#Berner & Jungle Boys
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lmccannabisyoutube · 1 year ago
The FALL of the Exotiks Cannabis Brand (Cookies vs Jungle Boys)
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eighthrevolution1 · 1 year ago
Earning the trust of industry giants like Jungle Boys, Berner, and Backpack Boyz to narrate the saga of their brand-building journey is no small feat. Luc, from LMC, discusses the art of storytelling and how brands can harness its potential, insights gleaned from an up-close look at the journeys of cannabis pioneers and the strategy behind amassing millions of views. Listen to our podcast to know more.
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underthe-shadows · 8 months ago
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tw : mention de classes sociales, discriminations, politique.
Empire forgé sur les ossements d’un ancien monde, terres sacrées autrefois Seelies, passées aux mains des mortels avant d’être arrachées par les crocs Unseelies. L’Empire de Vesperia était jadis simplement connu comme le Continent de Vesperia. Auparavant appartenant à la Cour Seelie, le continent fut légué aux Humains qui y bâtirent des cités et des royaumes centenaires avant d’être écrasés par la force brute des Unseelies venus de ce qui sont aujourd'hui les Terres Damnées.  
Géographie —
RÉGIONS — Silva, Narakashad, Okeanos, Basarova, Nyumbani, Hanazora. CAPITALE & CITES IMPORTANTES — Kalipur (capitale de l’empire située à Narakashad), Lupercus (Silva), Nephelion (Okeanos), Vranozgrad (Basarova), Marabara (Nyumbani), Kireinaka (Hanazora).
Narakashad — la Cour d’or et d’ombre Située à l’ouest du continent de Vesperia, la région de Narakashad s’élève parmi ses s��urs. Fief de la maison impériale, c’est tout naturellement qu’on y trouve la capitale de l’Empire, à savoir Kalipur. Région au climat tropical, les côtes de la région sont bordées de plages de sables fins et de petits villages, tandis que ses terres possèdent des cités aux merveilles architecturales. Des jungles luxuriantes jalonnent son territoire et de nombreux fleuves et rivières parcourent l’étendue de Narakashad. Pour autant, malgré sa beauté, la région de Narakashad est à l’image de sa capitale. Une terre d’ombre et d’or, où la richesse apparente de ses paysages et de ses habitants n’est parfois qu’un leurre pour mieux vous berner.
Silva — la Cour des arbres Les habitants et les forêts ne semblent faire qu’un, dans la région de Silva. Située au Nord-Est de l’Empire, elle est bordée par les régions de Narakashad et Nyumbani et fait face comme l’une de ses consœurs à la mer des Brumes. Silva se veut à la fois envoutante, mais également dangereuse. Nombreux sont les vestiges des anciennes cours Seelies, qui peuplaient autrefois le continent de Vesperia avant de l’offrir aux mortels. C’est pour cette raison que la majorité des cités et villages de la région tendent à s’y méprendre avec celles du Bois d’Argent. Ici, cependant, il n’est pas question d’habitations à même le sol, mais nichées dans les cimes des arbres. Car les bois de la région sont dangereux pour ceux qui osent poser pied à terre, entrant directement sur les territoires des bêtes qui n’attendent qu’une brebis égarée pour la dévorer. Lupercus, le chef-lieu de la région, est raccordé à toutes les autres villes de la région par des ponts flottants faits de racines et de branches entremêlées.
Okeanos — la Cour orageuse Bordée par la mer des Brumes et située au nord de l’Empire, la Cour orageuse – comme elle est surnommée par les peuples de Vesperia – est montagneuse et tempétueuse. De nombreuses falaises vallonnent la région, peu praticables pour quiconque n’y est pas natif. Le chef-lieu de la région, Nephelion, se trouve au cœur même des Falaises Foudroyantes faisant face aux eaux courroucées de la mer. Considérée comme l’une des rares cités imprenables de l’empire, Nephelion n’est accessible que via des chemins tortueux au cœur des falaises qui mènent tout droit dans les entrailles de la terre. Malgré l’impétuosité de la mer – à l’image de cette région – les habitants d’Okeanos ont su tirer profit de cette dernière et semblent être les rares à avoir su tempérer ses flots et à en retirer les richesses qu’elle abrite.
Basarova — la Cour des cauchemars Basarova est sûrement la région la plus froide de l’Empire. Région montagneuse, elle est également constituée de fjords enneigés. Si Nephelion est considérée comme la cité la plus imprenable de l’empire, Vranozgrad la suit de près. Ce n’est pourtant pas par rapport à son architecture ou ses fortifications, mais bien parce que la région et sa capitale sont entourées d’une aura de mystères et d’ombres. Ici, tout n’est qu’illusions et cauchemars. Les créatures obscures s’éveillent à la lueur des lanternes des voyageurs perdus, et les cauchemars s’éveillent au rythme des illusions engendrées par les Fay. Région considérée comme maudite, c’est ici qu’est principalement vénéré Khurus, l’Evanuri de l’horreur et de la souffrance. Basarova est une terre d’illusions, une cour des cauchemars que la lumière ne semble pas atteindre.
Nyumbani — la Cour du savoir Le climat chaud de Nyumbani est le plus propice à l’agriculture, c’est pourquoi le sobriquet de Cour du savoir est souvent remplacé dans la bouche des vesperiens par le Grenier de l’Empire. Si certains de ses paysages tendent à s’y méprendre avec ceux de Narakashad, les panoramas y sont plus diversifiés. Les jungles luxuriantes laissent place à une savane immense, composée de nombreux cours d’eau auxquels bêtes et habitants paraissent se mêler. Le chef-lieu de la région, Marabara, se trouve au cœur de l’oasis située dans la savane. Les habitants de cette région sont connus pour vivre dans le respect presque sacré de la nature et de ses environs. Iels vivent principalement de l’agriculture et des nombreux vergers éparpillés aux quatre coins de Nyumbani, mais également de la chasse. Peuple de grands savants, l’empire doit de nombreuses créations technologiques aux nyumbanais.
Hanazora — la Cour des fleurs Région à la fois montagneuse et insulaire, où les nuits sont très froides tandis que les journées très chaudes. Hanazora est couverte de montagnes, de pagodes élancées, mais aussi de nombreux cours d’eau au torrent calme. Ses forêts sont couvertes d’arbres millénaires qui fleurissent au rythme des saisons, apportant une ambiance solennelle et chatoyante à la région. On dit des hanazorois qu’ils sont sages et honorables, grâce à leur apparent respect envers leur région et autrui. Le chef-lieu de cette région, Kireinaka, est sûrement le chef-lieu qui inspire le plus de sérénité de tout Vesperia. Nombreux sont les voyageurs qui viennent y séjourner le temps de quelques jours pour s’y ressourcer au cœur de ses temples et de ses sources chaudes.
Terres Libres — Bastion de l’humanité Si les Terres Libres n’appartiennent à proprement parler pas à l’Empire, elles font malgré tout partie du continent de Vesperia. Situées au Sud-Est de Vesperia, les Terres Libres font face à l’ancien continent des Terres Immortelles, considéré comme la mère patrie des Unseelies. Trois cités coexistent au cœur des terres chaudes et jonchées de sables des Terres Libres. Elgarasan, Shemlaran et Irassalan. Ici, les trois espèces vivent sur un pied d’égalité, sous l’œil avisé de la Guilde des Marchands. Si pour autant la mixité apparente de ces terres pouvait être la preuve de la tolérance qui pourrait exister entre les différentes espèces, il n’en est rien en vérité, tant certains aprioris sont ancrés dans le cœur des uns et des autres. La criminalité est à son plus haut taux au sein de cette région, pirates, assassins et criminels trouvant refuge au sein de cette terre d’asile. Mais aux yeux de certains, tel est le prix de la liberté.
Généralités —
Langues — La langue parlée au sein de Vesperia est nommée la langue commune, pour autant, chaque région possède son propre dialecte qui tend malgré tout à disparaître. On parle de l’hanazorois, nyumbanien, basarovais, silvan, okeanien et narakashi (noms donnés autant aux langues qu’aux habitants de ces régions). La langue ancienne est encore toujours parlée par les Unseelies, bien que les nouvelles générations utilisent principalement des mots et locutions connues, plus qu’elles ne le parlent réellement.
Éducation — Les humains de Vesperia doivent aller dans les écoles communes situées dans les différentes cités et villages de leurs régions, de leurs cinq ans à leurs dix-sept ans, moyennant de l’or. Celleux qui ne peuvent se permettre d’envoyer leurs enfants à l’école, les font éduquer généralement par les anciens de leur village ou les envoient dans les temples afin d’être éduqués par les Mères Révérées. Tous les Unseelies font leurs études au sein du Temple d’Astoria, au sein de la capitale de l’empire. Iels y sont scolarisés de leurs dix ans à leurs vingt-cinq ans.
Religion — Les pratiques religieuses spécifiques aux Evanuris sont nombreuses au sein de l’Empire de Vesperia, mais les paroles de la Divine et des membres du clergé sont hautement respectées au sein des différentes régions de l’empire. Les Fay Unseelies sont considérés sur ces terres comme les descendants des Evanuris dont iels tirent leurs pouvoirs. Il est à noter que si toutes les divinités sont représentées dans toutes les régions de l’empire, seule l’Evanuri Ishtari n’y possède aucun temple.
Classes sociales — La société de l’Empire de Vesperia est structurée en groupes hiérarchisés qui forment une pyramide. On trouve à sa base les paysans et à son sommet l’Empereur. L’appartenance à ces groupes est en grande majorité dû à la naissance de l’individu : un enfant de paysan sera un paysan, et un enfant de noble sera un noble. Pour autant, des exceptions existent et selon les règles du Grand Jeu, certains peuvent se voir gravir les échelons de la pyramide sociétale.
On retrouve donc : — L’empereur et la famille impériale. — La Divine et les membres de la Chantrie. (les membres de la religion) — Les nobles (les familles seigneuriales et leurs vassaux, ainsi que les personnes anoblies. principalement unseelies.) — Les roturiers (généralement humains. les membres du peuple, les paysans, artisans et bourgeois)
La bâtardise — Le terme de bâtard·e désigne un individu né hors mariage, ou dans le cas des hybrides d’un parent Fay et d’un parent humain. Celleux ayant au moins un parent noble ne peuvent porter son nom, sauf dans le cas où iel a été reconnu par son parent et accepté par l’Empereur. Le patronyme de celleux qui ne sont pas reconnus est déterminé selon la région d'origine de leurs parents.
— Narakashad : Les bâtard·es portent le patronyme Marathi. — Okeanos : Les bâtard·es portent le patronyme Astrapi. — Silva : Les bâtard·es portent le patronyme Corvi. — Hanazora : Les bâtard·es portent le patronyme Hana. — Basarova : Les bâtard·es portent le patronyme Cosmar. — Nyumbani : Les bâtard·es portent le patronyme Swen.
Politique —
L’Empereur de Vesperia détient les pleins pouvoirs, législatifs, exécutifs et judiciaires. Il est cependant secondé par un conseil de sept personnes, six d’entre elleux nommés les Seigneurs Suzerains, qui se réunissent au minimum deux fois par mois. Si l’Empereur dirige l’empire au sein du palais impérial, les seigneurs suzerains, elleux, dirigent les régions de l’empire. Iels ont pour devoir d’appliquer les lois de l’Empire au sein de leur région et de la diriger sous l’étroite surveillance de l’Empereur. Les seigneurs suzerains sont hautement respectés et sont parfois même considérés comme des rois au sein de leurs terres. Le Commandant de la Garde Impériale participe également aux conseils.
Si sur le papier, tout semble minutieusement agencé, un jeu politique nommé le Grand Jeu est la roue qui fait réellement tourner l’empire. Chaque vesperien de noble naissance est sujet à la manipulation de ses pairs, en tant que pion ou joueur. Si les membres de la Chantrie paraissent être en dehors de ces jeux politiques, il n’en est pas le cas. En vérité, chaque habitant de Vesperia est soumis au Grand Jeu. Le but est de gagner en prestige, en réputation en écrasant celleux qui se mettent en travers de leur route. La règle est simple, ne pas se faire prendre. Les nobles emploient donc généralement des assassins, ou plus souvent encore, des bardes pour atteindre leur but. En découvrant les secrets des uns et des autres, iels s’assurent une possible évolution dans la pyramide sociétale vesperienne, ou aux yeux de l’Empereur. Mais les secrets ne sont pas les seules choses qui permettent de se faire remarquer, c’est pourquoi, pauvres ou riches tendent à s’habiller avec des vêtements hors de prix, du maquillage à la mode et s’engagent dans de nombreuses festivités et réceptions pour obtenir des miettes de pouvoir. Si ce Grand Jeu semble concerner les castes les plus riches, la vérité est que même les roturiers y participent continuellement dans le désir d’obtenir un titre et des terres, ou pour s’affranchir du titre de bétail.
crédit des icons : MEMORY CARD VIII.
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fred-the-curator · 9 months ago
Plongée dans First Smoke of the Day : Découverte du podcast révolutionnaire sur le cannabis
Plongée dans First Smoke of the Day : Découverte du podcast révolutionnaire sur le cannabis   En tant que passionné de l'univers du cannabis et fervent suiveur de son évolution culturelle et économique, je suis constamment à la recherche de nouvelles perspectives et d'inspirations. C'est ainsi que j'ai découvert First Smoke of the Day, un podcast qui transcende les frontières habituelles du débat autour du cannabis pour plonger dans les récits personnels et les stratégies d'acteurs clés de cette industrie en pleine expansion. Ce podcast, lancé en 2021 par Cody et Lance, offre une fenêtre unique sur la culture underground du cannabis. Les origines : De la Floride à la Californie Tout commence avec Lance, qui, après avoir tenté de percer dans l'industrie légale du cannabis au Colorado, est retourné en Floride. Sa confrontation avec la corruption et les coûts exorbitants l'a poussé à chercher des alternatives. Cody, attiré par la détermination et la passion de Lance, s'est joint à lui. Ensemble, ils ont d'abord créé une marque de vêtements et de lifestyle en Floride. Leur déménagement en Californie, autour de 2015, coïncide avec l'époque de la marijuana médicale sous la Proposition 215. Ils fondent alors Blackleaf, un mélange de mode et de cannabis, propulsé par une stratégie marketing audacieuse. Ascension et Reconnaissance Leur participation à des compétitions telles que la Cannabis Cup leur a permis de se faire un nom et de tisser un réseau influent dans l'industrie. Cette expérience a servi de tremplin pour lancer First Smoke of the Day, une reproduction de leurs discussions matinales, mais cette fois-ci en invitant d'autres acteurs de l'industrie à partager leurs expériences. Un Format Unique Le podcast, initialement audio, explorait la véritable culture underground du cannabis. Les discussions incluent des thèmes variés allant des techniques de culture aux stratégies de marque. En 2022, le passage à un format vidéo a permis d'accueillir des invités de renom et de diversifier le contenu, catapultant l'audience du podcast à un niveau supérieur. Des figures emblématiques telles que B-Real, Berner et Styles P ont enrichi les épisodes de leurs expériences, offrant une plateforme pour discuter des enjeux et des innovations du secteur. Expansion et Impact La croissance rapide du podcast a non seulement consolidé sa place comme une référence dans l'industrie du cannabis, mais aussi comme un moteur de changement et d'innovation. Les fondateurs envisagent d'augmenter le rythme de diffusion, passant de trois épisodes par semaine à sept, tout en élargissant les thèmes abordés pour inclure des sujets comme le business, le divertissement et le sport. Ce projet ambitieux vise à transformer First Smoke of the Day en un véritable réseau de contenus. En 2022, le podcast a connu une croissance massive. Il a accueilli des interviews avec des propriétaires de marques très en vue comme Doja Exclusive, Insane, Fidel's, Fiore, Ball Family Farms, Viola, B Eazy Buds, Cookies, Backpack Boyz, Jungle Boys, Runtz, Connected, Sherbinskis, Alien Labs, Squintz, Blueprint et des légendes de l'industrie comme Berner, Kenji Fujishima, Ryan Bartholomew, Ray Bama, Juan Quesada. En Conclusion Personnellement, "First Smoke of the Day" est plus qu'un simple podcast ; c'est une source d'inspiration et un guide à travers l'écosystème complexe et fascinant du cannabis. Chaque épisode est une leçon de vie, d'affaires et d'innovation. C'est une plateforme où les légendes et les pionniers partagent sans filtre leurs succès et leurs défis, fournissant ainsi des perspectives essentielles non seulement pour les aficionados du cannabis mais pour quiconque s'intéresse aux dynamiques des industries en marge. Si vous n'avez pas encore plongé dans cet univers, je vous invite à découvrir First Smoke of the Day. via Blogger https://ift.tt/U9e4X0z May 08, 2024 at 09:00AM
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exoticcannabislover · 1 year ago
We're diving deep into the verdant valleys of exotic cannabis strains, the hidden gems of the marijuana world that are taking the cannabis industry by storm. Get ready to elevate your high with the most sought-after, rare, and absolutely fabulous exotic strains out there.
Cannabis Strains THC and CBD Dispensary Deals Vape Your Heart Out Edibles Extravaganza Cannabis Concentrate Cannabis Cultivation Medical Marijuana CBD Benefits 420 Friendly Dabbing Delights Terpene Profiles Cannabis Legalization Hemp Products
**The Allure of Exotic Cannabis Strains** When it comes to cannabis cultivation, exotic cannabis strains are like the haute couture of high fashion. These strains are treasured for their unique terpene profiles, stunning visuals, and unparalleled potency, offering an experience that transcends the ordinary. As cannabis connoisseurs seek out new and exciting experiences, the demand for exotic weed strains has skyrocketed, making them a must-have for any discerning dispensary or cannabis shop. **Why Choose Exotic Cannabis?**
Cannabis Reviews Marijuana Accessories Cannabis Culture Cannabis Science Cannabis News Weed Delivery Exotic cannabis Disposable vape pen Jeeter juice carts Berner cookies Jungle boys Doja exclusive Live rosin Cannabis Events
1. **Flavor and Aroma**: With exotic cannabis, the flavor profiles are as diverse as they are delightful. From the fruity zest of "Mango Kush" to the dessert-like decadence of "Vanilla Frosting," these strains tantalize your palate and seduce your senses.
2. **Visual Appeal**: Exotic strains often feature a kaleidoscope of colors, from deep purples to fiery oranges, making them a treat for the eyes as well as the senses.
3. **Potency**: Known for their robust cannabinoid content, exotic strains can offer higher levels of THC or CBD, perfect for both recreational users looking for a strong high and medical marijuana patients seeking relief.
4. **Rare Genetics**: Exotic cannabis often comes from unique genetic lineages, giving you a taste of ancient and pure strains or cutting-edge hybrids.
5. **The Entourage Effect**: The complex interplay of cannabinoids and terpenes in exotic strains can enhance the therapeutic effects, providing a more holistic cannabis experience. **Cannabis
**How to Enjoy Exotic Cannabis Strains** Whether you're a veteran smoker or new to the scene, enjoying exotic cannabis is all about savoring the experience. Use a high-quality vaporizer to really taste the nuanced flavors, or roll it up in a hemp paper for a pure and potent session. Remember, with higher potency comes greater responsibility—start low and go slow.
**Where to Find Exotic Cannabis** Ready to add some exuberance to your stash? Exotic cannabis can be found at well-stocked dispensaries, cannabis festivals, and from reputable cannabis seed banks. Always ensure you're purchasing from a legitimate source to guarantee the quality and authenticity of the exotic strains.
**Final Thoughts** Exotic cannabis strains are more than just a trend; they're a luxury experience that's reshaping the landscape of cannabis culture. With their extraordinary qualities and unforgettable characteristics, these strains are a testament to the beauty and diversity of the marijuana world. Stay fabulous, my friends, and let the exotic allure of these magnificent marijuana marvels transform your next cannabis adventure. Until next time, keep those joints jumping and your taste buds thrilled!
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gasmangasman420 · 5 years ago
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White Runtz by the 🐐 aka Berner and Jungle Boys. Boss yo life up with some exotic flower. Smoking on the real cookies‼️
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luvneedsnosyt · 6 years ago
My Favorite Albums of May 2019
My Previous monthly lists from 2019: January, February, March, April
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2018 here And my list of my favorite EPs of 2018 here
Ally & AJ - Sanctuary EP Genre: Pop
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Proof: Church / Not Ready to Wake Up
Ari Lennox - Shae Butter Baby Genre: R&B
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Proof: BMO / Broke (Feat. JID)
Barrie - Happy to Be Here Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: Dark Tropical / Clovers
BAYNK - Someone’s II Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: Settle (Feat. Sinead Harnett) / Go with U
Beast Coast (Pro Era, Flatbush Zombies & The Underachievers) - Escape From New York Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Left Hand / Bones
B00TY - High Art EP Genre: Synth Pop / Funk / Dance
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Proof: Trust Me (Feat. Kill Nigel) / Blowing Up My Phone
Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: No Drug Like Me / Right Words Wrong Time
Charley Bliss - Young Enough Genre: Indie Rock / Alternative
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Proof: Capacity / Chatroom
Denzel Curry - ZUU Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: RICKY / BIRDZ (Feat. Rick Ross)
Diplo - Higher Ground EP Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof:Hold You Tight / Win Win (Feat. Tove Lo) // Bonus: Spicy (Spice Girls Cover/Rework) w/ Herve Pagez Feat. Charli XCX
Dog Blood (Skrillex & Boys Noize)  - Turn Off The Lights EP Genre: Electronic / Dance / Dubstep
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Proof: FALL BACK / A WILDFIRE (Feat. Mr. Carmack & Allan Kingdom)
Elohim - BRAINDEAD EP Genre: Electronic / Synth-Pop
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Proof: tv / flagpole sitta (Harvey Danger cover w/ AWOLNATION)
Emotional Oranges - The Juice, Vol. 1 Genre: R&B / Neo-Soul
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Proof: Personal / Unless You’re Drowning
FRENSHIP - Vacation Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Remind You / Wide Open // Bonus: MI Amore / LOVE Somebody
HÆLOS - Any Random Kindness Genre: Electronic / House 
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Proof: Kyoto / Empty Skies
Injury Reserve - Injury Reserve Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Jailbreak the Tesla (Feat. Aminé) / Wax On (Feat. Freddie Gibbs)
Izzy Bizu - GLITA EP Genre: R&B / Soul
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Proof: Lights On / Someone That Loves You ‘19 (w/ Chris Martin)
Jamila Woods - LEGACY! LEGACY! Genre: R&B / Neo-Soul
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Proof: ZORA / BALDWIN (Feat. Nico Segal)
Kaskade - Redux 003 Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Go Slow (w/ Gorgon City Feat. Roméo) / Love Me Like You Used To (Feat. Cecilia Gault)
Kishi Bashi - Omoiyari Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: Summer of ‘42 / Violin Tsunami 
Lucky Daye - Painted Genre: R&B / Soul
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Proof: Concentrate / Paint It
Matinee Commune - PDA Genre: Electronic / Future Bass
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Proof: Famous (Feat. Cassandra Violet) / Carried Away (Feat. Allie Crystal)
MorMor - Some Place Else EP Genre: alt-R&B / Indie Pop
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Proof: Outside / Pass The Hours
NIKI - wanna take this downtown? Genre: R&B
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Proof: urs / move!
Skepta - Ignorance is Bliss Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Bullet From A Gun / No Sleep
SNBRN - Solé Genre: Electronic / House
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Proof: Feel My Love / Never Let You Go
SonReal - The Aaron LP Genre: Indie Pop / Alternative / Hip Hop
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Proof: Fearless / Quit
SYML - SYML Genre: Indie Pop / Alternative
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Proof: Wildfire / Break Free
TOBi - STILL Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Locked In / Come Back Home (Feat. VanJess)
Tyler, The Creator - IGOR Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: EARFQUAKE (Feat. Playboy Carti, Charlie Wilson & Jessy Wilson) / I THINK (Feat. Solange)
Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride Genre: Indie Rock / Alternative
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Proof: This Life / Sympathy
Some previous projects I missed early and found during May.
The Grouch - Unlock The Box Released December 2018 Genre: Indie Hip Hop
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Proof: Feel Alone / Pretty (Feat. YMTK)
The Grouch & DJ Fresh - The Tonight Show with The Grouch Released December 2018 Genre: Indie Hip Hop
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Proof: Devoted / Indigo 100
Kasbo - Places We Don’t Know Remix EP Released April 2019 Genre: Electronic / Future Bass
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Proof: Over You (Super Duper Remix) Feat. Frida Sundemo / Aldrg Mer (EMBRZ Remix) Feat. TENDER
Adela - On The Line EP, The Amazons - Future Dust, Berner - El Chivo, Big Thief - U.F.O.F., Calboy - Wildboy, Chase & Status - RTRN II JUNGLE, Christelle Bofale - Swim Team EP, Ciara - Beauty Marks, Collie Buddz - Hybrid, Curren$y & Statik Selektah - Gran Turismo, DJ Khaled - Father of Asahd, Flying Lotus - Flamagra, The Get Up Kids - Problems, The Head and the Heart - Living Mirage, Holly Herndon - PROTO, Interpol - A Fine Mess EP, Jai Waetford - Figure It Out EP, JAMESDAVIS - MASTERPIECE EP, Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - brent EP, jesse saint john - don’t stop dancing. life gets sad. EP, J-E-T-S - Zoospa, Josephine Wiggs - We Fall, Judah & The Lion - Pep Talks, Kevin Gates - Only The General Gon Understand EP, KIAN - BLISS EP, Logic - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Mac DeMarco - Here Comes the Cowboy, Maribou State - Kingdoms in Color Remixed, Megan Thee Stallion - Fever, Middle Kids - New Songs for Old Problems EP, Miley Cyrus - SHE IS COMING EP, The National - I Am Easy to Find, no rome - Crying In The Prettiest Places EP, Oliver Dion - Exposed, Patoranking - Wilmer, PnB Rock - TrapStar Turnt PopStar, PRETTYMUCH - Phases EP, Raveena - Lucid, Rhye - Spirit, Rotimi - Walk With Me EP, SAFE - STAY, Santi - Mandy & The Jungle, slowthai - Nothing Great About Britain , StayLoose - The City, Steve Lacy - Apollo XXI, Striking Matches - Morning EP, Styles P - S.P. The Goat: Ghost of All Time, Sufjan Stevens - Love Yourself / With My Whole Heart EP, Tank and the Bangas - Green Balloon, Taylor Bennett - The American Reject EP, Wu-Tang Clan - Of Mics and Men EP, Yeek - IDK WHERE, YG - 4REAL 4REAL
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lmccannabisyoutube · 3 years ago
Tunneling UNDERGROUND to ROB a Jungle Boys Cannabis Grow 🤯 https://youtube.com/shorts/43GAfMUChBA
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johneward35 · 5 years ago
Cookies Runtz Minntz and more are arriving at Dockside
We love all of our Minglewood brands and we really love the goodies they’re bringing to Dockside this month! Take a look at our Minglewood brand breakdown and see what’s coming on 7/24! *Please note: each store will receive different orders and strains due to limited availability. 
Cookies began with two visionary founders: grow expert Jai, and entrepreneur Berner, whose Girl Scout Cookies remains one of the most popular strains on the market.  The Cookies Fam contains many smaller brands based on collaborations and specific genetic lineages or terpene profiles.  Cookies has remained one of the most coveted and recognizable cannabis options in CA since its inception.  
The Momma Chan facility in Tacoma, where the Cookies weed is grown, has been inspected by Cookies Fam head growers, and the two growing teams consult regularly to ensure product quality and consistency.  
STRAINS: Gary Payton and Pancake
Hailing from San Fransisco, the Runtz brand, part of the Cookies Fam,  is known for its buzz in the music industry.  
All strains offered in the Runtz line are Zkittles x Gelato cultivars, with White Runtz being their flagship strain.
The Lemonnade brand is a creation from the mind of Berner, featuring the wildly successful Lemonade strain. While the Lemonnade line largely focuses on strains that include Lemonade in the strain lineage, they have recently pivoted to focus on strains with exceptional aromatic profiles.  Anytime you open a bag of Lemonnade, it’s gonna blow yer bangs back.  
STRAIN: Cake Mix
Cookies Fam co-founder Berner brought about Exotikz in collaboration with LA-based growers, the Jungle Boys, creators of strains such as Triangle Kush  and  LA Kush Cake.  Their collaboration resulted in the creation of the  Wedding Cake strain.
 All Exotikz flower is grown to the exacting standards used in the Jungle Boys facility to ensure product quality and consistency.
Seed Junky Genetics, world-renowned breeders of strains such as Animal Cookies, Gelato, and Ice Cream Cake collaborated with Berner (of Cookies Fam) to bring their first commercial cannabis line to market.  One of the most notable strains available from the Minntz line is The Soap, which is known for its unique aromatics and uplifting effect profile. The process used to grow this amazing flower here in WA is identical to the process being used in the Minntz facility in CA. *The Soap prerolls will be available only at the SODO location
Clout King
Per Z Clout King himself, “I am a long time cultivator from Santa Cruz CA. After dealing with picky customers, getting raided, and diagnosing issues at my grow for years, I started to make memes about my experience in late 2017.”   Clout King’s Insta account rapidly gained followers prompting him to start the Clout King brand in 2018.  One of Clout King’s premier cuts is Peanut Butter Cup (Mendo Breath x Do-Si-Do), which sports a nutty flavor and relaxing effect profile.
Grandiflora is one of Cookies Fam brands and features the genetics of Mark McCafferty.  Berner had become enamored with Grandiflora’s pre-rolls and flower and reached out to Mark to begin a partnership in 2019.  McCafferty is very secretive about his genetics and strives to develop strains with rare and exclusive aromatics that deliver a sensory experience. *It should be noted that McCafferty is an Oakland Equity Applicant, meaning he has had prior convictions for “drug” trafficking.  The Equity program was created to promote equitable ownership and employment opportunities in the cannabis industry. 
K Savage*
K Savage’s amazing strain collection is curated by the growing team at the Blue Dream facility here in WA, where the Exotikz flower is grown. The cuts were sourced through a group of very well connected brokers who have access to some of the best genetics available.  Strains were chosen based on their ability to inspire creativity and enhance life’s everyday moments. *K Savage is not a Cookies Fam brand, but it’s hella dank.
STRAINS: Angela, Duct Tape, Gello, and GMO (formerly from the Exotikz line up)
 The post Cookies, Runtz, Minntz and more are arriving at Dockside appeared first on Dockside Cannabis.
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alistofmany · 5 years ago
A list of many.... Songs Played 05042020 1. Tuesday- ILOVEMAKONNEN 2. Big Sad 1900- La Cienega Heights 3. Ari Lennox- Chicago Baby 4. RileyPnP- CHASHIN CHICKEN 5. Travis Scott- BUTTERFLY EFFECT 6. Ari Lennox- New Apartment 7. Ari Lennox- BMO( Break Me Off) 8. Ella Mai- Trip 9. Jenn feat DMTO- My Fix 10. LION BABE feat Angel Haze- Jungle Lady Pt II 11. Lil’ Keke- 25 Lighters 12. Monica- So Gone 13. Beep Collins feat Yung Bans- Seasons 14. Dubee- My Thang 15. Doja Cat- Say So 16. dvsn- A Muse 17. Premo Rice feat Larry June- Malaysia 18. RileyPnP- Still Trippin 19. Willie Nelson- Blue Skies 20. Willie Nelson x Norah Jones-Baby its Cold Ouside 21. Carole King- Its Too Late 22. Con Funk Shun- Love on Your Mind 23. Con Funk Shun- Straight From the Heart 24. Con Funk Shun- Love’s Train 25. The Temptations- Treat Her Like a Lady 26. Slum Village x Kanye West x John Legend-Selfish 27. Kasher Quon- Fendi Runners 28. Bris- PanHandling 29. Mahalia feat Ella Mae-What You Did 30. UnoTheActivist feat Sosamann- UniverseAnswers 31. Marques Houston feat Joe Budden- Clubbin 32. Mullage- Trick’n 33. The Jacka x Ampichino feat Jynx- Try 34. Calboy- Envy Me 35. The Commodores- Zoom 36. Snoop Dogg feat Master P x Nate Dogg- Lay Low 37. Khalid x Disclosure- Talk 38. Drego- Best of Me 39. FKJ- Vibin’ Out with ((( o ))) 40. Joey Fatts x A$ton Matthews- Parked 41. Messy Marv x Young Doe feat Ampichino x Joe Blow- streets cryin 42. Childish Gambino- Freaks and Geeks 43. Mac Miller- Come Back to Earth 44. Drake- Omertá 45. SahBabii- Throw It 46. Curren$y x Trademark Da Skydriver x Young Roddy- Plan of Attack 47. Roy Ayers- Everybody Loves The Sunshine 48. courtesy of half-a-mill( dom kennedy x hit boy) Bottled Water 49. Berner x B-Real- Russian Roulette 50. ScHoolboy Q- iBETiGOTSUMWEED
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jensyao · 5 years ago
that playlist i promised a long time ago; talked about it as far back as a year ago
12 hours later after getting inspired by the LSU/Texas game, the outcome: 2.62 GB zipped. 3 folders: 100 experimental stuff -- give it a try...200 instrumentals...444 sentimental stuff... Terrorize these artificial rap listeners and spread files, pollinate their ear buds
Name/Artist/Album Electric Body/A$AP Rocky/At.Long.Last.A$Ap Wavybone/A$AP Rocky/At.Long.Last.A$Ap Walk It Out (Remix)/Andre 3000/Whole Foods 7 Rings vs. Pretty Boy Swag MASHUP/Ariana Grande vs. Soulja Boy x Princess Nokia x 2 Chainz/ Affirmative Action Feat. The Firm (Remix)/AZ/Decade (1994-2004) Problems/AZ/Decade (1994-2004) Im Back/AZ/Decade (1994-2004) Essence Feat. Nas/AZ/Decade (1994-2004) Enjoy Yourself/AZ/Decade (1994-2004) Gangsta Shit Feat. Doo Wop/AZ/Decade (1994-2004) Stretch Armstrong Freestyle/AZ/Decade (1994-2004) Ayy (feat. YG & Logic)/Berner & Mozzy/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 K.R.I.T. Here/Big K.R.I.T./K.R.I.T. Iz Here Energy/Big K.R.I.T./K.R.I.T. Iz Here Presidential/Birdman, Jacquees/Lost At Sea 2 Just Another Gangsta/Birdman, Juvenile/Just Another Gangsta Breeze/Birdman, Juvenile/Just Another Gangsta Mind Clarity Freestyle/Bishop Nehru/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #5 Enigma/Bizzy Bone/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #2 Cojiba/Black Thought/The Tape Deck 2018: Volume #6 Spread Sunshine/Blu & Exile/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #5 It Never Rains in South L.A./Blu & Oh No/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #5 Basquiat (feat. Fat Joe & Smoke DZA)/Bun B & Statik Selektah/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #5 Paperwork (feat. Uncle Murda)/Bun B & Statik Selektah/TrillStatik Get It Feat. B.Rossi /Cam'ron & Mase/ When Ya On (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Chamillionaire/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Blessings (Reprise)/Chance The Rapper/ Black Faces (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Childish Gambino/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Johnny Dang/CHINA MAC/M.i.t.m Aka Movie In The Making The Kryptonians (feat. Killa Kali, Planet Asia & Rosati)/Chong Wizard/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #2 FFFeel Good/Crimeapple & DJ Skizz/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 Scottie Pippen (feat. Freddie Gibbs)/Curren$y/Prod. by The Alchemist (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1/CyHi/ Freestyle on Sway In The Morning/Cyhi The Prynce/ Nautical Depth/CZARFACE & MF DOOM/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) 8 Ball Flow/Danny Brown/Twitch Ep SPEEDBOAT/Denzel Curry/ Rap Life Feat. Pharoahe Monch/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Where's The Love Feat. Talib Kweli, Elzhi & Skyzoo/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Its Nothin Feat. Fat Joe, Chi Ali & Freddie Foxxx/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Only Way 2 Go Feat. Pete Rock/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Hard Days Feat. The Pharcyde/Diamond D/The Diam Piece I Aint The One To Fuc Wit Feat. Scram Jones/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Pump Ya Brakes Feat. Rapsody, Boog Brown & Stacy Epps/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Take Em Off Da Map Feat. Black Rob/Diamond D/The Diam Piece We Are The People Of The World Feat. Kurupt & Tha Alkaholiks/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Jose Feliciano/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Handz Up Feat. Hi-Tek/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Pain Feat. A.G. & Chino XL/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Vanity Feat. Nottz/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Its Magic Feat. Alchemist & Evidence/Diamond D/The Diam Piece The Game Feat. Grand Daddy I.U./Diamond D/The Diam Piece Let The Music Talk Feat. Kev Brown/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Ace Of Diamonds Feat. Masta Ace/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 187 Feat. Guilty Simpson & Ras Kass/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Superman/Diamond D/The Diam Piece Intro/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Watch Yo Back/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 OMG/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Turn It Up/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 The Three Kings/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 I Can't Lose/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Got It Covered/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Survive or Die/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Bodied/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Maintaining/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Children of The Ghetto/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Chivas Blanc/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Next To You/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 The Hit/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 The Zone Out/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Hold Up/Diamond D/The Diam Piece 2 Century Of The Self/Dilated Peoples Ft. Catero/ Sauce Boyz/The Diplomats/Diplomatic Ties Uptown/The Diplomats/Diplomatic Ties Never Die (feat. Jadakiss, Cee-Lo Green, Nipsey Hussle & Young Jeezy)/DJ Drama/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Forgive Them Father/DJ Kay Slay, Maino, Jim Jones, Styles P/Hip Hop Frontline Hip Hop Frontline/DJ Kay Slay, Melle Mel, Raekwon, CeeLo Green, Grandmaster Caz/Hip Hop Frontline My Life/DJ Kay Slay, Papoose, Sheek Louch, N.O.R.E., Carl Anthony/Hip Hop Frontline Holy Mountain (feat. Buju Banton, Sizzla, Mavado & 070 Shake)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Wish Wish (feat. Cardi B & 21 Savage)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Just Us (feat. SZA)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd You Stay (feat. Meek Mill, J Balvin, Lil Baby & Jeremih)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Higher (feat. Nipsey Hussle & John Legend)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Won't Take My Soul (feat. Nas & CeeLo Green)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Weather the Storm (feat. Meek Mill & Lil Baby)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Big Boy Talk (feat. Jeezy & Rick Ross)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Freak N You (feat. Lil Wayne & Gunna)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Holy Ground (feat. Buju Banton)/DJ Khaled/Father of Asahd Roses (feat. Roc Marciano)/DJ Muggs & Eto/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 Regeneration (Feat. Nas)/DJ Premier & The Berklee Symphony/ Systematic feat. Nas/DJ Shadow/Silicon Valley: The Soundtrack Unorthodox (feat. Raekwon, JD Era, Ghostface Killah & RZA)/DJ Tony Touch/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Till the Angels Come (feat. Freddie Gibbs & Prodigy)/Domo Genesis/Prod. by The Alchemist (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Could This Be/Domo Genesis/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 The Motto (Remix) (feat. YG, Nipsey Hussle & Snoop Dogg)/Drake/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Survival/Drake/Scorpion Nice For What/Drake/Scorpion Mob Ties/Drake/Scorpion In My Feelings/Drake/Scorpion Sandra's Rose/Drake/Scorpion Talk Up (feat. JAY-Z)/Drake/Scorpion Diplomatic Immunity/Drake/ Omertà/Drake/ BNK (solo)/Eazy-E/ Until We Bleed (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Eighty4 Fly/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Greatest/Eminem/Kamikaze Kamikaze/Eminem/Kamikaze The Ringer/Eminem/Kamikaze Venom (Music from the Motion Picture)/Eminem/Kamikaze Lucky You/Eminem ft Joyner Lucas/Kamikaze Not Alike/Eminem ft Royce da 5'9/Kamikaze The Red Carpet (feat. Raekwon & Ras Kass)/Evidence/Prod. by The Alchemist (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Heroin (feat. Chino XL)/Evolve/The Tape Deck 2018: Volume #6 Fabolous - Monday Night Mixtape 98 Freestyle (Feat. Noreaga)/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - B.A.S Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Quiet Storm Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Told Ya ll Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Shook Ones Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Been Around The World Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Ain't Nuthin Ta F ck Wit Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - All For The Love Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Take It Easy Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - The World Is Yours Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Black Girl Lost Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Life's A Bitch Freestyle (Feat. Jadakiss)/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Affirmative Action Freestyle (Feat. Paul Cain & Joe Budden)/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Sound Bwoy Buriell Freestyle (Feat. Stack Bundles)/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Fabolous - Fabolous So Ghetto Freestyle/Fabolous/Friday Night Freestyles Crime Pays/Freddie Gibbs & Madlib/Bandana Palmolive (feat. Pusha T & Killer Mike)/Freddie Gibbs & Madlib/Bandana I'm On It (feat. Big Sean, Nipsey Hussle & Wiz Khalifa)/French Montana/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Rumble In The Jungle/Fugees ft. A Tribe Called Quest & Busta Rhymes/ Where I'm From Feat. G-Unit/The Game/The Chronicles The Whole City Behind Us Feat. Kanye West & Ludacris/The Game/The Chronicles Kiss Ur Ass Goodbye (Dj Skee Blend Remix)/The Game/Cold Day in Compton New York/The Game/The Devil's Advocate Remedy (Produced By Just Blaze)/The Game/Doctor's Advocate One Night (Produced By Nottz)/The Game/Doctor's Advocate Why You Hate The Game (feat. Nas) (Produced By Just Blaze)/The Game/Doctor's Advocate The Game & Skrillex: El Chapo/The Game/The Documentary 2.5 (Ha Ha) Slow Down Freestyle (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Game/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Kanye West feat. The Game - Crack Music (remix)/The Game/Ghost Unit The Game feat. M.O.B. - 3 Killas/The Game/Ghost Unit InfaRED/Game/Hoodmorning (No Typo): Candy Coronas The Game-Rough Feat Yelawolf Produced by Jim Jonsin/Game/Hoodmorning (No Typo): Candy Coronas Blood Diamonds/The Game/Jesus Piece (Deluxe) Heaven's Arms/The Game/Jesus Piece Deluxe State Of Emergency/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe Bulletproof Diaries/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe My Life/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe Money/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe Let Us Live/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe Angel/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe Dope Boys/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe Letter To The King/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe Camera Phone (feat. Ne-Yo)/The Game/L.A.X. Deluxe Bonus Tracks The Game-Purp Yellow SKEETOX Feat Snoop Dogg Wiz Khalifa Remix/Game/Purp & Patron (2 Disc) The Game-Violin/Game/Purp & Patron: The Hangover Speakers On Blast (feat. Big Boi & E-40)/Game/R.E.D. Hello (feat. Lloyd)/Game/R.E.D. Born In The Trap/Game/R.E.D. We Are The Champions/The Game/Stop Snitchin Stop Lyin Niggaz Bleed feat. Techniec/The Game/Stop Snitchin Stop Lyin Buckest feat. Cashville/The Game/Stop Snitchin Stop Lyin Anybody Killa (feat. Dogg Pound)/The Game/The Street King West Side/The Game/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #6 Must Be Me/The Game/Unreleased R.E.D. The Game - 360 Bars (Dissin' G -Unit)/The Game/Welcome to Compton 5 The Game feat. Scarface - I Never Snitch/The Game/Welcome to Compton 5 For My Niggas/The Game/Who Got Game I Love The Hood feat. Young Buck/The Game/Who Got Game BK to CPT (ft. Fabolous)/The Game/You know what it is vol 1 Official Bootleg/The Game/You know what it is vol 1 Warning feat. Cent/The Game/You know what it is Vol 2 Gotta Get it feat. Dr. Dre & Jay-Z/The Game/You know what it is Vol 2 300 Bars N Runnin'/The Game/You know what it is Vol 3 Down/The Game/You know what it is Vol 3 Poison Bananas f. RockStar & M.O.B./The Game/You know what it is Vol 3 I'm A King f. T.I./The Game/You know what it is Vol 3 Lil Bit RMX/The Game/You know what it is Vol 3 Why U Smell Like Dat f. RockStar & M.O.B./The Game/You know what it is Vol 3 Never Be Friends/The Game/You know what it is Vol 3 Hate It or Love It (Street RMX)/The Game/You know what it is Vol 3 Gutter feat. Kelly Rowland (produced by Scott Storch)/The Game/You Know What It Is Vol 4 - Murda Game Chronicles Where I'm From/The Game/You Know What It Is Vol 4 - Murda Game Chronicles Black Democrat (Accapella Freestyle)/The Game/You Know What It Is Vol 4 - Murda Game Chronicles My 6-4 feat. Snoop Dogg & Bun B/The Game/You Know What It Is Vol 4 - Murda Game Chronicles Invisible Felon/The Game/You Know What It Is Vol 4 - Murda Game Chronicles Bompton/The Game/1992 F**k Orange Juice/The Game/1992 The Juice/The Game/1992 The Soundtrack/The Game/1992 400 Bars (The Skeemix)/Game & Dj Skee/The Red Room Revolver Or The Semi Ft. Mysonne/Game & Dj Skee/The Red Room Dopeman Ft. Xo/Game & Dj Skee/The Red Room Celebration/The Game;Chris Brown;Lil Wayne;Wiz Khalifa;Tyga/Jesus Piece (Deluxe) Freedom/The Game;Elijah Blake/Jesus Piece Deluxe All That (Lady)/The Game;Fabolous;Big Sean;Lil Wayne;Jeremih/Jesus Piece Deluxe Pray/The Game;J. Cole;JMSN/Jesus Piece (Deluxe) Hallelujah/The Game;Jamie Foxx/Jesus Piece Deluxe Can't Get Right/The Game;K. Roosevelt/Jesus Piece (Deluxe) Jesus Piece/The Game;Kanye West;Common/Jesus Piece Deluxe Scared Now/The Game;Meek Mill/Jesus Piece Deluxe Name Me King/The Game;Pusha T/Jesus Piece Deluxe Ali Bomaye/The Game;Rick Ross;2 Chainz/Jesus Piece Deluxe See No Evil/The Game;Tank;Kendrick Lamar/Jesus Piece Deluxe Church/The Game;Trey Songz;King Chip/Jesus Piece Deluxe I Remember/The Game;Young Jeezy;Future/Jesus Piece (Deluxe) Watch 'Em Holla (Bronze Nazareth Remix) (feat. Raekwon, Cappadonna & Masta Killa)/Ghostface Killah/The Tape Deck 2018: Volume #6 Conditioning/Ghostface Killah/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #6 Meteor Hammer (feat. Action Bronson & Termanology)/Ghostface Killah/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) The Black Diamonds (feat. Roc Marciano & Killa Sin)/Ghostface Killah/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Laced Cheeba (feat. Sean Price & Trife Diesel)/Ghostface Killah/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Eastsidin' (feat. Snoop Dogg & Nipsey Hussle)/Glasses Malone/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) I Get The Bag feat. Migos/Gucci Mane/ Met Gala feat. Offset/Gucci Mane/ Pull Up/Illa Ghee/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #2 Coast to Coast (feat. Joell Ortiz, Cassidy, Nipsey Hussle & Dro Pesci)/Infamous DJ Haze/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Mash/J Dilla/ One Eleven/J Dilla/ MIDDLE CHILD/J. Cole/Revenge of the Dreamers III We All Good (feat. Nipsey Hussle & Young Scolla)/J.Y./Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) BlockWork Feat. Styles P/Jadakiss/#T5DOA Two Curse Words/Jadakiss/#T5DOA Incarcerated Scarfaces/Jadakiss/#T5DOA Stressin (feat. Boogie, Nick Grant & Dcmbr)/Jag/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 Gangsta Gangsta (feat. KXNG Crooked & Bad Lucc)/Jag/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #4 Crown (feat. Travi$ Scott)/Jay Z/Friends of The Rodeo 1 Time/Jeezy/TM104: The Legend Of The Snowman Murder One/Joell Ortiz, Fred The Godson & The Heatmakerz/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 I Don't Care (West Coast Remix) (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Josh Xantus/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Audemar Piguet (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Juice McCain/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Juvenile-Mardi Gras/Juvenile/Mardi Gras Juvenile-Sip Champagne/Juvenile/Mardi Gras Juvenile - Spend It Feat. Skip, Neno Calvin (Prod. By Zaytoven)/Juvenile/Mardi Gras 2 Juvenile - We Don't Backdown Feat. Sean Kingston/Juvenile/Undefeated KAANCEPTS 2/K.A.A.N/ The Recipe (feat. Dr. Dre)/Kendrick Lamar/Los Angeles (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Swimming Pools (Drank)/Kendrick Lamar/Los Angeles (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Money Trees (feat. Jay Rock)/Kendrick Lamar/Los Angeles (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Beez (feat. RZA)/KiD CuDi/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Devotion to the Saints (feat. Ghostface Killah & Inspectah Deck)/Killah Priest/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Eyez On C (DatPiff Exclusive)/King Combs/90's Baby Love You Better/King Combs ft. Chris Brown/ Money (feat. Dr Dre)/King T/ I Got a Friend (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Kirko Bangz/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) True Lightyears/KMD FT. Jay Electronica & MF DOOM/ In Too Deep (Feat. Heather Walker)/Kool G Rap/Riches  Royalty & Respect Lp The Meaning To Your Love/Kool G Rap/Riches  Royalty & Respect Lp Step Into A World (Rapture's Delight)/KRS-One/ The Makings of You/Lauryn Hill/ Bia' Bia' 2/Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz/ Wu Tang Forever (feat. Ghostface Killah, Raekwon, RZA, Method Man, Inspectah Deck, Cappadonna, Jackpot Scotty Wotty, U-God, Masta Killa & GZA)/Logic/The Tape Deck 2018: Volume #6 Homicide (feat. Eminem)/Logic/ I Don't Wanna Know (Feat. Enya & P. Diddy) (Remastered)/Mario Winans/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition Feel So Good (Remastered)/Mase/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition What You Want (Feat. Total) (Remastered)/Mase/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition E.A.T. (Evolve & Transcend) (feat. Evidence)/Masta Ace & Marco Polo/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #3 Therapy (feat. Method Man & Redman)/Masta Killa/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Gone (feat. Jeezy)/Master P/I Got the Hook Up 2 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Four Horsemen (feat. Raekwon, Ghostface Killah, Method Man & Inspectah Deck)/Mathematics/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) What’s Free/Meek Mill ft Rick Ross & Jay-Z/Championships Built for This (feat. Freddie Gibbs & StreetLife)/Method Man/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Wild Cats (feat. Redman, Streetlife & Hanz On)/Method Man/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Squad Up (feat. Havoc)/Method Man & Street Life/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) The Finer Things (Prod. KeY Wane)/Mickey Factz Feat. KeY Wane /Student Of The Year Click Clack/Missy Elliott/The Cookbook Hot Boyz/Missy Elliott/Da Real World U Can't Resist ft. Juvenile & B.G./Missy Elliott/Da Real World All N My Grill ft. MC Solaar/Missy Elliott/Da Real World All N My Grill (feat. Big Boi & Nicole)/Missy Elliott/Respect M.E. Best Friends (featuring Aaliyah)/Missy Elliott/Supa Dupa Fly Bring The Pain (feat. Method Man)/Missy Elliott/Under Construction Gossip Folks (feat.Ludacris)/Missy Elliott/Under Construction Back In The Day (feat Jay-Z)/Missy Elliott/Under Construction Waterboarding/Mobb Deep/Prod. by The Alchemist (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) What's Ya Life Like (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Mod Sun/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Perfect Ten (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Mustard/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #6 That's The Nigga/Mystikal/Major Players Compilation I Ain't Playin'/Mystikal/We Can't Be Stopped No Bad Energy/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 Jarreau Of Rap (Skatt Attack)/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 Lost Freestyle/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 Tanasia/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 Who Are You (feat. David Ranier)/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 Adult Film (feat. Swizz Beatz)/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 War Against Love/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 The Art Of It (feat. J. Myers)/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 Highly Favored/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 Queens Wolf/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 It Never Ends/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 You Mean The World To Me/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 QueensBridge Politics/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 Beautiful Life (feat. RaVaughn)/Nas/The Lost Tapes 2 War (DJ Clue)/Nas/ JACCIN FOR BEATS/Nipsey Hussle/Bullets Ain't Got No Name Vol 2 GAME SPEAKS ON NIPSEY/Nipsey Hussle/Bullets Ain't Got No Name Vol 2 Ridin slow/Nipsey Hussle/Bullets Ain't Got No Name Vol.1 Jackin for beats/Nipsey Hussle/Bullets Ain't Got No Name Vol.1 all my life freestyle/Nipsey Hussle/Bullets Ain't Got No Names Vol. 3.1 U See Us (Prod by Mike Free) (DatPiff Exclusive)/Nipsey Hussle/Crenshaw Keys 2 The City/Nipsey Hussle/The Marathon A Million/Nipsey Hussle/The Marathon I Be Killen Um/Nipsey Hussle/The Marathon Mac 11 On The Dresser/Nipsey Hussle/The Marathon One Take 3/Nipsey Hussle/The Marathon Thas Wat Hoes Do (feat. YG & Rimpau) (DatPiff Exclusive)/Nipsey Hussle/The Marathon Continues Victory Lap (feat. Stacy Barthe)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Rap Niggas/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Last Time That I Checc’d (feat. YG)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Young Nigga (feat. Puff Daddy)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Dedication (feat. Kendrick Lamar)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Blue Laces 2/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Hussle & Motivate/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Status Symbol 3 (feat. Buddy)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Succa Proof/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Keyz 2 the City 2 (feat. TeeFlii)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Grinding All My Life/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Million While You Young (feat. The-Dream)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Loaded Bases (feat. CeeLo Green)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Real Big (feat. Marsha Ambrosius)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Double Up (feat. Belly & DOM KENNEDY) [Bonus Track]/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap Right Hand 2 God (Bonus Track)/Nipsey Hussle/Victory Lap 2 Cents (feat. Chuck Inglish)/Nolan The Ninja/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #2 Notorious Thugs (Feat. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony) (Remastered)/The Notorious B.I.G./Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition Spit Your Game (Feat. Twista, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, 8Ball & MJG) (Remix) (Remastered/The Notorious B.I.G./Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition In Due Time/OutKast/ I Need A Girl, Pt. 2 (Feat. Ginuwine, Loon, Mario Winans & Tammy Ruggieri) (Remastered)/P. Diddy/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition Underrated/Papoose/Underrated Numerical Slaughter (feat. DJ Premier)/Papoose/Underrated 3rd Eye/Papoose/Underrated God MC/Papoose/Underrated University of the Streets/Papoose/Underrated Bag/Papoose/Underrated The Golden Child (feat. Remy Ma & Angelica Villa)/Papoose/Underrated Precious Jewel (feat. Musiq Soulchild)/Papoose/Underrated Discipline/Papoose/Underrated Time Is on My Side/Papoose/Underrated S.H.O.O.T.E.R (feat. Casanova)/Papoose/Underrated Mash the Gas on Em/Papoose/Underrated Det É Så Jag Känner/Petter/ Ego/Phonte/Pacific Time - EP Death Sentence (feat. Roc Marciano)/Prodigy/Prod. by The Alchemist (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Give 'Em Hell/Prodigy/Prod. by The Alchemist (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Victory (Feat. The Notorious B.I.G., Busta Rhymes & The Family) (Remastered)/Puff Daddy/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition Bad Boy's Been Around The World (Feat. The Family, Mase & Carl Thomas) (Remix) (Remastered)/Puff Daddy/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition Can't Nobody Hold Me Down (Feat. The Family & Mase) (Remastered)/Puff Daddy/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition I'll Be Missing You (Feat. The Family, Faith Evans & 112) (Remastered)/Puff Daddy/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition Sociopath (feat. Kash Doll)/Pusha T/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #7 Coming Home ft. Ms. Lauryn Hill/Pusha T/ Butter Knives/Raekwon/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Wu Crime (feat. GZA & Killah Priest)/Raekwon/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Rockstars (feat. Thea Van Seijen, Inspectah Deck & GZA)/Raekwon/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Never Know (feat. Nipsey Hussle, Ab-Soul & Terrace Martin)/Rapsody/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Young, Black With a Gift (feat. Big Daddy Kane)/Rapsody/Prod. by 9th Wonder (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Degrees (feat. O.C.)/Rasheed Chappell/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #7 Get Wit It (feat. Nipsey Hussle)/Ray Rizzy/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) One Of Us (Feat. NaS)/Rick Ross/Black Market (Deluxe Edition) Family Ties/Rick Ross/Hood Billionaire (Deluxe Edition) Nobody (Feat. French Montana)/Rick Ross/Mastermind (Deluxe Edition) In Vein (Feat. The Weeknd)/Rick Ross/Mastermind (Deluxe Edition) Sanctified (Feat. Kanye West & Big Sean)/Rick Ross/Mastermind (Deluxe Edition) Act a Fool (feat. Wale)/Rick Ross/Port of Miami 2 Nobody’s Favorite (feat. Gunplay)/Rick Ross/Port of Miami 2 BIG TYME (feat. Swizz Beatz)/Rick Ross/Port of Miami 2 Rich Nigga Lifestyle (feat. Nipsey Hussle & Teyana Taylor)/Rick Ross/Port of Miami 2 Born to Kill (feat. Jeezy)/Rick Ross/Port of Miami 2 Gold Roses (feat. Drake)/Rick Ross/Port of Miami 2 Apple Of My Eye (Feat. Raphael Saadiq)/Rick Ross/Rather You Than Me I'm Not A Star/Rick Ross/Teflon Don (Deluxe Edition) Free Mason (Feat. John Legend & Jay-Z)/Rick Ross/Teflon Don (Deluxe Edition) All The Money In The World (Feat. Raphael Saadiq)/Rick Ross/Teflon Don (Deluxe Edition) Audio Meth (Feat. Raekwon) (Bonus Track)/Rick Ross/Teflon Don (Deluxe Edition) This Is The Life (Feat. Trey Songz)/Rick Ross/Trilla (Deluxe Edition) Betty Stout/Rick Ross & Birdman/The H: The Lost Album Vol. 1 Money To Make (Feat. Mack Maine)/Rick Ross & Birdman/The H: The Lost Album Vol. 1 You Must Be Dreaming (feat. Kinetic 9)/RZA/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) The Grass (feat. The Lox)/Salaam Remi/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #3 Cyaan Done (feat. Smif-N-Wessun)/Salaam Remi/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #6 Watch Me Ignite (feat. Bun B)/Salaam Remi/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #7 Numb Numb Juice/ScHoolboy Q/CrasH Talk CrasH/ScHoolboy Q/CrasH Talk On That Shit (feat. Jadakiss & Styles P)/Sheek Louch/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #4 Bad Boyz (Feat. Barrington Levy) (Remastered)/Shyne/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition Midas Touch/Slick Rick/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #7 Street Talkin'/Slick Rick ft. OutKast/ Let Me Tell Ya (feat. Rick Ross)/Smif N Wessun/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 Let It Go/Smif-N-Wessun/Prod. by 9th Wonder (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Westside Rollin (feat. Nipsey Hussle & Kurupt)/Snoop Dogg/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Deadman (feat. Jadakiss & Nino Man)/Styles P/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #7 Dolly My Baby/Super Cat/ Something Dirty Pic Got Us/Swizz Beatz/POISON Echo/Swizz Beatz ft Nas/POISON Cold Blooded/Swizz Beatz ft Pusha T/POISON Fuck Nigga/T.I./The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #3 Fact of Life (feat. Jazze Pha & Nipsey Hussle)/Taylor J/Feat. Nipsey Hussle (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Lord of Weird/Tech N9ne/N9na Like I Ain't/Tech N9ne/N9na Chuki Fever/Tech N9ne/N9na Gonna Love Me (Remix) (feat. Ghostface Killah, Method Man & Raekwon)/Teyana Taylor/The Tape Deck 2018: Volume #6 Trippin/Total/ Break It Down (Feat. Bun B)/Triple C's/Custom Cars & Cycles Reflections (feat. Beanie Sigel)/Tsu Surf/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 Drink The Night Away (Prod. KeY Wane)/Tyga Feat. The Game & Mario/Student Of The Year Mount Everest (feat. Inspectah Deck & eLZhi)/U-God/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Thor's Hammer (feat. Raekwon & Vordul Mega)/Vast Aire/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Trust Issues/The Weeknd and Drake/ Eastside/Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #1 Flashback (w/Sheek Louch & Ghostface Killah)/Wu-Block/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) On That Shit Again (feat. Ghostface Killah & RZA)/Wu-Tang Clan/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #4 Six Directions of Boxing/Wu-Tang Clan/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Rivers of Blood (feat. Kool G Rap)/Wu-Tang Clan/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Execution in Autumn/Wu-Tang Clan/Wu-Tang Clan (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Paparazzi/Xzibit/Greatest Hits The Foundation/Xzibit/Greatest Hits What U See Is What U Get/Xzibit/Greatest Hits Break Yourself/Xzibit/Greatest Hits Heart Of Man/Xzibit/Greatest Hits Muthafucka/Xzibit/Greatest Hits Hey Now (Mean Muggin Version)/Xzibit, Keri Hilson/Greatest Hits Wintertime/YBN Cordae/ Thug Motivation 101/Young Jeezy/Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101 And Then What (Feat. Mannie Fresh)/Young Jeezy/Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101 Soul Survivor (Feat. Akon)/Young Jeezy/Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101 Trap or Die (Feat. Bun B)/Young Jeezy/Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101 Forgiven (feat. Marsha Ambrosius)/2 Chainz/Rap or Go to the League Threat 2 Society/2 Chainz/Rap or Go to the League Money in the Way/2 Chainz/Rap or Go to the League Statute of Limitations/2 Chainz/Rap or Go to the League Rule the World (feat. Ariana Grande)/2 Chainz/Rap or Go to the League Sam/2 Chainz/Rap or Go to the League ASMR/21 Savage/I AM > I WAS A LOT/21 SAVAGE FT J COLE/I AM > I WAS Ric Flair Drip/21 Savage, Offset & Metro Boomin/Without Warning Fuck 'Em All (OG)/2Pac, Makaveli/Makavelian Initiated/2Pac, Makaveli/Makavelian Runnin' On E (OG)/2Pac, Makaveli/Makavelian Where Ever U Are (OG)/2Pac, Makaveli/Makavelian Soon As I Get Home/2Pac, Makaveli/Makavelian You Don't Want Drama (Feat. MJG) (Remastered)/8Ball/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition Relax And Take Notes (Feat. MJG, The Notorious B.I.G. & Project Pat) (Remastered)/8Ball/Bad Boy 20th Anniversary Box Set Edition No Pretending (feat. Raekwon & Big Remo)/9th Wonder/Prod. by 9th Wonder (Rewind: The Tape Deck 2010-2019) Find My Love (feat. Nas & Amy Winehouse)/Salaam Remi/The Tape Deck 2019: Volume #2
Name/Artist Shabba (Instrumental) ft. A$AP Rocky/A$AP Ferg Diary (Instrumental)/Alicia Keys Karma (Instrumental Version)/Alicia Keys Watch Out Now Instrumental/Beatnuts K.R.I.T. Here (Instrumental)/Big K.R.I.T. Deadly Combination (Instrumental)/Big L Beware (instrumental)/Big Pun Off wit his head Instrumental/Big Pun Everyday Was (Instrumental)/Black Milk Whoa! (Instrumental)/Black Rob Resurrection Instrumental/Bone Thugs Holla (Instrumental)/Busta Rhymes I Know What You Want instrumental/Busta Rhymes ft Mariah Carey I'll Hurt You(Instrumental)/Busta Rhymes ft. Eminem Down and Out Instrumental/Cam'ron Killa Cam (Instrumental)/Cam'ron Leave me alone Pt 2 Instrumental/Cam'ron Welcome To New York City (Instrumental)/Cam'ron You Gotta Love It (Instrumental)/Cam'ron Oh Boy (Official Instrumental)/Cam'ron & Juelz Santana 2000 B.C. (Instrumental)/Canibus Virginia Instrumental/Clipse Ya'll Heard Of Me Instrumental/C-Murder Seasons (Instrumental)/Cunninlynguists IT'S FUNKY ENOUGH [INSTRUMENTAL]/THE D.O.C. Ain't Got Nothing (Instrumental)/David Banner Ain't Gon' Let Up Instrumental /DG Yola Mahogany  / Do You Know Where You're Going To (Instrumental)/Diana Ross Diddy Bop Instrumental/Diddy Ft Jung Joc Worst Comes to Worst (Instrumental)/Dilated Peoples Four Hills/DJ Day Im On One (Instrumental)/DJ Khaled Get it on the floor instrumental/Dmx LAST HOPE INSTRUMENTAL w/HOOK/DMX Ruff Ryders' Anthem (Instrumental)/DMX Stop Being Greedy (Instrumental)/DMX X Gonna Give It To Ya Instrumental/DMX Still Dre instrumental/Dr Dre Xxplosive (Instrumental)/Dr. Dre Tried By 12 (Instrumental)/East Flatbush Project BNK [instrumental]/Eazy-E Boyz N The Hood instrumental Beat/Eazy-E Cleaning Out My Closet (Instrumental)/Eminem Superman (Instrumental)/Eminem Symphony 2000 (instrumental)/EPMD ft. Method Man Redman Don't Sweat The Technique Instrumental/Eric B and Rakim Blow Ya Mind instrumental/Eve The Red Carpet (Instrumental)/Evidence Swag Surfin (Instrumental) [HQ]/F.L.Y. Pain (Instrumental)/Fabolous Throw it in the bag remix Instrumental (Prod By Germani London)/Fabolous All I Know (instrumental)/Field Mob Sick Of Being Lonely (instrumental)/Field Mob Executive Decision (Instrumental)/The Firm Ready or Not Instrumental/Fugees Poppin' Them Thangs (Official Instrumental)/G Unit Ali Bomaye Instrumental/The Game Angel (Instrumental) LAX Kanye West/The Game gangstas ride instrumental /The Game Holy Water (Instrumental)/The Game Name Me King Feat Pusha T (Instrumental)/Game Red Bandana Instrumental/The Game Why You Smell Like Dat Instrumental/The Game Cell Therapy Instrumental/Goodie Mob I Get The Bag (Instrumental)/Gucci Mane x Migos G'D Up (Instrumental) best quality/G-Unit Stunt 101 (Instrumental)/G-unit Who You Foolin [Official Instrumental]/Gunna Leaving The Past Instrumental/Immortal Technique Payback Instrumental/Immortal Technique Nobody's Perfect Instrumental/J Cole ft Missy Elliot Uh Ohh instrumental/Ja Rule Tom Ford Instrumental/Jay Z reminder (prod. by timbaland) instrumental/Jay-Z Ain't No Love(Heart Of The City) Instrumental/Jay-Z Brooklyns Finest(Instrumental)/Jay-Z Kingdom Come (Instrumental) [Produced By Just Blaze]/Jay-Z PSA Instrumental/Jay-Z Renegade (Instrumental)/Jay-Z say hello remake instrumental/Jay-Z Success Instrumental/Jay-Z I'm Glad Instrumental/Jennifer Lopez We Fly High Instrumental/Jim Jones Gone Ride With Me (Instrumental)/Juvenile In My Life instrumental/Juvenile Set It Off [Instrumental]/Juvenile Selfish (Instrumental)/Kanye West Poetic Justice (Instrumental) ft. Drake (ReProd. T.O. Beatz)/Kendrick Lamar Untitled 07 | Levitate Instrumental/Kendrick Lamar The Recipe (Instrumental)/Kendrick Lamar Ft. Dr. Dre Ready Set Go instrumental/Killer Mike ft T I Real Life (DJ Muggs Instrumental)/Kool G Rap Its Over instrumental/Kurupt ft Natina Reed Got The Mack Loaded (Instrumental)/Lil B The Wilderness (Instrumental)/Lil B Play No Games instrumental/Lil Jon Neck Of The Woods (Instrumental)/Lil' Wayne Stuntin like my daddy instrumental/Lil' Wayne 3 Peat Instrumental/Lil' Wayne Rollout [Instrumental]/Ludacris I Got 5 On It (Instrumental)/Luniz All Black Everything (Official Instrumental)/Lupe Fiasco THE SHOW GOES ON INSTRUMENTAL/LUPE FIASCO Welcome Back (Instrumental)/Mase Respect The Game Instrumental/Meek Mill Trauma Instrumental/Meek Mill What's Free (Instrumental)/Meek Mill  ft. Rick Ross & JAY Z 'round here Instrumental/Memphis Bleek Emblica Officinalis/MF Doom Monosodium Glutamate (Instrumental)/MF DOOM Orris Root Powder/MF Doom Keep It Real Instrumental/Miilkbone Hot Boyz Instrumental/Missy Elliot Fountain Of Youth (Instrumental) (ReProd. T.O. Beatz)/MMG Burn (Instrumentals)/Mobb Deep Shook Ones Pt. 2 Instrumental /Mobb Deep So Gone Instrumental/Monica Danger {Instrumental}/Mystikal nas-every ghetto (prod. by salaam remi)/Nas nas-john blaze (prod. by ski)/Nas nas-phone tap (prod. by dr. dre)/Nas nas-my country (prod. by chucky thompson salaami remi l.e.s.)/Nas nas-poppa was a playa (prod. by kanye west)/Nas nas-revolutionary warfare (prod. by the alchemist)/Nas Ether (Instrumental)/Nas hero instrumental/Nas It Never Ends Instrumental/Nas Lost Freestyle [INSTRUMENTAL]/Nas Message To The Feds instrumental/Nas Not For Radio (Instrumental)/Nas In Too Deep (Instrumental)/Nas & Nature Affirmation Action (Officiel Instrumental)/Nas feat. The Firm Black Helicopters (Instrumental)/Necro Brooklyn Zoo (Instrumental)/ODB Bad Boy For Life (Instrumental) [HQ]/P Diddy They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.) [Instrumental]/Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth Cheers 2 U Instrumental (Produced by Timbaland)./Playa Duffle Bag Boy (instrumental)/Playaz Circle ft. Lil Wayne Upper Clapton Dance [Instrumental]/Professor Green King Push Instrumental/Pusha T Millions Feat. Rick Ross (Instrumental)/Pusha T Only You Can Tell It Instrumental/Pusha T Incarcerated Scarfaces (Instrumental)/Raekwon Bricks Instrumental/Rick Ross I'm Not A Star (instrumental)/Rick Ross Sanctified (Instrumental)/Rick Ross This Is the Life (Instrumental)/Rick Ross Usual Suspect [instrumental]/Rick Ross Down Bottom (Instrumental)/Ruff Ryders Feat. Drag-On & Juvenile Missin You Crazy Instrumental/Russ A Day To God Is 1000 Years (Instrumental)/RZA Praguenosis (Black Bond Nas Instrumental)/Salaam Remi Guess Who's Back (Instrumental)/Scarface In Between Us (Loop Instrumental)/Scarface Mary Jane Instrumental/Scarface My Block (Instrumental)/Scarface Never Snitch instrumental/Scarface Commission instrumental/Shyne For The Record (Instrumental)/Shyne The life (Instrumental)/Shyne Shyne (Instrumental)/Shyne Beautiful Instrumental/Snoop Dogg Ghetto Symphony (Instrumental)/Snoop Dogg That's That Instrumental/Snoop Dogg Vato (Instrumental)/Snoop Dogg Echo (Instrumental)/Swizz Beatz & Nas ASAP Instrumental/T.I. What You Know Instrumental/T.I. Testin My Gangsta instrumental/Three 6 Mafia Im A Thug instrumental/Trick Daddy B R Right [Instrumental] /Trina Adrenaline Rush (Instrumental)/Twista Is This The End Instrumental/Twista Just Communication (Instrumental)/Two-Mix Nolia Clap Instrumental/U.T.P Untouchable (Instrumental)/The Untouchables Feat. Benzino 3:30 A.M.(INSTRUMENTAL)/VI Seconds Ike's Mood I/Visioneers Hard In Da Paint Instrumental/Waka Flocka Grove St. Party (Instrumental)/Waka Flocka Flame Paparazzi (Instrumental)/Xzibit Gangsta Party (Instrumental)/Yo Gotti I luv It (instrumental)/Young Jeezy Survivor Instrumental/Young Jeezy Trap Or Die [Instrumental]/Young Jeezy Forgiven feat. Marsha Ambrosius Instrumental/2 Chainz Money In The Way Instrumental/2 Chainz Pimps ft Bun B & Big K R I T instrumentals/2 Chainz Rule The World ft. Ariana Grande Instrumental/2 Chainz Bank Account (instrumental)/21 Savage a lot (Instrumental)/21 Savage ft. J Cole Hail Mary (Instrumental)/2PAC No More Pain (Instrumental) /2Pac Secretz Of War (Instrumental)/2Pac Str8 Ballin'(Instrumental)/2PAC How We Do (Instrumental)/50 cent Position Of Power Instrumental/50 Cent Wanksta (instrumental)/50 Cent What Up Gangsta (Instrumental)/50 Cent Can I Speak to You (INSTRUMENTAL)/50 Cent ft. Schoolboy Q
Name/Artist JEWELRY ANGEL/access SCANDALOUS BLUE/access 寺尾聰 ルビーの指環/Akira Terao Green Hornet Theme/Al Hirt Chicken Shack Boogie/Amos Milburn Stack-A-Lee Part 2/Archibald I Know (You Don't Love Me No More)/Barbara George Toy Bell/Bees Fortune Teller/Benny Spellman Dynasty Opening Theme, Long Version/Bill Conti I'm Gonna Be A Wheel Someday/Bobby Mitchell Eurocrime!/Calibro 35 if/CHAGE and ASKA SAY YES/CHAGE and ASKA チェッカーズ   星屑のステージ/The Checkers Sick and Tired/Chris Kenner NEW BON TON ROULAY/CLARENCE BON TON GARLOW Chanson D'un Jour D'hiver/Cortex The Monkey/Dave Bartholomew The Crane/David Lanz Dancing on the Berlin Wall/David Lanz Dark Horse/David Lanz Escapades of Pan/David Lanz Firedance/David Lanz Masque of Togaebi/David Lanz Nights In White Satin/David Lanz Prelude to the Dance/David Lanz Setting Of Two Suns/David Lanz Vesuvius/David Lanz Princess Princess/Diamonds Building Steam with a Grain of Salt/DJ Shadow COME ON/Earl King MOTHER IN LAW'/Ernie K. Doe AIN'T THAT A SHAME/Fats Domino The Fat Man/Fats Domino Goin' Home/Fats Domino I'm Walkin'/Fats Domino I'm Walking To New Orleans/Fats Domino Peace Fugue/Fred Wesley and the Horny Horns BANKSHOT FROM HEAVEN/iddris sandu BITTERSWEET ELATION/iddris sandu THE COST OF IT ALL/iddris sandu INTRO/iddris sandu MULHOLLAND DRIVE VIEWS PT.1/iddris sandu MULHOLLAND DRIVE VIEWS PT.2/iddris sandu OUTRO/iddris sandu SOMETIMES/iddris sandu SUPERPOSITION/iddris sandu An Atlantean Dream/In Search Of Orchestra It's Raining/Irma Thomas Fusion Rain Dance/Jeff Lorber Canon Rock/JerryC Ooh Poo Pah Doo - Parts 1 & 2/Jessie Hill 3x7=21/Jewel King Bernie's Tune/John Dankworth Ai wa katsu/KAN MU40PROJ.KDM/Ken Silverman Goodnight Baby/The King Tones Lady Marmalade/LaBelle Shady Blues/Lee Mason Hercules Takes Off/The Living Daylights Soundtrack Can i dedicate/The Loading Zone Changes/Mala おやすみロージー ~Angel Babyへのオマージュ/Masayuki Suzuki 五輪真弓   心の友/Mayumi Itsuwa 渡辺美里 - My Revolution/Misato Watanabe Kawa no Nagare no Youni/Misora Hibari Exiled/Morbin Caprice for Solo Violin, Op. 1 No. 24/Niccolò Paganini X Japan Endless Rain/Paa Kluay Let The Four Winds Blow/Roy Brown Seto no Hanayome/Rumiko Koyanagi Itoshisato Setsunasato Kokoro Tsuyosato/Ryoko Shinohara Young Man (Y.M.C.A.)/Saijo Hideki Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso/Saint-Saens 輝いた季節へ旅立とう/Seiko Matsuda FEEL SO GOOD/SHIRLEY & LEE Let The Good Times Roll/Shirley & Lee 君だけに 少年隊/Shonentai IT WILL STAND/The Showmen Blue Monday/Smiley Lewis I Hear You Knockin'/Smiley Lewis One Night  Of Sin/Smiley Lewis サザンオールスターズ 涙のキッス/Southern All Stars I DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT/The Spiders Witchcraft/The Spiders Movie Sample Quotes/SSX Tricky Wakare no Yokan/Teresa Teng 'round Midnight/Thelonious Monk LOVE YOU ONLY/TOKIO BOY MEETS GIRL/TRF 夏だね/TUBE Just Communication/Two Mix RHYTHM EMOTION/Two-Mix White Reflection/Two-Mix Travlin' Mood/Wee Willie Wayne Intro (2009)/The XX Summer 78/Yann Tiersen Birds Singing In a Tranquil Valley (Kong Shan Niao Yu)/Zhang Shao 愛は勝つ/がんばろうニッポン 愛は勝つ シンガーズ
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thcscout · 7 years ago
Marijuana Mania Episode 4: Los Angeles
Marijuana Mania Episode 4: Los Angeles
Executive Producer: Berner Produced by: Northbound Films Special thanks to Enas and Jungle Boys
Subscribe to Berner’s channel – http://bit.ly/BernerYouTube
Watch more exclusive content from Berner: Official music videos – http://bit.ly/BernerMusicVideos The Big Pescado album stream – http://bit.ly/TheBigPescado Berner’s Bigger Business Series –http://bit.ly/BernerBiggerBusiness Marijuana Mania –
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weedfeedz · 7 years ago
Marijuana Mania Episode 4: Los Angeles
Marijuana Mania Episode 4: Los Angeles
Executive Producer: Berner Produced by: Northbound Films Special thanks to Enas and Jungle Boys Subscribe to Berner’s channel – http://bit.ly/BernerYouTube …
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weedonsteroids · 7 years ago
Marijuana Mania Episode 4: Los Angeles
Executive Producer: Berner Produced by: Northbound Films Special because of Enas and Jungle Boys. source Read more at http://weedonsteroids.com/marijuana-mania-episode-4-los-angeles/
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lmccannabisyoutube · 3 years ago
The Exotikz Deal: Berner & the Jungle Boys https://youtube.com/shorts/2w1AzpTmZXc
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