#Big Jobs No. 2 (By Poo Poo And The Wee Wees)
rastronomicals · 6 months
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11:28 AM EDT March 14, 2024:
Hatfield and the North -   "Big Jobs No. 2 (By Poo Poo And The Wee Wees)" From the album Hatfield and the North (February 1974)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under:    Canterbury Prog with somewhat scatological lyrics     
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jooliargh · 4 years
How I made a habit stick and lost 3kg
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Content warning: weight loss; calorie counting.
If you find this article interesting and decide to use a similar method to lose weight, please get proper advice from a doctor or dietitian. I can talk about habit forming, but I'm not qualified to say what is safe or healthy for you to eat.
This isn’t really a weight loss blog, because what could be more boring or unnecessary than a weight loss blog from someone only a few kilos overweight? It’s a blog about how I built some better habits, and found a system for sticking to them that worked for me. But in the first couple of months of lockdown I was moving about less than usual and probably eating a bit more, and the effect of those things was gaining weight (specifically, my jeans were getting tight). So the habits I needed to build were to move about more and eat less.
(For what it’s worth, I find it helpful to think about weight gain and loss as effects of different eating habits rather than problems or goals in themselves since I read Gillian Riley’s excellent book about food addiction Eating Less.)
The Problem
In my job, sometimes when we start a piece of work we use a set of questions something like this:
What problem are we solving, for whom?
How do we know it’s a problem?
How will we know if we’ve solved it?
My answers were:
I’m eating too much and moving about too little, which is bad for my health, which is a problem for me. Also, I want my clothes to still fit.
My jeans are getting tight (even my ‘comfy’ jeans which I wear on days when the others are too tight)
When I’ve adopted better habits that lead to me comfortably being able to fit into my favourite jeans
At this point I needed some science, which meant thinking about calories and weight for a while. I reckoned my jeans used to fit pretty well when I was about 3kg lighter so to achieve that, the energy I used (from moving about) needed to exceed the energy I consumed (from food) by about 22,500 calories in total. Whether it took me a few weeks or a year to create that difference didn’t matter.
The Science Bit
Caveat: I got a D at GCSE Science.
When I talk about calorie deficit, I’m not talking about someone else’s idea of what I should or shouldn’t be eating or how much I should be moving. I’m talking about physics: what goes in needs to be less than what comes out.
Side note: Did you know that when we lose weight, it leaves our body via our lungs? Yes, there’s wee and poo and sweat and stuff, but fundamentally when we ‘burn’ energy we turn oxygen into carbon dioxide. The air we breathe out is very slightly heavier than the air we breathe in, and that’s where the weight goes. I only found that out a few years ago and it’s still one of my favourite facts.
So for me, a 47-year-old woman, 5′3″ tall, weighing 69kg and working at a desk all day, on average*, I’d be burning about 1600 calories a day. (That number is different for everyone. And it makes me wonder where the 2000 calorie target for women on food packaging comes from, because I’m fairly average size for a woman.)
If I go for a 2 mile leisurely stroll, I’ll burn about 150 calories. (Click the link to work out your numbers because they’re probably different to mine.) So if that same day I get 1400 calories from food and drink, I’ll create about a 350 calorie deficit.
The System
I made up a card with 75 empty circles on it. Each circle represented a 300 calorie deficit. (75 x 300 = 22,500, my target from earlier.) When I’d filled in all the circles, I should be 3kg lighter.
To add some accountability, I decided to use different colours for different days of the week. That way I’d want to fill in circles most days, and it might help me spot patterns. You can see from the key at the top of the card, Monday is red, Tuesday is orange, and so on. So if on Monday I ate 1600 calories and used 1900, I could colour in one red circle. If on Tuesday I ate 1200 calories and used 1800, I’d colour in two orange circles. As you can see here, I started with a 600 calorie deficit on a Thursday. (I actually started this experiment on a Wednesday, but ended up eating about the same amount of energy as I used, so didn’t get to colour in any circles that day.)
If I ate 300 calories more than I used on any given day, I’d have to add an empty circle to the bottom of the card. (If you zoom in you might be able to see some very feint circles I printed out for this purpose.)
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I've tried numerous ways to be better in control of my eating or exercise over the years and I’ve learnt a few things about what works for me and what doesn’t. This felt like it had a good chance of succeeding because:
I like having data, and I like data to be visible. Graphs, charts, etc. are all good.
I like to see progress. The bathroom scales are a bad measure day-to-day for me because on a traditional diet, what I gain or lose in hormonal and other random fluctuations can be more than I’d target to lose in a week. Colouring in circles should be a good measure because, even though my goal is better habits and not weight loss per se, as long as I don’t cheat, regardless of what the scales say on any specific day, every 300 calories of energy I use that I don’t replace with food will result in me being one step closer to my jeans fitting.
Things which rely on all-or-nothing thinking don’t motivate me very much. e.g. the Seinfeld Method where you have to avoid ‘breaking the chain’. I need to be able to have off-days and to be able to get back on track the next day. If I feel like I’ve failed at the whole task because of one slip-up, I’ll inevitably slip up and won’t continue.
I like stationery and have a lot of Sharpies.
If I had to draw in extra circles because I’d eaten more than I’d used in a given day, it would be a rough, hand-drawn circle and would stick out like a sore thumb from the neat printed circles. I like neatness, so I probably wouldn’t want to do that. (Please don’t look too closely at my colouring in.)
Most fitness trackers will try give you some sort of estimate of how many calories you’re burning each day. I have a Garmin Vivosmart 4 which measures heart rate, so it should be fairly accurate. But most Fitbits and similar devices will do it, and if you don’t have one of those, MyFitnessPal and various other apps will give you an estimate which should be close enough to get you started. I’ve also included links to my own estimates from Wolfram Alpha in The Science Bit above, which are very close to what I get from my tracker.
Without a tracker, background activity level (walking around, physical effort involved in housework or childcare or whatever) you’d have to estimate based on whether you’ve had a ‘sedentary’ day, light activity, etc. Being anything other than as honest as you can gains you nothing. As for specific activities (going for a walk), there are tons of places online you can get estimates for walking, running, swimming etc. Any estimate which doesn’t take account of your approximate weight is close to useless, so bear that in mind. There’s no real need to weigh yourself frequently or accurately, but you do need a rough idea of what you weigh to know how many calories you’d burn by, say, walking two miles.
As for energy coming in, I kept a food diary using MyFitnessPal. The free plan does everything I needed for this exercise. Pre-packaged food comes with a calorie count, but especially in lockdown, where I was making more stuff from cupboard ingredients, I was using the meal and recipe functions and having to weigh things. It’s a hassle, but only a minor one.
What Happened? Did It Work?
Yes! Here I am, eight weeks later, sitting comfortably in jeans that haven’t fit me for a few years. I realise 3kg in eight weeks is hardly headline-grabbing stuff, but the point is it worked for me, where all the headline-grabbing weight loss plans just don’t.
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Confession: for all I try not to think in terms of weight loss, I do weigh myself most days and I do collect data. Above is the chart from my Wifi bathroom scales, because of course I have Wifi bathroom scales.)
But more importantly, I’ve changed my habits:
I’m being more mindful in my food choices. Do I want a snack after lunch, or do I want to colour in another circle? If I’m genuinely hungry I haven’t been depriving myself, but a couple of times I’ve planned to eat something and then... just decided I wasn’t bothered.
In the first weeks of lockdown I’d developed a bit of a biscuit habit. But within the first few days of this experiment, I’d find myself in the kitchen, thinking about taking a chocolate chip cookie, and deciding not to because I didn’t want to sacrifice a circle for the day.
I’ve been walking absolutely loads. A long walk on a Sunday means I can have croissants and jam and an oat mocha for breakfast and still eat a decent sized dinner. And now a walk has become part of my weekend routine, I miss it if it doesn’t happen.
I’ve been getting up at 7am to walk 4km before I start work each day. I listen to podcasts when I walk so if I skip days then I feel like I’m missing out on my podcast time.
Chocolate raisins are my weakness. There have been a couple of times I’ve gone for a 40 minute walk just so I could ‘earn’ some chocolate raisins. This probably isn’t entirely healthy in terms of my eating addiction, but still healthier than just eating the raisins and not going for the walk.
I think what I’m saying is it’s taught me to make better choices. This is also a big theme in Eating Less - that putting all our focus on weight is unhelpful because anything I do today takes a long time to pay back in terms of a noticeable improvement in my weight. But hour by hour I can make better choices about what food I eat and how much I move about. This system lets me see the effects of those choices the same day. The circles don’t lie - if I create a 300 calorie deficit 75 times I will be about 3kg lighter, however long that takes. I’m holding myself much more accountable for those choices than I would be if I didn’t see the outcome for a few weeks.
Not Just For Calorie Counting
I’m telling you about my calorie deficit journey because that’s the change I needed to make and that’s why I built the system. But you could easily use the same system for any consistent change you want to create. These are the things that I think would apply to building any new habit:
It gave me near-instant feedback on the results of my choices.
It provided visible evidence of progress toward a goal, where progress might not otherwise be discernible immediately.
It doesn’t fix a timescale. It didn’t matter to me how many weeks I took to fill in the circles. Of course I wanted to get there sooner rather than later, but if I had a bad day or a bad week, there was no reason for it to derail me.
I wasn’t showing the card to anyone else, so I was accountable only to myself. There was no point in cheating or lying to myself because it wouldn’t gain me anything.
I found colouring in the circles surprisingly motivating. I’ve always been sceptical of ‘star chart’ type trackers because of the public element. But even though nobody else saw it, I was still disappointed on the days I couldn’t colour in a circle.
Other uses I can think of, off the top of my head:
Being more active: one circle for every two miles walked - if you change nothing else in your life this will make a difference
Decluttering: one circle for every shelf, cupboard or drawer cleared out
Study schedule: one circle for every half hour of study
Guitar practice: one circle for 20 minutes practice
You get the idea. If you try this, let me know how it works out for you.
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undiagnoseddrama · 5 years
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5. The Wedding...
Okay so this day needed a post all of its own!
My brother’s wedding was on the 5th August 2017 in Canterbury, Kent. We all travelled as a family down there for an extra long weekend, stayed near the venue and were all super excited!
I woke up to my alarm on the 5th all good. Went to the toilet and that’s where the story begins! My bladder literally never wants me to have a good time. It definitely picks its moments!
I sat on the toilet in agony, talking to my body like please just go away this is not the time and place! Just hold off for 12 hours please! I was a bridesmaid walking my niece (aged 3) down the aisle for her to be the flower girl. I knew she wouldn’t do it without me there, so I couldn’t miss this day even if I wanted to!
I managed to get myself off the toilet, throw on gym clothes super quick and get on with it! Somehow the thick waist band helps hold my lower belly tight and this feels more secure for me when I’m swollen, uncomfortable by supporting the pressure when my bladder feels super heavy.
There was a knock at my hotel room door, my mum all excited with champagne in hand ready to see how I was getting on. She took one look at me and knew something was up, I told her straight away that I think I’ve got a water infection and I’m trying everything to keep it away😂 oh how I was wrong!
She sent my dad over the road to the petrol station by the hotel to get baking soda! I make a drink with this to neutralise the acidity of the urine which comes with infections, literally only a teaspoon in a big bottle of water! This mimics the anti-cystitis sachets, however, this needs to be done with caution as too much in your system can be fatal! This buys you some time before seeing a doctor and generally eases the symptoms!
I carried on, got to the venue to meet my Sister-in-law to be and the rest of the bridesmaids. I was holding it together but felt like I needed 10000 wees, I tried to hold it as long as I knew it would be painful.
I distracted myself with jobs, helping set up last minute decorations and fixing makeup, curling hair and the pain seemed to subside.
I walked down the aisle with my beautiful niece, sprinkling flowers, crying in the seats like I do at every wedding! Took a million photos, listened to all the amazing speeches and got through it almost forgetting!
I thought I’d pop the toilet before dinner...
On a scale of 1-10 the pain was genuinely 1000. I felt like my insides were on fire🔥, I had to put my hand over my mouth to cover the scream I was about to let out in the tiny toilets, whilst trying to hold my floor-length dress so it didn’t go down the toilet either.
I began to pant like people do on the telly in labour because I couldn’t focus on anything else. I got up and shuffled my way out, back to the table where my family sat, this felt like 3 miles away across the room.
I couldn’t sit still in one place, I was so uncomfortable, wanted to scream, cry and nothing helped!
I went back to the toilet within five minutes because the urge of weeping yourself was too unpredictable! I sat on the toilet and that little trickle is your biggest enemy! The pain again went from 0-1000.
I always think this is the worst part of a UTI or anything related. The constant fear of wetting yourself so you immediately run the toilet only to find you do not need a wee😩 it bring on the pain just as bad as the first time and have to begin the cycle again.
Flush. Stand. Shuffle. Repeat.
I begged my cousins and family for any painkillers which is not like me at all! I would never normally take them! I can’t justify the fact of putting them in my body but this time all morals were out the window!
The only thing around was a packet of paracetamol in the ‘wedding survival kit’ outside the toilets. I took 2! No hope at all, the pain did not go away!
Between getting up to get some food from the boho BBQ at the wedding and running the toilet 2 more times. I contemplated everything!
I couldn’t eat with the pain, I felt nauseous, hot, shaky and felt like it would never end!
I began to google the nearest walk-in centres, my go to at home. Well in Canterbury there is no such thing! Liverpool has a least 10 of them and they’re my survival kit when I’m like this! The nearest place was a minor injuries unit 30 minutes away from the venue or Dover hospital about 45 minutes away, the nearest A&E.
My dad took one look at me and said get in the car we’re going! Dan came with me too because god knows what was going to happen next! I still had my gym stuff in the car from earlier getting changed, which I was so thankful for and I got into the car ride from hell!
Every bump, jolt, brake angered the pain down under! The held in screams continued for 30 minutes until we reached ‘ghost town’.
This ‘minor injuries unit’ was a old cottage hospital, looking like it was still in world war 2! It was deserted and so eerie. There was not a patient, nurse, doctor or visitors hanging round anywhere! The reception and waiting area was empty and a woman at the desk was completing a crossword. I had no energy to even speak to her I was in so much pain but had to eventually to get her attention as she was oblivious we had even arrived!
She began to ask me a million questions, details, doctors, why I was there, religion, who would I prefer to see a male or female?
I honestly said “I don’t even care if they’re qualified as long as they can give me something”. This was whilst I was hurled over her desk looking like I was in labour! Standing up was excruciating!
She asked me to wait in the waiting room, again deserted, 15 minutes before a nurse come. Sample taken, usual questions and she managed to find my antibiotics in their stores to give me straight away rather than finding a chemist too.
Nitrofurantoin again. 100mg. 6 tablets.
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The only picture I could find😂🤦🏻‍♀️ wanted to show the colours💚
I got a bottle of water from the vending machine and took one instantly. Telling my dad I had the intention of going back to the wedding later on in the night.
Got into the hotel. Ran a bath straight away! I sat on the toilet whilst it filled. In the bath, out the bath, on the toilet and off. This cycle repeated over and over! The pain never eased at all even being dosed up with paracetamol. I felt as if I couldn’t control anything; I wasn’t sure if I was going to wee myself or poo myself, the sensation just felt the same the whole time. Only thing to stop this anxiety was to sit on the toilet so I did for most of the afternoon with Dan holding my hand because he also felt helpless having to watch me in so much pain and not know how to help. I managed to eventually shuffle out to the bed still in my towel for 2 hours, I found the right spot to ease everything before I ran and threw up several times with the pain from down below.🤮
The pain only eased as I began to fall asleep crying because I wasn’t at my brother’s wedding😓 still furious it happened to be on this day! I made sure my mum and dad didn’t tell either of them as well. I didn’t want them to make a fuss, worry or ruin their big day! But they did notice I wasn’t there later on😞
I woke up the next morning, early hours of course, running to sit on the toilet! Straight in the bath afterwards as this is the only thing to ease the pressure! Also it’s sounds vile, but you have to wee in the bath too, as this will ease the pain. However, this time this time I was horrified! The bath turned green! Yes green💚 Another brilliant side effect is that your wee literally glows in the dark with nitrofurantoin. Immediately jumped up, showered and got out!
This day was (6/8/17) I was okay, managed to get dressed and see my family the next day at a local restaurant, all of them asking a million questions, calling me a trooper because I hadn’t told no one in the morning I’d felt like that but when it comes to this, I always feel like it’s embarrassing to tell.
So yeah... I missed my brothers wedding because of these awful infections and my awful bladder. Antibiotics kick in quick and literally back to normal once I got home but moral of the story is you cannot plan anything and expect it go to plan...
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tips on potty training | how to train my puppy to roll over
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tips on potty training | how to train my puppy to roll over
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KOMO Cams Food & Recipes ATD is a non-profit 501c3 and all donations are tax deductible. 262-542-8851 [email protected] Save up to $70.00 Starting at $24.95 $29.95 $24.95–$29.95 Flyball 2 Doreen Tovey Course Categories Edina, MN 55439 Proponents of limiting drilling in Colorado say contractor wrongfully took at least 15,000 petition signatures Therefore, high quality food results in your dog producing fewer stools each day which is obviously ideal when house training. Pond Care I feel I must crate her or tether her after 30 minutes of freedom.  When I tethered her to me the other day, she peed 45 minutes after elimination (I thought she was being a good girl sitting, so I didn’t catch her before she finished).  I am not certain if I am making the situation worse taking her out every 45 minutes to an hour (does she pee to get a reward and thus not learn to hold it longer?)  On the other hand, it seems unreasonable to put her in the crate after only 30 minutes of freedom.  Since I don’t pick up on her signals when she’s tethered to me, I don’t trust that method.  I have kept daily records from day one and the only patterns I can see is that she had accidents often enough at 45-60 minutes following elimination that I can’t expect her to hold it longer and that I MUST regulate her water intake.  I don’t understand why she rarely rings the bell to go outside to pee, but she has a high rate of ringing the bell to let me know to poop–doesn’t it make more sense that the more opportunities she has to practice ringing the bell to go outside to pee (and get a reward), she should have learned that behavior before she learned to ring the bell to let me know she’s got to poop?  Guest Commentary: Save Red Rocks from the plague of development Do not play with or talk to your puppy until she has done her business. Instead, cue her to pee using the same word or words. Could just be “go pee” or something like this North Boulder Park, Boulder CO CAMPS However, I’ve purposely made this ‘how-to‘ guide as complete and standalone as possible, so reading the previous articles isn’t essential. May 28, 2018 at 1:13 pm How To Use a Dog Crate – When and When NOT To Crate Your Dog JW Pet A Litter tray is easy to clean with highly absorbent litter soaking up the waste and the high sides of the tray doing a good job of keeping everything contained. It also looks better than a spread of newspapers.
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puppy training
how to train a puppy
training a puppy
how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Not Helpful 40 Helpful 71 Product & Services Training Click here for my free and detailed guide to crate training your puppy. As your puppy’s head moves up, her rear end will lower towards the floor About Jolanta Benal, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA Wesco Pet Opinion Most importantly, this book will show you how to teach your puppy to respect you so that he actually does what you say. You can download the book immediately, or have the printed book sent to you in the mail. Introduce a cue word. To encourage toileting on command it doesn’t take much extra work to introduce a word while your dog is urinating or defecating. So when your dog starts toileting say ‘wee wee’ or whistle (or introduce a hand signal) so that the behavior is paired with a command. This means on those cold wintery nights, or during toilet breaks on long road trips you have a way to quickly get your dog to urinate/defecate on command. Place it on your puppy when you feed him or as you are playing, this provides a bit of a distraction from the collar. He’ll probably roll around trying to dislodge it, or try his best to scratch it off. When he is doing this it is important that you don’t take it off him. Wait till he has settled down and forgotten about it before you take it off. If you do not respond properly….. well, unfortunately that’s why so many teenage dogs are turned over to rescue groups and animal shelters. Golden Retrievers TagWorks The Boxer Your dog wants to have more of what he likes and less of what he doesn’t like (don’t we all?). GETTY IMAGESKITTI PHNGS HMGN PHRM SAEN / EYEEM We just love the fact we can go to Prevention is worth an ounce of cure. That’s why it’s a good idea to stick to a limited “roaming-free” schedule, meaning that you will only let your puppy roam free for about 20-45 minutes before putting them back in their “no mistake” zone. This also gives a puppy parent a break to go back doing other things without worrying about what their puppy is up to. Pin Slumber Party May 4, 2016 Rockaway Park, Rockaway Beach, Breezy Point, Queens South, Bayside, Forest Hills, Woodside, Maspeth, Glendale, Ridgewood, Howard Beach, Whitestone, Douglaston, Belle harbor, College Point How to Potty Train a Dog with an Unfenced Yard Military Breeding Do You Kiss Your Dog? After a few days, you should start noticing patterns in your dog’s elimination, and will begin to recognize his pre-elimination behaviors. You will see how many times a day, on average, he needs to go potty. Note approximately how many times he needs to urinate and defecate each day. Use this information to create an elimination schedule that will benefit all family members (two and four-legged!). So, set up a chair outside, wait for a scheduled potty time, go outside with them, have them on leash so they cannot wander off and just sit and wait. Play with your phone a while, or read the newspaper. Just wait. 10, 15, 25 minutes, who knows how long, just wait, but your puppy WILL have to wee at some point. You want to make sure it’s outside and you’re right there with them. How Long After Eating Do Small Puppies Have to Go to the Bathroom? Exclusions apply. Offer expires 8/1/18. BUNDLED PACKAGES Air Pumps & Airstones Outdoor Bird Baths ^ Jump up to: a b Marlo 1999, p. 101. the vet for even the simplest of Every dog owner needs a good pooper scooper to pick up after their pup when they go for a walk around town. Of all the scoopers we researched, the Bodhi Dog Complete Poo Pack is our top pick. With rolls of bags and a clip-on bag holder included, you have everything you need in one kit. 1 of 2 The Principles of Dog Training Here’s the trick to a clean poo pickup… turn the bag inside out, place your hand inside and grab the poo. Fold the sides of the bag up around the poo, turning it right side out, and tie the bag tightly. That wasn’t so bad, was it? Cat advice Help us build a new shelter! September 25, 2013 3:53 pm My Account Grooming Salon Expert Dog & Puppy Training Hi Amanda, After your puppy has these steps down, try the same setup with a family member on the couch or bed: Deciding when to exercise, train and play with your puppy is entirely up to you. You should fit it around your lifestyle and commitments, but try to make it the same times each day if you can. Lisa Smith says The term “observational learning” encompasses several closely related concepts: allelomimetic behavior or mimicking where, for example, puppies follow or copy others of their kind; social facilitation where the presence of another dog causes an increase in the intensity of a behavior; and local enhancement which includes pieces of social facilitation, mimicking, and trial-and-error learning, but is different from true observational learning in that the dog actively participates in the behavior in the presence of the other dog and/or other environmental cues.[53] Four necessary conditions for observational learning are: attention, retention, motivation, and production. That is, the dog must pay attention to the dog or person performing the modelled behavior; retain the information gathered about the behavior during the observation; be motivated to reproduce the behavior in a time and place removed from the original; and finally, produce the behavior, or some reasonable facsimile thereof.[53] As soon as the poop/pee is complete, immediately praise him, quickly give him several treats and then play. Be civil Starter Kits Location Example: New York, NY Maximum of 255 characters. Autocomplete available, press the down arrow to hear options ✔ ✘ Humane Education Fund Charities and Organizations If your dog is having trouble with one specific aspect of potty training, make sure you focus in on that aspect and reinforce good behavior when he does get it right. You’ll have a different word like ‘walkies‘ for other more fun times outside and your dog will eventually learn the difference and set their expectations of their time outside accordingly. 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds Hill’s® Prescription Diet® w/d® Canine Perches & Swings Drives & Instincts How do you potty train a dog in an apartment? Avoid getting the puppy over-excited. If he starts biting and doesn’t respond to a squeal (to tell him it hurts) then get up and leave the room. Only return when the puppy is quiet. Alternatively, play in 15 second bursts with a calm-down period of a few seconds in-between, so that he doesn’t lose all control. 360 61024 Puppy of Achievement But certainly by 16 weeks old your puppy will be able to last a 7 hour night without needing to potty if you do not feed them for 3 hours or provide water for 2 hours before bed time and allow them to empty themselves right before you lay down for the night. Top customer reviews Fun Nose Work Other ways to help How to Potty Train a Small Dog or Puppy in a Big Home Pointing Breeds From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia DAYCARE First, prevent the situation from happening by interrupting the biting behavior and redirecting your puppy’s attention to something more acceptable to chew on. Stand up and be still. Pause a few moments, and then hand your puppy a chew toy instead. Featured: Sidedoor: A Smithsonian Podcast June 15 2018 i Read the original article on Insider Picks. Copyright 2018. Follow Insider Picks on Twitter. our career opportunities (Send on your own) Home Dogs Getting Started How to Toilet Train Your Puppy in 3 Days Tip #1: Train Yourself First Google Labrador Facts & Fun64 Top Dog Names of 2016 Aggressive about food Humane Investigations It is also important that the family is involved in the training. By having different people taking part in the socialization process, the puppy is continuously taken out of its comfort zone, letting the puppy know that he might experience something new regardless of who he’s with. To answer question 1) I’m afraid you can’t! Unless you are there to supervise, you cannot prevent a puppy shredding paper or pads, it’s just something they LOVE to do. Do you use a pad holder? This tends to help because they find it harder to get hold of the pad. If still successful, secure the pad into the holder so they cannot take it out. You can also spray bitter tasting chew deterrent around the edges of the pad so she finds it distasteful. JW Pet I recommend you only use method 2 if you know you will have to leave your puppy for more than an hour or so in the first three months of his life, on a regular basis. Cat litter, dog litter, wild bird food, live & frozen food and oversized items may incur an additional per-item shipping & handling fee or surcharge. Additional fees may apply and will be noted on the Product Detail page and/or Shopping Cart. Leash We have a 6 month pup and he’s slowly getting the toilet thing. My husband works from home and we have been following the supervision regime with a doggie door too. He has now not toileted in the room and kitchen that he is kept in for a couple of weeks but I’m wondering how to expand this ( he will pee or poo in any other room/stairs/hall!). Is it just a case of sitting in these rooms/stairs/hall with him too. Thanks! Reservations This site was built with love and integrity by: Aldebaran Web Design Petrainer 998DBB Remote Controlled Dog Training Collar System, 1 count Start with a new toy and a few treats staged inside the crate with the door propped open. Bring your puppy over to her new crate with an established favorite toy. Toss the toy into the crate with the others. Long Lake, MN 55356 Gigi Moss Dog Training is Positive Training Learn More Confine Your Puppy And Use Paper training The American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizenship certificate is recognized as the standard for dog behavior and awards dogs with good manners. This class is for dogs 8 months and up and continues working on basic cues in a more distracting and challenging environment. Training goes “on the road” as we navigate around campus while performing known cues. Each week, we’ll introduce and practice two new Canine Good Citizen skills, for a total of ten skills. Week six culminates with the Canine Good Citizen Test, and dogs passing the test receive the Canine Good Citizenship certificate. Take your dog to the spot on a regular schedule. Take your dog to the bathroom mat on a strict schedule, just as you would if you were training your dog to go to a spot outside. Frequently walk him to the mat throughout the day and each time he shows signs of needing to relieve himself. By Mara Bovsun | Sponsored by Purina® Pro Plan® Facebook Credit: Illustration by Barbara Frake Puppy Leaks is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com puppy training how to | how to stop puppy barking puppy training how to | puppy barking at me puppy training how to | how to train puppy not to bark Legal | Sitemap
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fmlfpl · 6 years
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Lineup Lamentations - GW10
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s for the week.
OUT: AK47 aka Kamara aka ded fuck
IN: Ings
Am rolling my other free transfer again as per.
I spent a while deliberating on which midfielder to punt on in place of Billing until a good pal of mine turned my attention to Kamara's completely fucked spot on my team. First transfer spent on a forward for me this season coming in GW10 is pretty fucked, but here we are. I had enough money in the bank to bump AK up, and Ings feels like an incomparably better pick than any midfield punt around his price. At least he's the danger man and shoots a lot even if most of said shots don't find their way into the netting. Well maybe the side netting, but no FPL points for that.
It improves my depth and overall squad so it seems like a fine move. I'm not in love with Ings but I like him more than Jimenez at this point. He shoots more and I think he's just a better player from what I've seen out of Jimenez so far. I'm not really totally convinced about this move but seems like it could be reasonable. We'll see.
Alisson Beck goes again. Fantastic pick great job by me one of the few things I've done well this season was sticking him in my GW1 side. Doesn't hit the save point threshold basically ever but the cleans are flowing and having a good GK while not wasting transfers back there has been nice.
I'm sticking with Trenty the Trentboy again. I suddenly have reasonable cover on the bench (Jonny) so I didn't want to fuck with him..yet. If he is on the bench again this weekend, though, I think the eye of Sauron (like that Harry Potter reference, Alon?) will firmly be at the wee boy.
Mendy goes again not much to say there. Great guy great pick and very glad I held him.
Irish Spaniel Alves aka Matthew Doherty gets his second run out in my squadron after his obligatory initial blank in my team. He's a good guy and I have faith. Wolves with the poo performance against Watford last weekend but think they will bounce back. I am benching Jonny, for what it's worth. It's a fine fixture, don't get me wrong, but I'd rather start the new striker lad with a nice home fixture rather than double investment on an away clean at the Amex. Might get Jonny in off the bench anyway with Trent and Haz who knows.
On that note, hopefully the Haz "injury" is just a bit of fuck but we'll see. They didn't make up injuries for him to miss out on previous Europa League games so it might be something. Either way it sounds like the most minor possible injury of life so he obviously goes nowhere from my team.
Dilva finally made good on his absurd underlying stats this past GW with a couple of dimes. Thanks bro. Really easy fixture for City this weekend so hopefully he keeps banging and maintains his hot form.
Mo sticks in the squadron obv. Not much to say about that.
And finally, no neck Frayzuh gets another run out again a shit team where he'll probably blank again. Can't wait.
Three up top for the first time this season for my team. Feels just like old times. Kun and Arnie my familiar friends will keep being friends for the time being. Hoping / praying to all fucks that Kun rested midweek means he might actually not get subbed on Monday for the first time of his life. Tbd.
Dings gets Rafa at home. Really don't have a good read on this one. Normally I'd expect it to be just the most stodgy shitfest 0-0ish type game ever but realistically both of these teams desperately needs three points so maybe it won't be the worst thing ever? Probably will still be the worst thing ever and I can assure you I will watch zero minutes and zero seconds of this game.
Jonny / Billing / Wan
Mo. Easy Mo. Lovely Mo. Go get 'em tiger.
OUT: n/a
IN: n/a
No wildcard here. And no transfers?
I don’t know man. I guess this is my version of impotence...
Lineup is good this week, seems silly to WC away a good lineup.
I don’t know. I’m a lost boy.
Rui tries to get more then 1 point away to Brighton. I’m double Wolves defense so I’m hoping that Brighton won’t have Murray or Gross and that’s their by far two main threats soooo I duno.. very doable clean / cleanable do.
5 stack defense triangle lineup this week.
My other Wolfman is Doherty. Go get me a double digit haul you wingback fuck.
Double barrel Liverpool fullbacks as usual with Robbo and Trent. Robbo will eventually get rested right he just has to? And Trent off of back to back non-starts... who the fuck knows what goes down here... the rumors are that it’s gonna be the same lineup as UCL midweek and some people (hi Rai and George) are saving their moves until Liverpool lineup is announced roughly 30 seconds before the FPL deadline and maybe that’s a smart thing but I just gotta hope they both start and if they start I expect lots of points. That’s just how it goes. If only I had a good bench to cover my ass :\...
Last two defenders are my double Chelsea in Marcos A. and Daveeeeeed Luiz barely holding onto their spots but alas away Burnley and home Palace are very very good fixtures. Just gotta hope for some attacking points and a lucky clean or cleans. Every Chelsea clean feels lucky. Who knows... Getting rid of Alonso is also the CLASSIC FPL mistake where he’s just gonna finish the season on like 180ish points and be top 2-3 defender no surprises etc etc... we’ll see...
Same three amigos in midfield going for me in big Mo, big dick Dilv, and eye-test merchant Rachel Maddow Maddo.
Some good guys with good fixtures. Treat me.
Kun and Laca going again.
Kun who knows between 45 and 90 minutes.. what would you set the over/under at if you’re a bookmaker? 65 maybe? I’ll bet the under unfortunately... I guess there’s a chance that Spurs keep it close and so Kun stays on but that seems silly to me.
Laca’s purple patch seems to be slowing down to a halt. The underlying stats weren’t ever reeeeeeally there but he’s a fantastic striker so he makes the best of the 2-3 chances he gets. But also Arsenal’s upcoming fixture run is pretty tough so I don’t feel great going forward with Laca. I don’t expect him to return value but that’s just me so he’s looking to be transferred out soon.
Few all-stars here in Billing / Kamara / Ward
Easy Mo. Mo is life. <3333
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tinkerbelljayne · 7 years
After finding out that I had failed to be selected for the 2017 Virgin London Marathon – I currently have all my fingers, toes & laces crossed for the 2018 ballot – I straight away signed up to run the Paris Marathon instead. I was determined to run my first ever marathon in the year 2017.
Training for this event became more than a hobby, it became a passion, in fact it literally became my full time job … mostly because I was unemployed and broke, but let’s not lose focus- training for my first Marathon became an obsession.
As for finally doing it, finally running the 26.2 miles through the warm city of Paris, well, I can’t even begin to describe what that was like. There is no adjective that describes feeling fear/excitement/pain/joy/hate/euphoria all in one go.
So instead, I’ve shared 101 thoughts I had running my first marathon. Most of these were jotted down in my phone within days of completing my first marathon. Other resurfaced over time. From arriving at the start line to crossing that finish line, these are genuine thoughts that ran through my hyped up brain as I ran my first ever 26.2 mile race.
1. What an atmosphere, it’s electric. 2. Am I really about to run for five whole hours? 3. Hmmm, do I need the toilet? No. 4. Oh look, a man dressed as a shark. That’s gonna get really annoying for him. 5. Yes! I can see the start line and I’m so ready to for this, I feel pumped. LET’S DO THIS. 6. ….Okay this is more like shuffling onto the central line at 8am on a Monday morning. Come on people, move! 7. Right, 04:45:00, you can do it in that time. 8. Can I, though? 9. YES YOU CAN. 10. Must remember to pace myself. Pace Hannah, pace. 11. Oh look there’s my family. Wave. Wave. Pose for the pictures. 12. Oh look how proud they look and I haven’t even ran anywhere yet. 13. Awwww, look at the kids- No, don’t look at the kids, no tears till the end. 14. Hmmm, I wonder what my family will eat for breakfast? No! Don’t think about food. 15. Wow, 26 miles. 16. Twenty. Six. Miles. 17. Why did I decide to do this again? 18. Do I need a wee? 19. Maybe. 20. Twenty six bloody miles. 21. It’s mighty warm out here for 10am. 22. Oooh look shade, I’m gonna run in the shade. 23. Let’s try and takeover this big pack of burly men who are chanting stuff and wearing matching t-shirts, they look like Brit’s abroad on a stag do. Pfft. Must avoid them. 24. Wait, what are they pushing? 25. They’re pushing someone in a wheelchair. Okay, I’m the worst person ever. They are amazing. 26. Why do my legs feel tired already? 27. I didn’t sleep enough last night. Stupid Instagram. 28. Crap, my knickers are right up my arse, I should have gone commando. 29. Look at those gorgeous buildings, so beautiful. 30. I’m tired. 31. Uh-oh my shade is disappearing. 32. Yay. Water stop. Water water water. 33. Why are they giving out orange pieces?? Ain’t nobody got time to eat an orange. 34. I hope I put enough Vaseline on my nipples. 35. Am I being paranoid or are loads of people over taking me? 36. Maybe, I should try and speed up. 37. No, don’t speed up. Pace, Hannah, pace. 38. Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it, do do doo doo, do do doo doo 39. I feel exhausted already. Maybe I should have a gel. 40. No, it’s too soon, I can hold off. You can do it Hannah. 41. Screw it, I’m having a gel. 42. Do I need a wee? 43. No. 44. Am I sure? 45. No 46. Toilets are coming up. Maybe I should just go. 47. No. It’s wasting time. 48. Goodbye toilets. 49. This park is really pretty. 50. Crap, I need the toilet. 51. Look at all those men in the bushes, pee’ing, standing up. Show offs. 52. Why is it so hot? I trained in rain and wind. 53. More toilets, yay. 54. F*** they’re padlocked shut. 55. I feel like I’ve been running forever and I’m not even half way. 56. I’m sweating in places I didn’t realise I could sweat. 57. Why did I ever think pieces of orange was a bad idea? Sucking on a cold, tangy, juicy fruit is all I can think about right now. 58. Look at that sky, what a gorgeous day to run through Paris though, I’m so lucky. 59. I’m doing so well, I should be really proud of myself. 60. F*** this, I’m going for a wee in the bushes, I’m officially exiting stage right. 61. I’m so sweaty I can’t get my pants down properly. Roll leggings, roll. 62. Oh no. Stage fright. No-ones looking, no-ones looking, no-ones looking, no-ones looking. 63. Oh sweet Jesus, I never thought wee’ing could feel so good. 64. Wow, I feel like a new person. I feel amazing! 65. I’m going to pick up the pace. I got this. 66. Thank you Parisian strangers for cheering me on and making me feel like a Team GB Athlete. 67. This is the best day of my life. Woohoo. 68. …and your gonna hear me roar, woah-oh-oh-oh-oooh. 69. Bet Katy Perry couldn’t run a marathon. 70. Orange stop. YASSS! GIVE ME ALL THE ORANGES! 71. Ouch my legs are starting to really hurt. 72. Groce. Sticky gel all over my fingers. 73. Why is my nose running so much? 74. Do I need a poo? No. 75. Should I stop? I feel like I need to stop. No. 76. Oh there’s my Family. Wave. High five them. 77. Yes, throw water on me random volunteer lady. 78. I FEEL INCREDIBLE. I FEEL BOOSTED. I got this. 79. Oh look the Eiffel Tower. But no, no time for photos. 80. Oh God, snot everywhere. Just wipe it on my leggings. 81. Pain. Pain. Pain. 82. I want to cry. I can’t go on. I can’t do this. I can’t. Make it stop. 83. Why do I suddenly feel bloated? I’ve overdosed on the gels, haven’t I? 84. WTF!? Shark man just sprinted past me. How? HE’S IN A GIANT FISH COSTUME?? 85. Am I even running anymore? 86. WHY DID I DO THIS? WHY GOD WHY?? 87. I’m never doing this again. Never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. 88. I want to lie down. I want to be in bed. I want to be anywhere but here. 89. Just keep running. Just keep running. Just keep running. Just keep running. 90. God I can’t wait for an ice cold beer. 91. Oh My God. I can see the finish line, this is it. This is actually it. 92. Breathe, breathe, keep breathing. In, out, in, out, in, out. 93. Don’t stop believing, just hold onto that feeling… 94. COME ON LEGS, LET’S SPRINT! 95. I’m doing it. I’m doing it. I don;t know how, but I’m doing it. I’m doing it. I don’t care if I’m crying. 96. I’ve done it. I can stop. I can breathe. I can collapse. I can brag. 97. Fitbit says 04:47:18 98. Would have been 04:45:00 if you hadn’t had to wee in the bushes, stupid bladder, but sod it, I don’t even care. 99. I did it. I did it. I actually did it. I’m a marathon finisher. 100. I’M A GODDAM MOTHER FLIPPIN’ SUPER HERO! 101. This is officially the proudest moment of my life. Well done girl.
My first marathon was celebrated with family, friends, burgers and beers in the heart of Paris and was one of he best days of my adult life. Especially as it was my 31st birthday too. As the exhaustion subsided and the muscle pain began to kick in, thoughts of other marathons began to creep into mind. Yes, I wanted more.
You see, although I’ve typed up that I was tired and exhausted – and I know I felt that – I cannot actually remember what it felt like to be that exhausted and I haven’t endured that kind of exhaustion since, that feeling of not being able to go on, completely mixed with knowing I’m unable to give up. It’s almost like the memory of that feeling is completely blocked out by the pure joy and euphoria I felt at the finish line. I imagine this is why myself and so many other marathon runners end up asking ourselves “Which one next?” mere hours after telling ourselves I’m never doing this again. Ever.
And so next month, I run my second marathon, the 2017 Dublin marathon. I booked it within a week of completing Paris. Meaning that this year will not only be the year I ran my first ever marathon, which was a huge goal of mine, but it will be the year I ran two!
Well, heres hoping!
Would you ever run a marathon?
Follow all my Marathon Training updates on Instagram – click here to follow me.
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101 thoughts I had during my first Marathon After finding out that I had failed to be selected for the 2017 Virgin London Marathon – I currently have all my fingers, toes & laces crossed for the 2018 ballot - I straight away signed up to run the Paris Marathon instead.
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rastronomicals · 3 years
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1:36 PM EST January 6, 2022:
Hatfield and the North -   "Big Jobs No. 2 (By Poo Poo And The Wee Wees)" From the album Hatfield and the North (February 1974)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under:    Canterbury Prog with somewhat scatological lyrics     
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5 Phrases I’m Guilty of Using With My Kids
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One of the reasons why I quit my job to stay home with the kids was because I didn’t want to outsource their upbringing to somebody else. I pompously thought I’d be a different parent; you know, the kind who listens to her kids, talks and reasons with them. 
Well, I like to think that I mostly do, but as my babies are fast becoming toddlers (and one of them is already outgrowing toddlerhood!), I realised that I’m not exactly who I envisioned myself to be! It’s a good thing I’ve come to realise this because it’s never too late to try to be better! 
Here are 5 ways that I’ve been communicating wrong with my kids and I vow to change that starting from right now! 
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#1: “Stop that now! Put the scissors down! Drop it! If you take it, I’m...I’m...going...sending you out of the room!!!”
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Image from New Kids Center
What’s wrong: 
There are so many things wrong with this sentence that I don’t even know where to begin....
For starters, it’s not even a sentence. There are FOUR garbled sentences, randomly strung together in a desperate attempt to stop my toddler from grabbing that pair of scissors. Too many instructions only confuse toddlers.
Secondly, my kids are extremely cheeky and an excitable response from Mummy often serves to fire them up. 
Finally, threats are certainly not an effective way of communicating! 
What could be better: 
A simple “Dozer, stop,” in a stern but calm tone would be good to catch their attention, followed by, “Please don’t touch the scissors when Mummy isn’t beside you. You might cut yourself.” 
I’ve learnt that using a calm, stern tone has a better effect that being excitable. Even my 2-year-old Baby Dino can tell the difference when I’m being really serious about something which is off-limits. The explanation which follows is equally important because I need to educate my toddler on recognising danger. 
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#2: “Wow, look at Wendy! She’s using the potty already! Such a clever girl. Do you want to be clever like her?” 
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Image from US Weekly
What’s wrong:
Thinking back to the time when I was working, I’m sure I’d have been quite upset had my boss told me that I wasn’t doing well because I wasn’t sharp-witted like Siti or if my deliverables weren’t pretty like Simon’s. Instead, my performance assessment was conducted by measuring my achievements against the goals which I’d set at the beginning of the year. 
While my (soon-to-be) 4-year-old can’t sit down and discuss goal-setting with me at the beginning of each year, child developmental milestones are not the same as deadlines. 
Just as my ex-colleagues didn’t have the same goals which I did, Dozer should not be pressured into being potty-trained by his 4th birthday. As much as I would love to accelerate my child’s potty training milestone, which brings him another step closer to independence, comparisons often backfire and can potentially undermine his self-confidence.
What could be better:
“It’s great that you’re using the potty for ‘wee-wee’. Mummy is looking forward to the next time you use it for ‘poo-poo’!” 
Apart from encouraging my child’s current achievements, I need to pause my hastiness and give my child time to be ready for his next step! 
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#3: “Wait till I tell Daddy what you did!” 
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Image from She Said
What’s wrong:
As someone who spends 90% of my waking hours with my kids, it’s just so tempting to pass the buck to my husband when the kids just won’t stop throwing things down the staircase! 
AND, as someone who spends 90% of my time facing my kids, I also know that the “I’m going to tell Daddy” phrase works only for a short term. I’m actually reinforcing the belief that Mummy is not to be feared, only Daddy, so the next time the kids act up, it’ll be behind Daddy’s back. 
What could be better: 
As tiring and seemingly ineffective it may be to take care of the situation myself, I should. That way, the kids will know that regardless of it being Daddy or Mummy, incorrect behaviour will not be tolerated. 
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#4: “No more crying. Only babies cry. Don’t be a baby.”
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Image from Mommyish
What’s wrong:
I have a rather sentimental child at home, who sometimes, is more sentimental than I would prefer. We’ve tried to cure him of his “crying habit” and we’ve used the above phrase to death but we’re not making any progress! It’s funny how even though something isn’t working, we tend to use the same approach over and over again! 
According to various articles I’ve read, I’m actually denying my child his emotions and the way to better manage the situation is to acknowledge the emotion, before proposing a solution. “Eventually,” the articles say, “your child will cry less and learn to describe his emotions.”
This brings me to the second thing which I hate to admit: my lack of patience. “Eventually” can take many, many months and it’s normal to want immediate results. Unfortunately, that can be unrealistic. 
What could be better:
It’s a lot easier to think of a more appropriate response when I am calm so what I’ve realised is that when it comes to crying, I need to:
- First calm myself, - Then identify the reason - Acknowledge my child’s feelings (hurt / anger / pain / sadness) along with the reason to show him that I understand - Propose a solution 
“I know you’re feeling angry that your brother doesn’t want to share his toy. I’ll give you some time to calm down then after that, how about we ask him nicely instead of snatching?” 
“I know you’re unhappy about having to go home because it’s really fun here. Would you like to spend 5 more minutes here before we leave?” (Note: Dozer can’t count time yet but he understands that 5 minutes means a short while.)
“That was a hard knock. (Give a big hug.) Shall we put ice on it? No? Then I’ll give you a hug, OK?” 
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#5: “Hurry up! Let’s go!” 
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Image from Brightly
What’s wrong:
There’s actually nothing wrong in using this phrase occasionally but using it daily will soon cause it to lose its effectiveness. On another level, if we’re always in a rush, perhaps it’s time for adjustments to be made. Perhaps a little routine change or packing your child’s breakfast along in the car? 
What could be better: 
“We need to get into the car now. Can Mummy help you with your slippers and you can try it out on your own when we get home?” 
“Please hurry.” (in a softer tone)
As always, staying calm often works better than getting irritable or angry. Children often imitate our every move so being courteous and calm with them will teach them how to better handle situations too. 
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I’m really finding that being a mother builds character. Every day is about pushing myself to be a more patient, more positive person for my kids, and also correcting my own bad habits and resolving my own personal baggage! 
Wow, who knew motherhood was such a big undertaking! Beneath the surface of every mother lies a tumult of emotions and that spirit that never gives up. 
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As an ex-expatriate and management consultant in an international firm, Grace was a career-minded woman on a fast-track path in the corporate world. The birth of her first child changed her perspectives in entirety, and she made the life-changing decision of becoming a stay-at-home mum. In addition to being one of Malaysia’s top digital influencers on Nuffnang’s Bloggerati list, she is a Dr. Sears Certified Health Coach and also runs children-related businesses (links available below).
- Facebook: facebook.com/graciouslittlethings
- Instagram / Dayre: @graciouslittlethings
- Blogger Engagements: [email protected]
- Shop Little Baby Grains: www.littlebabygrains.com
- Shop Petite Troopers: www.petitetroopers.com
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rastronomicals · 3 years
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5:38 AM EDT April 17, 2021:
Hatfield and the North -   "Big Jobs No. 2 (By Poo Poo And The Wee Wees)" From the album Hatfield and the North (February 1974)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under:    Canterbury Prog with somewhat scatological lyrics     
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