lilianmore · 10 months
So mmany things to share with you...
I'll start with this song: "Belong to No One".
This single led me to win MTV new Generation in 2017, sign with UMG and being the official open-act for many rock bands ( Kasabian, White Lies, Primal Scream...).
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techie-waterwitch · 2 years
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⠀she stares⠀.⠀.⠀. ⠀ ⠀
and pokes her on the nose.  
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🌯 -wraps lapis and peridot up in burrito blankets-
Send “🌯” to roll my muse up in a blanket burrito
[✩] Both of the newer crystal gems shouted out with surprise at the pearl’s actions. Was this some sort of attempt of hers to keep them both warm or was she pranking them either way they had mixed feelings about it. 
“Hey! Clod!”
“Ahh! What are you doing?!? Hey!”  
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wasdiamond · 4 years
@belongtonoone liked this post!
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❛ Do you miss him? Steven, I mean. I know you all had the chance to spend more time with him than me but, I was hoping I wasn’t alone in this. I just miss him so much. Do you think he’ll visit during holidays? ❜
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yunhuntress · 4 years
@belongtonoone​ continued from: x
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The weather had a light breeze to it and Fang felt relaxed when she had asked her question. She had never expected such an answer however as she was left looking to the cyan stained cheeks of her companion in surprise. It took a few moments for it all to sink through her thick head. Talks of the past returned to her as she recalled instances.
"How do you feel?"
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embellishedbookworm · 4 years
@belongtonoone started following you
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“would you believe i wasn’t expecting to get your attention?”
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outofthisgxlaxy · 4 years
@belongtonoone​ continued from here.
It pained Bismuth to see Pearl hurting like this. She didn’t know everything there was to know about Sugilite, but she’d seen the apprehension in Pearl when the idea for Garnet and Amethyst to fuse came up. That was enough of a reason for her to be a little wary. At first, Sugilite hadn’t seemed so bad. A little rowdy, sure, but nothing dangerous.
Then she’d started getting more unstable, and Pearl had gotten hurt.
Her fists clenched. If it came down to it, she’d make Garnet and Amethyst unfuse herself. However, she stopped herself from pursuing Sugilite when she glanced to Pearl. Her instinct to check on her friend overrode everything else, and so she rushed to her side.
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“Pearl,” Bismuth said, “you’re one of the strongest Gems I know. Of course you’re strong enough! But you can’t just give up.” She refused to let Pearl give up. Not as long as she was there to help support her.
“Listen to me... I got your back,” she told her. “We can do this together, okay? Make ‘em see sense and unfuse. And if they don’t listen, we’ll knock ‘em down until they do.” She hated to do that to her friends, but this was serious. People could get hurt.
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littlebadger · 4 years
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Send 🏆 If you like my character portrayal !
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//       N’aaAWWWWWW YOU’RE ALL GONNA MAKE ME CRY ! stop it. <3
@belongtonoone  ||  @shotbitch  ||  @brutalscaled  ||  @demonsired​
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irkvader · 4 years
@belongtonoone liked for a LYRIC STARTER!
Zim may not know who ,, or WHAT ,, this creature is,, but EARTH is HIS for the TAKING, and he will rule ANYONE who lives upon it.
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"I want you to WORSHIP me!!"
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gemmusing · 4 years
 @belongtonoone​​ cont. from x.   
“ Don’t apologize, Pearl, “ Ocean replied, offering her friend a small smile.  “ There was nothing you could have done, “  Ocean Jasper replied, her eyes on the floor.
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Her time spent CORRUPTED had taken a toll on Ocean Jasper - and the striped gem had a hard time figuring out which fate was WORSE.  Sure, being corrupted was AWFUL. Her mind had been BROKEN - her control over herself, over her own form OBLITERATED. Her friends watching on the sidelines HELPLESS to her condition - their only solution to fight her in her feral state; but being uncorrupted - having everyone she had known SO WELL look at her as if she were a monster, as if she were something akin to an ANIMAL -
            - it was a fate she never would have expected. It was HORRIBLE.
“ But hey - I’m all fixed now, “ she chuckled sadly, knowing full well she would never truly be fixed.  “ So don’t be upset. There really wasn’t anything you could’ve done. “ 
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kindermade · 4 years
✮ ∗ * ✮ * ∗ ↠ @belongtonoone​​ cont. from ✮ 
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❝ Awh, c’mon P ! Don’t be such a bummer. ❞  Amethyst groaned, crossing her arms over her chest. Pearl is always SO SERIOUS — doesn’t she know what fun is ?!  
Taking a few ( fairly obvious ) unsuspecting steps towards Pearl, the purple quartz FLICKED Pearl on the nose once more, SCRAMBLING to run away before Pearl could get ANGRIER. Laughing loudly, Amethyst taunted Pearl, turning to pat her BUTT ( in Pearl’s direction, no less )  before yelling: 
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  ❝ If ‘ya hate it so much, COME CATCH ME !! ❞ 
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irrevcrcntli-a · 4 years
starter for @belongtonoone​
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The moment Catra spoke, it came out as a simmering steam of anger. “Do you think I wanted all of this to happen?” She crossed her arms and looked away. Partly ashamed, but another emotion lay hidden. “I -- I never did so don’t blame this all on me, okay?” 
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perfectquartz · 4 years
✧ * ∗ ✧ ➵ @belongtonoone​​  cont. from x. 
The striped quartz CHUCKLED, Pearl was so defensive. Though it’s true Jasper comment may have come off as DEMEANING — that was just Jasper’s way of speaking. She wasn’t good at KINDNESS or CONVERSATION.
“ Calm down, I’m not here to antagonize you, “ Jasper groaned, taking a step towards Pearl.  She could sense the other was ready for a FIGHT — Jasper understood it would be hard for Pearl to gauge her intentions. The quartz hadn’t exactly been NICE to the pearl in the past.  “ I just came to say … I can see why she liked you so much. “
Jasper BLUSHED, looking away from Pearl. It was strange, putting her feelings on display like this. She never understood WHY this pearl had been the one to rebel, why she HATED Pink so much — but since the revelation that Rose was Pink, Jasper supposed her perspective had changed.
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“ You look nice, that’s all, “ she offered, pursing her lips.  “ — and, you know how to fight. You’re special — fancy. I’ll go now. “
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Earth is our home now isn’t it worth fighting for?
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Hey, first thank you for reading my rules. Secondly, been a while since I’ve had any new blogs follow me. I assume you will be showing up for my dorks. Happy to have you. 
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wasdiamond · 4 years
@belongtonoone​​ liked this post!
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❛ Isn’t it marvelous, Pearl? ❜
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yunhuntress · 4 years
“I wish it could always be like this.”
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Curled up by the fire with her, Fang relaxed only to hold the gem close. Strong arms eased around her waist while she focused on their time in quiet. Everyone else had gone off to do their own thing or to rest, and the huntress had taken the time to make sure the rental cabin was warm with a fresh fire through the winter night.
“I do too. It’s rather nice just having this time together.”
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