#Bill C31
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xcookedxchroniclesx · 2 years ago
My mother was posthumously granted Treaty Rights with Bill C31 but it is stated that me and my brothers do not receive any rights from her because she is a woman and women do not bestow Treaty Rights unto their children, only men can because women are second class citizens according to the government.
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artisticallyspades · 4 years ago
Hey T&F Fans !! I made a Wheel Decide that is T&F related !! Spin the wheel and tell me who you got !!
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algunasnotasqueleer · 4 years ago
Lost in translation (E.U.A.-Japón, 2003)
(C31) Crítica escrita por: Aldo M. Tena.
Director: Sophia Coppola Guion: Sophia Coppola Actores: Scarlett Johansson, Bill Murray, Giovanni Ribisi.
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La soledad, la decadencia de la rutina en las relaciones, y la barrea tanto del idioma como de la cultura, son parte fundamental de la estructura de esta hermosa e icónica película. 
Scarlett Johansson aparece inmediatamente en un primer plano, que se puede decir que es muy memorable, apenas tenía cerca de veinte años, y había pactado con Coppola a no hacer ninguna escena de sexo, ni algún desnudo frente a las cámaras, sin embargo, el primer plano que nos muestra y es ahí donde aparece el título de la película, es el trasero y las piernas de Johansson sobre la cama, en un modo no vulgar sino primoroso. La actriz interpreta a Charlotte, quien está hospedada en el Park Hyatt Tokyo acompañando a su esposo, un fotógrafo que va a Tokio por trabajo y la deja durante casi todo el día sola en el hotel. Muy cerca, en algún piso del mismo hotel se hospeda el famoso actor estadounidense Bob Harris (quien es interpretado de maravilla por Bill Murray) que fue a la famosa ciudad a la grabación de unos comerciales de un famoso whisky.
Ambos tienen en común varias cosas; primera, ellos están conscientes de que sus relaciones están en picada; segunda, están ciertamente perdidos en un país que no es el suyo, en donde no se habla el mismo idioma, y el cambio cultural realmente es muy drástico.
A pesar de que el personaje de Murray goza de fama, privilegios y dinero, la mayor parte del tiempo se la pasa solo, sino es que siempre. Por las noches no suele dormir bien, a veces recibe llamadas de su esposa, quien intenta en un afán casi obligatorio extender por la línea telefónica la relación entre ellos dos. Harris, se la pasa realmente mal estando solo en Tokio. Cuando no está grabando los anuncios frente a las cámaras y con un director que lanza ladridos en vez de palabras, se encuentra rondando el hotel, paseándose por el restaurante, escuchando a la banda de jazz del lugar, perdiéndose un poco por la ciudad, pero al final, termina sobre la cama, a oscuras y con la vista fija al techo.
Charlotte, no es necesariamente un caso distinto. El personaje de ella, a mi parecer es el que más sufre. Puede que ella haya accedido a acompañar a su esposo para intentar recuperar un poco su relación, pero esto falla y no es precisamente su culpa. Ella al igual que Harris, se pierde por la ciudad, por los bares, intenta llamar a unas amigas, pero la situación no mejora mucho.
En la primera mitad del filme, navegamos casi sin rumbo con los personajes. Algunas criticas que se han ido realizando a lo largo del tiempo hacia Lost in Translation disgregan en que se trata de una película pretenciosa, sin contexto, y con largas escenas en las cuales no pasa nada. Yo defiendo que, estás escenas son una visión hacia la soledad que experimentan Harris y Charlotte, podemos verlos andar de aquí y allá, llegando a percibir realmente algo humano, y que no se vea en la necesidad de sobresalir por sus diálogos, sino simplemente por la representación de estar aislados completamente uno del otro del resto del mundo.
Después de esta primera parte de exploración, ambos personajes coinciden una buena noche, mientras Charlotte se aburre en una cena junto a su esposo y sus amigos, y ve a Harris al fondo, tomando un poco de whisky, solo. Ella se acerca y es aquí cuando la situación cambia por completo, se siente como ellos dos encajan de forma natural, sin barreras, ni pretensiones. 
Si bien la película tal vez no tenga un objetivo como tal, o un mensaje claro, tiene muchos momentos en los que se disfruta de ver la manera en que ya juntos Charlotte y Harris, disfrutan de la vida, y ellos se disfrutan esos pequeños momentos juntos, una experiencia emocional y reveladora. 
La historia se complementa para ser más personal, intima y bella, con un soundtrack poderoso que trata de evocar a aquellos encuentros casuales en donde ninguna de las dos partes se conoce, pero esto no es un problema para disfrutar y poseer el momento por el resto de la historia. Se pueden escuchar a Phoenix, Patti Smith, Pretenders, Air, y a Roxy Music, siendo las bandas sonoras más escuchadas por Sophia al momento de filmar.
Una escena inolvidable es aquella después de una noche de copas en donde Charlotte, Harris y otros amigos se reúnen en un pequeño apartamento al karaoke, y Charlotte le canta casi insinuándole o dedicándole Brass in Pocket de Pretenders, con una peluca rosa, mientras Harris se embelese con su voz, sus movimientos, y la naturaleza con que las cosas están sucediendo de manera tan espontánea. 
Al igual que la escena del karaoke, el momento final cuando Harris busca a Charlotte en un final lleno de melancolía por ver el inminente final y la separación de un encuentro venturoso se ha vuelto memorable para los amantes del filme; aquel susurro que Harris le dice al oído a Charlotte, y que nunca jamás nadie sabrá que es lo que realmente le dice. Si bien no es un final abierto, es un momento bello e intimo que se guarda solo en los personajes y en nuestras memorias.
Bill Murray tiñe de un humor algo ácido en algunas escenas, pero siempre con el carisma que se le caracteriza, mientras que Scarlett Johansson se luce de forma autentica y pura, divertida, y en las ocasiones que se le necesita, templada y modesta.
La fotografía es otro imprescindible en la cinta. La mayor parte de las escenas se filmaron con luz natural. En las tomas nocturnas también se minimizó el uso de luces exteriores o artificiales, esto para darle un toque más romántico, y dejando que las numerosas luces de neón que adornaban los escenarios florecieran pasivamente en todo el espacio. Para algunas escenas se logró matizarlas con grises, negros y azules, que son colores que aluden a la nostalgia, al frío y el aislamiento.  
Lost in Traslation es un ejercicio fílmico muy interesante que guarda muchos detalles dentro de su existir. Sophia ganó el Oscar a Mejor Guión por esta película. Se disfruta cada minuto, y se logra cavilar sobre el tiempo, las relaciones y los eventos o personas que se nos interponen en el camino, en los momentos y lugares más inesperados.
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anniekoh · 4 years ago
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Elder Brother and the Law of the People: Contemporary Kinship and Cowessess First Nation
Robert Alexander Innes (2013)
In the pre-reserve era, Aboriginal bands in the northern plains were relatively small multicultural communities that actively maintained fluid and inclusive membership through traditional kinship practices. These practices were governed by the Law of the People as described in the traditional stories of Wîsashkêcâhk, or Elder Brother, that outlined social interaction, marriage, adoption, and kinship roles and responsibilities.In Elder Brother and the Law of the People, Robert Innes offers a detailed analysis of the role of Elder Brother stories in historical and contemporary kinship practices in Cowessess First Nation, located in southeastern Saskatchewan. He reveals how these tradition-inspired practices act to undermine legal and scholarly definitions of “Indian” and counter the perception that First Nations people have internalized such classifications. He presents Cowessess’s successful negotiation of the 1996 Treaty Land Agreement and their high inclusion rate of new “Bill-C31s” as evidence of the persistence of historical kinship values and their continuing role as the central unifying factor for band membership.
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roadwarrior1157 · 2 years ago
the ' dental bill c31..
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sacredeagles07-blog · 6 years ago
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🌹🦅🌹I am here today to share my heart’s love for nature with you. We can make a difference by contacting your Governments Globally by writing, phoning, or email. 🦅🐻🦅 Urgent Matter! I am requesting your help regarding Bill-C31 Class Action Lawsuit with Aboriginal Lawyer Mary Eberts. Here’s link: https://ammsa.com/publications/windspeaker/bill-c-31-draws-400-million-lawsuit 🙏🏽 My mother, aunts, Grandmothers all deserve to have Justice served on their behalf. Please help our people bring this case out of Deadlock Supreme Court of Canada and publicly state names of Our Deceased loved ones with a ‘Wall of Aboriginal Justice’ for All to see Our Bill-C31 Survivors that never received a penny (Government sent money to Chiefs and Nepotism took the money over. My tears have cried many rivers for my people and now your urgent help is needed to have Justice served. Thank you, please email Honourable Jody-RayBould at: 1) [email protected] 2. Please fill out your concern and info here Link: https://jwilson-raybould.liberal.ca/contact-us-form/ 3. Please Write Honourable Justin Trudeau: https://fncaringsociety.com/our-dreams-matter-too-send-letter-prime-minister-or-your-mp 4. Please Contact First Nation Lawyer Mary Eberts at: [email protected] Or phone: (416) 923-5215🌹🙏🏽🌹 On behalf of our Ancestors, please send letters daily! We must have Justice today. Thank you so much for listening. Love you forever, Glakwa.🙏🏽 #Healingisachoice 🌹🦅🌹#Loveconquorsall #Cougar #Love #Heavenslove #Beautyfromheaven #Savenature #StopGlobalwarming #Stoplogging @leonardodicaprio @therock @greenpeace @natgeo @janegoodallinst https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6xyy-lW0l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u7f6ty59sic0
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taxicabmag · 7 years ago
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A Digital Installation by Britta Fluevog
What follows is a virtual tour of work by weaver, sculptor, and performance artist Britta Fluevog. The artist discusses the process behind many of her pieces and their inspirations. She will be leading a workshop and artist residency in Brunswick, Germany later this year.
institute of Making—Handspun Warp reflects on makers, having been inspired by the Arpilleristas who sewed applique work of the atrocities of the Pinochet dictatorship. The idea of using art to collectively to create change resonated with me. The materials picked for this piece were used to aesthetically match Chilean weaving. The form of this piece is due to the making process. This piece is one warp, a hand is placed within the weaving at which point it bisects or trisects.
The materials in Untitled—Warp C31 were particularly chosen: the yarns for their aesthetics and texture, and the tsunami debris for its history. I wanted to further explore the idea of people and borders here. The narrative for this piece derived in part from the tsunami debris from the 2009 Sri Lankan tsunami. It is mixed in with the story of the MV SUN Sea, a ship that arrived in Vancouver, Canada with 492 Tamil refugees from Sri Lanka. This arrival prompted the Canadian government to pass the bill C31, which allows the imprisonment of refugees that come to Canada, other than through airplanes. The mixture of the two narratives is a fiction in that the two events are not directly related. The idea of this piece was to catch some of the trauma and personal life of refugees.
I Took Pride in My Work: Transnational Labour, Blacklisted Seamstress further investigated the identity of makers. The piece is based directly on a story from Corinne Goria’s Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy; it’s about a seamstress who fights for workers’ rights in an industry that's ravaged her country. The materials picked were used for evocative reasons and, in the case of the wire, pragmatic to achieve the three-dimensionality.
Crossings—Transcending the Border starts off as a celebration of makers and making. The piece consists of a large traditional frame loom with loom weights—these keep the tension needed to weave. These weights are created as makers’ hands. The tapestry-like weaving has a joy of creation and material to it. This celebration turns into a championing of makers within industrial capitalism.
Tangled, twined, and woven in are fibers from countries where borders or immigration to the western world is an issue. The piece investigates a system in which commodities may legally cross borders, while people may not; a system in which goods are permitted to cross borders, but the people who made them may not.
Border Building: Edge of the Pink is the construction of a part of a border. It drew inspiration from the feminist populist revolution in Rojava, northern Syria, by the Kurdish people. This led me to choose the colour pink, much of which I dyed myself, for the one side of the rug. The other side, which hides the excessive pink, was picked to resemble a chain link fence. The sumptuous materials are white silk and sterling silver. The history of this piece is important and it is/has been created, often as performance work, in places where borders are significant.
Top to bottom.
institute of Making—Handspun Warp, Mohair, rocks, silk, stoneware, and wool, 2014.
Untitled—Warp C31, Angora, alpaca, brass, silk, sisal, tsunami debris wood, and wool, 2015.
I Took Pride in My Work: Transnational Labour, Blacklisted Seamstress, hemp, thread, wire, and wood, 2014.
Crossings—Transcending the Border, Indian angelina, mohair, and wool; Chinese angora, mink, nylon, and wool; Taiwanese bamboo, nylon, silk, and cotton; Canadian barbed wire and stoneware; Mongolian camel, cashmere, and yak; Argentine linen, llama, silk, and viscose; Peruvian merino; Romanian mohair, silk, and wool; Madagascan polyester; Vietnamese polyester; Cambodian spandex and cotton; Guatemalan spandex and cotton; Nepalese thistle; Turkish wool; Bangladeshi cotton; Haitian cotton; Honduran cotton; Hungarian cotton; Macanese cotton; driftwood; metal, 2014.
Border Building: Edge of the Pink, loom, silk, silver, and wool, 2015. (Photographed on display at The Project Space - The Banff Centre, Alberta, CA.)
Documentation of the weaving process, Photo collage.
Canadian artist Britta Fluevog lives in Germany. She received her BFA from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in 2007 and her MFA from the Emily Carr University of Art + Design in 2015. Through the lens of social justice and intersectionality, Fluevog’s work investigates borders, refugees, globalism and colonization in relation to textiles and makers. Her material explorations stem from the relationship of textiles to social justice.
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"16 Things Canada Can Do NOW To End Violence Against Indigenous Women And Girls". Amnesty International Canada. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Apr. 2017.
"Aboriginal Demographics From The 2011 National Household Survey". Government of Canada. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Apr. 2017.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11.
Joseph, Bob. "Indian Act And Women's Status Discrimination Via Bill C31 And Bill C3". Ictinc.ca. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Apr. 2017.
"Missing And Murdered Aboriginal Women". Cbc.ca. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Apr. 2017.
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mademethinkofyoutoo · 12 years ago
Last Chance, a film about 5 five people — from Jamaica, Egypt, Lebanon, Colombia and Nicaragua — trying to escape homophobic violence in their country of origin and to resettle in Canada. The film looks into how Bill C-31 will alter who is able to be considered a refugee. It streamed free on the nfb site December 7, 8 and 9 for Human Rights Day.
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bridgecanadaimmigration · 12 years ago
Designated Foreign Nationals – Restrictions on Applications for Permanent Residence Operational Bulletin 440-D - August 30, 2012 Issue The purpose of this Operational Bulletin (OB) is to provide instructions to officers on how to deal with applications for permanent residence (APR) submitted by designated foreign nationals (DFNs). Background On June 28, 2012, Bill C-31, the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act (PCISA), received Royal Assent. Bill C-31 amended the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) to give the Minister of Public Safety (PS) the authority to designate the arrival of persons in Canada as an irregu...
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trinikaos · 13 years ago
Bill C31 - "The Refugee Exclusion Act" is scheduled for a final vote today :S 
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sacredeagles07-blog · 6 years ago
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🌹🦅🌹I am here today to share my heart’s love for nature with you. We can make a difference by contacting your Governments Globally by writing, phoning, or email. 🦅🐻🦅 Urgent Matter! I am requesting your help regarding Bill-C31 Class Action Lawsuit with Aboriginal Lawyer Mary Eberts. Here’s link: https://ammsa.com/publications/windspeaker/bill-c-31-draws-400-million-lawsuit 🙏🏽 My mother, aunts, Grandmothers all deserve to have Justice served on their behalf. Please help our people bring this case out of Deadlock Supreme Court of Canada and publicly state names of Our Deceased loved ones with a ‘Wall of Aboriginal Justice’ for All to see Our Bill-C31 Survivors that never received a penny (Government sent money to Chiefs and Nepotism took the money over. My tears have cried many rivers for my people and now your urgent help is needed to have Justice served. Thank you, please email Honourable Jody-RayBould at: 1) [email protected] 2. Please fill out your concern and info here Link: https://jwilson-raybould.liberal.ca/contact-us-form/ 3. Please Write Honourable Justin Trudeau: https://fncaringsociety.com/our-dreams-matter-too-send-letter-prime-minister-or-your-mp 4. Please Contact First Nation Lawyer Mary Eberts at: [email protected] Or phone: (416) 923-5215🌹🙏🏽🌹 On behalf of our Ancestors, please send letters daily! We must have Justice today. Thank you so much for listening. Love you forever, Glakwa.🙏🏽 #Healingisachoice 🌹🦅🌹#Loveconquorsall #Cougar #Love #Heavenslove #Beautyfromheaven #Savenature #StopGlobalwarming #Stoplogging @leonardodicaprio @therock @greenpeace @natgeo @janegoodallinst https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6xkXGlgSW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e1oz9rtno75f
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sacredeagles07-blog · 6 years ago
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🌹🦅🌹I am here today to share my heart’s love for nature with you. We can make a difference by contacting your Governments Globally by writing, phoning, or email. 🦅🐻🦅 Urgent Matter! I am requesting your help regarding Bill-C31 Class Action Lawsuit with Aboriginal Lawyer Mary Eberts. Here’s link: https://ammsa.com/publications/windspeaker/bill-c-31-draws-400-million-lawsuit 🙏🏽 My mother, aunts, Grandmothers all deserve to have Justice served on their behalf. Please help our people bring this case out of Deadlock Supreme Court of Canada and publicly state names of Our Deceased loved ones with a ‘Wall of Aboriginal Justice’ for All to see Our Bill-C31 Survivors that never received a penny (Government sent money to Chiefs and Nepotism took the money over. My tears have cried many rivers for my people and now your urgent help is needed to have Justice served. Thank you, please email Honourable Jody-RayBould at: 1) [email protected] 2. Please fill out your concern and info here Link: https://jwilson-raybould.liberal.ca/contact-us-form/ 3. Please Write Honourable Justin Trudeau: https://fncaringsociety.com/our-dreams-matter-too-send-letter-prime-minister-or-your-mp 4. Please Contact First Nation Lawyer Mary Eberts at: [email protected] Or phone: (416) 923-5215🌹🙏🏽🌹 On behalf of our Ancestors, please send letters daily! We must have Justice today. Thank you so much for listening. Love you forever, Glakwa.🙏🏽 #Healingisachoice 🌹🦅🌹#Loveconquorsall #Cougar #Love #Heavenslove #Beautyfromheaven #Savenature #StopGlobalwarming #Stoplogging @leonardodicaprio @therock @greenpeace @natgeo @janegoodallinst https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6uUalFKTA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k8ibcapliuwo
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