#Berena moodboard
lilolilyr · 9 months
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Serena thinking of Bernie... A moodboard for my @berenaadvent day 3 drabble Knowing You Too Well
She sees her everywhere
Blonde hair, pink coat
Out of the corner
of her eyes, silhouettes
that look like her.
Stolen moment, kisses, then
So sudden, this loss
of a love story
that could have been
yet never really started.
What can she do
but hope and yet
at the same time
with her heart broken
rage, despair and regret?
She sees her everywhere
never quite believing herself
but then one day
she sees her standing
right in the doorway -
She'd know that silhouette
That shade of blonde
and her voice anywhere.
This time she knows
Her love is home.
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helebing · 4 years
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You are the most fantastic, fearless doctor in this entire hospital.
Holby City AU: Med School | Jenna Coleman as young Serena Campbell and Jodie Whittaker as young Bernie Wolfe
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ktlsyrtis · 5 years
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@berenacountdown Day Eleven: └ Distance
inspired by Knitted Hearts by @sententiousandbellicose
She knits a blanket out of the Red String of Fate that brought her to the love of her life. She pours all her love into this gift, red as heartstopping adoration she knows so well. Stitch by meticulous stitch until the yarn on her winder runs out and she’s drawing yarn from the slack that reaches down the stairs and out the front door, into the distance beyond. Still, she knits.
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tebarambles · 5 years
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bitheflowers · 5 years
Berena moodboard
Someone give me some prompts for some berena (or hicsqueak) moodboards cause I’m bored, okay thank you.
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troiings · 6 years
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spent my morning re-reading shut up and dance with me by @tea-and-procrastination and figured I’d throw together a quick moodboard? happy fanfic writer’s appreciation day, darlin!
+ a bonus mini-playlist on spotify, with a couple obvious tracks and a few that have been on my mind since first reading this fic ever so long ago. (rumba to “ain’t no sunshine” please, gals)
if you haven’t read this lovely ballroom dance au... why not?
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For I am dying of such love (or so it seems to me)
Holby city fanfiction moodboard 
Read on ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13184343/chapters/30156963
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bigbaddoctorwolfe · 7 years
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Bernie Wolfe
”Hope is the only thing stronger than fear”.
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midlifelez · 7 years
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Time and Again
This was how it worked: every day you lived was saved, stored, in a capsule, and each capsule was stored on a shelf. You could go back and revisit any day you wanted to, as many times as you wanted to, and you could behave however you wanted to – but no matter what you did differently, the day followed its usual chain of events, and nothing changed back in the central timeline. There were some people who never went back, who saw little point in sacrificing a new day for an old one, and who knew better than to torture themselves with what might have been. Bernie Wolfe wasn’t one of them.
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lilolilyr · 22 days
♡ pls reblog my fic posts ♡
This is my new fandom masterlist!
In alphabetical order, everything I write for:
Gen F/F F/M M/M
• Dracula
• Goncharov (Katfia)
•••• Good Omens (ineffable spouses)
• Gunpowder Milkshake, also on @floreleine
• Hacks HBO (Avorah)
• Hawaii 5-0 (McDanno)
• Holby City (Berena)
• Humans are Weird // Humans are Space Orcs
• James Bond (00Q)
••• Leverage
•• Lie to Me (Callian, Zoe/Gillian)
• Lord of the Rings // The Hobbit
• MCU (mainly ClintCoulson, Stucky)
•• Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (MacPhrack)
• Ocean's 8 (HeistWives aka Loubbie)
• Pirates of the Caribbean
• Pitch Perfect (Becommissar)
•• Sherlock (Johnlock, Shirene aka Adlock)
••• Star Trek
• ST Discovery (Milippa -prime, -mirror, -poly, -kat)
• ST DS9 (Kiradax, Kahndax, Kiradaxkahn)
• ST Picard (Saffi)
•• ST TOS (Spirk)
••• ST Voyager (J7, Chakotey/Tuvok)
• Star Wars
• The Devil Wears Prada (Mirandy)
• The Hunger Games
• The Old Guard (Andromaquynh, Andronilynh)
• The Witcher (mostly Geraskier)
• Warehouse 13 (Bering and Wells), also on @hgwellsmykabering
& more :)
A bunch of my fics are unfinished and Up for Adoption!
I don't just write but also make podfics, art, manips, moodboards and memes sometimes :D
If you want to be put on any of my fandom tag lists to be notified when I post something, let me know!
I'm always taking prompts, though much more likely to write for people who also support me by reblogging stuff and/or commenting on Ao3 of course ;) the ones in bold are my active fandoms that I'm mainly taking prompts for! You can also send other ideas though :)
I'm open to transformative works - podfic, fanart, continuations, AUs etc of my works - just click 'inspired by' if you post on Ao3 / link to my work on tumblr!
My favs • Ask me things! • behind the scenes • discord • Ao3
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ktlsyrtis · 6 years
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for eternity... [ l i s t e n ]
so when I say "forever," it's the goddamn truth
[image sources: gabriela lutostanski, p-etaluna, mermaid spawn]
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redgravequeen · 8 years
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💬as a gay scientist,💬 ❔ok, so the lovely @asongincomplete requested I do a 'Berena Star Trek AU' moodboard. Now I have never seen Star Trek and know nothing about it but I took the basic idea and ran with it... I hope this is alright for you?!❔ 🖇send requests to inbox🖇
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ylizam · 6 years
♔ : Finding the other wearing their clothes for Berena :)
inspired by the prompt AND your House Aesthetics moodboard (which I love, btw, and have had open in a tab for ages). a moment from the Hogwarts AU I’ll never actually write no matter how much time I’ve spent thinking about it. 
“Oh,” Bernie says.
Serena’s–she’s waiting, of course she’s waiting, bundled for the quidditch match that started around the same time Bernie stopped to heal the broken nose of one of her fourth years, lecturing them yet again about running in corridors, picking fights with the walls. Walked them back to the Hufflepuff common room, told them in no uncertain terms they’ll have to write the no-longer-optional essay Bernie assigned on Friday, that Bernie might not need to take points depending on its quality (Serena calls her soft, but Bernie thinks that when your house isn’t expected to win the Cup anyway the loss of a point here or there is of dubious motivational value).
“You’re late,” Serena says. She tightens the scarf around her neck, and Bernie’s mind stops somewhere between an explanation and an apology and won’t restart. Because Serena’s wearing Bernie’s scarf–no, because Serena’s wearing Bernie’s old house scarf, the one she got after the Sorting Hat finally decided what to do with her all those years ago, too long then but just the right length for a witch slightly shorter than Bernie herself now. With its fraying ends and the potions burn she’s never been able to bring herself to mend, yellow and black and very not–
“But you’re Slytherin,” Bernie says.
“Well spotted.” Serena winks, and Bernie’s face goes redder than an entire castle decked in Gryffindor tat; stupid stupid stupid echoing through her brain. She isn’t sure she’s actually breathing, is the thing. Isn’t sure she’ll manage to remain upright much longer, wonders hysterically if Serena will cast arresto momentum to stop her fall.
“But you’re a Hufflepuff, darling,” Serena adds, finger tracing the line of Bernie’s robes (when did she get so close? How did Bernie not notice?), “And Slytherin aren’t playing today. I thought I’d get into the spirit of the thing.”
Bernie means to say something pithy, something flirtatious. Instead she makes a strange gurgled moan, a sound she’s never heard come out of her own mouth, as Serena’s hands move to Bernie’s mess of hair like they belong there. Watches helplessly as Serena begins to laugh (at her, just a little, that fond look she gets sometimes on her face). Her face open and joyful, dressed in robes trimmed in green and silver, a ratty old well loved yellow and black scarf tied elegantly around her neck. She’s practically declaring that they’re together (now, finally, for all eternity if Bernie has her say), more definitively than a howler in the middle of the Great Hall.
Merlin, Bernie loves her.
The air feels charged. Serena calms, stops laughing. Looks almost nervous when Bernie remains frozen in place. She pulls her hands from Bernie’s hair, smoothing down the flyaways almost mindlessly with one hand while her other moves to the scarf at her neck, fingers twitchy and uncharacteristically unsure. Bernie can’t stop staring at her. Never wants to stop looking at her.
“I can,” Serena says. Her hands still. Drop to her sides as she shifts away. “Look, I’ll just put on my own scarf, and we can–”
“No,” Bernie says. She sounds desperate to her own ears. The word spit out with enough force to cast a thousand spells.  
Serena ducks beneath the edge of the scarf, hiding her smile behind wool that Bernie knows smells of endless autumn afternoons spent on the quidditch pitch, eyes crinkling and cheeks flushed. Bernie takes a step toward her. Lets herself be drawn ever closer, forever trapped in Serena’s gravitational pull, until they’re toe to toe once more. She pulls the scarf away from Serena’s face, slips it back down around her neck, and they’re mouth to mouth.
“No,” Bernie repeats.
“No,” Serena echoes. Her hands return to Bernie’s hair, pulling at the curls just hard enough to make Bernie moan. Bernie pushes closer, Serena’s fingers in her hair tight and perfect, and slants her mouth over Serena’s once again. Kisses her, mouth open, tongue and teeth and Serena answering with a nip to her lower lip, her tongue to soothe away the sting. Bernie never wants this moment to end. Never wants to stop kissing Serena.
Outside the open window, a roaring cheer, “she’s got the snitch!” and a sing-song “where they are just and loyal” magically amplified to echo throughout the castle. Bernie pushes Serena up against the nearest wall. Hands busy with Serena’s robes, careful to keep the scarf around her neck even as Serena moves to untie it, desperate and celebratory and overflowing with love.  
[nonsexual intimacy prompts] [send me a prompt!]
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Calendar Mood-board - January
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ddagent · 7 years
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Happy Friendiversary @ktlsyrtis!
One year ago today, in the comments of an Isaac Mayfield shit post, I met one of the most amazing people I have and will ever meet. Babe, it has been such an honour (and a pleasure) becoming your friend over the last year. You are kind and supportive and unbelievably dirty minded. I love you. I truly hope we are friends for many years to come!!!
(Apologies for the moodboard, it’s my first ever attempt. A quick explanation: April (this coming April! Our first in-person meeting!), Berena (obvs, but this is from the Valentine’s ep where we first got talking), Writing (our woes and our dirty collaborations), Hecate Hardbroom (who you made me watch and, consequently, introduced me to my wife Raquel), Anxiety (you have been such a rock this past year, and I hope you know I am always in your corner), Catherine Russell (your wife, and our mutual goddess), NSFW (lets face it, rarely are our convos anything other than R rated), Carrie Fisher (we have lots of points in common, but we both adore Carrie), Bisexuality (for we are Bi Queens, and we are also salty af)
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