#Ben lokey
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A young jazz dancer
Forms a team with break dancers
Shake up the dance world
#breakin#random richards#poem#haiku#poetry#haiku poem#poets on tumblr#haiku poetry#haiku form#Lucinda Dickey#Adolfo quinones#Michael chambers#christopher mcdonald#Ben lokey#Youtube
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"Breakin'" (1984) is a hip-hop breakdance movie that brought mainstream attention to the style. Directed by Joel Silberg, the writers based the story and setting of the movie on the 1983 documentary "Breakin' 'n' Enterin.'" The film stars Adolfo Quinones (Shabba Doo), Lucinda Dickey, Michael Chambers, Christopher McDonald, and Ben Lokey.
Rap, graffiti, and breakdancing were staple characteristics of the hip-hop culture during its conception and evolution into the mid-80s. "Breakin'" highlighted aspects of the style, but there was a slight contrast to a rival film released a month later called "Beat Street." "Breakin'" was out of California, and "Beat Street" was out of NYC. Since there were regional cultural differences, elements of the dance styles were different. Ice-T was also in the film rapping during his career's early stages.
Nevertheless, the film's star breakdancers were Adolfo Quinones and Michael Chambers. Both performers were showstoppers and carried the movie's epic dance battles along with the Electric Rock Crew. There isn't much story to the movie, and the acting is very cheesy, but this was the 80s, and cheesy is what gives that decade its charm. "Breakin'" is a reflective film that is memorable for many.
Director: Joel Silberg Writers: Charles Parker, Allen DeBevoise, Gerald Scaife
Starring Lucinda Dickey, Adolfo Quinones, Michael Chambers, Ben Lokey, Christopher McDonald, Phineas Newborn III, Bruno Falcon, Timothy Solomon, Ana Sánchez, Ice-T
Storyline Kelly (Lucinda Dickey) is a classically trained jazz dancer tired of warding off her amorous teacher and hungry for a new outlet. When she befriends street dancers Ozone (Adolfo "Shabba-Doo" Quinones) and Turbo (Michael "Boogaloo Shrimp" Chambers), she's blown away by their unique and original moves. She soon volunteers to help them defeat a rival group of street dancers, learning breakdancing skills along the way and sharing her own moves.
Available on Blu-ray (out-of-print) and streaming services
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A-bo A-cenrei A-cla A-dwei A-feste A-jecha A-kegwe A-kekon A-ne A-pne A-pnescro A-po A-skenre A-sle A-vo A-waibo A-won Ai-dai Ai-dwanplo Ai-fla Ai-foihoi Ai-jojo Ai-lai Ai-phran Ai-psoiwai Ai-reisho Ai-scrowhei Ai-toicrai Ai-varo Ai-von Ai-zakai Ai-zavai An-dra An-honbon An-metwo An-ne An-pnobre Ba Ban Banphrei-ce-xan-hen Be Bei Ben Benva-me Bequen Blaquei Bloi Bo Bodon Boi Boifla-be-joi Bon-rai Bosche Bose Broi Cava Ce Ce-gwon Ceha-brei Cehoi Cen Cenwo Cha Chai Chenphrei Claize Clei Cloi-gran Co Co-whai Cobroi Coida Coitoi Conwe-ko Cranxai
Dai Daiblo Daibo Dance-gro Daroi Denscrei Destran Dexon-ka Dja Dje-sche-voi Djon-za-la-throi Djonthre Djonve Djoslei-qua-slai-zen Doce Don Dopai-ho-ce-la Drei Drele-go Drenblei Drendje Dro Dron-nan Dronma Dwawoi-fen-be Dwe-we Dwesen-slei-phra-ple Dwo Dwoco-loi E-ce E-do E-fla E-fracrai E-jonjai E-lekon E-mai E-na E-ploi E-qua E-rai E-spenva E-tagnei E-throi E-twoiso E-wesla E-ze E-zesan Ei-fanwho Ei-flede Ei-froho Ei-groi Ei-maine Ei-pha Ei-poflon Ei-psoijan Ei-san Ei-slai Ei-sponrei Ei-stroipe Ei-teblai Ei-vame Ei-xa Ei-xoifon Ei-zen En-bon En-cepno En-do En-jei En-lodje En-poibloi En-sa En-schrawhen En-splo En-vascho En-whe Fai Fascro Fe Fei Fengran-spo-bre-jo Fequai-pro Flen Fleshe Flonclon Flosprai-we-ban Foi-jon-pen Foimo-be Fonwo Frai Freiben Frota-sai Ga Ganme Gatha-spai Ge Ge-sle Ge-wen Ghaispei Ghaixai-fa-prai-gwo Ghanla Ghe Ghei Ghodjei Gno Gnonpo-noi Gone Gongran-mei Graiwai-ve Greblon-dja-ken-djoi Greroi-je-pro Gwan-gon-whai Gweinai Gwen-xan-ploi-sle Gwepa Ha Han Herai Ho Hoiplon-jai Hon-pnei Hosplan-fo Ja Jai Jaidra Jasoi Je-wan-gran Jecra-ple-la-pre Jema Jen-spen-kei Jo Jo-skon-te Jogroi Joi-quo-hon Joize Ka Kaiba Ke Kepon-xa Kobra Koghei-se Konplo La-joi Lan Lan-ste Lanhai-ben-trai-gwoi Le Len Lo Lo-quo Lokei Loprai Ma Ma-quoi Mafran Maigho-ke Mei Mo-woi-bra-grai Mogwei-gnei Moighai Moloi Na Nacle Nan Ne Nei Neifen Noi Non-bre O-boi O-ge O-ran O-ro O-spabron O-speskei O-stodro O-trefle O-zathen Oi-jo Oi-pai Oi-pla Oi-scroi Oi-spran Oi-vaplon Oi-zaimon On-gha On-pro On-strentai On-tando On-treithra Pa Pai-zei Pan Pe-ma-sclan-tro Pen Pen-lo-ge Penno-ton-zen Penscrai-gwoi Peza Pharai Phoi Phra Phran-gre-je Phre Phrefo Phronspra-sproi-phoi Plen Plengei Plenmo Plepen-whe Plo Pna Pneischra Pno Po-plo-sclo Po-toi Poi Pon-wa-pen-so Ponjo Pra Preplen Prera Pronsclen-con-po-lo Psan Pse Psenan Psengnei-gwo Qua Qua-ta-fa-quon Quaislon-trei Quantwe Quedrei Quei-quen Queikon Queime Quen-pan Quocha Rai Ran Ranbla Recon Ro Roi Roi-hoi Roifen Sa-spla-twoi-skan San San-ro Sanscle-doi-don-xa Schai Schongo Schrafre Schrobroi-sle-fa-xo Schroi Sclabei Scle-pho-co-kon Scra-gwen Scranthe Scre Screi Screwan-koi-loi Scron Seiva-spen Sentra-splo-ba-ho Sesen Shon Shonchei-flon Ska-xen Skai Ske-gai Skelon-spre Slogran Sloi Soi Soischra Sozoi Spa Spe Spla Splan Spra Spraban Spre Spren Sprenen-be Stai Stai-vo-slo-sen Staiko-bro Steija-xen-da-ra Sten Stenen-vo Stroi Strothai Ta Ta-ce Taiquei Taispei-nai Tan-ro Tanke-ha-pron-quei Tantan Taren Te Ten-pre Tenfoi Tha-me Theban-se Thebrai Thendai Thon Thraba Thran Thre-thei-ra Threnpoi Threwan Thro Thro-ghe Throife-ge-pai To Ton Totrei Towhan-nei-scha Toxo Tra Tranchoi Tren-po Twe Twefla Twentren Twentron Twethro Two Va-floi-ga Vai Vaiza-de Vei-be Vo Vo-plo-slen-jen Vongro Voquon Wa Wa-dwo Wan-shen-ten-ro Wanstra We Whaisha Wheschon Whoke Wo-spran-rei Wogai Xa Xaschai-ce Xefla Xei-lei-be-sle Xeiplo Xoire-tha Xokai Xoncan-lan-loi-scre Zai Zairon Zaixen Zaizon Zala Zan Zen Zetai Zo Zo-xo Zohoi Zoi Zoncan
Bedan Beife Beihen Beihon Benphosplo Benpoifon Benxon Bescron Betefoi Blaiqueize Blegaispra Blewhemei Bobennon Boito Bonskesclen Branpro Breila Brondramo Caiscrai Ceda Ceiblo Ceichero Celanplei Censhewo Cequenbe Cespo Chaiza Chascrevo Cheigwespon Cheman Cheran Chewhavai Chonbla Clonlan Coba Codoixa Coica Coraiho Cotai Cragaho Crahathro Crasendwo Crenfrai Croizeigho Crone Cronpse Cropne Daifle Daihan Daithrospron Dawhon Deizaivo Djaiwen Djathran Djeithanxe Djerenpnoi Dobe Dodo Donbowen Donbroi Drapla Dreixai Drencranmei Drenloloi Drongran Dronlaron Dwaicla Dwapso Dwavenfloi Dwenschrose Dwezai Dwogno Dwoithrai
Faixospran Falare Fanflashai Fantai Faretha Fasclei Fashan Feihai Fenxenschron Flaitha Flascle Flerenca Flodabo Floipexa Flonple Floxedo Fodwon Foife Foigaspe Foizexen Fonghapo Fonwei Fraiplopro Frannawo Freiquante Frewenxai Froistanmoi Gacho Gadrai Gahavo Gaibaispon Ganschra Ganwhato Gehoi Geiskozen Geite Genloi Gensan Genslepsei Gequonhen Gerabron Gexa Ghamongai Ghecrabe Ghoihai Ghoislongwoi Gnaisonpla Gnehe Gnonso Gnosclai Gnowe Gorei Gozape Gradwandron Gragro Grate Grawa Gredrei Grencrola Grenreigwe Grodaiga Grogoi Gwatrespe Gweiphrei Gweixoi Gwostrenstre Haschei Hazeva Hewofo Hodrenxei Hongra Hontei Hovonda Lanmocon Laplei Laquei Laschraire Lathro Latren Leistreho Leitren Lenlaclei Lezen Loichonthe Loischoisprei Loiwha Lonle Lonnotho Lonsplai Lonthaca Mapsa Masema Mehandwe Meipraho Meislodan Meithronven Modoiplei Modweifre Moiplabon Moiqueilen Moiva Mondjonwa Monmen Monon Mopoi Nabeschoi Naitanthroi Namon Nanplo Nanpraren Nantrapso Nawhe Nebei Nedo Neiha Nengwen Newhado Pabeplan Pagrecho Pantrai Paphon Pefra Peipre Peiscra Penhacai Pepe Petepnon Phranmo Phrenape Phrendjoflo Phroncei Phrothraquo Placa Plagaimei Plansplescrai Plantaidje Pleipofen Pleiske Plennei Plesenphrei Pnaclan Pnaifra Pnanshoi Pneisplonpha Pnonlai Poigoshoi Poitai Pomen Ponon Pontennoi Pragrara Praigala Pranmo Preson Prespecro Pronclanre Psaren Psenschon Pseran Psofe Psophron Psotwofan Quaifoi Quanlai Queceida Quenpeina Quenphagnen Quofe Quoflanno Quoidraipoi Quoimei Quoiquei Quoiscloma Quoreigro Radje Raitaimon Ranra Rapsanhan Raschran Rawhaibe Reho Reidjen Rengro Renscrai Resploslan Retwoibrei Rosponla Sacai Saipenloi Saphepan Savaiple Schangnonpna Schanra Schanrei Schavainen Schedenbre Scheto Schexen Schonsclaste Schraifan Schrenlennai Schrenzongrai Schretroroi Schrontwondja Sclogweque Sclophenzai Sclopoi Sclozai Scranaspoi Scranfraitre Scranmen Scranra Scranskeispa Scranvoi Screigen Screisprei Screnvapsai Scroban Scrodwen Scroipreixo Scronphai Scroskehon Scrotwei Sendoi Senschaspla Sespondjen Shadraiben Sheibranthe Sheicen Shenno Shoico Shoihan Shoxa Skaiqua Skenmenschei Skoitre Skondwanxo Skozasan Slafei Slaimo Sleithei Slofla Sloimofen Slomesla Slomo Slotaspei Sonsprai Spenquo Spenthoca Splaicronquo Splantai Splenvanscre Sploisei Splonplan Splonslesche Splonwospa Spopeno Sposcrespran Spraischopnan Spraze Sprobra Sproimode Sproma Staran Steina Stenpsen Stodepoi Stoplai Streifa Strevoica Strozanplen Tade Taiphrailon Tamaicai Teboce Tebraisplo Tepleiquen Thandjo Thazapo Thome Thraghaipo Thraipnei Thranxanrai Threipeiscren Threiroscle Tobron Togegwe Tregronvon Treisteitwo Treitan Trenskadje Trerai Tretepa Twanoncla Twanpan Twatroisen Tweibadoi Twetoblen Twoipon Twowen Vacla Vaghaso Vaima Vaisa Vannoqua Vanplazo Veifon Veigonvo Venbron Venquoibon Vespla Vezai Voigoiprei Vono Vonplen Voraso Voscro Vospranscron Wacravo Wadeimon Wansclopsa Wehe Wesplosei Whapan Whedren Whofloblo Whoithrazei Whowato Whowoi Woido Woiquaischrei Wopai Xaganskon Xaispaiho Xasa Xatwanzo Xeipo Xeme Xenlodo Xenscran Xeraighen Xodo Xoidjespa Xonclaiwe Xongaban Xonplatren Xoshaifa Xoskeile Xozanska Zadrai Zaine Zaisheisha Zanphraibrei Zaron Zece Zehe Zehoi Zeisaxe Zeisproi Zeitwecen Zeixeisclan Zengan Zescro Zewo Zobai Zochedai Zogron Zoipnoden Zoiteistre Zonspen Zosken
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Ben Hassett - Photographer
Marton Perlaki - Photographer
Paul Maffi - Photographer
Sasha Kelly - Fashion Editor/Stylist
Way Perry - Fashion Editor/Stylist
Cecilia Romero - Hair Stylist
Raphael Salley - Hair Stylist
Soichi Inagaki - Hair Stylist
Tamas Tuzes - Hair Stylist
Isamaya Ffrench - Makeup Artist
Maxine Leonard - Makeup Artist
Pep Gay - Makeup Artist
Yumi Lee - Makeup Artist
Kegan Webb - Casting Director
Imarni - Manicurist
Amanda Lokey - Producer
Sergei Polunin - Dancer
Kaleb Murray - Model
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I drew a picture of Ben about 6 months ago so I redrew him to show improvement.
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Cult Movie Essentials: Breakin' (1984)
Cult Movie Essentials: Breakin’ (1984)
Directed by Joel Silberg, Breakin’ (aka Breakdance) was attempt by Hollywood to tap into popular culture. It created a formula that is still seen in dance films today. The film followed a young classical dancer named Kelly Bennett (Lucinda Dickey) who is viewed as a very gifted prospect by her traditionalist choreographer Franco (Ben Lokey).
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#Adolfo &039;Shabba Doo&039; Quiñones#Ben Lokey#Breakdance#Breakin&039;#Christopher McDonald#featured#Joel Silberg#Lucinda Dickey#Michael &039;Boogaloo Shrimp&039; Chambers#Phineas Newborn III
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Michael Jackson's Thriller
Michael Jackson’s Thriller
(USA 1983)
“Now I have something to tell you…I’m not like other guys.”
— Michael Jackson
A very young Michael Jackson on a date with…his girlfriend (Ola Ray)? Jackson playing a werewolf, a zombie, and a lizard-eyed creature? Vincent Price reading an outro? Bad ’80s hair? You know it’s thriller, thriller night!
It’s not his best song, but Michael Jackson’s Thrilleris a fucking cool video. It…
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#An American Werewolf in London#Ben Lokey#Diane Geroni#Epic Records#John Command#John Landis#Kim Blank#Lorraine Fields#Marcea Lane#Mark Sellers#Michael De Lorenzo#Michael Jackson#Michael Jackson&039;s Thriller#Michael Peters#Michele Simmons#MJJ Productions#National Film Registry#Night of the Living Dead#Ola Ray#Optimum Productions#Richard Gaines#Rod Temperton#Suga Pop#Suzan Stadner#thriller#Tony Fields#Vestron Video#Vincent Paterson#Vincent Peters#Vincent Price
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Channeling John William Waterhouse. Photo Credit: Ben Lokey
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Breakin’ (1984)
I know you’ve heard of Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo - the movie with the greatest title of all time. Haven't you ever wondered what the first one was like? Well, the performances are a bit dodgy, the plot is simplistic and there’s not a whole lot of character development, but Breakin' knows this and makes up for it. Every scene contains ample laughs, plenty of kickin’ pieces of music, and spectacular dance moves.
Kelly (Lucinda Dickey) is a waitress who wants to dance professionally. While dodging her creepy dance instructor Franco (Ben Lokey), she befriends two street dancers: Ozone (Adolfo ‘Shabba Doo’ Quiñones) and Turbo (Michael ‘Boogaloo Shrimp’ Chambers). This dream team hopes of making a living dancing but it’s easier said than done. Most people consider their moves barbaric, outlandish, or even dangerous.
It would be hard to argue with anyone who calls this a bad film. The acting is only okay - at best and the plot is merely a way to excuse scene after scene of dancing… but isn’t that what we came to see? It would be great if hot dogs were nutritious, but I’ll settle for them being tasty and filling. This logic is why I'll call Breakin' a good film. Director Joel Silberg has modest goals and attains them triumphantly. Every scene - and I mean every scene - features cool dance numbers. Some I'd even categorize as "spectacular". Rather than see them from faraway, the camera gets you in the middle of the action. That's worth the price of admission.
I’ll also call the film legitimately good because it’s clearly funny on purpose. The biggest laugh comes from a rapidly escalating dinner fight but throughout, you’ll find plenty of gags or lines to make you chuckle. When the film is trying to be somewhat serious it’s also ripe with laughs of the unintentional kind. It's a blend of legitimately well-made moments and zany scenes so bad they make you smile. Even if the performances were resplendent, you’d have a hard time taking it seriously because this is one of the most '80s movies I've ever seen. I guess what I’m trying to say is that by being worse, the film is better.
While the plot is simplistic, even paint-by-numbers at times, I'll confess to finding myself invested in it due to the charming performances and the physical skills on display. Maybe today is the day my taste has finally collapsed under the weight of all the bad movies I’ve seen, but I like this picture. I like the soundtrack, the moves, the '80s-ness. I only got this film because it came in a 2-pack with the much better-known sequel but I’m glad I took the time to check out Breakin’. (On Blu-ray, October 7, 2016)
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JAKKS Pacific Announces Successful Completion of Debt Refinancing
SANTA MONICA, Calif.–(COMPANY WIRE)–JAKKS Pacific, Inc. (NASDAQ: JAKK) (the “Company”) today revealed that on June 2, 2021 it finished the effective refinancing of its existing term loan center with a brand-new term loan center from Benefit Street Partners L.L.C. (“BSP”) and participated in a brand-new asset-based revolving credit center with JP Morgan Chase (“JPM”).
The brand-new very first lien term loan center (“Term Loan”) has a primary balance of $99.0 million developing in June 2027. The Term Loan will bear interest at a rate of LIBOR plus 6.50% – 7.00% (figured out by referral to a net take advantage of rates grid), based on a 1.0% LIBOR flooring. Proceeds from the brand-new term loan center, together with readily available money on hand, were utilized to pay back the Company’s existing $128.9 million 10.5% term loan center developing in 2023, plus overdue interest and costs and costs connected to the refinancing deals.
Under the BSP Term Loan, the Company can draw an extra $19.0 million to money the redemption of any of its 2023 Convertible Senior Notes. The payment of the Term Loan speeds up the maturity of the Convertible Senior Notes to September 1, 2021, 91 days from the payment of the Term Loan. As of June 3, 2021, the impressive Convertible Senior Notes’ balance was $18.9 million.
The Company likewise effectively gotten dedications from JPM for a $67.5 million asset-based revolving credit center developing in June 2026. The brand-new revolving credit center changed the Company’s existing $60.0 million revolving credit center developing in August 2022. Any amounts obtained under the revolving credit center will bear interest at a rate of LIBOR plus 1.50% – 2.00% (figured out by referral to an excess accessibility rates grid).
JAKKS Pacific’s Chairman and CEO Stephen Berman specified, “We have taken proactive measures to refinance and extend our debt, which enhances our ability to invest in growth, reduces our projected interest expense by over $5 million annually and increases our overall financial flexibility with respect to covenants and liquidity. Today’s refinancing further positions JAKKS Pacific to continue its strong momentum as we execute on our strategy to increase margins, grow EBITDA, and ultimately drive value to shareholders.”
BSP was likewise a financier and an individual in the previous Term Loan center as part of the Company’s 2019 Recapitalization. BSP is a leading credit-focused alternative possession management company with over $30 billion in properties under management since March 31, 2021. BSP handles properties throughout a broad series of complementary credit methods, consisting of private/opportunistic financial obligation, structured credit, high yield, unique circumstances, and business realty. Based in New York, the BSP platform was developed in 2008. BSP is a completely owned subsidiary of Franklin Templeton (NYSE: BEN).
Houlihan Lokey worked as special positioning representative and Buchalter PC as legal consultant to the Company in carrying out these deals.
About JAKKS Pacific, Inc.
JAKKS Pacific, Inc. is a leading designer, maker and online marketer of toys and customer items offered throughout the world, with its head office in Santa Monica, California. JAKKS Pacific’s popular exclusive brand names consist of: Creepy Crawlers®, Eyeclops®, Fly Wheel®, Kitten Catfe
, Perfectly Cute®, ReDo Skateboard Co.®, WeeeDo
, Xtreme Power®, Disguise®, Maui®, Moose Mountain®, Kids Only!®; and a large range of entertainment-inspired items including leading certified residential or commercial properties. Through JAKKS Cares, the business’s dedication to philanthropy, JAKKS Pacific is assisting to make a favorable effect on the lives of kids. Visit us at www.jakks.com and follow us on Instagram (@jakkstoys), Twitter (@jakkstoys) and Facebook (JAKKS Pacific).
Forward-Looking Statements
This news release might include “forward-looking statements” (within the significance of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) that are based upon present expectations, quotes and forecasts about JAKKS Pacific’s service based partially on presumptions made by its management. These declarations are not assurances of future efficiency and include threats, unpredictabilities and presumptions that are hard to anticipate. Therefore, real results and outcomes might vary materially from what is revealed or anticipated in such declarations due to various elements, consisting of, however not restricted to, those explained above and in the Company’s public filings, modifications in need for JAKKS Pacific’s items, item mix, the timing of consumer orders and shipments, the effect of competitive items and rates, or that the refinancing deal or any future deals will lead to future development or success of JAKKS Pacific. The “forward-looking statements” included herein speak just since the date on which they are made, and JAKKS Pacific carries out no responsibility to upgrade any of them to show occasions or situations after the date of this release.
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from Skate World. Skateboard News, skateboard shop https://ift.tt/2SRwaD9
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For the tv series ask: Black Sails!
Oh boy oh boy oh bOY
1- favorite character of all time?
James Flint McGraw. 100%. Granted, John Silver is so close behind him that its a tricky choice. But James is without a doubt my favorite character. Both because of his story, how well i relate to it, and because hes just an over dramatic shit who has never had an ounce of chill. I love him.
2- character i used to dislike but now love?
I never outright disliked him, but Charles Vane really grew on me through seasons 2 and 3. I think seeing him grow as a person, become himself, and stand for something greater than just gold made him a really wonderful character in my mind. Im in denial, at the very least.
3- character i used to like who i dislike now?
Dufresne. Like holy fuck dude you rip out a mans throat with your teeth and im thinking youre gonna be so much fun and then you turn into a weasly little shit who throws slurs at disabled people and betrays his crew. Like nah boy. Nah.
4- character im indifferent about?
Honestly i think eleanor, while being fascinating, interests me the least. I cant pinpoint why exactly, but while i respect her struggle and her various victories, she kinda exhausts me at times.
5- character who deserved better?
Miranda Hamilton and Mr Scott. Both get picked because they were such phenomenal people and their endings, while serving plot, left me feeling a tad bitter. Ill add Charles Vane as an aside, because im still in denial.
6- ship i cant get into?
Eleanor and Vane. To me, it seemed too toxic and too manipulative to be healthy and truly love. But thats just me.
7- ship i wont get over?
FlintSilver and FlintHamilton, aka the two canon ships that will haunt me until i die.
8- cute lokey ship?
Idk i like the idea of Ben and Billy. Its cute. Also Vane joining the poly trio of jack/anne/max because he needs love. And ot4 madi/silver/flint/thomas.
9- unpopular ship i enjoy?
Eh, i cant think of one?
10- ship that should never have been?
Im not crazy about eleanor and rogers but tbh i think youre not supposed to enjoy that one so idk. Not a fan.
11- favorite moment or story line?
Aaauuugghhh ok uhm well fuck, the entire “finding out about thomas” plot line like holy fuck, the “flint and silver carrying each other through the darkness” plot, the “max anne and jack figure out how to be happy” plot, every moment that flint cannot contain his sass, blackbeard being the king of no chill, jack rackham judging the world and woodes rogers, madi just existing, flint being violent against people who wronged him, flint being shook by powerful women like all the time, flint being 100% dad and 100% done, silver killing duresne after being called half a dozen slurs like goddamn i am still recovering from that, silver being a delightful little shit every five minutes, every monologue that flint has, know no shame-
Literally there are too fuckin many
12- plot you think should never have been written?
Its not something that shouldnt be written, but something i wish we saw more of, and thats madi and silver’s relationship. We dont get a lot of time to see them fall in love, and id have liked to see more of their growth together.
Also im in denial about charles so theres that.
13- first thoughts?
I had expected Black Sails to be like every other gritty, dark show about white dudes on tv. I had heard tidbits of good things but wasnt willing to be impressed. I mean, i love pirates, the whole aesthetic and idealism of pirates, i enjoy period pieces, and i enjoy a good bit of well choreographed violence. But the likelihood that it would be just like every other show on tv made me wary at first, so i put it off for a while. But when my boyfriend binged seasons 1-3 in as many days, i caved, expecting to be disappointed.
14- my thoughts now?
I have three Black Sails tattoos planned. I have “Know No Shame” in the bio of almost every social media account i use, i have been adding all the books mentioned in the show to my library, i have been telling everyone i come across to watch this show, i dragged my girlfriend into the abyss with me. I have cried more for this show than i have cried over any other media, and that includes any superheroes or harry potter or books.
The story morale, of love being our guiding principle, of fighting for who you are and your place in the world- the fact that the lead protagonist is an emotionally vulnerable bisexual man, that there are multiple queer characters and poly amorous arrangements, disabled characters who are strong and treated with respect, that the notion of liberation and freedom and the darkness being a home when civilization casts us aside-
This show has effected me in ways i would have never in my life anticipated or prepared for. I dont think i will ever be able to fully express the impact this show, this story, and most importantly these characters, have had on me as a person.
The simplest way to say it- it has made me braver, more willing to face the world as i am.
And maybe thats ridiculous. But what the show has given me, the lessons spoken by the characters, has given me footing, something to look to when im afraid.
Lmao so yeah thats black sails im gonna go hide in my pit of pirate despair now
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DJ Bless feat. Jim Snooka & Sutter Kain Black Tar Heroin (Stir Crazy Remix)
DJ Bless feat. Jim Snooka & Sutter Kain Black Tar Heroin (Stir Crazy Remix)
STIR CRAZY Music Production!
High quality and affordable music production and recording!!!!!!!!! Please contact for quotes or any other information regarding beats and production for your next album!
Tweets by StirCrazyMusic
Super-producer Stir Crazy has stamped his imprint on the music scene since 2003. His production has helped create career defining hits for artists such as Potluck, D12, Bizzy Bone, Toxsick, Kamal, Tre Pound, SOL, T.O.N.Ez, The Insane Clown Posse and many others. Respected beyond the genres of hip hop and urban music, Stir Crazy, has also been sought by superstars and underground legends whose music needs a new edge.
Born in Detroit, Michigan on December 23, 1986, Stir Crazy has had many reincarnations– from a partnership in the label Super Phat Productions, and involved in a super group which consists of Dood Computer (of Doom Fist) and Himself.
Chop Shops smash hit single ‘Heart”, and Kamal’s debut cd Certified produced by Stir Crazy, introduced a unique style that defined the new wave of music in the years too come. Hip Hop and R&B with crazy effects held together by complex drum patterns. Death B4 Dishoner a group consisting of Lokey, T.O.N.Ez and Stir Crazy proved Stir Crazy could step out his normal boundaries and do heavy metal and rock production.
Recently he has helped form, and in a music group with Dood Computer from Albany, New York and about to release there new upcoming album. The reason this album is getting so much attention is because of the marketing. It is coming out on cassette tape only.
Stir Crazy’s sound is unexplainable, and meant to be listened to, not read….
His partnership with fellow producer Tre Pound, has spanned the untouchable label Super Phat Productions, and there trademark sound has spawned numerous imitators in the Detroit area. Still known as the originators of the new wave of Detroit sound when it comes to hip hop and R&B music.
Along the way he built an impressive arsenal of studio equipment, and worked/works at many studios in Detroit where he does most of his production. He regularly travels between his home studio and other studios around the area and other states working on many projects.
Stir Crazy’s genre breaking has changed music today and he takes pride in his success at staying ahead of the game with his experimentation and originality. Hard working and confident, his goal is to always stay ten steps ahead of the competitors while making fans not only hear but ‘feel’ music.
One thing Stir Crazy has on his side, other than incredible talent, is visibility. He has been featured on numerous websites as well as print.. He has been seen on several DVD’s, and he has a role in a feature film, Zombie Prom.. Then there are his numerous other appearances and accomplishments. He was named producer of the year by Juggalo News by voting of fans. The acknowledgment came as a surprise, he got a message that he was going to be featured, and there he was, without having to submit anything about himself. The word is out!
“You can accomplish any dream or goals in life, with hard work and confidence” says the dedicated Stir Crazy. He is a innovator of sound which continues to set new standards, while always expanding his musical palette.
TAGS:Twiztid,twiztid, ICP, juggalos, Juggalos, juggalo, Juggalo, Juggalette, juggalette, Juggalettes, juggalettes, Halloween, ghosts, esham, Esham, PDM, pdm, project deadman, Project Deadman, MEC, mec, Mike Clark, Mike E Clark, mike e clark, rotten radio, Rotten Radio, icp, stircrazy, psychopathic, eric davies,eminem,dre, seven, akuma,insane clown posse, twiztid, shaggy, super phatproductions, juggalo, wicked, murder, kill, sick, crazy,weird, gross, producer, music, production, beats, sex, blood, drugs, rotten radio, rotten, radio, rottenradio,dirtball, kmk, Tech N9ne,DJ Clay, DJ Fillin, Chop Shop, Tre Pound
Artist that have purchased or been on Stir Crazy Beats….(non completed list)
A Autopzy Abica Ajax B Blaze Ya Dead Homie Boondox Bizzare of D12 B-side Bizzy Bone Brutal Ben Stockwell- Area 51 music Big frame Bankrupt Big Sin Brain Trama Badluck Big Jim/2 phat C Cartoon Killa Chop Shop CDC Chris Brewer Chief The Beast Cellar Mannequin Chuk Ruck Creech D Dizzo Doc Hollywood hustle DJ Rick Dez Dr Gigglez Disfucktional Phamily Dead N Dirty Dood Computer Doom Fist DarkHalf Dj Rec Dramadeus/2 fold horror Dead Arm Death B4 Dishoner Dan tha Saltine Duece Duece Durty White Boyz DCO Delusional Dynamic Duo DJ Clay E Eklypze F Fury Frantik G GM G-Wizz H Harm Half Fiction I Intrizink Ikkurruz Izzy Rotten Ill E Gal Ignited Insane Clown Posse J Judge Cryptic Jak Progresso J Reno J- Fill Jenetiqs J3 J-Kidd/J Truth/ JR Writer K Koopsta Knicca King Kold Kreepy-X kLepTo King Gordy Kamel Kasket Kyle L Lokey LaVey Lental Leo Giovonni M Musa McNastee Mars Mass Kunfusion Mad Maxxx Majik Duce Mad Max MrPPV Mr. Madman Mr freeze Maniaxe Movement Records N Natural Dizaztaz Noodle Nugget/Dredge Non Shalant O Okkultlegion P Potluck Pierre Vito Pony boy Poe Whosaine Polo Q R Renegade Rone Bone Rashak Rated R Raven Hunter ROC S Scum Sirkis Spuratic Squad 19 Skeptyk Shyste Sketch Scum Sean Strange Sol Saint Sinna Slink Dogg T Twiztid TBMA Troubled Mindz Trips T.O.N.E.Z Tony Sinister Toxsick U V Vishiss W Wayne Dub X Y Y.U.G. Z 4Saken 333s 2.DIE.4 Likes: 6 Viewed:
The post DJ Bless feat. Jim Snooka & Sutter Kain Black Tar Heroin (Stir Crazy Remix) appeared first on Good Info.
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Hey peeps, day off today, Ben's feeling shitty
— LOKEY GAMES ☠ (@LokeyGames) September 4, 2018
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U.S. fund managers trim bank stocks on profit worries
New Post has been published on http://newsintoday.info/2018/09/01/u-s-fund-managers-trim-bank-stocks-on-profit-worries/
U.S. fund managers trim bank stocks on profit worries
NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S.-based mutual fund managers worried about the outlook for bank earnings have been trimming financial stocks from their portfolios, although some value-oriented portfolio managers and analysts said they still see attractive opportunities in the sector.
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, U.S., August 31, 2018. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid
The average U.S. based mutual fund reduced its stake in financial companies by nearly 1.1 percentage points in the second quarter to approximately 14 percent, the largest one-quarter decline since at least 2013, according to Goldman Sachs.
The move away from banks, insurance companies, and mortgage lenders came as the financial sector has underperformed the broad S&P 500 benchmark index by more than 5 percent since April.
Many fund managers believe banks have already hit peak earnings. One red flag is that the U.S. Treasury yield curve has been flattening as short-term yields rise in anticipation of U.S. interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve while long-term yields fall on worries about economic growth and trade tensions. This situation generally squeezes bank profits.
Some investors worry long-term yields might eventually dip below short-term yields. Such a yield curve inversion that can signal a looming recession.
“The flatter the yield curve the harder it is to make money,” said Ian McDonald, co-leader of the financials research team at Janus Henderson Investors, which oversees $370.1 billion in assets under management, adding that “funds are looking around and saying that if we’re going to see weaker growth then we need to get out of financials.”
The spread between the yield of two- and 10-year U.S. Treasuries US2US10=RR is trading around its flattest in 11 years. Rising short-term rates raise a bank’s borrowing costs, while falling long-term rates limit how much they can charge for loans.
Yet McDonald said large-cap banks like JPMorgan Chase and Co (JPM.N), Bank of America Corp (BAC.N), and Citigroup Inc (C.N) remain attractive even if the sector overall does not. The major banks have been investing in online platforms and mobile apps, making them more appealing to millennials and less dependent on costly branches, he noted.
“The U.S. retail banking industry is moving from the post-crisis phase of risk management to the fintech phase of managing customer experience,” he said.
Ben Kirby, portfolio manager of the $15.4 billion Thornburg Investment Income Builder fund, said his fund has been moving more into European banks such as ING Groep NV (INGA.AS), prompted in part by a recent sell-off in shares following the steep decline of the Turkish lira. The Turkish currency has plunged more than 40 percent this year due to increasing tensions with the United States and concerns that the country’s central bank is losing its independence under President Tayyip Erdogan.
“The U.S. has been the market darling for the last 10 years, and that’s led to valuations that are a bit more stretched and an economic cycle that is a bit more mature,” Kirby said. “Whereas in Europe it’s earlier in the cycle and growth is accelerating more.”
Overall, companies in the S&P 500 financial sector trade at a trailing price to earnings ratio of 14.5 and are up 2.2 percent for the year to date, according to Thomson Reuters data. The broad S&P 500, by comparison, trades at a trailing P/E of 22.06 and is up nearly 9 percent over the same time.
Investors have retreated from financials as well, with the Financial Sector Select SPDR, an ETF that tracks financial stocks in the S&P 500, losing $1.7 billion in outflows over the last 4 weeks, according to Lipper data.
Though banks have stronger balance sheets than at the start of the financial crisis 10 years ago, “we’re having a hard time finding anything to get excited about in financials,” said Tom Plumb, manager of the $29.7 million Plumb Equity Fund.
Instead of banks, Plumb has his largest positions in credit-card and payment companies Visa Inc (V.N) and Mastercard Inc (MA.N), continue to grow as more retail purchases are made online rather than in physical stores, he said.
“It’s a mistake to get off a big macro secular trend too early,” he said.
Kyle Martin, an analyst at Westwood Holdings Group, a Dallas firm with $21.6 billion in assets under management, said that rising interest rates and the flattening yield curve could point to a recession in 2020, meaning financial stocks are less attractive.
Investment bank Houlihan Lokey Inc (HLI.N) looks attractive despite the prospect of declining economic growth given its focus on middle-market mergers and acquisitions, which should see above-average deal activity as the threat from technology disruption grows, he said.
“Banks are clearly safer than they were 10 years ago,” he said. “At the same time, they will see a decline in earnings soon and it’s easy for a fund manager to not have those listed on a client statement if we go into another crisis.”
Reporting by David Randall; Editing by David Gregorio
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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13.05.2018 17:00 - 18:00
[13.05.2018 17:01:05] 384: Oooooooo citi piti [13.05.2018 17:01:08] 384: Yicem [13.05.2018 17:01:10] 233: Oh yes [13.05.2018 17:01:19] 384: Dudisleri peki [13.05.2018 17:01:20] 233: Aaa minik surat [13.05.2018 17:01:23] 233: Çok tatlı [13.05.2018 17:01:25] 384: Bdjdjdkdkskddk bale [13.05.2018 17:01:28] 129: eli yüzü düzgün maşallah [13.05.2018 17:01:27] 384: Rin [13.05.2018 17:01:32] 129: napoyon balım [13.05.2018 17:01:36] 233: Poppsu da güzelmiş [13.05.2018 17:01:38] 384: Hsjjdjdmdmmdd [13.05.2018 17:01:42] 384: Troll bi tip [13.05.2018 17:01:45] 129: sen gibisini görmedik burda [13.05.2018 17:01:56] 384: Yoruldu [13.05.2018 17:02:01] 129: güzel bakıyor [13.05.2018 17:02:00] 233: Vücudunu çok beğendim [13.05.2018 17:02:01] 384: Ay bayildim [13.05.2018 17:02:05] 233: Bul beni çıkışta spor yapcaz [13.05.2018 17:02:15] 384: Cnmdmsmdmmdd hareketli [13.05.2018 17:02:19] 129: bul beni çıkıştaaaaa .... [13.05.2018 17:02:23] 384: Insani isteklendirir [13.05.2018 17:02:27] 233: Hahsh [13.05.2018 17:02:40] 233: Peri kızı gibi geldi [13.05.2018 17:02:47] 384: Resmen peri [13.05.2018 17:02:50] 129: müzikle ilgili bi tip [13.05.2018 17:02:50] 384: Gitme kiz [13.05.2018 17:02:57] 233: Çok oynadın ams [13.05.2018 17:02:59] 129: lise benje [13.05.2018 17:03:00] 233: Azcık doğallık [13.05.2018 17:03:34] 384: Sac sakal birbirine girmis [13.05.2018 17:03:40] 129: lokey lokey lokey lokey [13.05.2018 17:03:40] 233: Merhaba mimar sinan [13.05.2018 17:03:41] 384: Keyif yapmaya gelmis gibi [13.05.2018 17:04:01] 129: bıyıklarından öpüşeliyor mu avaba [13.05.2018 17:04:14] 233: Bıyıklarından ayran içebiliyor mu [13.05.2018 17:04:18] 384: Sakallilarin net boyle bi sorunu var [13.05.2018 17:04:22] 129: saçları kesse hoş çocuk ama bu da bi hava katmıö [13.05.2018 17:04:31] 384: Bence havasi var [13.05.2018 17:04:37] 233: Serseri serbest stili hoşuma gitti [13.05.2018 17:04:44] 129: yaşı küçük ama hormonlu benje [13.05.2018 17:04:52] 233: Aa bak o olabilir [13.05.2018 17:04:54] 384: Yok bence unili bu [13.05.2018 17:04:59] 384: Istanbul uni [13.05.2018 17:05:04] 384: Muhendislik [13.05.2018 17:05:06] 129: abi bunyraş olurken yeni sakal çıkarıyordur [13.05.2018 17:05:10] 233: Omuzları güzelmis [13.05.2018 17:05:16] 233: Hahah [13.05.2018 17:05:18] 129: romantik sever [13.05.2018 17:05:27] 233: Aşık olup besteler yapar [13.05.2018 17:05:27] 384: Eveettt baya romantik bi tip [13.05.2018 17:05:31] 233: Ya da portreni çizer [13.05.2018 17:05:45] 129: bbb [13.05.2018 17:06:16] 384: Ay yok bunu o kadar aevmedim [13.05.2018 17:06:19] 384: Ne diyo bu [13.05.2018 17:06:20] 384: Ajjfkdkcmfkd [13.05.2018 17:06:25] 233: Hahahsh [13.05.2018 17:06:29] 233: Tatlı ama [13.05.2018 17:06:35] 129: sesi çıksa hak vericem ama [13.05.2018 17:06:37] 384: Icine icine konusuyo [13.05.2018 17:06:38] 233: O fondöten fazla kaçmış [13.05.2018 17:06:45] 384: Bence surmemis [13.05.2018 17:06:49] 129: doğal bırakmalı kendini [13.05.2018 17:06:53] 129: bi özentilik var [13.05.2018 17:06:54] 233: Mimik bekliyosun ama YAPMIYCAM [13.05.2018 17:06:59] 233: Aynen [13.05.2018 17:07:02] 129: jdjdjdj [13.05.2018 17:07:15] 129: anne ben mervelerdeyim ? [13.05.2018 17:07:15] 233: Daha rahat bırak kendini [13.05.2018 17:07:16] 384: Bu liseli gibi [13.05.2018 17:07:19] 233: Hajajajha [13.05.2018 17:07:24] 384: Bsjfkdmdkkdkd [13.05.2018 17:07:30] 233: Tuğçe mi acaba bu [13.05.2018 17:07:34] 129: saç rengi güzel ama [13.05.2018 17:07:40] 233: Doğalsa güzel [13.05.2018 17:07:40] 384: Boya ama [13.05.2018 17:07:47] 129: bilmiyom arkadaşım olmasını istemezdim [13.05.2018 17:07:52] 384: Dibi gelmis [13.05.2018 17:07:55] 233: Ayda yılda bir görüşebilirdin [13.05.2018 17:07:55] 384: Valla bende istemezdim [13.05.2018 17:07:59] 129: kıllarımı fark etti mi acaba bacak [13.05.2018 17:07:58] 233: Görüşebilirdim [13.05.2018 17:08:08] 129: açam da net görsün [13.05.2018 17:08:15] 129: kıllıı kadınlar vardırrrrrr [13.05.2018 17:08:21] 384: Bu kiz agdalidir [13.05.2018 17:08:26] 129: bu kızımız erkekçi [13.05.2018 17:08:30] 233: Ben de açayım azcık [13.05.2018 17:08:30] 384: Hatta epilasyona gidiyo [13.05.2018 17:08:38] 129: baştan aşaa hetero [13.05.2018 17:08:48] 384: Ayneeennnnn [13.05.2018 17:08:54] 129: yok ben jiletçi [13.05.2018 17:08:58] 233: Gıybetçiii [13.05.2018 17:09:04] 129: ay kadından hiç anlamıyonuz [13.05.2018 17:09:12] 233: Hahahd [13.05.2018 17:09:15] 129: sevgilisini kskanırr [13.05.2018 17:09:15] 233: Şimdi doğal olsa [13.05.2018 17:09:18] 233: Kendi stilini bulsa [13.05.2018 17:09:22] 233: Çok tatlı olur [13.05.2018 17:09:25] 129: berkeeeee ben anlamam kanka falannnn [13.05.2018 17:09:31] 233: Kulakları da çıkmış elf gibi [13.05.2018 17:09:38] 129: ablam bi kendine güven de gel [13.05.2018 17:09:39] 129: bb [13.05.2018 17:37:42] 384: Kotmus [13.05.2018 17:37:47] 233: Aha kollar [13.05.2018 17:37:53] 384: Kasli [13.05.2018 17:37:54] 233: Kaslı kıllar [13.05.2018 17:37:57] 233: Kollar [13.05.2018 17:38:13] 129: yine bir full ağda vakası [13.05.2018 17:38:11] 233: Bir an kılları kaslı hayal ettim neyse [13.05.2018 17:38:11] 384: Sporcu belli [13.05.2018 17:38:25] 233: Bakımlı [13.05.2018 17:38:33] 129: hoş kokuyorsun ablam [13.05.2018 17:38:31] 384: Esmer guzeli [13.05.2018 17:38:33] 233: Suratı da karakteristik [13.05.2018 17:38:41] 233: Abla seks [13.05.2018 17:38:46] 233: Abla bronz [13.05.2018 17:38:50] 233: Abla sporcu [13.05.2018 17:38:54] 129: içip içip herif döver gibi [13.05.2018 17:39:08] 129: burnu da çokzel [13.05.2018 17:39:07] 384: Insmdkzkdkdk vurdu mu acaip ses getirir [13.05.2018 17:39:16] 384: Estetik degil yani [13.05.2018 17:39:17] 384: Burnu [13.05.2018 17:39:24] 233: Ya nasıl terlemekten korkmadan gri tshirt giyebiliyor bu insanlar [13.05.2018 17:39:27] 233: Helal olsun [13.05.2018 17:41:09] 384: Yanlardan kellik basliyoooo [13.05.2018 17:41:09] 384: Dikkat et [13.05.2018 17:41:16] 129: çantasııııııııııı [13.05.2018 17:41:21] 384: Ayyy cantasi mukemmel [13.05.2018 17:41:32] 233: Çantası çok hoşmuş [13.05.2018 17:41:40] 129: quer gibi [13.05.2018 17:41:40] 384: Nerden aldin ata bey [13.05.2018 17:41:43] 233: Montunu da giyerim ben [13.05.2018 17:41:47] 233: Hahdj [13.05.2018 17:42:02] 384: Coraplar olmamiss [13.05.2018 17:42:07] 129: şaraplı makarnalı dateleri vardır [13.05.2018 17:42:04] 233: tshirtü de güzel [13.05.2018 17:42:23] 129: güzel ama azıcık uzun olabilir [13.05.2018 17:42:21] 384: bence cok sallas [13.05.2018 17:42:26] 233: Film festivali biletlerini bitirenler var ya [13.05.2018 17:42:29] 233: Hah işte o bu abi [13.05.2018 17:42:37] 129: ayneeeeeennnnn [13.05.2018 17:42:37] 384: Nsnxmdmdmdkkddm guzel tespit [13.05.2018 17:42:53] 129: bakımlıdır [13.05.2018 17:43:02] 233: Bence de bakımlı [13.05.2018 17:43:05] 384: elleri nasil goruyo musunuz [13.05.2018 17:43:15] 129: bakımlı xd [13.05.2018 17:43:20] 384: Jsjdkdkskkdks [13.05.2018 17:43:20] 233: Hahah [13.05.2018 17:43:27] 129: slip mayo ? [13.05.2018 17:43:24] 384: O zmn gideri var [13.05.2018 17:43:25] 233: Kütüphanesi geniştie [13.05.2018 17:43:38] 233: Lacivert slip mayo [13.05.2018 17:43:38] 384: Jsjdkdmdmdmdmd evet yaa h [13.05.2018 17:43:42] 129: evet arşiv sağlamdır [13.05.2018 17:43:43] 384: Kirmiziiii [13.05.2018 17:43:55] 129: kırmızı fantezi günleri [13.05.2018 17:44:07] 129: eşine strep dans yapıcak bi havası var [13.05.2018 17:44:25] 129: ördek kostumü geliyor aklıma baktıkça [13.05.2018 17:44:27] 233: Hahahhdıch [13.05.2018 17:44:30] 384: Jsjsjskkskdks [13.05.2018 17:44:37] 233: Ama sevimli ya [13.05.2018 17:44:41] 233: Arkadaş olurdum ben [13.05.2018 17:44:43] 384: Yaniiiii [13.05.2018 17:44:46] 384: Ben olmazdim sanirim [13.05.2018 17:44:52] 129: deniz kenarında sucuk ekmek yemez bu [13.05.2018 17:44:54] 233: Yemez [13.05.2018 17:44:58] 384: Kokar die [13.05.2018 17:44:59] 384: Nxndmdmd [13.05.2018 17:45:01] 233: Daha çok bira patates [13.05.2018 17:45:32] 233: Kedici [13.05.2018 17:45:40] 129: pilakçı dükkanı var gibi [13.05.2018 17:45:45] 233: Cihangirde mi oturuyor acaba [13.05.2018 17:45:48] 384: Jazz dinliyo [13.05.2018 17:45:57] 129: ayy gıybet sever bi bakış attı [13.05.2018 17:46:05] 233: Ünlü dedikodusu yaparız [13.05.2018 17:46:09] 233: Biz de teşekkür ederiz [13.05.2018 17:46:26] 129: acuk göbek eritsin ama [13.05.2018 17:46:27] 129: bb [13.05.2018 17:50:23] 129: adıcı managacu mi bala [13.05.2018 17:50:25] 233: Acukamanana bicuka [13.05.2018 17:50:44] 129: bajaklar güzelmiş ablam [13.05.2018 17:50:55] 233: Bacaklar bombiş [13.05.2018 17:50:59] 384: Valla bende begendim [13.05.2018 17:51:02] 129: galerilere gidip beleş şarap içenlerden [13.05.2018 17:51:05] 233: Tarzını da sevdim [13.05.2018 17:51:07] 233: Hahahah [13.05.2018 17:51:17] 384: Gozlugu de guzelmis [13.05.2018 17:51:20] 129: sevdim ama bu da konuşkan ve bilgili biri [13.05.2018 17:51:27] 233: Şu an içimizden anlaşma yaptık biz ablayla [13.05.2018 17:51:31] 129: bacak kıllarımı açam da kıl bıraksın [13.05.2018 17:51:37] 384: Bence bilgili ama konusmayi cok aevmiyomus gibi [13.05.2018 17:51:38] 233: Kahküllerimiz bizi birbirimize bağlıyor [13.05.2018 17:51:46] 129: yazık benim gibi kızarıyordur bunbeyazlığam [13.05.2018 17:51:47] 384: Ahahahhah [13.05.2018 17:51:56] 233: Hahah [13.05.2018 17:51:59] 129: köpekçi bu [13.05.2018 17:52:02] 233: Ne kadar narin ya [13.05.2018 17:52:11] 129: festival girl [13.05.2018 17:52:21] 233: Böyle ablalar böyle giyinince wooow biz giyince aaaa [13.05.2018 17:52:24] 384: Festival gibisin katilmak istiyorum [13.05.2018 17:52:27] 129: tattttlıısın [13.05.2018 17:52:27] 233: Hep zariflikten [13.05.2018 17:52:40] 129: çadır kurmak istiyorum ben de [13.05.2018 17:52:59] 233: Gül gül tutma kendini [13.05.2018 17:53:39] 129: tıkandım kız çok tatlı [13.05.2018 17:53:40] 233: Portakala benziyo [13.05.2018 17:53:47] 129: dkdkfkf
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