#Best Yellow Sapphire online
gemsanddiamond · 5 months
Buy Natural Ruby Gemstone Online in Delhi | Ruby Gemstone Online
Buy Natural Ruby Stone Online in Delhi. A unique gemstone called a red ruby is renowned for bestowing countless astrological advantages. Online at Gemsndiamond, find out more about manik stone, quality, and ruby stone pricing.
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thegemjournal · 1 month
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Welcome to the Gem Journal! Today, I am excited to share with you all about Sri Lankan yellow Sapphires and how to identify them. As a gemstone enthusiast, I know how important it is to have authentic and high-quality gemstones in your collection. And when it comes to yellow Sapphires, Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon, is known for producing some of the finest specimens in the world. In this post, I will guide you through the process of identifying Sri Lankan yellow Sapphires, so that you can be confident in your purchases and add some stunning pieces to your collection. So, let's dive in and uncover the secrets of these beautiful yellow gemstones together!
Yellow sapphires are like little drops of sunshine, each one carrying its own sparkle and story. Why choose Sri Lankan pukhraj, you might ask? These gems are special because they glow with a warmth that seems to light up from within. Their color can range from a soft, sunrise yellow to a deep, sunset gold. Each sapphire’s color is a hint about its journey from deep within the earth to your hands. Sri Lankan yellow sapphires, in particular, are cherished for their brightness and the purity of their yellow hue, making them a heartwarming choice for anyone.
When you're thinking about adding a Sri Lankan yellow sapphire to your collection, the color and hue of the stone are really important. This isn't just about picking your favorite shade of yellow. The color can tell you a lot about where the sapphire came from, its quality, and even its value. One of the important factors to determine the price of a yellow sapphire is its color intensity.
The most sought-after Sri Lankan yellow sapphires have a vivid, rich yellow color that looks like it's glowing from within. When looking to buy a yellow sapphire, pay close attention to its color. Is it a light lemon or a deep gold? Does the color look even throughout the stone, or are there lighter and darker patches? The hue should be pure yellow, without any brown or green tints, as these can affect the sapphire's value and beauty. Sri Lankan yellow sapphires are famous for their brightness and depth of color, which is a big part of their charm. Remember, the color of the sapphire not only affects how it looks but can also give you clues about its origin and quality. So, taking the time to examine the color and hue is a crucial step in making sure you're getting a genuine and beautiful natural yellow sapphire.
When you're on the hunt for a real Sri Lankan yellow sapphire, getting your hands on a gemological report is like finding a treasure map. This report isn't just a piece of paper; it's your best buddy in making sure you're getting the real deal. Imagine it's like having a wise friend who knows all about gems and is there to guide you. These reports come from labs that take a super close look at the gem to tell you if it's authentic, where it's from, and a bunch of other important details like if it's been treated in any way. But where do you get such a report? It's not as tricky as you might think. When you're buying a Sri Lankan pukhraj, the best platform to buy from is one that offers these gemological reports right up front. This shows they're confident in the quality and authenticity of their gemstones. Always ask for this report before you make your purchase. It's like having a key to unlock the true value and story behind your beautiful yellow sapphire. Remember, buying a gemstone is not just about how it looks but knowing for sure what you're bringing into your life.
When we talk about how to check the quality of a pukhraj, looking at the cut and craftsmanship is like peeking into the heart of the gemstone. The way a yellow sapphire is cut can make a big difference in how it shines and stands out. A well-cut sapphire will reflect light beautifully, making it sparkle in a way that catches your eye. It's not just about making the gemstone look pretty; it's about bringing out its best features.
Think of it like this: when a gem cutter works on a yellow sapphire, they're like an artist. They carefully shape the stone, making sure each facet (which is just a fancy word for the flat surfaces on the stone) is just right. This isn't an easy job. It takes a lot of skill and patience. A good cut will make the yellow color of the sapphire look even more vibrant and alive. But how do you know if a sapphire is well-cut? Look at the stone from the top. Does it seem symmetrical? Do all the facets align nicely, creating a pattern that's pleasing to the eye? If yes, then you're looking at a piece of good craftsmanship. Remember, the beauty of a Sri Lankan yellow sapphire isn't just in its color or clarity, but also in how well it's been brought to life by the hands of a skilled cutter.
Understanding the difference between heated and unheated yellow sapphires is like getting to know someone. At first glance, they might look similar, but their stories are unique. Heated yellow sapphires have been through processes to enhance their color and clarity. It's a bit like giving the stone a makeover to bring out its best features. This could involve heating the sapphire to improve its yellow color, making it more vibrant and appealing.
On the other hand, unheated yellow sapphires, also known as untreated yellow sapphires, are like gems that have chosen to stay natural. They haven't been through any enhancements to change how they look. Their beauty is all natural, from the moment they were found in the earth. For many, this makes unheated sapphires more special. They're loved for being just the way they are, carrying a piece of the earth's story within them. To tell the difference, look at the gem's documentation or ask for a gemological report. This report is like the gem's personal story, telling you whether it has been treated or remains in its natural state. Remember, whether you choose a heated or unheated yellow sapphire, what's important is the connection you feel with the gem.
Why are yellow sapphires from Sri Lanka so expensive? It's all about the origin. The place a yellow sapphire comes from plays a big part in how much it's valued. Sri Lanka, with its rich history and reputation for high-quality loose gemstones, stands out. It's like the difference between getting a special, handcrafted gift from a place known for its craftsmanship and getting something made just anywhere. The origin adds a story, a uniqueness that makes the sapphire not just a gem, but a treasure. Sri Lankan yellow sapphires are prized because they come from the heart of the gemstone world, where conditions are just right to create these beautiful natural gemstones. It's like they've been kissed by the sun itself, gaining a brightness and quality you won't find easily elsewhere.
When you hold a Sri Lankan yellow sapphire, you're holding a piece of the earth's magic. This doesn't mean sapphire gems from other places aren't lovely. But there's something special about one from Sri Lanka. It's like knowing you have a piece of jewelry that carries the essence of a place known for its stunning natural beauty. The origin doesn't just influence the price; it adds to the gem's charm and story, making it even more valuable to those who own and cherish it.
When you're on the lookout for a genuine Sri Lankan yellow sapphire, or as we lovingly call it, pukhraj stone, there are a few heart-to-heart tips you should keep in mind. First, always, and I mean always, ask for a gemological report. It's your golden ticket to knowing you've got the real deal. These reports are like the gem's ID card, showing where it's from and if it's been treated. Next up, buy from someone you trust. This could be a reputable gemstone dealer or a store that comes highly recommended by friends or fellow gem enthusiasts. Well you can choose wholesale gemstones marketplaces and trade shows, auctions, and gems & jewelry wholesaler to buy gemstones they have huge variety and list their product after verification. It's like making a new friend; you want to know they're trustworthy. The major thing you have to know about that the difference between unheated and heated yellow sapphires.
Click here to watch this video and learn about heated and unheated yellow sapphire
Also, don't shy away from asking questions. If something seems unclear or too good to be true, ask. Your seller should be happy to share all the details about natural gemstones and gemstone beads you're interested in. It's like getting to know someone better; the more you ask, the more you know. Lastly, let your instincts guide you. If a stone speaks to you and everything checks out (the report, the seller's credibility), then you might have found your perfect Sri Lankan yellow sapphire. Remember, it's not just about the gem; it's about the joy and connection it brings to your life.
Hope you found this blog so helpful in your journey to understand and appreciate the beauty of Sri Lankan yellow sapphire gemstones and beads. Remember, identifying a genuine piece involves looking at its color, clarity, cut, and ensuring it comes with a proper gemological report. Trust your instincts, ask questions, and choose reputable sources to buy gemstones for your purchase. These stunning loose gems are not just accessories; they carry stories, history, and a bit of the earth’s magic. May your journey in finding the perfect Sri Lankan yellow sapphire bring you joy and a deeper connection to the beauty of our world.
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Buy Yellow Sapphire Online | Brahma Gems
Discover premium and buy yellow sapphires online with our extensive collection. Shop now for authentic gemstones, detailed product descriptions, and secure shipping. Elevate your jewelry with a touch of luxury today!
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eloragems · 7 months
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Buy Hessonite (Gomed stone) online at best price
Find the perfect Hessonite stone for your jewelry designs at Eloragems. Shop our collection online and create timeless pieces with our high-quality gemstones. Shop top-quality Gomed (Hessonite) stones online at Eloragems for great prices. Find your perfect gem and add to your collection today!
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brahamagems · 7 months
Buy Natural Yellow Sapphire Gems | Brahma Gems
Experience the natural yellow sapphire gemstones from Brahma Gems and their warm, golden glow. The best yellow sapphires are included in our exclusive collection; each one is an uncommon and alluring gem straight from the color spectrum of nature.
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astro-pathshala · 8 months
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yellowsapphirestone · 2 years
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djarinova · 10 months
nail colours they like on you
characters - jean, levi, eren, connie, armin, erwin
a/n - I was thinking about what colours would make jean drop to his knees and then suddenly I was thinking about everyone else too....
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jean - RED !!! He loves red nails on you so much, any dark shade of red will literally have him on his knees, he thinks it's so so hot. I have no idea why but I'm so obsessed with the idea of Jean asking you to get red nails the next time you get them done. And he does it weeks before your appointment too. He doesn't even wait for you to ask him what he thinks you should get, he tells you, completely unprompted, when the two of you are lying together on the couch, huddled up watching a movie. He has been completely checked out of the movie, too focused on trying to find the words to bring up your nail appointment and he just whispers in your ear out of the blue.
“babeeee, I know you're getting your nails done soon…I was just thinking that you'd look extra hot with red nails, maybe a maroon shade? or something similar to that? a dark shade, what do you think?”
levi - black. I'm sorry if you feel like this is a basic answer but I can't see levi caring too much about any particular colours, he will always compliment your nails no matter the colour, of course, but if you straight up ask him what he thinks you should get he will always say black. No matter if he's said in the past that a different colour looks amazing on you, or that a different colour suits you the best. He will say black. He thinks it's sexy, and it looks sleek and doesn't stand out too much and I think it's very him.
“tch—you know you don't need to spend your money on that shit. But if you insist on getting them done then at least let me pay—What colour do I think you should get? Black, obviously.”
eren - multi coloured. Eren loves when you get multiple different colours on your nails. His favourite is when you get a different colour on every finger, and he loves when your two hands match each other—the same coloured nails mirrored on each hand. He's never too bothered by the actual specific colours you choose, sometimes he'll suggest a particular colour palette or a specific colour and you'll get 5 different shades of one colour, but generally I think he just likes the variety.
“Yeah, baby? You're getting your nails done soon? Hmm… How about different shades of blue this time? Yk how much I love blue. You could start with a lighter shade on your pinky and then work towards a darker shade like midnight blue, or sapphire on your thumb?”
connie - yellow/gold. This one just makes sense to me and I have no idea why. I think that Connie latched onto this colour after you mentioned one night that you could match your nails to his eye colour, and he just hasn't let go ever since. It made him feel so cutesy and shy when you suggested that, and whenever he sees you in any shade of yellow/gold it makes him blush like crazy. Even though his eyes are more of a hazel colour, he's definitely been told his eyes are quite yellowy/gold before, and it used to make him feel embarrassed but ever since the first time you mentioned wanting to match your nails to his eyes he's been so happy and proud about the colour.
“baby you already know what I'm gonna sayyyy, just look right into my eyes and you'll see the perfect colour for your nails, trust me. And you know I think you look so sexy with your nails done, so if we matched I think I would just about die every time I looked at ya.”
armin - baby blue. It just screams Armin and I can't even explain why. He thinks it's the cutest thing ever, and he remembers when it was a trend online to ask your boyfriend what colour you should get your nails done and he remembers that the “correct” answer was baby blue. You asked him this when it was trending and he couldn't give you a straight answer, just saying that all colours looked pretty on you. He remembers when you teased him and explained that baby blue meant that you were taken/in a relationship and so that has always been his answer ever since. And it doesn't hurt that the colour looks so good on you as well…
“you're getting your nails done again soon, bubba? hmm… I think you'd look amazing with the baby blue nails—the ones you had on our anniversary this year, they were so cute!”
erwin - pink. Again, I have no explanation for this one, I just know it's true. He doesn't mind what shade of pink you choose, although his favourite is one of the brighter pinks—think Barbie or hot pink—he loves these types of shades during summer, or when you're getting your nails done for a party. But he'll never complain about any shade you choose, he just likes to point you towards pink as a general colour, he'll always let you choose the specific shade.
“How about pink, sweetheart? Would you like a more muted shade this time? I think that'd be lovely. A pastel, or maybe even a salmon shade, would look beautiful on you."
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amethystunicorn2727 · 2 months
Unicorn Academy
Among Us Headcanons
Alright, I know among us is an old thing, but I started playing the game recently, and I’m obsessed. And now, I have some headcanons for the Unicorn Squad. Bear with me, it’s been a long week. Their colors are:
Sophia - Bright Pink
Ava - Rose Pink
Layla - Yellow
Isabel - Cyan
Valentina - Red
Rory - Dark Blue
Talulah - Purple
Sophia - While she’s more of an outdoor kid, Sophia still has a vast knowledge about video games, and Among us is one of her good ones because she was so used to being alone. Doesn’t take the game too seriously, but still manages to win around 7/10 times. Used to tease her brother when they’d play among us together and get him kicked out of the game, and would laugh at his hysterics. Now at school, instead of doing this to her brother, she uses Rory as her new victim.
Ava - Is really in it for the tasks since she likes the feeling of accomplishing something, and was taught how to play by her brothers. Always freaks out when she’s the imposter, and cannot lie for the life of her. The moment she realizes she’s the imposter, everyone else finds out as well because it shows on her face. Much like in real life, Ava trusts everyone way too easily, and is often the first one killed because of this. Since Talulah is the closest to her in regards of morality, the two often band together when playing with the Sapphires, and Talulah tries to act as her personal guard.
Layla - Didn’t play Among Us until she’d gotten to the academy and the Sapphires were having a game night, but soon realized she was secretly obsessed with it. If she finishes her homework early, which she always does, Layla waits for Isabel to fall asleep to join an online server. Tries not to let her obsession with the game show, and her ability to hide her addiction is what makes her a good liar when she’s the imposter. It’s only until Isabel catches Layla awake at 3:00 in the morning and mischievously giggling that the Sapphires stage an intervention, much to her dismay.
Isabel - Just like everything else she does, Isabel is very competitive when it comes to Among Us, or pretty much any video game. Doesn’t really have a preference for her role, she just wants to win. If she’s a crew mate, she’s getting all her tasks done before anyone else. If she’s the imposter, everyone is going to die, one way or another. Needless to say, Isabel sometimes gets a little too invested when playing, and the Sapphires often have to console her when she tries to rage quit.
Valentina - Has played Among Us before, but didn’t really enjoy the game as much as some of the other Sapphires. She’ll play it for a dorm room game night, but it’s only when she meets Isabel that Among Us becomes serious. With someone to challenge her ego and winning streak in life, Valentina becomes very competitive at the game, and will take down anyone who tries to expose her as the imposter. The only person who can calm her down enough to play the game without incident is Talulah, and even she has a hard time keeping her best friend sane.
Rory - Rory is the king of Among Us…At least until Sophia showed up, because she seems to be able to read his attacks. While he doesn’t get as emotionally invested in the game as some of his friends, Rory definitely has a competitive side that shows through friendly trash talk. Because of her naivety, Rory often goes for Ava first when he’s the imposter, usually going in with the lie that he doesn’t know how to do a task. When Talulah had her first game night with the Sapphires, Rory immediately takes Talulah under his wing and teaches her everything there is to know about Among Us.
Talulah - Talulah played her first Among Us game when she’d showed up to the Sapphires’ game night and confusingly asked what Among Us was. Since Eqeoneian didn’t have any connections with the outside world with technology and social media, Among Us wasn’t a thing that any of the kids had heard of. Horrified, Rory makes the declaration that he will teach her how to play Among Us, and Talulah’s curiosity kicked in. At first, Talulah didn’t understand the concept of the game, but soon found her OCD being relaxed when she got to do different tasks on a list. Talulah doesn’t know this, but when Rory is the imposter, he always goes for everyone except her. Rory claims it’s to be a good big brother, but the Sapphires really suspect he’s afraid of what she would do to him if he killed her.
Okay, I am SO sorry that I’ve burdened your eyes with this, I just needed to get it down on paper…or something. Anyway, feel free to ignore this and erase its existence from your memory! 😂 I hope that no matter where you’re reading this from, everyone has a wonderful day/night!
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my-gems · 12 days
Top 8 Gemstones on Online Store
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IntroductionTop 8 Gemstones Online StoreWelcome to the world of gemstones! The top 8 gemstones Online Store available online that can make your shopping experience smooth and stress-free. These stores stand out due to their stellar reputation, certification standards, and a diverse range of gemstones. Whether you’re searching for a gemstone for astrological reasons, personal adornment, or investment, these online stores offer certified, high-quality options in various cuts, colors, and types. The world of gemstones has gone online, making it easier than ever to browse, compare, and buy from the comfort of your home. From a sparkling Blue Sapphire (Neelam) for good luck to a timeless Emerald (Panna) for its beauty, buying gemstones online is the way to go. However, purchasing something as precious as a gemstone online does come with its challenges. With numerous options available, it’s crucial to identify trustworthy stores that offer authentic, certified gems. Top 8 Gemstones OnlineHere’s a rundown of the best gemstones to consider for your online shopping spree: 1. Blue Sapphire (Neelam): The Crown JewelBlue Sapphire (Neelam) grabs attention with its deep, captivating blue hues. Known for its connection to Saturn, it’s believed to bring prosperity, success, and protection from negative energies. Make sure to buy from reputable online gemstone stores to ensure authenticity and quality. 2. Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj): A Ray of Sunshine Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) dazzles with its bright yellow color and ties to Jupiter. This gemstone is said to enhance luck, wealth, and overall success. Look for stones with vivid color and clarity when shopping online. 3. Emerald (Panna): The Green Guru Emerald (Panna) is prized for its rich green color and association with Mercury. It is known to boost intelligence, communication skills and overall wisdom. Choose Panna gemstones with deep, even green hues and minimal inclusions. 4. Ruby (Manek): Radiance and Passion Ruby (Manek) stands out with its striking red color and connection to the Sun. It is believed to boost confidence, leadership qualities, and vitality. Ensure you select a Ruby with a vibrant red hue and high clarity. 5. Opal (Doodhiya Patthar): The Mystical Beauty Opal (Doodhiya Patthar) is famous for its mesmerizing play-of-color effect. Known for its mystical properties, Opal enhances creativity and imagination. When buying Opal online, look for stones with vibrant color play and a smooth surface. 6. Coral (Moonga): The Braveheart Coral (Moonga) features a vibrant red or orange color and is linked to Mars. It is believed to offer protection, boost physical health, and enhance courage. Seek Coral stones with a bold, consistent color and minimal imperfections. 7. Pearl (Moti): Serenity and Shine Pearl (Moti) is celebrated for its lustrous sheen and calming properties. Associated with the Moon, it is said to bring tranquility, emotional stability, and inner peace. Opt for Pearl gemstones with a smooth surface and a high level of luster. 8. Hessonite (Gomed): Stability and Success Hessonite (Gomed) is known for its honey-colored brilliance and connection to Rahu. It is believed to provide stability, success, and mitigate Rahu’s negative effects. Choose Hessonite stones with a rich, even color and good clarity. How to Choose the Right Gemstone Online When selecting gemstones from an online gemstone store, follow these tips to make a wise choice: 1. Certification Matters Always look for certified gemstones to ensure authenticity and quality. Certifications provide verification of the gem’s origin and attributes. 2. Read Reviews Customer reviews offer valuable insights into the seller’s reliability and the gemstone’s quality. Check reviews to gauge the store’s reputation. 3. Check Return Policies Make sure the store offers a reasonable return policy in case the gemstone doesn’t meet your expectations. This provides a safety net for your purchase.
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aryanaxeconsultancy · 25 days
Affordable Diamond Jewelry: How to Get the Most for Your Money
When it comes to diamond jewelry, many people believe that high quality always comes with a high price tag. However, with a bit of knowledge and savvy shopping, you can find stunning diamond pieces without breaking the bank. Whether you're in the market for a dazzling ring or looking for cheap gold earrings that add a touch of elegance, this guide will help you get the most for your money when shopping for affordable diamond jewelry.
Understanding the 4 Cs: Your Guide to Value
1. Cut The cut of a diamond plays the most significant role in its brilliance and sparkle. Even on a budget, prioritize a well-cut diamond, as this can make a stone appear more brilliant than it might otherwise. Opting for a “good” or “very good” cut grade can often provide the best balance between quality and cost.
2. Color Diamonds are graded on a color scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). For those looking for affordability, consider diamonds in the near-colorless range (G-H-I). These diamonds offer great value, as they appear nearly as colorless as more expensive grades but at a fraction of the price.
3. Clarity Clarity refers to the presence of internal or external flaws, known as inclusions and blemishes. While higher clarity grades are more expensive, choosing a diamond with a clarity grade of VS2 (Very Slightly Included) or SI1 (Slightly Included) can offer a beautiful diamond with imperfections that are often invisible to the naked eye.
4. Carat Carat weight measures the size of the diamond. To maximize value, consider diamonds just below popular carat weights (e.g., 0.9 carats instead of 1.0). These slight differences in weight can result in significant savings without a noticeable difference in appearance.
Affordable Options: Lab-Grown Diamonds and Diamond Alternatives
Lab-Grown Diamonds Lab-grown diamonds are chemically identical to natural diamonds but come at a much lower price. These diamonds are an excellent choice for budget-conscious shoppers who want the beauty and durability of a real diamond without the premium cost.
Diamond Alternatives Moissanite, white sapphires, and cubic zirconia are popular diamond alternatives that offer brilliance and sparkle at a fraction of the cost. These stones are perfect for those looking for affordable diamond jewelry that still delivers on style.
Choosing Cheap Gold Earrings with Diamonds
Balancing Budget and Style When shopping for cheap gold earrings, consider pairing smaller diamonds with a simple gold setting. Smaller diamonds can be more affordable, and a classic gold setting will complement the stones beautifully without adding too much to the cost.
Gold Purity The purity of gold is measured in karats, with 24-karat gold being pure gold. However, pure gold is soft and can be easily scratched, making 14-karat or 18-karat gold a more durable and affordable choice for earrings.
Style and Design Opting for minimalist designs, such as stud earrings or small hoops, can help keep costs down while still offering timeless elegance. Consider settings that use pavé or halo designs, which can enhance the appearance of the diamonds without requiring large stones.
Smart Shopping Tips
Shop Around Don’t settle for the first piece you see. Compare prices across multiple retailers, both online and in-store, to find the best deals on affordable diamond jewelry and cheap gold earrings.
Look for Sales and Discounts Many jewelers offer sales during holidays or special promotions throughout the year. Keep an eye out for discounts and clearance sales where you can find high-quality pieces at reduced prices.
Consider Pre-Owned Jewelry Vintage or pre-owned jewelry can offer significant savings. Look for reputable jewelers who certify pre-owned pieces to ensure you’re getting authentic diamonds and gold.
Finding affordable diamond jewelry, including cheap gold earrings, is entirely possible with the right approach. By understanding the 4 Cs, considering lab-grown diamonds or alternatives, and shopping smart, you can find beautiful pieces that suit both your style and budget. Remember, it’s not just about spending less—it's about getting the most value for your money.
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gemsanddiamond · 5 months
Buy Natural Moti Stone Online in Delhi, India
Explore the classic beauty of genuine Moti stone online in Delhi. Impressive designs made from this alluring gemstone will elevate your jewelry collection. Purchase premium-quality, genuine Moti stones straight from reliable vendors. Discover a gorgeous selection of designs that scream elegance and class. Use our carefully chosen collection of natural Moti stones to find the ideal piece of nature's beauty online in Delhi.
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thegemjournal · 1 month
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Welcome to The Gem Journal! Are you in search of the finest Sri Lankan Pukhraj? Look no further, as we have compiled a list of the best places to buy this precious gemstone. As one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world, Sri Lankan Pukhraj is known for its vibrant yellow color and astrological benefits. In this blog, we will discuss the top places where you can purchase authentic and high-quality Sri Lankan Pukhraj, ensuring that you make a worthwhile investment.
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ishakapoor1 · 1 month
What are different types of gemstones
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Gemstones are classified into various types based on their mineral composition, rarity, and other factors.
Here’s an overview of different types of gemstones:
1. Precious Gemstones
Diamond: Known for its brilliance and hardness, diamonds are the most valuable and sought-after gemstones, often used in engagement rings.
Ruby: A deep red gemstone, rubies are highly prized for their color and rarity. They symbolize love and passion.
Sapphire: Typically blue, sapphires are durable and come in various colors, except red (which would be classified as a ruby).
Emerald: Known for their rich green color, emeralds are often associated with royalty and are among the most valuable gemstones.
Online Shop For Gemstones
2. Semi-Precious Gemstones
Amethyst: A purple variety of quartz, amethyst is popular in jewelry and known for its calming properties.
Topaz: Available in a wide range of colors, including blue, yellow, and pink. Blue topaz is particularly popular.
Garnet: Found in various colors, garnet is often red but can also be green, yellow, or orange.
Aquamarine: A light blue to greenish-blue gemstone, aquamarine is related to the emerald and symbolizes the sea.
Peridot: A green gemstone that often has a yellowish hue. It’s one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color.
3. Organic Gemstones
Pearl: Formed inside mollusks, pearls are unique organic gemstones. They come in various colors, including white, black, and pink.
Amber: Fossilized tree resin, amber is usually golden or brown and often contains ancient insects or plants trapped inside.
Coral: Made from the skeletons of marine organisms, coral gemstones are often red, pink, or white.
Jet: A type of lignite, jet is an organic gemstone used primarily in mourning jewelry.
4. Rare and Exotic Gemstones
Tanzanite: A blue to violet gemstone found only in Tanzania. It’s known for its vivid color and rarity.
Alexandrite: A rare gemstone that changes color from green in daylight to red under incandescent light.
Opal: Known for its unique play-of-color, opal displays flashes of color as it moves. There are different types, such as black opal, white opal, and fire opal.
Paraiba Tourmaline: A vivid blue-green tourmaline, famous for its neon glow, found in Brazil.
5. Quartz Varieties
Citrine: A yellow to orange variety of quartz, citrine is often mistaken for topaz.
Rose Quartz: A pale pink stone often associated with love and emotional healing.
Smoky Quartz: A brownish-grey variety of quartz, smoky quartz has a mysterious and earthy appeal.
6. Other Popular Gemstones
Moonstone: Known for its adularescence (a soft glow on the surface), moonstone is often associated with the moon.
Lapis Lazuli: A deep blue metamorphic rock used as a gemstone, often flecked with gold pyrite.
Best Online Shop For Gemstones
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rishabhjaingems · 2 months
Ruby Gemstones Dealers in Ahmedabad
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buy gemstone online in ahmedabad
What is ruby Gemstone
Ruby stone, widely renowned as Manik or Manikya stone in India, is a lush deep red to pale blood red colour precious gemstone adored and coveted for its unparalleled beauty, value, and thumping astrological benefits. The word ruby is derived from the Latin word ‘Ruber’ which means red. From ranking as the best luxury jewellery piece to provide an incredible rectification in mental and physical well-being Ruby is an epitome of beauty.
Buy blue sapphire gemstone online in ahmedabad                  
What are benefits of wearing ruby Gemstone
Ruby gemstone is ruled by the planet Sun which exemplifies admirable virtues like courage, valour, beauty, passion, power, and potency. The dark or blood-red colour of the red ruby stone can entice anyone at just a glance. Despite its mesmerising looks it is also appreciated for its numerous benefits such as-
It uplifts people in politics, administrative services, diplomacy and other leadership roles.
Beneficial for persons looking for bureaucratic positions or students preparing for administrative or civil services examinations.
This stone brings to its wearer all the luxury and materialistic things in life.
It helps in overcoming timidity and foolishness, by giving clarity of thoughts and mind.
If a person is suffering from chronic depression, this stone will help overcome any type of emotional and mental setbacks in life.
Wearing a ruby stone can help negate or lessen the effects of such diseases as weak eyes, rheumatic problems, blood circulation problems, bone related problems and much more.
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Rishabh Gems and jewels is known for its exceptional quality of gemstones and award-winning customer support. We are a leading provider of 100% authentic, unheated, and untreated gemstone and gemstone jewellery and follow a rigorous procedure of selecting gemstones and providing original gem-lab certification with each gemstone.
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Visit us at 10, Akshar Complex, opposite Sita Tower, Shivranjani, Satellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015, India.
Website - https://rishabhjains.com
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Buy Pukhraj Stone (Yellow Sapphire) | Brahma Gems
Do you look and buy the natural Pukhraj Stone (Yellow Sapphire)? Astrologically, Pukhraj holds special significance. It is believed to be associated with the powerful planet Jupiter and is considered a symbol of prosperity, wisdom, and good fortune.
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