#Bethany goes by her last name
snakepitzz · 6 months
Obs I love Lazarus as he is but ugu some of the concept art for him I love so much;;
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I definitely like the name Lazarus over Malachi, but I really like Damien here;; I really like that the two have different names and more distinct appearances,,, I always assumed that Laz Risen and Dead Lazarus were one in the same, so Laz Risen is a distinct person seperate from regular Laz, which this concept art seems to imply as well,,,, I love T. Laz but the fact that they both have the same name apart from different adjectives gets confusing for me when I'm writing and talking ab them 😭😭 skill issue on my part
I just think the original light and dark concept for them is interesting,,, Like a kinda Jekyll and Hyde scenario maybe,,? :'o Personally in the context of my AU Laz Risen / Dead Lazarus isn't evil, just very misunderstood, but I still think that what could've been w them is neat to look at,, :)
Also this!!
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I definitely prefer the T. Laz we got over this, but I think the concept of them literally having a split soul like this is really cool!!! Just a neat early idea that I find interesting,,, :) I think him being dead and literally having his two halves sewn back together is really morbid but neat, though also kinda confusing maybe.. XD Like buddy how did that happen.....
Also fun fact this is part of why I draw Laz with autopsy scars,,,! (Apart from thinking it would be neat LOL)
Sorry for the long long ramble,,,!!! I needed to talk ab the Laz concept art i've gathered eventually,,,, I love what we have now but I miss you emo Laz Risen 💔💔
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clopuffs · 1 year
the vibes orv gives off is serious and so unserious and indescribable and chaotic and unexpected and heartwrenching. It is the kind of story that takes you into the world of an ordinary average guy whose whole world turned into something that seems so unreal. it is cliche. an isekai. an isekai where the mc levels up and become strong. and he is the star of the show, yet it is not just about that. hes not the star of the show. he is kim dokja. the only reader. he lives a solo life. someone who read a webnovel with 3.1k chapters since middle school and he looked up to his fav character. his fav protagonist who came to life in front of his eyes. he is a reader, not a protagonist
"He is the protagonist of the story"
"I'm Yoo Joonghyuk"
"that's the protagonist"
i feel he is unaware the impact he have on others.hes aware and so unaware. hes unaware of how much people care for him.
he is a loser. he is cringe. he is a fanboy. he is lonely
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perfectly-imperfect82 · 9 months
Is that a kid? - Name
"Where's the munchkin?" Alana asked as soon as the door opened, Macca pushing pass Caitlin with Jordan right behind her
"In the living room" caitlin said following her friends there
Katie had you by your feet upside down as you giggled, you being gently dropped on to the couch once Katie saw the others
"Kiddo, want to meet some of our friends?" Katie asked, getting a nod in return as you sat on the couch with everyone joining you
"I'm aunty Alana"
"I'm aunty macca"
"Jordan" said with a wave
"Aunty Jordan" Katie said causing Jordan to smile widely as you waved back before climbing down from the couch to start playing with you stuff animals
"The girls went overboard with gifts for her" Caitlin said with a smile as they watched you play
“Munchkin, can I join you?” Macca asked, climbing down to the floor next to you. You nodding and handing her a stuff animal
"You never said, what's the muckins name?" Macca asked causing caitlin and Katie to share a look
"No clue" Caitlin said
"Have you really been calling her kid all week?" Alana asked shocked
"I don't see a problem with it" Katie said with smirk as Caitlin hit her
"There police can't match her to any missing kids or caseworkers so we don't have a name. We were hoping she would eventually say it" Caitlin defended
"And I'm not calling her Jane, for Jane doe" Katie said
"We need to figure out a name for her" Alana said
"We say random names and see if she answers" Jordan said
"She's not a pet!" Katie exclaimed
"Do you have a better plan?" Macca asked
"Fine" Caitlin said
"I'll start! Makenzie" Macca said hopefully, only to get no reaction
As Katie and Caitlin just laughed as the hope left all there eyes from not sharing a name with you
"It was worth a shot" Macca said
"Now what"
"There's more names besides your guys" Katie said
"Emily" Jordan said and you turned around, all the girls eyes widening
"Could be a coincidence" Katie said as you turned back to your toys
"One way to find out" Macca said, "Emily" and once again you turned around
"Emily, is that your name?" Caitlin asked  causing you to smile
"Holy shit, it worked!"  Alanna said causing Caitlin to hit her
"Just because she isn't speaking now doesn't mean she won't repeat them later" Caitlin said
"Later problem, we got a name!" Katie exclaimed picking you up and kissing you check as Caitlin placed a kiss to your head, causing you to giggle
"I've got gifts to get my niece" Alana said looking things with Emily on it or E as Jordan and macca moved to the floor to play with you
"Whats her last name?" Alanna asked causing Caitlin and Katie to look at each other
"You can pick her middle name if foord goes first"  Caitlin said with a smirk
"In your dreams, McCabe is going first"
You were sitting on the sideline bundled up, playing with your toys as the girls practiced. The girls smiling when you would clap for them when you thought they did something good
“Why do you guys keep saying your last name?” Viv asked confused after hearing it multiple times
"We can't decide whose last name to go first for the kiddo" Katie said
“Flip a coin” Jen said
“We aren’t flipping a corn to decide which name goes first” Caitlin said
"Why not let her decide?" Kyra asked causing them all to look confused
"She isn't going to understand what we are asking her to do" Caitlin said
"Doesn't mean she can't decide" Kyra said with a shrug
"How will she decide then?" Katie asked, only making Kyra smile brighten as she explained her plan and put it into action
Alessia was recording, knowing everyone would love to see this later
"Okay Emily, pick a piece of paper"  Kyra said holding the two papers in front of you, one with McCabe and one with Foord
"No pointing" Jen said grabbing Katie hand and Steph grabbing caitlin hand as you were glancing at Caitlin and Katie with an unsure look
"Grab one of the papers darling" Caitlin said giving you a reassuraning smile
The team looked on as you started reaching for one and grabbing it, causing the aussies to cheer at the one you grabbed
"Emily Foord-McCabe" Kyra said happily as Caitlin smiled brightly, picking you up and placing you in her hip as she littered kiss on you face, laughter escaping you
"Sorry babe, but she has chosen" Caitlin said Katie looked a little sad
"And her middle name?" Alessia asked looking at Katie
"It's where we met and where we found her. Seems fitting" Katie said looking at Caitlin who looked back with lovefilled eyes
"Aren't you a big softie" Leah said with a grin as Katie shares a chaste kiss with caitlin before placing a kiss to you cheek
"Emily London Foord-McCabe" Kyra said with a giant smile "I would prefer Kyra, but London is fitting" causing Steph to gently smack Kyra arm as everyone laughed
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alternative-ffa · 5 months
Being with the same person for decades creates a sense of security. At this point, you're both partners in life and all effort goes into helping the other.
Jacob liked to message his wife Bethany when she was outside having a smoke or on the phone with friends. He would tease her with with his requests, hoping they would be inciting and arousing enough for her to come back in the house and play with him and his fat body. It was 8am and Bethany had sneaked out of bed, not to wake him. He took up over half of the king sized bed, using body pillows as dams for his obese body. He loved being fat.
This particular morning, he was messaging her to create a grocery order, daring her to get the most fattening items she could find - knowing that she would be insistent that he finished everything before it went bad. Her strategy was to get all perishable items, like cakes from the bakery instead of brand name cookies. It forced him to consume everything quicker.
Life over the last decade had thrown them curveballs. Having met on a fat fetish website, everyone looked forward to their updates, as they were quite active in the community. They were sure that Jacob was going to be impossibly huge, given his discovery of a female feeder at his disposal so early in life, and his sincere sexual desire to become too fat to move.
But life with the fetish isn't always the perfect fantasy. Jacob had to deal with the usual stress of life and would put his gaining on the back burner. His girlfriend (at the time) and feeder, Bethany, would always defer to what he wanted. If life became too stressful, and becoming fatter was the last thing on his mind, she never pushed it.
Life went back and forth. It was either, "feed me until I scream for help" or "I don't want to think about it".
She adapted to his mood throughout the years.
At this point life had taken a turn again. He worked from home and his gluttony began to take over. Bethany loved this. He found joy in getting groceries delivered. But he enjoyed it way more when she made the shopping list. She would order pastries and cakes and heavy cream on top of the usual order. He always had the last say, but would almost order her to create a grocery list of all the items she wanted him to consume.
He was obvious with his hints. An Amazon package arrived one day with a huge funnel and tube. She opened the box and raised her eyebrow as she asked, "planning on having a beer chugging party?"
He put his hands on his belly and chuckled as he said, "... not beer..."
As mentioned previously, he was obvious with his hints. Given the funnel and tube he ordered, she knew to add heavy cream... and given the holiday season, eggnog, to the list.
She secretly loved him working from home. He ate constantly. She wanted to see him get as big as possible, so she knew the tricks. He'd ask what food there was in the house. She'd give him a basic answer and deny his request for take out. He would grunt annoyingly as he created some kind of gigantic meal from the leftovers in the house. Then, once he finished his meal, she would order food. He didn't pick up on the strategy, but since he enjoyed it, he didn't care to. Time passing was a thing he didn't seem to notice, especially when it came to his appetite. She'd order food right after he finished a feast. He would stuff himself thoroughly with the order, then be confused why he was so full. She'd have to remind him, "well, you did finish a big meal before take out arrived."
He always looked surprised... "you mean, that wasn't hours ago? I... I'm still hungry."
She would smile and say, "you want something sweet now, don't you?"
He'd lick his fat lips and burp loudly, then say, "yes, ice cream. Sprinkle cinnamon on top, it's healthy."
Bethany would laugh with that statement. A full bowl of vanilla and chocolate ice cream, spilling over the edges, and yet... adding cinnamon would make it healthy? She didn't care. If he wanted to believe that, he could. She just wanted him to get fatter.
She placed a grocery order... enough for a family of five - knowing it was going into a belly of one. Since he fluctuated in his gaining desire over the last decade, she knew this was the open window to make him huge. But she had to do it quickly... given his speedy change in mindset over the years.
At over 350lbs, Jacob was big in the scheme of things. But it wasn't nearly big enough. His whole life he had the desire to become too fat to move. Even as a child, he played games where he was too big to leave the plastic play house during recess. It was just a hint of his adult desire to become immobilized with fat.
She played with him mentally; making sure he ate so much that he was surprised it even happened. He'd eat a full meal and forget so easily that she could trick him into eating a second or third lunch. Daylight savings time helped. It got dark so much earlier that even though he had eaten a full, multiple plate, dinner... darkness fell and she could convince him that it was hours ago, as she presented him with another couple plates of food.
She didn't feed him, because she didn't need to. He would eat himself into a coma without her help. Feeding him was a treat... and he had to be laid on his back, belching loudly to make room, before she even considered it. She wanted him to beg. Him, laying on his recliner, stuffed like a hog, burping every few minutes, rubbing his belly... lifting it with his fat hands to drop it, just watching it jiggle down, teasing his fatpad which surrounded his dick.
She'd watch from the couch. If he ate this well without needing to be fed, then she'd wait until he couldn't eat any longer before she stepped in.
This was one of those nights. The funnel he had ordered sat on a chair in the living room, not being used. Bethany was waiting for the perfect moment. On this particular night, Jacob had consumed so much food that he was lapsing in and out of consciousness in his recliner. She looked over at him and smiled. She knew this was her chance to sneak into the kitchen and make a quick weight gain shake to surprise him. She wanted him to wake up with the tube in his mouth, helpless to stop the fattening fluid as it filled his already stuffed belly. While she combined the heavy cream, weight gain powder, ice cream, and milk in the blender; she realized a surprise was impossible with the inevitable noise. She shrugged her shoulders and thought, "well, I'm sure hearing the blender and noticing the funnel is no longer on the chair will be surprise enough for him."
When she turned it on to mix up his 5000 calorie shake, she heard him snort in the living room - obviously waking up suddenly. But he stayed silent.
She poured the shake into the funnel, being sure to block the tube with her thumb once it was filled. A little bit spilled in the sink, but given that this was her first time filling up a feeding funnel, she wasn't too bothered by it. Balancing the shake in the funnel, she tip toed back into the living room. His eyes met hers immediately. He looked greedy, and ready to go above and beyond to chug it down. When they made eye contact, neither had to say anything.
Bethany had already taken her arms out of her bathrobe so she could hold the tube and funnel, so it was easy as she dropped her bathrobe to reveal a dark navy blue, baby-doll style lingerie set. His hungry eyes sparked with a sexual hunger on top of his permanent gluttonous hunger, and they darted back and forth from her to the funnel she held.
She approached him and placed her hand on his belly. It was still hard and bloated from what he had eaten throughout the day. She was about to place the tube into his excited mouth, but instead asked, "You're still very full. Are you sure you can fit this?"
There was a hint of teasing in her voice, almost daring him.
His fat hand reached up and grabbed the tube from her. He wasn't quick enough to get it into his mouth and a little bit of the shake fell onto his breasts, but he didn't care. He closed his eyes and drank as fast as he could as she held the funnel up above him. It only took a few minutes until the funnel was half empty. He reached for the tube, placing his thumb on the end of it to save what was left. A loud wet belch escaped his lips. He groaned. His free hand reached down to his swollen belly and he pressed it, forcing more air out with every burp. Bethany could only watch as she held the funnel up above him. She wanted to stand between his legs, hovering over his huge body - leaning over him, kissing and rubbing his fat as she teased the sensitive flesh deep between his rolls. She almost decided to put the funnel back in the kitchen, balancing it on something to keep the other half of the shake in it. But Jacob grabbed it again before she could make the decision. He swallowed as quickly as he could. Luckily the funnel itself was transparent - he would look up at it every few seconds to see how much was left. As the fattening fluid disappeared down the funnel, he seemed to get more greedy, gulping it down faster and faster.
Finally he couldn't take it anymore. There was still a little bit of the shake in the tube, but he could feel the fullness in his belly and the pain of being so gluttonous that he could barely breathe. He had to stop. The small amount left fell down his chins and he dropped the tube. Luckily Bethany still held the funnel, and she caught it before the droplets fell on the floor.
Holding it in one hand, she leaned down towards Jacob. He continued to belch and she quickly rubbed what she could of his belly as she said teasingly, "You out-did yourself. I'll be right back fat boy."
He moaned. He loved when she called him fat. The more derogatory, the better. He wanted to be called a pig, a glutton, a fat fuck - and every time she indulged his enjoyment of humiliation, he found himself pulsing with pleasure.
She came back into the room with a wet paper towel and gently began to clean off the cream that fell from the tube. It dribbled down his lips, flowing down his chins. Bits of it were in-between his fat hairy breasts. She was erotic with her cleaning - teasing his nipples as she seductively told him what a messy fat hog he was. She had cleaned him thoroughly, but he was, yet again, floating in and out of a food coma. He sensed her walking away and jolted awake. She held up the dirty paper towel and assured him, "I'm just throwing this out, I'll be right back."
She heard the slight squeek of the recliner as he laid his head back down again.
She threw out the paper towel in the kitchen, then momentarily reflected on the last hour. She was lucky. The desire to be with such a gigantic man was rare - nevermind finding a man who would do anything to become as fat as he could. She had fattened men up before, when she had first discovered her unusual desire. But they didn't enjoy it. They did it for her attention, and not because they wanted it as well. As a result, they didn't gain nearly the amount she was attracted to, and the relationships never lasted. She smiled, knowing she chose the right man over a decade and a half ago. He was right there, laying in their living room, burping and moaning. She knew he was rubbing his belly without even needing to look into the room.
Another thought crossed her mind in this short reverie... his dreams. She was a light sleeper, and many times over the years she'd hear him groan in his sleep and whisper, "I'm so fat. More... more..."
She would always awake suddenly, but smiled. How lucky to have a man who really dreamed of being obese; who had no limit to how fat he wanted to get.
It had only been a few seconds, but in her brain, she thought she was standing in the kitchen dreaming for at least a couple minutes. Him moaning in the other room brought her out of her daydream and reminded her that he deserved a belly rub. She withheld it when he didn't eat enough. A slight dominance within her made sure that his reward of physical and sexual pleasure had to be earned.
She walked back into the living room and stood at his feet. He was reclined as much as he could be. His thick fat hands were already engaged in vigorously massaging his impossibly full stomach. His eyes were closed and she watched. He was so full that he wasn't exactly conscious. It reminded her of his dreams... and she wanted to say, "Yes, you are fat. And you're getting so much fatter."
She couldn't resist. Tip toeing over to his side she whispered this into his ear. He smirked and opened his eyes. She was leaning over him and he looked at her pert breasts almost spilling out of the lingerie. He reached with his fat hand and grabbed one. Moaning he said, "come closer."
She stepped away from his side and moved between his legs. Being reclined blocked her, so he grabbed the remote and lowered the foot rest. She moved closer, her hands on his thighs. He reached down and lifted his belly. The fat of his groin hid most of him, but she saw the head of his dick, hard and pulsing, almost trying to escape the fat that encased it. She got on her knees... and his eyes were wide with excitement.
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tessa-liam · 29 days
Chapter 15 – Part 1 
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Life Goes On - 1
Choices – The Royal Romance, AU – (cross-over with Rules of Engagement)  
Series Premise – An American teenager from New York City is introduced to the world of a small European country and its society of royalty, nobility, and commoners. How will her life story be transformed? Will this new adventure bring her happiness...or regret?  
Marabelle Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist  
Main Pairing – Crown Prince Liam Rys x F!OC Lady Sophia (Sophie) Taylor  
Other Pairings – Maxwell Beaumont x M!OC Daniel (from NYC), Drake Walker x F!OC Melanie Smithson  
Most characters belong to Choices- Pixelberry Studios  
Series Rating – M*🔞Warnings: this series will have NSFW material, drinking, crude language & innuendo, terrorist/gun violence 
Many thanks to @selina012 for pre-reading. 
Category – Alternate universe/on-going series/angst/fluff/cross-over with Choices Rules of Engagement  
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Chapter Summary – It’s graduation night for Maxwell and during the evening, the venue is attacked by the “Sons of Earth”, an anti-monarchist terror group. After being alerted, Liam rushes home to Cordonia from an Italian political summit. 
Music & Title Inspiration: Life Goes On, Ed Sheeran, Luke Combs 
A/N1: Bethany Beaumont, Maxwell’s mother, is originally from the U.S. and is Barthelemy Beaumont’s second wife. Annabelle Beaumont (deceased) is Bertrand’s mother.  
A/N2: ‘Social Season’ in this AU series refers to a traditional period in the spring/summer for royalty and members of the court to take part in Balls, dinner parties and charity events.  
A/N3: Heartfelt thanks to @Selina012 for joining me in writing ideas and with dialogue for this chapter.  
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Main Auditorium, University of Cordonia, Capital  
11:15 p.m. 
Sophie's POV 
It's dark now. The air around me is thick and stings the back of my throat. The sound of fireworks rings in my ears. There's an awful taste in my mouth. Something cold and metallic. It's blood. Where it's coming from, though, I'm not sure. The smell of it hits my senses in full and makes me feel woozy, as if I'm drunk. 
At first there are just shrieks of confusion, and the smell of gunpowder in the air. As it settles though, I realize that one of the sharp sounds is a scream. 
Then, out of nowhere, someone runs past. Another joins them, and then more and more people seem to flood the room. They're rushing in from what was, minutes earlier, the exit; and now it feels like a long and twisted nightmare. 
I see the figure of a man, dressed in black standing in front of me, frozen in place, as if there was a weapon pointed at him. "Watch the front", I shout, and dropped down to the floor, pulling Tom and Candy down with me. 
"Sophie---" Before Candy and Tom could react, there was a loud bang and a champagne tower behind us exploded, shattering glass and spraying champagne everywhere.  
Sophie had closed her eyes instinctively, and when she opened them, she saw Candy looking at her gratefully. 
"Thank you, Sophie." Tears welled in her eyes. 
"Don't give up. We'll get out of here." Sophie comforted them and that seemed to cheer herself up, as well. She whispered Liam's name in her mind, as if that would give her more strength. 
Finally, after a difficult trek, and not meeting those men in black again, they came to the emergency exit. Sophie pushed the door open forcefully; a breath of fresh air ...the smell of freedom greeted them. 
"We're out at last!" Candy cried, her tears falling. 
"Quick, get out of here; as far away as you can." Sophie urged them. Around her, other students and guests screamed in panic and stumbled away. Some were covered in blood, others were unable to walk, some supported by peers or carried on their backs. 
They saw the flashing lights and sounds of ambulances and police cars in the distance, and Sophie quickened her pace, almost with all her strength, and led them toward the light. 
Police cars and ambulances roared in as police with security forces moved in quickly to evacuate people while paramedics treated the injured. 
Sophie, Candy and Tom were quickly met by paramedics for aid and assessment. In the ambulance, nurses performed a simple dressing for the cut on Sophie's face and assessed the bruising that was starting to appear. Meanwhile, Candy and Tom lay on stretchers being taken care of by doctors. 
"How are you? Feel all right?" Sophie asked her friend anxiously. 
Candy managed to smile, though her body was still shaking slightly from the shock of the pain. "I'm fine -- just my arm still hurts and I'm a little dizzy." 
"...Tom ... how is Tom?" Sophie watched as Candy struggled to sit up, but she was soon stopped by the nurse who bandaged her. Tom looked pale and clenched his teeth, trying to bear the pain in his shoulder. 
He nodded hard. "I'm okay --Candy ... sweetheart. Just ... I hope my shoulder doesn't get damaged later." 
Sophie gently held the hands of the two friends, with a little comfort and positivity in her heart, "You both will be all right, and soon we will be sent to the hospital." She whispered to them. 
A few moments passed and the doctor's voice came from the front of the ambulance, "Sorry, you need to get off, miss. We have limited space and must give priority to getting more seriously injured people to hospital." 
Sophie nodded, and though she did not want to, she knew it was necessary. She gave her friends a meaningful look and then said firmly, "you must hold on. I'll be waiting for you." 
With that, Sophie is led out by another doctor and watched the ambulance drive away with Candy and Tom. Looking around the parking lot, she noticed that Maxwell and Daniel were nowhere to be found, having been separated from her during the escape. She turned her eyes to the crowd around her and searched, trying to find Maxwell and Daniel among them. 
Her heart was filled with deep anxiety and worry, as she silently prayed that Candy and Tom, and Maxwell and Daniel, would be safe. Other ambulances around her were open, and she saw medical staff treating the injured students and guests in a tense and orderly manner. Many of the students were injured and their bodies and clothing were covered with blood. Some were clutching their wounds while others crouched on the ground, their expressions contorted with pain. Some persevered through gritted teeth, though their faces were pale. Others cried out in pain, their voices filled with fear and despair; several others had lost consciousness and had been carried out by their companions, lying motionless on stretchers, lifeless in the crowd. However, she still could not find Maxwell and Daniel. 
Italian Parliament, Rome
Liam's POV: 
Bastien stood in the lobby with his hands clasped behind his back. He lifted his head when he heard my footsteps, "Your Highness," He nodded politely. After intense all-day meetings, I was looking forward to the dinner invitation at the home of an Italian statesman and his wife. Francesco di Pietro was married to a Cordonian noble; a friend of my late mother. 
"So," Liam began, walking at a quick pace, side-by-side with Bastien, "Did you track her location?" 
"Unfortunately, not, sir. It looks like either she didn't have her phone with her, or she switched it off." 
"Okay." Liam exhaled deeply. His heart fell, wondering why she did not answer his calls and messages. "Well, please keep trying. Let me know immediately when you are successful." 
"Understood, sir." 
As he exited the building, Liam spotted Rashad on the corner, talking with the limo driver and Rashad’s assistant. 
He caught sight of Liam as the staff and the driver bid goodbye. Rashad turned to the crown prince and clapped him on the back as they walked together. 
"Let me say again that it was a job well done, Li. The outcome of your meetings was exactly what we hoped. The Prime Minister himself will present the results in Parliament later this week." 
"Excellent," Liam replied, his mind clearly elsewhere. 
The pair rode together in the limousine, this time on their way to the reception. Rashad relaxed into the soft leather seats. He examined Liam and could sense his distraction. "You look agitated, Li." 
Liam's eyes refocused. He turned towards Rashad and exhaled. "There is something I wish to discuss with you." 
The atmosphere in the vehicle at once turned somber. Rashad's voice was steady. "Alright." 
"I need a financial audit completed of the duchy of Krona." 
Rashad pursed his lips thoughtfully. He reached into his breast pocket and produced a mobile phone. His long fingers rapidly punched numbers, and within seconds he spoke clearly. 
"Good evening. We need a financial audit conducted at the earliest. I will send you the details via e-mail later this evening. This is confidential." 
Liam settled into his seat, as Rashad confirmed an appointment for himself with the inspector general the next morning. As he rang off and returned his phone to his breast pocket, Rashad looked at Liam, "Consider it done ... can I ask if there is something in particular that you are looking for?" 
"Let's just say, I have a hunch."   
Arriving at the residence of Signore and Signorina di Pietro. Bastien opened the limo door and let the men out at the main entrance. The ambassador's residence was a grand marble palazzo surrounded by elegant greenery and flowers in the style of the gardens of Versailles. The Italian marble entrance was brightly lit, showing the rich texture of the red, white and pink-hued material. 
They were ushered inside and offered cocktails, as Francesco and his wife, Isobella, greeted them in the foyer. 
The meal was exquisite; the chef served them an amorous appetizer, risotto ai frutti demare, a seafood risotto, before serving the main course, porcini mushroom filled chicken in a truffle glaze, paired with a delicious wine from the estate’s winery. 
Even though it was exquisite and luxurious, it could not help Liam through his restless state of mind. He listened politely as Francesco’s wife, Isobella, told stories that involved her experiences with his mother and Cordonia. 
Francesco turned and raised a toast. "To Cordonia and our rich future of diplomatic and financial cooperation. May our new alliance continue to blossom, 'come un fiore al sole'." (Like a flower in the sun.) 
Liam responded graciously. "Grazie, and saluti." [thank you, cheers] 
Isobella held out her hand and her daughter, Carmella, placed it in her mother's. Carmella walked with a poised, graceful step towards Liam, her dark hair styled in a braided crown. She had almond-shaped brown eyes that gazed at him demurely. 
As she drew closer, Liam could make out her petite stature, a slim yet feminine figure underneath her blush-toned gown. 
"Buonasera, Vostra Altezza,” [Good evening, Your Highness}, she softly spoke, dropping down into a graceful curtsy. Liam nodded at her in greeting. “Buonasera Carmella, e un piacere incontrarti.” (Good evening, Carmella, it is lovely to meet you). 
Francesco addressed Liam warmly. “Forgive her timidity, Your Highness, she's not yet used to entertaining royalty." 
Liam flashed his charming faux smile and glanced at the beautiful girl before him. "The pleasure is mine." He bowed and nodded. 
Carmella flashed a coy smile and batted her eyes coquettishly. Her flirtations were unsuccessful, though. Liam politely kept his distance and turned his attention back to her parents. Francesco openly showed disappointment with Liam’s response to his daughter, “È adorabile, vero? Liam..”. [She is lovely, no? Liam...] 
"Oh my, have a look," Carmella announced loudly, interrupting her father. A look of horror dawned on her face as she motioned towards a mounted flat screen in the adjacent family room. 
Liam turned his attention to the breaking news to watch the images on the television screen, as reporters recounted in rapid-fire Italian, the events of a shooting incident at the University of Cordonia. Liam's mouth went dry, a sinking feeling in his stomach, as he heard the beating of his heart pounding in his ears.  
"Sparatoria di massa alla laurea dell'Università di Cordonia, numerose vittime." [“Mass shooting at Cordonia University graduation, multiple casualties.”] 
Liam gritted his teeth. The news video is shocking: the chaos, the panicked crowds, the victims.... Anger and grief mangled in his heart, and he felt overwhelming fury at this indiscriminately violent attack. 
He continued to listen, his heart stung by the reporter's words - “according to witnesses, there are student casualties at the scene.” Liam's mind flashed to Sophie's image as he absorbed this information. 
Liam was glued to the screen, looking for any clues that could relate to Sophie. But the reporter did not mention the names of specific victims. Nevertheless, his anxiety and worry had reached the climax. He knew that Sophie was not only someone he loved, but one of the people he cared about most in the world. If something should happen to her ... he dared not think further 
Rashad clapped him on the back gently, whispering "let's go, Li. Come on." 
Liam murmured a rushed farewell and left the room, his face flushed with anxiety. His hands were clenched into fists, his veins bulging revealing his inner struggle and determination. He must return to Sophie as soon as possible to ensure her safety and as Crown Prince he must personally deal with the vicious incident that has shocked the nation. 
Outside the estate, Bastien rushed to the door to meet Liam, who rushed into the limo and commanded calmly and firmly. 
"Prepare the jet." 
Within moments, the black limo was rushing through the streets to the private jet waiting for them at the airport. Liam knows that, as Crown Prince, he must remain unflappable and rational. But at the moment, he is just a man who loves Sophie deeply and cannot contain his deep concern for her welfare. 
 On the way to the airport Liam closes his eyes and contemplates, but his mind is in turmoil. He can't forget the shocking images in the news, the helplessness and despair of the victims. At the same time, every moment he spent with Sophie came back to him; those sweet, happy and romantic memories. He vowed himself that he must bring justice to the victims of the shooting and bring the perpetrators to justice; at the same time, he must find Sophie and protect her from all harm, no matter what the difficulties. 
Within moments, the black limo was rushing through the streets to the private jet waiting for them at the airport. 
Aboard the jet, Liam impatiently paced the floor, his thoughts racing and his heart thudding wildly in his chest. It was not long before Bastien came through the hatch with a folder in his hand. 
"I have the cell tower records for the past 12 hours. Lady Sophia’s mobile last pinged at 8:32 p.m. with no further activity since.  We also pinged it before the attack and after and checked the towers; it has yet to send out another signal" 
 Rashad watched Liam’s face pale. The evidence strongly suggested that Sophie is, as at that moment, missing. 
His heart was beating at the speed of a thousand miles per hour, the hairs on his nape rising, his chest tightened. 
"We just need to trust that they are alright," Rashad insisted as he looked through his tablet, his hands shaking as he stared at the horrific photos that appeared on social media, of the aftermath of the campus violence. He swore under his breath in French, wishing they would provide more updates on the situation. 
He handed Liam his device, nervously watching Liam’s reaction, his heart pounding wildly. 
"One of my informants gave me this footage before we left the statesmen’s home. I think you need to take a look." 
Liam watched the blurry security camera footage as dozens of masked figures, bearing firearms, stood just outside the building that was clearly recognizable as the auditorium where the graduation ceremony took place earlier this evening, as they lined up several of their colleagues the unmistakable emblem displayed, 'The Sons of Earth'. 
After receiving Bastian's firm and urgent phone call, Drake rushed into the airport his eyes quickly scanning Bastien’s solemn face. “Get on the plane, we don't have time,” Bastien ordered curtly and forcefully. 
Drake nodded and stepped quickly into the cabin without question. His eyes at once caught Liam in the front row. Drake walked quickly toward Liam, filled with concern and sympathy. He slowly sat down across from Liam, trying to control his emotions so as not to disturb his friend's heavy mood. 
“Liam, I just heard that Sophie and Maxwell ... This is so sudden, are you okay?” 
Liam looked up at Drake, slightly tired, but then turned firm again. “Not very well, but I have to stay calm. Sophie and Maxwell are in danger. I must find them and make sure they are safe.” 
His tone was tight, but every word betrayed a firm determination. 
Bastien stood to the side silently observing the interaction between the two men. 
“Your highness, we have done everything possible to ensure a smooth flight and the most important thing now is to get to Cordonia as soon as possible to understand the actual situation.” 
His words were short and powerful, adding a touch of confidence to the dreary atmosphere. 
Drake nodded and looked out the window at the receding ground, silently praying for Sophie and Maxwell.  
“We are all here for you, Liam. Sophie and Max are strong, and they will be fine.”  
He tries to comfort Liam with his words, even though he knows what this sudden disaster means. Looking at his best friend, Liam's expression remained unreadable. 
The jet started to move as it began to taxi away from the parking bay. As the plane accelerated down the runway, it soared into the air with a roar, piercing the thick clouds and soaring into the sky. 
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Coming soon, part 2.
A/N4: This chapter had a mind of its own🫢, and is long ...so I broke it into 2 parts🫣. It's already written and will post in a few days...
Thanks for reading ❣️
📌tags in the comments, please let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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nathantheauthor · 5 months
With Toby already done, and Ann on her way... I present at least one change from each of the members of the main branch of Ripper Inc, I'll see the original characters from when I get to their entries.
She has two major changes from the source material that I'll discuss here, one of them is he design change, I'm sure a lot of people might be mixed on. I've completely ditched her iconic Green jacket, replacing it with a dyed green and torn straight jacket. The very one she wore when held captive by the asylum.
The other change is her being a proper superhuman, between physical enhanced and across the board, I've also given her low level chronokinetic abilities, the watch eye is no longer just for show. Natalie is able to see up to five minutes into the future, as well as rewind and fast forward up to 10 seconds, sometimes a minute if she pushes herself. The clock moves through time with her! It shows the time she traveled to last.
Eyeless Jack.
Probably the biggest change I've done to him is his physical journey, I very much early on decided that my approach for his physicality was going to be starting out like the fandom depiction, but the longer he is what he is... The longer his body contains Chernabog... The more monstrous and malformed his body becomes, resembling more of a creature than a man.
Jane Richardson.
The two major things I've kind of done for her are that she has not and will not kill Jane Arkensaw as she feels somewhat responsible for her existence.
The other is streamlining her career, because of her from government agent... Her original Creator just kinda shoved and made her do countless things. So, yeah, she's got a lot of hobbies still, but I've significantly cut down her actual work.
Nina Hopkins.
Two SIGNIFICANT changes. Due to the new back story and character concept I refuse to call her Nina The Killer, instead throughout her hometown she was dubbed The Ashton Slasher. The town's first serial killer in over a decade.
Secondly, she's a recovering multiple, with what was the Nina alter being a form of protection from the trauma regarding Jeffrey Forester and the death of her family. Nina is not evil, she's a personality without a grasp of consequences, a goofier side that's lashing out without understanding. Her original legal name was Bethany Gent.
I'm fully leaning into the idea of her being a Tulpa, a creature given Life by our own will and imagination.. and she's fully taken over Alice's body, stranding the girls somewhere deep within her subconscious much like Alice had to done to her. She's a cautionary tale, a lesson in not playing with forces beyond our control.
Homicidal Liu.
His quest to stop his brother is no longer a revenge story, I'm very much depicting it as more an elder brother feeling responsible for not being there to prevent it, so Liu Woods has taken it upon himself to bring his brother to judgment, to end the reign of Jeffrey Woods. An older brother needs to look after his younger brother, and this is the only path left he can find. The monster is his responsibility, a Woods must end the cycle brought on by another Woods.
Korbyn JumpingEagle.
I honestly haven't changed too much of her core character, it's more her story that's completely changed, as in this version of events Slender was too late to send an operative to get her, with Jack Revver sending Toby to come and bring her to his offices. She was officially secured and placed under the protection of Ripper Inc, with Ripper Inc employing her full time to train her as The Seer.
I've been giving a lot of work in general, and one of the major things I've been working on is furthering the concept for her brought on by The Seer webcomic, and that's tackling her guilt and the situation she's trapped in. Everything prior to Ripper Inc for her is a tragedy, a horror story where the monster is sympathetic.
Sally Williams.
It goes without saying I've completely changed the structure of her story, and one of the things I can say early is that... Uncle Johnny got what he deserved, and we can thank The Rake for it. Sally's death happened a LOT earlier on, and way before the detestable and fetishized stuff the author wrote could EVER occur. We don't fuck with that in this household.
Zalgoids ARE demons. She's a half demon. And there's going to be no weird sudden agent now, I'm going to actually see the progression of her life.
Jeffrey Hodek.
Well, to be put it out there... He's such a different character, in fact the present day depiction of him starts out as literally a washed serial killer living in a rundown apartment with his two dogs, watching stuff from the 80s and 90s as he doesn't care for many modern shows. He's a man in his 50s who just wanted to be left alone.
I haven't done too much with her yet, cuz conceptually she's fine, but I haven't even heard a unique thing that's not among other proxies... She's got her senses heightened all across the board, and she's got something akin to a spider-sense, but for tracking. She can detect potential prey and is incapable of losing a target.
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baenyth · 3 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 4-12: Crocoduel (Plus an OC!)
Oh baby, another Juleka episode! And with her as a hero instead of an insult to Clownkind! I think Luka's a big part of this episode as well!
I think I've seen those animations before.
Julerose in the first few seconds! Yippee!!!
That was one of the worst lies I've ever heard.
Lovers, ideally, not buddies. I refuse the Adrienette gravy train. It's like if gravy was bad.
I refuse to believe Luka and Juleka are twins. You cannot convince me. I can barely buy them as siblings, honestly. Luka has to be two years older than Juleka and they're half siblings because I doubt Deadbeat Stone would wait even a year to ditch Anarka for fame. My father and his father shared the same birthday, so Luka and Juleka can too!
As always, Juleka is being disrespected.
Oh my god, Marinette is using her braincells outside of Ladybug!
Fuck. Marinette is cooking. She knows she can only be down bad for Adrien. She knows she'll only hurt Luka.
"Talking garbage can? Awesome." Alright, that's the best line of season 4, if not the entire show.
How is Marinette hiding in that garbage can anyways? Is she just noclipping in and out of it or something?
Jagged doesn't even seem aware of Juleka's existence. I can feel myself growing more right. He only seems to acknowledge Luka as his child.
"Hey Juleka, can you make sure your brother isn't at his own birthday party? Thanks."
Oh baby! People apologizing for doing crappy stuff!
Roblox Flamethrower noise
Oh hey. Woman with Mylene's VA.
You have the space powerup. Which is being forgotten for plot reasons.
Alright, after three and a half seasons of being disrespected with akumatizations, Juleka finally becomes Purple Tigress. I think it's my favorite design and powerset. The ability to generate energy is surprisingly versatile. She can jumpstart cars. She can make ludicrous amounts of heat.
Have Hawkmoth's quips been weaker lately? It feels like they have.
Bellissimo. Juleka is now my favorite character.
Aaaand they had to end the episode with absolute and utter friendzoning. I will rage about this until the end of time or when I write a fic or two about it. Lukanette disrespect.
So yeah. If you noticed in the title, I have an OC to talk about. A Miraculous OC. That goes against the canon in this episode because I refuse to believe it.
His name is Gregory Steel. I think he changed his last name to not be associated with his old family. He has a black 2000s boycut covering his left eye and a goatee that shouldn't look too bad on him. I imagine his default outfit being some jeans and a black T-shirt for the Seattle grunge band he plays bass for, Screaming Crow. He's also a music teacher.
In 2000-2001, he met a French-Canadian woman named Anarka Couffaine, who was tired of big celebrities and wanted to settle down with her infant child. The two hit it off, going inbetween raising a child and working smaller gigs for cash. They even had a child together. However, on that new child's first birthday, the two had a falling-out, albeit one with good communication and the two are still friends to this day. Anarka moved to France to live on a boat in freedom while in the modern day of 2016 Gregory now is married and has two nine-year-old twins: a boy and a girl. Still, he does pay child support and give birthday and Christmas gifts to his other two children, Luka and Juleka. He also does come to visit but infrequently. He doesn't have that much money.
In a hypothetical rewrite, instead of this episode, Gregory decides to come over to Paris on his kids' birthdays, only to see Jagged the deadbeat trot on over and act like he's ever been a loving dad, even worse is the bias he's giving for Luka while ignoring his little darling Juleka. You can probably guess where this goes: Hawkmoth akumatizes him into Screaming Crow, a giant one-eyed crow that screams and attacks Jagged, Purple Tigress still gets introduced because she's the best and I love her and I want her to be the third permanent holder, and so on. I'm pretty sure Marinette and Luka have broken up by now but at the same time Marinette is starting to date Kagami. Or maybe they're still dating.
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artaxlivs · 11 months
Hi! I know I don’t follow you but I still think you’re super amazing and you said anyone could do an ask so if you’re up to it..
No hard nos but if you’re up for fluff, I could use something cheery and cute :D
Fluff and laughter and a sprinkle (or a tsunami) of smut are my thing! So fluff it is!
Someone's knocking on his door. Clint loves this part. He grabs the bowl of candy and yanks open the door, ready to cheer over the kids costumes.
"Bucky? What are you doing here?" They've been doing this flirty thing where they don't call them dates but they go out for coffee or pizza and Bucky doesn't talk much but Clint talks enough for both of them. It's not anything more than friendship with delusions of dating yet but Clint's hoping.
Bucky lifts an eyebrow, eyes trailing over Clint's costume. He suddenly feels a little foolish.
"What are you supposed to be?"
"Uh...I'm-uh, I'm Green Arrow. From...you know from Star City. He's a...a superhero..." Clint fiddles with the frankly ridiculous amount of buckles on his costume. Why does Green Arrow wear a costume with so little give?
"Isn't that-kinda..I don't know..." Bucky's eyes follow Clint's fingers and then he finishes flatly, "...weird?"
Snorting, Clint nods, "Yeah, probably. But I thought it would be funny, since everyone mistakes me for him anyway. Like, tongue in cheek, you know?"
"Why would anyone mistake you for Green Arrow? His costume's dumb. A green hood? Who does he think he is, Robin Hood?" Bucky scoffs and Clint realizes he's still standing in the hallway so he backs up, waves him in.
Before he shuts the door there's a clamor of children's voices and Simone yelling "Incoming Clint!" Just before a herd of children come to a stop in front of his open door.
"Oh man! You guys look great! What do we have here?" Clint grabs a handful of candy and dumps it in the first bucket, "A teenage mutant ninja turtle? Donatello - he's my favorite!" he grabs another handful as that kid shuffles away and another takes his place, "And Elsa? Don't make me sing, I always cry on the high notes!" He drops the handful in her pillowcase. There's about eight or none of them and he goes through each, exclaiming excitedly over each one.
He almost closes the door before he sees the last one, tucked to the side of the jamb, "Hey there, did you get any candy?" The kid is kind of in shadow and most of his costume is black, his head is tucked down and he's scuffing one worn black boot on the floor next to his still empty pillowcase. He's probably gotten missed at the other apartments because he was too quiet to speak up before the doors shut.
Clint squats down and the kid scoots into the light. He's wearing a Winter Solider costume. Clint's eyes twinkle and he glances back at Bucky to make sure he sees it. "Bucky Barnes, huh? Can I tell you a secret?" The kid nods but doesn't look up, still clutching the empty bag in white knuckles. "The Winter Solider is my absolute favorite superhero. And he's pretty quiet, too, kinda shy around big crowds. Likes to look before he leaps, you know? You mind telling me your name?"
The kid looks up through thick eyelashes, "Bethany."
Clint smiles, chastises himself for assuming the kid was a boy, "Well, Bethany, can you open your bag for me?" She does, still white knuckling it as Clint upends the entire bowl into the bag, "Happy Halloween kiddo, be safe out there." She gives him a little smile and runs back down the hallway toward the group. Clint can hear Simone hustling them to the next floor.
When he turns back around, letting the door shut behind him, Clint finds Bucky still staring at where Bethany had been standing, "You didn't tell her to be brave or speak up."
Clint shrugs, "She will when she's ready. Or when she needs to. Or maybe never. It's no one else's right to tell her how to be." Bucky nods at that and Clint says, "Sooo...did you come over to hand out candy?"
"I wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie and gorge ourselves on Halloween candy." He smiles at the empty bucket, "We might have to go rob some trick or treaters for that, though."
"Nahhhh," Clint grins, pulling another bag out of the cabinet, "secret stash."
They watch Frozen. Clint does, in fact, cry on the high notes. And he manages to not make a big deal about it when Bucky leans in close and rests his head on Clint's shoulder.
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fenrisdefender · 5 months
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my HC for how Malcolm dies is completely different than the canon story we get. my HC is below, if you're curious to read it.
First of all, I never liked that Leandra's death was a random serial killer who had nothing to do with the rest of the story. Instead, my HC has an ongoing connection to the blood cult of Corypheus, which we know would have been in pursuit of Malcolm himself, as well as his offspring, for their blood.
When Marian Hawke was a child, she was as rambunctious as ever and even then too much for Leandra to handle alone. For income though, Malcolm traveled around South Ferelden as a healer, and was sometimes away for periods of time. Leandra herself was an herbalist and potions maker and Malcolm also sold her concoctions.
(That is how the two of them met and fell in love in my HC: Leandra was learning her craft - much to the chagrin of her parents, but she wanted something of a skill that went beyond boring nobility - and subsequently was paired up to work with Malcolm. And so it goes, they fell in love.)
So, it follows that when they arrive in Ferelden with nothing but what is on their backs (and in Leandra's belly), they choose to put their skills to use. In my HC, South Ferelden is more tolerant of an apostate if they provide community and services, since the Chantry seems to neglect the people there. They protect the Hawkes in exchange for healing and medicines that Malcolm and Leandra provide.
But as Malcolm travels around the countryside a couple of times a year, Leandra finds that Marian is too restless and rebellious to watch after while attending to the twins. As a result, Malcolm offers to bring Marian along with him to the other cities, towns, and villages across South Ferelden while teaching her about magic and the world.
While traveling, they end up trapped in Gwaren in a terrible snowstorm. It keeps them sheltered in the city for a time where Marian meets a curious older man who eventually reveals himself to be a mage. During the month or so they are snowed in in Gwaren, Marian Hawke becomes friends with this man - a fellow apostate such as herself.
His name is Quentin, and he seems kind to her.
Now, with a name like that I'm sure you can imagine that he is not, in fact, truly kind.
Hawke is subsequently kidnapped by Quentin, who has a faction of mages (including his wife) obsessed with a mysterious figure communicating to them from beyond the Veil. The voice told them to find the blood of a "Hawke." Figuring a child is easier to kidnap than a fully grown adult, they took Marian.
Malcolm, as any father would do, desperately searches to find Marian, of which he is eventually successful. However, in the process of trying to save his daughter from a cult of blood mages, he dies tragically. In his last moments he says goodbye to his eldest daughter, and tells her to run as fast as she can to safety.
Hawke, being a grieving child and bearing the immense burden of survivor's guilt, convinces herself that she cannot face her mother and siblings. She believes her father's death is her fault and runs away in the opposite direction from Lothering - back to Gwaren.
At this point, she is under the impression that the blood mages all died. Quentin, of course, survived and later turns up in Kirkwall for his revenge and rematch with a fully grown Marian. And so, that is the motivation behind Quentin's kidnapping and murder of Leandra. This all also ties nicely into the DLC Legacy plot.
Hawke stays a runaway on the streets of Gwaren for nearly three years, adopted by a mercenary group that teaches her what she knows later in Kirkwall (because it wouldn't come out of nowhere, would it?). When she finally goes home to Lothering, her family - Leandra, Bethany, and Carver - all think Hawke has been dead the whole time.
In my HC, the bitterness and resentment Leandra and Carver carry toward Hawke comes largely from her running away and "abandoning" her family after the death of Malcolm.
And thus starts the story of my version of Marian Hawke!
Hope you enjoyed my version of the story (is enjoyed the right word in a story of tragedy?).
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elveny · 6 months
OC Name Meanings
Thank you so much for the tag @okami-zero ♥
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OC’s name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
Ah, well. I love this 🥰 I indeed put a lot of thoughts into my OC's names and they're chosen with care. Or, well, mostly. I do have preferences for starting letters, funnily enough - A, J, L and M are favourites of mine.
Let's go alphabetically for my latest OCs:
Adriene Hawke | a variation of Adrienne, female form of Adrian, anglizised version of Hadrianus. Originally "man from Adria", and Adria in turm comes from the word adur = water. So her name means "of water", though I remember once finding something about it meaning "dark" (though I cannot find any source for that). Considering I associate her strongly with fire, the name is kind of ironic. 😅 Mostly, I chose it because I like the sound of it, and I wanted a name starting with A (firstborn Hawke child, followed by Bethany and Carver). In an original story, I changed her name to "Alexis", which comes from "defend" - which is immensely fitting for her character who is, in essence the ultimative defender of her family.
Aisling (Ash) Lightheart | an Irish name meaning dream or vision. Ash cannot remember a time when she didn't have the Echo, so she often looked like she was daydreaming when in truth, she was having a vision. A deliberate choice for a quiet, drawn-back character. Her surname, Lightheart, comes from Jorin Lightheart, the founder of conjury. I deliberately made Ash come from a very old, traditional Gridania family - however, the actual surname of the family is "Pota" and that is the name they are famous under. They changed the name after I-Ohok-Pota took his padjal name. Ash goes by Lightheart to be more independent of her family without seceding from them.
M'ajah Lohani | That name was created from the desire to have a name that works both in the full as in the short version (as in "Maia" as well as "Aya"). Maia, the goddess of spring and growth, for a character that was made as a healer and coming from Gridania. M of course for the miqo'te M tribe, and Ajah as a version of Aya, meaning "wonderful". I was inspired by ACO's character Aya which I love a lot ;) Lohani was a random surname.
Megan Varlineau | Megan's name was chosen mostly bc I just like that name :D It's Welsh for "pearl". In the end, it's a fitting name, bc that character and her story are still hidden inside me - oh, how poetic ;) Varlineau for obvious shipping reasons.
Tagging forth to @curiousthimble, @pikapeppa, @kunstpause, @thevikingwoman, @autumnslance, @barbex, @a-shakespearean-in-paris, @johaerys-writes, @emahriel, @sarsaparillia, @greyias, @storyknitter, @keldae - as always, no pressure ♥
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te-amozevris · 17 days
Wolf & the Kite
my piece for @black-emporium-exchange
Prompt: What happens when you fall in love with your best friend’s sister? And she happens to be a mage? Both of these things cause an existential crisis for Fenris, but he can’t help but feel protective over her. And when Garret Hawke leaves Bethany behind when he goes on his adventure into the Deep Roads, Fenris takes it upon himself to ensure Bethany’s safety. (I mostly went with this prompt)
Kite is a type of raptor bird like hawk
Treat For @CrimsonShield75
Garrett hadn’t wanted to set off for the big Expedition yet, there was still one more companion he needed to wait for. The grouchy Bartrand muttered- humans with their personal drama.
The steadfast elf had been running over to the dwarven district. Since Hawke’s message had highlighted Hey Fenris, sorry to trouble you but please come with haste! Need to tell u something important— the messenger recited it to Fenris, since his reading speed was still slow. It was daylight in the public square, Fenris had decided to forgo his full armour set, only strapped on his gauntlets.  He slowed, panting upon seeing the big group. Garrett’s booming voice: “Fen! Thank you for coming! Please, take care of my little sister. Templars found out about her, they’re coming for her.” Fen had mixed feelings, she’s a mage she should be in the Circle to be kept safe. But the elder Hawke’s voice actually cracked with emotion now. Though he was usually impulsive on missions, he always kept up his calm stoic veneer in their group. The companions who would be going in with him, Varric, Mage and Isabela watched. Fenris wanted to ask ‘why me’ but this was not the time nor place.
The rogues murmured assurances that it would be alright. Garrett was always kind and understanding with him… Hesitantly he patted his shoulder. “Do not worry. I will take care of Bethany.”
He was still shy about touches and being touched, but his best friend needed some comfort. Hawke gently hugged him, repeating his thanks, that they would try to send word as soon as they reached the safe camp in the Deep Roads.
Fenris hoped he could fulfil his promise.
Two weeks later
I heard the other apostates pleading and crying with the Templars to let them see their families. One last time, denied.
I hadn’t wanted Cullen’s horrible men to hurt Echo or Mother, so I had come willingly to the Gallows. Echo growled and was going to lunge at the men. I did not want to stop her. One of the Templars demanded- call off your mutt or you will regret it. I glared at Cullen and said, “You’re just as Fereldan as us.” He barked at them to stand down and wait outside.
“Yes. No soldier should be cruel to animals. We await you outside Bethany. Say your farewells.” He sounded contrite, but it was not like I had any choice. I really wished I could smite the entire despicable group with some spell. Mother was shaken and crying. I told Echo “Girl, do take care of Mother when I’m not here.” She made a sad whine as I hugged her, crying into her fur.
Now someone rapped on my cell’s door. I had been allocated a room with a small window, bare furnishing- a small desk and a bed. Because my brother had solved many of Kirkwall’s problems and his great influence, I was assured that they would treat me humanely.  Of course like the other mages, Templars would still be on duty to ensure I did not try anything rash like jail break.  I asked ‘Yes?’
“You have a visitor.” A gruff voice replied, with several murmurs. I stood up, surprised. Brother should have departed for the Deep Roads already, who could possibly want to visit me? My visitor stepped in, familiar mop of silver hair, pointed ears. His tattoos thrummed musically with my mana.
“Hello Bethany. How are you?”
At the same time I said his name. Fenris raised his gaze from the floor and a small smile played on his lips. The reticent elf was seldom outside without his spiky cuirass and big two-hander axe, but today he was casually dressed in a white shirt with dark green pants. He was shouldering a pack.
“I’m fine. Oh Fenris, I-I didn’t know you would come.” I invited him to sit on the one chair, while I took my bed. My heart was quickening strangely, we had been on some quests and missions together, but he had mistrusted my magic at first. I told myself --Stop it you’re being silly. Calm down. Fenris  is Garrett’s friend, nothing more.
 “I have free time today. After all, most of our companions have went on the expedition.” His gravelly voice was pleasant. My face warmed up at his soft emerald gaze. I busied myself pouring us glasses of water. The Gallows did not offer luxury beverages and foods.
He hummed, setting down the pack and showing me the contents. “These are for you, Leandra wanted to add in her letter, your doll and I’ve brought you some snacks too.” Wow I didn’t realise Fenris knew that I liked this rare brand of candies! All of them were my favourite buns too.
I felt astounded and touched, that Fenris cared enough to remember my preferences.  As I put my doll on my table, he asked me, “Did they touch you? It doesn’t seem like they feed you enough.”  
“No I’m ok. Um, can I ask you something?” I gently touched his hand. The raised scars were rough.
Elf tilted his head. “Of course.”  Initially I just asked Fen how was brother and how long he might be expected to be in the Deep Roads, and our friends. Fenris tried his best to answer me. His baritone gave me happy butterflies. Then the burning question, “You were quite angry when we first met, Fenris. I’m not perfect but can you learn to trust me? ”
He was quiet for a long time. Then he slowly nodded, holding my hands. That felt good and comfortable. Fenris’ ears seemed to be going pink.
“I did not mean you would be dangerous. Just that my experiences back there, most magisters only cared about crushing the poor and rising to power. Forgive me. I don’t want to argue now.” He let go of my hands and cleared his throat.
I changed the subject. “ You’re not totally wrong. Oh how is your reading and writing going? Can we write letters, Fen?”
He chuckled. “Um I am still slow but making progress. Yes let’s write to each other. Don’t worry too much, Beth.” He did not correct me that I had shortened his name too. Good start!
All too soon, visiting time was up. I began to see some silver lining to the dark clouds of my stint here.
Fenris was keen to practise his writing, so as I waited for his weekly visits, I would be getting mails. And I enjoyed writing back to him too. I did not expect that Broody could joke in his own wry way, was honest and a really good listener.
Ave had a mutual friend in the Templars, who did not mind acting as messenger.
Hi Beth, I don’t know how spell your full name. Sorry. Hope u are coping well.
Yes I remember what I said last time, din mean all mages snakes. U are stronger than those falling to tempt.. – drawing of a small firebomb
(ah I knew he meant temptation leading to power)   Learning to sketch drawings. Deeply sorry din trust u. Indeed I was fearing to face D and demons alone, very thankful for ur help too. No I don’t only have black shirts haha. Whats your fav colour?   
Regards, Fenris
I smiled at his sentiments. Fenris often said the ritual had been agonizing to the point of wiping out memories. Any little stuff he could recall was a miracle. His writing was like a child’s big scrawl, at complete odds with his baritone of wisdom. I really appreciated how much effort Fenris was making to write.
For me, some nights had been tough to resist the different demons’ illusions—some would wear Father’s face or prey on my guilt, insecurities…. Then the templars’ interrogations. It was mentally exhausting to resist, I would try to visualise Andraste’s protection, but it also helped when Fenris manifested in her place!
In one vision, Fenris had longer hair and he sliced through all the desire demons and minions. He was a formidable whirlwind, using a shield and an Archon’s blade. Then I pulled myself free of the mental restraints. “Fenris! You’re here?” The apparition looked astonished, then he said something in a foreign tongue. It sounded soothing.
I thanked him. He smiled, then his form took on a blinding ethereal radiance.  I shut my eyes, tears brimming against the light. After that vision, I could sleep peacefully for a few nights with no temptations or night terrors.
Fenris’ mysterious lyrium tattoos let him step one world into the Fade, could it have been his Dream-soul saving me? I wanted to ask him when he came, but I worried that he would be upset. Visiting hour was so short, I didn’t want it wasted. Perhaps a more indirect approach would help. I took out a sheaf of papers.
I would often get letters from our friends, reporting on Hawke’s progress in the Deep Roads. It was quite slow going, Varric saying they encountered a couple of dragons. That worried me. These mails were not so private, so I paid the messenger a bit more to read them to me. Those from Bethany, I always brought upstairs to my private room, despite her circumstances she managed to bring light to my woes.
Hello Fenris,
It is okay to spell me as Beth. Last night something amazing happened- in the Fade I was being caught by some creatures and a person who looked like you came blazing in to save me! He was all shiny, bright, long hair and with your face. Instead of big sword, he was using a smaller blade with a shield.
What do you think? Could we talk more about this when we meet? Only if it’s comfortable for you.  
I do love your sketches,  yes I know what the bomb is referring to Haha!
Ah we only knew you were so furious when D had not been found. It must be emotionally difficult to cope with constant bounty hunters. My experiences may not be the same, but we always had to move because of Father and I. Mother would complain how troublesome it was, uprooting all the time.
I have many favourite colours- scarlet, deep blue, and green like your eyes. Why? Don’t have to buy me presents, I’m happy enough that we get to spend time together.
Yours truly,
From my experience, Vint magisters would always be tempted to attain more power, higher status and become corrupt. Somehow I had faith in her, that she would not be like them. My heart ached reading her words, instead of demons she wrote ‘creatures’ . Essentially the same. Then a person who looked like… me saved her? And she had a romantic tone.  Indeed, I could not wait to discuss this with her.
Almost time to go. I headed for the markets to buy some trinkets to add to all the stuff meant for her. And a bouquet of flowers.
At the Gallows, Cullen walked with me to the usual confinement area, all the guards with their grim helms, shields and heavy armour. Today I wore an amulet on a long string to deflect the sensation of their auras on lyrium. Did not want to be hampered by the discomfort.
He said today she was allowed outside for good behaviour.
“She has never been bad, nor dangerous,” I snapped, not understanding why I leapt to her defence. We were at the courtyard, loosely guarded by plain-clothes knights. Cullen seemed about to reply, but held his tongue.
Some adepts were meeting with families, supervised, I let my gaze rove until I saw Hawke’s sister. Her hair was longer, and she seemed to have lost weight but her new pink dress was pretty. Her mother had it tailored.
She was seated at a bench with a table.
My hands were full so I could not wave but I called her name.
I felt joyful hearing her answer. “Wow Fen, are these all for me?” I nodded, beaming.
She took a long sniff of my flowers. “Thank you! Did you get my letter?”
“Yes. Do you feel safe to talk here? We are rather conspicuous. ”  I set down the pack. She peeked inside, saying I needn’t have spent so much. We went to a corner, away from prying eyes. Before I could speak, Beth gently cupped my face.
“You look tired, Fen. Did you… have night terrors again?”
I sighed. “Hm now you mention it, I will feel sleepy. Yes, I often sleep poorly. Helps with wine. Did you think that elf coming in the vision was me?”  It was intriguing to discuss, I felt calm though the Fade was a very dangerous realm.
When we were mutually quiet, I checked our surroundings. No Templars walking past. I whispered – do you want to be away from here? You can hide at my house. It’s haunted, people won’t think to search there.  
Beth’s eyes went wide. Naturally she was concerned, “But I don’t want you to get into trouble or be hurt. I know the Templar auras like Silence can also trigger pain and remove all magic. Your markings too. I can just wait for Garrett to come back, he probably won’t take much longer.”
Unfortunately she was wrong about that. I did not want to tell her the worrying news, not just my friend being in peril but all the rest of our colleagues. But being in the Gallows she was already stressed.
 “I won’t be in trouble, they all know I’m Hawke’s ally and associate. I can still defend myself. Don’t have to worry.” I reassured, reaching out to hug her against me. My markings protested a bit, but the skittering sensation was tolerable. It was a much gentler energy thanks to the amulet. Beth noticed my jewellery, it was a crescent with a star.
“It’s perfect, Fen. Do wear amulets more often.” She fingered it. 
Then it seemed like some visitors were departing, and a few guards were heading our way. It felt nice and snug, how her warm body felt next to mine and her heartbeats. I’m taking care of Hawke yes, but it does not feel like enough, if she stays with me I can protect her better!
I said softly in her ear, “Don’t worry, just think about it.” I felt her nod slowly. We enjoyed our embrace a while longer, breathing in tandem.
Clomp, Clomp the boots of the guards approached louder.
Gruff voice said- All right visitor time’s up now. What’s this, ain’t fair she getting so many stuff, we oughta be getting some too. As she stood up with my gift basket, the man moved forward to snatch it. I felt pissed and though I was shorter than him, I barked, “Keep your hands to yourself. How can a Templar be a bully?” With anger, my markings flared but the blue light was dimmed by the amulet.  Not taking my glare off him, with one hand I de- activated the rune. Then I faced them, ignoring the rush of fiery pain through each vein. A few gasps of shock around.  “Hawke is coming back soon- meanwhile this mage is under my protection,” I announced, standing to my full height.
The gruff man stepped back a bit, scowling. He grumbled some racist remarks- that knife-ear words don’t carry weight. Two of his colleagues watched us warily and said, “Don’t trifle with him, he’s decimated countless bodies, they all died horribly.”  Yet they did not fully back off, hands on their swords.
I braced myself. Bethany said behind me, “Fenris, be careful. It’s not worth the trouble.”  True, I would not be able to withstand if they started using their Silence on me and would get sick. In previous battles, I had struggled hard not to drop my heavy sword when it nullified my supernatural abilities.
But I did not condone bullying. I warned them, if they fought me today as a civilian, Cullen would hear of this.  Made them drop their aggression quite fast, the first man was still angry but they cleared a path for us.
I reined in the call of lyrium, my skin returning back to normal tan. “Let’s go. I’ll walk you back.”  Mage was quiet until we reached her isolated room, and I helped her to keep her things.
“Fenris, thank you for defending me. Are you alright?” Was her face paling? Why?
Now the adrenaline had left my body, I felt light-headed and my vision swam, dark spots. Her voice sounded fading and further away, no no I don’t wish to faint now, I urged myself but my body refused to obey me….
I woke with a splitting headache, lying on firm bedding. My body ached but the intensity was bearable. I gingerly moved to sit up and felt arms around me for support. “Fenris, you had me so worried! You were out for quite long.” She moved away, then came back with a cup of water.  “I didn’t feel those goons flash their power, but you shouldn’t exert now. Rest.”
I was lying on her one bed. Since she was in mother-mode, I lay back down.
“I am sorry for worrying you, Beth. Of course I won’t let them bully you, you are… igne cordis mei. I promised Garrett that I would take care of you.”
She asked what those words meant, stroking my hair. I leaned into her touch. And her eyes filled with tears when I said them.
As I attempted to sit up, Bethany got me some of the cupcakes. “Perhaps you’re famished, on top of lacking sleep, Fenris.” I conceded. As we ate, she opened a book about healthy diets and explained about them. She also added, “You will need all your stamina to protect me. And when was the last time you cleaned your mansion?”
I raised a brow. Did this mean Beth agreed to my suggestion? She tried to look firm but was fighting a smile. “I- er do some cleaning every week. Merrill has been offering to come help me, said she wanted to poof away the mushrooms and what not.” I chuckled.
“Yea that’s her. I miss them all, even though I don’t understand what she’s saying half the time,” Beth said, going to her desk and scribbling something.
I felt strong enough to stand. The mage gave me a hug, then tucked the paper scrap into my tunic’s pocket.  She whispered, open it when you’re outside.  
When I returned to Hightown, I looked at it and smiled. She had drawn directions to an unguarded section of the prison and ‘Can’t wait to run away with you’
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
ATSV OC | Buffy Stuffs
I'm giving my girl Buffy some love because she needs it and I love her
Lore & Canon Event
Miss Web, real name Bethany "Buffy" Monelle Lowell, is the Spider-Man of Earth 42. She is a cheerleader at St. Bethesda Prep and became Miss Web after being bitten by a radioactive spider in the school locker rooms after practice.
Buffy lives in Manhattan with her auntie Maya, a former fashion designer, and uncle Benny, a cook at a local restaurant. Buffy's parents, David and Gloria, live in Queens and sent her to live her with aunt so she could go to a good school. She goes to visit them on the weekends.
Before getting into a relationship with Miles G., Buffy dated a boy named Germaine Stilton. He was the only one who knew her identity as Miss Web and kept it a secret. Unfortunately, what happened to Germaine is Buffy's canon event.
One of Buffy's enemies kidnapped Germaine and held him hostage to lure Buffy out. Once she arrived at where he was being held, an intense fight broke out between her and the enemy which resulted in Buffy getting hurt pretty badly.
Germaine managed to escape, but not before the building threatened to collapse. Not to mention that he saw a severely injured Buffy laying on the ground and the enemy about to finish her. Taking a chance, he jumped in and took the attack head on. Before Buffy could react, the building began to collapse.
Using the last of his strength, Germaine used his body to shield Buffy from the falling debris and told her that he loved her and that she was his hero.
Both the attack and rubble caused life-threatening injuries to Germaine's body. No one knew if he was going to make it and some people even starting blaming Miss Web for the impending death of an innocent young boy.
Thankfully, Germaine made a full recovery but his parents wanted him out of NYC for good. Though she didn't like it, Buffy had no choice but to break up with him for his own safety.
Heartbroken by their situations, Buffy and Germaine spent their last day together on a date before she told him that she was breaking up with him. Germaine understood why and told Buffy that he would always love her no matter what, giving her the butterfly necklace she wears in her civilian outfits as a parting gift.
Five months into being Miss Web, Buffy encountered an anomaly in her universe and dealt with them. This effectively put her on Miguel's radar and he sought her out to join the Spider Society.
Joining the Spider Society
Buffy complained about the bracelets not coming in different colors since she wanted one that matched her outfit. While there, she made friends with some of the other Spider-Men such as Hobie, Pavitr, Margo, Web Weaver (@floof-ghostie), and Ecoskeleton (@calciumcryptid). She also came under the mentorship of Nora Morales (@jasontoddssuper).
She wasn't present when they chased down Miles because she was dealing with something in her universe and if she was, you know damn well she would've beaten the shit outta Miguel for messing with her man from a different timeline.
So you can imagine how awkward it was when she moved in to kiss him after Miles came to her universe.
David & Gloria Lowell - Parents
Auntie Maya - Aunt
Uncle Benny - Uncle
Germaine Stilton - Her ex-boyfriend
Miles G. Morales - Enemy to boyfriend
Web Weaver - Bestie #1
Ecoskeleton - Bestie #2
Nora Morales - Mentor/older sibling figure
Hobie Brown - Good friend
Pavitr Prabhakar - Good friend
Margo Kess - Good friend
Gwen Stacy - Acquaintance
Miles Morales - Facebook status saying "It's complicated"
Jessica Drew - "Ma'am, I'm sorry but your work husband sucks."
Miguel O'Hara - Will jump him in a Denny's parking lot at 3 am
Layla - "Fuck Miguel, I respect you."
Additional Facts/Lore
Buffy's fighting style mimics traditional cheerleading moves such as pike, tuck, and double hook. This makes her probably one of the most agile Spidermen.
Her face claim is Ayo Edebiri.
Butterflies are her favorite.
Buffy wants to be an opera singer when she grows up.
Her favorite show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is where she gets her nickname from.
Her great-grandparents are Trinidadian.
If she had a comic series it'd be titled "The Fabulous Miss Web".
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austin-chr-2-0 · 5 months
Inspired by what @morgandemorgana did for me, here’s the girl of the camp, here’s our girl of the century…
Cult Camp AU “Serenity Davidson”
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- Her full name is Serenity Renee Davidson but around camp, she’s commonly known as “Sweetie.” Her FC is Jaydn Elizabeth, someone who I got off of Pinterest 🥲
- Older than she actually looks, most say she looks 13 because of her height and her body but in fact, she’s only 17 years old. Pure and bonified, I’ll have you know.
- She isn’t a camp counselor, but she’s treated almost like royalty there. And someone she always looks up to, is none other an Devon Evans. (Even though Devon absolutely hates her.)
- Like Bethany, she’s constantly smiling and commonly actually copies Devon’s style, but instead of the darker tones Devon wears, her tones are actually a bit lighter. But at the same token, it also copies Bethany’s.
- Her personality is actually the polar opposite yet somewhat similar to Davie’s. She’s an ENTP and rolls her eyes way too much, is a bit hard to please and tries to find some kind of excitement everywhere she goes. And she can go from outgoing and loud to incredibly docile and quiet, depending on the circumstances. She looks up to Bethany, Davie and as well as Devon (she actually copies Devon a lot). She likes entertaining other campers and doesn’t really enjoy fighting, but rather, fights with her words.
- Like I said, she looks up to Devon and was actually neglected by Davie because he focused all of his attention onto him.
- Her magic is similar to bloodbending in Avatar: The Last Airbender. She can manipulate the blood in someone’s body, which includes manipulating their muscles, their movements, to make their heart completely burst inside of them, if she wishes.
- Her mother and father died to mysterious circumstances and since Sweetie had no where to go, Davie did the humble thing to take in the little thing, and teach her everything she knows.
- She has a soft spoken voice, similar to Circus Baby but a bit more high pitched. And Davie takes advantage of the fact that she seems younger and always tells her to never reveal her actual age to anyone, outside of Bethany or him.
- And yeah that’s it :p
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Do you have any anti harem fic recs?
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
A spider in a graveyard by Rubypasha (Explicit, Incomplete)
You've fought for years for people who hate and humiliate you, see you as more of a nuisance than a hero. A menace to society, just like your mentor. But you keep going, keep fighting. Keep pushing your limits to save innocent's who get tangled in the cruel web of life that you walk as a shadow. As someone who expects nothing but gives their all. But you keep going You'll deal with whatever and whoever threatens the lives and safety of innocents (both monsters and humans) because you are a spider. And spiders will never go down without a fight. Tired and injured you go to deal with one of your greatest enemies, a skeleton who like you loves puns but is dangerous. More so than anyone could ever imagine. But instead of wrapping the night up quickly like you want you're faced with something neither of you can understand. A machine that goes haywire leaving you injured and in the mercy of the two skeleton brother's and their clones But you won't back down. You will fight even if your hope isn't what it used to be. Maybe this 'other mansion' of skeletons will finally break the walls you were forced to put up in order to survive. Maybe, just maybe- You'll finally realise how amazing you are
Full Deck by Sons_of_Sirens (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
You’re just a shy young woman who works at a small bookstore in Ebott City, who has never attempted to climb out of her introverted shell before. Or maybe you’re a sassy young woman who lost her job after sticking up for monster rights in front of your racist boss. Or possibly you’re a traumatized young woman, with a painful past full of abuse and a broken body full of secret scars. You might even be an ordinary-looking young woman, who nevertheless possesses magical abilities and a SOUL far different from a regular human’s. But this is not a story about you. It's about ten skeletons in one tacky suburban McMansion, trying to live together without burning down their own house. It’s an unreasonable convergence of the Undertale AU gang as they go about their lives in a house full of volatile personalities, while trying not to get dragged into a reverse-harem trope. Alliances will be made, bake sales will be ruined and the HomeOwner's Association will be armed and dangerous.
I Like Me More by LambCHOWDER (Mature, Incomplete)
You love pancakes. They're so easy to make. Let's ignore the 7 monsters glaring at you and watching your every move. With obvious red flags, you choose to move in with your ex friend and her harem… for your own benefit, of course. Despite the situations that arise, you push through. Though it may be kind of worth it, you really didn’t expect all the secrets to come loose...
Bleeding Green [Rewrite] [On Hiatus] by pyromaniac_mage (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
[Y/N] [L/N] is a powerful mage with a bloodline well-known throughout the ages and her family have always been celebrated. They, however, despise how their bloodline trapped monsters beneath the ground. But, that is for another day. In not being able to afford basic accommodation for university, they had to rely on an old (and terrible) friend named Bethany. For some reason, most of Bethany's skeleton mates despise [Y/N] but why is that? Apart from the fact she is a mage? Just because she has a kindness soul, it doesn't mean she will stand for their bullshit.
Home for lost souls by SketchyDyslexic (Not Rated, Incomplete)
Sans was so in his head that the resets would start back again, he didn't want to even try. Papyrus put in work to convince Sans that he needed to come to the surface with him, and not continue staying in the underground. Sans agreed to pick out a home with his brother, and began packing his things. With only a week left, Sans decided to try pulling his older brother back with the machine one last time, only to have to watch it sputter and stop. Sans gave up and packed his stuff, ready and moving out to stay with undyne until their new home was bought. His life and a few others really went out of whack because of the machines malfunction, with his sudden influx of brothers and the soulmate bonds that were slowly making themselfs known. Even after settling the chaos, shit still hits the fan every time he gets done untangling one mess. And the woman that is helping his strange family isn't making anything easier by making things easier!
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capitalnineteen · 10 months
Nancy Drew Rewatch
I've decided to rewatch the series now that it's done and why not blog my thoughts this time around, right? (Hi, Bethany!)
"Horseshoe Bay's most infamous sea queen wore her crown for just one night. People say she still haunts our town. But I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in looking for the truth."
I like that these were pretty much the first words of the series. I went into the show the first time expecting that to be the way it would be: like the books I read growing up, it would be pulling the ghost masks off evil real estate developers.
Wait. I'm thinking of Scooby Doo, huh?
Still. In those books, Nancy found the completely normal - albeit nefarious - reason that there were strange noises and secret staircases. And they were never ghosts.
So I admit it took me a little while to warm to the show. I didn't dislike it! I just didn't get what it was going for. I had the wrong idea and it took some time to understand the show wanted me to let that go.
So here we go: Season One - Episode One: Pilot
(More - much more - below... Also! This is a rewatch so there ARE SPOILERS.)
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Books on Nick's shelf: A History of Western Morals by Crane Brinton and The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity by Kwame Anthony Appiah. (We also see Plato on a higher shelf and other titles I can't make out, unfortunately. Excuse the blurry screenshot and understand why that's all I got.)
Having finished the show, those two titles in the screenshot do seem pretty appropriate. Especially 'Rethinking Identity' considering we're getting to know five characters and what we're given about them is maybe not the most relevant facts... or even entirely true.
And since those books are rattling on the shelves because Nancy and Nick are knocking boots, (No, wait. She puts on her sneakers after and his boots are on the floor by the bed.) let me go ahead and admit now: I liked Nancy and Nick together in the first go 'round.
Also? I liked the idea of Nancy Drew as intentionally uncurious. We're given such a quick punch of details here and I think they're presented well: "I never do this." "You say that every time." "Also never thought I'd be wearing this again." (Her Claw uniform.) "I'm not exactly where I thought I'd be, either. And that would be freshman tailback for University of Florida, which is where I'm from, if you're curious."
And of course there's her voice over just before that: "...when I'm with him, I don't think of anything else. And that's a good thing." Bookended at the end of her brief conversation with Nick by answering his "You don't ask a lot of questions, do you?" by saying, "What can I say? Girls love mystery." She says that like it means she doesn't want to solve them but of course it can read both ways. Nancy does love a mystery, she told us in her backstory. She's just sworn off solving them now.
At The Claw we get the rest of the gang introduced: George, Nancy's manager and former classmate with the bad blood between her and Nancy; Bess, the rich girl who's living in a mansion for the summer but inexplicably working as a waitress; and Ace NoLastName who I'll get to in a second.
Of course, having seen the whole show, we know how wrong or won't-be-true-for-long the information is. The 'bad blood' Nancy and George will become people who risk everything again and again for each other. (As they all will.) Bess isn't rich and certainly isn't living in a mansion.
And then there's Ace. The way Nancy presents his lack of last name makes it seem like Ace's choice. He's a one name enigma. But there's also a hint that she's intentionally not noting his last name in the way she goes on to imply that maybe it's not that he doesn't judge her for tanking her grades and bailing on applying to college, but instead just doesn't remember that she told him. And if he doesn't remember (or, as implied, care) that, then she doesn't remember (or, possibly, care) about his last name.
But it's easy to shrug it all off and not make much of it, especially when his 'my bad' on the lack of crackers and the 'sorry, I was thirsty' about the lack of wine as well as the 'it wasn't me' when the lights go out imply that her read on Ace's level of concern and accountability is pretty low as well. Though given that she's outright told us she's in the deficit on those herself, it seems a little hypocritical that she seems to look down on Ace for lacking them. (In minor ways that could just be a teasing coworker/friend sort of thing like with her "like a fungus" response to his declaration that he's "growing on her" about Bess.)
But let’s imagine for a moment, that scene where our newly uncurious and disinterested Nancy confesses that she’s ruined her senior year and her chances for college. Who does she confess all of this too? The implied flake whose last name she doesn’t even know? Hardly. Even then, Ace is far more important to Nancy than she lets on.
Rewatching this knowing the details about George/Ryan and Ryan and Nancy, it's nice to see there were hints there to be caught about George and Ryan at least. There's George's "We could stay open a little longer" when Bess tells him they're closed when he beats on the locked door. There's her strained tone of voice as she greets him: "Mr Hudson! Welcome to The Claw!" and the positively gritted teeth as she continues, "I don't believe that you've been in here before." And of course the "Oh, your wife is here?" and the quick change from retail-worker polite smile to I'm-going-to-stab-someone thousand yard stare as soon as she turns away from the table. And most of all, asking Nancy for help so she doesn't have to take the food out to Ryan's wife.
Yikes. Who could blame her?
And good grief, Ryan. Ask the teen you're sleeping with to bring food out to your wife. There's a long list of not great things you've done and that's hardly the headliner but it IS the first one we see, even if we don't know the significance yet.
To be continued because this is long and I'm only a quarter through the first episode! I'm sure they'll be shorter as this goes on. (If this goes on? Anyone interested in this?) But this is the first episode and I guess I was feeling wordy!
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celemee · 1 year
"is it really you" hurt prompt.
Hi, darling, and thank you for the prompt. <3 How about some Bethbela? Ok, here goes nothing. @dadrunkwriting
Bethany travels light. She's got little more than a staff, a coin-purse, and a nondescript set of light armour to her name when she's on a mission. Anything extra just gets in the way and risks to compromise Warden business — and the same applies to squad mates.
Right now she carries information — safely tucked away into her memory — as she rushes from Denerim to Amaranthine. The forest around her grows darker as the last beams of sunlight bathe the treetops, but the village she seeks for shelter isn't far. She just needs to keep up the pace.
Weariness weighs her eyelids, but experience keeps her steps light, even as the way dims. However, something unusual catches her eye when the path curves — a campfire glows nearby.
Huh, that's strange.
She slows to a sneak, a hand instinctively reaching for her staff. A rough laugh echoes from the camp; her nose crinkles in displeasure. Are these the bandits she's heard complaints of in local taverns?
It's not a Warden problem, she tells herself, they can't interfere with—
"That's it? That's all you got? Pathetic."
Bethany draws to a halt, the voice freezing her into place. She'd recognise it anywhere.
The nasty laugh bellows, followed by a loud slap and a demand: "Talk, woman! Where is it?!"
This has become Warden b— no, Bethany's business. She approaches the camp swiftly, silently, crouched so a line of bushes conceals her. A spell ready on her lips for when she sees the presumed assailant.
There's three men in the camp, including the one Bethany's heard, and that's who she aims her first paralysing spell on. A ball of white light hits him smack in his chest and he falls onto his back, alerting the others. She crouches again; leaves obscure her vision of the camp and she dodges an arrow by sheer luck, prompting her to splurge some mana on a personal shield.
Isabela needs her.
The two others suffer the fate of their friend; she's nothing if not quick and well-trained — battle-hardened, these days. But skill in combat doesn't help with what she's left with. Isabela stands by the campfire, her profile lined with the yellow glow.
Bethany lifts to her feet and swallows. All the nights spent in rough linens, softened by warm touches rush back to her. She never knew the right words to say, then, and she sure doesn't now.
Perhaps this was a mistake.
She almost turns to leave, but Isabela speaks first.
"You know, that was meant to be a negotiation." Amber eyes turn from the fire, fixate on her. Alight, as she always remembers them. "I was never in danger. Not that I don't appreciate your gallantry."
Isabela's dry little chuckle lifts the corner of Bethany's lips, even bitter as it sounds. She can't quite help it.
It's been years, and their ending was rough, and yet... there Isabela stands, as glorious as ever. Captivating, strangely majestic. Bethany never stopped lo— caring, and it's useless to claim otherwise.
"Sorry to have ruined it," Bethany responds, softer than she intended. She marches into the camp, her steps surer than she feels, and nods towards the paralysed bully who'd surely hit Isabela. "Guess you could clean their pockets and redo your plan."
Isabela nods, setting out to rummage through each of their pockets. In between discarding disappointing finds, she looks at Bethany. There's a fair bit of calculation in her eyes — already rerouting, Bethany knows — and finally Isabela approaches her and crosses her arms on her chest. "You know what, sweet thing? I think you owe me."
"Yeah?" Bethany says, her cynical snap almost the real thing. She pokes the bully with her boot for want of something better to do. The frozen surprise on his face doesn't flinch; her spellwork is never half-arsed.
"Yeah. I think you owe me a drink. Or twelve."
Bethany shrugs. "If you insist." She gestures for Isabela to follow — the thugs may be paralysed, but they can still see and hear. They'll be stuck like this all night, but names are dangerous. Knowledge is power.
By the time they'll stir, Bethany will have something much worse than their revenge to worry about — how to mend a heart twice broken.
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