#Bethany S. Mandel
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sawbuckplus · 3 months ago
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klbmsw · 2 years ago
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89845aaa · 2 months ago
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arctic-hands · 2 years ago
[Image Description but not Video Descriptions because they can only be opened on Instagram and I don't have that: initial tweet by Bethany S. Mandel, checkmark, @ BethanyShondark. It says "One of my favorite dress shops- a modest old fashioned linen company- featured a man modeling their dresses. They're down one thousand followers and the comments are a dumpster fire. I truly do not know what they expected. Who do they think their audience is?" Beneath the tweet is a photo of a tall white person with a short brown beard, wearing a green old-timey (it brings Little House On The Prairie to mind) long -sleeved dress with white buttons down the front of the bodice, and wearing an orange hat with a green ribbon around it and finalized with a few white flowers. The person is smiling and posing in front of an old fashioned curios cabinet.
In reply, [pine tree emoji, right-facing crescent moon emoji] Jenna [left-facing crescent moon emoji, pine tree emoji] (rewriting), @ Jenjuxtapose, tweets "The brand is Sondeflor and their dresses are absolutely top quality! If you want to support an inclusive, women-run, slow fashion company, please support them! I'm lucky enough to have two of their dresses and I love ["love" in allcaps] them". End I.D.]
not a dream
conservative women are harassing a retro clothing brand for featuring David Ross Lawn wearing their dresses, which they apparently used to love because their linen clothes are modest and it allows the tradwives to cosplay as waifs from the olden times so they're big mad that the brand is inclusive
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Also, when I followed the brand yesterday, they were at 320k followers and now they're at 323k so they're gaining, not losing
personally I allow retro clothes and it's all linen!
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d2kvirus · 1 year ago
Dickheads of the Month: December 2023
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of December 2023 to make sure that they are never forgotten.  
The pro-Israel lies continued apace with Danielle Greyman claiming that all those photos and footage of dead children and babies being pulled from rubble in Gaza aren't actually dead children or babies, but actually lifelike dolls which Hamas placed there - which definitely doesn't make it look as if the Netanyahu apologists are so far gone they refuse to acknowledge dead children as human beings just because their "side" keeps bombing houses and hospitals they happen to be in at the time of yet another missile strike
...which was soon followed by David Collier lecturing Medecins Sans Frontieres  for having the sheer gall to report that they witnessed Israeli tanks destroying their clearly-marked vehicles by accusing MSF of not just "empowering and protecting" Hamas (because of course) but also accusing MSF staff of being Hamas agents, which is an interesting twist on "Look what you made me do"
...though then we had Benjamin Netanyahu decide to go Full Baddiel by accusing the International Criminal Court investigation of war crimes by Israel of being "antisemitic" - although he sprinkled in a little Trumpism too by referring to them as "fake war crimes" because why the fuck not at this point?
...as opposed to Eli David who responded to the death of Refaat Alareer and his entire family in an Israeli airstrike (one of those "fake war crimes", I presume?) by gloating that he deserved it because of a tweet. That's right a fucking tweet is now justification for your death in the eyes of Netanyahu apologists
...meanwhile the always calm and rational Tzipi Hotovely was once again raging about letting Israel "finish the job" without being asked the obvious question about what that means (clue: it's genocide) and following up with talk of how Palestinians have been allowed to live in peace for seventy years with heavy "So therefore..." connotations to what she was saying - even though what she was saying was, you know, a complete fucking lie as Palestinians have not been allowed to live peacefully next door due to Israel making sure they don't and more importantly can't live peacefully
...and then it turned out that the Israeli Defence Force really need to keep their murder boners under control when it emerged that they "mistakenly" shot and killed three Israeli hostages who were shirtless and literally waving white flags at the time they were gunned down - contrary to what Bethany S Mandel said about Hamas having them wear burqas when moving them from place to place which is why the IDF "mistakenly" shot them, by the way
...on the subject of murder boners David Azoulai apparently wanted to say that his was even bigger, advocating that the Israelis should make Gaza look like Auschwitz without considering that, hey, maybe that sort of rhetoric makes him look so utterly demented that he's reduced Auschwitz to a threat to make towards Palestinians?
...while on the other hand Fleur Hassan-Nahoum had her own way of dealing with reports that the IDF had bombed a Catholic church in Gaza: by pretending that there aren't any Catholic churches in Gaza, in spite the inconvenient little detail about how there are - and there's one less, due to the IDF bombing it
...but speaking far more plainly was Itamar Ben Gvir when he said that Israel should execute Hamas members they have in prison every single day that the Israeli captives are not returned, a statement which actually becomes even more monstrous when you realise who is and isn't a Hamas member in the eyes of Likud is based solely on how many people were around to witness them being shot or bombed regardless of age
...meanwhile Naftali Bennett was having trouble keeping track of his dogwhistles when he accuse Iran of being a terror octopus, apparently forgetting that any and all references to an octopus is "antisemitic" because that's what the hard Zionist extremists were screaming about Greta Thunberg
Ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak showed everyone just what an ultra-relatable nice guy he was by thundering how the UK is a sovereign country - which means that the government can overrule UK courts to bulldoze through whichever batshit insane policies it has decided are the hills they want to die on, in this particular instance the Rwanda policy which has been deemed unlawful repeatedly by British courts, and now Rwandan courts are looking into how unlawful it is
...and then a few days later Rishi Sunak showed just how in charge of his own party he is when he claimed the additional £100m of taxpayer's money given the the Rwanda scheme was signed off by Suella Braverman, which suggests that he doesn't even know when his (now ex-)ministers are throwing around colossal piles of taxpayer's money - or he knew and he's just a fucking liar
...but don't worry, ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak (and the camera crew he had with him) bought a few boxes of mince pies in a shop in King's Cross Station to give to key workers, which definitely didn't look staged nor draw attention to how those key workers continue to be diddled out of a pay raise but a few of them might get a mince pie at Christmas if they were in Sunak's vicinity
It took less than a month before Javier Milei opened the fascism box and, oh boy, he did so with gust not just ordering the army to break strikes and arrest protestors but also to take away the children of anyone arrested for either of the former
...and once Javier Milei opened the fascism box he just kept on going, introducing 300 new laws overnight without debate let alone a vote in parliament, laws which included complete deregulation of the housing market and planning permission, selling off state assets for chicken feed, and removing public transport subsidies meaning bus fares cost ten times what they did the previous week
Habitual liar George Santos managed to make history, becoming only the sixth Congressman to be expelled from Congress in US history, and all it took was him spending campaign funds on his Onlyfans subscription
Barking MP Margaret Hodge was so casual with how she told the News Agents podcast that she did everything in her power to prevent Jeremy Corbyn from becoming Prime Minister in 2019 - you know, the exact thing centrist twerps have spent four years saying was just something that you'd imagined. I'm sure that Keir Starmer will hear this and consult the constitutional rules of the Labour Party and expel her from the party, which is what they say he should do...
Unifying force for good Keir Starmer once again showed his credentials to lead Labour by praising Margaret fucking Thatcher, which seems to be a trait of his inner circle given Rachel reeves also did so, because if one thing will appeal to Red Wall voters it's praising the person who made their communities destitute in the 1980s
Once again billionaire manchild Elon Musk had another one of his genius ideas, this time deciding to run a poll about whether he should reinstate Alex Jones - in spite Jones being in repeat violations of Musk's ToS on Twitter, let alone the Twitter ToS of people who had a clue what they were doing
...this was soon followed by billionaire manchild Elon Musk publicly arguing with MS Word's inclusiveness function - and then arguing with the Twitter Community Note which pointed out that you need to activate the inclusiveness function in order for it to work
...and then billionare manchild Elon Musk demonstrated what a small, petty little douche he is by removing Disney+ from Tesla's streaming options as he continued his bizarre rants at Disney removing their ads from Twitter as if they were the only company to not want their ads promoted next to far right material, once again making the Very Clever Business Move of pissing off Tesla customers who definitely haven't gotten sick of his shit by now
Brilliant idea by the Israel Defence Force to drop pamphlets with a QR code on them telling Palestinians to leave the area so they can bomb more hospitals and schools and claiming those too are Hamas outposts, what with Gaza not having internet for over a month due to the Israelis cutting it off thus making the QR codes unusable for anyone who they dropped a leaflet on
Looks like the Jewish Chronicle was really determined in their efforts to smear Owen Jones, bringing out Hadley Freeman under the impression that she qualifies as "the big guns" - only for Freeman to vomit out an article riddled with factual errors that somehow, in an article putting out a hit Owen Jones for the version of "antisemitism" where valid criticism of Israel are "antisemitic", still found space to bleat non-existent fears about the trans community in spite being about as relevant to the subject as Freeman is to journalism
The GTA6 trailer dropped and billionaire manchild Elon Musk could only pontificate about how he couldn't get past the tutorial of GTA5 as it required him to shoot police, with Ian Miles Cheong wading in to say he too couldn't shoot police in Clusterpunk 2077...only for Twitter's Community Notes to say that was bollocks, but of course we all know the real reason neither can shoot NPCs in videos games is because NPCs are their target demographic
I get the feeling that Grzegorz Braun thought that taking a fire extinguisher to Hanukah candles in the Polish parliament would be a guaranteed vote-winner, as opposed to what it actually did which was make him look like Basil Fawlty's fascist cousin
So nice of proven liar Boris Johnson to sneak into the Covid enquiry at the crack of dawn in order to avoid the people outside who might have had a few things to say to him about his handling of the pandemic by arriving there long before they arrived, which makes him look so brave and non-guilty
There are ways in which Michelle Mone could improve public opinion about her and MedPro making off like bandits with dodgy PPE contracts, but bankrolling a documentary where she moans about people not liking her while claiming she had no idea how her company kept getting these dodgy contracts is not it
...though quite why Laura Kuenessberg though it was a good idea to jet off to Spain so her flagging show would have an exclusive interview with Mone begs all sort of questions, not least why the first question wasn't "Why did you want to be interviewed in Spain, is there any reason you don't like the thought of the British authorities knowing your exact location?" - though Michelle Mone still managed to repeatedly implicate herself in a car crash interview where she couldn't even deny everything properly
...all of which caused Lord Bethel to go on the offensive by posting screengrabs of WhatsApp messages between himself and Mone. This would be the same Lord Bethel who had previously told the Covid enquiry that he had quite conveniently lost all his WhatsApp messages when changing his phone but suddenly he found them, which I'm sure Rishi Sunak and proven liar Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson would be thrilled to hear given how they to had lost all WhatsApp messages
Yet again Liz Truss left the nation wishing she'd just fuck off into obscurity where she belongs, but no, we have to see her make Vote Leave architects Matthew Elliott and Jon Moynihan life peers in her resignation honours list
The current Health Secretary Victoria Atkins demonstrated just how qualified for the job she is by calling junior doctors "Doctors in training" during a TV interview, meaning she's either too stupid to understand what a junior doctor is or she's being patronising and failed to understand how being patronising made her sound too stupid to understand what a junior doctor is
You would think that waffling gargoyle Nigel Farage would be used to losing by now given the amount of elections he's lost to opponents both human and dolphin, but no, the grifting cunt did not take his coming in third place on I'm A Celebrity well and is whipping up his followers into attacking ITV because his bot campaign failed to win, which is frankly begging ITV to withdraw the £1.5m they paid him to be there
Bold move of Rafael Edward Cruz to introduce a bill to limit the use of preferred pronouns when you consider how he uses the preferred pronouns of Ted Cruz in his everyday life
Nominative determinism debunker James Cleverly once again did that thing where he opens his mouth and something utterly moronic spills all over the floor, this time thinking it would be a good laugh to joke about slipping Rohypnol into his wife's drink to keep her quiet over Christmas - a few hours after a crackdown on drink spiking was introduced by the Home Office, which just so happens to be the department Cleverly is the head of...
Totally normal behaviour from Derrick Evans to tweet a picture of Christmas tree ornaments that depict various members of Biden's cabinet being lynched on a Christmas tree on Christmas day - followed by an utterly cowardly attempt at walking that one back after it quite surprisingly drew a lot of backlash, with him claiming it wasn't his tree and admitting it was in bad taste...possibly because the FBI are particularly grumpy when having to talk with people who joke about murdering the government if they make those jokes on Christmas Day
So nice of Johnny Mercer to remind people that he exists by spending days on end yelling about Carol Vorderman on Twitter - not least because this was the latest in a long list of examples of Tories failing to understand the Streisand Effect, as it only drew attention to the fact Vorderman pointed out his pledge to reduce homelessness in the ex-military worked so well that it increased in 2023
Suffice it to say James Somerton did not take his utter dismantling at the hands of H.Bomberguy particularly well, with him rapidly deleting all socials and leaving co-writer Nick Herrgott to take the flak - and Herrgott didn't help himself by trying the defence that he can't be accused of plagiarism as he never did any research
...though somehow Internet Historian fans decided that they were the true victims of the H.Bomberguy video and that meant that H.Bomberguy must be destroyed, best exemplified by one of them posting on Kotaku in Action (which is still a thing, in 2023, long after the basis of GamerGate was exposed as a bitter ex-boyfriend making shit up...) offering a cash reward for any evidence that allows them to destroy H.Bomberguy, which is totally a normal response to pointing out that IH plagiarised the shit out of an article for a video
...and then James Somerton crawled out from under the rock he was hiding under in order to issue the standard nonpology - and by complete coincidence, with the nonpology video up he reactivated his Patreon without telling anyone and unprivated the videos on his Youtube channel, all in the hope of getting a nice little payout
Of course beanie-wearing testicle Tim Pool is the sort of person who spends days of the only life they will ever live trying to teach Grok AI to be transphobic and post the evidence of him doing so in the belief it doesn't make him look like a sad, pathetic waste of jism
Potato in a t-shirt two sizes too small for him Ricky Gervais has once again demonstrated what a thin-skinned little twerp he is by searching for his name on Twitter so he can retweet anyone and everyone who praised his latest Netflix comedy special, you know, the one which narrowly beat the competition from the fireplace effect for your TV screen for the prestigious title of most-watched thing released on Christmas Day
For some reason Joey Barton decided to put a lot of time and effort into trying to pick a fight with Mary Earps, presumably because he was narked by misplacing his book of inspirational quotes to post online and pass off as him having some sort of knowledge
So either Fntastic were in way over the heads with The Day Before and scaled back severely on their promised features when the game was released...for all of five days before it was pulled from Steam, or Fntastic were a bunch of scam artists who ran away with the money for their piece of shit game which they flung onto Steam before announcing the company closure - and judging by the statements they've issued, literally saying "Shit happens" in one case, the latter looks far more likely
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gwydionmisha · 3 years ago
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loconservative · 6 years ago
Woman sent me a long message tonight about how no doctor, ever, anywhere, would ever kill a full-term healthy and viable baby. It just wouldn't happen and I was naive to believe it could. My two word answer: Kermit Gosnell.
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) February 5, 2019
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Sarah K. Burris at Raw Story:
Far-right commentator and ally of Donald Trump, Hugh Hewitt, is telling the incoming administration that they should bar all media from the White House except Fox News. Speaking to the conservative Bethany Mandel on Monday, Hewitt cheered Peter Doocy, the White House correspondent for Fox News, as the only person who should remain. The Daily Caller also has a White House correspondent. "They are obviously of no use to the country," said Hewitt.
On his Salem Radio Network show today, right-wing fascist blowhard Hugh Hewitt demanded all non-conservative media outlets be barred from the White House. Hewitt was interviewing Bethany S. Mandel during this segment of The Hugh Hewitt Show, and Mandel agreed with his nonsensical anti-media take.
From the 12.23.2024 edition of Salem Radio Network/Salem News Channel's The Hugh Hewitt Show:
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alterannews · 3 years ago
Genuinely problematic actor-comedian David Cross tries and fails to shame Bethany Mandel for refusing to let her kids live in fear
Genuinely problematic actor-comedian David Cross tries and fails to shame Bethany Mandel for refusing to let her kids live in fear
Yesterday, we informed you about Bethany Mandel writing an e-mail to the editor of Highlights concerning mask illustrations in the classic kids’s publication. My email to the editor of @Highlights pic.twitter.com/U1BzVoabpv!.?.!— Bethany S. Mandel( @bethanyshondark) December 15, 2021 Actor and comedian David Cross didn’t rather resort to comparing Mandel to the Unabomber, however he still made…
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kingthekj · 4 years ago
Love you so much bestie, but I cannot handle seeing that mask. Especially since I see many of those dirty ass masks at work 🤮🤮🤮
I know! I don't know how her mask is that BAD. WHAT DID SHE DO? SHE NEEDS TO SEEK A DOCTOR
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gradschoolfool1 · 5 years ago
RT @bethanyshondark: Public schools don’t care about your children. Pull them out.
Public schools don’t care about your children. Pull them out.
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) August 17, 2020
via Twitter https://twitter.com/GradSchoolFool1 August 17, 2020 at 02:29PM
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jon-darling · 5 years ago
Two. Days. Apart. pic.twitter.com/jQxqWGK9qC
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) June 11, 2020
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the-gwalla · 5 years ago
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[Twitter thread from @AmeliaRoseWrite]
It's been disheartening but fascinating watching the Riches scramble to take back the narrative reins over the course of this nonsense
For a week or two in March they completely lost control of it, and suddenly ideas like "Why are we working so hard to benefit some rich  asshole, anyway" and "Hang on, there's enough money/resources to go  around if people would share" started to leak through
Suddenly the flimsy excuses for hoarding all the wealth, power, and resources for themselves started to unravel. It's all well and good to assure people that you're saving it for an emergency, but then what happens when the emergency arrives and you're not using it?
But then they rallied and made a bunch of pleas to keep The Economy open because Rich Assholes need more money or they'll...lose the high score? I'm not sure why they need so much...and they've obfuscated for so long the rest of us have run out of our meager savings and need more
And their argument is self-respect. Nobody wants to feel like a moocher, say the rich people who withhold their workers' salaries and give themselves bonuses, so we're not just gonna SHARE the resources. You've got to go back to work!
But there's STILL A FUCKING PANDEMIC, so people will die. Fortunately, they've got that whole Heroic Sacrifice thing covered. Not, you know, heroically sacrificing some of their stolen wealth by giving it back, though. Heroic sacrifice by YOU DYING AS YOU STRUGGLE TO EARN IT
So they've wrested the narrative from "Selfish billionaires are sitting idly by while a pandemic ravages the country and all of us exhaust our parachutes and are faced with dying of poverty or COVID" to "HEROES are working tirelessly despite the danger to provide, wow!"
It's a familiar trick to them, but it's still painful to see it happen again and again. And I want to point it out, because, y'all? It's still the selfish billionaires sitting idly by with their stolen wealth. Don't let them forget it
I've said the economy is like a game of Calvinball, but in this respect it's more like Keep-Away: these bullies are dangling YOUR MONEY just out of your reach and saying, "You want it? You have to come GET it!"
[screenshot of Twitter post by Bethany S. Mandel @bethanyshondark]
This isn't about greed. It's survival. People can't buy food or pay rent or mortgages. Small businesses are closing. Dentists and doctors are going into the red. Schools are going to start closing. This is the destruction of society we're talking about.
It is ABSOLUTELY about greed. A very small number of people could give enough money to the rest of us to allow for a complete lockdown for a few months at the VERY least, but they are too greedy
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arctic-hands · 5 years ago
[Image Description: tweet from Bethany S. Mandel, verified, @ bethanyshondark. It says "You can call me a Grandma killer. I'm not sacrificing my home, food on the table, all our docs and dentists, every form of pleasure (museums, zoos, restaurants), all my kids' teachers in order to make other people comfortable. If you want to stay locked down, do. I'm not."
To which Shaun, @ shaun_vids, replied "you are ignorant and cruel"
User Picard Ferengi episodes, @ sheldico, adds on "and a hypocrite", then gives us a screenshot of Bethany's 2014 tweet that says "I have uncharitable things to say about someone who got on a flight knowing he had been exposed to Ebola & whose family ignored quarantine." End ID]
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alterannews · 3 years ago
Mary Katharine Ham pokes fun at Instagram for adding a warning to a mom's joke about her Elf on the Shelf getting COVID-19
Mary Katharine Ham pokes fun at Instagram for adding a warning to a mom’s joke about her Elf on the Shelf getting COVID-19
It’s concerned this … Instagram is now adding warnings to jokes, including this one a mommy posted stating the household Elf on the Shelf has COVID-19 and needs to quarantine: Good thing Instagram put this caution on my pal’s story. pic.twitter.com/k40YP8vuQr!.?.!— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) December 2, 2021 The photo gets cut off, but here’s the warning: Yes, they ARE serious: Are…
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brandonacox · 5 years ago
I favorited a tweet...
This is something that has been really bothering me for a while. In all of this, I don't think we've had anything resembling a conversation about how deeply unfair all of this is to kids. In an instant, we took everything away from them. School, friends, activities. All of it.
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) April 14, 2020
from http://twitter.com/bethanyshondark
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