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Vitro retinal surgery is a group of surgeries that take place inside the interior of the eyes where the vitreous and retina are located. The vitreous is a gel-like material, and the retina is the photosensitive membrane that helps in creating images in front of the eyes. Traditional surgical tools and lasers are used to perform these vitreoretinal procedures to address a range of ophthalmic issues like diabetic retinopathy, detached retina, macular degeneration, macular hole, diabetic vitreous hemorrhage, and epiretinal membrane.
What is vitrectomy?Vitrectomy is a specific type of vitreo retinal surgery that removes the vitreous gel-like substance located in the middle of the eye. It is performed under general or local anesthesia, depending upon the patient’s health. During this procedure, an eye surgeon inserts small instruments into the eye to cut the fibers which attach the vitreous gel to the retina, and suction out the vitreous. The holes or tears in the retina or macula are then repaired, the areas where the retina is detached is flattened, and the vitreous fibers or scar tissue attached to the retina is removed. Then, the vitreous cavity is filled with gas, saline solution, or silicone oil, to restore normal eye pressure.
What all does vitrectomy resolve? With this procedure, a number of eye-related problems can be resolved. The most common problem that vitrectomy is used to resolve is diabetic vitreous hemorrhage, a condition in which the retina bleeds into the vitreous. Patients who suffer from vision loss, distortion, or disruption due to vitreous hemorrhage have observed highly improved visual acuity by undergoing vitrectomy. The procedure also reduces the risk of severe bleeding in patients who experience vitreous hemorrhage or those with abnormal blood vessels in the iris.
Whеn іs vіtrесtоmу required? A vitrectomy is required when complications like retinal detachment, elevated intraocular pressure, corneal edema, continued bleeding in the vitreous, or internal eye infection arise. The surgery is used as a last resort in extreme cases that do not clear up with other treatments. This is why it is very important that when you have any such problems in the eye, you consult a professional eye specialist in Andheri West Mumbai to diagnose your condition and check for other treatments, before deciding upon performing vitrectomy. Every patient and every eye is different, thus respond differently to a treatment. So, an eye specialist will let you know if vitrectomy is what you should take up, and the other precautions you will need to take with it.
Arohi Eye Hospital is the best eye specialist in Andheri West Mumbai who has the skill and experience to diagnose and treat a number of eye related issues. They could be simple ones like dry eye and eye floaters, or complicated cases like glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. The surgeons can perform almost every kind of surgery with expertise, some of the specialties including LASIK, cataract surgery, and oculoplasty. So, whenever in doubt for any eye condition, Arohi Eye Hospital is where you should be.
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How Cataract Surgery Can Help You See The World Through A Different Lens - Arohi Eye Hospital
Cataracts is a very common eye problem seen in adults all over the world. After a certain age, cataracts occurs in the eyes when a part of the lens in the eye becomes cloudy. A common cause of blindness, cataracts can be resolved only with surgery, wherein various types of lenses are used to be replaced in the eye so that you can see the world through a different lens!
Why and how do cataracts develop?While cataracts are generally commonly caused due to aging, they can also occur with injury. Other reasons could include previous eye surgery, steroid medications, diabetes, radiation, and long-term unprotected exposure to sunlight. You can also be at great risk if you smoke or drink a lot of alcohol, or are obese and have high blood pressure. So, keep these things in check to avoid the formation of cataracts, or at least an early growth of cataracts!
What are the symptoms of cataracts?
Cataracts generally develop slowly, the growth of which goes unchecked until they start to affect daily activities like reading or driving. One starts seeing blurred objects, glare, light sensitivity, double vision, poor night vision, colour dullness, and haloes around lights. Another symptom could be that your eyeglass prescription is constantly changing. Along with understanding the symptoms, it is important that you also get rid of any misconceptions associated with cataracts. Some of them include that cataracts can spread from one eye to the other, and that is can be caused by over using the eyes.
Which types of lenses are used in a cataract surgery?
Every lens used in the cataract surgery is different, each having its own pros and cons. Monofocal and multifocal lenses are the two types of lenses used in cataract surgery. Both of them are used for distance vision. Multifocal lenses are better for near vision too, which reduces dependence on glasses. Another thing you need to remember is that monofocal lenses correct either near or distance vision, while multifocal lenses correct both near and distance vision at once. Both monofocal and multifocal lenses produce similar results for distance vision. However, multifocal lenses have proven to be better with more advantages than monofocal lenses. However, multifocal lenses may not eliminate glare and halos. However, you need a professional eye specialist in Andheri West Mumbai to guide you through the process of selecting the right lens for your eye type and condition.
Therefore, cataract surgery provides an opportunity to help you see the world through a different lens. Get in touch with a specialist to help you know which lens could prove better for you, and get the surgery done to see effective results. Arohi Eye Hospital is one eye care center you can rely upon to have your cataract surgery done. Get the best cataract surgery in Oshiwara Mumbai done by us, to experience elimination of vision blurriness, glare, light sensitivity, poor night vision, double vision, and fading of colours. We have the best eye surgeons who can diagnose your condition, and provide you with the right suggestions, and the most perfect treatment.
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Can Eyesight Be Restored After Glaucoma? – Arohi Eye Hospital
The retina is one of the most important parts of our eye that lets us see and visualize the beautiful world that god has made for us. It is a very thin tissue that lines the back of the eye, only about the size of a postage stamp, but one can never imagine life without this tiny element! Although there are many who lose their eyes after an accident or trauma, or those that are born with no eyesight, but for us, who are able to see, we can never imagine life without our eyesight, can we!?
The retina, so small, contains more than 100 distinct cell types that are organized into multiple information processing layers, which work together to absorb light and translate it into electrical signals that stream through the optic nerve to the brain. Now, there is a condition, wherein the retina slowly degenerates. This is when an altered gene within the nexus of cells progressively eliminates the power of sight. This condition has seen to become increasingly popular, which is why researchers have always been on the lookout for innovative ways in which the condition can be prevented or reversed.
Leber congenital amaurosis is one of the most common retinal diseases that is characterized by severe vision loss at birth. A number of other eye-related abnormalities like roving eye movements, deep-set eyes, and sensitivity to bright light also occur with this disease. Lots of clinical trials have been carried out to bring a solution for this particular disease, in the hope of transferring a normal vision of the affected gene into the retinal cells to restore lost vision. Researchers are measuring the efficiency of gene transfer into the retina through an imaging technique known as large-scale mosaic confocal microscopy, which computationally assembles many small high-resolution images in a way that is similar to Google Earth.
Researchers, Wonkyu Ju, Mark Ellisman, and their colleagues, at the University of California, San Diego, engineered adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) to deliver a dummy gene into the ganglion cells of a mouse retina. Two months later, they found that the dummy gene had been selectively transferred into retinal ganglion cells at a high rate of efficiency. The researchers also used AAV2 to deliver a gene that coded for a mutant version of a protein, called DRP1, into the retinas of mice. They found that it reserved normal DRP1 protein, and stopped retinal ganglion cells from dying due to glaucoma, a vision-threatening condition that elevates pressure within the eye. Thus, the gene transfer proved successful in rescuing the retinal ganglion cells. Looking at this experiment, researchers are continuing to pursue this line of study with the aim of translating their discoveries into possible ways of helping humans with glaucoma. There is a lot that is happening to help humans restore their eyesight after any kinds of retinal diseases they encounter. However, prevention is always better than cure. Thus, you must always keep your eyes in check to look out for even the slightest changes in your eyes that may result in complicated eye issues. For this, you need to stay in touch with an eye specialist for regular eye consultation in Andheri West Mumbai. Arohi Eye Hospital is the best eye checkup clinic in Oshiwara Mumbai where you can receive not only consultation and chekup, but also effective treatments for various kinds of eye problems.
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Planning to go through the LASIK procedure to get rid of your spectacles? That’s a great decision you have made! But, have you decided upon which LASIK procedure you are going to undergo? Confused? You may not have heard of this yet. You may have thought that LASIK is where your eyes are operated upon with a laser, wherein the procedure takes only a few minutes to eliminate your refractive error. But no, there are many different procedures that come under the LASIK procedure like laser, blade-free, and touchless LASIK. You can get in touch with Arohi Eye Specialist Hospital to understand what these procedures are, and do undergo the best LASIK surgery in Oshiwara Mumbai for the most promising results.
Laser procedure This is the most common of all LASIK procedures, wherein the cornea of the eye is cut with an instrument known as ‘microkeratome’, and the flap of tissue is raised for applying the laser energy so that reshaping can be carried out for correcting the vision. This procedure is well suited for people with long-sightedness, short-sightedness, and astigmatism. However, this is not suitable for those with strong lens prescriptions. The best part about this procedure is that there are no stitches or bandages required, and that the recovery is really quick and easy. Blade-free procedure In this technique, a precise incision is made with a femtosecond laser, instead of a microkeratome, which makes the surgery more precise and safe. This is why this procedure is also called femtosecond LASIK procedure. This laser provides maximum comfort to the patient, with minimal risk of complications. This procedure takes almost negligible time, about one minute per eye; and the visual outcome is awesome which gives a perfect 20/20 vision. This procedure can be performed on patients with thin corneas, as there is reduced risk of infection and healing problems. Touchless procedure In this procedure, there is no need of creating a corneal flap, which means no flap related complication at all! In fact, there is no instrument used in this procedure. As the name itself suggests, this procedure is a completely no-contact procedure, which is the safest and most accurate way of eliminating the refractive error. It takes only a few seconds to complete the procedure as only laser light is used. With such short operative time and accurate results, this procedure is a no-cut no-pain practice, with almost zero risk of retinal tear and astigmatism. This procedure is safe for people with thin cornea, and bilateral eyes can also be treated in the same session with this procedure. While all of the above procedures are safe and beneficial to help you get rid of your spectacles and contact lenses, it is always better to get a suggestion from a professional. Have your eyes checked and make sure that a professional eye doctor suggests you a LASIK eye surgery in Oshiwara Mumbai before you plan on undergoing one. Also, ask the doctor to suggest you with the best technique suitable to your eyes.
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