#Best Cataract Surgery in Andheri West
drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Dr Vaidya eye hospital is Best Cataract Surgery in Andheri West. Our main motive is to protect your vision. With that as a core belief, we aim to provide eye care to everyone. We have state-of-the-art equipment and technology to serve this purpose
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Vitro retinal surgery is a group of surgeries that take place inside the interior of the eyes where the vitreous and retina are located. The vitreous is a gel-like material, and the retina is the photosensitive membrane that helps in creating images in front of the eyes. Traditional surgical tools and lasers are used to perform these vitreoretinal procedures to address a range of ophthalmic issues like diabetic retinopathy, detached retina, macular degeneration, macular hole, diabetic vitreous hemorrhage, and epiretinal membrane.
What is vitrectomy?Vitrectomy is a specific type of vitreo retinal surgery that removes the vitreous gel-like substance located in the middle of the eye. It is performed under general or local anesthesia, depending upon the patient’s health. During this procedure, an eye surgeon inserts small instruments into the eye to cut the fibers which attach the vitreous gel to the retina, and suction out the vitreous. The holes or tears in the retina or macula are then repaired, the areas where the retina is detached is flattened, and the vitreous fibers or scar tissue attached to the retina is removed. Then, the vitreous cavity is filled with gas, saline solution, or silicone oil, to restore normal eye pressure.
What all does vitrectomy resolve? With this procedure, a number of eye-related problems can be resolved. The most common problem that vitrectomy is used to resolve is diabetic vitreous hemorrhage, a condition in which the retina bleeds into the vitreous. Patients who suffer from vision loss, distortion, or disruption due to vitreous hemorrhage have observed highly improved visual acuity by undergoing vitrectomy. The procedure also reduces the risk of severe bleeding in patients who experience vitreous hemorrhage or those with abnormal blood vessels in the iris.
Whеn іs vіtrесtоmу required? A vitrectomy is required when complications like retinal detachment, elevated intraocular pressure, corneal edema, continued bleeding in the vitreous, or internal eye infection arise. The surgery is used as a last resort in extreme cases that do not clear up with other treatments. This is why it is very important that when you have any such problems in the eye, you consult a professional eye specialist in Andheri West Mumbai to diagnose your condition and check for other treatments, before deciding upon performing vitrectomy. Every patient and every eye is different, thus respond differently to a treatment. So, an eye specialist will let you know if vitrectomy is what you should take up, and the other precautions you will need to take with it.
Arohi Eye Hospital is the best eye specialist in Andheri West Mumbai who has the skill and experience to diagnose and treat a number of eye related issues. They could be simple ones like dry eye and eye floaters, or complicated cases like glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. The surgeons can perform almost every kind of surgery with expertise, some of the specialties including LASIK, cataract surgery, and oculoplasty. So, whenever in doubt for any eye condition, Arohi Eye Hospital is where you should be.
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Super specialty eye care hospital in Mumbai with highly skilled doctors and staff & state-of-the-art eye equipment. We provide complete eye care services that include: • Cataract Surgery • Lasik & Refractive Surgery • Retinal Diseases Treatment • Oculoplasty & Glaucoma Treatment • Paediatric Opthalmology • Diabetic Retinopathy • Dry Eye & Floaters Treatment
For any eye disorders, visit: www.arohieye.in Or call: +91 9820111315
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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The Vaidya eye hospital is Best Cataract Surgery in Andheri West. Our main motive is to protect your vision. With that as a core belief, we aim to provide eye care to everyone. We have state-of-the-art equipment and technology to serve this purpose.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
A Cataract is an obfuscating of your eye's focal point. Cataract indications incorporate foggy vision, glare, coronas, and helpless vision around evening time. Cataract in one or the two eyes influences your vision and can slow down your every day schedule and feeling of freedom. Be that as it may, careful Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri treatment can quite often tackle these issues. Here are ways it might assist with further developing your life.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
10 Benefits of Cataract Surgery
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A Cataract is an obfuscating of your eye's focal point. Cataract indications incorporate foggy vision, glare, coronas, and helpless vision around evening time. Cataract in one or the two eyes influences your vision and can slow down your every day schedule and feeling of freedom. Be that as it may, careful Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri treatment can quite often tackle these issues. Here are ways it might assist with further developing your life.
1. Treat Cataract side effects and further develop your vision.
During Cataract surgery procedure, your PCP replaces your obfuscated normal focal point with an unmistakable counterfeit one. You won't feel or see this new focal point. Yet, more than 95% of those with solid eyes who have this medical procedure experience better vision subsequently. Your vision might improve as soon as one day after your activity. Articles might show up more fresh and clear. Shadings might appear to be more brilliant. Your vision will keep on improving as your eye mends and your mind changes with your new focal point. For cataract treatment click here Best Cataract Surgery in Andheri West .
2. Help your personal satisfaction.
With Cataract, your vision can be foggy. This makes it harder to do everyday undertakings. It likewise can hold you back from doing things you appreciate, such as driving, sewing, playing a card game, staring at the TV, or perusing. Cataract can likewise make it harder to work and be autonomous. All of this can influence your disposition and your psychological well-being. In any case, eliminating Cataract will assist you with getting your vision back. This implies you might have the option to do large numbers of the things you used to appreciate. An effective method can give you more opportunity and lift your certainty.
3. Secure your eye wellbeing.
Individuals with Cataract s frequently foster other eye issues. Cataract s can cause eye irritation. They likewise can build tension inside your eye. This can prompt glaucoma and other genuine eye issues. In some cases individuals with Cataract s additionally have harmed retinas from diabetes. Cataract s may make it harder for your PCP to treat or forestall such eye issues. In any case, Cataract surgery procedure can forestall inconveniences and ensure your vision.
4. Keep you more secure.
At the point when you see better, you're more averse to have mishaps. For example, with better vision your odds of falling lessening. Research likewise shows that eliminating Cataract s prompts less broken hips. That is particularly valid for those with more thick Cataract s. It's likewise more secure to drive a vehicle when you don't have Cataract s. Truth be told, driving security improves by half after Cataract evacuation.
5. Potentially work on certain manifestations of gentle Alzheimer's infection.
The examination on this is early and restricted. Notwithstanding, a little report proposed that Cataract surgery procedure might have a few advantages for individuals with gentle Alzheimer's infection. For example, helpless vision can hose state of mind, and assisting them with seeing better might help. The analysts detailed that having the option to see all the more obviously may assist individuals with early dementia better comprehend their environmental factors. Likewise, rest issues are normal among individuals with dementia. The review proposed that Cataract surgery procedure might assist individuals with gentle Alzheimer's illness rest better.
 6. Further developed Mood
An existence with Cataract s can be desolate. Cataract  victims might be humiliated by their restricted vision, driving them to confine themselves from loved ones, and even abstain from going out in broad daylight. A review by the American Academy of Optometry observed discouragement indications were 33% more probable in individuals with Cataract s. Cataract surgery procedure engages these individuals to unhesitatingly reemerge the world, and reclaim their lives and satisfaction.
7. Re-established Enjoyment
Cataract surgery procedure permits patients to get back to the exercises they love most, regardless of whether it's perusing, sitting in front of the TV, driving a vehicle, or getting a charge out of games. Having the option to participate in these exercises straightforwardly adds to worked on personal satisfaction. A 2012 investigation of Cataract surgery procedure patients inferred that Cataract surgery procedure, "extraordinarily worked on personal satisfaction and was profoundly practical." truth be told, that study distinguished a 36.2% improvement in personal satisfaction coming about because of Cataract surgery procedure.
8. Expanded Independence
Loss of visual sharpness because of Cataract s denies numerous generally skilled individuals of the capacity to live freely. It's hard to reside on your own when you can't peruse medication bottles, drive for tasks or securely explore your home. Cataract surgery procedure can eliminate these snags from patients' lives and permit them to by and by appreciate genuine freedom.
9. Less Injuries
Cataract s medical procedure assists with lessening the danger of mishaps, falls and wounds. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed less hip breaks in individuals who had effective Cataract surgery procedure than in their companions. That study proceeded to finish up, "individuals who get Cataract surgery procedure are less inclined to encounter antagonistic handicap patterns than individuals who don't get Cataract surgery procedure."
10. Decreased danger of falling
Once more, as your vision comes up short, you might expand your danger of falls. Falls are the main source of lethal and non-deadly wounds for more seasoned Americans. Helpless vision is one of the top danger factors for more seasoned grown-ups for falling. Further developed vision lessens that danger.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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The Dr Vaidya eye hospital is Best Cataract Surgery in Andheri West. Our main motive is to protect your vision. With that as a core belief, we aim to provide eye care to everyone. We have state-of-the-art equipment and technology to serve this purpose.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Tips for caring for the eyes.
Drink a lot of water 
Remaining hydrated is a significant piece of your general wellbeing, however it's especially significant for your eyes and skin. Attempt to drink something like eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day to guarantee your body has sufficient dampness to keep your eyes greased up and hydrated. You might have to drink more water if the climate is hotter than expected and in case you're dynamic. To know more visit us at Glaucoma Specialist in Andheri West.
Shield your eyes from the sun 
Shielding your eyes from the sun can assist with forestalling dry eyes, and it might likewise diminish your danger of burning from the sun on your eyelids or on the touchy skin under your eyes. To secure your eyes, consider wearing wraparound shades with bright (UV) insurance when you're presented to coordinate daylight. You can likewise add wellbeing safeguards to the sides of eyeglasses to assist block with winding and dry air. Visit Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri.
Get great quality rest 
In case you're not getting sufficient rest, sometimes your eyes will probably give indications of weariness and lack of sleep. Intend to bed sufficiently early to permit yourself to get at least 7 to 9 hours of rest. To assist you with resting soundly and to forestall eye issues, you might need to take care of your electronic gadgets a long time before sleep time. Assuming you need to try not to awaken with puffy eyes, attempt to lay down with your head marginally raised. This might assist with keeping liquid from aggregating under your eyes. Also check out Best Cataract Surgery in Mumbai.
Take eye breaks 
In case you're taking care of a job that requires visual focus, such as perusing or taking a gander at a PC screen, take eye breaks once like clockwork. Outwardly zeroing in on one region for a really long time can make your eyes become dry, tired, or bothered. To offer your eyes a reprieve, have a go at shutting your eyes for a couple of moments. Or then again flicker rapidly for a couple of moments to assist with spreading your eye's normal tears uniformly over the outer layer of your eyes. To get treatment visit Best Eye Specialist in Andheri.
Use eye drops or counterfeit tears 
As you age, your eyes become more inclined to dry eye disorder. Dry eyes can likewise be set off by contact focal point use, a few prescriptions like decongestants and antihistamines, and occasional hypersensitivities. In the event that you find that your eyes will in general become dry and disturbed regularly, you might need to investigate utilizing over-the-counter (OTC) eye drops or fake tears. Adding a couple of drops to your eyes can assist with keeping your eyes hydrated. You can purchase OTC eye drops that contain humectants (substances that assist with holding dampness), ointments, and electrolytes at your neighborhood drug store and on the web. On the off chance that those don't help, you can converse with your PCP or eye specialist about remedy eye drops. 
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Tips to light up eyes.
Get great quality rest 
In case you're not getting sufficient rest, sometimes your eyes will probably give indications of weariness and lack of sleep. Intend to bed sufficiently early to permit yourself to get at least 7 to 9 hours of rest. To assist you with resting soundly and to forestall eye issues, you might need to take care of your electronic gadgets a long time before sleep time. Assuming you need to try not to awaken with puffy eyes, attempt to lay down with your head marginally raised. This might assist with keeping liquid from aggregating under your eyes. Also check out Best Cataract Surgery in Mumbai.
Shield your eyes from the sun 
Shielding your eyes from the sun can assist with forestalling dry eyes, and it might likewise diminish your danger of burning from the sun on your eyelids or on the touchy skin under your eyes. To secure your eyes, consider wearing wraparound shades with bright (UV) insurance when you're presented to coordinate daylight. You can likewise add wellbeing safeguards to the sides of eyeglasses to assist block with winding and dry air. Visit Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri.
Drink a lot of water 
Remaining hydrated is a significant piece of your general wellbeing, however it's especially significant for your eyes and skin. Attempt to drink something like eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day to guarantee your body has sufficient dampness to keep your eyes greased up and hydrated. You might have to drink more water if the climate is hotter than expected and in case you're dynamic. To know more visit us at Glaucoma Specialist in Andheri West.
Take eye breaks 
In case you're taking care of a job that requires visual focus, such as perusing or taking a gander at a PC screen, take eye breaks once like clockwork. Outwardly zeroing in on one region for a really long time can make your eyes become dry, tired, or bothered. To offer your eyes a reprieve, have a go at shutting your eyes for a couple of moments. Or then again flicker rapidly for a couple of moments to assist with spreading your eye's normal tears uniformly over the outer layer of your eyes. To get treatment visit Best Eye Specialist in Andheri.
Use eye drops or counterfeit tears 
As you age, your eyes become more inclined to dry eye disorder. Dry eyes can likewise be set off by contact focal point use, a few prescriptions like decongestants and antihistamines, and occasional hypersensitivities. In the event that you find that your eyes will in general become dry and disturbed regularly, you might need to investigate utilizing over-the-counter (OTC) eye drops or fake tears. Adding a couple of drops to your eyes can assist with keeping your eyes hydrated. You can purchase OTC eye drops that contain humectants (substances that assist with holding dampness), ointments, and electrolytes at your neighborhood drug store and on the web. On the off chance that those don't help, you can converse with your PCP or eye specialist about remedy eye drops. 
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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How Long Will I Have Dry Eye? For most people, dry eye symptoms are most noticeable in the month’s right after surgery. Most say it gets better in 6-12 months. Looking for Squint Surgery in Andheri West, Mumbai? Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital offers Squint Correction Surgery at an affordable cost. Book Appointment Today.
For More Details:  https://drvaidyaeyehospital.com/optometrist-service/squint/
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Tips for First Time Contact Lens Wearers
Congratulations on acquiring that first set of contacts! If you're anything like most people, you'll likely be spending your first few days looking at tiny visual details you've never seen before, such as dew on grass or tiny dots of color on the bright green leaves. To know more click here #Best Eye Specialist in Andheri.
It's an exciting moment but, as with everything new, it could be a bit intimidating. In the end, contact lenses are medical devices that use the latest technology and your eyes are one of your most valuable senses. Therefore, it's crucial to make wise choices regarding your health and the well-being that your eyes enjoy. Here are five guidelines to help you get on the right path towards a long-lasting satisfaction with the new lenses you've purchased. For more information click here #Glaucoma Specialist in Andheri West.
Relax. A lot of people fear scratching their eyes when they put their lenses on , or worse, that the lens gets stuck behind their eyes. Relax. The process of applying and removing your lenses may be a bit nerve-wracking initially although as awkward as it might seem there's no reason to be scared to contact your eyes as long as your hands are clean. Furthermore, the inner part of your lids are linked to the inside of your eyes, meaning lenses aren't likely to fall into the darkness.
Maintain your lenses in good condition. If you are using products for monthly/weekly use Don't cut corners when it comes to lens cleaning. Your doctor will provide instructions specific to your lens maintenance regimen that was selected for you. For instance, if you are instructed to use a multi-purpose solution each time you take off your lenses, scrub and rinse them before placing them into an afresh solution. Don't simply add more solutions to the one that's already inside the case. When you place your lenses on at the beginning of the day, take all the cases completely. wash with a fresh solution, then leave it open and upside down on a towel to dry. Dispose of contacts in a safe manner and their packaging. To know more click on #Best Cataract Surgery in Mumbai.
Contact lenses: dispose of your contact lenses into garbage or waste containers and follow the guidelines from your sanitation officials for disposal. Do not dispose of contact lenses in drainage systems!
Based on the local recycling or sanitation vendors These could be added to the other recyclable materials that are available for recycling in normal bins. One of the main elements of recycling is keeping similar materials close to each other making sorting more efficient and avoiding cross-contamination. Make sure to check with the local government office and/or service provider to ensure that you are accepted.
Covers for contact lens blisters: Remove your contact lens's blisters from the contact lenses, and then collect the foils in a small, compact ball in the recycling stream, giving an opportunity to be processed in the municipal process
Are you interested in becoming more environmentally sustainable? Consult your physician about the first plastic net contact lens.
Follow your doctor's advice. Only use the products that have been suggested by your eye doctor. Do not use any other lens care products without consulting your eye doctor first. The product you're using was specifically designed to fit your specific lens type. Don't base your decisions by relying on generic labels on the packaging. It's equally important to keep your appointments. Whatever schedule for follow-ups your doctor gives you, stick to it.
Be sure to follow the prescribed wearing or replacement plan. Don't attempt to make your own guidelines. Wear your lenses for only the period of time your doctor has recommended as safe . Replace the lenses in accordance with your schedule. Do not try to extend the lifespan of your lenses by an extra week or a day. Additionally, unless specifically advised to wear daily wear contacts, never wear contacts to sleep.
The process of learning to do anything new requires time. In reality, it could take up to a week before you are able to adjust to the new lifestyle of contact lenses and are truly confident 2. However, before you know it, contacts will be an integral element of your daily life.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Vaidya Eye Hospital has been a trusted name since 1990. Our main motive is to protect your vision. With that as a core belief, we aim to provide eye care to everyone.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
#Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Six Steps You Should Take After Your Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is a speedy, straightforward medical procedure with an amazingly high achievement rate. Nonetheless, this achievement rate is generally controlled by your recuperation.
Albeit the actual system is generally safe, there are a couple of post-operation recuperation steps which patients should continue to guarantee the most ideal result.
This medical procedure at cataract eye clinic in andheri has extraordinary advantages, however, to receive these rewards, aftercare is principal. To get familiar with the best recuperation steps to trail waterfall medical procedures, this blog features what you need to know.
What's to Expect Post-Surgery
All things considered, waterfall medical procedure recuperation is generally insignificant, yet there are a few significant insurances.
Skirting these recuperation steps could prompt entanglements, disease, and additional time spent in the best eye specialist in andheri medical procedure than expected.
Straightforwardly after the waterfall medical procedure, you won't drive, so ensure you have a pre-coordinated vehicle.
In the post-medical procedure, you will move to a recuperation suite where a defensive safeguard is set over your eyes to stay away from contact or scouring.
Rest time in the recuperation suite is normally 30-minutes to 1-hour to permit any sedative or narcotic impacts to wear off.
Your specialist will visit you, so don't avoid getting some information about conceivable recuperation entanglements and what's in store.
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6 Steps to Successful Recovery After Cataract Surgery
Your eye specialist will, by and large, suggest these key recuperation steps:
1. Try not to Drive Post-Surgery
Presently, we've effectively referenced you will not have the option to drive straightforwardly after your medical procedure, however, this reaches out to a couple of days post-medical procedure as well.
For the most part, this is 3-4 days after your medical procedure, yet your primary care physician should clear you for driving in advance.
After your first subsequent arrangement, your specialist will give you a time span for best cataract surgery in mumbai when you can drive once more, contingent upon your recuperating.
Recall to set up a lift home before your medical procedure! You will be provided with defensive shades to wear during your commute home and all through your recuperation when outside.
2. Keep Your Eyes Protected
Straightforwardly after your medical procedure, your eye(s) are covered with an unmistakable, defensive safeguard to secure against scouring, earth, and contaminations.
At the point when you show up home, you can eliminate this safeguard for two or three hours or somewhere in the vicinity. Be that as it may, don't dispose of the safeguard as it should be worn while dozing for 4-5 days post-medical procedure by glaucoma specialist in andheri west.
Know that you may encounter mutilated vision for a couple of moments after the safeguard is eliminated.
The new, counterfeit focal point needs to adjust to the light around you and may require a couple of hours to scatter.
3. Stay away from Harsh Lighting
Another significant safeguard is to keep away from unforgiving, blazing lights for at any rate the initial 24-hours after your waterfall medical procedure.
This incorporates wellsprings of light from your TV, cell phone, tablet gadget, PC, PC, and so on.
On the off chance that your home has brilliant fluorescent lighting, attempt and keep these lights off and utilize faint, light lighting where conceivable.
Make sure to relax and rest your eyes however much as could reasonably be expected. They need to recuperate and not become overpowered by improvements.
An additional tip? Gather your solution eye drops before your squint surgery in mumbai happens. This way you can go straightforwardly home and rest.
4. Take Care When Bathing
Indeed, you are allowed to shower or scrub down post-medical procedures. Be that as it may do as such with most extreme safeguard!
No matter what, attempt to abstain from sprinkling or dousing your face with water, particularly lathery water. It's ideal to try not to do as such for at any rate seven days post-medical procedure as your eye(s) mend.
During the main week post-medical procedure, your eye is basically an open injury that is powerless against contamination. Contaminating your eye with grimy water can welcome an undesirable disease and further difficulties!
If you need to wash your hair, enroll the assistance of an accomplice or companion or visit your nearby beautician. However, encourage them to continue with alert!
Face wipes or a moist face material are ideal for intensive face purify during this first-week post-medical procedure.
5. Try not to Skip Follow-Up Appointments
This is a vital piece of your recuperation as your primary care physician evaluates your mending and endorsed drug.
Your first arrangement is a post-medical procedure follow-up, planned for the day after your medical procedure. Recall to pre-sort out a lift to and from your specialist's workplaces.
Your specialist will then, at that point audit your mending advance and change drugs to keep contamination under control.
If you have any inquiries or concerns with respect to your recuperation, this is the arrangement to ask your specialist. If your recuperation is on target, you will, by and large, be cleared for driving a little while after this arrangement.
Another subsequent meeting with an overall eye specialist is typically orchestrated a month.
6. Intently Follow Your Doctor's Instructions
This piece of your recuperation cycle should be obvious, yet post-medical procedure your specialist will plunk down with you and rundown various things to stay away from.
It's critical to take mental notes or ask him/her to record everything so you can allude to it all through your recuperation.
A portion of these pointers may include:
Make sure to wear dim, UV shades in the initial not many weeks post-medical procedure when heading outside. You will not have the option to partake in difficult exercises and hard work for 3 a month. Try to completely finish your course of anti-infection agents to keep away from disease. Similarly, make a point to complete your course of sanitizer eye drops to keep away from disease.
Keep your home clean and residue-free in the initial not many weeks post-operation. Try not to do any cleaning around your home where residue and aggravations could discover their way to your eyes. Abstain from scouring and scratching your eyes, no matter what!
Try not to lower your head submerged for at any rate seven days post-operation.
Try not to wear make-up, eye make-up particularly, for in any event 2-3 weeks post-medical procedure. If you experience vision misfortune, determined agony, light glimmers, sickness, or retching, see your primary care physician immediately.
While this rundown may appear to be broad, a huge piece of your recuperation reduces to good judgment. Consider your everyday activities and what they could mean for your recuperation.
Basically, your eye(s) is open, mending twisted in the initial not many days after the waterfall medical procedure. Take the most consideration in these initial not many days and the rest will follow!
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
9 Essential Benefits of Lasik Eye Surgery
Anybody and everybody who wear spectacles would know the sense of freedom one gets without them. Most people choose contact lenses to avoid the burden of spectacles, which not only ruin their outward appearance but also give headaches from time to time (due to the weight of the spectacles).
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 Modern technology can completely free you of any vision aid, be it glasses or lenses, thanks to the Lasik surgery. People have welcomed the advent of this surgery since it is proven safe, pain-free and quick as well with Lasik Eye Clinic in Andheri offers blade less Lasik eye surgery at an affordable cost. Lasik surgery has many benefits and some of them are listed below:
 Experience immediate effect:
 This is the greatest benefit of a Lasik surgery: The promptness of the result. Once you have undergone the Lasik surgery, your vision stands corrected from that very moment and you can quit wearing glasses or lenses immediately.
 Eternal freedom from glasses and contact lenses:
 You can bid goodbye to your expensive contact lenses and glasses and save some money when you get a Lasik surgery done. You can enjoy clear vision without your glasses, which is nothing less than a dream come true for people with impaired vision. You will be blessed with two perfect eyes instead of the previous “four eyes” state. Visit Best Eye Specialist in Andheri for Lasik, Cataract, Squint, Glaucoma, etc. We offer a Complete Range of Eye Care Services.
 Almost painless:
 Lasik surgery is usually associated with no or little pain when compared to other kinds of surgeries so, no need to get worked up before your Lasik surgery, for it is not going to hurt you at all.
 Quick recovery period:
 Since no stitches or bandages are involved in Lasik surgery, its post-operative recovery time is very quick. Little or no complications are seen after getting a Lasik surgery done. Mild tearing and eye irritation due to pollutants are all that you have to face for a few months and also for cataract surgery visit Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri offers the most advanced Cataract surgery from the team of experienced Doctors.
 Quick surgery time:
 Most Lasik surgeries are done and dusted within 10-15 minutes, for both your eyes. This is no stepping into an operation theater with hours to spend on the operation table. The laser beam does its magic quick and easy. 15 minutes of the Lasik surgery can give you a lifetime of clear vision.
 Permanent solution:
 Lasik surgery is a permanent correction of impaired vision. Most times, there is no need to go for any follow-up procedures, unless there has been a mistake of under-correction or over-correction during the surgery.
 Carefree life:
 No more worries about forgetting to carry your lens case and solution. No more caring about the safety of your glasses while you sleep or travel. Say hello to a new carefree life where you can get 100% clarity in your vision without any hassles.
 No risk involved:
 Technological advancement in the Lasik surgery has eliminated most of the risks and there is no scope of vision impairment in this modern surgery and this technological advancement is also available for cataract surgery in Best Cataract Surgery in Mumbai you can get best treatment for Cataract Surgery.
 Guaranteed satisfaction:
 Statistical survey shows that 98% person of the patients were completely satisfied with their corrected vision, post the Lasik surgery.
 Visit Squint Surgery in Andheri West offers Squint Correction Surgery at an affordable cost.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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Dr Vaidya Best Eye Specialist in Andheri West, Mumbai Visit us for Lasik, Cataract, Squint, Glaucoma, etc. We offer a Complete Range of Eye Care Services. Best Cataract Surgery in Mumbai Searching for best cataract surgeon in Andheri? Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital offers the most advanced Cataract surgery from the team of experienced Doctors.
For More Details:  https://drvaidyaeyehospital.com/optometrist-service/cataract-surgery/
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