#Betty Fung
hong-kong-art-man · 2 years
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The 10 Adversities Of West Kowloon Cultural District In The Past & Its 3 Future Shots At Hong Kong’s Cultural Ambitions  
National government wants Hong Kong to be a cultural exchange centre.
Path to success is full of frustrations and setbacks.  Failure does not matter but regret does.
Let us not judge West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD西九文化區) by how many times it fell down in the past, but by how many times it will be able to get up in future.
The WKCD has gone through a number of well-publicized hard times for nearly 20 years leading up to the present partial opening of WKCD. It is evidently in safe hands with the new CEO Betty Fung.
In 1998, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Tung Chee-hwa announced the bold establishment of the West Kowloon Cultural District, the biggest in the world, consisting of 17 museums, concert halls and theatres, endeavouring to develop Hong Kong as the best cultural hub in Asia. The District could attract many tourists and strengthen Hong Kong’s cultural power.
Some visions and plans were later traumatized because such an ambition looked like a blessing wrapped in the clothing of a chain of curses:
(1)   In 2001, government employed the world-class architect Norman Foster to come up with a Grand Canopy concept for the whole district. The canopy could create a ‘microclimate’ in which, by forming convection air currents, hot air would leave and cool air would flow into the area, thus producing a cooling effect. The design faced strong opposition claiming that the concept was unrealistic and expensive. The design was scrapped.
(2)   In 2003, government put out to tender a PPP (public-private partnership) in that a single private developer would be invited to finance, build and operate the whole WKCD project. Again, the initiative was perceived as an exploitation of the public resources to dispense favour to just one developer. The proposal was defeated.
(3)   In 2008, government set up an independent West Kowloon Cultural District Authority to manage all the affairs of the district. There rapidly ensured a series of hot debates as to what should be built in the district. The variety of demands, ranging from children’s museum, arthouse cinema, Chinese ink works museum to literature museum formed a series of problems which were fundamentally insoluble. Also, the separate bidding of individual infrastructure projects resulted in extra tedious processes, heavy concurrent responsibilities and pressurized co-ordinations.
(4)   Government initially approved a HK$21.6 billion budget for WKCD. The construction cost unfortunately kept climbing and the estimated cost after a few years alarmingly went up to HK$47 billion. Politicians rebuked the WKCD Authority for failing to manage construction properly and so allowing it to be a bottomless ‘black hole’. At present, WKCD is still trying very hard to raise capital and hopefully it may not spark another financial tribulation.
(5)   In 2012, WKCD agreed to purchase about 47 contemporary art works from a Lucerne-based collector Uli Sigg for HK$177 million in consideration of his donating more than 1,000 other works to the M+ Museum of WKCD. This deal induced the great attacks from the public that there might have been some kind of ‘irregular transfer of benefits’ behind the arrangements. In 2014, M+ bought a ‘sushi bar’ for around HK$15 million with public funds which was an old renovation of a closed-down restaurant in Tokyo. Artists in Hong Kong disagreed that the item was worth the high price of collecting and bucked the wisdom of such an acquisition.
(6)   In 2017, one party-goer died and 3 were in a critical condition when attending an electronic rave concert at WKCD. They were sent to hospital and the police seized some amount of drugs from the site. There was a public accusation that WKCD should not allow such kinds of vulgar concerts to be held and these outdoor music festivals were about dirty language, anti-government sentiment and drugs.
(7)   In 2018, Hsin Chong Construction, the main contractor of M+, faced severe money troubles and was unable to pay its workers. Its significant delays caused WKCD to incur substantial losses. In March, the Authority issued a press statement to formally fire Hsin Chong owing to its alleged insolvency. Hsin Chong rebutted it as an incorrect accusation. The parties finally referred the disputes to litigation in the courts. There was, again, bitter political mudslinging in the battle against the reputation of WKCD.
(8)   In 2020, Duncan Pescod, chief executive of WKCD, tendered his resignation before his contract ended. He hinted that the government would like him to leave. The authority’s first head, Graham Sheffield, quit just 5 months into the job in 2011, citing health reasons, while the second chief, Michael Lynch, left in 2015 after working for a relatively short period of years. At the same time, the arts and culture sector had long been pointing its finger at these foreign CEOs, saying that they did not know well enough the local needs and circumstances. These awkward high-level personnel changes made a bad situation worse for the cultural district.
(9)   The Hong Kong Palace Museum, a local version of the national museum in Beijing, opened its doors in July 2022 showcasing Chinese precious exhibits and relics. The Palace Museum’s launch came a few months after the opening of M+ Museum, the contemporary arts centre in WKCD.  ‘When ill luck begins, it does not come in sprinkles, but in showers.’ People denounced the absence of public consultation for the idea of building a Palace Museum in 2016. Some interpreted it as a wilful ‘cultural re-education’. I disagree and think the present Palace Museum is impressive and meaningful. M+ is however still being under constant bombardment by the unfriendly forces: that the project was too expensive, the collections are of a bad taste or anti-national and there are insufficient local art works…
(10)     In 2021, WKCD tried to market its commercial site Artist Square Towers amid Hong Kong’s property market downturn. The tender was cancelled without a successful bid. In 2022, developers were re-invited to submit bids for the commercial project worth as much as HK$10.7 billion upon completion. Pray that such money will help WKCD.
Bad decisions and bad luck are a good pair which, through thick and thin, have sabotaged the painful past of West Kowloon Cultural District for more than 20 years. There are present signs of good pathways on the road to recovery. We can see at every weekend, thousands of citizens pour themselves into the beautiful District to support and peek into the cultural and architectural pride of Hong Kong. The future belongs to those who believe in the ‘can do’ spirit of our city.
From now on, apart from not making mistakes which may stunt WKCD’s growth, there will be 3 critical shots to make. Such 3 shots should take bona fide precedence over any direction of the cultural hub: to produce or encourage the production of top-grade cultural activity and program. By subsidizing these activities and programs, through overseas collaborating effort or otherwise, we can incubate the internationally outstanding status of West Kowloon and also artists in Hong Kong. Secondly, through bestowing charming characteristics on such art progeny, WKCD can help maximize the spread of the cultural preponderant influence of Hong Kong in the world as a result of art market expansion. The third heads-up is that the works must also be ‘Hong Kong-relevant’, speaking volumes about our cultural beliefs, preferences and tastes to other countries.
The best index to Hong Kong’s success should be how we will show the world that the striking ‘East-meets-West’ character of Hong Kong shall remain. Let us pray for a little hope that through West Kowloon, our city will excel culturally one day!
Maurice Lee
Chinese Version 中文版: https://www.patreon.com/posts/xi-jiu-wen-hua-78115125?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
West Kowloon Cultural District Introduction  https://youtu.be/7gR7hEr4_UM  Acknowledgement – West Kowloon Cultural District
Hong Kong Palace Museum Introduction  https://youtu.be/QLtaJLfy-O8  Acknowledgement-RTHK
Tea House Theatre Experience at the Xiqu Centre   https://youtu.be/FqA4Iu-7aQI  Acknowledgement – West Kowloon Cultural District
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abr · 1 year
Ho rivisto "2012", ieri.
Uno degli ultimi film complottisti Hollywood Dems' made, prima di riconvertirsi all'abbronzatura di antichi eroi ed eroine troppo pallidi.
E' in sostanza catastrofismo in salsa Maya: la crosta terrestre "disloca" provocando terremoti e maremoti globali, ma solo per un mesetto poi si calmerà. Gli Espherti sanno da qualche anno (la scenza non mente) ma lo dicono solo a chi li paga: i Governi. Come ricompensa, molti di loro verranno lasciati morire, mentre altri vengono ammazzati prima che rivelino tutto.
I Governi del Mondo delocalizzano in Cina la costruzione segreta di una serie di Arche (con gli espliciti complimenti finali: "bravi cinesi, non credevamo fosse possibile costruirle in così poco tempo") per salvare animali, opere d'arte libri. E anche 400.000 persone, ufficialmente i "migliori" selezionati da biologi e genetisti, nella realtà si tratta di family & friends dei politicanti al potere, compresa Queen Betty coi suoi corgi. Una delle Arche è riservata a "private donors", riccastri che han saputo per le loro vie traverse confidenziali e han comperato biglietto da 1 miliardo di dollari a cranio, without whom l'intero progetto non sarebbe stato finanziariamente sostenibile (ah che skifo il Kapistalishmo, però è l'unico sistema che realizza quel che serve, anche in Cina).
Alla fine arriva il giorno previsto dai Maye e dagli Eshperti , solo un po' prima e un po' più viulentemente (ah 'sta natura poco scentifica). Ovviamente la storia è incentrato sulle mille peripezie di un ammerecano medio determinato e sveglio che salva sé e famiglia: messaggio individuale individualista di speranza che Hollywood è ancora costretta a dare per via del botteghino, nonostante sia tutta socialismo; ma a noi non interessa, sottolineiamo solo alcuni aspetti sociopolitici di mentalità.
Primo: il complottista isolato che sembra uno scemo, è l'unico che unisce i puntini e ha ragione. Dar retta al pazzo complottista è ciò che salva l'ammerecano medio: messaggio decisamente pre-Trumpiano ma una volta i Dems. stigmatizzavano giustamente Cia Fbi Deep State e mainstream media, poi han deciso che si faceva prima a diventare i loro rappresentanti e brandire i Fact Checkers per zittire i complottisti, accusandoli di essere al soldo di Putin.
Secondo: è chiaro e condiviso che salvare l'Elite mondiale é una operazione odiosa, peggio del nazismo che perlomeno puntava sulla razza superiore; mentre il cinico conservatore giustifica la cosa in modo banale (la vita è nammerda, il fine giustifica i mezzi), la reazione dei "buoni democratici" è indignata ma rimane petizione di principio, poi si mettono tutti disciplinati in coda per il proprio salvamento, paghi del fatto di sentirsi intellighentsjia indispensabile per l'Umanità futura. I soliti ipocriti: mi devono spiegare come un geologo possa esser più "indispensabile" di un idraulico, di una levatrice o di un muratore quando c'è da rifare una vita.
Il Dems. in regia tenta di inscenare un pentimento e redenzione di codesti "buoni": funge da agnello che toglie i peccati del mondo dems., il vecchio simil Obama Presidente Usa. Costui non s'imbarca, decidendo di condividere la sorte delle masse, anzi rivelando la catastrofe incombente in tv a reti unificate. Too little too late: se n'è stato zitto e collaborativo per almeno due anni e cede solo all'evidenza della catastrofe in corso, a giochi fatti e senza rivelare che c'è chi si salverà, tra cui sua figlia. A pentirsi così son buoni tutti (quelli anziani). Altra ipocrisia tipicamente Dems.
Ah, c'è poi un altro tentativo di contentino livoroso Dems per le masse: l'Arca per i miliardari muniti biglietto risulta danneggiata e non può salpare. Scene di panico e vittime, i miliardari son rimasti piedi: anche i ricchi piangano. Alla fine dopo acceso dibattito "i buoni" decidono di aprire le porte delle Arche loro e stringersi un po': fa da simbolo involontario dell'alleanza tra sinistre globaliste e finanza.
Sintesi finale: praticamente tutti i film d'azione da quarant'anni a questa parte, a partire dal capostipite James Bond, riguardano complotti e fregature del governo contro i cittadini; questo non fa eccezione. Voglio dire, eran DECENNI che ci stavano preparando culturalmente all'inganno, alle bugie, al "fate come vi diciamo e andrà tutto bene". Lo facevano i "buoni" fino a quando non diventarono loro stessi il Potere che gestisce la cospirazione menzognera ipocrita; sia come sia uno dice, più che dircelo, uomo avvisato mezzo salvato ... invece non è servito a nulla.
O meglio, è servito documentare in anticipo come avvengono le catastrofi: sulla pelle della gente, mentre "qualcuno" si salva - attenzone, non sono né tutti gli scenzati né tutti quelli "coi soldi": piangono pure loro, nonostante abbian dato ...
Meditate gente, meditate.
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panicinthestudio · 2 years
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architectnews · 4 years
M+ Museum Building, Hong Kong
M+ Museum Building, Hong Kong, HK Residential Development, Architecture Images
M+ Museum Building in Hong Kong
15 Mar 2021
M+ Museum Building
Architects: Herzog & de Meuron
Location: Hong Kong, China
The M+ building, viewed from Victoria Harbour. Photo © Virgile Simon Bertrand – Courtesy of Herzog & de Meuron
M+ has reached the important milestone marking the completion of construction of the museum building. With the Occupation Permit for the museum building obtained on 24 December 2020, M+ is set to open to the public at the end of 2021.
Designed by a global team of the world-renowned architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in partnership with TFP Farrells and Arup, the M+ building is set to become a new addition to the global arts and cultural landscape and a new international architectural icon. Located in Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Cultural District on the Victoria Harbour waterfront, it provides a permanent space for M+, the first global museum of contemporary visual culture in Asia dedicated to collecting, exhibiting, and interpreting visual art, design and architecture, moving image, and Hong Kong visual culture of the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries.
The commanding architectural form consists of monumental horizontal and vertical volumes—an expansive podium and a strikingly slender tower—reflecting the architects’ reading of the unique typologies of Hong Kong’s architectural landscape and their sensitivity to local urban conditions. Beneath the building site lie the MTR Airport Express and Tung Chung Line. While the pre-existing site condition presents a challenge to design and construction, it has also become a point of departure for the M+ building. The excavation around the railway tunnels produces a ‘found space’ that provides an anchor for the building for hosting dynamic and rotating installations.
The 65,000 square-metre M+ building houses 17,000 square metres of exhibition space across thirty-three galleries. It also includes three cinemas, a Mediatheque, a Learning Hub, a Research Centre, museum shops, restaurants, a tea and coffee bar, a Members Lounge, and office spaces, with a Roof Garden that commands spectacular views of Victoria Harbour. Most galleries are arranged on a large podium level on the second floor offering visitors a fluid, interconnected experience of the exhibitions. The tower defines a visual dialogue with the urban landscape of Hong Kong. The podium and tower are united as concrete structures clad in ceramic tiles that reflect the changing conditions of light and weather while standing out from nearby glass and steel skyscrapers. The tower facade also features an LED system for the display of content related to the museum, making a distinctive contribution to the city’s vibrant night-time environment.
Museum staff have moved into and started to activate the M+ building and the Conservation and Storage Facility (CSF). Preparations including environmental stabilisation, space fit-outs, the move of permanent collections, and the installation of collection works and objects have commenced with a view to opening the M+ to the public at the end of 2021.
Betty Fung, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, underscores the significance of the M+ building for both the West Kowloon Cultural District and Hong Kong. ‘I believe that M+ will become one of the most iconic architectural landmarks in Hong Kong and a must-visit cultural landmark for local residents and tourists in the future. The completion of M+, together with that of the Xiqu Centre, Freespace and the Art Park in 2019, marks an important milestone of the West Kowloon Cultural District project which is moving into an exciting new phase of development.’
Suhanya Raffel, Museum Director, M+, emphasises the importance of the completion of M+’s construction journey. ‘This is a major milestone for the museum. As we mark the building completion, our opening preparations are in full swing. We have moved into our permanent home, and I am thrilled to be able to say we can soon welcome visitors from Hong Kong and beyond to M+.’
Jacques Herzog, Founding Partner, Herzog & de Meuron, articulates the ambition for the design and realisation of the M+ building. ‘M+ certainly has the potential to become the major visual culture museum in Asia. It best expresses where we should go as a world culture, where diversity, equality, and access to art of all kinds are expressed from the very beginning. This kind of diversity and broadness is part of the DNA of M+. This makes it a museum that is very much locally inspired, but at the same time universal and open; it is for the people and visitors across the world.’
Notable architectural features
1. Found Space The MTR Airport Express and Tung Chung Line tunnels lie beneath the site of the M+ building. Excavations around the tunnels reveal a ‘found space’ that provides an anchor inside the building and can host dynamic rotating installations. In a remarkable feat of engineering, five mega-trusses—large steel elements encased in concrete frameworks—help support the massive structure and prevent it from bearing down on the tunnels.
2. Glazed ceramic facade Glass-clad skyscrapers are ubiquitous in Hong Kong. Departing from this visual language but remaining in dialogue with it, the M+ building features ceramic components as a modular facade system. The dark green ceramic facade reflects conditions of light and weather in many different facets and shades—an ever-changing skin with a crafted and rich surface quality. Ceramics also provide a localised environmental solution for the M+ building, to protect it from the long-term corrosive effects of heat, humidity, and wind.
3. Fully integrated tower facade The south facade of the tower is a dynamic, evolving media display screen. It is a visual amplification of M+ programmes and accentuates the museum’s connection with the urban landscape facing Victoria Harbour and Hong Kong Island.
4. Lightwell A lightwell inside the building, created by massive cutaways in the floor plates and the skylights, connects basement floors, the ground floor, and the podium level, while offering visitors an immersive experience of the architecture and the museum from above and below.
5. Multi-purpose spaces Multi-purpose spaces of various sizes in the building offer curators and artists a range of possibilities for realising projects. The sweeping Grand Stair auditorium is a place for gathering, a flexible venue for lectures, screenings, and other events.
6. Learning Hub The Learning Hub is a space for learning, interpretation, and inspiration set against the backdrop of Victoria Harbour. It houses a Forum, workshops, and seminar rooms hosting programmes for all ages and interest groups. The pitched roof of the Learning Hub also provides access to the Roof Garden.
7. Outdoor gathering spaces The Roof Garden is located atop the podium. It is an outdoor space that directly connects with the Art Park of the West Kowloon Cultural District and offers sweeping vistas of Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong Island, and outlying islands.
8. Locally inspired bamboo furniture Furniture such as benches, reception desks, and ticketing counters are made from bamboo, recalling the informal structures found throughout Hong Kong.
9. A campus of buildingsM+ Museum Building The M+ building is part of a campus that also includes the CSF and the WKCDA Tower. The CSF is devoted to the conservation, restoration, archiving, and storage of the growing M+ Collections. The WKCDA Tower is a sixteen-storey building that will house the new head office of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority as well as retail, dining, and entertainment facilities.
About M+ M+ is a museum dedicated to collecting, exhibiting, and interpreting visual art, design and architecture, moving image, and Hong Kong visual culture of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Cultural District, we are building one of the largest museums of modern and contemporary visual culture in the world, with a bold ambition to establish ourselves as one of the world’s leading cultural institutions. Our aim is to create a new kind of museum that reflects our unique time and place, a museum that builds on Hong Kong’s historic balance of the local and the international to define a distinctive and innovative voice for Asia’s twenty-first century.
About the West Kowloon Cultural District The West Kowloon Cultural District is one of the largest and most ambitious cultural projects in the world. Its vision is to create a vibrant new cultural quarter for Hong Kong on forty hectares of reclaimed land located alongside Victoria Harbour. With a varied mix of theatres, performance spaces, and museums, the West Kowloon Cultural District will produce and host world-class exhibitions, performances, and cultural events, providing twenty-three hectares of public open space, including a two-kilometre waterfront promenade.
About Herzog & de Meuron Established in Basel in 1978, Herzog & de Meuron is a partnership led by Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron together with Senior Partners Christine Binswanger, Ascan Mergenthaler, Stefan Marbach, Esther Zumsteg, and Jason Frantzen. An international team of nearly 500 collaborators including the two Founders, five Senior Partners, ten Partners, and 41 Associates work on projects across Europe, the Americas and Asia. The main office is in Basel with additional offices in London, New York, Hong Kong, Berlin and Copenhagen.
The practice has designed a wide range of projects from the small scale of a private home to the large scale of urban design. Many projects are highly recognized public facilities, such as museums, stadiums, and hospitals, and they have completed distinguished private projects including offices, laboratories and apartment buildings. Awards received include the Pritzker Architecture Prize (USA) in 2001, the RIBA Royal Gold Medal (UK), the Praemium Imperiale (Japan), both in 2007, and the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (USA) in 2014.
About TFP Farrells TFP Farrells is an international firm of architects, urban planners and designers, founded by Sir Terry Farrell in 1965. With headquarters in London, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, the firm is a group of diverse talent that has delivered a broad range of projects worldwide. We work at all scales and sectors; including urban masterplans, cultural, civic, transport-related infrastructure, residential and mixed-use commercial complexes. We are committed to creating innovative, social, and transformative architecture that sustainably connects people, community and the environment.
Our major landmark projects include Charing Cross Station, SIS Headquarters, Chelsea Waterfront, The Royal Institution, Great North Museum, The Deep in the UK. Incheon Airport GTC and Gwacheon National Science Museum in Korea. Vattanac Capital in Cambodia. China Zun, Beijing South Railway Station, China National Petroleum Headquarters, Shanghai Shipyard, KK100 Development, Qianhai One Excellence and Guangzhou South Railway Station in China.
In addition to M+, our Hong Kong landmarks include the Peak Tower, British Consulate General, Kowloon Station Development, Development Plan of West Kowloon Cultural District, Kennedy Town Swimming Pool, Kowloon East Regional Headquarters, Kwai Chung Hospital Redevelopment and Expansion of Hong Kong Science Museum and Museum of History.
About Arup Arup is a global firm of more than 15,000 designers, engineers, architects, planners, consultants and technical specialists, working across over 90 disciplines, with projects in more than 140 countries.
We opened our Hong Kong office in 1976, and today our influence can be seen everywhere in the city, from its tallest building to its longest bridge, at the airport gateway and through a large share of its sophisticated railway networks, to designing sustainable buildings and planning the next-generation towns.
From the Sydney Opera House and the Centre Pompidou to our more recent work like the V&A Museum Shenzhen and Taipei Performing Arts Centre, Arup has played a defining role in the design and development of some of the world’s favourite cultural buildings.
Our multidisciplinary team offered total design services for M+ including civil, structural, geotechnical, MEP, facade and fire engineering with lighting, acoustics, landscape, security and transportation design and consultancy.
M+ Museum Building, Hong Kong images / information received 150321
Location: Hong Kong, Eastern Asia
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sauvesparlekong · 5 years
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« Grand élan de générosité pour le Népal à Hong Kong 🇭🇰 » article du @lepetitjournal_hongkong À l’initiative de l’association Mayaa Népal, un collectif de musiciens s’est produit ce Vendredi 18 octobre au Peel Fresco pour le bénéfice de l’éducation au Népal @mayaahk , au service de l’éducation Fondée en 2012 par Nicole Sicard, une institutrice de Hong Kong à la retraite touchée par la misère de ce pays, l'association offre une chance aux enfants laissés sur le côté de la route par le sous-développement chronique au Népal. Regroupant 9 personnels locaux et 3 volontaires, Mayaa Népal intervient dans plusieurs écoles des bidonvilles et les zones défavorisées de Katmandou. Récemment l’association a étendu ses activités à Hong Kong pour soutenir les enfants de migrants récents dans les Nouveaux Territoires. Une mobilisation chaleureuse Ils étaient nombreux à répondre à l’appel de Nicole Sicard et Anne-Christine Martin, respectivement fondatrice et présidente de l’association pour venir soutenir la cause des enfants pour une soirée exceptionnelle. Le Peel Fresco était plein à craquer, une partie des spectateurs remplissant cette portion de la rue à l’extérieur du célèbre bar de jazz. Parmi les musiciens amateurs ou professionnels venus bénévolement se produire figuraient Dina Fung, Farid Hambli, Betty Cheng, Mikael Henry, Elie Franko, Maria Lavergne, Mathieu Motte, Nasthasia Faure, Benjamin, Bertrand, Martine Broyelle, Frog Harmony Choir et Domitille Delattre. Le répertoire éclectique compenait des chansons népalaises, des classiques de bossa nova ou encore des gospels américains. Un véritable festival de talents. Comment aider? Vous pouvez, vous aussi soutenir les enfants du Népal en parrainant Un enfants ou en faisant un don à l’association: ici La prochaine date à retenir: le 17 janvier pour la 4ème édition du concert Music for Mayaa au St Paul’s Convent School de Causeway Bay: https://ticketdood.com/e/43/music-for-mayaa-songs-for-love #sauvesparlekong #mayaa #mayaanepal #hongkong #sauvesparlapoesie (à Peel Fresco Music Lounge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3zInIDD23l/?igshid=brge2ktoiq9h
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Establishment Democrats Are Pouring Millions Into Rhode Island to Save an Unpopular Governor From an Insurgent Challenge
Establishment Democrats Are Pouring Millions Into Rhode Island to Save an Unpopular Governor From an Insurgent Challenge
Democrats across the country are zeroed in on a handful of dynamic gubernatorial candidates hoping to make history in three states currently governed by Republicans. In Florida, Georgia, and Maryland, Andrew Gillum, Stacey Abrams, and Ben Jealous are running unapologetically progressive campaigns that could result in each candidate becoming the first African-American to govern each state.
The Democratic Party and its allies, meanwhile, are pumping much-needed resources into Rhode Island in an effort prop up an unpopular incumbent governor facing an insurgent challenge in a blue state.
Democratic Gov. Gina Raimondo is working to fend off a progressive, albeit underfunded, primary challenge from the left. Matt Brown, a former Rhode Island secretary of state, is running a grassroots campaign against Raimondo, who he describes as “the most extreme corporatist Democrat in the country.”
The Democratic Governors Association has pumped in $1 million to support Raimondo, money that won’t be available for Georgia, Florida, or Maryland. EMILY’s List, which helps elect pro-choice women, jumped in as well, spending $345,000 on pre-primary mailers for the incumbent. Although Raimondo presents herself as pro-choice, she was criticized by reproductive rights advocates for passing what amounted to restrictions on abortion access during her first term in office and is listed as “mixed-choice” by NARAL Pro-Choice America.
A July survey found Raimondo with a 40 percent job approval rating among the general public and 58 percent among Democrats. That dropped to 29 percent among independents, who are legally allowed to vote in Wednesday’s primary.
Raimondo, a former venture capitalist, has raised nearly $7.8 million for her re-election, raking in much of her fundraising from the same corporate players responsible for the state’s fiscal problems. The claim of “most extreme corporatist” may sound like hyperbole, but as state treasurer, Raimondo touched off a scandal by pushing through pension reform legislation that handed a billion dollars of state worker money over to hedge funds with links to the conservative movement, which harvested eye-popping fees.
Brown would have to overcome steep odds, but he maintains that the race is closer than public polls show. And the Raimondo campaign’s decision to go negative in the days leading up to the September 12 primary — from a TV ad accusing her opponent of “money laundering” to attacks centered on the nuclear nonproliferation group he co-founded — indicate the race is indeed tightening. One mailer, funded by a pro-Raimondo Super PAC, showed an image of a nuclear explosion and read “Matt Brown Nuked His Own Nonprofit.”
She’s also taking it seriously enough to have gone out and acquired an endorsement from civil rights icon John Lewis, a congressperson from Georgia. But when Lewis later learned Raimondo was running against Brown, whom he called a “very, very good friend,” he said publicly that he regretted the endorsement.
Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, center, speaks with Lisa McGovern, left, and Betty Toye at the Pilgrim Senior Center in Warwick, R.I. on Aug. 2, 2018.
Photo: Michelle R. Smith/AP
Despite her fundraising prowess, Raimondo is so unpopular she could lose the general election in the solidly blue state. However, former state Rep. Joe Trillo, who was President Donald Trump’s state campaign chairman, is running as an independent and could act as a spoiler, helping Raimondo’s re-election chances. Recent polls have her deadlocked with Republican candidate Allan Fung, who she narrowly defeated in 2014. That year, the Raimondo campaign spent about $6.3 million in a three-way race in which she won 41 percent of the vote. The same July poll found Brown 15 points behind the likely GOP challenger, but 45 percent of voters still hadn’t heard of him, meaning he could quickly gain ground by winning the nomination.
Raimondo’s head-to-head polling calls into question the conventional argument that centrist or pro-corporate candidates deserve support because they are more electable. “She’s taken millions in campaign contributions from Wall Street, fossil fuel industry, tobacco industry, lobbyists, corporations, tax breaks, and benefits from the state,” Brown said in an interview. “And she has, I think, raised a total of $7 million dollars now for this race and yet, as you point out, still a large majority of Rhode Islanders are looking for a different candidate with a different vision.”
Throughout her political career, Raimondo has also received thousands of dollars from the family that owns Purdue Pharma, a company widely blamed for fueling the opioid epidemic.
Brown’s campaign has sworn off corporate political action committee money, relying instead on individual contributions. The campaign boasts hundreds of volunteers that knock on doors and hold phone-banking sessions. In the first two months of the campaign, he said, they held over 70 events all across the state, “in people’s living rooms, talking to their friends and neighbors.” As for his policies, he’s running on “Medicare for All,” the creation of a public bank, tuition-free college, undoing Raimondo’s cuts to Medicaid, and a “Green New Deal.”
The gubernatorial hopeful has the backing of progressive groups like Our Revolution, Justice Democrats, Indivisible Rhode Island, and Rhode Island Progressive Democrats of America. Raimondo, on the other hand, is supported by nearly all local labor unions, Planned Parenthood Votes! Rhode Island Political Action Committee, LGBTQ community advocates, and the Rhode Island chapter of the National Organization for Women.
Raimondo has refused to participate in even a single debate with her primary opponent. “She has funded her campaign with millions of dollars from Wall Street and corporations in an attempt to buy the election, while doing no debates with me about our records and our visions for the state,” Brown said. “So, it’s really — the kind of campaign she’s running is not democracy.” Raimondo told the Providence Journal she skipped out on debating because Brown is “not operating in good faith,” accusing him of telling lies.
The only conclusion one can come to when a candidate avoids debate, Brown said, is that the candidate has an indefensible record. “And in her case, it’s a record of always working for Wall Street and corporations at the expense of the people. It’s a record of cutting Medicaid and giving out corporate giveaways, handouts, out to handpicked corporations that are often her campaign donors,” he continued.
“It’s a record of taking money from the executives of a gas company and then turning around and announcing that we’re going to do ‘whatever we have to to make sure we’re successful here at building a fracked gas and diesel oil burning plant in Rhode Island,’ which would be bad for everyone in the state, bad for our future, bad for our children. The only one it’s good for is the corporation. The fracked gas corporation, they’d make a bundle off Rhode Islanders, and Gov. Raimondo gets campaign contributions from them in return.”
Historic primary victories, like that of Ayanna Pressley, who unseated a 10-term Democratic incumbent in Massachusetts, or Gillum’s victory in Florida, have energized him. “I think we’re on the verge of the next major upset in this battle for the future of the Democratic Party,” he said.
Top photo: Democrat Matt Brown, a gubernatorial hopeful and former Rhode Island secretary of state, greets volunteers at a nomination papers training event in North Kingstown, R.I. on July 3, 2018.
Read full story here
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bettybxiong · 6 years
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from NaturalNews.com https://ift.tt/2NlOyw9 from Betty Xiong https://ift.tt/2PI8v1W
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healthcarebiz · 8 years
FTLife Unveils First-of-its-kind Medical Consultancy for Customers -- Free of Charge
New service provides an extraordinary experience for our valued customers and highlights a commitment to expanding FTLife's presence in Hong Kong
HONG KONG, March 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- FTLife Insurance Company Limited ("FTLife") launched a first-of-its-kind medical service for all our customers, in step with the company's motto -- "Your Future, Our Promise".
FTLife Management team hosts the kick off ceremony of “Health Manager”, “Free Medical Consultation Service” and “Health@Ease”, aiming to provide our clients with an all-around health service. From left to right: Ms Betty Lee - Vice President, Product Development, Ms Kit Fung - Chief Operating Officer, Mr Lennard Yong - Regional CEO & CEO, Ms Angela Yam - Chief Marketing Officer, Mr Alan Leung - Chief Partnership Distribution Officer
Customers are welcome to seek complimentary advice from doctors at FTLife's customer service centre in Tsim Sha Tsui. The service is available every Wednesday and operates on an appointment-based system.
Medical consultancy provided covers areas such as cardiology, oncology, pediatric nutrition, family medicine and geriatrics. Doctors will also offer diagnosis and issue prescriptions as part of an initiative that demonstrates the company's intention to help policyholders stay healthy.  
FTLife's state-of-the-art service centre in Harbour City is unparalleled in Hong Kong's insurance industry and offers a unique proposition to customers. They are able to enjoy a one-stop service that spans application, underwriting, medical and many other aspects -- all in comfortable surroundings.  
Regional CEO and CEO Lennard Yong said: "As a caring company, we provide means for our customers to maintain good health and prepare for the future. They can rely on our professional medical team, the new medical consultancy and our comprehensive health-protection products to help them lead fulfilling lives."
Product Development Vice President Betty Lee said: "We aim to provide our customers with innovative and competitive health products. The recently-launched Health@Ease Critical Illness Protector*, for example, covers 53 major critical illnesses including less common severe malignancy and carcinoma in situ in up to 23 organs. This places our plan among the most comprehensive protection policies on the market today." 
Chief Marketing Officer Angela Yam said: "Understanding your bodily needs and leading a sensible lifestyle are crucial to keeping well. So in addition to our medical consultancy initiative, FTLife has introduced the Health Manager platform, which offers medical products and advice on health-boosting activities, along with seminars, health-check plans and guidance shaped by advanced medical technologies. Health Manager also offers DNA tests for urbanities and children, as well as tumour profile screening and cardiovascular risk assessment."
Lennard Yong added: "FTLife aspires to become a leading insurance group in Asia, based in Hong Kong, with roots in mainland China. The company recorded 44% year-on-year growth in gross premium (excluding investment contracts) in 2016. This figure bodes extremely well for the company's future. I am pleased to say that FTLife's health initiatives amount to an extraordinary experience for our valued customers, as part of a determination to expand the company's presence in Hong Kong."
To see the Health Manager Campaign video, please click:
*Please refer to the relevant product brochure and client incentive leaflet for details of the Health@Ease Critical Illness Protector. Please also refer to the policy provisions for details of the full terms and conditions.
Media inquiries
FTLife Insurance Company Limited Branding, Marketing & Communication   Tel: +852 2591 8888   Email: [email protected]
About FTLife Insurance Company Limited
FTLife Insurance Company Limited ("FTLife") is one of Hong Kong's largest life insurance companies and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tongchuangjiuding Investment Management Group Co., Ltd. ("JD Group"). Capitalising on a heritage of professionalism and excellence in serving clients, FTLife seeks to become a leading insurance group in Asia. It serves individual and institutional clients from a diverse portfolio of financial protection and wealth management products. FTLife aims to excel by cultivating lasting relationships, and dedicates itself to providing clients with best-of-breed financial services to help them lead fulfilling lives.
About JD Group
Headquartered in Beijing, JD Group has offices in China, North America and other parts of Asia. The Group runs companies in the financial services industry and is engaged principally in investment, Internet finance and insurance. One such business is JD Capital, a China-based leader in private equity investment. The Group aspires to become an insurance-centric financial asset management platform operating on a global scale. 
Photo - http://ift.tt/2lxWGMf
Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: FTLife Unveils First-of-its-kind Medical Consultancy for Customers -- Free of Charge
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