#Best Golf Ball Retriever List
idiotwithanipad · 26 days
The Return Of The Rat (Pt1)
Amy (My OC) finds out about a new guest at the hotel who has no right to come back, especially after what his past self had tried to do, and what he lied about. Along the way, discovering new, frightening things about herself.
TW: Mention of choking to death, Swearing
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“He’s got no chance! D’you see the way he swung that Putter?” The head in Amy’s hands laughed. They had found a surprising amount of hilarity in watching the living visitors play golf on the green. Although, judging them would probably be the appropriate term for what they were doing. 
Only last week, the Tudor had made their bond official, and, with the aid of his only living friend, Alison Cooper, had asked for her help in signing an adoption certificate declaring the young girl his daughter in the noble name of Bone. 
But the plan had been lopsided; the girl had spent every moment of her afterlife in the company of the Tudor since her second week of death, and the separation leading up to the day of the adoption was difficult for the both of them. 
While Amy held nothing against her friends for claiming that they had no idea what had become of Humphrey the entire day before the adoption, she decided to distance herself from them for the following week, save for Humphrey and a special woodland dwelling friend of hers now put to slumber by the Waning Moon. 
They watched as the golf balls flew overhead and glistened in the sun, rolling through the manicured grass and coming to a halt. 
"See! I told you he wouldn't manage it!" Humphrey blurted. 
Amy stomped her four inch platform into the grass and growled, although she still held an amused smile on her face. 
"Fuck it!"
The head in Amy's hands chortled. Amy paced over the grass towards where the ball had landed. It had rolled only a few feet away from the hole. 
"That's close enough to be considered a win, come on! I called it! I said he'd get close! " She barked, waving her hand down at the hole, clutching Humphrey's head under her arm. 
"The rules are the rules, that's six points for me and two for you..." The head snided playfully. 
"Two and a half for how close the damn thing is!?" Amy bargained. 
"Nope" Humphrey said, emphasising the 'P'.
"Nah, c'mon!"
The head merely chuckled and waggled his brows. 
"Best of ten then?!" Amy hounded, regathering his head in both hands before her stomach so he could watch as the living player retrieved the ball. 
Humphrey hummed for a moment and flicked his eyes up. 
"... Alright, best of ten"
The whole morning the two had spent watching the golfers. Amy wasn't a sports fan, even when alive, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy placing silly bets on who would win or lose with the Tudor. The day had been hot, the sun had burned many skins and caused the elderly to retreat back inside. A trundling drone had distracted Amy, even through the constant clamp of hear headphones stuck forever over her ears. 
She turned away from the golfers and faced the driveway. A small gazebo was erected, and beneath it was a table containing some plastic cups and some sort of machine. One that Amy recognised all too well. 
"No way!" Amy gasped. 
"What?" Humphrey asked, trying to flick his eyes in the direction he assumed she looked. 
"It's a slush puppy machine!" Amy smiled, already taking Humphrey and heading over to the table. 
Sheltered beneath the gazebo offered an ample opportunity for them to read all the flavours listed. 
"What are these, then?" Humphrey asked, his brow furrowing in confusion at the churning tubs of coloured ice. 
Amy practically salivated. 
"I fucking loved these things! They're these drinks, you- I dunno, blend down ice in this syrup and it's the dog's bollocks!" Amy beamed, her eyes gazing at her favourite two flavours; Cherry and Sour Apple. 
Humphrey clicked his tongue and averted his eyes upwards towards Amy. Amy paused; remembering then that Humphrey wasn't entirely used most to her vulgar language. He could handle a few f bombs and such, but some words, such as the one she threw out just then made his metaphorical gut clench. 
" .. Sorry. It's just been ages since I've seen these things!" Amy sounded like she was holding back her excitement. Humphrey's eyes scanned the labels beneath the machine. 
"Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Sour Apple- ooh, lots of choices then?" He mused, his tongue flicking out to lick at his lip briefly. 
"Yeah, they're so good! Especially in summer, I guess that's why it's here. I heard on the TV that there's a heatwave" Amy said, matter-of-factly. Not that the weather had any effectiveness on the dead anymore. 
"I dunno about you, but if I could pick one, I'd have to go for the Strawberry" Humphrey said, raising his eyebrows at the churning tub of red bliss. 
Amy rose an eyebrow. 
"Well, I recall trying a strawberry as a boy, I enjoyed them then. As for the others, I can't quite remember what Cherry tastes like, I don't remember Apples being sour and Blue Raspberry... Well that's just not factual" Humphrey said, his eyes bulging at the thought of somewhere in the world, a plantation of blue raspberries growing. 
Amy chuckled and swayed slightly in the shade of the gazebo, delighting in the artificial fruity scent that the drinks gave off. Humphrey perked up. 
"You could've made one out of those Monsters you like!" 
Amy straightened. 
"Funny enough, I actually tried that once. Didn't end well. When I blended it up, it got too fizzy and kinda- exploded on me... I managed to try some though, watered down Monster... Not great" Amy said, recalling the embarrassing memory. 
Humphrey remembered seeing a blender once; he thanked his lucky stars that they didn't exist back in his time, he just KNEW that they'd be used as a torture device. 
"You could have a Wine flavoured one?" Amy suggested, sounding like a child off in a fantasy land where anything came in every flavour possible. Humphrey smiled. 
"That would've been nice. Mostly only royalty had ice houses back in my time, so ice was a rarity unless it was the dead of winter or a special occasion. My father was lucky in that regard, really. He had one at Richmond"
The pair fluttered around the slushies for a while longer, Amy began introducing Humphrey to the combinations people would mix, and that only made him want to taste them more. They didn't even notice the new flurry of cars which pulled into the lot, or the passenger which stepped out of a car, who regarded the place with a sense of familiarity. A deep dread. A nagging sensation of... guilt? Fear? Like a moment of judgement was at hand. Like he had the nerve and the unmitigated gall to show his rat face here again. 
After tiring of the golfers and fawning over the cold drinks, Amy and Humphrey retired back inside as the clock struck six. Although the rest of their ghostly crew gathered in the Higham Suite every night for film club, Amy and Humphrey took refuge in the room where Amy had met her fizzy, caffeine choking demise. 
A permanently locked and shady room in the East Wing, the same room in which Fanny would reenact her own death every night. The room had been left unbookable after Amy's death; as far as the hotel staff and owners knew, Amy's was the first death to happen inside the walls during the time the hotel had been in business. They probably should've done more homework and put two and two together on who those old oil paintings where of and they they still remained. 
The room was still and quiet, save for the sound of the TV in the next room over. Amy sat herself cross legged on the bed, the sheets not moving an inch at the contact. Humphrey's head lie on it's side in front of her, his eyes flicking over to the door, keeping his eyes peeled for a certain someone or something. Amy's brow creased, a question she'd been wanting to ask all week finally breached the surface and came into the light. 
"Yeah, Poppet?" He said, eyes flicking back up to her. 
Amy stuffed her hands inside her front hoodie pocket and stared down at the untouched sheets. 
"You know the other day when I couldn't find you? The day you-" Amy shrugged and gave a half smile, nodding her head over to the bedside table where her adoption certificate sat in its frame where Alison had left it, after a little bargaining with the man at reception to allow her access to the room. 
Humphrey blinked and smiled back at the framed document. 
"Well- where you okay?" Amy asked. 
The question puzzled the Tudor. 
"Course I was. Well- I heard you cryin'  and I wanted to drop the idea all together and go show you I was alright" Humphrey spoke. 
"You weren't laughing at me or anything, where you?" Amy asked, blinking in shame for making such a fuss. 
"You 'avin' a laugh? I could barely take it! The only thing that stopped me was hearing Silver talking to you. She always makes things better" Humphrey assured, his brow creasing at the thought of Amy assuming he'd taken joy out of her torment. 
"I guess it worked out alright, though?" Amy smiled. She tried to suppress the powerful yawn that slipped between her lips, but Humphrey spotted it. 
"Come on, get some sleep, you haven't slept all week. I'll still be 'ere when you wake up, Poppet" Humphrey blinked. 
No matter how many times Amy protested and claimed that she wasn't tired, Humphrey could tell it was a bold faced lie. Amy finally conceded and carried Humphrey's head over to a soft armchair by the window, his frequent sleeping place. She placed him onto the soft cushion gently and trundled back over to the bed. As soon as she curled up on her side, pulled her hood over her head and nestled into the pillow, she was practically out like a light. 
For about an hour, Humphrey felt like he could drop off any moment as well, but a certain someone that he had been keeping himself awake for entered the room through the wall. They shuffled and bumbled blindly, their arms braced out ahead of them as if blindfolded, but their eyes did work; they were staring right at themself. 
Humphrey watched as his detached body approached the bed and took a seat on the edge by Amy's feet. It seemed to twist it's upper body towards the sleeping girl to 'look' at her. It's clumsy, searching hand carefully came up to feel around gently for Amy's head still tucked away beneath the hood. It came to a slow stop when it found it's target and stroked softly, before it reached behind itself and pulled the thick layers of it's cloak over her body like a blanket. 
Humphrey smiled and finally let his heavy eyes drift shut, secure in the knowledge that this was his sentient body's way of letting his adopted daughter know that they would both still be there when she awoke. 
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Florida golf phenom Chloe Kovelesky had a yr to recollect
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida – It’s important to be an incredible individual earlier than you is usually a nice champion, in response to 15-year-old golf prodigy Chloe Kovelesky. The Boca Raton native tries her finest to embody each elements of that motto, and by all accounts, she’s discovered success in each. It’s been a yr to recollect for Kovelesky. She overcame knee surgical procedure in March to interrupt a document at a neighborhood nation membership earlier than competing within the first LPGA occasion of her profession. Two and a half weeks after surgical procedure, Kovelesky was again to swinging a membership. 4 weeks after the operation, she was again on the course for an occasion – and after a fast turnaround, Kovelesky discovered herself ending the summer time with a very good buddy in a two-person, best-ball occasion on the Estero Nation Membership. “We have been going to exit and have a very good time and play some golf, and we have been paired with the defending champions Amilia [Williams] and Elle [Nachmann],” Kovelesky mentioned. “Elle and I are literally actually good associates as effectively. We simply had a extremely good time and I ended up taking part in actually, rather well on the primary day after which ended up breaking the course document capturing 64.” With teammate Gabriella Albert (St. Andrew’s), Kovelesky tallied eight birdies throughout a bogey-free first spherical en path to the record-breaking first-place efficiency. “There was one gap that I made a 20-footer for par, and that was the one time that I actually had an opportunity to make bogey,” she mentioned. “I had lots of birdie alternatives all through the day. I simply put myself in the entire appropriate locations, I assume you might say.” However that wasn’t the one noteworthy occasion of 2022 for Kovelesky. The Boca golfer not solely certified for the Portland Basic – her first LPGA occasion – however later positioned first (67) within the Les Schwab Portland Basic Novice Open. It’s a string of success that builds on her look within the 76th Girls’s U.S Open on the Olympic Membership final yr on the age of 14. “It’s grown over time, lots of my love for the sport,” she mentioned. “I received three world championships once I was actually younger and I simply all the time performed up in divisions. Over time, the whole lot form of fell into place.” Her {golfing} historical past began at a really younger age – simply 9 months previous, in actual fact. “I used to be on the retailer with my mother and I assume I picked up this set of plastic golf golf equipment. We had an artificial placing inexperienced in my yard as a result of my dad used to play golf. My canine retrieved golf balls. His identify was Charlie. I assume my love for the sport grew over time.” For now, it’s all in regards to the experiences, the fervour, and assembly her idols, each new and previous. “Each single certainly one of them was an enormous assist,” she mentioned. All the things you hear from everybody builds in your life.” Although her success has been plain at a younger age, Kovelesky has eyes for the current, slightly than the long run. “I’d wish to say that I wish to wait to see how the whole lot unfolds,” she mentioned when contemplating her future within the sport. For now, she is content material with having fun with the moments at hand. School golf: Listed below are 15 ladies’s freshmen to look at within the 2022-23 season View 13 objects Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
MIFXIN 2 Pack Golf Ball Retriever Golf Picker Up Grabber Automatic Lock Scoop Device Stainless Steel Shaft 16.5-80 Inch Retracted Length
MIFXIN 2 Pack Golf Ball Retriever Golf Picker Up Grabber Automatic Lock Scoop Device Stainless Steel Shaft 16.5-80 Inch Retracted Length
Custom Golf Ball Retrieval. MIFXIN 2 Pack Golf Ball Retriever Golf Picker Up Grabber Automatic Lock Scoop Device Stainless Steel Shaft 16.5-80 Inch Retracted Length. Golf Ball Retrieval – Now Cheap Price Latest Designs Golf Ball Retrieval, MIFXIN 2 Pack Golf Ball Retriever Golf Picker Up Grabber Automatic Lock Scoop Device Stainless Steel Shaft 16.5-80 Inch Retracted Length. USD$22.99   MIFXIN…
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beatricethecat2 · 2 years
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(Happy B&W Gift Exchange Day @mfangeleeta!)
“You genuinely believe there’s a clue in there?” Helena says, eyeing the classified section in Myka’s hands.
“I think a middle-aged man might list something here. Claudia looked online and called used gear stores but nothing turned up.” “And this Edward Van Halen, is he of Dutch origins?”
“Probably. At some point. Why?”
“I met a Van Halen in Amsterdam, 1896,” Helena explains. “He was quite charming.”
“Maybe a relative, but that’s not important. We’re looking for a vacuum tube from the first amp Eddie used while touring.”
“I’m not terribly familiar with those terms.”
“Neither am I.”
“Then why are we here and not Claudia and Pete? This task seems better suited to them.”
“Pete’s sister’s birthday’s today, so he’s visiting with his mom. Claudia had some caretaker thing, but she’ll be here later. And we had to come anyway to get that golf ball you found.”
“Artie did seem fixated on that retrieval,” Helena says. “This Taylor Woods character’s mired in triumph and scandal.”
“Tiger Woods.”
“He’s named after a cat?”
“It’s a nickname.”
“Based on his prolific sexual proclivities?”
“No, but maybe he thought he had to live up to it?”
“Fame is a fickle food. Hence, the item in question, signed and displayed prominently in a petrol station. Were that our only task, we’d be in and out in minutes.”
“Artie said, ‘Stay, have a vacation.’”
“Here?” Helena’s nose crinkles as she surveys the beach.
“It was definitely tongue-in-cheek. But people do vacation in Florida. Lots of them.”
“Predominantly the vainglorious.”
“You’re one to talk,” Myka snips.
“I haven’t a swimming costume such as that. Do you?” Helena nods and points with her eyes towards a woman clad in a string bikini.
“However…” Helena’s head tilts as she looks Myka up and down. “I would quite like to see you in one.”
“Not happening.”
“Even in private?”
Helena pouts, putting on her very best “please” expression until Myka’s scowl softens around the edges.
“What about you? Would you wear something like that in public?” Myka asks.
“When in Rome, I may partake,” Helena says, watching the bikinied woman prance around to the delight of her male volleyball teammates. “But I’d rather patronize a nudist beach than endeavor in such posturing.”
“We are never, ever doing that.”
“Were it a private beach, would you consider it?”
“How private?”
“Just the two of us.” Helena’s eyes rake over Myka’s form.
“Stop imaging me naked!” Myka swats Helena with her paper.
“For now or for always? Because I quite often do.”
Myka frowns, but there’s a hint of a smile underneath. “Let’s find this artifact and get out of here.” She opens the paper to the classifieds again.
Helena scans the listings over Myka’s shoulder. “What about that?’” She points to an ad taking up several lines.
“'Vintage gear, crazy low prices,’” Myka reads aloud. “It’s worth checking out.”
A volleyball bounces to a stop in front of them. Helena bends down and picks it up. She hands it to the bikini-clad woman as she approaches.
“Thanks!” the young woman says. “Hey, you look like that chick from that movie. The video game one.”
“Aren’t they all based on video games now?” Myka quips.
“Comic books,” the woman corrects. “It’s a hot look, but unless you’re here to dig stuff up…” She nods towards Myka. “Her’s is better. But kinda frumpy.”
“Hey!” Myka yelps.
“Even hotter; a bandana top and some cut-offs,” the woman advises, looking Helena up and down. Male voices beckon, and the woman spins around.
“Gotta go.” She scurries off, calling out to her friends.
“'Hot,’” Helena huffs with a skeptical head wiggle.
“I think she was hitting on you.”
“She was not.”
“Was to.”
Helena looks towards the woman, now back in position on the court.
The woman waves.
Helena waves back feebly.
“What are you doing?” Myka smacks Helena with the newspaper again.
“Appreciating the gesture. She is a fine specimen of a woman.”
“What happened to 'vainglorious’?”
“Were you to don such a costume, I might say the same of you.”
“I see what you’re doing. Now it’s really never happening.”
“We shall see,” Helena counters.
“Let’s get out of here before I smack you again.”
Myka shoves Helena and she stumbles toward the parking lot.
The Adventures of Bering and Wells Season 2: Episode 8 Title: High Tides and Florida Vibes Summary: Myka and Helena set off on a new trajectory, retrieving treasures squirreled away by Helena in modern and Victorian times. Artie plies them with a secondary snag, causing Helena dismay, but Claudia’s arrival brightens spirits and saves the day.
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“Must we stay for the entire performance?” Helena says, over the whine of yet another guitar solo.
“To get to that amp, we need to stay and act like fans,” Myka answers, clapping enthusiastically as the song comes to a climactic end. “They’re pretty good, actually.”
“I thought you preferred jazz?”
“I can appreciate other things.”
“You never appreciate my tastes,” Helena snips, slumping back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I told you, I just don’t get opera,” Myka says.
“What is there to 'get’?”
“I 'get’ they’re old-school musicals, but the way they sing—”
“How dare you compare such poetry with the vulgarities of musical theater—”
“—and sing, and sing—”
“With artistry. Unlike the display before us.” Helena waves a hand at the cover band.
“There’s artistry in this,” Myka says, watching the men on stage nod their heads, deeply, with the beat, during the intro to the next song. “It’s not the nineteenth century. You’re going to have to get with the times. Were you this cranky with Nate?”
“I hadn’t the agency to express myself.”
“Who’s fault was that?”
“This is not a venue in which to discuss such things.”
“It never is,” Myka grumbles. “So you’re only a curmudgeon with me?”
“I am coming around to Maria Callas.”
“Whatever that means—”
“Wazzzup homies!” Claudia bellows over the hum of the band. “That guy shreds! He’s gonna be totes bummed when we yank his tube.”
“Ugh,” Myka says, nose crinkling.
“Missed me, huh?” Claudia says, swiping a chair from the table behind them and sitting between the two. “What’s up with this black death cake thing?” She points to the cake on the table.
“We believe there’s a festivity planned,” Helena answers.
“The people sitting here are friends with the band,” Myka says.
“And highly inebriated.” Helena nods toward a group bouncing up and down in front of the stage.
“Also, fashion-challenged,” Claudia says. “Guess they didn’t get the memo the nineties are back.”
“The nineties never happened for them,” Myka says, shaking her head.
“I lived through the nineties,” Helena says wistfully. “Though the 'leg of mutton’ sleeve never appealed to me.”
“With a name like that, I can see why, ” Myka says. “What were they?”
“Garish, bulbous things.” Helena gestures at her upper arm, making a sweeping motion.
“We had those, too, in the eighties, but in rayon.”
“Blech, shoulder pads,” Claudia says, sticking out her tongue. “So our hair metal friends…what’s your plan?”
“We haven’t a clue,” Helena answers.
“We’re really glad you’re here,” Myka says. “You know this stuff better than we do.”
“Classic Van Halen? Everyone knows that.”
“Certainly not,” Helena says.
“Just from the radio,” Myka adds.
“Come on, Eddie’s a freakin’ genius!”
“Then perhaps you might explain this current overture to me,” Helena says. “Myka’s demanded I 'get with the times.’”
“Is the seventies really 'the times?’” Claudia asks.
“For her, anything in the twentieth century is. Or maybe only with me.”
Myka shoots Helena a glare. Helena answers with a scowl.
“Why exactly is this woman called Jaime crying?” Helena asks Claudia.
“She hooked up with some guy and he ghosted her.”
“I’ve never understood that term.”
“They, like, did the deed, and he disappeared.”
“Aren’t ghosts meant to haunt?”
“He does, sort of, in her mind.” Claudia taps at her head. “She wants more than a roll in the hay, though she knows he’s a dick. Some chicks are dumb like that.”
“But the lyrics state she wished to write to him. So she knows where he resides.”
“You’re right. He’s bad at ghosting.”
“She must have thought him a worthy suitor.”
“I guess?”
“Perhaps she’s Tatiana, and he Onegin.”
“She’s a whata who?” Claudia blurts.
“He rebukes her initial advances but seeks her out years later, professing his undying love.” Helena explains. “But by then, she’s trapped in a loveless marriage to a Prince.”
“Um…song’s only three minutes long.”
“There’s no resolution?”
“What’s she talking about?” Claudia says, looking toward Myka.
“Opera,” Myka says, nodding sagely. “She’s talking about opera.”
“Oh, god, no,” Claudia blurts. “Steve fangirled so hard when found out H.G. saw La Boheme opening night. It was freaky.”
“I just happened to be in Turin at the time,” Helena says.
“Of course, you were,” Myka grumbles. “Hey, isn’t Rent based on that?”
“Only in the basest sense,” Helena mumbles.
“You’ve seen it? When?”
“While adrift with the astrolabe. I saw it described as a modern rock opera, and thought—”
“Oooh, did you see Hedwig, ioo?” Claudia blurts.
“Was she in Rent?”
“It’s a movie. And a musical. Maybe a modern rock opera? What makes something an opera?”
“Says here, 'a dramatic story told through song, combining art, music, drama, and dance,”’ Myka reads from her phone.
“Then, hell yes, it is!”
Helena looks at Myka quizzically.
“It’s…um, not Rent,” Myka says with a shrug.
“You’re gonna love it!” Claudia says, her attention swinging toward movement near the band. “Birthday party’s on the move! Time to schmooze.” As the song ends, she shuffles off and infiltrates the group.
“You know, you’re kind of a romantic with all this opera stuff,” Myka says.
“You thought me otherwise?”
“I don’t know. I’ve been Tatiana. I’m glad you came back before I married a Prince I didn’t love.”
“I’d have never let that happen.”
“As it was, it took all my strength to remain distant from you. Two wrongs would not have made a right.”
“But it would have made a good opera plot.”
“One I’m content to watch from afar.”
“Me too,” Myka says, leaning over Claudia’s chair, meeting Helena’s lips, already moving towards hers.
“Guys! Come meet the band!” Claudia yells.
“Coming!” Myka yells back, pulling away from the kiss. “Stay here. Let me and Claudia handle this.” She pushes her chair back and rises.
“Must I continue sipping this vile liquid?” Helena holds up an amber bottle.
“The crappy beer was to fit in. Order something else.” Myka looks toward the bar, the crowd now two rows deep and increasingly punch-drunk. “Or, maybe not.”
“I shall need proper libation are I to remain,” Helena says, looking towards the bar. “Those rabble-rousers are no match for me.”
“I never know with you. Remember Rhode Island? I left you alone for five minutes. Five minutes, Helena, and—”
“That machine was rigged! Had we not been forcibly removed, I’d have proved it.”
“You can’t rip apart things that aren’t yours! Especially in the middle of a tournament. Maybe you’re just not good at pinball.”
“It’s simple mathematics,” Helena grumbles, eyeing the bar again. “But I’d rather not repeat that incident, for your sake.”
“No rum for you, ever again.”
“That is wise. Though I do recall my 'apology’ that night quite pleased you.”
Myka gives a dramatic eye roll. “Come on,” she grunts, grabbing Helena by the upper arm and yanking her out of her seat.
Helena rises and follows willingly, a smug smile plastered across her face.
Happy B&W Gift Exchange Day @mfangeleeta! I hope you don’t mind that I used this opportunity as an excuse to write a new episode. I was thinking I’d dive back into this universe in the summer, but why not start now? (PS: This is set before Eddie died in 2020. And I sincerely hope I didn’t bungle the gist of Eugene Onegin too badly. And I think, Helena ends up enjoying “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” because of Claudia’s commentary. I haven’t seen it in a million years.) Tagging @b-and-w-holiday-gift-exchange, too, as directed. Oh and for everyone else, pop into the archive on my blog to find Season 1 (W13 season 5 replacement series), all eight episodes (plus a xmas holiday bonus) were posted in 2021. The whole thing prompted by deathtodickens “Bering and Wells Show” prompt last year.
(PS: I posted this earlier but it was missing an image and the "MORE", so I deleted it and am reposting.)
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blackjacktheboss · 4 years
Helllo maybe fluff 17 or general 18 if you want?? That list was so good I don’t know what to choose lol
Percy has always been competitive. For as long as he can remember anything from a big basketball game to a round of classroom jeopardy has brought out both the best and worst in him, and just because he’s technically an adult doesn’t mean that’s changed. Which is why  he’s so surprised that despite the fact that Annabeth has been kicking his ass at mini golf all night, all he cares about is the fact that he’s with her.
“Hey Jackson,” she calls in a way that makes his stomach do a somersault. “You gonna keep making doe eyes at me all night or you gonna mini golf?”
“These are baby seal eyes, first of all,” he corrects as he tees up his bright blue ball. “And I told you, my hamstring is feeling tight so it’s throwing my balance all off.”
Annabeth smiles as she leans on her putter. “Right, the hamstring. How could I forget.”
Percy sticks his tongue out of the side of his mouth as he tries to gauge how much force to strike the ball with to get it over the various little hills that lead to the hole. He wiggles his hips back and forth a few times as he prepares to strike, but is interrupted by Annabeth laughing.
He turns around with a frown. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” she says with a head tilt. “You’re just really cute.”
Percy feels his cheeks get hot and swallows hard. “Quiet on the course, please.”
Annabeth puts a finger to her lips, which are pulled into a closed mouth smile.
Again, Percy wiggles as he prepares himself. He exhales a deep breath, and swings at the ball, staying bent over as he watches the ball ping pong between mounds of turf. The ball begins its curve towards the hole, swirling around its mouth before being spat back out and coming to a stop off to the side.
“FUCK!” Percy shouts, immediately slapping his hand over his mouth as he notices the young family waiting behind them for a turn. “Sorry!”
“C’mon, Tiger,” Annabeth says, tugging Percy’s arm to retrieve their balls.
It’s another twenty minutes of getting absolutely destroyed and Percy has the time of his life. He has never felt so comfortable and at ease with another person, and as he watches Annabeth effortlessly sink a final hole in one and celebrate by raising her putter in the hair and declaring herself the world champion of mini golf, he thinks he might really be in love.
“Jealous, Jackson?” she teases as she approaches him, victorious.
“Actually, I’m pretty sure you’re my soulmate,” he blurts out, his face immediately getting hot as he realizes what he’s said.
Annabeth seems stunned for a moment, but it quickly melts away and is replaced by a satisfied smile. “Is that so?”
Percy bites his bottom lip and nods.
Annabeth takes a big step, landing her right in front of Percy. “So what do I get for winning?”
“Wh-- what do you want?” he asks, swallowing nervously.
Her lips are close enough to brush against his. “Guess.” 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
Drabble: Cheap Thrills (baon)
Summary: Stretch can get a lot of entertainment out of a thrift store find.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
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Stretch loved to pick up old books at the thrift shop. There were so many gems that might get lost at a traditional bookstore, like his trusty copy of ‘How to Teach Spanish to Dogs.’
Romance novels were cheap and plentiful, and he got them by bagful for Blue, who never much seemed interested in finding his own romance but loved reading about others. Old reference books filled with outdated information that was still interesting to read about, seeing what people used to believe, until science or society proved them wrong.
Then there were specialty finds.
Stretch wasn’t even two steps through the front door before he held up his prize, announcing happily, “look what i found!”
Edge barely looked up from his laptop, “If it has even one clown on it—"
“No clowns.” That was a prize he’d be sure to stash behind the shower curtain for maximum effect.
For once Stretch didn’t mind Edge working a little overtime at home. Kept him off his feet, gave all those healing juices a chance to settle in.
But a little distraction never hurt. Stretch flopped on the sofa and settled his head right into Edge’s lap, ignoring his exasperated sigh as he held out the book he’d found.
The cover was old and stained, but the title was still readable, ‘The Congregational Cook Book’ and in small letters beneath that, ‘edited by the ladies’ aid society of the First Congregational Church of Ebott, 1915.’
He knew his baby well. As soon as Edge stopped glaring an actually looked at the book, a flicker of interest made an appearance. He set his laptop on the coffee table, ignoring Stretch’s exaggerated sputters of suffocation as his forward lean threatened to smother him with Edge’s shirt, then took the book.
“A cookbook?”
“a really old cookbook!” Stretch enthused, “like, a century old. i thought maybe you’d like to try one it out. See how it compares to the youtube generation of cooking.”
“That does sound interesting,” Edge flipped through the book, reading aloud, “Salmon omelet, no, thank you, green tomato pickles, hot water gingerbread, hm, apple tarts. I do have apples, how does that sound?”
“baby, anything you make sounds like mana from heaven.” And at Edge’s raised brow bone, Stretch admitted, “except risotto, okay, but that’s less you than a general dislike of the genre.”
Edge nudged Stretch off his lap and stood, heading into the kitchen with book in hand. Normally, Stretch would’ve tossed him a fair thee well and let him get to it, but this time, he followed Edge through the swinging door. He was sort of curious if there were any differences in a recipe from a hundred years ago to now, and hey, science, right?
Not that he planned on helping with the cooking process, he was here strictly as an observer, and he plopped down into one of the chairs that surrounded their ‘dining room table’, “so, how much longer are we eating at the card table?”
“Not long,” Edge retrieved a large bowl from under the counter and a set of measuring cups from the cupboard before tying on an apron. “I’m working on a plan for our new kitchen layout. As soon as it’s done, I’ll have the builders get started on it.”
“uh huh, no rush, i was only curious,” Stretch propped his chin on one hand. “you do have a lot on your plate right now, babe. and there’s your whole mental health assessment you still need done.”
Really, it was sort of impressive how much Stretch could glean from slightest change in his husband’s expression. A normal person would think there was no change, but Stretch was good with languages, spent years learning Edge-ese. He knew a twist of distaste when it saw it, “Yes. There is that.”
Any other comment about it was effectively blocked by Edge’s renewed focus on the cookbook, reading the recipe aloud beneath his breath. His brow bone slowly furrowed, concentration replaced with dismay. Which…it was a cookbook, not a grimoire of early twentieth century curses. Wasn’t it?
“babe?” Stretch asked cautiously, “what is it?”
“What kind of recipe is this!” Edge exclaimed. He picked up the book and read aloud, “Eggs, oil, fresh butter or lard, sugar, baking powder, as much flour as it needs. Must be soft as an earlobe, thicker than cake.”
“uh…” Stretch scratched at the back of his skull. “and?”
“That's it. That's the entire recipe. There’s no measurements, no directions, no temperature for baking!” He slapped the book back down on the counter-top. “There are no apples listed! How can this be a recipe for apple tarts without apples? How in the name of the unknown am I supposed to gauge the softness of an earlobe when I don’t have ears?”
All great questions, except Stretch was in possession of exactly zero answers. “does seem a little speciest against those of us without earlobes.”
Edge glared at the cookbook as if by his will alone answers to his questions would come, which was why Stretch was a little surprised when Edge said abruptly, "Let me see your phone."
"yeah, sure," Stretch said, slowly handing it over. Not like he had any secrets or anything and while Edge might change his own passwords at least once a month for security reasons, he’d been using the first 6 digits of Pi since he got the phone. “why?”
“Because I left mine in the living room.” Edge tapped the screen impatiently holding it out as it began dialing out over speakerphone.
A sleepy voice answered, "'lo? Wassup, Boney Marony. "
"Jeff,” Edge said, “I’m afraid you’ll have to engage in wordplay with my husband later. Right now, I need you to come over so I can feel your ears."
A long moment of silence. "That’s very specific. Okay, I'll bite, give me five."
It was more like ten minutes, with Edge sitting impatiently across from Stretch, who was engaged in a furious game of Words With Friends on his newly retrieved phone. Until the light knock came on the front door followed by Jeff shambling into the kitchen. He looked like they’d woken him from a nap, his hair was smashed flat on one side and sticking up on the other. He scratched at his t-shirt covered belly and yawned out, "You know, before I met you guys, I never got calls like this."
“sounds to me like you needed a little more excitement in your life,” Stretch said cheerily.
Edge didn’t bother with a greeting. He limped determinedly over, stripping off his gloves as he went, and without warning began to vigorously fondle Jeff’s earlobes. Jeff squeaked out a mousy sound, his eyes wide as golf balls as he stared up at Edge.
Well. Wasn’t like Andy didn’t know why he was here.
“easy, babe,” Stretch winced, “he might need a little foreplay before you go right for the lobes.”
“I’m checking his ears, not his testicles,” Edge said curtly, even as he leaned down to peer closely at the ears in question.
That remark made Stretch and Jeff speak in unison,
“holy shit, wow, just tossing that out there, huh.”
“Okay, I’m good to help a friend out, but I am drawing the line at ball grabbing.”
Edge ignored them both. He let Jeff go and limped back to his gathered ingredients, already starting to measure them into the bowl, “Thank you, Jeff, that will be all.”
Welp, that sounded like a dismissal. Stretch climbed to his feet, jerking his head towards the door. “c’mon, andy, we can take in a flick while you’re here, if you want.���
Jeff was still a little wobbly, gingerly reaching up to touch one of his well-inspected ears as he followed Stretch out, “Do I want to know what that was all about?”
Stretch shrugged, “cooking.”
“Cooking,” Jeff repeated. He mouthed it again, soundlessly, then shook his head. “I don’t even think I want to know, plausible deniability is probably better. So, he asked for me to help, why?”
“well, how many other humans does edge know that he can call up and ask?” Stretch asked reasonably. He picked up the remote and turned on Netflix. “and don’t say your honey because we both know he’d just hang up, especially without having the proper forms filled out first.”
“Glad to be the go-to guy for illicit cooking-related bodily inspections.” Jeff joined Stretch on the sofa, settling in. “Classic Twilight Zone, huh? Good choice.”
The first episode was mostly over by the time Edge came out with a tray with a half-dozen golden-brown treats that brimmed with appley goodness. Stretch and Jeff dug in, mumbling thank you’s around their mouthfuls and Stretch was already on his second one when he noticed Edge was scribbling notes. He chewed and swallowed his current bite and asked, “what are you doing?”
“Gauging your reactions,” Edge said, still writing, “I kept a close track of the ingredient measurements that I used so that I can make changes for the second batch. Are they too dry? Is the pastry tough?”
“Tastes fine to me,” Jeff said around his mouthful.
“Crisp? Chewy? Is there enough spice?” Edge persisted. The two of them did their best to answer him around bites and finally, Edge made a satisfied sound and disappeared back into the kitchen.
“Huh,” Jeff snagged another tart. “How many batches you think he’s gonna make?”
Stretch shrugged, “i do my experiments and he does his.”
“His taste better.”
“my science isn’t the kind you lick.”
“So far it hasn’t involved you groping my ears, either,” Jeff took a bite and groaned around it, “Worth it, man, but the balls are still off-limits.”
“sounds reasonable.” Stretch snagged the last tart and sank back to watch the pig-faced doctor demanding a needle to sedate his patient, happily waiting to review batch number two.
Hey, he got a snack and a show, all for the price of a thrift store book. Now all he needed to do was sneak that clown statue into the bathroom, but eh, he might wait a while on that. This was enough entertainment for one day.
So, the recipe in question has been slightly modified from one in a reddit post and the poster had a couple of similar questions as Edge, although their solution wasn't the same. 😂 I couldn't resist writing how Edge would react to finding such a recipe.
The ‘The Congregational Cook Book, edited by the ladies’ aid society of the First Congregational Church, 1915.’ is real enough and I own it. Some of recipes and their measurements are very interesting in comparison to what we see now!
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baggemalloy78-blog · 5 years
Employing Potted Sports In University Control Camps
Potted Sports consists of any series of simple physical activities intended to assist build team function and leadership capabilities within a aggressive setting at university camp. The emphasis will be about the word 'simple', i. elizabeth. activities that perform definitely not require any specific expertise. These activities allow the students in each group a chance to work together to create the ideal results. They in addition permit students with authority capabilities to help emerge and several students for you to shine within different ways in comparison with others expect of them. Around planning these routines, you should look at the following suggestions. You will want an oval or maybe corridor for the activities. You will need to help produce a map or plan aiming where each task will be held at. The activities want to be close together for you to allow ease of movement and little loss involving time in between activities. Every activity must have a tutor to oversee, explain it to the students in addition to keep the points accorded to each team. Lecturers in control of each pastime ought to keep strictly to often the time allocation for each one activity to keep the idea sensible for all teams and to retain most the activities on moment, i actually. e. all pursuits will start and finish on the same time. In the event a party is slow to start or even later part of the, they are given only the time left after typically the begin whistle to accomplish the activity. In the event the team breaks the rules from the activity in a good effort to obtain some sort of greater effect, the pastime tutor may penalise the hidden staff. The charges must be consistent and adhere to a warning. All of party members must be involved similarly in all exercises. All activities are simple so all of students have a chance to take part. A good timetable of pursuits intended for each team must get designed. Running The Rivals: Here are some ways to consider: This is the team activity for which will there will be things honored, age. g. one hundred items for first, 50 regarding second and so on. For the staff to do well, this team ought to plan exactly how to best begin carrying out the idea to get most effective results. They could devote some time selecting just how best to do this just before the starting whistle. Action teachers must present ZERO HELP except to indicate danger etc. All of exercises will start plus finish with the strike of a whistle via the get away leader. Groupings are encouraged to transfer quickly between activities so they really have the maximum time period offered to score points upon each pastime and strategy how better to do the idea. Every student inside the class must be involved within each and every activity and consider his or her turn in this correct order. Degrees of Actions: Below are pursuits that I used on a get away My partner and i organised with the venues all of us used in order to give some examples with the types of activities that will can be used successfully. The list contains a new outline as well as rules with regard to that activity. A Obstacle Course Relays (10 mins) The idea is to get as numerous people around the course as possible inside of 10 minutes. (NB several obstacles that may be dangerous inside the 'hurly-burly' associated with the competing situation could be banned. ) Intended for just about every circuit by just a member of the group an individual get 1 point. When you fall off a great obstacle you must do it all over again until you succeed. NO ONE may possibly pass you. You might get assistance from your own collection. B Target Practice(10 mins) Venue: near pool area The group will come to be given 7 tennis tennis balls. Target/s is going to be set way up at ten paces. Typically the idea is to struck the target as many moments as possible. Any man or woman captured over the place lines loses five details for their team. Chemical Basketball Lay-ups(10 mins) Area: b/ball court Aim -- to score as quite a few aims as possible subsequent a lay-up. All participants must do lay-ups prior to shooting for goal. N Basketball Aim Shooting(10 mins) Venue: b/ball court Target - to score while many goals as simple from the free place line. Time - 5 minutes All members must chuck for goal, lining back up one behind the different to do so. Right after their throw, the pupil need to retrieve the basketball, give back it to often the next thrower and even go back to the end associated with the range in get to throw again. Elizabeth Sports Dribble Practice (10 mins) Venue: oval Aim - to dribble the ball along a twenty metre stretch as a lot of times as possible in typically the form of a relay. Dribbles MUST NOT include things like kicking some sort of ball more than a metre in a time. Penalty: Take away first point No hands should be used. Fees: Subtract first level N Ball Relay (10 mins) Venue: oval court All members form a sizable circle five paces separate. Objective - in order to pass on by throwing a new golf ball from member for you to associate as many moments as possible around the particular ring. One circle sama dengan just one point A fallen golf ball must return in order to the thrower. A basketball missing out a farmer have got to return or a fees of one point is going to be utilized. G Golf Ball Get across (10mins) Place: oval court On a netball courtroom, members involving the team should be range up in two lines on the long edges of the court facing each other. The article of often the relay is to toss the ball across and again from one end involving the courtroom to often the other as many instances as possible. 1 level is awarded each and every time your own personal team goes coming from start to finish. The shot can now be passed in by one chuck back to this start to begin once again. If you drop the particular soccer ball, you return to be able to your position for you to place again. Penalty = a single point They would Medication Baseball Relay (10mins) Area: oblong court All projectiles usually are relayed simply by jogging by one side of the judge to the some other. Then, these five participants run back to the other side. The next five users run across and retrieve the particular tennis balls. The third party of members take those balls back over again plus so on. One place is definitely granted for just about every time almost all balls are usually taken throughout the court docket. Some closing comments the fact that I shall add that came up out of experience in using Plants in pots Sports with school camps. The above is an actual set of the Potted Sports routines used in a camping that I organised for a senior high school team. The number of pursuits needs to equal typically the number of student teams. a couple of minutes is enough time period to develop a need to be able to rush by the pupils. 10 minutes is not really way too hard a time frame actually for the pupils. The time between exercises need to only be long enough to move simply concerning activities and depart a good little time in order to rest for the team to work out often the best way to execute the next activity. 스포츠중계 is essential to assure most organizations are ready to help begin the first task together. This avoids gripes from students that these people failed to get a good 'fair deal'. Organise some sort of transmission in your way on the path to the activity instructors to ensure a fair commence.
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raykid · 6 years
Rabbids Invasion: Top 5 Best Season 4 Episodes So Far
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Season 4 of Rabbids has so far easily been the best the series has had to offer since Season 2. Up until this point, this fourth installment has managed to flawlessly combine old elements that worked in previous seasons with new elements that in my opinion, have helped the show improve vastly.
From the episodes I’ve watched so far, I’ve been greeted with wonderfully bizarre stories such as a mutant Rabbid-mole stalking a flying submarine, Rabbids switching bodies with dinosaurs, and even a Red Riding Hood parody where the wolf is the hero, and the grandma is the antagonist, making this the craziest season yet. And since this is, after all, a Rabbids TV show, the crazier the better.
For that reason, today I’m going to be counting down to the top 5 absolute best this season has had to offer us so far. Grab a plunger and read on.
5. Rabbid Princess
Starting off this list is the episode I consider to have probably the funniest set-up for a Rabbids plot since Season 2′s ‘‘Glow Rabbid’‘. In this episode, a wimpy biker Rabbid who is part of a gang of tougher Rabbids accidentally knocks out their leader after attempting to perform a dangerous stunt. Afterwards, thinking that he ‘‘killed’ his leader, the wimpy biker Rabbid attempts to ‘‘revive’‘ him  by placing him inside the submarine’s disguise chamber, which results in him being dressed up as a princess. Clearly, hilarity ensued.
This episode takes advantage of every opportunity it has to crack a slapstick or visual joke about a tough biker Rabbid suddenly acting very feminine-like, and every moment of it is comedy gold. Probably the best scene in the entire episode is when the biker-princess Rabbid quite literally becomes a full-on parody of a classic Disney princess, possibly Snow White, where it then begins to sing in a high-pitched voice while cleaning the floor, complete with a whimsical soundtrack and tiny little chicks as backup singers.  There’s also a really good lesson at the end, which while I won’t give away, I feel makes the ending feel surpsiringly satisfying. Definitely an episode worth re-watching.
4. Rabbids Special Unit
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This was one of three episodes that established the few mini- story arcs and recurring characters this season would continue to offer, and this particular one started off with a bang. In this episode, three Rabbids wearing tu-tus fall off the submarine, and it’s up to Zak and Zoey to get them back inside while avoiding the government, who is hot on the submarine’s trail. I had already talked about why this episode  works  so well in the past, and I still stand by my opinion that this is not only one of the best of this season, but possibly the series in general. The Rabbids’ antics while dressed as ballet dancers may already be funny on their own, but something about having human characters being there to react to them somehow makes the gag ten times more hysterical than it should be. The surprising amount of character development and growth given to both Zak and Zoey, at least when compared to previous seasons, also felt very earned. Not only is Zak now officially Zoey’s boyfriend, but he’s also grown fond of the Rabbids, going as far as to actually help them rather than try to obsessively catch or study them, and it never feels out of place or forced.
There’s also a lot of action and chase sequences, which I’m sure a lot of kids would enjoy. Everything this episode tried to go for was honestly pretty ambitious for only a mere seven minutes, and I guarantee you that the way this episode is paced will have you wanting more by the time it ends.
The only episode that could possibly top it would be one where a legitimate threat to the Rabbids is introduced, which leads me to my next entry..
3. Rabbid  Elite
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Another episode  I had also once talked about in the past, but is definitely worth talking about  again, because the amount of care that was put into making this episode feel as atmospheric and intriguing as possible is just amazing. This episode introduces us to a supervillain named Otto Torx, who is obsessed with making the presidential office recognize his ‘‘genius plans’‘. Things then go awry when the Rabbids’ submarine becomes attached to the entrance of Torx’s lair, interfering with his plans of releasing flying robots to attack the city.
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As I mentioned before, there’s something about the way this episode is written and animated that gives it a strange sense of atmosphere. The darker colors, the music, and even some of the camera angles give the episode a somewhat more somber tone from others. There’s this particularly great scene where Torx’s robots invade the Rabbids’ submarine and start shooting lasers at them, which perfectly implements all the elements that I just mentioned, and I  could easily watch it over and over again simply because of how beautiful it looked. The use of a strange, synthezied drum sound for the background music during this scene also helped this scene become a true highlight. This episode, in a strange way, I dare to say felt cinematic to me, and it doesn’t stop there.
The Rabbids, as always, have their cute slapstick moments, but easily the best part of the entire episode is Torx himself.  While his evil plans may not seem like much, everything from his attractive design , smooth voice  and Bond-like tendencies make him a very enjoyable character to watch, and his chemistry when facing the Rabbids is undeniable, and it’s where his personality truly shines. The ending of this episode is also especially hilarious, making this another must-watch.
2. Rabbid Clowns
After Torx’s nearly flawless introduction in ‘‘Rabbid Elite’‘, I honestly couldn’t wait to see more of him, and thankfully this season has had plenty of Torx-centric episodes, but probably his finest appereance following his debut episode is the one in question, titled ‘‘Rabbid Clowns’‘. It’s Torx’s birthday in this episode, and his mother sends a clown to his lair, despite him loathing them. Unfortunately, three Rabbids arrive at Torx’s lair before the clown does, and dress up as ones as well, driving Torx insane with their comedic antics. As I mentioned in the previous entry on this list, Torx’s personality shines best when he’s surrounded by the Rabbids. His irritability and formal demeanor combined with the Rabbids’ loud and rowdy behavior make for the perfect comedy team, with Torx playing the ‘‘straight man’’ to the Rabbids‘ insanity, and this episode relishes every second of it. Not only were the Rabbids hysterical, with them bouncing and running around screaming and acting like clowns like they usually do, but there was a moment where I was legitimately concerned for their well-being.
At one point, Torx becomes so fed up with them that he finally loses his patience and starts chasing them around his lair with a golf club. Granted, the Rabbids have survived countless of injuries before, but something about the angles that they showed when Torx dragged the golf club across the floor, as well as the music, made him seem genuinely threatening, and it’s such a great thing to see. After all, if Rabbids are going to be the stars of their own show, the viewer needs to care for them in some way, and what better way to do so than by putting them in legitimate danger. The action in this episode was also great. We get to see, once again, all of Torx’s robots shooting lasers, as well as Rabbids running away and hiding in the dark, and it’s all a joy to watch. This episode just had a great balance of action, comedy and suspense that I honestly don’t think I’ve seen in any other episode of Rabbids, making this episode one of a kind. But if this is the case, what other episode could possibly be better?
Well… that, my friends is…
1. Rabbid Vikings
This is the episode that comes to mind when I think of the perfect Rabbids story.  I’m just going to say it: Before Torx came along, Alice was my favorite human character in the series, and she still holds a strong position as my second favorite. This episode justifies not only everything I love about this character, but what I love about Rabbids in general. This episode sees the Rabbids dress up as vikings to retrieve their ball from a cow. Unfortunately, they soon become mad with power and start causing destruction and mayhem in the entire city, eventually  having Alice join them as their leader.
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There’s a lot of reasons why I chose this as the number 1 episode of this season so far. For one, it was great to see the Rabbids return to their slightly more destructive roots from some of their earliest video games. at least for the lenght of one episode. As always, there’s a couple of cute slapstick gags and all the classic Rabbid humor fans have come to enjoy over the years, but what makes this episode stand out to me the most is that it has something that’s probably what I consider to be the most important thing any project, (live-action or animated) should always have: Heart. This episode of Rabbids has a lot of heart underneath all its chaos, particularly in its resolution, and they couldn’t have chosen a better character for this type of storyline than Alice. Any episode where Alice and the Rabbids interact is easily some of the most endearing and sweetest stories the show has to offer, as I’ve always seen their relationship as  sort of couple of neighborhood kids who occasionally get together and play, and this entry is no exception.
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I don’t want to give away the ending of the episode, but I am going to say that it’s easily the highlight of the entire thing, and it embodies everything I love about these crazy bunnies. They may seem loud and obnoxious on the surface, but at the end of the day, it’s their child-like innocence and endearing side that has managed to plunge its way into my heart, as well as hundreds of other fans’. This episode represents what made the Rabbids so appealing to begin with: A  perfect balance of chaos and charm.
Let’s hope these lovably idiotic anti-heroes never change their wicked ways, especially for the remainder of this season. Hope you enjoyed my list!
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newportdunesgolfcom · 2 years
We spent several hours searching the internet for best golf ball retriever, reading reviews, and drawing on our own personal experiences to compile our list of the top 14 best golf ball retriever now available on the market. CONTINUE READING
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Gotcha I Golf Ball Retriever (18 Feet Reach)
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newevents641 · 3 years
Cup Pong Game Pigeon
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Game Pigeon Cup Pong Android
Cup Pong Game Pigeon Not Working
20 cups, 2 balls, and 2 iPhones is all that you need to play the latest Gamepigeon iMessage game, “Cup Pong”. This game is a digital version of the popular party drinking game known as beer pong. The game is set up with 20 solo cups — 10 on each side– forming a pyramid. 4 cups in the back row, 3 in the next, 2 cups ahead, and a final.
When I was playing Cup Pong in Game Pigeon, I used Auto Touch to record a swipe I did for a cup. When I recorded the swipe, I got a cup. After that recording - I started a new game to test the recording and replay it to see if it would go in the same cup. After I played the recording, it didn’t go in the same cup.
GamePigeonDeveloper(s)Vitalii ZlotskiiInitial release13 September 2016; 4 years agoSize113.8 MB
GamePigeon is a mobile gaming app for iOS devices. The app was launched by the company Vitalii Zlotskii[1] on September 13, 2016, as a result of the iOS 10 update, which expanded how users could interact with the Messages app.[2][3] Thus, users could access and utilizes the features of the GamePigeon app while in the Messages app.[2]
Development and release[edit]
The app was released on September 13, 2016, coinciding with the launch of iOS 10.[3] The app was released for free,[4] although it includes in-app purchases to unlock additional items, such as pool cues.[5]
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Games in the app[edit]
The following is a list of games which users can play within GamePigeon:
GamePigeon is a cool app that allows you to enjoy a collection of excellent two-player games on iMessage with your friends and family. It contains games such as 8-Ball, Poker, Gomoku, Sea Battle, and Anagrams. If you can’t download GamePigeon for some reason or you have downloaded it and it just doesn’t work, I will help you fix the problem in this article. No March Madness, no problem. Duke Athletics made history this week, becoming the first collegiate program to recognize GamePigeon's Cup Pong as an official varsity sport.
20 Questions
Mini Golf
Word Hunt
In 2016, Poker was cited as one of the games included in GamePigeon,[9][10] although it is not listed on the game's App Store description.[6]
GamePigeon has enjoyed commercial success, with VentureBeat noting that GamePigeon was ranked number-one in the 'Top Free' category of the iMessage App Store, six months after its release.[11] Critically, GamePigeon has been generally well received, being highlighted by online media publications early on shortly after the iOS 10 launch.[10] It has since been included on many 'best iMessage apps' lists.[3][8][11] Based on over 88,000 ratings, the game holds a 4.2 out of 5 rating on the App Store.[6] Julian Chokkattu of Digital Trends wrote 'GamePigeon should be like the pre-installed versions of Solitaire and Minesweeper that used to come with older iterations of Windows.'[8] On its launch day, Boy Genius Report included it on a list of '10 of the best iMessage apps, games and stickers for iOS 10 on launch day.'[2]The Daily Dot wrote, 'GamePigeon is easily the best current gaming option within iMessages.'[3]
8-Ball and Cup Pong have been particularly well received by media outlets.[12]The Daily Dot had specific praise for the app's billiards game: '8-Ball controls shockingly smoothly with your fingers, and there’s nothing quite like destroying a dear friend in poker.'[3] During his 2020 U.S. presidential campaign, Cory Booker was cited as playing the game with his family.[13]
In 2017, CNBC cited one teenager who expressed that GamePigeon was one of just a few reasons that those in her age range use the iMessage app.[14] The game has received particular positive reception for allowing introverted individuals to exercise a form social activity; similarly, the game was highlighted as a way to maintain social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic.[7][15][16]
Snapchat released an in-message games app called Snapchat Games.[17]
As an April Fools' Day joke, The Chronicle, a Duke University newspaper, published that Duke's athletic program adopted Cup Pong as an official varsity sport.[18]
^Takahashi, Dean (October 20, 2016). 'Mastermind Studios launches Battle Bash strategy game on iMessage'. VentureBeat. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abcSiegal, Jacob (September 13, 2016). '10 of the best iMessage apps, games and stickers for iOS 10 on launch day'. Boy Genius Report. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abcdeBond, John-Michael (February 28, 2020). 'Text like a champ with these 5 free apps for iMessages'. The Daily Dot. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Johnson, Khari (March 5, 2018). 'Google search results now available in Apple's iMessage app drawer'. VentureBeat. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Dirks, Brent (December 7, 2019). '9 Best iMessage Games and How to Play Them With Your Friends'. MakeUseOf. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abc'GamePigeon on the App Store'. Apple Inc. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ ab'Here's How I'm Hosting a 'Social Distancing Cup Pong Tournament' This Weekend'. WPST. 2020. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abcChokkattu, Julian (August 18, 2017). 'Own an iPhone 7? Try these 15 iMessage apps, sticker packs, games for iOS 10'. Digital Trends. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Vorhees, John (December 23, 2016). 'My Favorite iMessage Apps and Sticker Packs of 2016'. MacStories.net. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abPullen, John Patrick (October 18, 2016). 'The Ultimate Guide to Apple's New Messages App'. Time. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^ abJohnson, Khari (March 20, 2017). 'Forget stickers: iMessage's top 15 apps and games'. VentureBeat. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Bell, Killian (September 3, 2019). 'Apple has no plans to scrap iMessage apps and games'. cultofmac.com. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^'2020 Presidential Democratic Candidates Reveal Their Pop Culture Favorites'. E! Online. July 18, 2019. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Castillo, Michelle (February 28, 2017). 'Teens explain how they really use Snapchat and Instagram, and why Facebook still matters'. CNBC. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Rao, Emma (March 10, 2020). 'Revisiting introversion and extroversion: Learning from each other, part 2'. The Tufts Daily. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Webb, Jack (March 24, 2020). 'People are reviving iMessage games during self-isolation - here's how to find them'. Evening Standard. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^Sherrill, Cameron (March 31, 2020). 'The 15 Best Mobile Games to Wile Away Hour After Hour Playing in 2020'. Esquire. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
^'Duke Athletics adds GamePigeon 'Cup Pong' as official varsity sport'. The Chronicle. April 1, 2020. Retrieved April 4, 2020.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=GamePigeon&oldid=984721791'
The Chomicle
No March Madness, no problem.
Duke Athletics made history this week, becoming the first collegiate program to recognize GamePigeon's Cup Pong as an official varsity sport. The decision will cost the University $5 million in scholarships, licensing fees, equipment and more, but it comes at a time when the country yearns for athletic competition, in whatever form it may take.
“COVID-19 has forced the University’s hand,” Director of Athletics Kevin Spite said. “Nobody cares about basketball anymore. Duke is, and always will be, about The Pong.”
A reckoning some say has been long coming, Duke has announced its decision amid efforts to recruit and train some of the most talented in the game. Reports from Adrian Wojzyzewski have identified already-enrolled freshman John Piazza as a potential target for recruitment efforts.
Piazza, in his short playing career, is racking up a .75 cup per shot average and acquires balls back at a clip of one every two turns. The freshman has attracted attention from the transfer portal as well as professional play, but he says he remains committed to staying and completing his degree and Cup Pong career at Duke.
Game Pigeon Cup Pong Android
“I would be lying if I said the money wasn’t tempting,” Piazza said. “But my mom has always told me that my education comes first, and virtual drinking second. I’ll be honored to play out my years in front of the Blue Devil faithful. Pro ball can wait.”
And the Blue Devils will need him to perform, their hopes of a high seed in the National Consumption of Alcohol Association tournament being predicated on his next few matchups. It’s a lot to expect of an 18-year-old, but Piazza is actually hitting his peak performance years.
The founder of GamePigeon, Raspy Coo, could not be reached for comment, as she was doing her business above your Honda Civic at press time. However, she has made it known in the past that she will tolerate no bouncing whatsoever in the sport she invented.
“I removed us from March Madness because I knew it was the right thing to do,” President Rinse Price said. “But now, it is time to give the students something to cheer for.”
And for all of us, this comes as a boon to our spirits—our Blue Devils on the national stage, once again. Redemption.
Editor's Note: Happy April Fools' Day! In case you couldn't tell, this was a story for our satirical edition, The Chomicle. Check outmore Chomicle stories here, guaranteed to make you laugh or your money back.
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Cup Pong Game Pigeon Not Working
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supershanzykhan · 3 years
The best ideas for corporate events
Creative and fun ideas for all kinds of corporate events
As any professional event planner knows, no two events are the same. Nor should they be. One of the reasons your clients decided to hire an event designer in the first place is the desire for a personalized and original event. Taking a unique approach to each event is also an event planning aspect that appeals to many planners as it presents the opportunity to unleash your creativity and imagination in delivering an event of some kind.
So relax, get your creative thinking cap, and consider these different and creative event planning ideas.
Plan a corporate event? One of the most challenging aspects of corporate event planning is coming up with an idea. The theme of the event is the driving force behind every other aspect of an event, from the invitation to the choice of entertainment and food. Before you get busy with any other part of the corporate event planning process, first determine the purpose of the event.
The best corporate event ideas take that business objective - after all, corporate events have business objectives - and use it as a springboard for the theme of the event and the overall atmosphere of the event.
Getting Down to Business
Corporate events can set the stage for presenting information about the upcoming launch of a company product, a new approach to corporate training, or simply performing team building exercises in a fun and engaging environment. . As a corporate event planner, your first step is to determine the objective of the event.
Is the purpose of this corporate event to reward a sales team for exceeding expectations, providing an attraction focused on rest and relaxation? Is the goal to bring together employees of two different companies because of a merger, with priorities that rely on connecting people and building relationships? Whether the purpose of the event is business or pleasure or a combination of both, the right idea of ​​corporate events can meet the objective and deliver a successful event.
Ideas for corporate events
Work to be done? Get it from the Office
For many employees, reporting to work every day at the same time, wearing the same business attire, with the same people, becomes a grind.
While they can enjoy the work themselves and their colleagues, its predictability all age quickly.
Why not get involved?
Take a corporate meeting to another location, away from offices and booths. Even if employees have to spend the day looking at reports or sitting in meetings, the change in environment can be refreshing.
Some suggestions:
§  Change the dress code for the event, allowing employees to dress casually
§  If time and place allow, plan a part of the event outside
§  Skip the standard plate of meeting sandwiches and offer a variety of meals from local restaurants or food service stations to make to order
§  Schedule a fun and interactive activity during noon
§  On the last day of the event, and earlier than the usual rest time; attendees will appreciate leaving early
The key to having a productive corporate event is to get employees out of their usual work routine. Changing clothing, location, and general atmosphere can change their interactions and re-activate staff, even if they are viewing annual report figures throughout the afternoon.
There is no work today! Ideas for corporate events
Rewarding employees with a fun corporate event should be just that - fun!
For these types of events, look for something more interesting and creative, a change from the standard "golf walk and dinner" routine. If your event is a company-wide event, then your seat should be large enough to accommodate all employees and their mode of transportation if they are traveling individually. Some fun corporate event ideas include:
§  Company picnic with a cookout featuring prizes from local institutions produced by local farms, music and games, such as corn whole competitions or chocolate hockey matches, with both blankets and chairs for seating.
§  Get it to ballgame. Literally! Plan a trip to the ballpark for an early afternoon game, complete with game hats and hot dogs, and bus transportation.
§  The winery tour and summer demonstration followed by a picnic lunch outside in the square for a real day away from the office.
§  Cruises to a nearby port or on a slow river, complete with reviews and lunch.
§  For a small group, a walk to a nearby town for a lively show and dinner.
Whatever the choice, keep staff in mind when planning the event. If employees consider this walk just "another work activity", they should attend, you will have lost the mark.
Keep in mind employee demographics and office atmosphere when planning a corporate event of this type.
Pay in advance
Many companies offer opportunities for their employees to volunteer for days through designated charity. Helping others boosts mood, connects people at work toward a common goal, and strengthens the company’s commitment to philanthropy. Some ideas for charitable corporate events:
§  Working in a pantry for food. Classifying donated food boxes, filling cups with white rice in bags, and packing cracker boxes for distribution at shelters is helpful and helps employees establish an out-of-office connection.
§  Assistance in a local soup kitchen, cooking dishes and filling plates. Standing together with an executive who wears a pair of blue jeans rushing chili over the stove allows employees to see each other in a different light
§  Serve in a daily program for children with disabilities, reading and playing games. This gives everyone a chance to be a child again by helping others
§  Adopt a project, such as a home improvement. It gives the opportunity to utilize skills that are not necessarily used at work and encourages connection
§  Consider skill-based volunteering when employees put their professional skills to work for a nonprofit organization
Building Corporate Event Teams
Getting a group of individuals and trying to forget them on a productive team can be challenging. This is where team building exercises can help. It forces employees to work together to achieve a common goal or to solve a problem, challenges that they also face in the workplace. Some fun, incorporating corporate team building events include:
§  Room Escape Games: this idea is growing in popularity, looking for teamwork, logic, leadership and patience to escape from a locked room using clues, hidden objects and solving puzzles in search of the key that will open the door.
§  Laser Tag: Adults return to being kids again, with a good old fashioned laser tag game. Adrenaline pumping competition involves strategy, logic, teamwork, and a good and healthy dose of competition along with a great deal of aerobic exercise. It is a favorable victory.
§  Cleansing hunting: This can be done around a city or in a park or reserve. It can also be performed in a building if an outdoor location is not an option. Break employees into groups and set records that lead to the final destination, which includes lunch or dinner. The challenge of data retrieval will require working together to solve puzzles, lead and build society.
Ideas for planning creative events
Don’t let the event budget stand in your way
Clearly a large event budget offers greater opportunities to go that extra mile to provide the best venue for your event, the best supplier or the best entertainment. But this does not mean that those events with a smaller budget should fall by the wayside in the realm of mediocrity. It simply means that you have to use your creativity to work around budget constraints.
Choose an Event Theme and Title
Selecting a theme for your event is the first step in defining your event from the rest. This theme elevates many other elements of your event, from venue, invitations, decor, entertainment and more. So do not overlook this important part - resist the temptation to choose something simple to get the ball rolling in the event planning process.
When considering a theme, make a list of all the different ways that the theme can be incorporated into other elements of the event.
Creative ways to incorporate your theme
Of course, if the theme of your corporate event is a beach party, it would be appropriate to host your event at a beach venue. However, budgets and geographical location can provide a quick end to this notion.
This does not mean that you have to choose another topic! This means that you need to think creatively to explore ways in which you can incorporate this topic in other, more affordable or logical ways. Here are some creative event planning ideas.
If your guests cannot reach the white sandy beaches for this event, then bring them to them. If location permits, have a section of event space cordon and fill it with sand. Add a beach volleyball net if your theme is more “fun in the sun” and encourage guests to stick their toes in the sand. Or add a great beach background, rent a tiki bar and keep the sound of soft waves falling in the background.
Getting the right entertainment can really take your event theme to the next level. If you are planning an important event party, whether corporate or personal, then consider hiring a DJ who will only play music that belongs to a certain era. If your event situation is calmer, consider hiring some instrumentalists to play appropriate music outside on the other side. To truly personalize your event, hire a group to perform songs that are written for the guest, whether he or she is a person or an organization.
If budget reimbursement for entertainment is an issue, contact local area schools and ask if they have any student musicians available.
The first thing your visitors will see when they arrive at your event is the decor. The decorations make a strong impression that your guests will carry with them to your event, in order to make sure that whatever elements you choose have this “wow” factor. Consider a large inflatable set outside the entrance or living lighting indoors, instead of the standard white lights. Remember centerpieces - your guests sit for a long time looking at what you have chosen, in order to use colorful tables that add energy and festive element, vintage plants that can be taken home or go with games small ones that can play, encouraging them to interact.
Food and drink
Nothing is devoted to creativity enough like the kitchen. Grilled chicken teriyaki with fresh sliced ​​pineapple is much more flavorful and memorable at a beach themed party than standard grilled chicken. If your event is a barbeque, feature a bar with various BBQ sauces that guests can add to their plates, and large paper bibs for digging at the party. Large cookies that display the company logo, school emblem, or historic year birthday are far more interesting than your standard cookie poster. A homemade sodas bar featuring flavored syrups, where guests can follow the instructions to create their own is more fun than pouring out a 64 oz. bottle. Not sure how much food to order for your event, here is a quick guide to help.
Hiring event staff is an important part of event planning as these individuals will interact with guests and influence their overall experience consider your event theme and atmosphere when hiring event staff to ensure they are a good fit and can complement that theme. Clothing is important here as well, as it adds another creative element. Event staff can wear referee's shirts for a sports party, sunglasses and beach goggles for a beach party, or simply the glowing button down shirts to add a splash of color to the scene.
Small touches can have a big impact
As an event planner, you may fall into the trap of thinking that in order to have a successful and memorable event, you need to boast of the best and best of everything. That is not the issue. Instead of thinking big, think a little. Photos of the guest of honor lining the wall along the strip area provide the opportunity for guests to review, comment and link, whether they are going to be at a retirement lunch or a graduation party. Blank notes placed next to a living box allow guests to write personal gratitude and guest of honor. Available cameras encourage guests to record special moments from the event, which will be shared later by the event organizer.
Courtesy: Corporate Event Venue in Lahore
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toptenbestblogs · 4 years
Best golf ball retriever
Best golf ball retriever
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Getting the right one in a market with various options is a time-consuming task. That’s why we examined brands to come up with this list of the golf ball retriever. Having undergone thorough testing, we hope that you’re going to find one of them impressive.
We spent around 32 hours just find the golf ball retriever for you and based on the complete research we have selected that [Lo…
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gamecenter199x · 7 years
Nintendo SNES Classic Edition
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Due to the runaway success of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo became a household name around the world. But as the 1990s drew near, there were several competitors looking to usurp Nintendo's reign as the #1 video game maker. Sega Enterprises released their Genesis (Mega Drive outside the US) console, giving them an edge in the market due to the fact that it was twice as powerful as the NES. Whereas the NES ran on an 8-bit CPU, the Genesis used a 16-bit CPU, and that meant the machine was capable of creating bigger and better games, games that were close to being arcade perfect at the time. The Sega Genesis had modest sales in its first years but the claims that Sega did feats in their games that Nintendidn't do was enough to make Nintendo notice they had some semblance of competition. NEC also released their console, the Turbografx-16 (aka PC Engine), but it wasn't a true 16-bit machine; it had a 16-bit graphics processor but an 8-bit CPU. Nevertheless, it did sell well in Japan for Nintendo to worry about their share of the market. Although their 8-bit system was still performing well, Nintendo was preparing to enter the 1990s with a 16-bit super system of their own.
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The Super Nintendo Entertainment System was soon released and was met great acclaim. It helped Nintendo win the 16-bit console war, although the Genesis was close to winning had it not been for internal problems happening within Sega. It also helped that Nintendo consistently released a lot of cool games throughout the Super Nintendo's run.
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With that said, Nintendo released the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition earlier this year. Like with last year's NES Classic, the SNES Classic is a tiny replica of the Super NES with 21 games built into the unit and is packaged with two SNES controllers (with longer cords, thank goodness), a micro USB cable and a HDMI cable. Again, like with the NES Classic, there are enhancements to the games, such as choosing between 4:3, pixel perfect, and analog video modes, twelve backgrounds that can be selected to frame your picture, and restore points for each game are back, with a new Rewind feature, which lets you rewind up to 45 seconds of your game in case you messed up.
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Also new to the SNES Classic Edition is Star Fox 2, a previously unreleased game that prior to the announcement of the SNES Classic was only leaked to the Internet as a prototype ROM. It's a neat incentive to pick up the SNES Classic, but is it worth getting if you already own a Super NES and all 20 of the other games?
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The SNES Classic Edition is a “greatest hits” package, with lots of winners. Overall, it's a better list of games than the NES Classic Edition, but in my opinion it isn't perfect. Personally, I would replace Kirby's Dream Course with Chrono Trigger, or Turtles in Time.
Just like my NES Classic Edition feature, I'll review every game listed in this collection, including Star Fox 2. I'll assign a number grade for each title, with 5 being the highest score and 1 being the lowest score, along with a small summary.
Score Key
5 ------ Play it loud! 4 ------ Good 3 ------ Decent 2 ------ Bad 1 ------ Don't play it
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SUPER MARIO WORLD (Nintendo, 1991) Help Mario save the Princess, this time in 16-bits! 4
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F-ZERO (Nintendo, 1991) The fast and the futuristic compete in high speed races for 16-bit glory. 3
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SUPER GHOULS 'N  GHOSTS (Capcom, 1991) Can you defeat Satan and rescue the princess? How about twice in a row? 3
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Whip your way through Transylvania and defeat Dracula until he comes back some other game. 4
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16-bit Contra! The Konami Code won't help you out this time. 3
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One of the best SNES games, period. Help Link seek out the Triforce and defeat Ganon. 5
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SUPER MARIO KART (Nintendo, 1992)
Two-player racing action! It still holds up, and there's no blue shells too! 4
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STAR FOX (Nintendo, 1993)
A once-revolutionary game, it hasn't aged well. It's not a bad game by any means, though. 3
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A once-revolutionary game, it has aged well. The turbo speeds still makes it worth replaying. 4
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SECRET OF MANA (Square Enix, 1993)
No three-player action in this edition but it's still a fun action RPG regardless. 4
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MEGA MAN X (Capcom, 1994)
Super fighting robot 2.0 Mega Man X shoots, dashes and wall jumps his way to defeat Sigma. 4
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SUPER METROID (Nintendo, 1994) Samus Aran revisits planet Zebes to retrieve the last Metroid from space pirates. 4
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SUPER PUNCH-OUT!! (Nintendo, 1994)
Punch your way through various opponents as they try to cheat you out of your title shot. 4
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FINAL FANTASY III (Square Enix, 1994)
An evil empire, a rag-tag team of rebels, and a cute race of warrior critters...sounds awfully familiar. Actually the sixth game but y’all already know. 5
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DONKEY KONG COUNTRY (Nintendo, 1994)
The game that helped Nintendo win the 16-bit war. Help Donkey Kong and Diddy find bananas. 4
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KIRBY'S DREAM COURSE (Nintendo, 1995)
Easily the weakest game in the collection. It's kinda like miniature golf, but with Kirby as the ball. 2
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EARTHBOUND (Nintendo, 1995)
UFOs, zombies, and dinosaurs, oh my! Despite the simple presentation, it’s one of the strangest (and most human) role-playing games ever. 5
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One of the best platforming games around and the official prequel to the Super Mario canon. 5
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A collaboration between the makers of Mario and Final Fantasy, the result actually worked well. 4
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KIRBY SUPER STAR (Nintendo, 1996)
Nine games in one! Granted, you can beat these all in under a day but they're all fun rides. 4
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STAR FOX 2 (Nintendo, 2017)
Previously unreleased, it improves over the original in some ways. Still, I can see why it got shelved. 3
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Is the SNES Classic Edition worth picking up? Yes. Just don't buy it above retail price. With Nintendo actually boosting the amount of stock that's being shipped to stores, you can easily find one at retail price. As of this writing, online scalpers aren't selling these things as high as they hoped to sell them for. But even as the stores do sell out, just wait it out until more come in stock. The SNES Classic Edition is a fun toy to have, but it's not worth paying some jerk an extra $50 over.
-ray n. (@themistern)  2017-12-21
Sources: 1. https://www.nintendo.com/super-nes-classic 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Nintendo_Entertainment_System
3. http://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/snes-classic-edition-snes-mini-announced-september-includes-21-games/
4. http://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/super-famicom-mini-announced-japan-october-5th-different-set-games/
All games and images © Nintendo Co. Ltd and their respective third-party partners.
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transboytodo-blog · 7 years
Utilize The 8 Ball Pool Hack To Be successful In Every Game Degree.
To continue playing fantastic video games on, you should make it possible for plugin called Flash. Despite the fact that there are numerous hack devices and cheats for 8 Ball Pool that you can find on the internet nowadays, most of them require you to download and install the devices prior to you can use them in the video game. The issue is that not every person has time for downloading and install and mounting these devices on their Mobile phone. Other trouble is that a lot of hack devices and also rips off that you could locate on the internet are not readily available absolutely free. You need to acquire them making use of real cash. First we should make certain that Cheat Engine and your video game are running, after that we click the little PC symbol in Cheat Engine to choose the video game procedure. In the listing you now pick your game process; it is usually called the like your game and also could likewise be recognized by its icon that needs to represent the game symbol on your Desktop or Begin Menu. In addition to generating coins and also cash, other important qualities address the complicated query of why to make use of 8 Ball Pool rips off. The pointed out cheats are rather risk-free, and also you can conveniently run them online. You are not asked to share any private info like a password to access the hack tool. Despite whether you are playing the video game on Android or iOS, the cheats do not create any OS compatibility problems. The visibility of anti-ban script will certainly assist in safeguarding your identity and also keep your gaming account risk-free. You are likewise offered with a proxy selection field that additionally raises the safety and security degree. Last yet not the least, the visibility of unlimited coins and also cash with simply a couple of clicks makes the hack tool an unique one. Another trendy benefit of a Discover visa card account truth that it uses 8 Ball Pool rip off incentives. In addition, these cash money benefits never ever expire. So, you might retrieve them anytime between this life time an additional. Additionally, your Discover bank card account certifies you not really for money-back perks as well as cash money incentives, its web content has you discounts on offerings. Just most likely to your company's website to look up participating facilities. Yes, 8 Ball Pool is hackable but if are able to hack on this game then you will certainly captured as they are continually viewing the game exists is any kind of irregular occasion or unexpected change happened in game as well as your 8 Ball Pool i 'd will closed permanently and Miniclip will repair this hack quickly that nobody will utilize it once again. There you have it, Appamatix readers! 10 of the most effective ideas, methods, and keys for 8 Ball Pool (sorry, no hacks" for online multiplayer games!) If you have any type of concerns concerning this addicting little treasure of a game, allow us hear them in the comments below, and also remember to share this post on Facebook and Twitter! Passionate gamer considering that I was simply a little kid, when I'm not playing something or discussing the most up to date news in the gaming market, I watch movies, lots of them. You can join a game by creating on your own a Miniclip account (if you haven't obtained one yet), by login in using your Facebook or signing is as a Visitor. Once in the game, you could either have fun with an arbitrary challenger, play with a close friend or you could sign up with a Competition. Fill you 8 Ball Pool account with unlimited money as well as coins by this Mod. You're currently out a great deal if your challenger has a great break and also runs the table. Facebook Private Account Audience Hack Tool is Collaborate with almost all Operating Systems such as Windows 200,2002, XP, View Win7. Linux, Mac etc Its Test as well as 100%. That understands, you might end up betting the very best 8 Ball Pool players on earth, it's far better to have a hack available because situation. We are currently much happier as well as thrilled by the video game than we were previously as well as you too will be the moment you start utilizing our 8 Ball Pool hack device! When you find a straight sign, evaluate the idea as well as make sure it isn't damaged. Opt for a different sign entirely 8 Ball Pool generator if you hear a splitting noise throughout your first shot. Facebook Private Profile Audience Hack Tool is Suitable for almost all Platforms such as Windows 200,2002, XP, Panorama Win7. Linux, Mac etc Its Test and dealing 100%. It is possible that you might shed versus an intense rival anyhow. In that instance, you will shed your coins and also chips at the exact same time. So to conserve great deals of your coins as well as cash from that beat and also positive self-image shuffling, 8 Ball Pool hack cash money and rotates tool is the firstly alternative to conquer your competitor once again in the video game. Though golf is not only billiards game, it somehow matches with the rest of the materials. In this particular billiard 8 Ball Pool, multi players could participate, omitting the technology. It has crisp graphics and easy to use controls that might be grasped within fifty percent and even so of " practical betting. " Since of the Xbox live your life, 2 gamers could also play as challengers on specific same holds true console. One more cool advantage of a Discover visa card account reality that it uses 8 Ball Pool rip off incentives. In addition, these cash money rewards never ever end. So, you can redeem them anytime in between this life time another. In addition, your Discover bank card account certifies you not truly for money-back bonuses and also cash rewards, its web content has you price cuts on offerings. Just most likely to your provider's site to search for participating facilities. Your decision of whether to pick areas or stripes could determine whether you win the video game. Because you have potted a particular kind of Ball or also numerous on the break does not mean that you need to always take that as your choice, simply. Take a look at the position of all the rounds on the table, the number of of them are in pottable settings? Exactly how well spread are the spheres? Which set provides you the best opportunity to clean up? These are all questions that you need to ask on your own prior to you continue.
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n3rdlif343va · 7 years
Yuuri and Viktor going bowling for date night. Viktor completely destroys Yuuri. so on there next date night they go mini golfing... Yuuri rules... But the next date night they go to Lazer tag...... Write who you think would win that one!!!
FINALLY answering this ask!!! And because I had your permission to do so, I have adapted it to fit in the Law Firm of Handsome Nerds series :) Without further delay, I give you… Team Building (also available on Ao3: Team Building)
Their firm was exactly one week old. Boxes had been unpacked, hours of sweaty labor had been put in to rearrange furniture and arguments over who got which office had been resolved by a game of flip cup, played across the conference room table. The letters were finally stenciled on the door and everyone had agreed to Yuuri’s thoroughly structured filing system. They were officially the Law Firm of Katsuki, Nikiforov, and Chulanont, attorneys at law, friends in sarcasm.
The concept had been simple. Three friends, all the experienced attorneys, going out on their own to build a firm based on their combined knowledge and skills. Victor and Phichit would be in charge of networking and bringing in new cases, while Yuuri provided the initial clientele, stealing the majority of his previous clients from the public defender’s office. Reduced rates would be offered to each of these clients, with continued offers for reductions for every client they referred. Phichit was convinced that they would easily be making sustainable money long before their individual savings accounts ran out.
Yuuri had been the most hesitant, although a few drinks and hours of delicious food prepared by the husbands Chulanont had brought him on board. His paycheck from the State was a steady one, but it came with its own negatives and the positives of the new firm outweighed everything his current employer could offer him. At the top of the positive list was the open policy on bringing all of their pets to the office. The idea of having Vicchan circling his feet while working had put Yuuri solidly in the yes column.
So the firm of Katsuki, Nikiforov and Chulanont was born, an infant firm with three incredibly good-looking partners determined to make a name for themselves in the midst of the polluted market of legal counsel.
It was Phichit’s well-intentioned idea that they celebrate their new partnership with the ridiculous concept of team building. Yuuri had googled the phrase, finding workshops and campsites that encouraged it and had immediately shut Phichit down on the potential list of activities. In response, Phichit had volunteered another idea: bowling.
That’s how they all found themselves strapped into Velcro rental shoes, surrounded by loud music and flashing neon lights late on a Friday night. The idea of rock-n-bowl hadn’t appealed to Yuuri since their drunken college days, but he found himself having fun nonetheless. Until Victor had leaned over the back of his chair and laid down a challenge.
“I’m better than you,” Victor taunted, tugging on the back of Yuuri’s hair and making him twist around in his seat. “How about if I win, you have to set up my computer.” The signature smirk was painted over Victor’s face and Yuuri felt the distinct need to wipe it clean off.
“Fine,” Yuuri said, standing to take his turn. “If I win,” Yuuri lifted his ball, eying Victor over the top of it, “you have to build the TV stand that is sitting in my living room.” Turning, Yuuri bent his knees and released his ball. When it struck the pins they shouted in protest, diving for the ground in a pile of ten. Yuuri shot his own smirk at Victor. “Beat that… partner.” The last word had a bite to it, daring Victor to retaliate.
The challenge burned through Victor’s chest and he hopped off the small step, moving directly into Yuuri’s space. “You’re on, counselor.” He flicked Yuuri’s nose before dancing toward the lane to retrieve his own ball.
“The fun has just been sucked out of this activity,” Seung-gil stated, arm slung over his husband’s shoulders as Phichit snorted. Seung-gil wasn’t a part of the firm, but he was Phichit’s husband and therefore invited anywhere they went as a group.
“Let them fight it out,” Phichit watched as the teasing continued, Yuuri mercilessly attempting to distract Victor during his attempt to pick up a spare. The result being a slight wrestling match at the front of the lane, making Phichit chuckle and Seung-gil snort. “They have to get all that tension out somehow!” The pair was now tickling each other, firing off insults in rapid witty bullets.
“Side bet,” Seung-gil turned to look at Phichit instead of the ridiculous ball of sexual tension wrestling fifteen feet away from them. “I say they are together within the year.”
Phichit laughed, loudly and accompanied with a slap to his knee. “Those two?” He threw his head back with unexplained humor. “Oh my gosh, honey, they are so dumb. They have at least another five years of bickering to go before they realize how much they love each other!” Putting out his hand, Phichit shook his husband’s with a cocky smile. “You’re on, sweetheart. And if I win you’re mine for the day.”
“I’m yours every day,” Seung-gil purposefully avoided his husband’s innuendo, smiling when Phichit huffed at him.
“You know what I mean,” Phichit leaned in, running his tongue over Seung-gil’s ear. His husband blushed a fierce red and Phichit sat back triumphantly, eyes traveling back to the struggling mass that was his law partners. The two idiots were now crumpled on the floor alternating pinches and tickles in a fruitless fight for control.
It took them until the lights were being turned on to bowl the final frame of their first game, their progress dramatically slowed by Yuuri and Victor’s insistence on physically fighting between every turn. In the end, Victor beat them all by over forty points and Yuuri spent Saturday afternoon assembling his partner’s computer while Victor gloated from across the desk.
“What is that?” Yuuri leaned on Victor’s office door frame. In their first month they had made enough money to pay their rent and take home a little money for each of them. The flow of clients wasn’t yet constant so they all had time to tweak their offices to their liking. Currently, Victor was hanging a large chalkboard in his office.
“My win board,” Victor said, speaking around the nail that was braced between his lips.
It was a softball, lobbed beautifully into the air and Yuuri couldn’t resist the easy shot. “Why is it so big?” He snickered when Victor glared over his shoulder. “I believe my win-to-loss record is still better than yours.” Yuuri ducked when Victor threw a nail in his direction. “Your aim is as good as your defense work.”
Victor calmly hung his chalkboard over the nail, unwilling to ruin his hard work to pummel Yuuri. As soon as it hung in perfect balance, Victor laid the hammer on his desk and spun to face his best friend. “You better run, counselor.” He laughed as Yuuri yipped and took off running down the hallway. Taking pursuit, Victor could feel the laughter bubbling up. He snagged Yuuri halfway down the hall, bringing them down into a pile of laughter and cursing.
They hadn’t made record-breaking money, but the relief that they hadn’t fallen flat on their faces had kept Victor in an elevated mood. Using the exhilarated feeling, Victor let himself slip back into his younger self, wrestling with Yuuri in the slender hallway, uncaring about the wrinkles taking over his shirt and his one shoe which was lying a foot away from them.
Above them the distinct click of a cell phone camera broke through their physical altercation. Freezing, they both slowly turned toward their third partner seeing the smug smile planted on Phichit’s face. “I’m going to post this to the firm’s Instagram,” Phichit teased, waving his phone in the air.
Making eye contact, Victor dropped Yuuri’s wrists as they both screamed, “get him!” Scrambling from the floor, they chased the laughing Phichit through their small office.
Three days later there were chalkboards hanging in both Yuuri’s and Phichit’s offices, lovingly hung by Victor, despite each of the new boards being half the size of his own.
“Mini golf,” Phichit text to their group chat with a number of emojis that Yuuri didn’t even try to understand.
“Why,” Seung-gil text back without punctuation. Yuuri snorted at Seung-gil’s ability to be deadpan even in text.
“Sounds fun,” Victor responded, the three little dots appearing underneath it. “Katsuki, wanna bet I kick your ass again?”
Yuuri’s eyes narrowed at his screen. Victor had won in bowling, but there was no way he would win in mini-golf. “Nikiforov, last time we played mini-golf you lost three balls in the water and threw your club at the clown hole.”
“Yuuri, you be in charge of Victor’s balls then so he doesn’t lose them,” Phichit added fifteen winking faces and laughed when Yuuri responded with all of the available weapon emojis.
“Ignoring you,” Yuuri responded, taking a second to structure his response, “Ok Mr.-I-can’t-handle-my-own-balls, you’re on. Name your terms.”
“I do just fine with my balls!” Victor’s text appeared so quickly it was as if he had anticipated Yuuri’s joke. “I win, you vacuum the office for a month.” The office cleaning was a set of chores which were divvied each week to avoid the cost of a cleaning service. Victor had pulled vacuuming which wasn’t the worst chore, but was a chore nonetheless.
“You’re on,” Yuuri replied, “and if I win, we switch chalkboards, since I need the bigger one anyway.”
“Over-compensating?” Victor shot back attaching eggplant emojis to his text.
“Who bought it in the first place?” Yuuri sent his message while snickering into the bag of his hand.
“Again, I ask…. Why.” Seung-gil’s text had Yuuri fully laughing at his desk as they continued to argue back and forth to set times for their next round of team building.
When Saturday afternoon rolled around, the four of them stood in the middle of the mini-golf course, surrounded by little kids, frustrated parents, and annoying teenagers. They had already been scolded twice for their inappropriate language and Victor was on his second ball.
“What’s the score?” Yuuri asked, lining up his shot on the ninth hole, wiggling his ass for comic effect.
“You are winning,” Victor huffed, arms crossed over his chest. “Cheaters never prosper, Yuuri.” Proving his own point, Victor kicked Yuuri in the foot and tripped backwards being caught by a giggling Phichit.
“Is that so?” Yuuri tossed back nonchalantly. Staring straight at Victor, Yuuri swung his club and sunk his ball into the hole in one shot.
“For fuck’s sake!” Victor exclaimed, tossing his own club onto the ground.
Yuuri won by 14 strokes, they almost got kicked out twice, and Victor relinquished his larger chalkboard after three solid days of whining about his loss.
Yuuri was sitting behind a stack of files, feeling overwhelmed as he delved into the detailed word of personal injury. He had signed up for a conference taking place later in the year and hoped he could fake it until he received the training and continuing education that the conference would provide. Sighing again, his head snapped up as Phichit knocked on his open door.
“I acquired two interns,” Phichit leaned against the door with his arms folded over his chest.
“Acquired? Phichit it sounds like you fucking bought them!” Yuuri shook his head as Phichit howled with laughter.
“Of course not! Only you, Yuuri!” Phichit laughed again. Composing himself, Phichit cleared his throat. “They are ending their first year of law school so they need experience and are happily working with us without pay. I’m trading them conference room access and studying assistance.” Yuuri hummed in response, not particularly caring as long as he didn’t need to be involved in the process. “You know what this means, right?”
Glancing up at Phichit’s excited face, Yuuri moaned and banged his head on his desk. “Phichit, no!”
“Phichit, yes!” his law partner yelled, pumping a fist in the air. “Team building, here we come!”
Which is how they found themselves, along with their two interns who looked bewildered, strapped into laser tag gear at ten p.m. on a Thursday night. Phichit attempted to sacrifice himself to the team he deemed the “intern team,” leaving Victor, Yuuri, and Seung-gil on the same team.
“Nah uh,” Victor declared loudly, “I can’t be on the same team as Katuski. Bets don’t work if we are on the same team.”
“No bets!” Seung-gil and Phichit yelled in unison, making the interns, Yuri and Otabek jump. “We are here for fun, you two!” Phichit eyed them carefully, flicking a finger between them. “This is an activity to make us a better team.”
“Besides,” Yuri added, glaring at Victor, “you are the tallest, so you are an easy target, I don’t want you on my team.” Yuuri roared with laughter until Victor shoved him into a wall. Kicking his foot out, Yuuri caught Victor behind the back of the knee, dumping his best friend on the ground. “On second thought,” Yuri shoved Phichit into Seung-gil’s arms and yanked Yuuri to the side with himself and Otabek. “We’ll take him.”
Victor pouted from the ground, his acceptance of Yuuri’s offered hand filled with grumpy salt. Leaning over Yuuri, Victor narrowed his eyes. “If we win, I want my chalkboard back.”
Yuuri laughed, stepping back to stand with Yuri and Otabek. “If we win, I get the couch.”
A shocked look appeared on Victor’s face. “You wouldn’t!” He placed a hand over his heart, mockingly acting as if he had been mortally wounded. “That couch has sentimental value to both of us!”
Rolling his eyes, Yuuri stuck his hand out. “Take it or leave it, Nikiforov.” Smirking when Victor grabbed his hand, Yuuri quirked an eyebrow in his direction. “May the best man win!”
“I intend to,” Seung-gil added, smiling slightly before dragging Phichit away to their base.
In the end, Yuri was a ringer no one saw coming, mercilessly killing off the other team with repeated and skilled fire. His score was so high that it left the other members of the firm staring at the scoreboard in disbelief. Yuuri’s team easily won and he silently gloated through dinner about his future use and possession of the worn blue couch that had once existed in his shared apartment with Victor.
Victor refused to get off of the couch while Yuuri and Phichit attempted to move it from his office the next day, resulting in them giving up and calling him a baby. “A baby with a couch!” Victor yelled triumphantly from his office, dodging the handfuls of the firm’s pens as they were launched at him by his partners.
The war of thrown office supplies, spurred on by Victor’s retaliation for being bombarded with pens, left their office a complete disaster and the three partners a flushed, humor exhausted mess. Sinking back into his chair, smirking at the pile of disorganized supplies scattered through his personal office, Yuuri decided that joining his friends in this adventure was the best decision he had made in his life.
And thus through humor, friendship, and curse-laden sarcasm, the Law Firm of Katsuki, Nikiforov, and Chulanont came to be.
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