#Ben 10 azmuth
electraslight · 9 days
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kevin noooo
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leeisjustlee · 5 months
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The fam and their pet tyrannopede, Cranberry having fun without flowers (except Azmuth, what a bummer)
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glitter-gummy-bears · 2 years
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I was wondering what it would be like if Albedo was adopted by the Tennyson family and this is the first thing I thought of lol!
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lotusmuses · 4 months
Azmuth reverting Albedo into Ben's form again and then Albedo actually crying at being a genetic copy of 11 year old Ben is so [insert incomprehensible noises here]
I love Azmuth, and Albedo needs to learn his lesson but damn let him have his body back at least 😭 it's basically punishment by dysmorphia
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crystal-moon-101 · 8 months
How would the stuff with Albedo work with Omni-Ben? He isn't actually human, so how does getting stuck as a copy of Ben work? Just his human form until UA?
Albedo is in the series a little earlier, and stays galvan for a long time. He was introduced as Azmuth's new assistant when he returned to Galvan Prime, and Ben met him when visiting. Ben liked him, but it turned out Albedo did not enjoy the idea of Ben. He couldn't understand why Azmuth would let Ben walk around with no restrictions, heck, not even have Ben on Galvan Prime 24/7, just leaving him to do whatever on earth. He doesn't believe Ben is a living creature, just advance AI that should have more rules around them. He tries making comments to Azmuth about it, but Azmuth doesn't listen in the slightest. Things ended up coming to heads when Ben was having a mild glitch due to an update, and came to see Azmuth to help fix it. Nothing serious. Azmuth was busy at the time, so let Albedo go and help him. The process require Ben to be offline, and while he was, Albedo almost wiped him of his memories, in hopes to turn him back into a regular AI. Azmuth thankfully caught him, and right away booted Albedo off of Galvan Prime for trying to harm his son. Ben, as you can imagine, was very confused when he woke up. After that, Albedo basically made it his goal to prove Azmuth wrong, and keeps going on about how Ben is a danger, shouldn't have so much free will, and that does lead to him making his own omnitrix after painfully removing some parts of Ben at one point. However, his watch is still linked with Ben, who has human DNA as his base form, so this leads to Albedo being the human Albedo we all know and love. Ben hopes that maybe being a similar form to Ben will have Albedo see some reason, but it seems to have made matters worse.
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Ben 10 HC
Azmuth supplied his own DNA for Grey Matter. It was a bit of vanity on his part, since he was looking for perfect physical and mental specimens as genetic "donors" for the Omnitrix and he was widely considered to be one of the smartest Galvans around.
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moxielynx · 7 months
So as I know little to nothing about Epic The Musical(only listening to snippets of like, 4 to 5 songs-) I really wanna know more about it and the AU you made with it and Tetrax-
Oh my god it’s happening it’s happening it’s finally happening
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everything is under the keep reading cause this is going to be a LOOONNG post
OKOK SO basically the epic au follows the musical almost exactly, story wise, with some kinda major changes
I wrote about it all on my priv twitter then transferred everything over to a txt document so excuse the fact that it’s formatted as a twitter thread cause it literally came from one!!!!
Also I made a couple of changes ever since the Circes Saga was released and there will continue to be changes until the musical is fully completed so I will list all the changes after this
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1. Ares has a name now, it’s Orion!!
2. I’ve decided that all the gods are just gonna be named after the actual gods they’re supposed to represent, I can’t be bothered to come up with a bunch of new names for them
3. In the "Circes Saga" part Circes, instead of threatening tetrax to never return she helps him get to the underworld, having a new respect for him cause not only was he able to resist her power but also he tries to show as much respect to her as possible by kneeling and begging for his crew to be set free instead of resorting to trying to kill her
4. Tetrax meets Clockwork directly instead of having a dream with him in it since Circes helps him go to the underworld
HERE ARE SOME OF THE DESIGNS!!! The first 3 are Aeolus, Circes and Hermes and the other one is just concepts for the others, the designs are all subject to change
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ive also started an animatic for one of the god games songs!!!! its still only a ""storyboard"" so stuff is messy+needs to be adjusted/added but heres what it looks like atm!!! i used this animatic to practice drawing azmuth and orion since i hadnt drawn them at all prior to making this, i hope that i can finish this by making a cleaned up version
i hope i can make animatics on at least "The Horse and the Infant", "Just a Man", and "Done For" in the future
i genuinely dont think ive ever put this much time, thought and effort into an au, tetrax makes me so happy and these songs makes me so happy too, tysm for asking about the au i love love loooovvvee talking about it
playlist of all released songs !!!!! playlist of all the unreleased/unfinished songs!!! (that i talk about here in this post, theres a BUNCH of other unfinished songs yall should check out as well)
extra art of it :3
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ben-101-rewrite · 3 months
So what are the other Azmuths like in the re-write? I don't really like how in canon alternate Azmuths are "Too smart to be evil", which is a bit of a blanket statement and doesn't get into specifics.
I presume you mean the Azmuths from the different timelines I made up for the Eon Vs Ben fight, so here is a summary for what I think I might make them. Prime Timeline - You know em, you love em, good old classic Azmuth. Grumpy but means well. Gwen 10 - Similar to Prime Timeline, just now has to deal with Gwen. Ben 23 - After finally building a bridge with Ben 23 thanks to Ben Prime, Azmuth has decided to move to earth with Tetrax and Sixsix to help as mentors for the kid. While similar to the Prime Timeline, he has a lot more patience, coming across as more of a tried dad if anything. Ben 10K - Similar to Prime Timeline, and the sort of man in the chair for Ben 10K, being more involved in helping out, him and Ben having deep respect for each other. No Watch - Gave up on the omnitrix project really early, and lived life as a hermit. He's kind of just depressed, living alone without anyone, including people like Zenith or Myaxx. No Watch Ben meets him on a plumber mission. Omni Ben - Basically Omni Ben's father, being called so by Ben himself. He starts off as being rather protective, having sheltered Ben his entire life out of fair of people wanting to abuse his power, but mellows out enough to let his son stay on earth. But he does visit a lot, making sure he's living well. Jen 10 - Just a genderbent version of Azmuth, a female galvan by the name Azimuthal. Julie 10 - Him and Zenith never broke up, and instead made the watch together, living life as an old married couple. They're amused by watching the dynamic between Ben and Julie, being mentors for the both of them. Sentient Omnitrix & Ben - Similar to the Prime Timeline, just now having to deal with the omnitrix becoming sentient. Rooters Ben - An official member of the Plumbers. He's a high ranking member, originally making the omnitrix to be given to an Alpha Plumber leader, only for some chaos to lead it into Ben's hands. He does his best to be a good balance in Ben's life, wanting to make sure the kid doesn't go down too dark of a path. Eon - Dead, like everyone else in that timeline. Bad Ben - Has a reversed alignment. He's cold, uncaring, and is willing to sell anything he makes for the right price. He gave Ben the omnitrix in an agreement, using Ben as a sort of guns for hire and bodyguard when he needs it. Doesn't care about the harm he is causing others as long as he can do what he wants. Mad Ben - He had tried to send the omnitrix to Max in order to stop Vilgax, but it failed, with Vilgax now mentoring Ben as his heir. He's currently on lock down by Vilgax, knowing Azmuth is too dangerous to have running around. But the First Thinker is the prime recuse target for the resistance. Azmuth hopes that, if he can escape, he can try and bring sense to the host of his omnitrix. Negative Ben - Albedo is the first thinker on Galvan Prime. Azmuth has become washed up, sticking to the background. He is aware that Ben has the omnitrix, but he's too afraid to talk to him, blaming himself for what happened to Ben's family. Benzarro - Working alongside Vilgax, but begrudgingly. He's still hoping out on a way to unfuse Ben and Zs'skayr, but knows he might need to find a way to stop him and Vilgax when the time comes. Malware - Dead during the accident between Ben and Malware. Forever Knight Ben - Was killed by Ben when Azmuth and some of his men tried taking the watch. Fusion Ben - Never met Ben, and thus is still currently a hermit, uncaring towards what is going on with the watch. He isn't even aware it's currently broken. Ultra Ben - Kept on lockdown by Ben, who doesn't want to hurt Azmuth, but can't let him walk away, due to his knowledge on the Omnitrix. Has tried many times to convince Ben to stop, but it always fails, so now he's trying to find a way to stop him in secret. Light Magic Ben - Old wise wizard, having tutored Ben early on. He blames himself for what happened to Ben, and has been hunting down a means to 'cure' the boy if he can, even looking into some forbidden magic with Gwen.
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simply02artists · 1 year
“I trusted you with my work. yet, you a collected half of the dna samples from criminals!”
Shapeshifter!ben au azmuth to myaxx one time.
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radicalellska · 5 months
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forgotten pieces.....
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jacob-the-human · 1 year
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electraslight · 19 days
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based off of @suethesocks 's casino au. ben and gwen are swindling twins who have to work at azmuth's casino to pay off their debts after blowing up a wing of his casino in a failed scam
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leeisjustlee · 5 months
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It's mermay so I decided to turn them into dogs, malware is wearing a bull terrier, Albedo is a Samoyed, azimuth is the Chinese crested and Eunice is the classic golden retriever
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sssseeeedssss · 2 years
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lotusmuses · 4 months
everything about albedo would make more sense if he was like the equivalent of a galvan teenager (maybe like 700-800 years?):
- not listening to his dad mentor and making a copy omnitrix
- blaming ben for everything even when he's not involved
- his general demeanor gives off teen angst
i know he isn't, but i wish
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crystal-moon-101 · 6 months
I keep forgetting to ask these questions on DeviantArt, so I'll ask them here.
I. Is there an age difference for Omni-Ben, in terms of being older physically but younger mentally?
II. Since he is being raised by Carl and Sandra while on Earth, what is the story for the couple there? Did they just decide to not have kids or was there a medical reason (miscarriage, infertility, hereditary illness that could've been passed on, etc.)?
His mental processing and intelligence is difference to normal humans, not because of his age, but more so due to him being an advance piece of AI. He's basically really book smart, knowing all about biology, science and all that good stuff, but due to not having much experience with the outside world he can be very naive. It's all a learning experience for him. And Sandra and Carl tried having kids and it just never happened due to fertility issues. They had been thinking about adoption for a long time, not knowing if they had the strength for it, before Ben came along and basically answered their prays. Co-parenting with Azmuth.
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