#Berberis vulgaris
samirafee · 5 months
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n385_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: J. Sturms Flora von Deutschland : Stuttgart :K. G. Lutz,1900-1907. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/55366535
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musicandgallery · 1 year
Here is a hashtag list of supplements, arranged in alphabetical order.
Select the desired one.
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duniyakamood1 · 1 year
Berberis Vulgaris Uses in Hindi: बर्बेरिस वल्गैरिस एक प्रकार की जड़ी बूटी होती है और यह दवाई berberine, berbamine और Palmatine को मिलाकर बनाई जाती है। जिसका उपयोग सदियों से चीनी, जापानी और मूल अमेरिकियों के द्वारा किया जाता रहा है। इस दवाई का अपना एक लंबा इतिहास रहा है और बर्बेरिस वल्गैरिस को लेकर कहा जाता है कि इस दवाई से कई फायदें होते है।
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haveyouatethisfruit · 1 month
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Calafate Berry
(berberis microphylla)
Also known as box leaved barberry and magellan barberry
Not to be confused with barberry (berberis vulgaris) or michay berry (berberis darwinii)
🍓Reblog to share a fun fruit and to increase sample size!🍓
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kadunudtarkus · 4 months
Harilik kukerpuu
Berberis vulgaris L., Berberidaceae Barberry
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Harilik kukerpuu on 2-3m (5m) kõrgune rohkesti harunev põõsas.
Ravimina kasutatakse juuri ja lehti, mida korjatakse peale õitsemist, suve lõpus.
Droog vähendab valusündroomi, soodustab sapi eritumist. Kasutatakse hepatiitide, hepatokoletsüstiidide ja sapikivide puhul.
Lehtedest valmistatud alkoholväljatõmmatist kasutatakse emakaverejooksu sulgeva vahendina, ka maksa ja sapiteede haiguste korral.
Harilik kukerpuu on 2-3m (5m) kõrgune rohkesti harunev põõsas.
Noored võrsed kollakad või kollakadpunased, vanemad hallikad. Lühivõrseid palju, lehed kinnituvad neile kimpudena. Astlad, mis on muunudunud lehed. asuvad lühivõrsete alusel ja on vanematel võrsetel kolmeharulised, noortel aga harunemata, 1-2cm pikad.
Lehed elliptilised kuni äraspidimunajad, peen-ogajalt saagja servaga, 3-6cm pikad, 1,5-3cm laiad. Lehelaba aheneb kiiljalt 1,5-2cm pikkuseks leherootsuks.
Õitseb mais, juunis, õied kollased, 15-20-kaupa 4-6cm pikkustes kobarataolistes rippuvates õisikutes, sisaldavad mesinestet.
Vili on 0,8-1,2cm pikkune punane mari kahe, harvemini kolme seemnega. Viljad on hapuka maitsega, söödavad, kasutatakse keediste valmistamiseks.
Ilupõõsana ei soovitata harilikku kukerpuud väga laialdaselt kasvatada, sest ta on kõrrerooste vaheperemees.
Kasvab loodudel, võsastikes, teeservadel, metsades, parkides, aedades, eriti rohkesti Lääne-Eestis. Dekoratiivpõõsana talub hästi kärpimist. 
Puit on helekollane, hästi poleeritav.
Hariliku kukerpuu kõik organid sisaldavad alkaloide. Nende saamiseks kasutatakse peamiselt juuri ja lehti - folium et radix Berberidis. Kõige rikkam alkaloididest on juurte koor.
Lehti kogutakse peale õitsemist. Et vältida torkimist, lõigatakse kääridega lühivõrsed koos lehtedega.
Juuri kogutakse sügisel septembris-oktoobris. Põõsas raiutakse maha, juured kaevatakse labidaga maa seest välja, pestakse, kuivatatakse vilus. Juured on pinnalt pruunid, seest sidrunkollased.
Viljad sisaldavad 6,6% õunhapet, sidrunhapet, viinhapet, glükoosi ja fruktoosi. 
Droog sisaldab kuni 0,1% alkaloide berberiini, oksüakantiini, palmatiini, kolumbamiini, peale selle parkaineid, jälgedena eeterlikku õli. Alkaloididest kasutatakse ainult berberiini.
Berberiin on spasmolüütilise toimega, vähendab valusündroomi, soodustab sapi eritumist. Kasutatakse hepatiitide, hepatokoletsüstiidide ja sapikivide puhul.
Lehtedest valmistatud alkoholväljatõmmatist kasutatakse emakaverejooksu sulgeva vahendina, ka maksa ja sapiteede haiguste korral.
Taime levi
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Tammeorg, J., Kook, O. & Vilbaste, G. (1973). Eesti NSV Ravimtaimed. Tallinn: Valgus.
Eesti taimede levikuatlas 2020
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francescointoppa · 1 year
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B - Berberis vulgaris L. - Crespino comune (Berberidaceae)
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sahnihomoeopathydelhi · 6 months
Holistic Approach to Gall Bladder Stone Treatment: Homoeopathy Explained
Discover the efficacy of homoeopathy in treating gall bladder stones naturally. Learn about gentle remedies and holistic care for lasting relief.
Gall bladder stones, also known as gallstones, can cause significant discomfort and disrupt daily life. While conventional treatments like surgery may seem like the only solution, homoeopathy offers a holistic approach that addresses the root cause of the problem. Let's explore how homoeopathy can provide effective treatment for gall bladder stones.
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Understanding Gall Bladder Stones:
Gallstones are hardened deposits that form in the gall bladder, a small organ responsible for storing bile produced by the liver. These stones can vary in size and composition, ranging from tiny particles to large masses. Gallstones often develop due to imbalances in bile composition, leading to the crystallization of cholesterol or bilirubin.
Homoeopathic Perspective:
Homoeopathy views diseases as an imbalance in the body's vital force and aims to restore harmony through natural remedies. In the case of gall bladder stones, homoeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body's innate healing mechanisms, thereby helping to dissolve the stones and prevent their recurrence.
Gentle Remedies for Gall Bladder Stones:
Homoeopathic medicines for gall bladder stones are selected based on individual symptoms and constitution. Common remedies like Lycopodium, Chelidonium, and Berberis Vulgaris are often prescribed to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and facilitate the expulsion of stones. These remedies are gentle yet potent, offering relief without the side effects associated with conventional medications.
Addressing Underlying Factors:
Homoeopathy doesn't just treat the symptoms; it addresses the underlying factors contributing to gall bladder stone formation. This may include dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, and stress management techniques. By addressing the root cause of the problem, homoeopathy helps prevent recurrence and promotes overall well-being.
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Holistic Care for Lasting Relief:
In addition to homoeopathic remedies, holistic care plays a crucial role in managing gall bladder stones. This includes adopting a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while limiting processed foods and saturated fats. Regular exercise, adequate hydration, and stress reduction techniques such as yoga and meditation further support the body's natural healing process.
Gall bladder stones can be a source of considerable discomfort, but homoeopathy offers a gentle and effective alternative to conventional treatments. By addressing the underlying imbalances in the body, homoeopathic remedies promote lasting relief and overall well-being. If you're seeking a natural approach to gall bladder stone treatment, consider consulting with a qualified homoeopathic practitioner to explore your options.
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vahdaniyet · 6 months
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Karamuk Nedir?
Karamuk, enfeksiyonlarla mücadele eden ve bağışıklık sistemini güçlendiren bir bitkidir. Karamuk meyvesi ise, lezzet ve besin değeri bakımından zengin olup, çeşitli yemeklerde kullanılıyor. Bu özellikleriyle karamuk, sağlıklı bir diyetin önemli bir parçası olarak dikkat çekiyor.
Modern tıbbın hayati çözümler sunduğu bir dönemde, alternatif tıp da yüzyıllardır insanlığın şifa bulma çabasında yanında yer alıyor. Bu eski ve gizemli dünyada, doğal bitkilerin önemi tartışılmaz bir gerçek olarak karşımıza çıkıyor; onlar, çay olarak demlendiğinde ya da bazen çiğ, bazen pişmiş olarak tüketildiğinde, yaşamın özünden gelen bir iyileşme sözü veriyor.
Berberis Vulgaris, yani halk arasında kadın tuzluğu veya karamık olarak bilinen karamuk bitkisi, şifalı bitkiler dünyasında öne çıkıyor. Geniş bir yelpazede sağlık faydaları sunan bu bitki, alternatif tıp dünyasında de��erli bir kaynak olarak kendini gösteriyor. Karamuk, doğanın sunduğu zenginlikler arasında, tıpkı bir hazine gibi parlayan bir mücevher niteliğinde.
Kaynak: (Vahdaniyet Haber Sitesi) https://www.vahdaniyet.com/karamuk/
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zriviepotions · 2 years
Real & Edible
Allspice → Allspice
Pimenta dioica, aka allspice
In the game we use the root, IRL we use the dried fruit.
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Arenaria → Sandwort
Literal translation (arenaria = sandwort)
There are tons of arenaria species with flowers that look exactly like the ones in the game (Arenaria montana pictured).
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Berbercane fruit → Barberry
Berberis vulgaris, aka barberry
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Beggartick → Bidens OR hibiscus
Literal translation (beggartick = Bidens)
In the game the flower doesn’t really look like beggartick, even red cultivated types, but I’m going to stick with the literal name on this one.
In Polish, it’s “Kwiat dwugrotu” which doesn’t seem to be a real thing, but translates to “two-headed flower.”
In the English translation of The Voice of Reason (pt 6) - “Glass reservoirs full of gnarled rhizomes of the hallucinogenic bitip.” Bitip also does not seem to be a real thing. Based on this it’s a swamp plant.
In the first Witcher game, the beggartick looks a lot like a hibiscus. Hibiscus tea has also been said to cause dizziness and hallucinations.
(Pictured clockwise: Witcher 3 beggartick, Bidens ferulifolia, hibiscus, Witcher 1 beggartick).
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Bison grass → Bison grass
Hierochloe odorata/alpina, aka bison grass, aka sweet grass.
Debatably edible, contains coumarin which is supposedly a blood thinner and can cause liver damage in large quantities. It’s banned from foodstuffs in the USA.
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Blowball → Dandelion*
“Dmuchawiec” in Polish, literally dandelion.
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Buckthorn → Sea buckthorn
Grows in water in the game, so I assume it’s supposed to be sea buckthorn (which doesn’t actually grow in water, but.. close enough).
In Baptism of Fire, it’s referenced as being in the forest, so it’s probably the tree in the books (brilliant deduction skills). The tree berries, bark, and roots are toxic.
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Cortinarius → Cortinarius caperatus
Cortinarius caperatus, aka gypsy mushroom
There are tons of species in the genus Cortinarius, but Cortinarius caperatus is edible and looks like the game version.
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Honeysuckle → Honeysuckle*
Lonicera periclymenum and Lonicera japonica are two types of honeysuckle with edible flowers/nectar.
In the game, it looks more like Lonicera sempervirens (coral honeysuckle, pictured).
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Hop umbels → Hops
Humulus lupulus, aka hop plant.
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Moleyarrow → Yarrow*
Is it mole yarrow or moley arrow? The great debate. Yarrow is real and edible.
In Polish “mysichwost” or “storczyka mysichwosta.” English book translation is the "mouse-tail orchid.”
“[...] and the tiger-striped petals of the mouse-tail orchid.” (The Voice of Reason 6).
There IS a mousetail orchid, Oberonia myosurus, but it’s very tiny and doesn’t look like the game version, nor does it have striped petals.
Orchids are edible!
I’ll be using yarrow because it grows where I live and orchids are more difficult/more expensive to obtain.
(Pictured clockwise: in-game harvested moleyarrow, yarrow, yellow orchid, in-game moleyarrow).
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Nostrix → Sweet clover
Nostrzyk in Polish = melilotus (sweet clover)
In the game, it looks like ivy. Most ivy are not edible. Ground ivy (creeping charlie) is edible, but I think that conclusion requires more steps (Nostrix looks like ivy → ivy isn’t edible → ground ivy is edible vs nostrzyk → melilotus).
English book translation, “He saw stretches of star-leafed melilote.” (The Voice of Reason 6). Melilote is still sweet clover (though it certainly doesn’t have star-shaped leaves).
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Puffball → Puffball*
Puffball mushrooms encompass several genera, including Calvatia, Calbovista, and Lycoperdon. The majority of true puffball mushrooms are edible.
In the game, they don’t look like true puffballs. In polish they are “purchawka” which = puffball.
(Pictured: Lycoperdon perlatum, or common puffball).
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Ribleaf → Ribwort*
Plantago lanceolata, aka ribwort.
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Verbena → Verbena*
All verbena is generally safe to eat (flowers/leaves)
I’ll be using a mix of Verbena hastata (blue vervain), Verbena bracteata (bigbract verbena), and Aloysia citrodora (lemon verbena).
Blue vervain and lemon verbena are common for use medicinally, and I found bigbract verbena in my yard.
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White Myrtle → Myrtle
Fruit, flowers, and leaves of most myrtles appear to be edible.
"White Myrtle” can refer to either Hypocalymma angustifolium (a shrub) or Auranticarpa rhombifolia (a tree).
I wasn’t able to find petals, so I’ll be using leaves from Myrtus communis, the common myrtle.
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cottage-and-castle · 2 years
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botanical paintings by Margaret Rebecca Dickinson
Germander Speedwell, Veronica chamaedrys / Tansy, Tanacetum vulgare
Red Dead-nettle, Lamium purpureum / Prickly Poppy, Papaver argemone
Bitter-vetch, Lathyrus linifolius var. montanus / Sun Spurge, Euphorbia helioscopia
Barberry, Berberis vulgaris / Colt’s-foot, Tussilago farfara 
Welted thistle, Carduus crispus / Wild Angelica, Angelica sylvestris
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n57_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Flore forestière :. Paris :J. Rothschild,1872.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/13414188
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infoerba · 1 month
Il componente principale del Crespino è rappresentato dalla berberina, un alcaloide del gruppo della protoberberina: un valido rimedio naturale per contrastare il colesterolo alto e molti altri disturbi. La berberina è una sostanza naturale, un alcaloide che trova spazio come integratore nella prevenzione e nel trattamento di molteplici disturbi. Isolata a partire da differenti piante medicinali tra […]
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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valgasnewsthings · 1 month
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rightaidhomeopathy · 2 months
Homeopathy, a holistic medical system founded in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, focuses on stimulating the body's self-healing mechanisms. One key aspect often explored in homeopathic treatment is blood purification, which is believed to enhance overall health by removing toxins and impurities from the bloodstream.
Homeopaths assert that an accumulation of toxins in the blood can lead to various health issues, such as skin disorders, digestive problems, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. To address these concerns, homeopathy offers remedies that aim to purify the blood and restore the body's natural balance. These remedies are derived from natural substances, including plants, minerals, and animals, and are prepared through a process of serial dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking).
Commonly used homeopathic remedies for blood purification include Berberis vulgaris, known for its detoxifying properties and support of kidney function; Sulphur, which is believed to help with skin conditions and liver detoxification; and Sarsaparilla, used for its potential benefits in treating skin eruptions and urinary issues. Other remedies such as Arsenicum album, Hepar sulphuris, and Lachesis are also employed based on individual symptoms and constitutional types.
The homeopathic approach to blood purification is individualized, meaning that practitioners select remedies based on the specific symptoms, overall health, and emotional state of each patient. This personalized treatment aims to address the root cause of toxin buildup rather than merely alleviating symptoms.
While some individuals report significant improvements in their health following homeopathic blood purification treatments, it is essential to note that scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. Homeopathy remains a controversial field, with critics arguing that the highly diluted remedies may lack active ingredients capable of producing therapeutic effects.
In conclusion, blood purification in homeopathy focuses on enhancing the body's natural detoxification processes through individualized, natural remedies. Despite mixed views on its efficacy, homeopathy continues to be a popular alternative medicine approach for those seeking holistic and non-invasive treatments.
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