#Best practices in social media
passiveincomedr · 7 months
Unlocking Success: Top 20 Best Social Media Managers in 2024
Unlocking Success: Top 20 Best Social Media Managers in 2024
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"distant relative" i assume you are referring to my father?
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suterbuyout2024 · 8 months
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we've been playing around with erasure in my poetry class and i thought i'd take a page out of isobel o'hare's book and do a bit of erasure of pride tape coverage. this is taken from this ap news article about the ban being rescinded.
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emangel2718 · 18 days
Political rant in tags.
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maudeangerslessard · 2 months
CEID 100 - Week 1
Living in a world where everything and everyone becomes a product is something that has become our new reality. Materialism and overconsumption have quickly overtaken physical materials and transformed us, social media users, into a real Facebook Marketplace. With the average person spending 143 min (Statista, n.d.) on social media per day, platforms like Meta, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and many more have been able to understand the proximity they have with the consumer through these platforms. Through time, they have transformed how we shop, get inspired, and mostly how we want to present ourselves to the world. People like you and me have built a social media image that we most likely have control over, or at the least, we think we do have. On the other hand, celebrities like Kim Kardashian or Millie Bobby Brown have such low control over their images that when it comes to social media, a whole crew of people is involved in managing this multibillion-dollar business that we hold in our hands. 
When it comes to best practices, many different strategies can be used. On one side, we have Kim Kardashian, who was first known for her challenging moments over the internet; this is someone who has chosen to let users decide on her image. Living on the “Speak of it well, Speak of it ill, but speak of it” concept, Kim Kardashian’s image isn’t, in my opinion, best practice. She has little or no control over her image; to some extent, you forget her audience/niche and what she is trying to do within this world. Her personal branding is mixed in various directions; she lets the internet decide her faith after each post, story, or interview. Some of the content online is inappropriate and provocative and doesn’t always show her her best day. She has decided to let the user-generated platform build her image. 
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Finally, on the other side, we have Millie Bobby Brown, mostly known for the role of Eleven in Netflix's successful series Stranger Things, who, in my opinion, delivers social media’s best practice. Her image is well controlled; we can easily tell her content is polished and know her center of interest. When looking at her profile, there is a line of conduct throughout the posts, and her personality shines through. In this post, she is representing her company and even though this is entirely in the purpose of selling, she is still keeping her image clean and authentic to her online persona. 
Statista. (n.d.). Global daily social media usage 2024. Statista. Retrieved May 10, 2024, from https://www-statista-com.ezproxy.lib.torontomu.ca/statistics/433871/daily-social-media-usage-worldwide/
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cazort · 1 year
I don't mind Tumblr changing things, and in fact I like a lot of the small changes they've made recently.
One thing I hate though is that the site as a whole seems slower and less responsive. In spite of me having a much faster, more reliable internet connection and a much faster computer than when I started using Tumblr years ago, the responsiveness of the site has become much slower when I do basic actions like liking or reblogging a post.
There are sometimes long delays when I click the like button on a post, sometimes more than 1 or even 2 seconds. This is strange. When I go to reblog a post, often the post takes many seconds before it comes up.
I also notice delays when looking at people's blogs. Like sometimes when I scroll down, the whole site just starts being sluggish, and often it cranks my CPU. I hate this. It not only is annoying to me, it's running my CPU, using up my battery life or my electricity that I pay for in my home. It feels disrespectful to me as a user, like one of those spammy websites that has all the horrible ads that crank the CPU and make my fan turn on.
I really hope this doesn't get worse, and I would really, really like it to get better. It's so frustrating to see the technology, including the CPU's, memory, and internet bandwidth, and cloud hosting technology, get dramatically better and cheaper over the years, and yet have the quality-of-service, speed, and CPU utilization get worse during the same period. The only possible explanation is bloat and incompetence.
I don't program my own websites this way. They have gotten faster over the years, as the technology has improved. If you're not doing it this way, you're doing it wrong.
Yes I'm talking to you @staff
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theswordwizard · 1 year
i keep seeing people complain about how "every website looks the same" and that its a sign of the end of creativity etc etc but it was always as a little throwaway line that people are supposed to go "oh yeah i've noticed that a lot of websites look similar!" and are supposed to connect that with the death of web 1 and how social media is bad and so on, but there are a LOT of reasons why many websites look the same. they can be kind of broken down into two main categories, though: the users, the way users find/use the websites.
Back in the 90s slash really early 2000s websites were still kind of gimmicky. Unless you were in a field that required the use of certain sites/databases/references/communications etc the average person wasn't online nearly as much as they were today. People also didn't have smartphones (which I will come back to later), so they were using a whole computer setup with a very specific resolution (low), and overall being on the internet was a very specific experience. But I think it's also important to note that it was more younger people using them for casual use. Web 1 was more "creative" than web 2 is deemed now because to get ON web 1, you had to have a baseline of tech and web knowledge. There were a lot less people on the internet, so you were catering to the other relatively few people that were willing to dive into computers/The World Wide Web.
Nowadays, and this is something I'm sure everyone has heard a much older person complain about at some point or another, everyone is pretty much required to use the internet. It's how you apply to jobs, school, get benefits, get healthcare, find pretty much any up-to-date information. It's actually a problem for many people that aren't able to reliably access the internet for one reason or another (major ones being houselessness, living in extremely rural areas, or just not being able to use a smartphone). When the demographic for your site changes from "people who are computer-savvy" to "ANYONE" you have to give up a lot of funny quirks. You are now catering to the lowest common denominator, which is a 70 year old who's grandchild is painstakingly trying to walk them through using a site, and hoping that this will somehow translate into them being able to use other sites, and they won't have to be doing this every other day.
Organizations, whether they are businesses or non-profit/government, have websites because they are convenient for people to be able to either get information, or because they want the user to do something (make an appointment, get a quote, buy something) - they want whoever is using their website to be able to find it as quickly and easily as possible. There is sort of a trickle-down in UI, from major companies that get a lot of users, or have the internal resources to do a lot of user testing and figure out what's easy for people to use, to then other markets who use them as reference or their guides on how to make things easily understandable for a wide range of users (Google's Material Design is often referenced). If someone knows how to use X popular site, you don't have to teach them how to use yours again if you follow their lead.
Also: predicable design and using certain web standards is a necessity for accessibility. Someone using a screen reader needs to be able to understand the information presented on a site, and having things in a predictable order, and in an order that gives the most relevant information first. This is why we are still seeing certain sites that cater to specific clientele often get a bit more creative. An artist's site doesn't necessarily need to cater to any user, they're catering usually to other artists. Now, if it's an illustrator or designer using a site as their portfolio, then they'll probably want to go back and use something that will make it easy for a reviewer going through hundreds of sites to be able to quickly view their art, without getting frustrated. Frustration from new users (as well as slow-loading sites) is one of the biggest reasons why people will ditch a new site or service. How many people have complained about how confusing something like Mastodon is to get started?
From the other direction, there is the system that surrounds the website. We've all seen complaints about how so many websites have a lot of word-salad, and it's because of SEO - Search Engine Optimization. Basically, Google ranks websites to put in search results by A) how well the actual content of the site matches the literal search, and B) what it thinks that your search is actually looking for. There are a lot of things that go into SEO and there are entire markets built around it because of how valuable ranking high with Google is - it doesn't matter how excellent your website is if people never are able to see it. Legitimate websites also have to compete with those scam sites that just dump in as much nonsense as possible to get clicks, and thus make money off ad revenue. It's a constant pain in the ass battle and Google is constantly changing how its rankings work because of the scam sites. This effects the buttons, links, how headers/subheaders/body text is used. Google wants certain hierarchies of information, and rewards sites that have them.
But the biggest reason why so many websites look a certain way is because of responsiveness. Basically as of like 2019 over 50% of visitors to a given website were usually on a mobile device. This could be any kind of resolution, depending on the type of phone or tablet. Do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass it is to design a website to be responsive. You need to organize all the information in very specific ways and use flexboxes or way too many media queries to have text/images/etc set up so it transitions cleanly to different widths. The more complex the website is, the more difficult it is to do this. Simple transitions better and is less likely to break and glitch when presented in unexpected ways.
The proliferation of mobile is also the reason for a lot of other "design modernizations" that people get pissed about. Biggest example off the top of my head is the Google logo redesigns. I remember being in school everyone was complaining and joking about it. But there was a very good reason for it. Using simpler shapes for vector images makes the image load faster, and overall use less data. The new logo is only 305 bytes, while its old logo was 14,000 bytes. That is an enormous difference, especially when taking into consideration if someone on their phone has low bandwidth and/or needs to quickly search something. Again, this trickles down to other sites and other companies that want their sites to perform quickly on all platforms for all users with any level of internet connection.
Obviously there are a lot of issues with the way that the internet is set up but a lot of people miss the point as to not only why so many sites are designed the way they are, but also how we benefit every day from it.
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mcbitchtits · 1 year
as twitter and facebook have been slowly emulating features from other successful social media sites (namely tiktok and reddit) and as they both continue to nuke themselves into oblivion by Not Being Usable, and while we all self-pontificate about how tumblr is passé or not, the one thing i still yearn for on tumblr (and generally any other social media site) is more of a community aspect. tumblr is doing okay in that posting and reblogging still gets things moving, keeps things moving. comments are a relatively new feature, and don’t, in my opinion, lead to in-depth conversations. they’re not threaded, you have to put in some effort going back to find older posts, you can’t directly link to comments left on your posts. “tags” aren’t a community, either. tags aren’t moderated, and even if you create a highly specific, unique tag in order to sort something out of the other firehose of stuff, you don’t own it, you can’t curate it. all of this leaves everyone either just following along for the ride of whatever you post, or creating tightly-themed blogs to pursue a specific topic. but while it may promote sharing things around (reblogging), it doesn’t generate more than a surface-level reaction. a reshare. a comment in passing. a “react”.
anyway, i’m old and i still miss LJ comms. and threaded comment discussions
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rahabs · 2 years
listening to my roommate talk about the horrible realities of communism and what her parents grew up in and had to deal with (they’re Romanian) vs. listening to privileged Americans (usually) whinge nonstop about capitalism and how much better communism truly is is just.  the privilege inherent in doing that is astounding, which is bitterly hilarious since the people saying “capitalism is terrible and communism is the best” are usually the same ones who shout at people to “check [their] privilege.”
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wseinfratech · 17 days
SEO vs SMM: 5 Key Differences in Digital Marketing Approaches Learn key differences between Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing to choose the right digital marketing strategy.
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trainingin2inglobal · 1 month
Best Practices in Social Media Marketing
Looking for expert advice on Best Practices in Social Media Marketing? Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know to boost your online presence and drive engagement. Discover the top strategies and techniques for success in this competitive digital landscape.
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digitaltogrow · 1 month
Mastering Social Media Marketing (SMM): A Comprehensive Guide
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In today's digital landscape, Social Media Marketing (SMM) stands as a pivotal tool for both businesses and individuals alike. It has redefined the dynamics of communication between companies and their audiences, harnessing the vast potential of social media platforms to foster engagement, promote brands, and drive traffic. In this exhaustive guide, we delve deep into the intricacies of SMM, exploring its definition, objectives, strengths, weaknesses, and effective strategies for optimal outcomes.
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YouTube Marketing Tips - Promoting Your Perfect Marketing Video
Best wishes. You've done it! You've made the ideal YouTube marketing video for your company or item. It is certain that viewers will adore it and may choose to watch it repeatedly. So how can you point them in its direction?
That's right, after the product is over, folks have this problem with the marketing. You must now, however, promote your marketing collateral. How then do you advertise your ideal promotional video?
Initially, confirm that the target audience comprehends the message you are attempting to convey through your video. Despite appearing to have little to do with the things they promote, some extremely well-known videos eventually attempt to convey a point. I suggest that you follow suit. You must, at the absolute least, mention your URL in your movie; otherwise, viewers won't know how to visit your website afterwards. 
Second, make an effort to add some entertainment value to your film. This will entice folks to watch it. Additionally, they'll want to share it with their friends. You can even find it posted on their Myspace, Facebook, and blog pages. This is fantastic, free advertising for your website and for you. One of the best and most inexpensive forms of advertising is word-of-mouth referrals!
Try to keep it as realistic as you can, unless you are trying to advertise your magic performance. In addition to finding entertainment on YouTube, viewers enjoy seeing actual people in real life. Bring out your high-end special effects and computer generated imagery now. 
Make sure you are using categories and tags appropriately. Search engines will employ tags to locate your video. Also, don't use arbitrary tags. Make certain that they relate to the video that viewers are viewing. In light of this, make sure your tags include information about every facet of the video. If you are marketing your real estate company in Dallas, for example, make sure your tag words relate to real estate, houses, purchasing property, and Dallas. 
And finally, always remember the importance of self-promotion. Put your URL at the end of each email you send out. Additionally, if you are a member of any groups, make sure your URL is in your signature. Traffic to your website will increase with your presence. 
Unlock your potential with our comprehensive course designed to empower you for exploring the world of YouTube shorts for businesses.
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This infographic will help you to know about the effective b2b social media strategy.
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anhometech · 2 months
Maximizing Instagram Collaboration: Best Practices for Success
  Instagram has become a powerful platform for businesses and influencers to connect with their audience. Collaborating with others on Instagram can significantly boost your visibility and engagement. Whether you are looking to partner with other brands, influencers, or content creators, understanding the best practices for collaboration is essential for success. Understanding the Importance of…
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Advertising in the Age of Social Media: Trends and Innovations
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Amidst the ever-evolving digital realm, advertising has experienced a profound transformation, driven by the pervasive impact of social media. As platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn continue to dominate online interactions, businesses are leveraging these channels to connect with their target audiences in innovative ways. In this article, we delve deep into the trends and innovations shaping advertising in the age of social media.
The Rise of Influencer Marketing
One of the most notable trends in social media advertising is the rise of influencer marketing. Influencers, individuals with a significant following and influence on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, have become powerful brand advocates. By partnering with influencers whose values align with their own, brands can reach highly engaged audiences authentically. From sponsored posts to product endorsements, influencer marketing offers a dynamic approach to online advertising.
Video Content Dominance
In the realm of social media advertising, video content reigns supreme. With the rise of platforms like TikTok and the continued popularity of YouTube, consumers are consuming video content at unprecedented rates. Brands are capitalizing on this trend by creating engaging video ads that capture attention and drive conversions. Whether it's short-form videos for Instagram Stories or long-form content for YouTube, video advertising allows brands to tell compelling stories and connect with their audience on a deeper level.
Personalization and Targeting
Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all advertising. In the age of social media, personalization and targeting are paramount. With advanced dataanalytics and audiencesegmentation tools, brands can tailor their advertising efforts to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Whether it's retargeting website visitors with dynamic ads or delivering personalized recommendations based on past purchases, socialmediaplatforms offer a wealth of targeting options to ensure that ads resonate with the right audience.
Ephemeral Content and FOMO Marketing
Ephemeral content, such as InstagramStories and SnapchatSnaps, has become increasingly popular among socialmediausers. Brands are leveraging this trend to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity through FOMOmarketing (Fear of Missing Out). By offering limited-time promotions, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and exclusive deals, brands can drive engagement and sales while tapping into consumers' fear of missing out on something exciting.
User-Generated Content
User-generated content (UGC) has emerged as a powerful tool for socialmediaadvertising. By encouraging users to create and share content featuring their products or services, brands can leverage the authenticity and credibility of peerrecommendations. Whether it's reposting customer photos on Instagram or hosting user-generated content contests, brands can harness the creativity and enthusiasm of their audience to amplify their advertising efforts.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing socialmediaadvertising in myriad ways. From algorithmicoptimization to chatbot interactions, AI-powered tools are enabling brands to streamline their advertising processes and deliver more personalized experiences to their audience. Whether it's using AI to analyze audience data and identify trends or leveraging machine learning algorithms to optimize ad performance in real-time, brands are harnessing the power of AI to stay ahead of the curve in social mediaadvertising.
In conclusion, advertisingin the age of social media is characterized by trends and innovations that continue to reshape the digital landscape. From the rise of influencer marketing to the dominance of video content, brands are finding new and creative ways to connect with their audience on social media platforms. By embracing personalization, ephemeral content, and user-generated content, brands can create meaningful connections with their audience and drive tangible results. With the role of artificial intelligence continuing to evolve, the future of social media advertising promises to be even more dynamic and impactful. As a leading provider of social media marketing services in India and the US, we specialize in helping businesses enhance their online presence and drive revenue growth. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business thrive in the digital age.
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