omnipointmuses · 1 year
Biker Tori takes you to her favorite diner and giggles as you struggle with a burger the size of a car tire while she puts them away one after another and even the waitress when she asks for you two to leave.
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90ssuperheroes · 1 month
Did you know...
that 6 main cast members of Beverly Hills 90210 voiced characters in Biker Mice from Mars?
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hawtlineblingz · 10 months
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My take on eren's moodboard + modern headcanons :) i hope u guys like it, let me know what u think!
I write while listening to this song btw:
Modern Eren is close with Carla
He at least got one face piercing and a hidden tattoo most likely on his torso and just so Carla doesn't sees it that much
Don't touch his hair or he'll bite. Consider urself special once he lets u touch his hair.
He got a mini figurines / manga collection somewhere in his room
Enjoys series that is deep and philosophical like Vinland Saga, Mononoke 2007, Big Fish, u name it
Naturally good with his hands (wink ;)) i mean litterally good at anything he tries to do, music, craft, he's just naturally skillful
Listens to frank ocean, brent faiyaz, tory lanez, summer walker, and a bunch of bedroom RnB songs
Is a sucker for night drives especially when he got alot on his mind
Loves classic cars
Is a biker ;) refers to his bike as "her", gave his bike a delicate name for no reason like "Annette" or something like that, says stuff like "her tank is so small bro", "gotta clean her asap"
Loves reworked fashion item. Often comissioned Connie for some reworked hoodies / cargos, he loves it. (I hc Connie is actually good at reworking thrifted items)
I hc that Eren is a social vaper, doesn't take vaping seriously unless its in a social / friend gatherings situation, just to blend in a bit more.
I got more but i'll put it on another post, i got tons of Eren brainrot i just gotta get it out 😩.
(Also this is my first time writing something on tumblr after 8 years having this account 😭💀)
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itiswormtimebaby · 1 year
Steve is thankful for what you have, but knows it could be so much better, so much more.
Pairing: Biker!Steve x Apple (fem!reader)
CW: Masturbation, mature language 
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The Three Legged Lizard was a proud fixture in the heart of the city, a Mom and Pop diner that had been around long enough for the owners to be four or five Ma’s and Pa’s removed from the originals. Despite being of no blood relation, the current Ma, Miss Martha, truly did treat you like family; and while it wasn’t the type of place you’d dreamed of working when you were younger, back when your aspirations wouldn’t have even fit through the door, it was hard to imagine leaving it for anything else. No, you’d grown fond of the other staff, Miss Martha was extremely understanding of your circumstance and schedule, and there were a handful of regulars you’d be hard pressed to say goodbye to. However there was one rather large drawback to working at the Three Legged Lizard, mid-day week shifts were brutal in their boredom and, as someone who didn’t work nights or weekends, they were all yours. There was only so much time you could spend with your nose in a recipe book, playing cards with Tori, or wiping down the same few tables. Perhaps that was why you’d been so willing to indulge Steve Rogers affections, well, that and those beautiful blue eyes. 
Even if his appearance hadn’t been so striking you would’ve remembered him, the man never deviated from his order; two slices of apple pie and a black coffee. It was unusual for even the most loyal of regulars to not switch it up at least occasionally, but he never did. While he always seemed to be in a bit of a pensive mood he was never rude and you’d quickly written it off as the byproduct of a long day, you were having plenty of those yourself. Despite how often he came in the flirtation started off rather slowly, lingering looks turned to small talk, small talk turned to a few indulgent brushes of fingers across the others’ hand or arm, a kiss on the cheek…
Months passed that way, the blonde biker worming his way into your thoughts even outside of work hours, turning from a midday companion to a late night fantasy. Pulling out your well hidden toys to try and pick the hunk of silicone that would best replicate the feel of him, pretending dark purple was soft pink flesh; you didn’t need to see it to know that man had a beautiful cock. Last week you’d left the diner at the same time, stopping to get a closer look at his bike before he walked you around back to your car. You’d spent the evening on your dryer, pretending that the heat and vibrations were the result of a different motor, rubbing your cunt against a pair of old pleather leggings in a bid to recreate the texture of his bike’s seat. You’d cum with a gasp of his name, and it only cost you having to avoid his eyes for the rest of the week. You were content to leave things as they were, each encounter giving you more fodder for delicious scenarios in which he bent you over tables, counters, his bike, hell even the dryer. Where you depleted your favorite thrusters charge trying to replicate the peak you knew he could drop you off of, where you rubbed your clit raw to the thought of his mouth, blue eyes peeking up at your from between slick drenched thighs. Yes, you could have your moments and your fantasy, you could keep everything compartmentalized. You were excelling at it as a matter of fact, then he had to go and open his mouth. 
“I’m taking you out.” His eyes were bright, as was his easy grin. He didn’t seem to be asking, rather telling, and though your heart rate spiked at the mere thought, a soft fluttering of butterflies in your stomach finding the command immensely satisfying, you played it off. 
“Oh you are, are you? And if I say I have a boyfriend?” Steve’s eyes widened a nearly imperceptible amount, the thought clearly hadn’t crossed his mind; in all fairness over the months of getting to know each other you’d never brought it up. Even so he was being ofaly bold. 
One eyebrow arched upward in challenge; “Is that what you’re telling me? Because if so I’d say he’s an idiot for not marrying you yet.”  Steve reached out and gently tapped the second finger on your left hand where it rested on the counter between you. “No ring, so either no boyfriend, or a stupid one, and I’m not afraid to fight stupid.” 
You allowed your gazes to lock for a moment before releasing eye contact with a gentle shake of your head; “Something tells me you’re not afraid to fight anything, Steve Rogers. But at any rate…no, no ring, said Idiot,” you used quotations to accentuate his choice of words, “took it in the divorce.” This time it was clear by the increased amount of white that surrounded his iris that he was caught off guard, but he didn’t let it slow his stride. 
“Idiot may be putting it too kindly, then. Either way we’re back to the original point- go out with me?” This time it was phrased like a question, one you were desperate to say yes too, body and mind locked up and screaming YES. YES. YES. Instead you shook your head with a small, sad smile, his name rolling off your tongue in a honeyed tone, one meant to disarm. “Steve…” 
Sure he was taking the news you’d been divorced surprisingly in stride, and maybe if that was the most complicated part of your life you’d be ready to move forward but it wasn’t. You steadied yourself to deliver the final blow, his downturned lips pulling at your heartstrings. No was enough of an answer, a full sentence, but he deserved more than that, you couldn’t have him walk away thinking he’d been reading too much into a one-sided connection. It wasn’t fair. 
Struggling with how to say it you finally went with; “Do you know why I’m so good at making apple pie?” You didn’t pause for an answer, not expecting one with how puzzled his expression betrayed him to be, “It’s because it’s my son’s favorite and I’ve had seven years to perfect it.” 
Steve’s expression morphed into one of complete neutrality, waiting for you to continue. 
“I’m not sure if that’s a deal breaker for you but-” 
Words clashed as you both spoke at the same time “It’s not-” “-but even if it were,” He gestured for you to continue. “Even if it were I can’t, he’s my number one priority, and he needs stability and I can’t risk…” With a guilty expression you gesture at the leather kutte on Steve’s back, not needing to finish your sentence; I can’t risk whatever liabilities come with getting entangled in the life of a tatted up active member of a motorcycle club that doesn’t have the best reputation.
“I don’t doubt you’re a good guy, Steve, and I can’t apologize enough for how selfish I’ve been. It must seem like I’ve led you on, and I suppose I have-”
He cuts you off with a soft but firm no, refuting your words. “Apple, Honey, you don’t owe me a damn thing. You never promised me anything, I never expected anything. But I’m not going to walk it back now and pretend I’m not interested because I am.” 
“If it were just me, well I’d…that is to say, I was, am, interested. This has been great here, you coming in, getting to know you. But I don’t know what this,” you wave a hand between you “looks like outside of here and I can’t risk finding out.” 
Steve nods thoughtfully at your words, you were something special, the two of you could be too, and your little boy…but he knew he couldn’t say any of that, couldn’t rock the boat more than his big mouth already had. “Then don’t,” he finally says instead, “just keep giving me this.”  This being your company at the diner, your easy touches and conversations over pie, your conspiratorial laughs and inside jokes. 
The damned butterflies are back in your stomach, frantically working upwards, a foolish bloom of hope rooting in your chest at his words; “Okay,” you finally respond, voice barely above a whisper. 
Steve leaves shortly after, mind buzzing at your revelations. They didn’t change anything of course, but if he had known to begin with he would’ve altered his approach. The purr of his bike’s engine, a soothing sound on any other day, agitates him as he thinks back to the way you’d gestured at his cut. The club. You were worried about the club.  He’d have to find a way to make you see they were a family, a dysfunctional one at times but family none-the-less, you didn’t need to worry about the rest, that bond, the support it offered, made up for the rest. He weaves in and out of traffic as he speeds across town, knowing exactly where to find the two people he needed most in that moment. 
He doesn’t bother knocking, using his spare key to unlock his sister, Bug’s, door. Just as he suspected he would, he finds both her and his best friend, Bucky, inside. The latter is on the floor, back to the couch seated between Bug’s spread knees, leaning into her touch as she plays with his hair. “Hey!” The girl admonishes, “Knock next time! We could’ve been-”
“Don’t,” Steve calls out, “Finish that sentence.” Something in his expression must appeal to her because she lets it drop, asking him what’s wrong instead. Bucky is also looking at him inquisitively, waiting. Steve gives them the run down as quickly as he can, before finishing with, “but my affiliation with the club shouldn’t be a deal breaker, surely I can show her that, right?” 
Steve glances at his sister for reassurance, she was dating a biker after all, but instead of her normal bright smile he’s met with a guilty grimace. “Honestly speaking I can’t really say I blame her for being a bit…hesitant?” 
Steve scoffs, “Seriously? Isn’t that a little hypocritical?” He gestures towards the brunette who sits up a little straighter between her legs, narrowing his eyes at the blonde as he mouths “what the fuck?” out of Bug’s eyeline. 
“No, it’s not, the club, the bike, the late hours- it’s a lot even for me and our circumstances are wildly different. And besides, you don’t know what she might have already heard around town. Y’know, like if you notched your bedpost for every single man, woman, or other you’d bedded it'd be whittled to a toothpick?” 
The thought of that has him indignant, and worried, with your job it WAS entirely possible you’d heard all the towns gossip; he also felt rather offended, his bedpost wouldn’t be a toothpick, and so rather petulantly he grumbles “That’d be Buck’s, not mine.” This time his best friend doesn’t even both attempting to hide his ire, “What the fuck, Man?!” Steve barely spares a glance his way, and when he does it’s not his anger he takes in, it’s his smile. Bug had clearly just whispered something in his ear that has him lighting up, already moved past his irritation.
There was a sharp pang of longing in Steve’s chest at the sight, and he knew right then he would never be content with the routine you’d settled into together- he needed more.
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augment-techs · 3 months
What If: Cameron was trained by Deker before Ninja Storm to be a dark samurai?
Vague thoughts, because this is all about vague thoughts:
This would either have to include Deker stealing a small child, the said small child gaining his attention, or Cam literally hunting Deker down to train him.
Given that Deker doesn't have a parental bone in his body, we can assume this would come about through the third option, given Sensei Watanabe's treatment of Cam and possibly rubbing him in the worst way possible.
Technically, this does not fly in the face of the CURRENT ninja academy rules, so unlike with Lothor, he wouldn't be disowned or forbidden from contact, but it sort of begs the question of who the hell is running things to keep literally everything from going down the tubes when Lothor does attack.
Maybe Cam would be willing to jump in to protect his dad from dying, and possibly dig up the Morphers for the students that were late that day, but he would probably make it his mission to try and take on Lothor himself.
Which would actually be useful in intercepting the Thunder Ninja duo before Lothor tricked them into believing it was Sensei that killed their parents. Make the lot of them a Trio with dark, biker vibes.
I could go with the idea that Tori would want to save Cam from the darkness he set himself within to escape what he believes is his father's control over his life--but she would fail.
Then Dustin and Shane would try--and they would fail.
Hunter and Blake would both be too caught up in their own darkness to address the chip on Cam's shoulder, and definitely would want in on the super secret training with a half-Nighlok that technically Cam wouldn't be disinclined to sharing lessons with. Which would make things a lot worse when Lothor's minions attacked both the rangers and their territory and their friends.
In a very fun turn of events, I think the ones that would have to make Cam realize he was fucking up would be his cousins.
Because, for real, the whole downplaying their abilities and mentality thing just to lower the Ranger's guard? That was some bullshit. And they might want Lothor's approval, but they're still young adults, and depending on how the timeline is played with--Cam's same age.
If Cam tried to attack either of them to get to Lothor, Kapri would be massively offended. She would probably pick up a boulder as heavy as a truck and just TOSS it at him to make him knock it the fuck off. And if he kept going, she'd beat the crap out of him and then just...drop him off at the Wind Ninja Academy.
She wouldn't want him on the ship with the Generals on board, and she wouldn't want Uncle to get it into his head that this was something MORE than a family issue that needed to be addressed. THEY were the evil ninjas on the planet, they didn't need an angsty grey-morality samurai making things harder.
Also Kapri is Pink and Cam would DEFINITELY maintain his Green. It's her JOB to knock sense into him.
But it's Marah's (Orange) job to teach him a lesson.
I can easily see her sneaking off the ship to secretly provide the Rangers with tech assistance when they aren't looking, dropping off "gifts" at the motorbike shop in disguise that could help them with new monster attacks, cornering Sensei Watanabe to have conversations about her aunt/his dead wife while tossing him around like a toy, and--for bonus points--crashing Cam and the brothers' sessions with Deker to snag their weapons and morphers.
Then the cousins lure Dayu to Blue Bay Harbor and tell Cam a little story about selling your soul with good intentions that can end horrifically.
I would also like to use this as an opportunity for Tori to be more than The Only Girl. SHE GETS TO LEAD THE NINJA STORM RANGERS even after Cam and the brothers are convinced to at LEAST team up with them against Lothor.
And use this as a chance for Sensei to get his head out of his ass and recognize things for what they are.
Relationships: Deker/Dayu; Hunter/Cam/Shane; Tori/Kapri; Blake & Dustin & Kelly & Marah. Additional Tags: Lothor & Kanoi Reconciliation; The Watanabe Adults actually TRY to be SOMETHING akin to Responsible; Cameron actually gets to have some REAL teen angst bullshit; Tori being super gay for Kapri; Cam attracting Red Rangers because of broodiness; Marah accidentally ended up with three simps and has no idea; Cam gets sunburned SO MUCH.
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antiquesintheattic · 6 months
@bornintheusa1984 tagged me to share some songs i’ve been listening to lately 🫶🏻🫶🏻
little girl in bloom - thin lizzy
rocka rolla - judas priest
a sorta fairytale - tori amos
the dolphins cry - live
euphoria - angels and airwaves
gypsy biker - bruce springsteen
don’t blame your daughter - the cardigans
little devotional - taking back sunday
for the sake of the song - townes van zandt
sorry i get scared when it comes to tagging other people um……. tagging the whole world
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Seven Days ~ Chapter Four
Seven Days -  Modern Tolkien AU
Firefighter Frerin Durin died in a fire set deliberately. But after he helps his brother, Thorin find happiness, Frerin is offered a second chance. He has to prove himself worthy by righting the one major wrong in his life. Otherwise, history will repeat and he will die for good this time. The catch? He has seven days in which to do this and isn’t even certain what his major wrong is.
At least, he doesn’t know for long. 
Syd Prescott has known Frerin since high school. She spent one night with him and then he vanished from her life. Now, he claims he wants to make it up to her, to right was he realizes was his major wrong. But can she trust him? And can he prove to her that she can before it’s too late? 
A/N - This story is the sequel to Miss Fortune, but is a stand alone story. 
Summary: Syd’s decided to give Frerin another chance, and one thing leads to another…
Pairing: Modern!Frerin x OFC Syd Prescott
Characters: Syd Prescott, Gram Prescott, Frerin, Tori, Teddy, Charlie  
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,255
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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Darcy’s was over on Chestnut Street, a cozy little roadhouse type bar where bikers liked to hang out and shoot pool while everyone else came for the amazing food. Syd looked over at Frerin as he angled the Jeep into a parking space. “I haven’t been here in ages.”
“Yeah? I’m here a few times a week, especially if it’s been a rough shift.” He leaned back in his seat, the engine still running, the interior cozy and warm. “We come here when we need to decompress.”
She smiled. “I can’t even imagine. Most people run away from fires. You run into them. Voluntarily.”
“Well, they pay me to do it.”
“Probably not nearly what you’re worth.”
That brought a smile to his lips. “You got that right. You know how heavy turnout is?”
“Can’t say I do. I’ve never worn it.”
He twisted around and reached into the backseat, coming up with slightly battered black  helmet. “Here. Try it on.”
“You keep your turnout in here?”
“Nah, this is just my just in case gear. Everything else is at the station. Go on,” he pressed it toward her, “try it on.”
She took the helmet, which was every bit as heavy as it looked. Soot smudged the ridges and she pressed her lips together as she slowly turned it in her hands. The shield on the front bore a large reflective two on it, with the letters CFFD beneath it and the word Firefighter above it. She stared at it for a long moment, her fingers moving over the ridges along the top. It was heavy and cold, and she really couldn’t imagine how much courage it took for him to do what he did.
From the corner of her eye, she peered at him. In school, Frerin had been a wiseass—a good looking boy who knew how to make everyone around him laugh, even the teachers, and could always seem to worm his way out of any serious trouble. Like his brother before him, he was Joe Cool and knew it. 
But she didn't sense that about him any longer. He’d matured from that good looking boy into a handsome, serious man. One who ran into burning buildings without regard to his own personal safety. 
“How do you do it?” She looked up at him, the helmet still resting in her lap. “I’d be scared to death.”
“I was at first.” He took the helmet from her, tracing over the letters with one hand. “But, you can’t think about it. You can’t think about what all can go wrong. You freeze and you put people in danger if you do.” 
“Yeah, but it’s fire. No one in their right mind runs to it.”
“It does help to be a little nuts,” he smiled, then reached over to set the helmet atop her head. It was too big and every bit as heavy as it had felt in her hands, and slipped low enough that she had to peer out from the brim. “I don’t think about it, Syd. A call comes in, I get ready and I go. We get to the structure and we go in if there’s people or animals inside and hope to hell we come back out. But you can’t think about it. You just get tunnel vision, you know. You have an objective and you see it through. And if everything goes right, you go back home.”
She eased the helmet off to pass back to him. “How many people have you saved?”
“We don’t keep track of it, Syd. But, if I had to guess, a couple hundred over almost nine years, maybe.”
As he twisted to set the helmet back on the seat, she said, “Are there any that stand out to you?”
“A couple, yeah.” He turned to her once more. “Mostly kids. You get a kid out and you see the relief on their parents’ faces. And there the ones you literally have to throw over your shoulder to forcibly carry them out.”
“Does that happen often?”
“No, thank God. The last one I had to toss over my shoulder was Mrs. Urlino and she was not happy about it.”
Syd couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh my God, that woman is a nightmare. She comes into the shop at least once a week for a seance. She wants to talk to her husband.”
“But, he’s not dead.”
“I know! We all know! But she insists otherwise and so one of us has to stop whatever we’re doing to hold this fake-ass seance.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I’ve dealt with her a few times. She set her kitchen on fire about a year ago and wouldn’t leave. I finally grabbed her and went to throw her over my shoulder and she fucking kicked me in the shin as hard as she could and told me I’d burn in… in hell…”
His smile faded as he said it and a darkness slipped behind his eyes. For a moment, he looked like a man who’d seen his own grave. Without thinking, she reached out to cover his hand with hers. “Frerin? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” His smile returned, the darkness faded, but his cheer seemed a bit more forced now. “Why don’t we go in before it gets too crowded?”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah. I’m sure. She’s just a spooky old lady.” He killed the engine and tugged his keys from the switch. 
Somehow, she had the feeling it was more than just Mrs. Urlino being spooky, but she let it lay as she climbed down from the Jeep and shivered as the wind snapped across Darcy’s parking lot. As he came around the front of the Jeep, she said, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine. Why?”
“I don’t know. You just seemed… I don’t know, like you’ve got something on your mind.”
He smiled then as he moved to stand before her. “No, nothing earth shattering.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.” He reached for her hand and as he laced his fingers with hers, a gentle shiver rippled up along her arm. She wondered if he felt it, for his fingers briefly tightened about hers. 
Darcy’s was crowded, but that was to be expected on a Saturday night. Even so, the hostess smiled as they approached her station. “Hey, Frerin, how are you?”
“I’m good, Kelly. You?”
“Not too bad.” Kelly looked from him to her. “Just the two of you tonight?”
He nodded. “Just the two of us.”
“Okay.” She grabbed two menus bound in red leather from the slot by her podium. “Follow me.”
Syd waited for Frerin to pull his hand free, but he didn’t. Instead, he loosened his grip so just their fingers remained linked, and they followed Kelly as she led them to a small table tucked into the back corner, near the alcove where the pool tables were. Three tables were tucked into the alcove and all three were in use and as they sat down, Frerin said, “Hopefully one’ll open up soon.”
“You really want to teach me how to play, don’t you?”
“Yeah. I think it’ll be fun.” 
A willowy brunette came over and to them, smiling as she said, “Hey, Frerin, how are you?”
Syd looked from her to him as he said, “I’m good, Dee. You?”
“Same. Nothing ever changes. What can I get you folks to start?”
“A bourbon Manhattan. With Angel’s Envy, if you have it.”
“You know we do, Frer.” Dee wrote it down, then smiled at her. “And what can I get you, hon?”
Syd scanned the drinks menu, but nothing really appealed to her. She wasn’t much of a drinker and really didn't care for the taste of most liquors. Still… Dee and Frerin were waiting. “Uh… I guess I’ll have… a mojito, please.”
“Sure thing. Are you ready to order?”
“I think we need a couple minutes.” 
“Okay. I’ll be back in a minute.”
One of the tables opened up and Frerin grinned across the table at her as he shrugged out of his leather jacket. “Want to shoot a quick game before we eat?”
“Sure.” She stood, hung her jacket on the back of her chair and motioned for him to follow her. Truth be told, she was too nervous to eat, which was stupid. Why was she so nervous? She knew Frerin. Christ, she’d already slept with him before! What was there to be nervous about?
But, she couldn't deny it. She was definitely nervous. She remembered all too well what sex with him had been like, and honestly? Just being close to him rattled her nerves with unyielding force. And as he brushed by her to take down a couple of cues and she caught a hint of his cologne, her nipples tightened. He wore Bulgari Aqua and smelled absolutely wonderful. The urge to lean into him and just breathe deeply was almost impossible to ignore.
Never mind that he was just… well… Frerin. And Frerin was gorgeous. Especially in faded jeans. Even more so in a dark henley with the sleeves pushed up almost to his elbows. He turned toward her and the gold chain about his neck glinted from the overhead lights while the open throat of his henley offered up a nice little vee of his chest, and an enticing peek at the dark hair she knew stretched up to his collarbones, thinned down along his stomach, and disappeared into the waist of his jeans. 
Did it just get warmer in here?
“You okay?” Frerin broke through her reverie as he held out a cue. “Syd?”
“I’m fine. It’s—it’s been a long day, is all.”
“I know that feeling. You want to break?”
“You can.”
He racked the billiard balls and when Kelly came back with their drinks, said, “You want to order dinner?”
“Confession, I’m not really hungry.”
“Why not?”
“I just… I had a late lunch.”
She wanted to kick herself when his left eyebrow crept up ever so slightly to suggest he didn't believe her. Well, she wouldn’t have believed her, either, and she waited for him to call her out, to tease her about how he knew she wanted him all along or whatever.
But all he said was, “You want to just graze on appetizers, then?”
“That would be good.”
He grinned and asked Kelly to bring out an order of nachos, then to Syd, he said, “Ready?”
She took a sip of her mojito and nodded and a minute later, he broke the balls and the game was on. Or, more succinctly, it was sort of on. Syd watched as he lined up his cue and knocked a striped ball into the corner pocket, then another, and when it was her turn, she tried to mimic what she’d seen him do. She stretched out over the table, set the cue in the cradle of her thumb and forefinger, drew back the stick and shot.
The solid ball rolled maybe an inch. 
She winced and looked up to find Frerin grinning. “Want me to teach you how to hit it?” 
“No, I’ll figure it out.”
“Okay.” He shrugged, moving around to her side of the table. “Number ten in the middle pocket.”
She bit back a sigh as he bent over the table and his Levi’s offered up the most enticing view of what was probably the most perfect male ass in existence. Syd’s cheeks grew hot just from staring and that was nothing compared to when he took the shot. 
The ball hit. The bumper and rolled away from the pocket he’d been aiming for and for a moment, she wondered if he’d missed on purpose. He straightened up and moved to pick up his rocks glass for a swallow of his Manhattan. “You’re up, Syd.”
She frowned at the three ball, which was the one she’d tried to get into the pocket on her last turn. It was a little closer so why not?
She stretched. Set the cue in the cradle. Aimed.
And totally missed the ball. 
“Damn it. You make this look so easy,” she grumbled as she straightened up.
“You’re trying to force it. Don’t. You don’t need brute force, all you need is physics.”
“I was not good at physics. Too much math and I had to be tutored,” she told him, moving to pick up her drink. It was warm in the alcove and the mojito hit the spot.
“Want me to show you?”
“Oh, god, yes. This is humiliating.”
“I’ve seen worse.” He held out an arm. “Come here and I’ll teach you to use science and not brute force to play this, okay?”
“You do and the next round is on me.”
He grinned. “I like the sound of this. Okay, take the cue like this,” he reached for her cue and handed it to her, then positioned it in her hand. Then, he stretched alongside her, just brushing her as he reached over her to cover her shooting hand with his. “Draw the cue back and line it up with where you want to hit it against the ball. You want it to go more to the right, aim to the left and vice versa. Then, draw it back, and just—”
He moved her arm and she hit the ball to send it careering into the very pocket she’d aimed for the first time. Turning her head, she peered up at him. “Let me try.”
Maybe it was just her imagination, but his eyes looked bluer in the low light. Soft. Blue. And they held hers for a long moment. Then, he nodded. “Give it a shot. You want another drink?”
“I’m good. One of us should stay sober.”
“Are you trying to get me drunk, Miss Prescott?”
She looked over at him again and smiled. “I’ll never tell.”
“I mean, I’m okay with it if you are, but you’ll have to drive my ass home then.”
“I think I could manage if I had to.”
“Oh, and I should probably warn you, I’m easy when I’m drunk.”
Without thinking, she nudged him with her shoulder. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
He draped an arm about her shoulders, leaned closer, and, his lips brushing her ear, whispered, “I’ve had a crush on you since I was fourteen, honey.”
“You have not.”
“Yeah,” he drew back, but didn't remove his arm, “I absolutely have.”
“What? You were hot when I was fourteen. You were hot when I was eighteen. And you were hot last August and I’m an absolute fucking idiot for doing what I did, because I can’t remember a time when you weren’t hot and I wasn’t hot for you.”
As he spoke, he tightened that arm about her, pulled her toward him. She saw his kiss coming and leaned in to meet it, one hand resting on his hip, the other on the pool table.
His lips were soft and teasing, his beard prickly against her skin, but she didn't care. Those soft, teasing lips parted, and an equally soft, teasing tongue swept along hers. He kissed her slowly. Deeply. His free hand curved against her cheek, his thumb brushing lightly along it. 
Heat swept through her, heady and delicious, and she didn't realize she gripped his henley with clenched fingers until he broke the kiss to whisper, “You should come home with me tonight, Syd. I have a lot of making up to you to do.”
Her head spun from the rush of his kiss, his words not sinking in at first. She drew back to gaze up at him. “Are you just playing around with me, Frerin? Because if you are—” 
“I’m not,” he whispered, shaking his head, his eyes even softer now. “I swear to Christ, I’m not.”
His thumb brushed along her cheek and an almost shy smile curved his lips. “You won’t regret it. I promise you, you won’t.” He bent to brush her lips with another teasing kiss, then straightened up. “You sure you don’t want another drink?”
“I’m positive.”
“I’ll be right back. Re-rack the balls, okay?” 
He grinned and winked, then turned to go to the bar. Kelly came back with their nachos, smiling as she said, “Where’d Frerin go?”
“Getting another drink.”
“Did you need a refill?”
“I’m good, thanks.”
Kelly darted off and Syd frowned at the pool table. The striped ball closest to a pocket was the number thirteen and it was sandwiched between the four and six balls. She scowled, then bent to take the shot. 
She squinted to line up where she wanted to hit the ball, drew back her arm, shot.
And knocked both solids into opposite corner pockets. 
“Damn it.” How could she possible concentrate on anything after that amazing kiss and Frerin’s unexpected confession? She didn’t believe it for a second, at least not the part about his having a crush on her or thinking she was hot or that he was, in fact, hot for her, of all people. 
But for some reason, she did believe the rest of it. She didn't know why, maybe it was because his aura suggested something unsettled him, maybe it was because it was because she didn't sense any trouble in the colors she saw within that aura. Whatever he wrestled with, she didn't think it had anything to do with her, or women in general. 
“We can fish them out if you want,” he told her, setting his drink on the hightop in the corner right behind him. “I won’t count ’em if you don’t want me to.”
She looked over at him. “I really suck at this.”
“Yeah, but you’ll get better.”
She leaned back against the table and just stared up at him. “I’m not so sure of that.”
“I am. I taught Thorin, I can teach you. No way you’re worse than that gorilla is.”
She smiled. “I’m not so sure about that, either.”
“I am.” He moved to stand before her. “My parents have a pool table, so you’d think he’d be good at it. He’s not. Last time we played, he tore the felt. Put the cue right through it. You’re already a better player.”
“I’m prey sure you’re just saying that to be nice.”
“Maybe. Let’s see if you tear the felt.” He reached down and caught her by the hand. “Come on and eat something. Then we can play another round if you want.”
She eyed the nachos, then her mojito, then the nachos again. 
“Maybe I will have another drink.”
Frerin grinned. “I’ll be right back.”
This time, before he left for the bar, he dipped to brush her lips with his, then winked again and turned to head back to the bar.
Three games and two mojitos later, Syd shook her head. “Forget it. It’s never going to happen. I’ve done everything but tear the felt. I really do suck at this.”
“Nah, you don’t suck at it. You’re getting better. But you keep trying to force it.” Frerin took the cue from her, shaking his head as he moved to hang it up. “You can’t force it, Syd. You just gotta let it happen.”
“And it is not happening for me.”
He came back over, lifting her jacket from the back of her chair and held it for her. “So, we find something else to do. I’d suggest darts, but I don’t want to lose an eye. I need both of them.”
“I can’t even be offended by that or argue with it.” She shrugged into her jacket and sighed. “I’m hopeless.”
“Nah,” he tugged on his leather jacket and dug his keys from the pocket, “there’s got to be something you’re good at.”
He reached for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “Or we keep at the pool until you get it or die trying.”
“Easy for you to say.” She smiled up at him as he led her through the throng of people gathered at the bar. The placed was packed now, the music was far louder than it had been, and when they stepped outside, Syd winced at how her ears seemed to ring. So many people, so may auras, in one room, and it was like leaving a concert for her. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah… crowds can be a bit overwhelming for me.”
She nodded. “I can’t shut everything off. I wish I could, but I haven’t figured out how to yet.”
He aimed the fob at his Jeep and deactivated the alarm. “What’s that like for you? Knowing all that stuff about people before they do?”
She shrugged. No one had ever asked her that before. Most times, her dates thought it was funny to look at her and demand, Tell me what I’m thinking right now. 
With a low sigh, she leaned up against the passenger door of his Jeep. “Honestly? It’s exhausting sometimes. And irritating. You should only know how many people ask me to pick their lottery numbers for them. I’m not psychic. I don’t know what they’re thinking or anything like that. I’m just sensitive to what goes on on the inside.”
“You’re not psychic? So, you can’t pick lottery numbers for me, either, huh?”
She rolled her eyes even as she smiled. “Very funny. And no. I can’t.”
“Yeah, but you can do other things and that’s pretty cool.” He stepped up to her, slipping his arms about her waist. “What color am I now?”
“What color are you?”
“Yeah. My aura.” His eyes glittered in the soft glow cast by the streetlight in the corner to the right of his Jeep. “What color is it?”
She gazed up at him and tried to will her mind to clear. As it did, the colors about him grew brighter, easier for her to see. “There’s still blue, but I see a bit more yellow, and hints of green now.” She smiled up at him. “And those are good. There’s still something big in your future, but you aren’t as apprehensive about it now. Yellow indicates cheer and green…”
“Green what?” He tugged her closer, until they almost touched. “Is green bad?”
“Green is indicative of love.”
“Why do I think you’re dicking with me?”
She shook her head. “I wouldn’t. Not with this. Gram made sure to drill into us that our gifts aren’t games. They aren’t for playing with people and she would skin me alive if she thought for a moment I was making up something.”
“Gram is wise.”
“She would tell you the same thing.”
He bent to her then and caught her lips in a kiss that wasn't quite as soft as his previous one. And that was just fine with her. She slid her arms about his waist, beneath his heavy leather jacket, and pulled him firm against her. It had been ages since she’d last been kissed with this much passion. It might have been the last time he’d kissed her, back in August. And just like back then, his kiss had such a powerful effect on her. It warmed her blood, sent wicked heat streaking through her to the point where she no longer felt the cold, and all she wanted was for him to kiss her forever. Little by little, that heat melted her resolve, melted her hesitation, melted everything but the desire to feel his skin bare against hers, to feel his hands, his lips, his tongue, on her body. Frerin was magic and he knew it. He was the best kind of magic.
His tongue swept slowly along hers, coaxed hers into a sensual dance that had her curling her fingers into his henley once more, almost tugging it from the waist of his Levi’s. Her back bowed, her breasts firmly pressing against his solid chest. Her heart sped up, hammering against her ribs to leave her lightheaded and breathless as he slowly eased his tongue back from her mouth and broke the kiss to whisper, “Come home with me, Syd…”
“I don’t have any clothes to wear tomorrow.”
“I’ll loan you something of mine.” He smiled down at her. “I’ll even give you a tee shirt to sleep in if you want.”
“Oh, how can I turn down an offer like that?”
He smiled. “Right?”
“Frerin, if you’re playing—”
“I’m not.” He shook his head. “Swear to Christ, I’m not. Like I said, I fucked up in August. Let me right it.”
She should probably tell him no. Should probably remember that leopards don’t change their spots and guys like Frerin had so many women throwing themselves at him that they didn't think much of promises.
But then again, as he bent to brush a kiss along the side of her neck and the tingles swept through her to make her head spin and her eyelids so heavy, she couldn't deny he knew exactly how to make a girl feel wanted. And as long as she knew it was probably only for the one night, what was the harm? She wasn't setting herself up for anything and she’d get one hell of a night out of it in return. 
She smiled up at him. “I will put a hex on you if you’re screwing with me, Frerin. Just so you know.”
He smiled back, lifting her easily to meet his eyes. “I’ll take my chances with you, Syd.”
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Do you have any vampire hunting tips for uh, for a almost complete novice? Like how to find them and oh. Just. Any tips really! Good things to know.
Cainites love clubs, drugs and weapons. Those are the easiest places to find any cainite tbh... Especially in clubs its quite easy. look for any club with... rose themes... and amazing decor... often case a gaggle of toris will hang in them. most likely the bartender is a ghoul so be careful with that... just dance till you find someone u just cant look away from....
alternatively, any selling of drugs will likely be cainite run higher up. if u fuck enough with the business you can kind of bait them out... and of course... weapon trade... especially incendiary weapons... likely has vampires around.
I also always recommend glasses with heat vision when you are scouting... youll likely notice a couple in some dark alley way or near a group of vulnerable people....
biker clubs are also good... but... brujah and gangrel punch a lot harder....
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Lover Meal for Gothgore from Biker!Tori (@omnipointmuses)
There was one of their "arguments" again that would have led up to some really earthshaking sex. Though this time, Gothgore felt like doing something else. Before she can say more, he sized his ex-wife up and opened his maw massively before shoving the upper half of her voluptuous body. He would grab her feet and pushed the rest of her down, his gut stretching out in a perfect large round shape with her in it. The tight shirt he wore tore open from his gut tearing through.
"Sorry, Tori. You were talking too much this time and you know I got these fuckin' urges to deal with too. *urp*" He patted his gut. He saw her face pressed up against his powerful stomach walls before he pushed it back into the massive compressed ball that gurgled loudly. "A week on my ass should be enough time for you to mellow out~"
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fandomsims85 · 1 year
The Guild Codex: Spellbound Sims and CC List
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CC List: Tori: Hair: Estelle Hair | Patreon Freckles: The Sims Resource - Freckles N02 Sweater (Party): Maxis Match Set "GWEN" | MS | Mary Sims on Patreon Ezra: Facial Scar: Mod The Sims - Facial Scars Eye Overlay/Blind Left Eye : Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers (From this post: Blind Eye Overlays Two Eye Overlay Base Game... | ♥Teanmoon♥ (tumblr.com)) Hair: sebastian hair | Patreon Aspiration: Sims 4 'Active' Aspiration | marlynsims on Patreon Aaron: Hair: The Sims Resource - #63 - Male Hairstyle - Sims 4 Freckles (Same as Tori’s): The Sims Resource - Freckles N02 Kai: Jacket: The Sims Resource - T-Shirt With Leather Biker Jacket
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cmbrooks46 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tory Burch 'Selena' Black Distressed Leather Ankle Biker Boot.
0 notes
omnipointmuses · 1 year
Cue Biker Tori plopping her wide ass down on your muse.
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zooterchet · 2 months
Work for US Navy (Extra-Range Station, Megaman MUSH)
"Duo": Shaun Wilcox, Hawaiian Coastal Engineer, US Navy Japan.
"Libra": James Holmes, DC Comics Development, Mossad Counter-Bay Station.
"Leo": Jeffrey Lange, Cleveland Rotary Association, Finance and Debitures Apartment.
"Blueberry": Police code on APB scanner, to catch "ranger patrols", off cented Mounted and Royal Mounted sections (Canadian-German, Protestant Universalist).
"WTC Location Grab": Profiling of Osama Bin Laden, three days after 9/11, to DC Comics Location and Transition Wards, Mossad Afghanistan; Tora Bora Prison Complex.
"San Andreas": Capture of Toris Nelby, British Co Anchor Author, "Crack Underground"; while in live transit of threat of CIA agent Peter Tsapatsaris, "Nails", posing as "Peebo" on internet as fraud of Russian-Jewry infiltrating CIA Annex Three; Winchester Frauds, IDF Biotech Experiments. Toris Nelby, "Peebo", detained and "destroyed", by fired rounds, from Eric Frein.
"British Exemplar": Takeover of Japan by Warerra Party, masquerading Clone Wars film, recently released, by "Lucas Arts", as actual factual plan of attack; Pearl Harbor, as represented by "Kleinmen", Rohypnol dealers for Mossad.
"Gutwill Five": Seizure of criminal resources and allies of Framingham Narcotics, rogue Israeli Defense Forces section of Massachusetts cops, out of Jewish gangsters in Ohio; biker gangs, Canadian Freemasons.
"Assassin's Creed": Creation of Assassin's Creed concept, as alternative to parents pamphlets to place children in Mossad underground as "Moslems" or "Mussulman".
"Guantanamo Live Range Agent": Use of third degree interrogator's training from mother's Marine NCO doctor, "Glen", to hunt his killers inside INTERPOL's top ranks; Gwenn Pratt, John Washburne, Steven Charlebois, Brian Monaghan, Alexandra Gaetano, and John Kerry.
"Philips Freemasons of Boston": Stage point of removal of Ted Bundy catchem code, to take over Boston Triads for FBI and State Police, through Cyber Command aegis helix on Los Angeles Police Department server scans; return of Chinese to American policing, as FBI informants and cover agents, against rising tide of Taiwanese nationalism; unions and Russian-Jewish consortiums of film and media logic.
"Pinkville": The strike on the Hell's Angels as a capture turn of the Canadian Freemasons for operating criminal ventures in factories, sports leagues, and boarding schools, to turn children into slaves and writers and prison convicts; the French and British Freemasonic attempt to undo Bill Clinton's peace for labor, athletics, and prison inmates.
"Hideous Karl": Use of Jack Unterweger's serial killer profile, tying a necktie for a business meeting, taught by Scoutmasters in male and female scout troops, for any career or American act, to pen research work for Christopher Nolan, MGM, and FOX.
"The Steroids Scandal": Outing American-Japanese pharmaceuticals, and MI-6 doctors, for selling performance enhancing steroids, Suboxone, for decades, under different brands and claim of brands; the public lawsuit against Dr. Joshua Golden, of United Health Associates, by the Attorney General of Massachusetts, Maura Healey.
"The Kennedy Campaign": Legalized marijuana, certified safe and non-sprayed by tree surgeons elected by towns, free from media myth presented on Holland and British telecasts, or by journalist work by High Times magazines authors. Held under tax stamps, through the State Police.
"Spiral": The culmination of three decades of work, as an NSA, from kindergarten to the mid-thirties, in the takedowns of INTERPOL, On Leong Tong, the Unitarian Church, and MI-6. The culmination of years of experience, placed in two blog reformatories, "Lex Luthor and the Sudbury Boys", and "Spiral - The Batman Killer", the prior academic references, the latter actual career references. The shutdown of the "United Nations Security Council", by planting a forged work on American Marxism from 2003, from an economics business professor at UMass-Amherst, Gerald Friedman, through the actual United Nations; published independently overseas, by those dependent on the United Nations as an American CIA entity; falsely framed as MI-6. The same NSA trick, used on Stephen Glass, a Vatican affiliated lawyer out of the Italian government's Nortel structure.
0 notes
crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Thought from the last episode, do you think Sam was waiting outside the abandoned factory for Johnny to actually start teaching? Like how'd she manage to time that perfectly? Did she stand outside and listen in on all the bonding and truths and then waited till she heard actually lessons to go in?
I was looking at those like cartoon shoe slippers and the purple robe like who tf is this? I forgot STINGRAY comes back in this season.
Stingray, I get that you're unhappy living at home but to me it looks like you're living the life here. You don't pay rent and have money to burn, you have a nespresso, your mom fills a cake tray with pastries, the house is huge.
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The number is 7010 Halbert.
Inside the house his robe is purple, outside the house his robe is blue.
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His neighbor is named Greg Hughes and he drives a Miata
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Greg's pissed because Stingray's been blasting Metalica all night and I'm surprised Stingrays parents put up with that.
It was actually Exodus's Bonded by Blood.
Oh, this is his sister's house, not his mom's. I guess his mom kicked him out.
Today's the day Stingray's probation ends.
Raymond built a squirrel obstacle course in the back yard. Which is kind of fun. And honestly Greg's a dick. Though who knows if this is the breaking point for him but half the stuff he's said is just all random sorts of demeaning.
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Stingrays lost a lot of aerobies to this guys roof.
Greg calls Rayond/Stingray Stink-ray.
Kyler has a limo booked to pick up all the Cobra Kai's going to prom at 6pm. Which, is kinda cute and also so many people to fit into one limo. But I guess, it's a limo.
Tory inviting Robby as a tactical move to prom. And then Silver overhearing all the stuff they'd have to get, clothes a ride, (I guess Robby doesn't want to ride with Kyler)
Silver's fairy god-sensei moment of these kids are going to go to prom, they're going in style. He did pick Robby as his first student after all.
Kreese's face when Stingray shows up. Bud you literally treated him like your favorite puppy when he won the capture the flag and gave you the opponents headband to you from his mouth.
Poor Stingray, he picked Kreese over Johnny without realizing it was the worst choice. Johnny I think would offer an adult class if there were enough kids, so he might not love having Stingray around, but he doesn't kick anyone out of the classes that he teaches.
He knows Eddie and Dieter from the older/original classes of Cobra Kai, and maybe Tory but that's probably it.
Stingrays got some ideas but no one will listen.
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Poor Stingray now that Kreese is fully in charge Stingray's got no chance. Even though learning karate is like his dream. Seriously stingray go find Johnny.
Kreese: A joker, an embarrassment, you have no value here.
Meanwhile Raymond looks like he's going to cry.
Meanwhile Silver's stalking around in the background plotting.
Essentially he realized that Stingray wants to be a part of the team so badly that he can use him if he needs to.
We have cheese tray, meat trays, boiled eggs, crostini and sauce
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Sibling bickering over cutting the mozerella, and how it'll dry it out.
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Lucille is here too!
They've given Anthony 2 more weeks without screentime.
I didn't realize all the LaRussos we know are here at the same time as the Diaz's.
Miguel's surprised and delighted face when he see's Sam is so cute
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I just noticed the details of the straps of her dress. That's cool:
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oooh and the pattern of Miguel's suit:
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Rosa saying Miguel looks more and more like his papa and how that throws Miguel and pisses Carmen off.
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Louie trying to talk to Johnny without actually looking at him. 🤣
Louie felt like he had to tell Johnny that he doesn't hang out with the biker guys any more.
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Miguel looked so happy when Johnny came over to join them for the photo.
I love how Vanessa just summons Anthony for a photo only for Anthony to immediately show up and be like I thought I was supposed to stay in my room the rest of my life, and Lucille to start asking a bunch of questions.
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I get Anthony is grounded because of bullying, but he literally told Daniel he felt a little outside the family because he doesn't have memories of Mr. Miyagi and the whole family is over and rather than include him he's stuck up in his room. Like that just sort of further encompasses you're not part of the family. Like Vanessa and Lucille are here and Anthony wasn't going to get to see them? That feels like it's just going to make the situation worse.
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I do appreciate that Louie wraps an arm around Anthony so he doesn't feel quite so just tacked on the end there, and notice how Anthony's actually smiling this time? Though he does go back that grimace no lips smile again for the actual photo.
Carmen's going to make un hornado de chanco for dinner which is a roasted pork leg.
Carmen: I'm Carmen, Johnny's girlfriend. Shannon: Hi, I'm Robby's mom.
Shannon: Don't you have a phone. Johnny: Yeah inside, motioning towards his apartment.
I know he has a landline but does that mean he left his cellphone at home?
Shannon got a new apartment and said Silver came by and gave Robby a car to take to prom. Does this mean Robby's moved back in with Shannon now that she's out of rehab? I wish they would've said he no longer was homeless a while ago. Because until this moment he's been pretty much sleeping at the dojo.
Apparently Silver said: that robby and his date were going to go first class all the way.
Johnny: Robby's going to prom?
For a moment he's probably like shit I missed another moment I should've spent with Robby because I assumed he wasn't going. And Robby's going to be upset because I spent it with Miguel again. But Johnny you can't be there if you don't know these things.
Apparently Silver gave Shannon a wad of 100's , offered to find Shannon a new place to live and offered her a job.
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She didn't ask what the new job would be but it made her suspicious.
Shannon: If there's one type of person I know, it's a rich guy who wants something.
Johnny: Son of a bitch
Shannon: I Tried talking to Robby but this guy has his hooks in him.
I kind of wonder what they're thinking. Like Silver is trying to indebt Robby and them to him, I suppose. But at the same time Shannon had no trouble with Amanda and Daniel taking care of Robby and putting her in rehab, the best rehab in the state. But Silver shows up with a car and money and wants Robby to be better taken care of and all their stranger danger rich guy warning signs have flashed red.
It makes me wonder what both of them had happen in their past that triggered that. Part of me used to think this was like a note that both of them escaped encino and awful rich abusive step/parents.
But it also makes me wonder if they got in abusive relationships with rich guys or something. Like drugs or sex or something. Because yes it's suspicious but the fact Shannon comes to Johnny and Johnny immediately gets why she's concerned makes me think it's a shared thing they have with some rich guy who took advantage of them.
Shannon: Since this is cobra kai or whatever you need to handle this.
Because she could've led with that, she could've said Silver, this guy from cobra kai came around and he makes me uncomfortable and Robby's not listening, it's cobra kai, you handle it. But she leads with the money and the cash and the jobs that weren't specified, which makes me think she thinks Silver's a pimp or something.
Kyler's party limo crew:
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I can't tell if Moon is on a date with a girl or if she's just dancing with everyone because the camera goes to her, she goes woo, while dancing with a girl and then immediately spins out of the dance and away from her like it was a greeting rather than a dance and went off to do something else.
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I mean arguably you're on a friend date. Prom doesn't have to include a date, you can just be there to have fun.
Logan Wang's after party got cancelled because of the middle school bullying/fight.
I will say the character growth of yasmine that happens in the background is a+. She went from bullying, learned her lessons from yasmine, Demetri started talking to her, the only person I think to wish her a happy birthday. Even though she still sat with Moon after she got back she didn't sit next to her any more and was still snippy but Demetri was no longer scared of her and gave her some more harsh truths. They became science partners, she saw all the work he put in, was impressed, her friends that she sort of sat with and didn't were also impressed so there were no societal reasons at least in her circle to still hate him, she saw how Kyler and Hawk treated him, her old BFF (Kyler) who abandoned her on her birthday and probably didn't talk to her much or again. Starts dating Demetri, whose a bit of a nerd but he's smart and nice to her (Demetri's grown up a bit) but he's also a bit of a hater when he puts his mind to it like her, but he's witty so I think she probably finds that compatible personality wise. And now this girl realized she didn't want to miss prom with him, flew back from Australia via coach, the girl whose parents bought her a new car after she crashed into Johnny's firebird, and generally pay for her grades. She hasn't had to work for anything and generally got whatever she wanted.
And here she is flying economy to make it in time, a nearly 14 hour flight, that she flew coach probably because this time her parents said no but she did it anyway. And I dunno, that's like super sweet of her and shows a lot of growth. Like her writing a flirty thing on Demetri's cast after Kyler bullied him I think was maybe the big turning point for her.
And it probably all sounds like rich girl nonsense but it's so telling on where she stands, especially on her relationship with Demetri. For her this is a grand GRAND romantic gesture and he 1000% gets it loud and clear:
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Like I know it comes off at first glance as a Demetri, she was a bully why???? But Demetri said day 1, he'd like kill his friends just so she'd spit on him. Like he's been a goner for her since the beginning.
Sam being in pain not from high heels but from flying tornado kicks. She's trying to figure out how to use it in the tournament.
Ah the no karate talk. That rule makes it a little difficult since you both love karate.
This entrance is just A+
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I wonder if Silver also bought Tory that dress.
Like the song choice lyrics too are on point. "I'm tired of grays so lets all pick a side." Their goal was to get in Miguel and Sam's head and they 10000% achieved that.
Vanessa and her second year of grad school for child psychology.
Amanda's comment I don't get. If we're going to get a pro we can do better than marisas tomei jr. Who played Mona Lisa Vito in My Cousin Vinny and was underestimated for her knowledge on cars until she showed up and kicked ass with her knowledge in court. (A movie Ralph was in) I feel like that's actually a huge compliment to Vanessa.
Louie calls her Ness/Nessa
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Literally pulling a Marisa Tomei in my cousin vinny moment.
"Possibly related to screen dependency or full-blown IGD (Internet Gaming Disorder) either way she wants to look at the diagnostics and statistical manual.
Amanda and Daniel's stunned/shocked faces.
Anthony is upstairs second door on the left.
I know wanting to talk to teh parents instead of Anthony seems weird, but I think it's important in this case because Amanda and Daniel are both big mad about this, and stubborn hot heads.
Johnny broke into the dojo via the back using a crow bar:
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That was so dumb Johnny. Like you're literally breaking and entering. He probably doesn't know Silver's got security cameras everywhere because he's thinking of Kreese and I truly don't think Daniel gave him much more than a glossed over this is my enemy who tricked me into cobra kai, it broke my relationship with Mr. Miyagi but Mr. Miyagi took me back and after the all-valley I never saw him or barnes again. Because if he glossed over 1/3rd of it and almost everything else...it kinda probably didn't stick that Johnny whose scared for his son has walked straight into a fire in the dumbest way possible. Especially when he's heard Daniel say he himself is worse then Kreese or Silver.
It's hilarious that Johnny hears someone else's phone ring and goes to answer it. Like come on Johnny. Really? That's like dumb horror movie stuff. Which again, I don't think he realized he's walked into a horror movie. Though I do appreciate that he drops the crowbar because I don't think he was going to threaten anyone with it, just get in with it.
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Johnny looking around like how can this dude see me? How'd he know it was me? Only to finally catch the security cameras.
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For Silver it's kinda like he's on a video call. He's also very easily finding a wound to stick a finger in.
Silver: As long as Robby is with me, I'm going to take care of him.
Seriously? Robby. How? He's like weirdly the opposite of Daniel. Daniel ran into enemies every time he turned around. Robby bumps into a tree and a new father figure that wants to take care of him pops up out of the woodwork. 🤣
And what works here is that Silver doesn't have really any big feelings about Johnny. His feelings are towards Kreese and Daniel. So Robby for the first time has a father figure/role model trying to teach him whose not guilting him over his father at all. Not, we've got to save your father from himself (Both Daniel and Kreese) or saying Johnny's a monster or this awful guy. Silver just is focused on Robby not Johnny through Robby. Which explains how Silver got his hooks in him as Shannon said. Because Daniel warning him against Silver means literally nothing to him because he's already pissed at Daniel and Daniel said teh same shit about Johnny, so it's like to Robby Daniel is just constantly crying wolf about everyone without anything to support it. And he fell for it once but he's not going to again. Until of course this crashes around him.
And again, I get as a person whose seen this and what happens next, as well as the films that Silver is a creep. But so far, he's done most of the same stuff Daniel did so I don't get why now anyone would be like you leave Robby alone for...checks list, clothing, feeding, teaching, giving him a shelter, and a car rental and clothes for prom when Daniel did these things or would've done them.
So all I can think is that Silver set off predator warning signals or something off in Shannon to make her go oh heck no. Or tripped some sort of warning trauma. Because she didn't do the same thing with Daniel who also, I remind, is a rich guy who wanted something.
Silver: Shannon is a special lady who deserves so much better.
Accurate, Daniel even tried helping there but Silver makes it sound creepy.
I also want to point out that Silver knew that Robby is an important piece on the chess board, even told Kreese straight up that stealing Johnny's son is an act of war even though Kreese didn't think about it. (Something Daniel did as well) so Silver's probably just been waiting for something to bring Johnny to them.
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See Silver's winding Johnny up but he's not there so Johnny's just sort of bouncing there getting pissed and ready to fight but with no target.
"I'm going to kick both your asses back to the nursing home."
Poor Johnny, you weren't properly warned and get your ass kicked by Silver like twice.
I also love that Silver just sort of laughs at it. He's so used to like subterfuge and mind games that a direct threat is probably amusing.
Off to the OG cobra kai dojo. Corner of Magnolia and Lankershim. I believe on google maps like irl it truly still says Cobra Kai karate. 🤣 I looked that up a while back and was like woah, fiction place is marked on google maps?????
I get that Silver's alliance is to Kreese, and he'd do anything for Kreese and that's also trying in his own way to prove that Kreese does have a weakness and that it's Johnny and he shouldn't get so pissy about SIlver pointing it out, so he's found his own way to point it out as soon as this opportunity arises.
But I wonder if Kreese ever told SIlver (because I can't remember) that Johnny brought back Cobra Kai. That the whole thing is because Johnny took a bunch of nerds who were being bullied, gave them the tools to defend themselves and then one won the championship. Because you'd think Silver would respect that, but he has like 0 respect for Johnny because he doesn't care other than this is Kreese's weakness.
Also would like to point out the 'let's meet at a second location was the move Miguel pulled and Kenny pulled.' Miguel it was a trick, Kenny it was a trap. Which is more telling for how this is going to go because Kenny's studied under Silver.
The mind racing look Johnny has on his face when Silver drops the location of the old cobra kai dojo.
I also want to point out that Silver is taking advantage of this moment to send a message. Because he didn't have to do this. He could've easily called the police and had Johnny arrested for breaking and entering. He waited till he realized it was Johnny then laid his trap and then drinks his booze and calls Kreese to tell him to meet him there for a present.
Robby literally purposefully bumping into Miguel as he walks by.
Tory and Robby putting on a show because Miguel and Sam can't keep their eyes off of them. Only to be really great at dancing. Robby, who taught you to dance?
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Want to point out that these kids are not taking their eyes off each other now. And that they, after everything, deserve some fun. And that Miguel and Sam being unable to take their eyes off of them, while maybe a thing for safety/danger is kinda also on them.
Vanessa just sitting there roasting Amanda and Daniel's parenting: So it's safe to say you didn't think of the ramifications of giving him his own electronics. Would you say that because of your demanding work schedules, and now the dojo, that Anthony may have learned key life lessons, from the internet rather than you?
Literally yes, Anthony said as much in the last episode himself.
Amanda and Daniel: uhhhhhh no???? Maybe he picked up some things but....
Vanessa: when he picked up these 'things' were you able to correct the behavior?
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You do not. Daniel you cleaned up from Sam's pool party rather than do anything discipline like. You spoil Sam and ignore Anthony. So you don't have a clue what he's doing or is up to.
Amanda's hot head streak coming out: Have you taken care of anything bigger than a goldfish? WHAT ARE YOU WRITING?
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Anthony you owe Vanessa the worlds best cousin gifts and awards. She is going to bat for you against your parents and taking them out at the knees. To Amanda and Daniel: You're acting out and I can prove it with a test.
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She's literally making them face all the hard truths.
And then she starts writing and Amanda just snatches up the notebook that says 'this is the test." tells them they failed and got up and left and she says sorry and Daniel has to hold Amanda back because Amanda is pissed.
But I mean everything Vanessa is saying has been there since Sam was still in the womb. Daniel saying "This one's mine, you get the next one", Daniel constantly fighting with Anthony on the please do something other than be on your screens, how about you do chores with me? Rather than trying to meet Anthony where he's at or share an interest. I mean he shows more of a shared interest with Demetri over Game of Thrones rather than trying with Anthony. Anthony despite living in a big family is raising himself.
Daniel went to Japan and dropped nearly $700 on a gift for Sam and $12 at most on Anthony. When Sam is throwing a tantrum and not talking to him, he tries to win Sam over with her favorite foods, snapping and rolling his eyes when Anthony shows up excited because he also loves those foods because they're for "Sam" not him.
Anthony attends dinners and the only person he's shown talking to is Johnny.
He pretty much says he had to learn life lessons himself to Daniel's face, tell Daniel that he feels like an outsider in his own family and when he screws up when they're finally bonding, the whole family is over and Daniel and Amanda tell him to stay in his room rather than be part of this big family event.
Like he spends a lot of time on his devices, but as soon as he hears that Lucille is there he runs straight to her and into her arms with a "GRANDMA" and she's so delighted to see him. Louie puts an arm around him for a photo and the kid smiles. Like I dunno, Vanessa's spitting some truths here.
Silver vs Johnny, I'm not ready.
Oh I forgot Kreese is there first.
"They're putting it up for sale. I think it was a candle shop." Is kind of a funny line from Silver.
Silver is planning to expand and has his agent looking at other locations. And Kreese is just happy to be back in their dojo.
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Stingray crashing prom and offering his sisters house for the party to Bert, and confused that Bert's not cobra kai anymore.
ah there we go, Shannon was a dancer. Tory is self taught.
Augh, this is so sad. "If I could win this one time, then I could look at that trophy and know I was best at something."- Tory
Tory and Robby are wearing white Calla lilies, according to better home and garden: "They're traditionally used in wedding bouquets, Easter arrangements, and funeral services, symbolizing purity, resurrection, and rebirth." pretty sure Silver picked those on purpose.
Tory asking if Sam and Miguel are still watching, Robby doesn't even glance and says "I don't care." and Tory says "Me either." pan to Sam staring and Miguel going "Sam." and Sam saying "What?", when it was the opposite Miguel was like startled and apologetic while when it was Sam she got defensive.
I mean this time it's not breaking and entering, Johnny was invited.
Silver hiding behind the construction equipment to kick Johnny in the face and get the drop on him.
Kreese: You got him to come back here?
Silver: You wanted to get back at him, now's your chance. This is me showing loyalty.
See Silver knows that Johnny is a weakness of Kreese's but I don't think he knows in what way. Kreese can beat Johnny up and try to kill him, but no one else can. Because he goes about as hot and cold as Daniel does on wanting Johnny to be on his team.
Which I think if Silver had done he'd have tried a completely different method. Instead of just jumping Johnny and beating him up, Silver would've tried manipulation using Robby.
Silver is working the chessboard,and knows Johnny will only win with Diaz.
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