#Best Preschools in Queens
brightkidsamerica · 3 months
Best Preschools in Queens: Bright Kids of America
Looking for the best preschools in Queens? Check out Bright Kids of America! They are known for their caring teachers, fun activities, and a safe environment. Kids love learning here with creative play and new friends. Parents trust Bright Kids of America for quality education and a great start for their children. If you want the best preschools in Queens, this is the place to be!
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scaranation · 2 years
HII I SAW UR REQUESTS WERE OPEN!!! your writing is so amazing i couldn’t resist sending one in after i had binged everything…
may i request headcanons for a totally whipped al-haitham with the childhood friends to lovers trope throughout the years? as in how he was to reader in elementary, middle school, etc. but if not that’s fine!!! your fic with him liking reader since middle school was so 😭😭😭❤️ reader teasing him was so funny and i can’t scream about it hard enough 🥹
i hope you have an amazing day!!! keep up the good work!
thank you smm that rlly means a lot! im so glad you enjoyed my writing ❤️❤️ i love the friends to lovers trope sm writing this involved a lot of giggling and kicking my feet, whipped Alhaitham is just so cute. Anyway I hope you like this I had so much fun with it too 😋😋
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Pairing: Alhaitham x F!reader
Content: fluff, modern AU, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, (very) whipped Alhaitham
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You’d first met Alhaitham when you were in elementary. He, being slightly younger, was in preschool. Unlike the other kids, he kept to himself, mainly studying a picture book in a secluded corner. Your play areas were separated by a low fence, one which you often loved to climb over.
“Haitham!” You almost fell onto the grass after scaling this fence once again in the break time, peeking over the smaller boy’s shoulder.
“Is that a kangaroo?” You pointed at the picture book enthusiastically. Alhaitham only looked up at you, blinking a few times with his wide green-orange eyes.
“No, it’s a pademelon.” He spoke surprisingly eloquently, tongue only slightly lisping over the syllables.
“You’re no fun.” You sighed, plopping down next to your self-proclaimed friend and beginning to draw flowers on paper with your new crayons. Upon seeing the curious look on Alhaitham’s face, you handed him the green crayon.
“You can draw flowers with me if you want.” You shifted closer. The boy said nothing, only holding the crayon tightly as he watched you happily scribbling.
Once you’d befriended Alhaitham, there was no turning back. He was shy and quiet, but utterly attached to you. You nodded excitedly whenever he babbled on about a new topic, although you never really understood what he was talking about, and played imaginary games with him in the playhouses. He never really understood the imaginative concept, but you would lead the way as he followed along with whatever you said.
“I am the princess, and I am going to become the queen! Bow before me!” You manoeuvred a figurine across the miniature castle.
“No, the crown prince’s wife will become queen when he ascends to the throne.”
“Oh, okay. You’re so cool, Haitham.”
Alhaitham only smiled at you. The truth was, he thought you were the coolest person in the world. He might know all the logistical facts, but he could never weave a story as you did.
“Huh? Haitham, you’re the knight. You need to go to battle!”
Alhaitham was shaken out of his daze when he realised he’d only been staring at you in awe, quickly grabbing the knight figure to move it. Beneath his long lashes, he’d constantly sneak glances at you - looking for your approval that he was doing the right thing.
Whenever you were absent, Alhaitham would ask everyone else where you’d gone. After verifying that - unfortunately - you really weren’t coming to school and shocking his peers with his sudden friendliness, he’d retreat to the outskirts of the play area. He would collect flowers and rocks, gathering them in his small arms - still a little chubby with baby fat - determined to find the best things to gift to you.
When you came back the next day, Alhaitham would shyly press the gifts he’d collected into your hands, eagerly watching your expression. If you smiled, he would too. Truly, although he was too young to know, you were his first love and the centre of his universe.
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During middle school, you and Alhaitham were in the same class. Due to his intellect, he’d been bumped up by a grade - much to his joy. The truth was, he’d been offered to move higher by two grades, but opted to only move one so he could be with you. Not that he’d ever admit that to you, of course.
Middle school Alhaitham would be better at hiding his feelings. He’d no longer be the the eager boy who openly chased your attention, although he still wanted it just as much. Rather, he’d deploy more subtle tactics, despite them rarely ever working.
It was undeniable that you were quite popular. Given your outgoing, virtuosic personality, you were constantly surrounded by friends. It hurt Alhaitham slightly, knowing that you were his favourite but he wasn’t yours. Despite this, he never changed his aloof demeanour - acting coldly to others, and less coldly to you. It was clear through his gestures that he had a soft spot for you, whether it consisted of paying for your lunch or bringing you snacks.
“Oh, we were supposed to bring a protractor to the test?” You hissed in the silence of the classroom, broken only by the whisper of pencils on paper. The teacher shot you a glare, motioning for you to be quiet.
“Here, I have a spare.” You felt a light tap on your shoulder, and spun around to see Alhaitham holding his hand out. His eyes hesitated before locking into contact with yours, the glasses making them look larger than they were.
“Thank you. You’re so cute, Haitham.” You whispered, shooting him a wry smile before resuming your position hunched over the test paper. You didn’t lie - he really did look adorable, those large eyes and small frame lending him to having a rather endearing disposition.
Alhaitham flushed red, his hands fumbling to close the zipper on his pencil case. He pushed his completed test paper to the side and placed his head on the desk, the hard surface cold on his burning skin. He mentally praised himself for always bringing a spare of every stationery item, just in case you needed it.
Whilst Alhaitham swatted away anyone else who dared ask him for academic help, he’d be almost eager to give you any form of assistance. If you were paying attention, you’d see the way his cheeks flushed when you leaned in to copy his homework, or the slight tremor in his voice when he explained a concept to you. Middle school Alhaitham - now hyper aware of his feelings for you - would be a stuttering mess at times, although that would soon change in his high school years.
“So, after completing the square… this equation can translate to- hey, why are you staring at me?” Alhaitham stopped upon noticing your gaze.
“Haitham, you can be so pretty if you tried a little more. I’m so jealous, you have such nice eyes.” You commented, running your fingers through his soft hair.
“… Why would I seek the superficial approval of others?” Alhaitham huffed, crossing his arms. Secretly however, your words spiralled in his head. Perhaps, if he did as you said, you’d like him too…?
He realised your hand was still on his head, and moved back. You whined in exasperation, flopping onto the desk.
“Your hair’s so soft though…” You mumbled, reaching out again.
“We’re here to study.” Alhaitham snapped, busying himself in flipping through the textbook to hide his red face. He found the content mundane, but teaching it to you made his heart flutter in knowing that he could be of use to you.
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Alhaitham in high school was drastically different from his middle school self, to say the least. He’d risen greatly in popularity for being the mysteriously smart and handsome student that barely paid anyone any mind. Much to your surprise, he’d grown even taller than you - making it a lot harder to ruffle his hair. It was rumoured that he’d brutally rejected confessions from many others, and had even made a teacher cry - but the shy boy you knew would never do that, right?
“Where are you headed?” You felt a large hand on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.
“I’m… going to study!” You stammered, finally looking behind you to meet a piercing amber gaze.
“Studying? On your way to the bus stop that leads only to the mall?” Alhaitham raised an eyebrow.
“Um, yes, a new cafe opened there and I wanted to study in it.”
“Hey, what’s taking you so long? We’re going to miss the movie at this rate!” You internally cursed as the loud voice of your friends interrupted your conversation.
“Studying, huh… Well, have fun. Don’t expect me to help you this time.” Alhaitham scoffed, releasing his grip on your shoulder.
He sent you his notes later that night regardless.
It was well known around your school that you were friends with Alhaitham, although you vehemently denied any romantic feelings between the two of you - much to his dismay. Because of this, you often had students approaching you and asking to be set up with Alhaitham. Of course, being the epitome of moral excellency, you only agreed if they paid you.
"You know, this girl in my class is pretty cute..." You showed Alhaitham a picture on your phone.
"You like her?" Alhaitham asked, not even sparing a glance to the picture.
"No, I..."
"How much did they pay you this time?"
"What! I would do no such thing-"
"You know, if you just asked me, I could give you way more than whatever they're giving you. Stop trying to auction me off, I have no interest in such things." Alhaitham snapped his book shut. You frowned, tugging on his arm.
"Please? Just one date with her, I'll do anything."
"Kiss me."
"Wouldn't it be awkward if I were on a date with this girl, and I didn't even know how to kiss her?"
"Oh, true." Alhaitham internally winced at how you didn't give it a second thought, only leaning in to seal your lips together. Although he'd mastered the art of maintaining a cool facade, if you'd opened your eyes in that moment, you'd see the flush in his face. He reminded himself to close his eyes, recalling the countless books he'd read about the topic. It definitely wasn't how he'd imagined his first kiss with you to be, but he'd take anything you gave him.
"Now, you're going on that date right? Here's her number." You winked, pulling away. Alhaitham furiously tugged his headphones onto his ears to hide how red they were, shooing you away.
"I'll text you her number then, Haitham!"
You ignored the confusing twist in your chest, attributing it to the kiss. After all, sharing a kiss with anyone would make you flustered - surely, it was nothing special.
Regardless of your efforts to make whatever dates you sent Alhaitham on successful, it never seemed to work. In truth, you had no idea how Alhaitham knew you'd been spying on those dates - after all, you were so inconspicuous, posing as a mere passerby. But he'd grown used to your exact demeanour, and no matter how hard you tried to be nondescript, his eyes were inevitably drawn to you. Unbeknownst to you, your eyes were drawn to him too - perhaps that was why you felt a slight twinge in your heart.
"Which popcorn do you like?" The girl next to Alhaitham giggled nervously.
"Salted caramel." Alhaitham responded cooly. Your jaw hung open from where you sat hidden behind a poster wall. Whenever you got salted caramel popcorn - your absolute favourite - he'd raise an eyebrow and inform you of your poor decision making, muttering something about the awful taste. You closed your mouth to smile to yourself. Perhaps he was trying to impress his date with his (superior) choice of popcorn. Your smile faltered when you realised how close they were standing to each other, before you mentally cursed yourself. What were you thinking? Surely you didn’t… have feelings for the very guy you were setting up with another girl…?
You followed the pair into the cinema, sitting a row behind them. They'd chosen a horror movie, which you absolutely hated, but you bore with it.
A few minutes into the film, you felt a tap on your knee. Alhaitham held out a fistful of popcorn to you from where he sat in front, his arm outstretched behind him. You scowled. He'd shown no prior indication that he'd noticed you - did he have eyes in the back of his head? You took the popcorn anyway, frowning at how Alhaitham played it off by lowering his arm around the girl's shoulders.
As the movie continued, Alhaitham wished it was you seated next to him. He hated the popcorn, but he'd gotten it just for you, anyway. His heart beat a little louder every time you reluctantly accepted his offering, although he had to glare at the girl who'd stolen your spot every few minutes to make sure she didn't think he was blushing for her. How troublesome this ordeal was. From an objective perspective however, this was fair exchange. If it made you happy, then he was happy too.
Alhaitham wasn't particularly athletically inclined, although his scholarship demanded participation in extracurricular sports. Hence, he found himself in the odorous male changing rooms for the second time that week. It would've been a mundane practice session (with him showing off a little if you happened to be watching), until he overheard a teammate's plans to ask you out.
"You should do it, I'm pretty sure she's single." Another teammate encouraged the first, the echo of a slap on the back reverberating through the room.
Alhaitham frowned. He'd planned to play the long game, although this was an unexpected interruption to his plans. Of course, there were other people to factor in. How could he have been so foolish as to exclude that from the equation?
"Yeah, I've had my eye on her for a while." The first guy spoke again.
"She's taken." Alhaitham blurted. Blurted, as in - his mind didn't fully weigh the decision before it left his mouth in a measured tone.
"Oh, sorry man. Are you two...?"
"Yes, we are." Alhaitham lied smoothly. He'd figure out how to deal with the repercussions later, but for now, he had to prevent anyone else from asking you out.
"That's great. Wish the best for you two." With a friendly (although slightly forceful) pat on the shoulder, the teammate left Alhaitham to head outside.
Alhaitham’s confession to you was ultimately very enigmatic and confusing, just as he was. Although he’d more or less practiced what he would say, when it came to you, he was always at a loss. You were a contradiction, a threat - both to his plans and his sanity. Somehow, that was what made him love you so much.
“I’ve heard a rumour that you and I were dating, Haitham. How come I never knew about this?” You tutted.
“Ah, they’re just saying mindless things. We’re just friends, after all.” That was what Alhaitham meant to say. Instead, what came out was;
“So what if we are?”
“We’re dating?” You cocked an eyebrow, failing to hide your flushed cheeks. Alhaitham noted this detail, trying his best to control the situation. What on earth had he just said?
“Yes, we are. Since we both like each other.” Alhaitham explained, internally cursing himself for his straightforward delivery. The situation was so outlandish - he’d just made an assertion, then supported it to somehow (very obviously) gaslight you into being his lover.
“You like me?” You spluttered. Alhaitham smiled. You hadn’t denied that you yourself liked him.
“Yes, because we’re dating.”
“No we’re not.”
“We are now.”
You stared at him in stunned silence, shocked by his audacity. But you couldn’t exactly deny his claims.
“Okay, I guess we are then.” Your mind still spun. Had he just… declared your relationship status?
“… Thank you.” Alhaitham murmured. You fidgeted on the spot uncertainly, before finally mustering the courage to peck his lips. Before you could scurry off however, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.
“What are you-”
“I’ve waited years for this. God, you’re so stupid for not realising this earlier.” Alhaitham brought your lips to his, fiercely bringing you in to a passionate kiss.
You closed your eyes, melting into his touch as his hands deftly pulled you flush against him by your waist. Unsure of where to put your hands, you placed them on his chest - feeling it heave with every breath he took. His heartbeat thudded under your touch.
It was strange. Most people thought of him as being cold, almost robotic. And yet, he was so human now, from the light sheen of sweat on the column of his neck, to the flex of his jaw as it worked against yours. The slight tremble of his hand as it rose to rest on your nape, almost as though he too couldn’t believe what was happening.
The two of you pulled away after a while, panting heavily.
“I’ve… got to go.” Alhaitham muttered, walking off hurriedly before he could embarrass himself further. Nevertheless, it was alright for him to be selfish for once, right? It had seemed to work out in his favour.
Despite however much he tried to soothe himself, Alhaitham’s face was red, and a giddiness bloomed in his heart. Any other student would’ve been shocked to see the tender smile spread across his face, breaking that infuriatingly stoic expression. His childhood friend - and his first love - was now finally his.
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
I've Got You
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x daughter!reader
Word count - 2,751
Warnings - self-harm, bullying, cancer mentions, angst, Goose mentions, mentions of death
Summary - at a low point in your life, your dad is there to help you through it
A/N - hey y'all sorry it's been a while since the last fic I've just been busy. this was an anon request and I hope I did it justice. I did do some research and I tried my best to approach this subject in a way that would be acceptable and I'm so sorry if it's not bc it was not my intention at all. as per y'all, please send requests, feedback and enjoy
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Growing up, you were an outgoing and confident person. You’d be the first person to extend a hand to make new friends at school and try to make sure people were happy. Parents of your fellow pupils, when you were in preschool, had gushed to your dad about how confident and comfortable you were as a young girl when they noticed you give your dad a quick hug and disappear into the classroom while every other child clung to their parents, begging to stay with them.
However, in your final year of high school, people began to change.
Over time, girls in your grade at high school began to turn on you, listening to the whispered words of the queen bee and her gaggle of followers and you became isolated. You tried everything and anything to get someone, anyone to talk to you but everyone turned away from you. You refused to let anyone see that they were getting to you. You were a Mitchell. Mitchells are tough and you knew your dad wouldn’t want you getting upset over something so trivial. You tried to remain tough, but your defences came crumbling down when you reached the security of your bedroom. Your only friend was Bradley, but he was a year older than you, at college, and incredibly pissed off at your dad so it was near impossible to communicate with him. You were sure he hated you too for your dad pulling his papers and you couldn’t blame him. He had every right to be mad.
As the noises and voices in your head grew louder, you started searching for ways to quiet them down, even for just a moment. You tried and failed multiple different ways to keep yourself calm and level. You couldn’t talk to your dad, he was in the middle of dealing with your Uncle Ice’s cancer scare, both men waiting with bated breath for the test results to come back. So, with all his focus on Iceman, you faded into the background, the noise in your head almost unbearable at this point.
One evening, after your shower you caught a glimpse of your razor sitting snuggly inside your shower caddy, gleaming against the bright light of the bathroom as you stared at it. You tried distracting yourself, splashing your face with cold water before changing into your pyjamas but the object continued to call out to you making you squeeze your eyes shut in an attempt to banish the thoughts from your head until they became too much.
Over the coming days, the bathroom and your razor became your escape, the only way for you to temporarily forget what you had been through during the day. Maverick had noticed that you’d been pulling away slightly and had asked if everything was okay, but you were quick to tell him that you were just busy with school work and didn’t really have time to hang out with people while you prepped for your exams. That weekend, Iceman had invited you and your dad around for a barbecue in his garden since it was almost summer, and the San Diego weather was exceptionally gorgeous.
“Have you noticed that y/n wears a lot of hoodies lately?” The hoarse voice of Iceman cuts through to Maverick who had been staring intently at his beer bottle. Maverick winced at his wingman’s voice, sore from the constant coughing fits that attacked the pilot. Maverick glanced across the garden to where you were sat with Iceman’s wife Sarah and a friend of hers, remaining silent as the two women chatted. He then briefly glanced up at the sky, unsurprised to see no clouds in the sky which made him realise how out of place you looked sat next to Sarah and her friend in an oversized hoodie while the two women were in sundresses.
“I also feel like I haven’t seen her much recently either.” Maverick thinks aloud, glancing over at Iceman who sips on a glass of water.
“You should talk to her, Mav. Maybe she needs her dad and just doesn’t know it yet.” Iceman says as he and Maverick watch you carefully, both men realising your smile seemed forced and didn’t meet your eyes in the same way it used to. You used to love spending time at the Kazansky household, usually sticking with Iceman and chatting with him while simultaneously teasing your dad. Iceman figured you chose to sit with Sarah because he’d figure out something wasn’t right too quickly. He was good at reading people, and it was something he had relied on a lot in his lifetime. In taking a step back and just observing, Maverick was able to pinpoint behaviours he’d never seen from you before and could feel the worry tightening his chest with each passing second.
“Mav. Breathe. It’ll be okay. Just, make her feel safe and loved like I know you do.” Iceman urges gently, resting a friendly hand on Maverick’s shoulder and squeezing it softly, fighting the hoarseness of his voice to comfort his wingman. Maverick nods lightly, putting his beer bottle down before crossing over to where you were sitting.
“Come on squirt, let’s head home. We’ve bothered these fine people enough.” Maverick says, throwing a teasing wink in Sarah’s direction who laughs and rolls her eyes.
“You mean you’ve bothered Tom too much. y/n has been an angel like usual.” Sarah says as you get up bidding the two women goodbye with a soft voice and a small smile before crossing the garden to Iceman and hugging him quickly.
“Bye Uncle Ice.” You whisper, pulling away almost as quick as you initiated the hug, barely giving him time to reciprocate.
“Goodbye, y/n/n.” Iceman says, a small smile on his face yet it couldn’t hide the sadness in his eyes at how fast you pulled away from the embrace. Maverick muttered a goodbye to Iceman, giving him a hug and clap on the back before exiting the Kazansky household. You climb onto the back of your dad’s motorbike and wrap your arms around his waist loosely.
“Hey, tight grip kid I can’t risk you falling off.” Maverick says, taking your wrist softly to pull your arm further around him but stopping instantly when he felt you flinch and lets go.
“I got it.” You mumble, tightening your grip around his waist as he flips the kickstand up and begins the journey home. When he pulls into the drive, he turns the engine off and kicks the kickstand back down as you climb off the back of the motorbike. You wait at the front door for Maverick to unlock the door since he was the only one out of the two of you to bring the house keys with you. The second the door is opened, you make a beeline towards the stairs, but Maverick is quick to call you back, making you stop in your tracks and turn to face him as he closes and locks the door behind him.
“Can we speak in the living room, please?” Maverick asks gently, waiting patiently for you to nod lightly and head into the living room with Maverick following behind. Both of you sit on the sofa, a small space separating the two of you.
“Is everything okay, dad?” You ask quietly, worried you were about to receive some bad news.
“That’s actually what I wanted to ask you. I haven’t seen you much recently, and I’ve noticed you wear hoodies a lot more than you used to, especially in this weather when everyone else is in t-shirts.” Maverick asks, making you immediately avert eye contact, focusing on your hands as you instantly start fiddling with your hoodie toggles.
“I mean, you’re the kind of guy to wear a jacket in the middle of summer. I don’t think you’re in much of a position to judge, are you?” You ask weakly, a feeble attempt at a chuckle escaping your lips.
“Yeah, I was asking for that one. But I am worried about you, sweetheart. You’ve locked yourself away and I just want to help. You can tell me anything, you know that don’t you?” Maverick says softly, his eyes filled with worry as he watches you carefully. You pressed your lips shut, not wanting to tell your dad what was going on with you when he already had enough on his plate with Iceman’s possible cancer, Carole passing away recently and Bradley cutting off all contact.
“I’m fine dad, just stressed about school.” You say, plastering a smile on your face to convince your dad that you’re okay.
“Sweetheart. This is a safe space; you can tell me whatever is upsetting you. I know it’s not school because you would’ve gone to Ice about it. He’s always helped you with school work.” Maverick says, his voice never raising or showing any more than his genuine concern.
“I know Uncle Ice is dealing with a lot right now. Waiting for his test results must be terrifying and I didn’t want to bother him.” You say, grabbing at the first excuse that came into your head.
“We both know Ice prefers to be busy and doing stuff when he’s awaiting big news, regardless of whether it’s good or bad news. He would’ve loved to help you with your work. Please tell me what’s wrong, y/n.” Maverick urges softly, his worry reaching an all-time high as you briefly glance at him.
“You’ll hate me.” You whisper, your voice cracking as some tears make their way out of their ducts.
“y/n, I promise you, there is nothing you could say to me right now that would make me hate you.” Maverick says, watching you carefully as you think over his words, taking a deep breath before you speak.
“Recently, a lot of girls at school started picking on me. At first, it was manageable, just whispers in the hallways but they started spreading rumours and I lost all my friends. I felt so alone, no one likes me at school anymore. I know it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. I just hate it so much.” You say, a tear rolling down your cheek as you speak. Maverick reaches out for your hand, pausing when your hand twitches away from his.
“Is there more?” Maverick questions quietly, warning signs flashing in his head at your behaviour, remembering how you reacted on the motorbike as well.
“I started… hurting myself. The noises were just so loud in my head that it was the only way to make it quiet even if it was just for a moment. I just wanted the noise to stop.” You say, tears now flowing freely down your cheeks as your dad wastes no time pulling you into a hug, a hand running up and down your back as he presses repeated kisses to the top of your head.
“Oh y/n/n. I’ve got you.” He whispers, squeezing his eyes shut to stop the tears that threatened to fall at your confession.
“I’m sorry, dad. Please don’t hate me.” You say through your tears, clinging to your dad as he shakes his head against the top of your head.
“You have nothing to apologise for, sweetheart. I couldn’t hate you for this. I’m the one who didn’t notice you were struggling.” Maverick says gently, yet firmly as he squeezes you just that little bit tighter.
“You were busy with so much. I didn’t want to bother you. I just wanted the noise to stop.” You whimper, burying your face in your dad’s chest as Maverick let the tears fall, gently cradling your head to his chest.
“Please don’t ever feel like you’re bothering me. Not about something like that. I love you so, so, so much and I hate that you went through this alone because I wasn’t paying attention to you. I should’ve done better.” Maverick says, his voice breaking as he spoke, giving away to you that he was crying which made you cry harder. You made your dad, the strongest person you know, your hero, cry.
“It wasn’t your fault dad. You’ve been dealing with so much.” You say, reaching up to wipe at your eyes with your hoodie sleeve.
“But I could’ve lost you.” Maverick whispers, every worst-case scenario now flashing through his head.
“I didn’t want to die. I just wanted something to stop everything going on in my head. I swear.” You say urgently, not wanting your dad to think the worst, although you were sure it was too late as you looked up at his face. He remains silent for a moment before speaking.
“I know how that feels.” He says, keeping you in his embrace as you pull away slightly to look up at him.
“You do?” You question softly, unable to imagine your dad in such a state.
“You were only little when Goose died. But when he did, I practically shut down. I stopped training for a while, and I could not stop thinking about how I could’ve, how I should’ve been better for him. I thought about hurting myself then. Just to shut the voices up.” Maverick says, lifting a hand to swipe your tears away.
“How were you strong enough to not hurt yourself?” You ask, you were sure you tried everything you could’ve done to not get to that stage, yet you still did.
“Viper sent me to therapy after the accident. I didn’t think it would work at first but once they got me to open up, it helped a lot more than I could’ve ever thought. Maybe, if you want, we’ll look into finding a therapist for you, to help you through this. You’re not alone, y/n. Not while you have me, Ice, Slider, and the others.” Maverick says, running a hand through your hair. You lift your hand to swipe away at any excess tears Maverick missed and your hoodie sleeve slipped down an inch, exposing part of a scar and Maverick was quick to look away. You hadn’t chosen to show your scars and so he wasn’t going to impose anything on you unless you made the decision. After wiping your tears, you gingerly lift a hand and wipe at Maverick’s face, making a soft smile appear on his face.
“Thank you for being here for me dad.” You say quietly, making Maverick nod.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart. It’s my job. I just want you to know that I’ll always be here for you. You don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything, no matter what’s going on with me. You can always come to me for help.” Maverick says, his gaze never leaving you as he speaks, making you nod in understanding.
“I know dad.” You whisper before a small yawn slips past your lips, it was then that Maverick had noticed that the sun was almost gone, and night had fallen.
“Let’s get to bed, it’s been a long evening. We’ll talk more in the morning.” Maverick says, getting to his feet and waiting for you before the two of you head upstairs. You enter your room while Maverick enters his, both of you getting ready for bed before Maverick knocks on your bedroom door, asking for permission to enter. He finds you already curled up under your covers and as he bends down to bid you goodnight, you speak up.
“Stay. Please.” You whisper, watching as your dad nods and you quickly move over to make room for your dad. Once he’s settled next to you, you curl into his side, allowing him to wrap an arm around you and allowing your eyes to slip closed.
“I love you dad.” You whisper in the darkness.
“I love you too, y/n.” Maverick replies, beginning the action of running his hand up and down your back which lulls you to sleep almost instantly, the final thought running through your head being how grateful you were for your dad, and how much you loved him.
Maverick watched you sleep for a moment, listening to your soft breaths as he continued to run his hand up and down your back. He couldn’t stop thinking about how much you went through without him knowing. But as his eyes slipped closed for the night, he swore that he was going to do better by you, and he was going to make sure you never felt alone again. Because no one deserves to go through that.
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hyukassubi · 2 months
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🍪 02 | Of Roses And Cookies
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♡𓂃 Pairing -> (Former) Knight! Huening Kai x Seamstress! Reader
♡𓂃 Synopsis -> Growing up, you never believed in purpose, nor destiny. Simply following the path of life, becoming a royal seamstress didn't at all seem like a bad idea. Only thing is, it wasn't your idea.
Your best friend who just so happens to be the crowned prince knows what it's like to grow up having limited choices, and Prince Kang Taehyun doesn't want the same happening to you. The commander knight, in turn, has other plans for the future. After Huening Kai closes a profound chapter of his life, he seeks refuge from the chaos of his past, opting for a cozier lifestyle instead.
... And it just so seems that those plans wouldn't be fulfilled without you.
♡𓂃 Wc -> 628
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Tabby hands, scrappy clothes, Mary Janes strapped to your feet where ever you go.
Unlike Taehyun, just like Hueningkai, you did not grow up with a royal background.
Two high school sweethearts that started off as a fling had an accident, that accident being you. Your parents didn’t give up in raising their happy little accident, though. Sure, marriage wasn’t a privilege they had until way later, but you had a great time staying over at your mother’s bakery and your father’s florist nonetheless.
You always did.
The kids at preschool kept talking about the way you smelled.
How, every day, you’d be smelling of sugar and frosting, chamomile and roses, cookies and flowers. Seatmates betting on whether or not that girl will come in smelling like chocolate today, or perhaps pistachio, but then they get it all wrong and the room starts fuming of a lavender haze.
The attention was nice until you begin to notice how talk was all talk and no one really talked with you.
Except for one person— Kang Taehyun.
Boba-eyed, impressively pearly white grin, the face of a baby pumpkin, three year old Kang Taehyun was too adorable to be real.
The baby prince who, to everyone’s surprise, landed in a montessori preschool for toddlers who can barely spell their names instead of a high class Royal Academy for Babies. A small boy like him hadn’t yet any responsibilities bared upon him, anyway. There was absolutely no need to learn basic etiquette nor book-balancing on the top of your head at four years of age. And so, lucky was Taehyun for eating mud in playgrounds and zooming past the teachers in scooters when he should be tucked in a pillowed-up rectangular cribs for naptime.
For now, he was surrounded by village toddlers his age with sacked diapers and snot all over their faces. So, yes, perhaps the girl in the corner of the room dressing up chewed up barbies was a refreshener.
Taehyun whiffs the air, nose pointing to the ceiling, nostrils flared like volcano craters. “You smell nice.”
She looked at him for a second, and then went back to putting paper eyelashes on dolls in skirts and clay blobs for shoes.
Taehyun tilted his squishy-cheeked pumpkin head to the side, eyebrows furrowed in adorable concern. “Do you talk?”
No response.
“Don’t be shy, I think you should talk more. To me.”
You sat quietly for a moment, and… snuck a cookie out of the pockets of your denim overalls.
You split the huge chocolate covered goodness into two uneven excuses of semi-circles.
You gave the bigger piece to the baby prince.
You had always liked keeping the bigger piece to yourself.
The baby prince looked at the cookie, and then you, and then his relatively clean toddler hands, and then back at the cookie.
He grabbed it.
He never left your side since.
You thought you had to get on your knees and bow too after dismounting the carriage to meet the King and Queen at the corridor of the Grand Palace like your parents did.
And then Taehyun said, “It’s okay, a ‘Hello’ is enough for us. And no need to call me ‘Little Crowned Prince Kang’. ‘Taehyun’ is what I go by.” ‘Taehyun’ is enough.”
“What he said.” The King patted his son on the shoulder.
He must’ve been proud.
Your parents did not move.
You had no idea who you were, or what you want or could’ve been besides being the daughter of a florist and baker and the walking aroma therapy in your kindergarten, but you knew the prince had a warm heart and his actions might’ve left you feeling touched.
“Okay.” You replied. “Hello, Taehyun.”
The little prince smiled, and happiness never left him since.
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♡𓂃A/n: My personal favourite line: baby Taehyun sniffing the air and his nostrils puffing up like volcano craters.
What the little toddler reader saw that day:
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FJKHKAUJJEHFOAI I cannot wait for you guys to devour the following baby reader chapters because they're sooooo cute
♡𓂃Tags: @sweetheartsaku @imcringebutimfree @i-like-to-read-at-4am @pengningie @marloree @stormy1408 @blossommi
Reblog & review if you like my work !!
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nicoleheichou · 1 year
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Girl Of My Dreams - Chapter 56: Separated At Birth
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Synopsis: Sakusa was the type to always get things done on his own, but now that he's forced to juggle between his successful pro-volleyball career and being a single dad, what happens when he enrolls his daughter in a new preschool and meets his daughter's new teacher? Will their relationship remain professional or will it evolve into something more?
Lmao I remember getting an ask like a year ago? About the Haitani Brothers being Kenma's guy and I couldn't pass the opportunity up to include them somehow.
Ran is def done with the illegal activities, he's trying to do everything legally now. And yes he was Kenma's guy before he decided to become legit. Rindo now does all the illegal things and thankfully Kenma hasn't had to use his services yet. 🙃
I'm dying at your reactions to the Ran reveal. I'm glad y'all love the little plot twist as much as I do. Lol.
As usual, let me know what you thought! I love reading your comments. Just a reminder tho that this is a secondary blog so I'm unable to respond to comments unless I use my reply account but I'm rarely on there lol. So if you would like a response from me, then a dm or ask is the best way!
TAGLIST IS OPEN. Just leave a comment or send an ask.
Taglist: @taelia15 @dorkange @sexyandcringe @szeonn @natriae @whore-for-anime @diestheticu @loveinhaikyuu @youraggedybitch @mikk-o @erenisms @akisrandom @confusion-lord @aikochan4859 @trashy-simp @somniari-94 @pillboxmb @astrrnmy @all-in-the-fandoms @mattsunnn @kunikame @daninaninani @juniorhooter @crayonwriting @sosiegate @grassbutneo @saaraunicorn @lalalemon101 @sunahyejin @sugusshi @roselleviennesstuff @queen-aria-things @hello0i @oopskashish @wolffmaiden @shakesqueer444 @julia-1901 @blkladyelle @marinarihearts @oikawas-toris @carlgrimm @zekeslefttit @rory-cakes @nomnom21 @noayuusukki @yukimaniac @the-jester-calamity @everytimeswift @morpheus-rex @buns-inhiding
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starrystrawb · 4 months
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The last of the main cast for this AU! Sunset Shimmer!
Name: Sunset Glow Shimmer Nicknames: Sunny, Sun, Shimmer, Sunset
Gender: Female Species: Unicorn
Hometown: Canterlot Current Residence: Canterlot
Occupation: Queen Celetia's Apprentice
Allegiance: Court of the Sun
Special Talent: Sun Magic
Family: Stellar Flare (Mother), Sunspot (Father), Sunburst (Twin Brother)
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash
Personality:  Detail oriented, kinda mean, honest, self assured
Fun facts about Sunset!
Sunset is older than Sunburst by 4 minutes. Sunset is also the stronger of the two. Sunburst has a thin, short horn and isn't able to maintain high levels of magic like his sister.
Sunset has Glass Child Syndrome, something siblings of chronically ill children sometimes when they feel as though their parents favor their ill sibling and ignore them.
Sunset and Twilight met as fillies, and were bonded right away! They've been best friend's since magic preschool.
She loves potion making, it's her favorite thing to do. She adores magic, but she's often found making potions in her free time.
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mingigoo · 2 years
Midnight Kisses || j.wy || (m.) || Part Three
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Part Three ⇢ moth to a flame
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🍓 pairing ⇢ best friend! Wooyoung x single parent! (fem) reader x new flame! San
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↳ you share your space with wooyoung while Nabi starts her first day of preschool. After a heart racing encounter with him, you’re left thinking about not so pure thoughts, and you act on them.
🍓genre ⇢ single parent au, bakery au, best friends to lovers, smut, fluff, slight angst
🍓 chapter warnings ⇢ 18+ themes, MINORS DNI. oral sex (female recieving), fingering, sex toys, wooyoung watches y/n play with herself, kissing, hair pulling
🍓series warnings/tags ⇢this story is 18+, minors dni, talk of death (I’m sorry seonghwa ) relationship trauma, parenting, unrequited love but not at the same time, pining, single parent, loss, learning to love again, wooyoung is a total sass queen, wooyoung as a babysitter/wannabe father, San is a gentleman, oral sex (female recieving), fingering, sex toys, wooyoung watches y/n play with herself, kissing, hair pulling
🍓word count ⇢ 5.9k
🍓total series word count ⇢ 17.6k
🍓 taglist ⇢ @atinywhore @ch0isa99ie @jjhmk @yukine-smx @roe-sinning @meowmeowminnie @yeritheloml @y00nzin0 @yesv01 @spiderrenjunfics @halesandy @shegotboreddsoo @kangyeosangelic @gayliljoong @sanshineeeeee @kodzukein @baguette-atiny @seokwoosmole @nyeatinyjunkie @juliettechokilo @pockyddalgi @justaqueerbufoin @hwaightme @likexaxdaydream @ssaboala @gtr-skyline-lover @miriamxsworld @leeknowsnothing @knucklesdeepmingi @naiify (if I missed you please lmk!!)
Midnight kisses masterlist
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When Nabi was born, you couldn't even stomach food.
Wooyoung sat by your bed some nights, bags under his eyes and his hand clutching yours. He would feed you, make you meals, and clean up after you and the baby. No words had to be said—he just took care of you.
One night, Nabi being about a month old, Wooyoung passed out on the couch, drool dried on both his cheek and his shirt. The drool on his shirt wasn't from him, but rather the sleeping baby in his arms. 
He was sitting straight up, arms clutching onto Nabi for dear life, and his mouth parted as he breathed. His hair was black back then, his natural color, and rested messily on his head as he had no time to care about it.
You had just finished taking your first bath of the week, your hair wrapped up in a towel and your body finally covered in clean clothes—It reminded you that you had to do laundry.
It was too quiet—Nabi was usually a crier. It was nearly impossible for you to get her to sleep before three in the morning, as she would find a way to wail so loud the whole neighborhood would hear it.
Instead of her cries, she snored into Woo’s shoulder. You smiled for the first time in a while as you looked at them. Your eyes wandered to the framed photo of your lover, your stomach tightening and your hands clenched. There was nothing else you could do. He was gone, Nabi would just have to be fatherless. You had no intention of replacing Seonghwa, because at the time, it was impossible. He was someone no one could replace.
But wooyoung never wanted to replace him.
He just wanted to take care of you. To make sure you know you aren't alone.
You picked Nabi up out of his arms, sending him wide awake and eyes on you. 
“Y/n?” he groaned groggily, but sat up straight. His eyes were barely open. “Go rest, I got her. I’ll go put her to bed.”
He reached for her, wiping away the drool off his face as he did. You shook your head, your heart aching that he was here, having to see you a mess everyday, having to pick up after you like you were the baby. “I’m sorry.” you breathed, holding back your tears. “I’m so sorry.”
He frowned. 
“Why? What's there to be sorry about?”
“You're not even…you're not even her dad and you take care of her so well,” you sniffed, holding Nabi close to your heart as you felt your walls crumble in front of your best friend. “It’s not fair to you.”
You were expecting him to say something snarky. Or witty. Or sarcastic. Any way to cheer you up. Instead, he stood up from his slumber, standing close to you as you clutched onto your baby. His hands came up to rest on your arms, giving you a firm, tight, squeeze of reassurance. 
He didn't say anything. He wiped your tears, his usual energetic self down the drain. He pulled you into his arms, along with the baby, and held you ever so softly. 
And as he rubbed circles in your back, he whispered into your ear, 
“I’ll always be by your side.”
It was as if a bomb went off in your mind.
Ever since Wooyoung walked through the door yesterday, you couldn't stop thinking about how he felt to touch. It was never a thought in your mind to feel something like that with him, and it scared you.
Your emotions were exploding—including…sexual ones. He managed to awaken your frozen sex-drive, out of all people. All he did was press his fingers to your lips and Bam! Instantly turned your brain from mom mode to fuck, you need a good fuck. 
What was even more confusing is that you were seeing someone—someone who was super hot and wanted your body and soul enough to wait for you to be ready. So why are you willing to jump Wooyoung’s bones with a single touch? And how come you don't have that same feeling with San?
You were still in bed, fully clothed instead of your usual lack of pants, due to someone’s intense presence. You made wooyoung sleep on the couch, but he ended up falling asleep with Nabi after reading her a story.
So, to your surprise, when you got up to go to the bathroom to wash your face, you screeched when you saw him shirtless. There he was, in all his wooyoung glory, fully naked with only a towel covering his lower half. Water glistened on his chest, his dark hair dripping onto the tile. Your eyes panned across his ribs, seeing his pretty tattoo and smooth abs. You gulped, unable to meet his eyes when you would normally ignore him.
Dear god, y/n. It's not the first time you saw him shirtless.
“Put some clothes on, dammit,” you hissed, unable to see that devious smirk on his face. 
He licked his lips, gripping onto his towel for dear life. “Oh? Why, cupcake, are you thinking dirty thoughts?”
You scoffed, turning to the side to turn the water on in the sink, distracting yourself.
“Oh, please. About you? As if.”
His smile faltered for a second, but it was right back in action after a moment. “You secretly find me ravishing, don't you.”
You cringed. “Ugh. ew. Don't talk like a Victorian woman looking for attention. Put your ankles away.”
He came up behind you as you pumped some face cream in your hands. You immediately felt chills roll down your spine, swallowing hard as his arms caged you in from behind, pinning you to the sink. You felt his warmth, and all your mind could think about was that he was completely naked under that thin towel.
“What if I want your attention?” he hummed, his head on the side of your neck, his hot breath hitting your skin. You knew he was probably trying to distract himself from what he did yesterday. He was always like this—afraid of feelings. 
Wooyoung used to be notorious with women—and men. He was so popular with them that you used to hear so much about him. Of how good he can fuck, how amazing he is with his mouth, blah blah blah. Since Nabi was born, you haven't noticed his bad habits nearly like you used to, and you feel at fault for taking away his fun.
But now, as you were thinking this, why did you feel…jealous of them?
You started washing your face as he caged you in, bending down slightly and paying for it immediately.
Dear god.
“Fucking hell, wooyoung!” you hissed, pushing him so hard he fell back into the wall. You shivered, and then tried to be quiet as you remembered you have a sleeping child in the room next door. “Why the hell are you bricked up? I didn't need to feel that.” 
You still had your face cream on your face, having no inclination to wash it off. You let out an aggressive sigh and grabbed the towel next to him on the wall, meeting his gaze for a moment too long. You couldn't understand his complex expression—his eyes wide and his lips parted. He held his towel close while his hair was messily resting on his head, looking disheveled. You wiped your face off, but the minute you closed your eyes, you had an image of him like you never had before.
You stuttered on what to say next, wondering if you should just leave the bathroom. Wooyoung spoke up again, his voice quiet.
“Its…its the morning. It just happens,” he defended himself, but tried to play it off like the clown he was, as if he didn't just look like a deer in headlights. “Or is it? You're so hot that even your presence turns me on.”
You rolled your eyes, tossing the towel at his face after that comment. “You're so confusing I swear to god.” you walked out of the  bathroom then, mainly to prevent yourself from pouncing on him like an animal. 
You? Wooyoung? Impossible. You couldn't be having these thoughts with him after all these years, it made no sense.
You made your way into the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee, wooyoung still in the bathroom to change, you assumed. You leaned up against the counter, gathering your sanity. His words replayed through your mind over and over again.
“I don't know why it makes me mad to see you with San.”
“Ugh!” you groaned, fisting your hair in aggravation. “So fucking confusing.”
“What is?” Wooyoung was back in your line of vision, thankfully covered head to toe in clothing. 
You sighed, turning around to face away from him and to put your attention on the coffee maker.
“Nothing, nothing,” you reached to grab a mug from the cabinet, racking your brain to come up with another topic. “Oh, I’m sending Nabi to pre-school. She starts on monday.”
He let out a noise of confusion as he took a seat at the kitchen island. “Wait, really? That's awesome. I didn't realize she could go so young.”
You placed the mug under the machine as the coffee began to pour out. “I know, I was told age three is a good age, and she is already so far ahead of her normal percentiles.”
Wooyoung smiled wide. “She’s amazing. What a smart little cookie.” he leaned forward. “She’s so much like you.”
Your heart fluttered, taking a peek at him after he said that. He was looking at you—really looking at you, with hearts in his eyes. You forgot about everything as you stared at him, a smile finding your lips and your body relaxing. “She is, isn't she.”
He nodded, his line of vision dropping to your lips for only a moment. He smiled, genuinely, different from his usual grin. 
You had the urge to get closer to him.
“You're a great mom, y/n.” he acknowledged, unable to look away from you. 
You stared at him, unknowingly looking at him with all the love in the world. He fiddled with his fingers as you gazed into his soul, your eyes softened and his own blinking slowly. You felt it again, that feeling, that you only ever felt with one other person.
You realized then that you were staring, and coughed to break away from your trance. 
“Ahem. Do you want coffee?”
Monday arrived. Wooyoung was still living with you, given that it was only a few days since he got here. You had to take Nabi to pre-school, but she was having a tantrum in the middle of the living room, her little eyes puffy.
“I don't want to go!” she cried, plopping down onto the carpet. “I don't want it.”
You sighed, looking over at wooyoung who was standing next to you. He was working from home on schoolwork today, a pair of cute glasses on his nose. You pleaded with your eyes, hoping his charm would work on her.
Immediately, woo knelt down to get to her level, giving her a bright smile. “C’mon, butterfly. How bout I come with? I’ll even stay if I have to.”
She calmed down slightly, sniffling as she looked at you through her teary eyes. You had done her black hair in cute little pigtails, reminding you of Seonghwa.
“will  mommy be there, too?” she breathed.
Wooyoung nodded. “Yes, me and mommy will be there. We’ll get some ice cream after, too. How about that?”
After a second, Nabi sniffled and nodded, reaching her arms out to him. He grabbed her gently, letting out a sigh. “That's my girl. Let's get a move on.”
You piled into Wooyoung’s car, buckling nabi up in her carseat. Wooyoung watched you from his rearview mirror, smiling lovingly at you without knowing. He caught himself quickly, moving his attention to flicking through the radio stations.
The ride was quiet except the singing of Nabi, both you and wooyoung majorly confused about your feelings.
A few kpop songs later, you arrived at the pre-school, Nabi really taking after your anxious self. She was clutching the seat belt tightly, afraid to unbuckle it—unbuckling means that she has to get out. Of course, she didn't want to leave the comfort of her car seat.
“I know this is new, but it will be okay, Nabi.” you reached to unbuckle the belt while Wooyoung stood next to you, arms crossed over his chest from the chilly autumn air. 
Eventually she stopped putting up a fight, but her pout didn't leave—she looked exactly like a mini version of wooyoung, which now seemed ever present on your mind.
She even had his attitude, dammit.
“Good girl,” Wooyoung spoke softly as Nabi jumped out of the car with help, holding her little hand in his while you shut the car door. 
Your stomach did a somersault as you heard those two words, and you wanted to slap yourself right then and there for getting excited over a man complimenting your baby. For fucks sake, you need to touch some grass.
You walked into the building, holding nabi’s right hand while wooyoung held her left. You looked over at him then, catching his wide smile. He looked down at her as if she were his own—he’s been her only father figure in this whole rollercoaster of a life. Why haven't you paid more attention to him?
All three of you finally made it to her classroom, a colorful, energetic place with a dozen kids running around already. There was a group of parents talking to the teacher, and you suddenly got even more nervous than your own child. 
You swallowed hard, the moment finally hitting you. She was growing up—Seonghwa wasn't here to see it. Your little Nabi no longer needed to be bottle fed, or catered to every moment. You still remember staying up late for days on end, not getting any sleep with Wooyoung by your side. He held your hand every step of the way.
And now, here you were. Both together, but not together. You both stood there, meeting a milestone that a couple would reach. You sniffed back your tears, wooyoung offering you a worried glance.
“Oh? You must be y/n,” the teacher came up to you with a bright smile, his unique appearance immediately brightening you up. It was nice to see such a sweet guy teaching your daughter. It relieved some of your stress. “I’m Kim Hongjoong, we’ve emailed back and forth about Nabi.”
You forced a smile despite your worries. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Hongjoong bent down to Nabi’s level, smiling when he noticed her little pigtails. “Oh, aren't you cute. Are you ready to meet some friends?”
Nabi raised her little eyebrows, looking from you to wooyoung. “Can my parents stay? They said they’d stay with me.”
Wooyoung choked on air, feeling his heart beat faster as those words came out of Nabi’s mouth. She knew her real dad passed away, but did she…honestly consider woo as her parent?
Your eyes widened, but there was no reason to correct her. It would only make her feel different from the others, as all the other kids had happy and healthy parents.
Hongjoong looked up at you and wooyoung, offering you both a smile. “They can stay for a little, yes.”
Nabi was too smart. She knew that meant you couldn't stay the whole time, but nonetheless agreed and let go of both your hands. She turned to you both, Wooyoung looking like he was about to pass out. 
“You promised ice cream.” is all she said, her mischievous eyes piercing into wooyoung's anxious ones.
“You will get your ice cream, butterfly,” he patted her head, and speaking of butterflies, you were really feeling them right about now.
The minute the teacher took Nabi to go play with the other kids, you and wooyoung sat down on tiny little desk chairs while the other parents conversed with each other. It was equivalent to the grown ups table and the childrens table at holiday gatherings, and you and woo, quite literally, were the children. 
At least you felt like it.
You sat with your hands in your lap, picking at the nail polish that was flaking off. You sighed as you watched Nabi fit in just like seonghwa would’ve. 
Just like Wooyoung would’ve.
 It was bittersweet to think about, and after a bit of time passed, you were sure Nabi wouldn't even notice if you got up and left.
“Y/n,” wooyoung hummed softly, catching your attention. He looked different, as his mind was swimming with a whole bunch of thoughts. “I hate to say this, but I think we should head out.”
You gave one last look to your happy-go-lucky three year old, who was looking like the leader of the pack. You nodded, standing up from that uncomfortable chair. “I’ll go say bye.”
As you took a step away from Wooyoung, you paused. Turning around, you faced him and nodded your head back to your daughter with your hand reaching out to him.
“Come with me?”
He sat there, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed. You weren't asking much, other than looking like perfectly in love parents so Nabi didn't feel left out. 
After staring at you for a moment, he stood up, lacing his fingers through yours. It was like the very first time you touched him—your heart began to race. Out of all your years, this was a shock. You got nervous just holding his hand—Wooyoung, out of everyone. 
No thoughts, just the feeling of his skin against yours. Your confusing thoughts began to conflict with your heart as you walked hand in hand to say bye to Nabi.
Nabi saw you coming, and she dropped the toy in her hand after seeing you and woo. She smiled, and made her way over. “Are you going?” she asked, her pigtails a bit messy. A girl that she made friends with came up behind her, a smile on her face.
It was nice to see her getting along with others. Maybe you did a good job raising her so far.
But it wasn't just you.
You looked down at your intertwined hands, wooyoung doing the same. Your head was spinning, but it felt nice to see Nabi happy. “Yes, we have to go now, okay?”
Nabi nodded with a gummy smile, and hugged your legs. “Okay, but I get ice cream later.”
Wooyoung let out a chuckle, his hand tightening around yours. You never wanted him to let go. 
“Of course, butterfly.” he said sweetly, pulling at her pigtail. “We’ll be back to get you.”
Nabi gave you a nod, giving you a little giggle before tossing herself between the two of you for a hug, and then quickly frolicking back to where the fun toys were.
You said your goodbyes to the teacher, feeling like the world was moving too fast around you. In a daze, you found yourself walking down the school’s hallway, still hand-in-hand with wooyoung. He didn't speak. Neither did you. 
When you finally reached the car, you paused on the passenger side, wooyoung still wrapped around your finger.
“She’ll be okay,” he said, tightening his grip. “I promise.”
You looked down at your hands, and for a moment, you didn't want to let go.
Until you did.
“Ugh, don't be sappy,” you shook off his hand, shivering in mock disgust. “I don't like it when you're serious….it's not…normal.”
He stared at you with a slight frown, but didn't say anything. After another moment, that sly look found its way to his face. “Listen, cupcake, your daughter just made more friends in the span of five minutes than you made your whole life.”
There he is, that bitch-ass.
You rolled your eyes and opened the door. 
“Get in and drive, asshole.”
When you got home, Wooyoung said he had to go out for some groceries since he couldn't stand living off apple sauce and coffee anymore. You bid him a farewell happily, knowing that you'll finally have alone time—the time you haven't had since Nabi was born.
The quietness was outstanding. You couldn't remember the last time you could hear the neighbors, or the last time you could relax without worrying about something. So you did what any sane person would do.
Took a peaceful shower. A nice, hot, shower, definitely not an excuse to think about wooyoung in a not so PG way.
The minute the scolding water hit your body, you shivered despite the heat. Letting out a sigh, you thought about the morning, seeing him nearly naked, his dewy hair and curved lips. You wandered to the day before, as his hands caressed you in a way he never touched you before. You should be fantasizing about San, the man you were supposed to be infatuated with. But rather than him, you thought about how wooyoung would kiss. How he would taste. How he would fuck.
Without knowing, your hands found their home on your clit, slowly spinning in circles as you imagined your hand as his. Would he touch you like this? Gently? Smoothly? With care and attentiveness? Would he slowly glide a finger in, curving it ever so slightly, as if he was afraid to hurt you?
You let out a soft moan, water dripping down your face and down your legs as you imagined him in the shower with you.
This wasn't enough.
You finished up washing your hair and body, probably faster than you ever had before. Thank god you were alone, which allowed you time to tip-toe into your room and grab your best friend from your bottom drawer, hidden under a mountain of clothes.
This was so embarrassing. You were going to think about wooyoung, out of all the people, as you got off, but something in your mind told you it was okay. He would probably take it as a major compliment if he found out—which he never will, but still. 
You threw yourself on your bed, on top of the plush covers, and coated your vibrator with a nice amount of strawberry flavored lube, which no one was tasting other than you occasionally just to see how it tastes. Would wooyoung like it? Would he go down on you, looking up through his eyelashes as he made love to you with his tongue?
“Jesus fucking christ.” you hissed, quietly, as if you were scared someone would hear you. Thank god the grocery store was a decent drive away, and Woo was such a dilly-dally that you could finish a few times and clean up.
As you turned the vibrator on, you spared no second on pressing it against your lips, past them, and into your core, causing you to arch your back and moan. You held off on screaming his name, feeling like he’d be able to hear you miles away. You already felt dirty by thinking of him in this way.
The vibrations moved up your body, like ripples of a wave in the ocean. It's been ages since you felt this intense need—it was riveting, you couldn't let go of the feeling. You imagined him touching you, feeling you, kissing you. Entering you. Making love to you. Maybe, just maybe, you could sleep with him just once. Maybe that would help you get this mess you called a mind in check. 
You moaned, the vibrator hitting all the spots he would hit. You imagined his expressions, causing you to let out a sigh of pleasure. Dear god, this was a new low for you. At least he would never see you in this state.
At least, so you thought.
You were too high on a climax to realize he called to you from the kitchen, saying he forgot his card. You were too gone to notice his footsteps close in, and too annihilated to see him standing in the doorway—the door you forgot to close.
“Oh,” he murmured, his eyes wide and his goofiness gone. He’s never seen you like this, legs spread in front of him, naked, gorgeous. He dropped his phone that he was holding in his hand, letting it fall to the ground in shock. “My. god.”
“You heard him, stopping quickly and looking at him, dumbfounded. “....Wooyoung?”
He blinked quickly, his eyes on your body in a way he never looked before. “Now, I know that…that I should be looking away and running,” he swallowed, taking a step into the room. “But shouldn't you also be telling me to leave?”
You didn't know what to do. You kept the vibrator inside you, as if you weren't just thinking it was his dick. Now he was here, in the middle of your high, and you were about to take it as an opportunity. Just once, just once.
You looked at him, wet in more ways than one, seeing him crave you like a moth to a flame. You were going to regret it, but he was too good to be true. 
“Come here,” you whispered, watching him widen his eyes in shock. “Please.”
“Are you…” he hesitated. “Thinking about me? Or is it him?”
You smirked, embarrassed because it should be San. but it wasn't. It never will be.
All you had to do was look in his direction, a needy look on your face.
He didn't say anything. He took a step closer to you, his eyes on you like they never were. He reached the edge of the bed, standing between your legs, his lips parted as he looked like an animal that would devour you. He leaned onto the bed, his knees sinking into the mattress as his hand pushed your leg down, sliding himself into the spot you never thought you'd see him in.
“I swear to god, y/n,” he breathed, sucking in a sharp breath as he sat between your legs. He hesitated for a second, unsure of if he should even be here. “The things I want to do to you…”
You felt intoxicated. Under the influence. It was so strange, and out of nowhere, you felt this intense crave for him. 
He sat there, his eyes on your wetness and his lips parted. Your chest ached as he looked down at you, but then you met his eyes after he didn't answer.
The vibrator was still inside you, as if it was him, and ever so slowly, you began to move your hand, causing him to let out a sound you've never heard from him before. He didn't touch you—he just watched, captivated by your movements, your appearance, your dripping wet hair and naked body.
His hand met the inside of your thigh, feeling the wetness. He groaned softly, clenching his jaw almost like he was in pain. You looked up at him through your lashes, begging for him to touch you more. His breaths began to speed up, fingers clawing at your skin.
“I want to touch you,” he whispered, watching you play with yourself in a way no man has ever seen you. Seonghwa was different—this was different. “Please let me touch you.”
You hesitated despite your ache. You weren't sure what would happen to your relationship with him after this. You couldn't let go of him, in any way, and maybe it was because you secretly had feelings for him.
Or maybe you just needed to be touched.
You met eyes. He took your little nod as a yes, and slowly gripped the sex toy in his own hand. He furrowed his eyebrows, focusing on you and only you. You couldn't help but cry out softly as he shoved it inside you, deeply. You ached, craved that it was him. Yet, the fact that he was the one doing it made it feel a million times better than you could ever make yourself feel.
He was fully clothed, his jeans rubbing against the bare skin of your legs. He leaned forward, his breath unsteady as he held himself over you, looking down at your lips, your breasts, the angles of your collarbones. He let out a sigh as he slowly pulled the vibrator out fully, and sat on the backs of his knees.
You furrowed your brows as he did it, upset that he stopped. He held the toy in front of him, and then looked down at you with an expression you've never fathomed. 
“You know,” he breathed, looking at you with a mischievous glimmer in his eye. He set the vibrator down after turning it off, leaving the space uneasily quiet. “I can make you feel better than that fucking thing.”
You bit your lip as he leaned forward once again, your breath caught in your throat. You've never felt this uneasy, this stimulated. The way he made you feel was like lightning hitting a surface, creating an intense spark of lust you never imagined. Out of all the people, it was him. 
You kept quiet, watching him ravish you with only his eyes. His hand crept up on your thigh ever so slowly, sensually, until he met your core, delicately dancing his fingertips against the skin.
You sighed, arching your back against the bed as he moved his two fingers gracefully. It made you think about how many times he’s done this—he surely knew how to please a woman, and you wondered how many he had to get on top of to master this.
You had the urge to close your legs, your core tightening as he teased you. To your surprise, he stuck his middle finger in, causing you to gasp in excitement.
You saw that glimmer in his eyes once again. It was as if he was pleased with your response, boosting his already inflated ego. He curled his finger inside you, breathing heavily as he kept his eyes on your facial expressions. You shut yours tight as you parted your mouth, unable to see him slide down on your body to press his lips to you.
“Wooyoung,” you breathed, taking in a sharp breath as he pushed his tongue inside you. He gripped your legs and looked up at you as you pulled his hair, smiling into you devilishly.
“Mhhm,” he moaned against you, face contorting in pain as you tugged on his hair. “Strawberry. My favorite flavor.” His words were like kisses to your lips, his nails leaving marks in your skin. Your stomach tightened, swirled at his tone. He was still witty even during a time like this.
You couldn't help but cry out at his touch, his lips, his expressions. He looked at you in a different way than just lust—you couldn't put your finger on it. But one thing was for certain. You were completely infatuated with him, in more ways than one, and now, it was impossible to break away from his charm.
“You taste so good,” he spoke softly, kissing the inside of your thigh. It made you think that he’s kissed you in these spots even before kissing your lips. The thought of this made you want to pull him up to you and stick your tongue in his mouth like it was your home.
Maybe it was all the years without sex, or even touch, that is making you act this way.
Or maybe you loved him. Who knows.
He slid his hands down the curve of your hips as his mouth made love to you. It didn't take long for you to reach your climax, and as it came, you were too high to hear him whispering dirty little words into you. He fingered you quickly, yet smooth enough that you couldn't take it anymore. 
It was as if he had psychic powers—you didn't tell him you were going to come, but yet the minute you reached that high, his mouth was on you, intaking you and getting drunk off your body. He watched your breathing slow as he pulled away, leaving back to take a good look at you.
You had no words. You could barely breathe, nonetheless. He pulled his fingers out of you, drenched in your love, and without breaking eye contact with you, he sucked on them, like a vampire would on its prey. It almost made you want to cry out in another orgasm, but as it passed, your mind wandered to his expression and the fact that you just did that. With him.
You sat up against the headboard, suddenly aware of your lack of clothes and lack of class. You must've looked so desperate for him. You thought that maybe he saw you as an object, or a woman that was taking advantage of his presence.
You gripped a pillow and held it to your body. He frowned, but didn't move from his spot on the bed.
The distance between you was small, physically. You could reach out and touch him. Yet, it felt like the oxygen in the room escaped, leaving you suffocated. His expression changed from mischievous to concerned, and he looked down at the pillow covering the parts he never thought he’d see.
He opened his mouth to speak, but the words barely came out. “Did I do something wrong?” he inquired, his hands gripping onto the blanket tightly—the same hands that gripped you moments before.
You swallowed hard, piecing together an excuse to counteract your actions. “I….I’m sorry about this. Just act like it never happened. It never should have, anyway.”
You stood up quickly, knowing he was going to see you. He was silent while you rooted through your drawer for underwear, and you tossed them on, along with a shirt and bottoms. He stared at you, quietly, and it almost felt like you might have torn his heart right out of his chest. You told yourself you only used him to fulfill your aching sexual desires, but the truth lies deep in your heart—you wanted him in more ways than one.
“So, that…what just happened…” he mumbled, turning to look at you. You swear you saw the disappointment in his eyes. “Was it a mistake?”
You paused. “...yes. It won't happen again. I was just…distracted.”
You turned away from him to make your way out of the room, racking your brain to find an excuse to leave. “I’ll go to the store instead, okay?”
He didn't say anything. He just looked at you, his normal self long gone. He blinked, then nodded, giving you the opportunity to turn your back on him and what just happened.
And yet, even after throwing out that excuse, you still thought about the way he touched you while you made your way to the store. But more than that, your head was spinning with thoughts of him in other ways—ways that scared you enough to shove away the ideas of a romantic future with him.
After all, he deserved more than someone like you. At least that's how you thought.
Little did you know, he was already committed to a life with you forever.
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navree · 20 days
ooh, pls expand on your dae/jae/aeg3 ideas! 😃😃😃
This is what happens when I wake up at 3am due to stubbornly persisting jetlag (pro tip, if you're gonna go to a country that's, like, sixteen hours ahead of your's, just block off a solid week of not doing anything when you get back because your sleep is gonna be FUCKED, my European jetlag has never been this longlasting or this bad), I create Ideas in my head and then use them to help me fall asleep. And it's honestly highly likely I'm actually gonna write something with this, it's quickly moved really high in my ASOIAF fics priorities list, just behind my Dance AU (I really should also write my version of Aegon's Conquest but it would just be so fucking looooooooooong and fall quarter is about to start for me at school anyway).
So, unlike most Greens, I actually quite like Daenaera, sue me, sometimes character are just Your Baby, and she's mine (I've enumerated why here for the curious). But I do understand the narrative issues some people have with killing off Jaehaera to make room for her, so I'm merging the best of both worlds here. A lot of the same things I talk about when it comes to why I like Daenaera's relationship with Aegon can also be applied to Jaehaera, she's also someone who likely would have felt lonely and isolated and deeply depressed after all she went through, and there likely wouldn't be many people she could try and connect with. There's Gaemon, her bastard half-brother, and there's Aegon. But can Jaehaera really bring herself to connect with him, or he with her? Aegon's father sent men to murder Jaehaera's twin and threaten to rape her; Jaehaera's father not only kept Aegon a prisoner but also made him watch his mother's execution via being eaten by a dragon. That's a huge emotional gulf for two children to overcome on their own, and that's where Daenaera comes in. Kids need socialization with other kids, we know this, and given that Daenaera becomes a ward of Aegon's half-sister Baela, her visits to King's Landing to see her brother often include bringing her young charge (I'm also reducing the age difference between Aegon/Jaehaera and Daenaera, because it is rightly weird as Hell that so much emphasis was put on six year old Daenaera being the hottest preschooler in Westeros). She socializes with both Aegon and Jaehaera, since she's on a similar social level, given not just the closeness between the Velaryons and the Targaryens, but her being kind of a member of Baela's family, and thus technically the royal family by extension. And Jaehaera is queen, so it's not unreasonable for someone to go "OK she needs some noble female companions" to allow her and Daenaera to hang out more.
In my head, the first closeness happens between Jaehaera and Daenaera, and not only as a meta-rebuttal to fandom weirdos who wanna pit two little girls against each other like it's One Tree Hill because you've all got big feelings over a fictional succession crisis. But I think Jaehaera would be more openly receptive to friends than Aegon. I mentioned it in my above linked post about Daenaera, but Aegon's one friend in his minority was Gaemon, and he had to be very careful about that friendship because of how Gaemon could be treated, so he was probably recalcitrant from getting close to anyone, along with his other issues. Jaehaera doesn't have that hangup, she's just a lonely girl without any friends, so having someone who's canonically sweet and charismatic enough that her sunny disposition uplifted the people around her would definitely help her out, and make her appreciate Daenaera as a person and want her around. It'd be almost something similar to what HOTD has between Rhaenyra and Alicent, close female companions bordering on homoeroticism and sapphic first loves.
On the Aegon front, a lot of what I talked about when talking about their canonical relationship can also apply here even before a marriage. Aegon's two main relationships to people his age are Gaemon, with the issues mentioned above, and Jaehaera, which does come with its own issues from the Dance. Daenaera would still be the first major guilt-free relationship in his life, someone he can interact with and be close to without feeling the burden of his own sins or the ones of those close to him on his shoulders. And again, along with that same temperament that endeared him to her in canon, and would endear her to Jaehaera in this AU, that's how they draw close and forge their own independent friendship. On all three sides though, it would likely be restrained to something like courtly love, where you can have concretely romantic feelings and even certain minor expressions of those feelings, but you can't ever really do anything, you just pine and have unspoken thoughts about everything. Aegon and Jaehaera are married, to each other, and they're also still growing, considering they get married when they're ten, so even if they grow closer and start communicating about shared desires more, it's still gonna take some time to parse out what it is they feel and what they want. Similarly, Daenaera would also need the time to grow and realize what she wants as well, and what her feelings even are, given that she's also young. And while I've talked about how Aegon and Jaehaera would grow closer to her, even beyond Daenaera being a naturally friendly person, there is something for her in those relationships as well. Companionship with people her age, for one, and a more calming presence from two people who do seem pretty even keeled, if melancholic, after the chaos of her own early life, and a measure of stability after going from two parents to just a father to orphaned to living with Baela.
One thing that would, in my view, firmly solidify the idea that Aegon and Jaehaera like having Daenaera in their lives and want to keep Daenaera in their lives is the secret siege. In canon, Daenaera nearly dies because of the poisoned fruit tarts, it's only because maesters give her something to make her throw up before the poison gets too much ingested into her system that it doesn't, unlike what happened to poor Gaemon. In my head, there's a period of time, probably a couple hours but still, where it's verrrrrrry touch and go for Daenaera and both Aegon and Jaehaera are really worried about her. Because they know death, they've seen death, not only have a lot of their family members died but they have personally witnessed someone not just die but be killed, be murdered. They know what it looks like and they both realize that they don't want that to happen to Daenaera, that she's important to them. After all, when I said "aegon and jaehaera and daenaera as the conquerors reborn", I wasn't just being facetious. I've mentioned in a lot of my Conquerors meta that Rhaenys appears to have been the glue that held her and her siblings together, and I can see Daenaera occupying a similar role. Like Aegon I and Visenya before them, Aegon III and Jaehaera are likely people who would be reticent in expressing emotion, though for different reasons (trauma vs just inherent personality), whereas Daenaera is not. And having kids socialize with someone like that, and learn to socialize with other people, including each other, like that, it's important, and it makes Daenaera important to them, along with the personal feelings that might become involved, especially with them all maturing emotionally and sexually at the same time. Post-secret siege is when I think things would take a concrete turn to the romantic, and given that the most successful Targaryens of all time were very famously in a polygamous marriage, that's when a plan can start forming about bringing Daenaera into the marriage, not unlike Rhaenys getting brought into Aegon and Visenya's marriage.
(though, unlike my headcanon where Aegon and Visenya never wanted each other romantically or sexually due in part to incompatibilities as Visenya was a lesbian, and they both wanted Rhaenys, all three participants in this poly couple would want each other. I think that Aegon and Jaehaera might like Daenaera individually more than they might like each other, cuz again there's a lot of baggage involved, but there's romantic attachment and sexual interest, though to varying degrees, from all parties to all parties)
A marriage including Daenaera also helps deal with the unseen faction of the Dance: the Velaryons. The Velaryons kinda got shafted by both sides in this war. The Blacks in general treated a lot of members of House Velaryon badly in the lead up (Daenaera's grandfather, again, is Vaemond Velaryon. That Vaemond Velaryon), along with Rhaenyra imprisoning and threatening the House head, Corlys, over her own neuroses. The Greens, meanwhile, not only kept a member of House Velaryon as a prisoner (Baela, who is also the current king's sister), but are responsible for the death of a member of House Velaryon through marriage, since Aegon and Aemond killed Rhaenys (fuck you HBO for ruining that team up, sorry I'm done now). The toll of the war on House Velaryon was pretty severe, with wrongs done by both sides, and there does need to be some element of House Targaryen going "my bad" and offering some kind of recompense, especially considering the ways House Velaryon helped both sides with the allegiance switch (also, if we're moving up Daenaera's age, you can have her father be a casualty of the Dance, rather than the Daughter's War). Having a Velaryon at the table, given a prominent seat at the table, can definitely be that, especially someone who is historically pureblood Velaryon, without major Targaryen ancestry who can clearly advocate for House Velaryon. So if the two Targaryen monarchs go "we want this Velaryon as our queen", that can work from a political perspective and allow the match to go forward.
And if we keep the dragons around, which I want to, because I like dragons, that's something that can also connect Daenaera and Jaehaera. Say Morghul never dies in the storming of the Dragonpit, now Jaehaera has a dragon, and we know Daenaera loves dragons, whereas Aegon can't stand them (reasonable, given what happened to Rhaenyra). So Jaehaera can't bond with Aegon about dragons, but she can bond with Daenaera, who'd be very interested in hearing everything about it. If Daenaera wanted to claim a dragon herself, and we know she expressed the desire to have one after seeing Rhaena and Morning in canon, Jaehaera could be the one to help and facilitate that. Not to mention, I put in a response to someone asking who might Sunfyre have allowed to be his rider if he survived Dragonstone (can't find it for the life of me tho, sorry!) that Daenaera was a likely candidate, given that they're both pretty sweethearts. So if I get to be self indulgent and have Sunfyre survive for a bit, Daenaera can connect with him and Jaehaera can have some link to her deceased father, Sunfyre's original rider.
So yeah, these are just a couple disjointed thoughts I had based on that idea, but in my head that's how it should be. I'm sure I'll think of more about them as actual proper adults and reigning monarchs, cuz right now a lot of this was childhood and teen years focused along with a spotlight more on how they got together than how the relationship unfolded into adulthood, but hope you enjoyed the expansion anon!
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banana789 · 1 year
You are Betty's best friend and are crushing have been crushing on Veronica since she arrived in riverdale. You three are really close but you still struggle to talk to her because of how shy you are. Betty decides to help, much to your dismay.
This is set around season 1 and 2 and Archie and Veronica never get together, instead Betty is still crushing on Archie and he likes her back. (Grundy never happened)
Y/n's pov
As I slowly walked through the halls of Riverdale high I kept my head down. I have known the people around me for years yet I only know half of their names and I'm sure even less of them know mine. I generally try to keep to myself. However I wouldn't class myself as a loner, more the shy nerd who prefers fantasy to reality and always has her head in a book. My only close friends being Betty and her group. Me and Betty met in preschool so I find myself more confident around her, more comfortable to be my nerdy self, meaning she has to listen to all my rants about Marvel or whatever book I'm currently reading. But she can't complain after all the lovesick rants I've heard about Archie.
All of this aside me and Betty have always been there for eachother, she was the first person I came out to and I was there through all the nights she would cry over Polly and her family. It was the two of us against the world.
Until Veronica arrived in Riverdale.
However things did not go how i thought. When Betty first told me she would be showing the Veronica Lodge around thought that she would give the tour and that was it. Veronica would instantly bond with Cheryl and the cheerleaders and become the queen bee. But as soon as I saw her in pops that night with Betty and Archie my opinion of her changed.
I slowly sipped on my chocolate milkshake as I sat with Betty and Archie, smiling at how red my friends face was becoming while talking to her crush and at how painfully obvious it was about the unspoken love between the two.
As Betty began to tell Archie how she has been thinking about them and their friendship I suddenly felt awkward at how I was sandwiched inbetween the wall and Betty so not wanting to ruin the moment by asking her to get up so I could leave them alone I got 'The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo' out of my bag and began reading. The conversations happening between the characters drowning out my friends voices. That was at least until I heard a soft unfamiliar voice next to us, asking Pop about an order for Lodge.
I looked up and was met with a pair of beautiful brown eyes looking back at me. The girl gave me a kind smile as she stood at our table, as I saw her eyes flick down to my book I suddenly became embarrassed and kept my head down ,realising how antisocial I must have looked.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Betty nudging my side, pointing her head towards Veronica. I looked back up to the girl with a stunned look .She giggled and gave me a small smile before repeating her question.
'I just asked how the onion rings were here' she laughed.
Shocked that she was even looking at me,I struggled to reply.
'Really good' I replied quietly, shocked I didn't stutter.
I felt myself blush as she smiled and nodded at my reply then ordered a side of onion rings.
As she began to talk with Betty and Archie I once again tried to keep to myself and get my nerves under control simply nodding as she asked us if we went to riverdale high then going back to staring at the front cover of my book that was now laying forgotten on the table.
'Veronica Lodge'
As I heard her introduce herself I was filled with shock, this was the girl who me and Betty were showing around tomorrow. Well Betty was showing her around but I know she would drag me there too, trying to encourage me to be more social. As she shook hands with Archie and began talking to Betty I began to get nervous and gave a pleading look to Betty .She seemed to get the hint and introduced me so I wouldn't have too.
As she declined Archies invite to join us I felt both disappointed and relieved. Before she left she looked over at me and gave me a warm smile.
'That's a great book by the way' she said in a soft voice, then gave me a quick wink and walked away.
After she left both Betty and Archie teased me relentlessly about how red I was , both knowing I had developed some type of feelings towards the girl.
Back to present
I smiled as I replayed the memory from a few weeks ago in my head.Since then Veronica had hung around with us a lot and I found myself becoming more confident around her. I had even ranted to her about Wandavision once. She made a comment about how cute I was when I talked about it.
Her and Betty had also convinced me to join the River Vixens. However by convinced I mean they literally dragged me to the gym. There were several threats from Betty about burning my favourite book but Veronicas puppy dog eyes alone had me agreeing.
I was once again pulled from my thoughts as I felt a familiar raven haired girl appear at my left and loop her arm through mine as I felt my face already beginning to blush.
'I though we were meeting at my locker?' She asked in an adorably confused voice. As she pulled us to stop and stand by a classroom door.
'We are ... I was just heading there now' I said quietly, proud I didn't stutter.
'Well you walked straight past me' She said a she giggle shaking her head.
' Honestly, you need to look where your going or one day your gonna get yourself hurt' she scolded softly , looking into my eyes.
'Oh haha sorry' I said rubbing the back of neck giggling.
'Adorable' I heard her whisper under her breath with a smile.
'We should get to the locker rooms , Cheryl's gonna kill us if we're late' She said.
Once again looping her arm through mine and pulling me down the hall. As I stood still flustered from the Adorable comment.
As we strolled into the Vixens locker room we were shocked to find the usually busy area completely empty.
'Oh crap, it must have started early' I said panicked as I did not want to suffer the wrath of Cheryl.
'Hey hey don't worry, she didn't tell us so we did nothing wrong. Maybe everyone else is just late.' Veronica said , rubbing my arm, trying to reassure me.
' Let's just get dressed and go to the gym' She said with a smile.
I nodded and slowly walked over to my locker next to Veronicas. I opened it up to get my cheerleading uniform out trying to reassure myself that Cheryl would not be mad. She was really scary.
I jumped as I heard Veronica gasp beside me. I looked over and saw her looking at the inside of my locker. In it were pictures of various movie characters, as well as pictures of me with my friends, including one of me and Veronica that we had recently taken at Pops. I quickly slammed the locker shut , embarrassed. I'd forgotten I'd put that in there ,what if she thought it was creepy.
'Awwwww you have a picture of us , that's so cute' she gushed with a big smile on her face. As she gave me tight hug. I once again began to blush.
'Can I see the others?' She asked as I was now holding the locker door closed . Stupid faulty lock.
I suddenly shook my head with a pout , embarrassed that she might also see all the movie pictures, even though she already knows I'm a nerd.
She smirked and squinted her eyes at me .Giving me a determined look as she tilted her head .
Uh oh . This was the same look that had she'd given me the other night.
I sat next to Veronica as 'Notting Hill' played on the tv. I had been fighting to stay awake for the past 20 minutes. Personally I didn't like rom coms , I prefer superhero films or just tv shows .I also found then unrealistic but that just might be me being bitter about my non existent love life. But this was my first sleepover alone with V and I wanted her to be happy so I agreed to watch it.
I suddenly heard a loud gasp next to me and felt a pillow get thrown at my head. I jolted awake and sat up , looking over to see Veronica glaring at me with an offended look on her face.
'How can you be asleep?!! This is one of the most romantic movies of all time? ' She exclaimed.
I giggled at the shocked look on her face and quietly replied
'I don't know, I think Rachel getting off the plane for Ross is better' I said with a small smile on my face.
Veronica gasped loudly again and glared at me. My smile dropped as she got up from her seat on the floor in front of the tv and began making her way over to me on the sofa. She smirked and squinted her eyes at me, giving me a determined look as she tilted her head.
Before I knew it she has pinned me to the sofa, kneeling on my arms and looking down at me with an evil smile. She slowly leant down and whispered in my ear .
'Take that back'
I was basically going into gay panic at this point but for some reason I replied with a 'never'.
Veronica sighed and pouted but just as I though she was going to get up she suddenly began relentlessly tickling me .Running her hands all over my ribs and stomach ignoring my squeals. Only shouting over my laughs for me to take it back . As I felt myself becoming breathless she stopped . She looked into my eyes. That evil smirk still on her face .
'Now ,are you ready to admit that this movie is sweet and romantic or do I need to find out if you feet are ticklish.' She threatened once again holding her hands up in the air. I gasped knowing my feet were extremely ticklish and whispered what she wanted me to say.
'I'm sorry what was that I couldn't hear you?' She said with laugh
' Notting hill is sweet and romantic' I said, slightly louder.
Veronica smile at her victory and looked down at me .
'Sorry about that' She said with a laugh, then she leant down and kissed my forehead .I once again felt a blush on my cheeks.
I felt my eyes travel down to her lips and noticed hers lingering on mine too. I slowly felt her beginning to lean in before we were interrupted by the sound of the oven going off.
' Oh the pizza I forgot' she said with a laugh as she jumped off me and ran to the kitchen . Leaving me on the couch flustered .
'Greys anatomy is more romantic tho I mumbled as I sat up.
'What was that?' She shouted from the kitchen.
'Nothing' I yelled back , not wanting a repeat of what just happened. Well not the tickling part anyway.
Present day
I quickly began to retreat as I saw Veronica step towards me and reach her hand towards my ribs. Instantly opening the locker for her, she looked at me with a smirk as I once again began blushing .She smiled as she saw a picture of me Betty, Archie and Jughead as kids. Her smile turned into a smirk as she saw a scene from Notting Hill amongst the pictures of scenes from my favourite movies at the back if my locker .
'Ha I knew you'd like it' She stated with a victorious smile. I had mainly out that in there because of made me think if Veronica but I had to admit that the movie had grown on me.
'I still think Rom coms are unrealistic though, I mean I dont even have the confidence to tell you I like you now , let alone after a big fight . ' I gulped as I realised what I had just said . Fear consumed me as I froze on the spot and quickly looked down to the floor . I had just told Veronica I liked her . We hadn't even known eachother for a month and we were becoming really good friends and I've ruined it. I was consumed by panic as I realise I could have ruined Betty's friendship with Veronica too .
I was brought out of my worries by the feeling of a soft hand on my chin, gently lifting my head up so that I was gazing into those beautiful brown eyes.
'Don't worry, I haven't had the confidence to tell you I like you either. I'll admit that part is a little unrealistic sometimes.' She said with a loving smile as she tucked a stray piece of hair being my ear. Before leaning in and giving me a soft kiss on the lips. She slowly pulled back and looked onto my eyes.
'Y/n , you are the most adorable little nerd I have ever met. And before you get insulted that I called you a nerd I want you to know I mean it as a compliment. I really like watching you rant about Marvel and watching you cute expressions when your reading a book. I really like the way you will sit through a Rom com because you know it makes me happy and how flustered you get when I compliment you. Exactly like you are now. But most importantly I really like you. I was hoping that maybe you would like to go to the movies with me on Friday? We can can watch the new Doctor Strange and I promise if anything bad happens to Wanda I'll listen to you rant about it afterwards and cuddle you during the film'
At this point I was as red as a tomato. Scratch that I was even worse .I stood there with my mouth open as I held onto Veronicas hand that had moved it's way down to my waist . Suddenly realising I had been quiet for quite some time I suddenly began stuttering out an answer
'Uh .. yh ..I mean ... yes definitely ... Sorry V I would definitely love to go ... kinda scared for the movie tho ... But yes definitely '
Veronica cut me off with a laugh and a peck on my lips. Stopping my nervous ramble .
The sound of a cough at the doorway cut us off as we both jumped apart and saw none other then Cheryl Blossom stood at the doorway. I quickly hid behind Veronica , not wanting to face the gingers wrath as we were definitely late for practise.
'What are you two doing in here , I told Betty to tell you practise was cancelled today' She said in a frustrated tone.
Me and Veronica both gasped as we realised that Betty had probably 'forgotten' to tell us knowing we would be alone in here together.
'Sorry Cheryl we weren't told' Veronica explained as she pulled me out from behind her.
'Ok whatever 'She said harshly. Then in a softer tone she added
'I wont tell anyone by the way. Even though it's been painfully obvious that you two lovebirds are crushing on eachother.'She said with a laugh as she walked out.
Me and Veronica both gathered our things and walked out, holding hands.
'Ok I need to go speak to my English teacher so why don't you go and meet everyone in the cafeteria and I'll see you there'. Veronica exclaimed as she gave you a peck on the lips. She knew we how much you hated talking to teachers.
'Finally' We heard a voice say behind us. As we turned around we saw Archie stood there with a big smile plastered on his face .
'You knew we liked eachother?' Me and V both said, shocked that everyone seemed to know except us .
'Of course I did, congrats guys. Ive gotta go but i want details later'He said with a laugh as he headed to football practise.
'Hey Archie' I called after him , an evil idea popping into my head .
'Betty wants you to meet her at Pops after school. She has something she needs to tell you' I explained
'Ok tell her I'll be there 'he shouted back as he jogged to practise.
'But y/n we're meant to meet Betty at Pops... ?'
She gasped and lightly slapped my shoulder realising my plan. Shocked to see this new side to me.
'She did it to us' I replied with a quiet giggle.
Veronica giggled and leaned in to peck me on the lips
'And I'm so glad she did'.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
I just need a random ass conversation with Eddie about your child’s school calling you for something ridiculous. Thank you and I love you☺️❤️
Hiii babes!! Ask and you shall receive, I did a few because I can’t help myself and also I love you more💖
*these are indeed random and ridiculous so enjoy Eddie being a menace and also a proud girl dad*
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“She wanted them” “So? She also wants a pony and to be the queen of middle earth.” “I mean there can’t be a Queen of all middle earth that’s like not a thing.” “Edward.” “Sorry but what’s the big deal? They look cool.” “She walked into preschool with a skull tattoo on her neck and a sword on her arm.” “I mean…they wash off.” “She can’t go back until they are gone.” “Oh god forbid someone wanna show a little character and individuality at that stuck up school.” “Eddie she’s four.”
“Wait she did what?” “She walked around singing a certain song that the teacher just thinks isn’t the most appropriate.” “What song?” “Wild side.” “Motley Crue? Who’s been letting her listen to that shit?” “I’m expanding her horizons Eddie don’t be rude.” “Well look at all the good that’s doing for her.”
“She can’t wear that jacket.” “Sweetheart is cold as hell outside she has to wear it.” “I’m aware how cold it is Eddie but the last time she wore that she accidentally hurt someone with the spikes on it.” “You’re fucking with me right now.” “I wish I was.” “It’s a jacket…how did she hurt someone with it?” “She’s crafty” “She’s a violent little thing isn’t she? Wonder where she gets that from.” “I’d smack you if my hands weren’t full.” “Actually I don’t wonder. I know exactly where she gets it from.”
“Guess what our genius little girl did at school today.” “Good or bad?” “Good.” “Oh that’s a switch up.” “Baby don’t say things like that she can’t help she’s just misunderstood and forced to go to that lame ass preschool.” “Eddie it’s Hawkins there’s only two preschools we got to choose from and you liked this one the best because it had a better playground. But what did she do?” “Well it was like a lesser of two evils type of choice. But she got like one of those weekly awards the teacher gives out for being helpful!” “I’m gonna cry.” “That makes two of us.” “We aren’t totally fucking up this parenting thing then huh? If she’s winning awards for being helpful.” “Nope we aren’t totally fucking it up. I’d say we are doing pretty damn good but then again she makes it easy.”
“Some little shit pushed our baby off the swing set.” “Eddie it was an accident he was pushing her and she just slid off the seat.” “Nope I’m not buying it. This was premeditated. I just know it.” “Premeditated? You’re being dramatic.” “I bet it was the same fucker who stole her crayons last week.” “Edward Munson you can’t call a little kid a fucker.” “I’m gonna get to the bottom of this.” “Please enlighten me on what you’re going to do when you find out who did it?” “I’m gonna give their parents a piece of my mind” “Oh you will?” “I mean…I’ll stand behind you while you do it…” “That’s what I thought.” “I can’t help it that our little girl’s mom is ten times more intimidating than her dad is.”
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mihrsuri · 7 months
Grishaverse kidfic ballet AU, ± modern with (dance?) magic
Kaz has to be the Ballet Dad because Inej has to work up to being able to support her children in their "if anyone hurts them there will not be bodies to find" hobby.
(the kids have a good school with kind and non-awful people. They still have to earn Inej's trust.)
Listen that baby ballet class is the Most Fucking Protected Class Ever. Also Kaz Brekker is so good at doing his childrens hair I refuse to believe otherwise - he will be death glaring any so called dads who refuse to parent. He and Nikolai are Ballet Dad’s Together because the Grisha-Crows-Nikolai Polycule/Found Family is real and listen, with Totally Not The Queen Of Ravka And Her Spouses Investment in public infrastructure the fast trains between Ravka and Ketterdam especially take like thirty minutes max.
Which does mean that with two toddlers, a preschooler and actual babies with Grisha powers, one of which is focused on dancing there is absolute adorable chaos.
(Listen Aunt Genya is sewing The Best Costumes For The Recital as well)
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brightkidsamerica · 5 months
Best Preschools in Queens | Bright Kids of America
Discover the best preschools in Queens at Bright Kids of America. Our website showcases top-rated preschools in Queens, ensuring your child receives quality education and care. Find the perfect fit for your little one with our comprehensive list of Best Preschools in Queens. Start your child's educational journey with us today!
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centrally-unplanned · 4 months
(As I close tabs) I thought the South Korean Small Businesses Suck blog post that was going around recently was very good for a "facts on the ground" summary - its a shockingly inefficient market sector, absolutely propped up by government largess and also simply part of an economy uninterested in allocating investments to fixing it and a society comfortable with that level of inefficiency. Its true low-hanging fruit that is difficult to pluck in the sclerotic age of today.
I am less convinced its a big part of the fertility transition in South Korea. Not zero, sure, but its big idea is that everyone is stuck in red queen races for the jobs at the best firms because the small business firms pay so badly. And that just isn't how people/societies tend to operate? People optimize their decisions but not that much, they don't have clear views of their future probability-adjusted wages ands are "studying more" in South Korea because the consequences are less. I think everyone rat races in a ton of societies, and there are other reasons that in the US or Japan that cuts off at a certain point while in South Korea it keeps ratcheting up.
And once someone is 30 and working at these small businesses they aren't in the main desperately clawing to switch over to samsung. That does happen in places! Look at Indian civil service exams takers, just sitting in abeyance waiting for retest opportunities for years wasting their time. It can happen, it just isn't what South Korea looks like. They switch over to their own career tracks, and are doing like crazy levels of after-work training to keep up at the low paid preschool or whatever. Huge numbers of people in South Korea don't go to college, or do vocational schools! Is their fertility higher? I haven't seen any evidence that is the case, or at least not by very much (like in most places lower income people have slightly higher fertility, I agree this plays a small role).
South Korea should fix this to be richer as a nation and more equal as a society; I think fixing their fertility woes is going come primarily from elsewhere.
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So while writing the next two chapters I’ve realized there’s a lot of extra info I haven’t added so I’m gonna make this a second info page for Juno, broken down into sections!
- Juno Marsh is the daughter of Sharon and Randy Marsh, and twin sister of Stanley Marsh, younger sister of Shelley Marsh. She is the youngest in the family.
- She lives in South Park Colorado next door to the Broflovski’s
- She had mid length raven black hair, and deep blue eyes.
- She owns a dog named Sparky.
- She is friends with her brothers friends, though her closest friend is Kenny McCormick.
- She is a junior at South Park High.
Kenny McCormick - lead guitarist in the band Crimson Dawn. Best friends with Juno Marsh since preschool. Was turned mortal in 5th grade after a mission to defeat his curse set out by him and Juno, where they broke him of his curse. Big pothead, but not to the point where it’s a problem. Dumb on the outside, but is actually really smart. Works a job to provide mostly for his little sister. Karen adores Juno. Kevin McCormick and Shelly Marsh have been dating for 3 years, and were set up by Kenny and Juno.
Stan Marsh - lead singer in the band Crimson Dawn. Still best friends with Kyle. Short tempered, but actually very sensitive. Hates his family lovingly. Has depression, takes anti-depressants. Has an alcohol problem, though he’s trying very hard to fix it. Refuses to take off his hat, Juno had to get him to wash his hair more. Not as greasy as it was when they were kids, but not the best.
Kyle Broflovski - Has been in love with Juno Marsh since the 4th grade. He fell first she fell harder. The smartest in the class. Is on the varsity basketball team, number 19 (Juno’s bday). Still wears his hat all the time, hates his hair but has warmed up to it more. Hates anything to do with alcohol or drugs. Designated driver always. Helps his brother with homework. Babysits Ike with Juno frequently. An awkward teenage boy, though a lot of girls have crushes on him (including Juno).
Eric Cartman - Still an asshole. Is trying his best. Has chilled down a lot since 4th grade. Was put on medication and sent to therapy after being diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder, with the help of Juno. Almost flunked out of high school, Juno tutored him which led to discovering his mental illness. Is surprisingly a lot better after starting medication. He pretends not to tolerate anyone but actually has a soft spot for his friends. Is slowly working his way up to being forgiven, even by Kyle. Forgets to take his meds and can be insufferable when Liane doesn’t remind him.
Butters - still the sweetest boy alive. Was diagnosed with autism, with Juno’s help. Brought both Juno and Kenny to Hawaii, they’re his favorite people. Juno is the only one allowed to call him Leo. He’s softened up a lot after discovering that he isn’t crazy his mind is just a little different. Owns a cat named Oatmeal, she’s basically his service cat.
Craig Tucker - Cousins with the Marsh family (Laura is Randy’s sister). Very close with Juno, has a fake rivalry with Stan. Smoking buddies with Juno and Kenny.
Tweek Tweak - works for tweak bros with his family. Juno and Craig convinced him to form a new recipe for coffee, and has slowly derailed him from his meth addiction. He still has raging anxiety but is getting healthier. Tweek and Craig have been together since 4th grade.
Wendy Testaburger - Has been dating Stan off and on since 4th grade. Good friends with Juno Marsh, even if her and Stan are on a break.
Stick of truth:
Story will come later!
Juno is known as Princess Juno of the Nine Realms, Princess Juno for short. She is “married” to the elf prince Kyle, which United their kingdoms and made them king and queen.
Fractured But Whole:
Story will come later!
Juno is known as The Gemini.
Her abilities are cloning, power replication (can temporarily take the powers of an individual), yin and Yang ( damages all enemies but strengthens all teammates), and water manipulation. She had started her own super hero team against Coon and Friends titled Supers of Terrific Dare (STDs) with members; The Gemini (Juno), Mysterion (Kenny), Call Girl (Wendy), SheWolf (Annie), FashionMonger (Bebe), Barbaria (Red),
Nightshade (Nichole), Henrietta, Michael, Pete, Super Craig, Wonder Tweek. (Yes she gained girl and goth alliance, making her the strongest group)
More of the girls superhero’s I came up with come later in a character chart!
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I myself am entirely made of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.
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basic info about me:
@for-the-throat -> @nightshade-and-frogs-breath
names: Crybaby/Theory/Wirt/Victor/Wylan/Jesper/Spike/Ellis/Auggie/Barr-el/Lock/Orpheus/Seth/Sal (Vic, Theo, or Vicky are okay too :) )
nonbinary- he/they/blur
sexuality: probably aroacespec I don’t fucking know at this point 💀
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I do have a writing specialty (aka my guilty pleasure), which are sickfics and whump, most of the time for specific characters.
!!Please note that I am a minor!!! (so y’know don’t be weird)
the dni criteria is pretty basic (dni if you’re ableist, racist, homophobic, etc.)
cringe culture is not a thing, fuck that
sideblogs, because I get bored: @seths-still-talking-somehow (main sideblog), @sankta-inej-the-pirate-queen (Inej themed sideblog) @kazbrekkers-left-eyelash (Kaz-themed sideblog), @a-sacred-ash-tree (Matthias sideblog) @i-kinda-like-your-stupid-face (Jesper sideblog) @the-queen-of-mourning (Nina sideblog), @not-all-poisons-have-an-antidote (Wylan sideblog)
some of my awesome amazing oh-so-talented mutuals!!!- @sorebelflower , @aestophobia , @willsperotruther
some of my interests:
Six of Crows
Bungou Stray Dogs (current hyperfixation)
(things I’m still interested in but less interested)
The Stanley Parable
Ride the Cyclone
BSD RP blogs I run:
Kenji Miyazawa ( @undefeated-by-the-storm )
Ace ( @my-madness-lieswithin-thesecards )
Poe (17) ( @black-cat-inthe-ruemorgue )
Akutagawa (BEAST) ( @dont-chase-the-beast )
Spade (OC) ( @seventh-of-trades )
Ethan (Spade) (OC) ( @third-in-the-deck )
Royalty AU Spade ( @shovel-and-arrow )
Eloise Lucian ( @get-necromanced )
Preschool AU Eloise (4) ( @itty-bitty-necromancer )
Circus AU Yosano ( @the-magician-is-in )
Media Industry AU Dazai ( @just-take-the-photo-mackerel )
Stageplay Kunikida ( @doppo-idealist-poet )
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asks are always open!!
vic’s reblogging again: basically what it sounds like lol
vicky’s being emo again: vent/rant tag
vicky answers: answering asks!
victor’s dumb thoughts: stuff that I talk about
eye boy 🧿, connie candy 🍬, dark jade 🧷, stargazer ⚰️, finley 🕸: mutual tags
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algolagniaa · 6 months
1 3 27 35 50 📚
best book I’ve read this year was Piranesi by FAR thank you so much for that
idk that I have a favorite fantasy subgenre, I’m picky about fantasy but the two things about it that are musts for me are a sense of wonder and magic and well written female characters. just those two things are rare enough so if a story has those idc about much else….. but thinking about it a bit I think I like mystery stories with a fantasy setting
I learned to read very early as a kid so my very first memory of reading a book was in preschool, it was some picture book about cloud fairies and I remember being insecure bc I didn’t realize the other kids couldn’t read yet so I was sitting there actually reading while everyone else was flipping through pages looking at pictures and I couldn’t believe they were reading so fast compared to me. the first actual title of a book I remember reading was Ramona Quimby age 8 and 8 seemed so old to me lmao
I have two least favorite tropes but probably my most hated is shoehorned in straight romance!!!! I HATE when I’m interested in the actual plot and suddenly it derails and I have to read about some boring dude!!!! my other most hated is badly done faeries who don’t act the way faeries actually act
told you about this already but I really want to read a book about a perfect pure archetypal princess character who has a descent into evil and becomes a witch or an evil queen in her own rite
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