#Best Portable Washing Machine
shyamnews · 1 year
Best Portable Washing Machine UK - Top 5 Picks
In this article, we will talk about the best portable washing machine uk. If you are also looking for a portable washing machine for your home use, then you must read this article till the end. A portable washing machine is designed for people living in apartments or small homes. This appliance can be easily moved from the closet, kitchen, or bathroom and connected to the tap while washing…
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quantastictech · 2 years
9 Best Portable Washing Machines That Take Another Level That'll Make Your Work Easier And Quicker
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theinfamousdoctorf · 3 months
You’ve officially convinced me to buy some cheap felt and make a few plushies how dare you /lh
That's excellent! But I would recommend working with cheap fabric over felt. Felt can be frustrating and it tears easily if you try to work it inside out. Also it's better sewn with strands of embroidery floss or thick crochet string. [I use a blanket stitch. Look at the jester shoes on my plushies to see how that looks.]
And as an aside; for anyone who attempts my DCA pattern- it's actually a decent first project because you'll learn how to -Work on things on the wrong side and turn them right side out. And add features by putting extra pieces into a seam. Which is basic plushie stuff. -Do a small amount of applique and see how you feel about it. [Some people find it frustrating.] -Sew buttons on. -The bare bones of how pants are constructed. -Use stuffing and make doll joints by leaving parts pinched/sewn and without any. -Make a crude ruffle. It's a nice quiet hobby that's fairly portable. And at the end of it you have a little guy. None of this pattern requires a machine and if the fabric you get is thin, then it'll just put up less resistance when sewn by hand. HOT TIPS - Do not sew hand-dyed-type batik fabric with a needle and thread. It looks like regular cotton but it's very dense. - Best place to get a sewing machine is Goodwill. Look for the heaviest metal machine you can find. Singer and Kenmore are the best. And places still exist to get them tuned up and fixed if needed. - When stuffing tear small bits of fluff and poke them into little crevices with a chopstick or similar. Don't over-stuff. Keep it light. - Ignore tutorials that sew stretch fabric on a regular sewing machine. You won't get good or durable results. You need a Baby-Lock sewing machine for stretch fabric. Turn your current t-shirt inside out and look at the seams. It makes a four thread seam just like that. - Slick fabric paint needs a minimum of four hours to cure. Don't try to cheat this, you cannot touch it until it's dry. If you're painting on something that's not flat; pin it to some Styrofoam like you're dissecting a frog to prevent accidents. - Always wash fabric before use. It's okay to stomp cotton/poly around in the shower with whatever soap comes off you hair and just hang dry. Don't use the finished edge of the fabric for anything. Just cut it off and pitch it. - Paper clothing patterns can be ironed flat on the lowest setting. Go quick and don't push hard. ALSO - You guys can always ask me anything if you get stuck! My grandma and my mother taught me the basics and I figured out quite a bit on my own. :)
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violetsandshrikes · 4 months
your hairbrush article was so helpful how often do you do that? Is there anything else like that you do?
Sorry for sitting on this ask for like a week, I wanted to make sure I answered it properly!
I usually soak my hairbrush as per the article once a month, and give it a quick clean + remove hair every week (using shampoo + running water and let it air dry), but my hair is super thick and gets oily so you can alter that depending on what works for you/also the quality of your brush because overdoing it can damage longevity.
Honestly, little cleaning and care things like that usually take a while to pick up and add to your schedule, so adding on at a time over a longer period is usually the best way to incorporate them! Plus you learn things from other people or experience that you never considered.
I also:
• Soak things like tweezers, tongue scraper, razors, etc weekly in a hot soak with chlorhexidine + rinse with running water and dry (also this is a good time to clean out any containers you might keep things like toothbrushes in)
• Either soak or machine wash things like body brushes, exfoliators etc with either chlorhexidine or disinfectant + let air dry
• Clean piercings weekly, soak and clean as per above
• Soak water bottle in hot water and soap weekly + rinse + let air dry
• Every few months I make a point of deep cleaning shoes (sometimes I do this more in-depth and/or more frequently especially if I’ve been on conservation land or I’m limiting contamination from animal habitats)
• Clean out my purse/bags weekly (anything like wrappers and receipts removed) + make sure I have hand sanitiser + make sure I have things stocked I keep in my bag (Panadol, ibuprofen, a few masks, some pads/tampons, protein bar, small portable battery)
• I will also try to at least weekly wipe down my wallet/phone/keys/etc with antibacterial wipes
• Monthly soak of sports bras (+ any other clothes you tend to sweat in) with hot water and soap + rinse + wash as normal
• Wipe down with hot water/soap any bottles I keep in the shower (+ sometimes a small amount of bleach after) to keep nasty residues to forming, even ones I can’t see
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cleverthylacine · 4 months
Mending clothes is great, but what if you can avoid it by taking care of them?
I have been reading a lot of posts on this site about mending clothes and that is great and awesome. I also agree that you should avoid fast fashion retailers if you can find the things you want elsewhere at a price you can still afford.
But being an old lady, I have clothes that I've owned for 20 years. Or more. And they're fine, and most of them haven't required any mending. I have blouses from Forever 21 that I bought in 2012 (I know this because I bought them when Erin was living with me, before I met her I never even went in there lol). And they're fine. The fabric doesn't always look exactly the same--sometimes it developd a softer feel and a vintagey slightly weathered look but I actually really like that.
I have two blouses from Shein--one that I just saw and liked, the other because I had to find a dark green lolitable blouse in a hurry--and I'm confident I'll still have them in 10 years. (I own very little from Shein, their labour practises are probably horrible and I try to avoid wearing dupes that may have stolen art on them, but basically they are just another taobao reseller.)
Here are some tips for keeping your clothes alive without mending. Mending is awesome and visible mends on jeans and jackets are the bomb, but maybe you don't want randomly placed colourful embroidery on your white victorian style blouse--you just want to avoid getting it torn in the first place.
The tumble dryer is generally not your friend. Particularly not used with blasting hot air. I don't own one, though I will go to a laundromat to use one if I am washing something bulky and thick that might mildew before it gets dry, like a comforter. But even with jeans--they may be a little stiff when you first put them on after air drying, but the tumble dryer enlarges stretchy jeans by killing the elastic in them and shrinks non-stretchy jeans. It also sets stains if your first wash didn't get them out and you throw your clothes in without looking.
I use a Haier portable washing machine without an agitator for things I do not wash by hand. (I do not wash heavy cotton lolita dresses with skirts that are wider than I am tall by hand. I do not wash jeans by hand.) That's the tall thing in the middle. Agitators damage clothes over time. They are good for getting out dirt sometimes, but even better for getting out dirt is not over-filling the washer, so that all the soap/detergent and water goes through all of the fabric.
Shout colour catcher. Always use one if there are any bright or dark colours in your laundry load. It prevents dye from these clothes from getting into your light coloured clothes.
Wash blouses and lingerie by hand if you can.
If your clothes do not smell, are not stained, and you haven't spilled anything like citrus on them that will come back to haunt you later, air them out, don't wash them yet.
If you get a stain or citrus on your clothes, spot clean immediately if you can and take them off, soak them, and then wash them out by hand ASAP. Don't put anything stained in the dryer if you can avoid it.
Pit smell bad on something you wore too long in the hot sun or working a convention dealers room? Gorgeous clothes in a thrift store with pit smell? Laughed too hard or had an asthma attack and there's pee in your underwear? Work in a hospital? Have a baby to care for? This is why you should have Nature's Miracle Just for Cats! whether or not you own cats. This wonderful product is designed to remove the very strong smell of cat piss from things with enzymes without damaging them. It works equally well on removing smells that were made by humans.
Menstrual blood comes out best in very cold water. Hydrogen peroxide will remove blood, and other organic stains, but it also removes dye.
Always hand wash blood stains or other organic stains.
Cold water washing is easier on the environment but it's also easier on your clothes. It won't set stains. Heat sets stains.
Rather than ironing delicate clothing, remove it at once from the washer and block it out when you hang it up to dry. I use clothes pins on clothes hangers to keep the shoulder seam flush to the hanger so that clothes do not dry out of shape.
If you have a sweater or other heavy item that you don't want to stretch out, in addition to making sure the shoulders are right on the hanger, also attach another hanger to the ends of the sleeves and the hem. "Lay flat to dry" can be a bad choice with thick clothes as mildew is a thing.
Tea stains come out with vinegar but you have to get them right away.
The only stain removing products worth shit are oxi-clean but uh, be careful with bright colours.
If you have a large bust and like button up shirts, sew the placket closed at the widest part of your bust. Gapping in buttoned shirts when you move is caused by the uneven tension between the area around the button and the rest of your shirt. You do not need to be able to open the buttons at the largest part of the item. You can do this by hand by sewing the button in place through the closed button hole and then, since the placket will have multiple layers of fabric, sew the edge of the placket but don't go through the top layer of fabric so it can't be seen.
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ashyblondwaves · 1 year
The ily prompts 86 Jancy pls
Prompt: “You’re important too.” Pairing: Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler Rating: T Word Count: 619
"Oooh look right there!"The sonographer pointed. "Looks like he's waving."
"He?" Nancy said, alarmed.
"Sorry, I just don't like calling babies it," the sonographer explained. "The gender is still being kept secret at your request."
Nancy sighed in relief and tightened her grip on Jonathan's hand.
"31 weeks," Jonathan said supportively. "We're almost there."
When Nancy's water broke at 24 weeks, she was put on mandatory hospital bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy. They'd made it to 31 weeks and the baby was looking great. It wasn't what either of them planned or hoped for, but it was the best case scenario for their circumstances.
"I feel like I've been lying in bed for years," Nancy complained, but the anger in her voice never reached her face as she smiled up at the ultrasound screen. "Worth it."
As the sonographer finished up Nancy's ultrasound, Jonathan stood and stretched, thanking the tech as she shuffled out of the room with the portable ultrasound machine rolling after her.
"Another good report," he said, kissing Nancy on the top of her head. "Can I get you anything?"
Nancy shook her head, taking note of the dark circles that'd formed under her husband's eyes. He'd been running back and forth between home, work and the hospital for weeks, sleeping in what looked to be an uncomfortable chair turned couch situation next to her bed every night. He went home to shower and pack more clothes. Otherwise he was at the work or the hospital.
"Actually," Nancy said, trailing off as she waited for Jonathan's full attention. "You know what I'd like?"
"Tell me," Jonathan replied, moving to her at the side of the hospital bed.
"I want you to go home and rest."
Jonathan shook his head adamantly. He pulled up a chair and plopped down, rubbing his temples and sighing.
"You know I can't do that," he said.
"Why not?"
"I won't rest until the baby is born."
"And then you won't rest because it'll be keeping us up all night," Nancy reasoned. "Please, Jonathan. Go home for a little while, sleep in a real bed. I'll be fine."
"And what if you're not?" Jonathan asked, his voice wavering. "What if I leave and...."
Nancy closed her eyes and took a deep breath in through her nose.
"You being here isn't going to stop anything from happening, Jonathan," Nancy said sadly. "I need you to go home and rest so you're in your best shape when we meet our child."
"You two are too important to me to just-"
"You're important, too," Nancy reminded him. "I can't do this without you at your best. Please go rest."
Jonathan was silent as he dropped his head and looked down at his shoes.
"You're really ok with me leaving?" he asked.
"Would I have suggest it if I weren't?"
No, she wouldn't have.
With a resigned sigh, Jonathan stood up, grabbing his bag from the floor and swiping his keys off the adjustable table.
"You're sure?" he asked again.
"Go before I change my mind!" Nancy bellowed, pulling a smile from Jonathan's tired face.
"I'll be back in the morning," Jonathan promised.
"I don't want to see you here until tomorrow night," Nancy ordered. "Rest, eat something that isn't hospital food and for the love of God wash that bag it smells like a gym sock."
A full laugh erupted from Jonathan then and he nodded, seemingly liking the idea how that it'd been suggested.
"I'll see you tomorrow night," Jonathan said. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Nancy's lips. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Nancy parroted, smiling as she watched her husband walk out of the room.
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every-bad-thing · 2 years
Ghosts Are Boring
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(Exitmanned, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons) The world is shattered by the revelation that ghosts are real. It's confirmed by everyone, from respected scientists to noted politicians to prominent social media influencers. They all report the same thing. Ghosts really do exist and, what's more, they're extremely common. It is very like there are at least six ghosts within ten feet of you right now, maybe more.
This, of course, has wild implications, one of which being that life after death has been definitively proven. The specific nature of this afterlife, or even whether this is the only one, is completely unknown, but the fact it exists at all leaves everyone shocked.
But even more shocking than their existence was their wide array of industrial applications. It didn't take long to develop technology to control them, and soon ghosts were vital to the world economy. The souls of the dead, it turned out, were a superior source of energy—abundant, clean-burning and portable. A single one could power anything, from a phone to a building, for years at a time before dissipating. A few thousand, compressed together in a tight enough chamber, can power a city. Ghosts also make the best computer processors. When bound into a chip and exposed to a current, a ghost is capable of making complex calculations much faster than any silicon unit. Scientists explain this is likely because of quantum entanglement taking place on a sub-atomic level, but aren't completely sure. What they do know, however, is that ghosts in the machine enable practically infinite memory and processing power, which allows science to advance dramatically.
Certain spirits can even be used in manufacturing, mining and other physical jobs. While poltergeists—ghosts capable of affecting objects in the living world—are less common, there are still millions of them around the world available for work. Soon poltergeists are not haunting creepy mansions or suburban television sets. They are bound to assembly lines, producing finished products all day and all night. They wander the streets, picking up garbage thrown out by the living. They wash dishes and mop floors and unclog toilets. But they do not, under any circumstances, haunt.
And--because of course--military forces around the world use ghosts in a variety of inhuman weapons of war. Reserved for these purposes are the most vengeful of spirits, the most violent, the most hateful. They are dropped from planes onto enemy armies or, more commonly, civilian populations. If you've ever seen a horror movie, you know what their effect is.
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( "Navajo power plant" by bass_nroll is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. ) No one knows what the ghosts think of all this, or if they can even think at all. Few have ever bothered to ask, and for the ones that did the only answers they seem to get back are “OoooOoo!” or “AaaaaaAhhhhhh!” or “Uuuuuhhhhoooo.” One person with a Ouija board said a ghost told him “My soul has been chained to this Earth, please release me for my existence has become one of unending misery and pain” but no one has ever been able to replicate the result and the incident faded into the realm of urban legend.
Ghosts in this world are many things. They are a vital economic resource. They are essential to public infrastructure. They are an intense field of academic study. They are not, however, mysterious, spooky, scary, magical or even remotely cool anymore. They have become as mundane as garbage trucks, air conditioners and aspirin. To be interested in ghosts now is akin to being really, really into stamp collecting. Ghosts are boring.
Which isn't to say it's all running smoothly forever.
It is estimated that 121 billion people have lived and died in the entire history of our species. Of those 121 billion people, scientists calculated that around 39 percent have become ghosts. If this is correct, that means there are about 47 billion ghosts in the world. This is, to be sure, a lot of ghosts. But it is also finite. The world realizes this only after ghosts became essential the world economy. By the time the problem of “peak ghost” is taken seriously, it is believed there are only about 14 billion ghosts left.
Technological advance does much to make ghosts more efficient, but this doesn't solve the problem. People seem to be meeting increased efficiency with increased consumption. Like, ghosts to power cars become very cheap, so people start driving more, thus canceling out the gain. This effect is found everywhere it's figured out how to do more with less. People just... Do even more than before.
World governments, plus a few corporations that may as well be governments, met to discuss the issue. The main problem was that the supply of ghosts wasn't really increasing. Sure, a few thousand people here and there would die and become ghosts, but those were just a drop in the bucket. They needed more, much more. They decide on a drastic solution.
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By now the process behind which someone becomes a ghost is pretty well understood. They need either some sort of unfinished business or a particularly traumatic death. The problem is that, with ghosts raising the standard of living far beyond what had ever before been achieved, there are very few people who die in such circumstances. It is decided that this is what must change.
A new order is instituted. Before death, everyone must report to their local Spectral Conversion Center to be traumatically euthanized. Failure to do so results in steep fines for the loved ones who survive them. The program is considered a success: 89 percent of those processed become ghosts, which are then sold to businesses for any number of purposes. The only ones who avoid this fate are the very wealthy, who are allowed to pass on in peace to wherever it is they go when they die.
But for everyone else? The question of happens to you when you die has been now definitively answered. And the whole world suffers for it.
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btw if you don’t have a washer/dryer in your apartment and you have any sort of executive function struggles you gotta get yourself one of these bad boys
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It’s a portable washing machine. It costs like a hundred bucks and it’s worked great for almost two years now. Left is the washer bit, on the right is a column to spin clothes - it gets them drier than the spin cycle on a washer so they hang dry pretty fast. If you have a better sink you can hook it up to that so you don’t have to carry water, but I just fill a bucket in the bathtub and dump it in.
I can do laundry without leaving my apartment or going up and down steps. I can wash very small loads of stuff the night before I need it so that my clothes are clean. IT’S SO GREAT. THIS LAUNDRY MACHINE IS MY BEST FRIEND.
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thevacuumstore · 4 days
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A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Kranzle Pressure Washer for Your Home
Kranzle Pressure Washers are a leading option for consumers seeking effective and potent cleaning solutions. Whether you need to clean cars, patios, or driveways, Kranzle has high-performance equipment that can tackle even the most difficult cleaning tasks. We will go over all the essential information, advantages, and upkeep advice you need to know in order to select the ideal Kranzle pressure washer for your house in our extensive guide. Let's also talk about how some accessories, such as central vacuum accessories, might help you clean more effectively.
Why Choose Kranzle Pressure Washers for Home Use?
Kranzle pressure washers are renowned for their high build quality, reliability, and power. Unlike many pressure washers on the market, Kranzle focuses on durability, making their products a long-term investment for homeowners. The brand’s focus on producing eco-friendly, water-efficient pressure washers makes them ideal for residential use.
1. Unmatched Power and Durability for All Surfaces
There are various kinds of Kranzle pressure washers, and each is made to offer high-pressure cleaning force that is mild on surfaces but strong on dirt and grime. Their ceramic-coated plungers, stainless steel parts, and brass pump heads are designed for years of frequent use while maintaining function. Kranzle pressure washers guarantee a complete, damage-free clean whether you're washing the siding of your house, your car, or your parking lot.
Important Features to Consider When Choosing a Kranzle Pressure Washer
2. Top 5 Benefits of Using Kranzle Pressure Washers
Before deciding on a model, it’s essential to understand the benefits Kranzle pressure washers offer. Here are the top five advantages that make these machines a preferred choice for homeowners:
Powerful and Efficient Cleaning: Kranzle pressure washers come equipped with high PSI (pounds per square inch) ratings, ensuring that even the toughest stains are washed away with ease.
Eco-Friendly Operation: These washers use less water compared to traditional cleaning methods, making them a more environmentally responsible option.
Versatility: Kranzle machines come with adjustable pressure settings that allow you to clean delicate surfaces like wood or blast through stubborn grime on concrete.
Built to Last: With high-quality components such as brass pump heads and ceramic-coated plungers, Kranzle pressure washers are designed for longevity.
Low Maintenance: Many models are equipped with self-priming pumps, so you can use water from alternative sources like rain barrels, making them both versatile and easy to maintain.
3. How Kranzle Pressure Washers Help You Save Time and Water
Two important features that set Kranzle pressure washers apart are their ability to save time and water. Kranzle machines use as little as 80% of the water used by typical garden hoses, which are known for their high cleaning efficacy. Cleaning jobs are finished greatly more quickly, whether you're washing your deck, driveway, or automobile.
Choosing the Right Model for Your Home
Selecting the right Kranzle pressure washer model depends on your specific cleaning needs. Here are some points to consider:
4. A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Kranzle Pressure Washer for Your Home
When choosing the best pressure washer for your home, you’ll want to consider the following factors:
Pressure Output (PSI): For lighter tasks like cleaning patios or vehicles, models with lower PSI will suffice. However, for heavy-duty tasks, you may need a higher PSI model.
Flow Rate (GPM): Gallons per minute (GPM) indicate how much water is dispensed. Higher GPM rates are ideal for larger areas.
Portability: Consider whether you’ll need a compact, portable model or a larger, stationary unit.
Attachments and Accessories: Many Kranzle models come with useful attachments like nozzles, brushes, and hose reels to make your cleaning tasks more efficient.
5. 5 Must-Know Features of Kranzle Pressure Washers for First-Time Buyers
If you’re new to pressure washers, here are five must-know features that will help you make an informed decision:
Pressure Regulation: Allows you to adjust pressure levels for different surfaces.
Rotating Nozzles: Provide a more intense clean by spinning at high speeds, perfect for removing stubborn dirt.
Detergent Tanks: Built-in tanks for applying cleaning solutions make it easier to tackle tough stains.
Thermal Relief System: Protects the pump from overheating during prolonged use.
Automatic Shutoff: Helps save water and energy by turning off the pump when not in use.
Enhancing Cleaning Efficiency with Accessories
Even though Kranzle pressure washers have amazing power, you may still clean more effectively using accessories. Central Vacuum Accessories are useful in this situation. These add-ons work in concert with your Kranzle pressure washer to provide a deep cleaning both inside and outside your house by assisting with cleaning of difficult-to-reach locations like baseboards, blinds, and vents. Central Vacuum Accessories are a terrific addition to your cleaning arsenal since, like Kranzle pressure washers, they are made to last and work well.
Maintaining Your Kranzle Pressure Washer for Longevity
6. The Ultimate Maintenance Tips for Extending the Life of Your Kranzle Pressure Washer
To ensure your Kranzle pressure washer lasts for years, regular maintenance is key. Here are some tips to keep your machine running smoothly:
Check the oil level regularly: Many Kranzle models come with oil-filled motors, so be sure to top up the oil as needed.
Clean the filters: Dirty filters can reduce the performance of your machine, so clean them after every use.
Inspect hoses and fittings: Regularly check for leaks or wear and replace damaged parts promptly.
Winterize your machine: Before storing it during cold weather, make sure to drain any water to prevent freezing.
Final Thoughts
Kranzle pressure washers are an excellent investment for homeowners looking for a durable, eco-friendly, and efficient cleaning solution. Whether you're cleaning your vehicle, deck, or home exterior, Kranzle’s powerful machines will ensure the job is done right. With proper care and the right accessories, including Central Vacuum Accessories, your cleaning efforts will be more effective than ever.
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curtainsdubai21612 · 5 days
Floor Cushions: The Ultimate Blend of Comfort and Style for Your Living Space
Floor cushions have evolved from a functional seating solution to a stylish interior design element. Whether you’re looking to create a cozy corner for relaxation, add extra seating for guests, or infuse a touch of bohemian charm into your living space, floor cushions can offer both comfort and visual appeal. This article will explore the benefits of floor cushions, answer common queries, and provide insights on how to choose the best cushions for your home.
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Why Choose Floor Cushions?
1. Versatile Seating Solutions
Floor Cushions are highly versatile and can be placed in any room. From living rooms to bedrooms, reading nooks to meditation corners, they offer comfortable and flexible seating that’s perfect for lounging. Their portability allows you to easily move them around to suit different spaces and occasions, making them ideal for informal seating or impromptu gatherings.
2. Comfort Meets Style
Floor cushions are not just practical but also stylish. They come in a wide range of designs, colors, and textures that can complement various interior styles, from minimalistic to eclectic. Whether you prefer bold, vibrant prints or neutral tones, you can find a floor cushion that enhances your home’s aesthetic while providing ultimate comfort.
3. Affordable and Space-Saving
Unlike traditional furniture, floor cushions are relatively affordable and don’t take up much space. They are an excellent choice for small apartments or homes where space is limited. When not in use, floor cushions can easily be stacked or tucked away, making them a great space-saving solution.
Common Queries About Floor Cushions
1. What Materials Are Floor Cushions Made Of?
Floor cushions come in a variety of materials, each offering a different look and feel. Popular options include:
Cotton: Soft, breathable, and easy to clean, cotton is a popular material for floor cushions.
Velvet: For a more luxurious touch, velvet cushions add a soft texture and rich color to your space.
Jute: Known for its durability and natural look, jute is ideal for eco-friendly, rustic, or boho-inspired spaces.
Leather: Durable and chic, leather floor cushions can give a contemporary edge to your interior.
The filling of the cushion is also important for comfort. Options include foam, polyester fiber, or natural fillings like cotton and wool. Choose the material based on your preferences for comfort, durability, and ease of maintenance.
2. What Size Floor Cushion Should I Choose?
The size of your floor cushion depends on how you plan to use it. If you're looking for casual seating, larger cushions (around 24 inches or more) provide ample space for comfort. For smaller spaces or as accent pieces, smaller cushions (12–18 inches) work well. It’s also important to consider the thickness of the cushion to ensure it offers sufficient support, especially for longer sitting periods.
3. Are Floor Cushions Easy to Maintain?
Most floor cushions are relatively easy to care for, but maintenance depends on the material. For instance:
Cotton and polyester cushions: These are usually machine-washable or can be spot-cleaned with a mild detergent.
Velvet and leather cushions: These may require special cleaning methods or professional care to maintain their appearance.
Removable covers: Many floor cushions come with removable covers, making cleaning much easier. Simply unzip and wash the cover, ensuring your cushion stays fresh and clean.
4. How Can I Style Floor Cushions in My Home?
Floor cushions are incredibly versatile in terms of styling. Here are some ideas:
Layered Look: Combine multiple cushions in different sizes and colors to create a cozy and eclectic seating area.
Low-Seating Arrangements: Pair floor cushions with a low coffee table or tray to create a casual, inviting space for tea or snacks.
Meditation Corner: Use larger, firm cushions to design a comfortable meditation area, perfect for relaxation and mindfulness practices.
Outdoor Use: Certain floor cushions, especially those made from weather-resistant fabrics, can be used outdoors on patios or terraces for a boho-inspired outdoor lounge.
Benefits of Floor Cushions
Flexible Seating: Floor cushions provide extra seating that can be easily moved around, making them ideal for social gatherings or relaxing with friends and family.
Comfortable Relaxation: Unlike rigid chairs, floor cushions offer a relaxed, informal seating option, perfect for lounging, reading, or watching TV.
Aesthetic Appeal: With the right designs and textures, floor cushions can add a pop of color or a statement piece to any room.
Space-Saving: Unlike bulky furniture, floor cushions can be stored away when not in use, making them a practical option for smaller living spaces.
Why Invest in High-Quality Floor Cushions?
While floor cushions are often seen as casual pieces, investing in high-quality cushions ensures long-lasting comfort and durability. Low-quality cushions may lose shape or become uncomfortable over time, while premium cushions retain their structure and aesthetic appeal even with regular use. Additionally, high-quality fabrics and fillings are more resistant to wear and tear, ensuring your cushions remain a stylish and comfortable addition to your home for years to come.
Floor cushions are the perfect solution for anyone looking to add comfort, style, and versatility to their home. Whether you're creating a cozy reading nook, adding extra seating for guests, or simply enhancing your interior with a touch of texture and color, floor cushions are a practical and affordable choice. By addressing common queries and providing valuable insights, this guide helps you choose the perfect floor cushions to suit your style and needs. So, transform your living space with these functional and stylish accessories and enjoy the comfort they bring!
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apexsalaesarena · 13 days
13-Ounce USB-Rechargeable Fruit Blender
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Juice and smoothies in a flash Need that morning fruit smoothie? Rushing to the gym but need your protein drink? You could get it in as little as one minute. Our 13-Ounce USB-Rechargeable Fruit Blender utilizes an ultra-powerful copper-build motor and six SU304-stainless-steel sawtooth blades to whip up anything in record time.
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An on-the-go solution The best part about our blender? It’s small and portable (3 x 13 inches) -- you can carry it with you anywhere. Plus, the blender, when detached from the blender chamber, doubles as a drink cup! No bulk makes this device great for camping trips, picnics, beach trips, and more.
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Marvel at 22,000 revolutions per minute Our blender’s sawtooth blades move super fast, whipping up smoothies and seamlessly blending ice, powders, fruit, and vegetables for a chunk-free finish. Best results come from solid ingredients cut into 0.5in (1.27cm) chunks. Food-grade safe for high performance Made of eco-friendly, non-toxic thermoplastic polymer and ABS plastic, this blender is created to meet food-grade standards. A sturdy silicone bottom ensures a non-slip and shock-absorbing base as you blend away.
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Battery powered and USB rechargeable Our 13-Ounce USB-Rechargeable Fruit Blender is powered by a built-in, rechargeable 2000mAh 3.7V. Each blender comes with a USB cord for your convenience: you can charge your blender up from your laptop, a portable power bank, car port charger, or outlet charger. It’s just the ultimate convenience for you to enjoy your favorite drink wherever you are.
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Bright LED display A LED-illuminated power button helps you turn on (or turn off) at a glance. From a dim campsite to dark early mornings in the kitchen, start your morning with something convenient and easy to use.
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Safety-sensor protected To deter from potential messes or accidents, a built-in safety sensor in the blender prevents the machine from powering on if the cup isn’t fully closed or tightened enough. Protect your base Enjoy your 13-Ounce USB-Rechargeable Fruit Blender and wash it after every use to maintain cleanliness. Cleanup is easy, and washing after every use ensures no build up of mold, bacteria, or attraction of flies and bugs. Make sure though to keep the blender base where the blades and power port are away from water to avoid damage. Read the full article
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spincare · 14 days
Laundry Tips for Monsoon Season in Kolkata
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Monsoon is great weather as the rain spells cause respite from the months of heat. Kolkata's monsoon weather is the weather of frequent rains and high humidity. Due to the unpredictable weather conditions and challenging weather conditions, drying and storage of clothes are mostly affected during monsoon season. It is a real struggle for laundry Kolkata and homes to find a space to dry their clothes. Some vital steps are needed to be followed during monsoon season in Kolkata to efficiently and effortlessly wash, dry, and fold your clothes. Drying up clothes during the monsoon season is a challenge because drying outdoors can aid in preventing bacteria and fungi infection.  Due to the presence of mildew, fungi and bacteria infecting the clothes due to high humidity and moisture in the air, can cause irritated skin allergies and other unpleasant conditions. Some of the essential steps to be taken to taken for monsoon season in Kolkata suggested by laundry Kolkata and dry cleaning Kolkata are as follows-
During the rainy season, temperatures are mild, humidity is high, and rainfall varies throughout the year. Some of the essential wardrobe care suggested by laundry Kolkata and dry cleaning Kolkata are -
Proper Storage: When not in use, store clothes in wardrobe organisers or vacuum-sealed bags to keep them dust and moisture-free.
Airs out periodically: On dry, sunny days, air out stored clothing to renew it and prevent odours.
Washing - Assemble and arrange the washing of the clothes in smaller loads to prevent the overloading of machines. Laundry Kolkata priorities the drying of lighter clothes- lighter and quick-drying clothes such as cotton, linen and synthetic linen than heavy clothes such as wool and denim. Dry cleaning Kolkata pays attention to drying time, adjusting it based on humidity levels to save garments from becoming overdried or holding excess moisture. Utilize premium laundry kolkata spin cycles of drying as much as possible to cause the clothes to drain off excess water from the clothes preventing less time and space to drain off the water. One of the stain removal process involves the use of vinegar which works best to handle and pre-treat stains.
Drying- Whenever possible use the balcony and empty rooms to speed up the drying process. Valuable dry cleaning Kolkata and Laundry Kolkata invest in humidifier or portable steamer to speed up the drying process and contribute to the efficient drying process of your clothes. They suggested the utilizationof the use of camphor balls in your wardrobe or closet to help in the production of fragrance and well-furnished scents. When weather conditions are incumbent, Dry cleaning Kolkata asks to get your clothes dried by setting up the creative method of drying your clothes to help facilitate the air circulating preventing the setting up of damp clothes especially thick clothes such as wool or denim
Storage- Dry cleaning Kolkata does not allow monsoon-soaked clothes to be kept in the clothes for a long time because it can result in the growth of mildew, mould and fungi. It also produces a foul smell. To boost the freshness of your clothes, keep scented detergents and fabric softeners that work intensively to provide your clothes with the freshness that it deserves. For comfy weather conditions so that your clothes feel refreshed and odour-free, it is vital to utilize the laundry Kolkata tips of monsoon weather and stay in tune with the climatic conditions so as to feel clean and fresh.
The changing seasons pose a great challenge for the storage and health of your clothes. Different season requires specialized care. For example, Summer requires frequent washing of your clothes to prevent sweat, germs and bacteria, In humid weather, breathable containers or bags allow air circulation and prevent mould growth. Maintaining laundry isn't just about keeping clothes clean; it's also about preserving their quality and longevity. Different seasons present unique challenges for laundry care, from extreme heat to dampness and cold. By understanding the specific needs of your laundry in various climates, dry cleaning Kolkata can adopt appropriate practices to ensure your clothes remain fresh and in good condition. SpinCare Laundry is best laundry Kolkata and dry cleaning Kolkata providing the impeccable and premuim service, trusted by thousands of customers.
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alltrade · 22 days
A Simple Guide to Choosing the Best Home Appliances
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Home appliances make everyday tasks easier, from cooking and cleaning to keeping your home comfortable. But with so many options, it can be tough to know which ones are best for your home. This guide will help you choose the right appliances to fit your needs. buy all products in Alltrade.ae
1. Kitchen Appliances: Making Cooking Easier
Your kitchen is where a lot of the action happens, so having the right appliances is key.
Refrigerator: Keeps your food fresh. Look for a model with good storage and energy-saving features.
Microwave Oven: Great for quick meals. You can also find microwaves that can grill or bake.
Dishwasher: Saves time and water. Pick one with different wash cycles for flexibility.
Stove and Oven: Choose gas or electric depending on your cooking style. Convection ovens are great for faster cooking.
2. Laundry Appliances: For Fresh, Clean Clothes
Washing and drying clothes is a regular chore, but the right machines can make it easy.
Washing Machine: Look for models with energy-saving options and different wash settings.
Dryer: Handy for drying clothes, especially in bad weather. Find one with moisture sensors to avoid over-drying.
Steam Iron: Keeps clothes wrinkle-free. Look for irons with adjustable heat settings.
3. Cleaning Appliances: Keeping Your Home Clean
A clean home feels great, and these appliances help you get the job done.
Vacuum Cleaner: Choose one that suits your floor type, whether it’s carpet, wood, or tile.
Robot Vacuum: Let a robot vacuum clean for you! Many can be controlled through your phone.
Air Purifier: Helps keep indoor air clean by removing dust and allergens.
4. Comfort Appliances: For a Cozy Home
These appliances help keep your home comfortable year-round.
Air Conditioner: A must for hot weather. Look for energy-efficient models with remote control options.
Heater: Stay warm in winter with a portable heater.
Humidifier/Dehumidifier: A humidifier adds moisture to the air in dry seasons, while a dehumidifier removes excess moisture in humid areas.
5. Smart Home Appliances: The Future of Convenience
Many appliances now come with smart features, allowing you to control them with your phone or voice.
Smart Lighting: Adjust lights remotely or on a schedule to save energy.
Smart Plugs: Turn regular appliances into smart ones by controlling them from your phone.
Voice Assistants: Devices like Alexa or Google Assistant can control your appliances with voice commands.
Tips for Choosing the Best Appliances:
Energy Efficiency: Look for appliances that save energy to lower your bills.
Space: Make sure the appliance fits your available space.
Brand and Warranty: Choose trusted brands with good warranties.
Reviews: Check online reviews to see what other buyers think.
Choosing the right home appliances makes life easier and your home more comfortable. From smart features to energy-saving options, there’s something for every home and budget.
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guttermuncher · 1 month
Why Gutter Vacuum Cleaners Are a Game-Changer for Home Maintenance
Maintaining clean gutters is an essential part of home care that many homeowners often overlook. Gutters play a critical role in directing rainwater away from your home’s foundation, preventing water damage, mold growth, and structural issues. However, cleaning them can be a daunting task, especially when they are clogged with leaves, debris, and dirt. This is where gutter vacuum cleaners come into play. These innovative tools are designed to simplify gutter cleaning, making it safer, quicker, and more efficient.
What Are Gutter Vacuum Cleaners?
Gutter vacuum cleaners are specialized tools that use powerful suction to remove leaves, twigs, dirt, and other debris from gutters. Unlike traditional cleaning methods that often require ladders, manual scooping, or pressure washing, gutter vacuums allow you to clean gutters from the ground. These machines come equipped with extendable poles and various attachments that reach into gutters and extract debris effortlessly.
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Benefits of Using Gutter Vacuum Cleaners
Investing in a gutter vacuum cleaner offers numerous advantages for homeowners:
Safety First: Traditional gutter cleaning methods often involve climbing ladders, which can be risky, especially on uneven or wet surfaces. Gutter vacuum cleaners eliminate the need for ladders, allowing you to clean gutters safely from the ground. This significantly reduces the risk of falls and injuries.
Efficiency and Ease: Gutter vacuum cleaners are designed to make the cleaning process quicker and more efficient. With powerful suction and specialized attachments, these machines can clear out gutters much faster than manual methods. Additionally, they can easily reach difficult spots that are otherwise hard to access.
Thorough Cleaning: Unlike manual cleaning, where debris may be left behind or pushed further down the gutter, gutter vacuum cleaners thoroughly remove all debris, ensuring that your gutters are completely clear and free-flowing. This helps prevent blockages that can lead to water overflow and potential damage to your home’s foundation and roof.
Cost-Effective: Hiring professionals to clean your gutters regularly can be costly. By investing in a gutter vacuum cleaner, you can save money in the long run by handling the cleaning yourself. It’s a one-time investment that pays off over multiple uses.
Key Features to Look for in Gutter Vacuum Cleaners
When choosing a gutter vacuum cleaner, consider the following features:
Powerful Suction: Look for a model with a strong motor that can handle wet and dry debris. The suction power is crucial for effectively removing all types of buildup.
Lightweight and Portable: A lightweight design with wheels or a carrying handle will make it easier to maneuver around your property.
Extendable Poles: The best gutter vacuum cleaners come with extendable poles that can reach up to two or three stories high, allowing you to clean gutters on multi-story buildings without needing a ladder.
Durable Construction: Choose a vacuum cleaner made from high-quality materials to ensure durability and longevity.
How to Use a Gutter Vacuum Cleaner Effectively
Using a gutter vacuum cleaner is simple, but there are a few tips to ensure the best results:
Clear Large Debris First: Before using the vacuum, remove any large debris or branches that may obstruct the suction.
Work in Sections: Start from one end of the gutter and work your way to the other, ensuring all debris is removed.
Regular Maintenance: Clean the filter and empty the collection bag or canister regularly to maintain optimal suction power.
Gutter vacuum cleaners are a revolutionary tool for home maintenance, offering a safer, faster, and more thorough way to keep gutters clean. Whether you’re looking to save time, reduce costs, or enhance your home's protection against water damage, investing in a gutter vacuum cleaner is a smart choice. Keep your gutters in top condition year-round with this powerful tool and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is well-protected.
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For More: Contact Us: 0474 305 817' Email: [email protected] Timings: Mon - Sun:7 am– 5 pm Visit Us: https://guttermuncher.au/
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petterworld · 1 month
Orthopedic Foam Sofa Bed - Bottle Green
All Weather Ultra Luxury Soft Crystal Velvet Orthopedic Sofa Bed with Convoluted Foam Base for Pressure Relief and Calming Effect
Our comfortable and stylish Orthopedic Sofa Beds are a classic addition to your Pet wardrobe. Made from soft crystal velvet fabric on the sides and top, this bed is soft, roomy and at the same time strong & sturdy. Orthopedic Convoluted Foam base at the bottom provides the perfect support to the spine, which your pet deserves. It is a luxuriously comfortable bed with padded perimeter that provides support and comfort for restful sleep or lounging. It is great for pets of all ages & breeds, and comes available in multiple colors and sizes, so you can select the right bed that suits your home décor as well. Gift your pet a comfortable resting time with our Luxury Orthopedic Sofa Pet Bed.
Our Sofa Beds are made in contrasting colors that blend with modern home interiors. The anti skid bottom does not let it slip and offers a strong grip in both wet and dry conditions. The top cover is replaceable and machine washable.
Help create a better world for your pets! Our products are specially crafted with one goal in mind, seeing your pet at its very best. With a wide variety of offerings designed to keep animals healthy, happy and energized, Petter World stands out as the brand that truly puts your pet first.
Petter World All weather Ultra Luxury Crystal Velvet Orthopedic Sofa Bed with convoluted foam base for pressure relief and calming effect:
PETTER LIVING - Finally, your furry friend can stretch, curl up, and rest comfortably all on one bed; Thick, quality-assured foam & fiber inserts and soft outer fabrics make Petter World beds the only option for dog & cats of all breeds & sizes
CLINICALLY SHOWN TO REDUCE JOINT PAIN - Study data has shown that our raised pet beds help ease joint pain and improve mobility; The headrest supports your pet’s head while they sprawl across the rest of the giant dog bed
WASHABLE COVER - Petter World’s covers are machine washable & smell-resistant; the fabric is designed to withstand rubbing, digging & nesting; Easily remove the zippered cover for shrink-free washing, stain cleaning, or even quick replacement. Equipped with a full-coverage inner liner to help protect the filling from accidents
PREMIUM MATERIAL - Filled with plush virgin polyfill stuffing as well as Orthopedic Convoluted High Density Foam with soft Crystal Velvet Fabric for calming effect, this pet bed keeps your pet warm in the winter and cool in the summer
INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE - Can be used with kennels, crates, and carriers, or as a stand-alone bed; Portable dog bed can be taken anywhere you and your partner go
INTUITIVE DESIGN PREVENTS CHEWING - We’ve designed our beds with the zipper tucked in & seams sleekly incorporated so that your pup can't easily chew; Not only is the microfiber material durably woven, it’s designed to look great in your home
ELEVATED DOG BED - Our dog furniture is made in INDIA, sustainably sourced & quality-assured to not flatten or pancake over time; Let your best friend rest easy in a soft & durable raised bed
Medium Sofa bed Dimensions - 34” X 23” X 10”
Large Sofa bed Dimensions - 40” X 30” X 10”
Extra Large Sofa bed Dimensions - 48” X 38” X 10"
PLEASE NOTE - The dog bed is compress-packed, because we want you to spend money on the quality of the product itself, rather than the delivery freight. so that it will take some time for a recovery, usually for 72 hours. If necessary, continue to reshape and fluff the bed!
Orthopedic Dog Beds
luxury dog bed
best cooling mats for dogs
dog bed mattress
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mama-cloud-goddess · 2 months
7 Baby "Hacks" I've Found Most Helpful
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It feels weird to call most of these "hacks;" they're mostly preferences. But everyone calls nearly everything a hack nowadays and I got swept up in the trend. I've also seen "hack" posts including similar things to my points in this post, if not exact things, so I'm struggling to find another term for it.
One changing station. I'd seen a video of a mom saying that she kept a diaper caddy (diapers, wipes, rash cream, etc) in every room of the house so she wasn't constantly having to run to the room with the changing table when her baby had a blowout. For the first couple of weeks, I did this too. I kept a pack of wipes and a stack of diapers in the nursery, the living room, and the bedroom so that no matter where I or my fiancé were, we could easily change our son. I decided shortly after that it was too overwhelming to have changing supplies in every room; plus, I lost track of things way more often. I never knew how many packs of wipes we had left or where the hell the diaper cream was, and my son had a particular fondness for peeing all over the couch when I changed him there. So I decided to use his official changing table as the only changing station in the house and it's honestly so much better.
Two beds. In contrast to the last point, having two beds for my son (technically three, if we include the portable pack-n-play) has been very useful. We were gifted a crib/changing table combo that we keep in the nursery and use for his daily naps. We were separately and unexpectedly gifted a playpen/bassinet combo that we keep in the bedroom for nighttime sleep. That way as soon as he cries (or my alarm goes off on nights he sleeps past his feeding time), I'm up and tending to him, and he doesn't have to wait for me to drag myself down the hall. It also helps my anxiety to be able to peek over to the other side of the room and check on him versus staring at the video screen of my baby monitor.
Minimal bottles. When I first unpacked all of the bottles we received as gifts and counted only five, I wondered if I should buy more. I soon discovered, however, that having a limited number forced me to regularly wash them, keeping them from getting nasty and piling up in my sink until I had time. Washing used bottles is now part of my daily morning routine. I further proved this to myself when I was gifted a breast pump that came with about six bottles and, during a few days of exhaustion and executive dysfunction, used all of them and left them sitting on my living room table. Trust me; minimal bottles are your best friend. Unless maybe if your kiddo goes to childcare, then you might want some extra. I'm a work-from-home mom, so I don't know.
Multiple breast pumps. Despite the fact that having multiple pumps enabled my lazy bottle pileup, having options was a blessing. I started off with a Spectra, which if you're unfamiliar is a radio-sized machine that requires being plugged in in order to work. My next pump was a Zomee, which was much smaller and more compact as well as rechargeable, so it was much easier to use. My current favorite pump is wearable, and though it's bulky and a little awkward to keep in place while I'm moving about the house, it's by far the most convenient because I can stuff it in my bra and not have to sit in one place holding the flange to my boob. But my point is that I think trying (if you're able, breast pumps are expensive and I'm grateful to have been gifted the first two) multiple styles is important to ensuring you have a pleasant breastfeeding journey (if you choose to breastfeed - we don't bottle shame here).
Baby laundry detergent. When I first brought my son home, I washed his clothes and blankets separately but used the same detergent as the rest of us. It was plain old Tide, so I didn't think it would cause any issue. it took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize that my detergent was giving him eczema breakouts, so I switched to a baby specific brand. Between that and baby eczema lotion, his breakouts cleared right up. I'd toyed with the idea of switching everyone in the house to baby detergent, but the one I bought was more expensive than Tide, and there are three adults in the house, so the expensive baby detergent would be gone quickly. It's more cost-efficient for us to just buy both.
Hangers. In my current residence, we don't have a standard washer and dryer, because we live on the second floor with a narrow staircase and don't want to risk our lives carrying a washer and dryer upstairs. Instead, my ex-husband, when he lived here, bought a portable washer and spinner from Amazon. I'm sure you've seen it - they've been all over TikTok and Facebook Marketplace. It's not my favorite thing in the world, but that's not the point. It includes a spinner, not a dryer, so we still have to hang our clothes up to air dry them. I bought tiny hangers for my son's clothes, and honestly, it's much easier than having them folded up in a dresser. Putting things away (clothes, dishes, groceries) is the bane of my existence, so I often leave my own laundry hung up in the laundry room instead of packing it into a drawer. Plus, babies spit up a ton, and blow outs are common, and it's much faster to pluck a onesie off a hanger than it would be to go through a dresser.
Frozen pacifier. My son started teething early. Before I started buying proper teethers, since he's only 3 1/2 months old and can't hold a teether in his mouth yet, I decided to stick his pacifiers in the freezer. He absolutely loves it. When his gums are bugging him, a cold pacifier soothes him immediately. It obviously doesn't stay frozen for long, since there's no liquid in it to keep cold, but the initial cold is enough to distract him. His pacifiers now live in the freezer. I alternate them one at a time - whenever he needs a cold one, I stick the one he's currently spitting out back in its place.
I hope some of these "hacks" prove useful to you. Feel free to comment with your own!
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