#Best photographers in orlando
Wedding Pose Mistakes to Avoid
Too many kisses Too fast Practice too much Don't forget to tell the photographer your preferences.Avoid New Trends Rely fully on the camera Working on a Big Fat Wedding Alone
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Most of the wedding pose mistakes are due to the couple acting stiff and awkward. That's why wedding photographers and videographers advise pretending the couple wasn't there, but that's easier said than done. So what are some easy fixes to pose naturally for the camera? Photographers should remind you, but of course, when in doubt, kissing is the best pose. 
Here are some mistakes that you can avoid during wedding photography: 
This doesn't Mean the number of times you kiss, it's only how you kiss. You want a neat and clean kiss to make it look good this is what Ray Anthony photography's trained photographers says. Also, turn your head far enough to avoid pinching your partner's nose. If you feel like you're being squeezed, you probably are.
Walking photos are good for couples and large wedding receptions, but should be done slowly and not like a marathon. Often the wedding party goes far ahead. Just slow down and mingle with each other.
While the bride and groom may want to perfect their smiles before the wedding, it's recommended to spend that time elsewhere. Don't practice too much. When a couple tries to practice smiling and starts looking overconfident it looks more attractive but even the face needs to relax to give better results at the right time. 
Photographers know better techniques and poses than a normal person. Discussion with the photographer about your pose can help him correct you or get you ready for the same. It's very important to discuss every small detail to avoid any problem at the final time.
Stay on top of the latest trends in wedding photography. All couples of this age have a clear understanding of how wedding photography can change from time to time. Follow professional wedding blogs and articles on sites like  for the latest updates. .
Don't believe that the only thing that matters is the camera. But it's not the camera you use that counts, it's the experience of the photographer. There are professional photographers in the world who take great wedding photos even with iPhones. So forget going for costly equipment, go for the best photographers in orlando. They will bring better results than untrained photographers with costly equipment. 
If you're planning on shooting a big fat wedding with a single photographer, things can get a little confusing. You definitely need help with lighting setups, gear layouts, and other similar things. Putting all this on a single person  can cause you to miss important moments in your wedding. It's always better to be safe than regret later.  You can avoid misunderstandings later with more than one photographer. 
I hope the above article helps you in making the right decision and avoiding the mistakes in wedding photography. 
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polkbros1 · 19 days
Best Wedding Photographer in Orlando
Looking for the best wedding photographer in Orlando? PolkBros is dedicated to capturing the magic of your wedding day with creativity and precision. Our team knows Orlando’s most picturesque locations, ensuring your wedding photos are nothing short of spectacular. We focus on capturing both the big moments and the small details that make your day unique. With a blend of candid shots and beautifully composed portraits, we create a wedding album that tells the complete story of your special day. Trust PolkBros to provide you with wedding photos that you’ll cherish for a lifetime.
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herpsandbirds · 11 months
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Solomon Island Prehensile-tailed Skink (Corucia zebrata), mother and baby, family Scincidae, endemic to the Solomon Islands archipelago
Arboreal, herbivorous, crepuscular.
The largest known species of skink, they can grow to a total length of 32 inches (81 cm).
Live-bearing, they provide parental care for the young, after birth, as well. Females are known to be fiercely protective of the young.
They are actually social, and live in extended family groups.
This has been scientifically proven to be one of the best lizards, and I love them.
photograph via: Orlando Science Center
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ferrstappen · 1 year
hey bubs, dunno if your taking requests still but I was wondering if you could write dad!Max taking his kids to a theme park for the first time, maybe Disney?
Thank you in advance
Disney World Break (Max Verstappen x fem reader
Max insisted, like really insisted on taking the kids to Disney World, you were already in Miami and a flight to Orlando would be short forty-five minutes.
You, on the other hand, weren’t so thrilled about the idea of taking two four-year-old to a theme park, walking under the humid sun for hours, packed with people from all over the world who could recognize your very famous husband.
The twins, Luca and Mila, both carbon copies of their father, pleaded you to go during the entire flight from Azerbaijan to Florida, encouraged by their father.
“Max, they’re too young to go, they’ll last two hours, tops” You told him as the twins were sleeping, cuddling each other.
“We can take breaks or whatever, we’ll take one of those VIP tours so we can skip lines,” Max hummed at the feeling of your fingers threading through his hair while his head rested on your lap.
Something flashed as you looked at him, always acting like a child outside the track, maybe because he was trying to connect with his inner child, and it all made sense. “Baby, have you ever been to Disney World?”
Blue eyes made contact with yours, his hands finding their home on your thigh. “No, not in Orlando at least. Mum and dad took a Victoria and I to Disneyland in France, but I don’t remember much”
Those words were enough to make you close your eyes and take a deep breath, knowing both Max and you were going to regret this, but it was going to be another adventure for your books. “Ok, baby. We are going to Disney world. You better book that VIP shot soon, and of course we’re going to Magic Kingdom.”
Fast forward two days and you were on the entrance of the park, Max helping Luca to choose his first ears, all while carrying Mila on his arms and telling her to choose whatever she wanted.
“Those ears look really great on you, my love.” You knelt in front of your son, fixing his hair so it wouldn’t look messy.
Just as you were speaking with your private tour guide, Max walked next to you, placing his hand on your waist and gently squeezing it to catch your attention.
“Put them on, liefde.” Max placed a pair of classic Minnie ears, as he adjusted his own Mickey hat.
It seemed like you were not only in charge of your twins, somewhere along the way after riding the Jungle Cruise, your husband started taking Luca and Mila to every shop, money not being an issue as the twins overindulged in merch and sweets.
“What do you think about going to the teacups next?” Max asked Mila, who was on his shoulders.
“Daddy, I’m tired.” Mila complained.
The whispered I told you so didn’t pass unnoticed by Max, who playfully placed his hand very near your ass.
“Max! It’s full of children here, have some respect!” You laughed, placing a kiss on his chin, only to be interrupted.
“Eww! Mama and daddy don’t!” Luca said making a disgusted expression, only to be reprimanded by his sister.
“How about we head to the castle and take our family photo?” You suggested and Max agreed, asking the guide to walk you to the best picture spot.
The sun was glowing, the four of you wearing your ears. Mila was in front of you while Luca was in front of Max who placed a hand on his shoulder and another on your ass, giving it a light squeeze just as the photographer snapped the picture.
This wasn’t a vacation, though. Just after the fireworks exploded, you were on a SUV, full of Disney World bags including multiple t-shirts, dolls, Mickey Mouse replicas, a play set of Cinderella castle driving to the airport where the jet was already waiting for the four of you.
You laughed after noticing multiple Pandora jewelry bags full of Disney charms, bracelets and earrings, even if you insisted to Max that Mila would never wear them. Max didn’t care, whatever his princess wanted, whatever his princess would get.
Max and you were still wearing your ears, staring at Mila and Luca who were both sleeping between the two of you.
“So, what do you say to a week long Disney vacation when the season’s over?” Max proposed and you giggled.
“Only if you ride all the roller coasters with them while I eat my churro” You answered and Max laughed; his gorgeous cackle which made the corner of his eyes crinkle and his mouth form the most beautiful smile before leaning to leave a kiss on your lips, careful to not disturb the twins.
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charlidos · 6 months
"With Mr. Mortensen, Bloom "lost" himself in the New Zealand wilderness. 14 hours later they both returned to the LotR set bruised and thirsty and with a photo that's reputed to be the best ever taken of Orlando. If Mortensen would only release it."
In the myth of Viggo and Orlando's adventures in New Zealand and Middle Earth, this is my favourite legendary tale; two men getting lost and spending a night in a New Zealand rainforest, a "moonless night" 24 years ago. The leader of the pack taking the eager young pup on an adventure, Viggo the romantic renaissance man and Orlando's I'll-follow-you-on-any-adventure adoration. It is indeed the stuff of legends. And like all legends, the story changes over time.
So here's all we know, all we can guess and all we can blissfully imagine.
To begin with, the video interview is from 2004, and the info that Orlando was the "friend" accompaning him is from 2005. However, when Viggo told the same story back in 2003, he was alone, no friend mentioned.
"One time, I was in the rainforest near the west coast of the South Island. It was on a shooting break, one of those incredibly rare weekends where I actually had a Saturday off. So I just went down there for a day and a night to a place that I'd been to before. I wanted to get to the coast, so I headed into the woods, but it was a bit of a hike and it suddenly got dark. I hadn't brought a flashlight with me, which was a bit stupid, because I thought I knew the trail really well. But then I got lost. There was no moon and it was overcast, so it was just completely pitch black, especially as the vegetation was really dense and thorny. But I did have a camera with me, which had a flash, and a couple of rolls of film. So I used the flash to try and find my way out. For a second you could see everything around, so I was using the flash to try and find the trail. I kept thinking, 'It must be around here somewhere', but I never did find it. And then I ran out of film. At some point I was just getting really tired and ended up in a marshy area. I was falling down all the time, getting cut by thorns and I thought, 'This is stupid'. So, I found a piece of relatively high ground and lay down for a little while, until the moon came up. Luckily, when the moon arrived I managed to get my bearings and eventually I was able to figure out how to get back to where I started from. It was a huge relief, but when I showed up back on the set, I really alarmed everyone because it looked like I'd been through a grinder."
How come Orlando joined him on this trip into the wild? I can only speculate (it's what I'm here for, making an epic mountain of a molehill), but Orlando is famously very keen on adventure, so I'm sure he was eager to join. Moreover, he obviously worshipped the ground Viggo walked on (his "guardian angel" who has the skills to basically manage anything. Orlando probably thought "what could possibly go wrong?") and took any opportunity to follow his king. In other words, I don't think Orlando was hard pressed about coming along.
Why did Viggo ask Orlando then? Because he knew Orlando would say yes? Because he knew Orlando would appreciate it, more than the others? Because Orlando was the only other actor having a day off? Because Viggo felt a strong urge to share this beautiful and amazing place with him? Because of the chance to spend quality time with his sweet elf boy?
In Viggo's excellent plan for the hike, they'd be back soon, "in time for dinner". But instead they got lost. Maybe the prescence of the pretty elf prince distracted him? Or maybe he was being overly confident in his abilities, and perhaps wanting to show off a little? Even Viggo will want to impress people he likes, I'm sure.
Viggo brought his camera, photographer that he is. But he also brought an extra roll of film, suggesting he was planning to take a lot of pics. Maybe he wanted to photograph Orlando out in the woods; a beautiful elf in his natural element. But then he seems to quite quickly spend all the film on finding the way, running out before they were even remotely near home. Maybe he panicked a bit? Or maybe he really just wanted to get cool, impromptu photos for a book.
"When I developed the film, which was black and white, there were some really interesting images. The flash had lit up the ground, the foliage and these ferns which are typical of New Zealand. Some of them are almost like negatives because there was this fog and the flash was bouncing off them creating a really strange effect. It's quite unusual because there are these delicate ferns with their little tendrils and all the whiteness around them which makes them look like Japanese prints. I printed off four of them, which I've called Lost 1, 2, 3 and 4. You can see them on the internet."
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(This is the first rendering of the tale, in 2002.)
The fact that Viggo apparently also took one - at least - photo of Orlando, suggests that Viggo either took some photos before getting lost, or he took photos of Orlando, furtively (or mistakenly?), while he was supposed to flash their way home. (But who is it who claims this photo is the best ever taken of Orlando? Orlando himself? Does he have it framed at home, as a treasured memory?)
As it got dark out with no moonlight, they started bumping into things, falling over and getting scratched by thorns and bruised by trees. They obviously didn't get seriously hurt, but maybe Viggo did start to worry for their safety. Like he said, he felt responsible for bringing Orlando out there, if he also got injured, it would have been disastrous. (Not sure if this rainforest also has dangerous animals and insects. Trampling on a deadly snake, walking into a poisonous spiderweb, getting prowled upon by a wild animal.)
The way Viggo tells it, the whole thing has an air of romantic adventure. Just picture them finding a piece of dry land for them to stay for a while. waiting for the moon and the stars to come out. (Or until the sun came up?) Imagine them lying on soft grass in a glade, talking softly, just waiting and enjoying each other's company.
Orlando can't have been used to being out in the wilderness, particularly in a foreign country, so Viggo was likely feeling protective. And I imagine Orlando keeping close to Viggo at all times, feeling safe as long as he could feel Viggo's warm body near. Trusting Viggo to keep them safe. If it was "pitch dark", how did they keep track of each other? I imagine Orlando grabbing hold of Viggo's hand, clutching it hard, his only anchor in a foreign, scary place. When they laid down in that glade, maybe they snuggled in close to each other to keep warm (since any night will most likely be a little cool). Maybe holding each other, for comfort and safety. Dirty, bruised, thirsty, completely lost and sharing a beautiful night together.
I can also see them finally seeing the first light of day, and being able to find their way back, hiking back to civilisation. Returning dishevled, exhausted yet very happy. I can see them, two crazy and adventurous nutters laughing about that night in the rainforest of NZ. And living to tell the wild tale, for years to come.
It's such a beautiful, romantic image. No matter what, I feel sure such an experience is one you keep with you for a long time. Bonding to the two together, forever. And creating a mythical legend to boot.
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kahans · 6 months
i'm here to settle an age-long debate or maybe spark a new one: who has the biggest, brownest, wettest brown eyes in all the land (of film and television)?
below the cut is a photograph of each actor in the role i believe babygirlifies them the best. please reblog for a larger sample size!
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday released a withering report into the hundreds of Texas law enforcement officers’ fumbled response to the 2022 Robb Elementary School shooting, finding “cascading failures of leadership, decision-making, tactics, policy and training.”
The long-anticipated 575-page report detailed the many failures of the May 24, 2022 response, but concluded the most significant was that officers should have immediately recognized that it was an active shooter situation and confronted the gunman, who was with victims in two adjoining classrooms.
It noted that since the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, American law enforcement officers have been trained to prioritize stopping the shooter while everything else, including officer safety, is secondary.
“These efforts must be undertaken regardless of the equipment and personnel available,” the report found.
Instead, officers wrongly treated the situation as a barricaded suspect, even as children and teachers pleaded for help with 911 operators. It took 77 minutes for officers to confront the shooter. Nineteen students and two teachers died that day and 17 others were injured in one of the country’s worst school shootings.
The federal review by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services was announced just five days after the shooting. It was led by Orange County Sheriff John Mina, the incident commander during the 2016 Pulse Nightclub massacre in Orlando. In that incident, officers waited three hours to take down the shooter who had barricaded himself with victims in a bathroom.
A Justice Department and National Policing Institute review of that Florida law enforcement response was far less critical than the Uvalde report. It found that Florida officers mostly followed best practices, although it stated the law enforcement agencies in Orlando should update their training and policies.
In the Uvalde review, the federal team reviewed more than 14,100 pieces of data and documentation, including policies, training logs, body camera footage, audio recordings, interview transcripts and photographs.
The team visited Uvalde nine times, spending 54 days there, and conducted more than 260 interviews with people from more than 30 organizations and agencies, including law enforcement officers, school staff, medical personnel, survivors and victims’ families.
The Uvalde report’s release comes two months after ProPublica, the Texas Tribune and PBS’ Frontline published an investigation into the response after gaining access to a trove of investigative materials, including more than 150 interviews with officers and dozens of body cameras.
The material showed that the children at Robb Elementary followed active shooter protocols, while many of the officers did not. It detailed how officers treated the situation as a barricaded suspect rather than an active threat even as evidence mounted quickly that children and teachers were injured and with the shooter.
ProPublica and the Tribune have also revealed that some officers were afraid to confront the gunman because he had a deadly AR-15 rifle. With the Washington Post, the news organizations found that the medical response also was flawed and that two children and a teacher were still alive when they were rescued more than an hour later, but then died.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to discuss the federal report at an 11 a.m. press conference.
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tizzie-lizzie · 1 year
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longlistshort · 1 year
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(Alison Elizabeth Taylor, “Anthony Cuts under the Williamsburg Bridge, Morning”, 2020 Marquetry hybrid (wood veneers, oil paint, acrylic paint, inkjet prints, shellac, and sawdust on wood)
Currently at Orlando Museum of Art is The Outwin: American Portraiture Today, an impressive collection of work in a variety of mediums.
From the museum’s website-
Launched in 2006 to support the next wave of contemporary portraiture in the United States, the National Portrait Gallery’s celebrated triennial Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition is a major survey of the best American portraiture selected by internationally prominent jurors and curators. Now in its sixth edition, The Outwin: American Portraiture Today presents 42 works selected from over 2,700 entries, that foreground the vibrancy and relevance of portraiture today. In addition to paintings, photographs, drawings, and sculptures, The Outwin includes video, performance art, and textiles, highlighting the limitless possibilities of contemporary portraiture.
Open to both emerging and established artists, this year’s entrants were encouraged to submit work that moves beyond traditional definitions of portraiture, and to explore a portrait’s ability to engage with the social and political landscape of our time. The variety of media and subjects featured in the exhibition invite audiences of all backgrounds to find relation in the human experience.
Since its inception, finalists for the exhibition have been determined by a panel of jurors including three Portrait Gallery staff members and four external professionals (critics, art historians, artists). The competition is endowed by and named for Virginia Outwin Boochever (1920 – 2005) who, for 19 years, volunteered as a docent at the Portrait Gallery. Her commitment to advancing the art of portraiture is continued through the support of her children.
Below are a selection of works from the show and information about them from the museum.
Alison Elizabeth Taylor– Anthony Cuts under the Williamsburg Bridge, Morning, 2020 (pictured above)
On walks around her Brooklyn neighborhood during the COVID-19 lockdowns, Alison Elizabeth Taylor encountered the hair groomer Anthony Payne, who,with his workplace shuttered, had taken his scissors, mirror, and chair to the streets. Payne sought to financially support the Black Lives Matter movement, especially in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, and turned over proceeds from his donation-based haircuts to organizations advocating for social justice.
Taylor’s process, one she developed and named “marquetry hybrid,” incorporates vivid paints, inkjet prints, and the natural grains of over one hundred veneers. Marquetry, with its inlaid combination of woods, can “memorialize,” Taylor notes. She acknowledges the history of the craft, which was favored by Louis XIV (1654-1715) when he was acquiring furniture for Versailles. By giving Payne this “royal treatment,” Taylor aims to pay tribute to him. ”I want him to see how much his example meant to me,” she explained.
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Kira Nam Greene– Kyung’s Gift in Pojagi (From the series “Women in Possession of Good Fortune”), 2019, Oil, gouache, colored pencil, and acrylic ink on canvas
In this mixed-media work, by Kira Nam Greene, the artist Kyung Jeon faces us with relaxed self-assurance. She is carefully positioned on her couch as her long black hair falls over her orange and turquoise tunic. In the foreground, a wooden cylinder containing paint brushes reveals her medium of choice. A plate with persimmons, consumed during the harvest festival Chuseok to celebrate good fortune, brims with potential while the rest of the painting pulsates with action.
Greene situates her friend in a fantasy world that echoes Jeon’s artwork and their mutual interest in the traditional Korean fabric quilting technique of pojagi. Two rabbits, representing Jeon’s Chinese zodiac, appear to be concocting a potion. Flowers sprout as kaleidoscopic patterns envelop her. The reference to pojagi, the visible paint drips in the background painting, and the hands of the sitter- left unfinished- invoke the role of tradition, process, and exploration in artmaking.
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Stuart Robertson–  Self Portrait of the Artist from the Out and Bad series, 2020, Aluminum, earth, acrylic paint, enamel, paper,metallic bubble wrap, sequins, and gold foil on wood
“In my world, skin is high-tech, amorphous, and armored,” the artist Stuart Robertson observes. “Blackness is percussive, lustrous, flexible, and indestructible.” Self-Portrait of the Artist depicts a fragment of a man- half of his face and his upper torso-shiny and monumental. A black beard delineates his jaw, and a small gold hoop adorns his ear. Although the figure is cropped beyond recognition, the work’s title provides a clue.
Through the alternation of flat and repoussé aluminum sheets, Robertson achieves a hypnotic effect, a poignant tension playing on what he reveals or hides from us viewers. His refusal to depict his entire face or figure challenges the notion of what a portrait should be and blocks the objectification of the Black male body, so often sexualized in visual culture. Simultaneously, Robertson delivers an irrepressible, resplendent image of that body, one inspired by the aesthetics of Jamaica’s dancehall culture.
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Vincent Valdez– People of the Sun (Grandma and Grandpa Santana), 2019, Oil on canvas
An elderly couple faces us with the gentle authority that old age provides. People of the Sun (Grandma and Grandpa Santana) is a portrait of Vincent Valdez’s maternal grandparents. “My grandparents spent most of their time outside,” the artist recalled. “Grandpa spent his entire life working under the blazing Texas sun as a carpenter and yard worker, cutting lawns in the wealthy communities of San Antonio right up until he passed away. Grandma was constantly working with her hands–raising kids, washing, sewing clothes, and tending the plants in her yard.”
The Santanas are depicted in a space defined by details the artist remembers: their vintage AM radio, their plants, their homemade clothes. The bedsheet, like the Virgen de Guadalupe’s aura, signals their spiritual role in the family. This portrait connects the pair to the Indigenous and mestizo cultures of the American Southwest, including the Aztec and Maya, who honored the sun.
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Elsa María Meléndez–  Milk, 2020, Canvas with silkscreen, embroidery, ink, and other textiles
Elsa María Meléndez routinely crosses the boundaries between artistic mediums in large-scale artworks that command space and attention. Combining silkscreen, drawing, and various needlework techniques, Milk portrays the artist charging forward, determined. She carries a limp bull and advances while her breasts drip glistening drops of milk.
Created six months into the COVID-19 lockdown, this artwork encapsulates Meléndez’s reflection on the fight for gender equality in Puerto Rico. As people went into quarantine, gender violence escalated around the world. In Puerto Rico, where femicides increased substantially, feminist organizations took to the streets, demanding that the government declare a state of emergency. They received the scorn of substantial sectors of society, across gender lines. In response, Meléndez created Milk, an icon of indomitability that recognizes the strength of women and their life-sustaining force while acknowledging their willingness to nurse the beast that sustains patriarchy.
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Timothy Lee– A portrait of the comet boy as a bearer of memories, 2019, Silk, heat-transfer ink, gold leaf, and oil on canvas
In his practice, Timothy Lee investigates his struggles with anxiety, which he feels stem from his Asian American, queer, immigrant, and diasporic identities. Yet, while drawing from his personal narratives more broadly, Lee also attends to the disquieting complexities that are intrinsic to growing up as part of two cultures.
The ironic figure of the “comet boy,” visualized here as if emerging from a halo, is both an embrace of and a departure from the artist’s past. The dynamic interplay of light, shadow, and texture evince the layered nature of Lee’s inquiry. A keen attention to materials and precision, as evidenced by the incised cuts throughout much of the work’s surface, allude to the artist’s earlier scientific training. Snapshots of the artist’s childhood in South Korea emblazon the comet boy’s body. Memories, and with them the past, become part of the flesh, like tattoos.
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Clarissa Bonet– Glimpse, 2019 from the City Space series, Inkjet print
The discovery of a figure amongst a grid of windows and vertical blinds conjures the disorienting situation of coming upon an unknown face peeking through a window. With that chance encounter comes the recognition that one is being watched, possibly even surveilled. Glimpse is part of a series that explores urban life, specifically the relationship between private and public spaces and the daily experiences of those traversing these areas, including those of the artist.
Though made before the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, for Clarissa Bonet, this photograph brings to mind the recent state of being “isolated from the public spaces we all used to enjoy freely.” The unidentified woman may be looking onto an unknown subject left out of the composition, or onto nothing at all.
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Ilene Spiewak–  Deeper into the Isolation of Self Information and Gender, 2020, Acrylic paint and charcoal on canvas
For over fifty years, Ilene Spiewak has focused on the relations between color and visual space, painting at the edge of representation and abstraction. The introspection and solitude brought by the pandemic made her compositions more sparse and her palette more restrained. “I realized what I had in my studio was myself always. . .. I began to insert myself in my paintings more than I was conscious of in the past.”
In this self-portrait, Spiewak outlines her silhouette in charcoal. Her face and nude torso are rendered in soft shades of white, pink, and gray that push against the yellow background. With frankness, she paints her aging body, countering centuries of idealized, youthful, slender female nudes in art. By placing her figure off-center on the picture plane, with her right arm extended but truncated, Spiewak subtly allows us into the intimate act of observing and painting herself.
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Inga Guzyte–  Cutting Edge, 2020, from the Kindred Spirits series, wood and used skateboards
Inga Guzyte recycles old skateboards, sawing and reassembling them into new sculptural configurations. Cutting Edge, a portrait of Alison Saar, is from Guzyte’s series “Kindred Spirits.” which honors women who have made their mark in the art world. The ethos of bravery and independence that is part of skateboard culture conveys the tenacity and perseverance of Guzyte’s role models.
Aptly made from reclaimed wood, a recurrent material in Saar’s sculptures and installations, this portrait stands between painting and sculpture. Saar’s expression evokes her fierceness and commitment to her practice. Her headdress points to her Afro-diasporic background, while its dynamic red and orange twists suggest her fiery creative energy. Like a flame, the headwrap attracts a multitude of moths, which recur in Saar’s work to signify a go- between for the real world and the spiritual world.
This exhibition is on view until 10/8/23.
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datascraping001 · 1 year
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bbdmd · 1 year
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the greatest wrestling dentist of all time, dr. brittany baker, d.m.d. thirty two years old, native to punxsutawney, currently residing in orlando. you cannot define hardworking without giving her an honorable mention. her favorite thing to do is prove someone wrong. tell her she cannot do something and she'll take videos and photographs of her doing it and send them to you; much like she did to her guidance counselor who told her she'd never be able to be a professional wrestler as well as a dentist. she is completely enthralled by her work and loves both of her jobs equally. though prior injuries have scared her a little bit when it comes to her future -- knowing that if an injury is sustained badly enough it could very well end her career as a dentist. lately, britt has been taking a step away from the spotlight of the women's division in all elite wrestling and has no current plans on title chasing. however, that is subject to change. being the first woman in aew to hold both the women's championship and the tbs championship is her current goal, with no real time frame set on making it happen.
headcannons: ✘ Her relationship with Austin Jenkins ( Adam Cole ) ended on good terms, right before the holidays in 2022. If an Adam Cole joins the group, the terms of separation can be discussed in more detail if cannon to their portrayal. Everything on screen is for entertainment value only. ✘ She dislikes Thunder Rosa -- and that stems from a long history of sandbagging claims as well as the fact that Brittany views Rosa as ungrateful and unprofessional. ✘ Yes, she is employed at a dental practice in Winter Park, Florida where she works, as a dentist, four days a week and sometimes on Saturday. Her schedule typically has her flying out Tuesday right after she gets off work at the office, heading to wherever Dynamite is being held. Working the show on Wednesday and hopping back on a plane Wednesday night or early Thursday morning to be right back in the dental office for her appointments. connections: ♡ romance: @theabsoluteone Started dating: 7.9.2023 ♡ best friend(s): @hayterades ♡ friends: open ♡ enemies: open direct messages are always welcome. discord available upon request.
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missmyloko · 2 years
Please let me know if you have any recommendations of webpages for it, let me know.
As well as how can I know if the girls was a maiko or geiko in some photos because they are some attribute to then but the hair is not the usual one, but we know that back then the hairdo and other details were not that strictly made as today
Thank you in advance Justine !!
wishing you all the best in your vacation and back home ☺️😌!!!
By the way sorry for the two questions instead of one was a mistake during my typing and I posted before it was done
I didn't end up making it to Universal Orlando as that was one of the days that the hurricane hit :( As for wanting to find out more information online that isn't in books (even though books are the best sources), I highly recommend scrolling through Flickr. There you can find some old scans of odori programs (I know I have 1 available), some old books, and a plethora of old pictures. Figuring out if a girl was a maiko or geiko in very old photographs can be tricky, but the easiest thing to look for is their kimono. Maiko always wear furisode hikizuri while geiko wear kosode hikizuri ^^
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Small Business Photography in Orlando Tips to Get the Perfect Shot Every Time
If you’re a Small Business Photography Orlando, you know that photography is a key part of marketing your products and services. But taking great photos every time can be tricky. Here are a few tips to help you get the perfect shot every time.
When you are taking photos of Small Business Photography Orlando that you should keep in mind. First, make sure that you are taking photos from the right angle. If you are taking a photo of the storefront, make sure that the business is in the foreground and the background is not too cluttered. Try to get a photo of the business that shows the product or service that they offer. If you are taking a photo of the employees, make sure that they are smiling and that they are in a good light. Finally, make sure that you are not taking photos of businesses that are closed.
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There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a photo to represent your business. The most important thing is to make sure the photo is high quality and Professional Photographer Orlando professional-looking. You want to make sure the photo is clear and properly lit, and that the subject matter is appropriate for your business.
Another important consideration is the composition of the photo. You want to make sure the photo is visually appealing, with a good balance of elements. You may want to experiment with different angles and lighting effects to find the best look for your photo.
Finally, be sure to choose a photo that accurately represents your business. If you’re a law firm, for example, you wouldn’t want to use a photo of a bunch of flowers. Make sure the photo is relevant to your business and its branding.
There are many different ways to use photography to market your Small Business Photography Orlando. One way is to take product photographs and post them on your website or online store. This will help customers see what they are buying and will make them more likely to purchase your products. You can also use photographs to create advertising campaigns. Photos can be used in print advertisements, online advertisements, and even on social media. Another great way to use photography is to create a photo album or portfolio of your business. This can be used to attract new customers and to show current customers what you have to offer. Finally, you can use photography to create a personal brand for your business. This can be a great way to set yourself apart from the competition and to attract new customers.
Thanks for reading! We hope these tips help you take great photos for your business. If you need help with anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
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luis-corona · 2 months
How to Choose the Best Dance Photographer in Orlando?
Organizing any event can be a very taxing process to begin with, let alone doing it in Orlando and not having to worry about booking a good Dance Photographer Orlando on top of it. Whether the occasion is a business function, a wedding, a ballet, or any type of performance or show dancing, you want to be able to capture the moment and evoke the beauty of the occasion through the pictures you take. And that’s why you should hire an experienced event and dance Photographer For Events Orlando who knows everything and how to capture movement and expressiveness.
Visit: https://sites.google.com/view/lgcoronas/home
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headshotorlando · 2 months
Why Orlando professional headshots Are Essential for Your Personal Brand
In today’s digital world, a professional headshot is more than just a photo—it's a key component of your personal brand.Orlando professional headshots, where networking and personal image are crucial, a high-quality headshot can set you apart from the competition. This blog explores why investing in a professional headshot is essential and how it can enhance your personal and professional image.
Understanding the Role of Headshots
A headshot is a portrait that highlights your face, typically used for professional purposes. It’s often the first impression potential employers, clients, or collaborators have of you, especially in a city as dynamic as Orlando. Whether for LinkedIn profiles, company websites, or marketing materials, a well-crafted headshot communicates professionalism and approachability.
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Why Choose Professional Headshots in Orlando?
Local Expertise: Orlando is home to a diverse range of industries, from entertainment and hospitality to tech and healthcare. A local photographer understands the nuances of these sectors and can tailor your headshot to fit the specific demands of your industry.
Quality Matters: Professional photographers use high-end equipment and techniques to ensure your headshot stands out. This includes proper lighting, composition, and editing that an amateur might not provide.
First Impressions Count: In a competitive market like Orlando, a professional headshot can be the deciding factor between making a great impression and blending into the crowd.
Choosing the Right Orlando Headshot Photographer
When selecting a headshot photographer in Orlando, consider the following:
Portfolio: Review their past work to ensure their style aligns with your vision.
Experience: Look for photographers with experience in your industry to ensure they understand the image you need.
Reviews and Recommendations: Check for client testimonials and ask for recommendations from peers.
Preparing for Your Headshot Session
Preparation is key to a successful headshot session. Here’s how to make the most of it:
Dress the Part: Choose clothing that reflects your professional persona. Solid colors often work best.
Grooming: Ensure your hair and makeup are polished, but keep it natural to maintain authenticity.
Relax: A relaxed demeanor translates to a more genuine and approachable photo. Practice a few poses and expressions in advance.
The Impact of Professional Headshots on Your Career
A professional headshot can significantly impact your career by:
Enhancing Job Applications: A strong headshot can make your LinkedIn profile or resume stand out.
Boosting Networking Opportunities: People are more likely to remember you if your profile picture is professional and engaging.
Building Trust: A high-quality headshot conveys confidence and credibility, essential traits for building trust with clients and employers.
Trends in Headshots and What’s Next
Current trends in headshots include:
Natural Lighting: More photographers are using natural light to create a more authentic look.
Casual and Candid Shots: There’s a growing trend towards less formal poses that reflect personality and approachability.
Looking ahead, technology and style trends will continue to evolve, but the importance of a professional headshot will remain a constant in establishing a strong personal brand.
Conclusion: Invest in Your Image with Orlando Headshots
A professional headshot is a powerful tool for enhancing your personal brand and making a lasting impression in Orlando's bustling professional landscape. By investing in a high-quality headshot, you’re not just investing in a photo, but in your professional future. Take the time to choose the right photographer and prepare thoroughly to ensure your headshot reflects your best self.
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