#Best Hotel in sola
masalamaarke23 · 4 days
Celebrate Special Occasions at Masala Maarke: The Best Restaurants in Science City & Sola
When it comes to hosting unforgettable celebrations, the right venue can make all the difference. Whether you’re planning a birthday party, an anniversary celebration, or a special event, Masala Maarke offers the perfect setting with its top-notch restaurants in Science City and Sola. Let’s explore why Masala Maarke should be your go-to destination for your next big celebration.
1. Birthday Parties
Birthdays are special, and Masala Maarke ensures they are memorable. With a vibrant ambiance, delicious food, and exceptional service, our restaurants in Science City and Sola provide the perfect backdrop for a joyous celebration. Whether you’re organizing a kids’ birthday party with fun activities and a playful menu or an elegant dinner party for adults, our venues can cater to all your needs.
Customized birthday cakes and desserts
Special kids’ menu and entertainment options
Spacious seating for large groups
Personalized decoration options
2. Anniversary Celebrations
Anniversaries mark the milestones of love and commitment, and they deserve to be celebrated in style. At Masala Maarke, our intimate and romantic settings in Science City and Sola create the ideal atmosphere for you and your loved one. Enjoy a fine dining experience with a menu crafted to perfection, featuring a blend of traditional and contemporary dishes.
Romantic ambiance with candle-lit tables
Exclusive private dining areas
A curated menu with your favorite dishes
Live music to set the mood
3. Event Parties
Be it a corporate event, a family gathering, or a social get-together, Masala Maarke offers versatile spaces that can be tailored to your event requirements. Our restaurants in Science City and Sola are equipped to handle events of all sizes, providing seamless service and exquisite cuisine to impress your guests.
Flexible seating arrangements
Audio-visual equipment for presentations
Tailored menus to suit your event theme
Professional event planning assistance
Why Choose Masala Maarke?
1. Exceptional Cuisine: Our chefs are experts in creating dishes that tantalize your taste buds. From traditional Indian flavors to global cuisines, our diverse menu ensures there’s something for everyone.
2. Superior Service: Our staff is dedicated to providing you with an unparalleled dining experience. Attentive and courteous, they go the extra mile to make your celebration special.
3. Elegant Ambiance: Both our Science City and Sola locations boast elegant interiors and a warm atmosphere, perfect for any celebration.
4. Customization: We understand that every event is unique. That’s why we offer customization options for menus, decor, and seating arrangements to match your vision.
Make your next celebration unforgettable at Masala Maarke. Whether it’s a birthday, an anniversary, or any special event, our best restaurant in science city and Sola are ready to host your perfect party. Contact us today to book your event and experience the best in dining and hospitality.
Visit us and discover why Masala Maarke is the premier choice for celebrations in Science City and Sola.
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transazurill · 4 months
Fancuries For Your Consideration: Time Flies Pretty Cure
I'm probably too late to get any votes, but in case anyone hasn't voted, meet Time Flies Pretty Cure!
To vote, go to the link below!
More information on Time Flies Pretty Cure is below the cut!
Time Flies Pretty Cure is centered around themes of the passage of time. Motifs used in the story are birds and times of day.
When the Tokidori Kingdom is attacked by the Abyss Court, the Tokidori Kingdom sends the best of its knights down to the human world to get help. Four years later, the struggle is still ongoing, and it's looking worse than ever. As a last ditch effort, they try sending down one more knight, a bright eyed young prodigy, to the town of Hanemura in hopes of finding the legendary warriors, Pretty Cure.
Tomoteru Chieri is a first year middle school student who has lived in Hanemura her whole life. She's a hopeless romantic, whose heart is easy to win over and hard to disappoint. Chieri fully believes anyone can change. When she uses the Pretty CuWatch, she transforms into Cure Daybreak, the Pretty Cure of Dawn.
Aoyama Miharu is an excitable young girl. She doesn't really care what others think of her, and goes at her own pace. That pace is pretty breakneck, though! She wants to study frogs when she gets older, and can and will talk about them for hours if she's given the opportunity.
Nishimura Yuka is a mature twelve year old. Often helping her family take care of her three younger siblings, she's learned to be ladylike. Her family runs a hotel, but her passion is photography. When she uses the Pretty CuWatch, she transforms into Cure Evening, the Pretty Cure of Dusk.
Sola is a fairy from the Tokidori Kingdom. Despite, or perhaps because of, being a prodigy of a knight, when it comes to friendship she's not very experienced.
Tomari You is Chieri and Yuka's homeroom teacher, and the teacher in charge of the Kaiju Hunter Club. It seems there may be more to him than he likes to make obvious.
Takefuji Rei is a close friend of Takato's and Chieri's current crush. For whatever reason, despite being sixteen, he doesn't go to school. Chieri and Takato's parents don't see this as a good thing.
Tomoteru Takato is Chieri's older brother. As the president of his high school's student council, he's constantly overworked, but he does his best to make sure he doesn't make others deal with the same stressors he does.
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In order: Chieri, Miharu, Yuka, Sola (in her human form), You, Rei, and Takato.
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The Pretty CuWatch, pixeled to show design detail.
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Sola in her bird form.
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Heyyy, if Arjune were to be summoned in the fourth or fifth holy grail war, who do you think would be the best master in each part? and the worst? I can't see him tolerating Ryuunousuke and I think he would specially hate Shinki, what with his experience of the Kauravas insulting his wife Draupadi, so I think he'd get along horribly wrong with those two but I don't know if Kiritsugu would also be a somewhat bad match for him
Oddly enough I he might actually mesh rather well with kiritsugu if he went full into his ‘I’m a tool that exists to fight for justice please don’t look any deeper than that.’ He’s very archer-emiya coded and as long as kiritsugu continued to keep the casualties minimal (ie, evacuating the hotel building before blowing it up) I think he would at least be able to manage. Not thrive, per say, but I think arjuna is able to at least justify to himself the concept of ‘sacrificing a few to save the many’ (just look at what happened to his own children and family in his origin story) and he’s able to maintain an impersonal distance that someone like kiritsugu would likewise also probably do well with. (Also tbh kiritsugu would probably prefer a servant that’s a long range fighter over a close combat unit)
I do think it would still weigh on him though-ultimately like saber it’s a situation where he can still do well as a warrior but he wouldn’t be happy bc of it’s brutality. His relationship with irisveil if he was contracted to kiritsugu could easily go either the way of being more human or cold depending on his writer mindset
Legitimately I can’t imagine a solid 90% of servants managing ryuunosuke, so that would probably come down to a matter of if his pride in being a ‘good’ servant trumps his general honor as a hero. Personally I think he’d probably go for the latter but I’m not sure? Outside of that…I don’t know. Kayneth is odd to me because diarmuid was also very subservient and eager to please with him and he still didn’t like him, but arjuna’s more ‘yeah I’m just a tool’ general vibe might make his feathers less ruffled? Unless his folklore wife stealing ability kicked in with sola-ui somehow anyway 😔.
I don’t think he’d work well w kirei because kirei is just a bad master in general. He would probably be ok with tokiomi but think the guy was kind of full of himself. He wouldnt get him murdered tho lmao.
I can’t fathom how he and kariya would work out. Kariya summons his servant in the worm basement with Zouken present like oh my god-wait it’s a berserker too. Oh my god. Can you fucking imagine arjuna alter in fate zero the man would go even more insane
Waver and arjuna would be funny tho. I don’t know how, but waver with anyone is funny. Shoutout to waver.
As for og fate….I’ve seen others say he probably wouldn’t mesh well with Sakura, as he tends to be too busy with his own sad boy hours to notice other’s issues and also would probably see dark Sakura as more of a problem to take care of, and I’m not familiar enough with her yet to really say otherwise.
shirou and arjuna sounds like a disaster waiting to happen bc imagine archer but like, not at all connected to shirou and also in the history books. He has no reason to look at shirou’s suicidal desire to save everyone and not be like ‘poggers sounds great master I’m doing that also it’s hell on earth but what can you do :)’ and then he sits in a corner for 40 days pretending he doesn’t have human emotions while shirou turns into a sword or something
If it was shinji in the routes where he isn’t actively a rapist and more annoying I could see him just being tiredly tolerant of him, but I have 0 idea how he’d handle heavens feel shinji.
Rin….lmao. I think he’d like cosplaying her butler.
Illya….he would want to cosplay her butler
Caster…yeah I don’t even know. I think he’d be like ?
I don’t even know enough about them to be really saying anything 😭
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Tanti auguri alla donna più importante della mia vita..
Ich sehe dich an und sehe den größten Erfolg meines Lebens, meine beste Freundin, meine größte Kritikerin und Verbündete. Ich sehe das Licht meines Lebens.
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Du warst der Anfang von Allem und wenn ich mir all meine weiteren Schritt ansehe, so bist du der Anfang von wirklich Allem. "Gracie, sollen wir dir ein Geschwisterchen schenken?", dein Nicken nahm mir die Angst. "Gracie sollen wir unsere Entwürfe wahr werden lassen?", dein Nicken machte aus mir eine Geschäftsfrau. "Gracie, ich hätte gerne ein Unterwasser Hotel, ihr fünf liebt das Wasser so sehr..aber bin ich dafür gemacht?", dein Nicken gab mir den Mut. "Gracie ist es das Richtige?", deine Ratschläge gaben mir die Kraft, in jedem noch so dunklen Moment. "Gracie, natürlich kaufe ich mir eine Wohnung in New York", das Leuchten in deinen Augen, zeigte mir, dass egal wie viel Zeit auch vergeht, wie erwachsen du auch bist, du wirst mich immer in deiner Nähe wollen und egal, ob wir Minuten voneinander entfernt sind oder Stunden, ich werde immer bei dir sein..
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..denn auch wenn die Nabelschnur am Tag deiner Geburt durchtrennt worden ist, schlagen unsere Herzen im gleichen Rhythmus, piccola und wenn wir in den Spiegel sehen, sehen wir einander, denn du hast meine Augen und ich habe deine Augen. Siamo una cosa sola.
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Ich sehe dich an und sehe eine junge Frau, dessen Erfolg mich von Tag zu Tag stolz macht. Si, piccola, sono fiera di te. Ti guardo e mi dico..lo fatta davvero io? Lo sai il tuo compleanno mi rende sempre..triste, ma anche tanto felice. Ti amo.
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travluinorlando · 20 days
Vacation homes in Orlando
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Big savings on hotels in 85,000 destinations worldwide. Browse hotel reviews and find the guaranteed best price on hotels for all budgets. Our Services - Best hotel booking, vacation rentals, booking hotels, best hotel deals, hotel reservations, cheapest hotel room near me, hotel booking deals, book a hotel online. https://www.travlu.com/
Once fans of Orlando holidays have done all the obvious things like visiting Cape Kennedy, the Everglades and Orlando's theme parks, it may be time for them to relax a little and enjoy many of the recreational sports and pastimes which are so popular all along the coast.
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While staying in the Tampa Bay area, we drove a few miles south and crossed one of the 3 interconnecting bridges to Anna Maria Island to see what the locals and visitors got up to when they weren't being really sensible and either lazing on the pure white sandy beach or cooling off in the azure waters of the Gulf.
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Not surprisingly, boating constitutes a mainstay activity with everything from kayaking to deep sea fishing on the menu. Those with their own kayaks and canoes enjoy slipping into Palma Sola Bay where they can head off to the watery mangrove tunnels of Robinson Preserve. Those without their own craft can easily rent them and paddle through the mangroves or offshore and spot manatees and dolphins enjoying the sea grass and calm waters.
Similarly, those who are keen on seafishing and do not have their own boat can find plenty of old salts who know the coastline like the back of their hand and are only too keen to share their years of experience with newcomers. We particularly like the way all these skippers call themselves " Captain " even though most of them have never been in command of anything bigger than their own fishing boat. Those who don't want to venture offshore by taking part in a fishing charter can still go after Redfish, Snapper, Mackerel, Black Drum, Snook, Trout and Amberjack by casting lines off the numerous bridges and piers which dot Anna Maria's 7 mile long shoreline.
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evermorehqs · 4 months
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Sarah Hawkins is based on Sarah from Treasure Planet. She is a 56 year old human, hotel manager, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Sarah is portrayed by Marisa Tomei and she is open.
When Sarah was a little girl she hadn't exactly envisioned this future for herself with all the stress and madness but now she wouldn't have it any other way. Her whole entire world was a literal galaxy in the stars, an adventurous glint in her eyes since the day she was born. It was how she met Jim's father back in the day, the two of them causing a little chaos among the cosmos but there always had to be an anchor for those who flew too high and too close to the sun. That turned out to be Sarah. She was too focused on building a future for herself that involved success and stability that eventually, she had to pull back on her adventuring ways. It just so happened that this decision aligned pretty closely with her finding out she was pregnant. Apparently a family and settling down was not something her partner wanted and one night, under the swirling nebulas above them, he disappeared. Never to be seen again. But that didn't matter to Sarah, she didn't need him, she didn't need anyone; she was Sarah Hawkins and she was more than capable of doing it all even if she found herself on her own. But that didn't last for long, not with Jim and not with her hotel which quickly turned patrons into family. Life was wild, to put it mildly, but the high level of activity and stress kept Sarah on her toes and she loved this little family she had built in the stars, even if she had an incessant migraine all thanks to her son. He took after her and, unfortunately, even more so after his father which meant working at the hotel was never enough. And when he went missing, there was nothing that would keep her from finding him. Their last conversation had been an argument and Sarah would never forgive herself if that was the last memory he had of her. When Captain Amelia put together a team to find him, she didn't think twice about leaving the Benbow in search of him and Morph since she assumed they'd be back soon. But they never would be. Their search brought them to a quaint town, one that felt so opposite of Jim's normal spots, and discovered they couldn't leave, even after finding them. Being trapped in Evermore was an easier transition for Sarah than it was for others, she knew that being free and untethered wasn't always the best way to live. It wasn't her ideal situation to be in, but if there was one thing she was going to do it was get through it and one day they'd be back in the stars - she had a good feeling.
❀ Mavis Solas: Sarah never imagined working for anyone other than herself but honestly working for Mavis at the hotel has lifted a bunch of weight off of her shoulders and managing comes easy. The hotel makes her feel at home and, so far, things with Mavis have been great. ❀ Wanda Howling: A fellow mother in Evermore and someone Sarah often turns to when her own exasperations and frustrations get to be too much. How she managed with so many kids, Sarah will never know but she enjoys their chats more than she can say. ❀ Donald Atwell: There are parts of Donald that remind Sarah of Delbert although he seems to have a little more poise to him and ability to socialize than her old friend and she enjoys the moments they get to spend time together
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unqueluxuria · 5 months
Unique Luxuria, New Shops, Showrroms in Gota, Sola, Ahmedabad, Call 96876 61656
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Elevate your business presence with our premium shops, showrooms located at S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad – just a stone's throw away from the prestigious Gujarat High Court.
Seize the opportunity to take your business to new heights with our meticulously designed shop, showrooms, starting from 500 Sq. Ft
* Prime Location Advantage:
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* Near Gujarat High Court:
Don't miss the chance to secure your space in this premium business destination. Contact us now to explore the endless possibilities and unlock the full potential of your business. Your success story begins at our premium showrooms on S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad.
Visit us : Unique Luxuria, Behind Hotel Vivanta, S. G. Highway - SOLA, Ahmedabad
Whatsapp or Call us : +91 – 96876 61655, +91 – 96876 61656 - Schedule your Visit today / View our past all projects.
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My Music for April 2023
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April finally has come to an end and has left me feeling rather depleted. With the passing of my grandma in March and recently my uncle as well. I’ve been grieving and been going through the motions. I’ve also been over stimulated with festivities and burnt out with work. Despite everything going on in my life I managed to still have fun and get out. I was supposed to attend Coachella music festival but ended up having to sell my ticket to help my family with my grandma’s funeral cost. I still watched the live stream on YouTube and enjoyed the performances from Bad Bunny, FJK, Kali Uchis, Labrinth, Knocked Loose, Gorillaz and Blink 182 and shout out to Morgan Doesn't Care for live streaming the whole Frank Ocean performance which I have my opinions about it however I’m not a bully and I don’t condone negative feedback I will say this, I don’t think Frank should have agreed to do the performance and should have waited till he was absolutely sure he wanted to do it. I still think the performance had beautiful elements to it, and I truly loved the cover he did to “At your best” by Aayliah. I still went to The Backseat Lovers concert at the end of April at the Hollywood Palladium, which was an amazing show by the way. Not to mention I did record store this year and I added quite a few records this month to my collection. To top it off I took a small weekend vacation to Las Vegas. I feel like a mess but the music in my life couldn't be so apparent. This has to be the shortest amount of songs on my Top Songs Playlist, with only 30 songs but just the perfect amount in my opinion. I often have a playlist with over 100 songs and it can be overwhelming at times but for someone like me who has been a music enthusiast all her life it brings me joy to share good music with people all around. I truly love making a playlist on Spotify. It has to be one of my favorite hobbies. I’m happy doing it. Anyways here is the link for April music on Spotify:
Without further adieu coming in at … 
30. Lose You To Love Me by Selena Gomez
29. Ella Baila Sola by Eslabon Armado, Peso Pluma
28. Vete by Bad Bunny
27. Latin Simone (Que Pasa Contigo) by Gorillaz
26. Let It Out by DYGL
25. Hotel California by Eagles
24. VOID by Melanie Martinez
23. The Girl Who Lost the World by YULLOLA
22. The Electrician by The Walker Brothers
21. Self Control by Frank Ocean
20. Inwood Hill Park by 6LACK
19. Disassociate by Thousand Below
18. Honest Sleep by Touché Amoré
17. Whimper by Microwave
16. FEEL. by Kendrick Lamar
15. Warning Sign by Hannah Jadagu
14. Can’t Feel A Thing by Yasmin Hass
13. Suite Bergamasque, Claire de Lune, No.3 by Isao Tomita
12. Even a Rabbit Can Twist an Ankle by Mark Whalen
11. Bonita Applebum by A Tribe Called Quest
10. These Chains by Mid-Air Thief
9. Supermova by Raury
8. The Weather by El Michels Affair, Black Thought
7. Push by Fog Lake
6. Free Range by Shaolinn
5. Kill Bill by SZA, Doja Cat
4. Blowback by Galimatias
3. I’m Still Somehow by El Michels Affair, Black Thought
2. Happiest by Emma Beko
1. Taco Truck x VB by Lana Del Rey
Thank you for tuning in as always.
Miss Solitude
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masalamaarke23 · 10 days
Masala Maarke: The Ultimate Destination for Kitty and Event Parties in Sola
Are you looking to host an unforgettable kitty party or event in the vibrant area of Science City, Ahmedabad? Look no further than Masala Maarke, one of the best restaurants in the region. Renowned for its delectable cuisine, inviting ambiance, and top-notch service, Masala Maarke is the perfect destination for your special gatherings.
Why Choose Masala Maarke?
Delicious Cuisine: Masala Maarke offers a diverse menu that caters to all tastes. From traditional Indian dishes to innovative fusion cuisine, there is something for everyone. The chefs use fresh, high-quality ingredients to create flavorful and memorable dishes.
Elegant Ambiance: The restaurant boasts a stylish and cozy interior, making it an ideal venue for both small and large gatherings. The elegant decor and comfortable seating create a welcoming atmosphere where guests can relax and enjoy their time.
Excellent Service: At Masala Maarke, the staff is dedicated to providing exceptional service. From the moment you step in, you are greeted with warm hospitality. The attentive and friendly staff ensure that every aspect of your event runs smoothly, allowing you to focus on enjoying the company of your guests.
Customizable Event Packages: Whether you're planning a kitty party, birthday celebration, or any other event, Masala Maarke offers customizable packages to suit your needs. You can choose from a variety of options for food, drinks, and decorations to make your event truly special.
Hosting Your Kitty Party at Masala Maarke
A kitty party is a great way for friends to catch up and enjoy some quality time together. At Masala Maarke, you can create a memorable experience with delicious food, engaging conversations, and a fun-filled atmosphere. The restaurant offers a range of dishes perfect for sharing, ensuring everyone can sample and enjoy a variety of flavors.
Event Parties at Masala Maarke
For larger events such as birthdays, anniversaries, or corporate gatherings, Masala Maarke provides ample space and resources to make your event a success. The event planning team can help you with every detail, from menu selection to seating arrangements, ensuring that your event is perfectly tailored to your requirements.
Best Restaurant in Sola and Science City
Masala Maarke is not only popular in Science City but also highly regarded in the neighboring Sola area. Its reputation for excellent food and service makes it a top choice for dining out and hosting events. Whether you're a local resident or visiting the area, a meal at Masala Maarke promises to be a delightful experience.
Masala Maarke stands out as a premier destination for kitty parties and Event party Science City and Sola. With its delicious cuisine, elegant ambiance, and exceptional service, it guarantees a memorable experience for you and your guests. So, next time you're planning a special event, consider Masala Maarke for an unforgettable celebration.
Visit Masala Maarke and discover why it is the best choice for dining and events in Science City and Sola. Your perfect party awaits!
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mitchamsocialuser · 2 years
Is There Really Such a Thing As the Best Restaurant in Australia?
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The debate over which is the best restaurant in Australia continues despite the recent emergence of new contenders. While there is no one definitive answer, a few restaurants in Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra have taken the top spot. Orana and Muse have recently won the Restaurant of the Year awards, but are they worthy of the honour? Read on to find out. Is there really such a thing as the best restaurant in Australia?
Mitcham Social
Mitcham Social is located in a former warehouse in an industrial complex. Despite the industrial setting, the restaurant has a modern feel and is suitable for large groups as well as small groups. The open kitchen and bar are arranged along one wall, while there is a separate children’s play area. There is also an outdoor area, which is great for large gatherings. The open kitchen and dining area is bright and airy, making it a great choice for a date night or an afternoon tea.
Orana is a fine dining establishment located in Adelaide that has won the 2019 Good Food Guide’s Restaurant of the Year award. While the restaurant seats only 25 people, it is the perfect place for a romantic evening or intimate group dinner. Its casual and friendly ambience is a welcome change from many “fine-dining” establishments, which tend to be more stuffy and stiff. The restaurant is also home to some very personable staff.
For the past four years, Muse has won the coveted Chef’s Hat award, which recognizes restaurants that showcase the best in Australian cooking. Owners Troy and Megan Rhoades-Brown created a menu that focuses on seasonal ingredients sourced locally. In addition to using fresh, local ingredients, Muse pays attention to technique and respect during preparation. The result is a memorable dining experience that is sure to impress your date.
Muse wins 2018 Restaurant of the Year
Harden’s has announced Muse as London’s best restaurant, beating out Core by Clare Smyth, Pied a Terre, and Sola to take the top spot. The awards ceremony took place at the Langham Hotel in London, and was hosted by BBC’s Nigel Barden. The awards are a celebration of the role that culture and art plays in education and community development. Muse has been a top London restaurant since opening in 2014, and the award ceremony celebrates the role that culture and the arts play in community development and education.
Muse wins 2017 Restaurant of the Year
Located in a Georgian townhouse, Muse is the latest addition to Stevens Point’s dining scene. Chef Matt Aikens has created a menu that draws inspiration from both nostalgia and key people in his life. Among the dishes on the menu are ‘Conquering the Beech Tree’, inspired by the way Aikens climbed the beech tree in his garden when he was a boy, and ‘Wait and See’, a reference to his mother’s response when he asked her what she wanted for pudding.
Barangaroo wins 2017 Restaurant of the Year
In a ceremony held last night, Cirrus at Barangaroo has been crowned 2017 Restaurant of the Year by the Sydney Morning Herald. A panel of judges from the Good Food Guide and the Sydney Morning Herald reviewed hundreds of Sydney restaurants to determine the winners. Untied is a rooftop eatery that features 270-degree harbour views. TwelveMicron, a contemporary Australian restaurant, is a late-night destination that welcomes diners and drinks after work.
Known for its renowned five-course tasting menus, the best restaurant in Australia is the most exclusive place to dine in Western Australia. The menu at Wildflower is designed around the nomenclature of the Noongar people, who celebrate the changing seasons through wildflowers. The restaurant opened its second location in the Como The Treasury in 2015, and the menu is based on the six seasons of the Noongar calendar.
A world-class chef of Japanese origin, Tetsuya Wakuda opened his Sydney restaurant in 1989 in a tiny shop front. Over time, it grew to be one of Sydney’s most popular restaurants, moving to a new location in 2000. The restaurant has consistently been named to the S.Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants list, as voted by leading chefs. The restaurant has since expanded to include a sister restaurant, Waku Ghin, in Sydney’s CBD.
Ovolo South Yarra
Ovolo South Yarra is a unique combination of past and present, blending the glamour of the disco era with progressive elements. The hotel’s interiors take inspiration from the heyday of rock gods and disco, while the food reflects a more refined and creative approach. The hotel’s kitchen and bar offer seasonal cocktails and wines from progressive producers. The Ovolo South Yarra is one of Australia’s finest dining establishments.
Farmer’s Daughters
In January last year, the owners of this stunning Canberra restaurant opened a deli on the ground floor and a tasting menu restaurant upstairs with a rooftop bar. Since then, they have had a few ups and downs, lockdowns, and re-openings, but they are now firing on all cylinders. Here’s why. First of all, the restaurant is the perfect place to have an anniversary dinner with friends.
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goldnratio · 4 years
Dating Luke Alvez HC’s
word count: 1.3k
warnings: some are a little risqué but nothing major
a/n: here’s some headcanons for luke! might do some nsfw ones, and for spencer and Hotch but I have to finish some requests first
love love LOVES music
michael jackson, david bowie, queen, biggie smalls, etc.
oh what I would I do to see him sing ‘hypnotize’ (I know he drinks his Respecting Women Juice but he always emphasizes on “bulletproof glass tints if I want some ass” with a laugh ‘cause it reminds him of an ‘inside joke’ you two share aka the time you two fucked in one of the bureau’s SUVs during a boring stakeout but that’s a story for another time)
our puerto rican + cuban king loves daddy yankee, calle 13, nicky jam, bad bunny, marc anthony, juanes, hombres G!!!
does Not Care if you can’t speak/understand Spanish, he’s got you dancing with him either way
GOING CRAZY TO ‘gasolina’ AND ‘yo perreo sola’ AND ‘safaera’
this mere idea of dancing to reggaeton with luke,,, im lightheaded
all you feel is his hands’ tight grip on your hips and the feeling of your ass pressing against him has him groaning and im gonna pass out if I keep thinking about it
not even gonna talk about dancing with him to cumbia bc y’all would never hear the end of it
anyways you got him airpods for christmas because you were sick of hearing him complain about always having to detangle his wires; he wears them almost 24/7 and likes that he can share one with you and not have to worry about the wires
he has playlists for EVERYTHING
big cuddle monster
luke is naturally a Big Spoon, have you SEEN HIS ARMS AND BODY? so Wide and perfecting for holding you
loves to hold you in his sleep, you’re like an anchor for him when he gets nightmares from cases
the bau team has several pictures of you two asleep on the jet; some of your head on luke’s chest with one of his arms around you and others with your limbs so tangled together that they can’t tell where luke ends and you begin
prefers Real Cuddles at home though because both of you are handsy and innocent cuddles have turned into sex more times than you can count
but sometimes after a bad case he just wants to be held with your fingers running through his hair. you’re in bed and he tightly wraps his arms around your waist, resting his upper body on yours with his head on your chest or face buried in your neck.
He’s a very protective man
and not like in an overbearing way
it’s just that you both have seen and know firsthand how sick and dangerous the world can be sometimes and he never wants it to touch you
almost always has a hand on you; whether it’s holding hands, or an arm over your shoulders, or a hand on your waist, or—
alternatively, your hands always wind up in his back pocket or holding onto his GIANT biceps
usually in lines he stands behind you with his arms wrapped around you and resting his chin on the top of your head, or you’re next to him and holding his arm with your head resting on his shoulder
sometimes you go on runs together with Roxy
and sometimes you go run by yourself, and Luke always suggests taking Roxy with you
not because he thinks you’re incapable of taking care of yourself without him but he doesn’t want to take the risk of something happening to you when he’s not there
also because “she could go for a run, burn some of that energy, right, Roxy?”
He knows the danger is part of the job but he just hates the idea of something happening to you
He will try to talk you out of something too dangerous but won’t tell you that you can’t go (even though he REALLY WANTS TO) because as much as he loves and cares for you, he knows you’re a great agent and are capable of taking care of yourself out in the field
I suppose it also depends on the case and the unsub? ‘cause like if you fit the unsub’s victimology then he’s more,,,cautious about it
Luke always tries to put himself in between you and the potential danger, which is funny because you try to do the same thing
[insert that meme/comic of the two people bending to protect each other]
does a mix of the ‘get behind me’ and ‘mom arm reflex for an abrupt stop’ so he can protect you from anything ahead and you have his back with a view of anything behind you guys
literally will take a bullet for you if it comes to it and he knows without a doubt that you would do the same
BACK TO ROXY!!! that adorable german shepard
but mostly you and Roxy
with the occasional bau team pics
but when Luke first introduced you to her the first time you came over to his house
it went...ok?
roxy—like luke—has seen Some Serious Shit
even being a friendly dog, I think it’d be natural for her to be cautious with new people
so when her daddy is bringing the same woman home she is like oH??
she was a little shy and kept her distance, staying close to luke the first few times you went over
eventually she got used to you coming around more often, sitting closer to you and letting you pet her more
you swear luke’s eyes were glossy the first time Roxy curled up next to you and laid her head on your lap
“no, (Y/N), I’m not about to cry it’s just that I have…dust...in my eyes…”
he’s melting on the inside though because you’re both his Best Girls Who He Loves Very Much!!!!!
he also trusts you enough to watch Roxy if he’s away and loves that Roxy trusts you too
sometimes he stays at the BAU later and comes home to you asleep on the couch with Roxy right by your side, or you’re in bed with Roxy right by the entrance of the room
either way it makes him Soft™️ that Roxy is also just as protective of you
“what’s up, baby? you taking care of mommy for me, being a good guard dog for (y/n)?”
with both of you working at the BAU, you are literally the Hottest Couple Most Sleep Deprived Couple
you sleep at the hotels when you’re on a case but let’s be real: sometimes the case is too fresh in your mind to let you sleep, same goes for Luke
you guys find that just talking about it helps
sex works too, but there’s only two moods after: I’m so tired now thank you and I love you, goodnight OR I now have more energy than I did when we got in bed can we please go another round
like you will just go over to cuddle him and sleep
you stay over a lot more than luke stays at your place and it’s mostly because taking Roxy back and forth gets difficult, especially if your place is like less equipped for pets
as sleep deprived as you two are, you can’t sleep in late
You’re both used to waking up early and at ungodly times because of work, plus Luke takes Roxy outside in the mornings to potty so you usually get up to make him coffee
so your bodies aren’t exactly programmed to want to sleep in, but there are rare times when you’ll sleep in till like 11am (Luke has potty pads in place for Roxy just in case)
but since you guys tend to wake up early on your days off, you spend the mornings in bed and just nap throughout the day
finally, having lots of pet names for each other!!!!!
his for you include but are not limited to:
sweet thang
mi amor
pretty lady
yours for him include but are not limited to:
big guy
sweet cheeks
papi chulo (he ALWAYS blushes with this one but he tries to cover it up with a smirk)
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redinkofshame · 3 years
Exotic Vacation
I based #2 on the AU list on my own honeymoon. I’m sorry the prompt never gets to the actual vacation part of the vacation… But if I added all the semi-public beach smex and threesomes this prompt would have been WAY too long.
So have some committed-relationship spice, with mirror smex.
2214 words, explicit
for @augustwritingchallenge
Read on AO3
Black Bikini Bottoms
Des and Solas hadn’t taken a honeymoon as newlyweds, as they had been new parents as well. They tied the knot at City Hall and promised each other they would take a trip for their first anniversary instead. But, between financial strain and Des’ separation anxiety, they’d called it off.
Now it was nearly their second anniversary and their daughter, Isla, was two years old, and Des was ready for a break. Cruise tickets for five days and four nights through Rivaini islands had been booked, plane tickets for her mom to stay here with Isla had been booked, and an appointment with a waxing salon so Des could get bikini-ready had been booked.
To be honest it wasn’t about the new bikini she’d packed so much as Solas seeing her in — and out — of it. Between work, parenthood, medical scares, and life in general, her and Solas’ s.ex life was all but non-existent, and she was hoping to change that, if only for the week.
The morning before was hectic — saying hello to her mother, goodbye to her daughter, and loading on the plane. They arrived late in Rivain and headed straight to their moderately-priced hotel room, where they both crashed. They did not have sex. (Thank goodness; she was exhausted.)
They were up before dawn on the day of their anniversary to begin the on-boarding process. Tickets, passports, suitcases, and a mandatory cruise ship safety lecture from the crew. It was after noon before they were free.
They managed to find their tiny windowless room well enough; it was on the lowest level and practically at the rear of the ship. After they’d checked that none of their luggage had gone missing in transit and settled a bit she sat on the bed. As it was practically the only place to sit her husband did the same. They chatted a bit, appraising the experience so far, and she scooted close, suggestively running her hand up and down his thigh as he commented on the excellent service and cheap booze.
Then a loud rumble started up, and they had to raise their voices to be heard.
He grimaced. “That must be the engine. I had not realized it would be so loud…”
Neither had she. Unlike Solas, she was a light sleeper and she was already starting to stress about the noise keeping her awake the entire trip.
But she was determined to break their dry spell. “It’s for the best,” she purred, running her hand along his chest. “Now we don’t have to worry about being too noisy.”
She pulled him into a kiss, trying to put heat into it. She wasn’t actually in the mood, yet, but she was sure she’d get there.
They kissed for several moments, nibbling on lips and necks. Neither mad a move to further, though, so they slowed to caresses. The longer it went the more painfully obvious it was that this wasn’t working for either of them. She moved her hand down and cupped hi, just to be sure, but she didn’t find anything significant.
She pulled back with a sigh and leaned her forehead against his.
He sighed as well. “I’m sorry. I’m just tired, we can still—”
“No, no, it’s okay. It’s not just you,” she admitted. She forced a smile and they stayed there a moment, heads together, eyes closed. Their hands found each other. She was trying not to get worked up over it, to blame herself, her body, to spit out something like ‘I guess we just don’t have sex anymore!’.
It was a shame. They used to have great sex. Like, really fucking good. Shouldn’t she be craving that? Would he, if she still looked like she did back then?
She reminded herself there was no reason to force themselves into some mediocre orgasms just because society said that their ‘honeymoon’ should be some kind of uber-romantic fuck-a-thon.
When she was sure she could open her eyes without getting teary she did so — only to find that while she was trying not to lose it the asshole was nodding off right where he sat.
“There’s a couple hours until our assigned dinner time,” she said, and his eyes popped open with a start. “Do you want to take a nap until then?”
“Yes. Very much so. But I would not
want you to leave you all alone on our anniversary…”
She waved it off. “I’ll nap for a bit, too, then I’ll just read. I brought a book.”
He didn’t need any more convincing and climbed under the covers. She got up and turned off the light.
She blinked.
“Holy shit.”
“Yes,” he agreed, sounding just as surprised as she was. It was dark. Like, completely lightless, even with elven vision. The blackout curtains in their bedroom at home had nothing on a windowless room under the ocean, apparently. “There’s no light from the hall; I suspect the rooms are water-tight.”
She hummed her agreement as she felt her way back to the bed. She didn’t bother setting an alarm; she never napped for more than an hour or so. With as loud as the engine was, she would be lucky to nap at all.
So, apparently, a cruise ship engine made for a wonderful white noise machine, especially when combined with the comforting darkness of the room. Des knew she’d over slept immediately. She didn’t bother trying to find her phone to check the time; they were out of service range and cross time zones. Instead she found the remote for the ceiling-mounted TV, which has a “channel” just to tell you the time and introduce you to the captain, as well as a few others explaining the islands they’d make port at in the coming days.
So much for a sixty minute nap; it had been six hours.
She hadn’t muted the TV fast enough and Solas stirred. “What time is it?” he mumbled. “Did we miss dinner?”
His tone told her that he already knew the answer.
“You could say that.”
“There’s room service, right?”
“I think they’re closed…”
“Well let’s try, at least.”
They did. The kitchen was closed, but uncooked meals were still available. Solas ordered a sandwich and she got the salad, and instead of eating a romantic anniversary dinner by the sea they ate in relative silenced in a room the size of a closet. At least wine didn’t require cooking.
C’est la vie. They went over their schedule for the next day, and which activities (‘excursions’ as the ship called them) they planned to hit. Once their plan was in place and the drinks were finished they went right back to bed.
With their good mood, full bellies, wine, and rest, Des thought they would ‘celebrate’ some more… But instead they wished each other a happy anniversary and went right back to bed. They did not have sex.
This time Des’ disappointment was genuine, and she allowed herself her tears. She might as well mourn the apparent loss of this part of their lives as Solas snored away behind her. Maybe they really were one of those couples after all. They had love, and family, and a life together, and sex wasn’t much of a part of that. And that was okay. But it also kinda sucked.
The alarm woke them in the morning. Unlike the dinners that were scheduled in the dining room at the same time every night, breakfast would be buffet style for two hours on the upper deck, so there was no hurry. In theory. Des hurried anyway, excited to finally enjoy the view of glittering ocean for as far as her eyes could see as she sipped mimosas.
She was pulling out her outfit for the day (bikini included) when Solas invited her to shower with him. It was something they did pretty much whenever schedules allowed, so she didn’t expect any hanky-panky (and tried to convince herself she wasn’t disappointed when she was proven right).
He scrubbed her back and she watched him shave his head, checking him for missed spots. They got out and toweled dry.
She reached for her bikini bottoms but his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, grip noticeably firm. “Who said you’re allowed to get dressed?” he asked.
His wicked little grin was enough to send a tingle through her. “I can’t wait to see the incredible view,” she answered coquettishly. He didn’t bother with a response, just pulled her in and kissed her hungrily, almost immediately finding her tongue with his. His hands moved from her wrist to waist to grab great handfuls of her ass.
She tried to give as good as she got but she still had to wrap her arms around his neck just to keep her balance with the way her pressed into her, forcing her to back up until her butt hit the tiny vanity. She puled back to catch her breath, scraping her nails along his freshly-shaved scalp. He used the opportunity to go for her neck, sucking and biting as he pleased. She knew he was leaving marks on her but happily let him.
Des gasped lightly as his fingers traced to the apex of her thighs, teasing her. Fuck, it had been way too long… She canted her hips against his hand to prove how ready she was already, just in case it wasn’t super obvious.
It must have been because he hooked his elbow under her knee and lifted, speaking her open. She giggled in surprise but was cut off by her own hitching breath as he used his other hand to finger her. She buried her nose in the crook of his neck, clean and warm, until he murmured appreciatively in her ear, “Now there’s an incredible view…”
She turned to look over her shoulder only to see her own bare ass reflected in three different angles by the vanity mirrors.
Des smirked. She propped up her leg higher and leaned forward into Solas, arched her back to give him a pornographic view of his fingers disappearing into her cunt. He groaned and grabbed her ass with his now-free hand, lifting her higher still.
He worked her with those long, familiar fingers until she couldn’t take it anymore. He ignored her increasingly insistent noises of frustration — she knew he knew what she wanted, but the asshole always wanted to hear her beg for it. Finally she dropped all pretense and just said, “Dick. Now.”
He ignored her still, so she sunk her teeth into his neck, biting hard.
His surprise yelp was followed by a chuckle just before he grabbed her by the hips and spun her around. She met his grin with a smile of her own and bent over to brace her hands on the vanity table. She watched in satisfaction as his gaze dropped to her tits. Then she wiggled her butt to get him back on task.
He rook the time to run his hands up along her curves, all the way up to her shoulders and back, giving her ass a loud smack before finally aligning his cock up and — Fuck. Creators, she’d forgotten just how damn good when her husband fucked her with that big cock of his. The toys in her drawer at home had nothing on the grip of his hands pulling her hips to him as he thrust steadily into her.
She looked up at him in the mirror but couldn’t make eye contact as he was intently watching their bodies moving together instead. She’d been stupid to think he was tired of her body… He’d never said or even done anything to make her think he was no longer attracted to her, and the way he looked at her now was anything but disinterested.
She reached up to squeeze her own breast — that caught his attention. His eyes snapped up to hers and she continued the treatment, tugging her nipple for her own satisfaction, watching him watching her. Then she watched nothing at all as her eyes screwed up and she came for him, though she felt his heavy gaze even then.
He rode her through her orgasm, steady, controlled as always. Always, that was, until it was his turn. Once she opened her eyes again he dug his fingers into her and took her hard. She moaned with each thrust and it was all she could do to brace herself against the table as he lost himself, pounding into her fast, hard, deep.
She watched his face as he came at last, smiled when his eyes opened to meet hers. He smiled back and gave her ass another slap before pulling out. “Worth it for that view alone.”
She rolled her eyes and went to grab a washcloth from the shower, giving him one as well. Then her the bikini bottoms she’d been reaching for before, like a proper gentleman.
“Why thank you.” She grumbled as she started pulling them on, “Gonna get cum stains on it before I even get in the water…”
Solas cupped her face and pulled her into a long, satisfied kiss. Then he said with a smirk, “It won’t be the last time. Black was a poor color choice for our honeymoon.”
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unqueluxuria · 5 months
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dettiot · 4 years
Fic: Anakin vs. the Feelings
Title: Anakin vs. the Feelings Author: dettiot Summary: Anakin tries to cope with how he feels for Padme as their mission shifts.
Notes: Written for Anidala Week 2020, Day 7: Free Day. This is set just after my story Don’t Freak Out, which was a gender-swapped fusion of Star Wars and Chuck. I have a bit of a recap at the start of this fic, but if you’re not very familiar with Chuck, you might want to give the first story a read before this one. Find it on AO3 or on Tumblr!
Hi, I’m Padme, and here’s some things you might need to know. 
My life is filled with spies, car chases, computer-stealing ninjas and me saving the day. You see, everything changed when I got an email from my college best friend, Sabe. I thought she was an accountant from Connecticut--but Sabe had been working for the CIA when she stole a whole bunch of government secrets. Big, important secrets. Really scary, nasty, you-get-killed-for-having-them secrets. Next thing I know, these super secrets are downloaded into my brain. Which means every moment of my life is in danger.
Fortunately, the CIA sent their best agent to protect me: Anakin Skywalker. 
[montage of Anakin wearing a tuxedo, charming a woman at a cocktail party, taking out six bad guys effortlessly, looking at Padme and smiling] 
Yeah, I know. 
The NSA sent their best agent, too: Ben Kenobi.
[montage of Ben cleaning weapons, arguing with a roomful of terrorists, giving Padme a blank, judging look] 
Yeah, he’s . . . he’s not so nice. 
“You know this isn’t going to work.” 
Heaving a sigh, Anakin Skywalker, CIA Agent, did his best not to think about all the ways he could kill Ben Kenobi without breaking a sweat. 
It was a long list. Which gave him enough time to actually come up with some good reasons to counter Kenobi’s negativity. 
“Look, it’s just as easy to bring Dr. Zarnow here as it is to take Padme to him,” Anakin said. “The Ring is crawling all over D.C., looking for Sabe. This way, we keep Padme off their radar.” 
“That’s fairly cold, sacrificing the woman you used to be in love with,” Kenobi observed, an eyebrow going up as Anakin shifted his feet. “Because you weren’t just partners with Sabe, after all.” 
It was true: he wasn’t just partners with Sabe. But . . . they hadn’t been much more than partners in a long, long time. 
“Sabe betrayed the CIA by stealing the Intersect,” Anakin said, gathering some papers so he could hide his face from Kenobi’s piercing stare. “ Padme is a civilian. And a good person. She helped save General Stanfield when she didn’t have to. And all she’s asking is that we let her stay with her friends and family. It seemed like a fair trade-off to me.” 
Kenobi tutted. “Intelligence agencies generally aren’t interested in fairness. But Yoda agreed with your crazy plan, so I’ll back you.” 
“Thanks,” Anakin said, holding the papers against his chest, his arms folded over them. 
“Don’t thank me. I’m just doing my job.” 
The tone of Kenobi’s voice made it clear he thought Anakin wasn’t, which annoyed the hell out of him. But he had spent a long, long time holding his emotions in--and he wasn’t going to stop now. 
So when Kenobi saw he hadn’t gotten a reaction, he grunted softly and left their quasi-office, also known as the home theater room at the Buy More. 
He was probably going to his hotel, sharpening some knives or something. Not that Anakin didn’t have his own weapons to take care of, but . . . 
Sinking down on the sofa, Anakin dropped the papers on the coffee table and leaned back, trying to get his thoughts straight. 
His thoughts and his emotions. 
If there was an agent he thought would turn out to be a traitor, Sabe wouldn’t have been his pick. She was smart, determined, dedicated. But also guarded, secretive, and slightly too prone to violence. 
But even if she was a traitor, he wouldn’t have expected her to draw an innocent person into her web. But that was what Padme was: innocent. 
It bothered him, seeing Padme involved in all this. Anakin couldn’t remember the last time he had so much contact with a civilian. He would have thought it would be boring. Grating. He had long ago accepted that his job meant sacrifice, meant keeping people safe so they could go about their normal, everyday lives. 
But spending time with Padme . . . it wasn’t boring. There was something about her--a glow. She looked like Sabe, just shorter, but she was also so different from Sabe. 
She was the last person he could imagine fitting into his life of secrets and shifting loyalties. He hoped Dr. Zarnow would be able to get the Intersect out of Padme’s head, so her life could go back to normal. 
And he would be back to his normal life, traveling all over the world and kicking ass and . . . 
Anakin shook his head. That was what he wanted: to get the hell out of Burbank and back to work. 
There was something about Dr. Zarnow that Anakin didn’t like. The man came off as too glib. But it didn’t really matter what Anakin thought of him--not as long as he could extract the Intersect from Padme’s mind. 
He stood at the Nerd Herd desk with Kenobi and Zarnow, listening to Padme and watching her on the cameras as she went through the testing to confirm the presence of the Intersect. Which seemed stupid to Anakin, but he hadn’t been asked. 
“Amazing,” Zarnow breathed out. “The amount of data inside her head . . . how has she not injured herself?” 
Injured herself? What? The Intersect was supposed to be safe--before Sabe had stolen it, it had been slated for implementation. Would the CIA and NSA endanger an agent by frying their brain? 
And did that mean that Padme could--
Giving himself a bit of a shake, Anakin said, “So you can remove the Intersect from the subject’s mind?” 
“Oh, yes. Quite easily. As soon as tomorrow night.” 
Anakin looked at Kenobi, who nodded. “All right,” Anakin said, looking at Zarnow. “Agent Kenobi will take you back to your hotel. We’ll pick you up tomorrow night at ten.” 
“Agree,” the doctor said, shaking Anakin’s hand before Kenobi escorted him out. 
As he watched them walk away, he wondered at the strange feeling he had. What made him not trust Zarnow? There was absolutely nothing to say the doctor wasn’t to be trusted, but Anakin couldn’t help it. Sometimes, you just had to work on a gut feeling. It was what made him trust Kenobi, even though they barely agreed on anything.
It was his gut that made him trust Padme.
His eyes were drawn to the video screen, watching Padme. She was rubbing her temples, her shoulders hunched. When her hands fell from her face, it was easy to see the strain from the flashes. 
The last thing he should be doing was staring at Padme, letting her hurt, when he should be taking her home and putting her mind at ease. After all, she would be excited to know that soon, this nightmare would be over for her. She could be safe, her loved ones would be safe, and she would never again have to think about Agent Anakin Skywalker. 
And why did that make something inside him twist?
Shoving all the unhelpful emotions aside, Anakin stepped over to the home theater room. “Okay?” 
Padme nodded, her face pale. “Yeah . . . did I do all right?” 
“You did great,” Anakin said, reassuring her. “In fact, Dr. Zarnow thinks by this time tomorrow, you’ll be free of the Intersect.” 
“Really? Wow,” Padme said softly, her soft brown eyes locked on his for a long moment before she looked away. 
What was going through her mind? Gratitude, probably. Relief. 
Or . . . could she be sad about an end to all of this? Seeing the last of him?
A sarcastic voice inside his head snorted. “Yeah, right, Skywalker.”
“This is a good thing,” Anakin said, not sure whether he was trying to make her feel better or himself. 
“Yeah--yeah, of course,” Padme said. “Um, what time? Sola wanted to have dinner as a family. And . . .” 
Anakin looked at her, noticing how she was gnawing a little on her lower lip. “What is it?” he asked softly, lowering his head a little to be closer to her.
“She said I should invite you,” Padme said, looking up at him. “I mean--I can tell her you can’t make it--”
“No,” Anakin interrupted quickly. “I can be there. I mean, I have to eat, and--and I’ll have to pick you up anyway, so . . .” 
A soft, dazzling, disbelieving smile lit up Padme’s whole face. “Really?” 
He had to swallow before he could reply. “Really.” 
“Oh, thank you! I mean, I know you’ll be leaving as soon as the Intersect is out of my head, but it’s made Sola really happy to think I’m dating someone,” Padme said. “And she’s kinda mad that Jar-Jar had met you even before she heard about you. You’re saving my life.” 
“No problem,” Anakin said, leading Padme out of the store and to his Porsche. 
Padme kept chattering as he drove her home. Anakin stayed silent, trying to figure out the odd feeling going through him. It wasn’t until he was nearly to his hotel that he realized what it was. 
Grimacing, Anakin used the toe of his boot to push aside a burned clump of metal and plastic, then turned to look at the remains of a late-model sedan. 
“You’re sure Zarnow was in the car?” 
“Security cameras show him driving away from his hotel in this car,” Kenobi said, drawing up beside Anakin. “Looks like the good doctor wanted to do some sightseeing and ran off the road.” 
“But why?” Anakin asked, not really talking to Kenobi. He walked around the burned-out car, moving past crime scene techs. He nearly stepped on another piece of plastic, but something made him stop at the last moment. 
“Kenobi!” he said, crouching down and pulling out a pen to push at the object. 
“A cell phone?” Kenobi asked from behind and above him. 
Anakin nodded, turning over the phone. “How much you want to bet there’s explosive residue on this?” 
“No bet,” Kenobi said, folding his arms over his chest. “I never bet on a sure thing. So someone wanted to kill Zarnow.” 
“Looks like it,” Anakin said, before his head jerked up to meet Kenobi’s eyes. “Padme.” 
Kenobi’s eyes widened, and then in one movement, they each began running towards their cars. 
When Padme opened the door of the apartment she shared with Sola and her husband, her eyes widened. “Anakin!” 
“Hi, hi, sorry I’m late!” he said quickly, leaning down and kissing her cheek. He held the bouquet of flowers in his hand out to her. “These are for you. I brought wine, too.” 
“Oh . . . thanks,” she said, still looking surprised. She put her hand on his chest and pushed him out of the apartment a few steps. “I thought, with the doctor being dead--” she whispered, glancing back towards her sister and brother-in-law. “I thought you weren’t coming,” she said.
“I’ll explain later,” Anakin said, desperate to get her inside. To get her under cover, away from anyone with a sniper rifle who wanted to take her out. 
His stomach had been churning for the last hour, ever since he realized that anyone who killed Zarnow might want to move against Padme. Making himself stop at his hotel and change into a suit and button-down shirt, getting flowers and wine--doing everything to play the part of a boyfriend meeting her family--had been agony. Because whenever he thought of Padme with a hole between her eyes . . . 
Padme looked confused, but she rolled with the punches. “All right. Come on in and meet everyone.” 
Nodding, Anakin rested his hand on Padme’s back, feeling her warmth through her soft dress. He stepped inside the apartment, feeling instantly welcomed. Padme’s sister, Sola, and her husband Darred were both nice people. Jar-Jar was a little strange, but he was Padme’s best friend. 
It all felt so . . . normal. Passing over the bottle of wine, exchanging small talk with Darred, watching Sola and Padme talk in the kitchen. Padme’s cheeks flushed at whatever her sister said, and Anakin wondered what they were talking about. 
A knock on the door made Anakin tense. Darred called out cheerfully, “I’ve got it!” and had the door open before Anakin could get into position. He relaxed slightly when he saw Kenobi, although he still felt a spike of annoyance at the older man not trusting him to protect Pamde adequately. 
“Hello there!” Kenobi said with a genial smile. “I’m Ben, a coworker of Padme’s. She invited me over for dinner, and I brought one of my famous chocolate souffles for the occasion.” 
Anakin blinked. Well, he hadn’t seen that coming. 
“C’mon in!” Darred said brightly. “Any friend of Padme’s, etc. etc. I’m Darred, Padme’s brother-in-law. That’s Anakin, her boyfriend, although as if you don’t know! Padme talks about him all the time, am I right?” 
“All the time,” Kenobi agreed, smirking at Anakin.
He gripped his glass of wine tightly and tried not to blow his cover. 
“And right over here is Sola, the light of my life,” Darred said, introducing Kenobi to her. “This is one of Padme’s coworkers, babe.” 
“What are you doin’ here, Ben?” Jar-Jar asked, sounding suspicious. 
“Oh!” Padme said loudly. “Silly me. I forgot I invited Ben. Let me take that souffle from you--doesn’t it smell great?--and we’ll get you some wine.” 
And here he thought Padme could roll with the punches. She certainly was thrown by Kenobi’s arrival. Although Anakin couldn’t blame her for that--he would be confused by Kenobi just showing up, too. Especially with how he was acting. 
Somehow, they all got through dinner, souffle and all. All too soon, Sola shooed Padme out of the apartment, telling her to walk Anakin to his car. 
Echo Park was quiet as they stepped out into the courtyard. “So what happens now?” Padme asked him as soon as the door closed behind them. 
“I don’t know,” Anakin said with a sigh. “Dr. Zarnow was the only one who could remove the Intersect.” 
Padme scuffed the toe of her flat against the ground. “So . . . is it time for the bunker?” 
“No, Padme,” he said, turning to face her. “I’ll figure something out. Something that will let you stay here. I promise.” 
In the moonlight, her eyes were luminous. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 
Anakin opened his mouth, wanting to make all kinds of promises to her. Promises that went against everything he thought he wanted. 
But then he felt a sting against his neck. Padme’s eyes widened, and then she lifted a hand to her neck. “What . . .?” she slurred. 
There was just enough time to see her hand drop, revealing a tranquilizer dart in her neck, before Anakin felt the same drug run through his system. Then his eyes closed and everything went dark. 
If there was one thing Anakin Skywalker hated, it was waking up after being drugged. 
Correction: waking up after being drugged and finding himself chained up. 
Grimacing at the cuffs around his wrists, Anakin yanked again, trying to break the chain loose from the ceiling. But it was no good: this setup was solid. And the cuffs were latched so tightly around his wrists, he didn’t think breaking his thumbs would let him get free. 
He ran his hands up the chains, then jumped, bringing his feet up. If he could brace against the ceiling, he could definitely get the chains loose . . . 
But even at just over six feet tall, his legs weren’t long enough for him to reach the ceiling. 
His curse was muffled, thanks to the duct tape over his mouth. Anakin dropped back to the ground and made his peace with waiting. 
The thought of her made the last fog of the tranquilizer clear his mind. Looking around quickly, Anakin realized she wasn’t here. There weren't any other restraints in view, so . . . where was she? 
Anakin yanked again on his chains, trying to get free. He had to find her--he had to protect her! 
It felt like the chains were looser, but before he could try again, the door of the dark warehouse slid open, revealing a small woman in a soft dress. 
“Padme!” he barked against the duct tape. “What are you doing here?” 
And why was he talking with the gag over his mouth? Maybe it was how angry he was at her being here. Because what the hell was she thinking?
She hurried up to him. “I know, I know, just shut up!” She reached up for the edge of the duct tape and winced. “Sorry!” 
Then she yanked the tape off cleanly. 
He grimaced at the sticky residue and the pain, then shook his head. “What are you thinking?” he hissed. “Go home!” 
“No!” Padme said. “When I woke up, I flashed--Dr. Zarnow has been working with North Korea. He faked his death to throw you and Kenobi off the scent.” 
“So he could take you and sell you to the highest bidder!” Anakin said angrily, glaring at Padme. “And so you came running after me?” 
Padme glowered back at him. “I had to! You were in trouble!” 
God, her desire to protect people was going to get her killed!
“I can take care of myself,” he said firmly. “Before Zarnow or anyone else shows you, you’re going back to the car. That’s an order, Padme.” 
“Good thing I don’t take orders from you!” Padme said. A sound from outside made them both look in that direction, then Padme gave him an apologetic look. She plastered the duct tape back over his mouth before he could say anything more.
It was wrong to be . . . a little bit impressed, right? To admire how strong and determined she was, even when she was doing incredibly idiotic things?
She looked around and found a rusty crowbar, then hurried over to one side of the door, crouching in the shadows. He could see her readying the crowbar, even as he mentally tried to tell her to run, to get out of here. 
And then Kenobi stepped through the door and Padme lifted her weapon to strike, only to stop just in time. “Kenobi!” she cried.
“Yes, yes, it’s me,” he said, holstering his gun. “C’mon. I’ve got Zarnow locked up in the car. We gotta get out of here.” 
Kenobi showed no problem with yanking the duct tape off Anakin’s mouth. The older man smirked at him. “Nice job, bein’ bait.” 
Anakin shook his head. “Thanks, I guess. How did you find me in the first place?” 
“Trackers in the souffle,” Kenobi said. He reached up, wrapping his hands around the chains. “On three.” 
Together, they pulled the chains free and within a few moments, they were all in Kenobi’s SUV, Zarnow unconscious, bound and gagged in the back seat. 
Rubbing a hand over his face, Anakin looked back at Padme. “Are you all right?” 
She nodded. “I’m fine. Kenobi found me, and then we found you. He took care of Zarnow while I looked for you.” 
“I can’t believe you brought her with you,” Anakin grumbled to Kenobi.
“And leave her passed out in the courtyard? She woke up in the car on the way,” Kenobi grumbled right back. “Not my fault she’s got a scary-fast recovery period for such a little shrimp.”
“I’m right here, you know,” Padme said in annoyance. 
Anakin turned in his seat to really look at her. “Yes, you are. But it was luck alone that allowed everything to work out. If this arrangement is going to continue, you have to listen to Kenobi and I.” 
Padme’s eyes flashed. “Or you could teach me how to take care of myself.” 
What? There was no way Padme could defend herself. She was so small, so soft . . . 
“It’s not the worst idea,” Kenobi said. 
“Kenobi!” Anakin said in shock, staring at the NSA agent. “You can’t be serious.” 
“And why can’t he be serious?” Padme asked, sounding hurt. “No one would expect me to know what to do in a fight.” 
Kenobi nodded as he parked outside the apartment complex. “She’s right. Being a damsel in distress only works in fairy tales.” He looked back at Padme. “We won’t go easy on you.” 
She lifted her chin, her jaw set. “Give me your worst.” 
“I haven’t agreed to this!” Anakin protested. “And I doubt Yoda will agree, either.” 
“Then we won’t tell him,” Kenobi said smugly. “C’mon, Skywalker--afraid that the girl will kick your ass?” 
Anakin grimaced. He could care less about Padme, or any woman, beating him in a fight. But Padme . . . she wasn’t cut out for this. She was normal, a civilian. She shouldn’t have to defend her life with punches and kicks.
But then he looked at her. At the hope in her eyes, at the courage in her face and body. And he knew he couldn’t stand in her way. 
He had a feeling he would never be able to tell her no.
It was another strange, unique feeling that Padme brought out in him. 
With a sigh, Anakin nodded. “All right.” 
Padme’s face lit up with one of those smiles he would kill to get. “Thank you! Thank you!” 
“All right,” Kenobi interjected. “Get inside. It’s late. See you tomorrow, Amidala.” 
She gave them both another bright smile before hopping out of the car and hurrying into her apartment. 
“This isn’t the right thing to do,” Anakin said quietly.
“It isn’t the right thing for you,” Kenobi corrected. “But then, it doesn’t matter what either of us want--it’s about what she wants,” he said. 
And Anakin couldn’t argue with Kenobi on that. 
He would do everything in his power to give Padme what she wanted. No matter what it was--he wanted to give her everything. 
Even if it broke his heart to do so.
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harrisonarchive · 4 years
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George Harrison, Friar Park, circa 1990; photo by Terry O'Neill.
George's jukebox at Kinfauns has been explored by the Harrison Archive (and is available as a playlist here), thanks in large part to an article about it, published in the Record Mirror's 1 January 1966 issue.
George's jukeboxes at Friar Park, however, are a little more obscure. The following playlist of songs featured on the jukeboxes and mentioned in some way from 1970 onward is an approximate one only, based on doing some digging into print interviews, audio interviews, and written pieces by family and friends. (The tracks include information previously posted on the Harrison Archive. For - hopefully - easier navigation, I've also bolded the artists -- and tracks known for certain to have been either on the jukeboxes or George's favorites.)
"Stardust" (instrumental) - Hoagy Carmichael "Our son, Dhani, and I, like George’s friends, were spoiled by his rich and loving presence: from the morning wake-up call, which could have been (depending on our location and mood) a morning raga, a Vedic chant, a Mozart concerto, Cab Calloway’s ‘Bugle Call Rag,’ or Hoagy’s earliest instrument version of ‘Stardust'..." - Olivia Harrison [read more]
"Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)" - The Four Tops "Rescue Me" - Fontella Bass
These tracks receive shoutouts in George's "This Song" (and the Four Tops were Sixties favorites, too, appearing on his Kinfauns jukebox).
"Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" - Cab Calloway Clearly a favorite by one of his favorite artists, covered by George for Jools Holland's TV show, and also released on his posthumous album Brainwashed.
"When I'm Cleaning Windows" - George Formby "September In The Rain" - Dinah Washington "Dizzy Fingers" - Zez Confrey
George was a member of the George Formby Society (and attended conventions with Olivia and Dhani), and became friends with another attendee, Ray Bernard, who recalled the latter two of the above songs as some of George's favorites. (The Beatles also covered "September In The Rain" for their Decca audition; I'm not sure if George preferred Dinah Washington's version to any other, but its release year is closest to when the Fabs covered it, hence the inclusion on the playlist.)
"A Shine On Your Shoes" - Fred Astaire
Covered by George in a home video shared by the Harrison Family in the Guitar Collection app and the deluxe limited edition of Living In The Material World (and, on 1 February 2020, by Olivia on her Instagram, where she explained that George was playing a Danny Ferrington Keoki ukulele).
"True Love" - Bing Crosby & Grace Kelly
George covered this song as well, for his 1976 album Thirty-Three & 1/3. As Olivia recalled on Dark Horse Radion in 2018: "We'd been watching ‪Bing Crosby‬ and Grace Kelly, watching that movie ['High Society'], and they do a duet, and just that little harmony thing they do, because she wasn’t known as really a singer; he’d play and then we'd sing it." [read more]
"Roll Over Beethoven" - Chuck Berry
A longtime favorite, George covered this with The Beatles, during his 1991 Japan tour, and during his 1992 Natural Law Party concert, where it became the last song he played live onstage at a concert in his lifetime. As George said, "there hasn’t been any rock & roll better than that." [read more]
"Hong Kong Blues" - Hoagy Carmichael
Hoagy Carmichael was a favorite of George's, and he covered this song for his 1981 album Somewhere In England.
"Barnacle Bill the Sailor" - Hoagy Carmichael
A favorite, associated with George by Dhani, and mentioned by Olivia. "He would go up at parties to the DJ and say, ‘I’ve got something really amazing.’ ‘Cause he was who he was, they would listen to him, and then everyone would just be bummed out, it would clear the dance floor. And then he’d come back later - ‘I’ve got something else’ - and he’d put it on again. You know, he would just do this until the DJ was like [exasperated]." - Dhani Harrison, la minute rock, Rolling Stone France, 28 Nov 2017 [read more]
"Midnight Special" - Leadbelly "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" - Hank Williams "The Great Pretender" - The Platters "Words Of Love" - Buddy Holly
The songs themselves might not be George's favorites or jukebox selections -- as yet, I haven't found any mention of actual song titles, so these are just personal choices -- but the artist were mentioned by George and Olivia; and "Words Of Love" was obviously a favorite, having been covered by The Beatles, and, according to Mark Lewisohn's Complete Beatles Chronicle research, initially having been sung by George and John.
"The Ying Tong Song" - The Goons "I'm Walking Backwards For Christmas" - The Goons
Both these tracks were mentioned by Olivia as having been on the Friar Park jukeboxes in December 1974.
"The Lumberjack Song" - Monty Python "Spam Song" - Monty Python "Layla" - Eric Clapton
These tracks were mentioned by Eric Idle as having been on George's jukeboxes at Friar Park. "The Lumberjack Song" was of course also performed at the Concert for George.
"Heartbreak Hotel" - Elvis Presley
Eric Idle also recalled early Elvis being on the jukeboxes; and of course, George named the song as his first musical root.
"Blue Suede Shoes" - Carl Perkins "The Bells of Rhymney" - The Byrds
These two Perkins and Byrds songs were mentioned as favorite songs by George in the March 1997 issue of Guitar World.
"Mauna Loa" - Gabby Pahinui
Another artist loved by George, although again, this track choice is just a haphazard personal one, since there doesn't seem to be any public mention of which of Pahinui's songs were George's preferred ones.
"Ooo Baby Baby" - The Miracles "I'll Try Something New" - The Miracles
George absolutely loved The Miracles, and Smokey Robinson specifically, collecting their records, and writing songs in honor of Smokey ("Ooh Baby (You Know That I Love You) -- a nod to the first of the two Miracles tracks listed here -- on the 1975 album Extra Texture, and "Pure Smokey" on the 1976 album Thirty-Three & 1/3). As Olivia has recalled: "We used to sit around singing a lot of Smokey Robinson songs. That kind of sealed our relationship, I think. [George] said, 'You're the only person I've ever known who sang the high note at the end of "I'll Try Something New."'"
“Back On The Chain Gang” - The Pretenders “Brothers In Arms” - Dire Straits “Cold Day In Hell” - Gary Moore
The three tracks by The Pretenders, Dire Straits and Gary Moore were mentioned as favorites by George in the March 1997 issue of Guitar World.
"Long Tall Sally" - Little Richard
George was a Little Richard all his life, as various comments over the years show.
"Tandoori Chicken" - Ronnie Spector "I Am Missing You" - Lakshmi Shankar "Rebel Music" (live) - Bob Marley & The Wailers
Put down on tape during the "Try Some, Buy Some" sessions, "Tandoori Chicken" was an improvised song, as George recalled: "a 12-bar thing done on the spot with Mal our roadie and Joe the chauffeur." For Dark Horse Records, and featuring Lakshmi Shankar, one of [George's] favorite singers," another song for this playlist is "I Am Missing You." The Marley track was chosen from the setlist of the three 1975 Roxy show attended by George and Olivia, recalled by George as "the best thing I've seen in ten years. [...] I could watch The Wailers all night."
"The Rain Song" - Led Zeppelin "Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)" - The Beach Boys
"The Rain Song" was written in response to a comment made by George, and subsequently made it on one of the two jukeboxes. The Beach Boys song was on the jukeboxes, and -- like "The Rain Song" -- played at the wedding of Dhani and Sola, as reported by Vogue in 2012.
"Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours" - Stevie Wonder "Telephone Line" - Electric Light Orchestra "Come On In My Kitchen" - Robert Johnson "When The Levee Breaks" - Memphis Minnie
All four of these artists were mentioned as favorites by George in a 1976 interview. (The titles are arbitrary choices, since the interviewer didn't ask George for any further details. However, Johnson's "Come On In My Kitchen" was covered by George and band during rehearsals for the Concert for Bangladesh.)
"Maria Elena" - Ry Cooder "Concert in B (live in 1963) - Andrés Segovia
Two artists mentioned frequently by George as being favorites (Segovia first in 1963 -- hence the choice of a live piece from that year -- and up through the 1990s). The Cooder track was specifically mentioned by Olivia in the June 2018 issue of Songlines.
"Piano Concert No. 21" - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Olivia mentioned a Mozart concerto as being something George would play in the mornings as they were starting the day, so this is another random choice of a concerto.
"The Weight" - The Band
The atmosphere of the song inspired the Harrisong "All Things Must Pass," as George recalled in 1987 -- he also named it as a song he admired in that same interview. In a 1974 interview with Capital Radio, George deemed The Band "the best band I've ever seen."
"Farther On Down The Road (You Will Accompany Me)" - Jesse Ed Davis
A Harrisong was given to Jesse by George, and recorded by Jesse before it was released by George himself (but since "Sue Me, Sue You Blues," the song in question, is already on a collaborations playlist....); this Davis selection (written by Jesse and Taj Mahal) was covered live by George and Eric Clapton in December 1978.
"Isn't It A Pity" (cover) - Nina Simone "Backwater Blues" - Big Bill Broonzy "Changes" - Bix 'n' Bing
Nina Simone's cover of the Harrisong "Isn't It A Pity" in turn influenced the mood of another Harrisong; and Dhani recalled listening to Simone, Big Bill Broonzy (who is name-checked in the Harrisong "Wreck Of The Hesperus") and Bix 'n' Bing together with his dad (these tracks are once more personal choices).
"April Kisses" - Eddie Lang
The first song on this playlist, "Stardust," was "one of [George's] favorite songs," as Olivia has recalled; she also named Eddie Lang (though she didn't mention a specific title).
"Kalimankou Denkou" - Le Mystere des voix bulgares
George enthused about this Bulgarian choir in numerous interviews, and introduced this particular song during his interview on Rockline in February 1988.
"Taxes On The Farmer Feeds Us All" - Ry Cooder
"Later, after a lasagna dinner in his ornately paneled kitchen with his wife Olivia, their son Dhani (just home from his school year at Brown University in the States), and Olivia’s sister, Linda, Harrison takes his visitor upstairs to his Friar Park Studio. Picking up a nearby National dobro from the vast array of vintage guitars hanging from the walls, Harrison slips a glass bottleneck on his finger as he seats himself to strum 'The Farmer Is The Man Who Feeds Us All,' the traditional tune of 1860s America made famous in the 1920s by Fiddlin’ John Carson and later popularized on Ry Cooder’s 1971 'Into The Purple Valley” album as 'Taxes On The Farmer Feeds Us All.' 'That’s where I first heard the tune,”'says Harrison of Cooder’s interpretation, before he begins to sing: 'The farmer is the man, the farmer is the man/Buys on credit until the fall/Then they take him by the hand/And they lead him from his land/And the merchant he’s the man who gets it all.'" (Billboard, 19 Jun 1999)
"God's Own Drunk" - Lord Buckley
This particular Buckley piece was mentioned by George in a 1979 radio interview promoting his eponymous album, and the song "If You Believe": "Pray, give up, and it all recedes away from you. I don’t know if you… you must have heard Lord Buckley, you know, well, there is a thing he did called 'God’s Own Drunk.' I think it was that. Anyway, it was one of Lord Buckley’s things and he was talking about love. He said: 'Love is like a beautiful garden, you know, when you use it it spreads, but when you don’t -- it recedes.' And it’s true. It’s really that in its simplest form." [read more]
"Free Fallin'" - Tom Petty
As Dhani has said, he can remember "getting advance copies sent to my dad from Tom. He’d be like, 'You want to hear Tom’s new stuff?' And it would be the first time anyone’s heard 'Free Fallin'." (Premier Guitar, Jan 2018)
"Let It Be Me" - The Everly Brothers
Covered by George in a demo version after seeing the Everly Brothers in concert (George's cover appears on Early Takes Vol. 1).
"Clair de Lune" (cover) - Isao Tomita
One of George's favorites, as Olivia has recalled.
"México Lindo y Querido" - Jorge Negrete
Negrete was mentioned as a favorite by George, and Olivia recalled Negrete being on George's jukebox.
"Bugle Call Rag" - Cab Calloway
Recalled by Olivia in her introduction for Harrison, and as George's school wakeup call for Dhani.
"Cool River" - Maria Muldaur "Fear Of Flying" - Charlie Dore
Two more specific songs mentioned or covered by George.
"Sweet Leilani" - Bing Crosby
Mentioned as a favorite of George's by Tom Petty, and by Olivia.
"Every Grain Of Sand" - Bob Dylan
Named as one of George's favorite songs in his June 1999 Billboard interview: "I mean, you tell me one person other than Bob Dylan who has a moral message in a tune that's improved upon Bob's words in his song 'Every Grain of Sand.'"
"Kaliyuga Varadan" & "Ragam Tanam Pallavi" & "Gajavadhana" - U. Srinivas
One of George's favorite artists, as he, Dhani and Olivia have recalled; these three particular tracks were singled out by Olivia in the June 2018 issue of Songlines.
"Raga - Manj Khamaj" - Ravi Shankar "Guru Bandana (Prayer)" - Ali Akbar Khan "Abhogi" - Hariprasad Chaurasia "Kafi Holi (Spring Festival Of Color)" - Ravi Shankar "Enna Thavam" - Papanasam Sivan "Thumri - Mishra Tilang Raga - Addha Taal" - Sultan Khan "You And Me" - Zakir Hussain "Raga Chayya Nat" - Kala Ramnath
The eight selections above are mentioned by Olivia in the June 2018 issue of Songlines.
“México” - Mariachi Sol de Mexico
In 1998, George commissioned José Hernández - founder of Mariachi Sol de México - to translate and arrange the Harrisong "Dark Sweet Lady" in Spanish, as a special version for Olivia. While that recording is understandably a private one, mariachi music seems to have been a favorite of the Harrison family and the Arias family, as it's mentioned as having been played at family events held in California. And: "Last year I brought over a mariachi orchestra [Mariachi Sol de México] and we had a private concert at Friar Park because I got tired of waiting 30 years for someone else to do it. It was my way to let my friends experience that music – which was what George was always trying to do. He wanted people to understand and be moved by the music that he loved." - Olivia Harrison, Songlines, Jun 2018
"Last Thoughts On Woody Guthrie" - Bob Dylan "Bhoop Ghara" - Hariprasad Chaurasia, Shivkumar Sharma, Brij Bhushan Kabra
"George used to always say that if ever you are not feeling right, you should listen to Bob Dylan's 'Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie' and 'Call of the Valley.'" (Olivia Harrison) This track from "Call Of The Valley" was mentioned by Olivia in the June 2018 issue of Songlines: "[it was] something George had on our juke box. We played it as a remedy in our home if you were feeling a certain way. Kabra was one of George’' heroes as a slide guitarist, up there with Ry Cooder."
"Sarve Shaam" - Ravi Shankar
From the 1997 album Chants of India (produced by George), the song was also performed at the Concert for George, and was clearly very special to George, as Olivia remembers: "At the end of his life George said to me that all he could listen to was 'Sarve Shaam.' After all the sounds and sights and tastes you experience over a lifetime, it came down to the purity of 'Sarve Shaam.'"
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masalamaarke23 · 24 days
Dining and Celebrations Perfected: Explore Masala Maarke's Gems in Science City and Sola
Ahmedabad, a city known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant lifestyle, offers a plethora of dining and event options that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Science City and Sola, two of the city’s bustling areas, are home to Masala Maarke, a hub of gastronomic delights and event venues. In this blog, we’ll explore the best hotel restaurants science city and highlight the ultimate event party venue in Sola, ensuring you have memorable experiences.
Top Restaurant in Science City: The Spice Symphony
The Spice Symphony stands out as the best restaurant in Science City. Known for its delectable dishes and inviting ambiance, this restaurant has quickly become a favorite among locals and visitors. Here’s why The Spice Symphony is the place to be:
1. Diverse Menu: The Spice Symphony offers a diverse menu that caters to various tastes. From traditional Indian cuisine to international favorites, there’s something for everyone. Their chefs use fresh, high-quality ingredients to create dishes that are both flavorful and visually appealing.
2. Signature Dishes:
Butter Chicken: A classic Indian dish featuring tender chicken in a rich, creamy tomato sauce.
Pasta Alfredo: Perfectly cooked pasta in a creamy white sauce, ideal for those craving Italian.
Vegetable Biryani: Fragrant basmati rice cooked with a medley of vegetables and aromatic spices.
3. Cozy Ambiance: The restaurant boasts a cozy and elegant ambiance, making it suitable for family dinners, romantic dates, or casual outings with friends. The warm lighting and tasteful decor create a welcoming atmosphere that enhances the dining experience.
4. Excellent Service: The staff at The Spice Symphony are known for their exceptional service. They are attentive, friendly, and always ready to assist, ensuring that every guest has a delightful dining experience.
5. Convenient Location: Situated in Science City, The Spice Symphony is easily accessible and offers ample parking space, making it a convenient choice for anyone in the area.
Ultimate Event Party Venue in Sola: The Grand Banquet Hall at Masala Maarke
For those looking to host an unforgettable event in Sola, the Grand Banquet Hall at Masala Maarke is the ultimate venue. Here’s what makes it the perfect choice for any celebration:
1. Spacious and Versatile: The Grand Banquet Hall offers a spacious and versatile setting that can accommodate a wide range of events, from weddings and corporate functions to birthday parties and anniversaries. Its adaptable layout allows for both intimate gatherings and large celebrations.
2. Elegant Decor: The hall is elegantly decorated, with stylish interiors that provide a sophisticated backdrop for any event. The tasteful decor can be customized to match the theme and color scheme of your event, ensuring a personalized touch.
3. Top-Notch Amenities: Equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, the Grand Banquet Hall ensures a seamless event experience. From advanced audiovisual equipment to high-quality lighting and sound systems, every detail is designed to enhance your event.
4. Catering Excellence: One of the highlights of hosting an event at the Grand Banquet Hall is the exceptional catering service provided by Masala Maarke. Their experienced culinary team offers a wide range of menu options, from traditional Indian fare to international cuisine, all prepared with the finest ingredients.
5. Professional Event Planning: The dedicated event planning team at Masala Maarke is committed to making your event a success. They offer comprehensive planning services, from initial consultation to execution, ensuring that every aspect of your event is meticulously organized and flawlessly executed.
6. Prime Location: Located in the vibrant area of Sola, the Grand Banquet Hall at Masala Maarke is easily accessible and provides ample parking for guests, making it a convenient and attractive venue choice.
Whether you're in search of a top-notch dining experience in Science City or the perfect event party venue in Sola, Masala Maarke offers exceptional options that are sure to impress. The Spice Symphony in Science City delights with its diverse menu and cozy ambiance, making it a standout dining destination. Meanwhile, the Grand Banquet Hall at Masala Maarke in Sola offers a versatile, elegant, and well-equipped venue for any celebration.
Embark on a culinary journey or plan a memorable event with Masala Maarke, and experience the best that Ahmedabad has to offer.
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