berylcups · 6 months
What type of music do you think la squadra members are into?
Also what type are you into!
What’s La Squadras Favorite Music?
Oh good question! This one definitely made me think! Thinking about their lives outside of their work makes you wonder…
CW: weed? And Melone just being Melone
Music genre: Definitely metal this poor guy is a walking stereotype I stg 😭
Bands: Opeth, Dream Theater, and a classic-Rob Zombie
Where/what do they do while listening to music?-
He’s usually listening to his favorite songs in his office doing paperwork. Rarely if he’s in a good mood you can hear him lowly hum to the melody 🥺
Music genre: stoner rock - I’m not familiar with this genre but Formaggio would be! I HC him hard as someone who’s super chill and wants to relax with some psychedelic music.
Bands: Grateful Dead, Black Sabbath, Fu Manchu
Where/what do they do while listening to music?
Usually when hanging out with others and rolling up a fat one 🌿 what’s better than listening to psychedelic music with the guys while passing the grass 🥳
Music genre: classic pop - he’s always knows what’s popular but new stuff nowadays seems to turn to trash to this snooty man!
Bands: Duran Duran, The Smiths, Wham!
Where/what do they do while listening to music?
Usually when showering and doing his beauty routine. He also listens to music when he’s cleaning, he hates the silence and always needs some background noise.
Music genre: swing- ya like jazz? 😉I SWEAR this uptight dork loves jazz ! 😆 I hear people seeing him as a stoner but he just seems too uptight for me so I think this guy must like Jazz!
Bands: Frank Sinatra(supposedly not really jazz but what do I know lol), Michael Bublé, Bing Crosby
Where/what do they do while listening to music?
Listening when he’s relaxing. He’s in a big arm chair with his feet kicked back on the coffee table smoking a cigarette and drinking some nice wine 🍷 he likes to be classy 💅
Music genre: Grunge- this poor guy needs something to get his angst out and grunge is the perfect genre for him to let him blow off steam peacefully.
Bands: Nirvana, Soundgarden , Stone Temple Pilots
Where/what do they do while listening to music?
He listens to music usually when he’s waiting on something. Waiting at the doctors office… waiting for the train… listening on the train. He also likes to listen with one earbud in when he’s fishing or exercising.
Music genre: techno/D&B- this guy loves the repetitive sound of drums and bass. It’s good for his focus whenever he’s messing around on his laptop.
Bands: Pendulum, Lords of Acid, The Prodigy
Where/what do they do while listening to music?
Listening when he’s deep at work on his laptop. What’s he doing on his laptop? God who knows? 😬 also likes to listen to the raunchier songs during “special activities”. You ask him for clarification not me 😳
Music genre: this nerd likes metal too-🩵 I’ve met many metal heads and at least half of them were nerds 🥰 don’t complain to him about Nu metal and what’s real metal- he doesn’t care! If it gets his anger out that’s all he cares about! 😤
Bands: Deftones, System of a Down, Pantera
Where/what do they do while listening to music?
He likes to blast his music loud while he’s driving down the freeway. It boosts his mood and he’s a little bit of an adrenaline junkie. He also listens to it when he’s on a 1000- K run. He secretly wishes his hair was long so he could do those long haired head bangs like the musicians do 🤭 he will take this secret to his grave
BerylCups aka: Kris
Music genre: it’s a tie between metal and techno - odd combo! My music taste is all over the place 🤪
Bands: Rammstein, Alice In Chains, Depeche Mode (My top 3 at the moment)
Where/what do they do while listening to music?
I’m usually blasting it on my afternoon commute to work. Also while I’m working or drawing (all involves me hunched over a PC lol) or I decide to not be a vampire and go outside for a walk 😆
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cathy-tea · 8 years
Wonder 52
What a great start to the day, I thought during lunch as I savored a chocolate pastry. Sometimes, the microwave does a lousy job of heating the pastry, leaving a frozen core in the center, but this time, that center core was melted and delicious.
I’d met the greatest kid that morning, a boy named Tanner.
“Are you the doctor?” he asked.
“I’m a nurse!” I said. “What’s up? Let’s see if we can make…
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cathy-tea · 8 years
Wonder 36
I got a call from the gallery. They’d received requests for my artwork.
“We want to buy up all the canvases that the members of your club create, too,” said the gallery owner.
“You want Paint’s’ work?” I asked.
It turns out that a critic wrote a review of my work, “Wonder Child, Wonder Artist.” Somehow, the name recognition of Rocca, thanks to the fame of Pai and meu avô,…
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cathy-tea · 8 years
Wonder 31
I told Tia Berry my decision to become a doctor after I graduate.  She laughed in my face.
“You’re joking, right?” she said.
“No, I’m serious.”
“Oh, Chazzie. But the medical establishment? It’ll eat your soul!”
She went on to outlay for me the ways that traditional medicine focuses on pathology, viewing everyone as a potential client and conspiring with the pharmaceuticals to keep people…
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cathy-tea · 8 years
Wonder 26
Minha mãe is a hero. I always knew it. Today, due to my idiocy, I put that knowledge to the test. It started with the best intentions: my club buddies were over, we were hungry after yoga practice, and I volunteered to scramble up some eggs for us.
Tia Berry said that morning that she heard snapping sounds coming from the stove when she was heating water for tea. We thought it was the…
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cathy-tea · 8 years
Wonder 25
Lately, I’ve been watching Charlie as if I’m seeing him for the first time. I wonder if my dad felt like this sometimes. I remember once, I was about Charlie’s age, and I was writing in my journal. I remember that I felt excited–I’d just discovered something. I forget what it was, but I was writing quickly, and when I looked up, I caught my dad looking at me.
“What are you doing?” I asked my…
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cathy-tea · 8 years
Wonder 24
What a help Charlie is around the house! No surprise–he’s always been considerate and helpful, even when he was a little kid, and now that he’s a teen, he’s capable of actually helping, rather than getting in the way with a smile.
The day after Mae’s birthday, I insisted that Charlie take a break from chores.
“I know you really want to work on that song you’re composing,” I told him. “Do…
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cathy-tea · 8 years
Wonder 22
At what point along our way do we say, “This is the life we have chosen.” How much of our life have we chosen? Mae and I chose to move to Windenburg, all those years ago. It was my dream, really, and Mae chose to come along.
Mae chose to keep Charlie–and not to marry Paolo–and we both chose to raise Charlie together.
My career as a painter has developed as I’d dreamed–in fact, it’s…
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cathy-tea · 8 years
Wonder 16
“Chazzie’s teacher called,” Beryl said. “They’re wanting to test him again.”
“Because he’s so smart but his grades don’t reflect it.”
“That’s so ridiculous,” I said. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t gotten into this program with Charlie. I know I felt I needed the prenatal care, but what if I actually didn’t need it? Now, the program administrators feel like they’ve got a right to our lives.
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cathy-tea · 9 years
Wonder 12
“Tia Berry!” Charlie said this morning. “Guess what today is?”
“Chips-for-breakfast day?”
“No, silly! Kickball day! And if I get there first at recess, I get to be the captain!”
Charlie ran off to school full of excitement.
The day passed quickly. Beryl painted. I cleaned house and watched a boring movie on TV. It felt good to sit for a few hours and let my mind go numb from bad acting.
We w…
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cathy-tea · 9 years
Wonder 10
Chazzie did this drawing. He calls it his Triangle Study. I was glad to see that there weren’t any triangles in it.
“Nice use of macaroni,” I told him that morning.
“Hey, Tia Berry!” he called back. “Could you make me macaroni for lunch?”
“We’ll see,” I replied.
“Please?” he said. “I saved some in the box. And I didn’t get any glitter in it!”
“Oh,” I said, “maybe I should make macaroni…
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cathy-tea · 9 years
Wonder 9
“Chazzie’s spending an awful lot of time at the computer,” Beryl said to me. “Should we suggest he go outside and play?”
I said not.
“Remember how we were as kids?” I said. “Remember that year when you barely came out from under the bed because you were building the mines under there for the Gandorfian kingdom? Mom and Dad let you spend every free moment under there. You even slept under the…
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cathy-tea · 9 years
Wonder 6
“So? I was right?” asked Ulrike when I ran into her in the park.
“You were,” I told her. “We have a little boy.”
“A son for Paolo!” she laughed. “Will you raise him to be the artist or the player of futebol?”
I chuckled. “We will raise him to be Charlie Rocca Cups!”
Something in me has shifted, after Charlie’s birth. All my future-thought, planning facilities feel like they aren’t…
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cathy-tea · 9 years
Wonder 5
Tia Berry! That’s me.
I’ve always wanted to be an aunt. I love it. When we were little kids, I always was the aunt when we played house. Either that or the Saint Bernard.
And look at little Chazzie! Who wouldn’t be thrilled to be part of this little peanut’s life?
“Will you have him call you by your name or ‘Mom’?” I asked Mae. We called our mom and dad “Mom” and “Dad” but we called our…
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0 notes
cathy-tea · 9 years
Wonder 4
I realized that I hadn’t even seen Paolo since I told him I was pregnant. I hadn’t even thought of him–oops.
So when he called to ask me for a date, I suggested that he meet me at the clinic after what was scheduled to be my final prenatal check-up.
He was so sad when I saw him standing at the corner in front of the clinic.
“Is the appointment with the doctor of delivery over?” he asked.
“It was…
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cathy-tea · 9 years
Wonder 3
Somehow, I can’t bear having anything dirty around. Before I got pregnant, I don’t think I would’ve thought twice about having a half-full trash can in the kitchen. But now, an old crust of bread and an empty soymilk container sitting in the bin make me feel like there’s a parade of ants marching up and down my spine. Shivers!
I can’t even call it morning sickness anymore, for it comes at…
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