#Cataract Eye Clinic In Andheri
vaidyaeyehospital · 11 months
How is vitrectomy different from other eye surgeries, like cataract surgery?
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Vitrectomy surgery and cataract surgery are distinct procedures that address different eye issues. Here's how they differ:
Vitrectomy Surgery:
1-Purpose: Vitrectomy is performed to treat various conditions affecting the vitreous gel or the retina at the back of the eye.
2-Procedure: During a vitrectomy, the procedure involves making small incisions in the eye to access and work on the retina and vitreous.
3-Anesthesia: Vitrectomy surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's comfort and the complexity of the case.
4-Replacement: The vitreous gel is not replaced with anything after removal. The eye naturally fills with aqueous humor, a clear fluid that maintains its shape.
5-Vision Outcome: The primary goal of vitrectomy is to address underlying eye conditions, prevent further deterioration, and possibly improve vision.
Cataract Surgery:
1-Purpose: Cataract surgery is specifically performed to treat cataracts, which are the clouding of the eye's natural lens.
2-Procedure: In cataract surgery, the procedure involves making a small incision in the eye, breaking up the cloudy lens, and implanting the IOL.
3-Anesthesia: Cataract surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia, with the patient awake and alert during the procedure.
4-Replacement: The natural lens is replaced with an artificial IOL, which can significantly improve vision and, in many cases, eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses.
5-Vision Outcome: Cataract surgery is highly successful in restoring clear vision. Patients often experience a significant improvement in their ability to see and may no longer require corrective lenses for distance vision.
In summary, vitrectomy surgery focuses on addressing retinal and vitreous issues, often to prevent further deterioration and possibly improve vision. Both surgeries serve different purposes and are chosen based on the patient's unique eye condition and needs.
Looking for a Cataract Specialist in Andheri? Dr. Vaidya is here to help you regain clear vision. Schedule your consultation today. 📞Contact us: 9004496621 🌐 Visit: https://drvaidyaeyehospital.com/ Don't let cataracts or Vitrectomy surgery cloud your vision.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Dr Vaidya eye hospital is Best Cataract Surgery in Andheri West. Our main motive is to protect your vision. With that as a core belief, we aim to provide eye care to everyone. We have state-of-the-art equipment and technology to serve this purpose
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vaidyaeyehospital · 1 year
What are the symptoms of a cataract?
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Cataracts are a common condition that affects the lens of the eye, leading to vision problems. The symptoms of cataracts can vary depending on the severity and progression of the condition. Here are some common symptoms associated with cataracts:
Vision that’s cloudy, blurry, foggy or filmy.
Sensitivity to bright sunlight, lamps or headlights.
Glare (seeing a halo around lights), especially when you drive at night with oncoming headlights.
Frequent change in glass power, including sudden nearsightedness.
Double vision.
Need for brighter light to read.
Difficulty seeing at night (poor night vision).
Changes in the way you see color.
Dr. Deepak Vaidya, started his own practice in the name of Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital, Eye Clinic in Andheri.
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vaidyaeyehospital · 2 years
What are the Risks of Eye Floater Treatment?
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The risks of eye floater treatment are low but include cataract progression and retinal detachment.
Persistent eye floaters can be a significant hindrance to daily activities. Patients with these symptoms may choose to undergo surgical or laser floater removal, each with its own benefits and risks.
Laser floater removal, being non-invasive, is generally considered a lower-risk procedure than surgery. The laser works by vaporizing large floaters suspended in the jelly that fills the eye. During this procedure, the retina specialist is careful not to treat too close to the retina or the lens. If laser energy is imparted to either of these structures, a patient could experience retinal damage or a cataract.
For more information, consult Dr. Vaidya Eye Centre the Best Eye Clinic in Andheri.
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vaidyaeyehospital · 2 years
When is the best time to have cataract surgery?
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The best time to have cataract surgery is when the cataract is affecting your quality of life and daily activities such as driving, reading, or watching television. It is important to have a comprehensive eye examination with an experienced eye specialist to determine if cataract surgery is necessary. Dr. Vaidya Eye Centre is a reputable clinic with the best cataract specialist in Andheri. They offer state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical equipment, as well as a team of experienced eye surgeons who specialize in cataract surgery.
Dr. Vaidya Eye Centre's cataract specialists recommend that patients undergo surgery when their vision is significantly impacted by cataracts. Delaying surgery can lead to more complex surgery and a higher risk of complications. With modern cataract surgery techniques and advanced technology, patients can expect a quick and relatively painless recovery. If you are experiencing symptoms of cataracts, such as cloudy or blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, or frequent changes in prescription glasses, it is important to consult with a cataract specialist. The team at Dr. Vaidya Eye Centre can help you determine the best time to undergo cataract surgery based on your individual needs and vision goals.
To know more , visit : https://drvaidyaeyehospital.com/optometrist-service/cataract-surgery/
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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The Vaidya eye hospital is Best Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri. Our main motive is to protect your vision. With that as a core belief, we aim to provide eye care to everyone. We have state-of-the-art equipment and technology to serve this purpose.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
A Cataract is an obfuscating of your eye's focal point. Cataract indications incorporate foggy vision, glare, coronas, and helpless vision around evening time. Cataract in one or the two eyes influences your vision and can slow down your every day schedule and feeling of freedom. Be that as it may, careful Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri treatment can quite often tackle these issues. Here are ways it might assist with further developing your life.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
10 Benefits of Cataract Surgery
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A Cataract is an obfuscating of your eye's focal point. Cataract indications incorporate foggy vision, glare, coronas, and helpless vision around evening time. Cataract in one or the two eyes influences your vision and can slow down your every day schedule and feeling of freedom. Be that as it may, careful Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri treatment can quite often tackle these issues. Here are ways it might assist with further developing your life.
1. Treat Cataract side effects and further develop your vision.
During Cataract surgery procedure, your PCP replaces your obfuscated normal focal point with an unmistakable counterfeit one. You won't feel or see this new focal point. Yet, more than 95% of those with solid eyes who have this medical procedure experience better vision subsequently. Your vision might improve as soon as one day after your activity. Articles might show up more fresh and clear. Shadings might appear to be more brilliant. Your vision will keep on improving as your eye mends and your mind changes with your new focal point. For cataract treatment click here Best Cataract Surgery in Andheri West .
2. Help your personal satisfaction.
With Cataract, your vision can be foggy. This makes it harder to do everyday undertakings. It likewise can hold you back from doing things you appreciate, such as driving, sewing, playing a card game, staring at the TV, or perusing. Cataract can likewise make it harder to work and be autonomous. All of this can influence your disposition and your psychological well-being. In any case, eliminating Cataract will assist you with getting your vision back. This implies you might have the option to do large numbers of the things you used to appreciate. An effective method can give you more opportunity and lift your certainty.
3. Secure your eye wellbeing.
Individuals with Cataract s frequently foster other eye issues. Cataract s can cause eye irritation. They likewise can build tension inside your eye. This can prompt glaucoma and other genuine eye issues. In some cases individuals with Cataract s additionally have harmed retinas from diabetes. Cataract s may make it harder for your PCP to treat or forestall such eye issues. In any case, Cataract surgery procedure can forestall inconveniences and ensure your vision.
4. Keep you more secure.
At the point when you see better, you're more averse to have mishaps. For example, with better vision your odds of falling lessening. Research likewise shows that eliminating Cataract s prompts less broken hips. That is particularly valid for those with more thick Cataract s. It's likewise more secure to drive a vehicle when you don't have Cataract s. Truth be told, driving security improves by half after Cataract evacuation.
5. Potentially work on certain manifestations of gentle Alzheimer's infection.
The examination on this is early and restricted. Notwithstanding, a little report proposed that Cataract surgery procedure might have a few advantages for individuals with gentle Alzheimer's infection. For example, helpless vision can hose state of mind, and assisting them with seeing better might help. The analysts detailed that having the option to see all the more obviously may assist individuals with early dementia better comprehend their environmental factors. Likewise, rest issues are normal among individuals with dementia. The review proposed that Cataract surgery procedure might assist individuals with gentle Alzheimer's illness rest better.
 6. Further developed Mood
An existence with Cataract s can be desolate. Cataract  victims might be humiliated by their restricted vision, driving them to confine themselves from loved ones, and even abstain from going out in broad daylight. A review by the American Academy of Optometry observed discouragement indications were 33% more probable in individuals with Cataract s. Cataract surgery procedure engages these individuals to unhesitatingly reemerge the world, and reclaim their lives and satisfaction.
7. Re-established Enjoyment
Cataract surgery procedure permits patients to get back to the exercises they love most, regardless of whether it's perusing, sitting in front of the TV, driving a vehicle, or getting a charge out of games. Having the option to participate in these exercises straightforwardly adds to worked on personal satisfaction. A 2012 investigation of Cataract surgery procedure patients inferred that Cataract surgery procedure, "extraordinarily worked on personal satisfaction and was profoundly practical." truth be told, that study distinguished a 36.2% improvement in personal satisfaction coming about because of Cataract surgery procedure.
8. Expanded Independence
Loss of visual sharpness because of Cataract s denies numerous generally skilled individuals of the capacity to live freely. It's hard to reside on your own when you can't peruse medication bottles, drive for tasks or securely explore your home. Cataract surgery procedure can eliminate these snags from patients' lives and permit them to by and by appreciate genuine freedom.
9. Less Injuries
Cataract s medical procedure assists with lessening the danger of mishaps, falls and wounds. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed less hip breaks in individuals who had effective Cataract surgery procedure than in their companions. That study proceeded to finish up, "individuals who get Cataract surgery procedure are less inclined to encounter antagonistic handicap patterns than individuals who don't get Cataract surgery procedure."
10. Decreased danger of falling
Once more, as your vision comes up short, you might expand your danger of falls. Falls are the main source of lethal and non-deadly wounds for more seasoned Americans. Helpless vision is one of the top danger factors for more seasoned grown-ups for falling. Further developed vision lessens that danger.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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Searching for best cataract surgeon in Andheri? Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital offers the most advanced Cataract surgery from the team of experienced Doctors.
Cataract is a troublesome disease. Even routine activities could become problematic for the patient. Activities like reading and driving also become a difficult task. Complaints of seeing colored dots or halos are common. So are complaints of seeing  dual images and poor night vision are common.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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The only treatment for cataract is surgery. There is no other medical treatment for the same. Cataract can hinder daily activities like reading, drawing and watching TV. Before one incurs this, they should get it treated.
Surgical removal of a cataract is a simple process. It is one of the most frequently performed surgeries considered to be very effective and safest procedures. Most of the cases been done under Topical, no injection, No patch, No pain and some of the cases being done under local or general anesthesia. Patients often return home the very same day.
It is advisable to get it removed at the early stages and not wait until the vision deteriorates. The process of the surgery involves the removal of the clouded lens. It is replaced with a clear artificial lens implant: an intraocular lens or IOL. The IOL is a permanent solution. It provides natural peripheral vision and depth perception.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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Searching for best cataract surgeon in Andheri? Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital offers the most advanced Cataract surgery from the team of experienced Doctors.
The crystalline lens helps in focusing an image on the Retina. It is clear and transparent. But, with age, this lens can become cloudy and opaque. Any opacity in the crystalline lens leads to decreased vision.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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Searching for best cataract surgeon in Andheri? Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital offers the most advanced Cataract surgery from the team of experienced Doctors.
The crystalline lens helps in focusing an image on the Retina. It is clear and transparent. But, with age, this lens can become cloudy and opaque. Any opacity in the crystalline lens leads to decreased vision. This opacity in the lens is what cataract is.
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Tips for caring for the eyes.
Drink a lot of water 
Remaining hydrated is a significant piece of your general wellbeing, however it's especially significant for your eyes and skin. Attempt to drink something like eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day to guarantee your body has sufficient dampness to keep your eyes greased up and hydrated. You might have to drink more water if the climate is hotter than expected and in case you're dynamic. To know more visit us at Glaucoma Specialist in Andheri West.
Shield your eyes from the sun 
Shielding your eyes from the sun can assist with forestalling dry eyes, and it might likewise diminish your danger of burning from the sun on your eyelids or on the touchy skin under your eyes. To secure your eyes, consider wearing wraparound shades with bright (UV) insurance when you're presented to coordinate daylight. You can likewise add wellbeing safeguards to the sides of eyeglasses to assist block with winding and dry air. Visit Cataract Eye Clinic in Andheri.
Get great quality rest 
In case you're not getting sufficient rest, sometimes your eyes will probably give indications of weariness and lack of sleep. Intend to bed sufficiently early to permit yourself to get at least 7 to 9 hours of rest. To assist you with resting soundly and to forestall eye issues, you might need to take care of your electronic gadgets a long time before sleep time. Assuming you need to try not to awaken with puffy eyes, attempt to lay down with your head marginally raised. This might assist with keeping liquid from aggregating under your eyes. Also check out Best Cataract Surgery in Mumbai.
Take eye breaks 
In case you're taking care of a job that requires visual focus, such as perusing or taking a gander at a PC screen, take eye breaks once like clockwork. Outwardly zeroing in on one region for a really long time can make your eyes become dry, tired, or bothered. To offer your eyes a reprieve, have a go at shutting your eyes for a couple of moments. Or then again flicker rapidly for a couple of moments to assist with spreading your eye's normal tears uniformly over the outer layer of your eyes. To get treatment visit Best Eye Specialist in Andheri.
Use eye drops or counterfeit tears 
As you age, your eyes become more inclined to dry eye disorder. Dry eyes can likewise be set off by contact focal point use, a few prescriptions like decongestants and antihistamines, and occasional hypersensitivities. In the event that you find that your eyes will in general become dry and disturbed regularly, you might need to investigate utilizing over-the-counter (OTC) eye drops or fake tears. Adding a couple of drops to your eyes can assist with keeping your eyes hydrated. You can purchase OTC eye drops that contain humectants (substances that assist with holding dampness), ointments, and electrolytes at your neighborhood drug store and on the web. On the off chance that those don't help, you can converse with your PCP or eye specialist about remedy eye drops. 
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drvaidyaeyehospital · 3 years
Vaidya Eye Hospital has been a trusted name since 1990. Our main motive is to protect your vision. With that as a core belief, we aim to provide eye care to everyone.
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