#Best Window Privacy Film
glasstoapply · 2 years
Home Window Tinting and Offices in Melbourne
Window tinting applies a film or resin over your glass to protect it from the sun and reduce heat. This has been used for many years by contractors and insurance companies to help control glare and light transmission.
Window tinting is not only to give your car a shiny look, and can also help you to keep the heat out. It also protects against harmful UV rays of sunlight. Here are some guidelines on tinting your window glass.
Are you looking for a professional window tinter to fit your glass, turn some cash and keep the bugs out? Are you one of those who want their windows to be super strong and tough but doesn't want to pay extra for safety? Are you looking for a new car or truck and want it to outperform your competitors?
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Window tinting is a common choice for those who want to improve their homes. Although it is a relatively simple process, there are many factors to consider when selecting the right window tinting company. You want to make sure you choose an experienced and skilled installer who offers top-notch customer support and quality workmanship.
Window tinting is a great way to add privacy, style and safety to your home. Many people find that window tinting adds value to their home by improving the aesthetic appeal of their windows.
Window tinting is available to United States and Canadian citizens. Window tinting is also applied by many countries all over the world. One of the major reasons why window tint is so popular is because it doesn't affect visibility, unlike a darker film that actually does affect your car's visibility from behind.
Looking for office space in Offices in Melbourne? Well, you're at the right place. On this page you will meet a lot of developers who have offices in Melbourne. So, if you want to be a part of exciting projects, then this is your chance.
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If you are looking for a new office space in Melbourne, Australia, we can help. If you are looking for an office with high quality furniture and other facilities, we can help. If you want modern decor and comfort, we can help you find it.
The city of Offices in Melbourne is one of the biggest cities in Australia. The population is about 4 million people and it's the capital of Victoria state. It is a great place to live, work and visit. There are many activities to do and see in Melbourne, but what if you have an office? What happens if you can't be there in person? Where can you find space for your business in this great city?
Melbourne, home of the most active office space market in Australia and a hotspot for notable names such as Google, Apple and Facebook. You'll find office space to suit all budgets within this cosmopolitan city. Here you can find everything from stylish two-story offices to industrial warehouses, light industrial zones and dedicated business parks.
If you're looking for quality home window tinting services, it's important to understand what a good tint job is. Home Window Tinting applytoglass is a well-known name in the community of home window tint specialists because of its high quality products and services.
If you are looking for home window tinting, then look no further. At applytoglass.com, we offer excellent services and high quality materials. We offer a variety of types of window installation with or without a double-pane strip.
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Are you looking for Home Window Tinting in Lakewood, NJ? Do you want to improve the look of your home using a window tinting system that adds privacy, style and security? The professionals at ATG Glass are here to help you.
If you are someone who has a home office and needs more privacy, there is a certain type of tinting that can be applied over your existing windows. This is called home window tinting and it's the best type of window tinting application for your home office.
Tinting your    is a great way to save money on your energy bill, while at the same time improving the look of your house. Most window tint kits are made of a high-quality film material called "clear". The tinted films are usually labeled as either a light, medium or dark shade to help determine what level of privacy you'll have in your home.
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gingersnapwolves · 1 year
Y’ALL. We have one of those cling film covers in our bathroom window for privacy and in the afternoon when the sun hits it just right, it makes rainbows, right? And today my wife sends me the best pic she’s ever taken:
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thedensworld · 6 months
Alone at Night | K.Mg
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Pairing: Mingyu x Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, established relationship, short!
Summary: Mingyu has no idea until he had to sleepover in your house because of the rain. In fact, it hurts him.
In the dimly lit room, the soft patter of rain against the window was the only sound, punctuated occasionally by a distant rumble of thunder. Mingyu shifted on the couch, glancing at the clock on the wall. 2 a.m. already. He hadn't planned on staying this late, but fate, it seemed, had other ideas.
As he nestled deeper under the cozy comforter you had provided, Mingyu couldn't help but smile, reminiscing about the evening that led to this unexpected slumber party. Your movie date had been nothing short of perfect – a delicious dinner cooked by your own hands followed by a marathon of films, laughter, and the warmth of your presence beside him.
But as the clock struck midnight, Mingyu had made a mental note to leave, not wanting to overstay his welcome or make things awkward. Yet, as if the universe conspired against his plans, the rain began to pour relentlessly, trapping him in your cozy abode for the night.
"Fourth date and already a sleepover," he mused to himself, a mixture of amusement and disbelief coloring his thoughts. Mingyu couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in his chest at the thought of spending more time with you, even if it was under somewhat unconventional circumstances.
Reflecting on how he had met you through a mutual friend, Mingyu couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn his life had taken. Your calm demeanor and quiet energy had drawn him in from the start, and what had begun as a simple friendship had blossomed into something deeper – something he couldn't quite put into words.
And when he finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings, Mingyu had braced himself for any outcome, never daring to hope that you might feel the same way. Your stoicism had kept him guessing, but your acceptance had filled him with a warmth he had never known before.
As he drifted off to sleep, cocooned in the comfort of your home and the promise of a new day with you, Mingyu couldn't help but feel grateful for the rain that had brought him here – and for the person who had stolen his heart in the most unexpected of ways.
In the midst of his own thoughts and worries, Mingyu couldn't shake the feeling of concern gnawing at him. He knew you had been through a lot lately – the setbacks at work, the financial burdens from family, the weight of responsibilities pressing down on your shoulders. Yet, you always seemed to carry yourself with such grace and composure, never letting on just how much you were struggling.
But as he lay awake on the couch, the sound of faint sobbing drifting through the stillness of the night shattered Mingyu's facade of calm. His heart clenched with a mixture of anguish and helplessness, realizing that it was you – the person he cared for deeply – who was silently bearing the weight of your own troubles.
With cautious steps, Mingyu approached your slightly ajar door, his ears straining to catch the sound of your stifled sobs. His hand hovered over the door, torn between respecting your privacy and wanting to offer whatever comfort he could.
Inside your room, you sat on the edge of your bed, shoulders trembling as you tried to contain the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm you. Despite your best efforts to reassure Mingyu and everyone else that you were okay, the facade cracked in the solitude of the night, allowing the pent-up tears to finally spill over.
Mingyu's heart clenched at the sight of you on the bed, your body trembling with silent sobs. The realization that you had been crying alone, even with him just a room away, sent a pang of guilt coursing through him. What pain had you been concealing behind that stoic facade? The thought gnawed at him, filling him with a deep ache of concern for you.
Summoning his resolve, Mingyu softly knocked on your door, his hand lingering on the doorknob before gently pushing it open. The dim light of the night lamp cast a soft glow over the room as Mingyu stepped inside, his gaze drawn to your form on the bed.
"Do you need something, Mingyu?" Your voice, tinged with exhaustion and sadness, cut through the silence. You looked up at him, attempting to mask the vulnerability that lingered in your eyes, but Mingyu saw through the facade.
Without a word, he approached you, his heart heavy with the weight of your pain. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he reached out and switched on the night lamp, illuminating your tear-stained face. His hand moved to your cheek, gentle and tender as he wiped away the evidence of your tears.
In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Mingyu hummed softly, a soothing melody meant to offer comfort and solace. There were no words to express the depth of his concern for you, but in that simple gesture, he hoped you could feel his unwavering support and the love that overflowed in his heart.
"Mingyu..." Your voice quivered as you spoke his name, a mixture of relief and vulnerability laced in those two syllables.
"It's okay... You can cry..." Mingyu's voice was gentle, his words a soothing balm to your wounded soul. With a reassuring nod, he extended his hand, offering you the comfort and understanding you so desperately needed.
As you sat in front of him, the floodgates of emotion burst open, tears streaming down your cheeks unchecked. Mingyu's heart constricted at the sight of your raw pain, but he remained steadfast, his arms opening wide to envelop you in a warm embrace.
"Baby..." Mingyu's voice was tender, filled with a depth of emotion that spoke volumes. He pulled you closer, holding you tightly against his chest as you surrendered to your tears. Each sob wracked your body, but Mingyu held you with unwavering strength, his presence a beacon of solace in the darkness of your despair.
You cried harder, the weight of your burdens feeling momentarily lighter in Mingyu's embrace. His words of reassurance washed over you like a gentle wave, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the storm of your emotions.
"It's okay, you're doing great... I'm here." Mingyu's whispered words echoed in the stillness of the room, a promise of his unwavering support and unconditional love. And in that moment, surrounded by the warmth of his embrace, you knew that you were not alone – that no matter how heavy the burdens you carried, Mingyu would always be there to share the load.
Wrapped in the comforting cocoon of your embrace, Mingyu held you close, his arms a steady anchor amidst the storm of your emotions. He watched as your tears gradually subsided, your breathing slowing to a steady rhythm against his chest. With tender care, he brushed a stray strand of hair away from your face, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
"Is it always like this? Every night?" Mingyu's voice was soft, tinged with concern, as he finally broached the subject that had been weighing on his mind.
You shook your head, the remnants of sadness still lingering in your eyes. "Sometimes it just hits randomly at night. Without a reason."
"This time too?" Mingyu's question was gentle, his gaze searching yours for any sign of reassurance.
You nodded, the weight of your admission hanging heavy in the air between you. But Mingyu didn't falter – instead, he pulled you closer, his touch a silent vow of unwavering support.
His hand found yours, fingers intertwining in a comforting gesture as he spoke, his voice filled with determination. "If this happens again, later... Call me. I'll be by your side, like this."
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of Mingyu's love and the promise of his steadfast presence, you felt a glimmer of hope ignite within you. No matter how dark the night may seem, you knew that with Mingyu by your side, you would never have to face it alone.
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lavenderphrog · 5 months
Thinkin abt ghost...
When he first saw you, found out you joined task force 141, he thought you were going to be another one of them girls who where chasing after him. Another one of those girls who openly flirt with him.
So, when you weren't, he was surprised.
His face contorted into confusion when your face didn't blush around his presence. When you only threw him a glance instead of staring at him. When you scooted away from him as he approached, interrupting the conversation between you and Soap.
And, when you ignored him, he was furious.
His drill orders fell to deaf ears as he ordered you around in training. He then crossed his arms, his face scrunched in anger under his mask, barking orders and throwing insults as you continued to ignore him.
He began starting conversation with you, cornering you outside the locker room, asking why you were ignoring him, and you had the audacity to walk off without answering.
This went on for weeks, months even, before you finally got called into his office. You went through the twists and turns of the hallways before stopping in front of the doorway of his office. Ghosts office.
You turned the doorknob and walked inside. "You wanted me?" You questioned.
"Yea." He cleared his throat after he spoke before looking at you up and down, surveying your body out of tactical gear. There was a glimpse of something in his eyes, something you couldn't quite place your finger on.
"I wanna know why you've been ignorin' me - yer lieutenant." This sounded more like a demand, like he needed to know. His eyes squinted as he looked back up at your face.
"I'll be blunt," you stated, looking down at the floor as your eyebrows shot up. Your eyes then moved back toward him and you jutted your hip out. "I don't like you. You're cocky and snarky and I don't like you. It doesn't matter if you're my lieutenant or not, I won't act like I'm best buds with someone I don't like."
Before he could respond however, you took your leave, one foot taking place in front of the other.
It was clear you didn't like him, yet, after so much time, he wanted you to. He wanted you to like him.
He never knew how this progressed, never know why it progressed this way. Yet it didn't seem to matter as you got called off to go home for a week — same time he did.
It didn't matter as he found you, after you've been laid off. You were in the store, in an oversized hoodie that barely covered your legs, giving him a view of the lower part of the round plumpness of your laced panty covered ass as you bent over, picked up a soda, placed in in your hands along with other things you were holding, and paid for it at the cashier.
It didn't matter as he followed you home, trenched through you backyard, careful not to step on any of the fancy flowers you obviously planted, and stood outside your window.
His gaze appeared on you, who was watching TV — some horror film displaying on the monitor, a graphic scene of blood and gore being shown. Your hoodie was off, revealing a skimpy black tank top and the panties he saw earlier hugging your skin.
You turned the TV off and began walking to a different area. He circled around your house, following your movement as you lead yourself to a room in which he believed to be your bedroom, the bed inside the room leading him to believe this.
His hands went to the windowsill of the house as he watched you, silently grateful for the privacy fence you installed, as no one could see him watching you. His eyes roamed over your body and he had to take a breath in.
Who knew you had such a pretty body to match with such a pretty face.
You plopped yourself on the bed, the bed diviting under your weight as you did so, and went under your covers. You turned onto your belly, letting out a sigh as you thought about Ghost once again since you've been laid off.
You were torn between what to do. He was your lieutenant and you hated him. He was reserved yet egotistical because of how many girls drooled over him... yet every time you thought about him, you could feel a pulsing in your core, a primal need for him. You were playing this façade that you hated him when it was the exact opposite, the pulsing you were currently feeling reminding you of this.
You reached under your pillow until you felt something hard yet elastic. Your face scrunched up in embarrassment. You brought it out and became even more embarrassed as you looked at the purple vibrator in your hands. You haven't used this thing in months.
Yet that embarrassment quickly faded as you pressed the button attached to it, turning it on, and pressed it to your clit. A jolt of electricity went through you as you felt a familiar warmth spread through your skin.
You let out a soft moan as you rolled it over your clit, a shudder going through your body as you did so.
Ghosts eyes widened at the sight of you doing this before him. It was beautiful. He couldn't stop the ache between his legs, causing his pants to grow uncomfortably tight. He let out a pant of breath as he watched you continue through your window, his grip on the edge of the window tightening.
A jolt of pleasure went through your skin and you inserted the vibrator into your wet cunt, grabbing the pillow and gripping it tightly. Your hand trailed from the pillow to your breast, kneading it. Now palming himself through his pants, Ghost almost lost his mind as he heard you moan out his name. His eyes widened.
You did like him.
His eyes almost rolled back and he almost soiled his pants as he threw his head back, the baklava he was wearing muffling his quiet moans. His face scrunched as he watched you pump the vibrator in and out of yourself, the fast thrusts causing you to moan out his name over and over again, almost like a chant.
You gripped the edge of the bed as you leaned of your stomach, sitting up. Your face scrunched and you threw your head back as you felt the muscles in your abdomen tighten.
You started pumping fast and leaned onto your back, unknowingly giving Ghost a perfect view of yourself. Your hand moved from the edge of the bed to your face, cupping your own cheek as your eyes scrunched closed.
You then slowed down as you felt a wave of pleasure run under your skin, riding yourself through your orgasm as you panted out breaths. Ghost was letting pants of breath as well, soiling his pants to the visual enjoyment of you pleasing yourself.
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littlexdeaths · 2 months
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we should probably hear him out, right?
older brother’s best friend eddie x fem reader
warnings: angst, miscommunication, reader is bratty and mean bc her insecurities get the best of her, eddie is far too sweet for his own good.
it’s a recipe for disaster masterlist.
a/n: ngl i did struggle a bit with this one, so i really wanna thank @strangerstilinski & @uglypastels & @undead-supernova for giving me some much needed advice. ily all 💕also this is a tad bit long… oopsie. xx.
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eddie was beyond confused.
you haven’t spoken to him in days and whenever he came around to see sid, you had holed yourself up in your room. your bedroom window remained locked and despite his futile attempts to get you to open up, you ignored him.
it was such a complete 180 from how you’d been acting only a few days prior— so he couldn’t help but assume the worst.
maybe you had changed your mind, regretted this… or more specifically regretted him.
what else was he supposed to think?
but you really couldn't help yourself — too busy replaying that moment over and over in your head.
a flash of strawberry blonde hair. and the memory of eddie’s gentle gaze directed so sweetly at someone who decidedly wasn't you…
it had the green mist that clouded your mind twisting into something else entirely, something uglier. jealousy gave way to hurt, and hurt gave way to anger.
seeing eddie with her had pushed all of your insecurities to the surface. they bubbled hotly beneath your ribs and left you feeling sick to your stomach for the first few days, but that was before you realized that anger was far easier to deal with than sadness.
now, you clung to your rage like a safety blanket.
and while you wanted to be angry with both of them— it really wasn’t chrissy’s fault.
so you took that anger and frustration out on him, as childish as it was. and the more days that passed, your cold shoulder morphed into clipped words and pointed glares.
it was enough for even sid to take notice.
“dude, i don’t know what happened but i think i preferred it when she was making heart eyes at you.” he’d said after you stormed through the garage during one of their band practices.
purposefully knocking your shoulder against eddie’s while you passed by. it was so completely out of character for you that it had all the guys stunned into an uncomfortable silence.
but despite how poorly you continued to treat him, eddie kept showing up regardless. while it was always under the guise of hanging out with your brother, you knew better.
he tried his best to find a time to pull you aside to talk to you, but you were being more elusive than ever. and his own frustrations with your actions began to weigh heavily on him.
and one of these days he would explode— whether sid was there to witness it or not.
everything finally reaches a boiling point just a week later, when you came downstairs to find eddie lounging on your sofa. a random horror flick playing on the tv and your brother nowhere to be found.
while you could’ve turned around and retreated to the privacy of your room, the petty side of you wants to continue to push his buttons. so you make your way down the stairs, quietly shuffling behind the sofa and leaning your hip against it.
once you have a better view you can’t help but roll your eyes at the choice of the film, the cover art staring up at you almost mockingly.
cheerleader camp, what a surprise.
“really, munson? i thought you of all people would’ve had better taste than this shit.”
your voice sounds a beat before a dramatic score fills the room and eddie jumps in surprise. his curls bounce when his head whips around to peek up at you, and you expect to be met with a look of irritation. but you’re more than confused to see the relief that flits across his features instead.
because at least you’re talking to him.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he asks.
and you have to look away from the intensity of his gaze, already feeling your defenses start to crumble. damn him. so you advert your attention back to the movie, jaw tightening as you see a flash of brightly colored pom poms fill the screen.
“oh, nothing…” you inhale sharply, “it’s just obvious that you have a type.”
you gesture towards the tv and any lingering anger swirling in your body begins to dissipate. but before he can see the flash of hurt in your eyes, you quickly turn on your heel and start to climb the stairs back towards your room.
“whoa— whoa, sweetheart, hang on!” eddie huffs, hopping over the back of the sofa to rush after you.
only his socks slip on the hardwood floor and he almost goes tumbling to the ground. but he’s able to catch himself on the banister, and uses the momentum to skip past the first few steps to the landing.
“i really don’t want to do this right now, eddie.”
a glance over your shoulder has you quickening your pace, practically taking the stairs two at a time in an effort to put more distance between you. but eddie is a lot faster than you gave him credit for. the male was already hot on your heels once you reach the top of the staircase.
“jesus christ— slow down!”
you ignore him and continue down the hall toward your bedroom, and you’ve barely crossed the threshold before he’s tugging on your wrist to whirl you back around. eddie is practically panting as he pulls you closer and it takes everything in your power not to lean into his touch.
“will you please just tell me what the hell is going on?” he pleads, leaning against the door-jam.
“i don’t know, why don’t you ask your new girlfriend about it?” you scoff, yanking your wrist out of his grip and attempting to slam the door in his face.
but eddie sticks his foot into the crack right before it can fully close, wincing as a fiery pain shoots up into his calf. and despite the throbbing in his foot, he pushes his way into your room.
“mouse, what are you even talking about?”
you can hear the frustration that begins to bleed into his voice, but you keep your back to him. you know that seeing him was going to make this that much harder.
“please just cut the bullshit eddie, i saw you with her,” you voice cracks as you try to swallow down the emotions threatening to burst from your chest.
“with who?”
“— chrissy!”
it’s silent for a beat, besides the sounds of your heavy breathing. so when you finally muster the courage to face him. that confused, yet hurt expression doesn’t falter.
“sweetheart, i honestly don’t know what you’re so upset about.”
he rubs a hand down his face with a deep sigh.
“i’m not blind, eddie,” you’re almost offended that he thinks he might be able to get away with pretending that it never happened. “i saw how she looked at you.”
eddie just stares at you for a moment, bewildered and unblinking. until he suddenly bursts into a fit of laughter, which only re-ignites the hurt and fury that’s been swirling in your gut for the past week and a half.
“i really don’t see how any of this is funny, eddie,” you snap.
“it’s just….” he practically wheezes, taking a step toward you. “you’ve got this whole thing wrong, baby.”
the slip of the pet name has your insides fluttering, despite your lingering resentment.
“well enlighten me, then.”
it takes him a minute to calm down completely, but once he does he’s reaching out for your hands and closes the lingering space between your bodies.
“i promise you, mouse. i’m really not her type.”
your snort has him sighing deeply before he cradles your cheeks between his palms. while you’re not satisfied with that answer, your anger starts to fizzle under the warmth of his gaze.
eddie then licks his lips while he attempts to collect his thoughts and your eyes can’t help but follow the motion.
“let’s just say… we bat for the same team.”
embarrassment immediately floods through you as the weight of his words begin to sink in.
and now you feel like a total idiot.
“oh.” you breathe.
“yeah, oh,” he chuckles.
“oh my god, i’m so stupid,” you groan, letting your head fall forward to bump into his shoulder.
“hey, you’re not stupid, mouse. just maybe… a little prone to jumping to conclusions.”
you can feel him laugh again as he envelopes you completely in his arms. and you gladly bury your face deeper into the crook of his neck in an effort to hide your warm cheeks.
“however…” he continues, “next time, if i do something that makes you worry like that. will you promise to just come and talk to me?”
he can feel you nod your head, his body relaxing when your lips press into his clothed shoulder.
“while i know i can an asshole sometimes, i’m not a total prick.”
eddie grins when that pulls a giggle out of you, having missed that sound more than he’d care to admit. the male then gently grips your chin between his thumb and fore finger, coaxing you up until you meet his eyes.
and there’s nothing but sincerity that shines through them.
“so, what do you say?” he muses.
your head tilts in slight confusion as he leans in to nudge his nose with yours, your breath mingling together.
“be my girl?”
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series taglist: @nailbatanddungeon @angel-eyes-and-devil-hearts @mugloversonly @eddiemunsonfuxks @munsonhoneybaby @alagalaska @creative1writings @missmarch-99 @stolen-in-moonlight @xxbimbobunnyxx @calumfmu @bastardstevie @prestinalove @indigosparkle444 @tlclick73 @hellfire--cult @take-everything-you-can
let me know if you’d like to join the taglist!
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myoddessy · 1 year
series masterlist
summary —an article on y/n l/n and all that entails.
WHO IS Y/N L/N? by Louise Kelly
April 29th 2017.
By now, everyone and their mother has heard the name Y/n L/n. With the awards and the acclaims, it's a surprise to find that she isn't an old Hollywood legend, but instead an 19 year old girl with raw, unfiltered talent.
Although, as brilliant as L/n's work is, many fans and followers have noticed a distinct pattern in her projects: she releases something legendary (i.e. an Academy Award for directing after her debut, topping charts with her first album, etc.) and ghosts all media for six months minimum before returning with another knockout. This reputation has lead many tabloids and reporters to refer to her as "Star" an abbreviated version of what was "The Shooting Star" in reference to the fleeting moments of brightness of her career.
Many people over the years have speculated that this nature has been brought on by a lack of media privacy, as paparazzi and obsessive fans alike tracked her down and documented what was near to her every move in the two years before she began her complete media lockdown—outside of promotions, of course.
Due to this private nature of hers, there's a lot of room for speculation when it comes to her life—something news outlets and tabloids such as enews and entertainment weekly have taken advantage of too many times to count over the years by starting rumors and spreading gossip through clickbaited headlines.
In fact, most things people have come to know for certain about the young woman are through speeches she makes or posts from her friends and family's accounts.
In her 2013 Oscar acceptance speech, she went out of her way to thank her mother and brothers, saying they were the only reason she was standing there and their support meant more than any award ever could. Since then, she's never skipped a chance to praise and credit them for her success.
She has also spoken very fondly of her boyfriend and racing car driver, Charles Leclerc, with whom she's been dating for little over three years and grew up living beside. While she does not credit him by name in her speeches, she often dedicates her awards to "her love". Because of this, most information on the pair's relationship has come through both party's instagram accounts, and the accounts of their friends.
Y/n's closest friend, Amalie Billard, has been the public's window into the life of L/n, sharing sweet and funny moments through Instagram stories and posts. Amalie herself is a photographer who grew up with Y/n and has worked closely with her since an internship and ELLE magazine two years ago. Y/n has been the subject of a vast majority of Billard's work and has said that she "feels more comfortable around Amalie than she has with anyone else in the industry and treasures that bond greatly."
Gossip and drama aside, Y/n has build up an impressive reputation in the world's of cinema and music. She has won a total of 5 Academy Awards; Best Leading Actress (2012), Best Supporting actress (2014), Best Leading Actress (2016), Best Director (2017), Best Supporting Actress (2017). And has one 4 Grammys for her music; Pop Solo Performance (2014), Pop Vocal Album (2014), New Artist (2014), Best Alternative Music Album (2017).
She's been praised by some of Hollywood's greatest over the years for both her work ethic and work itself. "She's an incredibly talented young woman who has the sort of grace you'd see in Old Hollywood and the humour you wish you'd see in everyone now. She's truly a great role model for all—young and old." Said Meryl Streep in an interview for "Call for me", a film that she and Y/n starred in in 2015.
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taglist— @whoetoshaw @formula-hamilton @lilsiz @sad1esgf @deviltsunoda @tall-tanned-tattoo @briboweee @uh-oh-spaghetti-oh-my-gosh @meetmeaftersix
if you would like to be tagged in future series parts, either comment, dm me, or send a message into my inbox! 💞💞
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Newsies Interview with Christian Bale for Seventeen Magazine, 1992
(transcript under the cut)
Cristian Bale lumbers into a conference room on a rainy Saturday morning. He plops down in a chair, yawns, and wipes sleep from his eyes. Dressed in black jeans, a sweatshirt, and sneakers, he apologizes for being late. "I'm just getting over the flu and I'm still jet-lagged," he explains, "so I'm moving a little slowly."
But the six-foot-two British-born actor, best known for his film debut as a young schoolboy in Steven Spielberg's epic Empire of the Sun and more recently for Kenneth Branagh's Henry V, need not apologize. For the past few weeks, he's been flying round and round from L.A. to London to Prague and back again.
"I've been doing reshoots for Newsies here, doing preproduction work on a new film, Swing Kids, in Prague, and visiting my mom, sister, and girlfriend in England. And I don't even like to fly!" he says with a slight shudder. "Before I came here, I flew on a plane that sounded like it had a window open the whole time."
When Bale heard about Newsies, a live-action musical recounting the tale of the New York newsboys' strike of 1899, he claims he had no interest in auditioning for the project. "I'd never sung or danced, and I didn't think I could do a musical," he says. "I read for the film in England, and then Disney flew me to Los Angeles for a screen test. But before I signed the contract, I meet with the director [Kenny Ortega] and told him I wasn't comfortable with the dancing and singing and I didn't want to be a bloody Artful Dodger in a remake of Oliver!, jumping down the street with a big smile on my face. But he told me it wouldn't be like that, and then he lied to me about all of these different actors who had done musicals, like Al Pacino."
After he was cast as Jack Kelly, the head Newsie, Bale joined the rest of the films actors and dancers in two months of "Newsies school." He studied singing, dancing, speaking with a Brooklyn accent (circa 1899), gymnastics, and karate. "We had a kung fu master," he recalls with a laugh. "Thirty of us would be standing in a room doing something like t'ai chi to this humming music. It's very relaxing, but when you see yourself in a mirror, it's really funny.
"Filming Newsies was a blast," he says. "By the time the cameras started rolling, we were so prepared we were ready for anything. The blend of technically great dancers and actors with great characterizations made it all work perfectly." And what about his Oliver! fear? "Sure, we're singing and dancing in the streets," he says, "but we don't always have smiles on our faces."
Immediately upon finishing Newsies, Bale flew up to Prague to begin Swing Kids, which costars Robert Sean Leonard and Frank Whaley. "It's set in 1930s Hamburg, Germany," the eighteen-year-old explains. "There was quite a big culture then among teenagers who liked to dress in zoot suits and go to swing clubs. The story is about three friends from different backgrounds who love swing music. I play the bad seed."
In between movies, Bale tries to squeeze in time with his family and girlfriend. "I've been going with the same girl for three years," he says shyly. "But she's going to a university in England and I'm relocating to Los Angeles, where my father lives. If I had nothing to do with the film industry, I'd stay in England, but Bournemouth [the city where he's lived for the past five years] isn't exactly the film capital of the world."
If he never made another movie, however, Bale says he wouldn't mind a noncelebrity life. "I love making movies," he concludes, "but I also love my privacy. If it all ended tomorrow, I'd just live by the sea and be perfectly happy."
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teaandransacking · 2 years
I loved your lockwood x reader smut. Could you possibly do another one where anthony is being really needy and loud and the reader is teasing him about it?
There are NOT enough lockwood x reader spicy fics so it would be great if‘d give it a go.
Btw you’re very talented
Thanks so much!
I did stray a bit from the brief but I hope you like this.
Words: 997 ~ Content: heavy petting, allusions to sex, curse words
a/n: I feel like a little gremlin in this Lockwood pit, but I don't want to be thrown a ladder. Maybe ever.
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There’s no fucking privacy in this house.
Usually, you don’t mind. It’s fun and comforting, normally, for you, George, Lucy and Lockwood to live in each other’s pockets, always eating three meals a day together, doing laundry together, watching films together.
But sometimes, especially since you and Lockwood confessed your feelings for each other, you just want to have the house to yourself.
To do things you really can’t do in close proximity to the others.
So, when some eccentric billionaire on the South Bank throws a party in his mansion and Flo invites you all to watch the fireworks from the bank of the Thames, you and Lockwood politely decline.
George gives you the side-eye. Lucy says, “Probably best that we’re out. I don’t want to hear what you’re going to get up to.”
The day seems to drag until finally, the clock creeps around to six, and Lucy and George leave in a flurry of goodbyes and the clunking of boots and coats being dragged on.
Lockwood closes the door and leans his back against it, his gaze finding yours. “At last.”
You waste no time, grasping the open edges of his hoodie and dragging him into you. Your mouths meet and it feels like forever since you’ve kissed, properly, without worrying about being interrupted by one of your housemates or a call from Inspector Barnes or a request to dispatch a haunting.
“I feel like it’s been forever since I had you alone,” you agree.
His arms come around you and then slide down to your hips, settling you against him, and it’s clear that his body has gone from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat.
“You’re keen,” you purr against his mouth.
“Darling, you have no idea, he says huskily. “Bedroom, if you please. As distracting as the thought of bending you over a stair is-”
“You’ve thought about that?”
He gestures to the window above the door. “Do you remember that day last week? It was early afternoon. Sunny. You came down the stairs just as I got home. The sunshine hit your hair just so…” He strokes his fingers through the strands “..and I was transfixed. I’m used to seeing you in the dark, and you’re beautiful, but in the daylight….” He swallows and kisses your forehead. “You’re unforgettable.”
Emotion surges inside you at his sentimentality. It’s one of the things you love about him. He’s been through so much, but he still loves with his whole heart, has still opened himself to Lucy and George and you, even though it must be scary to do so.
“Stop. I can barely handle how gorgeous your voice is. When you’re saying stuff like that, I can’t think.”
His mouth drops to your cheek, and his hand in your hair moves to cup the back of your neck. “Maybe I like it when you can’t think straight. Maybe I want you wrecked.”
Oh, God.
The mouth on this man is going to destroy you. 
“Bed, bed, bed,” you chant, tugging his hoodie and walking backwards until your heels meet the stairs.
“No backwards walking,” Lockwood admonishes softly. “I want you there in one piece.”
You reluctantly turn, taking his hand, and you rush up the stairs, fingers tangled together, like excited children running towards a playground.
By unspoken agreement you go to Lockwood’s room (it’s closer). You both reach the bed and then you push him down on it, and he looks up at you breathlessly, like you’re his beginning and end. Like you’re everything, and in that moment you look into his big brown eyes and you think you can see his soul.
“Please,” he murmurs. “Please, touch me. Anywhere. Everywhere.”
“Promise you won’t shut up?” you smile, lying down beside him.
“Promise that I won’t?” he asks, softly, flashing that megawatt grin.
You trail your index finger from his collarbone down to his belly button and watch as his breath hitches. 
“Promise that you won’t,” you repeat. “We’re alone for the first time in bloody ages, and the way you were last time…” You trace your finger along the waistband of his jeans. “I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
A rosy flush creeps up his neck. “I was loud.”
“I loved it.” You resume your exploration, taking your finger on the path delineated by the zipper of his jeans,
He bucks under you. “Please.”
His voice gets like this when he’s needy - half an octave lower, huskier. His pupils get lust blown, his cheeks get just a little pink, and he’s even more beautiful like this. He might have teased you earlier about wanting you wrecked, but it’s he who is now, spread out like an offering, primed to blow at your touch and your touch alone.
You pull the zipper down. “Use your words.”
“Please touch me,” he keens, and his hands are balled into fists at his sides, and he’s struggling for control.
You watch his face as you gently part the slit in his boxers and free him out, and his teeth sink into his bottom lip as you palm him greedily. 
“Oh, fuck yes. Do that. Please.”
His eyes flutter closed. He really does have that whole long-lashes-high-cheekbone thing going on, and it does it for you in a big way.
You take your time pleasuring him, your gaze on his face, drinking up all his lip-biting and uttered curses and best of all, his needy pleas, and for the rest of the evening, you completely and thoroughly rock his world.
Turnabout is fair play, though, and in the morning, he makes good on his promise to absolutely wreck you. 
You don’t make it downstairs for breakfast.
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redheadspark · 7 months
Barry Keoghan March Prompt 2 please and thank you 💙
A/N - Aww this is adorable! I made this nice and short and cute for you to read, I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!
Summary - Barry loves holding your hand
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Warning - Just fluff :)
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“Alright, how does your month look for our holiday?” 
“Looks, good. The awards season is done and I have a solid month open before my next project,”
“Perfect!  And….done, we’re officially going on holiday,”
Barry chuckled as you slammed the Laptop shut in relief, he reached over to lace your fingers together from across the tiny coffee table between the pair of you.  The rest of the shop was mostly deserted, except for a few patrons who were working on their own computers or reading. With the pattering of rain and the sun attempting to push through the storm clouds that were rolling by, you and Barry wanted to hide out in a coffee shop and have some one-on-one time together.  It was one of your favorite coffee shops, you found a spot tucked away from the windows and out of the public eye since Barry was not being recognized out and about.  He loved his stardom, he truly did, but he also loved having time away from set or paparazzi could be your boyfriend.
One of his favorite things to do with you was hold your hand.
Sure it seemed like it was such a simple thing to do, but he loved having your hand in his.  Anytime he could, he would hold your hand and keep it tucked tight.  Walking together shoulder to shoulder, watching a movie together cuddled on the couch, even falling asleep together when he would cuddle you close in his embrace.  Something about having your hand in his, it felt like Ana char for him with how fast things were moving in his life.
“Where are we goin’?” He asked you as you took a long sip from your latte.
“Not going to tell you,” You hummed as an answer, seeing him cock up an eyebrow at you, “As someone who has connections to travel agents, this holiday is going to be amazing for us.  Just be prepared to dress for warmth,”
“Ah, so I need my speedo?” He joked, and you giggled as he grinned from ear to ear.
“You would want to bring your speedo when we go under the sun,” You teased, “But you can’t get a sunburn or else your publicist will kill me,”
“Eh, she won’t do a thing to you,” Barry reassured you as he scooted over to be right next to you, wrapping a spare arm around your shoulders to tuck you in a bit closer next to him.  Your hands were still connected on top of the table, his thumb stroking your skin back and forth along our hand as he spoke again, “She’s a great publicist, but wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“I know, that’s why I like her: she's kind but she keeps you in check when you’re away,” You explained, Barry kissing the top of your head.
“You make it seem like I’m a bad boy,” he commented, though he saw you smile as he poked your side, “You think I am, don’t ya?”
“Never said that,” You replied with a laugh as he poked your side again. Barry loved this banter between the pair of you, ever since you met two years ago thanks to a mutual friend who introduced the pair of you at a wrap party from one of his independent films.  Barry instantly liked you, from how you laughed at one of the corny pickup lines another bloke tried on you, to how you were asking him plenty of questions about acting and what method he liked the best.  He could tell you genuinely liked him as a person, not as an actor or a movie star.  He asked you for your number, and you two have been a pair since then.
He was an actor who thrived and craved privacy, especially when it came to his personal life.  He wanted to have his relationship with you as private as possible, not wanting to have public dates or extravagant vacations.  In fact, he was the opposite, wanting to find little tucked-away restaurants to eat at or small getaways with no prying eyes.  He saw now that acting life can tear families and relationships apart, and the one main thing he never wished for was to have his life with you tainted and ruined.  But you never cared, not when you had your own life to deal with and your workload keeping you busy most days.
Still, little by little, you were known as his girlfriend.  Barry taking you to a couple of premiers, dropping your name at interviews and talk shows, even walking with you side by side with the paparazzi catching the image at the right moment.  He could see that you were no wallflower when it came to being in the spotlight from time to time.  Sometimes the gossip columns and tabloids did get to you once or twice, but you were they were lies and not even close to the truth.  
Barry loved having your hand in his when times were tough or when he was too stressed, It brought him inner peace and tranquility.  If he could, he would hold your hand all the time and never let you go.  Sure it seemed possessive, but he didn’t care. Barry cared about you and how you moved him from the inside out.  Even seeing pictures of the two of you holding hands out in public, at a premiere or a party would always put butterflies in his stomach and make his heart swell.  
He never felt like this with any other girlfriend, not for a long time.  
“So, this warm holiday, am I going to be seeing you in a gorgeous swimsuit?” He asked you in a coy tone.
“Maybe, along with some of my favorite books to read and plenty of sunshine for the pair of us to share together,” You explained, “And it’s going to be at least 5 days too, so pack plenty of clothes…or not.”
“Hey!” He snorted, the pair of you laughing at the light antics between you two in your booth. He looked down at your joined hands, feeling the warmth of your palm against his own and your soft hands against his calloused fingers.  He knew he wanted to hold your hand forever and beyond that as well.  
Inwardly, he was glad that you planned this holiday out for the pair of you to enjoy.  He had other plans that he was going to make with you, given the small ring box that he stored away in his dresser drawer back at his flat.  He dreamed of placing a tiny diamond on your finger, for some time actually. 
But you planning the holiday made it just a pinch sweeter.
The End
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Spring Prompt Session
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mirai-desu · 7 months
On the MSATD News
I didn't have time to post a knee-jerk reaction (which those of you from the Downton days know I was apt to do - thank you to all my long term mutuals of my side blog for sticking with me through those days), as I saw the news as I was getting ready to head out for work and it's been… a bit of a day.
Suffice it to say… I am devastated. And my initial reaction was (well after cursing), that it should have ended with S4, but with a different (happier) conclusion. It's called Miss Scarlet AND THE DUKE for a reason. And after all that happened in S4… it really feels like… what was it all for?? Especially if they knew WHEN FILMING THIS?? "Goodbye for now" is NOT "goodbye forever." They really, really really fumbled this.
There's a lot of theories going around, and I will admit it's too hard for me to listen to Stuart's new interview, but going off what other's have said and the parts of the transcript I did manage to read… I just cannot feel like this was actually his decision unless there's something else going on with him (either in his personal life or maybe he has some secret role he's got, because supposedly he hasn't worked since he did ADR on S4). He's been the captain of the ship, and he has always been enthusiastic with discussing the show and had just great insight into playing William. It doesn't feel like he himself was ready to move onto other things (and that's not even how it's worded - some BS about how the show needed it him to be gone for ~longevity~ of the show), like I've seen with other actors are on shows (e.g. Dan Stevens). He still promoted S3 (which came out in the UK after they filmed S4), he still even promoted S4! He was an executive producer for S4!!! Nothing makes sense!
So if it's due to RN… why keep having the other characters say William was only going to be gone a year? Why bother to have the flashback? why bother to have him stay at at Eliza's to recover?? hell I'm surprised they just didn't keep in the coma then--
But really, why even bother to have Eliza write to him? Or have Ivy say what she said to her?? The time apart was supposed to be them looking at their options. They literally foreshadowed him joining Eliza at her agency upon his return. So… what happened?
If it was actually for personal reasons that Stuart left, he has a right to his privacy. But then they should have rewritten S4 to be the end then, since they knew all this time. I can't believe we are getting the full story on this, one way or the other. The more and more I think about it... I do think it was RN's doing though.
Just two nights ago I drafted up a whole meta extolling how one of the best things this show has done has been how they developed William and how he grew as a character. The progression he made as he not only accepted Eliza having a career but encouraging her. His mentorship of Fitzroy. How he came from nothing, from a teenager living on the streets, to become an inspector at Scotland Yard. But they have chosen to toss that all out the window.
Who knows, maybe S5 ends with Eliza deciding to go to New York. But it doesn't seem like they are handling this like Babington's absence in Sanditon. They will make Eliza quickly fall for someone else, and slap fans in the face who have been following their friends to lovers slow burn for five years (because we had to wait for S2 in the first place thanks to the pandemic). And what sucks is that we still got promo saying they are in love with each other. From Stuart, from Kate, from Rachael New herself. We have still gotten promo promoting the romance. Why not have them have a big fight then or something, idk. They gave us hope. And you know what Fellowes says about false hope.
So I'm just supposed to believe that William gives up on Eliza and doesn't return…? No, I cannot. As much as we hated the deaths on DA when they wrote out actors, at least those characters still died in love with their spouses. And while I'd still be foaming at the mouth in anger if they killed him off… yeah.
William's last lines of the show is a flashback including him saying "is it all worth it?" And the answer is… no it's not.
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kaiso-woo · 11 months
Sunshine to the Moon
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-> Masterlist 
PART 4 of my ‘Stay Series’ - a long hypothesised journey of a relationship between Bang Chan and Reader.
WC: 4.2k | Synopsis: Slice of Life, another night after closing shop. Your Café has gotten busier thanks to that Skz-Code Episode filmed there finally being released. Tonight however, Chris is here to brighten the night. This is the first time you both admit to loving each other by the way - but it’s cute I promise.
Notes: FLUFF, Angst (if you squint, and I mean really squint), Second Person Narration, Skz Fluent in English, Swearing, Idol!Chan, Barista!Chan, CaféOwner!Reader, Fem!Reader, Cringe Cringe-Cheesy-Corny-Slight Suggestiveness-Insufferable Flirt (Thanks Chris), Shirtless!Chan (IT’S BED TIME), Swearing, Pet Names Used (Jagiya, Jagi, Baby, Sweetie, Love), Kisses (Duh)
Here for a reading marathon? Head right back to the start!
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Overall ‘Stay Series’ Synopsis: Bang Chan experiences the suic!des of Stays, so when you lot choose to die, he dies right along with you. Reader is the “antidote” to this condition - NOT MENTIONED IN THIS PARTICULAR FIC
!!Casual reminder this is entirely fictitious - Chris/Christopher in my work does not represent the actual Bang Chan - this is purely my imagination and nothing more - this goes for all other SKZ-Members too!!
It’s been another tiring day. Perhaps even more chaotic than ever before. Chris had given you warning, but JYPE had only just released the Skz Code Episode that they filmed ages ago here. Chris had argued to have it released at a later date, to protect your privacy and give you more time to live normally before things suddenly changed.
He was right of course, with Stay’s being the detectives they are, and Stray Kids being the famous idols they are, your Café was soon discovered, and before long you had a stream of customers flowing in and out practically around the clock. They’d take photos where the members sat, ask if they left messages around the place, ask you so many questions about them that you didn’t feel you had the right to answer.
Even with Ashley by your side, doing her best to help keep the business afloat on a daily basis things were strained. You’ve just recently set up an application process for new employees because dear lord, you needed them. Ashley even suggested adjusting your usual policy, which you were hesitant to do at first, but eventually caved at the exhaustion evident in your poor, younger friend and employee. 
Customers were no longer allowed to stay overnight, and you closed at 11pm rather than 1am now. It was perhaps your least favourite thing to do – going around to wake up sleeping customers when it was time to close shop. Chris was right, Ashley is bright… and awfully considerate. She even considered that it’d be beneficial for your relationship with Chris, closing shop early, so you can spend more time together when he’s here.
Naturally, Chris can no longer help you at the coffee machine, even if he wears a full disguise, Stay’s would recognise him immediately. Whenever he visits, he can’t do much except lounge around in your upstairs apartment. It pains you to have to lock him up, but both of you know you can’t risk a scandal. Previously, Ashley would be able to hold the fort, allowing you and Chris to escape out on a little date, but not now… now you’re too busy to leave Ash by herself. You really really need new employees. Preferably people who aren’t Stay’s… so you can explain your relationship with Chris and not have them leak any information. 
This… this is too much.
You sigh and rest your forehead on the cold glass of the window. You’re meant to be pulling down the shutters, having finally kicked James out of your Café. As per usual, he was asking too many questions, wondering why you’re suddenly so busy. He asked you out again the other day, and you finally snapped. You told him, straight and clear, that you were taken. In hindsight it probably wasn’t the best idea, because he now spends a lot of his time asking you who you’re dating; of course, you can’t tell him.
A pitiful groan rumbles through your throat, and you try to quell the hurricane of thoughts swirling incessantly in your mind. The chill of the glass is a small reprieve, but it still hurts to think.
“Jagiya… baby, are you okay?” someone calls out to you. Your heart leaps into your throat at the endearment, and you muster the energy to spin yourself around, eyes lazily falling onto the man standing at the bottom of the staircase, his face distorted in concern.
“Another boring day for you, wasn’t it? I’m sorry, Chris,” you murmur, dragging yourself towards him with your head drooping. He meets you halfway, immediately pulling you into a tight embrace and placing an affectionate kiss on the top of your head, “Sweetie it’s okay. I’m perfectly happy to work on our songs all day.”
You sigh into his shirt and twist the fabric in your hands desperately, your heart aching, “You might be but I’m not…” you pull away so you can see his face and pout sadly, “You’re meant to be here on break, not working away.”
His soft smile causes your heart to melt, the ache only intensifying after he pecks your nose with a delicate kiss, “Jagi. You’re working, so why can’t I?”
You frown at him and lightly thump your forehead into his chest several times, frustrated, “We both shouldn’t be working.” His hand drifts up to knot itself in your hair, stopping your actions, “Shhh shh, don’t be like that baby.” You grumble and pull away from him properly, but not before he swoops in to kiss your cheek. 
“It isn’t so bad… once you finish closing up we can hang out, yeah?” his eyes are sparkling mischievously, and you sigh in resignation, knowing that he’s right. You turn to finish closing the shutters, and Chris continues to talk, “Besides, I’m the one who should be apologising…” The shutter hits the ground with a little click, “Why?”
“If I hadn’t asked to film that episode here your business would never have gotten this busy,” he frowns, absently fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie. You swivel on your heel and stalk up to him, “Don’t-” you lightly pinch his arm, “-you say that. Ever.”
Chris smiles shyly down at you, his gaze sorrowful, guilty. You shake your head at him, grab his wrist and tug him along up the stairs, “Come on, you go wash up and I’ll whip up a late dinner, if you haven’t eaten already.” 
Chris pushes ahead of you suddenly, opening your apartment door with an elegant twist of the door handle, “There’s no need baby, dinner’s in the fridge. I’ll heat your share up for you.”  You blink at him in confusion, but he merely grins back at you. “You… cooked me dinner?”
Chris snatches at your waist and pulls you in for a swift kiss, stunning you, “Anything to make your life easier.”
After half an hour of arguing with Chris about why he shouldn’t have cooked dinner for you (in which you only shut up after he physically shoved food into your mouth), you’re now sitting comfortably in your bed, blankets pulled over your knees, as your eyes skim the page of the book you’re reading. Chris insisted you wash up first, so you’re currently waiting for him to finish up in the bathroom.
“Tomorrow’s Wednesday isn’t it?” He asks, emerging from the bathroom in only his boxers. Your eyes briefly flicker from your book to the defined lines of his abs, before you return to nonchalantly reading, “Yeah. Café’s closed tomorrow.” “You can look longer you know,” Chris grins, his arms crossed over his chest. “Shut up,” you grumble back, turning to the next page of your book.
Chris giggles happily and crawls into the bed next to you, his arms immediately taking residence around your waist despite you sitting upright. “Mmh you smell good,” he mumbles, and you spare him a glance. His nose is buried in your shirt, his hair askew over his eyes. Carefully, you brush the curls away, and he snuggles even closer, “I just showered.” 
Chris’ voice comes out muffled, “Okay and? I just showered and I don’t smell as good as you.”  This elicits a small chuckle from you, “Maybe you should start using my products then.” He inhales obnoxiously and then sighs in content, “I think I will.”
“Chris, I’ll be back, I've got to turn the lights off,” you murmur, massaging his scalp briefly. He only tightens his hold on you, a little whine escaping, “No. You stay.” “Baby let me go please.” “No.” “You literally left them on.”  Chris sighs and rolls away from you, his displeasure evident on his face, “Fineeee.”
You roll your eyes at him and pad over to the bathroom, hyper aware of your boyfriend watching your every movement. He sits up as you amble over to turn off the light for the bedroom, your thumb holding the current page in the book you’re reading. Finally, in the darkness, you fumble around for the lamp beside your bed so you can continue reading for a little longer. Its warm glow reveals Chris still watching you, a half-smile, half-smirk plastered on his face.
As you crawl back into bed and try to get comfortable, Chris chuckles and leans his head back onto the headboard, “You might as well call me that lamp,” he begins, eyes boring into the ceiling as though something fascinating was up there.
“Why…?” you pause, preparing yourself for the inevitable joke you’re about to hear. Chris grins evilly, and tilts his head towards you lazily, “Because you turn me on.” You hiss and make to whack him on the head with your book, but his reflexes kick in and he swiftly grabs your wrist.
“Oh I knew you were going to do that,” he laughs, leaning over so he can kiss a trail of warmth down your trapped arm. Your eyes are wide as he grins sinfully up at you, his tongue poking his cheek playfully. “Go to bed you little shit,” you gripe, yanking your wrist away from him and turning the lamp off in a rash decision. 
At least he can’t see the crimson blush on your face now.
“Awh… you don’t want to read anymore?” he mocks, his arms finding home around your waist again, pulling you in close so he’s spooning you, his breath tickling the back of your neck. “Nope. We’re sleeping now,” you demand, linking one of your hands with one of his that’s on your stomach.
The pair of you settle into silence, your mind drifting off into haze at the steady sound of Chris’ breathing, the rise and fall of his chest pressed against your back. You’ve been absently tracing his knuckles, trying to memorise the specific rise and fall of each, and the spacing between them. After a while, you stop, not because you want to, but because your mind has fallen deep into that state of fuzziness between almost falling asleep and being barely conscious.
“Is it possible to get… water hungry?” Chris murmurs, dragging you out of your semi-slumber. “Hmm?” you croak, as Chris adoringly rubs his nose on the back of your neck, making you shiver. You can feel him grin at your reaction, and you’re half tempted to shove him away from you so you can sleep in peace.
“Water hungry. Is that a thing?” he repeats, and the question properly registers in your brain.  You frown and shimmy yourself around, so your noses are now touching. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you squint to try and see his eyes in the darkness, “Do you mean thirsty?” 
A small smile cracks onto your face when Chris inhales sharply and stops breathing. After a loud silence, he makes a noise of embarrassment, and you giggle lightly. “I think I’m tired,” he whispers, trying to inch himself even closer to you. “Then go to sleep,” you scoff, closing your eyes again. “Can’t,” he bites back. “Why not?”
“You’re not hugging me,” Chris’ leg shifts to tangle itself in between yours, and after another little giggle, you wrap your arms around his waist, resuming your soothing rubs on his back this time. “Your hands are cold,” he complains against your lips.
“Then put on a damn shirt.”  “Awh but you like it when I’m not wearing one.” Stomach swooping, you blow sharply on his face in feigned annoyance, causing him to draw back slightly with a laugh. “Go to fucking sleep,” you say once more, because clearly he didn’t understand you the first time.
Later on in the night, the bathroom summons you, and with a quiet grumble, you roll yourself out of bed. Thankfully, Chris has drifted over to his side of the bed in his sleep and doesn’t have himself tangled around you. Carefully, you click on your lamp and tiptoe to use the toilet. 
When you’re done, you decide you don’t really want to go back to bed yet. Instead, you crawl over to sit cross-legged on the floor, analysing your boyfriend’s face in the half-light of the room. He’s snoring gently, his lips slightly parted. Your heart softens at the way his cheek is squished up against his arm, strands of his curly hair clinging adorably to his forehead.
You hoist yourself up onto your knees and brush the strands back, heart swelling as your gratitude for his existence threatens to tumble out of your mouth. No, you must stay quiet. Don’t wake him, he needs to sleep. You’re still stroking his hair back softly, your thumb brushing his forehead delicately when his snoring stops.
You gulp and pull away from him, hurrying back around the bed so you can crawl back under the covers, Chris’ back to you. Still, you don’t turn the lamp off, not entirely finished with admiring him, even from behind. His back is slightly exposed to you after you had pulled the covers down to get out of bed, and you make no move to hide it again. 
It’s in this moment, smiling gently at his figure, your heart full to the brim, that you realise it all over again. He’s yours. You’re his. You’d die for this man. You’d play limbo with the devil just to crawl your way back up to him. You’d pledge your life to counting the stars if he so asked. It doesn’t matter that it would take forever, because your forever lies within him.
You shuffle closer, and after a brief hesitation, begin to happily trace the lines of his back muscles, relishing in the softness of his skin. You pause, checking to make sure he’s still sleeping, and then continue your drawing motions. You’re lost in thought, thinking about where you could possibly take him out to tomorrow because you’re finally free. Your gaze is watching your fingers absently move, but you’re not really paying attention. It’s after a minute of repeating the same action that you realise what you’ve done.
Subconsciously, you’ve been writing the same words over and over on his back. You stop, fingers ghosting his skin, and swallow. Then one more time, confirming it for yourself, you rewrite the same words.
I Love You
You do. You love him. You love- you love him. This sudden understanding causes you to gasp slightly, your heart thumping wildly in your chest. You trace the lines again, a little faster this time, fully picturing the words on his back. 
Chris abruptly rolls over, his eyes immediately boring into yours, and your hand snaps up to your mouth in an attempt to stifle your surprise. He’s smiling softly, eyes crinkling in delight.vSlowly, he reaches for the hand covering your mouth, opening your palm out to him. With a single finger, he lightly traces your palm, and you realise almost instantly that he’s writing letters, one by one. 
He's nibbling his bottom lip slightly in concentration, and when he finishes, his eyes flicker back up to you. You know of course, exactly what he’s written there, each stroke of his finger sending the letters jolting towards your heart. You had just spent the past few minutes writing the exact same thing on his back. You’re still silent though, trying to process, mind whirring faster than it ever has before. Chris takes your silence as confusion and begins to write the words again, as gentle as the first time.
He's halfway through writing “love” when you slip your wrist out from his hand and promptly bury your face into his chest, hands snaking around his back tightly.
“Are you serious?” you whisper, curling up on yourself, face burning. “Are you?” he whispers back, caressing the back of your head. You pull away from him and sit up, eyes wide with shock. He stares right back at you, waiting for your answer, his dark eyes searching yours. You lean down and peck his forehead, “I love you,” then his right cheek, “I love you,” his nose, “I love you,” his chin. 
You kiss him everywhere you can possibly reach from his shoulders up, avoiding his lips for whatever instinctive reason, repeating those same words over and over again, a mantra.  Your actions reduce Chris to a mess of giggles and happy laughs, “Okay, okay, okay!”
He grabs the back of your head and roughly pulls you in for a real kiss, but his lips are soft against yours, tender. When you pull away, your lips still linger, and it is like this that you feel and hear him say the disastrous words back, “I love you too.” Your laugh comes out as a breathy giggle, and suddenly you’re kissing him again, everywhere you can. “Baby, baby,” he laughs, “Stop it.”
But you can’t. You literally, physically can’t. Somehow you’ve managed to crawl on top of him, straddling his bare chest. Chris grabs your shoulders and pushes you up, grinning at you from below, “Since when were you this affectionate?” he coos, hands sliding over to cup your face and squish your cheeks. You roll your eyes at him and press on his chest lightly, again, feigning annoyance.
“You’re adorable,” he murmurs with a dopey expression, “My love is adorable.” “Shut up,” you whine, collapsing on top of him and hiding in his neck. My love. My love. My fucking love. “I love you. So much. And you love me back,” Chris laughs, wrapping his arms securely around you, “Wow! You love me back. Wow… This is the best day of my life.” “I said shut up,” you grumble.
You wake in the darkness, mind immediately tracking back to your moment of “I love you’s” earlier, butterflies swirling intensely in your stomach. Then you realise the reason you’ve woken up in the dead of night again, is because Chris isn’t sleeping with his arms around you. You roll over and find him sitting up in bed, his headphones snug around his ears, forehead creased in concentration as he clicks away on his laptop. You sit up and place your chin on his shoulder, staring at him with googly eyes. 
“Sorry, did I wake you?” Chris mumbles, turning his head slightly. “What’re you doing awake?” you ask, carefully slipping the headphones off his head to rest around his neck. “Mmh… inspiration struck me, so I wrote a new song,” his eyes haven’t left his computer screen, even without his headphones on he continues to work.
“Chris it’s 2am,” you sigh, taking over the touchpad to check the time in the top right hand corner, “go back to sleep, love.”  He inhales sharply and fully turns towards you, a slow grin emerging, “You see, that is exactly why I cannot sleep.” You blink at him in confusion, and he elaborates, “You can’t just brush my hair out of my face, spend the next five minutes writing ���I love you’ over and over again on my back, pepper me with a billion kisses, and then expect me to sleep.”
You grin shyly at him, your head drooping, “Now you’re just making me feel bad because I fell asleep.” “No. No that is not what I-” You interrupt him by reaching over and sliding his computer out of his hands. Carefully, you hit the command to save his work, eyes briefly skimming over the saved title ‘For My Love’. 
“You were inspired to write a song for me?” you chuckle, closing the laptop and removing his headphones from his neck.  Carefully, you place them both on your bedside table, and grope around to pull him down into the bed. You can tell by how warm his face is when you press close that he’s blushing.
“So what if I was?” he asks. “So… I think you’re really cute, but your love wants you to get more sleep,” you giggle, pulling his head underneath your chin.  “Okay…” he mumbles, breath growing laboured with sleep.
Chris wakes with his nose buried in your hair, and he immediately grins. He abandons your warmth to grab his phone and check the time. It’s just past 9am, you both should really get up and get going, but he doesn’t particularly feel like it. You roll onto your back in your sleep, and a mischievous glint catches his eye when he notices your shirt hike up a little, revealing your bare stomach.
Chris swiftly scampers into the adjacent office, plucks a random marker from your desk, and then carefully crawls back onto the bed, doing his best to not wake you. He lifts your shirt up a little higher, then with his tongue sticking out, uncaps the marker and writes the message ‘Chris was here!!’ on your stomach, complete with his little dino-worm drawing.
Just as he’s finishing up, you groan and your eyes flutter open, noting the sharp prod of something on your stomach. In a second however, it disappears, and Chris has crawled on top of you. He moves to kiss your cheek, but still hazy with sleep, you don’t register what he’s doing and accidentally move your head.
What was meant to be a wholesome good morning peck turns into a surprising peck on the lips. You stare at him with wide eyes, and his cheeks immediately bloom red. You grin at how embarrassed he is and lean up to give him a legitimate kiss good morning. You’re both grinning like idiots now, and you’ve completely forgotten about whatever it was that Chris was doing on your stomach earlier.
Exactly Chris’ plan. Distraction… successful.
“Good morning sunshine…” he happily chirps, the familiar endearment causing you to smile happily. This time though, you have an idea. “Good morning moonlight,” your smile intensifies as Chris pauses, stunned, and you wriggle your way into a seated position, forcing him to do the same.
“Moonlight?” he questions, his voice cracking slightly in the early morning. “Yeah. Moonlight. ‘Cause even in the darkness you still shine.” Chris blinks at you, then after a second, grabs your arm to pull you into his lap, “Okay sure,” he pecks the top of your head, a favourite action of his, “but you got one thing wrong. If you’re my sunshine and I’m your moonlight… then I shine because you do.”
You laugh and let Chris drag you both under the blankets again, hugging you tightly as if his life depended on it. After a minute of tranquil silence, you yawn, stretch and move to get up and out of bed. Chris doesn't crack open an eye as he grabs your head and forces you back down into the pillow, causing you to yelp.
“Chris! We’ve got to get up now,” you chide, pushing yourself back up and glaring at him. He’s smirking cheekily but his eyes are still closed, and you shake your head at him, “C’mon.” "Who says we have to get up?” he asks, finally staring back at you.
“I do.” You demand, and a little staring contest is initiated, neither of you blinking. Chris begins to pull faces and tease you, but you refuse to give in to his antics. “Okay fine fine,” he relents, “I’m getting up. But come here first.” You raise your eyebrows at him.
“Please,” he adds with a tiny nod. Bewildered, you shuffle over to him, only to scream in shock when he swiftly grabs your shirt and pulls it up over your head. The act is so out of the blue, and he’s unnecessarily strong that you can’t do anything about it. He runs off with your shirt and you curse, chasing him out of the bedroom and into the lounge room.
Chris grins like a mad man, sticking his tongue out at you from the other side of the couch. “Give me my shirt you fucking rascal,” you spit, but you’re grinning just as hard.
“Come and get it,” he teases, waving it around like it’s a flag. You move to one side of the couch, and he moves to the other. You both run in circles around the couch, giggling and yelling. Eventually, out of breath and panting, Chris laughing his heart out with his hands resting on his knees, you decide that this game should come to an end. While he’s occupied, you leap over the top of the couch and tackle him to the ground.
“Oh shit-” Chris wheezes as you wrangle your shirt out of his fist. You’re about to put it back on, when Chris sits up and stops you, struggling to talk properly through his laughter, “Hang on, babe wait. Look down.”
You do, your arms up in the air, halfway through the sleeves of your shirt. It takes you a moment to read his little message, and then with a yell, you use your shirt to whack him repeatedly.
His laughter doesn’t cease even after he’s pulled you on top of him to stop your playful, indignant hits. “God I love you,” he chokes out, resting his head back onto the floor, “Don’t rub it off, leave it there for the rest of today.” “I love you too, but I can’t leave it there, what if people see?” “Who’s going to see it underneath your shirt?” “What if I wanted to wear something cropped today?” “Then wear something cropped. Let the whole world know who you belong to.” “Chris. You know I can’t do that.” “Mmh but I want the whole world to know.” “Christopher.” “Fine fineeeee, okayyyyy. Just don’t wear anything cropped then. Want one of my hoodies?”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
-> PART 5   -> Masterlist
A/N: Yay! Milestone Event 4 Check!
Feedback is always appreciated, negative and positive alike. I apologise for any editing errors, I’m forever learning.
Until next read! - Kaisowoo
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
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DESCRIPTION: In which you and your husband, Roman are enjoying a day in. It’s been long overdue.
Warning(s): contains some smut, must be the age of 18 to interact. Read at your own risk.
Smut, Fluff. 1K words.
Must be 18+ to read.
Being a two-time Oscar nominated and winning actress came with its perks and its benefits but it also came with its own special grievances. You barely had privacy or alone time, and whenever you did have alone time- something or someone would disturb it. Whether it was the paparazzi cruising and parking outside your window or it was the blogs spinning some fake news about you and your estranged husband, Leati Joseph Anoa’ï. But the world knew him as Roman Reigns, one of the best WWE wrestlers out right now. Men loved him and also envied him. Women loved, lusted after and wanted him and only watched wrestling because of him and his deliciously beautiful hood looks, and body.
To think you had that. You had it all and could get it back with just one phone call.
You and Leati separated because you both rarely had time for each other and when you did, it was constant fighting over lies the blogs or so called “friends” had spilled. But, you both still undeniably loved each other and craved each other's body, touch from time to time. Today was your first night to yourself after months of filming your upcoming film. You were in Montana, filming a movie by Tune Productions (@/ingeniousmindoftune) about a girl who fell in love with a guy with a southern drawl and lifestyle. It was a book. Now a movie. You were excited because it was one of your favorite books and now you were the star of the film. There was a lot of controversy but you didn’t care.
You were fresh out your shower.
Dressed in something comfy, one of your favorite brands of loungewear. Comfy cotton, two piece with the robe to match. Letting your freshly done curls fall into place, you used your wide-toothed comb to brush your hair into place and let it fall past your shoulders. Slipping your feet into your slides. You hit the light and walked out the adjoined bathroom to your bedding area of your cabin, you made your way over to the kitchen area in your cabin and warmed you some hot water on the stove in the kettle.
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“Let’s see, what am I in the mood for?”
Flipping through the television to find a good film, you landed on “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” One of your few films you liked to watch on the occasional, you hit pause whilst you went and made your hot cup of chamomile tea. Dipping the tea bag up and down in the hot water that filled your coffee mug; you made your way to the living area. You was deep into the film when there was knocking. You groaned. You told every one you didn’t want to be bothered, this way your day of peace and zen, but of course— Your husband didn’t receive the same message.
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Roman stood at your door drenched, you hadn’t realized it was still storming outside until you saw him and opened the door. “Come in, you’re soaked.” You stepped aside letting him in, he dropped his black luggage by the door and shivered. “Roman, what’re you doing all the way out here?” You laugh softly helping him take off his slightly drenched jacket and hang it on the coat rack next to the door. “I heard you were filming out here and wanted to surprise you.” He smiled.
“Well it worked, you surprised me..” you chuckle.
He blew in his hands and rubbed them together sitting on the couch next to you as you wrapped a warm heated blanket around him. “You should be warming up pretty soon, why are you here? You didn’t just come all the way out here to surprise me, so what is it?” Roman looked over at you. “Truth is, I’ve been doing some thinking.”
“Oh lord, that doesn’t sound too promising.” You joke.
He laughed. “Hush. Be real for a minute.” He threw off the blanket, you frowned. “What’re you doing boy? Put that back on.” You went to put that jacket back on him when he stopped you. He pulled you onto his lap, looking up at you. You looked down at him feeling his hard-on against your beating pussy. You placed your arms around his neck. “What do you think you’re doing, Leati?”
“I’m trying to have a conversation with my wife.”
You nod your head slowly. “What type of conversation?” You smirked, knowing right now he probably wanted to get you in bed and you were not turning him down. Yours and his marriage was great, aside from the arguing and lies- You had the perfect marriage and perfect sex life. “An intimate one.” He verbalized.
“Does this intimate conversation have anything to do with the fact that you are hard right now?”
Roman laughs softly. “You know you always had this effect on me, Y/n.” He ran his hand up your back. “You always make me lose my footing. My wording. I want you so bad right now.” You leaned down, pressing your lips against his. He kissed you. Giving your ass a nice squeeze in his hands, he didn’t break the kiss. “Mm,” you moan against the kiss pushing him back. Taking off his shirt, leaving his fresh new tattoos on full display. It made him even more attractive. “Okay, Tribal Chef. Why don’t you show me what we both have been missing?”
Although the two of you have been split for the last three years, you both could not find it in your hearts to file for divorce. He loved you and you loved him, he stood up still holding onto you. “Bedroom?” He mouthed against your lips. Not breaking the kiss, you pointed to the bedroom. Continuing to lock lips with yours, he held onto you as he stepped up the two stairs that led to the platform and hallway to the bedroom, once he reached the bedroom, he opened the door as he held you up with one arm, pushing the door open with his foot. He placed you down. You bit down on your lip. “You sure we should be doing this? Once we do, there is no going back.”
“I don’t want to go back. I want to move forward, Y/n. I wanna work on us baby.”
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You smiled holding his muscles in the palm of your hands, he leaned down planting another kiss on your lips. “I love you,” he whispered between each peck, lifting you up. “I love you more.” He tossed you onto the bed, “That’s not possible.” He smirked, you shook your head taking off the top of your piece set. Roman leans in, moving your hair to the side, kissing on your neck. You moaned, tilting your head to the side slightly. His kissed went from your neck down to your nipple, he flicks his tongue over it, giving your nipple some making love action. You moaned, holding the back of his neck since it was exposed and his hair was in a man bun, your instant turn-on. He brought his hands down to your shorts, spreading your legs apart, he rubbed you through them causing your leakage to leak through.
“L-Leati!” You moan out in pleasure as you were now stripped into nothing
His hands was rubbing up and down your folds, his tongue still making love to your right boob. Your head was thrown back. “Mm, this feels so good.” You moan in pure bliss. His fingers slipped into your vagina, pumping in and out your walls sending your moans into overdrive. “P-please.. d-don’t stop.” You moan out louder. He switched from your right nipple to your left. He was taking his time, showing you just how much he missed you. Craved you. Needed you.
“Ah!” You scream out as your back arched off the bed.
His finger pumping in and out of your vagina like it was one of your sex toys. But better. His tongue swirled around your clit causing pure pain and pleasure, the feeling was the most sensual and intense emotion you’d ever felt, you could agree this was the best sex the two of you’d ever experienced. You tightened your grip around the snow while sheets, that were now stained with your cum.
“Roman!!!” You screamed.
Roman looked up at you, panting like a dog. His beard drenched in your cream and liquids. Your body shook. You didn’t know how much more you could take. “R-Roman! I-I-ahhhh fuck!” You screamed as you squirted all over the sheets and him. He smirked leaning back. “Mmm, damn baby.” You laugh softly covering your face as you blushed. He stood up removing your face from your hands. “Mm, no let daddy see your face.”
“Mm, yes daddy.”
He smirked, dropping his boxers. “Baby, I’m so weak.” You pouted. “Just where I want you.” He grabbed your hands in his, he stood in position before slipping his long, hardened dick into your soaked pussy. “Baby!” You whimpered as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He smirked, thrusting in and out of you like you were one of his pocket-pussies. “Shit. You feel so good. Forgot how good you felt!” He groaned. “Fuck.” He moaned, throwing his head back.
“Yes, yes!”
You loved the sound of his moans. And knowing you were the one giving him this pleasure made you even more happy. He moaned and groaned as he speeded up his pace and thrust, the both of your eyes rolling around in your head from the crazy amount of pleasure you both were feeling. “God damn!” He swore.
“Daddy, don’t stop!” You whimpered. “P-please!”
Roman pulled out then slammed right back in causing you to yelp. “Fuck, Y/N.” He groaned at how good your walls felt against his dick. The warmth, the love. He could feel how much she missed him. And he was enjoying every minute of it; then bam, it happened. He couldn’t pull out in time, you was just feeling sooo good, he didn’t want to pull out. “Shit,” he curses, pulling out letting the rest of his juices squirt all over your pussy and lower stomach. “Did you just?” You questioned.
“I-I’m sorry baby, you just-”
You cut him off by kissing his lips. “It’s okay. Lay down baby.” You pushed him onto the bed getting on top of him for the six-nine position. Adjusting your body over him, your pussy rested against his lips and your lips against his dick. “Mm,” you moaned as you started making love to your man’s dick, your dick. Your head bobbing up and down and hands twisting and rubbing his member. You continued even after he bust, sending him into a craze. His toes curled and his head game became sloppier and nastier.
“Roman.” You breathed out as you both fell beside each other
His chest heaved up and down, he turned his attention to you. Kissing your nose. “I love you.” You smiled. “I love you too.”
“Come here.”
He pulled you into his arms, you laid your head on his chest. Your legs wrapped around his as he held you in his arms. You listened to each other’s heartbeats and heavy breathing. He held his hand up, you looked at it planting your smaller ones into his larger ones, kissing his chest. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. Let’s never do this again, okay?” You looked up at him. “You mean split?” He nods. “We can definitely have this conversation again.” You both laugh.
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Roman held you in his arms, caressing his hands over your body. The feeling of your body against his was all he could ever want and need in this world. “Mm and to think I wanted to left alone.” You giggled. He chuckled continuously rubbing his hands over your body. “We can be alone together baby.” You smiled to yourself just enjoying the intimacy between your husband yourself. This warmth. This cozy feeling. This.. peaceful..
Cozy night.
@xsweetdellzx @laylasbunbunny @hinatasfleshlight @skyesthebomb @bbygirlchristina @lovesanimals0000 @briana-mishell24 @piccasoe @wandasbitxh @90sisthenew80s @tribalqueen20 @panicsinvirgo @star017 @zenxn20 @pearlkitten33 @rosegoldcoco
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hereticpriest · 7 months
Mercy Chapter 9.5 Knotted
Rating: Explicit 18+
Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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To begin with, some warnings about this story: A/B/O Dynamics, Female Alpha, Male Omega, Some chapters may involve messing with the whole 'alphas are always dom and omegas are always sub' because I think nuance exists even in A/B/O dynamics, Fucking with the timeline (this is a blend of Canon, Legends, and original lore), Minimal use of Y/N (Explained in the first chapter), Reader is an alien species of my own creation and thus has a physical description, Familial bonds explored heavily, Clone rights explored heavily, Violence is more graphic than canon-typical however any graphic descriptions will be noted, AFAB reader, Not beta-read so I apologize for any mistakes.
Read on AO3
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine
This chapter is entirely porn with zero plot. It is not necessary to read this chapter to continue reading the story. It may not be your cup of tea, so please move on to the next chapter if it isn't something you're interested in. This chapter contains very little science that makes any sense, and runs off the idea of inclusivity that all females and Omegas can get pregnant, and all males and Alphas can get someone pregnant. Thus, the reader is capable of temporarily (or continuously, if desired) growing a phallus. I believe that technically, if I were trying to adhere to existing science, Obi-Wan would be labelled as having a cloaca, but I did not put that much thought into it.
Chapter warnings: PWP, dubious science at best, alien dicks and description thereof, anal sex, rimming, anal fingering, knotting, handjobs (m and f receiving), blowjobs (f receiving), breeding kink, praise kink, body worship, muscle worship, discussion and contemplation of mpreg (male pregnancy), contemplation of removing protection for the purpose of procreation which has technically been previously discussed and agreed to but hasn't been agreed to in this specific instance (though this does not occur, it is just contemplated). Let me know if I missed anything please!
Chapter Nine Point Five - Knotted
The scent of starfruit and forest fires mingles throughout the darkened chambers, spice and sweetness blending in a heavy haze. The door to the chamber has been heavily scented, spice and smoke clinging to the frame to ward off anyone who might dare to come close. The windows of transparisteel have been switched to a frosted privacy film that allows light in while keeping out watchful eyes, and the door has been locked with an emergency code. There’s a dark, wet spot on the settee, and the door to one of the bedrooms is covered in a ray shield generally used for maintaining the sanctity of other bedrooms when some apartment occupants are going through their heat.
“You’re still sure?” You ask, your voice a harsh but desperate whisper as you guide your Omega back towards his nest. He lets out a broken whine instead of answering, frantic as he ruts against your hip, desperate for contact. His trousers are undone, the waistband of his underwear partway down his thighs somewhat restricting his movement and tucked under his balls. The head of his cock is flushed dark red and weeping a steady stream of slick, and your nostrils flare at the heady, sweet scent of his heat pouring from him. Your hands slip into the back of his pants, grabbing handfuls of his ass and parting his cheeks.
I need you to answer me, Omega.
Yes! Yes, I’m sure Alpha, I want you to knot me. Need it! Please, need you inside.
Obi-Wan shivers in your grip, leaning in to bury his face in your neck so he can kiss his way around your mating gland while his hands slide under your tunic to feel your bare skin under his palms. Your fingertips brush across his hole, and you chuff as you find it wet with slick, circling it teasingly with just the barest pressure. Your Omega whimpers against your throat, letting you pull him away from you so that you can turn him around and urge him up into his nest.
”Take your clothes off, baby. Then, I wanna see you present for me, and I want you to ask for it with that pretty voice of yours. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?” You ask, and Obi-Wan eagerly obeys, kicking his trousers off his legs while he peels off his overtunic. You watch him as you strip off the remainder of your own clothing - an undertunic, brown trousers that still somehow weren’t dark enough to hide the wet patch on your thigh, and your underwear. With your rut came options unavailable to you at other times. Your last rut was unexpected, and you’d gone with the safest option at the time to avoid any discomfort, but this time you had plenty of time to plan. Female Alphas could, should they desire it, grow a phallus for mating purposes. You’d obviously never had the experience, though it truly wasn’t an uncommon thing at all. When you had discussed having a planned heat and rut together with your Omega when your vacation time lined up conveniently, Obi-Wan had shyly mentioned an interest in being knotted. Reluctantly, of course, blushing the whole way and promising that you didn’t have to if you weren’t interested.
Unsurprisingly, you’d jumped on the opportunity. Which led you to where you were now, examining yourself with curious hands. Your cock isn’t as thick as Obi-Wan’s, thankfully closer to average, but you were around the same length. The skin is a darker pink than the rest of you, flushed purple at the tip, and beading precum. A brief moment of panic overtook you at the sight of your cock when you realized that it didn’t look the same as your Omega’s. You’d never seen a Haelan’s dick before, for obvious reasons, and it only occurred to you while you were examining yourself in a panic that you wouldn’t look the same due to your species. Hopefully, your mate didn’t mind. It’s a nice cock, you acknowledge, despite the differences. The head is fatter than a human, with more of a smooth wedge shape than the typical taper, and three prominent ridges right underneath it. A thick vein runs up the base, and it curves more prominently than your mate’s, though you figure that’ll only help you rub against his prostate so hopefully he won’t have any complaints there.
The rough skin of your deflated knot feels a little odd under your fingertips, but it’s a nice kind of odd. Along the top of your cock are a line of softer, rounder ridges that you imagine will probably feel nice. Truthfully, your cock looks a lot like some of the sex toys you’ve seen in holoads around the lower levels of Coruscant late at night, and those ads always emphasize the concept of toys being ‘ribbed for your pleasure’, so clearly what you have going on is a good thing. Right? Your testicles are internal, but clearly functioning considering the thick drip of precum running down the base of your cock. You’re not as wet as Obi-Wan, but that’s to be expected, you think.
A sharp intake of breath draws you out of your quiet contemplation, and you look up at your Omega for signs of distress, only to find him finally naked and staring at your dick with blown pupils and a gaping mouth. Your cheeks flush purple, and you hesitate where you normally wouldn’t, suddenly self-conscious. Biting your lower lip, you stroke yourself from base to tip, and his gaze follows your hand.
“Is it okay?” You ask, and Obi-Wan purrs, glancing up at your face briefly before returning his gaze to your cock. You feel him reach out to you through the bond, letting you feel his desire, his hunger, and his pleasure at the sight of you ready to take him. You feel his intrigue, and his curiosity at the shape of you.
“Oh, darling. Of course it is. Look at you. Come here, let me taste you.” Your Omega requests, and you approach gingerly. You’ll have him present for you afterwards. For now, you want to know what it feels like to have his mouth on your cock, while you can still handle being gentle with him. Obi-Wan reaches for you the second you’re close enough, hand closing around you and stroking you from base to tip while he leans in to roll the flat of his tongue over the head of your cock. A quiet hum at the taste of you vibrates through him, and thus through you, drawing a groan from your lips. He moans as he takes the tip into his mouth, and you sigh as he begins to suck, running your fingers through his hair gently as he starts to carefully bob his head. You hiss as his tongue rolls over the ridges below the head, taking his hand away from the base so you can spit into it, and snickering as his cheeks turn red. Poor, shy little Omega struggling with lewd acts even when he’s lost in his heat. You know it’s at least somewhat because he’s ashamed of his own desires, and how much he enjoys indulging in them with you, though he’s been getting better at accepting his own sexuality. He begins to stroke what he can’t fit in his mouth, and you groan, running your fingertips over the bulge of his cheek. You’ve never felt anything similar, even when he puts his perfect little mouth on your cunt.
“You look pretty like this, baby.” You murmur, and Obi-Wan looks up at you with those beautiful blue eyes as he begins to bob his head a little faster. His hand works eagerly over the base of your dick while he tries to figure out how to work his tongue while sucking, his cheeks growing redder at the obscene sounds his slurping causes. It takes all of your self control to keep yourself restrained, but you let every moan and growl out without shame, feeling through the bond how even the smallest sounds encourage your Omega in the same way that praise does. You can’t help but laugh as he takes a little bit more than he can handle and gags, the feeling of which sends pleasure racing like lightning through your veins. He sits back, coughing, and you stroke his cheek as you admire the pretty pink of his spit-slicked lips.
“You did so good, baby. Come on, up, present for me, Omega. I gotta stretch you open a little so I don’t hurt you.” You coo, and he lets out a little moan as he lays down on his stomach with his knees up, back arched to keep his bottom in the air. Humming to yourself, you crawl up into your Omega’s nest, giving his bum a gentle slap that makes him whine, then grabbing both cheeks in your hands to give him a firm squeeze. You use your thumbs to part him, breathing in the scent of slick while bending to run your tongue over his twitching hole. The taste of his slick is electric on your tongue, and he moans loudly as you reach between his legs to wrap your hand around his cock while you lap at him. Stroking sloppily, you spit in your other hand, rubbing it into his desperate little hole to mix with the slick that starts to leak steadily.
“Looks like your body knows what it wants, baby. I just licked you clean, and slick is already dripping down your balls.” You tease, lapping up his slick before it can drip on the nest and laughing as Obi-Wan jolts with a whimper.
“Please, Alpha. Want it in me.” He begs, and you smile, running your thumb over the tight ring of muscle. You’d done your research before this, desperate not to hurt your Omega even though you knew logically that his body was made to take you. It had been shameful to watch dirty holovids, but as soon as you noticed how embarrassed Obi-Wan got, it became less nerve-wracking for you and more a point of entertainment. Your shy but curious Omega would blush and stammer if you watched them next to him in bed, but he always ended up watching with you, often sliding into you from behind so you could watch together while he took his pleasure from you. The naughty research helped you feel more comfortable with taking your Omega in this manner, and you felt prepared. A low whine brings you back to yourself, and you smile, pushing the pad of your thumb against his hole just to watch him shiver. Your index finger slides in surprisingly easily, and Obi-Wan moans lowly as you breach him, digging his hands into the bedding.
I want to lay on my back. Need to see you. Please, Alpha.
Of course, baby, if that’s what you need. I’ll give you anything you want, my sweet little Omega. Anything you ask for.
You help Obi-Wan roll over and smile down at his flushed face, licking your lips at the sight of him. He’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, and you still wonder sometimes how he could possibly be yours, staring up at you with half-lidded eyes full of love and lust. Your Omega spreads his legs and hikes up his knees so you have clear access to him, but you simply admire his perfect little body instead. His nipples are pink and puffy in his heat, and the left one is adorned with a bite mark around it. His chest hair is shiny with sweat, skin flushed pink with his racing passions, and his mating mark is purple from the kissing and biting you’ve been doing throughout his pre-heat. You stroke your hand over his tummy, tracing his treasure trail down to his pubic hair, pointedly ignoring the way his cock throbs for attention and oozes slick.
“Alpha, stop staring. It’s embarrassing.” Obi-Wan complains, and you grin down at him, ignoring his protests as you squeeze his pecs. Despite his soft whimpers for relief, you take the time to continue admiring him, stroking his sides, chest and stomach just to keep him from being too upset. His physical strength, evident in his musculature, has always drawn your eye. You could spend hours worshiping his body, kissing his biceps, leaving lovebites on his lats, and sinking your teeth into his quads. You love his little tummy, the meat on his pecs, and the softness over the muscles in his thighs. He doesn’t really show his age much at all, though he often claims otherwise, pinching at his sides and belly in the mirror like that isn’t one of your favourite parts of him.
A strong leg nudges against your side, and you snap out of your admiration, looking up into his pretty blues. He looks near tears, lips pink and swollen from kisses, panting with desire. You give him a faux pout, pushing his knees up so you could press your middle finger into him. It slides in easily, slick dripping out around your knuckles as you pull out, then push two fingers back in. Obi-Wan groans, throwing an arm over his face to hide as he rolls his hips down into you. You wave your hand and his arm flies away from his face, hands pinned above his head with the Force, though you release him immediately after despite the flush of pink to his cheeks and desire through the bond that says he definitely enjoyed that.
“Does that feel good, sweetheart? You’re nice and relaxed, making it so easy on me baby.” Your voice is low and syrupy, and you watch your Omega’s eyelashes flutter against his cheekbones as he rocks against you. Wrapping your free hand around his cock, you stroke him nice and slow, in pace with your fingers as you stretch him open.
“Feels nice.” Obi-Wan murmurs, though his entire body stiffens up when you crook your fingers and brush against his prostate. He gasps for breath, jerking beneath you, and you coo at him as you roll your fingers into his sweet spot, licking your lips hungrily. Your tail wraps around Obi-Wan’s thigh, yanking his legs open when he tries to close them, and you stroke him faster.
Good boy, baby, let me make you come. Wanna see you paint your cute little belly white. Give it to me, Omega. Then I’ll give you what you want, put my cock in you and breed you in your soft little nest. D’you want that? Want me to fuck a baby into you, Obi?
YES! Alpha, please, please, need you to breed me. Just your fingers feels so good, I can’t wait to feel your cock inside me.
“Naughty little Omega.” You tease, adding a third finger just to stretch him out a little bit more. Obi-Wan cries out as your fingertips rub hard over his prostate, and combined with the firm grip on his cock, he can’t take it any longer. He jerks beneath you, sticky white cum splattering across his stomach and nearly up his chest. By the time he’s done, his cum has begun to pool in the dip of his belly, and you lean down to lick it out, drawing a whimper from your Omega. Gentle as can be, you pull your fingers free of him, wiping your hands on the towel you’d thrown into the nest earlier expressly for this purpose. Blanketing him with your body, you lay a couple of kisses across his throat, ignoring the throbbing in your aching cock in order to give him a breather.
Too quickly, he begins pressing down into the weight of it, eyes half-lidded as he purrs for you. You smile down at him, pecking his lips, then reaching between you to guide the head of your cock to press against his hole, rubbing gently to coat it in slick. Your Omega may normally be a patient man, but his heat clearly makes him lose his head, as he begins to roll his hips eagerly, trying to push you into him. You pet his hip soothingly, but give him what he wants, pressing against the tight ring of muscle until it begins to give for you. You slide inside somewhat smoothly, his insides parting around you as you sink in slowly, inch by inch until you’re fully sheathed.
He’s searing hot around you, wet and tight enough that it’s almost painful, bordering on overstimulation. For a second, you worry you might come early, but you grit your teeth and anchor your hands into the nest on either side of his head, your thighs under his, pushing him up a little to get comfortable. Obi-Wan clings to you, shaky moans falling from his lips as you grind yourself into him, then slowly begin to pull your hips back. You watch as the ridges of your dick catch at his hole, and he whimpers with every single one, his dick twitching to life against his tummy. When only the tip remains inside of him, you press a kiss to your Omega’s mating mark, then plant your knees and thrust back into him sharply. You start with slow, long thrusts that have Obi-Wan whimpering and clinging to you, trembling at the way his insides cling to your cock.
You don’t feel any pain from him when you delve into his mind, just pure, mind-melting pleasure. He’s so soaked that you’d be shocked if it hurt, dripping so much slick it makes a squelching sound with every thrust. You don’t know if all Omegas get as wet as Obi-Wan, but you love being surrounded by the salty-sweet smell of his slick. Each time your pelvis meets his ass, you feel his whole body shudder, his calves hooking around behind you to keep you from pulling out completely. His head is tipped back, lips parted around moans of your name, and his force signature is the same bright blue of his lightsaber, nearly blinding in his pleasure. You nuzzle against his mating mark, speeding up your thrusts despite the spine-melting heat of him, holding on as much as you can even as you feel your knot start to swell.
“I’m not going to last much longer, Omega.” You murmur against his skin, and he nods, unable to voice more than a moan in response. He’s a vision of pleasure, chest heaving with every breath, skin flushed pink from the rushing blood, his muscles twitching as he works to meet your thrusts. You love him. You would do anything for him, anything he ever asked, because you trust he’d never ask anything of you that you couldn’t give him with a clear conscience and the approving warmth of the Force. He’s perfect, and he’s all yours, but you know he holds all of the power in your relationship. Such is the truth of an Omega - you are a slave to his pleasure and happiness.
Me neither, Alpha. If you touch my cock, I’ll explode.
You grin, and he whines, knowing exactly what’s about to happen. You slow your thrusts as your knot starts to catch on his rim, digging your nails into the blankets below your Omega to keep some semblance of control, and you seat yourself fully within him just in time to lock together. Your hand closes around Obi-Wan’s cock as you start to spill inside him, moaning as you sloppily jerk him off. It takes nearly nothing for him to come in your hand, his mind a flurry of how good it feels as your hot cum fills him, hoping that it would somehow take, and the pleasure of being locked with you until your knot deflates.
It takes a moment to roll Obi-Wan onto his side, carefully so that you don’t pull on him or your knot too much, until you can curl up against his back. You nuzzle into his neck, kissing his shoulders, and using the Force to dip your towel in the water set on the night table so that you can clean the both of you up. Your Omega dozes in your arms, and you feel proud to have fucked him well enough that you could put him to sleep on your knot. He needs it. His heat will have him raring to go again soon enough, so it’s best if he gets some rest while he can.
You find yourself kissing along the line of his deltoids, pausing as you feel the soft metal line of his birth control implant under your lips. You could bite it out. Soothe the pain with the Force, make a cut with one of your obscenely sharp canines, then heal it once you’ve got the useless little thing out. It only takes 24 hours to lose effect. You could breed him this heat, if you wanted to. You would even let him breed you, if he preferred, since you were of more use while stuck at the Jedi Temple than he was. You’d tear your own implant out too, let him sink his perfect cock into you and breed you in his comfortable nest that he made for you both. He’d said he wanted children, hadn’t he?
A shiver runs down your spine, and something whispers over the roar of your instincts, a gentle urging to be patient. Not now. Soon, but not yet. You lean into the embrace of the will of the Force, closing your eyes and holding Obi-Wan a little closer to you, your lips against his mating mark. You fall asleep nestled against him, completely at peace with your Omega safe in your arms, your Force signatures blending together in a gentle but loving dance.
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
No pero de donde viene the fucking entitlement of some fans like. How the fuck is anyone going around talking about this video proving x y or z when, if you really believe that is a video of jk, you should be talking about nothing but the gross and terrifying violation of privacy. No matter who is in that video that is a private moment in a private home filmed through a window using a long range camera (based on the video quality/movement). That is HORRIFYING. It is stalking in the very best case scenario. And people are going around demanding explanations or reactions from other fans, JK, JM, BH, or anyone else. Puta madre these are fucking people not your playthings — try acting like a human being for once.
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lively-potter · 8 months
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— trials of athena ; two
— genre ; enemies to lovers, kinda slow burn, friends to lovers
— warnings ; a hella lot of cursing, some typos ( of course 🙄😬 ), mature themes, smut, athena doesn’t like feelings, fluff, smut, angst, some violence, a teeny bit of blood and gore, JK’s a dick fr
— intro, teaser, part one
— find me on Wattpad ; LivelyPotter
— 2024 © LivelyPotter all rights reserved
— word count ; 1.5k
— taglist ; @ahgasegotarmy116 @jk97bam
— chapter two ; a continuum of bad choices
May 21st, 2023 9 PM
"Huh, what made you decide to call after leaving me on fucking open for three hours, bitch?" Sawyer hollered through the phone, making me yelp.
"Ow, you cabbage head! You scared the hell out of me." I whined, pressing my hand to my ear – risking a glare out my window.
Sawyer snickered, "Well, I am naturally terrifying."
"—No, you're not." I retorted dryly, "You act like a kicked puppy most of the time."
My reply had Sawyer huffing and puffing on the other line.
"Fine, I'll let you have that one, cunt."
"Proud of it!" He swung back, causing me to laugh. My best friend Sawyer never failed to make me laugh when I was pissed, sad, or depressed. "So, what brings you here?"
"A continuum of bad choices and a neighbor that I want to shank." I sighed, throwing myself down on my pillow when Sawyer tutted. "He's such an asshole," I grunted, still thoroughly bothered by the daft beaver nugget next door.
"Spill." Sawyer ordered brightly – he, like my mom (and me) loved to hear all the latest gossip. With a sigh, I told him every little detail of this morning, and I definitely didn't forget to add the part where the mothereffer was half naked.
"Soooo....lemme get this straight; this dude – although fine as fuck and looked like he was created specially in God's image – was rude and slammed the door in your face?"
"Yep," I giggled, sounds about right. "and I can't forget to add that the bastard's bedroom is across from mine." I spoke suddenly, remembering I saw that bitch next door making his bed up. Gosh, I needed to stop spying out my window...until he got curtains, of course.
"At least you have the privacy film on your windows at home." Sawyer chuckled, "maybe you'll get lucky and see his dick next time."
My face flushed heavily, "Ew! Ohmygod! Sawyer, you nasty little bitch." I squealed out a loud giggle, wishing more than anything he was back in the states.
Sawyer left a month ago with Raven (one of his dads) to Russia for father/son bonding. I missed him desperately – but apparently, he'll be back home soon.
Sawyer sighed lowly, "Dude, I wish I was back home so I can get a look at this handsome bastard. Do you think he's gay?" he asked wistfully.
My eyes widened, "I don't know! I don't make assumptions like that; plus, why would you want to date that ass?" I asked, kicking my shoes off my feet, and sitting up.
"From what you told me about him, he'd be a good fuck." He laughed; I imagined my crazy bestie shrugging his shoulders.
"How do you know what a good fuck is, bitch? You're a virgin... but he definitely would be – he's got a lot of piercings; you think he's got his you-know-what pierced?" I asked, biting down on my lip as wild thoughts raced through my brain. I don't know why I was telling him this, but Sawyer was my other half, I could talk to him about anything.
"C'mon babe, don't be a prude." Sawyer mocked, "It's called a cock."
"Shut the hell up," I choked out through my embarrassment. A noise down below distracted me from Sawyer's howling laughter. My lips parted when I crawled across my bed, knees digging into my pillows to peer out the window.
And there he was.
I watched my insanely attractive neighbor dressed in jeans, big black combat boots and a black oversized hoodie lock his door and jog to his sleek black Mercedes.
Sawyer's voice grew muffled in my ears as my neighbor turned and looked up. A squeak left my lips when his eyes looked in the direction of my window.
"Shit." I scrambled away from the window before stopping shot. "Wait a fuckin' minute..." I mumbled, crawling back towards my window, "He can't see me." I murmured, now remembering I had a privacy film over my window.
Quite a handy thing to have, they can't see in, but you can see through it.
I'm kinda nosey (not in a bad way, I hope).
"Hold on just a wee bit, Sawyer." I called, "the dickwad next door just left." I said, seeing him jump in his car and drive off.
I backed away from my window and picked my phone up.
"Sorry 'bout that, what were you saying?" I asked, resuming my conversation with Sawyer.
"I wonder where he's headed off to so late." Sawyer mused causing me to roll my eyes playfully.
"Don't know, don't care."
(I was lying to myself)
*** May 22nd, 2023
3:15 AM
The loud thumping of a door closing from next door roused me from my sleep.
Cursing myself for being such a light sleeper, I rolled over and threw my weighted blanket back over my head and closed my eyes once more; hoping sleep would claim me once more.
Minutes passed; I was snoozing once more.
...until drunken giggle (more like a shriek) startled me once more.
Ugh, shut up and lemme sleep...
My thoughts became jumbled as I breathed deeply, on the precipice of falling into a deeper slumber.
The stumbling of drunken feet grew louder and louder, as if they were nearing me, until a door flew open and banged against the wall in the house next to mine. My eyes flew open and darkened in anger once I realized the annoying noises and fuckin' giggling next door wouldn't be stopping anytime soon.
"Sweet daughter of Zeus." I mumbled, flinging off my warm blanket off my body and stumbling to my feet. My brain was half awake and half alert when I nearly tripped over my phone charger.
"Shit. Fuck. Damn it," I hissed, doubling over in absolute agony as my pinky toe caught the edge of my bedframe. I fell down on my ass – momentarily forgetting the shuffling next door – to cradle my throbbing toe.
"Stupid fucking neighbors." I huffed, carefully getting to my feet, wincing once I applied pressure to my foot. I paced for a second until the pain wore off and wiped the sleep out of my eyes.
A tired groan left my lips as I pressed a knee on my bed, leaned over my bedframe and peered out my bedroom window, into the one across from mine.
One glance was all it took for every ounce of exhaustion to leave my body. All that was left was shocked, mortification, and disgust (with a slight sprinkle of envy, but I'd die before I would ever admit it).
I was unable to tear my eyes away as I witnessed a gorgeous woman with long blonde hair and tan legs that seemed to go on for miles fall down onto her knees in front of my neighbor.
Wut. The. Fucking. Hell.
A embarrassed squeak left my lips and I threw a hand over my innocent eyes to shield myself from this display.
I had never seen anything like this in my life.
Slowly, I peeked through my parted fingers and choked.
And nearly die as I watched my hotter than the sun neighbor ruffle his hands through his dark hair and peer down at his lady of the night. I watched, transfixed on his face as his mouth parted and he started speaking, I watched his lips open and move as he pronounced each syllable.
Gods, I wanted to know what he was saying.
But I kinda got the gist of what he had said when the lady immediately went into action and started unzipping his tight pants that clung to his rock-solid thighs. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't look away.
My dickwad neighbor peered down at her with a dirty little smirk, as he was enjoying the way she was entirely at his mercy. I gulped when he bit down on his lip – the silver hoops threaded through his lips made the action even more attractive.
But why! Just why was my dickwad neighbor getting a BJ in front of his fucking window? A window without curtains concealing his gorgeous body from view. A squeak left my lips once his pants were to his knees...along with his boxers.
And then his you-know-what was out in the open...for all eyes to see.
I almost choked to death on my spit as I saw the fucking beast he had concealed underneath his clothes.
It was fucking huge. The biggest I've ever seen.
I pitied the poor girl next door.
He'd tear her in two.
A glint of silver caught my eye and I had enough.
I flew away in an instant and tripped over myself to get to my bed.
I threw the blanket over my head and grabbed at my phone. Once it was in my hands, I cringed at the brightness and immediately turned it down.
With trembling fingers, I tapped on Sawyer's contact and waited for the bitch to answer.
"I was right! I was fucking right, Sawyer!"
"Ohhhh..." he hummed before stopping, "Wait. What were you right about again?" he asked, causing me to roll my eyes.
"That dick pickle neighbor of mine has got his dick pierced." 
author’s note ; ✨
hi, everyone! Ihope you all had a great day! thanks for reading.
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soobie-boobie · 1 year
secret affair - c.y.j.
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- written by padfoot ♡
warnings: smut, yeonjun oneshot, idol!yeonjun au, established relationship, switch!yeonjun x switch!reader, reader is afab, oral (m receiving), fingering (f receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (please practice safe sex y’all), light degrading, praising, (please lmk if i missed anything).
"Y/n, you're on in 15 minutes!" yelled your manager into your dressing room.
You were scheduled to film another weekly episode of Music Bank alongside the famous idol Choi Yeonjun of TXT, who also happened to be your secret boyfriend.
No one knew or suspected anything about you and your co-star being potential lovers, and it came with many pros and cons. Being able to enjoy privacy is one advantage, but hardly being able to spend time alone together is a big disadvantage and frankly, you were sick of it. You wanted to be able to see and spend time with your boyfriend and today you were determined to make it happen.
Right as you were about to reach for the doorknob the door flew open, it was none other than Yeonjun himself.
Even though he has been your boyfriend for some time now, you can still feel your heart thump loudly against your chest at his insane beauty, how can a man be so flawlessly perfect? I genuinely do not know.
"Hey, we are on in 5 minutes and I just wanted to stop by n' see how you were doing," said Yeonjun with an adorable smile, contrasting greatly with the hot-ass outfit he was wearing.
Before you could respond, he engulfed you in a comforting hug, which you obviously gave into.
You missed how his hugs felt, the warmness and comfort they emitted were too good to be true, and as a matter of fact, it had been a long time since you were able to experience any sort of physical contact with him so naturally you wanted more.
You wanted to feel his hands on every part of your body, caressing every imperfection as if it was perfect; as if it was perfect to him. You wanted to feel the fiery passion in your stomach for every movement and action he made. You just wanted him.
Yeonjun pulled away, making you internally whine at the loss of touch. He looked down at you, immediately catching on to what you were thinking, and let out a small laugh.
"Don't worry Y/n, after the shoot I promise I'll be all yours," said Yeonjun, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead and making his way back towards the door, closing it shut.
Fuck, I hope this stupid shoot goes by fast.
"And... CUT! That was a good show, good job everyone!" yelled one of the producers of Music Bank.
The filming crew all loudly cheered and clapped at the filming going just as planned. A few of them came up to you and Yeonjun to compliment you guys for your amazing on-screen chemistry, some even going as far as to call you "The best MC's Music Bank had ever had."
You both laughed at the exaggerated praise from part of the production crew, thinking it was adorable the way their compliments just kept pouring out.
After the complimenting finally stopped you made my way into your dressing room to change into something more comfortable to get home.
Once you were able to get your hair and makeup off, you went to the parking lot, where yours and Yeonjun's manager had a van prepared to take Yeonjun and you back to the apartment building Hybe had assigned for the both of you to live in.
Before getting into the van you could already see a familiar head of black hair in the back seat waiting patiently for the van to depart from the parking lot. You smiled and made your way toward Yeonjun and nonchalantly sat on the empty seat next to him.
As you were sitting down, you could see the way his eyes looked you up and down, checking you out and then giving you a slight smirk, to which you responded with a cheeky wink.
The van finally started moving out of the parking lot. You look over to see Yeonjun staring out the window quietly, You grin at yourself and start placing your hand innocently on his thigh. Yeonjun doesn't react at first but then jolts forward when he feels your hand slowly creeping upwards, giving away the obvious neediness in your actions.
He turns to look at you, just to find your eyes glued to some random post on Instagram. He can tell that you're up to something, and it pisses him off that he can't get himself to stop what you're doing. He's just as desperate for it as you are, and he hates it.
You try your hardest to ignore your boyfriend's suspicious stare and notice that despite everything, he hasn't done anything to stop you.
Yeonjun finally turns back to the window, silently begging for you to at least do something to help with the tension that's building up inside his sweatpants.
As if you had read his mind, you placed your hand on top of his bulge, pressing down to create a bit of friction. Yeonjun sighed at the feeling that he missed so very much.
He forgot how good it felt to be touched by you, something that his own hand could never replicate.
You started slowly pumping your hand against his clothed crotch. Yeonjun spread his legs further to give you easier access and placed his head on your shoulder.
Yeonjun's breathing started getting heavier and his whines also got louder. Due to his head being right next to your ear, you could perfectly hear every beautiful sound that came out of his precious lips.
You could feel Yeonjun's hips start to subtly twitch at your movements, prompting you to completely halt and remove your hand from his crotch.
"Wha- Why?! It felt so good why did you stop," asked Yeonjun in a sad pouty voice.
You giggled at his whining, finding it absolutely adorable how much he wanted you.
"Because we're already here dummy," you said with an amused grin. He looked out the window to see the familiar apartment building in which you both lived.
He turned to look at you with a devious smirk plastered on his face, "Good timing then, because we're gonna have one long night tonight,"
As you are both impatiently walking down the hallway, Yeonjun drags you quickly behind him, making his way toward your apartment since the rest of his members would likely be watching a movie or playing games in his apartment.
Once he got to your apartment door, he wasted no time pushing you against the wooden door, aggressively placing his soft lips on yours. Yeonjun's hands went from your face, all the way down to your waist and back, making sure to touch and caress every single part of your body in just the way you liked it.
Your hands made their way to the back of his neck, gently tugging on his hair, causing Yeonjun to let out a breathy moan that made your knees weak and your underwear soaked.
Yeonjun directed his lips down onto your jawline and neck, sucking harshly on the soft skin, leaving behind dark reddish hickeys all over, making you throw your head back, moaning at the overwhelming feeling of his warm breath and plump lips on your sensitive skin.
Without breaking contact, Yeonjun opens the door using the spare key you had given him and placed his lips smoothly right back onto yours.
Yeonjun guided you towards your couch, where he gently set you down under him. You tugged on his shirt, indicating that you wanted him to take it off but he shook his head, ignoring your requests. He swiftly peeled his lips off of yours and stood up with a smirk.
"After the little stunt you pulled in the van, you didn't think I'll let it slide that easily did you?" said Yeonjun with his voice full of arrogance and intimidation. You couldn't lie, he was extremely hot when he was intimidating, and because of it, you found yourself getting wetter and wetter by the second.
"Don't just stare at me stupidly, what are you waiting for? Undress."
You wasted no time in following through with his orders, taking off your jeans and tank top, leaving you in only your bra and underwear. You felt a little shy at the state of vulnerability you were currently in and tried to cover up a little using your arms.
"You don't have to be shy, you know I find every part of you more than perfect," said Yeonjun reassuringly. You slowly let yourself go and felt comfortable being in this state around Yeonjun, he made you feel safe.
Yeonjun went down to connect your lips once again but this time, it was sloppier and more desperate than before. Both of you could feel the raging sexual tension that bounced off the four walls of your living room, and you couldn't stand waiting any longer. You wanted it all and you wanted it now.
You started to feel Yeonjun's hand ever so slowly making its way from your waist to the hem of your underwear, gently tugging on it.
“May I?” Asked Yeonjun in a alluring whisper. You nodded your head impatiently. “Darling, you’re gonna have to use your words for me. Can you do that?” He asked sweetly.
“Shit, yes, yes, please, YES!” You replied loudly. Yeonjun wasted no time in following through with what you wanted. He briefly lifted your hips to take the thin article of clothing completely off, exposing everything. Once it was off, he impatiently threw it somewhere in the room, happy to not have to worry about it blocking his view anymore.
Yeonjun immediately placed his middle and ring finger onto your clit, drawing slow, torturous circles on it. You audibly gasped and threw your head back at the sudden wave of pleasure that went through your body.
Yeonjun sped up the movement of his fingers and you found yourself practically almost screaming at the sensations that were rushing through your body.
“That’s it, let this whole fucking building know how good of a slut you are for my fingers,” said Yeonjun in a low, raspy whisper.
You began to feel the tight knot in your stomach, indicating your upcoming orgasm. You squirmed and bucked your hips under his sinful touch. There was nothing more addictive that Choi Yeonjun himself, the way he fucks you is like a prohibited drug, only enticing you to want it more and more.
“Oh fuck! Yeonjun, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned out in an almost pornographic way, making it really hard for Yeonjun to ignore his own arousal with you screaming his name out like that.
Right as you felt you were so close to seeing the stars, he stopped his movements entirely. You opened your eyes in shock, confused at why he would do such a cruel thing towards you.
“What the fuck?! I was so close, why would you do that?!” You said in a frustrated pant. Yeonjun ignored your question and stood back up, leaving you dumbfounded.
He then directed his gaze to his right hand that was previously responsible for the immense pleasure it was giving you. He turned to look directly into your stare, eyes glistening with pure lust. He placed his middle and ring finger right in his pretty plump lips, sucking them clean. It was such a filthy sight to see, but it only turned you on more.
“On your knees.” He said coldly while sitting down on the couch.
You quickly did what he instructed, and waited patiently for him to take off his sweatpants and boxers.
Yeonjun took off his pants in a rush, just wanting to relieve the unbearable tension that was going on inside his grey sweatpants. He was finally able to get all the disturbing articles of clothing off his lower body and threw them somewhere in the room where the rest of your undergarments also lay.
Once he had nothing on, Yeonjun let out a sigh of relief and threw his head back at his hardened dick finally being let out of those suffocating pants. Your eyes widened at the sight of Yeonjun's bare body. Although you had seen it plenty of times before, it still never failed to amaze you how it seemed that he was carved by the gods above.
His slender body, his soft-toned abs, his beautiful pale skin, his long black hair, everything about him was so perfect to you, and the best part of it all is that he was all yours. Only you had the privilege to see him in this state and oh how you loved that so very much.
"y/n please do something, please touch me, I need it... I need you." He whimpered desperately, his pretty lips forming into an impatient pout and his eyes glossing with desperation and neediness. How could you say no to him, he looked too beautiful like this, begging you to touch him.
You lowered your head towards his leaking tip. Yeonjun grabbed your hair to keep it from blocking your beautiful face as you suck him off. He has always thought you look drop-dead gorgeous, but something about having you all to him, sucking him off obediently, drove him more than crazy. You were everything he has ever wanted, and he couldn't be happier knowing you were all his and he was all yours.
You started moving your head at a steady pace, trying to fit in as much as you can without choking. You used your hand to stroke what your mouth couldn't reach. Yeonjun contained himself from thrusting into your mouth, not wanting to hurt you.
"Oh fuck y/n-" He moaned out, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and his mouth gaping open. He continued softly whimpering and moaning out your name, cursing every now and then.
Yeonjun's hips stuttered, and you could tell he was close to his orgasm as his whines got louder and louder, you were sure the whole building could hear his pretty moans by now.
"Shit y/n don't stop. Please don't stop, I'm so close!" Yeonjun pleaded desperately, trying to finally reach his high after being teased for so long.
You suddenly remembered what he did to you a couple of minutes beforehand and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. You halted your movements and pulled away from his body. Yeonjun's eyes snapped open in disbelief.
"y/n?! What the fuck?! It felt so good, I was so close!" said Yeonjun in a sad frustrated voice. You didn't reply, you just simply looked at him with a cheeky smirk.
"Fine! If you won't stop edging me, I'll do it myself!" said Yeonjun. Not wanting to waste any time with your teasing, he moved his hand to place it on his dick. Before he could start stroking himself, you stopped him, pinning his wrists above his head.
"If you keep acting like this, I will have no problem tying you to this couch and giving you nothing for the rest of the night. It's up to you love, do you want me to fuck you, or do you want me to leave?" you said sternly, inches away from his face. Yeonjun looked up at you with big, shiny lustful eyes that easily could hold the whole galaxy in them.
"No! I'm sorry, please fuck me!" He pleaded, and that was enough for you to climb on top of him, straddling him. You grabbed his dick and slowly lowered your hips onto him earning a moan from both of you.
Once you got accustomed to the burning stretch, you slowly started rolling your hips until you got to a steady pace. Yeonjun sloppily reached to unclasp your bra with one hand, getting it off easily and immediately reaching to grab one with his mouth. You moaned loudly at the feeling of finally having him all for you after being sexually deprived for too long.
"Fuck Yeonjun, you feel so fucking good!" You practically yelled out. Yeonjun only managed to let out a whimper in response, not being able to form coherent sentences or think straight due to the immense pleasure he was experiencing. He then started rocking his own hips to your rhythm, making his thrusts deeper and hitting all your sweet spots perfectly.
"Y-Y/n, I'm so c-clo-" Yeonjun's sentence got interrupted by his own loud moan.
His hips started frantically shaking, his jaw fell in a silent scream, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his breathing and whimpering got louder to the point where he was practically screaming out of pleasure.
You weren't far behind, you could also feel your own strong orgasm about to take over your body anytime now.
"S-shit, me too," you moaned out, feeling your orgasm flood your body. Your hips stuttered and you swore you could see stars. Your moans increased in volume, your eyes closed shut and your mouth gaped open.
Yeonjun pulled out and released all over your stomach and tits, decorating them with his warm, white cum.
While you were coming back down to Earth after that much-needed session, you opened your eyes to a completely fucked out Yeonjun, a sight that was too pretty to comprehend. His disheveled black hair stuck to the sweat of his forehead, his lips red and puffy, his cheeks completely flushed, and his bare chest rising and falling, steadying his breathing.
He opened his eyes to meet yours and flashed you an adorably innocent smile that almost made you forget the sinful activities you did a few seconds ago. His eyes diverted down from your eyes to your chest making him widen his eyes.
"What? What is it?" You look down to see the mess he made on your boobs, making you also widen your eyes.
You couldn't lie, that was hot. Very hot in fact.
"Woah, I did that?! I'm sorry I'll go get something to clean it up," said Yeonjun trying to stand up. Before he could fully stand up you grabbed one of his hands, and he turned to look at you confused. Using his hand and looking him directly in the eye, you scooped up a bit of his cum from one of your tits and proceeded to suck it clean. Yeonjun's eyes followed every movement you made as you repeated your actions with your other tit.
"There. I cleaned some of it for you." You said, wearing an innocent smile after doing the dirtiest thing. Yeonjun scoffed in disbelief,
"You're going to be the end of me, Y/n," said Yeonjun with a smile.
A.N: phew! first post! i hope you guys like it, if you do please like and reblog!! thank you ♡
just a reminder that this account is owned by two different writers, padfoot and moony ♡
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