#Benjamin Baugh
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chubbycrowgames · 2 days ago
This is absolutely a thing in Monsters and Other Childish Things. Someone can yell an insult so sick, so personally damaging, that you lose the ability to run or to do math. And someone could punch you so hard that you can't give a speech or kick a soccer ball.
For the monsters it's even wilder! If Yog'So-Soft, the eldritch teddy bear, tears at the soul of Mr. Crocker, an ancient Egyptian river god who is a crocodile, then Mr. Crocker could lose his ability to eat anything, or see invisible things.
And if Mr. Crocker takes a bite out of Yog'So-Soft, then Yog'So-Soft might lose his ability to magically manipulate the emotions of humans, or his power to throw sleepy dust on his enemies.
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A lot of tabletop RPGs in the OSR sphere have become infatuated with the idea of a slot-based inventory which doubles as an injury tracker, such that each wound literally occupies some number of inventory slots based on its severity, potentially forcing you to abandon loot and even equipment if you get hurt badly enough, and I'm thinking: why stop there? Use the same slot-based inventory for everything. Skills. Relationships. Emotional burdens. Get punched so hard you forget how to cast freball. An orc calls you a nasty name and it bothers you so much, you have to unequip your sense of humour until you recover.
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exquisitelyeco · 1 year ago
Paradox and Benjamin Fondane
Today I saw a beautiful set of ornate stars. Except they were not. Because they had no light. The source of power was switched off. Matt 6v23; ‘But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!’NLT Do we truly get that? We are all lights, if we are aware and connected to Love in us. If…
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lboogie1906 · 11 months ago
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The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of African-American and Caribbean-born military pilots who fought in WWII. They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the Army Air Forces. The name applies to the navigators, bombardiers, mechanics, instructors, crew chiefs, nurses, cooks, and other support personnel.
All African American military pilots who trained in the US trained at Moton Field, the Tuskegee Army Air Field, and were educated at Tuskegee University. The group included five Haitians from the Haitian Air Force and one pilot from Trinidad. It included a Hispanic or Latino airman born in the Dominican Republic.
March 22, 1942 - The first five cadets graduate from the Tuskegee Flying School: Captain Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. and Second Lieutenants Mac Ross,
Charles DeBow, L.R. Curtis, and George S. Roberts. They will become part of my the famous 99th Pursuit Squadron. List of Tuskegge Airmen.
Paul Adams (pilot)
Rutherford H. Adkins
Halbert Alexander
William Armstrong
Lee Archer
Robert Ashby
William Bartley
Howard Baugh
Henry Cabot Lodge Bohler
George L. Brown
Harold Brown
Roscoe Brown
Victor W. Butler
William Burden
William A. Campbell
Herbert Carter
Raymond Cassagnol
Eugene Calvin Cheatham Jr.
Herbert V. Clark
Granville C. Coggs
Thomas T.J. Collins
Milton Crenchaw
Woodrow Crockett
Lemuel R. Custis
Floyd J. Crawthon Jr
Doodie Head
Clarence Dart
Alfonza W. Davis
Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (C/O)
Charles DeBow
Wilfred DeFour
Gene Derricotte
Lawrence Dickson
Charles W. Dryden
John Ellis Edwards
Leslie Edwards Jr.
Thomas Ellis
Joseph Elsberry
Leavie Farro Jr
James Clayton Flowers
Julius Freeman
Robert Friend (pilot)
William J. Faulkner Jr.
Joseph Gomer
Alfred Gorham
Oliver Goodall
Garry Fuller
James H. Harvey
Donald A. Hawkins
Kenneth R. Hawkins
Raymond V. Haysbert
Percy Heath
Maycie Herrington
Mitchell Higginbotham
William Lee Hill
Esteban Hotesse
George Hudson Jr.
Lincoln Hudson
George J. Iles
Eugene B. Jackson
Daniel "Chappie" James Jr.
Alexander Jefferson
Buford A. Johnson
Herman A. Johnson
Theodore Johnson
Celestus King III
James Johnson Kelly
James B. Knighten
Erwin B. Lawrence Jr.
Clarence D. Lester
Theodore Lumpkin Jr
John Lyle
Hiram Mann
Walter Manning
Robert L. Martin
Armour G. McDaniel
Charles McGee
Faythe A. McGinnis
John "Mule" Miles
John Mosley
Fitzroy Newsum
Norman L Northcross
Noel F. Parrish
Alix Pasquet
Wendell O. Pruitt
Louis R. Purnell Sr.
Wallace P. Reed
William E. Rice
Eugene J. Richardson, Jr.
George S. Roberts
Lawrence E. Roberts
Isaiah Edward Robinson Jr.
Willie Rogers
Mac Ross
Robert Searcy
David Showell
Wilmeth Sidat-Singh
Eugene Smith
Calvin J. Spann
Vernon Sport
Lowell Steward
Harry Stewart, Jr.
Charles "Chuck" Stone Jr.
Percy Sutton
Alva Temple
Roger Terry
Lucius Theus
Edward L. Toppins
Robert B. Tresville
Andrew D. Turner
Herbert Thorpe
Richard Thorpe
Thomas Franklin Vaughns
Virgil Richardson
William Harold Walker
Spann Watson
Luke J. Weathers, Jr.
Sherman W. White
Malvin "Mal" Whitfield
James T. Wiley
Oscar Lawton Wilkerson
Henry Wise Jr.
Kenneth Wofford
Coleman Young
Perry H. Young Jr.
#africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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driftwork · 2 years ago
names, mostly surnames (1)
let me apologise for this partial list of names in the library,  titles available on request...
, Adorno, horkheimer, anderson, aristotle, greta adorno, marcuse, agamben, acampora and acampora, althussar, lajac kovacic, eric alliez, marc auge,  attali, francis bacon (16th c), aries, aries and bejin, alain badiou, beckett, hallward, barnes, bachelard, bahktin, volshinov, baudrillard, barthes, john beattie, medvedev, henri bergson, Jacques Bidet, berkman, zybmunt bauman, burgin, baugh, sam  butler, ulrich beck, andrew benjamin and peter osbourne, walter benjamin, ernest bloch, blanchot,  bruzins,  bonnet,  karin bojs,  bourdieu,  j.d. bernal, goldsmith,  benveniste, braidotti,  brecht,  burch, victor serge, andre breton, judith butler, malcolm bull, stanley cohen, john berger, etienne balibar, david bohm, gans blumenberg, martin buber, christopher caudwell, micel callon, albert camus, agnes callard,  castoridis, claudio celis bueno, carchedi and roberts, Marisol de la cadena,  mario blaser, nancy cartwright, manual castells, mark  currie, collingwood, canguilhem, mario corti, stuart hall, andrew lowe, paul willis, coyne, stefan collini, varbara cassin, helene cixous, coward and ellis, clastres, carr, cioren,  irving copi, cassirer, carter and willians, margeret cohen,  Francoise dastur, guy debord, agnes martin,  michele bernstein, alice, lorraine dastun, debaise, Gilles Deleuze, deleuze and gattari, guattari, parnet, iain mackenzie, bignall, stivale, holland, smith, james williams, zourabichvili, paul patton, kerslake,  schuster, bogue, bryant,  anne sauvagnargues, hanjo berresen, frida beckman, johnson, gulliarme and hughes, valentine moulard-leonard, desai,  dosse, duttman, d’amico,  benoit peters, derrida, hinca zarifopol-johnston, sean gaston,  discourse, mark poster, foucault,  steve fuller, markus gabrial, rosenbergm  milchamn, colin jones,  van fraasen,  fekete,  vilem flusser, flahault, heri focillon, rudi visker, ernst fischer,  fink, faye, fuller, fiho, marco bollo, hans magnus enxensberger, leen de bolle, canetti, ilya enrenberg,  thuan, sebastion peake, mervyn peake, robert henderson, reimann, roth,  bae suah,  yabouza, marco bellatin, cartarescu, nick harkaway, chris norris, deLanda, regis debray, pattern and doniger,  soame jynens, bernard williams, descartes, anne dufourmanteille, michelle le doeuff, de certaeu , deligny, Georges Dumezil, dumenil and levy,  bernard edelman, victorverlich, berio, arendt, amy allen, de beauvior,hiroka azumi,  bedau and humphreys,  beuad,  georges bataille, caspar  henderson,  chris innes,  yevgeny zamyatin,  louis aragon, italo calvino, pierre guirard,  trustan garcia, rene girard, paul gilroy, michal gardner,  andre gorz, jurgan gabermas, martin gagglund, beatrice hannssen, jean hyppolyte, axel honneth, zizek and crickett, stephen heath,  calentin groebner, j.b.s. haldane,  ian hacking,  david hakken,  hallward and oekken,  haug, harman, latour, arnold hauser, hegel, pippin, pinksrd, michel henry, louis hjelmslev,  gilbert hardin, alice jardine, karl jaspers, suzzane kirkbright, david hume,  thomas hobbes, barry hindus, paul hirst, hindess and hirst, wrrner hamacher,  bertrand gille,  julien huxley, halavais, irigaray, ted honderich, julia kristeva, leibnitz, d lecourt,  lazzaroto, kluge and negt, alexander kluge, sarah kofman, alexandre kojeve,  kolozoya, keynes,  richard kangston, ben lehman, kant,  francous jullien, fred hameson, sntonio rabucchi, jaeggi, steve lanierjones, tim jackson,  jakobson,   joeseph needham, arne de boever,  marx and engels, karl marx, frederick engels, heinrich,  McLellen , maturana and varuna,  lem, lordon, jean jacques-lecercle,  malabou,  marazzi,  heiner muller,  mary midgley, armand matterlart, ariel dorfman, matakovsky, nacneice, lucid,  victor margolis, narco lippi,  glen mazis, nair,  william morris,  nabis,  jean luc nancy,  geoffrey nash,  antonio negri,  negri and hardt, hardt, keith ansell pearson, pettman, william ruddiman, rheinberger, andre orlean, v.i. vernadsky,  rodchenko,  john willet, tarkovsky, william empson,  michel serres,  virillio, semiotexte, helmut heiseenbuttel,  plessner, pechaux, raunig, retort,  saito,  serres, dolphin, maria assad, spinoza,  bernard sharratt, isabelle stengers,  viktor shklovsky,  t. todorov,  enzo traverso, mario tronti,  todes, ivan pavlov,  whitehead, frank trentmann, trubetzkoy, rodowink, widderman, karl wittfogel, peter handke, olivier rolin, pavese,  robert walser, petr kral, von arnim,  sir john mennis,  ladies cabinet,  samuel johnson, edmund spenser,  efy poppy, yoko ogawa, machado,  kaurence durrell,  brigid brophy,  a. betram chandler, maria gabriella llansol, fowler,  ransmayr,  novick, llewellyn,  brennan, sean carroll,  julien rios, pintor, wraxall,  jaccottet, tabucchi,  iain banks, glasstone,  clarice lispector,  murakami, ludmilla petrushevskaya,  motoya, bachmann, lindqvist,  uwe johnson, einear macbride,  szentkuthy,  vladislavic, nanguel,  mathias enard,  chris tomas, jonathan meades,  armo schmidt, charles yu, micheal sorkin, vilas- matas, varesi, peter weiss,  stephenson, paul legrande,  virginie despentes, pessoa,  brin,  furst, gunter trass, umberto eco, reid, paul,klee, mario levero, hearn, judith schalansky, moorhead,  margert walters, rodchenko and popova, david king, alisdair gray, burroughs, ben fine, paul hirst, hindess,  kapuscinski, tchaikovsky,  brooke-rose, david hoon kim, helms,  mahfouz, ardret,  felipe fernandez-armesto,  young and tagomon,  aronson,  bonneuil and  fressoz, h.s. bennett, amy allen, bruckner brown, honegger, bernhard,  warren miller, albert thelen,  margoy bennett, rose macauley,  nenjamin peret, sax rohmer, angeliki, bostrom, phillip ball, the invisible commitee, bataille and leiris,  gregory bateson, michelle barrett and mary mcintosh, bardini, bugin, mcdonald, kaplan, buck-moores,  chesterman and lipman,  berman,  cicero, chanan,  chatelet,  helene cixous, iain cha,bers,  smirgel, norman clark, caird, camus,  clayre, chomsky, critchley,  curry,  swingewood,  luigi luca cavelli-sforza,  clark, esposito, doerner,  de duve, alexander dovzhenko, donzelot,  dennet, doyle, burkheim, de camp,  darwin,  dawkins,  didi-huberman, dundar, george dyson, berard deleuze, evo, barbara ehrenrich,  edwards,  e isenstein, ebeking, economy and society, esposito,  frederick gross,  david edgeerton,  douglas,  paul,feyerband,  jerry fodor,  gorrdiener,  tom forester, korsgaard,  fink,  floridi, elizabeth groscz, pierre francastel,  jane jacobs,  francois laplantinee,  gould,  galloway, goux,  godel, grouys, genette,  gil, kahloo, giddens,  martin gardner,  gilbert and dubar, hobbes,  herve, golinski, grotowski, glieck,  hayles, heidegger, huxley, eric hobsbawn, jean-louis hippolyte,  phillip hoare, tim jordan,  david harvey, hawking, hoggart,  rosemary jackson,  myerson,  mary jacobus, fox keller, illich,  sarah fofman, sylvia harvey, john holloway, han,  jaspers, yuk hui,  pierre hadot, carl gardner,  william james, bell hooks,  edmond jabes,  kierkegaard, alexander keen, kropotkin, tracy kidder,  mithen, kothari and mehta, lind,  c. joad,  bart kosko, kathy myers,  kaplan,  luce irigaraay, patrick ke iller, kittler,  catherine belsey,  kmar,  klossowski, holmes, kant, stanton,  ernesto laclau, jenkins, la mouffe,  walter john williams, adam greenfield, susan greenfield, paul auster, viet nguyen, jeremy nicholson,  andy weir, fred jameson,  lacoue-labarthe,  bede,  jane gallop, lacan,  wilden,  willy ley,  henri lefebvre, rob sheilds,  sandra laugier, micheal lowy, barry levinson, sylvain lazurus, lousardo, leopardo, jean-francois lyotard, jones,  lewontin,  steve levy,  alice in genderland,  laing, lanier, lakatos, laurelle, luxemburg,  lukacs, jarsh,  james lovelock, ideologu and consciousness, economy and society, screen, deleuze studies, deleuze and guattari studies,  bruno latour, david lapoujade,  stephen law, primo levi,  levi-strauss,  emmanuel levinas,  viktor schonberger, pierre levy, gustav landaur,  robin le poidevin,  les levidow, lautman, david cooper,  serge leclaire, catherine malabou, karl kautsky, alice meynall,  j.s. mill, montainge,  elaine miller, rosa levine-meyer, jean luc marion, henri lefebrve,  lipovetsky, terry lovell,  niklas luhmann,  richard may, machiavelli, richard mabey, john mullzrkey,  meyerhold, edward braun,  magri,  murray, nathanial lichfield, noelle mcafee,  hans meyer,  ouspensky, lucretius, asa briggs, william morris, christian metz, laura mulvey, len masterman,  karl mannheim, louis marin, alaister reynolds,  antonio  munoz molina,  FRAZER,  arno schmidt,  dinae waldman,  mark rothko, cornwall, micheal snow, sophie henaff, scarlett thomas,  matuszewski, lillya brik,  rosamond lehman , morris and o’conner,  nina bawden, cora sandel, delafield, storm jameson,  lovi , rachel ferguson,  stevie smith, pat barker, miles franklin, fay weldon,  crista wolff, grace paley, v. woolf, naomi mitchinson, sheila rowbotham,  e, somerville and v ross, sander marai,  jose  saramago,  strugatsky, jean echenoz, mark robso,  vladimir Vernadsky,  chris marker, Kim Stanley Robinson,  mario leverdo,  r.a. lafferty, martin bax, mcaulay, tatyana tolstaya,  colinn kapp,  jonathan meades,  franco fortini,  sam delany, philip e high, h.g. adler, feng menglong,  adam thorpe,  peeter nadas,  sam butler, narnold silver,  deren,  joanna moorhead, leonara carrington,  de waal,  hartt, botticelli,  charbonneau, casco pratolini,  murakami, aldiss,  guidomorselli, ludmilla petrushevskaya, ,schulz,  de andrade, yasushi. inoue, renoir,  amelie  nothomb,  ken liu,  prynne,  ANTIONE VOLODINE, luc brasso,  angela greene,  dorothea tanning,  eric chevillard,  margot bennett w.e. johns, conan doyle,  samuel johnson,  herge,  coutine-denamy, sterling, roubaud,  sloan, meiville,  delarivier manley, andre norton, perec, edward upward, tom mcCarthy,  magrinya,  stross,  eco, godden,  malcolm lowry,  derekmiller,  ismail kadare,  scott lynch, chris fowler, perter newman,  suzzana clarke,  paretky, juliscz balicki,  stanislaw maykowski, rajaniemi, william morris, c.k. crow,  ueys,  oldenburg,  mssrc chwmot,  will pryce,  munroe,  brnabas and kindersley, tromans,   lem, zelazny,  mitchinson, harry Harrison,  konstantin tsiolkovsky,  flammerion,  harrison, arthur c clarke, carpenter, john brunner,  anhony powell,  ted white, sheckley,  kristof, kempowski, shingo,  angelica groodischer,  rolin,  galeanom  dobin,  richard holloway,  pohl and kornbulth,  e.r. eddison,  ken macleodm  aldiss,  dave hutchinson,  alfred bester, budrys,  pynchon,  kurkov,  wisniewski_snerg, , kenji miyazawa,  dante,  laidlaw,  paek nam_nyong, maspero, colohouquon, hernandez,      christina hesselholdt, claude simon, bulgaakov,  simak,  verissimo,  sorokin,  sarraute,  prevert,  celan, bachmann,  mervin peake,  olaf stapledon,  sa rohmer,  robert musil,  le clezio,  jeremy cooper,  zambra,  giorgio de chirico,  mjax frisch,  gawron,  daumal,  tomzza,  canetti,  framcois maspero,  de quincy, defoe, green,, greene, marani,  bellatin,  khury, tapinar,, richmal crompton,  durrenmat,  fritz,  quintane,  volponi,  nanni balestrini,  herrera,  robert walser,  duras,  peter stamm,  m foster,  lan wright,  their theotokism  agustn de rojas, paul eluard,  sturgeon,  hiromi kawakomi,  sayaka murata,  wolfgang hilbig,  hmilton,  z  zivkovic,  gersson,  mallo,  bird,  chaudrey, Toussaint, Can Xue, Lewis Mumford, neitzsche, popper, zizek, scott westerfield, rousseau, lewis munford, tod may,  penelope maddy, elaine marks,  isabelle courtivron, leroi, massumi,  david sterritt, godard, millican and clark, macabe, negri,  mauss, maiimon, patrica maccormack, moretti, courtney humphries,  monad, moyn, malina, picasso, goldman, dambisa moyo,  merleau-ponty, Nicholson, knobe and nichols, poinciore, morris, ovid, ming, nail, thomas more, richard mabey,  macfarlane,  piscator,  louis-stempal,  negrastini, moore,  jacquline rose,  rose and rose, ryle, roszick, rosenburg, ravisson, paul ricoer,  rossler,  chantl mouffe,  david reiff, plato, slater, rowlands, rosa, john roberts,  rhan, dubios and rousseau, ronell,  jacques ranciere, mallarme,  quinodoz, peterpelbert, mary poovey, mackenzie, andrew price, opopper,  roger penrose, lu cino parisi,  gavin rae, parker and pollack,  mirowoski, perniola, postman, panofsky, propp, paschke and rodel, andre pickering, massabuau, lars svenddsen,  rosenberg and whyte, t.l.s. sprigger,  nancy armstrong,  sallis,  dale spender,  stanislavski,  vanessa schwartz,  shapin and shaeffer, sally sedgewick,  signs,  gabriel tarde,  charles singer, adam smith,  simondon,  pascal chablt,  combes, jon roffee, edward said,  sen,  nik farrell fox, sartre,  fred emery,  scholes, herbert spencer, ruth saw, spinoza,  raphael sassower, henry sidgewick, peter singer,  katarznya de lazari-radek,  piaget,  podach,  van der post, on fire, one press,  melossi and  pavarini,  pearl and mackenzie,  theirry paquot, tanizaki, RHS,  stone,  richard sennett,  graham priest,  osborn and pagnell, substance, pedrag cicovacki, schilthuizen,  susan sontag, gillian rose,  nikolas rose,  g rattery taylor, rose,  rajan,  stuart sim,  max raphael,  media culture and society,  heller- roazen,  rid, root, rossi, gramsci, showstack sasson, david roden,  adrew ross, rosenvallion, pauliina remes, pkato, peter sloterdijk, tamsin shaw, george simmel, bullock and trombley, mark francis,  alain supiot, suvin, mullen and suvin, stroma,  maimonides,  van vogt,  the clouds on unknowing, enclotic, thesis 11,  spivack,  kate raworth,  h.w. richardson,  hillial schwartz, stern, rebecca solnit, rowland parker,  pickering,  lukacs,  epicriud, epicetus, lucrtious,  aurelies,  w.j.oates,  thor Hanson,  thompson, mabey,  sheldrake,  eatherley,  plato, jeffries,  dorothy richardson,  arno schmidt,   earl derr biggersm  mary borden, birrel, arno schmidt,  o.a. henty,  berhard steigler,  victor serge,  smith,  joyce salisbury, pauer-studer,  timpanaro,  s helling, schlor, norman and welchman,  searle, emanuele severarimo,  tomasello, sklar, judith singer, walmisley,  thomas malthus,  quentin meilassoux,  alberto meelucchi,  mingione, rurnbull,  said, spufford and  uglow,  zone,  j.j.c. smartt, sandel, skater, songe-moller,  strawson,  strawson, strawson, raymond tallis,  toscano,  turkle,  tiqquin, diggins,  j.s. ogilivy, w.w. hutchings,  rackgam,  deiter roth,  dowell,  red notes,  campbell and pryce,osip brik, lilya brik, mayakovsky, zone, alvin toffker, st exupery, freya stark, warson, walsh, wooley, tiles and oberdick, timofeeva, richardson, marcuse,  marder,  wright,  ushenko, tolson, albebers and moholy- nagy, alyce mahon, gablik, burnett, barry, hill, fontaine, sanuel johnson,justin, block, taylor, peter handke, jacques rivette,  william sansom, bunuel and dali, tom bullough, aldius huxley, philip robinson, spendor, tzara,  wajcman, peter wohlleben,  prigogini,  paolo virno,  jeremy tunstall, theweliet,  taussig,  tricker,  vince,  thomss, williams,  vogl, new german critique,  e.p. thompson,  jean wahl, paul virilio, lotringer, christy wampole, verhaeghe, janet wolff, anna kavan, vergara,  uexkull,  couze venn, barry smart, vico,  vatimo, vernant, raoul vaneigem,  ibn warraq, vertov,  williams,  meiksins wood, norbert weiner, peter wollen,  h.g. wells,  michelle walker, , jeanne waelit  walters,  shaw and darlen, whorf,  ward and dubois,  john wright,  weinart, wolff, willis, wark, cosima wagner, j. weeks,  judith williamson,  welzbacher, erik olin wright, wittgenstein, kenny,  zeldin, wenders,  henry miller, wenkler, arrighi,  banks, innes, ushereood, kristeva, john cage, quignard,  t.f. powys, siri hustveldt, lem,  zelazny, mitchonson,  tsilolkovsky, toussaint, heppenstall, garrigasait, de kerangal, haine fenn, jean bloch,  geoff ryman, reve, corey, asemkulov, ernaux,  gareth powell, cory,  deleuze and guattari studies, cse, allain and souvestre, apolinaire, jane austen, john arden, aitmatov,  elizabth von arnim, paul auster, abish,  ackroyd, tom gunn, lorca, akhmatov, artuad,  simon armatige, albahari, felipe alfau, audem auden and soendor, varicco, barrico, bainbridge, asturias, ronan bennett, beckett, paul bowles, jane bowles, celine, bukowski,  wu ming, blissert,  kay boyle,  andrei  bely,  hugo barnacle,  BOLL,  isak dineson, karen blikson,  brodsky,  richmel crompton,  berry, barthleme,  mary butts, leonora carrington, cage,  chevhillard,  canetti,  cendres,  butor,  cortazar, danielewski,  bertha damon,  dyer, havier cercas, micheal dibden, marguerite duras, john donne, duras, durrell,  dorrie,  Fredric durrenmatt,  heppenstahl, eco, enzensberger, evanovich, fruentes,  farrell,  alison fell,  alisdair gray,  hollinhurst,  andre gide,  jean giono, gadda, henry green,  grass,  andre gorz,  william gibson,  joyce,  gombrowitz,  alex laishley, murakami,  herve guibert,  franz kafka,  juenger, junker, kapuscinski, laurie king,  kundera,  mcewan, ken macleod,  ian macdonald,  moers,  meades,  vonda macintyre,  nalmstom, maillert,  havier marias,  jeff noon,  anaus nin,  david nobbs,  peter nadas,  nabokov,  iakley, oates,  raymond queneau,  cesare pavese, paterson, ponge,  perte, perec, chinery, ovid,  genette,  kandinsky, robert pinget, richard piwers,  rouvaud, sloan, surrralist poetry, ilya troyanov, paul,raabe,  julien rios, arne dahl, pierre sollers, rodrigruez,  chris ross, renate rasp, ruiz, rulfo, tove jannsson, cabre,  vladislavic, tokarczuk, pessoa, jane bowles, calvino, lispector, lydia davis, can xue,  sebald, peter tripp,  hertzberg,  virginia woolf,  zozola, sorrentino, higgins,  v.w. straka, cogman, freud, jung, klein, winnecot, lacan,  fordham, samuels,  jung, freud, appignesai,  bjp, pullman, magnam, sybil marshall, mccarten,  galbraith, jewell,  lehmann,  levy,  levin, jung,  spinoza,  fairburn,  jung, sandler,  lacan,  laplanche,  pontalis, can, xue,  klein, cavelli, hawkins, stevens,  hanna segal, bollas,  welldon,  williams,  sutherland, buon,  symington,  morrison,  brittain,  sidoli, sidoli,  holmes, bowlby, winnecott,   bollas,  kalschiid,  malan, patrick casement,  anna frued, wittenburg,  liz wright,  fordham, fairburn, symington, sandler,  jung, balint,  coltart,  west, steiner,  van der post,  stern,  green,  roustang,  adrew samuels,  d.l. sayers,  salom, krassner,  swain,  rame and fo,  storr,  cogman,  hessen,  penelope fitzgerald,  cummings, richard holloway,  juhea kim,  glenville, heyer, cartland,  kim, cho,  atkinson,  james,  king, audten,  hartley,  du maurier,  bronte,  thomas, plath, leon,  camillairi, kaussar, fred fargas, boyd,  sjowall and wahloo,  pheby,  morenno-garcia, perrsson,  herron, nicola barker, arronovitch,  karen lord, stephen frosh, ernest jones, flamm o’brien, shin, mishra, chin jin-young and so on to the warm horizon
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kwebtv · 2 years ago
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Life With Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows -  ABC  -  February 25 - 26, 2001
Biography (2 episodes)
Running Time: 170 minutes
Judy Davis as Judy Garland
Hugh Laurie as Vincente Minnelli
Victor Garber as Sid Luft
John Benjamin Hickey as Roger Edens
Sonja Smits as Kay Thompson
Alison Pill as young Lorna Luft
Aidan Devine as Frank Gumm
Marsha Mason as Ethel Gumm
Lindy Booth as Lana Turner
Al Waxman as Louis B. Mayer
Dwayne Adams as Mickey Rooney
Jayne Eastwood as Lottie
Martin Randez as Mark Herron
Hume Baugh as Mickey Deans
Daniel Kash as Arthur Freed
Stewart Bick as Artie Shaw
Rosemary Dunsmore as Ida Koverman
Cara Pifko as Jimmy Gumm (adult)
Zoe Heath as Suzy Gumm (adult)
Michael Rhoades as Busby Berkeley
Gerry Salsberg as Charles Bickford
Phillip MacKenzie as Victor Fleming
Thea Gill as Lucille Bremer
Noah Henne as The Scarecrow (Ray Bolger)
James Kall as The Tin Man (Jack Haley)
Michael B. King as The Lion (Bert Lahr)
Harrison Kane as Joey Luft (age 7-10)
Brittany Payer as Liza Minnelli (age 1-2)
Rob Smith as David Begelman
Christopher Marren as Freddie Fields
Richard M. Davidson as Jack Warner
Derek Keurvorst as George Cukor
Aron Tager as George Jessel
William Holden as Himself (archive footage)
Grace Kelly as Herself - Academy Award Recipient (archive footage)
Cynthia Gibb as Narrator (older Lorna)
Carley Alves as Judy (age 2)
Tammy Blanchard as Judy (age 12-21)
Amber Metcalfe as Lorna (age 6)
Mackenzie Weiner as Lorna (age 3)
Krista Sutton as Lorna (adult)
Josephine De Cosma as Jimmy Gumm (age 7)
Samantha Gerber as Suzy Gumm (age 9)
Alex House as Joey Luft (age 11-15)
Ellis Turner as Joey Luft (age 4) (uncredited)
Arielle Di Iulio as Liza (age 6-8)
Sarah Moussadji as Liza (age 12-15)
Marie Ward as Liza (age 23)
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mysticalhearth · 4 years ago
Saint Joan - National Theatre - February 16, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Elliot Levey (Bishop of Beauvais/Cauchon), Fisayo Akinade (The Dauphin/Charles VII), Gemma Arterton (Joan), Hadley Fraser (Dunois), Jo Stone-Fewings (Earl of Warwick), Matt Bardock (Robert de Baudricourt/The Inquisitor), Niall Buggy (Archbishop of Rheims/A Gentleman) NOTES: Pro-shot. National Theatre Live Season Eight.
Saturday Night Fever - The Netherlands - 2003 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Joost de Jong (Tony), Chantal Janzen (Stephanie), Claudia de Graaf (Annette) NOTES: Generation loss Saved - Off-Broadway - June 8, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Celia Keenan-Bolger (Mary), John Dossett (Pastor Skip), Julia Murney (Lillian), Mary Faber (Hilary Faye), Josh Breckenridge (Shane), Juliana Ashley Hansen (Lana), Curtis Holbrook (Roland), Van Hughes (Patrick), Jason Michael Snow (Zac), Aaron Tveit (Dean), Emily Walton (Tia), Morgan Weed (Cassandra) NOTES: One cover-up which lasts about 10 minutes The Scarlet Pimpernel - Broadway - February, 1998 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Douglas Sills (Sir Percy Blakeney), Christine Andreas (Marguerite St. Just), Terrence Mann (Chauvelin) School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play - Off-Broadway - December, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MKV (HD) CAST: Zenzi Williams (Eloise Amponsah), MaameYaa Boafo (Paulina), Joanna A Jones (Ericka), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Headmistress Francis), Latoya Edwards (Ama), Paige Gilbert (Gifty), Abena Mensah-Bonsu (Nana), Mirirai Sithole (Mercy) NOTES: Proshot WNET-TV's New York City-area Channel THIRTEEN continues its Theater Close-Up programming with a one-night-only broadcast of Jocelyn Bioh’s hit Off-Broadway play School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play. The broadcast, filmed during the show's return run at the Lucille Lortel Theatre last year, plays August 16 at 9 PM. First seen Off-Broadway in 2017, the critically acclaimed School Girls; Or, the African Mean Girls Play was remounted by MCC Theater last fall, where it once again extended its engagement. Directed by Rebecca Taichman, the coming-of-age story takes place in an exclusive, all-girls boarding school in Ghana in the ‘80s and uses both comedy and drama to explore girlhood, colorism, colonialism, and beauty. School of Rock - Broadway - November 11, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Taylor Caldwell (Shonelle), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Corinne Wilson (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison) NOTES: Great HD capture of this great new ALW show. There is a 5 minute blackout during the scene after the opening song, due to late seating issues. The cast is phenomenal and Alex gives a sensational performance. High energy show with great songs and is so much fun! The last 11 minutes (which is the finale) ARE here, but from a different performance as someone was taking *multiple* flash pictures with their iPhone in the row and was scolded and babysat those 11 minutes. A- School of Rock - Broadway - December 19, 2015 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Taylor Caldwell (Shonelle), Carley Gendell (Marcy), Corinne Wilson (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison) School of Rock - Broadway - December 30, 2015 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Taylor Caldwell (Shonelle), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Corinne Wilson (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of this wonderful show. Alex is perfectly cast as Dewey and leads the show well. A very nice capture with no obstruction, no washout, and just a couple quick dropouts. It gets a little dark at times and filmed from the right side. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scan. Alex Brightman shows why he deserves his Tony Nomination with a kick ass performance School of Rock - Broadway - February 17, 2016 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jonathan Wagner (u/s Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Dante Melucci (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Jared Parker (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Taylor Caldwell (Shonelle), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Corinne Wilson (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison) NOTES: Please Read- Act One you can only see the ceiling due too many ushers around the filmer. Act two you can see the show partially. School of Rock - Broadway - August 8, 2016 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alex Brightman (Dewey Finn), Sierra Boggess (Rosalie Mullins), Spencer Moses (Ned Schneebly), Mamie Parris (Patty Di Marco), Isabella Russo (Summer), Raghav Mehrotra (Freddie), Evie Dolan (Katie), Diego Lucano (Lawrence), Brandon Niederauer (Zack), Bobbi MacKenzie (Tomika), Luca Padovan (Billy), Gianna Harris (Shonelle), Carly Gendell (Marcy), Gabby Gutierrez (Sophie), Ethan Khusidman (Mason), Shahadi Wright Joseph (Madison), John Arthur Greene (Theo/Ensemble), Josh Tower (Snake/Mr. Mooneyham) NOTES: Sierra's last show School of Rock - Broadway - January 20, 2019 (Closing Night) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Justin Collette (Dewey Finn), Mamie Parris (Rosalie Mullins), Johnathan Gould (Ned Schneebly), Lori Eve Marinacci (Patty Di Marco), Ava Briglia (Summer), Levi Buksbazen (Freddie), Montgomery Lamb (Katie), Jordan Cole (Lawrence), Matthew Jost (Zack), Layla Capers (Tomika), Hudson Loverro (Billy), Madison Elizabeth Lagares (Shonelle), Sarah Walsh (Marcy), Madalen Yarbrough Mills (Sophie), Nirvaan Pal (Mason), Katie Greendorfer (Madison), Jeremy Woodard (Theo/Ensemble) NOTES: Very nice capture of the final broadway show. During the last song (Stick It To The Man (Reprise)), all the kids who have been in the show in the past come out. School of Rock - First National Tour - November 24, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Merritt David James (alt Dewey Finn), Lexie Dorsett Sharp (Rosalie Mullins), Matt Bittner (Ned Schneebly), Emily Borromeo (Patty Di Marco), Ava Briglia (Summer), Gilberto Moretti-Hamilton (Freddie), Theodora Silverman (Katie), Theo Mitchell-Penner (Lawrence), Phoenix Schuman (Zack), Gianna Harris (Tomika), John Michael Pitera (Billy), Olivia Bucknor (Shonelle), Chloe Anne Garcia (Marcy), Gabriella Uhl (Sophie), Carson Hodges (Mason) NOTES: Wonderful HD capture of the tour cast. Everything is nicely captured and the cast is terrific! A+ School of Rock - West End - August 21, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  TS (HD) CAST: Jake Sharp (alt Dewey Finn), Laura Tebbutt (Rosalie Mullins), Alan Pearson (Ned Schneebly), Rebecca LaChance (Patty Di Marco), Amelie Green (Summer), William Harvey (Freddie), Sofia Wilkinson Hill (Katie), Daniel Chang (Lawrence), Sebastian Adams Eaton (Zack), Kaylah Black (Tomika), Tommy Featherstone (Billy), Lily Jean Jackson (Shonelle), Calypso Bailey (Marcy), Ellie May Pavitt (Sophie), Todd Dachtler (Mason), Andy Rees (Theo/Ensemble), Ryan Bearpark (Snake/Mr. Mooneyham) NOTES: First show for Keisha Amponsa Banson, Benjamin Yates, Suzie McAdam, Kelly Hampson, Ryan Bearpark, Jayde Nelson. The sound of the video can become pretty loud. School of Rock - West End - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jake Sharp (u/s Dewey Finn), Claudia Kariuki (Rosalie Mullins), James Wolstenholme (Ned Schneebly), Michelle Francis (Patty Di Marco), Anya Hewett (Summer), Stanley Jarvis (Freddie), Anya Cooke (Katie), Austin Kindler (Lawrence), Jasper Bew (Zack), Aaylia Rose (Tomika), Jarvis Baugh (Billy), Tia Stuart (Shonelle), Romanie Jija-Wakeham (Marcy), Frankie Mae Garner (Sophie), John Addison (Theo/Ensemble), Andy Rees (u/s Snake/Mr. Mooneyham) NOTES: Full show. Original MP4 Scotland, PA - Off-Broadway - November, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jimmy Brewer (u/s Mac), Taylor Iman Jones (Pat), Jeb Brown (Duncan), Jay Armstrong Johnson (Banko), Will Meyers (Malcolm), David Rossmer (Doug), Lacretta Nicole (Mrs. Lenox), Megan Lawrence (Peg McDuff), Wonu Ogunfowora (Stacy/Brenda) NOTES: Great HD capture of this new Off-Broadway show, beautifully filmed from the orchestra. Act One starts when talking about the new fryer and Act Two starts when the detective is asking questions in the restaurant. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows. The Secret Garden - 1st National Tour - 1992 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kevin McGuire (Archibald Craven), Anne Runolfsson (Lily Craven), Douglas Sills (Dr. Neville Craven), Jacquelyn Piro (Rose), Roxann Parker (Mrs. Winthrop/Alice), James Barbour (William), Jill Patton (Betsy), Audra McDonald (Ayah), Mary Fogarty (Mrs. Medlock) NOTES: NOT SURE ABOUT CAST INFORMATION, PLEASE VERIFY The Secret Garden - Lincoln Center - February 21, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Sydney Lucas (Mary Lennox), Ramin Karimloo (Archibald Craven), Sierra Boggess (Lily Craven), Cheyenne Jackson (Dr. Neville Craven), Ben Platt (Dickon), Oscar Williams (Colin Craven), Jere Shea (Ben Weatherstaff), Nikki Renée Daniels (Rose), Josh Young (Captain Albert Lennox), Julie Halston (Mrs. Winthrop/Alice), Jamie Jackson (Lieutenant Ian Shaw), Telly Leung (Fakir), Anisha Nagarajan (Ayah), Barbara Rosenblat (Mrs. Medlock), Quentin Earl Darrington (Major Holmes), John Riddle (Lieutenant Peter Wright) The Secret Garden - World AIDS Day Concert - December 5, 2005 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jaclyn Neidenthal (Mary Lennox), Steven Pasquale (Archibald Craven), Laura Benanti (Lily Craven), Will Chase (Dr. Neville Craven), Celia Keenan-Bolger (Martha), Michael Arden (Dickon), Struan Erlenborn (Colin Craven), David Canary (Ben Weatherstaff), Sara Gettelfinger (Rose), Max von Essen (Captain Albert Lennox), Deborah S Craig (Mrs. Winthrop/Alice), Matt Cavenaugh (Lieutenant Ian Shaw), Jenny Powers (Claire), Nehal Joshi (Fakir), Reshma Shetty (Ayah), Barbara Rosenblat (Mrs. Medlock), Benjamin Magnuson (Major Holmes), Shonn Wiley (Lieutenant Peter Wright)  
She Loves Me - Second Broadway Revival - February 23, 2016 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Laura Benanti (Amalia Balash), Zachary Levi (Georg Nowack), Byron Jennings (Mr. Maraczek), Jane Krakowski (Ilona Ritter), Gavin Creel (Steven Kodaly), Michael McGrath (Ladislav Sipos), Nicholas Barasch (Arpad Laszlo), Peter Bartlett (Headwaiter) Sherlock Holmes: Next Generation - Hamburg - January, 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ethan Freeman (Sherlock Holmes), Frank Logemann (Dr Watson), Merlin Fargel (John), Lena Wischhusen (Catherine), Stephanie H Tschoppe (Mrs Mason), Yvonne Köstler (Miss Hudson) NOTES: Many obstructions but still captures most of the action. Shrek: The Musical - Broadway - October, 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James (Shrek), Sutton Foster (Princess Fiona), Christopher Sieber (Lord Farquaad), Daniel Breaker (Donkey), John Tartaglia (Pinocchio/Magic Mirror/Dragon Puppeteer), Haven Burton (Sugar Plum Fairy/Gingy), Kirsten Wyatt (Duloc Performer/Shoemaker's Elf/Blind Mouse), Bobby Daye (Sticks/Bishop), Ryan Duncan (Bricks), Sarah Jane Shanks (Ugly Duckling/Blind Mouse), Aymee Garcia (Mama Bear/Dragonette), Rachel Stern (Dragonette/Mama Ogre), Jennifer Simard (Wicked Witch/Queen Lillian/Magic Mirror Assistant), Rozi Baker (Young Fiona), Tessa Albertson (Teen Fiona) NOTES: This 1080p HD proshot with soundboard audio was released in 2013, but was filmed in mid-October of 2009, a few months before the production closed. Significant Other - Broadway - March 10, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Gideon Glick (Jordan Berman), Barbara Barrie (Helene Berman), Lindsay Mendez (Laura), Sas Goldberg (Kiki), Rebecca Naomi Jones (Vanessa), John Behlmann (Will/Conrad/Tony), Luke Smith (Zach/Evan/Roger) Sing Street - Grounded - April 30, 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Max William Bartos (Darren), Brendan C Callahan (Gary), Billy Carter (Robert), Zara Devlin (Raphina), Gus Halper (Brendan), Jakeim Hart (Larry), Martin Moran (Brother Baxter), Anne L Nathan (Sandra), Johnny Newcomb (Barry), Brenock O'Connor (Conor), Gian Perez (Kevin), Sam Poon (Eamon), Skyler Volpe (Anne), Amy Warren (Penny) NOTES: An abridged 30 minute version of the show, performed from home in support of both Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and The Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City.  
Sister Act - Broadway - April 2, 2011 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Patina Miller (Deloris Van Cartier), Victoria Clark (Mother Superior), Kingsley Leggs (Curtis/Shank), Chester Gregory (Eddie Souther), Marla Mindelle (Mary Robert), Sarah Bolt (Mary Patrick), Fred Applegate (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), John Treacy Egan (Joey/Bones), Demond Green (TJ) Sister Act - Broadway - January 31, 2012 FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Patina Miller (Deloris Van Cartier), Carolee Carmello (Mother Superior), Kingsley Leggs (Curtis/Shank), Chester Gregory (Eddie Souther), Marla Mindelle (Mary Robert), Sarah Bolt (Mary Patrick), Audrie Neenan (Mary Lazarus), Fred Applegate (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), Caesar Samayoa (Pablo/Dinero), John Treacy Egan (Joey/Bones), Demond Green (TJ)  
Sister Act - First National Tour - November 18, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ta'Rea Campbell (Deloris Van Cartier), Hollis Resnik (Mother Superior), Kingsley Leggs (Curtis/Shank), E Clayton Cornelious (Eddie Souther), Lael Van Keuren (Mary Robert), Florrie Bagel (Mary Patrick), Diane J Findlay (Mary Lazarus) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the touring production. This cast was solid and was so fun to watch. A Sister Act - First UK & Ireland Tour - 2012 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD)   |   NFT: Forever CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Deloris Van Cartier), Denise Black (Mother Superior), Nolan Frederick (Curtis/Shank), Edward Baruwa (Eddie Souther), Julie Atherton (Mary Robert), Laurie Scarth (Mary Patrick), Jacqueline Clarke (Mary Lazarus), Michael Starke (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), Gavin Alex (Pablo/Dinero), Daniel Stockton (Joey/Bones), Tyrone Huntley (TJ) NOTES: An amazing beautiful capture in 16:9 wide-screen with no obstructions or blackouts of this fantastic musical which has just the right mix of music, comedy, fun and spectacle combined with some outstanding vocal performances. Sister Act - Scheveningen - July 13, 2014 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Nurlaila Karim (u/s Deloris Van Cartier), Marjolijn Touw (u/s Mother Superior), Stanley Burleson (Curtis/Shank), Jerrel Houtsnee (Eddie Souther), Tineke Ogink (u/s Mary Robert), Esmee van Kampen (Mary Patrick), Irene Kuiper (Mary Lazarus), Frans Mulder (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), Zjon Smaal (Joey/Bones), Marlon David Henry (TJ) Sister Act - West End - 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Patina Miller (Deloris Van Cartier), Sheila Hancock (Mother Superior), Julian Cannonier (u/s Curtis/Shank), Ako Mitchell (Eddie Souther), Katie Rowley Jones (Mary Robert), Claire Greenway (Mary Patrick), Allison Harding (u/s Mary Lazarus), Ian Lavender (Monsignor O’Hara/Howard), Ivan de Freitas (Pablo/Dinero), Nic Colicos (Joey/Bones), Thomas Goodridge (TJ) Skintight - Off-Broadway - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Idina Menzel (Jodi Isaac), Jack Wetherall (Elliot Isaac), Cynthia Mace (Orsolya), Stephen Carrasco (Jeff), Will Brittain (Trey), Eli Gelb (Benjamin Cullen) A Snow White Christmas - Pasadena Playhouse - December 15, 2012 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Curt Hansen (Prince Harry), Ariana Grande (Snow White), David Figlioli (Herman), Charlene Tilton (Wicked Queen), Jonathan Meza (Muddles), Neil Patrick Harris (Magic Mirror) NOTES: Entertaining show for all ages, with a score of recognizable pop songs and hilarious broadway and pop culture references to Wicked, Book of Mormon, How I Met Your Mother, Victorious, Dallas, and more. Some heads can be seen at the bottom of the screen, but they are worked around fine, especially after the first few minutes of the show. There are short dropouts during the first part of Act One, but each one lasts only 15-30 seconds. It’s filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call. Soho Cinders - Off-West End Revival - January, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Michael Mather (Robbie), Livvy Evans (Velcro), Michaela Stern (Clodagh), Hollie Taylor (Dana), Lewis Asquith (James Prince), Tori Hargreaves (Marilyn Platt), Dayle Hodge (William George), Robert Grose (Lord Bellingham), Melissa Rose (Sasha) NOTES: MTS, shot around heads, missing last 15 minutes of act 1, act 2 full, includes act 1 audio Soho Cinders - Off-West End Revival - October, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Luke Bayer (Robbie), Millie O’Connell (Velcro), Michaela Stern (Clodagh), Natalie Harman (Dana), Lewis Asquith (James Prince), Tori Hargreaves (Marilyn Platt), Ewan Gillies (William George), Christopher Coleman (Lord Bellingham), Melissa Rose (Sasha) NOTES: MTS, shot around heads Something Rotten! - Broadway - March 23, 2015 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James (Nick Bottom), John Cariani (Nigel Bottom), Christian Borle (Shakespeare), Heidi Blickenstaff (Bea), Kate Reinders (Portia), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), Brooks Ashmanskas (Brother Jeremiah), Gerry Vichi (Shylock), Michael James Scott (Minstrel/Snug), Peter Bartlett (Lord Clapham/Eyepatch Man) NOTES: First preview Something Rotten! - Broadway - March 28, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Brian d'Arcy James (Nick Bottom), John Cariani (Nigel Bottom), Christian Borle (Shakespeare), Heidi Blickenstaff (Bea), Kate Reinders (Portia), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), Brooks Ashmanskas (Brother Jeremiah), Gerry Vichi (Shylock), Michael James Scott (Minstrel/Snug), Peter Bartlett (Lord Clapham/Eyepatch Man) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of this hilarious new musical. The cast is just too perfect in every way. Superb performances, music, story and a great homage to theatre and musicals. Not to be missed! A Something Rotten! - Broadway - June 20, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rob McClure (Nick Bottom), John Cariani (Nigel Bottom), Christian Borle (Shakespeare), Heidi Blickenstaff (Bea), Catherine Brunell (u/s Portia), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), David Beach (Brother Jeremiah), Andre Ward (Minstrel/Snug) NOTES: With a mix of original cast and new faces, there are great performances all around. Nicely captured just a couple quick dropouts. There are some heads at the bottom of the screen that regularly block the actors’ feet, but they are worked around as much as possible, and generally don’t affect the main action. There is also some occasional washout, especially in wider shots. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes curtain call and playbill scans. Something Rotten! - Broadway - November 12, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rob McClure (Nick Bottom), Josh Grisetti (Nigel Bottom), Adam Pascal (Shakespeare), Leslie Kritzer (Bea), Catherine Brunell (Portia), Brad Oscar (Nostradamus), David Beach (Brother Jeremiah) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the final Broadway cast. Adam Pascal joined the cast as Shakespeare for the final 7 weeks on Broadway. Everything is captured nicely and the cast was still giving their all! Some minor washouts and the audio sounds like it is from the big theatre it was performed in. Songs for a New World - Encores! - June, 2018 (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Solea Pfeiffer (Woman 1), Mykal Kilgore (Man 1), Shoshana Bean (Woman 2), Colin Donnell (Man 2)  
Songs for a New World - Stuttgart, Germany - December 13, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Dominique Aref (Woman 1), DMJ (Man 1), Willemijn Verkaik (Woman 2), Mathias Edenborn (Man 2) NOTES: Not the best quality, video is shaky and the sound isn’t perfect as well. You can hear everything though and the cast is great. Full show in English. Songs for a New World - Symphony Space, NYC - May 1, 2005 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Andréa Burns, Beth Leavel, Brian d'Arcy James, Brooks Ashmanskas, Darius de Haas, Jason Robert Brown, Jerry Dixon, Jessica Molaskey, John Tartaglia, Michael Cerveris, Miriam Shor Sophisticated Ladies - Broadway - 1982 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Hinton Battle (Himself), Phyllis Hyman (Herself), Calvin McRae, Garry Q Lewis, Gregg Burge, Leata Galloway, Lorraine Fields, Paula Kelly, Terri Klausner NOTES: Filmed in 1982 for Showtime at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre before the show closed in January 1983. Features the final Broadway cast which was still composed of a large portion of the original Broadway cast, including Phyllis Hyman and Terri Klausner. The Sound of Music - Broadway (1998 Revival) - February 20, 1998 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rebecca Luker (Maria Rainer), Michael Siberry (Captain Georg Von Trapp), Patti Cohenour (The Mother Abbess), Jan Maxwell (Elsa Schraeder), Fred Applegate (Max Detweiler), Sara Zelle (Liesel Von Trapp), Gina Ferrall (Sister Berthe), Ann Brown (Sister Sophia), Andrea Bowen (Marta), Ashley Rose Orr (Gretl), Dashiell Eaves (Rolf Gruber), Patricia Conolly (Frau Schmidt) The Sound of Music - First Dutch Tour - 2002 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Maaike Widdershoven (Maria Rainer), Hugo Haenen (Captain Georg Von Trapp), Anne-Mieke Ruyten (Elsa Schraeder), Dick Cohen (Max Detweiler), Céline Purcell (Liesel Von Trapp) The Sound of Music - The Sound Of Music Live - December 20, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Kara Tointon (Maria Rainer), Julian Ovenden (Captain Georg Von Trapp), Maria Friedman (The Mother Abbess), Katherine Kelly (Elsa Schraeder), Alexander Armstrong (Max Detweiler), Evelyn Hoskins (Liesel Von Trapp), Norma Atallah (Sister Berthe), Julie Atherton (Sister Margaretta), Imelda de los Reyes (Sister Sophia), Guy Trundle (Friedrich), Ellen Coleman (Louisa), Amy Snudden (Brigitta), Zac Lester (Kurt), Jessica Burden (Marta), Martha Otterburn (Gretl), Paul Copley (Franz), Jon Tarcy (Rolf Gruber), Mel Giedroyc (Frau Schmidt), David Bamber (Herr Zeller) NOTES: TV Proshot first broadcast Live in UK on ITV. Later broadcast as part of PBS's "Great Performances." South Pacific - First Broadway Revival - August 18, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MPEG/MPG (SD) CAST: Kelli O’Hara (Ensign Nellie Forbush), Paulo Szot (Emile de Becque), Andrew Samonsky (Lt. Joseph Cable, U.S.M.C.), Danny Burstein (Luther Billis), Loretta Ables Sayre (Bloody Mary), Li Jun Li (Liat) NOTES: Presented as part of PBS Live From Lincoln Center series, and broadcast live from the Vivian Beaumont Theatre at Lincoln Center just 4 days before the end of the run of the show, making it the longest running revival of any Rogers and Hammerstein musical in history. Also included are interviews with the composers' daughters, Mary Rogers and Alice Hammerstein. Multi-camera pro-shot for TV Spamilton: An American Parody - Off-Broadway - December 31, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Chris Anthony Giles (Leslie Odom Jr/Aaron Burr), Christine Pedi (Bernadette Peters/Barbra Streisand/Carol Channing/Liza Minnelli/Patti LuPone), Glenn Bassett (King George), Larry Owens (Okieriete Onaodowan/Mulligan and others), Lauren Villegas (Schuyler Sisters and others), Nicholas Edwards (Daveed Diggs/Lafayette/Jefferson), Robert Ariza (u/s Lin Manuel Miranda/Alexander Hamilton) NOTES: A hilarious parody full of references to Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and tons of other broadway shows and stars. A must-see for any fan. A good capture overall. There is one head that blocks the actors from the waist down in the center of the stage. There is a three-minute blackout during The Schuyler Puppets and a three minute blackout during the finale, as well as a couple other quick dropouts. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. The show is 72 minutes on one disc. Includes playbill scans. Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark - Broadway - December 17, 2010 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Reeve Carney (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Jennifer Damiano (Mary Jane Watson), Patrick Page (Norman Osborn/Green Goblin), Matt Caplan (Flash/Bud), Gerald Avery (Swarm), Collin Baja (Carnage), Emmanuel Brown (Electro) NOTES: Blindshot. You can't see anything on stage. Catches most of the aerial stunts. Audio is clear. Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark - Broadway - September 17, 2011 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Reeve Carney (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Jennifer Damiano (Mary Jane Watson), TV Carpio (Arachne), Patrick Page (Norman Osborn/Green Goblin), Ken Marks (Uncle Ben/Buttons), Megan Lewis (u/s Aunt May/Maxie/Mrs. Gribrock) NOTES: This is the revamp Spiderman 2.0 Version. A completely reworked show from the original. A Nice capture of the show, and not such a horrible show compared to how the press made it out. A- Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark - Broadway - October 14, 2012 (Lanelle's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Youtube rip - to be gifted|Gifted: Upon Request CAST: Matthew James Thomas (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Kristen Martin (u/s Mary Jane Watson), Katrina Lenk (Arachne), Robert Cuccioli (Norman Osborn/Green Goblin) NOTES: Good zooms and decent audio quality, best so far. SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical - Broadway - November 7, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Lilli Cooper (Sandy Cheeks), Gavin Lee (Squidward Q. Tentacles), Gaelen Gilliland (The Mayor), Brian Ray Norris (Eugene Krabs), Wesley Taylor (Sheldon Plankton), Stephanie Hsu (Karen the Computer), Jai'len Christine Li Josey (Pearl Krabs), Kelvin Moon Loh (Perch Perkins), Jon Rua (Patchy the Pirate), Allan K Washington (Gary/Larry the Lobster), Abby C Smith (Mrs. Puff), JC Schuster (Old Man Jenkins), Tom Kenny (French Narrator) NOTES: Top of a head or two visible at the bottom of screen in the very wide shot SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical - Broadway - July 18, 2018 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Lilli Cooper (Sandy Cheeks), Gavin Lee (Squidward Q. Tentacles), Gaelen Gilliland (The Mayor), Brian Ray Norris (Eugene Krabs), Brandon Espinoza (u/s Sheldon Plankton), Jai'len Christine Li Josey (Pearl Krabs), Allan K Washington (Gary/Larry the Lobster), Abby C Smith (Mrs. Puff) NOTES: Hovers above a lot; it remains this way for most of the video. 720P SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical - Broadway - July 27, 2018 (notjustthespongenextdoor's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Ethan Slater (SpongeBob SquarePants), Danny Skinner (Patrick Star), Christina Sajous (Sandy Cheeks), Alex Gibson (u/s Squidward Q. Tentacles), Gaelen Gilliland (The Mayor), Brian Ray Norris (Eugene Krabs), Wesley Taylor (Sheldon Plankton), Catherine Ricafort (Karen the Computer), Brynn Williams (u/s Pearl Krabs), Kelvin Moon Loh (Perch Perkins), Brandon Espinoza (Patchy the Pirate), Allan K Washington (Gary/Larry the Lobster), Abby C Smith (Mrs. Puff), JC Schuster (Old Man Jenkins), Tom Kenny (French Narrator) NOTES: The master has updated to make the listing as whatever the user wishes. It can be limited trades or regular trades. Filmed from the right balcony, with no zooms. Mostly a wide shot of the stage. Quite a bit of spotlight washout. Audio is clear. Starts from right before “No Control.” The only known footage of Alex as Squidward or Brynn as Pearl. A watermark at the bottom left corner says 2014/01/31, ignore this. It is the wrong date.  
Spring Awakening - Brno, Czech Republic - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jiri Mach (Melchior Gabor), Ivana Skalova (Wendla Bergmann), Lukas Janota (Moritz Stiefel), Michaela Horka (Ilse Neumann), Lukas Vlcek (Hanschen Rilow), Viktor Polasek (Ernst Robel), Jakub Ulicnik (Otto Lämmermeier), Vladimir Rezac (Georg Zirschnitz), Katerina Kleckova (Anna), Katerina Kleckova (Thea Rilow), Irena Konvalinova (The Adult Women), Zdenek Junak (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - November 29, 2006 (Preview) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), John Gallagher Jr (Moritz Stiefel), Lauren Pritchard (Ilse Neumann), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Stephen Spinella (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - February 10, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), John Gallagher Jr (Moritz Stiefel), Phoebe Strole (u/s Ilse Neumann), Lilli Cooper (Martha Bessell), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Krysta Rodriguez (u/s Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Frances Mercanti-Anthony (u/s The Adult Women), Stephen Spinella (The Adult Men) NOTES: AMAZING capture, closeups, performances. Not to be missed. A+ Spring Awakening - Broadway - February 21, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), John Gallagher Jr (Moritz Stiefel), Lauren Pritchard (Ilse Neumann), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Stephen Spinella (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - August 18, 2007 (Matinee) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), Gerard Canonico (u/s Moritz Stiefel), Lauren Pritchard (Ilse Neumann), Jennifer Damiano (u/s Martha Bessell), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Matt Doyle (u/s Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Ken Marks (u/s The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - February 22, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jesse Swenson (u/s Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (u/s Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Kate Burton (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - February 23, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Doyle (u/s Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (u/s Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Jesse Swenson (u/s Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Kate Burton (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Ends abruptly in the middle of Song Of Purple Summer Spring Awakening - Broadway - April 24, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (u/s Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow) NOTES: One of Matt Doyle's first times on as Hänschen, after taking over the role. He forgets one of his lines in the vineyard scene but improvises. Spring Awakening - Broadway - May 18, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele's final performance Spring Awakening - Broadway - May 30, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Eryn Murman (u/s Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Gerard Canonico (u/s Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Broadway - July 19, 2008 (Matinee) (broadwayspunk's master)
FORMAT: video CAST: Matt Shingledecker (u/s Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Brian Charles Johnson (u/s Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Jesse Swenson (u/s Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Final matinee for remaining original Broadway cast Spring Awakening - Broadway - July 19, 2008 (broadwayspunk's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Skylar Astin, Lilli Cooper, Brian Charles Johnson, Phoebe Strole, and Remy Zaken’s last performance  
Spring Awakening - Broadway - August 2, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Gabe Violett (Otto Lämmermeier), Andrew Durand (Georg Zirschnitz), Emily Kinney (Anna), Caitlin Kinnunen (Thea Rilow) NOTES: Final show for Kyle Riabko and Blake Bashoff (because they would go on to do the first national tour). Camera work is a little shaky, but has some really nice close ups. Spring Awakening - Broadway - August 7, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Matt Doyle (t/r Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Gerard Canonico (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Jesse Swenson (Hanschen Rilow), Morgan Karr (Ernst Robel), Gabe Violett (Otto Lämmermeier), Andrew Durand (Georg Zirschnitz), Emily Kinney (Anna), Caitlin Kinnunen (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men) NOTES: Good capture with nice picture and sound. A few coverups but excellent close-ups and nice to watch. No curtain call. A- Spring Awakening - Broadway - January 18, 2009 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hunter Parrish (Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Gerard Canonico (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Amanda Castanos (Martha Bessell), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Gabe Violett (Otto Lämmermeier), Andrew Durand (Georg Zirschnitz), Emily Kinney (Anna), Caitlin Kinnunen (Thea Rilow), Christine Estabrook (The Adult Women), Glenn Fleshler (The Adult Men), Alice Lee, Eryn Murman, Morgan Karr, Zach Reiner-Harris NOTES: Closing Performance; features the full curtain call speech and the full show; some blackouts due to ushers; great sound and nice video Spring Awakening - Broadway - January 18, 2009 (Matinee) (Highlights)
FORMAT: video CAST: Hunter Parrish (Melchior Gabor), Alexandra Socha (Wendla Bergmann), Gerard Canonico (Moritz Stiefel), Emma Hunton (Ilse Neumann), Matt Doyle (Hanschen Rilow), Blake Daniel (Ernst Robel), Gabe Violett (Otto Lämmermeier), Emily Kinney (Anna), Caitlin Kinnunen (Thea Rilow) NOTES: The matinee of the final day of Spring Awakening on Broadway. Only includes the Mama Who Bore Me (Reprise), Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind (whole scene), Left Behind, and Totally Fucked. Filmed in one of the front rows. Spring Awakening - Broadway Revival - October 18, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Austin McKenzie (Melchior Gabor), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla Bergmann), Katie Boeck (Voice of Wendla), Daniel N Durant (Moritz Stiefel), Alex Boniello (Voice of Moritz), Krysta Rodriguez (Ilse Neumann), Treshelle Edmond (Martha Bessell), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice of Martha), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Joshua Castille (Ernst Robel), Daniel David Stewart (Voice of Ernst), Miles Barbee (Otto Lämmermeier), Sean Grandillo (Voice of Otto), Alex Wyse (Georg Zirschnitz), Ali Stroker (Anna), Amelia Hensley (Thea Rilow), Lauren Luiz (Melitta Rilow / Voice of Thea), Alexandra Winter (Greta Brandenburg), Marlee Matlin (The Adult Women), Camryn Manheim (Voice of Adult Women), Russell Harvard (The Adult Men), Patrick Page (Voice of Adult Men) NOTES: Deaf West Theatre production Spring Awakening - Broadway Revival - November 15, 2015 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Austin McKenzie (Melchior Gabor), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla Bergmann), Katie Boeck (Voice of Wendla), Daniel N Durant (Moritz Stiefel), Alex Boniello (Voice of Moritz), Krysta Rodriguez (Ilse Neumann), Treshelle Edmond (Martha Bessell), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice of Martha), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Joshua Castille (Ernst Robel), Daniel David Stewart (Voice of Ernst), Miles Barbee (Otto Lämmermeier), Sean Grandillo (Voice of Otto), Alex Wyse (Georg Zirschnitz), Ali Stroker (Anna), Amelia Hensley (Thea Rilow), Lauren Luiz (Melitta Rilow / Voice of Thea), Alexandra Winter (Greta Brandenburg), Alexandria Wailes (u/s The Adult Women), Elizabeth Greene (u/s Voice of Adult Women), Russell Harvard (The Adult Men), Patrick Page (Voice of Adult Men) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the sign language production. This capture features the Adult Women understudies, who would go on to replace the originals. Also includes Left Behind from a Jon Groff concert. A Spring Awakening - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (HD) CAST: Fernando Dente (Melchior Gabor), Florencia Otero (Wendla Bergmann), Federico Salles (Moritz Stiefel), Mariana Jaccazio (Ilse Neumann), Eliseo Barrionuevo (Hanschen Rilow), Leandro Bassano (Ernst Robel), Cristian Centurión (Otto Lämmermeier), Micaela Pierani Mendez (Anna), Julieta Nair Calvo (Thea Rilow), Irene Almas (The Adult Women), Tony Lestingi (The Adult Men) NOTES: Pro-shot with zooms, seems to be multi-camera. Non-replica production. Spring Awakening - Deaf West Theatre, Rosenthal Theater, Los Angeles - September 25, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Austin McKenzie (Melchior Gabor), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla Bergmann), Katie Boeck (Voice of Wendla), Daniel N Durant (Moritz Stiefel), Rustin Cole Sailors (Voice of Moritz), Lauren Patten (Ilse Neumann), Treshelle Edmond (Martha Bessell), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice of Martha), Joseph Haro (Hanschen Rilow), Joshua Castille (Ernst Robel), Daniel David Stewart (Voice of Ernst), Miles Barbee (Otto Lämmermeier), Sean Grandillo (Voice of Otto), Jimmy Bellinger (Georg Zirschnitz), Ali Stroker (Anna), Amelia Hensley (Thea Rilow), Alexandra Winter (Melitta Rilow / Voice of Thea), Hillary Baack (The Adult Women), Natacha Roi (Voice of Adult Women), Troy Kotsur (The Adult Men), Daniel Marmion (Voice of Adult Men) NOTES: A nice capture overall; the biggest flaw here is the obstruction. There are a lot of heads that were very difficult to work around, but the show is still captured well and the actors are only occasionally blocked for a few seconds at a time. There are some very quick dropouts, but no major blackouts. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. The sound is excellent. Includes playbill scans. Spring Awakening - First National Tour - August 15, 2008 (kicks8567's master)
FORMAT: video CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Sarah Hunt (Martha Bessell), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) NOTES: Same day as Sunsetblvd79's master. Video is grainy and shaky but it's a rarer capture. Mostly for SA collectors. Spring Awakening - First National Tour - August 15, 2008 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Sarah Hunt (Martha Bessell), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) NOTES: First Tour Performance. Stunning capture of the Tour. Absolutely no blackouts or obstructions from start to finish. Wonderful performances, beautiful capture and amazing cast. A+ Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 4, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 4, 2008 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 7, 2008 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights CAST: Kyle Riabko (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) NOTES: Apple store event. Kyle Riabko acts as the Melchior for the event, doing intros/cracking jokes for each song. The cast also participated in a fun Q&A session taking questions from a moderator as well as the audience. Spring Awakening - First National Tour - April 25, 2009 FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Perry Sherman (u/s Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Blake Bashoff (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Moss (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Krystina Alabado (u/s Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), Henry Stram (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 19, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Lucas A Wells (u/s Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Taylor Trensch (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Sarah Hunt (Martha Bessell), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Fankhauser (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Justin Scott Brown (u/s Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), John Wodja (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - First National Tour - November 21, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Jake Epstein (Melchior Gabor), Christy Altomare (Wendla Bergmann), Taylor Trensch (Moritz Stiefel), Steffi DiDomenicantonio (Ilse Neumann), Sarah Hunt (Martha Bessell), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Ben Fankhauser (Ernst Robel), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto Lämmermeier), Matt Shingledecker (Georg Zirschnitz), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Kimiko Glenn (Thea Rilow), Angela Reed (The Adult Women), John Wodja (The Adult Men) NOTES: Closing performance in Costa Mesa, commonly mislabeled as November 29 Spring Awakening - Hungary - March 19, 2009 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Kossuth Gergő (Melchior Gabor), Viczina Dalma (Wendla Bergmann), Pirgel Dávid (Moritz Stiefel), Baranyai Annamária (Ilse Neumann), Moravszki Enikő (Martha Bessell), Gulyás Balázs (Hanschen Rilow), Zádori Szilárd (Ernst Robel), Kádár Szabolcs (Otto Lämmermeier), Kocsis Dénes (Georg Zirschnitz), Kiss Tünde (Anna), Simon Boglárka (Thea Rilow), Bajcsay Mária (The Adult Women), Szabó P Szilveszter (The Adult Men) NOTES: Stationary housecam from an upper level, but colours are bright, clear, and vivid and the image is nice and crisp. Sound is clear from the soundboard. Totally different staging from Broadway, more your standard bizarre Hungarian design (massive lucite fetish here.) Spring Awakening - Hungary - December 3, 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  TS (SD) CAST: Kossuth Gergő (Melchior Gabor), Viczina Dalma (Wendla Bergmann), Pirgel Dávid (Moritz Stiefel), Baranyai Annamária (Ilse Neumann), Gulyás Balázs (Hanschen Rilow), Zádori Szilárd (Ernst Robel), Kádár Szabolcs (Otto Lämmermeier), Kocsis Dénes (Georg Zirschnitz), Kiss Tünde (Anna), Simon Boglárka (Thea Rilow) NOTES: Single cam proshot. Spring Awakening - Mexico - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Alan Estrada (Melchior Gabor), Melissa Barrera (Wendla Bergmann), Jose Luis Navarrete (Moritz Stiefel), Roxana Puente (Ilse Neumann), Iker Madrid (Hanschen Rilow), Arturo Valdemar (Ernst Robel), Pablo Rodriguez (Otto Lämmermeier), José Guerrero (Georg Zirschnitz), Estibalitz Ruiz (Anna), Melissa Ortiz (Thea Rilow), Gicela Sehedi (The Adult Women), Cristobal Garcia-Naranjo (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Mexico - 2012 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Alan Estrada (Melchior Gabor), Melissa Barrera (Wendla Bergmann), Jose Luis Navarrete (Moritz Stiefel), Roxana Puente (Ilse Neumann), Iker Madrid (Hanschen Rilow), Arturo Valdemar (Ernst Robel), Pablo Rodriguez (Otto Lämmermeier), José Guerrero (Georg Zirschnitz), Estibalitz Ruiz (Anna), Melissa Ortiz (Thea Rilow), Gicela Sehedi (The Adult Women), Cristobal Garcia-Naranjo (The Adult Men) Spring Awakening - Off-Broadway - July 9, 2006 FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Jonathan Groff (Melchior Gabor), Lea Michele (Wendla Bergmann), John Gallagher Jr (Moritz Stiefel), Lauren Pritchard (Ilse Neumann), Jonathan B Wright (Hanschen Rilow), Gideon Glick (Ernst Robel), Brian Charles Johnson (Otto Lämmermeier), Skylar Astin (Georg Zirschnitz), Phoebe Strole (Anna), Remy Zaken (Thea Rilow), Mary McCann (The Adult Women), Frank Wood (The Adult Men) NOTES: Done before the move to Broadway, nice picture and sound. A Spring Awakening - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 2010 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Pierre Baitelli (Melchior Gabor), Malu Rodrigues (Wendla Bergmann), Rodrigo Pandolfo (Moritz Stiefel), Letícia Colin (Ilse Neumann), Thiago Amaral (Hanschen Rilow), Felipe de Carolis (Ernst Robel), Bruno Sigrist (Otto Lämmermeier), André Loddi (Georg Zirschnitz), Estrela Blanco (Anna), Júlia Bernat (Thea Rilow), Deborah Olivieri (The Adult Women), Carlos Gregório (The Adult Men) NOTES: Proshot, filmed on a tripod with sound patched directly in. Non-replica production Spring Awakening - Second National Tour - February 8, 2011 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Christopher Wood (Melchior Gabor), Elizabeth Judd (Wendla Bergmann), Coby Getzug (Moritz Stiefel), Courtney Markowitz (Ilse Neumann), Devon Stone (Hanschen Rilow), Daniel Plimpton (Ernst Robel), George Salazar (Otto Lämmermeier), Jim Hogan (Georg Zirschnitz), Rachel Geisler (Anna), Emily Mest (Thea Rilow), Sarah Kleeman (The Adult Women), Mark Poppleton (The Adult Men)
Spring Awakening - South Korea - 2009 FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Mu-yeol Kim (Melchior Gabor), Yu-young Kim (Wendla Bergmann), Jung-seok Cho (Moritz Stiefel), Ji-hyun Kim (Ilse Neumann), Dong-hyun Kim (Hanschen Rilow), Ha-neul Kim (Ernst Robel), Dong-wook Yuk (Otto Lämmermeier), Seuk-won Yun (Georg Zirschnitz), Lan-ju Park (Anna), So-yeon Oh (Thea Rilow) NOTES: Misses 'I Believe' and the Preacher's Sermon before 'The Guilty Ones'. Spring Awakening - University of Cincinnati - 2012 FORMAT: M4V CAST: Max Clayton (Melchior Gabor), Kathryn Boswell (Wendla Bergmann), Matt Hill (Moritz Stiefel), Alysha Deslorieux (Ilse Neumann), Julian Decker (Hanschen Rilow), Nate Irvin (Ernst Robel), Kevin Brown (Otto Lämmermeier), Noah J Ricketts (Georg Zirschnitz), Erica Vlahinos (Anna), Alison Bagil (Thea Rilow) Spring Awakening - Vienna - May 24, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Rasmus Borkowski (Melchior Gabor), Jana Stelley (u/s Wendla Bergmann), Wolfgang Türks (Moritz Stiefel), Jennifer Kothe (Ilse Neumann), Johannes Huth (Hanschen Rilow), André Naujoks (u/s Ernst Robel), Marlon Wehmeier (Otto Lämmermeier), Dominik Hees (Georg Zirschnitz), Jana Nagy (Anna), Jeannine Michèle Wacker (Thea Rilow), Julia Stemberger (The Adult Women), Daniel Berger (The Adult Men) NOTES: Six major blackouts (including the majority of “My Junk” and “The Mirror-Blue Night” and the taper has a couple of performers that they obviously favour. The result is a video that stays in tight shot on the people in question for most of the show and has the shakes to go with it. Sound is great and it’s good to see the Vienna cast. Final performances for most of the understudies in their roles. Spring Awakening - Wallis Annenberg For The Performing Arts, Beverly Hills - June 13, 2015 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Austin McKenzie (Melchior Gabor), Sandra Mae Frank (Wendla Bergmann), Katie Boeck (Voice of Wendla), Daniel N Durant (Moritz Stiefel), Alex Boniello (Voice of Moritz), Krysta Rodriguez (Ilse Neumann), Treshelle Edmond (Martha Bessell), Kathryn Gallagher (Voice of Martha), Andy Mientus (Hanschen Rilow), Joshua Castille (Ernst Robel), Daniel David Stewart (Voice of Ernst), Miles Barbee (Otto Lämmermeier), Sean Grandillo (Voice of Otto), Alex Wyse (Georg Zirschnitz), Ali Stroker (Anna), Amelia Hensley (Thea Rilow), Lauren Luiz (Melitta Rilow / Voice of Thea), Alexandra Winter (Greta Brandenburg), Hillary Baack (The Adult Women), Natacha Roi (Voice of Adult Women), Howie Seago (The Adult Men), Daniel Marmion (Voice of Adult Men) NOTES: Fantastic capture of Deaf West's production during it's run at the Wallis Annenberg; very well captured with no obstructions, or washout, and just a few seconds of dropouts throughout the entire show, most of which happen between scenes. Great picture and sound throughout. Spring Awakening - West End (Novello Theatre) - May 30, 2009 (Matinee) (Closing Night) (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Aneurin Barnard (Melchior Gabor), Charlotte Wakefield (Wendla Bergmann), Iwan Rheon (Moritz Stiefel), Lucy May Barker (Ilse Neumann), Hayley Gallivan (Martha Bessell), Jamie Blackley (Hanschen Rilow), Harry McEntire (Ernst Robel), Edd Judge (Otto Lämmermeier), Jos Slovick (Georg Zirschnitz), Natasha Barnes (Anna), Evelyn Hoskins (Thea Rilow), Sian Thomas (The Adult Women), Richard Cordery (The Adult Men) NOTES: Highlights of approximately 45 minutes of Act 2 only; filmed in widescreen with nice picture and sound with no coverups until the end of Totally Fucked, then little snippets of video and a full Those You've Known, after which the video footage ends. Starlight Express - Broadway - January 8, 1989 (Closing Night) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Greg Mowry (Rusty), Reva Rice (Pearl), Jane Krakowski (Dinah), Todd Lester (Caboose), Michael Scott Gregory (Dustin) NOTES: Final Broadway performance. Starlight Express - West End - 1988 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Gary Cordice (Rusty), Kim Leeson (Pearl), Drue Williams (Greaseball), Koffi Missah (u/s Elektra), Dawn Buckland (u/s Dinah), Shezwae Powell (Belle), Peter Reeves (Caboose) NOTES: Proshot, extreme gen loss and you can barely see anything but colours. There are separate cameras for the race scenes, which look great. Sunday in the Park with George - Broadway - October 21–25, 1985 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Mandy Patinkin (Georges Seurat / George), Bernadette Peters (Dot / Marie), Barbara Bryne (Old Lady), Judith Moore (Nurse), Charles Kimbrough (Jules), Dana Ivey (Yvonne), Robert Westenberg (Soldier), Melanie Vaughan (Celeste #1), Mary D'Arcy (Celeste #2), Brent Spiner (Franz), Frank Kopyc (Mr.), Judith Moore (Mrs.), Nancy Opel (Frieda), William Parry (Boatman), Cris Groenendaal (Louis), Danielle Ferland (Louise), Charles Kimbrough (Bob Greenberg), Brent Spiner (Dennis), Dana Ivey (Naomi Eisen), Mary D'Arcy (Elaine), Judith Moore (Harriet Pawling), Cris Groenendaal (Billy Webster), William Parry (Charles Redmond), Robert Westenberg (Alex), Nancy Opel (Betty), Frank Kopyc (Lee Randolph), Barbara Bryne (Blair Daniels) Sunday in the Park with George - Second Broadway Revival - March 8, 2017 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) |  TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights CAST: Jake Gyllenhaal (Georges Seurat / George), Annaleigh Ashford (Dot / Marie), Penny Fuller (Old Lady), Jennifer Sanchez (Nurse), Robert Sean Leonard (Jules), Erin Davie (Yvonne), Claybourne Elder (Soldier), Ashley Park (Celeste #1), Jenni Barber (Celeste #2), David Turner (Franz), Brooks Ashmanskas (Mr.), Liz McCartney (Mrs.), Ruthie Ann Miles (Frieda), Phillip Boykin (Boatman), Jordan Gelber (Louis), Mattea Conforti (Louise), Robert Sean Leonard (Bob Greenberg), David Turner (Dennis), Erin Davie (Naomi Eisen), Jenni Barber (Elaine), Jennifer Sanchez (Harriet Pawling), Jordan Gelber (Billy Webster), Brooks Ashmanskas (Charles Redmond), Claybourne Elder (Alex), Ruthie Ann Miles (Betty), Phillip Boykin (Lee Randolph), Penny Fuller (Blair Daniels), Jennifer Sanchez (Samantha), Ashley Park (Theresa) NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. The performances have really been fine tuned and beautifully performed. Jake and Annaleigh are perfection together. A Sunday in the Park with George - Théâtre Du Châtelet, Paris - April 17, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Julian Ovenden (Georges Seurat / George), Sophie-Louise Dann (Dot / Marie), Rebecca de Pont Davies (Old Lady), Jessica Walker (Nurse), Nikolas Grace (Jules), Beverly Klein (Yvonne), David Curry (Soldier), Rebecca Bottone (Celeste #1), Francesca Jackson (Celeste #2), Damian Thantrey (Franz), Scott Emerson (Mr.), Elisa Doughty Louis (Mrs.), Christine Buffle (Frieda), Nicholas Garrett (Boatman), Jonathan Gunthorpe (Louis), Laura Gravier-Britten (Louise) NOTES: Pro-Shot filmed for French television. This critically acclaimed production uses a revolving set amid state-of-the-art video backdrops. In English, with French subtitles. Broadcast in May, 2013. Sunset Boulevard - Broadway Revival - February 3, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Glenn Close (Norma Desmond), Michael Xavier (Joe Gillis), Fred Johanson (Max von Mayerling), Siobhan Dillon (Betty Schaeffer), Preston Truman Boyd (Artie Green), Paul Schoeffler (Cecil B. DeMille), Andy Taylor (Sheldrake), Jim Walton (Manfred) NOTES: Beautiful HD capture from the Orchestra of the Second Preview performance. Glenn again knocks her performance out of the park! Some subtle changes and delivery from the first performance. Terrific audience response and energy from the cast throughout the show! Sunset Boulevard - Netherlands - 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Norma Desmond), Antonie Kamerling (Joe Gillis), Peter de Smet (Max von Mayerling), Maike Boerdam (Betty Schaeffer), Jasper Kerkhof (Artie Green), Dick Schaar (Cecil B. DeMille), Paul Disbergen (Sheldrake), Derek Blok (Manfred), Mo Marcus (Heather) Sunset Boulevard - Netherlands - April 15, 2009 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Pia Douwes (Norma Desmond) NOTES: Highlights. Quality: B Sunset Boulevard - West End - July, 1993 (Preview) (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Patti LuPone (Norma Desmond), Kevin Anderson (Joe Gillis), Daniel Benzali (Max von Mayerling) NOTES: Black and white house-cam footage with crystal clear soundboard audio, slightly washed out at times (as it was in infrared) but a great capture of the performances and the staging. Definitely filmed in July. Theres a higher quality MP4 version with no graininess and clear footage being traded as well. Check with traders. Swan Lake (Ballet) - The Royal Ballet - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Marianela Núñez, Vadim Muntagirov, Bennet Gartside, Elizabeth McGorian, Alexander Campbell, Francesca Hayward, Akane Takada
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Broadway Revival - April 2, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Cerveris (Sweeney Todd), Patti LuPone (Mrs. Lovett), Benjamin Magnuson (Anthony Hope), Lauren Molina (Johanna), Mark Jacoby (Judge Turpin), Alexander Gemignani (Beadle Bamford), Diana DiMarzio (Beggar Woman), Donna Lynne Champlin (Adolfo Pirelli), John Arbo (Jonas Fogg) NOTES: Great Revival and nicely done. Crystal clear picture and sound. Lots of closeups. A Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - First National Tour - September, 1981 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: George Hearn (Sweeney Todd), Angela Lansbury (Mrs. Lovett), Cris Groenendaal (Anthony Hope), Betsy Joslyn (Johanna), Edmund Lyndeck (Judge Turpin), Ken Jennings (Tobias Ragg), Calvin Remsberg (Beadle Bamford), Sara Woods (Beggar Woman), Sal Mistretta (Adolfo Pirelli), Michael Kalinyen (Jonas Fogg) NOTES: Commercial proshot video. Often mislabelled as being September 12th, 1982, HOWEVER, that is when it aired on PBS, not when it was recorded. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Manila & Singapore - October 11, 2019 (Opening Night) (Highlights) (andflyingaway's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jett Pangan (Sweeney Todd), Lea Salonga (Mrs. Lovett), Gerald Santos (Anthony Hope), Mikkie Bradshaw-Volante (Johanna), Andrew Fernando (Judge Turpin), Luigi Quesada (Tobias Ragg), Arman Ferrer (Beadle Bamford), Ima Castro (Beggar Woman), Nyoy Volante (Adolfo Pirelli), Dean Rosen (Jonas Fogg), Christine Flores, Emeline Celis Guinid, Jep Go, Kevin Guiman, Sarah Facuri, Steven Conde NOTES: Highlights: Johanna, Kiss Me, and Act 2 until part of Johanna (Reprise). A bunch of clips from the opening night of Sweeney Todd in Manila! Shot 3rd row at the balcony. I shot more but they were too zoomed in that they’re more likely to be considered audio so I decided not to include them. I was very near the usher and they were really strict. The phone was in my jacket pocket so I couldn’t see anything and I was scared of getting caught, so a lot is very zoomed and I’m really sorry about that. I absolutely loved the set, it was reimagined into a more modern almost gangster like setting. Shot in 4k on my phone. Please gift out to anyone who asks. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - New York Philharmonic Concert - March 5-8, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master) video |  TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST. Working on uploading :) CAST: Bryn Terfel (Sweeney Todd), Emma Thompson (Mrs. Lovett), Jay Armstrong Johnson (Anthony Hope), Erin Mackey (Johanna), Philip Quast (Judge Turpin), Kyle Brenn (Tobias Ragg), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Beadle Bamford), Bryonha Marie Parham (Beggar Woman), Christian Borle (Adolfo Pirelli), Audra McDonald NOTES: Filmed in March 2014 and aired on PBS on September 26, 2014. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - San Francisco Symphony Concert - July, 2001 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: George Hearn (Sweeney Todd), Patti LuPone (Mrs. Lovett), Davis Gaines (Anthony Hope), Lisa Vroman (Johanna), Timothy Nolen (Judge Turpin), Neil Patrick Harris (Tobias Ragg), John Aler (Beadle Bamford), Victoria Clark (Beggar Woman) NOTES: Aired on PBS on October 31, 2001. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Théâtre Du Châtelet, Paris - May 20, 2011 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Rod Gilfry (Sweeney Todd), Caroline O’Connor (Mrs. Lovett), Nicholas Garrett (Anthony Hope), Rebecca Bottone (Johanna), Jonathan Best (Judge Turpin), Pascal Charbonneau (Tobias Ragg), John Graham-Hall (Beadle Bamford), Rebecca de Pont Davies (Beggar Woman), David Curry (Adolfo Pirelli) NOTES: Single camera pro-shot Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - Third West End Revival - 2011 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Michael Ball (Sweeney Todd), Imelda Staunton (Mrs. Lovett), Luke Brady (Anthony Hope), Lucy May Barker (Johanna), John Bowe (Judge Turpin), James McConville (Tobias Ragg), Peter Polycarpou (Beadle Bamford), Gillian Kirkpatrick (Beggar Woman), Rob Burt (Adolfo Pirelli) NOTES: Fixed house-cam recording of the 2012 West End revival at Adelphie Theatre. There is a copy with press footage inserted for A Little Priest and Epiphany. Unsure if there is unaltered footage circulating; check with traders. FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Ann Reinking (Charity Hope Valentine), Bebe Neuwirth (Nickie)
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rhinocerosproject · 6 years ago
Sewing Circle Participants
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Sewing Circle Participants
Thank you to everyone who participated in sewing the rhinoceros! We could never have finished it without you. You are forever in our hearts.
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Yue Yang Caigla Zou          back
Yuen (Jessica) Chen           back
Kelly White                         shoulder
Athena Johns                     leg
Antoinette Barton               head
Erica Lipshultz                   rump
Marc Fletcher                    back left foot
Siobhan Cassidy               front right leg
Elisa Li                               head
Harry Yu                             head
Beth Thomas                     snout
Erica Barajas                     forehead
Vivian Romney                  shoulder
Zoe Walker                       head
Amy Khalmann                 rear flank
Alina Hayes                      feet
Janice Wood                    rear flank
Barb Bakun                      head
Andi Wong                       rear flank
Sarah Stein                      back, thigh
Chloe Marrinstein            head, foot, outline, da booty
Sadie Marrinstein            thigh
Amanda H. Johnson       head, foot, outline 
Kaila Wood                     head, foot, outline
Leah Johnson                 head, foot, outline
Ani Mukerji                      back leg
Inka Mukerji                    back leg
Winnie Ding                    rear flank
Jennifer White                back feet
August White                 back feet
Neve Schmitt                 head
Michelle Schmitt            head
Sigrid                             foot
Leah Anderson              foot
Mary Kenny                   rump
Isle Oritt                         rump
Olga                              back leg
Dustin                           rhinobum!
Linnea Furlog                head
Pam Deluco                  rear leg, haunch, elbow, letters
Jeff Thomas                  back
Bryan Barkley               rear
Mary Wheeler               back top flank
Teri Gardiner                tail hair, rump, belly, ridge of back
Robin Hill                     rump
Darcy Padilla                stomach
Emily Clark-Krasner     rear
Yuen Chen                   leg
Jodi Connelly                back
Noah Greene                belly
Ryan Meyer                  belly and back
Arielle Rebek                belly
Muzi LaRowe                eyes
T. Blackmon                  bottom
Bettina Pauley               tail
Allyson Feeney              rump
Mark Baugh-Sasaki      back foot
Dox Lorax                     haunch
Kelli Rae                        rump
Cesar Rubio                  unknown
Ho Yan Nip                   unknown
Frank Merritt                all over, circles, edges, hindquarters, shoulder, rump, dark purple bottom edge of shoulder armor, behind the ear
Kim Miskowicz            rump, right foot, rear/rump
Julia Langer                buttocks
Jonathan Coignard     buttocks
Suzanne Gore             haunch
Kelly Wang                  from hip to buttock
Steve Rasmussen       rear leg
Bob Rocco                  rump
Odysseus Wolken       upper rump
Juliette Langley           lower rump
Fehim Haelzic              crown/forehead
Leyla Haelzic               crown/forehead
Tanja Gels                   head
Lisa Ekstrom               from right leg, forehead
Eva Walker                  front leg
Sara Wright                 eye
Karrie Hovey               shoulder
M. Dym                       a wrinkle on the head
Amy M. Ho                  front foot, forehead
Dave Lyons                 just below eye
Mel Day                       forehead
Heather Peters            ear
Helen Hiebert              butt
Alyssa Casey              neck, horn
Vanessa Gingold         rump
Mary V. Marsh             front right toe, ear
Antonio Guerra            letra C
Jenny Phillips               hands
Ingrid Rojas Contreras hoof
Maia Wachtel                 lines on the back
Roli Douglas                  the top line
Noga Wizansky              rump
Suzanne Forester          border line
Cindy Steiler                 face
Alexa Boromo               behind
Amber Hoy                   back
Melody Dalton              back
Cheyenne Dalton          rear feet
Elizabeth Boyne            ear
Teddy Midler                front foot
Drew Cameron            face
Cathy DeForest            front left hoof
Leah Korican                face
Mayumi Hamanaka       r - text   
Dana Zed                      shoulder
Erin Sheanin                  knee
Alisha Funkhouser        front foot
Debbie Walker              unknown
Nancy Marriner            tail
Summer Om                face
Eraden Wordal Chesh  face
Isle Oritt                       knee
Mary Grace Tate          toe
Sophia Auen                face
April Marriner               tail
Charlotte Semmes       snout
Andre Chevonier          foot
Jane Cassidy               foot
Kellen Rhoda               foot
Meiasha Gray              border
Samantha Bankston    back foot
Winship Varnes            hindquarters
Miranda McFarland      belly
Susan Paigen               nose
Kevin Holmes               ear
Jackie Wallowheng       plants
Beta Heist Morello        edge
Elaine Todd                   nose and edge near nose
Lori Chambers              back foot
Mickie McCormic          foot scales
Jeremy Logan                ear hair
Brook Craddock            mythical horn!
Morning Hullinger          toe jam back foot, shoulder flank, final inner
C.C. Chaya                    scales
Lolli Jacobsen                back
Sarah Crews                  rump
Connie Burket                ears
Debbie Divine                rear leg
Martha Rhea                  hindquarters
Donna Sandberg            along the top of the back shoulder and letter H
Pam Morgan                  back
Ruth Cathcard Rake      front leg and letter R
Gretchen Boyum           front leg, front foot
Rachel Butler                 front leg
Lucy Butler                    front leg
Bill North                       butt, ground, back right foot
Caroline Stoll                 head
April Engstrom              back right leg/hip
Connie Wilson              close to face
Gloria Gonzalez            hind foot
Judy Nease                  chin
Alleigh Weems             horn
Lyndsi Weems             back foot
Karla Prickett               rump
Jennifer Baker             back
Kent Manske               spots
Susan Tuoley              back foot and butt
Susan Paigen             nose
Christina Steinbrecher       pfrandt (lower leg)
Yeqi Song                    legs
Yuan Luo                     legs
Jenny Chin (Kuan-Jen)    legs
Jingying Liang             back leg
Jianguyin Reng           back leg
Beth Abdallah             back flank
Rebecca Redman       back leg
Michael Seidel            kidney lining
Rita Hsing                   head
Sandy Lee                  back
Chelsea Herman        back
Marie Kidd                 right front foot
David Kidd                 right front foot
Amy Whitcomb          rump
Bob Carpenter           nose
Barbara Carpenter     nose
Cynthia Beecher        ear
Leteb Beecher           ear
Susan Sweet             ear
CK Itamura                hamhock
Dionne Thornton       front left foot, butt edge
Robert Wuilfe            da booty
Gina Ching                front foot
Jordan Juel               front foot
Anne Ingraham         front foot
Michelle Waters        butt
Elizabeth Addison     foot
Lydia Nakashima Dagarod        shoulder
Linda Joy Kettwinkel                 snout
Peggy George          butt
Maryly Snow            scales
Zelisa                       back end
Scott Partch            back end
Chin Cox                 head
Hada Marshall Booth            head
Eduardo Arenas       leg
Luna Gomez            head
Sauita Patel             gog (back)
Brian Lease             back leg
Islonia Hasbrim       frente
Guadalupe Portillo             espalda
Queen Krubally       back
Bridget McCraken             back
Margaret Coston     back
Kathleen Murphy     belly
Julie Grigoryan        ear
Joyce Subel            border
Yatit Maidorh          head
Omer                      head
Alon                        head
Rooek                     head
Eli                           head
Posja Mahushwai            neckline
Talia                        nose
Ella                          ear
Jonathan                nose
Nancy Brunn          back
Sabina Brunn         ears
Judith Fast            back
Lindsey Stoll          hoof
Emily Marks           head
Victor Vargas          chin
Britt-Marie Alon      horn
Al Bloch                  horn
Alyssa Flores          horn
John Hoffmeyer     border
Madison Cockrum             head
Anthony Murillo      border
Sheri Simons          front legs
Emily Matherson     face
Hana Jones             hoof (back foot)
Angela Kirchebel     bottom left corner border,
                                 small area of right foot, scales
Adele Etcheverry Sheets        upper border rear and rear of Rhino
Leslie Jurado            back leg, hoof scales
Jaime Muñoz            shoulder
Aiden Ginn                back leg
Sheecid Lopez          border and back leg
Sophy Hock              shoulder
Nancy Scott Patton            rump
Hana Beaty                  shoulder, back leg
Eric D’Alessandro        lower jaw
Betsy Copeland          leg and hoof
Kylie McCloskey         horn
Dellanira Carrillo          butt
Jose Llamos                hoof (back foot)
Timothy Clancy           forehead
Kobley Benjamin Mona        shoulder
Alicia Ramirez              foot
Kim Green                    upper thigh/butt
Francesca Figone        left back
Josette Stokes             shoulder
Mercedes Yatta            foot
Luis Medina                 booty
Shane Geoge               face (under eye)
Ellen Baird                    foot
Daria Booth                  shoulder
Adria Davis                   backside
Johnny Bruno               back foot
Brianna Warren             leg
Adrienne Glatz              forehead
Mallory Frucha              bum
Kelly Weber                  front and back legs
Carissa Duggan            booty
Jasmin Gonzalez          foot
Francis Newsom           rear end
Shari Maxson Hopper        shoulder
Veronica Brenck            butt
Marie Fox                     rump, front foot, back foot
Chloe Taylor                 root
Marissa Winslow         rump/tail
Shai Porath                 head
Linda Bea Miller          tummy
Tom Seoul                  rump
Kathleen Ritchie         unknown
Sue Bottom                front leg
Lisa Chu                     forehead
Anne Ingraham           hind foot
Chris Voisard              rump
Jane McLaughlin        front foot
Malinda Thompson    rear leg
Mallory Nomura Saul        tusk and back
Judy Shintani             tummy and rump
Kevin Austin               top of nose, bottom of horn
Claudia Molley           top of head, behind ear
Kate Oltmann             butt
Amanda Bosma         wrinkle on face
Xittaly Vasquez           back leg
Emily Murray               torso wrinkle
Julia Albo                    border
Miriam Hassman         neck/face
Ryan Patton                back left leg
Alexa Weber                chin and left front leg
Jiovanny Soto             forehead
Jenny Harp                 lower back
Steven Garen              nose/head
Tallulah Terryl              leg
Johanna Arnold          back
Sean Olson                 muzzle
Emma Spertus            back
Chris Challans            loin, belly
Susan Kanowith-Klein        rump
Christina Aumann       eyelashes and forehead
Ruth Souza                 misc dorsal area
Phuong Pham             booty
Laurie Crogan             shoulder-scales
Lorna Turner               armpit
Eva Hausam               chin wavy lines
David Reiman             shoulder
Lanqin Wang              forehead
Camryn Travis            belly
Jennifer Munnings     eye/cheek
Brooke Sommers       belly
Katie Gallagher          ribs
Sariah Gonzalez        forehead
Anthony Isenhour      shoulder
Berenika Boberska    the bottom!
Taylor Hoogsteden    hip
Carmina Ellison         sideburns
Nicole McHale           shoulder blade
Preeva Tramiel           back leg
Jessica Bernhardt     front leg
Milldrid Thompson    ear
Sharon Robinson       front leg
Timiza Wagner           back leg
Bobbie Jeffery            rear of body
Joanne Landers          ear
Sylvia Stanger            front leg
Paula Landers            back leg
Charlotte Jacobs        front leg
Mavis Brown               front shoulder
Cheryl Batrato            haunch
Kathy Goldmaker        shoulder
Liz Matthews              back leg above the foot
Sailee Pawar               back leg
Andrea Fleiner            belly
Marina Taniform         leg
Andres Taniform         leg
Rose Nguyen             ribs
Marco Chavez           ribs
Lily May Larson         cheek
Rachel Williamson    back leg
Cheryl Zuur               above the eye
Kathy Willis               hindquarters
Martha White            hindquarter
Artemis Koren          head
Anika Sykora            tummy
Irene Floyd                hindquarter
Ming Zhou                head
Max Koren                front leg
Dinah Irino                 ear
Maya                          leg
Morgan Carter            head
Ava Kasim                   the hinney
Isabella Anderson       back
Ian Kussi-Gillu            shoulder
Viyada Satyapan         upper front back
Mahvash Salehpour    back hip
Christina Bayley          back foot
Pam Schwartz             left leg
Lynn Koolish                back leg
Sandra Duncan            front hoof
Emily Rosenberg           right leg
Gina Dixon                    back leg
Tamara Sommerfield     neck
Diana R. Reton              rear leg
Candace Kling               shoulder
Cindy Jacomette            head
Nicki Hitz Edison            front leg
Toru Sueto                     front left leg
Jeanne Sueto                under eye, along lower jaw
Linda Goss                    rear hip
Kim Meuli Brown           back ribs
Michael Chin                 chin
Kasla Melton                 right back leg (pierna derecha)
Vanessa Herrera            right back thing
Wendy Brown                back leg
Jack Fleig                      front leg
Amanda Fleig                front leg
Shobitha                       belly
Sasha                           back
Marilyn                         rear haunch
Caden Jo Hartdegen            head/neck
Yolanda Araujo            unknown
Meredith Payn            unknown
Tiffany Hartdeger        unknown
Richard                       cheek
Hanna Peacock          shoulder
Juan Manuel Gutierrez        rear hip
Paola Valencia             head
Jesus Castillo              head
Diego Barregan            shoulder
Hernandez Irvin            belly
Cindy Simmons            cheek
Ginna Sierra                  upper leg 
Carole Walters-Cook     face
Angela Etsey                 back leg and thigh
Victor Navarro IV           V neck
Elizabeth Finkler           ear
Jennifer Lu                   lower tummy
Kylee Dougherty          neck
Jada Wong                  stomach
Kerwin Azores             back knee
Hugo Jimenez             head
Becca Wong                neck
Breanna Estrada          unknown
Candaces Perrault       shoulder
Kevin Liu                      belly and front of leg plates
Michael Huang Mil      back leg
Natalie Diazza             chin hairs
Eliza Villa                     dorsal neck
Steve Dellicalpini        in that neck tho!
Michelle van Eyken     right flank
Leslie McLaughlin       shoulder circles
Angela Acosta            front leg
Allison Acosta            front shoulder circle
Rebecca Bui              upper back leg
Barbara Post              back foot
Irene Caravajal           back leg
Gabrielle Koizumi       neck
Clayton Bavor            front leg
Ava Eui                      front leg
Judy Diamond           upper shoulder
Mhanna Kutras           front leg
Liam                           neck
Leona                         neck
Leana Olliffe                stomach
Patti Samuelson          right leg
A. Manley                     neck plates
Donna King                  right shoulder
Becky Leech                right hindquarters
Raymond Mueller         front left leg
Timmy                           shoulder
Asher Fleig                    front leg
Julia                               back leg
Nicole B                        chest
L. Hum                          hind leg
Alice Schwegman        shoulder
Gail Blackmarr             unknown
Christina Truong          neck
June Dao                     scale
Ellie Reese                   a rear leg
Susan L. Goranson     left rear leg
Marci Ariagno             breast shield
Maya                           unknown
Diane Mestu               head
Claudia Havah            back leg
Mickey Guffin              right upper hind leg
Annalise Sailen            unknown
Jennifer Schaeffer       front right leg
Mia                              rear leg
Joe Ranish                  right shoulder
Ann Ranish                 rear leg
Anthony                      left leg
Leslie Nobler               neck
Anne Trickey                back leg
Maris Kaplan               neck fold and front shoulder
Paula Bohan                neck fold
James Brooks              neck
Amanda Briggs            back right foot
Andrew Briggs             back right foot
Miriam Briggs              back right foot
Willow Yamaden          cheek
Sarah Bartman            neck
Bridget McMahon       flank
Amy Brown                jowl
Vanessa Dion Fletcher        jowl
Denera Gains             unknown
Justin Gains               unknown
Kurt Salinas                stomach/inner thigh
Randall Harrison         upper mid bicep
Ivy Moya                      back foot
Pam Lonero                 breast plate
Molly Olsen Roush      shoulder/neck area
Brook Olsen Roush     shoulder/neck area
Susie Miller Roush      shoulder/neck area
Reyhon Ertekin            unknown
Torres Leck                  shoulder
Anna Banancks           shoulder
Emily van Engel           front leg
Silvia Eckert                cheek
Davis Watson              breastplate
Debachree Ghosh       breastplate
Jessica Jane Jennings       cheek
Kimberly Ann Piper      shoulder
Alisa Murray                cheek
Jennifer Hill                 breastplate
Susan Ady                   cheek
Chris Washburn          neck
Janet Ady                    flank
Louise Horkey             border
Nupur Kamat              front shoulder
Tamela Holmes            ear
Tameyah Holmes         cheek
Ruth Tabancay            upper leg
Teddy Midler                shoulder
Jerry Majors Patterson        cheek area
Susan Afell                  eye area
Elaine Todd                 neck
Senator Jordan           cheek
Meadow                     unknown
Lori Chambers            neck
Josephine Tumova      neck
Fynn Tuma                   chest
Diana Dominguez        chest
Jason Godeke             neck
Cristina Mathews        belly and front right leg
Jody Alexander           neck, chest
Elaine Todd                 belly circles
Raquel Marquez          belly
Josslyn Robles            chest
Rhea Rynearson          shoulder
Valerie Frey                  shoulder
Aidan Parker                shoulder, right shoulder
A. Parker                      right shoulder
Seraphine Ries            belly
Lid. C.                          belly
Jamelie                        whiskers
Carolyn Schneider       upper shoulder
Josh Morsell                lower front shoulder
Lia V. Wilson                middle breast
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nerdtrekdotcom · 8 years ago
Narcosa (OSR)
Narcosa (OSR) This massive book clocks in at 108 pages, 1 page editorial, 2 pages of ToC, 1 page weird glyphs, leaving us with 104 pages of content. The full-color cover artwork is included as a jpg and the scale-less map is also included thus. I own the softcover print version of this book, which sports the map as a back cover, just fyi. I will base my review mostly on the print version. While…
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theonyxpath · 6 years ago
Now available in PDF a via DriveThruRPG, and in traditional print via Studio 2 and via Indie Press Revolution: The Cavaliers of Mars GM Screen!
Return now to dying Mars in its last age of glory. A world of flashing swords and choking sands, of winking courtesans and lantern-lit canal cities. Mars, where romance and heartbreak are two sides of the same obsidian chit.
This Cavalier of Mars GM Screen contains useful charts and lists, plus compelling art of dying Mars on the exterior.
Created by Rose Bailey
Written by Rose Bailey, Benjamin Baugh, Storn Cook, Steffie de Vaan, Meghan Fitzgerald, Jordan Goldfarb, Danielle Lauzon, Ethan Skemp, Lauren Stone, Travis Stout, and senior writer Audrey Whitman
Also available in PDF and print: Cavaliers of Mars Talent and Path cards:
Return now to dying Mars in its last age of glory. A planet of flashing swords and choking sands, of winking courtesans and lantern-lit canal cities. Mars, where fortune and death are two sides of the same obsidian chit, where lost cities and dry oceans stretch between the last bastions of civilization.
These Cavaliers of Mars Talent and Path Cards enhance the systems found in the Cavaliers of Mars Core Rulebook, making referencing rules quicker for play.
Also also available: Cavaliers of Mars Desktop Wallpaper!
Return now to dying Mars in its last age of glory. A world of flashing swords and choking sands, of winking courtesans and lantern-lit canal cities. Mars, where romance and heartbreak are two sides of the same obsidian chit.
This digital download includes a selection of electronic wallpaper files featuring a collage of the art from the Cavaliers of Mars RPG.
Includes these sizes:
The Cavaliers of Mars rulebook, released last week via DriveThruRPG and Studio 2, is now also available through Indie Press Revolution.
HALFOWEEN continues! All World of Darkness deluxe edition and Chronicles of Darkness prestige edition stock leftover from our Kickstarters is on sale for 50% off during the month of October on Indie Press Revolution! If you missed backing the Kickstarters for great books like V20 Dark Ages, W20 Book of the Wyrm, the M20 rulebook, or Demon: The Descent, this is your chance to get those books!
DriveThruRPG has one week remaining on its Halloween Sale, with more than 250 Onyx Path products available at discount!
Kickstarter Update
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Dystopia Rising: Evolution rulebook
Scion: Scion 2nd Edition (Origin and Hero)
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum (core rules and Trinity Continuum: Æon)
Monarchies of Mau: Monarchies of Mau rulebook
Exalted: Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought
Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Changeling: The Lost: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition
Geist: The Sin-Eaters: Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week:
Blood and Ink: Tattoo Magic
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The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
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Vampire: The Victorian Age: Deviltry at Whittlock Manor
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The Clintons Kill List = 135 and counting!
The Clintons Kill List = 135 and counting! 
01 - Alan G. Whicher - Oversaw Clinton’s Secret Service detail. In October 1994 Whicher was transferred to the Secret Service field office in the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Whatever warning was given to the BATF agents in that building did not reach Alan Whicher, whom died in the bomb blast of April 19th 1995.
02 - Sgt. Brian Hanley
03 - Conway LeBleu
04 - Spec. Gary Rhodes
05 - Col. Robert Kelly  
06 - Robert Williams  
07 - Captain Scott J. Reynolds
08 - Steve Willis
09 - Sgt. Tim Sabel  
10 - Todd McKeehan  
11 - Col. William Densberger
12 - Major General William Robertson
13 - Major William S. Barkley, Jr.
14 - Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.
15 - Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, 7/88
16 - Keith McMaskle – Died, stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988
17 - James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to natural causes.
18 - Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.
19 - Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
20 - Molly Macauley
21 - Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989.
22 - Chris Stevens 
23 - Glen Doherty 
24 - Sean Smith 
25 - Tyrone Woods
      Hello Crash 02/93 
      Deputy Commander, Chief of Ops, Chief of Intel. & crew Chief for V Corps which was prominent in Bosnia - Serb operations, along with the carrier Roosevelt.  They were associated with Clinton’s visit to the Roosevelt. Helo crashed near Weisbaden Germany.
26 - Gen. Robertson 
27 - Col. Densberger 
28 - Col. Kelly
29 - Spec. Rhodes
30 - William Colby - Died April 22, 1996 - Director of Central Intelligence (ret) Drowned, Computer on plate of food half eaten they say he decided to just go canoeing, Most notable about the body was the absence of a life jacket, which according to his wife, Colby always wore on the water.
      Helo Crash 05/93 
      All four died in crash in the woods near Quantico, VA. All had escorted Clinton on flight to the Roosevelt. Videotape made by firemen at crash site seized by feds.
31 - Sgt. B. Haney 
32 - Sgt. Tim Sabel 
33 - Maj. William Barkley 
34 - Capt. Scott Reynolds 
      Killed when the C-130 carrying the Presidential Limos crashed near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. August 18, 1996.
35 - Aldo Franscoia, Secret Service Agent
36 - Cpt. Kevin N. Earnest, Aircraft Commander
37 - Cpt. Kimberly Jo Wielhouwer, Pilot
38 - 2Lt. Benjamin T. Hall, Navigator
39 - SSgt. Michael J. Smith Jr., Loadmaster
40 - Sr. Airman Rick L. Merritt, Flight Engineer
41 - SSgt. Michael R. York, Loadmaster
42 - Sr. Airman Billy R. Ogston, Crew Chief
43 - Airman Thomas A. Stevens, Loadmaster.
      And the following
44 - Sr. Airman Billy R. Ogston, Crew Chief
45 - Aldo Franscoia, Secret Service Agent - 
46 - Anthony Bourdain had hired investigators to uncover the Clinton Sex Traficing Ring, he died June 8 2018 and the report said he committed suicide while on location in France for Parts Unknown.
47 - Antonin Scalia - A untrained cop said he died from a heart attack yet there is no proof of this what so ever. The popular luxury ranch where the Supreme Court Justice was found dead just so happens to be owned by Obama friend/supporter and Democratic Party donor John Poindexter. 
48 - Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce. 
49 - Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.
50 - 2Lt. Benjamin T. Hall - Navigator 
51 - Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee. 
52 - Bob Unruh - Death by barbell just prior to his testemony about a person funneling money under the Clintion Administration. 
53 - Calvin Walraven - 24 year on Walraven was a key witness in Jocelyn Elder’s son’s drug case. Ten days after Elder’s son was convicted of trafficking in cocaine, Walraven was found dead in his apartment with a gunshot blast to the head. Tim Hover, a Little Rock police spokesman says no foul play is suspected.
54 - Caetano Carani - Witness to a shooting near the White House. Suffered an unknown infection just before he was to testify. Death attributed to “apparent” food poisoning.
55 - Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.
56 - Charles Frederick Carson “Chuck” Ruff - Died Nov 19, 2000 was a prominent American lawyer based in Washington, D.C., and was best known as the White House Counsel who defended President Bill Clinton during his impeachment trial in 1999.
57 - Chandra Levy - Intern was murdered and was known to have sex with Bill Clinton. 
58 - C. Victor Raiser II and Montgomery Raiser, Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
59 - Daneil A. Dutko - Daniel A. Dutko, 54, was the co-chairman of Leadership 2000, the Democratic National Committee’s main fund-raising effort. He held many other high-level political positions, including vice chairman of finance for Clinton-Gore in 1995; finance chairman of the 53rd inaugural ball; and vice chairman of finance for the DNC in 1996 (when the Chinese money poured in). Attributed to a bicycle accident in which it’s claimed he struck his head on the concrete twice.  
60 - Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating MenaAirport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation. 
61 - Dennis Eisman - An attorney with information on INSLAW. Eisman was found shot to death on April 5, 1991.
62 - Don Adams Died Jan 7, 1997 - Long before Whitewater’s land flips made the Clinton’s circle of friends rich, many of the same players had been involved in a similar land swindle in Branson. Don Adams was a lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their life savings.
63 - Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks.
64 - Duane Garrett - Died 7/26/1995 - Radio Host and Al Gore Fund Raiser. According to Garrett’s lawyer, Garrett was under investigation for defrauding investors in Garrett’s failed sports memorabilia venture. There was talk of a deal to evade prosecution. On July 26th, Garrett canceled an afternoon meeting with his lawyer because he had to meet some people at the San Francisco airport. Three hours later he was found floating in the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge.
65 - Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.
66 - Cpl Eric S. Fox - Died 3/22/99. Crewman for Marine One, the Presidential Helicopter. Shot in the head, and declared a suicide.
67 - Eric Butera - Owned a small aircraft repair business, and had stumbled on several aircraft whose tail numbers were being changed on a regular basis. Was about to go public when he walked headfirst into a spinning propeller.
68 - Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.
69 - Floyd Walton - Killed in house explosion along with his wife, he was 77 and had stronf ties to the Clintons. 
70 - Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.
71 - Gareth Williams - The British MI6 spy who was found dead Aug 10 2010 inside a holdall bag in his bathtub in London hacked into secret data held on former U.S. President Bill Clinton, The Sun newspaper has sensationally claimed today. was 31 years old when he was found naked, dead in his own bathtub in Pimlico
72 - Gavin MacFadyen - Journalist who was Julian Assange’s Mentor and Wiki Leaks Co Founder he was also Hillary Clintons Biggest enemy next to Trump. Cause of Death is a mystery. 
73 - Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.
74 - Ian Spiro - Spiro had supporting documentation for grand jury proceedings on the INSLAW case. His wife and 3 children were found murdered on November 1, 1992 in their home. The all died of gunshot wounds to the head. Ian’s body was found several days later in a parked car in the Borego Desert. Cause of death? The ingestion of cyanide. Declared a murder/suicide.
75 - James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas
76 - James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater
77 - James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.
78 - James Sabow Col. - Died 1991 Supposedly about to blow the whistle on drug running activity taking place on the naval base where he was stationed, Col. James Sabow was found by his wife in the backyard of their home with his head blown off with a shotgun. The Navy ruled it a suicide. In all, more than 40 deaths by individuals concerned with drug traffic on military bases have been declared as suicides despite evidence that murder was involved.64 - Jenny Moore - August 13 2018 Investigative journalist Jenny Moore was found dead in her room at the Radisson Country Inn & Suites in Washington D.C. on Monday. Jenny Moore was investigatine a Rape and Pedophilia case and the Clinton’s.
79 - Jeremy Michael Boorda - (November 26, 1939 – May 16, 1996) was a United States Navy admiral who served as the 25th Chief of Naval Operations. Boorda is notable for being the first American sailor to have risen through the enlisted ranks to become the Chief of Naval Operations, the highest-ranking billet in the U.S. Navy. A Vietnam War veteran, died in May 1996, at the age of 56, when he committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest.
80 - Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.
81 - Jim Wilhite - 12/92 Skiing Accident Vice Chair. of Arkla, Inc. with ties to Clinton & Mack Mclarty, whom he called just hours before his death.
82 - Joe Montano - Was a Philippine American activist who died at age 47 due to a heart attack. He was a aid to Senator Kaine and had knowledge of the DNC election rigging for Hillary Clinton. 
83 - John Ashe - Former UN Leader who in 2015 was charged with bribary charges. He was a billion air developer who took money and gave favors to a tune of 3.1 million dollars. Ashe Died Days before giving testimony against the Clintons for their involment in the Chineese Bribary case. 
84 - John Kennedy Jr died before Hillary won the Senate in NY. He was going to run! 
85 - John Jones - Julian Assange’s LAWYER FOUND DEAD after being Struck by Train. 
86 - Johnny Franklin Lawhon, Jr. - Died March 29, 1998 - In the spring of 1997, a tornado ripped through some junked cars at Johnny’s transmission and opened up the trunk of a car that proved to have a box of Whitewater records in it, including a copy of a $27,000 cashiers check drawn on Madison and payable to Bill Clinton. Johnny Franklin Lawhon, Sr. realized what he was looking at and turned the box of documents over to the FBI. According to police, Lawhon Jr. (the son) and a friend hit a telephone pole at a high rate of speed after their car had become airborne and left the road. They had driven less than ¼ of a mile at the time of the accident. This manner of death is similar to the single vehicle accidents that killed Paula Grober, and Neil Moody.
87 - Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.
88 - John Wilson - Suicide, Alledgedly hung himself.  Reportedly part of Whitewater and was ready to talk.
89 - John Walker - Accident RTC investigator who fell from balcony of apartment that was also a getaway for Vince Foster.
90 - Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.
91 - Johnston Wilson McGill, 34, was pronounced dead on his couch by a private doctor after suffering an apparent heart attack. Just days after being summoned to appear before Trey Gowdy’s congressional committee to testify about Hillary Clinton’s email server, one of her aides was found dead. 
92 - Judy Gibbs - (along with her sister Sharon) Died July 24, 2009 appeared in the December 1979 issue of Penthouse, and later worked at a bordello near Mena, Arkansas which also ran a blackmail operation with photos taken of the customers with their girls. According to the Gibbs family, Bill Clinton was a regular customer of Judy.
93 - Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones. Judy was burned alive when her house burned down.
94 - Kevin N. Earnest Cpt. - Aircraft Commander 
95 - Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. 
96 - Larry Guerrin - An employee of the National Security Agency in electronic intelligence. Standorf was a source of information for Danny Casalaro who was investigating INSLAW, BCCI, etc. Standorf’s body was found in the backseat of a car at Washington National Airport on Jan 31, 1991.
97 - Kimberly Jo Wielhouwer Cpt. - Pilot
98 - Luther Parks - Head of Clinton’s security team in Little Rock, gunned down in his car outside of Little Rock.  Home broken into before his death, dossier on Clinton taken.
99 - Marion Christopher Barry - Son of notorious Washington D.C. mayor Marion Barry found dead supposedly from an overdose, at the age of 36.
100 - Marcel Lazar Lehel - Guccifer had Hacked many people including the Clintons and the DNC was found dead in his cell, they said it was yet another suicide. 
101 - Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was togo public w:th her story of sexual harassment in the White House.
102 - Michael J. SmithJr. SSgt. - Loadmaster
103 - Montgomery Raiser - Son of C. Victor Raiser II, both men died on a plane crash, On May 29, 1993, President Clinton announced that he had selected Raiser’s widow, Molly Raiser, 50, former Democratic co-chair of the Women’s Campaign Fund, to be his protocol chief and stated that he planned to nominate her for confirmation as an ambassador.
104 - Michael R. York SSgt. - Loadmaster
105 - Meil Moody - Died Aug 25 1996 - Following Vincent Foster’s murder, Lisa Foster married James Moody, a judge in Arkansas, on Jan 1, 1996. Near the time Susan McDougal first went to jail for contempt, Judge Moody’s son, Neil died in a car crash. There were other reports that Neil Moody had discovered something very unsettling among his stepmother’s private papers and was threatening to go public with it just prior to the beginning of the Democratic National Convention. He was alleged to have been talking to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post about a blockbuster story. Witnesses said they saw Neil Moody sitting in his car arguing with another person just prior to HIS CAR SUDDENLY SPEEDING OFF OUT OF CONTROL AND HITTING A BRICK WALL.
106 - Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident
107 - Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotelroom in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor
108 - Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at MenaAirport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his WashingtonDC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.
109 - Peter W. Smith - 81 Suicide - was investigating the Clinton E-mails
110 - Rick L. Merritt Sr. Airman - Flight Engineer
111 - Ronald Rogers - Ark. dentist for Clintons, killed on way to interview with a “London Sunday Telegraph” reporter to reveal info. Plane Crash 
112 - Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller commited suicide.
113 - Sandeep Aherlekar, Dr. - Was the anesthesiologist during the surgery to remove a blood clot from Hillary Clinton’s Brain. Was found dead 3 months later on September 30, 2016. 
      his death a apparent suicide however he was a devout Hindu and the Hindu considers suicide murder and thus goes against the code. 
114 - Sandy Hume - Died Feb 22, 1998 Was a American journalist. Hume worked for The Hill newspaper in Washington, D.C. Was credited with breaking the story of the “coup against Newt Gingrich.” Died from suicide sound familire? 
115 - Seth Rich - whistleblower on Voter Fraud worked for the DNP was robbed but nothing was taken.
116 - Shahram Amiri - was executed by Iran for being a US spy
117 - Sharon Regoli Ciferno - Died in Mexico after laughing to hard. Her brother is former Westmoreland County Judge David Regoli (Democrat) who was involved in the voting booth scandal in Pa. 04-26-2016
118 - Shawn Lucas - Found Dead 08-02-2016, he served the fraud law suit papers against the Clintons.   
119 - Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.
120 - Stanley Heard - Plane Crash, Chair of chiropractic Health Care Advisory Comm. for Clinton who had treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather & brother.  Killed when air plane crashed after reporting fire on board.
121 - Stanley Meyer - NOT known to have meet the Clintons however Bill Clinton was president. 1998 ran out of the resterant yelling they poisoned me and his body was burned before the family got to the hospital. The Franklin County coroner report that ruled that Meyer, who had high blood pressure, died of a cerebral aneurysm. Stanley Meyer invented what he called a perpetual motion machine that ran off of water. Many believe he was killed to surpress his idea. Bill Clinton was persident in 1998.
122 - Steve Dickson - Who worked with Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton‘s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.
123 - Suzanne “Sue” Coleman - Had affair with Clinton while attorney general. “Suicide” with gunshot wound to the back of her head.  No autopsy, was ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death. 
124 - Suzanne “Sue” Coleman’s - Unborn Baby 
125 - Theodore Williams, Jr.- Died 12/16/97/- Traffic Accident, A passing car hit the brother of Presidential Secretary Betty Currie after his own car had somehow run off the road. Bill Clinton called Monica Lewinsky at 2:00 AM the next morning to tell her of the death and alert Monica that her named appeared on the Paula Jones witness list. Betty’s brother had also been beaten shortly before Betty testified in a previous matter.
126 - Terrance Yeakey - First police officer to arrive at the Murrah Building following the OK City bombing. One year later, his patrol car was found abandoned along a dirt road, the front seat covered with blood. Officer Yeakey himself was found a short distance away, with cut wounds on both arms and his throat, plus a gunshot through the head. No gun was ever found, and the death was ruled a suicide. He had collected together a vast amount of hard data on the bombing of the Murray building. That material was never found following his death. His life had been threatened.
127 - Thomas A. Stevens Airman - Loadmaster - Killed when the C-130 carrying the Presidential Limos crashed near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. August 18, 1996. All nine people on board a White House support plane were killed late Saturday (10:48 pm MDT), when it crashed into Sheep Mountain (also known as Sleeping Indian Mountain) near Jackson Hole Wyoming. The aircraft was en route from Jackson Hole to John F. Kennedy International airport.  The Air Force Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules transport aircraft was carrying a presidential vehicle and many pieces of luggage, all related to the president’s vacation (50th birthday celebration in the Grand Tetons). President Clinton said Sunday afternoon that he was told the pilot was attempting to return to the Jackson Hole airport when it crashed (CNN news report).  The Air Force reported finding no evidence of an in-flight mechanical emergency  after examining the flight data and flight voice recorders and could not find evidence that the pilot radioed mechanical trouble be      fore crashing into the mountainside as reported by the White House. The victims included 8 crew members and one Secret Service agent. The aircraft and crew were stationed out of Dyess Air Force Base.
128 - Todd Madison -  a.k.a. “Hillary’s handler,” died at a Wisconsin hospital on December 8, 2017, at age 49. another heart attack. It was reported that Clinton could be seen “leaning against a security bollard and then buckling and stumbling as her security detail helps her into a black van.”
129 - Victor Thorn Born William J. “Bill” Makufa Was a Clinton Researcher and was found dead and committed suicide according to the police report.  
130 - Victor Raiser - Chair. of Mobile Telecomm whose subsidiary is SkyTel. A finance co-chair in Clinton organization who soured. Plane Crash, His plane went down in Alaska on a fishing expedition.
131 - Vince Foster – Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide. Vince Foster had been shot twice in the back of the head.
132 - Vincent Fleck, the father of Clinton’s physician Dr. Daniel Fleck, was found dead near his home just 24 hours after releasing Hillary’s most secret medical records to the public.
133 - Vincent Fleck - He was hired by the Clinton White House to work as a Chef, and continued to serve the Bush administration. Interestingly, he was reported missing during a hike, and his body was found almost 2 miles away at the bottom of a river. No cause of death has ever been made, but the death date is listed as June 13, 2015 
134 - Walter Scheib - he was reported missing during a hike, and his body was found almost 2 miles away at the bottom of a river. No cause of death has ever been made, but the death date is listed as June 13, 2015
      Read more: http://thepoliticalinsider.com/another-clinton-associate-found-dead-bill-hillarys-body-count-increases/#ixzz4hUSLaMX4
135 - William Colby - Died April 22, 1996 - Director of Central Intelligence (ret) Drowned, Computer on plate of food half eaten they say he decided to just go canoeing, Most notable about the body was the absence of a life jacket, which according to his wife, Colby always wore on the water.
       Quite an impressive list!
The public must become aware of what happens to friends of the Clintons!
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timebeingdraws · 5 years ago
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Benjamin Baugh studies
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kayawagner · 6 years ago
Cavaliers of Mars Core Rulebook
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Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
Return now to dying Mars in its last age of glory. A world of flashing swords and choking sands, of winking courtesans and lantern-lit canal cities. Mars, where romance and heartbreak are two sides of the same obsidian chit.
Where lost cities are buried in the dunes, and dry oceans stretch out between the last daring bastions of civilization. Where the First Martians, the monument-builders, are but a faded memory. And the Red Martians have become decadent and capricious in their last days. 
Find yourself digging for someone else’s treasure in the lost tombs of Chiaro, or spitting defiance at the Roundhead priests of wild Ziggur, or dashing across the towered crypts of Vance with your long-lost lover. Lock steel with the Princess Invincible, even as your hand reaches towards your flintlaser for insurance.
Cavaliers of Mars includes:
A vibrant setting with cultures, careers, characters, and dozens of locations, all organized to get you right into the world of Mars!
An all-new system combining your character’s motivations, history, and beliefs with strategic swashbuckling action!
Astrology, crafting, psychic powers, and much more!
Created by Rose Bailey
Written by Rose Bailey, Benjamin Baugh, Storn Cook, Steffie de Vaan, Meghan Fitzgerald, Jordan Goldfarb, Danielle Lauzon, Ethan Skemp, Lauren Stone, Travis Stout, and senior writer Audrey Whitman
Note that while Cavaliers of Mars is a black & white book, we are offering a version using the Standard Color Heavyweight process to give the option on a heavier paper stock for more vibrant printing.
Price: $19.99 Cavaliers of Mars Core Rulebook published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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newyorktheater · 5 years ago
Below is the complete list of the  70th Annual Outer Critics Circle Awards Honorees. This year all the shows and artists listed  in each of the 27 categories are winners. Multiple honorees include David Henry Hwang (Soft Power book and score) and Michael R. Jackson (A Strange Loop book and score) The titles are linked to my reviews.
Grand Horizons Written by Bess Wohl Produced by Second Stage Theater Developed in association with Williamstown Theatre Festival
The Height of the Storm Written by Florian Zeller Translated by Christopher Hampton Produced by Manhattan Theatre Club, Simon Friend, Mark Goucher, Harold Panter, and Scott Landis
The Inheritance Written by Matthew Lopez Produced by Tom Kirdahy, Sonia Friedman Productions, Hunter Arnold, Elizabeth Dewberry & Ali Ahmet Kocabiyik, 1001 Nights Productions, Robert Greenblatt, Mark Lee, Peter May, Scott Rudin, Richard Winkler, Bruce Cohen, Mara Isaacs, Greg Berlanti & Robbie Rogers, Brad Blume, Burnt Umber Productions, Shane Ewen, Greenleaf Productions, Marguerite Hoffman, Oliver Roth, Joseph Baker/Drew Hodges, Stephanie P. McClelland, Broadway Strategic Return Fund, Caiola Productions, Mary J. Davis, Kayla Greenspan, Fakston Productions, FBK Productions, Sally Cade Holmes, Benjamin Lowy, MWM Live, Lee & Alec Seymour, Lorenzo Thione, Sing Out, Louise! Productions, AB Productions/Julie Boardman, Adam Zell & Co./ZKM Media, Jamie deRoy/Catherine Adler, DeSantis-Baugh Productions/Adam Hyndman, Gary DiMauro/Meredith Lynsey Schade, John Goldwyn/Silva Theatrical Group, Deborah Green/Christina Mattsson, Cliff Hopkins/George Scarles, Invisible Wall Productions/Lauren Stein, Sharon Karmazin/Broadway Factor NYC, Brian Spector/Madeleine Foster Bersin, Undivided Productions/Hysell Dohr Group, UshkowitzLatimer Productions/Tyler Mount, and The Young Vic
Linda Vista Written by Tracy Letts Produced by Second Stage Theater and Steppenwolf Theatre Company, in association with Center Theatre Group
The Sound Inside Written by Adam Rapp Produced by Jeffrey Richards, Lincoln Center Theater, Rebecca Gold, Evamere Entertainment, Eric Falkenstein, Salman Vienn Al-Rashid, Spencer Ross, Filmnation Entertainment/Faliro House, Iris Smith, Jane Bergère, Caiola Productions, Mark S. Golub and David S. Golub, Ken Greiner, Gemini Theatrical Investors, LLC, Scott H. Mauro, Jayne Baron Sherman, Czekaj Productions, Wendy Morgan-Hunter, Kristin Foster, Brian Moreland, Sonia Mudbhatkal, Jacob Soroken Porter, and Williamstown Theatre Festival); Associate Producer: Haley McIntosh
Jagged Little Pill Music by Alanis Morissette and Glen Ballard Lyrics by Alanis Morissette Book by Diablo Cody Produced by Vivek J. Tiwary, Arvind Ethan David, Eva Price, Caiola Productions, Level Forward & Abigail Disney, Geffen Playhouse-Tenenbaum-Feinberg, James L. Nederlander, Dean Borell Moravis Silver, Stephen G. Johnson, Concord Theatricals, Bard Theatricals, M. Kilburg Reedy, 42nd.club, Betsy Dollinger, Sundowners, The Araca Group, Jana Bezdek, Len Blavatnik, BSL Enterprises, LLC, Burnt Umber Productions, Darren DeVerna & Jeremiah Harris, Daryl Roth, Susan Edelstein, FG Productions, Sue Gilad & Larry Rogowsky, Harmonia, John Gore Theatrical Group, Melissa M. Jones & Barbara H. Freitag, Stephanie Kramer, Lamplighter Projects, Christina Isaly Liceaga, David Mirvish, Spencer B. Ross, Bellanca Smigel Rutter, Iris Smith, Jason Taylor & Sydney Suiter, Rachel Weinstein, W.I.T. Productions/Gabriel Creative Partners, Independent Presenters Network, Jujamcyn Theaters, and The American Repertory Theatre
Moulin Rouge! Book by John Logan Based on the 2001 Twentieth Century Fox Motion Picture written by Baz Luhrmann and Craig Pearce Produced by Carmen Pavlovic, Gerry Ryan, Global Creatures, Bill Damaschke, Aaron Lustbader, Hunter Arnold, Darren Bagert, Erica Lynn Schwartz/Matt Picheny/Stephanie Rosenberg, Adam Blanshay Productions/Nicolas & Charles Talar, Iris Smith, Aleri Entertainment, CJ ENM, Sophie Qi/Harmonia Holdings, Baz & Co./Len Blavatnik, AF Creative Media International Theatre Fund, Endeavor Content, Tom & Pam Faludy, Gilad-Rogowsky/InStone Productions, John Gore Organization, MEHR-BB Entertainment GmbH, Spencer Ross, Nederlander Presentations/IPN, Eric Falkenstein/Suzanne Grant, Jennifer Fischer, Peter May/Sandy Robertson, Triptyk Studios, Carl Daikeler/Sandi Moran, DeSantis-Baugh Productions, Red Mountain Theatre Company/42nd.club, Candy Spelling/Tulchin Bartner, Roy Furman and Jujamcyn Theaters; By special arrangement with Buena Vista Theatrical
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical Book by Katori Hall With Frank Ketelaar and Kees Prins Produced by Stage Entertainment, James L. Nederlander, Tali Pelman, Feste Investment B.V., David Mirvish, Nattering Way, TEG Dainty, Katori Hall, Mark Rubinstein LTD, Warner Chappell, Peter May, Eva Price, No Guarantees, Caiola Productions, Jamie deRoy, Wendy Federman, Roy Furman, Independent Presenters Network, John Gore Organization, Marc Levine, Carl Moellenberg, Al Nocciolino, Catherine Adler, Tom Perakos, Iris Smith, Candy Spelling, Anita Waxman, Daryl Roth, Sony/ATV Music Publishing and Universal Music Publishing Group; Produced in association with Tina Turner
Cambodian Rock Band Written by Lauren Yee Produced by Signature Theatre Company
Greater Clements Written by Samuel D. Hunter Produced by Lincoln Center Theatre
Halfway Bitches Go Straight to Heaven+ Written by Stephen Adly Guirgis Produced by Atlantic Theater Company and LAByrinth Theater Company
Make Believe Written by Bess Wohl Produced by Second Stage Theatre
Seared Written by Theresa Rebeck Produced by MCC Theater
Darling Grenadine Book, Music, and Lyrics by Daniel Zaitchik Produced by Roundabout Theatre Company
Octet Book, Music, and Lyrics by Dave Malloy Produced by Signature Theatre Company
The Secret Life of Bees Book by Lynn Nottage Music by Duncan Sheik Lyrics by Susan Birkenhead Based on the novel by Sue Monk Kidd Produced by Atlantic Theater Company
Soft Power Book and Lyrics by David Henry Hwang Music and Additional Lyrics by Jeanine Tesori Produced by the Public Theater and Center Theatre Group
A Strange Loop Book, Music, and Lyrics by Michael R. Jackson Produced by Playwrights Horizons in association with Page 73 Productions
(Broadway or Off-Broadway)
Betrayal Written by Harold Pinter Produced by Ambassador Theatre Group, Benjamin Lowy Productions, Gavin Kalin Productions, Glass Half Full Productions, Annapurna Theatre, Hunter Arnold, Burnt Umber Productions, Rashad V. Chambers, Eilene Davidson Productions, KFF Productions, Dominick LaRuffa Jr., Antonio Marion, Stephanie P. McClelland, Richard Winkler/Alan Shorr, and The Jamie Lloyd Company
Fires in the Mirror Written by Anna Deavere Smith Produced by Signature Theatre
For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow Is Enuf Written by Ntozake Shange Produced by the Public Theater
Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune Written by Terrence McNally Produced by Hunter Arnold, Debbie Bisno, Tom Kirdahy, Elizabeth Dewberry & Ali Ahmet Kocabiyik, Broadway Strategic Return Fund, Caiola Productions, FedermanGold Productions, Invisible Wall Productions, John Gore Organization, Mike Karns, Kilimanjaro Theatricals, Peter May, Tyler Mount, Seriff Productions, Silva Theatrical Group, Cliff Bleszinski/GetterLazarDaly, Jamie deRoy/Gary DiMauro, Suzi Dietz & Lenny Beer/Sally Cade Holmes, Barbara H. Freitag/Ken Davenport, Barry & Kimberly Gowdy/Mabee Family Office, Kayla Greenspan/Jamie Joeyen-Waldorf, John Joseph/Broadway Factor, Tilted Windmills/John Paterakis, and The Shubert Organization
A Soldier’s Play Written by Charles Fuller Produced by Roundabout Theatre Company
(Broadway or Off-Broadway)
Little Shop of Horrors Book and Lyrics by Howard Ashman Music by Alan Menken Produced by Tom Kirdahy, Robert Ahrens, Hunter Arnold, Mickey Liddell, Caiola Productions, Curt Cronin, John Joseph, DDM Productions, DeSantis-Baugh Productions, Elizabeth Dewberry & Ali Ahmet Kocabiyik, Wendy Federman, Roy Furman, Deborah Green, Kayla Greenspan, Marguerite Hoffman, Sally Cade Holmes, Latitude Link, Seriff Productions, Silva Theatrical Group, Eric Gelb/Oliver Roth
The Unsinkable Molly Brown Music and Lyrics by Meredith Willson Book and New Lyrics by Dick Scanlan Based on the Original Book by Richard Morris Music Adapted by Michael Rafter Produced by Transport Group
West Side Story Music by Leonard Bernstein Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by Arthur Laurents Based on a Conception by Jerome Robbins Produced by Scott Rudin, Barry Diller, David Geffen, Eli Bush, Adam Rodner, and James L. Nederlander
(Presented for an American play, preferably by a new playwright)
Georgia Mertching Is Dead by Catya McMullen
Heroes of the Fourth Turning by Will Arbery
Our Dear Dead Drug Lord by Alexis Scheer
Paris by Eboni Booth
OUTSTANDING BOOK OF A MUSICAL (Broadway or Off-Broadway)
Diablo Cody, Jagged Little Pill
David Henry Hwang, Soft Power
Michael R. Jackson, A Strange Loop
Lynn Nottage, The Secret Life of Bees
Mark Saltzman, Romeo and Bernadette
(Broadway or Off-Broadway)
Susan Birkenhead and Duncan Sheik, The Secret Life of Bees
Ross Golan, The Wrong Man
Michael R. Jackson, A Strange Loop
Dave Malloy, Octet
Jeanine Tesori and David Henry Hwang, Soft Power
David Cromer, The Sound Inside
Stephen Daldry, The Inheritance
Kenny Leon, A Soldier’s Play
Jamie Lloyd, Betrayal
John Ortiz, Halfway Bitches Go Straight to Heaven
Stephen Brackett, A Strange Loop
Michael Mayer, Little Shop of Horrors
Diane Paulus, Jagged Little Pill
Alex Timbers, Moulin Rouge!
Ivo van Hove, West Side Story
Sidi Larbi Cherakoui, Jagged Little Pill
Raja Feather Kelly, A Strange Loop
Sonya Tayeh, Moulin Rouge!
Anthony Van Laast, Tina: The Tina Turner Musical
Travis Wall, The Wrong Man
Tom Kitt, Jagged Little Pill
Alex Lacamoire, The Wrong Man
Justin Levine, with Matt Stine, Katie Kresek, and Charlie Rosen, Moulin Rouge!
Christopher Nightingale, A Christmas Carol
Duncan Sheik and John Clancy, The Secret Life of Bees
Ian Barford, Linda Vista
Edmund Donovan, Greater Clements
Ra��l Esparza, Seared
Tom Hiddleston, Betrayal
Will Hochman, The Sound Inside
Jonathan Pryce, The Height of the Storm
Eileen Atkins, The Height of the Storm
Judith Ivey, Greater Clements
Joaquina Kalukango, Slave Play
April Matthis, Toni Stone
Mary-Louise Parker, The Sound Inside
Portia, Stew
David Alan Grier, A Soldier’s Play
John Benjamin Hickey, The Inheritance
Paul Hilton, The Inheritance
Samuel H. Levine, The Inheritance
John-Andrew Morrison, Blues for an Alabama Sky
Chris Perfetti, Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow Moscow
Liza Colón-Zayas, Halfway Bitches Go Straight to Heaven
Montego Glover, All the Natalie Portmans
Marsha Mason, Little Gem
Krysta Rodriguez, Seared
Lois Smith, The Inheritance
Jennifer Van Dyck, The Confession of Lily Dare
David Cale, We’re Only Alive For a Short Amount of Time
Laura Linney, My Name Is Lucy Barton
Aedin Moloney, Yes! Reflections of Molly Bloom
Deirdre O’Connell, Dana H.
Michael Benjamin Washington, Fires in the Mirror
Jonathan Groff, Little Shop of Horrors
Joshua Henry, The Wrong Man
Adam Kantor, Darling Grenadine
Larry Owens, A Strange Loop
Isaac Powell, West Side Story
Aaron Tveit, Moulin Rouge!
Beth Malone, The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Janelle McDermoth, We’re Gonna Die
Karen Olivo, Moulin Rouge!
Shereen Pimentel, West Side Story
Elizabeth Stanley, Jagged Little Pill
Adrienne Warren, Tina: The Tina Turner Musical
Christian Borle, Little Shop of Horrors
Danny Burstein, Moulin Rouge!
Gus Halper, Sing Street
Liza Colón-Zayas, Halfway Bitches Go Straight to Heaven
Montego Glover, All the Natalie Portmans
Marsha Mason, Little Gem
Krysta Rodriguez, Seared
Lois Smith, The Inheritance
Jennifer Van Dyck, The Confession of Lily Dare
David Cale, We’re Only Alive For a Short Amount of Time
Laura Linney, My Name Is Lucy Barton
Aedin Moloney, Yes! Reflections of Molly Bloom
Deirdre O’Connell, Dana H.
Michael Benjamin Washington, Fires in the Mirror
Jonathan Groff, Little Shop of Horrors
Joshua Henry, The Wrong Man
Adam Kantor, Darling Grenadine
Larry Owens, A Strange Loop
Isaac Powell, West Side Story
Aaron Tveit, Moulin Rouge!
Beth Malone, The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Janelle McDermoth, We’re Gonna Die
Karen Olivo, Moulin Rouge!
Shereen Pimentel, West Side Story
Elizabeth Stanley, Jagged Little Pill
Adrienne Warren, Tina: The Tina Turner Musical
Christian Borle, Little Shop of Horrors
Danny Burstein, Moulin Rouge!
Gus Halper, Sing Street
Jay Armstrong Johnson, Scotland, PA
Francis Jue, Soft Power
Daniel J. Watts, Tina: The Tina Turner Musical
Eisa Davis, The Secret Life of Bees
Kathryn Gallagher, Jagged Little Pill
LaChanze, The Secret Life of Bees
Judy McLane, Romeo & Bernadette
Lauren Patten, Jagged Little Pill
Saycon Sengbloh, The Secret Life of Bees
(Play or Musical)
Rob Howell, A Christmas Carol
Tim Mackabee, Seared
Derek McLane, Moulin Rouge!
Clint Ramos, Grand Horizons
Anthony Ward, The Height of the Storm
(Play or Musical)
Vanessa Leuck, Emojiland
Jeff Mahshie, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice
Mark Thompson, Tina: The Tina Turner Musical
Rachel Townsend & Jessica Jahn, The Confession of Lily Dare
Catherine Zuber, Moulin Rouge!
(Play or Musical)
Isabella Byrd, Heroes of the Fourth Turning
Heather Gilbert, The Sound Inside
Justin Townsend, Moulin Rouge!
Hugh Vanstone, A Christmas Carol
Hugh Vanstone, The Height of the Storm
(Play or Musical)
Luke Halls, West Side Story
Brad Peterson, Broadway Bounty Hunter
Lisa Renkel and Possible Productions, Emojiland
Aaron Rhyne, The Sound Inside
Hannah Wasileski, Fires in the Mirror
(Play or Musical)
Simon Baker, A Christmas Carol
Mikhail Fiksel, Dana H.
Peter Hylenski, Moulin Rouge!
Lee Kinney and Sanae Yamada, Is This A Room
Daniel Kluger, The Sound Inside
Productions with Multiple Honors
11: Moulin Rouge!
8: Jagged Little Pill
7: The Secret Life of Bees, The Sound Inside
5: The Inheritance, The Height of the Storm, A Strange Loop, Tina: The Tina Turner Musical, West Side Story
4: A Christmas Carol, Little Shop of Horrors, Seared, Soft Power, The Wrong Man
3: Greater Clements, Fires in the Mirror
2: Betrayal, The Confession of Lily Dare, Dana H., Darling Grenadine, Grand Horizons, Halfway Bitches Go Straight to Heaven, Heroes of the Fourth Turning, Linda Vista, Octet, Romeo and Bernadette, The Unsinkable Molly Brown
Artists with Multiple Honors:
David Henry Hwang (Soft Power book and score)
Michael R. Jackson (A Strange Loop book and score)
Hugh Vanstone (lighting for A Christmas Carol and The Height of the Storm)
Bess Wohl (Grand Horizons, Make Believe)
Outer Critics Circle 2020 Honorees (not nominees) Below is the complete list of the  70th Annual Outer Critics Circle Awards Honorees. This year all the shows and artists listed  in each of the 27 categories are winners.
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blackkudos · 5 years ago
Ernie Barnes
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Ernest Eugene Barnes Jr. (July 15, 1938 – April 27, 2009) was an American artist, well known for his unique style of elongation and movement. He was also a professional football player, actor and author.
Early life
Ernest Barnes Jr. was born during the Jim Crow in "the bottom" community of Durham, North Carolina, near the Hayti District of the city. He had a younger brother, James (b. 1942), as well as a half-brother, Benjamin B. Rogers Jr. (1920–1970). Ernest Jr. was nicknamed "June". His father, Ernest E. Barnes Sr. (–1966), worked as a shipping clerk for Liggett Myers Tobacco Company. His mother, Fannie Mae Geer (1905–2004), oversaw the household staff for a prominent Durham attorney and local Board of Education member, Frank L. Fuller Jr.
On days when Fannie allowed "June" (Barnes' nickname to family and childhood friends) to accompany her to work, Mr. Fuller encouraged him to peruse the art books and listen to classical music. The young Ernest was intrigued and captivated by the works of master artists. By the time Barnes entered the first grade, he was familiar with the works of such masters as Toulouse-Lautrec, Delacroix, Rubens and Michelangelo. When he entered junior high school, he could appreciate, as well as decode, many of the cherished masterpieces within the walls of mainstream museums – although it would be many more years before he was allowed entrance because of segregation.
A self-described chubby and unathletic child, Barnes was taunted and bullied by classmates. He continually sought refuge in his sketchbooks, finding the less-traveled parts of campus away from other students. One day Ernest was drawing in his notebook in a quiet area of the school. He was discovered hiding there by the masonry teacher, Tommy Tucker, who was also the weightlifting coach and a former athlete. He was intrigued with Barnes' drawings, so he asked the aspiring artist about his grades and goals. Tucker shared his own experience of how bodybuilding improved his strength and outlook on life. That one encounter would begin Barnes' discipline and dedication that would permeate his life. In his senior year at Hillside High School, Barnes became the captain of the football team and state champion in the shot put.
College education
Barnes attended racially segregated schools. In 1956 he graduated from Hillside High School with 26 athletic scholarship offers. Segregation prevented him from attending nearby Duke University or the University of North Carolina. His mother promised him a car if he lived at home so he attended the all-Black North Carolina College at Durham (formerly North Carolina College for Negroes, now North Carolina Central University). At North Carolina College he majored in art on a full athletic scholarship. His track coach was Dr. Leroy T. Walker. Barnes played the football positions of tackle and center at NCC.
At age 18, on a college art class field trip to the newly desegregated North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, Barnes inquired where he could find "paintings by Negro artists". The docent responded, "Your people don't express themselves that way". 23 years later, in 1979, when Barnes returned to the museum for a solo exhibition, North Carolina Governor Jim Hunt attended.
In 1990 Barnes was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts by North Carolina Central University.
In 1999 Barnes was bestowed "The University Award", the highest honor by the University of North Carolina Board of Governors.
Professional football
Baltimore Colts (1959–60)
In December 1959 Barnes was drafted in the 10th round by the then-World Champion Baltimore Colts. He was originally selected in the 8th-round by the Washington Redskins, who renounced the pick minutes after discovering he was a Negro.
Shortly after his 22nd birthday, while at the Colts training camp, Barnes was interviewed by N.P. Clark, sportswriter for the Baltimore News-Post newspaper. Until then Barnes was always known by his birth name, Ernest Barnes. But when Clark's article appeared on July 20, 1960, it referred to him as "Ernie Barnes," which changed his name and life forever.
Titans of New York (1960)
Barnes was the last cut of the Colts' training camp. After Baltimore released Barnes, the newly formed Titans of New York immediately signed him because the team had first option on any player released within the league.
Barnes loathed being on the Titans. He said, "(New York team organization) was a circus of ineptitude. The equipment was poor, the coaches not as knowledgeable as the ones in Baltimore. We were like a group of guys in the neighborhood who said let's pretend we're pros."
After their seventh game on October 9, 1960 at Jeppesen Stadium, his teammate Howard Glenn died. Barnes asked for his release two days later. The cause of Glenn's death was reported as a broken neck. However, Barnes and other teammates have long attributed it to heatstroke. In a later interview, Barnes said, "They never really said what he died of. (Coach) Sammy Baugh said he'd broken his neck in a game the Sunday before. But how could that be? How could he have hit in practice all week with a broken neck? What he died of, I think, was more like heat exhaustion. I told them I didn't want to play on a team like this."
San Diego Chargers (1960–62)
Barnes decided to accept a previous offer from Coach Al Davis at the Los Angeles Chargers. Barnes joined their team at mid-season as a member of their taxi squad. The following season in 1961 the team moved to San Diego. It was there Barnes met teammate Jack Kemp, and the two men would share a very close lifelong friendship.
During the off-seasons with the Chargers, Barnes was program director at San Diego's Southeast YMCA working with parolees from the California Youth Authority. He also worked as the Sports Editor for The Voice, a local San Diego newspaper, writing a weekly column called "A Matter of Sports."
Barnes also illustrated several articles for San Diego Magazine during the off-seasons in 1962 and 1963.
Barnes' first television interview as a professional football player and artist was in 1962 on The Regis Philbin Show on KGTV in San Diego. It was Philbin's first talk show. They would see each other again 45 years later when Philbin attended the tribute to Barnes in New York City.
Denver Broncos (1963–64)
Midway through Barnes' second season with the Chargers, he was cut after a series of injuries. He was then signed to the Denver Broncos.
Barnes was often fined by Denver Coach Jack Faulkner when caught sketching during team meetings. One of the sketches that he was fined $100 for sold years later for $1000.
Many times during breaks, Barnes would run off the field onto the sideline to give his offensive line coach Red Miller the scraps of paper of his sketches and notes.
"During a timeout you've got nothing to do – you're not talking – you're just trying to breathe, mostly. Nothing to take out that little pencil and write down what you saw. The shape of the linemen. The body language a defensive lineman would occupy... his posture... What I see when you pull. The reaction of the defense to your movement. The awareness of the lines within the movement, the pattern within the lines, the rhythm of movement. A couple of notes to me would denote an action... an image that I could instantly recreate in my mind. Some of those notes have been made into paintings. Quite a few, really."
On Barnes' 1964 Denver Broncos Topps football card he is shown wearing jersey #55 although he never played in that number. His jersey was #62.
Barnes was called "Big Rembrandt" by his Denver teammates. Coincidentally, Barnes and Rembrandt share the same birthday.
Canadian Football League
In 1965, after his second season with the Broncos, Barnes signed with the Saskatchewan Roughriders in Canada. In the final quarter of their last exhibition game, Barnes fractured his right foot, effectively ending his professional football career.
Shortly after his final football game, Barnes went to the 1965 NFL owners meeting in Houston in hopes of becoming the league's official artist. There he was introduced to New York Jets owner Sonny Werblin, who was intrigued by Barnes and his art. He paid for Barnes to bring his paintings to New York City. Later they met at a gallery and unbeknownst to Barnes, three art critics were there to evaluate his paintings. They told Werblin that Barnes was "the most expressive painter of sports since George Bellows."
In what was one of the most unusual posts in the history of the NFL, Werblin retained Barnes as a salaried player, but positioned him in front of the canvas, rather than on the football field. Werblin told Barnes, "You have more value to the country as an artist than as a football player."
Barnes' November 1966 debut solo exhibition, hosted by Werblin at the Grand Central Art Galleries in New York City was critically acclaimed and all the paintings sold.
In 1971 Barnes wrote a series of essays (illustrated with his own drawings) in the Gridiron newspaper titled "I Hate the Game I Love" (with Neil Amdur). These articles became the beginning manuscript of his autobiography, later-published in 1995 titled From Pads to Palette which chronicles his transition from professional football to his art career.
In 1993 Barnes was selected to the "Black College Football 100th Year All-Time Team" by the Sheridan Broadcasting Network.
Barnes credits his college art instructor Ed Wilson for laying the foundation for his development as an artist. Wilson was a sculptor who instructed Barnes to paint from his own life experiences. "He made me conscious of the fact that the artist who is useful to America is one who studies his own life and records it through the medium of art, manners and customs of his own experiences."
All his life, Barnes was ambivalent about his football experience. In interviews and in personal appearances, Barnes said he hated the violence and the physical torment of the sport. However, his years as an athlete gave him unique, in-depth observations. "(Wilson) told me to pay attention to what my body felt like in movement. Within that elongation, there's a feeling. And attitude and expression. I hate to think had I not played sports what my work would look like."
Barnes sold his first painting "Slow Dance" at age 21 in 1959 for $90 to Boston Celtic Sam Jones. It was subsequently lost in a fire at Jones' home.
Numerous artists have been influenced by Barnes' art and unique style. Accordingly, several copyright infringement lawsuits have been settled and are currently pending.
Ernie Barnes framed his paintings with distressed wood in homage to his father. In his 1995 autobiography, Barnes wrote of his father: “... with so little education, he had worked so hard for us. His legacy to me was his effort, and that was plenty. He knew absolutely nothing about art.”
Weeks before Ernie Barnes’ first solo art exhibition in 1966, he was at the family home in Durham as his father lay in the hospital after suffering a stroke. He noticed the usually well-maintained white picketed fence had gone untended since his father’s illness. Days later, Ernest E. Barnes Sr. died. “I placed a painting against the fence and stood away and had a look. I was startled at the marriage between the old wood fence and the painting. It was perfect. In tribute, Daddy’s fence would hug all my paintings in a prestigious New York gallery. That would have made him smile.”
Eyes closed
A consistent and distinct feature in Barnes' work is the closed eyes of his subjects. "It was in 1971 when I conceived the idea of The Beauty of the Ghetto as an exhibition. And I showed it to some people who were Black to get a reaction. And from one (person) it was very negative. And when I began to express my points of view (to this) professional man, he resisted the notion. And as a result of his comments and his attitude I began to see, observe, how blind we are to one another's humanity. Blinded by a lot of things that have, perhaps, initiated feelings in that light. We don't see into the depths of our interconnection. The gifts, the strength and potential within other human beings. We stop at color quite often. So one of the things we have to be aware of is who we are in order to have the capacity to like others. But when you cannot visualize the offerings of another human being you're obviously not looking at the human being with open eyes." "We look upon each other and decide immediately: This person is black, so he must be... This person lives in poverty, so he must be..."
Jewish community influence
Moving to an all-Jewish neighborhood in Los Angeles known as the Fairfax District in 1971 was a major turning point in Barnes' life and art.
"Fairfax enlivened me to everyday life themes," he said, "and forced me to look at my life – the way I had grown up, the customs within my community versus the customs in the Jewish community. Their customs were documented, ours were not. Because we were so clueless that our own culture had value and because of the phrase 'Black is Beautiful' had just come into fashion, Black people were just starting to appreciate themselves as a people. But when it was said, 'I'm Black and I'm Proud,' I said, 'proud of what?' And that question of 'proud of what' led to a series of paintings that became “The Beauty of the Ghetto.'"
"The Beauty of the Ghetto" exhibition
In response to the 1960s "Black is beautiful" cultural movement and James Brown's 1968 "Say it Loud: I'm Black and I'm Proud" song, Barnes created The Beauty of the Ghetto exhibition of 35 paintings that toured major American cities from 1972 to 1979 hosted by dignitaries, professional athletes and celebrities.
Of this exhibition, Barnes said, "I am providing a pictorial background for an understanding into the aesthetics of black America. It is not a plea to people to continue to live there (in the ghetto) but for those who feel trapped, it is...a challenge of how beautiful life can be."
When the exhibition was on view in 1974 at the Museum of African Art in Washington, DC, Rep. John Conyers stressed the important positive message of the exhibit in the Congressional Record.
Sports art
The Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee named Barnes "Sports Artist of the 1984 Olympic Games". LAOOC President Peter V. Ueberroth said Barnes and his art "captured the essence of the Olympics" and "portray the city's ethnic diversity, the power and emotion of sports competition, the singleness of purpose and hopes that go into the making of athletes the world over." Barnes was commissioned to create five Olympic-themed paintings and serve as an official Olympic spokesman to encourage inner city youth.
1985: Barnes was named the first "Sports Artist of the Year" by the United States Sports Academy.
1987: Barnes created Fastbreak, a commissioned painting of the World Champion Los Angeles Lakers basketball team that included Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, James Worthy, Kurt Rambis and Michael Cooper.
1996: Carolina Panthers football team owners Rosalind and Jerry Richardson (Barnes' former Colts teammate) commissioned Barnes to create the large painting Victory in Overtime (approximately 7 ft. x 14 ft.). It was unveiled before the team's 1996 inaugural season and hangs permanently in the owner's suite at the stadium. Richardson and Barnes were Baltimore Colts teammates briefly in 1960.
1996: To commemorate their 50th anniversary in 1996, the National Basketball Association commissioned Barnes to create a painting with the theme, "Where we were, where we are, and where we are going." The painting, The Dream Unfolds hangs in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts. A limited edition of lithographs were made, with the first 50 prints going to each of the NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team.
2004: Barnes was named "America's Best Painter of Sports" by the American Sport Art Museum & Archives.
Other notable sports commissions include paintings for the New Orleans Saints, Oakland Raiders and Boston Patriots football team owners.
"The Bench" painting
Shortly after Barnes was drafted by the Baltimore Colts, Barnes was invited to see their Colts' NFL Championship Game vs. the New York Giants at Memorial Stadium in Maryland on December 27, 1959. The Colts won 31–16 and Barnes was filled with layers of emotion after watching the game from the Colts' bench. At age 21, he had just signed his football contract and met his new teammates Johnny Unitas, Jim Parker, Lenny Moore, Art Donovan, Gino Marchetti, Alan Ameche and "Big Daddy" Lipscomb.
After he returned home, without making any preliminary sketches, he went directly to a blank canvas to record his point of view. Using a palette knife, "painting in quick, direct movements hoping to capture the vision...before it evaporated," Barnes said, he created "The Bench" in less than an hour. Throughout his life, The Bench remained in Barnes' possession, even taking it with him to all his football training camps and hiding it under his bed. It would be the only painting Barnes would never sell, despite many substantial offers, including a $25,000 bid at his first show in 1966.
In 2014, Barnes' wife Bernie presented The Bench painting to the Pro Football Hall of Fame for their permanent collection in Canton, Ohio.
"The Sugar Shack" painting
Barnes created the painting The Sugar Shack in 1971. It gained international exposure when it was used on the Good Times television series and on the 1976 Marvin Gaye album I Want You.
According to Barnes, he created the original version of The Sugar Shack after reflecting upon his childhood, during which he was not "able to go to a dance." In a 2008 interview, Barnes said, "The Sugar Shack is a recall of a childhood experience. It was the first time my innocence met with the sins of dance. The painting transmits rhythm so the experience is re-created in the person viewing it. To show that African-Americans utilize rhythm as a way of resolving physical tension."
The Sugar Shack has been known to art critics for embodying the style of art composition known as "Black Romantic," which, according to Natalie Hopkinson of The Washington Post, is the "visual-art equivalent of the Chitlin' circuit."
When Barnes first created The Sugar Shack, he included his hometown radio station WSRC on a banner. (He incorrectly listed the frequency as 620, though it was actually 1410. Barnes confused what he used to hear WSRC's on-air personality Norfley Whitted saying "620 on your dial" when Whitted was at his former station WDNC in the early 1950s.)
After Marvin Gaye asked him for permission to use the painting as an album cover, Barnes then augmented the painting by adding references that allude to Gaye's album, including banners hanging from the ceiling to promote the album's singles.
During the Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever anniversary television special on March 25, 1983, tribute was paid to The Sugar Shack with a dance interpretation of the painting. It was also during this telecast that Michael Jackson introduced his famous "moonwalk" dance.
The original piece is currently owned by Jim and Jeannine Epstein, and is on display at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. A duplicate created by Barnes was created in 1976 on display at the California African American Museum (CAAM).
Music album covers
Barnes' work appears on the following album covers:
The Sugar Shack painting on Marvin Gaye's 1976 I Want You
The Disco painting on self-titled 1978 Faith, Hope & Charity
Donald Byrd and 125th Street, NYC painting on self-titled 1979 album
Late Night DJ painting on Curtis Mayfield's 1980 Something to Believe In
The Maestro painting on The Crusaders' 1984 Ghetto Blaster
Head Over Heels painting on The Crusaders' 1986 The Good and Bad Times
In Rapture painting on B.B. King's 2000 Making Love is Good For You
Other notable art and exhibitions
1992: In the wake of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, Mayor Tom Bradley used Barnes' painting Growth Through Limits as an inspirational billboard in the inner-city. Barnes contributed $1,000 to the winner of a slogan contest among the city's junior high school students that best represented the painting.
1995: Barnes' work was included in the traveling group exhibition 20th Century Masterworks of African-American Artists II.
1998: Barnes' painting The Advocate was donated to the North Carolina Central University School of Law by a private collector. Barnes felt compelled to create the painting from his "concern with the just application of the law... the integrity of the legal process for all people, but especially those without resource or influence."
2001: While watching the tragic events of 9/11, Barnes created the painting In Remembrance. It was formally unveiled at the Seattle Art Museum. It was later acquired on behalf of the City of Philadelphia and donated to its African American Museum. A limited number of giclée prints were sold with 100% of the proceeds going to the Hero Scholarship Fund, which provides college tuition and expenses to children of Pennsylvania police and fire personnel killed in the line of duty.
2005: Three of Barnes' original paintings were exhibited at London's Whitechapel Gallery in the 2005 Back to Black: Art, Cinema & Racial Imaginary art exhibition.
2005: Kanye West commissioned Barnes to create a painting to depict his life-changing experience following his near-fatal car crash. A Life Restored measures 9 ft. x 10 ft. In the center of the painting is a large angel reaching out to a much smaller figure of West.
October 2007: Barnes' final public exhibition. The National Football League and Time Warner sponsored A Tribute to Artist and NFL Alumni Ernie Barnes in New York City.
At the time of his passing, Barnes had been working on an exhibition Liberating Humanity From Within which featured a majority of paintings he created in the last few years of his life. Plans are under way for the exhibition to travel throughout the country and abroad.
Television and movies
Barnes appeared on a 1967 episode of the game show To Tell the Truth. The panelists correctly guessed Barnes was the professional football player-turned-artist.
Barnes played Deke Coleman in the 1969 motion picture Number One, which stars Charlton Heston and Jessica Walter. Barnes played Dr. Penfield in the 1971 movie Doctors' Wives, which starred Dyan Cannon, Richard Crenna, Gene Hackman and Carroll O'Connor.
In 1971 Barnes, along with Mike Henry, created the Super Comedy Bowl, a variety show CBS television special which showcased pro athletes with celebrities such as John Wayne, Frank Gifford, Alex Karras, Joe Namath, Jack Lemmon, Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett and Tony Curtis. A second special aired in 1972.
Throughout the Good Times television series (1974–79) most of the paintings by the character J.J. are works by Ernie Barnes. However a few images, including "Black Jesus" in the first season (1974), were not painted by Barnes. The Sugar Shack made its debut on the show's fourth season (1976–77) during the opening and closing credits. In the fifth season (1977–78) The Sugar Shack was only used in the closing credits for five early episodes during that season. In the sixth season (1978–79), The Sugar Shack was only used in opening credits for the first eight episodes and in the closing credits for five early episodes during that season. In the fifth and sixth seasons (1977–79), The Sugar Shack appears in the background of the Evans family apartment. Barnes had a bit part on two episodes of Good Times: The Houseguest (February 18, 1975) and Sweet Daddy Williams (January 20, 1976).
Barnes' artwork was also used on many television series, including Columbo, The White Shadow, Dream On, The Hughleys, The Wayans Bros., Wife Swap, and Soul Food, and in the movies Drumline and Boyz n the Hood.
In 1981 Barnes played baseball catcher Josh Gibson of the Negro League in the television movie Don't Look Back: The Story of Leroy ‘Satchel' Paige with Lou Gossett Jr. playing Paige.
The 2016 film Southside with You (about Barack and Michelle Obama's first date) prominently features Barnes' work in an early scene where the two characters visit an art exhibition.
Barnes passed away on Monday evening, April 27, 2009 at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles, California from myeloid leukemia. He was cremated and his ashes were scattered in two places: at his hometown Durham, North Carolina, near the site of where his family home once stood, and at the beach in Carmel, California, one of his favorite cities.
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gdrunplugged · 5 years ago
#RUSSIANROLETTE Il nostro Filippo Guaitamacchi accetta una #SFIDAIMPOSSIBILE per il #GIOCHIAMOA di martedi 24 settembre! Leggere e facilitare uno A CASO tra questi 794 (SETTECENTOVENTIQUATTRO) GIOCHI!!! STASERA ALLE 18 L'ESTRAZIONE CASUALE IN DIRETTA!!! #telegram #twitter #Feminism (Misha Bushyager, Lizzie Stark, Anna Westerling et al., 2017) 100 Creepy Things... (Risorse) 1001 Nights (Meguey Baker, 2012).zip 13th Age (Rob Heinsoo _ Jonathan Tweet, 2013).pdf 14 Days (Hannah Shaffer _ Evan Rowland, 2015) 3_16 - Carnage Amongst the Stars (Gregor Hutton, 2008).pdf 44 - A Game of Automatic Fear (Matt Snyder, 2009).pdf A Cool and Lonely Courage (Alex White, 2019) A Cozy Den (Kira Magrann, 2018) A Dirty World (Greg Stolze, 2008) A Gift Arrives (Anna Anthropy, 2018) A Green and Narrow Bed (Jason Morningstar, 2018) A Nocturne 0.9 (Calum Grace, 2018) A Pizza the Action (Anna Anthropy, 2018) A Place to Fuck Each Other (An Sheep _ Avery Mcdaldno, 2014) A Single Moment (Tobie Abad, 2016) A Thousand Years Under the Sun (Matthijs Holter, 2011) A Wish for Something Better (Anna Anthropy, 2015) A World of Dew (Ben Woerner, 2014) Across the Endless Sea Action Movie World - First Blood (Ian Williams, 2015) Adventure Skeletons (Grant Howitt _ Chris Taylor, 2018).pdf adventurers!.rar Aegis v. 1.2 (Alberto Tronchi, 2011).pdf After the War (Alasdair Stuart _ Jason Pitre, 2019) Age of Arthur (Paul Mitchener _ Graham Spearing, 2013) Age-of-Anarchy-Manuscript-PROGRESS-4-13.pdf Agents of Dice-ception (Doug Levandowski _ Tim Devine, 2019) Agon (John Harper, 2006).pdf Alas for the Awful Sea (Hayley Gordon _ Vee Hendro, 2017) All My Exes Are in Mechsuits (Anna Anthropy, 2019) Alone in the Ancient City 1.0 (Takuma Okada, 2018).pdf Alone in the Void (Samantha Day, 2019).pdf Alone on Silver Wings Always-Never-Now (Will Hindmarch, 2013) Amaranthine (David A. Hill _ Filamena Young, 2011).pdf Angel Project - Cute Girls Save The Galaxy! Anima Prime (Christian Griffen, 2011) Annalise (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2008-2010) ANocturne_0-7-2(1).pdf Apocalypse World 2nd ed. (D. Vincent Baker _ Meguey Baker, 2016) Apocalypse World_ Dark Age Apocalypse World_ Fallen Empires Archipelago III (Matthijs Holter, 2012).pdf Archives of the Sky (Aaron A. Reed, 2018).pdf Armour Astir - Advent Ars Gladiatoria (Alberto Tronchi, 2013-2016) Ars Magica 5th ed. (Jonathan Tweet _ Mark Rein•Hagen) As Blossoms Fall (Luke Jordan, 2018) Atlas (Tom Fendt, 2016).pdf Attorneys at Jaw ((Chris Longhurst, 2019).pdf Austral Avant la fin (Francesco Rugerfred Sedda, 2013).pdf Avarice (C. Steven Ross, 2019) Awesome Adventures (Willow Palecek, 2011).pdf Babes in the Wood bacchanalia Baker Street (Bryce Whitacre, 2014) Band of Blades (Stras Acimovic _ John LeBoeuf-Little, 2019) Band or Album (Kenneth Hite _ Jeff Tidball, 2015) Barbaren (Frank Tarcikowski, 2009-2012).pdf Be Not Afraid (Nora Blake, 2018).pdf Beast Hunters (Christian _ Lisa Griffen, 2007).pdf Beast the Primordial Beat to Quarters (Neil Gow, 2009).pdf Beath the Boss (Doug Geisler, 2019) Beautiful Space Pirates in “The Galaxy_s Most Dangerous Funeral!” (Grant Howitt, 2019).PDF Becoming - Roads Less Traveled (Jason Pitre et al., 2014).pdf Becoming (Brian Engard, 2013).pdf Bedlam Hall - A Depressing Role-Playing Game About Horrible People Behind the Masc (Brie Sheldon et al., 2018).pdf Belly of the Beast Beloved (Ben Lehman, 2011).pdf Beneath Cursed Moon (Michael Mazur, 2018) Best Friends (Gregor Hutton, 2007).pdf Better Angels (Greg Stolze, 2013).pdf Better The Devil Who Serves You Between Dreams BFF! (Ross Cowman, 2019) Black Mass (Will Jobst, 2019) Blackout - A Game about Women & The Blitz Blades in the Dark (John Harper, 2017) Bliss Stage (Ben Lehman, 2007).pdf Blood Red Blossoms (Emanuele Galletto, 2018) Blood Red Sands (Ralph Mazza, 2012).pdf Blowback (Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, 2009-2010) Blubeard’s Bride (Whitney “Strix” Beltrán, Marissa Kelly _ Sarah Richardson, 2017) Bootleggers - Smuggling Run Boy X Boy (Jake Richmond, 2011).pdf Breakers - World of Dungeons Turbo Breakfast Cult (Paul Matijevic, 2016) Breaking the Ice (Emily Care Boss, 2005).zip Brewin_ USA Broken Worlds Bubblegumshoe - Core Rulebook.pdf Bury Mary - The Great Lich's Bake Off Busty Barbarian Bimbos (John Fitzgerald, 2013) BX Essentials (Gavin Norman, 2017) By the Author of Lady Windermere’s Fan (Ed Turner, 2017) Caitlynn Belle - Bundle Calipso e Odisseo (Carlo Antonioli, 2012).pdf Call of Cthulhu Calling the Quarters (Kira Magrann et al., 2015) Candidate (Dale Elvy, 2016).pdf Candycreeps (Nick Licata, 2008).pdf Caper (Dale Elvy, 2017).pdf Capers (Craig Campbell, 2018).pdf Car Lesbians (4 chan’s _tg_, 2011).pdf Cards Without Master Carolina Death Crawl - Rules (Jason Morningstar, 2013).pdf Carry - A game about war - revised edition (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2006-2016) Cartel Catch the Devil (Sage LaTorra, 2019).pdf Changeling the Lost Characters Welcome (Jeff Stormer, 2019) Chess - Two Kingdoms 0.3 (Takuma Okada, 2018).pdf Chronicles of Skin (Sebastian Hickey, 2011-2012) Circle of Hands (Ron Edwards, 2014) Circles of Power (Jason Pitre, 2019) City of Judas - Dark Fantasy AW hack City of Mist - A Detective Role-Playing Game in a City Classroom Deathmatch (Jake Richmond, Matt Schlotte, Nick Smith, 2007).pdf Clink (David Schirduan, 2017) Codex Codex Zines Cold City (Malcolm Craig, 2006-2010) Cold Shadows (Alan Bahr et al., 2017).pdf Cold Soldier (Bret Gillan, 2012) Colonial Gothic (Richard Iorio II, 2007-2012).pdf Community Radio v. 1.2 (Quinn Murphy, 2015).pdf Companion’s Tale (Laura Simpson, 2018) Comrades (W. M. Akers, 2019) Conclave (Willow Palecek, 2019) Conspiracy of Shadows - Apprentice (Keith Senkowski, 2012) Conspire (Alexander Jerabek _ Jake Breish, 2017).pdf Contenders (Joseph J. Prince, 2006) Covenant (Matt Machell, 2006).pdf Crowsmantle Crush the Rebellion (C. Steven Ross, 2015) Cthulhu Confidential (Robin D. Laws, Chris Spivey _ Ruth Tillman, 2017) Cthulhu Dark (Graham Walmsley, 2010-2017) CthulhuTech - Blue Horizon (WildFire, 2011).pdf Damn the Man, Save the Music! (Hannah Shaffer _ Evan Rowland, 2017) Dance ’Til Dawn (Barak Blackburn, 2019) Dangerous Times (Michael Bacon, 2019) Dangers Untold (Shoshana Kessock, 2014).pdf Dark Darkmoor_Gioco_di_Ruolo_(9834758).pdf David Kills Goliath (Hayley Gordon _ Vee Hendro, 2019).pdf Dawning Star - Fate of Eos (Justin D. Jacobson, 2017).pdf De Profundis (Michał Oracz, 2001).pdf Dead Are Among Us (Giacomo Vicenzi, 2016).pdf Dead of Night 2nd ed. (Andrew Kenrick, 2010).pdf Dead Scare (Elsa S. Henry, 2017) Dead Teenager Death of Legends (Dale Elvy, 2015) Deathroll (Conor Kennedy, 2019) DeathwatchApocalypsePlaytest.pdf Dee Dee’s Seattle Survival Guide (Tony Dowler, 2013) Deep Love (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf Deep-Forest.pdf Delayed Blast Gamemaster (Philip Reed, 2019) Demon the descent Den of Thieves Deniable - A Game of Unwitting Spies Tempted by Easy Money Dethroned (Mallory Strout, 2018).pdf Deus Opera (Giovanni Micolucci, 2013) Devils _ Black Sheep (Christopher Ferguson, 2019) Di Cosa Hai Paura (Fear Itself) Dialect (Kathryn Hymes _ Hakan Seyalıoğlu, 2017) Diaspora (T. Dyke, B. Kerr, C.W. Marshall, B. Murray, 2009-2010).pdf Die Laughing (Craig Campbell, 2019).pdf Dies Illa (Paul Riddle,2016) Dino Wranglers Dinosaur Princesses (Hamish Cameron _ Dana Cameron, 2019) Dirty Secrets (Seth Ben-Ezra, 2007).pdf Do - Pilgrims of the Flying Temple (Daniel Solis, 2011).zip Doctor Who Dog Eat Dog (Liam Liwanag Burke, 1012) Dogs In The Bark Dogs in the Vineyard (D. Vincent Baker, 2004).pdf Doll (Josh T. Jordan, 2013) Don’t Lose Your Mind (print) (Benjamin Baugh _ Fred Hicks, 2008).pdf Don’t Rest Your Head (Fred Hicks, 2006).pdf Don’t Walk in Winter Wood 2nd ed. (Clint Krause, 2011).pdf Donjon Pak B1 (Clinton R. Nixon, 2003).pdf Downfall (Caroline Hobbs, 2015) Dread (Epidiah Ravachol, 2005).pdf DreadHouse Dream Apart Dream Askew Dreaming the Devil (J. Dymphna Coy, 2018).pdf Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat, 2010-2015) Dungeon World (Sage LaTorra _ Adam Koebel, 2012) Dungeons - A Solo Adventure Game (Shane Garvey, 2012).zip Dungeons o f Dekkom 0.1 (Mazur _ Goats, 2019) Durance (Jason Morningstar, 2012).zip Dusk City Outlaws Dust Devils - Revenged (Matt Snyder, 2006).pdf Dust Wardens (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf Dust, Fog & Glowing Embers - A Roleplaying Game of Alchemical Adventure Eden (Marc Hobbs, 2017).pdf Effigy (HB, 2019) Ehdrigohr (Allen Turner, 2012) Ekphrasis (Barak Blackburn, 2019).pdf Eldritch High (John Wick, 2011).pdf Elfs (Ron Edwards, 2009).pdf Embers of the Forgotten Kingdom Endless Waltz (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf Engine Heart (Viral Games, 2010-2013).pdf English Eerie (Scott Malthouse, 2017).pdf Entra il Vendicatore (Raffaele Manzo, 2013-2014).pdf EotE Beginner Game.pdf Epimas 2014 Epitaph (Anna Anthropy, 2019).txt Epyllion (Marissa Kelly, 2016) Escape From Dino Island (Sam Tung _ Sam Roberts, 2019) Escape from Tentacle City (Willow Palecek, 2009).pdf Esoterroristi (Robin D. Laws, 2008-2011).zip Eternal Contenders - screen (Joe J. Prince, 2012).pdf Everyone is John (Michael Sullivan, 2002-2019) Executive Decisions Exodus (Erika Shepherd, 2019) Exploding Kittens Explorers v. 1.2 (Daniel Comerci, 2015-2016) ExSpelled (Andrew Miller, 2017) Extreme Earth - Fate (Jon Gibbons _ Joe Bardales, 2015).pdf Eyes and Hands Facade (Nora Blake, 2018).pdf Faith - Daniel Hodges.pdf Fall of Magic (Ross Cowman, 2015) Familiars of Terra Backer Preview.pdf Fantaji - Universal RPG.pdf Farewell to Fear (David A. Hill _ Filamena Young, 2012).pdf Farflung - Sci-Fi Role-Play After Dark Fastlane - Everything, All the Time (Todd Crapper, 2004).pdf Fate Core Fate of the Norns Ragnarok - Second Edition (Andrew Valkauskas, 2013).pdf FateLess (Alessandro Piroddi, 2015-2016) Fates Fickle Winds (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2014).pdf FELINE DREAM-O-NAUGHTS AND THE GREAT CAT NAP! Fellowship (Jacob Randolph, 2015-2017) Feng Shui 2 (Robin D. Laws, 2015).pdf Fiasco (Jason Mornistar, 2009) Fiction (Elin Nilsen _ Ole Peder Giæver, 2013).pdf Finley _ Hayden (Jaon Morningstar, 2018).pdf Firefly (Margaret Weis Productions, 2014).pdf First Ride_Last Ride (Jason Morningstar, 2017).pdf Flame (Valentina Monacelli, 2019) Fleshscape (Emanuele Galletto, 2017) Flotsam (Joshua Fox, 2019) Follow (Ben Robbins, 2017).pdf For the Dungeon (Jordan Palmer, 2019) Forest Keeper (Giovanni Micolucci, 2012).zip Fortune’s Fool (Jay Stratton, 2012).zip Four Ways to Die in the Future (P. H. Lee, 2019).pdf Fragment (Dale Elvy, 2016).pdf Freemarket (Luke Crane _ Jared Sorensen, 2009).rar Full Moon (Paul Stefko, 2013).pdf Funnel World.pdf Game Poems (Anna Anthropy, 2018).pdf Ganakagok (Bill White, 2006) Gang Rape (Tobias Wrigstad, 2008).pdf Gate Watch (Christopher Allen, 2019).pdf Gazetteer - A Gygaxian Storygame (Kimberley Lam _ Levi Kornelsen, 2019).pdf Gears of Defiance (Ryan Schoon, 2019).pdf Geiger Counter EN (Jonathan Walton, 2008).pdf Geist the Sin-Eater Genesys - Core Rules.pdf Ghost Lines Gilded Age (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2014).pdf Gioventù Bruciata (Robert Bohl, 2010) Girl Underground (Lauren McManamon _ Jesse Ross, 2019) Glass Free Games - Jerkform Anthology Vol. 1 (David Hertz et al., 2016).pdf Glow in The Dark Goalposts & Gridirons Golden Sky Stories (Ryo Kamiya _ Tsugihagi Honpo, 2006) Good Society - A Jane Austen RPG (Hayley Gordon _ Vee Hendro, 2018) Grey Ranks EN (Jason Morningstar, 2007).pdf Gruel Truck! (David Kizzia, 2017).pdf Guts _ Glory Hack the Planet (Fraser Simons, 2019) Hack-Enhance 0.2 (Eric Mersmann, 2019).pdf Hair Metal Horror (Aaron Frost, 2019) Halfway Home Hamlet_s Hit Points.pdf Happy Birthday Robot.pdf Harder They Fall (Jay Iles, 2018) Harsg Generation (Emily O’Neil, 2019) Haunted (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2013).pdf Haven Heads of State (Mark Vallianatos, 2012).pdf Headspace (Mark Richardson, 2016) Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse (Derek A. Kamal, 2018) Hell 4 Leather EN (Joe Prince, 2010).pdf Hell for Leather (Sebastian Hickey, 2010) Hero Kids - Fantasy RPG .pdf Hero’s Banner (Tim C. Koppang, 2006).pdf Heroine (Josh Jordan, 2013) Heroines of the First Age High Plains Samurai (Todd Crapper, 2018) Hillfolk (Robin D. Laws, 2013) Hogshead - Puppetland _ Powerkill.pdf Hogwats RPG Hollowpoint 1.1 (C. W. Marshall _ B. Murray, 2011).pdf Home by Dark (Jason Olsan, 2017).pdf Honor Bound (Randy Lubin _ Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf Hot Guys Making Out (Ben Lehman, 2013).pdf Hot War (Malcolm Craig, 2008).pdf House _ Home (Jason Brown, 2019).pdf House of Reeds (Sam Kabo Ashwell, 2015) Houses of the Blooded - Blood _ Honor (John Wick, 2010) How to Host a Dungeon (Tony Dowler, 2008).pdf How We Came to Live Here (Brennan Taylor, 2009).zip HQ 2.0 - Nameless Streets - A Supernatural Noir Game (alg0200).pdf Huddle (Gaia Sicolo, 2019).pdf Human Contact (Joshua A.C. Newman, 2011) Hunt the Wicked (Ben Dutter, 2016) Hunter the Vigil Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai (Julia B. Ellingboe, 2012).pdf I Am a Survivor (Zachary Wolf, 2011).pdf I Hate This Town (Renee Reeves, 2019) I_Miti_di_Korcol_(7714024).pdf I’d Like to Go Home Now Please (Tom Fendt, 2016).pdf Icarus (Spenser Starke, 2019) Il Mio Fantasy (Giovanni Micolucci, 2014) Il Mostro della Settimana (Michael Sands, 2012_ Narrattiva, 2013).pdf ilrichiamodigatthulu Imp of the Perverse (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2019) Impulse Drive (Adrian Thoen, 2019) In a Wicked Age (D. Vincent Baker, 2007).pdf Incidental Chain of Worlds Indie_Mixtape_Megamix_(10398951).zip Inept Sorcerers.pdf Infected (Levi Kornelsen, 2018) Inglorious.pdf Innocents (Manuel J. Sueiro, Ángel Paredes, Javier Santos, 2007-2017).pdf InSpectres (Jared A. Sorensen, 2002-2003) INTERIM Interstitial Into the Woods (Morgane Reynier, 2017).pdf Into_The_Odd_Print.pdf Iron Edda (Tracy Barnett, 2014-2015) Ironsworn It Came to Town That Night (Tracy Barnett, 2014).pdf It’s Complicated (Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, 2007-2010) Itras By (Ole Peder Giæver _ Martin Bull Gudmundsen, 2012).pdf Jack’s Trick (Matthew McFarland, 2019).pdf Jadepunk.pdf Journey Away (Jacob S. Kellogg, 2018).pdf Juggernaut (Jason Morningstar, 2015) Just Heroes KaGaymatsu Kagematsu (Danielle Lewon, 2009).pdf Katakumbas Manuale Base.pdf Katanas _ Trenchcoats—Pre-edit Build.pdf Kazekami Kyoko Uccide il Kublai Khan (Jonathan Walton, 2006).pdf KDL QSR Alpha 0_1.pdf Kerberos Club (Benjamin Baugh _ Mike Olson, 2009-2011) Kids on Bikes Killshot - The Director’s Cut (Todd Crapper, 2012).pdf King of the City (Alessandro Piroddi, 2015-2016) Kingdom (Ben Robbins, 2013) Kingdom of Nothing (Jeff Himmelman, 2010).pdf KingdomsofOoo WoDhack ALPHA.pdf Kintsugi (David Schirduan, 2016-2017) Kiss Her Before the World Ends (Alice Grizzle, 2019).pdf Kobold Endeavour (Grant Howitt, 2019).pdf Kult - Divinity Lost L’Amore al Tempo della Guerra (Mario Bolzoni e Luca Veluttini, 2012).pdf La spada e gli amori (Antonio Amato, 2017) Lacuna Part I. (second attempt) (Jared A. Sorensen, 2006).pdf Lady Blackbird ITA (John Harper, 2009-2010).pdf Lamentations of the Flame Princess Lasers and Feelings (John Harper, 2015) Last One Standing (Stephen Bretall, 2015) Le Notti di Nibiru (Daniele Fusetto e Luca De Marini, 2017).pdf Le Straordinarie Avventure del Barone di Munchausen (James Wallis, 1999).pdf League and Fathom (Levi Kornelsen, 2016).pdf Left Coast (Steve Hickey, 2015) Legacy 2e - Life Among the Ruins Legend of the Elements (Max Hervieux, 2016) Legends of Anglerre (Chris Birch _ Sarah Newton, 2010).pdf Legends of the Deep (Nora Blake, 2018).pdf Legends of the Guard Les Petites Choses Oubliées ENG (Sylvie Guillaume _ Christoph Boeckle, 2015).pdf Letter Bearer (Speak the Sky, 2019).pdf Letters that Will Never Arrive (Anna Anthropy, 2018).pdf Leverage - The Roleplaying Game (Margaret Weis Productions, 2010).pdf Life on Mars (Ross Cowman, 2013) Light on Stone (Anna Anthropy, 2018).pdf Liminal (Paul Mitchener, 2019) Little Fears (Jason L. Blair, 2001-2009) Lone Wolf Adventure Game (Joe Dever _ August Hahn, 2015) Lonely Timbers (Jason Pitre, 2018).pdf Lonely World - A Story-Telling Game of Survivalist Horror At the End of Everything Lord Scurlock (John Harper, 2015).pdf Lords Of Gossamer _ Shadow - Core Rulebook.pdf Lost in the rain Scan.pdf Love in the Time of Khvareneh (Matthijs Holter _ Jason Morningstar, 2016) Love in the Time of Seið (Matthijs Holter _ Jason Morningstar, 2010) Love Letters from the Baker House Band (Meguey Baker et al., 2019).pdf Lovecraftesque (Joshua Fox _ Becky Annison, 2016) Loving Fiercely (Kate Bullock _ Ryan Macklin, 2019) M.N.S.T.R. (Indigo McDonald, 2019) Machine of Death (David Malki, 2013).zip Madcap - Screwball Cartoon Role-Play Mage the ascension Magical Fury - A Magical Girl RPG Magicians (Kyle Simons, 2013).pdf Magister Lor (John Harper, 2015).pdf Maid (Ryo Kamiya, 2004-2008).pdf Malandros (Thomas McGrenery, 2016) Mall Kids (Matthew Gravelyn, 2019).pdf Mars Colony MASCHINE ZEIT - MAP0001.pdf MASH Moms in the PTA (Renee K Reeves, 2019).pdf MASHED (Mark Plemmons, 2017) Masks (Brendan Conway, 2016) Masks of the Mummy Kings (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2016).pdf Maze of the Blue Medusa Maze Rats v4.3 (Ben Milton, 2017) Mecha the RPG- Core Rules (Chris Perrin, 2010).pdf Mechnoir_120801.zip Meridian (Christian Griffen, 2016) Metempsychosis (Dymphna Coy, 2019).pdf Microfiction (Luca Bonisoli, 2017) Microscope (Ben Robbins, 2011-2015) Milkshake (Chris Longhurst, 2019).pdf Millenial Apartment Hunters (James D’Amato, 2016).pdf Misericorde (Boss Emily Care, 2013) Missing Files.txt Misspent Youth (Robert Bohl, 2010-2018) Mist-Robed Gate (Shreyas Sampat, 2007-2008).pdf Mobile Frame Zero - Firebrands Monster of the Week Monsterhearts 2e - A Story Game About the Messy Lives of Teenage Monsters Montsegur 1244 (Frederik J. Jensen, 2009).pdf Mortal Coil (Brennan Taylor, 2006-2008).pdf Motobushido (Nathanael Phillip Cole, 2013) Mouse Guard Roleplaying Game (Luke Crane, 2008).pdf Mummy the curse Murderous Ghosts (D. Vincent Baker, 2011).zip Murders And Acquisitions Musha Shugyo (Luca De Marini, 2014) Mutant Chronicles - Core Book 3rd Ed. - Modiphius.pdf Mutant Year Zero.pdf My Fantasy (Giovanni Micolucci, 2014) My Favorite Plaything (Eduardo Caetano, 2014).pdf My Jam (Eric Mersmann _ Jeff Dieterle, 2019) My Life with Master (Paul Czege, 2003) My Shadowed Heart (Jamila R. Nedjadi, 2019) Mystic Empyrean (D. Brad Talton Jr., 2011).pdf Mythender Roleplaying Game Mythic RPG Mythos Tales (Josh B. Mannon, 2013) Mythos World (Russel Brown, 2018).pdf Nahual_Quickstart.pdf Never Tell Me the Odds (David Somerville, 2019) Nicotine Girls.pdf Night Forest (Mo Golden _ Ross Cowman, 2018) Night Witches (Jason Morningstar, 2015) Nights Black Agents.pdf Nine Worlds - Aristeia Edition (Matt Snyder, 2005).pdf No Country for Old Kobolds (Steve Wallace, 2016) No More Room In Hell (Grant Howitt, 2019).pdf No Stone Unturned Nobilis.pdf Nod (Simon Carryer, 2014) Noir World (John Adamus, 2018) Noirlandia (Evan Rowland, 2016) Non andare nel bosco d’inverno.rar Nova Praxis (Mike McConnell, 2013).pdf Numenera (Monte Cook, 2013) Ocean (Jake Richmond, 2009).pdf Of the Woods - Lonely Games of Imagination (Brie Sheldon, 2017).pdf Okult (Wilhelm Person, 2013).pdf Omen (Daniel Comerci _ Alberto Tronchi, 2016) On a bed of moss (Anna Anthropy, 2018).pdf On Mighty Thews (Simon Carryer, 2011).pdf One Can Have Her 7th ed. (Jonas Ferry, 2007).pdf One Shot (Tracy Barnett, 2013) OPUS [Wizards Powered by the Apocalypse] Orgoglio e Pregiudizio (R. Grassi, 2013) Other Magic (Jesse Ephraim, 2019) Our Haunt (Jamila R. Nedjadi, 2019) Our Last Best Hope (Mark Diaz Truman, 2012) Our Mundane Supernatural Life (Vee Hendro _ Hayley Gordon, 2018).pdf Out-of-Dodge.pdf OVA_The_Anime_Role-Playing_Game_(6182477).pdf Over the Edge (Jonathan Tweet _ Chris Lites, 2019) Pacificadora! Pack of Strays (Phillip Wessels, 2018).pdf Pandemonio Panty Explosion.pdf Parsely (Jared A. Sorensen, 2018).pdf Pasion De Las Pasiones - Ashcan Edition Pataphysic Wander (Alberto Tronchi, 2017).pdf Perfect (Joe Mcdaldno, 2010).zip Perfection (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf Perseverant (Ben Dutter, 2017) Phasers + Photons Phones of Glory (Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf Pickets _ Blinds (Kevin Allen Jr., 2011).pdf Pigsmoke (Chris Longhurst, 2017) Playing Nature’s Year (Meguey Baker, 2015).pdf Plunderground Zine Poet Glorious (Kimberley Lam, 2018).pdf Poison’d (D. Vincent Baker, 2007).pdf Polaris (Ben Lehman, 2005-2009) Posthuman Pathways (Jason Pitre, 2014) Praxis PreciousPDF__BR.pdf Pressure Drop (Eric Mersmann, 2019).pdf Primetime Adventures.zip Prism (Whitney Delaglio, 2018).pdf Project Ninja Panda Taco.pdf Promethean The Creater Psi Run italiano.pdf Punk as F__K (David Kizzia, 2018) Punks and the Fever Pitch (Linda H. Codega, 2019) Purgatory House (Robert Turk, 2018) Questlandia (Hannah Shaffer, 2014) Quilt Of Shadows Radioactive Bison (Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf RavenDeath IT (Iacopo Frigerio, 2008).pdf Ready, Willing, Prepared (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf Red Like Roses Pt. III (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf RedMarkets.pdf Reflections (Jim McClure _ Tobie Abad, 2016).pdf Remember Tomorrow (Gregor Hutton, 2010).pdf RESISTOR Vol. 1 (Elissa Leach _ Kira Magrann, 2016).pdf Retrocalypse-8-18-11-Final.pdf Retrocausality (Paul Matijevic, 2019) Reunification (Travis D. Hill, 2019).pdf Revenant (Paul Stefko, 2012).pdf Revenant World Ribbon Drive (Joe Mcdaldno, 2013) Riders - A Game About Cheating Doomsday (Caias Ward, 2015) River Knife Trilogy Robber's Kin Romance Trilogy (Emily Care Boss, 2016).pdf Route Clearance (Andrew Millar, 2017).pdf Royal Blood v. 5 (Grant Howitt, 2016).pdf Ruma - Dawn of Empire (Martin Greening, 2017) Ryne Ryuutama - Natural Fantasy.pdf S-Lay w-Me (Ron Edwards, 2009).pdf Sagas of the Icelanders - A Roleplaying Game About the Lives Icelandic Settlers in The Saga Period Sail_the_Stars.pdf Scarlet Heroes Scarlet Wake (Ben O’Neal, 2017) Scheda Questlandia Italiano.pdf schedewip.pdf Schism (Nora Blake, 2018).pdf School Daze (screen) (Tracy Barnett, 2012).pdf Scum And Villany SCUP Preview April 2017.zip Sea Dracula (Nick Smith _ Jake Richmond, 2008).pdf.pdf Seat Five (Jason Morningstar, 2019) Seco Creek Vigilance Committee (Keith Stetson, 2018) Secrets _ Lies - Hardboiled Triple Feature (Daniel Bayn, 2011).pdf Seppuku (Emanuele Galletto, 2018) Serpent’s Tooth (Ross Cowman, 2012) Sertão Bravio Seven Wonders (Becky Annison et al., 2016) Sexytime Adventures Shahida (Ron Edwards, 2012) Shards - Worldbuilding Zine (April 2019).pdf Sharp Swords _ Sinister Spells (Diogo Nogueira, 2016) Shelter - Wartime Survival Shock - Social Science Fiction 1.2 (Joshua A.C. Newman).pdf Shooting the Moon (Emily Care Boss, 2006).pdf Short Film (Josh T. Jordan, 2016) Showdown (Seth Ben-Ezra, 2014).pdf Sign (Kathryn Hymes _ Hakan Seyalioglu, 2016).pdf Singularity (Caitlynn Belle _ Josh T. Jordan, 2016) Sixty Mile Sky - A Sci-fi Tabletop RPG by Ben Arndt Skew (Ben Lehman, 2013).pdf Skill Points (Daniel Kwan et al., 2019) Sky Deck (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf Smallville Roleplaying Game - The Watchtower Report (Margaret Weis Productions, 2011).pdf Sognami (Vas Quas, 2013).zip Solar System 1.1 (Eero Tuovinen, 2008).pdf Solipsist (David Donachie, 2008).pdf Something_to_Hide_(8879650).pdf Sorcerer Soth (Steve Hickey, 2015) Space Post (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf Spark (Jason Pitre, 2013) Spione (Ron Edwards, 2007) Spiralis - Lovecraftian Roleplaying Spire (Grant Howitt _ Christopher Taylor, 2018).pdf Spirit of 77 (David Kizzia _ Bob Richardson, 2015).pdf Spirit of the Century (Leonard Balsera _ Rob Donoghue _ Fred Hicks, 2006).pdf Spirit of the Season Upgraded Edition - cover (Atomic Sock Monkey _ Evil Hat, 2007).pdf Sporchi Segreti (Seth Ben-Ezra, 2007-2009) Star Crossed (Alex Roberts, 2018) Star Wars World Star Worlds - Streets of Mos Eisley Starblazer Adventures (Chris Birch _ Stuart Newman, 2008).pdf Steal Away Jordan - revised (Julia Bond Ellingboe, 2007-2008).pdf Stealing Cthulhu (home-edited).pdf Stories of Love in Manila (Jamila R. Nedjadi, 2019).pdf Story War (Brad O’Farrell _ Tom McLean, 2013).zip Strange Magic - Il gioco di ruolo fantasy old school (Stuart Robertson, 2016) Strange Nations (White Marble Block _ R. James Gauvreau, 2016).pdf Strangers (Hannah Shaffer, 2019).pdf Strings (Barak Blackburn _ Ellie Hillis, 2019).pdf Summer in Woodlake Summerland - Revised and Expanded Edition (Greg Saunders, 2009.pdf Summoner's Fate Sun and Daughter (Freeman Owle, 2019).pdf Super Destiny High School Rumble!! Super! (Chris Rutkowsky, 2008).pdf Superhuman Support (Wendy Gorman et al., 2016).pdf Swansong (Joe Prince, 2006).pdf Sweet Agatha (Kevin Allen Jr., 2009-2016).pdf Sword’s Edge (Fraser Ronald, 2017) Swords _ Wizandry Swords Without Master Synthesis (Riley Rethal et al., 2019) Tale - The Roleplaying Game Tales From The Loop.pdf Tall Pines (Miles Gaborit, 2017) Tears of a Machine (Russell G. Collins, 2013) Technoir - Player’s Guide (Jeremy Keller, 2011).pdf Ten Candles (Stephen Dewey, 2015) Tenra Bansho Zero (Andy Kitkowski, 2013) Terribly Beautiful - Graham MacLean.pdf Terrosaur (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf The ’Hood (James Mullen, 2014) The Academy (Wilhelm Person, 2015) The Art Crowd (Anna Anthropy, 2018) The Artifact (Anna Anthropy, 2018) The Beast (Aleksandra Sontowska _ Kamil Węgrzynowicz, 2016) The Bite (Dan Enders, 2016) The Black Hack (David Black, 2016) The Blue Way (Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf The Burning Wheel The City Between(Ambientazione di Jason Pitre per Spark, 2016) The City of Judas (Davide Pignedoli, 2015) The Clay That Woke (Paul Czege, 2014) The Climb The Cloud Dungeon (Andrew Miller, 2015) The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries (Eric J. Boyd, 2007).pdf The Dance and the Dawn (Dev Purkayastha, 2009).pdf The Day We Leave Our Forests To Die In Beautiful Silence The Dead 2nd ed. (Kreg L. Mosier, 2005-2009).pdf The Deal (Todd Crapper, 2019).pdf The Demolished Ones - Fillable Character Sheet.pdf The Demon Collective, Volume 1 (David Shugars et al., 2019) The Dread Geas of Duke Vulku The Dream (Jason Morningstar, 2018) The Dungeon Zone The End of the World (Fantasy Flight Games) The Esoterrorists - Corebook - 2nd Edition.pdf The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen 3rd e. (James Wallis, 2008).pdf the farm- a roleplaying game of hunger and horror.pdf The Fictional Memoirs of Harriette Wilson _ Her Sisters (Hayley Gordon, 2019).pdf The Final Girl (Bret Gillan, 2011).pdf The Forest Books (Jason Morningstar, 2019) The Forgotten (Andrew Medeiros, 2016) The Frost Papers (Eugene Fasano, 2016).pdf The Fugue System (James Wallis, 2015).pdf The Future We Were Promised (Anna Anthropy, 2019) The Great American Novel (Christopher Grey, 2019) The Guest Star - A Dungeon World Playbook for Extra Players on Game Night.pdf The Habitition of the Stone Giant Lord (Jon Peterson et al., 2013).pdf The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth (Christopher Grey, 2018) The Hour Between Dog and Wolf (Matthew Gwinn, 2015) The Imposters (Josh T. Jordan et al., 2017) The Journey to the Whispering Tree The King is Dead The Known World (Samantha Day, 2019) The Ladykillers (Matt Snyder, 2013).pdf The Last One (Alberto Tronchi, 2012).pdf The Madstone (Jason Morningstar, 2019).pdf The Marquis of Ferrara (Pompey Crew Design, 2013) The Melon Child of Radnor (Jason Morningstar, 2018).pdf The Ministry Initiative (J. R. Blackwell, P. J. Schnyder, 2014) The Misery Index (Rudy Johnson, William H. Duryea, 2014).pdf The Mountain Witch (Timothy Kleinert, 2005).pdf The Name of God (Alessandro Piroddi, 2016) The Nightmares Underneath The NO Press RPG Anthology (Luke Crane et al., 2004).pdf The One Ring (Cubicle 7, 2011-) The Page I Didn’t Write (Lauren Bryant-Monk, 2019).pdf The Plant (Jason Morningstar, 2009).pdf The Princes’ Kingdom (Clinton R. Nixon, 2006).pdf The Queen’s Men (Matt Machell, 2018) The Questing Beast (James V. West, 2003).pdf The Quiet Year (Joe Mcdaldno, 2012) The Regiment The Reliquary The Rustbelt (D. Marshall Burns, 2010).pdf The Shab-al-Hiri Roach.rar The Shadow of Yesterday (Clinton R. Nixon, 2005).pdf The Skeletons (Jason Morningstar, 2016) The Sky Is Gray and You Are Distressed (Josh T. Jordan, 2016) The Society of Dreamers (Matthijs Holter, 2010).pdf The Sprawl (Hamish Cameron, 2016) The Starship from Hell (Rafael Chandler, 2013) The Streets of Karazun (Grant Howitt, 2019).pdf The Strings of Fate 0.1 (Takuma Okada, 2019).pdf The Sundered Land The Sundered Land (D. Vincent Baker, 2013).pdf The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power (Todd Nicholas _ Thomas J., 2018) The Tribe - Humanitys Last Hope The Veil (Fraser Simons, 2016-2017) The Very Important Task (Storybrewers, 2017).pdf The Ward - Acute Care Edition The Warren (Marshall Miller, 2015) The Warring Woods (Dimitri Balcaen, 2015) The Watch (Anna Kreider _ Andrew Medeiros, 2017) The way you make me feel The Weight She Carries (Anna Anthropy, 2018) The Whispering Road The Witch is Dead (Grant Howitt, 2016) The Zombie Squad - Death Row Edition The_Nightmares_Underneath.pdf They Became Flesh (Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, 2011-2012).pdf This Is Not a Place of Honour (Grant Howitt, 2019).pdf Those Who Play (Daniel Boyle, 2014).pdf Thou Art But a Warrior (Anna Kreider, 2008-2012).pdf Threadbare - Stichpunk RPG Threadbare (Stephanie Bryant, 2017) Three Black Crows Three Dead Men (Brennan Taylor, 2010).pdf Three Days (Avery Alder, 2013) Three Dooms (Michael Sands, 2017) Tides Of Gold - Piracy, Magic, And Trade Wars Time _ Temp (Epidiah Ravachol, 2010).pdf Time Cellist (Megan Pedersen _ Todd Nicholas, 2015) Timestream (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2005).pdf Tiny Dungeon 2nd Ed. Torchbearer (Thor Olavsrud _ Luke Crane, 2013) Trail of Cthulhu (Kenneth Hite, 2007) Transit - The Spaceship RPG tremulus (Sean Preston, 2012-2015) Trollbabe 2nd ed. 2nd rpt. (Ron Edwards, 2009).pdf Trouble for Hire (Kevin Allen Jr., 2018) Turn (Brie Beau Sheldon, 2019).pdf Ultranormal Encounters (Nick Wedig, Ryan Ó Laoithe, James Iles, 2016) Un penny per i miei pensieri (Paul Tevis, 2009-2011) Uncanny Echo (Fraser Simons, 2019) Uncharted Worlds (Sean Gomes, 2015) Under My Skin (Emily Care Boss, 2008-2009).zip Undying (Paul Riddle, 2016) Unframed - The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters (Martin Ralya, 2014) Universalis - Revised Edition (Ralph Mazza _ Mike Holmes, 2011).pdf Unknown Armies - 3rd Edition Unwritten (Scott L. Hamilton, 2015) Urban Shadows - Political Urban Fantasy Urban-Heroes-Core-Rulebook.pdf Usagi 02-Oct-2005.pdf Vagabonds of Dyfed (Ben Dutter, 2018) Valiant Girls (Meguey Baker, 2013).pdf Vampire - The Masquerade 5th ed. (Kenneth Hite _ Karim Muammar, 2018) Vampire the Requiem Velvet Glove - Notebook Edition ViewScream (Rafael Chandler, 2013).zip Vornheim Vow of Honor (Ben Dutter, 2015) Wallis-BaronMunchausen.pdf Wands in the Aether (Nora Blake, 2019).pdf War Birds (Moyra Turkington et al., 2016) Wayfarer - Things Beyond Wonder (Ill Gotten Games, 2014).pdf We Are Abandoned (Karl Larsson, 2016).pdf We Made Them Look Like Us (Takuma Okada, 2019) We Used to be Friends - Ashcan Edition Werewolf the Forsaken What Ho, World! What Will I Do When You‘re Gone (Takuma Okada, 2019).pdf While the World Ends 2nd ed. (Wilhelm Person, 2017).pdf Wicked Lies _ Alibis.pdf Wild Strawberries (Giulia Barbano _ Luca Ricci, 2012) Winterhorn_digital_edition Witch - The Road to Lindisfarne (Kevin Barthaud _ Richard Lacy, 2012-2017) Witch Scouts - Magic, Friendship, And Making Mistakes Witch_House.pdf With Great Power - Master Edition (Michael S. Miller, 2016) Witness the Murder of Your Father and Be Ashamed, Young Prince (Nathan D. Paoletta, 2011).zip Wizards Aren't Gentlemen Wolfspell World of Darkness World Wide Wrestling - The Professional Wrestling RPG of Narrative Action Worlds in Peril (Kyle Simons, Adam Bosarge, Jason Faulk, 2015) Wraith the oblivion Wrath of the Autarch (Phil Lewis, 2016) XXXXtreme Street Luge (Ben Lehman, 2008).pdf You & I (Josh T. Jordan et al., 2018) You Are Autumn (Hannah Shaffer, 2018) Zombie World (Brendan Conway, 2019)
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theonyxpath · 6 years ago
Now available in PDF and print-on-demand via DriveThruRPG, and in traditional print via Studio 2: Cavaliers of Mars!
Return now to dying Mars in its last age of glory. A world of flashing swords and choking sands, of winking courtesans and lantern-lit canal cities. Mars, where romance and heartbreak are two sides of the same obsidian chit.
Where lost cities are buried in the dunes, and dry oceans stretch out between the last daring bastions of civilization. Where the First Martians, the monument-builders, are but a faded memory. And the Red Martians have become decadent and capricious in their last days.
Find yourself digging for someone else’s treasure in the lost tombs of Chiaro, or spitting defiance at the Roundhead priests of wild Ziggur, or dashing across the towered crypts of Vance with your long-lost lover. Lock steel with the Princess Invincible, even as your hand reaches towards your flintlaser for insurance.
Cavaliers of Mars includes:
A vibrant setting with cultures, careers, characters, and dozens of locations, all organized to get you right into the world of Mars!
An all-new system combining your character’s motivations, history, and beliefs with strategic swashbuckling action!
Astrology, crafting, psychic powers, and much more!
Created by Rose Bailey
Written by Rose Bailey, Benjamin Baugh, Storn Cook, Steffie de Vaan, Meghan Fitzgerald, Jordan Goldfarb, Danielle Lauzon, Ethan Skemp, Lauren Stone, Travis Stout, and senior writer Audrey Whitman
  Cavaliers of Mars is Onyx Path’s third major non-White Wolf release. The original Cavaliers of Mars Quickstart was Onyx Path’s first product. We’re delighted to finally be able to introduce fans to Rose Bailey’s Mars.
HALFOWEEN continues! All World of Darkness deluxe edition and Chronicles of Darkness prestige edition stock leftover from our Kickstarters is on sale for 50% off during the month of October on Indie Press Revolution! If you missed backing the Kickstarters for great books like V20 Dark Ages, W20 Book of the Wyrm, the M20 rulebook, or Demon: The Descent, this is your chance to get those books!
Kickstarter Update
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
Scion: Scion 2nd Edition (Origin and Hero)
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum (core rules and Trinity Continuum: Æon)
Cavaliers of Mars: Cavaliers of Mars rulebook
Monarchies of Mau: Monarchies of Mau rulebook
Exalted: Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought
Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Changeling: The Lost: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition
Geist: The Sin-Eaters: Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition
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Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Death, Vol 1: Curses Writ in Blood
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