one frickin’ shoe” Richie joked, hopping to mimic the action described. Y/N slapped his arm harshly, sending him a look which clearly said that’s not funny, dude. When he noticed he was in fact the only one laughing at the joke, his face dropped immediately.
“What if she’s still here?” Stan proposed the idea, watching as the 4 considered the suggestion. After a second, Bill and Richie carried on down the tunnel, flashlight in hand. Y/N was much more hesitant now, not wanting to go any further in the case of ending up like Betty. Or Georgie.
“Y/N, Eddie, come on!” Richie shouted without even looking back.
“My mom will have an aneurysm, okay, if she finds out we’re playing down here, I’m serious. Bill?” Eddie complained, waiting for some voice of reason for Bill considering he usually had the good ideas. Although, Eddie was beginning to think that today, he didn’t have the good ideas.
“If…If I was Betty Ripsom, I would want us to find me. G-g-georgie too.” Bill answered back, trying to convince the other boys and girl that this was important for him, and Betty and Georgie. He wasn’t doing this for fun, or to splash around and play, he wanted to find these people and restore them justice. And to prove that Georgie was alive.
“What if I don’t want to find them?” Eddie spoke up, earning the attention of the others. Y/N was rather shocked, but she agreed; she hated to say it but finding them would most likely end up with them going missing, and she didn’t want that. “I mean, no offense, Bill, but I don’t want to end up like G… I don’t want to go missing either”
“He has a point” Both Y/N and Stan spoke at the same time.
“Y-y-you too?” Bill stuttered out, and she could tell his heart was breaking at their words.
“It’s summer. We’re supposed to be having fun. This isn’t fun. This is scary and disgusting” Stan complained, his voice cracking on almost every word. Before anyone could say anything more, the sound of a splash behind them caught the attention of all 5, turning to see the source of the commotion. Y/N was out the sewer in an instant, stopping by Eddie and Stan’s sides to try and catch a glimpse of what may have been making such a large splash.
Their eyes landed on a boy, around their age, thrashing around in the water. He had attempted to stand up, before falling again.
“Holy shit, what happened to you?” Richie shouted, and it was at that point Y/N realised what was wrong. The boy turned his head to face the crowd, and Y/N saw he was bleeding from his nose and stomach. Y/N sprinted over to the boy, Stan and Eddie following suit, to help him up. He had some serious injuries, and she could not figure out how we had a ‘H’ carved into his stomach. That was, however, when it clicked in her head.
Henry Bowers.
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kikikittykis · 4 years
female readers only please
The characters that requests are open for is
Scott Mccall and Stiles Stilinski
Jack Kline, Castiel, Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester
Dexter Charming
Jackson Jekyll or Holt Hyde
Marty McFly
and Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denborough or Stanley Uris
I encourage you to ask for crossovers
go to my request page or use this link https://kikikittykis.tumblr.com/ask
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fandomoblivion · 6 years
Wrong Place, Wrong Time (Part Four)
Fandom: IT (2017)
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader, Henry Bowers x Reader (don’t worry, not for long hopefully)
Request: Can you do an It fic thing where you like are dating Henry Bowers and then Pennybitch comes and you fall in love with either Richie or Stan????
Warnings: Swearing, violence, toxic relationships
Word Count: 1,436
Prologue / Part One / Part Two / Part Three
You all headed over to Bill’s house to try to uncover the truth of IT and where it came from. Walking in, Bill immediately rummaged through a pile of big white posters, pulling out one with a bunch of red dotted lines on it. In the corner, it read, “Derry Sewer System” and underneath it, “Department of Public Works.”
Stan, meanwhile, was helping you put a flannel blanket over the only window in the garage, helping block out the light. Ben helped close the garage door, then he walked over to Bill and handed him a slide for the projector. He put it in the slot for the slide, and it was projected onto the wall. Bill lined up the projector to match the picture up with the poster, and you all gazed at it for a moment, studying it.
“Look,” Bill said, pointing at the poster. “That’s where J-J-Georgie disappeared.” He moved his hand to point somewhere else. “There’s the ironworks… and the black spot. Everywhere IT happens, i-it’s all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at the-”
“The Well House.” Ben said, putting two and two together.
From where you were standing, behind Stan and Richie, directly next to Mike, you saw Eddie take in a breath.
“It’s in the house on Neibolt street.” Stan pointed out.
“You mean the creepy-ass house where the junkies and the hobos like to sleep?” Richie adjusted his glasses.
Eddie took a deep breath from his aspirator.
Bev shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
“I hate that place. It always feels like it’s watching me.” She said.
“That’s where I saw it. That’s where I saw the clown.” Eddie said shakily.
“That’s where IT lives.” You whispered. Eddie had another intake of his aspirator.
“I can’t imagine anything, ever, wanting to live there.” Stan mumbled.
Eddie jumped up and stood in front of the projector, the white light illuminating his skin and making him look sickly pale. “Can we stop talking about this?” He pleaded, waving his aspirator around. “I mean, I-I-I can barely breathe, this is summer, we’re kids! I can barely breathe, I’m having a fucking asthma attack! I am not doing this!”
Eddie turned around and started to tear the poster off the wall. “Eddie-” You protested quietly, but he didn’t hear you. He threw the poster on the ground and turned back to face the rest of you.
“What the hell? Put the map back!” Bill said, alarmed. Eddie shook his head.
Click. Click. Click.
You all looked behind Eddie at the projection. The pictures were flipping.
Click. Mr. Denborough holding Georgie and on his shoulder.
Click. The whole Denborough family on a log ride.
“What happened?” Bill asked. “What’s going on?!”
Click. The family in front of the Acadia sign.
“H-Hold on…” Mike mumbled, rushing over to try to fix the projector off manually. “Guys…” He said, backing away from it.
Click. Bill and Georgie standing next to each other in front of a lake, smiling widely and holding fishing poles.
Click. The family lined up, holding hands, with Mrs. Denborough’s hair flying in front of her face. Click. Click. It slowly zoomed in on Georgie’s face, frame by frame.
“Georgie.” Bill whispered.
“Bill?” Stan asked cautiously.
Click. Click. Click. The picture moved up to Mrs. Denborough’s face, still covered by hair. Click. Click. The wind moved through it, the hair flying about her face wildly, each frame moving more and more until it seemed to be a video. The wind kept flying through her hair, and a face as pale as her white dress was shown. IT. The goddamn ugly ass clown that you had seen multiple times now. Smiling. Looking up at the group of you hungrily.
All at once, it seemed, everyone started screaming. You all backed up to the wall, but Bill stood there, frozen, staring into the demented eyes of the fucking clown.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Eddie yelled.
“What the FUCK is that?!” Richie screamed. He latched his hands onto Eddie’s upper arm. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!”
Eddie glanced at him, but was mostly unable to look away from the clown. “I DON’T FUCKING KNOW!”
Bill stood there. Frozen. “Turn it off, Ben!” You called out to him, but he didn’t respond.
“Ben! Turn it OFF!” Bev yelled.
“TURN IT OFF!” Stan yelled in agreement.
Mike ran up and kicked the projector off the stand. It landed on the ground, Mrs. Denborough now gone, the picture now was of the place behind where she was standing, and it was being projected onto the other wall. It kept flipping pictures. Click. Click. Everyone’s heads turned. Your breathing pretty much halted.
The picture showed IT again, frozen, smiling at you guys. The pictures were in the same place for about four frames--four loud CLICKs, then IT was gone.
The only sound decipherable was heavy breathing.
You expected another click. But IT was all about the unexpected.
The clown’s head was in the garage. IT had jumped through the projection. Stan was standing closest to it, which made you break down in tears into your pillow later.
Looking back on it, Stan was always the one stuck closest to danger.
You all ran backwards for the door, Richie and Eddie falling over each other on the way. IT made it’s way to Bev, making you scream at it. Bev, who cowered in a corner and cried, didn’t notice IT turn to you. You covered your face with your arms, but sunlight flooded the room. Mike and Ben opened the garage door, and IT was gone.
You lowered your arms and looked around, wiping quick tears from your cheeks and straightening out your shoulders, making sure no one saw the few tears that had fallen.
Bev practically ran in the direction of Ben, setting a hand on his shoulder, and her other hand on her heart. “Thanks, Ben.” She said, before walking past him and engulfing herself in Bill’s arms.
Eddie took a shaky breath. “It saw us. And it knows where we are.”
Bill let go of Bev, looking around at all of you. “It always did. S-Suh-So let’s go.”
Ben’s eyes widened. “Go? Go where?!”
“Neibolt. That’s where Juh-Georgie is.”
“After all that?” Stan asked, gesturing to the fallen projector.
“Yeah. It’s summer. We should be outside.” Richie said, his tone serious and solemn.
“If you say it’s summer one more f-f-fucking time…” Bill cut himself off by grabbing his bike and riding away.
“Bill. Wait!” Bev tried calling after him, but he wouldn’t listen.
You all jumped onto your bikes as quickly as you could, chasing Bill down the road. You prayed that he was going to change his mind and make a turn to go home, but that never happened. He barely even stopped his bike, he just let it fall to the ground as he jumped off and rushed to the gate of the creepy fucking traphouse.
He stood at the gate, walking up the pathway to the door, mumbling his rhyme to keep his stutter in check. Within seconds, the rest of you caught up to him. You were the first one to speak up, saying, “Bill! Bill, you can’t go in there. This is crazy!”
“Look,” Bill started, facing the lot of you with a look on his face that could only be described as determination. “You don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty, or another Ed Corcoran, or... one of us? Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because I can't.” Richie looked at the ground awkwardly. “I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals... but he isn't. So, walking into this house, for me, it's easier than walking into my own.” Bill turned around and walked further up the steps to the door.
“Wow.” Richie mumbled.
“What?” Ben asked.
“He didn’t stutter once.” You and Richie said at the same time, before looking at each other. You glared at him and looked away.
Richie walked up the steps, followed in suit by Ben.
“Wait!” Everyone turned around to see Stan standing there, trembling slightly. “Uhm… Shouldn’t we have some people keep watch?” Bill’s hand was already on the doorknob. “You know, just in case something… something happens?”
“W-Who wants to stay out here?” Bill asked.
Everyone except for Bev raised your hands. Everyone looked around at each other. Richie dropped his arm, pushed up his glasses, and murmured, “Fuck.”
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minteegems · 7 years
I need to tell you something ; Richie Tozier
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A/N: Hey guys, this is my very first imagine! Hope it isn’t too bad, enjoy!
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 1873
Type: Fluff
Warnings: very slight cursing 
Y/N: Your name, N/N: Nickname, H/C: Hair color
The Loser’s Club were huddled up at the quarry, occasionally speaking over one another on their current argument. You sat with your legs crossed, one arm extended behind you to hold your upright position, and the other with your ring finger nail between your teeth. You bit your nails quietly, observing your friends babbling amongst themselves in amusement.
You were always the quiet one of the group, the one who never really spoke her mind but when you deemed necessary, everyone always took their time to listen, knowing it didn’t happen often. The Losers didn’t seem to mind your introverted nature, in fact, you found many of them coming to you when they wanted a to spend a quiet and peaceful evening with someone, rather than having it filled with loud and obnoxious chatter.
Your eyes shifted from one of your friends to another, witnessing the entertaining scene unfold. You chuckled beneath your breath, unaware the soft sound was heard by the one and only Trashmouth Tozier until his neck snapped in your direction from his spot right next to you.
“Since you happen to find this situation so funny, Y/N, please enlighten us with your opinion,” Richie’s eyebrows quirked up in an urging manner, causing the rest of the the Loser’s heads to face in your direction.
Your eyes widened slightly from the sudden spotlight, but your smile quickly returned to your face and you shrugged, unable to pick a side.
“Oh c-come on, Y/N,” Bill piped up next. “You h-h-have to agree that M-Michael Jackson is like the K-King of Pop.”
Richie’s eyes seemed to roll all the way back into his head, his already enlarged eyes whitening entirely. “Yeah fucking right. I can name at least ten other artists who could take that role. Even Eddie’s mom would agree with me. Trust me, I would know,” Richie’s eyebrows wiggled suggestively while motioning towards his poor hypochondriacal friend.
Eddie scoffed disgustedly but made no comment, already used to the trashmouth of the group making crude comments about his mother.
Your mouth breathed out a chuckle once more, gaining back the attention of your friends. “I have to agree with Billy on this one,” you spoke almost inaudibly, your friends almost unable to hear you if you all weren’t so close to each other.
Richie’s face fell, defeated. “I liked you better when you didn’t talk,” he mumbled, pushing his glasses back up to his face with his finger, a simple gesture which made you smile subconsciously. His frustration caused most of those who agreed with Bill to laugh and give you proud glances.
However Richie’s moment of fake disappointment didn’t last long because he quickly threw his arm around your shoulder and grinned. “It’s okay though, I make up for it, ain’t that right, Hotness.” He turned to face you, a cocky grin dripping sideways on his face.
It was your turn to roll your eyes, but you couldn’t help the blush that crept up your neck as you did so. It was common for Richie to flirt with you, yet every time it would still cause a fluorescent red tint to light up your cheeks.
You were pretty sure everyone in the group already knew about your crush on the trashmouth, seeing as the signs you radiated were pretty unintentionally obvious. Yet somehow, Richie found a way to be completely oblivious to your swooning symptoms. You were sure he didn’t feel the same way, forcing yourself to believe his flirting was only part of his nature, and not to actually charm you (even though he seemed complete that goal long ago without even realizing). Little did you know he felt the exact same butterflies in his stomach at the simple mention of your name and the same exact heartthrob every time he saw you place a loose strand of your H/C hair back behind your ear. He felt the same odd sensation on his skin when it accidentally brushed against yours, though was careful to be less evident about it all, seeing as even the talkative boy couldn’t form words to express whatever strange thing he was feeling inside. Therefore, he too kept it hidden, both of you hoping the feelings were only the significance of a short term crush and it would fade away anytime soon.
It did not.
It came as a surprise to the others at first, regarding your obvious personality differences, but they all quietly accepted it, leaving it up to you two to figure it out on your own.
“You know I’m a little surprised you didn’t side with Richie this time N/N,” Beverly chimed after noticing your change in attitude, a discreet but still identifiable smirk on her bright, pink lips. “Him of all people.”
Her words earned her a sharp glare from you, internally telling her to shut it. Being the only other girl in the group and all, Beverly was the only person you’ve actually told your feelings about Richie to (despite the others already knowing by catching on). You told her how he was the only one to make you laugh up until you had tears in your eyes. You told her how his smile made your heart want to melt into a puddle beneath your feet. You told her how you wanted to care for him in a way his parents never did. At the time, you weren’t sure what all that meant, but Beverly already knew what it was, silently hoping you could one day learn to decipher it.
The redhead laughed at your reaction, only making the crimson color on your face darker. Richies face contorted in confusion as he looked at you.
“Woah, Y/N, your face looks redder than Eddies mom’s underwear during that time of the month.” His statement caused someone to groan, most likely Eddie again, but your head was held too low in embarrassment to confirm your suspicion.
As much as you adored Richie, his lopsided grins, his thick framed glasses that were too large for his face, and everything else that came with him, you couldn’t help but want him to shut his trap at times.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re blushing because you feel all hot and flustered sitting next to me, huh?” he continued, shrugging innocently and leaning back, though you could hear the teasing that laced his words. “It’s fine, I totally get it, I can be quite the smoke show for some people.”
You heard the rest of your friends snicker slightly, enjoying the sight of your flushed face because of Richie’s flirty bickering. You were about to hit your breaking point of embarrassment before he continued even further.  
“I truly am a gift. I know you can’t resist all of thi-” You cut him off before he could finish by placing your index finger on his lips as if shushing him. The out-of-no-where action caught both you and him completely off guard, and quite frankly everyone else as well by the way their body movements ceased and their eyebrows lifted upwards.
You brought your finger back and used it as a way to tell him to approach you closer. You weren't sure where you found this sudden confidence as you looked at him mischievously. You figured you were done his constant with his teasing and flirting; now it was your turn.
His eyes appeared like saucers and his mouth was slightly parted open, still dumbfounded by your silent command. His pale face leaned closer to you, only inches away from your face. You used your thumb and index finger to turn his chin away from you, his skin feeling like flames underneath your fingertips from the small contact. You leaned in close to his ear, fully aware of the Losers’ Club intense stare on you both.
You understood why. Your current behavior was completely unsuspected, as if it fell from the sky as an apple would from a tree; random and alarming. Never would you have suspected it yourself, yet there you sat, making Richie flustered for the very first time, and you secretly loved it.
“I need to tell you something,” you whispered in his ear enticingly so only he could hear, and you could hear him gulp from your close proximity.
He waited what felt like seconds to hear what you had to say, and rather than continuing your act, you decided on a more fun approach to completely turn the tables.
You inched ever so closely, feeling his curly mop of hair tickle your nose as he shuddered from the feeling of your breath hitting his neck. “BEEP BEEP RICHIE!” You yelled all of sudden, causing him to jump a foot in the air.
The rest of your friends remained stunned for a second, both from Richie and the fact that you weren’t one to speak that often, much less speak loudly. After a moment, they all burst out laughing, a sweet giggle emitting from your lips soon after.
“You got him good Y/N,” Mike laughed and clutched onto Ben who was doubling over right next to him, pointing his finger at the loud boy whose face was currently the color of a freshly picked strawberry.
Your triumphant grin however, only lasted for a mere second before you felt a pair of lips press up against your own, causing the group to go silent for the second time that day. The only sounds that could be heard were Beverly Marsh’s gasp, along with the slight rustling of the nearby trees as if cheering the pair on.
You froze, eyes the size of golf balls, suddenly unsure if you would ever regain the feeling of your limbs again. Your body proved against your thought as you began to relax, your hand finding its way to Richie’s cheek while you began to kiss him back.
It was really only an awkward peck that lasted no longer than three seconds due to the inexperience and suddenness of it all, but those three seconds felt like bliss. You were no longer sitting outside in the summer heat at the quarry, nor surrounded by the stares of your friends, but rather it felt like it was just the two of you in the middle of space and time. It was at that moment that you knew what Beverly wanted you to figure out; you were helplessly in love with Richie Tozier.
Richie was the one to break away first, lips still pouty and ears painted a dark shade of scarlet. No doubt you looked the same, and you were surprised that no one was able to hear the rapid pounding of your heart as it drummed in your ears.
“That was hot,” Richie blurted out, referring to your quip and making your face redden more (if that was even possible).
You both stared at each other for what felt like hours, but you knew it was only a couple seconds. Richie’s lips broke apart as if he wanted to say something else, but was left at a complete loss of words. A voice startled you both back into reality.
“Well that's one way to make him shut up,” muttered Stan.
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minteegems · 7 years
I’ll find you ; Stan Uris
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A/N: This became a lot longer than I first anticipated yiKes ,,, also sorry if it feels really rushed & for any mistakes :p
Requested: Nada
Word Count: 3000+
Type: Sad Fluff
Warning: Like one curse word lol
Y/N: Your name
He first found you on a crisp Summer morning. The wind sang its melodic breeze, the sound of rustling green leaves and the occasional chiming of the ice cream parlor door-bell creating a perfect harmony within the atmosphere.
It was slightly colder than most Summer days, yet the chill that ran up your arms and forced your soft skin to break out in goosebumps didn’t withhold you from resolving your current dilema.
You were sitting on a swing, desperately (and from someone else view, highly dramatically) lifting your legs up and down as to create some, any, momentum from your swing’s immobile state. You groaned in frustration, your six year old mind unable to comprehend how the hell the older girls at school were able to function the swings.
You were just about to give up, walk home, and call it a day, when a boy around your age approached you. He was a pale boy with brown, curly ringlets that rested just above the tips of his ears. His clothes reminded you of your middle aged next door neighbor by his khaki colored shorts and the way his shirt was tucked in so neatly. Unbeknownst to you, he was witnessing your struggle while attempting to feed a newly discovered bird from his miniature bird book just a few feet from the playground.
“Um, hi, do you want me to push you?” He asked innocently, blinking at the pretty girl whom he now got to see up close.
“Uh, sure,” you replied just as innocently, cheeks mixing into a sheer hue of pinks and reds as you stared up at the tidy boy who approached you so suddenly.
After introducing himself as Stan, short for Stanley, you two quickly identified as friends, becoming inseparable in the duration of your childish adventures like two strings tied profusely at the ends. He would teach you how to use a swing, and in return, after learning he had a fascination in birds, you would show him your favorite spot in the woods where he could find at least ten types of different birds on the spot.
From that moment, that spot was no longer your spot, but yours and Stan’s. Your trips there would consist of playing tag, birdwatching, and your current game; hide and seek.
You hid behind a thick three, trying to supress the small giggles that left your mouth with both your hands as Stan counted down the seconds on his slim fingers. However your little fits gave up your position to Stan almost immediately.
He creeped up behind you, grasping your forearm with an alarming “AHAH”, and making your high pitched scream echo into the wilderness that went far beyond your guys’ reach.
“Found you, Y/N!” Stan declared, clear victory etched in his voice as he poked your sides and watched you squirm with an annoyed smile.
“Yeah, yeah, let’s play another game already,” you giggled and rolled your large eyes playfully, your grin too wide to hide the sight of the miniscule hole that replaced your left front tooth.
Despite your young age, you and Stan saw each other with different eyes. The looks you two shared was the type of look that told magical fables about curiosity and passion, praise and adoration. At the age of six, those stories were incomprehensible within your developing minds, just a book of unintelligible fairy tales - however stories in which you both would grow to believe in.
The second time he found you, you were both 12 years old. You were in your house, eating Mr. T cereal out of a fake china bowl and ready to start another dreadful day at school, when you heard a frantic knock at your front door.
You hurried to the front door, each desperate knock making you take a quicker step forward. You hauled open the door, and antsy looking Stan revealing himself twelve inches before you.
“Oh, hi Sta-,” you began, eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion, though he didn’t let you finish as he strode into your house and paced wildly around your living room.
“Thank god I found you.” He spoke quickly, only making your confused state reflect into a small chuckle.
“Where else would I be at 7 a.m. on a Wednesday morning Stan-��
He cut you off again, his tone divulging the growing agitation that he attempted to suppress. “This isn’t joke, Y/N! Have you not watched the news lately?” He asked a little harsher than he anticipated, making both you and him wince at his words.
Your stature shrunk a bit, diverting your eyes to your feet. “My t.v. is broken,” you stated in monotony, your curiosity now hidden behind a blank and hurt expression.
Stan never spoke to you in that way, no matter how much his constant OCD caused him to lash out at the other losers, or when Richie picked a particularly bad day to mess with him, causing him to snap. He would always keep himself grounded around you, the simple sight of you always finding a way to wash away his worries into a stream of far away thoughts, though he never really understood how or why.
Seeing your pained expression, his eyes softened. A deep sigh escaped his parted lips as a way to calm himself down and release the stress that had been gradually building up inside of him on his way to your house.
“Betty Ripsom was announced missing today,” he started off, his demeanor suddenly changing into one of nervousness as he caressed his forearm and looked at you through his short lashes. “A lot of kids have been going missing recently. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He didn’t directly apologize, but his intentions behind his concern made it evident enough.
Your face twisted into a look of lament. You thought back on Betty and how you had lent her your butterfly shaped eraser about a month back because she had mentioned she lost hers. You ended up letting her keep it, noticing her fascination in the vibrant green and purple colors, and that was about as much interaction as you had made with her the entire year.
Your eyes met Stan’s hazel ones, the boy whose irises always seemed to shift into a virescent shade of green in a state of panic, and once again gave him your attention. You knew he didn’t mean to snap at you, he was just worried. You would have been the same to him if you had known about another kid disappearing completely out of the blue.
Your heart fluttered beneath your layers affection at the thought of his mind instantly fearing your loss if something were to ever happen to you. You smiled faintly at him, accepting his implied apology. Unexpectedly, you leapt at him, engulfing him in a much needed embrace.
You felt him tense up at your touch from the sudden action, immediately feeling the trembling that radiated through his skin from the panic that was born prior to his appearance at your house. After a few seconds, you felt him relax, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and burrowing his nose into your neck.
“Thank you, Stanley, I appreciate you always worrying about me.” You whispered against his chest, hearing the vibration of your words as it traveled up his spine and made its way to his ear drums.
He didn’t reply. He only held you tighter, scared that if he even uttered a response it would somehow void your existence from between his arms.
The third time he found you, he had almost been unlucky not to.
A year after Georgie’s “disappearance,” The Losers were determined to find the culprit to the crime. After finding that a malevolent clown going by the name of Pennywise was the one to blame, your friends were hesitant to fight back against its evil. Though, much like Bill, you were persistent to end IT once and for all. You wanted to fight back, and you wanted to win, even when Bill himself, the most pertinacious one of you all, second guessed it at one point.
This in particular had been enough to catch Pennywise’s demonic eye. On a cloudy August day, you had been the one to be taken, unconsciously dragged through the grimy tunnels of the sewers and brought to the clown’s foul lair where you insensibly awaited your expected doom.
After the all Losers, excluding Stan, had found out about your disappearance, they weren’t sure how they would tell him. They all knew about how deeply and inexplicably fond he was of you, so they weren’t sure how the news would negatively take a toll on him and his mental state.
When they had finally told him, you could see him begin to crack and break behind the prominent emerald that lit up his irises like a green light transitioning from red at a stoplight.
As much as his instincts told him to, he didn’t cry. He didn’t scream nor did he walk back up the stairs of his house and slam the door on the evil that awaited them all behind it. Instead, Stan wordlessly picked up his bike from the ground, put on the bravest face he could muster (one which he knew you would be proud of if you were there to see it) and headed straight for Neibolt. Knowingly, the others followed closely behind. They were going to get their friend back. Stan was going to get you back.
After being scarred (quite literally) by the woman from his book of fears, Stan almost turned back if it wasn’t for the constant picture he had imprinted in his brain of you every second of the day. No matter how much of a coward he shamefully believed he was, he was going to be strong, for you.
When he had finally found you, you were at the brink of dying, the toxic stench of impending death surrounding you like a cloud of smoke with every second that passed. An hour before his arrival, Pennywise had impaled you right in the center of your abdomen, hoping it would cause fear to spark within you. When it didn’t, he no longer felt the need for you, leaving you to die slowly. In the midst of your bleeding out, you had called Stan’s name as if it made a difference to his arrival time, your voice gradually becoming a whisper when the pain was almost too unbearable that it went numb.
He had heard his name the second he walked into the clown’s lair, sprinting to where you were sprawled out on the floor made of dust, the Losers a step behind him.
“You found me,” you weakly coughed out as he gingerly took you in his arms, trying his best to avoid hurting you even more. His eyes frantically scanned every inch of you until they landed on your wound. His shaking hands hovered over your stomach, a small whimper leaving his lips at the severity of your state.
“We need to get you to a hospital.” His voice wavered as he ignored your comment, no matter how much he wanted to reply with a snarky comment like “no shit, Y/N, did you really think I wasn’t going to search the ends of the Earth for you until I found you?” But he was too concerned about the passing seconds to indulge in conversation. Every breath to you was precious, and he couldn’t be the one you wasted them on.
“Take her,” said Bill more of a demand than a suggestion, the others nodding on and agreeing. “We’ll d-deal with IT.”
And so he did. He picked you up bridal style, wishing the circumstances were because of that reason rather than one where you were dying. He looked behind him one last time to see his friends take their stand against the demon, somehow unaware of Stan’s whereabouts, and headed out, focusing on the task at hand.
You had woken up in a hospital hours later to find Stan asleep on a chair beside you and his head resting on your lap. He held onto your hand as if his life depended on it (which in all reality, it did).
You looked at him, his peaceful expression making you wonder what nice dream he was currently having. In that moment, as you used your free hand to gently comb through his soft curls, you realized you could no longer deny the love that ran through your veins so intensity for the Uris boy.
The last time he found you, the act had been made on the remains a promise.
The reason being; you were leaving.
You were both now 16, thriving on the exhilaration of young adolescence and all the experiences that came with it. However that excitement that was once undisturbed ceased to exist when you mentioned that you were moving halfway across the country.
Your parents had found a greater deal of job opportunities in California, and that’s where you were headed in a few minutes time. As of now, all you could do was say your final goodbyes to the people you had grown to know as a second family.
Currently, your friends were circled around you as they looked at you with sad smiles that held the reminiscing times of your youth, all but one.
You hugged every single member, feeling the reality of your soon-to-be departure with every embrace. You gave each one small lecture about how they had changed your lives for the better, and you couldn’t help the tears that threatened to run free as the raw words spilled effortlessly, making even Richie listen quietly. Finally, you turned to Stan.
His face held an unreadable expression, making it hard to decipher, but you knew this was hitting him just as hard as it was hitting you, if not harder. Up until this point, you two still hadn’t confessed your feelings to each other, even as the years rolled by, even though the rest of your friends constantly encouraged you both, even though you knew it was the one thing you both wanted most in the world.
“Hey,” you whispered softly to him, a forced smile making its way up to your lips.
He didn’t give you a chance to say anything else before he quickly wrapped his arms around you. It took you a second to respond, but when you did, you held him just a tightly, clutching onto his shirt as if it meant never letting go. The rest of your friends watched patiently, hoping the events would finally make you both say what was on your minds.
“Why do you have to leave?” Stan whispered so quietly that you almost didn’t notice he had begun crying if it wasn’t for the small sniffle that came right after.
“You know I don’t want to.” Your voice cracked, no longer being able to hold the overwhelming feeling inside of you as you felt the burning sensation of tears staining your cheeks. You loosened your hold and brought him to face you, you having to look up at him based on how much taller he had gotten. This was it. If you didn’t say this now, you might never have the chance again. “Because Stan, I love you too much to ever want to leave you.”
Stan felt as if his world had been paused. He kept rewinding your words in his head, hoping he had heard you correctly, and after much rewinding, your words were unmistakable. When he stayed a little too quiet, you were almost worried. That was until his lips rushed down to meet your own, his hands placed gently on your cheeks.
You gasped slightly into the kiss, feeling your heart stop abruptly and your soul leaving your body temporality. After realizing that it wasn’t some messed up dream that you would soon have to wake up from, you kissed him back with all the passion that was already built up inside you.
The Losers watched proudly, internally clapping for you two. The pretty redhead even allowed a tear to slip past her lashes at the sight of her two friends; two star crossed lovers that were doomed to be divided by distance.
You both pulled away at the need to breathe, but your foreheads remained touching. “I love you too, Y/N.” Stan spoke sadly, but never once lying. You smiled, the familiar feeling of the lump in your throat never leaving as you lifted your hand to wipe single tear from his blotchy cheeks. However you two were interrupted by a car horn, telling you it was your signal to leave and never look back on your hometown, Derry, Maine.
Hesitantly, you stepped back from Stan, your hands slowly slipping from each others fingertips. You let your hands fall limply at your sides, as if the dramatic gesture was a switch to turn back time.
“Bye,” you muttered, each step backwards feeling like a stitch being reopened.
“I’ll find you,” he mustered confidently, refusing to let it be a final goodbye. “I promise.”
You smiled once more, hope suddenly tugging at your heart. “I know you will,” you said just as confidently, whispering the final part so only he could hear, “You always do.”
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