#Ben hargreeves x little sister reader
cardigan-ns · 1 month
My first call
Pairing: Ben Hargreeves x Little Sister!Reader
Request: can u do ben hargreeves x little sister reader? maybe some angst? (season 4)
Summary: You two were the only ones who survived the sparrow academy, he was your sole caregiver and he was trying desperately to make ends meet in this messed up universe, he ended up getting arrested and sent to prison for 4 years.
A/N: it’s also a little bit of Luther x Little sister!Reader too
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Ben hated his father for stranding him in this timeline, not only was his entire family dead, but he had no money and the only sibling of his that was alive was his 11 year old sister. He loved her to pieces but he was struggling really bad with how to keep her happy and stable. She was his rock, anything he did, he did for her. She was his fighting chance at actually coping in life. But she knew just as much as him that some days were worse than others, they’d both sob to eachother sometimes after remembering the rest of the sparrow academy and how they’re now gone, ceased from existence.
He cursed the umbrella academy, how do they get to be reset and alive and he has to mourn his brothers and sisters while they all get to play happy family. They keep inviting him to things, and he keeps declining, he didn’t see the point, they’re strangers to him, they broke into his home one day and refused to leave him alone since. He wasn’t their Ben so why are they constantly holding on to him. All they’re doing is confusing his sister and he’d hope they’d cool off eventually but they never did.
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2 years have passed and Ben is now feeling stable for once since landing here, Y/N was doing great in school, her grades were excellent, even better than what Ben was gaining at that age. His scams were earning him a lot of cash, yes he was bankrupting thousands of people at a time but who gives a shit, he’s able to buy his sister everything she needs and wants and she is very grateful for it. Although she doesn’t exactly know how he’s doing it, she expected he was getting the money from their father.
“Hey Ben?” You called from the table, you sat doing your homework. Ben was cooking you guys some dinner and glanced over his shoulder to acknowledge your calling. “How come we never see those umbrella people?” You questioned, you always wondered who those strangers truly were, from what you saw of them, they seemed like genuine people, a little off their rocker but meaning well. Ben just sighed at the mention of those utter morons and set the spatula down. “I’ve told you to stop asking about them. All they are is the reason we’re alive, big deal.” He blew off some steam in his response to you, all you were looking for was some small talk to help pass the time between algebra equations and dinner, but here Ben was throwing a hissy fit again. Like always.
You had the same stubbornness as him, so with a set down of your pen you glared at him, he glared at you. “I saw that one of them sent a card in the mail. You still haven’t opened it.” Ben rolled his eyes and remembered the card that Luther had sent the two of you, he had a feeling it’d be a bunch of nonsense and that’s why he ignored never tearing the envelope open. “Leave it.” He concluded the argument and plated your dinner.
Tonight was an odd night, Ben was more on edge than usual, he kept opening his laptop and closing it, wouldn’t eat all his dinner, kept changing the channels on the TV. He even payed the gas bill on time, he usually leaves it for as long as possible so he can con the gas man, gives him a discount because they think he can’t afford it and he pulls the “little sister” card, hoping that’d buy him some brownie points. You sat on your bed, reading an old edition of your favourite comic, Ben knocked on your door, holding a box of donuts. “Hey, I wanted to apologise for earlier.” He sat at the edge of your bed, you didn’t even care about the argument, you’ve had worse, but what you did care about were the treats he was handing you. “And you’re forgiven.” You immediately took the box from him and took a bite out of the sugary delicacy.
Ben laughed slightly at your immediate dismissal and he took a donut too, after he was eating it he looked over at you who had somehow got sugar everywhere. “How the hell…” he laughed again. You just shrugged your shoulders, closing the box and setting it on your bedside table. Ben stood up, yanking you off the bed and he brushed you out of the room, you knew exactly what he was asking you to do. Get clean bed sheets. You loved him but sometimes he was such a neat freak. You went and got some and walked back to find your bed stripped from the blue covers, Ben chucked the dirty laundry in the basket and he turned on the radio in your room. “You were supposed to change these last night, it’s like you were waiting to cover it in sugar.” You looked at him with narrowed eyes like he’d just caught you out on your extravagant plan. You set the folded piles of sheets on your chair and you jumped on your bed.
Ben just sighed as you completely ignored him clearly trying to change the bed. “Stop being difficult. It’ll take five minutes!” he had to looked up at you as you jumped in the air and back on your mattress repeatedly. “Ben come on, remember anytime dad made us go around and routinely change everyone sheets.” That was their chore, Ben always had you to tag along with him, he was your personal assistant, funny how life works, it’s the same old. But he does recall how on every bed, to ‘make sure it’s safe’ you’d jump on it and after a few moments of bickering so would he, he always had a mushy side to him, relatively a mushy side that was reserved for you.
“Screw you!” He muttered as he hopped on the bed too, and as the music on the radio played, you and Ben had a moment of peace, one that you haven’t felt in a very long time, you didn’t need to be suscepted to such violent trauma at a young age, Ben could barely handle it as a fully grown adult, he was always cautious at how he treated you, usually resulting in you feeling sheltered, he felt like if you had too much of a good time you’d crash out, remembering all the bad. But he was just happy and grateful to still have a moment like this with you.
Having spent the past 2 years watching over you, Ben grew to realise it’s always been his role to parent you, not his father, it brought him grief along with new found appreciation for the gift he was given, he still remembers when Reginald brought you home. There was a malfunction with your marigold, causing yours to appear at a later date, a lot later than the rest of the 43.
The sparrows were 19 when he brought you home in a stroller, Ben was hesitant at first, wondering if since you were new, Reginald would make you number 1, but seeing as you weren’t stealing his thunder, he kind of liked keeping you around. You always got sick as a child though, Grace tried her best to heal you but it was some nurture that always helped. Which is why Ben read some of his comics to you, taught you how to draw, taught you what good music was, gave you some fashion sense when you grew out of Hello Kitty and Barbie. Even though you swore you were a ‘grown up’ you kept that hello kitty nightlight by your bedside, even now. When you got scattered in this new timeline you couldn’t sleep for 2 months, until Ben purchased an exact replica, then you could finally get through to the morning.
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That’s why it hurt even more when the cops raided the apartment after your calming moment. They dragged him out of your room, placing him under arrest for fraud and bankrupting thousands. One of the cops broke your night light, and broke your home…
“Y/N, I’ll sort this out okay? You’ll be my first call.” He tried to shake the burly men who held him in cuffs, they dragged him out of the room as his eyes poured with tears, guilt and horror. He was trying to keep you safe, trying to save some of your childhood, and now he’s gone and fucked it all up. You’ll never forgive him, he thought. The cops were dragging him out the door as you quickly shuffled to chase him, you were shocked and petrified. “Let me talk to my fucking sister.” Ben yelled and the cops figured he better, seeing as she was only a kid. “I don’t know where they’re going to take you, but I’m gonna come home, okay. I’ll find you.” He spoke softly as to mend your heart as it got ripped to shreds. And then he was out of sight, after that touching moment, your eyes welled into tears and you were shaking. He was all you had left.
One lesser aggressive cop, knelt down by you as they dragged your brother away from you. “Hi, sweetheart, I know this is a lot to process, but I’m going to stay here with you while some social workers arrive. They’re going to help you, the best they can.” Right now you wish you had your power, to just stop time, run down the hall and give Ben one last hug, you figured that’s the last you’d ever see him, no goodbye, no closure, your bed wasn’t even made.
“I’m not going to some home. Different parents. No. I’m not talking to a social worker. I’m staying here, waiting for them to bring Ben home. He didn’t do what you’re accusing him of!” You argued with the man in uniform, your lip quivering as you tried to stay strong, stand your ground, but you were just a kid wanting her safety back. The officer just gave you a saddened look, as if all you wanted couldn’t be. “Well do you have anyone you can call?” His question would’ve been easy if your other siblings survived the fucking apocalypse the umbrellas brought. Then as if a lightbulb went off you ran to the kitchen counter and grabbed the envelope from the top of the microwave, ripping it open.
‘Dear Ben and Y/N,
Just wanted to remind you that it’s our birthdays soon, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get dinner sometime? Everyone else is busy…
It’s okay if not,
[his number]’
You smiled, thanking Luther silently, he was always so formal, you’ve never been happy to see a bunch of randomised numbers, even though that was practically your childhood. “Officer, this is my brother, kind of.” You handed him the letter, he stood up and read through it, nodding, then walking to the next room to make a phone call. You ran to Ben’s room and just laid on his bed, pretending he was just getting the popcorn ready for your Saturday movie nights. A few stray tears fell down your face as you realised he was going to be sleeping in a cell and not his bed.
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After a while of crying, your body gave out and you fell asleep, clutching the mini pillow you made for Ben at your youth club.
That’s until, after a while, a gentle hand shook you awake. You rolled over, forgetting all that happened while the sleep wore off. You saw two men before you, the officer and Luther. Luther sat at the edge of the bed, by you, he looked as though he’d been crying too. You haven’t seen him for two years so it was revelling to see one another again. You remembered him being a really nice man, he married your sister, so technically he was family. He and Sloane took you out to mini golf one day, Sloane always cheated, gravitating the ball into the hole. Luther broke about 4 golf clubs and you stopped time and cheated too. You hargreeves were never good at playing fair.
“Hey kiddo.” He muttered as all the memories of Ben’s arrest rushed back to you. You just clung to Luther in a hug and cried in his shoulder, the less stronger man just held you, gazing up at the officer. “I’ll take it from here, sir.” The cop nodded and left the apartment. You sniffled and wiped your eyes even though the waterworks kept on coming. “He’s not a bad guy, Luther.” You kept repeating similar phrases, pleading your brother’s innocence, as if convincing yourself he was getting out that night. “I know, I know.” Luther rubbed your back and he comforted you, it was difficult to see you like this again, the last time he saw you, you were just as devastated when you first got to this timeline.
After a while of him helping you calm back down, you sat beside him on the bed, he was going to stay with you, clean the apartment for you, after the cops made a mess of it, especially your room. It was really late though, you were tired and you just wanted nothing more than for Ben and you to chill while you nerded out about your favourite books. He loved poetry and you loved fantasy. Luther seemed like he likes those things too, if given the right recommendations, but he wasn’t like Ben. “Would you like anything in particular for breakfast tomorrow?” He smiled over to you as you still held the small pillow, looking at it. “I like cereal…” you shrugged, not really having an appetite and not wanting to think about how lonely the morning would be without him there to watch TV with. “Cereals good.” Luther nodded. He figured that once you were asleep he was going to make a run to the all night grocery, to get you a lot of things, he mostly emptied his wallet when he felt guilty.
It was still awkward having him here, and confusing, he was your brother in law, but he was also bens actual brother, but not your Ben, a different Ben, who had the same father but not the father you have. It gave you a headache the more you pondered on where Luther placed in your life. You got off the bed and walked silently to your room, noticing now just how badly it was banjaxed. Luther follows slowly behind and just stood at the door frame. “Just to let you know, I did tell the officer off for doing that.” He let you in on that fact, you just nodded and lifted pieces of your broken light, you sat on the floor, you weren’t going to sleep the whole night, the only way you slept earlier was because it still felt like Ben was here.
Luther lifted the pile of bedsheets that were still on your chair, untouched. The old sheets were still on top of the hamper, Ben still having not cleaned it. Luther got the mattress sheet and tried to put it on, but you immediately stopped him. “No!” You glared, not meaning to be so hasty, and Luther just tilted his head, confused. “But where are you going to sleep? You can just have a bare mattress.” He was trying to help but you took it as him dismissing your problems and trying to take over Ben’s role. “I said no! Just get out!” You yelled at him and Luther immediately dropped the sheets and slumped his shoulders, nodding and leaving you alone in your room. Gently closing the door behind him.
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Ben never called, the entire night you sat up, not sleeping a wink, except between 3:45am and 4:23am then you woke, rushing to check the phones past logs, not a single one from Ben. Your room was still a mess, your lamp was still broken on the floor, Luther did try to come back into your room and clean it, not wanting you to get hurt by the shards. But yet again, you screamed at him to leave. And he took that as a hint and didn’t come back in… respectfully listening to your wishes, not getting mad at you for it.
You cried and cried and cried even more. Luther left the house for a little bit, which you later found out was because he went to the store, he slipped a note under your door,
‘Buying you some cereal, won’t be long
You smiled at his careful consideration to your needs. He was nice for that. Then morning came, you yawned and pulled yourself from the bed, growing more and more agitated the longer it took Ben to call. Maybe he forgot about you, and that hurt more than anything. Because you knew Ben wouldn’t just forget, he loved you. He would want to make sure you were safe.
Luther then drudged into the kitchen, scratching his head, he got out two bowls, and opened up the box of cereal, as you sat at the kitchen table staring at the phone, waiting for it to call. You propped your head up with your elbows, staring and staring and staring. “Good morning.” Luther called over to you and you just nodded, not giving back an answer. He poured the milk into the bowls of cereal and walked towards you, handing you a spoon along with it. “I had a feeling you liked cinnamon toast crunch.” He smiled to you. When he first got kidnapped by the sparrows, way back when, you were eating that while he had his toast and cashew butter.
“Thanks.” You took the bowl from him and took a bite, still looking at the phone.
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3 days passed, no call. A week, a month, a year, 2 years, 4 years. 4 fucking years it took for a call.
You were 17 now, on your last year of high school, living in a nice home with Luther, you two had one another, you finally accepted him as your guardian and you two grew very close, turns out you two had more in common than you thought, he was still no Ben, but he was Luther, and you were okay with that. Acceptance, what a chilling thing.
Your niece and sister-in-law were visiting. Claire, she’s the age you were when Ben went away, it was always an odd reminder of how long it’s been. Allison sat in the kitchen with Luther as they talked about what their plans were for Christmas this year, Luther was making them some coffee as the phone rang. You payed no mind to it as you and Claire watched your favourite show across the room, you both decided it would be fun to draw your favourite characters at the coffee table while you watched, it was nice to just unwind and be free with expressing via art, you liked getting to know the umbrellas too, they were all super welcoming and loving, even though they had their differences.
Your favourite was probably Allison though, it was good to have another girl around, she helped you a lot with things that neither Ben nor Luther could help with, she let you stay at hers some nights as your school was closer by than Luther’s place. Lila also had you babysitting her kids sometimes while she went to ‘Book Club’ and Diego worked, they were a great addition to your life too, you even became close with Lila’s relatives and it was mending your soul having people there.
Luther was on the phone for a while, you just assumed it was Viktor, but Luther kept glancing over at you every so often, which was making you worried, your mind wandered to various possibilities. “Uh yeah, but when will that be?” Luther asked down the phone, he then got a notepad and a pen and wrote some things down. This call was distracting you from the peaceful time you were having with Claire and now you walked over to the kitchen, which was connected by an archway. Luther glanced over at you again and continued the call. “Okay, yeah I’ll come get him now.” Him. You yanked the notepad from Luther which had the address to the pickup lot at the state prison. Your mind was racing, he was finally getting out, finally coming home. But you weren’t as hopeful to see him as you used to be. It’s not that you’ve moved on, it’s just that you resented him for not calling when he said he would.
“Wanna come with me?” Luther asked as he knew you’d put the pieces together, the prison wasn’t that long of a drive maybe an hour and 30 minutes. It took you a while to even make your mind up about that, but Allison held your hand from where you stood. “I’m sure he had a good reason for doing what he did.” She squeezed your hand and you just didn’t move, still confused. If he did have a good reason for leaving you in the dark it better be extremely fucking good of an excuse. Or else you wouldn’t let him off easy. Allison stood up and hugged you before she and Claire had to go back home and pick up Klaus from their house.
You held her tightly, knowing that if Ben comes back, maybe he would isolate her from her new found family again. “Bye, Allison.” You mumbled into her shoulder and she laughed slightly rubbing your back and pulling away to look at you, her cheek caressing your face, “He’s missed you, I know he has.” You just smiled, not truly believing that, she just held her free hand out for Claire and you just sighed knowing they had to go home, and you and Luther had to go get Ben, it was actually happening. “You can call me about it later if you’d like.” She assured you and that made you feel a whole lot better about it. You just gave her a thumbs up and she made her exit.
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In the car with Luther was anything less than fun. He tried to play some music, tried to play ‘i spy’, as if you were four, and even tried to sing. All of which made you even more tense. You love this bafoon but right now was not the time, which he shortly caught on to. “I know you’re anxious, remember what the doctor said, use your senses.” You’d been in therapy for a while, having too much to spew to them, you and Luther figured it was for the best if you went weekly. You listened to Luther’s advice and focused on everything around you.
Then he began to pull up to the gate, and parked the car. He turned to face you, “Okay, no matter what happens, we will get through this together, as a family, and I know that once he’s back on his feet, you’ll probably stay with him again.” He smiled, but you didn’t even think about that, not much, not deeply, not anymore. You missed Ben being there, but you were free now, stable, even though you bought another hello kitty night light with the money you earned from your part time job. “But I’m always available if you want to stay.” He smiled lovingly, and put his hand up to high five you. “We got this, Kiddo.” He smiled and opened the car door, as did you, as you guys did that they opened the prison doors and released Ben, who was in the very outfit he was arrested in, as if time stopped and you were 13 again, you didn’t realise just how difficult this would be, but here you were, going through it.
Ben halted once he saw Luther, “Fuck me.” He muttered to himself, then you emerged and his demeanour softened significantly. You’ve gotten so much older, he’d missed out on so many years with you. You stood there, hands in your pockets, a little guarded. Then Luther, nudged you, “Go say hello. He’s not a stranger.” Luther smiled at you, encouraging you to do this, he knew that deep down you’ve been praying for this moment since he left. Ben walked to the end of the fenced prison and was by the car, he didn’t know how to approach you, whether you’d kick him, hug him or punch him.
“Look at you,” Ben frowned, regretting ever committing fraud, regretting not providing for you normally. “You look like shit.” You responded back to him, noticing just how run down prison made him. You had a right to be angry but Ben just didn’t expect you to be so cold. He just nodded and Luther stood behind you trying to figure out how to ease the hostility, but to no conclusion as you spoke again.
“Get in the car, we’ve got places to be.” You completely dismissed Ben, and he seemed like someone just ripped his heart out and played basketball with it. “Jesus.” He lowered his head and shoved his bag in the car, taking the ego wound and sitting in the back seat, while you and Luther took the front. The engine started and off you guys went to the birthday party of your other niece.
When the car pulled up outside the play area Luther thought it’d be best to walk in already and leave the two of you to hash it out in the car, until you were ready to come in. You mentally cursed Luther because of that, you didn’t want to talk to Ben, you weren’t prepared.
“Why didn’t you call me?” You sat in the front seat playing with the hem of your hoodie, and Ben sat directly behind you, it’s as if it were confessions. He just gazed out the window and remembered how he promised you, he swore to you that he would, yet never followed through with it. “I didn’t want to give you false hope.” He spoke bluntly, sending a harsh chill down your spine, your brother would’ve gave you the benefit of the doubt, would’ve called to say he wouldn’t be home for a while, wouldn’t have just left you wondering without closure.
“You didn’t go to my trial, didn’t visit. I thought I did the right thing.” He was so sure in himself and you just scoffed, exiting the car and attempting to storm away to the building, but Ben quickly hopped out after you. “Stop! Okay? We aren’t done here.” Your face was completely and utterly gobsmacked. “Oh, aren’t we? You left me no other choice, how the hell was I meant to know? Nobody alerted me there was a trial, I was practically fighting to survive, I didn’t give Luther a chance and now you’re wondering why I gave up on you? Because you did it to me first!” You yelled a little too loud for this area, children and parents walking to and from the play place.
Ben just shook his head, aggravatingly, “You just couldn’t wait to talk to Luther. Always, Ben why haven’t we talked to him? Ben open the letter, Ben we need these people. Now look what they’ve done to you. You’re just as spiteful as them!” Ben was always defensive, casting blame to anyone but himself, self righteous in a way, which you never realised until now. “Jesus Christ, do you actually hear yourself? And what did I tell you? They’re good people. The only spiteful one is you!” You pointed to him in a fit of rage. “I was a child, with no guardian, no home, of course I was going to reach out to the only people I fucking knew.” You screamed your hands waving in the air to get your point across, Ben needed this reality check, he was away in disaster land.
Ben realised the gravity of his arrest now, how lonely and cursed she must’ve felt, but yet again he wasn’t going to let her make him the complete bad guy here. “I was doing what I needed, to keep us alive.” He breathed out knowing you wouldn’t see that, you were still very angry, and torn, on one hand you were overwhelmed at him being here and talking with you again, and on the other, you’re deeply missing your brother, wishing he didn’t do what he did. You just wanted your old bond back.
“I don’t know what to do.” You shrugged, helpless to this experience. “But I do know that the people in there, they’re just trying to make us part of their family. So let them.” You were commanding in your tone, just hoping Ben would consider it, when you finished talking he was against it completely. “Have you forgot what they’ve done? Our family, OUR ACTUAL FAMILY, are dead! Because of those fucking degenerate assholes.” He crossed his arms now sitting on the bench by the front door, looking at the ground. “I don’t want to replace them with carbon copies.” His voice somber, making you remember The Sparrow Academy and all the things you experienced with your short-lived-family.
You sat by Ben, interlocking your arm with his, showing him that you were on his side, after all, that’s what the both of you were fighting about. Ben glanced at you before resting his head by yours. “I’m sorry I didn’t call…” he spoke quietly and you just sighed. “I know you are.” You just accepted that you can’t go back and change what he’d done, he was ashamed and took the cowards way out, knowing he’d have years before he’d face you again. He just didn’t expect you to grow up with the same short temper and stubbornness as him.
You loved Ben and you hoped that whenever you got to Luther’s place that night, that you could jump on the bed to the radio blasting again, just like old times.
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Partners? Partners.
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Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N Hargreeves, formerly of the Sparrow Academy, finds herself virtually alone in the reset timeline. The Umbrella’s bring her in to their chaos and she builds something new for herself while still navigating the grief of losing her family. She’s happy in the simplicity. That is, until the one Hargreeves she can’t seem to win over comes to her with an offer she might not be able to refuse.
Warnings: Some cursing. Some angst.
(Part 1/?)
A/N: This one will be 4 or 5 parts. A bit of a coffee shop AU if you squint
She missed her family. She missed them so desperately that sometimes when she dreamt of them at night, she would wake up in tears as the loneliness set in and she realized that her dreams were the only place she would see them again. They had been dysfunctional and as far as families go, not that close, but they had been hers. She would never understand how she had survived everything, how she had made it through the reset when the others did not. She technically had Ben but he had distanced himself not just from the Umbrella’s, but from her, as soon as they fell into this timeline. Now he was in prison for a white-collar bitcoin crime and he refused to have visitors altogether. She was well and truly the last of her family.
It got easier with time and she fell into a predictable, mundane routine. For the first time in her life, she was forced to slow down and be a normal human being. No powers. No Sparrow Academy. Just living and surviving.
She found an apartment with a roommate who mostly kept to themselves and a stable, if not a bit boring, job as a barista at a local coffee shop just a block from home. It wasn’t much and some months she was barely scraping by, but it was a start and she was happy.
The other Hargreeves children, the Umbrellas, brought her into the fold of their chaotic family and soon, she began to feel less alone.
She had brunch with Luther every Sunday at his club. They spent that time talking about Sloane, keeping her memory alive between them. She shared her childhood memories of her sister and Luther soaked it all in, grateful to receive any little piece of new information about his wife that he could get. She was thankful for that time with him and happy that someone loved Sloane the way she always deserved to be loved. Even if it was just for a moment.
Diego and Lila had her over for family game night at least once a month and she had coffee with Lila every week at the shop. Their children called her aunt and she made sure that they were properly spoiled, much to their parent's dismay.
She made the trek to Victor’s bar often in the evenings not just for the free drinks, but because he was actually wonderful company and he made sure to carve out time to sit and talk with her whenever he could take a break from running things. Like her, she suspected that he also felt a bit lonely.
Klaus and Allison came as a pair these days. Their dynamic was a sight to behold as Klaus navigated his newfound sobriety, and Allison pulled together a life doing what she loved, to support her daughter. She loved being around them.
But there was one particular family member that Y/N could not quite figure out.
Apart from their initial interaction at Sloane and Luther’s wedding where he had drunkenly accosted her about her powers, he had barely acknowledged her existence. While she was building relationships with his other siblings, he kept her at arm's length. Sure, he was cordial with her at family events and dinners, but that’s where he drew the line. He rebuffed every attempt she made at finding a connection with him.
That is until he started showing up every morning at the coffee shop she worked at. The same time every morning and the same, predictable order.
The first time he walked through the door she was taken aback. She knew he lived on the other side of town but she chalked it up to some work thing bringing him there.
He made his order, indulged her in small talk, and sat down, opening up a newspaper to read while he sipped his coffee.
She thought it was a one-off, but was very surprised when he turned up the next morning at the same time.
And then the morning after that and the morning after that.
He began conversing with her for longer periods of time, asking questions about her day-to-day life after the reset and even sharing some tidbits of information about himself. She knew he worked for the CIA and had recently moved into a new apartment.
A few weeks went by and each day was the same. It reached the point that she would have his coffee made and the donut he liked set aside before he even made it through the door.
But after a while, her curiosity began to get the better of her. Why was he here? Why was he suddenly showing interest in her and what she was doing with her life? It was making her crazy!
“Your black, boring coffee, sir,” Y/N said in the most sugary sweet voice she could muster, setting the cup down in front of the irritating man in front of her.
Five immediately picked it up and took a deep sip, “Fantastic as usual.”
She pulled the chair out across from him and sat down with a huff, “Cut the crap, Five. We both know you have much closer coffee shops to your apartment. Why, may I ask, do you insist on frequenting mine? Is it just to pester me?”
“Maybe I just like your company,” Five shrugged, leaning back to observe her.
This poked at her ire even more. He was always doing that. Just observing her like some sort of animal in an enclosure. Always there at his little table near the window. Rain or shine.
“Oh please!” She scoffed, “You’ve never given any indication that you even like me, let alone enjoy my company. In fact, until you started showing up here every day, I was pretty sure you hated me. So, again, cut the crap and tell me why you’re really here.”
“Fine,” he said, sitting his mug down so that he could give her his full, undivided attention, “I have a proposition for you.”
“This should be good.”
“My boss wants me to take on a partner,” he explained, “but the problem with that is that I don’t really trust…anyone really. But I’ve watched you these last few years, Y/N, and I know that you’re smart, analytical, and incredibly sharp. Your powers fine-tuned all of your senses and even if you don’t have them anymore, that’s still there. And that’s what I want in a partner.”
“Five, I’m not even trained to work for the CIA,” she reminded him, “I’m sure they’re not going to just let some random person join ranks without experience.”
“But you do have experience,” he insisted, “you’re a Sparrow. You’ve literally been trained since birth to be a fighter, a spy, or whatever else Dad needed us to be.”
“Need I remind you that neither the sparrows nor the umbrellas existed in this timeline? So none of that is going to mean jack shit to anyone.”
“It will if I forge a few documents,” he said, leaning forward so that he could get a clear look at her, “How do you think I got this far looking this young? I’ll do the same for you and everyone will think you’re an FBI transfer. They’ll be none the wiser. Trust me, not everyone high up is as smart as they’d like to think they are.”
She doubted anyone was that stupid.
“Five, this might come as a surprise to you, but I actually really like my life here,” she told him, “it’s peaceful and easy and I don’t really need any more than that. After so long of fighting and striving for perfection for the Sparrows, I’m ready to just settle down and live slowly. So, thanks, but I think I’ll pass.”
“You say that,” he chuckled, “you say that you want peace and quiet but I know that’s just something you tell yourself. Because I’ve told myself the same thing and it didn’t suit me. But let’s face it, you’re as unhinged as me. You NEED the chaos. You thrive on it.”
“You’re really not doing yourself any favors here, Five,” she hissed. “Besides, why me? Why haven’t you asked Diego? Hasn’t he been bugging you about bringing in his resume? Make him your partner.”
“Diego and Lila have enough going on in their lives,” he waved her off, “And Diego is a skilled fighter but he lacks in the brains department. Trust me.”
With that final statement, Five stood up and pushed in his chair before downing the last dredges of his coffee, “Just think about it, okay? And until then, I’ll be here every day, as usual. No one makes a cup of coffee quite like you.”
With a wink he left her sitting at the table alone, wondering why on earth she was actually considering his offer.
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dqllgarden · 1 month
can you do ben hargreeves x !PLATONIC child reader. Where they are both siblings and ben literally takes care of her and being overprotective and promises her he’ll adopt her someday and just a cute sibling moment (season 4??) 🥹🥹
safe haven
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this is so adorable oh my godddd :,) thank you for the amazing request i was so excited to write this!! i currently have covid so this cheered me up lol
tags: older brother!ben, fluff :)
Ben Hargreeves wasn’t known for being overly sentimental, but when it came to you, his younger sibling, he had a side that was both protective and affectionate. The family never really had a calm moment in their lives, but today was a rare moment of normalcy.
You were Ben’s little sister and you spent the majority of your time with him. Today, the two of you were baking cookies while the family was out doing some dangerous yet pointless mission.
You stood on a stool in the kitchen, mixing ingredients and following his instruction. The kitchen was filled with the smell of baking ingredients. Ben was supervising, making sure everything went smoothly.
“Alright, the cookies are almost ready,” Ben said, checking the oven. “Let’s get them out.”
You were excited and took the oven mitts from Ben, excited to take the cookies out of the oven yourself. “I can do it!”
Ben hesitated but nodded, handing you the mitts. “Just be careful. The oven is really hot.”
With determination, you opened the oven door and reached inside. The heat was intense, and as you pulled out the tray, your hand slipped slightly, causing you to brush against the edge of the oven. A sharp sting made you yelp, and you quickly pulled your hand back, almost dropping the tray.
Ben’s reaction was immediate. He rushed over, his face full of concern. “Whoa! Let me handle it.”
He took the tray from you, setting it safely on the counter. Then he gently guided you away from the hot oven. “Are you okay? Did you burn yourself?”
You held up your hand, which was red and starting to feel sore. “I think I did. It hurts a bit.”
Ben’s expression softened with worry. “Let’s get some cold water on it. It’ll help with the pain.”
He led you to the sink, where he ran cool water over your hand, his touch gentle and careful. “I’m sorry I didn’t stop you. I just wanted you to feel like you could help.”
“It’s okay,” you said, trying to smile through the discomfort. “I wanted to do it. I should have been more careful.”
Ben dried your hand with a towel and gave you a reassuring smile. “Well, you did a great job with the cookies, despite the little mishap. I’m proud of you”
He carefully placed the cookies on a cooling rack, then fetched two plates and sat them at the kitchen table. Ben watched you with a smile, clearly relieved that you were okay.
“I’m so glad you’re my brother, Ben. I love you so much!”
You were unaware of most everything that occurred. Ben protected you from the evil of the world and the family and he was relived to know you felt safe with him. What Ben didn’t know is you knew things in the family were rough and it was taking a toll on you.
You finished your cookies, feeling content and safe. Ben’s protective nature might have seemed overbearing at times, but in moments like these, it was a reminder of how much he cared.
As you both cleaned up, Ben ruffled your hair gently. “Next time, let me handle the hot stuff, okay?”
You nodded, smiling up at him. “Okay, thanks for taking care of me, Ben.”
He took a deep breath. “One day we won’t have to be here anymore, okay?” Ben looked at you with eyes of sadness and hope. “One day I’ll adopt you and we can have days like this all the time. No more living in danger or fighting with the family, just you and I.”
“I’d really like that,” you leaned into him and hugged him tightly, his arms wrapping you up and giving you both the sense of security you searched for your entire lives.
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mekochansblog · 9 months
Hii!! Can we have a part two of “my little Angel”? I would love to see a part two starting right in the moment it sopped, I’m obsessed with that and with Five as a dad😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭
My little angel
Five Hargreeves x reader
Pt.2 of my little angel
Five held Lina in his arms while he stared at you. You lovingly admire his bottle green eyes. Vanya came back, she first gave you a glance then stared at Five holding Lina. She had a puzzled look on her face since when she was with Five he didn’t have a kid. She then decided to just ask, there was nothing wrong with asking right?
“Umm Five, who's the kid, and why does she look like you?”
Five contemplated on letting her know, but this was his kid! Why shouldn’t he show off his little angel. He looked at you; you were breathtakingly glowing. Pregnancy really did a wonderful job on you. You were practically glowing, but then again that could be your powers making you glow, so goddess-like and glowing like the sun. 
“She’s my beautiful daughter, Evangeline Hargreeves.”
Five announced with so much fondness and confidence, his face was relaxed, something that Vanya had not seen in a while. Vanya stared at Lina and looked at Five. She saw the way Five loved his kid, also Lina looked like a female version of Five. She then smiled, happy he was happy, the time that she has known him (which has been a short while since she doesn’t remember anything at all.) You looked at your sister-in-law and introduced yourself again to her. You all four finally walked out of the cafe shop and started walking who knows where. Just that Five had a place he was staying at and wanted you to go with him. Of course you did follow him, he had your daughter in his arms after all. Lina talked to Five about anything and everything. She told him about staying with her uncle Klausy and how they got back to Dallas.
You winced at the memory, it just happened two days ago, so of course it was a recent thing she will probably remember. Five gave you a look and you just smiled nervously. You knew he was going to ask you about it, but for now he was content with Lina talking his ear off about her days. Five told you he was going to an underground fight since Luther decided to get himself into that with his stay in Dallas first. You winced and took Lina from his arms. He gave you a confused look. You gave him a look he knew way too often.
“My miele, I love you but our kid is not going into an underground fight to see sweaty men and get traumatized.”
You explained to him so he understood why. He nodded his head, moving it side to side to understand that yes maybe that wasn’t the brightest idea he has. Lina first complained, wanting to stay with her father since seeing him for the first time; but you did let her know that we will see him later, he was just going to run errands with auntie Vanny and you promised to take the cake to uncle Klausy and uncle Benny.
She nodded with a cute serious face and gave her dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Five had the biggest smile on his face and he gave Lina many kisses all over her face that made her let out giggles. You chuckled and grabbed Lina’s hand. You gave Five a sweet kiss and told him where you were staying. You both bid goodbye and made your way back to Klaus’s mansion. Lina looked so happy getting to finally see her father in person, all she had was stories from you and uncle Klausy. You knew she was going to talk about her day to Klaus and Ben, she loved the stories you will tell her about her father, letting her know she looked exactly like her father. Getting back to the mansion you decide to prepare for dinner, hoping you will finally have lunch with your husband and child like an actual family. Once you are done you decide to visit your friend with Lina in tow. You take a basket and add food for your friend, and you and your kid. 
You let Lina know you’ll both be walking towards Elliot's house. She nods and grabs her backpack. You both make your way to the store and open the door. Once inside you knock on the second door and wait, Elliot opens the door and looks around,once he sees you both he smiles and mentions you both to come in. You go in and put the basket down on the table and look around. Lina runs around and you just smile fondly at your daughter. You start small talk with Elliot while he takes out some paper and crayons for Evangeline. Elliot starts talking about a guy that just showed up at his place and is now staying there. You gave him a deadpanned look and shook your head in disappointment. 
“Elliot, are you getting taken advantage of by this guy? Do you even know who he is? I mean does he even know you like that for him to just stay at your house?”
You question genuinely worries for your older friend. You put a hand up making him stop answering you.
“Actually Elli i don’t think I want to know the answers to my questions. Anyways, come and eat. I made my husband’s favorite food.”
You saw he gave you a sad look but still came and sat down. You went towards the living room not knowing that your husband and Diego were coming from the other side. You tried to get Evangeline to come and eat, but for some reason she was being stubborn and wouldn’t come to eat. You knew if she kept at it she was going to throw a tantrum. You sighed and looked at her.
You knew that voice. You turned towards the door and saw your husband with your brother in law. You sighed happily, Lina got up and ran towards her dad screaming happily. You looked at your husband and went back towards the kitchen to prepare two more plates for the surprised guests. Diego looked at you and Five back and forth. 
“Who’s the cute looking kid?”
You looked at Diego and looked at Evangeline and gave him a deadpanned look. He still looked confused and then his eyes widened and he looked shocked and looked at Five pointing at him. You snorted and let out a laugh. Five looked at Diego, not entertaining his questioning. You told the boys to sit down, hoping that if Five was sitting down meant that Lina would also sit down to eat. She ran towards her father sitting on his lap ready to eat. You were glad you didnt have to tell her, but you were going to talk to Five about her stubbornness she inherited from him. Once the night ended, Elliot let you stay the night in the guest bedroom Five was already staying at. You got Lina ready for bed, her falling asleep from using all her energy playing with her Uncle Diego. You got into your nightgown and started braiding your hair when your husband came into the room. He sighed and took off his coat, sweater vest and tie. He hugged you from behind and put his head on your shoulder.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.”
You leaned your head back, you turned around and hugged him back. You sniffed him, him still selling like coffee and the forest. 
“I know miele you don’t know how much I needed you here, but I’m glad you’re here with us now.” 
You both layed down, each of us on one side of Evangeline. We all snuggled together and held hands. You whisper to not wake up Lina.
“I love you Five Hargreeves.”
“I love you even more Y/N Hargreeves…. and little Evangeline Hargreeves.”
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notakugelblitz · 2 months
A/N : hi ! here is a series of a few preferences (well i think that’s what they’re called). I really hope you’ll like them even though they’re short sometimes ! i’m planning on posting character x reader stories too so stay tuned. first post here on Tumblr so let’s see how it goes ! oh and English isn’t my first language, i’m sorry if you spot some mistakes. enjoy :)
no trigger warning, all safe ;)
You were born on October 1st 1989. You are the eighth child adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Welcome to the Umbrella Academy, number 8.
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You have the ability to establish a connection between your mind and another in order to carry on a silent conversation. There wasn't a day when you weren't in communication with Luther when he was on the moon. You missed him like crazy, and it was mutual.
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You can get a vision of the near future by touching an object or a person. There are many opportunities to annoy Diego and cut him off at every turn, knowing exactly what he is going to say. It drives him mad. But that´s something you relished as soon as he got over his stammer. Before that, you preferred to apply this mischief to your other brothers and sisters, much to the delight of Diego, who was always by your side.
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You have the ability to manipulate water to your heart's content, melt or liquefy it, create tsunamis, shoot jets from your palms and breathe in the depths. Diego teases you a lot and calls you "The Fish" all the time. It gets on your nerves a little, but Allison is always there to cast a rumour when Number 2 isn't already being sprayed with cold water.
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You have the ability to take on any animal form. When Dad locked Klaus in the mausoleum, you'd transform yourself into an insect and crawl into the grooves to join him. One day, you found yourself crushed under your father's foot. Seriously injured, Grace took care of you for a while. Dad then decided to take control of your powers : thanks to a little gadget, he could control your metamorphoses. And that was quite a burden for you but Klaus never stopped trying to find it and break it for you.
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You have the ability to heal and to give of your energy. During your trainings back at the Academy, you only went into battle when someone was seriously injured. If your brothers and sisters needed you, Five would teleport to pick you up and bring you back. The first few times, these trips made you vomit, so Sir Reginald Hargreeves trained you for a long time until you were no longer ill. It pained Five, but he had to obey. Unfortunately, when he disappeared, you were forced to stay with Viktor and your father : close to the mission but inactive.
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You have the ability to disappear completely. When you were sad, you’d become invisible and cower at the bottom of Ben’s statue. Before he died, you used to play hide and seek with him. The rule was that there wasn’t any. Often, you’d stand right in front of him, invisible to his eyes, and he’d surprise you with his tentacles, tickling you until you’d surrender. Dad often punished you for this but you never ever regretted it.
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You have the ability to clone yourself ad infinitum, but it takes a lot of effort. Reginald Hargreeves always pushed you to the limit during missions, which finished you off far too quickly. Most of the time, you'd fall over from exhaustion before the criminals had even been arrested, resting as much as you could with Viktor who took care of you, away from the battle scene.
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writingforcuteppl · 2 years
Nothing’s Gonna Take You From My Side
PAIRING: Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves x Umbrella!Reader
SUMMARY: After returning from the 60s, you weren’t the only ones surprised that Ben was alive; the Sparrow Academy was surprised you were active too.
GENRE: Fluff.
WARNINGS: Cursing, violence, mentions of death.
WORD COUNT: 6.4k words
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“Holy shit,” you could hear whispers from not only your siblings but from these people that claimed to be the “Sparrow Academy.” You didn’t understand their shock in the first place. Of course, for you, seeing Ben alive after so many years was a shocker. The last time you saw him, all of you were 17 years old.
“Is that you?” You could see the shock on Luther’s face as he got closer to Ben.
He looked more mature, and of course, it didn’t look like YOUR Ben. He seemed more serious and mean. Ben couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He slowly made his way to you. The closer he got, the more you started to hold your breath. You have dreamed of this exact moment for years, to have Ben in front of you for at least one more time, even if you knew this wasn’t the Ben you knew. He stood just inches from you. You could see shock and confusion mixed with happiness. For a moment, he looked like your sweet and innocent Ben. The one you have loved for so many years. You could feel one tear roll down your cheek, which was whipped out by Ben. He left his hand on your cheek, stroking it. You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and trying to enjoy the little contact he was providing you. This couldn’t be real right? This has to be a dream. You felt his hands holding your face, and you opened your eyes. He was admiring you as if he hadn’t seen you in so long. And you could tell because you were sure you were looking at him in the same way.
“How are you alive?” he whispered while hugging you. That took you by surprise. What was he talking about? He was the one who died, not you. You pulled away from the hug, even if you wanted to stay like that forever.
“What, what do you mean I’m alive? Ben, you’re the one that's dead, not me” You could see the same confusion on his face.
“She’s back, and she’s still as dumb as she was,” a girl on the balcony said.
“What did you just say about my sister?” You heard Diego say, taking out a knife. You looked back at him with a pleading face. If this escalated, things were going to end badly. “AND WHO ARE THE WEIRDOS ON THE BALCONY?” Diego spat out.
“Shut up Jayme!” Ben shouted at the girl. They may be siblings, but you could feel the venom coming out of Ben. The Sparrows started to go down the balcony. Everything was happening so fast that you almost forgot Reginald was still in the room.
“They are the Sparrows. My children.” Now, what the hell the old man was talking about?
“I’m sorry, what do you mean, your children? That’s not possible, old man.” Five told Reginald. Finding out they were the Sparrow Academy and Reginald’s “new children” was not what you expected to find out after returning from the past. Ben put one arm around you. You looked at him, but he was looking at the situation unfolding in front of you, entertained by your siblings' confusion.
“Of course it is! I think I’d know, wouldn’t I?” Anger was starting to bubble inside you. Reginald wasn’t the best father in the world, but saying that he had other children was too much, even for someone as cruel as him.
“Everybody can see Ben, right?” Klaus turned around, amazed by Ben.
“Cute hat, Sundance,” Ben said to him. You could hear the irony. Yeah, this wasn’t your Ben. You tried to free yourself from his grasp, but he was stronger than you. He wasn’t making it easy for you to pull away. He was grabbing you as if you could disappear at any minute.
“They call themselves the Umbrella Academy, a group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas. Be warned, they claim to be my spawn.” He had to be joking. You could see your siblings started to get angry at his words. All of this was just insane. You tried again to escape Ben’s hold, but it was useless.
“Stop it, darling. You’re not going anywhere. Not again,” he whispered in your ear. Something about the way he let out the pet name made you feel the whole damn zoo in your stomach.
“Claim? Look, Five, what the hell is going on” Allison was mad, and you didn’t only sense it, but you could see it.
“I don’t know yet, but it’s concerning.” Five looked at the Sparrow and noticed the way Ben was holding you.
“Is he telling the truth?” The guy next to Ben said.
“Not the part about us being perfidious,” Viktor answered him.
“No, we’re amateur-fidious, at best” You could see Klaus was trying so hard to ease the tension in the room.
“But we are his children. This is our house,” Viktor tried to explain to the Sparrows.
“Yeah, yeah. We, uh… We grew up here.” Luther stuttered. A guy from the Sparrows, who you could tell had been badly injured, mocked what he had just said. You rolled your eyes. And you thought there couldn’t be anyone as immature as your siblings.
“I kinda think we would have noticed you,” the other girl from the Sparrows answered. Luther stayed silent for a moment and introduced himself with the biggest smile you have seen in any of your siblings. You knew what he was doing.
“Really, Luther? Right now?” You said to him. You heard a chuckle coming out of Ben.
“Okay. None of you belong here” Allison was done with all of this situation, just like you. The past days have been nothing but trying to save the world not once but twice, and the only thing you wanted was to rest. Ben could see your tired expression. “Don’t worry. Once we finish with them, you can rest, darling” Ben kissed your forehead, and the action made you smile. You didn’t fully understand why he was being so polite and caring to you, but you didn’t want him to stop.
“Oh well, I guess we’ll just pack our bags and move out,” A girl with glasses said, and the cube that was next to her made noises. Now, what the hell was that? This just keeps getting more ridiculous.
“Oh, you slay me, Chris,” you heard Ben say next to you. You heard steps getting closer to where you were.
“I wasn’t expecting company” You turned your head to the voice. It was Mom. You somehow managed to get free from Ben’s hold. Getting closer to her. You felt Diego standing next to you. “This is the best I could do on short- short- notice.”
“Mom…” Diego said. It felt so comforting seeing her.
“Mom? She’s a robot, you perv,” The girl that called you dumb a moment ago, Jayme, blurted out.
“It’s not a robot” Diego was trying his best to remain calm. Out of your siblings, you and Diego were really close to Mom. Even if she wasn’t your real mom, you knew she was the closest to one.
“Hey, don’t you call him that,” Luther tried to defend Diego.
“Or what?” Ben asked.
“Why don’t you come closer and find out” Luther and Ben started to get closer to each other, with the full intention to start fighting.
“Luther!” You tried to get his attention.
“Luther! Guys, Chill!” Viktor tried to calm Ben and Luther, but of course, they didn't listen.
“Think I’m afraid?” Ben was ready to fight Luther at any moment. He stole a glance at you to see your reaction. You were unimpressed.
“Stand down, Ben” The guy next to bend extended his arm to prevent Ben from going forward to Luther.
“How about I hide that big Rubik’s Cube up your ass?” This was not going to end well. You saw how all your siblings were starting to get madder by the second. Even if everyone in the room seemed to be upset, you just couldn’t seem to move; having Ben so close to you after all this time was starting to affect you badly.
Jayme suddenly fired some kind of liquid out of her mouth. The substance landed on Diego’s left cheek. You could see how he was touching it, trying to understand what just landed on his cheek.
“I don’t know what circus you people escaped from or how you got past our security, but we’re done here. You got 30 seconds to get out of our house.”
“And what if we don’t?” Allison was ready to fight.
“Then we’ll have to settle this the old-fashioned way.”
“Agreed,” Luther said.
There was such a deadly silence in the room, the tension growing by the second. Your sight went to Diego, and he didn’t seem very well. It looked like he got sick in such a short amount of time. Something was on the substance Jayme threw at him. It looked like he completely disconnected from reality.
“Look, we just fought a literal army, okay? This doesn’t need to get ugly. Let’s all just calm down, and let’s talk” Finally, someone with a little sense and Viktor was right. This was just so stupid to fight over who’s Reginald’s children. If it was up to you… Well, you didn’t care.
“Psst. Ben-er-ino” Klaus seemed to be the happiest one in this situation. You knew how Klaus was able to see Ben even after his death, so you understood his happiness. “You look so much better alive than you do dead. Am I right? Except for that haircut.”
Ben was annoyed, and his face showed it. You took advantage of his annoyance to free yourself from him and made your way next to Diego.
“What the hell did you just say?” You were glad Ben was too distracted. You were pretty sure if it wasn’t for Klaus’ comment, his grasp would’ve tightened around your body.
“Come on come on, stop with all the hostility, Mr. Grumpy Pants” Klaus made his way so he could be standing in front of Ben. “Oh wow. Nice scar. Muy macho”
“Shut your mouth!” You could see the last hint of patience leave Ben’s body
“You shut your mouth and just hug your brother-” That was it. Ben punched Klaus in the face, and you felt your blood boiling out of anger. Klaus stumbled and tripped over the center table. You quickly made your way to him, wanting to make sure he was ok.
“Hey! What the hell?! You didn’t have to do that!” You heard Luther say.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I did!” everyone in the room started to bicker, but you couldn’t care less. Right now, you were just mad at Ben for hurting Klaus not only physically but emotionally too. You didn’t need Klaus to tell you that. Ben was his only real companion for so many years that the way this Ben reacted definitely hurt Klaus.
You felt someone’s pair of hands holding you by the waist, and when you least expected it, you saw Luther fly across the room, crashing down straight into Klaus.
“You ok?” Diego asked you.
“Yeah, don’t worry.” you turned your head to him flashing him a smile. You took a look at everyone in the room. And your eyes landed on how Reginald was just leaving the room, knowing well a fight was just going to start. Diego pulled you away from the center of the room. The guy that was next to Ben, the one that was standing in the middle, sprinted to the other side of the room, running and walking over the table and going straight to Klaus and Luther. This was going to get messier.
All of the Sparrows remaining except for Ben and that cube, stay in the living. As for the other ones, they start to follow Allison and Viktor.
Five went straight to Ben while you and Diego stayed in your place, waiting for the cube to get closer to you.
“Come at me, litter box!” Diego shouted and tried his best to keep his balance, but he was still trying to recover after the substance hit his skin. The cube, well, Christopher, made some noises. Surprisingly you did understand what he said, and Diego did too.
“Hey! Listen, I have amazing hair, all right? This was era-appropriate” Christopher didn’t care about what Diego was explaining since the stupid cube shot some kind of lightning toward Diego. “That’s all you got?”
“Not on my fucking watch” You wanted to get as close to the cube as possible, but you felt something tighten around your body. It was a tentacle.
Christoper started to chase Diego, and you saw where the tentacle was coming from. You were shocked but not surprised. What piqued your interest is that Ben was still fighting with Five but somehow managed to restrain you effortlessly. You started to punch the tentacle that was around your waist for it to let you go, but it was useless. It appears the tentacle had his own strength. Five was bitting the shit out of Ben, but the tentacle remained as strong. When you least expect it, another tentacle went and tangled around your arms, making you stay still without an opportunity to fight back.
Ben gets Five in a headlock, but luckily Five manages to blink to get away from Ben. Ben seemed slightly confused at Five’s actions.
“You’re alive. That’s… great. Or possibly horrible. I’m not really sure yet.”
“Is that some kind of weird smack talk?”
“It’s more of an existential problem, really, Ben. Now can you please let go of my sister?” Five looked at you, and he realized Ben managed to leave you still.
“Awesome. Well, here’s your next problem” Ben didn’t even wait for a second when a tentacle shot out of his body. Five disappeared again, teleporting to the balcony close to where you were.
“You know, even though you’re a total asshat now….” Five blinked and appeared behind Ben. He punched Ben in the face, knocking him out. “It’s nice to see you again, really” You felt the tentacles loosening around your body. Letting you fall on the balcony’s floor.
“Thanks, Five!” you shouted from the balcony.
“Well, maybe you want to use your powers, sis” Five smirked at his comment, knowing fully well your powers only worked outside since you were able to control only the weather.
“Oh look, now you’re a comedian,” you smiled at him. “Five, watch out” You saw how Christopher started to fly toward Five, but out of a sudden, Diego jumped onto the flying cube.
“Who’s your daddy? I’m your daddy! Who’s… your… daddy?” Five, and you only saw how Christopher started to go up to the rooftop with Diego and started to spin him around in an attempt to get Diego away from him. Christopher turned so fast that Diego flew away onto the left side of the balcony.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” You said under your breath. You made your way down the balcony and entered the living room; you were getting closer to Five when you felt two arms wrapped around your body.
“You’re not going away so easily, my darling,” Ben whispered. You could hear he was starting to get tired of all the fighting. Five disappeared from the living room. It was like your whole body stopped responding the moment you heard the nickname roll out of him. You don’t want to admit it, but he has power over you. Maybe it’s just weakness, or perhaps you just really missed him after all these years, but you were sure about something. You weren’t going to be able to fight against him. And the same happened to him. How can he fight the love of his life? Someone he also thought he had lost forever. He wasn’t going to let you go so easily. And he will make sure you never leave his side ever again. You were staring at Ben, having him so close… You were able to take a look at the scar he had on his left cheek. You want to ask what happened to him, but something interrupts you. Well, someone is actually shouting.
“See? We’re hugging! This is progress!” you turned your head to Klaus, noticing the giant tentacle around his body.
“Let him go, Ben,” you begged him.
“Ok,” you could see how Klaus fell to the floor with a loud thud. Ben was smirking.
“That’s not what I meant, asshole.”
“It was funny, you have to admit it, angel,” you wanted to answer back, but he kissed your forehead, making you forget everything the moment you felt his lips on you.
“Cat got you tongue?” You heard Ben chuckle.
“Shut up” You felt the blood rush to your cheeks. Damn him, all so beautiful and perfect.
“See? Bigger isn’t always better,” One of the Sparrows spat out after punching Luther.
“Is that what you tell your girlfriends?” You asked him, making him look at you. Luther took this as an opportunity and attempted to kick him down, but he was faster and managed to avoid Luther’s kick by jumping, and then he kicked Luther in the face knocking him down.
“Thai food for dinner?” The Sparrow girl that’s wearing glasses asked.
“I could go for pad see ew,” Ben answered her question. It seemed like all this fight was so easy for them, as if they didn’t care about it. You were impressed, but at the same time, it hurt your pride. Your siblings were doing everything in their hands to at least fight for your home, and all of these people were acting as if none of it mattered as if you didn’t matter.
“I’m in. Marcus, Thai?”
“Why are you even asking him? He hates Thai” Ben was making your approach where Luther was.
“What? Since when?”
“Fine. Italian,” the girl in glasses asked.
“Absolutely not” You looked at Ben and then returned your sight to where Luther was being beaten by who you assumed was Marcus. How could they have such a trivial conversation while one of them was beating the shit out of your brother? That only helped you confirm something. They were good, and they knew it.
“We done here?” Marcus stepped on Luther’s chest.
“Nope,” you wanted to smile at Luther’s answer, but right now, you were more worried someone managed to knock Luther down. “I don’t run from a fight.”
“Yeah, that’s the wrong answer, dude.” The Sparrow guy next to Ben, that was all beaten up, said to him.
“Let him finish him off,” Ben interrupted him. You hit him in the chest.
“Come on, Luther,” you whispered to yourself. He cannot let some random guy treat him like a punching bag. You wanted so badly to help him. You knew if all of you were outside, all of them would have been thrown away by now. But unfortunately, you were inside, and Ben was keeping you from doing anything at all.
“Let’s end this” Marcus started to kick Luther in the chest repeatedly, the action making you flinch, and you turned your body to Ben so you could hug him. Ben slid one of his arms around your body. You know it was wrong, but you just needed his comfort right now. You were pretty sure you heard some bones being broken, and you were trying so hard to not start crying right now. You listened to a rumble of thunder in the distance, meaning that if you didn’t calm down and started to collect yourself, a thunderstorm would get closer anytime soon. So you decided to pay attention to Ben’s heartbeat. It was calm. Not a single glimpse of being agitated or excited. It was as if you were the one who made his heartbeat stay peaceful.
“Stay down!” Marcus yelled at Luther.
“Luther!” You heard Viktor scream from the balcony.
“Viktor!” Luther groaned. You heard someone speak to Viktor, making you turn your head to where the voices were coming from. One of the Sparrow girls made Viktor levitate to the center of the living room.
“Guys, go! Get out!” Luther took your arm, pulling you towards him, taking advantage of Ben’s confusion. The two of you managed to get out through a secret door in the living room, running as fast as you could. A part of you was worried about Ben. If he didn’t get out of that place, Viktor was going to hurt him badly. But you knew you shouldn’t feel that way. Not after the way he treated your siblings. Even if he looked like your Ben, he wasn’t that Ben. So you knew you needed to focus on that. If you didn’t do it, not only were you going to get hurt, but your siblings would be too, and that’s the last thing you wanted.
You and Luther managed your way out of the secret passage. You could see Luther was trying to walk like he usually does. The previous fight made all the bones in his body move from the place they were supposed to be, his joints cracking when suddenly he turned around and punched the girl that made Viktor levitate not so long ago.
“Oh shit!” Luther exclaimed. “Hey, I’m sorry. Uh, are you okay?” Luther squatted down so he could help the girl.
“Yeah,” you could see Luther was actually worried for her, and it warmed your heart. “Hi,” she said to the two of you. “I’m Sloane” Luther smiled at her.
“Hey, Sloane. Uh... I’m Luther, and this is my sister Y/n” You waved at her and offered her a sympathetic smile. She seemed nice. Even nicer than her siblings
“Luther! Y/n! We’re leaving! Come on!” Five shouted at you and grabbed your hand for you to follow him.
“Just a second” Luther tried to continue speaking, but Allison just grabbed Luther for him to start moving.
“Come on! We gotta go!” Allison said, hustling Luther away in the process.
You were arriving at the end of the hallway when you saw the girl with glasses materializing some ravens from her back for them to start following the four of you.
“Seriously?” Luther baffled.
“Move, move, move, move!” The four of you started to run again as fast as you could, trying to get away from the birds as if your life depended on it
“The briefcase!” Five shouted.
“What?” You asked him, but Five blinked away before he could even listen to you.
“No time!” Allison tried to stop him to no avail.
“I hate that he can do that.”
“Go! Shut it!” Allison commanded. The three of you managed to enter a new room closing the door behind you. You could hear the ravens screeching from the other side of the door.
“That was close,” you panted out, trying to calm down your breathing. When you least expect it, the ravens started to peck the door with their beaks.
“Oh shit!”
“What do we do?” Allison was starting to get worried. You looked around the room and saw a window.
“Come! We have to jump,” you instructed them to follow you. You open the window in a swift move, making the air move around you and your siblings, helping you to get out of the window without having to jump from the first floor. When the three of you were on the floor, you started running as fast as possible. You didn’t know where, but you just wanted to get as far from that house as soon as possible.
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All of your siblings except for Viktor managed their way to a park that was near the academy. All of them looked like shit. Out of the 6 of you, you were the one who was only agitated by the previous events. You knew the reason for you not being as beaten as them was because Ben made sure you didn’t get hurt, preventing you from actually fighting. You were mad and disappointed in yourself. You should have been able to at least help them during the fights, but the fact that your powers do not work indoors made it more complicated. You felt so useless, all of them were able to fight back and use their powers to their advantage, but you, you weren’t even able to free yourself from Ben’s tentacles. Your mind started to go around in circles, and your heartbeat was beginning to pick up its pace that you overlooked when the sky was starting to get cloudy while thunders and lightning could be seen and heard from the distance.
“Y/n” Five tried to get your attention. He could see your anger, and he was pretty sure the cloudiness was because of you “Hey, it’s okay, we’re fine” You felt his hand touching your arm, trying to calm you down, and it worked. He gave you a quick smile, and you smiled back at him. You slowly calmed down, making the clouds go away.
“Just gonna sit. I’m just gonna sit for a minute,” Luther groaned as he was sitting down on the park bench.
“That didn’t go well.”
“No, not our best work,” Five answered Diego.
“Oh, I’m cracking” You could see and hear the way Klaus’ body moved and cracked, making you shiver.
“You alright?” You asked Luther. After the beating Marcus gave him, you were worried for him.
“I don’t know yet.” Luther sighed. “I’ve just never had my ass handed to me like that before. It’s like… Here you go, it’s your ass,” Luther mimicked, giving you something to show his point, which only made you laugh. Allison was looking at him as if something wrong happened to him.
“Okay, I think Luther’s concussed.”
“Luther, how many fingers?” Klaus asked him, and Luther looked baffled.
“Oh my god, Viktor” Before someone could answer him, Allison pointed at him.
“Oh, thank god you’re alive,” Viktor said from afar.
“You okay?” Allison asked him
“Apparently, so is Ben,” Klaus said cautiously, looking at you, trying to not get a reaction from you. Trying to get your mind away from Ben. You stay motionless.
“Yeah. And he’s a complete dickhead” You nodded at her comment.
“They’re all dickheads” you hear Diego say.
“Dickheads who can fight” Luther was right. They were able to defeat the 6 of you like it was the easiest thing in the world.
“Okay, the next person to say dickhead is getting a punch to the throat.”
“Dickhead” All of you said in unison.
“Hey, did Dad tell you why he was calling them his kids?” Diego asked Klaus, and for the first time since you arrived at the park, you started to pay attention to the conversation.
“He sure did!” Klaus laughed. “You ready? Dad was so repulsed by us back in Texas that he adopted an entirely different group of children just so that he didn’t have to raise us” That piece of shit! Talking about your attitude as if he wasn’t the reason why you turned out like that in the first place.
“That’s just peak, Dad,” Diego said
“Isn’t it?”
“So he just didn’t want us anymore?” Viktor asked. A hint of disappointment could be heard.
“Did he ever?” Allison blurted out. She’s right. Reginald never really cared for the 8 of you. You always asked yourself why he even bothered to adopt all of you in the first place if he wasn’t going to at least treat you with civility.
“See? I told you we shouldn’t have asked him for help in ’63”
“I think you’re all missing the big picture here. If Dad didn’t adopt us as kids, he changed the timeline,” Five started to explain to you. “So, who knows what else is different now.”
“Shouldn’t you know?” Allison asked Five.
“Sorry, Allison, but it might take me over 20 minutes and a traumatic brain injury to figure this out. Is that okay with you?”
“No, actually, it’s not”
In an attempt to calm everyone, Viktor spoke, “Guys, look, it’s fine. We still have the Commission’s briefcase, so worst case, we can just go back in time and fix it.
“Okay. There are two problems with that statement. First off…” Five started explaining
“Here we go.” You looked at Five, knowing well you were about to be told by him how dumb of a statement that was
“Time travel is complicated, people.”
“Yeah, we get it. Your job is so hard, so what?” Diego tried his best to remain calm.
“And secondly…” Five made a pause. That’s not a good sign. “I no longer have the briefcase.” Everyone was shocked at his comment. How could he lose it? He was always so careful and made sure to never leave the briefcase alone.
“Five. Where the hell is the briefcase?” Five didn’t answer. At the lack of response, one by one started to get up, knowing something had to be done to get the briefcase back.
Diego came closer to you. Your silence was starting to make him feel uneasy. He put an arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
“How do you feel? I can hear how your brain has been thinking since we arrived at the park” he always managed to get a smile out of you no matter what situation you were in, and this time wasn’t the exception. You sighed.
“I don’t know. I feel angry at myself. I wasn’t able to help you guys back there. It was like I just was someone useless. And then the Ben situation… You saw him, he’s more than alive, and, god, it felt so good being close to him again, but he’s just a jerk that I want to punch in the face, but I can’t do it since, well, it’s Ben. And not only that, but you saw how those dickheads looked at me. It was just as we were looking at Ben. As if they knew me from before but were gone a long time ago. It made me feel uneasy.” Diego made you stop walking and gave you a tight hug, and, of course, you hugged him back. “And don’t even get me started with this Sparrow Academy thing. The fucking balls that old man has,” Diego chuckled. “Not only he makes our childhood the worst one, but he just discarded us like we were trash. I swear to god…” The weather around you started to change. The wind began to howl. You wanted to show that old man who he messed with that you didn’t even notice you were starting to get angrier by the second.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, little tornado. You are going to blow us away if you don’t calm down” You turned your head to Diego, and the wind you created messed up his long hair.
“Oops..?” The two of you started to pick up the pace, your other 5 siblings were already walking, not sure where, but you just followed them without any question.
“What are we doing?” Allison asked.
“Ruminating,” Five answered her.
“Why is everyone staring at us?” every person that was walking by or was just hanging around in the park gave the 6 of you nasty looks.
“Because we look like the damn Village People just lost a fight” Diego took Klaus’ hat off him, trying to make him look as normal as Klaus could look.
“Gimme that. Hey!” Kalus attempted to get his hat back from Diego. “Ow!” but of course, Diego was stronger than him.
“You know what? I need to go find Claire. I will catch up with you guys later” Something made you go into alert mode. If the timeline changed… Would everything you left before going back in time still be in this timeline? Ben was just an example. He was back… Well kinda.
“Guys cut it out” Five “attempted” to stop Klaus and Diego.
Allison started to walk away from you. You began to follow her until someone familiar caught your eye. Across the big body of water in the middle of the park was Ben standing just looking at you. He was wearing different clothes, more usual compared to his Sparrow uniform, and he also was wearing a cap and some sunglasses. He shot a smile at you, and you could feel your heart beating in your ears. You stopped hearing whatever conversation your siblings were having. It was like only the two of you were in that park.
“What makes you think they are coming after us?” you heard Viktor said
“Because I would” Diego looked at you.
“Yeah, we did break into their house…Bust up all their nice antiques and shit.”
“Our house” You stopped paying attention. Ben moved his head, trying to show you where he was going so you could follow him.
“And well, there’s also Ben” Everyone stayed in silence after Five’s comment, and you felt everyone’s eyes on you.
“Well, let’s be honest, Y/n, we saw how you acted back there. And we also saw how Ben acted….”
“That means nothing. He’s not our Ben, so stop it with the judgy looks” You didn’t want to admit how bad Ben was affecting you.
“Can you just not mention the thing about him, please?
“Yeah. I don’t think the crime-fighting super nerds are gonna let that go.”
“Let’s just think of someplace off the radar where we can lie low and not draw attention?”
“What kind of a weird-ass place are we not gonna draw attention to?” everyone looked at Klaus. If someone knew of a sketchy place, that was Klaus.
“You know what? I’ll meet you there, okay?”
“Where do you think you’re going?” Five questioned you. “Besides, you don’t even know where he’s taking us.”
“Oh, believe me, I know where we’re going. I just need… you know… fresh air,” you started to walk, remembering where Ben was walking to a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah, because being at a park means there’s no fresh air,” you heard Luther, but you decided to just ignore him.
You realize you didn’t know what you were going to say to him. You were pretty sure if you were able to understand he wasn’t the Ben you knew, he understood you weren’t the Y/n he knew.
“Hi,” Ben said when you were close enough to listen to him.
“Hi,” you sighed. You needed to collect yourself and stay focused.
“It’s really you Y/n” “Ben went for a hug. You enjoyed having him this close.
“Ben, I’m….” You tried to free yourself from his hug, but he was stronger than you.
“I know. Just let me enjoy this, please” Ben begged for you to stay just a bit more time in his embrace. He slowly pulled away from you. Ben removed his hat and glasses, and you finally saw his face in detail for the first time. He looked so gorgeous.
“Wanna talk?” Ben grabbed your hand, and you felt a shiver roll down your spine.
“Sure,” he guided you to a free bench in the park. The two of you sat down.
“I’m gonna start. Is that ok with you?” you only nodded. “I was shocked to see you back there. For a moment, I actually believed my Y/n was alive. And well, the way you looked at me… I’m sorry if it took you by surprise.”
“It’s okay. Well, I was also shocked to see you. The last time I saw my Ben alive was when I was 17 years old, so I understand the feeling.” you gave him a reassuring smile, and he mimicked you. You stayed like that for some minutes. Holding his hand, listening to the air go through the leaves of the trees. Enjoying every moment of it.
“I don’t… I can’t lose you again, Y/n,” Ben finally said. “You don’t understand how much I’ve missed you. How I wish I could go back in time and hold you just one more time. And know that I have you right in front of me. I will never let you go. Nothing’s gonna take you from my side, not again.”
“What makes you think I’m just like your Y/n? What if I’m just completely different from her? I mean, just look at you. You are so different from my Ben,” Ben sent a questioning look at you. At his lack of response, you continued. “Well, for instance, don’t take it the wrong way, but you seem conceited. Like, that’s cool, but you just want to show off. Prove that you’re the best-”
“I am the best.”
“See? My Ben wasn’t like that. He was sweet and polite. Someone so caring. He didn't like the attention at all...” You felt a tear roll down your cheek, and Ben swiped it away.
“Well, you’re right. I am different from him….”
“Exactly. Look, I love having you here in front of me. But just as you lost someone, I did too. And to be honest, I don’t think I will be able to lose you again. I cannot go through that again, Ben. So I will ask again. What if I’m not like the Y/n you knew?”
“Well, you are as beautiful as she was. That’s good.” you laughed. “Yeah, maybe she was a little tougher. You seem like a really sweet person. And judging by today’s events, you also have the same power as her. Weather manipulation.”
“My Y/n wasn’t able to manipulate the weather indoors. And well, you weren’t able to do much today. And, of course, I also didn’t let you fight.”
“Yeah, what was all that about?”
“As I said. I won’t lose you again. I will do everything in my hands to keep you by my side. Even if that means fighting your stupid siblings again.”
“Hey!” you hit him in the arm jokingly.
“I’m serious” Ben started to approach you slowly. He lay his hand on your left cheek, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “I never stopped loving you, my darling, and I will make sure no one gets in our way. Not again.” you sighed and closed your eyes. His touch on your skin felt good. You felt Ben’s lips on yours, giving you a short but sweet kiss. “Please, don’t leave me, please.” Ben rested his forehead on yours. You opened your eyes and looked right directly into his beautiful, brown eyes, and that’s when you knew… You will never leave his side ever again.
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n a v i g a t I o n
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book-place · 2 years
Scared Silly
Warnings: cursing, bad scary writing, haunted houses, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Hargreeves siblings x sister reader
*not my gif*
Summary: You and your siblings decide to try something different for Halloween this year, and it doesn’t exactly go as planned
A/N: Halloween Event 🎃
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“For the record,” Allison piped up, wearily eyeing the door in front of her, “This was not what I had in mind when we said we would do something fun for Halloween.”
“Well, Allison,” Five said, shoving his hands in his pockets, smiling sarcastically, “It was either this, or resurrecting the dead.” He sent to pointed look in yours and Klaus’s direction, “And we all know how that ended last year.”
You threw your hands up in mock surrender, “Well, excuse me if I didn’t realize that spell would also open up a portal to hell in our living room!”
Luther shuddered slightly at the memory, “I’ll take the haunted house over going through that again any day.” He admitted.
“I think it’ll be fun.” Viktor spoke up, ever the glass-half-full sibling.
“Are you guys sure I can’t just wait for you out here?” Ben asked hesitantly, looking paler than normal.
“Oh, come on, Benny boy!” Klaus sang dramatically, slinging an arm over his brother's shoulder, “It’ll be fun… just don’t be the last one in the room with them.” He made his voice extra creepy towards the end, and the black haired man visibly started shaking a little bit.
Five rolled his eyes at the theatrics his brother liked to put on, “Don’t listen to him, Ben, it’s just a bunch of underpaid college students in costume, none of it is real.”
“Unless it is.” Klaus leaned over to whisper in his ear once Five looked away.
“I still think this is stupid.” Diego finally said after having his speaking privileges provoked by Five on the way over for complaining.
“I don’t remember giving you permission to speak again.” Five hissed, the headache the man had caused earlier coming back to him.
“And I don’t remember putting you in charge!” He snapped back, stomping his foot once against the ground like a child.
“Next!” The employee in front of the building called, effectively cutting off any more sibling banter.
Everybody froze, none of them wanting to go in first until Five rolled his eyes and pushed to the front of the group, “You’re all idiots.” He stated.
None of you even had the strength to protest as you hesitantly trailed after your brother.
You were caught between Ben and Allison, the former gripping onto your hand tightly without a word, and the ladder linking your arms for comfort for the both of you.
The door was opened with an eery creek, and you all piled into the dark hallway with Five in the lead, and Luther in the back, much to his protest.
“Someone go behind me!” He whisper shouted at his siblings, glancing behind him through the almost pitch black room.
“Hell no!” You used the same tone of voice as you replied, gripping onto Ben and Allison tighter.
All of you took slow, calculated steps forward, even Five had faltered a bit at the fact that nothing had happened yet.
Klaus dramatically threw his arms around Diego’s waist in terror and pulled himself into his brothers chest.
“Get off me,” The man hissed, flinging his hands away from him.
The long haired man stumbled back, but instead of hitting a wall, he hit a man who was dressed entirely in black, except for a mask of pure white that lit up all of a sudden, having gone completely unnoticed until then.
“Jesus! Klaus!” Diego cried, blindly flailing around until he caught onto his brother's arm and pulled him back towards him.
Klaus let out a mix between a shriek and wail, stumbling back into the group as you and Allison in sync let out yelps of surprise and Ben screamed in shock.
The man in the mask stood completely still, but titled his bright mask to the side as if he were staring at the siblings.
“No, no, no, nope,” Luther kept repeating, hurriedly ushering his family out of the room, muscles tensing as the masked man continued to stare after them.
By then, he wasn’t the only one that was tense. Five had taken his hands out of his pockets and Ben looked right about ready to faint.
Immediately after stepping into the next room, the sound of crazed laughter filled all of your ears, and the grip Ben had on your hand had begun to make you lose feeling.
“Just me,” Viktor quickly whispered into your ear over the noise before grabbing onto your shoulder, the total darkness making you two not want to get separated.
“This is fucking insane.” Diego said, wavering voice letting the others know that he was scared as well.
Then, without warning or so much as a sound, a dark, unrecognizable figure popped up right in front of you, screaming in your face.
A scream of your own left your lips as you stumbled back, accidently slipping out of all three of your siblings' grips and just barely catching yourself right before you hit the ground.
“Y/n!” Everyone called out in sync, worry filling their features.
The maniacal laughter returned and your eyes turned to the woman who’s dark silhouette was shaking, “Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!” She shrieked over and over again.
Ben had finally passed out and fallen into Allison’s hold, who was supporting his weight completely as he lost whatever little strength had been keeping him up in the first place.
Viktor stumbled over to you, grabbing onto your arm and pulling against it so that you would stand up, Five quickly rushing over and doing the same with the other one.
“That’s it!” He announced over the woman’s continual taunting, finally able to help his brother haul you to your feet, “We’re out of here!”
None of you had to be told twice as your eyes locked onto the large ‘exit’ sign in the corner for anyone who wanted to leave early and practically knocked the door off the hinges as you all piled out into the dark night.
The door slammed behind all of you, and it was silent for a moment as you all bent over and tried to catch your breaths, Ben having woken up as well.
“So,” You finally panted out, “Can anyone else go for some apple pie right now?” You asked as if nothing happened.
Diego went along with it and nodded, straightening out and running a hand through his hair, “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a slice right now.”
One by one, all of your siblings chorused their own agreements, too embarrassed to acknowledge what had just happened.
And so, you all made your way to the closest grocery store on Halloween night, acting as if none of you had just been scared out of your minds in a cheap haunted house.
The Hargreeves🦹-@lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things
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nickeverdeen · 9 months
All requests
All requests I have will be written here along with those that I deleted ‘cause I was uncomfortable with them or had no idea how to do them and whenever a new one comes I’ll write it down here so you’d know if I got your request or not and whenever the request will be posted it will be off the list
So shortly colors rules:
Red - deleted
Orange - on hold
Green - accepted and probably done just waiting to be posted
In my drafts:
No Love Lost | Arvin Russell x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Other media accounts (info - not requested) [completed]
Game Over | Gamer!Ellie Williams x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Books Recommendations (info - not requested) [completed]
Homecoming Comfort | Viktor Hargreeves x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Caught in the Act (Sort of) | Peter Parker x older gn!reader sibling (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Across the Miles | Peter Parker x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Thg + Bosas match-ups (match-up - requested) [completed]
Love in the Air | Ellie Williams x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Breaking Point | Dina x unstable fem!reader (younger sister) (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Songwriting Buddies? (Info/poll - not requested) [completed]
Blood Ties | Arvin Russell x gn!reader with Exhpraxia (younger sibling) (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Bruised Knuckles | Arvin Russell x male!reader (best friend) (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Christmas Kiss | Dina x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Arcane and Umbrella Academy match-up for Meli (match-up - not requested) [completed]
Behind Closed Doors | Hazel Callahan x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Curveball Desires | Mira Sorrengail x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Hp, thg, pjo match-up (match-up - requested) [completed]
Ellie Williams NSFW alphabet (alphabet, smut - requested) [completed]
Meet the author (masterlist - not requested) [completed]
Jealousy Takes The Wheel | Hazel Callahan x jealous!fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Dark!ISTP playlist (spotify - not requested) [not completed yet]
Undeniable Tension | WLW Nameless character x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [not completed yet]
(Haven’r figured out the title yet) | Joel Miller x PCOS!fem!reader (platonic) (imagine - requested) [not completed yet]
Thg, tmr, tua match-up (match-up - not requested) [not completed yet]
Treech x capital mentor!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Atla, tlok, arcane, hp (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, pjo, spiderverse, marvel match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
More Than a Threat | Ellie Williams x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Closer Than Words | Hazel Callahan x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Midnight Vigil | Ellie Williams x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Fem!pirate x princess (enemies to lovers) playlist (playlist - not requested) [not completed yet]
Mcu match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Tua match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Hobie Brown x adopted little sister!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
When the Storm Hits | Kit Tanthalos x epileptic fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Silent Understanding | Elora Danan x gn!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Rough Riders | Ellie Williams x gn!reader (platonic) (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Edge of Love | Fem!nameless character x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Daniels, Zussman hcs (hcs - not requested) [not completed yet]
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves yandere alphabet (alphabet - requested) [not completed yet]
Ambessa with daughter!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Mom Korra hcs (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU1/2 match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Bartender fem!reader x Striper!Luther Hargreeves dating hcs (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, ATLA, TLOK match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU2, Arcane, PJO match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
MCU, PJO match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, TLOU match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA, MCU, Star Wars match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Red Daniels with a chubby fem!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Platonic and romantic Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Ekko x scary!introverted!GN!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games, the Ballad of Snakes, Songbirds and Spiderman match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Freeheld masterlist (masterlist - not requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Ink and Iron | Stacie Andree x younger sister!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Unspoken Truths | Katniss Everdeen x NPD gn!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Caitlyn x socially struggling fem!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Harry Potter match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Romantic Arcane, TLOU match-up (match-up, smut - requested) [not completed yet]
Short Nerd!Ellie Williams hcs (hcs - not requested) [not completed yet]
On hold:
Tomb Raider masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll play the game done)
Shameless masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll finish watching it)
The Abyss Surrounds us + The Edge of The Abyss masterlists (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll find pictures for the characters)
School bus graveyard masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I finish it)
The Good Doctor masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll watch it done)
Pirates of the Caribbean masterlist (masterlist - gonna post it when I’ll rewatch it)
Victor Cato x victor reader soulmate au with the red string (imagine - requested)
Amity reacting to her partner being a sweet tooth (hcs - requested); reason = I don’t do The Owl House, sorry
Georgie Cooper x black reader (hcs -requested) = I don’t write for Young Sheldon
Korra eating out older fem!reader (smut - requested) = Reader is older
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ch0c0-cake · 2 years
five hargreeves x fem!reader
found this idea by a post by @col0rlord ! Apologies if it’s a little long ! I got a little carried away
summary - it’s the end of the world, and luther is getting married. once your ‘secret’ admirer sees you all dressed up, it’s all over for the poor boy. (i’m adding a little singing scene because i’m a cliché motherfucker)
warnings - spoilers for season three, cursing
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“I’ve barely even started and you look so good!” Sloane let out a happy squeal as she carefully applied the black eyeliner to your eyelid.
“I don’t how how you managed to convince me to let you to do this.” You tensely muttered, gingerly scratching at your thigh so you wouldn’t smack Sloane’s hand away from your face. “I hate shit near my eyes.” In fact, you knew exactly why you were letting Sloane do this. More than half her family was fucking dead. Marcus, Alphonso, Jayme, Fei, and Christopher. You didn’t know her well, but if Luther liked her so much to where they wanted to get married, she must be someone special. Sloane at least deserved this much.
“I know, but I promise I won’t be very long.” She hummed out, being very careful to not make you uncomfortable. Well, more uncomfortable than you already were as she was now applying mascara.
“Sloane, I swear if that thing gets in my eyes-”
“Shh, it won’t!” She said with a giggle, putting a hand on your shoulder to try and get you to relax. “This is nice, y’know? You’re like a little sister I’ve never had.” She smiled, and your shoulders relaxed.
“Keep in mind, I’m technically older than you.” You reminded her. “I just look like a prepubescent teenage girl who doesn’t know what foundation matches her skin tone.”
“Do you know what foundation matches your skin tone?”
“…Sloane, I wasn’t exactly wearing makeup while I lived in the end of the world.”
“I know that, silly.” She breathed out, finally pulling the mascara away from your eyelashes. You blinked uncomfortably, blowing a strand of hair from your face. “Oh, maybe I should have done shadow before mascara…” Sloane reached to her cotton candy pink makeup bag and pulled out a few palettes.
“You do know what you’re doing, yeah?” You grit your teeth a bit. “No offense, Sloane, I really do not want to go down there looking like a crazy person.”
She giggled and spread out the options for you to choose from. “You pick one of these, and I’ll go from there, okay?”
You hesitated and picked up the one that looked the most casual. You didn’t need bright and shiny colors, thank you very much. “Please take it easy.” You said as she excitedly grabbed the item from you and a couple brushes.
“Don’t worry, you’ll look gorgeous for Five. He’ll love it.” She cooed out, about to apply the first shade until you pulled your head back in surprise.
“Huh? Who said anything about Five?” You defended, but you could feel your face getting a little warm.
“Hm…I didn’t think I put that much blush on you.” She teased, gently guiding you forward so she could get started. “What, you and Five aren’t a thing at all?”
“What led you to think that?” You mumbled, the embarrassment written all over your face.
“Oh honey…” she giggled as you scrunched your face up while she applied the colors to your eyelids. “You may not have noticed over all the soft bickering you both like to indulge in…but the looks you give each other are very sweet. The way you both reach for each other when you sense danger.” She only laughed again when you furrowed your eyebrows in skepticism, eyes closed but the message getting across.
“…whatever…” you mumbled.
“Oh, I don’t think I told you how angry he got when our families first met.” Sloane hummed out. “Remember when I kinda tossed a vase at you and it broke over your head? Knocked you out?”
“Don’t remind me. That shit hurt, Sloane!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!” She quickly said, but continued here story. “Five saw your head bleeding and you on the floor, and I’ve never seen someone look angrier. I’ve never even seen Ben look that mad. It was like I had killed someone’s mother or something.” She said softly, pulling the brushes away which signaled she was done.
“He’s my friend, Sloane. Of course he was worried.” You softly defended, quietly cursing out yourself. Oh how badly you wanted Sloane to be right. But you really didn’t want your final emotion before the end of everything to be one of heartbreak after confessing and being rejected. Spending so much time with someone in the apocalypse can lead to some intense feelings. Five kept you sane for so long, while driving you mad at the same time with his stubbornness and sass.
“Hun, you aren’t understanding me.” Sloane sighed with a gentle smile as she grabbed a container of lip gloss. “There’s being worried, and then there’s being scared shitless. After he knocked me away, the way he picked you up was so gentle. You were like fine china in his arms. The fear in his eyes was so prominent. I really think he’s in love with you. Just wait until he sees you, his eyes are going to pop out of his head.” She held your face in her hands as she applied the lip gloss. “Dance with him tonight, okay? See how it goes.”
“…damn it, Sloane.” You breathed out with a chuckle, reluctantly agreeing and she squealed happily.
“Yay! Be sure to tell me all about it!” She said, standing up as she was now finished. She pulled you up and dragged you to a full-length mirror, and your eyes widened like quarters when you saw your reflection.
You were never one for dressing fancy in dresses. You usually stuck to suits, since that’s what you and Five did Commission work in. Dresses were hard to murder people in. Plus, you’d feel bad staining a beautiful dress with blood. You knew you could look good without dressing up, but this side of you wasn’t that bad. The way the dress fit your body perfectly astounded you. The makeup looked wonderful. You had truly underestimated Sloane. She’d done your hair exactly the way you wanted too.
“So..? Do you like it?” Sloane asked with a nervous smile.
“I look like a girl on prom night…gross…I love it.” You mumbled, trying to make up your mind. Sloane just laughed and pulled you in for a hug.
“I’m so glad you think so! Thanks for agreeing to be my maid of honor, by the way.” She smiled, and you could feel the pure joy radiating from her. You would never admit it, but you truly were glad you could help Sloane in this way.
“Yeah, it’s no big deal.” You shrugged with a cough, and Sloane pulled away, beaming.
“Let’s go, then! You gotta go get your man!” She started toward the door.
“Wait, Sloane.” You quickly called, staying at your spot in front of the mirror with a soft frown.
She turned and tilted her head. “Is everything okay?”
“Just…do you really think Five will like it?” You asked quietly, but just loud enough to hear. “He’s never seen me in this attire. What if he doesn’t like it, Sloane?”
She gave you a smile and walked back over to you, taking your smaller hands in her warm ones. She really was like a big sister, despite the fact you were technically much older. “You’re overthinking this. I know Five is going to be head over heels for you. How could he not be? If he has something else to say, he can march right over to me and tell me his complaint. Okay?”
“…thank you, Sloane.” You said softly, before pulling her into a hug. She was definitely shocked, as she didn’t expect you to initiate the hug. “Don’t tell anybody about this though, okay?”
“Aww…of course.” She smiled, hugging back for a few moments before pulling away. “Okay, now let’s go!”
“Where is she..?!” Five quietly hissed under his breath, pacing back and forth in the wedding venue that was managed to get set up. Everybody else was here, so where were you? You told him you would be there, that’s the only reason he agreed to go.
“Now, what are you so worried about this time?!”
Shit. He should have kept his mouth shut and have stayed still. Klaus came sauntering over, his usual carefree smile on his face.
“Nothing, Klaus.” Five breathed out in irritation.
“Ohhhh, you are waiting for your little girlfriend..!” Klaus teased, wiggling his shoulders suggestively.
Five turned and gave him a sharp glare. “How many times have I told you? She is not my girlfriend.”
“You want her to beeeee!”
“Klaus! Shut up or I’ll end you before the Kugelblitz does.”
“Ohh, don’t be so mean. It’s a wedding!” Klaus exclaimed, not paying much attention to Five’s irritation. “I bet she’s just getting all dressed up! With makeup and all!” He hummed. “And she’s gonna come down and have her Disney princess moment, and you’re gonna be all flabbergasted like ‘oh you look so beautiful, go out with me!’ Exactly like that!”
Five’s eye twitched. Klaus may be slightly right, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying. Before Five could snap back with a response, the elevator dinged and the doors open. The sight that fell on Five’s eyes made his mouth fall open like a complete idiot.
There you were. Like a princess. Hair just the way he’d envisioned it would be, dressed in the color that just worked for you. The way it brought out your eyes astounded Five. The way it showed off your body perfectly, good god. There was a plethora of body types out there, all beautiful, but yours? Like a goddess. He’d been everywhere anybody could imagine, but never anywhere did Five see someone as remarkable as the girl he’d crushed on since he was a boy. He’d seen so many things, but nothing could take his breath away like you could.
Take his breath away was right, Five realized he wasn’t breathing. He turned away and quietly gasped for some air, turning back around as soon as he could.
“Well, who knew you could dress up so nice?!” Klaus announced with a big grin, soft claps coming from the others.
“Shut up or I’ll end you before the Kugelblitz does, Klaus.” You mumbled.
Klaus chuckled nonchalantly. “Funny, Five said something similar earlier.” He hummed, putting a hand on your back. “Speaking of! He was looking for you, go say hi!”
Five’s eyes widened. ‘Thanks a lot, brother,’ he thought with a hint of annoyance. He caught a glimpse of you whispering to Klaus for a sec, but Klaus didn’t seem much for conversation and he lightly pushed you over to him. You didn’t seem to like that considering the shoes you were in.
“Klaus, I’m in heels-!” You yelped, and Five watched as your foot slipped.
“Shit-!” He hissed and blinked right over to where you were and caught you before you could hit the ground. “Klaus, you absolute idiot!” What was Klaus thinking? She’s never worn heels a day in her life! He recalled that you hated heels. You always resorted to nice looking loafers for missions, never heels.
Klaus feigned shock and covered his open mouth with his hand. “Oh, I am so sorry! You caught her, though!”
Five rolled his eyes and simply blinked to somewhere else in the room, looking at you. Your eyes really were beautiful. “How bad did Sloane beg to get you to wear those, my friend?” He raised an eyebrow and cracked a smile, helping you stand up straight. He had to steady you before you spoke, and you crossed your arms.
“She just…has these eyes, Five.” You groaned, but you had that face where you were annoyed but were also endeared by something. He saw that look a lot.
“You shoulda just said no.” Five chuckled with a shake of his head. “You still would look astonishing without them.”
He only realized what he had said when the awkward silence hit the both of them like a truck. ‘I really just said that.’ Then he caught that smile. It was shy. Timid. Your face would darken with blush, and even though you would turn your face away, you were so perfect.
“…thanks, Five.” You said, rubbing your arm. “You look astonishing, too.”
Before he could respond, the elevator dinged and out came the bride. You smiled a mischievous smile.
“Gotta go, Five. We’ll talk later.” You pat his shoulder and people got in their ‘places’. Luther and Sloane at the altar, Klaus being the one officiating the wedding so he stood in between them. Viktor took his spot near Luther, while you took yours near Sloane.
As Klaus spat some wedding nonsense with his own little twist, Five found himself not able to focus on his brother and sister-in-law. His eyes were on you. What the hell was wrong with him? He could hardly even focus, and his face felt hot. His palms were sweaty and his stomach was churning. His throat felt tight, as if someone was choking him. But he knew what being choked felt like, and it definitely did not feel like this. It was like you had a chokehold on him. Every time his eyes flickered away from you, something made him look right back to your celestial figure.
Soon enough, the I do’s were said, and the group dispersed to allow Luther and Sloane their dance. Just as Five was about to go right to you, Sloane got to you first. She caught Five’s eyes and giggled softly, giving him a knowing smile before talking quietly to you. Five silently watched your facial expressions, trying to get a read on what was happening. He also just adored looking at your face.
Sloane smiled, and you made a face of annoyance. She made a face of pleading, and you hesitated before answering with a roll of your eyes, leading to a very happy Sloane.
Five wondered what it was about Sloane that made you agree to do things for her so easily. Nonetheless, he admired the way you would do things out of your comfort zone to make her happy after all that shit that went down the past few days. It was terrible just thinking that you had been dead in the apocalypse before he found you, so he could only imagine Sloane’s heartbreak after five of her siblings died so close together.
Five was about to blink and go see what you were up to, but he saw you grab the mic and he understood. Sloane wanted you to sing. Hell, he wasn’t complaining. You would sing a lot during the end of the world while you were together and he would never get sick of hearing your angelic voice. He shot you a smile and walked over to the alcohol. If Five wanted to dance at all with you, he was gonna need a little courage.
Luther and Sloane walked to the dance floor, and you tried finding an instrumental for a song you wanted. Five smiled at the look of concentration on your face. Eventually you found it and stepped in the opening and began to sing.
“When I was a child, my eyes were clear, I saw the good side
That's the kind of second sight that doesn't last too long
Then when I was lost, I heard a voice that brought me healing
That's the kind of special hope he brought me with his song
People only saw the doctor, lawyer, Indian chief
But he was just a lonely little boy to me
With his sweet and gentle touch he sure unlocked my soul
So in return I surely want to help to set him free”
You weren’t sure why you had picked this song. It was a wedding, so you needed to pick something lovey-dovey, right? Sloane didn’t specify what she wanted, would this be okay? A showtune? Maybe not the greatest wedding song ever. Then as you kept singing, you realized exactly why you picked this song. That lonely little boy…with a sweet and gentle touch was the boy you’d been in love with for so long.
“Yeah, now I wanna see him fly, fly
I’ll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye
No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day”
Five silently watched you stand and sing. He recognized the song very quickly, you’d heard it after the two of you returned home and you would quietly sing it to yourself. He watched as passion slowly started to fill those beautiful eyes. You chose this song for a reason.
“Men who they call real were really fakes who left me nothing
But this man they call a fake gave me something real
I've known cruel men with Christian names that taught me manners
But this man without a name taught me how to feel
They only saw the magic tricks, the smoke and mirrors
Was I the only one to ever see the boy?
So now they want to clip his precious wings and bring him down
But in his heart and soul's the kind of good they can't destroy”
You found your eyes wandering to Five sitting alone, a glass of alcohol in hand. Instead of focusing on his drink, he was looking directly at you. He usually had such an intense look on his face, but he looked so…gentle. And soft. It was the look of the boy you fell head over heels with. You met men at the Commission who gaped at you, stared in awe, but in reality they didn’t do anything for you. Five gave you everything you could ever ask for. Without trying, he’d taught you so much and you loved him for it. Sometimes you felt as if nobody knew this soft side of Five, not even his own siblings. Five getting attacked physically by Commission lackeys and emotionally by his siblings hurt you so bad. Deep down, you knew Five had such a good heart, and cared so much about you and his family.
“So now I wanna see him fly, fly
I'll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye
No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day,”
Five stood up immediately once he saw the tears start to form in your eyes during a particular line. We didn’t get to say goodbye. The two of you truly did not get to say goodbye when you both were sent off into the apocalypse. He had screwed up and landed the two of you in different time periods of the apocalypse. You were stuck in the past of the apocalypse, while he was further ahead. He had screwed you over so bad, but you forgave him and greeted him with open eyes. He spotted Diego and Lila slowly go over to the dance floor, and Five decided he wanted to dance with somebody.
“Baby, when you're in the clouds, please keep a lookout
Maybe, darling, find a hideaway for you and I, you and I”
You had to stop a grimace from appearing. Ew, feeling emotions. You felt the tears in your eyes and tried to force them down, but it was hard to stop them. That’s when you saw someone making his way toward you. The look on Five’s face was unreadable, which you never thought you’d say. You were usually able to tell somewhat what Five was thinking. Without a word, Five gently grabbed your waist, despite the fact you were occupied with singing a very emotional ballad, and he gently led you to the dance floor along with Luther, Sloane, Diego, and Lila. Looking into the eyes of the boy you’d pined after for so long…man, it does things.
“And now I wanna see you fly, fly
I'll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye,”
Five felt terrible seeing the tears roll down your pretty face as you sang your sweet little heart out. Your eyes screwed shut and you maneuvered so that only he would be the one seeing you cry. He was the one who got to see you so vulnerable. The fact you were crying, singing, and now dancing in heels was incredible to him. All he wanted to do was make you feel safe. You two weren’t able to say goodbye before, but before this new apocalypse, you two would be able to say goodbye.
“No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day
And I'll be waiting for you there
You'll fly back home to me one day”
You allowed yourself to weep openly in front of Five as you sang. You weren’t one to go rattling off your emotions all the time, and you despised thinking about your time in the apocalypse. This was the first time you released how you felt about it in some way. Five’s hand slowly reached up and touched the side of your face, using a thumb to wipe away a tear. Five took the mic, blinked away and put it back where you found it, and put on some other song. He was right back to you.
“You know…in all my years I never thought my breath would quite literally be taken away by someone.” Five said softly, his hands gentle on your waist.
“Oh, you’re just saying that.” You chuckled softly. “I sang a pretty song, that’s it. Wasn’t even too good. Her vocals do not match mine.” You replied, earning a soft sigh from Five.
“How many years have we spent our time together?” He asked seriously, tilting his head and squinting his eyes. He took a deep breath, like he was preparing himself. “Goddamn it, it’s the end of the world, so why not? I like you, okay?”
You hesitated. Was Five being serious? He wasn’t the type to pull pranks. “I…sure hope you would like me somewhat, we’ve seen each other almost every day for many years-”
“You know what kind of like I’m talking about.” He gave you an expectant look. Was he confessing to you right now? You never thought you’d see the day. “I’ve seen all sides of you and I like all of them. Even the one that argues with me when I’m right.” This earned a chuckle from you. “Like I said, it’s the end of the world, so might as well tell you now. I saw you tonight and knew you were the only one right for me. You have every right to reject me. Terrible timing, I know.” He chuckled lightly. “Judging by how passionately you stared at me while singing that song, I’m inclined to believe you feel the same. Do you?”
You were practically speechless. “Five…” you could feel your face heating up again. “Idiot, what the hell took you so long?”
“Well, better late than never.” He hummed, a smug smile on his face. “Come on, you have to admit it now.”
“I’m not admitting anything, Five.” You huffed, averting your eyes to Sloane, who looked very very excited as she looked at you both.
Five clicked his tongue. “Well then, I suppose I’ll just have to go get a drink.” He started to pull his hands away but you were quick to pull them back.
“No! God, you’re such an ass.” You mumbled in irritation, before closing your eyes and sighing. “I like you a lot, Five. Maybe even love you. I think I’ve loved you for a long time.”
“Finally you admitted it, you stubborn bastard.” He teased, and before you could start to protest, he had suddenly teleported the two of you to a more secluded area of the room. “Well, I love you too.” He hummed softly, gently taking your face in his hands. He cleared his throat, almost nervously. Was Five nervous? That was unusual for him.
“You have every right to say no, but…” he took a deep breath, averting eye contact for a few moments before looking you right in the eyes. “May I kiss you?” He breathed out shakily.
Now that was something you didn’t expect. Five was standing there, timidly asking if he could kiss you. His touch was sweet and gentle, like it usually was when you two touched.
“Of course you can kiss me, Five.” You chuckled softly, your own face very hot while you tried to play it off. You could see the relief in his eyes at your answer, and he stepped closer to you.
When Five’s lips touched yours, he was so incredibly mad at himself that he didn’t do this before. How long could he have been doing this with someone like you? How long could he have been holding you? Kissing you? Doing all these sickening, cheesy, romantic things with you? Why did his stubborn ass wait until the end of everything? He was such a dumbass. At the same time, he was addicted to this. The way your lips moved against his, like they belonged together. He could feel you smile into the kiss, and that made him feel things he’d never felt before. This was making you happy, and that’s what mattered.
When he pulled away, he lifted a finger to your lips to prevent you from saying anything.
“We’ll get to say goodbye this time, okay?” He said gently, keeping his hand on your face in hopes it would make you believe him. “I promise you that.”
He felt your face lightly lean into his hand. “We better, or I’ll kick your ass, Number Five.” You mumbled, and he laughed ever since slightly. That was you, ‘threatening’ him every ten seconds.
Suddenly, there was a loud obnoxious gasp from somewhere somewhat nearby, and Five cursed.
“I knew it!” Klaus cheered. “Luther, you owe me fifty bucks, dear brother!!”
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xreader-writing · 2 years
The best | Klaus Hargreeves
Sumarry → Y/n leaves after an argument with Luther, so Klaus and Ben go after her.
Pairing → Klaus hargreeves X Hargreeves!Reader | Word Count → 664
A/N → I hope this isn't too bad.♡ English is not my first language, so I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Masterlist | Open requests!
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"What the hell, why did Luther have to be the usual idiot to say those things to her?" Klaus says to Ben as the two walk down the sidewalk going from bar to bar looking for his sister.
"How do you know she went to a bar?" Ben asks and Klaus snorts.
"Come on she's a Hargreeves, obviously when she's upset she'll go to a bar." Klaus speaks like it's obvious.
The two stop in front of a bar and sigh.
"Well that's the penultimate one, let's hope." Klaus says, and enters the establishment, sighing in relief when he sees his sister up ahead in a circle of people who look very drunk.
"Sister, my goodness I found you, come let's go home." Kluas says taking her hand and pulling it.
"No Klaus, let me go!" Y/n says trying to get away from Klaus' hands.
"No honey, we're going home."
"Hey dude let her go." Klaus feels his sister being pulled from the other side, and turns towards the voice.
"She is my sister, and i will take her home with me." He says looking seriously at the man laughs.
"No, she will stay here." He says pulling more Y/n, who is too drunk to understand the situation.
Klaus looks at the man's hands on his sister's arms and all he wants to do is rip those dirty hands off of him because he knows that if she were sober she would never allow such a thing.
"Get your filthy paws off her!" Klaus says and pushes the man who falls backwards.
"Will it be like this then?" The man punches Klaus
Klaus staggered back a little, and his eyes searched his sister again, the punch hurt, it sure did, but he hates it a lot more if it had been his favorite person, his sister
He looked at her, who seemed distant in thoughts, and took advantage that the man was being held, to go to her and take her arm again.
"Let's go." He says and starts dragging her out of the confusion until they get out of that bar.
"Holy shit, that was an adventure, sister!" He says putting his hands on his knees and laughing.
"Klaus..." Ben says looking straight at Y/n.
Klaus looks at his sister and sees her eyes watering.
"Sorry Klaus, I only know how to mess things up, forgive me." She says putting her hands on her face and staggering a little.
Klaus sighed as he remembered that those were the exact words Luther had said to her a few hours ago.
"I can't believe you believed that giant, come on sister you know it's not true" Klaus says putting his arms around her shoulders, pulling her to his chest.
"You just got hurt because of me Klaus." Y/n says still crying in her chest.
"And I would do it again if it means you're safe, you've always been the one who believed in me, come on sister you've always been the one who believed in everyone." Ben nods at Klaus' words.
"Tell her she's the prettiest of all of us too." Ben says.
"Oh and the prettiest among us too." Klaus says, and Y/n laughs, letting go of him, and wiping away tears.
"You're the best brother, Klaus." She says smiling fondly to Klaus.
"Looks like you're the only one who thinks that" Klaus lets out an awkward laugh, and grabs his sister's arm when he sees her almost falling over.
"Anyone who doesn't realize how fantastic you are is completely crazy." She says with a huff and Klaus laughs at his sister's way.
"I think you should say that in front of the mirror." Klaus says taking her hand, and the three start walking.
It's a complicated family, but thank God they have each other.
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cardigan-ns · 1 month
Guys I am deeply apologising for this Ben fic that I’m writing currently. It is so saddddddd.
Here it is
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lolawassad · 2 years
Ben hargreeves x female!reader
this is kinda bad sorryyy kinda went off request sorry :((
Based in season 3 so spoilers! same tw as TUA reader cries
Hi 🥹 Could I request Ben Hargreeves x Reader where reader used to be in a relationship with the old Ben before he moved on into the afterlife and sparrow Ben catches on to their trauma and falls for reader and does everything he can to be good for them, I know it’s weirdly specific but I just thought it’d be cute 🥺
Luther has you thrown over his shoulder while Diego Lila and Five follow behind "Lila dont let him do this to me! i thought we where in love" you yell out making Lila "oh baby we are in love thats why im letting him do this"
Diego scoffs "why are you so nice to my little sister and not to me what is this?" he asks making Lila scoff back "look at her" she says poiting at your pouty face "I DONT WANNA SEE BEN" you yell out making Sloane look at you
"Y/n i dont know why you dont like Ben but you need to get over it-" she goes to say but is cut off by the door opening to the house "finally you oafs are here" Ben says
"Put y/n down" Allison scolds making Luther glare at her before putting you down, you quickly walk over to Allison ignoring Ben and let her lead you to the living room
When everyone is in the living room you walk over to Five before sitting down on the floor in front of him and putting your head on his thigh "i dont wanna be here" you whisper softly
Ben is talking to Fei and every once in a while his eyes shoot towards you, before he sends a glare to Five who is now playing with your hair "lover boy keeps glaring at me" Five tells you with a chuckle
You open your mouth to reply but are interupted by a "where is he?" "Viktor" someone says
An argument breaks out and Ben plops down on the couch next to Five "20 on the little one" Ben says "Ill take that action" Five replies before leaning down and placing a kiss to the top of your head and sending a smirk to Ben
The latter scoffs making your head turn to him before it quickly turns back around, hand squeezing your dress tightly "i know Harlan killed all our mothers"
You let out a gasp, free hand reaching for the first thing it can hold, which happens to be Ben's knee, his eyes shoot to your hand in shock before he reaches and holds onto your hand, squeezing softly with a soft look on his face "Viktor you didnt tell us, hes the reason we are in this and you lied to us.. to me about it" you ask, face filled with hurt
"y/n look thi-" Viktor starts but is cut off but you raising your hand that was squeezing your dress "just please dont Viktor"
Five looks from Viktor to you before seeing Ben holding your hand, Five sends a glare to Ben before he peels your hand out of Ben's and holds it in his own, he leans over to Ben and starts whispering "dont touch my sister, a version of you hurt her before im not gonna let you hurt her aswell" Five sneers before pulling you onto his lap, arms wrapping around you protectivly
You squeeze his hand softly and let him hold you "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" you hear Allison yell making you flinch in Fives arms "how are you doing this without saying i heard a rumor?" Five asks shocked
"just a little residual gift from Harlan" Allison replies
"Allison you need to stop" you gasp out looking at your sister choking your brother "ALLISON" you yell out when she doesnt stop, you jump up and throw your arm in the air, a vine shoots out and softly hits Allison making her lose focus and release Viktor
Five grabs onto your waist and pulls you inbetween him and Ben and when they notices Allison glaring at you they glare right back
Small time skip
You look at the kugelblitz "i could just make a box, no need to endanger Christopher i mean what if it goes wrong" you ramble "its like if it explodes the vines ill only feel a small burning in my veins, if its inside big C HE WILL DIE" you yell the last part, you start pacing "i mean we already lost so many people to this fuck fuck, we dont need to lose more"
Ben grabs your arm and his other hand grabs your face softly "Hey dollface calm the fuck down, everything is gonna work out just fine" he whispers and you melt into his touch, his face turns into shock, ever since you have gotten here you have barely even looked at him and now your melting in his touch
"Have you ever moves a nest of bees?" Sloane asks Lila scoffs "No because thats weird"
You step away from Ben "Lila you have remember when i summoned all those flowers and bee nests n you just threw one at me its probably like that" "its not like that at all dont give her ideas please" Sloane is quick to shut your idea down "kinda rude" you mutter before walking over to Diego, you manhandle his arms so he is holding you against his chest
"you couldve just asked me to move my arms you know that right? why are you and Lila like this?" Diego asks making you snort "its because Lila and i are soulmates, when this is over she and i shall marry"
"Thats true!" Lila says "Okay lets do this thing, i got a girl to wife up"
Diego lets go of you, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead and pushes you into Ben "she gets hurt im fucking killing you" Diego spits to Ben before he walks up to Grace who has just appeared
You burry your head into Ben's chest who holds onto you tightly "Look" he says while walking backwards until he hits the wall and is out of Grace's sight "I dont know what that other Ben did to you, but im not like him okay? Please give me a chance, i mean its the end of the fucking world, please give me chance" he begs softly "i can see that he hurt you but i would never hurt you" he confesses
Grace shoots fire in your direction and Ben goes to spin you around so his back is towards Grace but you break out of his grip, you put your arms to your side before pulling roots from the ground and wrapping her up fully in the roots, you throw her to Five who blinks them away
Ben grabs onto your wrist and spins you around "she couldve fucking hurt you" he scolds "but she didnt, see i can do things, im useful!" you beam making Lila yell "HELL YEAH YOU ARE" making Sloane scold her "focus!"
Christopher closes the Kugelblitz inside of him and Lila falls to the ground, you rush out of Ben's grip and run to Lila putting her head on your chest "fuck yeah love boobs in my face" Lila says with a smirk making you snort "OKAY YEAH ENOUGH THATS MY SISTER LILA" Diego yells "stop hitting on my sister why are you like this?" he asks her
Another small time skip
Everyone is now in the living room, people are dancing, Viktor is on the couch, Allison in the doorway, and y/n is laying on the floor surrounded by flowers and holding a bottle of soda, bees and butterflies flying around her
Footsteps approach her before someone lays down next to her "you not drinking?" Five asks her "no one of us idiots should stay sober" you tell him making him hum in agreement, he puts his arm around your shoulder "i love you, thank you for being here for me" Five says his words slurring a little
"i love you too little man" "I AM NOT LITTLE" Five yells out making you laugh "sure Five sure" you say before getting up, placing a kiss on his forehead
You walk outside the living room into a hallway and outside the door, you lay down in an empty field, the field fills with colorful flowers immediately
Its then a shockwave hits "I FUCKING TOLD THEM" you yell before running back towards the building, you run into Diego and Lila "Hotel hotel hotel" they yell out while pointing towards it the three of you run towards the hotel
"im done" you yell out when you enter the hotel, you throw yourself on the hard floor "leave me here to die!" you dramatically exlaim Ben walks up to you and sits down pulling your head onto his lap "so what now genius" he sarcastically asks Five "Paws off my sister, knock off, also that was your plan so its your fault" he fights
"NO FIGHTING" you yell "you guys shouldve just let me used my vines but nooo nobody ever listens to y/n because people cant be pretty and smart acording to you, you guys are all just.. just y/nphobic?" you ask "yeah y/nphobic" you say before getting up and sitting at the bar
You listen to everyone and when Ben and Diego start fighting in another language you turn around "thats kinda hot" you loudly say making Lila agree
Ben turns to look at you with a smirk and he walks up to you "yeah no" he is quickly stopped by Luther "not my sister" he says "SAYS THE GUY WHO IS DATING MY SISTER" Ben yells out
"can you guys stop" you say before walking over to Ben and put your head on his chest, he softly holds onto you and places a kiss on the top of your head
"can we all just be nice to eachother? we are all gonna die" you ask them "please" you beg softly, voice cracking tears filling your eyes, Ben softly rocks you "dont cry flora" he whispers
Ben walks backwards and sits down on a chair pulling you to straddle his lap, you put your head in the crook of his neck
Luther clears his throat "we've uh got a little announcement to make" "we are engaged!" they finish together, you giggle against Ben's neck "the world is ending lets get married!" you mock softly making Ben smirk
Its then Klaus walks up "KLAUS!" you yell getting up from Ben's lap and jumping onto your brother "I thought you died!" you say making klaus laugh "IM IMMORTAL" he yells spinning you around "Okay nathan young" you say making Klaus laugh
"yeah not to interupt the reunion but can i have my girl back?" Ben asks looking at you and Klaus "yeah ofcourse benerino!" Klaus says carrying you over to Ben "WAIT YOUR GIRL?" Klaus asks dropping you "OUCHIE" you yell out with a pout "Klausie why do you hate me?" you ask
Ben walks up to you and holds his hand out for you before pulling you up and dragging you back to the chair and onto his lap again "touch her again and ill kill you okay?" Ben says to Klaus making you slap his shoulder "be nice thats my favorite kinda gay sibling" you tell Ben making him lift his hands in the air "sorry doll"
"you gotta be nice to my family" you say before letting yourself fall from Ben's lap "wait why did you bring dad?" you ask klaus with a pout "We dont like that guy"
Ben goes to reach out for you but Five sends him a glare and blinks to you before blinking you both to a chair
Time skip to the buffalo room on the other side
When you get separated from Diego and Lila you go to find them, you end up in the lobby where you fall to your knees and you start crying, you hear loud footsteps run into your direction before you are pulled into someones arms "I got you doll, let it all out" Ben whispers
"Its too much Ben its too much" you sob out holding onto him "i know angel i know" he says holding onto you tighter "its almost over, i promise you, my love, and when this is over i hope you will let me show you how good we would be together"
Diego walks up behind Ben "y/n whats wrong?" he asks, you go to reply but only sobs come out "shes overwhelmed" Ben tells him "Its fine i got her" he continues making Diego nod at him before he walks back to Lila
Its then the ceiling smashes, Ben pushes you so you slide and land next to Allison, Five starts yelling about stars and they all get on one, when the life starts draining from everyone you get up, tears still rolling down your cheeks "im not losing him again" you whisper before using your powers to find a apple seed inside reginalds stomach, you focus on it growing
Reginald falls to the ground with a tree growing from his mouth, you rush over to Ben and pull his head to your chest "are you okay?" you ask him, Ben just smiles before he pushes his head up and just as his lips are about to hit yours you are all teleported
You frown and walk out of the elevator only to be pulled in someones arms "IM ALIVE!" Luther yells while squeezing you, you sniffle tears dried to your cheek, you slap Luther "how dare YOU DIE ON ME" you ask before bursting into tears again "i thought i lost you you dumb oaf"
Luther looks around shocked, Ben walks up and gets me out of Luther's arms "Hey flora its okay" Ben says while stroking your hair, Diego and Lila walk up to you "we are leaving, you wanna come with us?" Lila asks "we can finally get married!" she beams making you giggle "no you guys go ahead" you say
Diego frowns "you gonna go with Viktor or Five?" he asks making you shake your head "i would like to go with Ben if he is okay with that?" you ask looking up at Ben whose face breaks into a smile "really? course im fucking okay with that my little angel" he says before lowering his head and pressing his lips on yours
"NO THATS MY WIFE" Lila yells "y/n your cheating on me now?" you hear Lila's voice fade and Diego scoff
"stop sucking faces with my sister" Five says making you pull away from Ben "oops" you softly say making ben chuckle
"Listen Ben, you hurt my sister and i will personally be the cause of your death okay? and ill make it look like an accident" Viktor threatens making you shiver in Ben's hold "Im not gonna hurt her, she means the world to me" he says before he starts pulling you with him
"Lets get started on our new life Flora"
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pekoamv · 2 years
Present Past And The future
Warning: curse words and season 3 spoilers!! 
Sparrow Ben x Reader Part 1
Your powers and abilities include telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectric interfacing that allows y/n to both read thoughts and also give your targets waking nightmares. (Just like Wanda’s powers (if you don’t know, she’s a Marvel character). (Before Y/N became Hargreeves she was Y/n Quinn) Length: 985 words
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When the Umbrella Academy prepared for their fight with the Sparrow Academy, Y/N Comes inside the living room with a confused look and asks “Wtf is going on?!” A mysterious young man with many knifes all over his clothes calls your name. Jayme, Bens sister, replies by saying “she is Ben’s wife you perv”. That’s when things took an odd turn. Marcus turned around and he responded with “you got 30 seconds to leave or we’ll beat the shit out of you”. It seems like they were going to leave until the member with a hat faced towards  Ben and you saying “you look way better alive Ben and Y/N, they’re in life and dead together isn’t that adorable’’. Ben replied to him by saying ‘’shut your mouth’’. Ben walked over to him and punched the guy in the face, which made the guy with the hat take a hit on the ground. At that moment a fight started between the Sparrow and the Umbrella.
‘’Hey you didn’t have to do that!’’ shouted the biggest one at Ben.
‘’Um yes he did” you responded facing him. It didn’t take long before everyone started to fight. Marcus was fighting the big one, Fei the pretty one, Christopher fought the man with the knifes, Ben and…the little kid? Alphonso, Sloane, Jayme and you watched Fei kick the pretty girls ass. Until she said something that made Fei freeze, that’s when Alphonso and you joined the fight.
‘’Hit me. C’mon, hit me in the face.’’ Alphonso said just before she hit him as hard as she could, the punch reverberating back to her face. Walking slowly towards her you kick her and before you could kick her again she disappears. When everyone had been thoroughly dealt with you meet back up with the others in the living, watching Marcus kick the big guy his ass.
‘’Thai food for dinner?’’ Fei asks to mixed opinions. ‘’What about fine Italian? They ask, annoyed at everyone’s indecisiveness. ‘’Marcus stop’’ you say. ‘’Not yet’’ Marcus responds and starts to finish the called out sibling of the big guy. Making Marcus look up let the big one go. Focusing on the one that escaped you go after him, hunting him like a cat and dog. Stopping to hear his footsteps you track down where he is.
‘’Where are you going?’’ you say standing about 5 feet away from him. ‘’we were just starting to have fun.’’ You said jokingly. ‘’Look I don’t want to hurt you Y/N. I mean we both know I could’’ he says laughing
‘’Oh fuck you’’ you say not taking your eyes off him as he tries to go around you. Circling him you reveal your knife. ‘’Nice knife too dangerous to play with though.’’ he says while walking to you. C’mon we both know this isn’t you, you were so kind sweet and wouldn’t dare to hurt a soul,’’ he gets closer, close enough to touch you. Becoming freaked out by what they all said about you and your husband being dead. Deciding that you won’t hurt him, and saying he should ‘’Go,’’ He runs to a different part of the house. Resuming where you were with the rest of your family, you stand over the person who distracted Marcus. Just as you were about to punch them, they sent a powerful blast that threw everyone backwards. Hitting your head on one of the many ornament things in the room. You started to see everything blurry. Ben is saying something to you but understand nothing and then drops to the floor.
‘’Y/n Past Before she became a Sparrow 2017 12 January”
Y/n just came in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario, She always stayed at one place and decided  it was nice to finally see the world.
She needed to go to the bank to take cash. Everything was peaceful until some robbers came with weapons. Y/n didn’t know about the Sparrows back then, she was scared and used her powers to make them all fall. The doors opened and Y/n and many other people ran for their life while the sparrows were being in shock. ‘’Wtf happened!’’ Ben said ‘’Idk let’s check the cameras.’’ Marcus responds. They watched the camera footage and were in surprised  to see someone with such strong powers. ‘’Fei find her and lets go home’’ Marcus said. Jayme nods and replies with ‘’Maybe she is one of us?  Marcus shrugs, ‘’Maybe let’s find out and make a plan at home.’’
“Did you find anything at the academy’’ asked Sloane. Fei shook her head. ‘’We are going to need a plan if we find her.’’ Ben said ‘’Let’s just talk to her before we do anything.’’ Ben nods his head you’re your direction ‘’oh fuck I hope no one saw that.’’ You said to yourself walking back and forth while being worried.
The next day Ben walks around the streets and sees you walk around like a lost puppy. ‘’Do you need help?’’ Ben asks while looking friendly at you. You looked up at him and nodded replying ‘’yea I’m kind of lost.’’. Ben puts his hand on your Shoulder, ‘’Well, where do you need to go?’’ he asks while looking around. ‘’I am actually looking for a clothing store, I need new clothes.’’ You responded shrugging while staring embarrassed at the floor.  Ben grabs your hand and got your attention.  ‘’I’m Ben, are you new in town’’?
This was part 1 I’m making part 2 right now please tell me if you like it and want more
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mekochansblog · 2 years
My sane
Five Hargreeves x reader
Tag: @thirteen2003fan & @instabull
Warnings: talking about death, sad Five.
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Five looked at Diego and Lila trying to find their “son” Stanley. Five rolled his eyes and sighed knowing the kid he probably got kugelblitz.
He turned his head a bit and grumbled, “Can you believe it Y/N they lost the kid they adopt all because they are sentient STDs.” He then actually looked at his side and saw no one. It’s been a habit lately that he talks to himself thinking his wife was just going to be there. He decided to ignore them for a bit and saw Luther and Sloane. They wanted them to join them at the Sparrow academy.
While walking to the academy he thought about everything he went the past 20 days and more. First, he landed in the courtyard of his house, back to his 20-year-old body. Then he tried to save that apocalypse from his brother, which made him take his family back in time to save them, he landed in the ’60s and tried to save his family from that apocalypse. Took them to the right time but not the right timeline and now he has a stupid kugelblitz to handle yet again. Can’t even get a break right Y/N?
He remembers finding a Polaroid camera during your little search in the apocalypse and taking a picture with you. He remembers your smile and the giggles you will let out when he will say something about his calculations that you knew you weren’t able to understand. It made him want to cry remembering you. He zones back when they got to the academy and Fei opens the door for them.
“Lovely to meet you.” Lila introduces herself to Fei.
“Welcome.” Fei returns to gesture, “make yourselves at home.” She tells the academy people.
Allison who was already in a bad mood, “bitch this is our home.” And sat down.
Five decided to ignore them for now and listen to what Diego noticed. “Where the hell is Viktor and Klaus?”
Five chuckled, “With our luck, probably kugelblitzed by now.”
Diego looked at him weirdly. “You’re a dark little dude sometimes.”
Five listened to Diego and Ben argue like little children and sighed. Jesus, why can’t they just get to the point? “Okay, if the testosterone twins are done, I’d like to get back to a plan.”
Viktor then jogged into the room looking around. He looked like he was about to be in tears.
“Where is he?” He asked looking at the Sparrow academy and then at Allison. Five also looked at them not knowing who they were talking about but having a clue who. Five zoned them out a bit, but Ben brought him back.
“20 bucks on the little one,” Ben whispered to Five while eating cheese puffs. Five looked at him and thought about it.
“I’ll take that action.” Five leaned to Ben to whisper to him, not wanting to get in the middle of his sibling's fight.
‘You shouldn’t be betting on your own siblings Miele that’s just mean coming from you.’ He can already know what would be his wife’s words if she was here.
“This wasn’t about saving the world. This was about hurting me. Payback for - -“ Viktor started, making Five stop thinking about his wife and listening to Viktor and Allison argue.
“Go on. Say her name.” Allison went on looking intimidating and looking down at Viktor. Five got tired of it and stood up.
“That’s it Allison we get it you’re hurt you lost your daughter, but everyone lost someone, not just you, you can’t just say this shit to Viktor, you killed someone important to him.” Five exclaimed back at Allison and everyone started looking at him. Five was pissed everyone lost someone, Luther lost Pogo in a way, Diego lost his mother, Klaus lost our Ben and Dave, and Viktor lost Sissy and now Harlan. Allison turned to him.
“You haven’t lost anyone Five you were stuck in the apocalypse and you were gone for years so how the hell can you say you lost someone!” She screamed at him while holding back tears. Five gave a painful laugh and looked at his sister with so much pain.
“You think I didn’t lose someone too?! I lost my own wife! My happiness I lost her to the stupid apocalypse that I so badly wanted to save all of you guys because those were her last words to me! To save my family! I lost the one person that kept me sane all those years from an illness that we both couldn’t do anything because guess what Allison!?” Five yelled while looking at her, “There was no medicine! No cure! No hospital! I saw the love of my life die in my arms! So to answer your stupid question sister yes I did lose someone are you happy now?!” Five finished and had to take deep breaths.
The whole family looked at him lost for words, not knowing what to tell their young but older brother from the news that he told them. Five sighed and started sniffling feeling the weight of guilt for his wife drowning him. “I lost the only person that I cared about, and I couldn’t do anything to keep her alive with me. I miss her. I miss my Y/N.” Five wept softly. Diego sighed and grabbed his brother and hugged him.
Five felt rigid not having felt a hug since the last one you gave him. He slowly stop tensing and hugged his brother back and cried. Five broke down his walls and held on to Diego for support.
“I miss her Diego and I can’t do anything to bring her back.”
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messers-moony · 2 years
Devotion: Chapter Twenty-Seven | F.H
Paring: Five Hargreeves X Fem!Reader (Series)
Summary: In which the Hargreeves siblings come together to stop the end of the world.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Umbrella Academy. All rights go to the creators of the show, the comics and everyone in between. Gifs used in these chapters are NOT mine and are/were found on Pinterest.
Warnings: Cursing, Sex, Nudity, Violence, Gore, Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking, Intense Scenes, and Abuse (if I missed any let me know)
—The Weight
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❝I’m not your boss.❞
Y/n sat in the kitchen alone. Her coffee steamed, and she took little sips until it was cool enough. She waved her hand, and the coffee pot moved to the table. Her body felt drained. She heard the music being played in the living room. When it ended half an hour later, she heard footsteps coming toward her. Diego appeared in the archway. 
“Want some company?”
“I wouldn’t mind.”
Diego smiled and took a seat across from her. Y/n waved her hand, and a mug floated out of the cabinet onto the table. Diego grabbed the pot and poured the warm coffee into the cup. He took a small sip and hummed, satisfied. The mug clicked when it hit the table. 
“Remember when it was just you and I?”
She smiled, “Of course, I do.”
“I miss those days.”
“I do too,” Y/n’s finger traced the table, “Maybe one day.”
Diego stayed quiet, and Y/n took a sip of her coffee. He leaned back and crossed his arms, “Did you like Stan? Did you think he was a good kid?”
“Yeah. I thought he was a good kid.”
“Well, um,” Diego hesitated, “You know he wasn’t mine, right?”
Y/n nodded, “Yes, I can read minds.”
“Have you read mine?”
“No,” She smiled, “I don’t, or I try not to.”
“Well,” Diego fidgeted, “Lila’s, um, she’s pregnant.”
“Yes, I know.”
Diego whipped his head up, “You said you didn’t read my mind.”
“I didn’t.” Y/n replied, “I read Lila’s when she dropped Stan off. She was using Stan as a test.”
“Why didn’t you say anything.”
“It isn’t my place.” She said, “However, I do think you’ll make an amazing father.”
Diego’s eyes softened, and Y/n sipped on the coffee again. He let out a sigh of relief, “I wanted to ask you something.”
“I want you to be the baby’s godmother.” Diego said, “And I think I want Klaus or Five to be the godfather. I haven’t decided yet.”
Y/n placed her mug on the table. Her jaw dropped, “Diego, are you- are you sure about this?”
“Very.” He assured, “Especially about you being the godmother. I’m sure Lila would agree with no qualms. You’re the only reasonable guardian for the job. Even if Allison wasn’t going wacko, she and I have never been close. You are my little sister and have been since we were kids.”
She placed a hand on Diego’s, “Then I’d be honored to be your baby’s godmother.”
Before Diego could speak, there was loud yelling. Y/n jumped up and walked out into the foyer. She saw Five and Viktor standing across from them. In the living room, there was a large yellow-orange sphere consuming everything. Viktor yelled, “We gotta get out!”
“Wait.” Five shouted, “Ben!”
Y/n watched Five disappear with a wisp. She ran to the doors and flew them open. Diego and Viktor weren’t far behind her. She sprinted in the direction of the hotel. It was blocks away. Diego and Viktor followed closely behind. She felt the concrete rumble beneath her feet. Y/n panted and continued moving until fifteen minutes later. She saw the hotel. Y/n flung herself into the revolving door. 
She put her hands on her knees and panted. Diego and Viktor panted. Y/n saw everyone else in the upper part of the lobby. She climbed the stairs and collapsed next to Five. He leaned on the railing, and Y/n put her back against it. She panted, and sweat was dripping from her face. Diego leaned on another railing. Viktor collapsed on a yellow cushioned chair. 
Y/n wiped the sweat from her forehead. She stood up and walked over to Viktor’s armchair. She sat in front of it, and Viktor smiled. Luther and Sloane were cozy on the yellow couch. Lila had her legs over the opposite armchair. Diego was behind Y/n, leaning on the railing. Allison leaned on a blue pillar a yard away. Ben was leaning on the opposite guardrail. Five looked over the lobby.
“So, how are we still here, but the whole universe is going down the cosmic shitter?” Allison asked.
Viktor shrugged, “Maybe we're the last to get flushed.”
“Wasn't talking to you.”
Y/n narrowed her eyes. Luther looked around, “Hey, has anyone seen Klaus?”
“Or Dad?”
“They'll be here.”
“Really? Did they… hit traffic?” Ben retorted, “Look, people, we're alive because we're special, right? We're the only ones who can save the universe.”
Allison raised her index finger, “Uh, question.”
“Didn't we just try that and fail miserably?”
“Yeah, it's because his plan was stupid.” Diego said, “I got a better one.”
Ben rolled his eyes, “'Course you do.”
“We go with the large hard-on particle accelerator. You guys do some science, and…” Diego clicked his tongue, “We launch the Kugelblitz into outer space. Didn't think I knew that, did ya? It's in Switzerland.”
“It's ‘hadron,’ not ‘hard-on,’ ya moron!”
Y/n sighed. Lila sat up, “Oi! At least he's trying, you shitty little squid. What have you contributed?”
“Actually, he did blow up half his family.”
“Oh, you wanna talk about family problems?”
“You know what should have blown up is your face on that neck!”
“I wish I had a cake to hit you with in your face!”
Y/n blew a raspberry as they both started talking in different languages over each other in their faces. Diego was speaking fluent Spanish. She couldn’t tell what Ben was speaking. She only understood what Diego was saying. Y/n and Diego spoke in Spanish frequently when they were kids. She smiled at the memory.
“Hey!” Five yelled, “You guys done?”
They both went quiet, “The universe is disappearing outside. So you can keep rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic if it makes you feel better.  But the fact remains that we are too late.”
Diego and Ben scoffed. Y/n tilted her head at him. Luther looked baffled, “Five, come on.”
“It's over, Luther.” Five said, “We failed.”
“Come on. It can't be over over.”
“Yeah, come on, Five.” Diego replied, “We gotta figure this out, man.”
Five sighed, “Okay. How about we take a step back? Look at the big picture here. Most of us have spent the last 28 days trying to stop the world from ending. What exactly have we accomplished?”
“Well, we made some friends along the way.” Y/n snickered. Five rolled his eyes, “Incorrect!”
“You know what we've done?” Five asked, “Nothing. We made things worse every single time.”
“Amen to that.” 
Five sighed, “Look, when I went to the Commission, I had a conversation with my 100-year-old self. And my last words were, ‘Don't save the world.’”
“‘Don't save the world’?”
“‘Don't save the world.’” Y/n saw tears in his eyes.
“That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.”
“Is it?” Luther asked, “Well, whatever we're doing's not working. All we ever do is save the world for a day, pat ourselves on the back, and everything goes to shit again.”
“Yeah, maybe we're the problem.”
Allison scoffed, “Oh, yeah. Us.”
“So, wait. Your big plan is no plan?”
“Exactly. Conscientious objection.” Five said, “Why the hell not? We've tried everything else.”
Y/n looked down at her lap. She felt wrong. She felt uneasy. Five sighed, “Look, maybe this is just what the universe needs. I say, embrace the apocalypse. See what's on the other side.”
“What if,” Y/n hesitated, “It’s nothing?”
“Then it's been nice knowing you all.” Five swallowed thickly, “Whatever's on your bucket list, I recommend you do that now.”
It went quiet. Y/n fidgeted in her lap. She heard someone rummaging through something until something hard hit her. Y/n turned to her left and saw plastic packaging. Inside was a Rubik cube. She looked up to see Diego giving her a soft smile. She ripped open the packaging and started to mess up the cube before solving it. It kept the tears at bay. It kept the sinking feeling distracted. 
“Well,” Y/n perked up to see Luther and Sloane smiling, “On that… super happy note, we've, um…”
He laughed as they both stood up, “We've, uh, got a little announcement to make.”
“We're engaged!” Luther and Sloane said together. 
His arm was around her shoulders. Her hand was over his right pectoral. Y/n felt her hands go ridged. She heard people around them sigh or let out tiny comments. She swallowed and looked down at the Rubik cube in her lap. She looked at the green cubes. She could hear a voice taunting her. Y/n snapped back up when a hand ruffled her hair. Diego was standing beside her. 
“Yeah. Look, we realize the timing is less than ideal.” Luther continued, “But, obviously, it's now or never. Am I right, Five?”
“Don't drag me into this, please.”
“What- Whatever time we have left, we wanna spend it with all of you.” Sloane said, “So we're super pumped if you would join us in the banquet hall at 6:00 p.m. to celebrate our love and the official union of what's left of our two great families.”
“Dress code is creative black-tie.”
Y/n smiled, “Congrats. You, um, you deserve it.”
She watched his face contort into a softness she had never seen before. It felt like yesterday she was sitting in Diego’s room at the gym with Luther and Five. Y/n could hear his voice in her head like it was just hours ago, “Can you try to be nicer to me?” Luther hadn’t done amazing things, but Y/n wasn’t an angel either. His blue eyes glistened the slightest bit. 
“Thank you, Y/n.”
Sloane reached on the side of the couch and pulled out a tiny bag. Inside the bag were little jars filled with almonds. They had silver tops and blue ribbon wrapped around the opening. On the pot, it said Luther and Sloane Hargreeves. She handed some to Luther and went around the room. Y/n looked up to see Sloane smiling and took one from her hand. They were neatly done. 
Lila laughed, “Wow! And you did all of this yourself?”
“Luther helped too. We stayed up all night.” Sloane replied.
Y/n put them beside her and picked up the Rubik cube. Her hands fiddled with the cube, “Dad?”
Her head lurched forward to see Reginald and Klaus in the loft. Reginald looked the same. He had a suit on with his monocle and a hat. Klaus swayed with his usual grace. His hair was extremely curly. His shirt had dirt all over it and was open, exposing his stomach. He had black pants and the same shoes. 
“Oh, thank God.”
Reginald looked around, “Gather 'round, children. Quickly now!”
“The hell have you been?”
“Oh, Reg and I. We got tangled up in a whole father-son end-of-the-world road trip kinda thing.” Klaus replied, “You know?”
“You two are hanging now?”
“Yeah, we laughed, we cried, we played in traffic, and long story short, I'm immortal now.” Klaus started flexing dramatically.
Y/n tilted her head. Klaus’ mind was always easy to get into. She looked at Reginald. His eyes gleamed blue, and she tried to get into his head. She got nothing but static. Her heart pounded. Y/n thought about it. She had never been able to read Reginald’s mind. She pushed herself off the floor and sat beside Five on a chair. Y/n leaned into his ear.
“I can’t read his mind.”
“Maybe it’s just difficult-“
“No,” Y/n stopped. Five eyes widened, “I’ve always been able to get into people’s heads. Sometimes it’s difficult, but it’s like Reginald doesn’t have a mind for me to read.”
“We have to tell the others-“
Y/n shook her head, “No, they can’t know. But please be careful. Something is wrong. I can feel it. I’m warning you.”
“I trust you.”
Five held her right hand tight, “I think the more pertinent question is, why are you all playing with jars?”
“They're invitations.” 
“Nobody's playing.”
Sloane handed Reginald a jar, “Luther and I are getting married.”
“All of space and time is collapsing, and you lot are planning a wedding?”
“Yeah, and, uh, the thing is, um,” Luther took the jar from Reginald’s hand, “Space is limited. So it's kind of a per-plate situation, so, you know.”
“Is this how I raised you? To fiddle while Rome burns?”
Klaus muttered something to him. Sloane had her hands on her hips, “Dad, have you been taking your pills?”
Five shrugged. Y/n continued listening, “As a matter of fact, I haven't. And I can confirm that I've never felt better in my life. You thought you could dope me up and slow me down, take control of my affairs and squander my fortune. Well, Klaus here was good enough to wean me off that wretched poison.  And now that the fog is lifting, I can see all your dastardly designs with bracing clarity.”
“You took him off his meds?” Sloane sounded angry, “What were you thinking?”
“He's the only one doing any thinking.” Reginald replied, “All of you could learn a thing or two from this impressive young man.”
Diego laughed, “The world really is ending! Oh my God.”
“As for the rest of you, your training is to resume post-haste. We're running out of time. We have a mission to complete.”
“I'm ready.” Ben said, “Let's do this.”
“Let me guess.” Five smirked, “Project Oblivion?”
“How do you know about that?”
Y/n tucked her hair behind her ears, “You’re little furry friend, Pogo.”
“Now, there's a name I haven't heard in some time.”
“And he confirmed what we’ve always suspected about you.”
“Which is?”
“That you're a sadistic lunatic who's planning on gambling all of our lives in another pointless mission.”
“And you'd take the word of a disgruntled chimp over that of your father?”
Five let go of Y/n’s hand. She heard a wisp, and he was smiling brightly in Reginald’s face, “Every damn day.”
“Nobody wants you here, Dad.” Luther said, “You should leave.”
“Hey, you don't speak for all of us, big guy.”
Luther glared at Ben, “Feel free to join him.”
“I see. So this is what it's come to. Insurrection.” Klaus shushed him.
“That's not the kind of erection we're driving for here, all right? Everybody just needs to be cool.” Klaus said, “Clearly, you guys are on a different chakra frequency right now. Hey, Pops, let's have a nice cup of tea in the suite.”
Klaus grabbed Reginald’s arm and started pulling him out of the loft, “You guys are gorgeous. Amazing. Send me your registry!”
Five walked back over to Y/n. She saw his palm in front of her. She took it and started to walk downstairs when Luther stopped them, “Five, wait!”
They both stopped, “I’m having a bachelor party in fifteen minutes, and I want you to come.”
Five looked at Y/n, “I’m not your boss.”
“I’ll see you there.”
“You can come too, Y/n. If you want.”
She shook her head, “No, thank you. I need some time to think.”
Y/n watched Luther walk off. She walked downstairs, and Five followed her. She walked to the bar and grabbed a mug. Behind the bar was a coffee pot still half full. She poured it into the blue cup and sat on a stool behind the bar. Five sat opposite of her. He was fidgeting with something in his blazer pocket. Y/n paid him no mind and sipped the coffee. The mug warmed her hands. 
“What’s your theory?”
“Reginald. You said you can’t read his mind.”
She placed the cup on the bar, “I don’t know. It worries me, but if you think about it, he’s never really aged. Maybe he’s some otherworldy creature?”
“That sounds insane.”
“Are you really saying that’s insane after what we’ve been through?”
Five chuckled, “Fair point.”
He kept fidgeting in his pocket. Y/n picked up her mug and took a sip, “What’re you fidgeting with?”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “You don’t think I’m stupid, do you?”
“It’s something I found in the apocalypse. I’ve kept it with me ever since.”
“Like the prosthetic eye?”
“Yes,” Five replied, “But something more meaningful.”
She continued to drink her coffee until Five looked at the clock. He leaned across the bar and kissed her forehead. He jumped off the stool and walked away. Y/n looked around and brewed more coffee into the coffee pot before sitting on the floor. She was taunted by the alcohol bottles gleaming in the bright fluorescent lights. She sighed and took another sip of coffee. 
Something was eating at the back of her head. She looked back and realized. There had been one person she didn’t interact with. Y/n looked down at the coffee to see her reflection. Her hair was greasy and tangled in most spots. Her cheeks looked less complete, and she had a small scar above her top lip— a knife knick from Diego. Her eyes looked concerned and sad. Y/n tipped the rest of the coffee into her mouth before walking around the bar. 
She walked to the entrance and took a deep breath. Y/n walked through the revolving doors to see Allison sitting on the sidewalk. Her knees bent and her feet on the road. Y/n approached her and sat on her right. She saw a cigarette hanging from her lips. Allison turned to see Y/n and smashed it on the ground with her foot.
“You’ve always hated cigarettes.”
“Yeah,” Y/n fidgeted with her hands, “I suppose I have.”
Allison turned, “Why?”
“Because they can kill you.”
“So can you.”
Y/n swallowed thickly, “I know, but I would never hurt you guys.”
“What happened to making me suffer, huh?” 
“I’m sorry,” Y/n almost didn’t hear herself, “I didn’t mean it. It was harsh. I just wish you understood how much pain I went through in that basement.”
“Why are you saying all of this?” Allison asked, “You’ve never talked to any of us before, aside for Diego.”
She swallowed, and tears blurred her vision, “It’s like Five said, right? Bucketlist?”
Allison looked concerned, “I- I’m scared, and I don’t know what to do. I can’t save you guys this time. I wish I could take all your pain. I genuinely liked Ray. I thought he was an amazing man. I wish I got to meet Claire. I’m sure she was an extraordinary little girl.”
“I’m sorry too,” Allison said, “We never noticed that you were grieving when Five left. And I didn’t think you’d like Claire. I didn’t think you liked kids. But I saw you with Stan. He seemed to really like you. You’d make an amazing mother one day, Y/n.”
“I missed him. I missed him a lot.”
“We all did,” Allison put an arm around her, “I’m just sorry we never thought that you were hurting too.”
Y/n tried to swallow the tears back. It was hard. Her head pounded. Allison rubbed the toe of her shoe against the asphalt, “When you turned the barrel of the gun on Klaus that day, we all thought you were going to shoot him. We were terrified. I remember being scared of you. You aimed the gun at him without emotion, and if Luther hadn’t kicked the gun from your hand. You would’ve killed him.”
“And then you got sent away, and no one knew what to do. Missions got more challenging, but we were all relieved you were gone. You were always so unpredictable, and it scared us all except for Diego.”
A tear dripped from her eye, and she was quick to wipe it. She took deep breaths and waited through it put before speaking. Her heart pounded. Allison rubbed her thumb against her shoulder and waited. She was so patient, and Y/n couldn’t be more thankful for it. It took her three minutes to calm down before speaking again. 
“I’m so sorry,” She apologized, “I never meant to scare you guys, and I’m trying to fix it now.”
“Better late than never?”
Y/n chuckled, “Yeah.”
“You know,” Allison drawled, “I wouldn’t mind your help getting ready for the wedding if you don’t mind.”
“Why the hell not.”
Allison smiled, “That’s the spirit.”
Y/n stood up and followed Allison back into the hotel. They heard the boys singing terribly and snickered together. Y/n let herself go for the first time in thirty years. It had been a long time since she let herself do things she wanted to do. Allison opened the elevator, and Y/n stepped in after her. It was a quiet ride up to the room. Allison unlocked room twenty, and it had the same setup inside. Except, there were two twin beds with a nightstand in the center. The old black duffle bag was on a coffee table. 
Y/n plopped down on the bed on the right as Allison rummaged through the bag. She couldn’t remember what was inside. It had been days ago, and she had almost no light. Allison picked up two different dresses. One was a dark green velvet, and the second was a navy blue slim-fitting dress. Allison held them both up to her body, “Which one?”
“I think the green would match your complexion.”
Allison smiled, “Green it is.”
Y/n laid down and stared at the ceiling while Allison undressed. She heard buttons being undone and a zipper falling. Y/n heard the clothes hit the ground and a sliding noise. Allison huffed, “Can you zip me, please?”
She looked up and saw Allison holding her short hair out of the way. Y/n zipped up the dress, and Allison turned around. It showed a lot of her upper body and made her curves look beautiful. Y/n smiled, “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Allison replied, “What will you wear?”
“Me?” Y/n chuckled lightly, “Uh, this?”
Allison gave her a look. Y/n smiled sheepishly. She sighed and walked out of the room. Y/n followed her to the elevator, where everyone was waiting aside for Viktor, Luther, and Sloane. Allison walked in first, and Y/n entered next. Lila was wearing a black sparkly dress. Klaus had a velvet emerald suit on. Ben had a flashy gold and black suit. Diego had a decorated button-up and black pants. Five had on his suit. He took her hand as the elevator opened. 
The banquet hall was beautiful. It had white tables and blue lights sprawled all over the building. Klaus had wide eyes, “Not sure this place is gonna be big enough.”
“This better be an open bar.” 
“Hey, come on.” Lila retorted, “It's for Luther. Let's perk up.”
“Wow.” Lila chuckled. 
Y/n squeezed Five’s hand, and he pressed back. She could feel everything in her pockets. Mementos of each timeline. The knife from Diego in Dallas, the wallet from Dallas, and the first aid kit for Stan. She could feel Five’s hand in hers. He was from the first timeline. He was her walking remembrance of where she had come from and everything she worked hard to achieve. The elevator dinged again. Luther and Viktor were bickering as they walked out. Allison looked Viktor up and down.
“Ah, I see you've gone for the oversized button-down. Original.”
“You do realize there's no paparazzi here, right?”
She tuned them out and leaned closer to Five. He took his hand from hers to put it around her waist. She laid her heart over his soothing heartbeat. He rubbed her side with his hand, “You okay?”
Five kissed her right temple, “Everything’s going to be okay. For now, let’s enjoy this, okay?”
The elevator dinged again, and Y/n saw Sloane. Her hair was brushed and smooth. She held a bouquet of white flowers. The dress was slim fitting and hugged her curves perfectly. Y/n looked over at Luther. He was utterly starstruck. Y/n heard Lila gasp, “Wow.”
“Let's get this over with before I die of cringe.” Y/n glared at Ben.
They walked outside to a balcony. It was arranged with chairs and a small altar. The altar was covered in red flowers with olive green leaves. Y/n and Five took a seat in the back on the right side. She sat on the inside. Five placed his left ankle on his knee. Y/n leaned on his shoulder, and he wrapped his right arm around her. He pressed a kiss in her hair. Luther and Sloane stood at the altar. Klaus stood behind them. Lila was behind Sloane, and Viktor was behind Luther. 
“Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today for a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh?” Klaus said, “'Cause the sun can't shine every day. Can I get an amen?”
Diego whistled. Five squeezed Y/n’s shoulder, “Amen.”
“Luther, do you be taking this banging hottie to be your lady?”
“I do.”
Klaus sighed dreamily, “Sloane, do you promise to love and cherish this big hairy bastard for the next 24 to 48 hours?”
“Give or take a day.”
Y/n smacked his thigh, “Hargreeves!”
He rolled his eyes. Sloane smiled, “I'm gonna try.”
“Well, then…” Klaus had tears in his eyes, “I'm sorry. I pronounce you married as shit!”
“Viva la apocalypse!”
Sloane and Luther kissed. Luther picked her feet off the ground. Diego and Lila cheered loudly. Klaus was crying and clapping. Viktor was clapping. Y/n smiled and nuzzled closer into Five. Luther and Sloane walked back into the banquet hall together. Diego, Lila, Viktor, and Allison followed. Y/n and Five stayed together, sitting at the altar. They stared at the stars for a while. 
“You ready to go inside?”
He stood up, and Y/n followed him inside. He interlaced their hands together. On the floor, Luther and Sloane were slow dancing together. Five had grabbed a champagne glass and sipped it as they caught up with the others. Klaus and Allison were arm and arm. Diego and Lila were holding hands. Ben stood far from Klaus and Allison. Viktor stood near Diego and Lila. 
Five stared, “This is officially worse than the apocalypse.”
“Five,” Y/n scolded, “Weren’t you the one who said, let’s enjoy this to me earlier?”
“Yes, let’s enjoy it intoxicated.”
Y/n snorted as he pulled her toward the champagne on the buffet table. He filled up his glass and refilled Y/n’s. Allison walked over to grab another drink. Five was grabbing food and putting it on a plate. Allison watched the bubbles in her glass, “You two are actually quite cute.”
“Thank you?”
Allison smiled, “It’s a compliment.”
Y/n nodded. Allison walked away and patted Y/n on the head. She sighed and followed Five to a table. Diego and Lila were dancing on the floor. Klaus danced alone, and Y/n smiled. Five sipped his drink, and she sighed. Y/n got up from the table and held out a hand, “Before you’re too intoxicated to dance with me?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Please,” Y/n said, “We haven’t danced since twenty-nineteen. It’s been so long.”
Five shook his head, “No, I’m not doing it.”
“It would make my night,” She said, “Before everything goes to hell before we no longer exist, I just want one dance with you. One where we aren’t obligated to hold each other or step on each other’s feet on purpose.”
“You are infuriating.”
“Have you met yourself?”
Five took her hand. Y/n smiled and led him to the dance floor. Her shoes clicked on the white tile floor. Five placed his right hand on her waist and took her other hand in his left. She put her left hand on his shoulder. He swayed her in a circle. Y/n put her head on his chest, and he put both hands on her waist. She put her other hand on his shoulder. 
For Five, it had only been about two weeks since they’d danced in her bedroom. For her, it had been almost three months. He could feel the weight of them in his pocket. They had been burning a hole in it since he returned from the apocalypse and found that note. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. 
Five wouldn’t take this day from Luther. It was his day, not Five’s. But it was so hard to hold back when she listened to his heartbeat and fiddled with the hairs on the back of his neck as they swayed. He would spend lifetimes making her smile, laugh, and happy. But he didn’t have lifetimes. He had a day, maybe hours. So if she wanted to dance, he’d dance with her forever. 
He’d spend what time he had left loving her. 
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jellytoru · 2 years
Wonderland ( The Umbrella Academy)
(Five Hargreeves x Reader)
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Chapter 4: " Why is it wet? "
Seven children walked out of their mansion followed by their robot mother and a chimpanzee, some of them held a black umbrella individually as they all stopped in their tracks at the courtyard, they formed a half-circle while Luther walked forwards and stopped at the centre, in his arms holding the urn of their father.
" Did something happen? " Grace asked, earning a worried and confused look from the siblings.
" Dad died, remember? " Allison answered
" Oh, Yes. Of course "
The Séance then offered some of his cigarettes to his little sister who was beside him, Y/n looked at it before grabbing one and placing it on her lips then Klaus happily lighted her cancer stick.
" Is Mom okay? " the Rumour asked
Diego looked at Allison before answering, " Yeah, yeah, she's fine. She just needs to rest. You know, recharge "
" Whenever you're ready, dear boy " Pogo told Luther, who took a deep sigh then took a couple of steps forward and opened the lid of the urn, dumping the ashes.
" Why is it wet? " Y/n asked then turned her attention to Klaus who made a face, " What did you do? " she added quietly
" I may or may not have spilt it " The Séance answered resulting in Y/n shaking her head in disappointment.
" Probably would have been better with some wind " The Spaceboy claimed as he awkwardly look at his family. 
" Does anyone wishes to speak? " Pogo asked though not a single sibling dared to say anything, " Very well... In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master... And my friend, and I shall miss him very much... He leaves behind a complicated legacy—"
" He was a monster " Diego cuts off Pogo, Y/n chuckled as she puff out smoke, and Klaus beside her laughed.
" – He was a bad person and a worse father " the Kraken carried on, " The world is better off without him "
" Diego " The Rumour warned only for the Kraken to glare at her.
" My name is Number Two. Do you know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He made mom do it " He carried on
" Would anyone like something to eat? " The robot mother asked, trying to lighten up the mood.
" No. It's okay, mom " Vanya quickly replied
" Oh, Okay "
Diego steps forward, " Look, you wanna pay your respects? " then faced his family, " Go ahead but at least be honest about the kind of man he was "
" You should stop talking now " Luther demanded
" After everything, he did to you? He had to ship you a million miles away " The Kraken snarled at Luther, " That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you! " and pointed his finger on Spaceboy's chest.
Luther couldn't handle his anger and throw a punch at the Kraken who easily avoided it. Both of the males let out grunts as they both throw more punches at each other. Klaus cheered at them in the background, Allison took a step back while Vanya gently grabbed her mother's arm and they both step back; Pogo tried to stop both males but none of them listen.
Klaus then quickly holds out his arm to push back both Five and Y/n behind, The Boy slaps his hand on the Séance. Y/n shakes her head and puffs out one final smoke before throwing the cigarette butt at the ground.
" Come on, big boy! " Diego mocked Luther who throws another punch only to be avoided once more. The Kraken uses both his fist and then his elbows to land a punch at Spaceboy's back, Luther lets out a grunt of pain but still fought his brother.
" Stop it! " Vanya shouted
" Hit him! Hit him! " Klaus cheered on both males who kept throwing punches at each other.
Pogo had enough and let out a sigh before turning his back from the scene and excusing himself. The siblings and mother just watched the males as they fought, getting closer and closer to Ben's statue.
" Get off me! " The Kraken raged as Spaceboy held him by his shoulder, Diego struggles to get out of his brother's hold. Y/n place her hand on her forehead and started to massage it, a headache is starting to form from the lack of sleep.
" I'm not wasting my powers for them " Y/n stated and turned her body away from the scene and started to head inside the house.
" I don't have time for this " Five snarled and followed the female inside the house.
When Y/n got inside the house, she throws the umbrella to the side and headed straight to the kitchen, Five followed suit he followed the female teen as she phases around the kitchen, and he leaned his back at the wall. 
Y/n turned around with a tea bag in her hand and then walked towards the cupboard to grab a teacup, " Clean cup, clean cup! Move down! " she said as she began to boil some water.
17 years ago
Nietzsche once said, " Man is as a rope stretched between the animal and the superhuman. A rope over an abyss. It is dangerous looking back, a dangerous trembling and halting. "
Seven children wearing green jumpsuits were standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking at their father and their sister who is beside him to start. Sir Reginald shut his notebook close then nodded his head at Vanya to blow the whistle and six of the children began to race up the stairs.
" – As much as you strive for individual greatness, and strive you must, for it won't come to you of its own accord... You must also remember that there is no individual stronger than the collective. "
Y/n just watched as her sibling's raced upstairs, she stood on her ground. Reginald looked down at his daughter waiting for her to do something. The girl then used her gravitational ability to herself and flew up surpassing her siblings and giving them a mocking smile. Number Five then mimic her by using his spatial jump.
" That's not fair, they're cheating! " Diego shouted
" They adapted "
" The ties that bind you together make you stronger than you are alone "
A buzzing noise that came from the machine was heard all over the mansion, Klaus and Allison had just finished having their tattoo on their left wrist. Diego was now seated on the chair as the tattoo artist is doing his job. 
" They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you "
Grace took a step forwards and tried to place her hand on her second son's arm but Diego flinched away avoiding her comfort. Grace took a step back and turn her head at her husband then sends him a reassuring smile, Reginald nodded his head in return before glancing at the four children seated on the chair waiting for their turn.
Y/n was biting her knuckles in a way to ease up her mind, she then turned her head at Five, he had an uneasy look on his face, the boy occasionally moved his left foot that was resting on his right knee and gulps down making his Adam's apple to bobbed in his throat. Y/n removed her hand from her mouth and placed her left hand on Five's foot that caught his attention and turned to face her.
" We're gonna be alright " She assured and removed her hand only for Five to grab it back and held her hand for comfort.
Vanya who was at the top of the staircase watches her siblings with jealousy and sadness as she wasn't gonna have a tattoo similar to her siblings. She place her left wrist on the flat surface of the rail and began to draw an umbrella symbol similar to her siblings with a marker.
" We can accomplish anything when we accept responsibility together. This is what creates trust "
Reginald was sitting on the side of the bed, staring at his daughter with a soft look. He then pushes the button that he places on his daughter's temple.
Number Eight suddenly but slowly blinked her eyes open and a vivid image of their father is what she saw.
" Mr Dad " she murmured before drifting back to sleep, cuddling the bear on her chest.
Reginald hoists the blanket to her chin before going back to his office. The static and buzzing sound came from the monitor on top of Reginald's table. The monocle man kept looking up and down while taking notes on his crimson notebook, he pushes the button to change the camera angles in every room of his children before stopping at Number Seven's bedroom.
A worried expression with a hint of fear was present on his face, the beeping sound got intensified.
" Together, you will stand against the reign of evil "
Vanya solemnly grabs her medicine bottle and opened it before grabbing one of her pills and then plopped it inside her mouth, swallowing the pills dryly. Vanya then turned around when she felt a presence behind her.
" Don't waste your time " she began, " Diego's right, I shouldn't have come "
" This is your home and always will be " Pogo replied, " Should I get you a taxi? " he offered
" I already called one. But thanks " Vanya said then a horn honks from outside, " That's me " and turned her back and headed straight to the door.
" Uh... I hope you know your father loved you very much " Pogo told the female, " In his own way "
Vanya stopped in her tracks, " Yeah, well, that's kind of the problem, isn't it? He shouldn't have let Y/n suffer so much "
" Your sister deeply understands your father "
" That's the problem- she's too kind of her own. Take care of yourself " Vanya replied before walking out of the door.
" You as well, Miss Vanya " Pogo bid as he walked towards the door and watched her get inside the van before closing the door shut. 
" Where's Vanya? " Allison asked as she got inside the kitchen and saw her three siblings. She then sets down her black trenchcoat behind Y/n's chair as she sips her tea.
" Oh, she's gone " Klaus answered while hugging a guitar in his chest.
" That's unfortunate " Five stated making Y/n turn her head at the Boy.
" Yeah " claimed the Rumour.
Y/n saw the French press coffee in his hand and a disappointed scowl was present on his face.
" An entire square block, forty-two bedrooms and nineteens bathrooms but no- not a single drop of coffee " The boy snarled and sets down the coffee presser.
" He only had a shit ton of tea " Y/n commented before sipping at her cup.
" Dad hated caffeine "
" Well he hated children too, and he had plenty of us " Klaus commented as he laughed that making Y/n choke on her tea.
Five placed his hand on her back and pats it, he then sent a glare at the Séance, Allison offered her sister a handkerchief and Y/n accepted it and then wiped her mouth.
" You caught me there, Klaus " she commented
" Sorry, sissy "
Five shakes his head, " I'm taking the car "
" Where are you going? " Klaus questioned as he sets down the guitar and then leaned forward.
" To get a decent cup of coffee- I'm taking her with me " Five replied then the female teen stood up from her chair and grabbed the Boy's hand.
" Do you even know how to drive? " Allison questioned then crossed her arms at her chest, sending a sceptical look at her brother.
" I know how to do everything " the Boy answered before spatial jumping outside together with the female. 
" I feel like we should try and stop them, but then again, I also just kinda want to see what happens "
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