#Bianca Rosen
arablit · 3 months
New Short Fiction: Azher Jerjis's 'The Crow’s Revelation'
This spring, Banipal Books brought out Iraqi novelist Azher Jirjees’s At Home in the Cherry Orchard. Here, emerging translator Bianca Rosen brings us one of Jirjees’s satiric short stories from his 2017 collection, The Sweetmaker. The Crow’s Revelation By Azher Jirjees Translated by Bianca Rosen On my way home, I was intercepted by a crow, which blocked my path. It stopped, mid-air, flapping…
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artisticlegshake · 2 years
1st Emma Donnelly - DANCEOLOGY STC!
2nd Caroline Skrable - DANCEOLOGY STC!
3rd Drew Rosen - DANCEOLOGY STC!
3rd Addison Leitch - DKCBA STC!
4th Gianna Mojonnier - DANCEOLOGY STC!
4th Sami Sonder - DANCEOLOGY STC!
5th Ava Lynn - BOBBIE’S STC!
5th Alexis Ahn - EVOKE STC!
5th Bianca Zorrilla - DANCEOLOGY STC!
5th Kennedy Barry - DANCEOLOGY STC!
6th Zuzu Duchon - P21 STC!
6th Emily Madden - MATHER STC!
7th Noah Ross - TO THE POINTE STC!
8th Sienna Carlston - P21 STC!
8th Loila Rhee - P21 STC!
9th Elle O’Donnell - P21
9th Keaton Evans - PAVE
10th Karen Ramirez - D’ANSA JAZZ
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Elezioni USA: eleggibilità a rischio per Trump
Elezioni USA: eleggibilità a rischio per Trump L’applicazione del 14mo emendamento potrebbe bandire Trump dalle elezioni. La soluzione è stata presentata da due autorevoli giuristi americani, Bruce Ackerman e Samuel R, in un intervento sul Washington Post e confermata da Rosen, docenti di diritto alla Law School di Yale e dell'Indiana university. La sezione terza del 14/mo emendamento prevede che nessuna persona che abbia prestato giuramento come funzionario esecutivo possa ricoprire alcuna carica civile o militare se si accerta che e' stata coinvolta "in insurrezione o ribellione" contro la costituzione. Parrebbe che sia necessario solo un voto di maggioranza di entrambe le camere per attuare la norma, anziche' i due terzi previsti in Senato per la condanna nel processo di impeachment. Sempre secondo il 14mo emendamento, Trump potrebbe ricandidarsi alla Casa Bianca "con un voto di due terzi di ciascuna camera “da parte del Congresso. Per quanto riguarda l’impeachment "la costituzione prevede l'impeachment solo come uno strumento per procedere contro un presidente mentre e' in carica", "per proteggere il paese, non per punire il trasgressore", spiegano i giuristi. A loro avviso il ricorso all’ impeachment non potrebbe comunque concludersi entro il 20 gennaio ed evitare la candidatura di Trump alla Casa Bianca. I segretari dei cinquanta Stati si prepareranno a produrre le liste elettorali. La questione cruciale riguarda l’inclusione o l’esclusione di Trump dalle liste elettorali. La costituzione prevede dei requisiti per i candidati alla presidenza, ad esempio: l’età minima è 35 anni e i candidati devono essere cittadini americani nativi, non naturalizzati. In tempi recenti alcuni candidati sono stati sfidati con cause frivole che li avrebbero esclusi dalle liste elettorali. Nel caso di Trump, parecchi Segretari di Stato hanno avviato dialoghi per determinare se escludere o includere Trump. “Donald Trump non può essere candidato a presidente… a meno che due terzi del Congresso non decidano di concedergli la grazia per la sua condotta il 6 gennaio”, dichiara il giurista Michael Stokes Paulsen sull’ineleggibilità dell’ex presidente di ricandidarsi, in un articolo scritto con il suo collega William Baude. L’articolo di Paulsen e Baude verrà pubblicato dalla prestigiosa University of Pennsylvania Law Review. Nell’articolo emerge che ci sarebbero “prove abbondanti” che Trump è stato coinvolto in un’insurrezione per ribaltare l’esito elettorale del 2020.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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hits1000 · 1 year
100 Songs in German from the 70s
100 Songs in German from the 70s This Youtube channel does not receive any advertising income, we are very grateful for any Paypal donation, no matter how small, to continue making videos about the history of music. Link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HEHMNQ4E3T3ML 100 Songs in German from the 80s, including: Chris Roberts - Die Maschen der Mädchen, Die Flippers - Sha La La, I Love You, Howard Carpendale - Das Schöne Mädchen Von Seite Eins, Michael Holm – Mendocino, Peter Alexander - Hier ist ein Mensch, Peter Maffay – Du and many more!!! 1. Chris Roberts - Die Maschen der Mädchen 2. Daliah Lavi - Oh, wann kommst Du? 3. Die Flippers - Sha La La, I Love You 4. Howard Carpendale - Das Schöne Mädchen Von Seite Eins 5. Karel Gott - Einmal um die ganze Welt 6. Michael Holm - Mendocino 7. Mireille Mathieu - Es geht mir gut, Cheri 8. Peter Alexander - Hier ist ein Mensch 9. Peter Maffay - Du 10. Roy Black - Für dich allein (du kannst nicht alles haben) 11. Bruce Low - Noah 12. Chris Roberts - Ich bin verliebt in die Liebe 13. Daliah Lavi - Willst du mit mir geh’n 14. Danyel Gérard - Butterfly 15. Frank Schöbel - Wie ein Stern 16. Heintje - Schneeglöckchen im Februar, Goldregen im Mai 17. Roy Black & Anita - Schön ist es auf der Welt zu sein 18. Ulli Martin - Ich Träume Mit Offenen Augen Von Dir 19. Bata Illic - Michaela 20. Christian Anders - Es Fährt Ein Zug Nach Nirgendwo 21. Die Windows - How do you do 22. Juliane Werding - Am Tag Als Conny Kramer Starb 23. Jürgen Marcus - Eine neue Liebe ist wie ein neues Leben 24. Monica Morell - Ich fange nie mehr was an einem Sonntag an 25. Vicky Leandros - Ich hab' die Liebe geseh'n 26. Bernd Clüver - Der Junge mit der Mundharmonika 27. Bernd Clüver - Der Kleine Prinz 28. Cindy & Bert - Immer wieder Sonntags 29. Costa Cordalis - Carolina, komm 30. Demis Roussos - Goodbye, My Love, Goodbye 31. Freddy Breck - Bianca 32. Freddy Breck - Rote Rosen 33. Heino - Polenmädchen 34. Ireen Sheer - Goodbye Mama 35. Jürgen Marcus - Ein Festival der Liebe 36. Monica Morell - Später, Wann Ist Das? 37. Nina and Mike - Rund Um Die Welt Geht Das Lied Der Liebe 38. Tony Marshall - ... Und In Der Heimat 39. Tony Marshall - Junge die Welt ist schön 40. Vicky Leandros - Die Bouzouki Klang Durch Die Sommernacht 41. Bata Illic - Schwarze Madonna 42. Bernd Clüver - Das Tor Zum Garten Der Träume 43. Chris Roberts - Du kannst nicht immer 17 sein 44. Gitte - So schön kann doch kein Mann sein 45. Kraftwerk - Autobahn 46. Michael Holm - Tränen Lügen Nicht 47. Mireille Mathieu - La Paloma Ade 48. Monica Morell - Hallo ist denn hier keiner 49. Rex Gildo - Marie, der letzte Tanz ist nur für dich 50. Udo Jürgens - Griechischer Wein 51. Cindy & Bert - Wenn die Rosen erblühen in Malaga 52. Costa Cordalis - Shangri-La 53. Dennie Christian - Rosamunde 54. Heino - Die schwarze Barbara 55. Howard Carpendale - Deine Spuren im Sand 56. Juliane Werding - Wenn du denkst, du denkst, dann denkst nur du denkst 57. Jürgen Marcus - Ein Lied Zieht Hinaus In Die Welt 58. Katja Ebstein - Es War Einmal Ein Jäger 59. Marianne Rosenberg - Ich Bin Wie Du 60. Michael Holm - Wart' auf mich 61. Nina & Mike - Paloma Blanca 62. Peter Maffay - Josie 63. Rudi Carrell - Wann wird's mal wieder richtig Sommer 64. Costa Cordalis - Anita 65. Curd Jürgens - 60 Jahre 66. Franz K. - Au Weia, Mensch Meier 67. Jürgen Drews - Ein Bett in Kornfeld 68. Karel Gott - Die Biene Maja 69. Nico Haak - Schmidtchen Schleicher 70. Peter Alexander - Die Kleine Kneipe 71. Peter Maffay - Und Es War Sommer 72. Hoffmann & Hoffmann - Himbeereis zum Frühstück 73. Howard Carpendale - Ti amo 74. Howard Carpendale - Tür an Tür mit Alice 75. Johanna von Koczian - Das bisschen Haushalt 76. Jürgen Drews - Barfuss Durch Den Sommer 77. Michael Holm - (Musst du jetzt gerade gehen) Lucille 78. Roy Black - Es war nur Sand in deinen Augen 79. Tony Holiday - Tanze Samba Mit Mir 80. Truck Stop - Ich möcht’ so gern Dave Dudley hör’n 81. Andrea Jürgens - Und dabei liebe ich Euch beide 82. Benny - Bin wieder frei 83. Bernd Clüver - Mexican Girl 84. Bino - Mama Leone 85. Gebrüder Blattschuss - Kreuzberger Nächte 86. Kraftwerk - Das Model 87. Kraftwerk - Die Roboter 88. Tony Marshall - Bora Bora 89. Vader Abraham - Das Lied Der Schlümpfe 90. Wolfgang Petry - Gianna (Liebe Im Auto) 91. Andrea Jürgens - Ein Herz für Kinder 92. Dschinghis Khan - Dschinghis Khan 93. Dschinghis Khan - Moskau 94. Gaby Baginsky - Der Rum von Barbados 95. Howard Carpendale - Nachts, wenn alles schläft 96. Karel Gott - Babička 97. Manuel & Pony - Das Lied von Manuel 98. Michael Holm - El Lute 99. Peter Alexander - Und manchmal weinst du sicher ein paar Tränen 100. Peter Maffay - So Bist Du Related Hashtags #hitsof1970 #hitsof1970to1979 #hitsof1970s #hitsof1970songs #hitsof1970uk #hitsof1970australia #hitsofthe1970sand1970s #kannadahitsof1970 #bollywoodhitsof1970 #hitsof1970and1971 #tophitsofthe1970sbillboard #pophitsofthe1970s #hitsof1970sinmusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMSHNGhv-b4
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the irony of how in season one toby was insecure about how they originally wanted david rosen for comms director and then in season seven they actually DID choose david rosen over him (by which, of course, i mean that toby committed a federal crime and had to be removed from office and replaced with will bailey) is just... honestly i’m obsessed with it. i’m pretty sure they named scandal’s david rosen after west wing’s david rosen. did shonda rhimes think about this? did she think about the fact that if they cast josh malina in scandal, jed really would have picked david rosen over toby? this is haunting me.
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erinptah · 4 years
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Happy 10th anniversary to But I’m A Cat Person!
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#1yrago Sorting the spin from the facts: how big can the surveilling city that Sidewalk Labs plans for Toronto get?
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Cory published a writeup of my research showing Google offshoot Sidewalk Labs’ plan to build a surveilling city in Toronto involves a much, much larger chunk of land than publicly disclosed (in fact about 2,600 acres of prime Toronto waterfront!). It flushed out a response from the high-priced US PR firm Berlin Rosen, apparently acting on behalf of Sidewalk Labs:
Hi there –
I am reaching out about the above mentioned article. The image that accompanies the article is a picture of designated waterfront area with Quayside, specifically, highlighted. Sidewalk Toronto’s MIDP [Master Innovation Development Plan] will address Quayside only, it does not expand across the entire waterfront designated area as the article states.
Can you please correct this within the article?
Thanks so much in advance! Molly
To support her assertion that my findings are incorrect, Berlin Rosen's Molly Henderson sent along a misleading FAQ prepared by Waterfront Toronto to diffuse mounting concerns over the City of Toronto's Master Innovation and Development Plan (MIDP).
To understand how the FAQ obscures the nature of the project, consider this sentence: "The only commitment at this time is to a process to create a plan for Quayside that will meet the objectives set out in the RFP [Request for Proposals]." On a first reading, this seems to imply that private city-within-a-city will be limited to Quayside, the 12-acre site that everyone has been talking about to date.
But then, later, the FAQ leaves wiggle room regarding the true size of the slated area to be "developed": "Any ideas proposed more broadly than Quayside must be in service of achieving the shared goals of the project and be supported by a business case demonstrating the need for scale to achieve the objectives."
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Now, if you look at the map on page 42 of the Plan Development Agreement (PDA) struck between Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto, which is the focus of Cory’s Dec. 17 blog post and my research, you'll see the MIDP site. It’s 2,600 acres, stretching over a huge swath of Toronto and including the iconic Air Canada Centre, Union Station and CN Tower -- and also covering a big chunk of real estate, including the Port Lands, that Canadian taxpayers are shelling out billions to flood-protect, beautify and prepare for development.
The PDA states that [bolding added for emphasis]: "Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Waterfront Toronto will ensure that any BIP [Business Implementation Plan] proposed, recommended and/or submitted by it or on its behalf to the City of Toronto for consideration, for the Quayside Parcel and for any additional parcels included in the MIDP is consistent with, and does not limit, conflict with or constrain, the terms included in the MIDP Scope or this Agreement or reasonably expected to be included in the MIDP and Implementation Agreements or, after approval of the MIDP, will be consistent with the MIDP."
So: the area in play is all 2,600 acres. The PDA allows them to develop anything "consistent with the MIDP." And who gets to decide whether something is "consistent with the MIDP?" The PDA states that only approval of Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto is required for the MIDP – not Toronto’s city council, nor the Ontario or federal Canadian legislatures.
(Waterfront Toronto has the discretion to go to any or all of the three levels of government for approval of the MIDP. But Waterfront Toronto doesn’t have to.)
The PDA also says “[a]ny proposed options at scale shall be subject to and closely tied to the achievement of the MIDP Targets and supported by robust business planning and financial analysis."
This may sound good but we've been through this before very recently and we know how it turns out. Just two weeks ago the Auditor General of Ontario released her 2018 annual report in which among other things she slammed Waterfront Toronto for its dealings with Sidewalk Labs. She also took the Ontario transit agency Metrolinx to task for letting manifestly faulty business-case analyses be used to support hyper-politicized decision-making.
Now the PDA does also say that government approvals will be needed for implementation of aspects of the MIDP beyond Quayside: “MIDP will be subject to various contingencies, such as the receipt of certain governmental approvals and clearances, approvals of or agreements with landowners or other third-consents." That’s because a lot of the land and buildings in the MIDP area aren’t owned by Waterfront Toronto or the City of Toronto.
But once the MIDP is signed it’s irrevocable and the doors will be open to widespread changes to bylaws, zoning, etc, to let Sidewalk Labs and Waterfront Toronto implement the MIDP.
How do we know how this will roll out? Here’s what Dan Doctoroff, the Chairman and CEO of Sidewalk Labs, said at a University of Toronto conference in May 2018:
“Part of the reason again we need to partner with an entity like Waterfront Toronto is they have spent the last 15 years developing those relationships which we will never develop to the same extent that they could. ... Now obviously we’ve got a provincial election [in Ontario in June 2018] that we ... have no idea what’s going to happen. But the fact is the parliamentary system actually makes it easier compared to our state level and our national government level. I mean could you literally imagine in the U.S. not just in the era of Trump but any time of having represented in one organization three levels of government? It would just never happen in America. The ability to get things done if there’s alignment at the provincial and national governments, at least they believe in what you’re doing, is much greater... And that’s especially important because when you talk about innovation and you talk about literally innovating across building codes and ... zoning regulations and transportation, and all these different elements, we’re gonna need a lot of work with the regulators at the provincial and the national level. ... So on a net basis, I actually think that being here is a big positive."
Doctoroff also said, at a public-private partnership conference in Toronto in November 2017:
“We [Sidewalk Labs] believe the government should do the minimum necessary to make the market function. But sometimes that’s a lot. Or even everything. Canada is fortunate to have leadership with a similar approach to the relationships between the public and private sectors. As Ontario and the city of Toronto. For Sidewalk Labs, this was a big part of what drew us to respond to Waterfront Toronto’s call for an innovation and funding partner."
So all three levels of government in Ontario – and my bet is that tough-talking Ontario Premier Doug Ford is on the same page – are keen to let Doctoroff and his gang at Sidewalk Labs have their way with some of the most valuable real estate in North America.
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Want more proof that Berlin Rosen’s spin is part of this high-level, stealthy effort we’ve uncovered to let Big Tech take over Toronto’s priceless waterfront? Documents sent to me and tweeted about yesterday by Bianca Wylie -- which resulted from a Freedom of Information request by consultant Bernard Rudny -- included a February 21, 2017, memo from an official at the Canadian Privy Council Office to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The memo says Waterfront Toronto’s intention is that once the agreement to develop Quayside is finalized and construction under way, “planning for the Port Lands scale up [would be] beginning almost immediately."
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
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Gem Warrin (she/her)
Traits: uptight, high strung, pessimist, bit of a hot head
Birthday: June 22, 983
Race: Wolfskin
Family: Mother- Bianca Main, Stepfather- Rosen Main, Stepbrother- Robin Main, Sister- Hazel Main
Occupation: n/a
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elisesbookutopia · 5 years
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Eng: These are a few of the books that I've read so far this year. I have the rest on my E reader and some of them I've lend from the library, so I'm listing them down below and rate them. Ned: Dit zijn bijna alle boeken die ik heb gelezen tot nu toe dit jaar. Ik heb er ook nog een paar op e-reader staan en via de bibliotheek uitgeleend dus zal ze hieronder nog eens oplijsten en een score geven. 😍 Turbulentie Mariette Middelbeek 5/5 Het huis van de Nacht reeks P. C. Cast 5/5 Crash Mariette Middelbeek 5/5 Fuck the quarterlife crisis Femke Kamps 5/5 Dior en Dennenbomen Mariette Middelbeek 4/5 Mindfulness bij volwassenen met autisme Annelies Spek 4/5 Een opmerkelijk verschijnsel Hank Green 5/5 Hex Mariette Middelbeek 4/5 Tegenlicht Esther Verhoef 4/5 Wat als dit het is Becky Albertalli 5/5 Hunger games catching fire Suzanne Collins 5/5 De kleine prins Saint Exupery Antoine 4/5 The Rosie project Graeme Simson 5/5 Volwassen worden is optioneel Marloes De Vries 5/5 Cress Marissa Meyer 5/5 Maar je ziet er helemaal niet autistisch uit Bianca Toeps 5/5 Wilde like me Louise Pentland 5/5 Winter Marissa Meyer 5/5 Nine women, one dress Jane Rosen 4/5 Fairest Marissa Meyer 4/5 Alle sterren Marissa Meyer 5/5 Moederhart Mariette Middelbeek 4/5 Wat Nou Als Het Ook Anders kan Janne Schuijn 4/5 Our stop Laura Jane Williams 5/5 IKO Marissa Meyer 5/5 Delirium Lauren Oliver 5/5 🤔 ..!? Over Autisme & communicatie 2/5 Anne Frank's diary (graphic novel) Ari Folman 3/5 Ready player one Brooks, Broadway 2/5 Beauty and the beast Barbot de Villeneuve Gabrielle 3/5 Geek Girl Holly Smale 2/5 #marissameyer #mariettemiddelbeek #bookblogger #bookcover #bookstagram #review #igreads #igreview #laurajanewilliams #janneschuijn #laurenoliver #louisepentland #biancatoeps #marloesdevries #beckyalbertalli #hankgreen #houseofthenight #ourstop #lunarchronicles #lifestyle #novel #ebook #library #booklover https://www.instagram.com/p/B1tZqzooHQW/?igshid=1bbln1ybenpnn
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suzylwade · 3 years
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Robert Rosen “In 1975 I packed up and left. I only knew Richard Sharah, the incredible Australian makeup artist who was living in London but he introduced me to Zandra Rhodes and a few other people in the fashion industry. I also met a writer named Cherry Ripe, we'd go to concerts together and inevitably end up backstage getting great stories. It didn't click for quite a while but eventually I met a woman who was at the centre of London's social scene and she'd take me to all the parties. I remember asking a couple of photographers what they were doing there and they just pointed to Bianca Jagger over there and Rod Stewart over there. They told me that if I took their photo, I could sell them to the newspapers. I thought, I'm going to these parties anyways so I might as well make some money. And that's how it started.” - Robert Rosen, Photographer. When Robert Rosen's early painting teacher handed him a Pentax camera, while politely suggesting the student consider alternative career paths, he inadvertently helped launch the career of one of Australia's most important social photographers. With a natural eye and genuine interest in the life of his subjects, Rosen has spent decades travelling between Europe and Australia, befriending and photographing influential characters at the centre of creative culture. Fashion Designer Peter Morrissey, who Rosen shot on various occasions, once remarked that his pictures captured "the heart and soul of the times, not just the moment,". All dressed up and armed simply with a small, non-threatening camera, Rosen was a fixture at era-defining clubs, parties and parades where he gained the trust and respect of the personalities he shot. From Mick and Jerry to Kylie and Michael, Rosen was documenting it all, long before the age of social media. #neonurchin #neonurchinblog #dedicatedtothethingswelove #suzyurchin #ollyurchin #art #music #photography #fashion #film #design #words #pictures #societyphotographer #fashionphotographer #scenephotographer #ratparties #australia #london #newyork #siblings #warhol #michaelhutchence #kylieminogue #davidbowie #roberttwogunrosen #robertrabbitrosen #robertrosen https://www.instagram.com/p/CWSzk65Mray/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kevindurkiin · 3 years
Verdammt in alle Ewigkeit Famous Trumpet 1
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VA – Verdammt in alle Ewigkeit Famous Trumpet 1 (2010)
01-Heinz Schachtner – From Here To Eternity 02-Milo Pavlovic – Il Silenzio 03-Louis Lasarte – Dolannes Melodie 04-Milo Pavlovic – Mitternachtsblues 05-Werner Gutterer – Spanish Eyes 06-Milo Pavlovic – Laras Lied 07-Werner Gutterer – Sehnsucht 08-Charly Tabor – Liebesmelodie 09-Pierre Dolannes – Rote Rosen fr Dich 10-Werner Gutterer – Ave Maria no morro 11-Pierre Dolannes – Bianca 12-Louis Lasarte – La Montanara 13-Werner Gutterer – Sunset Melodie 14-King Farmer – The House Of The Rising Sun 15-Werner Listmann – berall auf der Welt scheint die Sonne 16-Louis Lasarte – Wunderland bei Nacht 17-Werner Listmann – Freude schner Gtterfunken 18-Louis Lasarte – Cherry Pink 19-Pierre Dolannes – Trumerei 20-Werner Listmann – Intermezzo 21-Louis Lasarte – Mexican Hot Dance 22-Werner Listmann – Hindu_Song 23-King Farmer – Russian Lullaby
Verdammt in alle Ewigkeit Famous Trumpet 1 published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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cbairdash · 7 years
David sighed as he watched their cover story try to hold water like a colander.
David sighed as he watched their cover story try to hold water like a colander. Following the group back to the latest DAO approved rolling love child of a Star Destroyer and an energetic Mobile Home, he kept an ear turned toward the conversation. When the talk erupted in speculation about time, event horizons, and tachyon spills he rubbed the sides of his head.
“It’s just plain easier to just jump through the portal to lay the smack down on Dr. McScience-With-No-Morals than understand this stuff.” He muttered under his breath, remembering too late that Bianca could hear him at that level of tone. David’s whiskers picked up and his cheeks tugged back apologetically. Bianca shot a perturbed look then turned her attention back to the RV.
“So, what devices do they have again? What was the last reading taken?” Dr. Diggory’s voice snapped the air behind David.
He twitched, feeling the fur roll up his back. David found down the urge to jump, twist, hiss, throw a haymaker, or any of those other traditional ‘feline’ reactions. Instead, he let his tail swat the air with three sharp pops. When he turned, the doctor eyes were flitting between each member of the group.
Since silence was the first answer she got back, Dr. Diggory arched an eyebrow. In David’s time among the Geek-Set of the world, he understood that expression was tantamount to about a Defcon three, maybe a two, before frustrated nuclear nerdom would commence.
“Yeah, some,” he replied, trying to defuse the moment. When she locked a laser like gaze on him, David realized too late he might have tried to defuse the proverbial bomb by beating on it with a jackhammer. He flinched under her gaze.
He pointed over his shoulder at the RV then adjusted his aim to indicate the way they arrived. “We used the scanning tech-thingie from the other RV. The er—” he scratched his chin with a claw “—one that got trashed? I don’t know if anything got uploaded.” He tried for a smile but was afraid it came out more feral than he hoped for. That or he worried he looked like he might have a hairball. “It might have backed up somewhere?”
Dr. Diggory’s mouth pulled into a thin line. David knew exasperation when he saw it. That would be a solid Defcon two.
“Y’know … to the cloud?” He added in an attempt to save the dying explanation.
When her arched eyebrow fell and a frown took over her face, David knew his dying explanation had flatlined on the proverbial table.
Bianca cleared her throat, drawing the doctor’s attention away from David. He let out a small sigh, feeling the tension bleed out from his whiskers to his toes.
“Tech-thingie?” Amy whispered.
“I got nervous!” David whispered back. “It felt like I was being given a pop quiz.”
“I kept a current backup of scans involving both the time portal and skull. I have them here, dated and organized for review.” Bianca held out a black cell phone sized device.
The doctor swiped through the information on the screen with a chorus of hums and the occasional ‘aha’. When she was done, she returned the device.
“I have to admit, I’m surprised all of you made it here at all. Based on those readings, the time portal is very unstable. The skull is having some effect on it, to what end I couldn’t say without more observation. I can’t say for certain, but because the two have been in such close contact that quantum entanglement of their residual event horizon energies is almost a certainty. That would explain the trouble the helicopter is having. Though, they won’t have it for long.”
“What do you mean?” Alex asked, squinting suspiciously at the doctor.
Diggory shrugged. “The field effect vibrations should harmonize soon. Provided they can manage the shifting graviton effect, the transition is a certainty. They would have possibly already transitioned but not be in synch with our current wave harmonics.”
Alex glanced at the others. “Right. Weapons, I know. Those words? I know them when they’re not all in one sentence together.”
David stared at Diggory and blinked while memories bumped against what the doctor said. When the mental collision was done, he pursed his lips. Instead of blurting out or making a joke to lead into what he wanted to say, David took a different approach. He started to raise his hand, stopped himself, then cleared his throat.
“You’re saying the Kerr ring wasn’t stable,” he said. “It wasn’t when we had the things and they aren’t now. That’s what happened on the road. When a mage hit us with a plasma ball or whatever it was, it excited the Kerr ring causing it to go stable for a moment. When the spell bled out, the ring collapsed taking that Einstein-Rosen bridge with it. Maybe us if we’d been closer to the entrance.”
Even the wind stopped moving when everything around David went cemetery silent. A nervous twitch scaled his spine and ran around his fur for a moment. His whiskers pulled back against his muzzle. He glanced around then shrugged.
“Ok, back home I knew a guy who was into the cross dimensional science. Talked a lot about it. I went a looked a few things up. Some stuck.” When no one replied, he rubbed his nose. “Ok. But I’m pretty sure I’m right in what I said. Anyway, doc, from what you just said, the black helicopter is already here. They flew through a Kerr ring - I mean wormhole - to do it. But it put them dimensionally out of sync temporarily.”
“How ‘temporarily’?” asked Amy.
“Uh, temporary temporary? They could be roaming around right now. They wouldn’t be able to mess with us, or us futz with them. We’d be like ghosts to them. But they’re from this ‘harmonic’ so they’ll start vibrating in synch soon. Which means they’ll appear out of nowhere to us.”
At the mention of ‘ghost’ Bianca’s eyes shot wide. “Like a temporal ghost?” Her voice was hushed.
David shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”
Alex nodded, rubbing his chin. “So we’re talking about a type of cloaking tech. Right. Let me at the weapons stash. I need to make some mods before we get guests comin’ over for dinner.”
“I still think it’s a whole lot easier to just jump through one to apply the punchy to some Dr. McScience-Without-Morals,” David muttered to Amy. She patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.
David turned to Dr. Diggory. “Doc, at the risk of mangling a movie quote, really you’d better stay with us if you’re wanting to stay safe.”
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booksfriendsnews · 5 years
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[eBOOKS GRATUITOS - 31.03.19] Vários títulos disponíveis gratuitamente na Amazon. (LINKS NA BIO) . . Obs.: Vários títulos que publiquei ontem continuam disponíveis gratuitamente. . . - Meu Anjo Apaixonado: Romances Angelicais #2 - Patrizia Evans: https://amzn.to/2WzFrfx . . - Na Estrada - DM Pager: https://amzn.to/2I14u7f . . - Esposa de Mentirinha - DM Pager: https://amzn.to/2WBuYjL . . - Vidas Cruzadas - DM Pager: https://amzn.to/2OCbcC2 . . - Já era amor - Ale Silva: https://amzn.to/2FEKHrj . . - Destinados ao Amor - Debby Scar: https://amzn.to/2HQlNJ4 . . - Um destino para dois - Julia Fernandes: https://amzn.to/2Uq9Dw0 . . - Era Uma Vez Uma Menina Triste e Sozinha - Larissa Chagas: https://amzn.to/2OA615q . . - Schizophrenia - Larissa Chagas: https://amzn.to/2JTd8Hi . . - Meu Adorável Comandante (Adoráveis Fantasias #1) - Fabiane Vicentini: https://amzn.to/2JQ2voD . . - Um Beijo Meu (Mulheres & Canções #1) - Luciana Klanovicz: https://amzn.to/2HQJD7p . . - Brincos de Princesa - Ambra Blanchett: https://amzn.to/2U9xn8m . . - Jardins de Luar: Ele era um conde, e ela jurara conquistá-lo... - Ambra Blanchett (conteúdo adulto): https://amzn.to/2JTlGhy . . - Vidas marcadas: Eros & Liriel - Luci Nunes: https://amzn.to/2JTWis5 . . - No alvo do amor (Série Rio #1) - Bianca Baptista: https://amzn.to/2WE7o63 . . - Sempre Foi Você (Os Irmãos Hunt #3) - Katherine York (conteúdo adulto): https://amzn.to/2HPPl9C . . - Delicioso Contratempo - Ellen Savarin (conteúdo adulto): https://amzn.to/2CX5INF . . - Systen (Inlove #1) - T.G Rosen: https://amzn.to/2OBACzA . . - Submissa (Lúxuria #1) - Monica Ponte (conteúdo adulto): https://amzn.to/2TMJt2r . . - Guardiões da Noite: Encontro Sombrio (Guardiões da Noite Encontro Sombrio #1) - A . L. Thorne S Sinclair (conteúdo adulto): https://amzn.to/2HQ1XgG https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvr5EaggcIX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v1jn5b7d3e4o
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erinptah · 5 years
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The main cast (and a couple extras) of But I'm A Cat Person, answering the question "what term(s) would you use to describe your sexuality/gender?"
I wanted to showcase how a lot of us have similar identities but call them different things, for different reasons. And your personal preference doesn't invalidate anyone else's. A rainbow is an infinite spectrum. Also -- there's a lot of pressure in certain circles to have your identity completely figured out and precisely defined. The truth is, it's okay to not be sure! You're allowed to talk about the ambiguities. Or, if you don't feel like talking about it, you don't owe anybody an explanation. There's no rule that you have to pick a specific set of flag-printed merch before you're allowed to feel pride.
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thewatertowernews · 8 years
be our valentine
by estherrosen and philliparliss
BURLINGTON, VT —It’s February. The skies are grey and the trees are bare and the newness of the year has worn off, but love is in the air and it’s time for a pick-me-up. This respite comes in the form of a romantic winter wonderland: Valentine’s Day. There are some people out there who would say that Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year. There are others who consider February 14th to be a day to test one’s physical limits by investigating how much Ben and Jerry’s they can consume before they vomit and others still who see it as just another average day in the life.   Sure, the dead of winter is an odd time for a love holiday, but those are the cards we’ve been dealt. For better or for worse, everyone out there has at least one memorable experience about this horny holiday. Or maybe not. Regardless, the water tower took to the streets (The Davis Center Fishbowl) to see what the UVM community has to say about the Day of the Valentine, and the results were... well, predictable. So, our dear constituents:
Jen Favorite: Last year, I got frostbite and drank a lot of wine and watched Pride and Prejudice with my sister. I was wearing two pair of pants. Least favorite: Probably the frostbite.
Jack Favorite: When I didn’t have enough money to pay for brunch for me and my serious girlfriend. Least favorite: Actually, that was probably my least favorite. What is this?
Mike Favorite: Last year, my girlfriend and I went to Leunig’s for brunch. We both got the egg’s benedict. It was pretty awesome. Least favorite: I don’t know, I guess the year before. I was super hungover all day and I think I just watched the whole season 1 of True Detective. It was actually pretty sad.
Jackie Favorite: I spent a very empowering morning baking pies and I felt great. Least favorite: In third grade, I spent a lot of time making my mailbox for my valentines, and then I got to school and my teacher told us that we were making our own with paper bags in class and I cried. That or my guinea pig dying.
Claire Favorite: My senior year of high school, one of my friends threw a Galentine’s Day party and invited every girl in the grade and we watched Freaky Friday and danced all night. Least favorite: Not having school for the next ten days, and not being able to leave my house. I got bored.
Erin Favorite: For some reason all I could think of is the time I was supposed to go on a date, but then he ended up cancelling. Least favorite: Waking up to my valentine’s sweaty, disgusting feet in my face.
Bridget Favorite: It’s just like typical, my ex-boyfriend making me dinner and shit. It’s nothing special. Least favorite: Being single.
Cameron Favorite: My freshman or sophomore year, me and all my friends were single and so we all climbed our local rock wall, smoked a lot of pot, and talked about “how bitches were dumb” to make ourselves feel better. Least favorite: This year I asked my girlfriend if she’d be my Valentine, and she said no. And then I asked her if she’d be my President, and she said no again.
Eli Favorite: I feel like Buell Street sophomore year, that was like the first time we really started destroying that house. It was pretty fun. We rode one of the doors down the stairs like a surfboard. Straight up Animal House stuff. We punched a bunch of holes in the wall and shit. Least favorite: Running out of lube.
Brad Favorite: Of Valentine’s Day? I honestly can’t think of any. It’s been a tough time for me every year. Least favorite: The only memory I do have is that I went out to dinner with my parents while my girlfriend was getting dinner with a Norwegian man who was on her ski team. It was a low point.
Bianca Favorite: Honestly my dad always gets me flowers, and like, something else. My dad is always my Valentine. Least favorite: It’s gonna be this year, cause I’ll be alone.
Karl Favorite: Ummm I always used to like getting candy from my parents on Valentine’s Day. They used to give each of us four kids our own V-Day basket and they would hide it around different parts of the house. We would spend the first 20 minutes of the house looking for it. It was pretty fun. Least favorite: I went to a lingerie party freshman year on Valentine’s Day and it was pretty fucking weird. Got creepy real quick
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
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Robin Main (he/him)
Traits: cool, chill, upbeat, can be unaware, scared of getting to close to others
Birthday: July 23, 981
Race: Wolfskin
Family: Mother- Sallie Oker, Father- Rosen Maine, Stepmother- Bianca Main, Stepsister- Gem Warrin, Sister- Hazel Main, Halfbrother- Kor Tybalt, Boyfriend- Noah Sanderson, Ancestors- Elio Longore, Nuru Starrun, Lunai Starshade
Occupation: n/a
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