#Bestie's OC: Erik
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djfatchip · 11 months ago
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AU OTP Instagram Edition ↳ Gissella Trevelyan married to Erik Galathil
Fantasy OTP's: Rianna, Arjhann, Simoricia, Lucimy, Fengara, Thalelle Sci-Fi OTP's: Gustine, Braysica Instagram Template by Ivnderbrwn *All are face claims for OC's shown*
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joana-de-artes · 5 months ago
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Just two bros
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year ago
Marianne: How dare these dear dear friends of mine ruin my plans to suffer in silence for the rest of my life by asking me if I'm "okay".
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shalebridgecradle · 2 years ago
TESFest, Day 4
TESFest, Day 4 - mortal / sanctuary - @tes-summer-fest summary: 2,082 words; PG. Home is where you hide your Elder Scroll. No content warnings. housekeeping note: based off a pipe dream I once had of rewriting the plot of Dawnguard because...well... *gestures broadly*...you know. This fic assumes Serana wouldn't want to bring an Elder Scroll back to Castle Volkihar and the waiting arms of her probably-still-prophecy-obsessed father.
Serana regards the weatherworn chest before her with open suspicion. With the tip of her index finger she lifts the lid. Hinges creak. Wood shifts. She doesn’t even examine the contents before letting the lid slam shut again in a whumpf of dust.
She whirls on the two adventurers behind her, arms folded across her chest, brow furrowed. “This is the most absurd idea I’ve ever heard.”
“It’s…unorthodox,” Eira - on her left - concedes. Her teeth worry over her lower lip as she thinks. “But I suppose it could work.”
“It will work.” Erik gestures to the chest as if inviting Serana to take another look. “This is the safest spot in Skyrim. I promise,” he adds, puffing faintly with pride.
“Because a stripling couldn’t understand how to work a lock growing up?” Serana scoffs, heedless of the way Erik’s smile fades. She rolls her shoulders, shifting her cargo around into her arms. “We’ll look for somewhere in Solitude. A…they do still have vaults, right?”
“Well, yes, but–”
Heavy footsteps overhead interrupt the debate. Three sets of eyes dart towards the floorboards up above. Dust falls in a steady line headed right toward the basement steps. 
Erik winces. “I thought he was asleep.”
A moment later and Mralki’s broad, bare feet appear on the top few steps, followed shortly by the rest of him. He tugs at his nightshirt with one hand, the other hand holding a lantern aloft. “Try and keep your voices down. Erik, you know Sissel’s a light sleeper.” Then his gaze falls on the aging chest they’ve arrayed themselves around, and then on Serana and the oversized, ornamented scroll cradled in her arms.
Mralki considers them a long moment before he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger. “You found another–of course you did. What have I told you about bringing priceless artifacts under this roof?”
“It won’t be staying,” Serana answers, at the same time as Erik, looking down at his boots, mumbles something about intending to tell him in the morning.
“You want to hide an Elder Scroll in my basement, and you thought telling me could wait until morning? What else have you hid down here? Ysmir’s beard?” Mralki lifts the lantern higher as if to look. 
It’s Eira who stops him, with a gentle smile that makes wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. “You’re right; we should have told you. It’s only that we need a place to stow it for a few days, safe from Serana’s family.”
“And that isn’t here,” is Serana’s grumbled retort. Mralki nods his agreement.
Eira’s hands rest on her hips. “I’m not convinced a bank vault is any better,” she murmurs, setting off a fresh round of debate between herself and Serana.
“Listen,” Erik interrupts, motioning to the chest. “If you were looking for an Elder Scroll, where would you go?”
Serana’s retort is dry and immediate: “Where I know where to find one.”
Eira’s palm bounces in the air as if weighing the question before she speaks. “I’d start with the Imperial Library, I suppose. Or the College.”
“Or an ancient ruin, lost to the ages.” Erik almost bounces on his toes as he concludes, “But would you look in an innkeeper’s basement?”
“Does the innkeeper get a say in this at all?”
Erik’s eyes dart to his father, wide and pleading. “It’d only be for a few days. And my point is that no one would think to look for it here. Would they? Serana?”
“My father suspected I took the scroll when I was…sent away. If he’s still…” She shakes her head; stops the thoughts there. “He could try to retrace my steps, looking for it.”
“That sounds like a long line of ifs, to me.” Eira’s shoulder to shoulder with Erik now, or as close as their differing heights will allow. Shoulder to elbow. “This is still better than delivering it into his hands.”
“Is it? How can I trust him?” She points a pale, slender finger in Mralki’s direction. The innkeeper draws back, eyebrow arched, despite the distance between them. “Better yet, how can I trust you?” 
Erik stammers over the first words of a reply. It’s Mralki who cuts him short. “The same way I’m going to have to trust that you won’t hurt my son or Eira, whatever it is you’re mixed up in.”
Serana’s lips narrow to a thin line. She and Mralki stare at one another, arms folded in near-identical poses of defiance. Some things, it seems, translate well enough across the millennia. 
“I see.” She hugs the scroll closer to her chest. Her yellow eyes narrow, a faint gleam in the swirling candlelight.
Then a sigh. She turns, fast enough to swirl her long dark cloak behind her,  and lifts the lid of the chest once more. Aging armor clanks and shifts as she moves it about to settle the scroll in place. By the time she’s done, only a hint of a handle peeks out, a glimmer in the dim light. 
“I’ll be back to claim it, once I’m sure my father–once it’s safe.” Hinges creak again as she eases the lid shut. The rusty padlock - temporarily set aside on a dusty barrel - follows shortly after. 
“That’s a Legion-issue lock,” Mralki warns. “Any thief worth their salt will have it open in a heartbeat.”
Eira’s lips curve upwards in a wry smile. “Perhaps, but first they’d have to get past you.”
“Again, I’d ask you if I get a say in this.” Mralki sighs. “But Divines preserve us, I already know the answer.” He turns to go, his voice drifting back to them as he climbs the uneven steps. “Not a word of this to another soul, and you’d best not even think of leaving it here for more than a fortnight. Julianos knows how I’m going to keep the girls out of the basement until then.”
They tromp up the stairs one after the other, Serana leading the way. Only a few glances back to the basement, the chest lost in dust and darkness now that they’ve carried the candles up with them. 
Mralki waits at the top step, arms folded. “Where is it you’re bound after this?”
Serana’s foot hesitates just as she reaches the top step. “North,” she answers, before amending, with a touch more reluctance, “home.”
Mralki’s brow furrows as if trying to imagine, for a moment, what that word means to a vampire. “Well.” He’s talking over her shoulder now, to his son’s thudding, familiar steps as he makes his way up the stairs behind her. “Erik, try and make sure you’re back here before Sundas. The last of Lemkil’s potato crop needs digging up, and the children and I can’t manage it all by ourselves.”
It rains the night they return to Rorikstead. Before the last dark clouds have rolled away east, Serana slips out the inn door. She comes to a stop on the inn’s bottom step, away from the dripping eave. A few belated drops of rain pattern against the hood of her cloak.
The sky clears into a delicate web of stars before the inn’s door ever opens again. She glances back just in time to see Mralki step outside.
“Ah, there you are.”
Behind him, as the inn’s door swings closed, she can just make out Eira and Erik at one of the tables. Their heads are both bent over a map of Skyrim, their voices a susurrus half lost to the wind and the crackle of the hearth. 
It’s like there's no space for air between you two, Serana had told Eira during the sea crossing to Castle Volkihar. Erik remained on the shore pacing, grumbling, the only one of them who couldn't water walk.
We’re not used to working alone or in threes. That gentle smile, again, so patient and courtly it made Serana’s jaw clench.
Had there ever been a time when Serana hadn’t had to guard her own back? She doesn’t remember. If those two are what it’s like, having someone you trust at your side, she’d rather lock herself right back in Dimhollow Crypt.
A hen pecks the dirt near her boots, on a late-night hunt for worms turned up by the rain. Its beak strikes alarmingly close to one of her toes. Serana quirks a brow down at it, her expression a good match for the storm clouds receding on the horizon.
The chicken carries on regardless.
Mralki shoos it away with a firm hand and a few muttered words, back toward the henhouse. It complies with a faint bwok that sounds for all the world like a curse. “You should be back inside, nearer the fire.”
For a moment, Serana thinks he’s talking to the chicken. “Afraid I’ll catch my death?”
“Your kind doesn’t feel the cold?”
“Volkihar don’t.” And even if they did, she’s still relishing being under a night sky again. Even if the stars themselves are different from what she remembers. 
Mralki takes another step down, closer to her. His breath frosts light in the air. “Well. All the same, it’s a poor host who lets an honored guest stay out in the cold and damp.”
Serana’s laugh is soft as a chime, and all the more bitter for it. “It’s a foolish host who lets the wolf in.”
“True enough, but you’re no wolf.” 
She snaps her head around to stare at him, narrow-eyed. Her lips curl upwards in something half a smile, half a snarl. Just enough to bare a hint of fang. Mralki doesn’t visibly flinch–but the wooden step creaks as he shifts his weight away from her.
“Alright,” he murmurs, “you’ve made your point. And my point is that my son trusts you.”
She scoffs, turning her attention back to the constellations overhead. “Your son trusts everyone.”
Mralki demurs with a shake of his head. “Erik sees the best in everyone, but that doesn’t mean he trusts them. And Eira isn’t in the habit of bringing trouble to my door. Certain scrolls notwithstanding, mind.”
“There’s been more than one?”
Mralki nods. “Last spring. Something about an ancient city under all our feet.” He wards off her next question with a preemptive wave. “There’s only so much I care to know. They came back safe; that’s all that matters.”
Serana regards him out of the corner of her eye. “Would that things were always so simple,” she murmurs, tone half rueful.
“I’m not sure simple is the word I’d use.” He cups his hands to his mouth; blows on them to ward off the chill. “Come inside. You might not feel the cold, but you’ll feel the next storm when it comes in.”
She can smell it on the wind already. Still, she dawdles, her boot tracing a line through the muddy dirt. Mralki descends the last step to stand beside her. “You brought them back safe. You might not believe it, but you’ve earned the guest right under this roof.”
“My father told Eira the same. She was right not to believe him.”
“Not every father’s a monster, Serana, literal or otherwise.” Her eyes dart toward him again, narrow with alarm. “Eira told Erik, of course,” he explains, one hand raised. “And my son never neglects an opportunity to turn my hair gray.”
He turns to go back inside, pausing on the first step. “I won’t press the matter, and you may not believe it, but the offer stands. You’ve nothing to fear under this roof.”
She can hear his footsteps receding up the steps and across the narrow porch, though they pause at the door. Serana turns sideways, looking at the cobblestone road out of town rather than him. “You…mentioned something about potatoes, the last time we were here.”
The small snort of surprise is out before Mralki can stop it. “You were listening when I said that?” She shrugs. He watches her for a moment, considering–and then gestures across the road to a field lost in shadows. “The man across the road, he’s passed - trust me when I say it was for the best - but his last plantings won’t harvest themselves.”
Serana considers him for a moment, then the field. Her lips curve into a smile, though still pressed tight, to hide her teeth. “My mother used to keep a garden. If you need an extra set of hands, I��think I’d like to help.”
He matches her smile with one of his own, motioning her back inside.
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operas-phantom · 2 months ago
Please don’t! Oh anything but that!
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Erik’s naughty corner 😈
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djfatchip · 2 months ago
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"…to have met you in this lifetime is my greatest fortune…"
Ladies are my OC's: Vivianna | Celestine | Gissella Men are @erubadhriell's OC's: Rikko | Gustav | Erik Artwork top and bottom by @xla-hainex and middle by @atarial. Full work for top here | Full work for middle here | Full work for bottom here
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i-am-vita · 1 year ago
At the Bathhouse
A Shanks x Ghost Rose Oc (FemReader)
👉 Masterlist
(Now in AO3 too)
Fic based on my OPLA older guysxfemreader headcanons here and certain scene from this FanaticSnail's fic.
Because when Shanks makes a sexy cameo at a bathhouse, I need to write a oneshot of Shanks getting sexy at a bathhouse.
If I said I didn't intended for this to go as NSFW as it got... I would be lying. Of course I wrote a fic with Shanks at a bathhouse with all the intention for things going NSFW. You can thank @fanaticsnail for the idea and the moodboard. Thank you so much, gurl, you inspire me so much!!!! Everybody go give her some well deserved love.
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Moodboard by FanaticSnail 💞
Summary: You found yourself separated from your crew after a plan going sideways. Stranded in this little island with a bathhouse and no signal of your captain through your phone, there's exactly one person that you can always count to pick you up. Warnings: NSFW, sex in a public setting, voyeurism, some unconsensual voyeurism due to public setting. Somehow, I managed to not use the word fuck. Is it progress? Expect: That ex-turned-bestie that always appear out of air when you need him. Lovers to Friends to Friends with Benefits. Shanks gets affectionate and handsy with you being a cool pirate thief. Brief Mihawk cameo because I'm trash and need to make him suffer. Use of You not Y/N. Bad english, consistent time tenses not detected.
11-ish years ago...
If there was one person in all the Blues that you can always count to somehow be exactly where and when you needed him was Shanks.
On the rare occasions in your young adult life since you parted ways that you found yourself in a bad place, be it literally or metaphorically, he'd be at enough short distance to pick you up, also literally or metaphorically.
Like right now when you are stranded in this whatever-island after the worst job in your pirate history.
Not that you have failed. The intel you were acquiring now in your captain's hands, unlike you that had to ditch some last minute inconveniences and resorted to your only-emergency escape plan for the first time which consisted in telling your team to get the hell out of there with the catch while you took the roll of bait, found your own way out of the Marine Base and back to your crew on your own... eventually.
You didn't know it yet but this would be the job that finally gets you your current wanted poster thanks to the one knife with rose carvings that you left behind at the scene and the fact nobody was able to catch a glimpse of you, them naming you The Ghost Rose from now on.
Hence your current predicament. Having taken the first fishing boat you found that would take you to the next neighboring island and so on until you found yourself in this little rock, almost empty except for a bathhouse and some B&B's. One of those little hot spring resorts only known by enough people to keep them going.
Perfect to lay low for a few days until you could send a message to your Captain… or it would be if the damn Portable Den Den Mushi just connected your calls.
"Damn, not again." You mutter after the fifth attempt to call your crew.
You were currently in the personal room you purchased for your stay. The architecture and interior design of the building inspired by those of Wano with its minimalist wooden interiors, sliding doors and low furniture for sitting on the floor where you lay comfortably in a light bath robe while considering your options.
There was still the possibility of calling Shanks even if the odds of him being close enough to pick you up were low, he'd probably be better equipped than you to contact Captain Erik.
The ringing tone of the call finally connecting made you sigh in relief.
"Hello?" Came the familiar voice of Benn Beckman through the shell. Because there was no way that he would allow Shanks near their own Portable Den Den Mushi after THE incident from six years ago.
"Beck! You have no idea how great it is to hear your voice right now." You answered to the Redhead Pirate's First Mate.
"Little Rose! Please, tell me you’re coming back at last so I can finally retire." How the man managed to sound so defeated at his age was a mystery to anyone who wasn’t aware of Shanks' antics. Beckman had been asking you to come back since you left to sail with the Phantom Pirates arguing how much more manageable his captain was when you were around.
"Hold on there, old man. You still have plenty of time to become the grumpy grandpa." It had become an ongoing joke between you two to mock him for being the oldest and “designated dad” of the crew. Beck didn't have time to answer when you heard a little commotion on the line and the telling sound of the phone changing hands.
"Sweetheart!!!" Shanks's excited shout was so loud you could swear it reverberated in your own walls.
"Hey, dear."
Even after you had officially ended your romantic relationship years ago, it was impossible to stop the man from calling you lover pet names so you had go on with it too.
"Where's the fight, love? I'll be there in a heartbeat." You could hear several male grunts and indefinite clothing background sounds.
"Is it a bad time? I just need you to pass a message to my cap' so they know I'm fine and on the low. My Portable Den Den doesn't connect."
"More like a bath time!"
"Hey, didn't they say the mushies didn't connect with the outside?"
"You on your own? Say no more! Where are you, babe?"
"Shanks, there's no need..."
"Nonsense. Coordinates, now." You had forgotten how much you liked when your ex lover got all commanding. He was so carefree and easygoing most of the time.
"Aye, sir." You answered with a sultry voice you know always drove him crazy. "It's this little rock with a bathhouse and hot springs..." You explained and started giving him the numbers when you felt the air getting all heavy, almost electrified, with a powerful haki seeking your presence.
You took the shell out of your ear and calmly put your Portable Den Den Mushi away before a powerful kick sent the delicate woody and paper wall away revealing the figure of one of the most infamous pirate captains in all the Blues, almost naked save for a small towel at his hips, disheveled red hair and his signature straw hat hanging from his neck at his back.
"Sweetheart!!!" Came the man’s thunderous shout for the second time. His arms outstretched, offering warmth and anticipation, eager to envelop you in an affectionate hug.
"I am not paying for that..." You said pointing to the destroyed wall.
Yep. That was Shanks, always coming out from wherever whenever you needed him, no matter the odds.
Five minutes later, you found yourself sitting on Shanks lap in the spring waters. He had picked you up in his arms and hasn't let you down since then. Like a kid with his favorite transitional object. But you couldn't deny that his affectionate embrace was contagious. You had missed him dearly too.
You two haven't seen each other in almost two years, since you broke up with Kuro to the everlasting joy of the redhead who had hated the guts of the young Black Cat's Captain, knowing from the beginning that the psycho could never deserve you. Shanks was still delighted in the fact it had been him who snitched the identity of the pirate captain to the Marines after his little stunt with you. Nobody messes with his friends, he thought while embracing your almost naked form over him.
It had been even more years since he had felt your skin against his and it was getting him giddy.
The rest of the crew was scattered around in different states of contentment but no one as deeply relaxed as Beck who laid floating with a towel over his eyes, completely zone out with the knowledge that he wouldn't be babysitting his captain as long as you were there. He was always in his best behavior around you; you’ve been a really big positive influence in the past, helping him mature into the man he was now and making the First Mate’s life a little more manageable. Until it was party time and Beck had to be the “designated babysitter” of his captain to prevent him from making some extravagance.
Poor man almost never got a proper break during vacation.
"So, rosie, you said you're on the low." Said Yassop perched belly up on a rock, an arm and leg in the hot water. "What've you been up to?"
"Yeah, must've been a big score. We've been dodging battleships for three days before docking here." Added Beck from his floating spot.
That made you feel better. If the Marine was still searching the waters, it means they hadn't caught the Angel of Music, Phantom Pirate’s ship.
You started telling them how things had gone a little sideways with your last infiltration and you had to resort to the only-emergency plan so your crew could get away with the intel.
Shanks smiled even more widely, proud of your abilities to get away from an entire Marine Base all by your own and without being seen. Such a long shot from the spoiled little socialite that had run away with him all those years ago.
He knew the moment he saw you standing up to a bunch of assholes at that bar that you were a wild card, a diamond in the rough wasting away in a privileged life. And when months later, Captain Erik, a seasoned and mysterious pirate captain, infamous for dealing with the most valuable information and treasures of all the Blues, the main intel dealer of Gold Roger himself, saw the same potential in you, Shanks knew he had to let you go to bloom, even if it was away from him.
And bloomed you had, not just in abilities but in beauty. Shanks could swear you got even more gorgeous every time he sees you.
"Ah, that's my girl." He murmured against your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of flowers and berries you favored, unlike the elegant roses everybody relates to you, and still make his mouth water. Your hand entangled in his red locks with your fingernails caressing his scalp while you tell your tale wasn’t helping… or was helping too much.
"So that's why you needed to send the message to..." Roux almost choked on his turkey piece when he caught his captain's stare, the only warning before he buried his face in your neck.
"Yeah, the lady at the desk said the mushis didn't receive or send signals from outside the island. Only the big tower at the beach can make outside calls..." Commented Beck in blissful ignorance that you didn't get because Shanks had started to leave a trail of kisses on your neck.
He draw his hand from your shoulder down your back, removing the towel that covered your torso, following a delicate pattern with his fingers over your skin to your side while his lips found a certain spot behind your ear that made you arch your back, almost revealing your full bosom out of the blurring water if not for his other hand wandering from your thigh to your belly and up to your chest. His big palm and long fingers enough to cover and fondle a breast.
The crew started making a hasty exit from that part of the springs.
Yassop rolled to the other side of his rock and dropped into the water with a soft splash. Meanwhile the rest of the men walked or swam away through the rocks that formed a natural barrier to the other side of the springs. Roux managed to catch Beck by his foot and started pulling him across the surface of the water. The First Mate lifted the edge of the towel on his face to give his crewmate a questioning gaze but a female moan uttering Shanks’ name was enough to make him cover his face again and let himself be dragged away, letting his captain be re-acquainted with his not-so-former lover.
“Sha… Shanks… they…”
“Gonne, babe, you know they know better.”
Oh, yeah, all of them did. When it came to their captain, all the crew knew that when he got frisky with a woman it was everybody else who had to get another room, not him. Shanks became an immovable being just living the moment. Something you learned too some weeks after meeting him and decided that you in fact wanted to be more with him. You had to get rid of your inhibitions very early in your relationship.
“So… did you hide a blade under your towel or are you that happy to see me?”
“Ecstatic, love. Let me show you how much.”
When Yassop had roll over his rock to get away from the image of his captain starting to frolic with his old flame (not that the sniper blame him, he knew what it was like to decide to separate from a love to fulfill a dream of your own), he didn’t expected to find himself face to face with Dracule Mihawk drilling him with his yellow gaze for splashing him in his escape.
“Why am I not surprised that it was you, noisy lowlifes, the ones behind all this scandal?” The swordsman voiced in his bored tone while removing some plugs from his ears at seeing the Redhead's Crew appearing literally from among the rocks.
He had just arrived this morning, seeking some relaxing time after 3 days of receiving calls from some lowly Marine Captain for him to go and get some thieves that had infiltrated his office and steal who knows what. Their only clue being a brief description of a ship getting away into the fog and a forgotten knife with rose carvings from some mysterious figure. The knife was new, but that ship and the fog? He had told him to just forget about his stolen goods. The Phantom Pirates were untraceable and he was in no mood to go hunting ghosts.
Mihawk’s gaze passed over the men currently occupying HIS space, finding the absence of a certain red hair individual.
“Isn’t your captain among you? It sure was his haki I felt ten minutes ago. I could use some exercise.” He said standing up and looking over the rocks.
“No, wait!”
“You don’t want to…”
Upon looking beyond, the warlord came across the image of the redhead captain in a passionate embrace with the most exquisite woman his eyes had ever seen. At that moment, Shanks took the exotic beauty by her small waist to get her out of the water and tenderly laid her onto the surface of the nearest rock with the perfect shape to support her body like an offering. Her long dark hair barely obscured the view of her glorious body. His hungry eyes traveled over golden tanned skin, from her long shapely legs to wide hips and full breasts.
Mihawk had never considered that he had a type until that same moment.
He was about to seek the face of the woman of his dreams, when she moved one of her legs expertly, using her foot to get rid of the flimsy towel around Redhead’s hips, getting Mihawk abruptly out of his reverie with an image he was certainly NOT desiring to live in his head and a strong need for a brain bleach to clean it from what he just unwilling witnessed.
He turned around hastily to find himself with the stare of the entire Redhead’s Crew going from judgemental to “told you so” looks that got immediately diverted by the death glare of their captain’s rival who decided to take his leave and left the duel for another day… or several months.
Half an hour later, you laid over Shanks’ wide chest, both of you floating in the warm water in postorgasmic bliss.
It had been years since you had felt this safe and sound in the arms of a lover. The level of trust and affection Shanks inspired on you never having an equal even if those feelings came from friendship and respect instead of romantic love. Your young broken heart was still too tender at that time to let yourself fall for the redhead when you met. A blessing in disguise since you’re fully aware now that Shanks isn’t someone who would settle with just one lover for a long amount of time and you both have different life goals.
“Where were you headed before all the turmoil we caused?”
“East Blue. I found this little village months ago. It’s a good place to hide and I promised I’d go back soon.” Explained Shanks remembering a certain little kid that was surely counting the days until the arrival of the Red Force. “What ‘bout you? Where’s your meeting point with old Cap’ Erik?”
“If all else failed, Oykot Kingdom.”
Shanks' grin intensified upon hearing that.
That evening, Benn Beckman walked to the tower at the beach to borrow their Den Den Mushi and made a call to a certain Shostakovich Eriksson and left the message of his assistant being safe and sound and that she will reunite with him in the agreed location but to don’t count on them arriving very soon.
The Redhead’s First Mate had all the intention of taking his sweet time enjoying this unexpected vacation.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 10 months ago
Personally I think I went off with Marianne and Erik's friendship it has become very important to me and I love them sm
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echoes-lighthouse · 6 months ago
F/O Masterlist
Okay, I'm at the point where I'm going to have to make The Big List. So this is just a list of everyone that I conceivably might post selfship content about, so if people need to block tags or ask me in advance to tag things, you're aware of the possibility! I'll do my best to update this and let folks know when it's been updated.
This is specifically a list of my romantic or semi-romantic f/os, since those are the ones people usually care about blocking. Maybe I will make a separate list for platonic/familial selfships!
Organized alphabetically by source: let's go!
(I Have Posted About Them Before And I Will Likely Post Again)
Tate Langdon (American Horror Story - #my ghost boy), miscellaneous sideships with other Season 1 ghosts
Grell Sutcliffe (Black Butler - #don't fear the reaper)
Toshinori Yagi (BNHA- #sunflower time)
Shigaraki Tomura (BNHA- #my gamer boy)
Himiko Toga (BNHA - #bestie hours), includes a LoV polycule with Shigaraki, Spinner, Magne, Mr. Compress, Dabi, and maybe Kurogiri
Alex (Clockwork Orange - #clockwork siblings)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds - #simpatico in quantico)
Jester Lavorre (Critical Role- #my sweetling)
Hoid (Cosmere- #like attracts like)
The Joker (DC/TDK - #the lover who laughs)
13th Doctor (Doctor Who- #my doctor)
Sun/Moon (FNAF:SB- #daycare squad)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck - #heart of hearts)
Vox and Valentino (Hazbin Hotel - #digital poison), includes sex work with most of the main cast
Stolas (Helluva Boss - #secrets of the stars)
Armand, Gabrielle, Lestat, Louis, Daniel (Interview With The Vampire - #messy vampire polycule)
Val Frizzle (Magic School Bus - #val <3)
Jonah Magnus (The Magnus Archives - #eyes on you)
Zero Rick Sanchez (Pocket Mortys - #waiting in the stars), may include other Ricks as the mood takes me
Death (Sandman - #death becomes them)
Delirium (Sandman - #eyestrain pals)
Cecil and Kevin (WTNV - #listener and watcher)
Tumblr (Miscellanious Sources - #beloved hellsite)
(content about these is rare or hasn't happened yet, but it might! Only some have tags, but you can ask me to tag any.)
Garfield the Deals Warlock (The Adventure Zone)
Iroh (ATLA)
Tsuyu Asui (BNHA)
Nezu (BNHA)
Aizawa Shota (BNHA) only in a hook-up sense but still worth mentioning
Laudna and Imogen (Critical Role), currently on hold because I only got 10 episodes into C3
Monokuma (Danganronpa- #my evil lil bear)
Celeste, Junko, Toko (Danganronpa 1)
Eventually I'll get through the other Danganronpa games and add f/os from those as well
L (Death Note)
Queen (Deltarune)
Judge Frollo (Disney's Notre Dame)
Captain Hook (Live Action Peter Pan)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Oswalda Cobblepots (DC)
TARDIS (Doctor Who: my partner ships with her, not me, but I might post content for them)
Fandomstuck f/os are still to be determined
Glamrock Chica (FNAF:SB)
The Creation (Frankenstein)
Garfield (Garfield)
Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton fandom - #insufferable pokelovers)
Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)
Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
Emberlynn (Helluva Boss)
Honestly the entire Homestuck cast is a possibility for me
The Devil (The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus)
Persephone (Lore Olympus)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Michael (The Magnus Archives)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives - #archivist my archivist)
Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins - #mary and me)
Minecraft Villager OC
Bert, Ernie, Gonzo (The Muppets)
Mae Borowski (Night In The Woods)
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas - #my skeleman)
Haruhi Fujioka (OHSHC)
Calypso (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Erik (POTO)
Christine Daae(POTO)
Desire (Sandman)
Trencil (Smile For Me)
Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Rorschach (Watchmen)
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thwipsthrown · 5 months ago
oh i guess i should make a lil mobile-friendly rundown of the muses written here + relevant links, huh?
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remy "the gambit" lebeau: combo of the comics & x-men 97 & headcanon. professional wifeguy. cat dad. bi, femme-lean. ships exclusively with @hopedefined & @auroradicit. moderate muse. channing tatum + various 97/comics caps. playlist // pinterest
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gwen "ghost spider" stacy: e65 or insomniac-inspired or tasm or mcu, depending on the thread, but inspiration from all sources regardless + headcanon. queen of pushing people away. dimensional traveller. what makes this gwen stacy the outlier? she/they. bi. high muse. jesse mei li + various comic/animated sources. playlist // pinterest
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peter "spider-man" parker: tasm/insom fusion or tasm + nwh vanilla, + headcanon. king of the guilt complex & losing everyone he cares about. most assuredly not a child. substitute teacher. ethnically and religiously jewish. bi. high muse. andrew garfield. playlist // pinterest
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harry osborn: tasm happy ending au, vanilla available on request, + headcanon. rich kid. probably needs to go to rehab. and therapy. oscorp's ceo. gay, demi-romantic. moderate muse. dane dehaan. playlist // pinterest.
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harry osborn: mcu insert + headcanon. new money. got dusted, only to return and find out his mother died from the illness they share (and is only just showing itself). definitely needs to go to rehab. college sophomore. oscorp's heir apparent. bi. moderate muse. aidan gallagher. (same playlist/pinterest as tasm harry.)
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billy "wiccan" kaplan-maximoff: mcu based with comic influences. died william kaplan, born billy maximoff. product of the westview hex. looking for his brother. estranged from wanda (but still open to interactions!). besties with a ghost, apparently. remembers being william. gay. high muse. joe locke. heavily codependent with @uptospccd // playlist
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memphis "scamble" milo: x-men oc. reality straightener -- negates the powers of reality benders & is skeptical of a lot of things, including magic. may or may not be charles's kid. they/them, aroace. colin morgan.
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erik magnus "magneto" lehnsherr: headcanon and xmcu based (1st class, dofp, & apocalypse) with influences from the animated series + ‘97 and some comics. bi. ships exclusively with @bettertelepath. michael fassbender.
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gwyn "spider-man" stacy: entirely headcanon based. literally bewitched by one panel from spider gwen: shadow clones. interpolation from gwen-65 + a little of peter parker-616. fc rudy pankow.
jessica jones: mix of comics and nmcu show. i am not immune to propaganda. by request while i finish the show. fc krysten ritter.
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nerdywriter36 · 3 months ago
Yay!! Many of you will know this lovely OC, Charlotte, from my and @brendadaaedestler’s mini-fic There Comes At Last an End to the Bitter Frosts! She also features in a few more stories that will be posted in the future ;)
Thank you SO much, Margaret, for bringing our precious character to life! You did her so much justice and I can’t thank you enough for that 💕
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With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I can’t think of a better time to express my gratitude! First, a huge thank you to @nerdywriter36 for being the sweetest friend and for being the very first person in the Phandom to commission me. 💜 Working on this piece of Erik and her OC Charlotte back in August was such an amazing experience, and I thought it was the perfect time to share it here with you all.
I’ll also take this chance to say how thankful I am for all the love and support you’ve shown for my bartender AU—it means the absolute world to me! I’m so excited to share what’s coming next for the series. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍁
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this-should-do · 1 year ago
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here have a sloppily finisbed piece of my oc and his bestie erik the slayer, i want this out of wip hell, bone apple tea
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tonyspep · 1 year ago
~*~viva las avs~*~
A/N: litterally every hockey rpf idea that pops into my head i share with my wonderful bestie bre aka @fallinallincurls, and this is no exception. i sent it to her months ago, and here i am finally getting around to posting it, lol. basically tyson jost was never traded from the avs and is engaged to jesse compher, jt's youngest sister and nate is dating his younger sister morgan while jt is dating kacey jost, tyson's younger sister. they are all in vegas for jesse's bachelorette party and of course i wouldn't be me if ej wasn't included in this fic, too. his love interest is modeled after the actress connie britton from the shows friday night lights and nashville.
~*~bright light city gonna set my soul~*~
(gonna set my soul on fire)
parings: tyson jost and jesse compher, nathan mackinnon and morgan compher, jt compher and kacey jost and erik johnson/oc
summary: jesse, morgan and kacey are in vegas for jesse's bachlorette party and after ej's string of smart ass comments, nate along with jt and tyson end up in vegas, too and what happens after is anyone's guess
rating: t
oh, there's black jack, poker and roulette wheel
a fortune won and lost on ev'ry deal
all you need's a strong heart and nerves of steel
viva las vegas, viva las vegas
“viva las vegas” - the bruce springsteen version
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Nate was determined not to let EJ win.
If there was one thing the older man had been able to do since they met, it was being able to get under Nate's skin. Even when they were separated by a few hundred miles with it being the middle of the off season and Nate was back in Cole Harbour and EJ was in his sprawling Hollywood Hills home.
His jaw ticked as he saw another comment from @bighorny under Morgan's latest post.
@stayincomphy more like stayin' hot hot hot
And of course he tagged him in it, telling him to keep an eye on his girl.
Morgan was in Vegas celebrating Jesse's bachelorette party. This last Christmas the Comphers had rented a cabin in Vermont for the holiday and of course Tyson, Laura and Kacey had been invited along with Nate and his parents and his sister Sarah and her husband, and not even a day into the trip, Tyson got down on one knee and asked Jesse to marry him.
Sometimes Nate still feels like his ears haven't recovered from Morgan and Kacey's squeals and shrieks as they practically tackled the youngest Compher once Tyson had slid the ring on her finger.
He knows EJ is doing this to get a rise out of him, which is his favorite thing to do that doesn't involve horses or wine, but this time it's not going to work.
Morgan would never do anything and he's stupid for even thinking it.
Josty was completely chill about Jesse having her bachelorette there and JT told Kacey to have fun, which is what he told Morgan to do too. Though he did make sure his favorite white bikini stayed behind. No one was allowed to see her wear that but him.
Seeing her laying on a lounger chair at the Aria's pool, classic blue and white striped one piece with cut outs on the sides made him close the app. If he kept looking, he'd miss her more than he already did and she'd barely been gone two days. He needed to take his mind off of all this. Just as he was about to grab Cox's leash, his phone pinged and of course it was a text from EJ.
[horseboy] you dogg you can't seriously be sitting at home in bumfuck canada while your girl's living it up in lost wages for shame nathaniel for shame
[dogg] fuck you johnson. you're just trying to get a rise out of me and it's not going to work this time. go pet a horse or stomp grapes or clean your dentures old man
[horseboy] me? try to get a rise out of you? Impossible
[dogg] i'm taking cox for a run and shutting off my phone. you'll be talking to the ether or whatever
[horseboy] the dogg doth bark too much as the saying goes. give the man of the house some head pats and ear scratches from his favorite hooman would ya? you have fun trying not to think about your girl living it up and looking so good doing it
Taking Cox for runs is how Nate always cleared his head when things were waying on his mind. When Morgan was with him they would meditate or do yoga, which always ended with him grabbing her when she got into more advanced poses and they would become a tangle of various limbs, laughing as he practically smothered her with his bigger frame.
He swore he wouldn't let EJ win, but as he increased his speed while running, he knew he was defeating the purpose of clearing his head, but all he could think about was Morgan in Vegas. Suddenly, he was back home and he was booking a flight. Logically he knew Morgan loved him and would never stray and he tried to think about all the things that sucked about Vegas like the fucking Golden Knights, their stupid castle in their arena, their dumb goal song, glow in the dark jerseys, the sun and how he had to wear SPF30 or he'd turn into a lobster, hangovers and gambling but none of it worked.
All he could think about was how none of the losers who were hanging out at the hotel pool and in the casino would see Morgan with Jesse and Kacey and not know she was taken. Jesse had the cute diamond Josty bought last year and was wearing that bright pink sash that said Bachelorette and a little crown in every post she made.
Guys weren't exactly known for taking no for an answer, but if he was there they wouldn't have a choice.
Of course he booked tickets for Josty and JT, too. He couldn't exactly show up alone. That was creepy.
Tyson knew he wasn't supposed to tell Jesse. Nate made that explicitly clear and yeah Nate outweighed him by like forty to fifty pounds and was taller than him, too and was generally scary when he wanted to be, but Nate wasn't scarier than Jesse.
Also, how were they supposed to start their married life together if he was kind of lying to her when they were engaged? Wasn't that bad luck or something? Whether it was or not, he wasn't going to risk it, so he sent her a quick text about Nate buying him and JT tickets to Vegas and how they would be there around six local time.
Jesse texted him a teasing taunt that said does this mean i get to crash your bachelor party? i've always wanted to go to a strip club
Tyson flushed just thinking about it. While Landy's bachelor party had gone completely off the rails, somehow, they had not ended up at a strip club and the truth was he didn't really want to go to one for his, but maybe...
“Earth to Josty. Come in Josty.” Suddenly JT's hadn was right in front of his face and he remembered where he was. O'Hare airport waiting with JT for Nate's flight from Dartmouth to land, os they could board the flight for Vegas together.
“You told Jesse, huh?” There was a knowing smile on his best friend's face. “Duh,” Tyson's tone was unapologetic. “It's bad luck to lie before you get married. It's like breaking a mirror or walking under a ladder or whatever. I'm not risking it.”
“That's such bullshit,” JT laughs, shaking his head. “You figured as soon as she saw us, she'd kick your ass eve if this was all Nate's idea. You are so whipped, man.”
“Don't call me whipped. You're just as whipped!” Tyson insists. “You told Kacey we were coming, too!”
“Because we have an open line of communication like adults. I wasn't afraid she'd kick my ass if I didn't tell her. It's a whole different thing than what happened with you and Jesse.”
“Okay, that is bullshit. An open line of communication? You communicate through memes! I've seen your text thread! Like, adults, too, really Coms? You drink out of Kacey's old Buzz Lightyear glass hwen you stay over at my Mom's and both of you drink milk straight from the carton. If anyone's the adult, it's me! I'm getting married! I'm one step away from a joint bank account and dividing my portfolio or whatever Landy talks about!”
“I can't take the two of you anywhere,” Nate sighs, piniching the bridge of his nose when he finds JT and Tyson shoving at each other and laughing after he picked up his bags. “He started it!” They said at the same time only making themselves laugh harder than they were already.
“I should've brought Landy to keep the two of you in line.” Nate grumbled as they made their way toward the gate.
“Good afternoon everyone,” A beautiful strawberry blonde in the standard flight attendant unifrom is standing at the front of the plane. Her eyes are a warm shade of glittering hazel and her smile is blinding but genuine. “My name is Kylie and I'll be your head flight attendant on our flight from beautiful Chicago, Illinois to exciting Las Vegas, Nevada. Please be seated while I perform the in-flight demonstration and we'll begin serving drinks and food once we take off in about twenty minutes.”
Before the call to switch to airplane mode comes over the speakers, Nate sees a text from Morgan come through.
[Red] you have some explaining to do, nate
The disappointment behind her text is obvious and Nate knows he can't blame JT and Tyson for this, but it doesn't stop him from glaring at his friends and saying, “You two really couldn't keep your mouths shut?”
JT's not about to fight with one of his Alternates but Nate is also the guy who's dating his younger sister, and right now he isn't one of his Alternates, he's the guy who's dating his sister.
“This was your idea,” He reminds him, keeping his voice cool. “We're,” He points to himself and Tyson. “On this plane because EJ got under your skin. Don't forget that, Nate. If Morgan's mad or disappointed, you have to deal with that. Don't take it out on me and Tys.”
Nate knows JT is right. He can feel the tips of his ears go red from being sheepish. He should be better than this.
“Sorry, man. You're right.” He admits and JT nods. “Of course I am.” He says smugly and Nate rolls his eyes, pulling out his eye mask from his carry on bag. He pays for the in-flight WI-Fi and turns on the meditation app Morgan found for him and he lets his mind and body relax before they land.
With everyone settled and the food and drinks taken care of, Kylie is in the galley laughing at the younger flight attendants giggling over their phones. She checks her messages, breathing the familiar sigh of relief when she finds texts from her son and daughter. Marcus was a sophomore at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville on a lacrosse scholarship while Bethany was taking a gap year and backpacking through Europe with her two best friends. Next year she was going to UC Irvine to study astronomy.
She couldn't help but think her babies had grown up too dam fast.
Being a single mom hadn't been easy, but the three of them had made it through after her marriage with their dad had fallen a part.
“Oh my God Kylie,” Julie was twenty two and pettie with dark black hair and stunning green eyes. “The rich guy in first class was totally checking you out.”
“The silver fox?” Brandy, who had golden blonde hair and had recenlty gotten married was twenty seven as of last May, was the other flight attendant with them and her curiosity was piqued. Julie nodded eagerly, practically licking her lips while Kylie laughed and said, “Settle down now. We're not doing that. This is my job. I'm here to work. Not hook up or whatever you kids call it these days.”
“Is it because you finally gave your number to that super hot hockey player who's always flirting with you?” Julie's tone was hopeful. “The one who doesn't have his three front teeth? And is, like, ginormous? He's got the pretty blue eyes and the dimples, too, right?” Brandy questions. “Yes,” Julie practically gushes, clutching her chest as she swoons while Kylie sighs as she shakes her head.
“You two need to stop it. He is way too young for me. Now get back out there with your carts. We're on the clock and we are not being paid to gossip about something that is never going to happen.”
Erik Johnson, the ginormous hockey player with the pretty blue eyes and missing three fron teeth, was a frequent flier on this specific airline when he wasn't traveling professionally with the Avalanche. He was everything Brandy described and so much more. From the boyish flop of his unstyled blonde hair ot the ever present mischievous glint in his cornflower blue eyes to the way every shirt – button down, polo, sweater (if there was a chill) or t-shirt – stretched snugly over his obviously very firm chest to his flirtatious nature, he was hard to resist.
But Kylie had two college age children and he was in his thirties. Also, given their careers they would hardly ever be in the same place.
Not to mention his teammates could pass for any of Marcus's friends and she did not want to think about team events and games where she would be surrounded by women who were barely older than her own daughter.
Looking never hurt and it was hard not to enjoy the flirting. It was nice to know a man like Erik found her attractive.
Laughing to herself, Kylie put on an easy smile as she went back out to the cabin to see if the passengers needed anything.
In California, EJ couldn't help but think of a certain gorgeous strawberry blonde flight attendant.
At first he thought Kylie's apprehension had to do with the missing teeth. Even though plenty of women told him they thought he looked better without his fakes, some were unsettled at first.
Especially if they didn't know he played hockey.
But he learned quickly it had more to do with his age. Being one of the older players on the team he never gave his age much thought when it came to dating. He generally wouldn't date a woman who was in her early twenties, but dating someone older had never crossed his mind until he met Kylie on a flight to Del Mar race track in Pasenda a year and a half ago. And honestly he didn't see anything wrong with dating a woman in her forties.
He knew she was at least 45 or 46, but that didn't really mean anything. Age was just a number after all.
Laying out by his pool surrounded by his pack, the affectionate name he gave his four dogs, he couldn't stop his mind from staying on Kylie.
It had been a long time since he had spent so much time thinking of just one woman. He wasn't ashamed of his bachelor status. There wasn't much he was ashamed of, really. The whole shebang of a wife, kids and a white pickett fence wasn't where he wanted to be. He liked living his life; going to Del Mar on a whim, maybe Hawaii, slipping his number to a pretty girl at a bar etc.
Fucking Landy he curses to himself.
The “don't you get lonely” talk was coming on stronger and stronger from his best friend. While EJ took pleasure in getting under Nate's skin (it was just too easy), Gabe was a whole different animal. He would get all concerned and go into full helpful Disney Prince mode with those big stupid crystal blue eyes of his and his big ass forehead would wrinkle in a way that was, somehow, still handsome and EJ hated it because it always worked and next thing he knew, he was spilling his guts.
As he began to scroll through Instagram, his phone pinged. Julie was a flight attendant Kylie always worked with. Way too young for him but pretty in an objective way and she was funny, too. They would text back and forth and if he ended up on a flight it was quite the coincidence.
Apparently she, Brandy and Kylie were laying over in Vegas before flying to Denver. He didn't need to be back in Denver for a few more weeks to start seriously training buuuuuuut Kylie didn't need to know that.
And Vegas was nice this time of year.
How the girls were drunk already Nate didn't know.
They squealed when they saw them in the lobby at Aria and smelled pretty like they always did but the alcohol was still obvious.
If Morgan wasn't drunk she wouldn't have launched herself at him and started kissing him everywhere. She would've been mad, which is what he expected. Steadying her in his arms, she hiccuped and said, sincerely, “I missed you, Natey. You shouldn't be here, but I'm so happy you are.”
Nate couldn't stop himself from smiling. He had seen Morgan this drunk once. At the Dustin Lynch concert they all went to after winning The Cup last year. She was very clingy, basically, plastered to his back the entire night, her arms around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. Her freckles, somehow, stood out more like the copper and gold of her hazel eyes and her skin was flushed the warmest shade of pink and she couldn't stop laughing.
He loved everything about her, but seeing her like this was so rare he belived he liked this Morgan best of all. Then she'd go and something else and that Morgan would become his favorite and so on and so on.
“I missed you, too,” He finally said and she beams back at him and he wonders how he lived so long without her.
“Ugh,” JT groans bringing Nate back into the scene and there's Tyson and Jesse kissing like he just got back from war. Kacey laughs from inside JT's arms that are wrapped around her slim frame and teases her boyfriend, saying, “What, you don't like watching Tys try to see if his tongue can find Jesse's tonsils?”
“I need a drink,” The eldest Compher sighs with a resigning shake of his head. That breaks Tyson and Jesse apart and she giggles, “More drinks! Yes! Tha's what we need! You're so smart Joey!”
More drinks is defintely not what they need but Nate knows stopping them is pointless.
After checking into the suite the girls rented, they're piling out of Aria's front doors and onto Las Vegas Boulevard and none of them have a clue what the hot, sticky Vegas summer night will bring.
Layovers weren't something Kylie looked forward to. Though it was nice to not have to jump back onto another flight after only an hour or so after the passengers had departed and the plane was cleaned.
She let Julie and Brandy run off to cruise The Strip. They were responisble enough not to get into too much trouble with Brandy being married now, but oh to be young again she thought with a wry smile as he let herself indulge in a glass of crisp Pinot Grigio.
As she sipped at the wonderful taste of her favorite wine, an all too familiar voice reached her ears amongst the sounds of the dealers, slots and music thumping through the casino's speakers.
“Now, what's a pretty lady like yourself doing in a place like this all by your lonesome?”
A shiver only Erik could inspire races up her spine and Kylie's breath catches at the sight of the handsome, bulit hockey player. His hair's soft, falling just so across his forehead, those cornflower blue eyes twinkle with mischief and the promise of a good time. His dimples make her knees weak and if she wasn't sitting the sight of his unbuttoned pink linen shirt would have had them buckling underneath her. The sleeves are rolled up, of course, to reveal the tan skin of his thick vein covered forearms. His cologne is crisp and woodsy, a deep warm smell that makes her want to bury her face in his neck to breathe it in even deeper.
Taking another sip of her wine, she can't help the smile that crosses her lips. “You just happened to be in the neighborhood or something?”
Erik's eyes move shamelessly over her figure, leaving nothing but heat in their wake and Kylie is going to need something stronger than white wine if she's going to keep him at arm's length like she should.
He leans in, his lips hovering just above her ear, his breath warm as he says, his voice low and husky, making heat pool in her belly, “Something like that.”
“Erik...” She sighs, shaking her head, but there's a fondness in her tone, sparking hope for the Minnesotan. “I'm not getting down on one knee,” Erik laughs covering her her slender hand with his larger one. “A drink is hardly a proposal.”
“You flew all the way to Vegas from your house in California because Julie told you we had a layover here. I am a divorced mother of two grown children. One is in college and the other will be starting college next year. I do not have time for games.”
“That's fine because who said I was playing games? A flight from LA to Vegas is nothing. It's barely two hours. One drink and one dance won't hurt.”
The thought of feeling Erik's hard body pressed against her, his strong hands holding her hips as they swayed is almost too much to bear. He's far too good to be true. A handsome thirty something athlete interested in her, making her feel things she hasn't felt in so long, having the walls she built up starting to crumble, she almost doesn't know what to do.
Eyeing him critcally, Kylie huffs and holds up her index finger. “One dance and one drink, and that's it. Don't try to charm your way into antoher drink and another dance. It won't work.”
“We'll see.”
i know your motives and you know mine
the ones that love me, i tend to leave behind
if you know about me and choose to stay
then take this pleasure and take it with the pain
“love me harder” - by ariana grande and the weekend
Alcohol makes things increasingly clearer for Nate.
The three beers plus the copious amount of shots at Drais` in the Cosmo help confirm what he's known since he met Morgan, he can't live without her.
He thinks the DJ is playing that one song between Ariana Grande and The Weekend, but it's hard to be sure when all he's thinking about is Morgan.
She's pressed right up against him, moving her hips to the beat of the song and dancing has never been his forte, but she's always been able to pull him onto the floor without much protest from him. Even before they were together she could get him to dance.
He can feel her hips through the silk of the tiny slip dress she's wearing. It's burgundy and brings out the different shades of carmel and copper in her hazel eyes. One of the straps has fallen off her shoulder, the thin stripped is wrapped around her bicep and he can see the cluster of freckles he memorized after their first night together. Her red hair frames her face perfectly, her cheeks are flushed prettily from the alcohol and the dancing, her alabaster skin the color of a perfectly ripe peach now.
She stops grinding against him and he lets out a strangled groan, because, why??????
Then she drapes her arms around his neck, the chunky heels of her shoes bring her closer to his height and she rests her head on his shoulder and this he can do, sway and hold her close so he can smell the coconut of her shampoo and the peonies of her perfume.
She murmurs the lyrics to the song, “Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, got to love me harder. And if you really need me, you gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, go to love me harder.”
Sober nate would not do this. Sober Nate would be mortified. But Nate is not sober.
Nate has had three beers and who knows how many shots because the bartender saw Jesse's Bachelorette sash and crown thing and they wouldn't stop pouring Fireball? Jager? Crown? Nate can't honestly remember. What he does remember is hearing Morgan giggle and seeing her look at him, happy and dopey expression on her beautiful face as she draped herself all over him, which meant he was knocking back the shots as fast as he could.
So again, sober Nate would not do this, but Nate – to reiterate – was not sober.
“Morgan Marie Compher,” He says with all the conviction he can muster as they continue to sway. “I wanna marry you.”
“Natey...” Her voice is soft and hopeful as she touches his cheek. She bites her lip and Nate groans, it's so hot. “You really do?” She looks at him through her velvet lashes and he answers her. “Hell yeah, I really do.”
And that's how they find themselves her; The Little White Wedding Chapel.
Morgan squealed and launched herself at him, Nate somehow having retained enough of his quick reflexes to catch her slim frame. How they broke apart from their steamy makeout, their hands nearly tearing at their clothes, to find JT, Kacey, Jesse and Tyson they don't know.
They don't know how they got to The Little White Wedding Chapel, really. But they're there standing in front of an Elvis impersonator, JT and Tyson standing next to Nate and Jesse and Kacey next to Morgan.
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here to join...” Elvis begins and Jesse hiccups and slurs, “Waaaaaait, a second! Mo Mo doesn't have a veil. She needs a veil.”
“Uh-huh,” Kacey agrees nodding eagearly. “Pause,” She hiccups, making the sign for timeout. The girls run off to the bridal shop in the chapel, giggling and stumbling as they grab Morgan and pull her along with them. When they come back five minutes later, Nate's breath catches.
His heart skips a beat and he breathes out, “Wow,” sounding mesmerized as Morgan walks toward him again, this time a soft tulle veil covering her face. It's fastened to a sparkling tiara and even in her burgundy slip dress and chunky heels, an outfit made for clubbing, she looks like a princess.
To Morgan as she stands across from Nate in his tight ftting black polo and matching slacks while the silver Tag Huer watch she got him on his birthday last year gleams on his right wrist, he looks like Prince Charming to her. He looks like the man she's been waiting for her whole life.
Elvis starts again. “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here to watch this hunk-a-hunk of burnin' love join this little mama in holy matrimony...”
“I do,” Nate murmurs, feeling more certain of this – being with Morgan forever – than he has about anything.
“With the power vested in me by the great state of Nevada, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Nate lifts Morgan's veil and kisses her with all the tenderness and love he ever has. JT and Tyson whistle while Kacey and Jesse yell, “Get it, girl!”
The six of them pour out of the chapel under a flurry of rice and rose petals, laughing and hollering as Nate and Morgan kiss again.
but you're just so cool
run your hands through your hair
absent mindedly makin' me want you
and i don't know how it gets better than this
you take my hand and drag me head first
and i don't know why
but with you i'd dance in a storm
in my best dress
“fearless” - by taylor swift (taylor's version)
“I don't want to get married, Joseph,” Kacey says softly and JT blinks, his brain is workign overtime between all the shots and the beer and the champagne they all shared after Nate and Morgan's impromptu wedding. “Okay,” He manages, staring at his girlfriend curiously.
They're walking around Las Vegas Boulevard, not having a particular destination in mind and they let the others walk up ahead.
Kacey had caught him completely by surprise. He never expected to find himself falling for her while Tyson and Nate were falling for his sisters. One day she was Tyson's baby sister who teased and then suddenly she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
She was Jost, then she became Kacey and after that he was calling her Kace and then she had a drawer full of clothes at his place and he was calling her baby before he could blink.
Marriage was a long way away. She was finishing up her degree and he knew how important that was, that she graduate and have a job lined up before she moved to Denver. He admired that about her, how she knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go after it.
“I love you,” Her soft voice brings him back and he smiles down at her. “Me too, Kace,” He assures, brushing back a loose curl from her untamed tangle of curls he loves to run his fingers through. “Wanna show you how much I do, JT,” She murmurs into his chest.
He laughs and kisses the crown of her head and a neon sign catches his eye. He's just drunk enough to have the courage to do this. If he were sober, he wouldn't even think of doing this.
He tilts her chin upwards and bends, and they kiss softly, their tongues meeting and after breaking apart, he's pulling her toward the purple neon sighn that says Hart and Huntington Tattoo Company.
Kacey giggles as she unbuttons her tight pleather pants and the tattoo artist eyes her suspcioulsy as she lays down, revealing the skin of her slim hip. She's more or less tipsy now. It's been hours since the margirtas and the endless shots and the two swigs of champagne.
“I'm basically sober. Scout's honor.” Her Girl Guide's salute is clumsy and does not inspire confidence in the severe looking tatted up raven haired female tattoo artist. “I love him,” The young Canadian says, her soft tone radiating honesty and the older woman's blood red lips twitch.
In her green eyes, however, is understanding. “The letters JT with the number 37 hanging from the end of the J, yeah?”
Kacey knows the smile on her face is dreamy as she meets JT's familiar chocolate gaze across from hers and she answers, “Yes,”
While her hip is being tattooed, JT's tight fitting shirt has been discarded revealing his toned chest and six pack. Across his right pec her name and number for volleyball are being inked into his skin. He wrote her name down, so the tattoist could mimic his own handwriting and at the end of the “y” in her name he added, the number 10.
Most tattoo artists tried to talk couples out of doing stuff like this. Especially if they weren't married or they were far from sober. But the husband and wife who were tattooing the young couple that had stumbled in, had a feeling they were the real deal.
“That's forever, baby,” Jenny mused as her husband Ronnie wrapped his burly arm around wher waist as JT and Kacey left the shop, hand in hand, matching besotted smiles on their faces. “Fuck yeah it is,” Ronnie's gruff voice agreed.
i'm not usually this way but
you pull me in and i'm a little more free
it's the first kiss, i'ts falwless, it's really something, it's
oh, yeah
cause i don't know how it gets better than this
you take my hand and drag me head first
and i don't know why
but with you i'd dance in a storm
in my best dress
“fearless” by taylor swift (taylor's version)
and i know that it must be the woman in you
that brings out the man in me
i know that i can't help myself
you're all that my eyes can see
“feels like the first time” - by foreigner
What in the world have I got myself into Kylie thinks as she and Erik sway to the familiar guitar and keyboards to the classic Foreigner song “Feels Like The First Time.” It may have been only one drink, but it's been several dances to several songs.
Her hips fit perfectly inside his large, broad plams and the crown of her strawberry blonde hair slides right under his chin. Her body fits against his like they're two pieces of a puzzle.
This is too much and she shouldn't dare, but before her rational side can take hold,; she lets him tilt her head toward his and lets his lips draw hers into a kiss.
It's been too long since she's felt like this; completely overwhelmed by someone.
Erik can't remember the last time he's wanted to kiss someone so badly. The chase had always been the best part of the song and dance. He had never really wanted to catch someone until Kylie. Not because she was resisting his advances, but because he wanted to have her in his life, to share more than just his bed for a night or two.
The need to breathe is a curse because all he wants to do is keep kissing her. Their tongues met softly and they break apart, her slender hand clutching at his linen shirt while his large hand is firmly gripping her right ass cheek, keeping her pressed against him as they catch their breath.
“This is so very bad,” Kylie laughs in disbelief.
There are so many reasons why. Number one is being how she's three years shy of being fifty and as she triest to back out of his grip, he tightens his hold. “No way,” His voice is low and deep, making her knees buckle. “You're not running away after kissing me like that,”
“Erik,” She pleads for him to understand this will never work or for him to convince her that it will, she's not sure what she wants more.
“Here's the problem,” Erik murmurs, his other hand tracing the slim curves of her left side before he brings that hand to cup her beautifully formed high cheekbone, so it's impossible to look away from him. “It's been so long since anyone's told you how beautiful you are, how funny. So long since anyone's wanted you, which is a damn shame,” Every velvet word makes Kylie shudder and through the silk of her blouse she can feel her nipples peaking and God he's going to be the death of her.
“Which means all you can think to do is run. Well, I'm telling you that you're beautiful and you're funny and that I want you,” His nose moves up and down the curve of her neck, breathing her in before his stunning cornflower eyes bore into her cinnamon drenched hazel with such honesty and want, she has no choice but to believe him. 'I'll be on the fight back to Denver and you can decide to stop fighting this and take a chance or you can let me down easy. It's up to you, but trust me when I say, Kylie, you're beautiful and you're funny and I've never wanted anyone as badly as I want you.”
The kiss he leaves her with is as soft and tender as it is passionate.
She brings her fingers to her lips, watching Erik go and she knows no man has ever made her feel like this.
Erik is offering her everything. She just has to step up and take it.
and it feels like the first time
like it never did before
feels like the first time
like we've opened up the door
feels like the first time
like it never will again, never again
“feels like the first time” - by foreigner
maybe i've just gotta wait
maybe this is a mistake
i'm a fool yeah
maybe i'm just a fool yeah (oh, oh)
girl what would you do, would you wanna
if i were to stay
“last first kiss” - by one direction
This is not, objectively speaking, something “grown ups” who are engaged would do; have four large supreme pizzas, a sick pack of beer and an assortment of candy inside a blanket fort while they're in their underwear, but Tyson and Jesse aren't really concerned about the perception of being grown ups, they're too busy being so in love they can't even see straight.
The deep evergreen lace of her bralette and cheeky underwear against her warm alabaster skin makes Tyson's blood grow hot and thick in his veins.
While Jesse can't stop thinking about how his black boxer briefs hug his thighs.
They both laugh and snort, unaware of the door to the suite opening and how JT and Kacey are stumbling inside. Or it could be Nate and Morgan. It honestly doesn't matter. What matters is they're here together, inside their blanket fort and Jesse has the 3.5 karart diamond ring on her finger.
“Awww man,” Tyson groans, making Jesse blink as she looks at him curiously while he pouts. “Morgan and Nate got married tonight. We're engaged. Elivs was supposed to marry us. They aren't engaged. That's not how it works.”
Jesse giggles and shakes her head as she crawls toward him to sit in his lap. Her amrs wind around his neck and she presses her forhead against his, lovesick smile on her pretty face. “I don't want Elvis to marry us, Tyson,” Her voice is soft and warm, making his heart skip a beat like always. “I want a whole wedding with everyone there. I want my Dad and Joey to walk me down the aisle, to give me away. I want to wear a pretty dress and you to wear a suit.”
Tyson swallows thickly. It's so easy to imagine Jesse on a summer day in a simple white dress with a short veil and Bob – please, tyson i think you can call me bob now and not mr compher – and JT on either side of her walking toward him. Kacey and his Mom are standing with him along with Fab and Barzy and he can't breathe.
Her smile is blinding just like it is right now with only the light from the glittering hotels on the Strip filtering through the sheets of their blanket fort.
He slips her engagement ring off of her finger and she yelps, “Hey!” but he silences her with a heated kiss before she can say anything else. Their tongues tangle together sweetly, her fingers sinking into his curls as his other hand, that's not holding her ring slides up and down her back until they break apart, their lungs burning with the need to breathe.
“Give that back,” Jesse laughs, shoving at his toned chest. “My super hot fiance gave it to me.”
Tyson laughs, loud and unabashed, like always. Flicking an olive from one of the pizzas, Jesse laughs and retaliates by flicking a pepperoni at him. A mini food fight breaks out, Tyson able to catch most of the toppings she flicks at him inside his mouth. They settle and he takes a deep breath, staring deeply inot the familiar warmth of Jesse's soft brown eyes.
He grabs for her hand like he did at the cabin last Christmas and her heart pounds like it did on that crisp winter day. “Tys,” Shaky and soft, falls off her lips and he kisses her quickly before taking another deep breath.
“We're gonna get married just like you want. You're going to wear a pretty dress and I'll wear a suit and your Dad and JT are going to give you away, but I want to promise you stuff right now. Say vows or whatever,” He waves his hand and she nods, feeling her eyes getting misty. “You're my best friend, J. Life is crazy and you never know what's goin g to happen the next day, the next minute or hour, but I know if you're there, it's going to be okay. I know it's not always going to be easy. I don't know a lot, like, having life insurance or buying a house, but I know there's no one else I want to learn all that stuff with execpt you. But what I do know is life will be the most fun because it's with you. I promise, Jesse Chloe Compher, that I will love you forever even if you steal the last of the ketchup chips, forget to buy milk and still can't cook. I promise I will take care of you and won't let you get behind on Grey's Anatomy and I won't watch ahead of you on Ginny and Georgia. I want to be your last first kiss. Will you be mine?”
Jesse can't stop the smile from crossing her face. Seh can't believe she gets to spend the rest of her life with the incredibly sweet and funny and cute boy that's in front of her. He slips her ring back onto her finger and she takes a deep breath, glancing at the diamond before meeting his beautiful, big chocolate eyes.
“Tys, I promise to love you forever. I won't ever let you get down on yourself after a bad game. I will always be your biggest fan, through the ups and the downs. No matter where hockey takes you, I'll be right by your side ready to cheer you on. I can't wait to see you grow and become the best version of yourself on and off the ice. I know you'll never let me down, that if I need you, you'll be there giving me all the support and strength. We can do anything together, so bring on buying a house and figuring out life insurance. I promise,” She laughs, touching his face before leaning into kiss him quickly. “To always make you smile and laugh, to never let you stay sad for too long. I promise to learn how to make Laura's famous Nanaimo bars so you'll always have a tatse of home around. I promise to wear something cute to bed every night. Yes, Tyson Jost, I will be your last first kiss.”
The next kiss they share is longer and as passionate as ever.
When Tyson lays Jesse down amongst all the pillows and blankets, she couldn't say, but all she knows is the warmth of his body against hers. Seh arches against him and he fumbles slightly with the front clasp of her baralette and then his lips are on her skin, making her thighs rub together as his tongue circles one of her nipples. He's so good at this she wonders how she lived so long without him.
They're a tangle of limbs; panting and sweaty, their skin sticking together after they both reach their highs, foreheads pressed together and dopey smiles on their faces.
“We're married now,” Tyson says huskily and Jesse giggles. “Yeah, we are. I'm Mrs. Tyson Jost,” She murmurs. “I'm Mr. Jesse Compher.”
And that's how they fall asleep in the blanket fort in the middle of the sprawling and expensive suite at the Aria hotel. Still a little drunk but as in love as they ever have been.
i wanna be last, yeah
baby, let me be your, let me be your last first
i wanna be first, yeah
wanna be the first to take it all the way like this
“last first kiss” - by one direction
soundtrack “viva las vegas,” bruce springsteen, “feels like the first time” foreigner “love me harder” ariana grande and the weekend and “fearless” (taylor's version) taylor swift
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lpsgirl109 · 11 months ago
This is gonna be just the most basic rundown of all of them cause there's many and if I went in detail about them we'd be here forever
Alkali Ashford
Alkali was my first x men OC. Her ability is turning into dinosaurs. In her regular form, she has stripes and a tail, so she needs one of the camouflage watch things. She's besties with Kurt, but her arc is sort of opposite to his in the sense that while he wants to fit in and hide who he is, she wants to stand out and let the world know who she is. She's very fun I love her. Also fun fact this is the character that got me in trouble in that one rp server I mentioned a few nights ago, where they yelled at me because they decided shapeshifters aren't allowed only after I submitted her. They hate her because she's too swag for them to handle
This guy and the next character are basically recycled versions of ooold old OCs of mine. Milo has two water serpent things that he can control. He starts out kinda scared of them because, unlucky for him he has a fear of water due to almost drowning as a child. But overtime he learns to appreciate them
Other aforementioned old recycled OC. Her mutation is physical in the sense that she has cat ears and angel wings, so she also needs a camouflage watch. However unlike Kurt and Alkali, she never really faced a lot of discrimination growing up because her mutation is considered beautiful by most (There's lots of angel devil comparisons with Marigold and Kurt it's so fun it's so fun). She's known Milo since they were kids because she is the one who saved him from drowning. They're dating now. Ew romance
Peter Maximoff
"Peg that's not an OC" yeah so I made an Evo version of Peter because I was STUPIDLY obsessed with this man in like 2021 idk what was wrong with me. Anyway he's the twins' half brother and I have yet to figure out what happened between Erik and his mom. He has a really dumb rivalry with Pietro its so funny
Or Zeke for short. His thing is seeing and talking to ghosts. Lance recruits him to the Brotherhood for all of two seconds before Zeke befriends Kurt and jumps over to the X Men instead. He also dates Kurt later so i can live in my RogueKitty delusions but shhh
These next few are part of the new mutant squad. Indigo's power is bringing drawings to life and she has a fun sibling relationship with Peter. They're also a little bit Too wiling to commit murder
Also a recycled old OC. He has a snake that sticks out of his back. Not much more to him yet, he just has a snake
Cool guy who turns into a fish person when in the water. May or may not have been inspired by Luca. Also for anyone who knows my habit of making Harry Osborn inspired OCs and naming them Ozzi. This guy is not one of the Harry clones, he came way before the raimi fixation attacked me and dragged me to hell
Markus Lang
Member of the X Men and one of the mentors alongside Ororo and Logan. He can turn into a dragon. He might end up dating Logan idk I think they'd be silly together
Gwen Ashford
Alkali's adopted younger sister who has rock powers. She's part of The Brotherhood and she is an absolute menace to society
Wyatt Elsher
This guy is able to turn into like a goop furry thing and I'm being so honest to god I based him off the fucking Transfur Outbreak game on roblox. Embarrassing. Anyway he was childhood friends with Marigold and lived in her old neighborhood, and I imagine initially his mutation was just becoming some sort of werewolf thing. Then he got sent to this lab place that claimed they'd 'cure' him but ended up fucking him up. So now he's goop. He also joins the Brotherhood and has a rivalry with Marigold
Regular ass human girl who Alkali meets at a party and falls head over heels in love with her. She also sort of adopts Kurt into her friend group after the mutants get exposed, seeing he's alone now and wanting to help him. She does guess he's also a mutant, but she's fine with it
Thats all of em!! It's entirely possible I'll make more soon, but this is who I got right now. I also have like the crumbs of a fic for these guys on wattpad but it has like one chapter that was written in 2021 and also features very shitty old art. If yall want it though I'll link it. I do plan on working on it again eventually
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*she looks surprised* ...no one's ever said that about me before...
Open starter: Christmas Grinch
*Calliope looks like she's up to something* how funny would it be if we found some ships and just stole their Christmas!
Tags: @the-star-of-the-seas @taken-by-the-seas @that-little-fucking-shit @siren-of-pearls @just-a-mer @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @childhood-seas @armored-atlantean-captain @amusing-little-things @urbestestwindgod (if I missed someone who wants to be tagged let me know and please interact anyway! :))
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dragonbored · 11 months ago
Markarth, Throat of the World & Sovngarde?
YAYYY hi bestie (beloved follower)
Markarth - If you could rewrite one questline in Skyrim, which would it be?
oh boy do i have OPINIONS. if i could rewrite on questline in skyrim i would rewrite the companions questline to Not Be The Companions
sorry. racist werewolves aside, i think i agree w u that it would be the dark brotherhood, but i’ve got different ideas. idgaf abt astrid and cicero and the night mother i want oblivion back. the oblivion dark brotherhood questline is my favorite fucking questline in any video game, i swear to god. your first quest is to go sneak aboard a pirate ship?? you dive into the ocean to escape?? you can murder a guy by dropping his stuffed minotaur head or whatever tf that taxidermy is on him?? wildly sprinting away from bruma so his guard doesn’t catch you and you still get the bonus?? THE MURDER MYSTERY DINNER PARTY??????
i’m sorry i just love oblivion so so so much. i would try and return some of that whimsy to the dark brotherhood. i mean, yeah, i guess we can keep the whole betrayal thing, but i never liked the night mother’s portrayal and just am not fond of any of the existing npcs there. also, including an assassination of the emperor was fucking stupid, i hate how tes tries to make it canon that your character is simultaneously the gods’ greatest gift to nirn and also sithis himself (what’s the tes equivalent of the devil)
actually speaking of stupid canonical statuses i would rewrite the civil war questline to also not exist. fuck it the dragonborn is just a messenger now. the war doesn’t have a finish within the game, we leave it at a standstill. like i said i have Opinions
Throat of the World - How do you feel about “Season Unending”?
to be truthful with you beloved follower i didn’t remember what this quest was. in recent times i haven’t even gotten to diplomatic immunity. i always lose interest before i get that far LMFAO. that being said when i remembered what it was i’m vaguely fond of it. i think having a meeting where you just have to sit down and debate shit is fun. don’t remember if it translates very well into a video game. love the idea of the dragonborn sitting there simmering with rage while everyone insults each other. think it’s really stupid that everyone somehow safely made the climb up the 7000 steps at the same time without guards carriages horses or food. you’re telling me elenwen hiked that shit?
Sovngarde - How would your Last Dragonborn celebrate after the battle with Alduin, or would they celebrate at all?
OOF… you’ve hit me with the one oc question. i love to discuss my Opinions (there’s lots of them) but ocs require more thoughts. hm…
azug would celebrate because i think lucien would go hog wild about his friend defeating alduin and erik is just down to party. where the fuck do you go after coming back from skuldafn? how do you come back? do you just fast travel? summon odahviing again? it’s been so long i don’t remember. i’ll just assume you summon odahviing again and he deposits you back in dragonsreach, in which case, jarl balgruuf would probably want to have a feast or something anyway. but azug and the crew would go celebrating on their own after, and, tbh, knowing azug, would probably keep celebrating for a long time after. like, bar hopping in every city for the next year (or until whatever inevitable tragedy happens next for them to help with)
megana is much more reserved. she would enjoy the feast but she doesn’t really. have close friends. at least not yet, i haven’t finished the game with her so idk. she also doesn’t live in whiterun like azug does (well, technically azug lives outside in tundra homestead) so i think she might have less casual friends there. all that being said, i don’t think she would celebrate beyond agreeing to whatever celebrations are held for her, and even then she would quickly find a limit to what she could stand to attend. she’s more of a private person; she’d rather have a few drinks with the others at the college of winterhold (hey i forgot she was gonna do that quest) or relax with thistle in myrwatch than be rowdy all across skyrim like azug
sadly those r the only two i can answer for, cirendil exists in my mind palace but i haven’t played her at all so i don’t have a good grasp of her character or development. friki is… technically a dragonborn because the randomizer feature in the alternate start mod i’m using decided she would be, and because i think it’s funny to imagine her going around stealing shit and not at all being helpful while another dragonborn actually does their job, but she will not be doing the main quests at any point so i don’t bother contemplating her much
thank u for asking!!! this one was super fun to consider <3
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