#Bethany Holt
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📗A proposta ousada do CEO📗 de Amity
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Como uma assistente, enviar mensagens ao CEO no meio da noite pedindo filmes adultos foi uma iniciativa ousada.
E Bethany não ficaria surpresa se não recebesse nenhum filme. No entanto, o CEO respondeu que não tinha nenhum filme para compartilhar, mas poderia oferecer uma demonstração ao vivo.
Depois de uma noite cheia de paixão, enquanto Bethany pensava que perderia o emprego, seu chefe propôs: "Case comigo. Por favor, pense nisso."
"Senhor Bates, você está brincando comigo, não é?"
𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙨👉https://reurl.cc/bYWXAy
Capítulo 1 Me indique algum vídeo picante
"Bethany, você já se aventurou na cama com alguém?"
Bethany Holt, viajando a negócios e após tomar um pouco de vinho, estava deitada na cama do hotel, prestes a adormecer. A pergunta de Aimee Bates, sua melhor amiga, ecoou na sua mente assim que ela fechou os olhos para descansar.
"É incrível, Bethany! Você deveria aproveitar sua juventude e ter experiências com alguém atraente! Ou então, sempre pode explorar seu próprio corpo sozinha. Não seja tão tímida. Alguns filmes eróticos podem te ajudar a abrir a mente."
Rindo discretamente, Bethany tentou se lembrar de como havia respondido à provocação de Aimee.
Com o efeito do vinho, seu rosto estava corado e seus cabelos escuros se espalhavam pelo travesseiro, lembrando ondas do mar.
Faltando um mês de completar vinte e seis anos, Bethany nunca havia se envolvido romanticamente com alguém. Ela nem sequer havia beijado um homem e muito menos tido experiências mais íntimas.
A sugestão de Aimee não era nova, mas naquela noite, talvez impulsionada pelo álcool, um desejo desconhecido começou a se formar dentro de Bethany.
Se sentindo estranhamente excitada, ela se levantou e, quase sem pensar, buscou o celular. Com a visão nublada por ter removido as lentes, ela vislumbrou o sobrenome da amiga na tela e enviou uma mensagem para Aimee.
"Me indique algum vídeo picante. Estou com vontade de algo realmente provocante", digitou ela, impaciente pela resposta.
O retorno de Aimee foi um simples ponto de interrogação.
Bethany, ainda sob efeito de álcool, respondeu com irritação: "Vamos, não se faça de desentendida! Preciso de algo excitante. Seja um vídeo ou algum cara gostoso. Estou no quarto 1501."
Ela até acrescentou um emoji de beijo na mensagem, brincando.
Após enviar a mensagem, Bethany ficou à espera de uma resposta, mas foi recebida pelo silêncio. Quando estava prestes a ir buscar água, a campainha soou de repente.
Sem pensar muito, ela foi atender. Afinal, Aimee não enviaria um estranho ao seu quarto a essa hora, certo?
Ao abrir a porta, Bethany ficou paralisada.
"Senhor Bates?"
Ele parecia ter saído do banho há pouco. Com os cabelos ainda úmidos e vestindo um roupão de seda preto, ele revelava tatuagens de números escuras em sua clavícula saliente. Os contornos definidos de seu abdômen se perdiam nos limites do roupão.
Sua estatura imponente o fazia dominar a entrada, quase bloqueando a porta com seu corpo. A escuridão parcialmente ocultava seu rosto marcante, e seus olhos não tinham a frieza habitual. Ao contrário, ele a observava como um predador observa sua presa.
"Senhor Bates, como posso ajudar…"
Antes que ela pudesse completar a frase, sentiu as grandes mãos dele agarrando sua nuca. Em seguida, os lábios dele pressionaram os dela com força.
O sabor do vinho invadiu a boca de Bethany.
Antes que pudesse processar o ocorrido, Bethany foi lançada sobre a cama, sentindo o peso do homem sobre ela. Ela vestia uma camisola branca, que apenas inflamava mais o desejo dele.
Era evidente que Jonathan Bates estava embriagado. Do contrário, por que o CEO da Corporação Ensson estaria num quarto de hotel com uma simples assistente?
O primeiro impulso de Bethany foi resistir, mas então ela cessou sua luta. Era a primeira vez que ela estava com um homem. Seu juízo nublado pelo álcool começou a ponderar se estar com alguém tão atraente, rico e poderoso não seria vantajoso.
Jonathan parecia não se lembrar dela, assim como não recordava que foram colegas de classe no ensino secundário durante quase um ano.
Como uma assistente júnior, raramente ela cruzava o caminho do CEO. Ninguém acreditaria que ela tivesse algo com ele.
Após um breve momento de reflexão, ela encontrou coragem para passar os braços ao redor do pescoço dele sob a luz do luar.
𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙨👉https://reurl.cc/bYWXAy
#novelas#amor#book blog#books#livros#livros de romance#historia de amor#português#romance books#primeiro amor#moderno#ceo#just this once#romance de escritório#A proposta ousada do CEO#Amity#Bethany Holt#Jonathan Bates#Lera#Youtube
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📕Coup d'un soir avec le PDG📕
En tant que simple assistante, envoyer un message au PDG en pleine nuit pour demander des films pornos était une initiative audacieuse. Sans surprise, Bethany n'a reçu aucun film. Cependant, le PDG a répondu qu'il n'avait pas de films à partager, mais qu'il pouvait offrir une démonstration en direct. Après une nuit pleine de passion, Bethany était certaine de perdre son emploi. Mais au lieu de cela, son patron lui a proposé : « Épouse-moi, s'il te plaît, réfléchis-y. » « M. Bates, vous vous moquez de moi, n'est-ce pas ? »
𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙯 𝙥𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙞𝙧 𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙨👉https://reurl.cc/5dddXq
Chapitre 1 Donne-moi un homme
« Bethany, as-tu déjà fait l'amour ? »
Bethany Holt, en voyage d'affaires et ayant bu un peu de vin, était couchée dans son lit d'hôtel, sur le point de s'endormir. Mais à peine a-t-elle fermé les yeux que les paroles de sa meilleure amie, Aimee Bates, lui sont revenues à l'esprit.
« C'est incroyable, Bethany. Tu devrais dormir avec un beau garçon pendant que tu es encore jeune ! Ou alors, tu peux toujours "jouer" avec toi-même. Ne sois pas timide. Je te recommande vivement de t'essayer au porno pendant que tu y es. »
Bethany a gloussé toute seule, incapable de se souvenir de la réponse qu'elle avait donnée à Aimee.
En ce moment, Bethany était tellement ivre que son visage délicat a commencé à rougir, ses cheveux épais s'étalant sur les draps comme des algues.
Dans un mois, elle aurait vingt-six ans et, durant toutes ses années sur cette terre, elle n'avait jamais eu de petit ami. Elle n'avait même pas encore embrassé un homme, et encore moins couché avec lui.
Ce n'était pas la première fois qu'Aimee le suggérait, mais aujourd'hui, Bethany a soudainement senti un désir inexplicable s'éveiller en elle ; peut-être à cause des quantités copieuses d'alcool qu'elle avait consommées.
Bethany s'est redressée dans le lit alors que ce sentiment étrange et nouveau devenait insupportable.
Inconsciemment, elle a léché ses lèvres sèches et attrapé son téléphone. Ayant enlevé ses lentilles de contact, sa vision était floue et elle ne pouvait pas voir l'écran clairement, mais lorsqu'elle a vu le nom de famille familier de sa meilleure amie, elle a cliqué dessus et lui a envoyé un message.
« Envoie-moi des recommandations sur le porno. J'ai envie de regarder quelque chose de cochon. »
Quelques secondes plus tard, elle a reçu une réponse. « Quoi ? »
Bethany a froncé les sourcils et, encore ivre, a plaisanté : « Ne joue pas à l'ignorante ! Soit tu m'envoies du porno, soit tu m'envoies un beau mec. Je suis dans la chambre numéro 1501. »
Elle a même ajouté un emoji de baiser à la fin de son message.
Après avoir appuyé sur « envoyer », Bethany a attendu une réponse, mais le téléphone restait silencieux. Au moment où elle s'apprêtait à sortir du lit pour aller boire de l'eau, la sonnette de la porte a soudain retenti.
Elle n'y a pas prêté attention et s'est dirigée vers la porte. Après tout, Aimee n'enverrait pas un homme dans sa chambre au milieu de la nuit, n'est-ce pas ?
Dès qu'elle a ouvert la porte, Bethany s'est raidie comme une planche.
« M. Bates ? »
On dirait qu'il venait de prendre une douche. Ses cheveux courts étaient encore mouillés et il ne portait qu'une robe de chambre en soie noire, exposant plusieurs chiffres sombres sur sa clavicule enfoncée. Il s'agissait d'un tatouage.
Bethany pouvait clairement voir ses muscles abdominaux bien définis, disparaissant dans une ligne en V.
À cause de sa grande taille et de sa forte carrure, il la dominait et bloquait pratiquement l'entrée de la porte. Son beau visage était partiellement dissimulé dans l'obscurité et ses yeux n'étaient plus aussi indifférents et détachés que d'habitude. Au contraire, il ressemblait à une bête affamée, fixant sa proie.
« M. Bates, que puis-je faire pour… ? »
Elle n'a pas eu le temps de finir sa phrase qu'elle a senti une paire de grosses mains lui saisir l'arrière de la tête. La seconde suivante, elle a senti les lèvres de l'homme se presser contre les siennes.
Bethany pouvait sentir la douceur intense du vin sur sa langue.
Avant qu'elle ait pu comprendre ce qui se passait, elle a été jetée dans le lit et l'homme a grimpé sur elle. Elle portait une chemise de nuit blanche, ce qui a encore attisé le désir de l'homme.
Jonathan Bates était manifestement ivre. Sinon, pourquoi le PDG d'Ensson, la filiale du Groupe Bates, serait-il venu dans la chambre d'hôtel d'une modeste assistante ?
Le premier réflexe de Bethany a été de se débattre, mais tout à coup, elle a cessé de le faire. C'était la première fois qu'elle était seule avec un homme. Son esprit gorgé d'alcool a commencé à se dire que coucher avec un homme aussi beau, aussi riche et aussi puissant serait peut-être une bonne chose.
Jonathan ne se souviendrait pas de qui elle était, tout comme il ne s'était pas souvenu qu'ils avaient été camarades de classe au collège pendant près d'un an.
En tant qu'assistante de bas niveau dans l'entreprise, Bethany croisait rarement le chemin du PDG. Personne ne croirait jamais qu'elle a couché avec lui.
Après avoir réfléchi pendant quelques secondes, elle a finalement trouvé le courage de passer ses bras autour du cou de Jonathan au clair de lune.
𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙯 𝙥𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙞𝙧 𝙥𝙡𝙪𝙨👉https://reurl.cc/5dddXq
#lecture#livre#book#books#livres#romance#book blog#kifflire#romantic#roman#moderne#premier amour#pdg#Perfide#douceur#Youtube#Coup d'un soir avec le PDG#Bethany Holt#Jonathan Bates
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December 2024 Reads
Orbital - Samantha Harvey
I Who Have Never Known Men - Jacqueline Harpman
Ghost Wall - Sarah Moss
Fox 8 - George Saunders
The Muse of Maiden Lane - Mimi Matthews
Finding Mr. Write - Kelley Armstrong
Cole and Laila Are Just Friends - Bethany Turner
P.S. I Hate You - Lauren Connolly
Not in My Book - Katie Holt
The Rules of Royalty - Cale Dietrich
Wrong Answers Only - Tobias Madden
Lily and the Octopus - Steven Rowley
The Mistletoe Mystery - Nita Prose
A Night in the Lonesome October - Roger Zelazny
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Washington Irving
A Matter of Execution - Nicolas Atwater and Olivia Atwater
The Scholar and the Last Faerie Door - H.G. Parry
Cursed Cocktails - S.L. Rowland
Games Untold - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - T.S. Eliot
So Thirsty - Rachel Harrison
Hunting November - Adriana Mather
Two Sides to Every Murder - Danielle Valentine
Demon in the Wood - Leigh Bardugo
Thistlefoot - GennaRose Nethercott
Ghost Squad - Claribel A. Ortega
Heartwood Hotel: A True Home - Kallie George
Understood Betsy - Dorothy Canfield Fisher
The Death and Life of Benny Brooks - Ethan Long
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Catcher - Bruce Coville
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse - Charlie Mackesy
In a Jar - Deborah Marcero
Frog and Toad Are Friends - Arnold Lobel
Frog and Toad Together - Arnold Lobel
Frog and Toad All Year - Arnold Lobel
Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt - Kate Messner and Christopher Silas Neal
A Little Like Magic - Sarah Kurpiel
Sugar and Spice and Everything Mice - Annie Silvestro and Christee Curran-Bauer
Mr. Santa - Jarvis
I Shall Never Fall in Love - Harri Conner
Bunt! Striking Out on Financial Aid - Ngoni Ukazu
Swamp Thing: Twin Branches - Maggie Stiefvater
Shadow of the Batgirl - Sarah Kuhn
She-Hulk, Vol. 5: All In - Rainbow Rowell
Briony Hatch - Ginny & Penelope Skinner
March: Book One - John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell
Cat People to Judge in Art and Life - Nicole Tersigni
Pen & Ink - Isaac Fitzgerald and Wendy MacNaughton
March Sisters: On Life, Death, and Little Women - Kate Bolick, Jenny Zhang, Carmen Maria Machado, and Jane Smiley
Everybody Needs an Editor - Melissa Harris
We All Shine On: John, Yoko, and Me - Elliot Mintz
Never Play it Safe - Chase Jarvis
Women Living Deliciously - Florence Given
Things to Look Forward To - Sophie Blackall
Real American Girls Tell Their Own Stories - Thomas Hoobler and Dorothy Hoobler
The Wood in Winter - John Lewis-Stempel
50 Ways to Rewire Your Anxious Brain - Catherine M. Pittman and Maha Zayed Hoffman
Democracy or Else - Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor
What I Ate in One Year - Stanley Tucci
Greekish - Georgina Hayden
The Vegetable Eater - Cara Mangini
Bold = Highly Recommend
Italics = Worth It
Crossed Out = Nope
Thoughts: So, uh, I read a lot of books this month. I leaned into beating my total from last year since I was close and read a lot of short reads, graphic novels, and the children's books I was giving for gifts.
There were some good reads this month, including two new canine narrators that I adore: Fox 8 and Snuff from A Night in the Lonesome October (which really should be a big tumblr book as it has Jack the Ripper, Dracula, the Wolf Man, a witch, a clergyman, a druid, Victor Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes, a Rasputin-coded mad monk, and occultists along with their familiars scheming over the fate of the world).
Goodreads Goal: 476/400
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads | 2022 Reads | 2023 Reads | 2024 Reads
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We've got a little something for everyone this week! Have you checked out these new releases yet?
I'll Be Waiting for You by Mariko Turk Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Natalie and Imogen are inseparable, and wildly different—Imogen is infuriatingly humble and incredibly intelligent, while Natalie is brave, jumping into danger and new adventures. Still, one thing ties them their love of the supernatural. Every summer, they vacation with their parents at the famously haunted Harlow Hotel. Imogen is a true believer, while Natalie sees ghost stories as nothing but pure fun. Then, Imogen suddenly passes away from an undiagnosed heart condition that no one saw coming, and Natalie is left to take on the summer before senior year alone. Without Imogen, Natalie throws herself into her senior project. Her passion is still horror, so she plans to spend her summer back at The Harlow Hotel recording fun fake footage that will get her on the teen ghost hunting show of her dreams. And her plans would be a lot less complicated if Leander, her irritatingly attractive arch rival from school, wasn’t working on his senior project at the very same hotel. The longer Natalie stays at the Harlow Hotel, the more she realizes that Leander might be helpful for her project. After all, she could use an extra hand to help record her fake footage. But, when strange things start happening at the Harlow, Natalie wonders, could there really be something to these ghosts after all?
The Notes by Catherine Con Morse Crown Books for Young Readers
Claire Wu isn’t sure that she has what it takes to become a successful concert pianist. It’s the fear of every student at Greenwood School of Performing becoming a washed-out performer who couldn't make it big. And Claire's no Rocky Wong, the ace pianist at their boarding school. Then Dr. Li shows up. She’s like no other teacher at mysterious, sophisticated, fascinating. Under Dr. Li’s tutelage, Claire works harder and dreams bigger than ever. And her crush Rocky finally seems interested. Maybe she’ll even be "Chinese enough" to join the elusive Asian Student Society. Everything is falling into place until eerily personal notes about Claire’s bond with Dr. Li appear. Claire starts to feel the pressure. But she isn't the only one. Everyone is feeling the strain. Especially Rocky, whose extreme perfectionism hides something more troubling. As the Showcase tension crescendos, Claire must decide if she’s ready to sink or swim. She may discover who she really is as a Chinese American and learn if she’s ready to give her all for a shot at greatness.
The Poisons We Drink by Bethany Baptiste Sourcebooks Fire
In a country divided between humans and witchers, Venus Stoneheart hustles as a brewer making illegal love potions to support her family. Love potions is a dangerous business. Brewing has painful, debilitating side effects, and getting caught means death or a prison sentence. But what Venus is most afraid of is the dark, sentient magic within her. Then an enemy's iron bullet kills her mother, Venus’s life implodes. Keeping her reckless little sister Janus safe is now her responsibility. When the powerful Grand Witcher, the ruthless head of her coven, offers Venus the chance to punish her mother's killer, she has to pay a steep price for revenge. The cost? Brew poisonous potions to enslave D.C.'s most influential politicians. As Venus crawls deeper into the corrupt underbelly of her city, the line between magic and power blurs, and it's hard to tell who to trust…Herself included.
Prom Babies by Kekla Magoon Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
A compelling, multi-generational novel from the Coretta Scott King and Printz Honor-winning author of How It Went Down, Light It Up, and The Minus-One Club, Prom Babies chronicles the stories of three teen girls who become pregnant on prom night. Eighteen years later, their three babies, now high school seniors, are headed to prom and facing their own set of complicated issues and questions. Mina, Penny, and Sheryl have the typical expectations of prom night in 2005: dresses, dancing, and of course some coming of age moments. None of them plans to get pregnant, but when all three do, they band together as they face decisions that have the power to shape the rest of their lives. In 2024, their three children--Blossom, Amber, and Cole--are high school seniors, gearing up to go to prom and facing some big decisions of their own. As they seek to understand who they are and who they want to be, they grapple with issues that range from consent to virginity, gendered dress codes, and the many patriarchal, heteronormative expectations that still come along with prom. A generation later, will this prom night change lives too?
Sound the Gong (Kingdom of Three #2) by Joan He Roaring Brook Press
From New York Times and Indie bestselling author Joan He, comes the dazzling and sweeping conclusion to The Kingdom of Three duology, Sound the Gong, the breathtaking sequel to the critically-acclaimed Strike the Zither. All her life, Zephyr has tried to rise above her humble origins as a no-name orphan. Now she is a god in a warrior’s body, and never has she felt more powerless. Her lordess Xin Ren holds the Westlands, but her position is tenuous. In the north, the empress remains under Miasma’s thumb. In the south, the alliance with Cicada is in pieces. Fate also seems to have a different winner in mind for the three kingdoms, but Zephyr has no intentions of respecting it. She will pay any price to see Ren succeed—and she will make her enemies pay, especially one dark-haired, dark-eyed Crow. What she’ll do when she finds out the truth—that he worked for the South all along…
The Vanishing Station by Ana Ellickson Amulet Books
Eighteen-year-old Filipino American Ruby Santos has been unmoored since her mother’s death. She can’t apply to art school like she’s always dreamed, and she and her father have had to move into the basement of their home and rent out the top floor while they work to pay back her mother’s hospital bills. Then Ruby finds out her father has been living a secret life as a delivery person for a magical underworld—he “jumps” train lines to help deliver packages for a powerful family. Recently, he’s fallen behind on deliveries (and deeper into alcoholism), and if his debts aren’t satisfied, they’re going to take her mother’s house. In an effort to protect her father and save all that remains of her mother, Ruby volunteers to take over her dad’s station and start jumping train lines. But this is no ordinary job. Ruby soon realizes that the trains are much more than doors to romance and they’re also doors to trafficking illicit goods and fierce rivalries. As she becomes more entangled with the magical underworld and the mysterious boy who’s helped her to learn magic, she realizes too late that she may be in over her head. Can she free her father and save her mother’s house? Or has she only managed to get herself pulled into the dangerous web her father was trapped in?
What's Eating Jackie Oh? by Patricia Park Crown Books for Young Readers
Jackie Oh is done being your model minority. She just hasn’t told her second-gen Korean American parents yet. They would never understand her unconventional dream to become a professional chef. Just ask her brother Justin, who hasn't heard from them since he was sent to Rikers Island. For now, when she isn’t avoiding studying for AP World History, Jackie is improving her French cooking techniques and working at her grandparents’ Midtown deli Melty’s. Then the most unexpected thing Jackie gets recruited for a casting audition for the teen edition of Burn Off!, her favorite competitive cooking show. Even more unexpected, Jackie becomes a contestant. Jackie is thrown headfirst into the cutthroat competitive TV show world filled with psych outs, picky mom critiques, and dreaded microaggressions to lean into her heritage. All Jackie wants to do is cook her way. But is her way to cook traditional French cuisine? Lean into her heritage? Or is it something more? To advance through the competition, Jackie must prove who she is on and off the plate.
Where Was Goodbye? by Janice Lynn Mather Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
A teen girl searches for closure after her brother dies by suicide in this breathtaking novel from the author of Learning to Breathe and Facing the Sun. Karmen is about to start her last year of high school, but it’s only been six weeks since her brother, Julian, died by suicide. How is she supposed to focus on school when huge questions Why is Julian gone? How could she have missed seeing his pain? Could she have helped him? When a blowup at school gets Karmen sent home for a few weeks, life gets more things between her parents are tenser than ever, her best friend’s acting like a stranger, and her search to understand why Julian died keeps coming up empty. New friend Pru both baffles and comforts Karmen, and there might finally be something happening with her crush, Isaiah, but does she have time for either, or are they just more distractions? Will she ever understand Julian’s struggle and tragedy? If not, can she love—and live—again?
#i'll be waiting for you#prom babies#sound the gong#the notes#the vanishing station#the poisons we drink#what's eating jackie oh#where was goodbye#mariko turk#kekla magoon#joan he#catherine con morse#ana ellickson#bethany baptiste#patricia park#janice lynn mather
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A masterlist of muses that I have played throughout the years, that I am always willing to play. I do need to go over some of the FC's and probably make some changes since this list is YEARS old. But I will do that and update it!!
Abigail ‘Abbi’ Abrams FC: Victoria Justice
Addison Smollen FC: Kendall Jenner
Allison ‘Alli’ Ortiz FC: Madison Beer
Amelia ‘Mia’ Abrams FC: Torrey Devitto
Ana Flores FC: Camila Mendes
Angelina Rose FC: Clemence Posey
Apollo Kona FC: Roman Reigns
Augusta ‘Gwen’ Porter FC: Hailey Baldwin
Avery Smollen FC: Kylie Jenner
Bailey Allwood FC: Katherine Langford
Bethany DuPont-Hunter FC: Rachel Bilson / FC: Crystal Reed
Benjamin DuPont FC: Theo James
Blaise Zabini FC: Keith Powers
Bleau St. Claire FC: Val Mercado
Braelyn Carter FC: Alycia Debnam Carey
Caleb Kyriakos FC: Tom Austen
Callie Haverford FC: Gigi Hadid
Cameron Bartell FC: Natalia Dyer
Cathleen ‘Rey’ Murphy FC: Paige / Saraya Jade Bevis
Chasity Dean FC: Troian Bellisario
Clara Spencer FC: Alexis Ren
Connor O’Brien FC: Cody Saintgnue
Cooper Brozene FC: Joel Kinnaman
Cyrus Morgan FC: Scott Speedman
Daphne Greengrass FC: Pia Mia
Darya Smirnov FC: Taylor Hill
Davina Pace FC: Carmella Rose
Dawson St. James FC: Finn Wittrock
Dean Munroe FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Demi O’Connor FC: Jessica Lowndes
Destiny Savvin FC: Eiza Gonzalez / FC: Salma Hayek
Dev Ambrogino FC: Nathan Parsons
Diya Gupta FC: Naomi Scott
Dorian Porter FC: Justin Hartley
Dylan Boyer FC: Olivia Wilde / FC: Odeya Rush
Eden Hunter FC: Danielle Campbell
Elizabeth Rush FC: Hayley Atwell
Evelyn Perez FC: Bruna Marquezine
Genivive ‘Ginny’ Kennedy FC: Alicia Vikander
Gracie Abernathy FC: Nicola Peltz
Harleen Quinzel FC: Margot Robbie
Hudson O’Connor FC: Charlie Hunnam
Hunter Munroe FC: Kit Harington
Irina Savvin FC: Claire Holt
Isabella Martinez FC: Naya Rivera Christian Serratos
Isobel Garcia FC: Jackie Cruz
Ivy Hartley FC: Maggie Duran
Jack Collins FC: Tom Holland
Jalessa Myers FC: Jade Thirlwall
Jayden Munroe FC: Leigh Anne Pinnock
Jayson Hunter FC: Dominic Sherwood
Jennifer Martinez FC: Diane Guerrero
Joanna ‘Joey’ Martell FC: Marie Avgeropoulos
Judith Grimes FC: Daisy Ridley
Karina Smirnov FC: Irina Shayk / FC: India Eisley
Katherine ‘Katy’ Abernathy FC: Katie Stevens
Katya Ambrogino FC: Ariel Winter
Keith Newman FC: Travis Mills
Kimber Rhodes FC: Karla Souza
Layla Abernathy FC: Emily Kinney / FC: Candice Swanepoel
Leah Douglas FC: Nathalie Emmanuel / FC: Amandla Stenberg
Lee McBride FC: Dan Stevens
Lilliana ‘Lily’ Rey FC: Bella Thorne Luca Hollestelle
Lorelei Ambrose FC: Imogen Poots
Maddox Young FC: Amadeus Sarafini
Madison Nolan FC: Ashley Greene
Makenna Dean FC: Shelley Hennig
Mateo Fiore FC: Theo Rossi
Matheus Silva FC: Chay Suede
Matty Dodson FC: Cody Christian
Maximus ‘Mac’ Porter FC: Austin Butler
Melanie Rhee FC: Lauren Cohan
Mickey Wolfe FC: Troye Sivan
Natalia ‘Talia’ Smallwood FC: Emily Ratajkowski
Nate Ballard FC: Randy Orton
Nikolai Savvin FC: Joseph Morgan
Paige Stabler FC: Madison Davenport
Pansy Parkinson FC: Nona Komatsu
Parker Mercer FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Phoenix Dattolo FC: Avan Jogia
Piper Romero FC: Maia Mitchell / FC: Giza Lagarce
Priyah Jacobs FC: Alysha Nett
Psyche FC: Sophie Turner
Rami Armand FC: Zayn Malik
Reagan Powers FC: Allison Williams
Rhea Lockhart FC: Julianne Hough
Richard Thorne FC: Jon Hamm
Rose Granger-Weasley FC: Madelaine Petsch
Ryan O'Brien FC: Cam Gigandet
Samantha ‘Sammie’ Barker FC: Arden Cho
Sergei Savvin FC: Max Riemelt
Sierra Tsu FC: Dichen Lachman
Stella La’ei Kona FC: Nikki Reed
Sunshine ‘Sunny’ Jacobs FC: Dove Cameron
Sydney Pearson FC: Zendaya
Tanya Dash FC: Khole Kardashian Bree Kish
Teegan O'Brien FC: Lili Reinhart
Titus Kona FC: Jason Momoa
Tobias Graves FC: Travis Fimmel
Trent Lancaster FC: Andrew Lincoln
Valentino De Luca FC: Dominic Cooper
Veda Patil FC: Priyanka Chopra
Wyatt Cahill FC: Ryan Guzman
Xavier Waters FC: Don Benjamin
Zion Waters FC: Ricky Whittle
Zoe DiMarco FC: Bex Taylor-Klaus / FC: Ruby Rose / FC: Ash Stymest
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This is just a suggestion and feel free to ignore! Something I think would be helpful would be to include at the top of your "Fundies and Adjacent I Follow" type posts a summary of what makes them fundie or adjacent. I haven't heard of the majority of them, so I can't tell if it's a friend of the Duggars, someone with a blog that spouts hate in the name of Christianity, a vlogging family, or just a random family that just so happens to have a bunch of kids. Maybe for the lesser known follow up pregnancy or engagement announcements where most fundie followers would go "who is this...?" linking back to the main post? Thanks for all you do!
Fundies and Adjacent I Follow: Why are they notable (Last Names A-C)
Great Idea! I will be doing all the families I have posted by last names. I am going to start here with A-D. You can see links to all families here.
Alexander Family:
The Alexander Family of California is headed by father Ken Alexander and mother Lori Falk. They have been married since 1980 and share 4 children, 4 children-in-law, and 16 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
Lori Alexander runs a blog and Youtube channel called "The Transformed Wife" where she discusses biblical womanhood, marriage, and motherhood.
Anderson Family:
The Anderson Family of Arizona is headed by father Steven Anderson and mother Zsuzsanna Toth. They have been married since 2000 and share 12 children as of 11/20/2023.
Steven is the New IFB movement and pastors the Faithful Word Baptist Church.
Zsuzsanna runs a blog called "Are They All Yours?"
Andregg Family:
The Andregg family of Arkansas is headed by father Dwayne Andregg and mother Melanie McPherson. They have been married since 1999 and share 6 children, 1 son-in-law, and 2 grandchildren as of 11/20/23.
They are connected to the Wikstrom family as their daughter Lauren married the Wikstrom's son Devin.
The Andreggs have also been notable friends with the Duggar family for years and are members of the IBLP. They were featured on the Duggar's TLC shows.
Dwayne is the former campaign manager for Jim Holt.
Baird Family:
The Baird family of Texas is headed by father Michael Baird and mother Heidi Mick. They have been married since 1982 and share 8 living children, 6 children-in-law, and 9 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
Daughters Bethany Beal and Kristen Clark run Girl Defined Ministries.
Balka Family:
The Balka Family of Tennessee is headed by father Mike Balka and late mother Kristy Dotson. They were married in 1993 and share 6 children, 3 children-in-law, and 4 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
Son Kelton is married to Josie Bates.
Ballinger Family:
The Ballinger family of Arkansas is headed by father Bob Ballinger and mother Jessica Thomas. They have been married since 1998 and share 7 children, 1 daughter-in-law, and 4 grandchildren as of 11/20/23.
Their son Bobby married Austin Forsyth's sister Meagan.
Bob Ballinger served in the Arkansas General Assembly from 2013 to 2023. Jed and Joy Duggar served as interns for him.
Barrett Family:
The Barrett family is headed by mother Gabby Barrett and father Cade Foehner. They have been married since 2019 and share 3 children as of 11/20/23.
Gabby Barrett is an accomplished country music singer who originally gained fame on American Idol.
The couple was good friends with Jeremy and Jinger Vuolo while living in LA. Jeremy officiated their wedding.
Bates Family:
The Bates Family of Tennessee is headed by father Gil Bates and mother Kelly Jo Callaham. They have been married since 1987 and share 19 children, 11 children-in-law, and 29 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
The Bates family rose to prominence via their friendship with the Duggar Family. They have since gone on to have their own shows with TLC and UPTV.
They are long-time members of the IBLP and Gil Bates is on the board.
Many of the children have popular social media presences.
Bontrager Family:
The Bontrager family of Iowa is headed by father Marlin Bontrager and mother Becky. They have been married since 1989 and share 10 children, 7 children-in-law, and 14 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
The Bontragers are friends of the Duggars and sons Carson and Joshua are married to Bowers girls.
The unmarried Bontrager children are in a band with their parents.
Bowers Family:
The Bowers Family of Alabama is headed by father Curtis Bowers and mother Lauren McAlvany. They have been married since 1989 and share 9 children, 2 sons-in-law, and 6 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
The family is friends of the Duggar Family. Daughters Carolina and Cassidy are married to Bontrager boys.
Bure Family:
The Bure family is headed by father Valeri Bure and mother Candace Cameron. They have been married since 1996 and share 3 children as of 11/20/2023
Candace was a main cast member of Full House and is now an outspoken Christian actress and sister of Kirk Cameron.
Burnett Family:
The Burnett family of Oklahoma is headed by father John Burnett and mother Cheryl Clay. They have been married since 1981 and share 8 children, 8 children-in-law, and 19 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
They daughter Abbie married John Duggar in 2018. They were at one point members or running in the circles of the IBLP, but I am unsure of the Burnett family affiliation now.
Caldwell Family:
The Caldwell family of Arkansas is headed by father Paul Caldwell and mother Christina Hamrick. They have been married since 1998 and share 9 children, 1 son-in-law, and 4 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
Paul Caldwell is the former pastor of the Duggar family church. Their daughter Kendra married Joseph Duggar in 2017. The family was at one point in the IBLP. I am unsure of their current affiliation.
Cameron Family:
The Cameron Family of California is headed by father Kirk Cameron and mother Chelsea Noble. They have been married since 1991 and share 6 children and 2 children-in-law as of 11/20/2023.
Kirk is a former main cast member of Growing Pains and was an actor in the Christian film FireProof. He was featured on several episodes of 19 Kids and Counting.
Clark Family:
The Clark family of New Jersey is headed by father Charles Clark Jr. and mother Aprile. They share 3 children, 2 children-in-law, 9 granchildren, 6 grandchildren-in-law, and 7 great-grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
The family runs a church called Solid Rock Baptist Church. They also have a band called Clark Family Band.
Grandson Travis is married to Katie Bates.
Collingsworth Family:
The Collingsworth family of Ohio is headed by father Phillip Collingsworth Sr. and Kimberly Keaton. They have been married since 1986 and share 4 children, 4 children-in-law, and 9 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
The family makes up the Collingsworth Family musical group. Daughter Olivia has made music with Lawson Bates. The family also rubs shoulders with the Duggar family.
The Collins Family:
The Collins family of Texas is headed by father Mandrae Collins and mother Karissa Goering. They have been married since 2007 and share 10 children as of 11/20/2023.
Karissa's online presence has garnered the family a lot of negative attention. She promotes giving family size up to God.
Coverett Family:
The Coverett Family of Pennsylvania is headed by father Jeremy Coverett and Ellen Vincent. They have been married since 2001 and share 6 children and 1 son-in-law as of 11/20/2023.
Ellen has been in the downline of Jill Rodrigues for many years. Ellen is the sister of the matriarch of the Hill family and introduced Kaylee Rodrigues and Jonathan Hill. Heidi Coverett is now engaged to Timothy Rodrigues.
Crane Family:
The Crane Family of Arkansas is headed by father Josh Crane and mother Melodie. They share 7 children, 2 children-in-law, and 3 grandchildren as of 11/20/2023.
Daughter Madi and her husband work for PragerU along with Lemuel Reber.
The Crane Family is friends of the Duggars and former IBLP members. It is speculated that some leaked information about the Duggar family has come from friends of the Cranes.
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can i get some suggestions for the lannisters of lannisport
i'll give a variety based on .... vibes so here we go: charles melton, pamela tome, olivia holt, freddie fox, daisy head, margot robbie, havana rose liu, rudy pankow, ellie bamber, archie renaux, bethany antonia, isabela merced, maddison jaizani, matthew broome, naomi scott, ruby barker, sean teale, sebastian de souza, vanessa morgan, jordan fisher, victor alli, jonathan daviss, jeremy pope, ncuti gatwa, kit young, hafsanur sancaktutan, melike ipek yalova, simay barlas, mookda narinrak, cemre baysel, amy james kelly, alicia von rittberg, ann skelly, aurora ruffino, cailee spaeny, corey mylchreest, ella purnell, eloise smyth, emilia schule, florence pugh, freddie stroma, freya allan, gabriella wilde, haley bennett, harriet cains, harris dickinson, isolda dychauk, jessica madsen, joey king, kathryn newton, lily james, lily rose depp, dylan wang, ece cesmioglu, francesca corney, go yoonjung, ji li, julie anne san jose, khushi kapoor, madelaine petsch, zhao lusi, shin ye-eun, froy gutierrez, tom glynn-carney, khadijah red thunder, amber midthunder, chandler kinney, henry eikenberry, ozge yagiz.
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Please check out our new members’ checklist. Once this is complete, you have 24 hours to send in your account.
Kai Finnegan (Felix Mallard) by Gemz
Amara Washington (Candice Patton) by Neptune
Joseph ‘Joe’ Conway (Lee Pace) by G
Daisy Nowak (Rachel Zegler) by Raya
Brie Dawson (Zoey Deutch) by Marissa
Major Powell (Michael Evans Behling) by Sunny
Roman Hesse (Casey Deidrick) by Talia
Mía Carrillo (Priscilla Quintana) by Taylor
Rüya Baykam (Asena Keskinci) by Dallas
Hadlee Van der Zee (Alexandra Shipp) by Ben
Aspen Jacobs (Olivia Holt) by Kass
Mckinley Serrano (Peter Gadiot) by Bethany
Kaia Waverly (Madelyn Cline) by Ellie
Marisol Costello (Ana de Armas) by S
Zoe Wilson (Antonia Gentry) by Lynn
Hazel Farrow (Maia Mitchell) by Kristina
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Below the cut you'll find a list of fcs that are currently taken (either reserved or pending an app) as well as the writers associated with them:
Rania: Lindsey Morgan
Starling: Gemma Chan, Jessica Henwick, Go Minsi
Halex: Chloe Hayden, Tyler Alvarez
Ann: Ricky Whittle, Kofi Siriboe, Taylor Zakhar Perez
Victoria: Milo Ventimiglia, Cody Christian, Miguel Gomez, Oscar Isaac, Mame Anna Diop
Heather: Lana Condor, Ryan Gosling, Darren Barnet
Davinna: Aimee Carrero, Shamier Anderson
Lev: Henry Cavill, Camille Hyde, Kerry Washington, Diggy Simmons
Dewin: Rahul Kohli, Harvey Guillen
Naomi: Colin O'Donoghue
Lizzie: Oliver Jackson-Cohen
Cally: Kat Graham, Kristin Kreuk
Lion: Pedro Pascal, Justice Smith
Kate: Ruth Wilson
A: Margot Robbie
Steph: Edgar Ramirez, Olivia Holt
Logan: Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Cha Eunwoo
Audi: archie renaux, mason gooding, timothy olyphant, adria arjona, tanaya beatty
Maggie: courtney eaton, melanie lynesky, nicole maines
Bethany: Marco Pigossi
Em: Chase Sui Wonders, Rachel Weisz
Alice: Lydia West, Adachi Rika, Danny Ramirez
writer count: 22/30
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Since Jan 2020, your payment to Sweaty Mama Stroud and Cirencester, £1 has donated to Rushton Dog Rescue.
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to all the Mamas who renewed, our Monthly Mamas and new signed up.
Our Jul 2023🐕 donation to Rushton Dog Rescue 🌺
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Lisa Mugan
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Melissa Holloway
Grace Sharp
Hester Bullock
Alice Studd
Dawn Mulrain
Hannah Leaver
Emma Ogden
Sophie Bell
Lydia Pywell
Jane Clarke
Natalie Hurdle
Tabitha Crabb
Spasija Speak
Claire Bosworth
Grace Hollinworth
Alexandra Boyle
Alisa Holt
Tania Walker
Zoe Monk
Alice Ingledew
Rebecca Adkins
Holly Kinnersley
Robyn Norris
Bethany Juggins
Lyndsey Robinson
Hannah Thompson
Kimberley Willett
Olivia Banks
Zoe Leah
Jade Gwilliam
Sophie Bell
Pru Foley
Emma Williams
Emma Ramsay
Holly Kinnersley
Jennifer Cockram
Jennifer Leman
Yasmin Swales
Louise Messer
Chloe Withers
Charlotte Barnes
Gemma Feetham
Helen Telford
Lisa Mugan
You can make donation again via -
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Name- Rushton dog rescue
Account number- 65399196
Sort code- 08 92 99
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Love and Other Kerfuffles
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Participating Authors:
Authors: A.R. Bell Amilia Quinn Angela Breen Anna Volkin Annee Jones Bethany Monaco Smith Chelle Pimblott Cinna Stone D A Nelson Debra Deasey Diane Wiggs Guinevere Jordan Heather D’Agostino Harper Michaels Ireland Lorelei Jackie Paxson Jakki Frances Jan Halen Jewelz Baxter JK Lycke K McEvern Lestrade K.H. Anastasia Kate McWilliams Kimberly Ann Koko Heary Laura Marquez Diamond Lily Kindall Linda G. Hill Liz Alden LoLo Paige Melissa Kendall Michelle Ventura Rachel Blake Rachelle Wright RJ Gray Rubi Jade Ryleigh Sloan Sofia Aves Tasha Blythe Trinity Wood VK Holt
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@Sofia Aves @Trinity Wood @DS Book Promotions
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Yeah okay alright she can go up with Bethany Erin Holt on the Fictional Bethany Wall of Approval 📌
Before the blog went live, I read ALMOST all of the most successful and acclaimed novels by transfemmes. But there’s one glaring outlier missing from my repertoire. I’ve been procrastinating on it since literally 2022, but not anymore. That book is Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin. 👀
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rdo doodle 💫
#rdo#red dead online#i mean. i guess. its been a hot minute since i played but yaknowwww#trying to keep this blog somewhat alive compared to my other ones#bethany holt#art fart
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This. This is my favorite.
Just look at that puppies goofy face. Its perfect.
#lovestruck#mc#yvette holte#yvette x mc#mc is named bethany#yvette#sin with me#puppylove#puppyplay#puppy#cant change my mind#acacia
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#haley james scott#one tree hill#othedit#bethany joy lenz#gif: bethany joy lenz#gif#wanted fc#ch: chelsea holt#PURPLE FLOWER IN HAIR RIGHTS#~
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Happy International Women's Day to my favorite female actresses from a few of my favorite shows💕
#ellen pompeo#jessica Capshaw#camilla luddington#nina dobrev#phoebe tonkin#claire holt#sarah drew#hilarie burton#sophia bush#bethany joy lenz
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