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vivwritesfics · 2 months
when are we getting the bext stwofupdatee
it was such a chilhanger
What Happened To Bruiser
To ease your worries and give you a little update.
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Mrs Parker had a vicious little French Bulldog. She barked at strangers and had chased the last plumber out of their house. The sink still hadn't been fixed.
Mrs Parker took MeMe out late at night, to avoid all of the people.
She didn't expected to find a whining beagle by the gages. MeMe jumped at him. And Mrs Parker held her back.
Tucking MeMe under her arm, Mrs Parker introduced herself to the Beagle. "Bruiser," she said, reading off his nametag. "Where's your owner, Bruiser?" She asked as she patted his head.
Bruiser let out a whine and Mrs Parker decided that she would stay with him, at least until his owner appeared.
She was there with him for half an hour and nobody appeared. Mrs Parker couldn't believe that somebody would abandon such a sweet boy.
She checked his collar and found three different phone numbers. She called all of them, with the third one picking up.
"Yeah?" Came a voice.
"Hello," said Mrs Parker. "Is this Bruisers owner?"
There was a pause. "Bruiser? Landos fucking dog?"
Mrs Parker cleared her throat and MeMe yapped. "I don't know who that is but I found Bruiser here at the park. I was wondering if anybody could pick him up? If not I will be taking him to a shelter."
"Shit, sorry," the guy said. "Yeah, I'll be there in fifteen minutes. You're at the park, yeah?"
Mrs Parker stayed with Bruiser until the car pulled up. The man introduced himself as Max and explained that Bruiser belonged to his best friend, who was currently in Spain. He thanked Mrs Parker and got Bruiser into his car.
Mrs Parker stayed there until Max disappeared. She placed MeMe on the floor, a bad feeling settling in the pit of her stomach.
Permanent taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @millinorrizz
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parker-plumber · 1 year
Plumber Brisbane
Parker Plumbing Company is one of the best plumbing service providers in Brisbane at competitive prices. We offer expert plumbing services for both residential and commercial properties.We pride ourselves on providing high-quality, reliable, and affordable services for all of our customers and have a fully stocked van ready to go at all times.
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Woah I found a throwback
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somedayonbroadway · 3 years
I just finished watching The Parent Trap and I forgot how much I loved it wow. Could you make an AU for that?
I love The Parent Trap, and once again, the Lindsey Lohan version is my favorite one, so it’ll be based on that one.
Mike — Hallie Parker
Ike — Annie James
Jack Kelly — Nicolas Parker
Katherine Plumber — Elizabeth James
Harrison Parker — Meredith Blake
Racetrack Higgins — Chessy
Spot Conlon — Martin
Medda Larkin — Marva Kulp Sr.
Smalls — Marva Kulp Jr.
Joseph Pulitzer — Charles James
William Snyder — Les Blake
This story begins at a summer camp in Maine, where Michael Kelly is hoping to make a few friends and have a good summer, though this means he’ll be away from his dad for the first time in his life, for a full month. He’s never been away from Jack like that before, and he’d never been out of California aside from when he was born in Santa Fe, but he manages to make some good friends right away only to find someone that must be his absolute worst enemy later that week.
Isaac Pulitzer is visiting Maine from New York City. His mother wants him to get better socialized because he is homeschooled and doesn’t have many friends. When he gets to this camp, his “manny”, Spot, drops him off and gives him their secret handshake before promising to pick him up the moment camp is over. Ike is not excited to be away from Spot or his mom, but he still goes in and makes a few friends, meeting what must be his nemesis during a fencing game and winning, before being pulled down into a trough of water.
The boys see each other for the first time after taking their helmets off and are stunned to find that they are staring at what looks like mirror images of themselves.
They deny looking like each other, and later that night, Mike decides to get back at Ike for beating him at fencing by taking on Ike at poker, a game he’s been playing with his dad for years. He wins after waging that the loser will have to jump into the lake naked. The whole camp, aside from the chaperones of course, watches Ike jump into the lake and Mike steals Ike’s clothes, leaving him to walk back to his cabin with nothing but his shoes.
The next afternoon when Mike is headed back to his cabin with his roommates, they find their furniture up on the roof, compliments of the Brooklyn brat that Mike is coming to despise. So that night, Mike and his friends break into Ike’s cabin to prank all of them, placing shaving cream, syrup, whipped cream, water balloons and booby traps everywhere.
When they go back in the morning to find Ike’s cabin freaking out, they end up getting caught by Medda and Smalls, the heads of the camp, and Mike and Ike are taken to the isolation cabin for the rest of the camp as punishment for causing such chaos.
That night when it starts raining, the boys accidentally see pictures of their parents and realize that their parents used to be together, when they were very young, leading them to the realization that they must be twins.
They go through the rest of the week, the boys do their best to get to know each other revealing that they both want to get to know their other parents. So for the rest of camp, the two plot to switch lives, figuring that even if they were found out, their parents would have to see each other again.
So once camp ends, Ike gets on a flight to California and Mike does a secret handshake with Spot and is taken down to New York City.
When Mike sees his mother for the first time he’s nearly frozen in place and all he can do after a moment is rush to hug her.
Katherine is a novelist, she’s written a few best selling series and she loves to let her son help her edit and write with her. She also loves to have her son help her come up with illustrations because he got his artistic ability from his dad.
When Ike meets Jack for the first time, he instantly finds that Jack is one of the goofiest people he ever met. Jack owns a winery and is very wealthy and they live on a vinyard. When Jack takes him home, Ike meets Race, one of Jack’s old foster brothers who is now somewhat of a live-in nanny and housekeeper, and their dog Riley, a large French Mastiff. Jack tells Race to help his boy unpack before bringing him down to meet somebody.
Race does, telling the kid that the somebody wasn’t someone Race himself was too fond of. He makes the boy his favorite snack and helps him unpack before sending Ike into the backyard to meet none other than Harrison Parker, a hood looking, conceited man who Ike is suspicious of from the start. So Ike tries to chase Harrison off after seeing how possessive and controlling Harrison is over Jack. When it doesn’t work, he tries to call Mike, only making Race suspicious of him.
The next day, when Jack takes Ike on a horseback ride, Jack reveals that Harrison proposed to him. So Ike rushes back to the house where Jack follows and tries to calm him down, only for the boy to start yelling at him in French. This shocks Jack as the only other language his son knows is Spanish. He lets it go when Ike says he learned it at camp and Jack just leaves for a moment to take a walk, while Race wonders out loud if the boy wasn’t who he said he was.
The boy asks if Race was wondering if he was Isaac. Race freezes and asks the boy how he knew that, prompting the kid to reveal that he is Isaac. Race is too stunned to reveal that to Jack when he comes in to talk to Race again and keeps it a secret.
When Mike tries to call Ike from New York after seeing an SOS fax in Spot’s hand, he is caught by his grandfather trying to call from a pay phone. So Joe encourages him to tell Katherine the truth, and Mike does, lying to his mother about having called his father and told him everything. Katherine is stunned and asks Spot to come with her to switch the twins back and get on with their lives.
When they arrive in California, Jack is only at the hotel they’re at because he’s trying to plan a wedding. Harrison’s uncle, Mr. Snyder is there to help them and Ike overhears them talking about taking all of Jack’s money.
Katherine gets drunk on the flight over and is hammered when she sees her boys together for the first time. Race and Spot end up hitting it off and sneaking away and the first time Jack sees Katherine again, he falls into the hotel pool, hitting his head and letting Katherine take care of him only for her to meet Harrison and reveal the fact that Mike is a twin. Harrison is not happy with the information, having planned on sending Mike to a boarding school once he and Jack were married.
Eventually, when Katherine tries to take Ike home, Mike and Ike refuse to tell their parents who is who and demand to go on Jack and Mike’s end of summer camping trip together. Jack and Katherine reluctantly agree.
When they go on the trip, it is revealed that Katherine encouraged Harrison to go instead of her and on this trip, Mike and Ike spend the entire time tormenting the man they can’t stand until Harrison tries to make Jack choose between him or his sons. Jack instantly chooses his son’s and goes home, asking Katherine out on a date.
The two eventually get married and Spot proposes Race at the reception.
I love this one.
For more Mood Boards and AUs, click here!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Saturday 1 April 1837
1 55
no kiss more snow in the night – all white again and my dressing room sky light darkened – sun out now at 9 20 and F54° had Mr. Husband at 9 gave him a check (no. 93) for his last 3 months wages = £24 due on the 11th ultimo – the 1st time I have ever paid him by check – he said there would be £40 wanted in a/c of the Stump X Inn – said I ought to have known before – must pay by check and should give himself one – had Mr. S. Washington with a notice from Statham to quit the Stump X cottages (late William Green) on the 1st of June – he will have lived there about 4 months – merely observed I should have been glad to have possession sooner – then had just sat down to breakfast when Mr. Cole came for payment of a little bill in a/c of the Northgate hotel (conductor pipes) = £9.4.7 – thought only of Mr. Cole the engineer – said I did not like a high pressure engine – had told Mr. Harper to settle about it – had got a plan of a low pressure engine – gave Mr. Cole payable to Messrs. Stuges and co. a check no. 94 for £9.4.6 – then had David Mallinson joiner and Firth plumber with each an order from Mr. Harper in a/c of the hotel and gave the former check 95 for £300 and the latter check 96 for £70. then breakfast till 11 – then with A- till she sent off her letter to her sister – Little Mary to come with Hannah – their home to be here knows nothing of Pitchforth but what I learnt yesterday (from Mr. Parker) that his name is Solmon, brother to P- who has the Boothroyde – that (all that A- mentions to Mrs. Sutherland) he is very respectable and married the daughter of Mr. Hulings excise collector here and a man of property – but that all things considered A- and I would not be anxious to sell the most valuable part of the field on the terms proposed Had they not best get the field set out and valued in building lots before they sold any of it, and then they would know what they were doing? – A- said I  said they could not be wrong in selling 500 or 600 yards of Landymere stone to a person sufficiently respectable and substantial – and that quantity enough to sell at 1st – should be staked out, and Mr. Parker accustomed to stone-agreements would make all safe – A- took my advice in merely (after giving copy of the plan and saying the road was made a high way for carts and carriages day and night and would not the best way of stopping this be by building a Lodge) A- took my advice in merely asking what they thought of acting upon Benomies’ plan or something like it – adding that if anything was done about it they should be at no expense and the new [part] the road would of course be as much theirs as the present road – Mr.  S. Gray is coming – A- will consult him – I think he will advice judiciously -  and I am satisfied – I cannot help feeling my own credit (the credit of my own taste) at stake; and I am anxious that A-‘s concerns should never appear to have interested me less than my own – came to my study at 11 ¾ - had Stephen Mallinson carpenter (did not see him) paid him by check 97 £19.2.6 in a/c of the Stump x Inn new building – wrote all the above of today till 12 ½ - then inking over memoranda in my rough book – and a little while with A- Little John who took to the post her letter to Mrs. Sutherland brought for me note from the Halifax philosophical society a paper ‘on the geographic distribution of planets’ to be read on Monday – and a letter from M- Lawton 3pp. and ends – altering the offices at Lawton – all in bustle – just off to Leamington – their house there to be given up 1 June, and Mr. Ackers has lent them Moreton, near Lawton so that they may overlook the alterations at home – the N-s Isabella and Charlotte mortally offended at Burnett for being housekeeper to their brother instead of themselves and disgusted at Ellens’ indifference on the loss of her mother Mrs. Best – Had James Wood and wrote him (all my regular checks done) check n°98 = £20 in a/c of masons’ work at the Stump X Inn – then wrote the last 9 lines till 1 ½ - from 1 ½ to 3 ¾ (A- off to Cliff Hill between 2 and 3) at colliery accounts – then out till came in (just after A-) at 5 ½ - with the masons (4?) at the meer head clow – then with Robert + 3 filling hollow down to the meer between the 2 brooks Ings old hedge-row – and at new drain in Sour Ing, John Day carting clay from this new drain to fill up the hollow as above – Edward and James at carriage house court necessary front wall – and Ingham + 2 or 3 at the dry walling there this afternoon – dressed – had the 2 Manns (who came at 5 ½) till 6 55 – settled with them talked over the Spiggs water clow and mentioned 1st time John O-‘s opinion that it would be best to bring the Incline out at once at the top of the bank – Joseph M- thought we could not get water – desired them to think the matter over – dinner at 7 – A- asleep on the sofa in the north parlour 50 minutes – coffee at 9 – I had sat reading Wordsworth’s Attica and Athens from p.136 to 180 – came upstairs at 10 ½ - till 12 firing off my pistols – had John up to put in a new flint, and see what was the matter with the percussion pistil – the powder damp – dried it – surely all is right now – finish morning – snow and hail and very wintry afternoon from before 2 – fair in the evening – F30° now at 12 10 tonight
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jordm · 4 years
Heartland 14x02 - The Last Goodbye
So, it’s Tuesday January 19, I look at the date and i’m like hey, Sunday has passed. Wasn’t there a new episode of Heartland? 
Indeed. Yes there was. And I forgot it was on. So... oops? Anyways, here we go, let us live recap it up.
i’m getting the feeling that this entire season is going to be about how Amy and the entire family deals with her emotions about the death of her best friend. Even that opening scene where Amy dreams about coming in and seeing Ty and Lyndy in the kitchen was kind of heartbreaking. It seems like she’s still hallucinating the same scene night in and night out of her waking up and seeing Ty in the kitchen. Despite the title of the episode, I don’t think this will be the last goodbye for Amy. Maybe the last goodbye for that sequence but this whole season will be littered with Ty memories.
Side note: Love the Ty and Lyndy picture by Amy’s bedside!
I’ve kind of been keeping up with Alisha on social media, so I knew she was back in Vancouver for a bit, so I suppose this “Quinn and Georgie go to Florida” (even though it’s a hotspot for COVID but i guess we’re in a non-covid world) is a plot point to give Alisha time off. But separate bedrooms, don’t worry! You know, what, I don’t hate it. She can probably do school virtually and if Georgie is serious about getting back into the horse of it all, it’s not bad. I mean, it’s not as bad as Mongolia haha.
But first, Quinn has to survive the cattle drive and no one thinks he’s going to make it out alive, even Jade. Unfortunately, Quinn doesn’t stay in the back despite Jade telling him to and 6 cattle run away and has to endure some stern words from Jack. However, he finds the missing 3 cattle (with help from Jade), gets an apology from Jack and now he and Georgie are off to Florida!
This also brings up memories for Jack of Ty’s first cattle run. First the hat, then Ty by the river. Surprisingly, Tim takes Quinn losing the cattle better than Jack, with Tim telling Jack to calm down and cut Quinn some slack. My first thought was that Jack didn’t really feel like that, but his memories of Ty’s first cattle is clouding his vision and making his words seem more harsh than they may have intended. He might be seeing Quinn as replacing Ty. 
Last episode Tim dealt with his feelings about Ty’s death in part by destroying the house and getting his anger out, and this time it was Jacks. Jack probably wanted to be a rock for his family, and never dealt with his feelings like everyone else may have and now, it’s his turn. It’s his turn to find heal a little. This comes in the form of letting Ty’s hat go in the river - the very hat he wore on the first cattle drive. Selfishly, I wish that he kept the hat, perhaps kept it to give to Lyndy as a family heirloom to pass down but this is what Jack decided he needs to heal and keep on living.
“My moms new husbands daughter” - Welcome to Heartland Parker! Who got a Paint horse as a present. Jack is excited, Parker is not. Parker is all about lowering emissions and saving the environment and is a city girl, per Jade, even though i’m pretty sure a farm has much less emissions than a city. But that’s besides the point. With their parents on vacation, Jade is stuck with Parker... but Jade booked rodeos... soo to Heartland it is! 
Since Parker doesn’t know how to ride yet, and Jade does not want to teach her, Amy offers to teach her. While Parker doesn’t seem too much into it, she does show up and Amy makes it her mission to show her how special the horse bond can be. Unfortunately, Mickey acts up and runs away and Amy makes it her mission to figure out why he acted like that. They come across a guy (I didn’t catch his name) but said guy worked with Mickey during therapy when he first came from Syria. The guy’s discussion about why Mickey was so special to him seemed to intrigue Parker and it also calmed down Mickey, who apparently needed... one last goodbye.
Lou has a plumbing leak and asks to call a plumber - naturally. Unfortunately, the fact that she bought a new couch (The couch couldn’t have dried?? Was a new couch really necessary?) and called someone to get it fixed made the paper and Lou isn’t happy. She also isn’t happy that Aidan is bringing up how the town may see the fact that Heartland is supplying the beef as nepotism (even though it’s kind of true). Looks like being mayor isn’t as wonderful as it is cracked out to be. But isn’t that how politics usually work?
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Feature films, shorts and TV
1929: Fox Movietone Newsreel (himself)
1930: Soup to Nuts (firefighter)
1933: Salt Water Daffy (Wilbur, a kleptomaniac)
1933: Close Relations (cousin Mole)
1933: Paul Revere Jr. (stable boy)
1933; Gobs of Fun (nightclub client)
1933: In the Dough (Bug)
1933: Here Comes Flossie (Ezry)
1934: How'd Ya Like That? (sailor)
1934: Henry the Ache (Artie, one of King Henry's lackeys)
1934: The Wrong Wrong Trail (patient)
1934: Mushrooms (Thorndyke)
1934: The Knife of the Party (Shemp, leader of the Stooges)
1934: Everybody Likes Music (Shemp)
1934: Pugs and Kisses (Dopey Traynor)
1934: Very Close Veins (frozen drunk)
1934: Pure Feud (Clem McCarthy)
1934: Corn on the Cop (Reginald, tramp)
1934: I Scream (Moran's henchman)
1934: Rambling 'Round Radio Row # 7 (Series 2 # 1) (songwriter representative)
1934: Art Trouble (Shemp, art student)
1934: My Mummy's Arms (Kenneth)
1934: Daredevil O'Dare (circus promoter)
1934: Smoked Hams (Henry Howard)
1934: So You Won't T-T-T-Talk (Henry)
1934: Dizzy and Daffy (Lefty Howard)
1934: A Peach of a Pair (Shemp Butler)
1935: His First Flame (Smokey Moe)
1935: Convention Girl (Dan Higgins)
1935: Why Pay Rent? (Henry)
1935: Serves You Right (Johnny Spivens)
1935: On the Wagon (Henry)
1935: The Officer's Mess (Gus Doaks)
1936: While the Cat's Away (Henry)
1936: For the Love of Pete (Knobby Walsh)
1936: Absorbing Junior (Henry, husband)
1936: Here's Howe (Knobby Walsh)
1936: Punch and Beauty (Knobby Walsh)
1936: The Choke's on You (Knobby Walsh)
1936: The Blonde Bomber (Knobby Walsh)
1937: Kick Me Again (Knobby Walsh)
1937: Taking the Count (Knobby Walsh)
1937: Hollywood Round-Up (Oscar Bush)
1937: Headin 'East (Windy Wylie)
1938: Not Guilty Enough (Andy Clyde's brother-in-law)
1938: Home on the Rage (Andy Clyde's brother-in-law)
1939: Behind Prison Gates (inmate in charge of serving the mess hall)
1939: Another Thin Man (Wacky)
1939: The Glove Slingers (Uncle Pat Patrick, boxing manager)
1940: Money Squawks (Shemp)
1940: The Lone Wolf Meets a Lady (Joe, a pickpocket)
1940: Boobs in the Woods (Gus)
1940: Millionaires in Prison (Teacher)
1940: Pleased to Mitt You (Pat Patrick)
1940: The Leather Pushers (Sailor McNeill)
1940: The Bank Dick (Joe Guelpe, bartender)
1940: Murder Over New York (Shorty McCoy, the Carnarsie Kid)
1940: Give Us Wings (Buzz)
1940: The Invisible Woman (Hammerhead Frankie)
1941: Lucky Devils (pickpocket)
1941: Six Lessons from Madame La Zonga (Gabby)
1941: Buck Privates (cook)
1941: Meet the Chump (Stinky Fink)
1941: Road Show (Moe Parker)
1941: Mr. Dynamite (Abdullah)
1941: The Flame of New Orleans (waiter at the Oyster Bed Cafe)
1941: News of the Day Vol. 12 # 272 (client)
1941: Too Many Blondes (Ambrose Tripp, hotelier)
1941: In the Navy (Dizzy)
1941: Tight Shoes (Okay)
1941: San Antonio Rose (Benny the Bounce)
1941: Hit the Road (Dingbat)
1941: Cracked Nuts (Eddie / Ivan)
1941: Hold That Ghost (drinks and ice cream dispenser)
1941: Appointment for Love (man on the street)
1941: Hoosier Boy Makes Good (prop)
1941: Hellzapoppin '(Louie)
1942 Butch Minds the Baby (Squinty Sweeny)
1942 - Mississippi Gambler (Milton Davis, taxi driver)
1942: The Strange Case of Dr. Rx (Detective Sergeant Sweeney)
1942: Private Buckaroo (Sergeant Muggsy Snavel)
1942: Strictly in the Groove (Pops)
1942 - Pittsburgh (Shorty, the tailor)
1942: Arabian Nights (Sinbad)
1943: How's About It? (Alf)
1943: It Ain't Hay (Umbrella Sam)
1943: Keep 'Em Slugging (Binky)
1943: Crazy House (Mumbo)
1944: 3 of a Kind (Shemp Howard)
1944: Pick a Peck of Plumbers (Elmer)
1944: Moonlight and Cactus (Punchy Carter)
1944: Strange Affair (laundry driver)
1944: Open Season for Saps (Woodcock Q. Strinker)
1944: Crazy Knights (Shemp Howard)
1945: Off Again, on Again (suicidal boyfriend)
1945: Trouble Chasers (Shemp Howard)
1945: Where the Pest Begins (Shemp Howard)
1945: A Hit with a Miss (Rameses, boxer)
1946: The Gentleman Misbehaves (Marty)
1946: Mr. Noisy (Noisy, the annoying spectator)
1946: Jiggers, My Wife (Woodcock 'Woody' J. Strinker)
1946: One Exciting Week (Marvin Lewis)
1946: Dangerous Business (Monk)
1946: Society Mugs (Shemp)
1946: Blondie Knows Best (Jim Gray)
1947: Bride and Gloom (Shemp)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Miscellaneous OCs
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Name: Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Watson. Title: Bumblebee: No Rest For The Wicked. Fandom: Transformers. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie.
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Name: Princess Ruth of Camelot/Morticia of Ravenbow. Title: The Prophecy of Camelot. Fandom: The School For Good and Evil. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Princess Helen of Camelot. Title: The Prophecy of Camelot. Fandom: The School For Good and Evil. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Eva Anderson. Title: Kick Ass Lives On. Fandom: Kick Ass. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Dawn. Title: Seldom All They Seem. Fandom: Maleficent. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Malina Welssman. 
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Name: Luna/Willow. Title: Seldom All They Seem.  Fandom: Maleficent.  Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown. 
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Name: Samantha ‘Sam’ Tennyson. Title: Young Plumbers. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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Name: Rook Shing. Title: Young Plumbers. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
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Name: Skye Thordottir/Sky Foster. Title: Princess Protection Program: Beyond Earth. Fandom: Princess Protection Program. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown.
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Name: Tess Carmen. Title: Princess Protection Program: Beyond Earth. Fandom: Princess Protection Program. Summary: TBA. Faceclaim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee. 
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Name: Cecelia ‘Cece’ Ross.  Title: Welcome To The Owl House. Fandom: The Owl House. Summary: TBA. Voiceclaim: TBA.
Children Of The Moon: Summary Of The Story: When the Guardians defeated the Boogeyman, they believed they had defeated him for good and that it was over. How wrong they were. Soon, fear is being risen by Pitch Black somehow despite him being dead last they saw of him, and nightmares are growing as darkness threatens the world once more. The Guardians aren't alone in this fight though, as the Moon appears to have decided to take matters into his own hands, and chosen new guardians to be trained to be the new guardians. But can they be trained in time to defeat the darkness, or will the world finally be taken over by fear once more? Fandom: Rise of The Guardians. Quotev Link
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*Alix- Eventual Guardian of Freedom- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Puck- Eventual Guardian of Mischief- Voiceclaim: TBA.  *Isleen- Eventual Guardian of Illusions- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Noelle- Eventual Guardian of Laughter- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Hyacinth/Hya- Eventual Guardian of Will- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Lavernia/Nia- Eventual Guardian of Wisdom- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Jemma Bennett- Child of Jamie- Voiceclaim: TBA. 
Upside Down: The Power Within: Summary of Series: TBA.  Fandom: Winx Club. 
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*Lilith/Lily- Fairy of The Shadows- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Pandora- Fairy of Myths and Legends- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Holly- Fairy of Snow- Voiceclaim: TBA.  *Sonata- Fairy of Music- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Juliet- Fairy of Stars- Voiceclaim: TBA.
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*Aurora- Witch of The Sun- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Lucine/Luci- Witch of The Moon- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Beryl- Witch of The Jewels- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Fauna- Witch of Animals- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Cinderella/Ella- Witch of Fire- Voiceclaim: TBA.
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*Alexandra- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Charlotte/Charlie- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Grace- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Elijah- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Oliver- Voiceclaim: TBA.
The Next 9th Grade Ninja: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja.
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*Wendy Burton- The New Ninja- Voiceclaim: TBA. *Mildred Watts- Best Friend- Voiceclaim: TBA.
Rising From The Ashes (Hunger Games What If): Summary of Book: TBA. Fandom: Hunger Games.
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*Willow Hawthorne- Middle child of Prim and Rory- District 12 Tribute. *Fern Hawthorne- Eldest child of Prim and Rory. *Avina Barry- District 11 Tribute. *Grover- District 11 Tribute. *Elena and Finley- District 10 Tributes.  *Knox and Anya- District 9 Tributes. *Winter and Andres- District 8 Tributes. *Harlee and Damien- District 7 Tributes. *Tanner and Joelle- District 6 Tributes. *Mallory and Jensen- District 5 Tributes. *Jack and Lizzie- District 4 Tributes. *Daxton and Charlie- District 3 Tributes. *Roman and Clarisse- District 2 Tributes. *Quartz and Jasper- District 1 Tributes.
The Tale of Two Avatars: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Last Airbender/Korra.
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*Anzu- Twin Fire Avatar. *Yuina- Twin Fire Avatar. *Minato- Firebender- Ally of Yuina.  *Silla- Waterbender- Ally of Anzu. *Xia- Earthbender- Ally of Anzu. *Dawa- Airbender- Ally of Anzu. *Youta- Airbender- Ally of Yuina. 
The Path of The New Avatar: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Last Airbender/Korra. 
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*Gui- Believed Earth Avatar. *Cuifen- The real Avatar. *Arya- Jinora’s and Kai’s Child- AIrbender. *Yua- Korra’s and Asami’s Adopted Child- Firebender. *Panuk- Waterbender. *Rong- Twin Earthbender. *Suen- Twin Earthbender.
The Legacy of Magic: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Wizards of Waverly Place.
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*Jenna Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Sara Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Kyle Russo- Child of Justin and Juliet. *Zoe Greyback- Only child of Alex and Mason. *Parker Beakerman- Child of Zeke and Harper. *Cooper Beakerman- Child of Zeke and Harper. *Harry Russo- Child of Max. 
Star Wars: The Force Lives On: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Star Wars.
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*Ailyn Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn- Jedi. *Solia Skywalker- Adopted twin child of Rey and Finn. *Vera Skywalker- Adopted twin child of Rey and Finn. *Tycho Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn. *Mide Skywalker- Adopted child of Rey and Finn.  *Daro Dameron- Child of Poe and Zoe. *Darth Rel/Crix Harend- Sith- Bad guy. 
Prime: The Next Geneation: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Transformers Prime. 
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*Joseph ‘Joe’ Darby- Eldest child of Jack- Guardian: Arcee. *Jane Darby- Youngest child of Jack- Guardian: Arcee.  *Randy Esquivel- Only child of Raf- Guardian: Bumblebee. *Markus Lelung- Twin child of Miko- Guardian: Bulkhead. *Maisey Lelung- Twin child of Miko- Guardian: Bulkhead.
The New Mystery Gang:  Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Scooby Doo. 
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*Dominic Jones- Eldest child of Fred and Daphne. *Frances Jones- Middle child of Fred and Daphne. *Donald Jones- Youngest child of Fred and Daphne. *Samantha ‘Sam’ Rogers- Child of Shaggy. *Stacey Rogers- Adopted child of Shaggy. *Vincent Dinkley- Child of Velma. *Vivian Dinkley- Child of Velma. *Swiper- Pup of Scooby. 
Once Upon A Time...: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Regal Academy.
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*Felix Snowwhite- Eldest child of Rose and Hawk. *Lily Snowwhite- Middle child of Rose and Hawk. *Hugo Snowwhite- Youngest child of Rose and Hawk. *Suyin Beast- Twin child of Travis and Ling-Ling.  *Juan Beast- Twin child of Travis and Ling-Ling. *Nicholas Beast- Child of Astoria and Shawn. *Casper Beast- Child of Astoria and Shawn. *Hope Frog- Child of Joy and Esquire.  *Rickey Broomstick- Child of Vicky. *Mary Broomstick- Child of Cyrus. *Emerald Stepsister- Twin child of Ruby. *Jasper Stepsister- Twin child of Ruby. *Donna Ugly Duckling- Eldest child of Gerald. *Linda Ugly Duckling- Youngest child of Gerald. *Luke Whale- Child of Finn. *Hanna Tom Thumb- Child of Leene. *Rosette Swan- Eldest child of Odette. *Paulette Swan- Youngest child of Odette. *Pinocchian- ‘Child’ of Pinocchia.  *Ivy Ogre- Child of Violet.
Beyblade: Battle X: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Beyblade Metal Saga.
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*Niko Goto- Female lead. *Asahl Sakurei- Computer user friend. *Sakura Tamura- Friend. *Emiko Imar- Rival.
Beyblade: Heirs: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Beyblade: Metal Saga.
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*Pegasau Hagane- Eldest child of Gingka and Madoka. *Runa Hagane- Twin child of Gingka and Madoka.  *Seisho Hagane- Twin child of Gingka and Madoka. *Hoshi Hagane- Youngest child of Gingka and Madoka. *Ririsu/Yuri- Only child of Ryuga. *Reon Tategami- Eldest child of Kyoya.  *Shibere Tategami- Youngest child of Kyoya. *Unmei- Only child of Hyoma.  *Kayo Tendo- Only child of Yu. *Ajun Hazama- Eldest child of Hikaru.  *Demetora Otori- Only child of Tsubasa. *Heza Yumiya- Twin child of Kenta. *Maku Yumiya- Twin child of Kenta. *Deruta Kadoya- Twin child of Masaume.  *Jemini Kadoya- Twin child of Masaume.  *Evurin- Child of Doji- Leader of Nebula- Villain.
A Different Kind of Normal: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Lab Rats.
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*Viola Davis- Bionic Girl. *Benjamin ‘Ben’ Jones- Bionic Boy. *Mariana ‘Mari’ Gonzalez- Bionic Girl. *Levi Owen- Crush of Ben. *Evelyn ‘Eve’ Tee- Crush- Friend-later-Crush of Viola. *Cameron Jackson- Friend of Mari. *Bella Newman- Best friend of Ben. *Milo Kingston- Bully of the three. *Wyatt Watson- Later villain. *Juliana Parker- Villain. *Trinity Stark- Main villain. *Hazel Reilly- Neighbor. 
Welcome to Sky High: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Sky High. 
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*Azalea ‘Aza’ Peace- Eldest child of Warren and Layla. *Florian Peace- Youngest child of Warren and Layla.  *Rachel Stronghold- Only child of Will. *Zane- Twin child of Magneta and Zach. *Seth- Twin child of Magneta and Zach. *Paige- Only child of Ethan.
Legacy of The Charmed Ones: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Charmed (Original). 
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*Wyatt= Matthew, Pandora and Poppy Halliwell. *Chris= Penny, Pamela and Prudence Halliwell. *Melinda= Petra, Arthur and David Halliwell. *Peyton= Carter, Paulina and Patience Halliwell (all adopted). *P.J= Pearl, Hayden and Primrose Halliwell. *Parker= Jackson, Chase and Bailey Halliwell. *Tamora= Imogen, Maxwell and Lilith Mitchell. *Kat= Reed, Luke and Skylor Mitchell. *Henry. Jr= Simon and Jane Mitchell. 
Maddie 10: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Ben 10 (Classic Continuity). 
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*Cameron ‘Cam’ Tennyson- Eldest child of Ben and Julie. *Madeline ‘Maddie’ Tennyson- Youngest child of Ben and Julie. *Roxanne ‘Roxie’ Tennyson- Only child of Gwen and Kevin. *Rook Quill- Eldest child of Rook Blonko.
The New Ninjago: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Lego Ninjago.
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*Aine- Child of Skylar and Kai. *Ruth- Only child of Lloyd. *Frtiz- Robot child of Zane and P.I.X.A.L. *Orion- Eldest child of Cole. *Terra- Youngest child of Cole. *Clara- Eldest child of Jay and Nya. *Miles- Twin child of Jay and Nya. *Tobias- Twin child of Jay and Nya.
Danny Phantom: Next Generation: Summary of Series: TBA. Fandom: Danny Phantom.
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*Freddie Fenton- Eldest child of Danny and Sam. *Regan Fenton- Middle child of Danny and Sam. *Spike Fenton- Youngest child of Danny and Sam. *Harley Foley- Eldest child of Tucker and Valerie. *Roxy Foley- Youngest child of Tucker and Valerie. *Harper Fenton- Only child of Jazz. *Poe Fenton- Only child of Dani. *Martin Baxter- Eldest child of Dash and Paulina. *Victoria Baxter- Youngest child of Dash and Paulina. *Hunter- Only child of Star and Kwan. *Joey- Only child of Mikey. *Aaron- Only child of Tiffany and Nathan. *Dylan Shaw- Friend of Freddie. *Wyatt Roberts- Friend of Freddie. *Ace Hyde- Friend of Freddie.
Zombies: Next Generation: Summary of Story: TBA. Fandom: Disney Zombies. 
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*Zadie Necrodopolis- Twin child of Zed and Addison. *Zayne Necrodopolis- Twin child of Zed and Addison. *Zayla Necrodopolis- Youngest child of Zed and Addison. *Winona Zambi-Lykensen- Only child of Eliza and Willa. *Whitney Lykensen- Only child of Wyatt. *Wayne Barkawtiz- Only child of Wynter. *Bucky Buchanen. Jr- Eldest child of Bucky. *Briella Buchanen- Youngest child of Bucky. *Braxton- Twin child of Bree and Bonzo.  *Bryce- Twin child of Bree and Bonzo. *Kacey- Only child of Lacey. *Macey- Only child of Stacey. *Dacey- Only child of Jacey. *Gracey- Only child of Tracey. *Doris Dumpson- Villain. 
Winx Club: Next Generation:  Summary of Series: The Magic Dimension has long since remained to be safe ever since the Winx Club moved on with their lifes, a few becoming queens, a few becoming rich and a few remaining happy enough with their families. It is now a new year for schools like Alfea, Red Fountain, Cloud Tower and even one of the known Wizard schools, Boderra. Attending the schools are none other then the Winx's children, and many of their allies children too. But so are the Trix Children. Just as the new school year looks ready to be another typical one, the new generation finds themselves suffering under legacies, and most of all, the wrath of the new Trix. The Winx Children will have to reform their parents teams, gain allies and stop the Trix Children once and for all, before Magix turns into something its not.... Quotev Link Fandom: Winx Club.
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*Aideen Daphne- Eldest child of Bloom and Sky- Fairy of Fireworks. *Ember Vanessa- Child of Bloom and Sky- Fairy of The Dragon Flame. *Kadence Martin- Eldest child of Musa and Riven- Fairy of Music.  *Luciana Luna-  Twin child of Stella and Brandon- Fairy of The Moon. *Azalea Miele- Child of Flora and Helia- Fairy of Art. *Maxima Musa- Child of Tecna and Timmy- Fairy of Technology. *Halzea Marion- Child of Daphne and Thoren- Fairy of Air. *Eva Morgana- Child of Roxy and Nex- Fairy of Mythological Beasts. *Nimue- Only child of Selina- Fairy of Snakes. *Rosabeth- Eldest child of Krystal and Roy- Fairy of Nature.  *Aurora Stormy- Child of Icy and Darko- Fairy of Snow.
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*Kyra Bloom- Twin child of Stella and Brandon- Witch of The Sun. *Ursa Darcy- Eldest child of Ivy and Darko- Witch of Ice. *Tove Icy- Twin child of Stormy- Witch of Lightning. *Ophelia- Only child of Mirta and Lucy- Witch of The Burning Stars.  *Lilith- Only child of Diaspro- Witch of Jewels.
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*Castor Mike- Child of Bloom and Sky. *Skylar Elizabeth- Child of Bloom and Sky. *Blair Tecna- Child of Musa and Riven. *Neron Radius- Eldest child of Stella and Brandon. *Lazuli Saladin- Eldest child of Flora and Helia. *Linux Jako- Eldest child of Tecna and Timmy. *Ethan Nex- Child of Daphne and Thoren.
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*Kai Teredor- Twin child of Aisha and Nabu- Wizard of Waves.  *Musa Niobe- Twin child of Aisha and Nabu- Wizard of Healing. *Vulcan Oritel- Eldest child of Daphne and Thoren- Wizard of Fire. *Uri Sky- Child of Daphne and Thoren- Wizard of Legends. *Dillon Klaus- Eldest child of Roxy and Nex- Wizard of Animals. *Valhalla Riven- Only child of Darcy- Wizard of Illusions. *Raiden Crow- Twin child of Stormy- Wizard of Thunder.
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*Hayden Thoren- Youngest child of Bloom and Sky. *Riya Flora- Twin child of Musa and Riven- Fairy of Sound. *Jaron Sky- Twin child of Musa and Riven- Wizard of Sound. *Thea Musa- Youngest child of Stella and Brandon- Fairy of Twilight. *Gale Rosabeth- Youngest child of Flora and Helia. *Zeno Nabu- Youngest child of Tecna and Timmy- Wizard of Electricity. *Corventina Ligeo- Youngest child of Aisha and Nabu.  *Jorck Aidan- Youngest child of Daphne and Thoren. *Lyall Thoren- Child of Roxy and Nex. *Kefira Nebula- Youngest child of Roxy and Nex. *North Valtor- Youngest child of Icy and Darko. 
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Name: Clara Heafley. Title: Bodyguard: Prey. Fandom: Bodyguard. Summary: In a constantly changing world, the need for protection grows. A teenager is the least likely suspect for a protector- but that's exactly what Clara Heafley relies on to do her job. Her job? Being a professional bodyguard trained in surveillance, anti-ambush techniques, hostage survival and unarmed combat. When she's given the task to protect the Prime Minister's daughter, her protection skills face the ultimate test. Carla however, doesn't want protection. She just wants to have a normal life. Unaware that Clara is her bodyguard, she tries to hide from security while taking Clara along for the ride. But unknown to her and Clara, her father's rival is not willing to accept defeat. And with a common tactic being to target enemies loved ones, this anger slowly morphs him into a vulture, with the Prime Minister's daughter being his prey. Quotev Link Faceclaim/Voiceclaim: TBA. 
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
April 26, 1918
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Stafford Alois Repp was born and raised in San Francisco, California. He is best known for his role as Police Chief O'Hara on ABC's “Batman” television series. Soon after the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, he served a stint in the United States Army Air Corps during World War II where he was active in producing shows. After his military service, he began his acting career.
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He made his screen debut in an uncredited role in 1954′s Fireman, Save My Child!  Coincidentally, the cast also included Madge Blake, with whom he would co-star in “Batman”.  She played Aunt Harriett.  That same year he also made his TV debut in in episode of “Public Defender.”  Blake was again in the cast, although only as a voice actor. 
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He first worked for Desilu on a 1956 episode of “Cavalcade of America” titled “The Jackie Jensen Story.”   He also appeared in a 1958 episode of Desilu’s “Official Detective Stories” titled “Hijackers” on New Years Day. 
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He did two episodes of Desilu’s “The Real McCoys” in 1957 and 1959.  In between, he also appeared on Desilu’s “The Walter Winchell File” titled “David and Goliath”. 
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In 1959, he made single appearances on two of Desilu’s top-rated shows: “The Untouchables” and “December Bride” where he played a cop. Also in 1958 and 1959 he did three episodes of “The Californians” (above) which was filmed at Desilu Studios backlot. 
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In 1960, he appeared on “The Texan” (above) co-produced by Desilu, and Desilu’s “Guestward Ho!”.  That year he also filmed an episode of “Angel” at Desilu Studios, which was aired in January 1961. 
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He played two different officers of the law on “Dennis the Menace” in 1962 and 1963, alongside “The Lucy Show’s" Mr. Mooney, Gale Gordon. Coincidentally, “Dennis the Menace” had their own Mr. Mooney, who was a police officer!
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He finally worked with Lucille Ball on “The Lucy Show” episode “Lucy and Viv Put in a Shower” (TLS S1;E18) aired on January 28, 1963. He played Joe Melvin, a plumber from Ridgefield. 
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He returned to the series in a silent, but hilarious role in “Lucy Is a Process Server” (TLS S2;E27), filmed in color, but first aired in black and white on  April 20, 1964.  He played a counterman in a trackside café. The counterman does not have any lines, but Repp listens attentively to Mr. Mooney’s ramblings.
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In 1966, he created the character that would be his legacy, Chief O’Hara on “Batman” starring Adam West.  
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He appeared in 117 episodes as well as the 1966 Batman feature film. 
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For Desi Arnaz Productions', he appeared in two episodes of “The Mothers-in-Law” in 1967 and 1968.  Both times as policemen!
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He did an episode of “Here’s Lucy” titled “Lucy and Ma Parker” (HL S3;E15) in December 1970 as (what else?) a police detective!  
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He died on November 5, 1974 after a heart attack at age 56. His final screen appearance was posthumously on a March 1974 episode of “M*A*S*H”.  
After his death, his sister, a television writer, established the Stafford Repp Memorial Scholarship for alumni of his alma mater, Lowell High School.
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Okay guys, you wanted mutuals as casts, and I couldn’t think of one specific show or movie, so I casted you guys as some of my favorite characters from shows and movies. The mutuals that I know best have a description by them, and as always, feel free to start talking, I love new friends! Hope you all enjoy! 💓💜💙
@luv-ya-hun: Katherine Plumber (Newsies), Hermione Granger (HP), Jo March (Little Women): Have you all read her writing? She’s freaking talented, also a good friend and super kind. She will change the world, mark my words
@your-lover-crutchie: Crutchie (Newsies), Peter Parker (Spider-Man: Homecoming/Far From Home), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter): Lily is the absolute SWEETEST and gives us so much content. She is literally an angel, too precious for this world. You always make people feel better about themselves, and you are amazing!
@romeomahbromeo: Sonny Carisi (Law and Order: SVU), Tom Branson (Downton Abbey): You fight injustice on your tumblr and care so much about people.
@myslightobsessions: Abby Suso (Love, Simon), Wanda Maximoff (Marvel), Eliza Hamilton (Hamilton) *Sharon Tate (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood): Chloe, you initiated our conversation, and it just took off! You’re such a kind person, and I love you so much! You’re such a sweetheart and listen to my rants about Margot Robbie, which is greatly appreciated, which is why I honorary casted you as Sharon!! You’re also such a good hype woman, and have done so much to help me through a lot! Love ya lots!
@snakeyboimusical: Racetrack Higgins (Newsies), Fred Weasley (Harry Potter): You’re super funny and chaotic, also very lovable.
@nerdy-gay-shit: Janis Ian (Mean Girls), Ned Leeds (Spider-Man: Homecoming/Far From Home): The sweetest, funniest, and sassy friend everyone deserves. An absolute icon!
@thtvscoboi: Damian Hubbard (Mean Girls), Tony Stark (Marvel): Clay, you are freaking iconic! You’re super funny and care a lot about your friends, and you also make everyone laugh
@crutchie-with-a-y: Sarah Jacobs (Newsies), Natasha Romanoff (Marvel): Okay, you’re super tough and don’t put up with shit, but you’re trustworthy and so kind! You have such a big heart, and I love it!
@ohyes-abovethefold: May Parker (Spider-Man:Homecoming/Far From Home), Sybil Crawley (Downton Abbey): Okay, we started talking, but you are literally the sweetest! You care about everyone so much, and I’m so thankful to have met you
@thespacegeranium: Davey Jacobs (Newsies), Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey): You’re very efficient and smart!!
@homemadebiscuts: Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter), Spot Conlon (Newsies): You are sweet, but super tough!
@disney-princess-sized: Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter), Medda Larkin (Newsies): Okay, so we started talking, and I know you’re older than me, so you're like a mother figure to me. You’re also so warm, welcoming, and supportive!
@tha-woild-is-yer-erster: Leah Burke (Love, Simon), Elmer (Newsies): An absolute sweetheart!
@pulitzers-world: Olivia Benson (Law and Order: SVU), Michelle MJ Jones (Spider-Man: Homecoming/Far From Home): You want to change the world, and will do great at being a political correspondent.
@withsome-payback: JoJo (Newsies), Anna Bates (Downton Abbey): You are such a sweetheart, and very supportive.
@thewoildisyaerster: Fiona Gallagher (Shameless), Ron Weasley (Harry Potter): Okay, you are an absolute sweetheart and saint! You talk to me, and deal with me not responding for a bit when life gets tough! The sweetest friend.
Okay, you guys just started following me and I want to get to know you more because you all seem amazing, so I just casted you guys! Hope to talk to you more!
@buttonsdelaguerra: Anya Romanov (Anastasia), Sam Wilson (Marvel)
@hermionejacobs: Angelica Schuyler (Hamilton), Pepper Potts (Marvel)
@canstonesbestoned: Les Jacobs (Newsies), George Weasley (Harry Potter)
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
I think all the Newsie's AU's could be really entertaining but I would most like to know about the Leverage one and the Lilo & Stitch one.
Okay, so I had two people in a row ask for Lilo and Stitch while also requesting another outline, so I’ll be doing Lilo and Stitch very soon.
But… I LOVE this one.
So, for those of you who haven’t seen Leverage, you can watch it on Amazon Prime Video. It’s amazing and I adore it. My favorite character is Hardison. He’s everything. Nothing he says ever gets old. Hardison and Parker are literally so freaking cute that I just can’t. And I think I’ve already talked about how Spot Conlon is very similar to Eliot Spencer, at least the way I write him. So this’ll be fun.
So anyways…
Leverage AU
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Jack Kelly — Nate Ford
Katherine Plumber — Sophie Devereau
Spot Conlon — Eliot Spencer
Racetrack Higgins — Parker
Albert DaSilva — Alec Hardison
Jack Kelly: The Mastermind
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Jack is an alcoholic
He’s only twenty five when this story starts.
He used to work for an insurance company but after that same company let his baby brother die, refusing to pay for his treatment, Jack quit and has been a “functioning alcoholic” ever since.
Jack has anger issues that he refuses to acknowledge
Jack used to pride himself on being emotionally broken, but still never crossing over to the “dark side” of the law.
He’s the son of a numbers runner who was emotionally abusive
Was originally trying to become a catholic priest as he was strong in his faith but has since strayed a bit after losing Charlie, the only person in the world he truly loved
After meeting his team, Jack grows very protective of them, viewing them as a sort of family that he’d never really had, all except for Charlie.
Jack first meets the team when a man comes to him, begging him to keep an eye on a group of thieves as they execute a job he’s hired them for. After they are all double crossed by this man, narrowly escaping death, they come together to set things right and the team begs Jack to continue leading them as Jack shows them how good it feels to do the right thing, even if the right thing requires bending or breaking the rules.
Jack grew up extremely poor but is an excellent artist and chess player.
Jack likes to cook.
Jack loves to learn new things when he can’t drink to continue distracting himself.
Jack is the one to typically choose the clients his new team takes on.
Jack took Charlie in the second he turned eighteen, unable to trust his father who was a no good drunk.
Jack hates that he’s becoming just like his dad but refuses to stop.
Jack is more protective of Race than anyone else, as Race’s optimism and energy remind him of Charlie.
Jack serves as a mentor of sorts to Albert.
He is kept in check by Spot.
Jack is very quick witted, moving from one plan to the next as things change.
Jack gets his own father killed after a mission gone wrong.
Jack gets arrested protecting his team who he knows will go away for much longer than him for all the crimes they’ve committed.
Jack is the one who introduces the group to Katherine, the best grifter he’s ever seen, with whom he ends up falling for.
Katherine Plumber: The Grifter
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Katherine is a struggling actress who can’t perform to save her life, though is the best grifter in the business.
Katherine is very careful of her identity, meaning that absolutely no one knows her real name.
Katherine speaks nearly eleven languages.
Katherine has difficulty maintaining real relationships as it’s hard to decipher her acts from reality.
Before becoming a member of Leverage she focuses heavily on art theft
After meeting the team, she bonds with Race over art
Katherine manages to fake her death twice in two years and attend her own funeral at both
As Katherine is the only woman on the team, she often feels as though she doesn’t belong, but all of her boys adore her and protect her at all costs.
Katherine has an abundance of connections around the world, though none of them know her true identity.
Prides herself on long cons that she’d pulled in the past all by herself.
Katherine never reveals how she grew up to her friend as she is very good at letting things go and never getting attached but all of that changes when Jack reaches out to her.
Katherine is wanted in five countries.
Successfully stole the Stanley Cup and replaced it with a replica, though she does not care for Hockey and did all of it out of spite because someone told her she couldn’t.
Katherine makes a game of keeping her real name from Jack as she insists he has to earn the right to know it.
Katherine falls for Jack nearly as fast as he falls for her.
Though Jack and Katherine do sleep together a few times, they agree to keep it a secret for the good of the team.
Though Katherine and Jack aren’t much older than the rest of the team, they take on a sort of parental role for Race and Albert who both grew up orphans
Katherine eventually opens up her own acting company where she finds she is an excellent coach, though she was never a performer herself because she lacked a certain truth element when she would try to perform on stage or on screen.
Katherine is very close with the whole team, but is able to relax while around Spot, as he’s more an equal to her than Race and Albert, and Jack and her have a lot of tension sometimes.
She shares the most with Spot on accident as Spot is easy to talk to.
Runs away at some point to “find herself” after an old team of hers tries to kill her and the rest of her current team and comes back just in time for Jack to be arrested, saving all of them.
Spot Conlon: The Hitter
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Spot Conlon was in and out of the mob all growing up. (Eliot was black ops, but I want Spot to be younger, this is different).
He began training when he was very young and is a very skilled “retrieval specialist”
Spot has had to kill before and is ashamed of his past. When asked about it, he calmly asks his team not to get curious because he would tell them what he did 
Though the whole team consists of criminals, Spot believes them, especially Race and Albert, to be innocent and naive and he constantly looks out for them as best he can, acting as a sort of big brother for them until he catches feelings for Race (yeah sorry guys that’s gonna be different too)
Spot is very calm and never shows any kind of panic.
Spot is a trained chef
He grows up only fighting, learning to not get attached
The leverage team is his gateway to figuring out that he is capable of love
His role on the team is protection. He is always around to keep his team out of trouble when something goes wrong or even when things go right and he has to disarm people on purpose.
Spot is wicked smart and is able to discern things from noises, smells, walking patterns etc. always stating “It’s a very distinctive __”
Knows various types of martial arts and uses them regularly
Though not technically a grifter, Spot has an easy time playing different roles and can blend in easily with a crowd.
Hostage negotiator
He’s extremely protective of his team and is willing to go great lengths to make sure they’re safe and secure
Has a budding relationship with Albert who constantly gets himself into trouble that Spot has to get him out of.  
Was known as Sean before Race showed up and gave him a non threatening nickname based on his freckles
Can play the guitar
Manages to get shot at constantly, taking a few bullets but refusing to walk with crutches.
He loves teaching Katherine how to defend herself
Loves teaching Race knew things as well
Speaks six languages
Spot is not familiar with a lot of technology, causing him to often need Albert’s help with that kind of thing
Has rescued Race and Albert from being kidnapped or hurt the most
As times goes on, finds himself more and more in love with his team and really does love to protect them
Sees Albert as a little brother, even if he won’t admit it.
Racetrack Higgins: The Thief
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Has been a thief since he was very young, maybe seven, but only gives his team made up stories about how it all started
Has a hard time coping with grief or pain, which is why he likes to make up stories about his past.
Abusive father killed Race’s mother when he was very young
Race grew up in foster care until he ran away at twelve, eventually getting raised on the street by an elite thief who spotted his talents and offered to train him, making him the best thief in the world
Is socially awkward on account of being a loner for most of his life and rarely ever opens up about his childhood
Despite this, Race is very loud and curious, almost childlike with his team, thus why Katherine and Jack become sort of parental figures toward him.
Race did have an older brother who got hit by a car when he was very young, after going out to get food for him. Race blames himself to this day.
Desperate for some kind of real family, besides the thief who trained him, Race meets an older foster brother who teaches him how to boost cars, along with “teaching him other things”. Though his is abused physically and sexually by this boy, Race doesn’t know any better and hangs on his every word, believing that the older boy wanted to help him.
Race is arrested when he’s fourteen, taking the fall for the boy who taught him how to boost cars
Race was a getaway driver at thirteen, and a good one at that.
He is constantly reminded of how he’s not normal, taking a toll on his mental stability as he’s often referred to as insane or inhuman
Race is fairly naive, but does live up to his title as the best thief in the world
Enjoys stealing diamonds more than anything else.
Quickly becomes best friends with Albert and is curious on how to get Spot to open up.
Never went to high school but is still amazingly smart as it takes a lot of math and science and so forth to be a thief.
Enjoys using tasers as a weapon of choice.
Has a bit of a sadistic mind as he enjoys watching Spot beat up on some of their enemies, especially the ones who’d tried to come at him, sometimes even visualizing that they’re the boy who left him behind after using him constantly all those years ago
Eventually does have to confront Drake again, but has his whole team to protect him.
Really loves cash
Is shocked the first time Spot kisses him because, he has been abused before, but kisses Spot again, telling him how different it feels
That’s the first time Race truly opens up about his past and Spot figures out that someone had used him
Has a fear of horses
Is not anywhere near afraid of heights
Has trust issues (obviously) despite the insistence that Albert and Spot (and of course Jack and Katherine but most Al and Spot) would never let anything happen to him
Actually trusts Jack the most as he came from the good side of the law
Does not like psychics
Katherine coaches Race in his social skills, helping him embrace his sexuality and slightly rely on those around him for connection and comfort
Race’s real name is Antonio Higgins, but he’s known across the world as only ‘Racer’
Albert DaSilva: The Hacker
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Much like Race, Albert grew up in foster care, though through most of his childhood, he lived with a woman he refers to as “Nana”. Not his actual grandmother, but a foster mother who he adored and actually took care of him.
Often refers to himself as a geek and prides himself in being one as it is the “age of the geek, baby”
Is relied on heavily by the team as he makes a lot of their equipment (eg: coms, modified cell phones, button cams)
Provides CIA level aliases for his team.
Owns the teams vehicle, “Lucille” and is pissed when they manage to destroy not one model, but two
Has an unhealthy obsession with orange soda
Is physically very fit, but is not good in combat situations
Being an introvert for most of his life, Albert took to technology and learned just about everything one can about them
Albert is straight in this one (sorry for my Ralbert fans) but, as Race’s best friend, is constantly trying to subtly get Race to admit he has feelings for Spot
Though he and Spot didn’t get along too well at first, they eventually see themselves as brothers and look out for each other
Gets buried alive during a job gone wrong and is showed just how much he’s loved when his team manages to rescue him, believing him to be dead at first
Manages to keep the team very well paid and secured so the government can’t find them
Hacked into the pentagon when he was only twelve
When he was younger, his nana forced him off the computer for one hour out of every day to “give his eyes a rest from the screen” and Albert learns how to play the violin
Mostly used his skills for fun when he was younger, just wanting to prove he could do something
Skipped his senior prom to hack into medical records and get his nana on a high priority list
Has always looked out for the people he cared about
The only one Albert didn’t trust was Spot, as Spot intimidates him until Spot started showing interest in what he did, never commenting on it, but always looking very impressed
Oversells himself while grifting and often relies on Katherine to help guide him
Cares about humanity and the big picture, much like Jack. This is where their bond comes from as Katherine, Race and Spot have spent most of their lives looking out for themselves
Has a soft spot for little kids
Enjoys messing with Spot and making bets with him, even sparking in them having their own handshake which consists of them subtly high diving twice at waist level and then fist bumping. It’s often how they seal a bet or agree on a plan
What do you guys think? Any scenes you wanna see? Any other characters you wanna hear about? Let me know!
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I'm back again after watching a movie and getting an AU idea, although this one has probably been done before 😂
Anywho, this is my Newsies/Spiderman AU that's kind of similar to some others, but also not:
Racetrack Higgins as Peter Parker/Spiderman
Albert DaSilva as Gwen Stacy/Spider Woman
Spot Conlon as Mary Jane Watson
Jojo de la Guerra as Ned Leeds/"Guy in the Chair 1.0"
Jack Kelly as Tony Stark/Iron Man
Katherine Plumber as Pepper Potts
Warden Snyder as Norman Osborne/Green Goblin
Oscar Delancey as Harry Osborne
Mr. Weisel as Adrian Toomes/Vulture
Morris Delancey as Liz Allan
Specs Samuels as Miles Morales/Spiderman
Romeo Richardson as Miles' Roomate/"Guy in the Chair 2.0"
So this is basically just a bunch of cords overs, but instead of all the love triangles, I've decided on something different.
Albert and Race are best friends. They each hide their spider powers. Race is Spiderman and let's say Albert is Spider Boy? Idk, that's debatable.
Now Race and Spot are something? Race has a crush on Spot and Spot has a crush on Race, but both are low-key oblivious.
Race and Oscar are friends. At one point they were best friends, but they eventually grew apart for differe reasons. Oscar started working more on making a life for himself while pleasing his father and he grew distant with Race. Race tried to keep their friendship, but he was eventually forced to give up.
Race's best friend is Jojo, his "Guy in the Chair". Of course he never planned on telling Jojo about being Spiderman. That was of course an accident when Jojo came over to build the Lego Death Star. Eventually Jojo learns about Albert as well.
Race had a crush on Morris at some point, but you know the story. He finally got a chance with Morris and found out who his dad was and that fell apart.
Race becomes friends with Specs and helps him figure out being another Spiderman, although Specs insists on finding another name to go by.
Romeo and Jojo become friends after bonding over being "The Guys in the Chair", although both of them wouldn't change that for anything. Well, Jojo wouldn't. Romeo wouldn't mind being more than a roommate and "Guy in the Chair" to Specs.
Overall, they create one big Spider Team.
Altogether, very much potential in a Fic.
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Escape Proof - Re-Review #39
I thought The Mechanic had been a little bit too quiet since ‘Up from the Depths’ (really it’s been five episodes without our new main villain).
Oh, and this one, really is photo heavy. I have no apologies.
Parker kicking a door in? Yes, I will accept that start to the episode!
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Another ominous location though, I see. Sherbet tagging along behind though is quite sweet.
“Mind your step Parker. Dead end, indeed!”
“Someone’s been digging.”
Someone had been... The Mechanic, by any chance? I think so.
“What is it, Sherbet? Is something down there?”
“Not something. Someone! That’s Morse Code for SOS.”
Good thing someone knows what that means! And there’s someone trapped! I‘m going to say wasn’t part of the plan, because I doubt The Mechanic really wanted IR called to the scene of his grand plan.
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Nice shot of the Island.
“We were looking through buildings once linked to The Hood when we came across this.”
That was good thinking by Lady Penelope and Parker though. See this is why you have a London Agent to do some ‘agenting’ (Gordon, ‘Ring of Fire’).
“I’m not waiting. Parker, bring the car around.”
And there we go, she’s always a step ahead of the rest.
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“Destruction on this scale could only be The Mechanic.”
“But where’s he going?”
And this was a pretty cool gear up, you have to admit.
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This is Hoarse, appropriately named, as he will talk himself hoarse. He’s a plumber as well.
“That’s why they call me Hoarse. Cause I can talk myself Hoarse, you know.”
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“Can’t complain. Got me holiday’s coming up. Have you ever been to Spain? What am I kidding, you boys have probably been everywhere...”
“This one’s a talker.”
Yeah, I’m just gonna’ leave it there.
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“We need to track where The Mechanic is going, and that means getting through this debris.”
Yes, did someone call for a removals service? Virgil is brilliant at shifting things, demolition is one of his areas of expertise as we all know. And Scott only reminded us last episode that we could leave the “heavy lifting” to Virgil.
The soundtrack for this episode was pretty on point from the off as well.
“He’s still talking.”
“Whatever keeps him occupied.”
You’ll thank him for it later, Gordon.
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“John are you still locked in on my signal?”
“Yes. And based on your current heading, I’m calculating your path now. This isn’t good. Lady Penelope, you’re heading straight for Parkmoor Scrubs Prison.”
“Parkmoor Scrubs? That’s where they’re holding The Hood. This is a prison break.”
Really? The title wasn’t giving the possibility of that away to anyone? Anyone other than lonely little me here?
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So remember in ‘City Under the Sea’, The Mechanic was searching the Creighton-Ward building for a safe containing plans for a prison, and Parker stopped him? Yeah, well unfortunately this guy is clearly too smart, because he’s managed it anyway.
“But breaking The Hood out of Parkmoor Scrubs Prison is impossible!”
Are you sure you want to say that?
“But Colonel, we know The Mechanic has already made one attempt at the designs for the place. Maybe he found something.”
You can bet that he did - he can rival Brains after all.
John’s smart thinking comes a little bit too late. If only they’d searched for that signal again after ‘Earthbreaker’.
“It’s coming from his eye.”
“If he’s had that the whole time he’s been in there-”
Which he kinda must have, just saying.
“-This escape could have been planned from the start!”
Now you’re getting it! He did warn us in ‘Legacy’ and ‘Earthbreaker’ that something worse than him could come along, and that we hadn’t seen the end of him.
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“It’s like one big, giant game of pick up sticks.”
“Except this is no game. A man’s life is at stake.”
Not having fun there, then I’m guessing.
“Orange! Don’t cut that one.”
Come on... click, click, click-
“Hoarse, what kind of pipes are near you?”
Well done, Virgil.
“I was working on a green and white striped one.”
A bit easier than pick up sticks now, ey, Gordon?
“Should I be worried? Cause I’m worried.”
I quite like the character of Hoarse. It’s a shame we don’t get to see him again. I think that would have been quite fun. Maybe he could have been a friend for Ned?
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“’e can’t ‘ave vanished hinto thin hair. Where did ‘e go?”
You’ll be sorry you asked that, Parker.
“They seem to be in a bit of a rush. I don’t think they’re going to stop for you, or us, or anyone.”
Yes, this is a prison break, remember!
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“Well, you made quite an entrance. But you are two weeks late.”
“You’re welcome.”
Yes, I agree, very ungrateful.
“International Rescue is here! Did you send out invitations?”
“They’re not a problem.”
“They are to me.”
Well that says more about you, Hood. I think this really is the first moment where we get to see that maybe The Mechanic isn’t quite as into this as The Hood. They’re actually quite at odds with each other once you put them together, and for me this little interaction definitely foreshadowed that things weren’t going to work with these two. They’re not the super villain duet that they were potentially made out to be in ‘Earthbreaker’ and I think that actually was a really well-written move, and maybe not one which would have been expected by the masses.
Villains can be tricky things to write - there’s always a fine line as to whether people find them and their actions believable or not. See, I never found these two more believable than when they were at odds with each other. I know many of us have expressed disappointment at the eventual motivation for The Hood’s villainy (in TAG anyway), but The Mechanic actually had some kind of exploration going on (even though I would have loved a little more backstory, at least his motivations made perfect sense). The Chaos Crew were another pair of Villains in TAG that I struggle with (I mean, we’re not quite there yet, so I’m not going to go into my reasons until we reach that point - which will be soon) and who didn’t really aid in The Hood’s character development as much as I think the writers thought they might.
They did a good job with The Hood in series 1 (and I know they were trying to both adapt and sustain elements from TOS with him), but I think TAG’s best villain by far is The Mechanic (and not because he was made up, nor because he has a redemption arc), or he’s at least, their best written villain. Once again, this is a conversation that could go on for a while, so I’m actually going to pull it into one big post on villains - might be a wait for it thought as I’m waiting to find a free pocket of time.
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See that! A little talking never hurt anyone.
“Green and white. My favourite colours.”
Yes I can see how that is true for Virgil. Gordon might have preferred yellow, but you can’t always get what you want.
“Gordon, step on it.”
“I stepped on a bug once, big as your hand, honest...”
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“Why are we stopping? Go out the way you came in.”
“I wouldn’t advise that.”
“I don’t want your advice. i want your absolute obedience.”
Asking a lot, isn’t it?
“I’ve done everything you’ve asked me too.”
“Your machines are impressive; your results are pathetic. The only thing you’ve ever done for me is fail.”
I wouldn’t say that’s quite true...
“Now follow my command.”
I think the clues were finally all there with this interaction - the cybernetic eye is going and suddenly The Mechanic moves to do as The Hood says, despite the only thing they’ve done since they reunited in person be to argue? Yeah, that’s not a believable response, unless you are being controlled or have something held over you. If there was any doubt before, I don’t think there is now to the state of play between these two.
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“You had to know they’d be waiting for us.”
“Well obviously. I may be free, but we had to give them some sort of consolation prize.”
And there we have it, the big reveal, doubt eradicated.
“The Hood and The Mechanic must not get away!”
Uhh... they both got away!
“It looks like The Hood and The Mechanic both got away.”
Yep, I’ve already said that.
“So now we have two master criminals on the loose?”
Keep up, Gordon, we’ve already said that - twice in this case.
“I have a feeling it’s about to get very busy for all of us.”
“And we’ll be ready for them.”
“I’m actually speechless.”
Well, by the very fact you’ve just spoken Hoarse, you’re technically not, but okay.
“I mean look at me, I’ve got nothing. I’ve got nothing to say at all. Ask me something now, I couldn’t tell you...”
And I think that was probably a good place indeed to put the credits. Otherwise, this could have been a bumper sized episode just for stories from Hoarse - imagine that!
This was an amusing shot though. Let’s all hide behind the pink car whilst we wait to apprehend the “master criminals”.
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Also, as a little bonus, there’s plenty of behind the scenes pictures available for this episode.
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